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Electrical Q&A Part-1 1) Why ELCB cannot work if Neutral input of ELCB does not connect to ground?

ELCB is used to detect earth leakage fault. Once the phase and neutral are connected in an ELCB the current !ill flo! through phase and that "uch current !ill ha#e to return neutral so resultant current is $ero. Once there is a ground fault in the load side current fro" phase !ill directl% pass through earth and it !ill not return through neutral through ELCB. &hat "eans once side current is going and not returning and hence 'ecause of this difference in current ELCB !ill trip and it !ill safe guard the other circuits fro" fault% loads. (f the neutral is not grounded fault current !ill definitel% high and that full fault current !ill co"e 'ack through ELCB and there !ill 'e no difference in current.

)) What is the difference between MCB & MCCB, Where it can be used? *CB is "iniature circuit 'reaker !hich is ther"al operated and use for short circuit protection in s"all current rating circuit. *CCB "oulded case circuit 'reaker and is ther"al operated for o#er load current and "agnetic operation for instant trip in short circuit condition. +nder #oltage and under fre,uenc% "a% 'e in'uilt. -or"all% it is used !here nor"al current is "ore than 1..A.

! Why in a three pin plug the earth pin is thicker and longer than the other pins? (t depends upon /0rl1a !here area2a) is in#ersel% proportional to resistance 2/) so if 2a) increases / decreases & if / is less the leakage current !ill take lo! resistance path so the earth pin should 'e thicker. (t is longer 'ecause the &he 3irst to "ake the connection and Last to disconnect should 'e earth Pin. &his assures 4afet% for the person !ho uses the electrical instru"ent.


Why #elta $tar %ransfor&ers are used for Lighting Loads? 3or lighting loads neutral conductor is "ust and hence the secondar% "ust 'e star !inding. and this lighting load is al!a%s un'alanced in all three phases.

&o "ini"i$e the current un'alance in the pri"ar% !e use delta !inding in the pri"ar%. 4o delta 1 star transfor"er is used for lighting loads.

'! What are the ad(antages of star)delta starter with induction &otor? &he "ain ad#antage of using the star delta starter is reduction of current during the starting of the "otor. 4tarting current is reduced to 5-6 ti"es Of current of 7irect online starting. 8ence the starting current is reduced the #oltage drops during the starting of "otor in s%ste"s are reduced.


What is &eant by regenerati(e braking? :hen the suppl% is cut off for a running "otor it still continue running due to inertia. (n order to stop it ,uickl% !e place a load 2resistor) across the ar"ature !inding and the "otor should ha#e "aintained continuous field suppl%. so that 'ack e.".f #oltage is "ade to appl% across the resistor and due to load the "otor stops ,uickl%. &his t%pe of 'reaking is called as ;/egenerati#e Breaking<.

=) When (oltage increases then current also increases then what is the need of o(er (oltage relay and o(er current relay? Can we &easure o(er (oltage and o(er current by &easuring current only? -o. :e can>t sense the o#er #oltage '% ?ust "easuring the current onl% 'ecause the current increases not onl% for o#er #oltages 'ut also for under #oltage 2As "ost of the loads are non-linear in nature).4o the o#er #oltage protection & o#er current protection are co"pletel% different. O#er #oltage rela% "eant for sensing o#er #oltages & protect the s%ste" fro" insulation 'reak do!n and firing. O#er current rela% "eant for sensing an% internal short circuit o#er load condition earth fault there'% reducing the s%ste" failure & risk of fire. 4o for a 'etter protection of the s%ste". (t should ha#e 'oth o#er #oltage & o#er current rela%.


+f one la&p connects between two phases it will glow or not? (f the #oltage 'et!een the t!o phases is e,ual to the la"p #oltage then the la"p !ill glo!. :hen the #oltage difference is 'ig it !ill da"age the la"p and !hen the difference is s"aller the la"p !ill glo! depending on the t%pe of la"p.


What are ,-C fuses and where it is used? 8/C stand for ;high rupturing capacit%< fuse and it is used in distri'ution s%ste" for electrical transfor"ers

1.) Mention the &ethods for starting an induction &otor? &he different "ethods of starting an induction "otor 7OLAdirect online starter 4tar delta starter Auto transfor"er starter /esistance starter 4eries reactor starter

11) What is the difference between earth resistance and earth electrode resistance? Onl% one of the ter"inals is e#ident in the earth resistance. (n order to find the second ter"inal !e should recourse to its definitionA Earth /esistance is the resistance eBisting 'et!een the electricall% accessi'le part of a 'uried electrode and another point of the earth !hich is far a!a%. &he resistance of the electrode has the follo!ing co"ponentsA 2A) the resistance of the "etal and that of the connection to it. 2B) the contact resistance of the surrounding earth to the electrode.

1)) Why &ost of analog o.p de(ices ha(ing o.p range " to /0 &1 and not 0 to /0 &1 ? 6-). "A is a standard range used to indicate "easured #alues for an% process. &he reason that 6"a is chosen instead of . "A is for fail safe operation . 3or eBa"ple- a pressure instru"ent gi#es output 6"A to indicate . psi up to ). "A to indicate 1.. psi or full scale. 7ue to an% pro'le" in instru"ent 2i.e) 'roken !ire its output reduces to . "A. 4o if range is .). "A then !e can differentiate !hether it is due to 'roken !ire or due to . psi.

15) %wo bulbs of 200w and "0w respecti(ely connected in series across a / 0( supply which bulb will glow bright and why? 4ince t!o 'ul's are in series the% !ill get e,ual a"ount of electrical current 'ut as the suppl% #oltage is constant across the 'ul'2P0CD)1/).4o the resistance of 6.: 'ul' is greater and #oltage across 6.: is "ore 2C0(/) so 6.: 'ul' !ill glo! 'righter.

16) What happen if we gi(e //0 (olts dc supply to bulb or tube light? Bul's Ede#icesF for AC are designed to operate such that it offers high i"pedance to AC suppl%. -or"all% the% ha#e lo! resistance. :hen 7C suppl% is applied due to lo! resistance the current through la"p !ould 'e so high that it "a% da"age the 'ul' ele"ent

1G) What is &eant by knee point (oltage? Hnee point #oltage is calculated for electrical Current transfor"ers and is #er% i"portant factor to choose a C&. (t is the #oltage at !hich a C& gets saturated.2C&-current transfor"er).

19) What is re(erse power relay? /e#erse Po!er flo! rela% are used in generating stations> protection. A generating station is supposed to fed po!er to the grid and in case generating units are off there is no generation in the plant then plant "a% take po!er fro" grid. &o stop the flo! of po!er fro" grid to generator !e use re#erse po!er rela%.

1=) What will happen if #C supply is gi(en on the pri&ary of a transfor&er? *ainl% transfor"er has high inductance and lo! resistance. (n case of 7C suppl% there is no inductance onl% resistance !ill act in the electrical circuit. 4o high electrical current !ill flo! through pri"ar% side of the transfor"er. 4o for this reason coil and insulation !ill 'urn out :hen AC current flo! to pri"ar% !inding it induced alternating fluB !hich also link to secondar% !inding so secondar% current flo! in secondar% !inding according to pri"ar% current. 4econdar% current also induced e"f 2Back e"f) in secondar% !inding !hich oppose induced e"f of pri"ar% !inding and thus control pri"ar% current also. (f 7C current appl% to Pri"ar% !inding than alternating fluB is not produced so no secondar% e"f induced in secondar% !inding so pri"ar% current "a% goes high and 'urn transfor"er !inding.

2*! #ifferent between &egger and contact resistance &eter? *egger used to "easure ca'le resistance conductor continuit% phase identification !here as contact resistance "eter used to "easure lo! resistance like rela%s contactors.

23! When we connect the capacitor bank in series? !e connect capacitor 'ank in series to i"pro#e the #oltage profile at the load end in trans"ission line there is considera'le #oltage drop along the trans"ission line due to i"pedance of the line. so in order to 'ring the #oltage at the load ter"inals !ithin its li"its i.e 2I or J K9 )of the rated ter"inal #oltage the capacitor 'ank is used in series

).) What is #i(ersity factor in electrical installations? 7i#ersit% factor is the ratio of the su" of the indi#idual "aBi"u" de"ands of the #arious su'di#isions of a s%ste" or part of a s%ste" to the "aBi"u" de"and of the !hole s%ste" or part of the s%ste" under consideration. 7i#ersit% factor is usuall% "ore than one.

)1) Why hu&&ing sound occurred in ,% trans&ission line? &his sound is co"ing due to ioni$ation 2'reakdo!n of air into charged particles) of air around trans"ission conductor. &his effect is called as Corona effect and it is considered as po!er loss.

))) Why fre4uency is '0 h5 only & why should we &aintain the fre4uency constant if so why it is only '0? :e can ha#e the fre,uenc% at an% fre,uenc% %ou like 'ut than %ou "ust also "ake %our o!n "otors transfor"ers or an% other e,uip"ent %ou !ant to use. :e "aintain the fre,uenc% at G.h$ or 9.h$ cos the !orld "aintains a standard at G. 19.h$ and the e,uip"ents are "ade to operate at these fre,uenc%.

)5) +f we gi(e / " 1, '"06 on 7ri&ary side of 282/' M61 step up transfor&er, then what will be the $econdary Current, +f $econdary 6oltage922 :6? As !e kno! the Coltage & current relation for transfor"er-C11C) 0 ()1(1 :e Hno! C(0 G6. CL C)011HC or 11... CL (10 )556 A"ps. B% putting these #alue on /elationG6.111...0 ()1)556 4o () 0 116.G A"ps

)6) What are the points to be consider for MCB ;&iniature circuit breaker selection!? (2L)M1.)G0(2*AN) "aBi"u" current. *c' specification is done on "aBi"u" current flo! in circuit.

)G) ,ow can we start)up the "0w tube light with / 0( 1C.#C without using any choke.Coil? (t is possi'le '% "eans of Electronic choke. Other!ise it>s not possi'le to ioni$e the particles in tu'e. Light !ith nor"al #oltage.

)9) What is <pu= in electrical engineering? Pu stands for per unit and this !ill 'e used in po!er s%ste" single line diagra" there it is like a huge electrical circuit !ith no of co"ponents 2generators transfor"ers loads) !ith different ratings 2in *CA and HC). &o 'ring all the ratings into co""on platfor" !e use pu concept in !hich in general largest *CA and HC ratings of the co"ponent is considered as 'ase #alues then all other co"ponent ratings !ill get 'ack into this 'asis. &hose #alues are called as pu #alues. 2p.u0actual #alue1'ase #alue).

)=) Why link is pro(ided in neutral of an ac circuit and fuse in phase of ac circuit? Link is pro#ided at a -eutral co""on point in the circuit fro" !hich #arious connection are taken for the indi#idual control circuit and so it is gi#en in a link for" to !ithstand high A"ps. But in the case of 3use in the Phase of AC circuit it is designed such that the fuse rating is calculated for the particular circuit 2i.e load) onl%.4o if an% "alfunction happen the fuse connected in the particular control circuit alone !ill 'lo! off.

)O) +f /00w, 200 w and >0 w la&ps connected in series with / 06 1C , which la&p glow brighter?Each la&p (oltage rating is / 068 Each 'ul' !hen independentl% !orking !ill ha#e currents 2:1C0 () 3or ).. :att Bul' current 2()..) 0)..1)5.0..O9@9 A 3or 1.. :att Bul' current 2(1..) 01..1)5.0..656O A 3or 9. :att Bul' current 2(9.) 09.1)5.0..)9.@ A /esistance of each 'ul' fila"ent is 2C1( 0 /) 3or ).. :att Bul' /)..0 )5.1..O9@90 )96.G oh"s 3or 1.. :att Bul' /1..0 )5.1..656O 0 G)O.@O oh"s and 3or 9. :att Bul' /9.0 )5.1..)9.@0OO1.9 oh"s respecti#el%

-o! !hen in series current flo!ing in all 'ul's !ill 'e sa"e. &he energ% released !ill 'e ()/ &hus light output !ill 'e highest !here resistance is highest. &hus >0 watt bulb will be brightest8 &he 9.: la"p as it has highest resistance & "ini"u" current re,uire"ent. 8ighest #oltage drop across it N ( E!hich is co""on for all la"psF 0s highest po!er. -ote to re"e"'erA Lo!est po!er-la"p has highest ele"ent resistance. And highest resistance !ill drop highest #oltage drop across it in a 4eries circuit And highest resistance in a parallel circuit !ill pass "ini"u" current through it. 4o "ini"u" po!er dissipated across it as "in current N e,ual Coltage across 0s "in po!er dissipation

)@) ,ow to check Capacitor with use of Multi &eter8 *ost trou'les !ith Capacitors P either open or short. A oh""eter 2"ulti "eter) is good enough. A shorted C !ill clearl% sho! #er% lo! resistance. A open C !ill not sho! an% "o#e"ent on oh""eter. A good capacitor !ill sho! lo! resistance initiall% and resistance graduall% increases. &his sho!s that C is not 'ad. B% shorting the t!o ends of C 2charged '% oh""eter) "o"entaril% can gi#e a !eak spark. &o kno! the #alue and other para"eters %ou need 'etter instru"ents

5.) What is the difference between Electronic regulator and ordinary rheostat regulator for fans? &he difference 'et!een the electronic and ordinar% regulator is that in electronic reg. po!er losses are less 'ecause as !e decrease the speed the electronic reg. gi#e the po!er needed for that particular speed 'ut in case of ordinar% rheostat t%pe reg. the po!er !astage is sa"e for e#er% speed and no po!er is sa#ed. (n electronic regulator triac is e"plo%ed for speed control. '% #ar%ing the firing angle speed is controlled 'ut in rheostatic control resistance is decreased '% steps to achie#e speed control.

51) What will happen when power factor is leading in distribution of power? (f there is high po!er factor i.e if the po!er factor is close to oneA Losses in for" of heat !ill 'e reduced Ca'le 'eco"es less 'ulk% and eas% to carr% and #er% cheap to afford. (t also reduces o#er heating of transfor"ers.

5)) What the &ain difference between ?7$ & in(erter? +ninterrupted po!er suppl% is "ainl% use for short ti"e . *eans according to ups CA it gi#es 'ackup. ups is also t!o t%pes A on line and offline . Online ups ha#ing high #olt and a"p for long ti"e 'ackup !ith !ith high dc #oltage. But ups start !ith 1)# dc !ith = a"p. 'ut in#erter is start !ith 1)# )6 dc to 59# dc and 1).a"p to 1O.a"p 'atter% !ith long ti"e 'ackup

55) Which type of 18C &otor is used in the fan? (t is 4ingle Phase induction "otor !hich "ostl% s,uirrel cage rotor and are capacitor start capacitor run.

56) What is the difference between synchronous generator & asynchronous generator? (n si"ple s%nchronous generator supplies>s 'oth acti#e and reacti#e po!er 'ut as%nchronous generator 2induction generator) suppl%>s onl% acti#e po!er and o'ser#e reacti#e po!er for "agneti$ing. &his t%pe of generators is used in !ind"ills.

5G) What is the 7olari5ation inde@ (alue? (ts ratio 'et!een insulation resistance 2(/)i.e "eager #alue for 1."in to insulation resistance for 1 "in. (t ranges fro" G-= for ne! "otors & nor"all% for "otor to 'e in good condition it should 'e Qreater than ).G .

59) What is 1uto&atic 6oltage regulator ;16-!? AC/ is an a''re#iation for Auto"atic Coltage /egulator. (t is i"portant part in 4%nchronous QeneratorsL it controls the output #oltage of the generator '% controlling its eBcitation current. &hus it can control the output /eacti#e Po!er of the Qenerator.

5=) #ifference between a four point starter and three point starters? &he shunt connection in four point starter is pro#ided separatel% for" the line !here as in three point starter it is connected !ith line !hich is the dra!'ack in three point stater

5O) What is the difference between surge arrestor and lightning arrestor? LA is installed outside and the effect of lightning is grounded !here as surge arrestor installed inside panels co"prising of resistors !hich consu"es the energ% and nullif% the effect of surge.

5@) What happens if we connect a capacitor to a generator load? Connecting a capacitor across a generator al!a%s i"pro#es po!er factor 'ut it !ill help depends up on the engine capacit% of the alternator other!ise the alternator !ill 'e o#er loaded due to the eBtra !atts consu"ed due to the i"pro#e"ent on pf.7on>t connect a capacitor across an alternator !hile it is picking up or !ithout an% other load

6.) Why the capacitors work on ac only? Qenerall% capacitor gi#es infinite resistance to dc co"ponents2i.e. 'lock the dc co"ponents). it allo!s the ac co"ponents to pass through. )

?se of $tones.Ara(el in electrical $witch Bard helps in /educing 4tep and &ouch potentials during 4hort Circuit 3aults Eli"inates the gro!th of !eeds and s"all plants in the %ard ("pro#es %ard !orking condition Protects fro" fire !hich cause due to oil spillage fro" transfor"er and also protects fro" !ild ha'itat. What is ser(ice factor? 4er#ice factor is the load that "a% 'e applied to a "otor !ithout eBceeding allo!ed ratings. 3or eBa"ple if a 1.-hp "otor has a 1.)G ser#ice factor it !ill successfull% deli#er 1).G hp 21. B 1.)G) !ithout eBceeding specified te"perature rise. -ote that !hen 'eing dri#en a'o#e its rated load in this "anner the "otor "ust 'e supplied !ith rated #oltage and fre,uenc%. Heep in "ind ho!e#er that a 1.-hp "otor !ith a 1.)G ser#ice factor is not a 1).G-hp "otor. (f the 1.-hp "otor is operated continuousl% at 1).G hp its insulation life could 'e decreased '% as "uch as t!o-thirds


of nor"al. (f %ou need a 1).G-hp "otor 'u% oneL ser#ice factor should onl% 'e used for short-ter" o#erload conditions


Why trans&ission line 22:( C- :6,>>:( not in 20k( /0k(? &he for" factor of an alternating current !a#efor" 2signal) is the ratio of the /*4 2/oot *ean 4,uare) #alue to the a#erage #alue 2"athe"atical "ean of a'solute #alues of all points on the !a#efor"). (n case of a sinusoidal !a#e the for" factor is approBi"atel% 1.11. &he reason is so"ething historical. (n olden da%s !hen the electricit% 'eco"es popular the people had a "isconception that in the trans"ission line there !ould 'e a #oltage loss of around 1.K. 4o in order to get 1.. at the load point the% started sending 11. fro" suppl% side. &his is the reason. (t has nothing to do !ith for" factor 21.11). -o!ada%s that thought has changed and !e are using 6.. C instead of 66. C or )5. C instead of )). C. Also alternators are no! a#aila'le !ith ter"inal #oltages fro" 1..G kC to 1G.G kC so generation in "ultiples of 11 does not arise. &he Basic (dea 'ehind a desired trans"ission #oltage !as still the for" factor. (n ancient ti"es !hen !e needed to use 1. kC at destination si"pl% "ultiplied the for" factor to it 4a% 1.11N1.01.11 011HC aproB.2!e had taken 1.K losses as standard thu"' rule) si"ilarl% for 5. & 9. HC. 3or" 3actor 0 /*4 #oltage1A#erage Coltage 3or AC sine !a#e 3or" 3actor is 1.11. -o! a da%s !hen !e ha#e #oltage correction s%ste"s po!er factor i"pro#ing capacitors !hich can 'oost1correct #oltage to desired le#el !e are using the eBact #oltages like 6..HC in spite of 666HC What is electrical corona? Corona is the ioni$ation of the nitrogen in the air caused '% an intense electrical field. Electrical corona can 'e distinguished fro" arcing in that corona starts and stops at essentiall% the sa"e #oltage and is in#isi'le during the da% and re,uires darkness to see at night. Arcing starts at a #oltage and stops at a #oltage a'out G.K lo!er and is #isi'le to the naked e%e da% or night if the gap is large enough 2a'out G1OR at 5G.. #olts).



What are the indications of electrical corona? A si$$ling audi'le sound o$one nitric acid 2in the presence of "oisture in the air) that accu"ulates as a !hite or dirt% po!der light 2strongest e"ission in ultra#iolet and !eaker into #isi'le and near infrared) that can 'e seen !ith the naked e%e in darkness ultra#iolet ca"eras and da%light corona ca"eras using the solar-'lind !a#elengths on earth created '% the shielding o$one la%er surrounding the earth. What da&age does corona do? &he accu"ulation of the nitric acid and "icro-arcing !ithin it create car'on tracks across insulating "aterials. Corona can also contri'ute to the che"ical soup destruction of insulating ce"ents on insulators resulting in internal flash-o#er. &he corona is the onl% indication. 7efects in insulating "aterials that create an intense electrical field can o#er ti"e result in corona that creates punctures car'on tracks and o'#ious discoloration of -C( insulators. ,ow long does corona re4uire creating (isible da&age? (n a specific su'station the corona ring !as "istakenl% installed 'ack!ards on a te"porar% G..kC -C( insulator at the end of t!o %ears the -C( insulator !as replaced 'ecause 115 of the insulator !as !hite and the re"aining )15 !as gre%. What (oltage are corona rings typically installed at? (t #aries depending upon the configuration of the insulators and the t%pe of insulator -C( nor"all% start at 19.kC pin and cap can #ar% starting at )).kC or 56GkC depending upon %our engineering tolerances and insulators in the strings. ,ow do you select transfor&ers? 7eter"ine pri"ar% #oltage and fre,uenc%. 7eter"ine secondar% #oltage re,uired. 7eter"ine the capacit% re,uired in #olt-a"peres. &his is done '% "ultipl%ing the load current 2a"peres) '% the load #oltage 2#olts) for single phase. 3or eBa"pleA if the load is 6. a"peres such as a "otor and the secondar% #oltage is )6. #olts then )6. B 6. e,uals @9.. CA. A 1. HCA 21. ... #olt-a"peres) transfor"er is re,uired. Al!a%s select &ransfor"er Larger than Actual Load.





&his is done for safet% purposes and allo!s for eBpansion in case "ore loads is added at a later date. 3or 5 phase HCA "ultipl% rated #olts B load a"ps B 1.=5 2s,uare root of 5) then di#ide '% 1.... 7eter"ine !hether taps are re,uired. &aps are usuall% specified on larger transfor"ers.

1.) Why $&all #istribution %ransfor&ers not used for +ndustrial Control 1pplications? (ndustrial control e,uip"ent de"ands a "o"entar% o#erload capacit% of three to eight ti"es> nor"al capacit%. &his is "ost pre#alent in solenoid or "agnetic contactor applications !here inrush currents can 'e three to eight ti"es as high as nor"al sealed or holding currents 'ut still "aintain nor"al #oltage at this "o"entar% o#erloaded condition. 7istri'ution transfor"ers are designed for good regulation up to 1.. percent loading 'ut their output #oltage !ill drop rapidl% on "o"entar% o#erloads of this t%pe "aking the" unsuita'le for high inrush applications. (ndustrial control transfor"ers are designed especiall% for "aintaining a high degree of regulation e#en at eight ti"e>s nor"al load. &his results in a larger and generall% "ore eBpensi#e transfor"er.

11) Can >0 ,5 transfor&ers be used at higher fre4uencies? &ransfor"ers can 'e used at fre,uencies a'o#e 9. 8$ up through 6.. 8$ !ith no li"itations pro#ided na"eplate #oltages are not eBceeded. 8o!e#er 9. 8$ transfor"ers !ill ha#e less #oltage regulation at 6.. 8$ than 9. 8$.

1)) What is &eant by regulation in a transfor&er? Coltage regulation in transfor"ers is the difference 'et!een the no load #oltage and the full load #oltage. &his is usuall% eBpressed in ter"s of percentage. 3or eBa"pleA A transfor"er deli#ers 1.. #olts at no load and the #oltage drops to @G #olts at full load the regulation !ould 'e GK. 7istri'ution transfor"ers generall% ha#e regulation fro" )K to 6K depending on the si$e and the application for !hich the% are used.

15) Why is i&pedance i&portant? (t is used for deter"ining the interrupting capacit% of a circuit 'reaker or fuse e"plo%ed to protect the pri"ar% of a transfor"er.

E@a&pleD 7eter"ine a "ini"u" circuit 'reaker trip rating and interrupting capacit% for a 1. HCA single phase transfor"er !ith 6K i"pedance to 'e operated fro" a 6O. #olt 9. 8$ source. Calculate as follo!sA -or"al 3ull Load Current 0 -a"eplate Colt A"ps 1 Line Colts 0 1. ... CA 1 6O. C 0 )..O A"peres *aBi"u" 4hort Circuit A"ps 0 3ull Load A"ps 1 6K 0)..O A"ps 1 6K0 G). A"p &he 'reaker or fuse !ould ha#e a "ini"u" interrupting rating of G). a"ps at 6O. #olts. E@a&pleD 7eter"ine the interrupting capacit% in a"peres of a circuit 'reaker or fuse re,uired for a =G HCA three phase transfor"er !ith a pri"ar% of 6O. #olts delta and secondar% of ).OS11). #olts. &he transfor"er i"pedance 2T) 0 GK. (f the secondar% is short circuited 2faulted) the follo!ing capacities are re,uiredA -or"al 3ull Load Current 0Colt A"ps 1 U 5 B Line Colts0 =G ... CA 1 U 5 B Line Colts U 5 B 6O. C 0@. A"ps *aBi"u" 4hort Circuit Line Current 0 3ull Load A"ps 1 GK0 @. A"ps 1 GK 01 O.. A"ps &he 'reaker or fuse !ould ha#e a "ini"u" interrupting rating of 1 O.. a"ps at 6O. #olts. NC%ED &he secondar% #oltage is not used in the calculation. &he reason is the pri"ar% circuit of the transfor"er is the onl% !inding 'eing interrupted.

16) What causes flash)o(er? 3lash-o#er causes are not al!a%s easil% eBplained can 'e cu"ulati#e or stepping stone like and usuall% result in an outage and destruction. &he first flash-o#er co"ponents are a#aila'le #oltage and the configuration of the energi$ed parts corona "a% 'e present in "an% areas !here the flash-o#er occurs and flash-o#er can 'e eBcited '% stepping stone defects in the insulating path.

1G) What are taps and when are they used? &aps are pro#ided on so"e transfor"ers on the high #oltage !inding to correct for high or lo! #oltage conditions and still deli#er full rated output #oltages at the secondar% ter"inals. &aps are generall% set at t!o and a half and fi#e percent a'o#e and 'elo! the rated pri"ar% #oltage.

2>! Can %ransfor&ers be re(erse connected? 7r%-t%pe distri'ution transfor"ers can 'e re#erse connected !ithout a loss of HCA rating 'ut there are certain li"itations. &ransfor"ers rated 1 HCA and larger single phase 5 HCA and larger three phases can 'e re#erse connected !ithout an% ad#erse effects or loss in HCA capacit%. &he reason for this li"itation in HCA si$e is the turns ratio is the sa"e as the #oltage ratio. EBa"pleA A transfor"er !ith a 6O. #olt input )6. #olt outputP can ha#e the output connected to a )6. #olt source and there'% 'eco"e the pri"ar% or input to the transfor"er then the original 6O. #olt pri"ar% !inding !ill 'eco"e the output or 6O. #olt secondar%. On transfor"ers rated 'elo! 1 HCA single phase there is a turn>s ratio co"pensation on the lo! #oltage !inding. &his "eans the lo! #oltage !inding has a greater #oltage than the na"eplate #oltage indicates at no load. 3or eBa"ple a s"all single phase transfor"er ha#ing a na"eplate #oltage of 6O. #olts pri"ar% and )6. #olts secondar% !ould actuall% ha#e a no load #oltage of approBi"atel% )G. #olts and a full load #oltage of )6. #olts. (f the )6. #olt !inding !ere connected to a )6. #olt source then the output #oltage !ould conse,uentl% 'e approBi"atel% 69. #olts at no load and approBi"atel% 66) #olts at full load. As the HCA 'eco"es s"aller the co"pensation is greaterPresulting in lo!er output #oltages. :hen one atte"pts to use these transfor"ers in re#erse the transfor"er !ill not 'e har"edL ho!e#er the output #oltage !ill 'e lo!er than is indicated '% the na"eplate.

1=) What is the difference between <+nsulating=, <+solating=, and <$hielded Winding= transfor&ers? (nsulating and isolating transfor"ers are identical. &hese ter"s are used to descri'e the separation of the pri"ar% and secondar% !indings. A shielded transfor"er includes a "etallic shield 'et!een the pri"ar% and secondar% !indings to attenuate 2lessen) transient noise.

2*! ,ow &any B%?Es of heat does a transfor&er generate? &he heat a transfor"er generates is dependent upon the transfor"er losses. &o deter"ine air conditioning re,uire"ents "ultipl% the su" of the full load losses 2o'tained fro" factor% or test report) of all transfor"ers in the roo" '% 5.61 to o'tain the B&+s1hour. For e@a&pleD A transfor"er !ith losses of )... !atts !ill generate 9O). B&+s1hour.

23! What is a transfor&er and how does it work? A transfor"er is an electrical apparatus designed to con#ert alternating current fro" one #oltage to another. (t can 'e designed to ;step up< or ;step do!n< #oltages and !orks on the "agnetic induction principle. A transfor"er has no "o#ing parts and is a co"pletel% static solid state de#ice !hich insures under nor"al operating conditions a long and trou'le-free life. (t consists in its si"plest for" of t!o or "ore coils of insulated !ire !ound on a la"inated steel core. :hen #oltage is introduced to one coil called the pri"ar% it "agneti$es the iron core. A #oltage is then induced in the other coil called the secondar% or output coil. &he change of #oltage 2or #oltage ratio) 'et!een the pri"ar% and secondar% depends on the turns ratio of the t!o coils. ).) Factors 1ffecting Corona #ischarge EffectD Corona 7ischarge Effect occurs 'ecause of ioni$ation if the at"ospheric air surrounding the #oltage conductors so Corona 7ischarge Effect is affected '% the ph%sical state of the at"osphere as !ell as '% the condition of the lines. ;2! ConductorD Corona 7ischarge Effect is considera'l% affected '% the shape si$e and surface conditions of the conductor Corona 7ischarge Effect decreases !ith increases in the si$e 2dia"eter) of the conductor this effect is less for the conductors ha#ing round conductors co"pared to flat conductors and Corona 7ischarge Effect is concentrated on that places "ore !here the conductor surface is not s"ooth. ;/! Line 6oltageD Corona 7ischarge effect is not present !hen the applied line #oltages are less. :hen the Coltage of the s%ste" increases 2(n E8C s%ste") corona Effect !ill 'e "ore. ; ! 1t&osphereD Breakdo!n #oltage directl% proportional to the densit% of the at"osphere present in 'et!een the po!er conductors. (n a stor"% !eather the ions present around the conductor is higher than nor"al !eather condition. 4o Corona Breakdo!n #oltage occurs at lo! #oltages in the stor"% !eather condition co"pared to nor"al conditions ;"!$pacing between the ConductorsD

Electro static stresses are reduced !ith increase in the spacing 'et!een the conductors. Corona 7ischarge Effect takes place at "uch higher #oltage !hen the distance 'et!een the po!er conductors increases.

)1) Will a transfor&er change %hree 7hases to $ingle 7hase? A transfor"er !ill not act as a phase changing de#ice !hen atte"pting to change three phase to single phase. &here is no !a% that a transfor"er !ill take three phase in and deli#er single phase out !hile at the sa"e ti"e presenting a 'alanced load to the three phase suppl% s%ste". &here are ho!e#er circuits a#aila'le to change three phase to t!o phase or #ice #ersa using standard dual !ound transfor"ers. Please contact the factor% for t!o phase applications.

))) Can >0 ,5 transfor&ers be operated at '0 ,5? &ransfor"ers rated 'elo! 1 HCA can 'e used on G. 8$ ser#ice. &ransfor"ers 1 HCA and larger rated at 9. 8$ should not 'e used on G. 8$ ser#ice due to the higher losses and resultant heat rise. 4pecial designs are re,uired for this ser#ice. 8o!e#er an% G. 8$ transfor"er !ill operate on a 9. 8$ ser#ice . )5) Can transfor&ers be used in parallel? 4ingle phase transfor"ers can 'e used in parallel onl% !hen their i"pedances and #oltages are e,ual. (f une,ual #oltages are used a circulating current eBists in the closed net!ork 'et!een the t!o transfor"ers !hich !ill cause eBcess heating and result in a shorter life of the transfor"er. (n addition i"pedance #alues of each transfor"er "ust 'e !ithin =.GK of each other. 3or eBa"pleA &ransfor"er A has an i"pedance of 6K transfor"er B !hich is to 'e parallel to A "ust ha#e i"pedance 'et!een the li"its of 5.=K and 6.5K. :hen paralleling three phase transfor"ers the sa"e precautions "ust 'e o'ser#ed as listed a'o#e plus the angular displace"ent and phasing 'et!een the t!o transfor"ers "ust 'e identical.

)6) What are causes of insulator failure? Electrical field intensit% producing corona on conta"inated areas !ater droplets icicles corona rings V &his corona acti#it% then contri'utes nitric acid to for" a che"ical soup to change the 'onding

ce"ents and to create car'on tracks along !ith o$one and ultra#iolet light to change the properties of -C( insulator co#erings. Other detri"ental effects include !ater on the surface or su'-surface free$ing and eBpanding !hen tha!ing as a li,uid penetrating into a "aterial and then a sudden te"perature change causes change of state to a gas and rapid eBpansion causing fracture or rupture of the "aterial.

)G) Causes of Corona Corona is causes '% the follo!ing reasonsA &he natural electric field caused '% the flo! of electrons in the conductor. (nteraction !ith surrounding air. Poor or no insulation is not a "a?or cause 'ut increases corona. &he use of 7.C 27irect Current) for trans"ission.2/eason !h% "ost trans"ission is done in for" of AC)

)9) Effects of Corona 1. Line Loss J Loss of energ% 'ecause so"e energ% is used up to cause #i'ration of the air particles. ). Long ter" eBposure to these radiations "a% not 'e good to health 2%et to 'e pro#en). 5. Audi'le -oise 6. Electro"agnetic (nterference to teleco""unication s%ste"s G. O$one Qas production 9. 7a"age to insulation of conductor. =. /G! What is polarity, when associated with a transfor&er? Polarit% is the instantaneous #oltage o'tained fro" the pri"ar% !inding in relation to the secondar% !inding. &ransfor"ers 9.. #olts and 'elo! are nor"all% connected in additi#e polarit% P that is !hen tested the ter"inals of the high #oltage and lo! #oltage !indings on the left hand side are connected together refer to diagra" 'elo!. &his lea#es one high #oltage and one lo! #oltage ter"inal unconnected. :hen the transfor"er is eBcited the resultant #oltage appearing across a #olt"eter !ill 'e the su" of the high and lo! #oltage !indings. &his is useful !hen connecting single phase transfor"ers in parallel for three phase operations. Polarit% is a ter" used onl% !ith single phase transfor"ers.

/*! What is e@citing current? EBciting current !hen used in connection !ith transfor"ers is the current or a"peres re,uired for eBcitation. &he eBciting current on "ost lighting and po!er transfor"ers #aries fro" approBi"atel% 1.K on s"all si$es of a'out 1 HCA and s"aller to approBi"atel% .GK to 6K on larger si$es of =G. HCA. &he eBciting current is "ade up of t!o co"ponents one of !hich is a real co"ponent and is in the for" of losses or referred to as no load !attsL the other is in the for" of reacti#e po!er and is referred to as HCA/.

/3! What is Bouchol5 relay and the significance of it in to the transfor&er? Bouchol$ rela% is a de#ice !hich is used for the protection of transfor"er fro" its internal faults it is a gas 'ased rela%. !hene#er an% internal fault occurs in a transfor"er the 'ouchol$ rela% at once gi#es a horn for so"e ti"e if the transfor"er is isolated fro" the circuit then it stop its sound itself other!ise it trips the circuit '% its o!n tripping "echanis".

0! Why we do two types of earthing on transfor&er ;Body earthing & neutral earthing! &he t!o t%pes of earthing are 3a"iliar as E,uip"ent earthing and s%ste" earthing. (n E,uip"ent earthingA 'od% 2 non conducting part)of the e,uip"ent should 'e earthed to safeguard the hu"an 'eings. 4%ste" Earthing A (n this neutral of the suppl% source 2 &ransfor"er or Qenerator) should 'e grounded. :ith this in case of un'alanced loading neutral !ill not 'e shifted. 4o that un'alanced #oltages !ill not arise. :e can protect the e,uip"ent also. :ith si$e of the e,uip"ent 2 transfor"er or alternator)and selection of rel%ing s%ste" earthing !ill 'e further classified into directl% earthed ("pedance earthing resisti#e 2-Q/s) earthing.

2! Conductor corona is caused by? Corona on a conductor can 'e due to conductor configuration 2design) such as dia"eter too s"all for the applied #oltage !ill ha#e corona %ear-around and eBtre"e losses during !et !eather the opposite occurs during dr% !eather as the corona produces nitric acid !hich accu"ulates and destro%s the steel reinforcing ca'le 2AC4/)

resulting in the line dropping. /oad salts and conta"inants can also contri'ute to starting this deterioration.

/! What is flash)o(er and arcing? 3lash-o#er is an instantaneous e#ent !here the #oltage eBceeds the 'reakdo!n potential of the air 'ut does not ha#e the current a#aila'le to sustain an arc an arc can ha#e the grid fault current 'ehind it and sustain until the #oltage decreases 'elo! G.K or until a protecti#e de#ice opens. 3lash-o#er can also occur due to induced #oltages in un'ounded 2loose 'olts !ashers etc) po!er pole or su'station hard!are this can create /3(1&C( or radio1&C interference. Arcing can 'egin at G #olts on a printed circuit 'oard or as the insulation increases it "a% re,uire O.kCAC to create flash-o#er on a good cap and pin insulator. ! ,ow to Mini&i5ing Corona Effects (nstalling corona rings at the end of trans"ission lines. A corona ring also called anti-corona ring is a toroid of 2t%picall%) conducti#e "aterial located in the #icinit% of a ter"inal of a high #oltage de#ice. (t is electricall% insulated. 4tacks of "ore spaced rings are often used. &he role of the corona ring is to distri'ute the electric field gradient and lo!er its "aBi"u" #alues 'elo! the corona threshold pre#enting the corona discharge. "! What is B+L and how does it apply to transfor&ers? B(L is an a''re#iation for Basic ("pulse Le#el. ("pulse tests are dielectric tests that consist of the application of a high fre,uenc% steep !a#e front #oltage 'et!een !indings and 'et!een !indings and ground. &he Basic ("pulse Le#el of a transfor"er is a "ethod of eBpressing the #oltage surge 2lightning s!itching surges etc.) that a transfor"er !ill tolerate !ithout 'reakdo!n. All transfor"ers "anufactured in this catalog 9.. #olts and 'elo! !ill !ithstand the -E*A standard B(L rating !hich is 1. HC. &his assures the user that he !ill not eBperience 'reakdo!ns !hen his s%ste" is properl% protected !ith lightning arrestors or si"ilar surge protection de#ices. '! %he difference between Around and Neutral? -E+&/AL is the origin of all current flo!. (n a pol%-phase s%ste" as its phase relationship !ith all the three phases is the sa"e 2i.e.) as it is

not 'iased to!ards an% one phase thus re"aining neutral that>s !h% it is called neutral. :hereas Q/O+-7 is the EA/&8 on !hich !e stand. (t !as percei#ed to utili$e this #ast o"nipresent conductor of electricit% in case of fault so that the fault current returns to the source neutral through this conductor gi#en '% nature !hich is a#aila'le free of cost. (f earth is not used for this purpose then one has to la% a long. long "etallic conductor for the purpose thus increasing the cost. Qround should ne(er 'e used as neutral. &he protection de#ices 2eg ELCB /C7 etc) !ork 'asicall% on principle that the phase currects are 'alanced !ith neutral current. (n case %ou use ground !ire as the neutral these are 'ound to trip if the% are there J and the% "ust 'e there. at least at su'stations. And these are kept #er% sensiti#e i.e. e#en "inute currents are supposed to trip these. One aspect is safet% J !hen so"eone touches a neutral %ou don>t !ant hi" to 'e electrocuted J do %ouW +suall% if %ou see the s!itches at ho"e are on the phase and not neutral 2eBcept at the *CB stage). An% one assu"es the once the s!itch is off it is safe 2the safet% is taken care of in 5 !ire s%ste" 'ut again "ost of the fiBtures are on ) !ire) J he !ill 'e shocked at the accidental touching of !ire in case the floating neutral is floating too "uch. >! What is i&pedance of a transfor&er? (f %ou "ean the percentage i"pedance of the transfor"ed it "eans the ratio of the #oltage2 that if %ou applied it to one side of the transfor"er !hile the other side of the transfor"er is short cuitcuted a full load current shall flo! in the short circuits side) to the full load current. *ore the KT of transfor"er "ore Copper used for !inding increasing cost of the unit. But short circuit le#els !ill reduce "echanical da"ages to !indings during short circuit shall also reduce. 8o!e#er cost increases significantl% !ith increase in KT. Lo!er KT "eans econo"ical designs. But short circuit fault le#els shall increase tre"endousl% da"aging the !inding & core. &he high #alue of KT helps to reduce short circuit current 'ut it causes "ore #oltage dip for "otor starting and "ore #oltage regulation 2K change of #oltage #ariation) fro" no load to full load.

G! ,ow are transfor&ers si5ed to operate %hree 7hase induction type s4uirrel cage &otors? &he "ini"u" transfor"er HCA rating re,uired to operate a "otor is calculated as follo!sA *ini"u" &ransfor"er HCA 0/unning Load A"peres B 1.=5B *otor Operating Coltage 1 1... NC%ED (f "otor is to 'e started "ore than once per hour add ).K additional HCA. Care should 'e eBercised in si$ing a transfor"er for an induction t%pe s,uirrel cage "otor as !hen it is started the lock rotor a"perage is approBi"atel% G to = ti"es the running load a"perage. &his se#ere starting o#erload !ill result in a drop of the transfor"er output #oltage. :hen the #oltage is lo! the tor,ue and the horsepo!er of the "otor !ill drop proportionatel% to the s,uare of the #oltage. 3or eBa"pleA (f the #oltage !ere to drop to =.K of no"inal then "otor horsepo!er and tor,ue !ould drop to =. K s,uared or 6@K of the "otor na"eplate rating. (f the "otor is used for starting a high tor,ue load the "otor "a% sta% at approBi"atel% G.K of nor"al running speed &he underl%ing pro'le" is lo! #oltage at the "otor ter"inals. (f the a"pere rating of the "otor and transfor"er o#er current de#ice falls !ithin the "otor>s G.K /P* dra! re,uire"ents a pro'le" is likel% to de#elop. &he o#er current de#ice "a% not open under inter"ediate "otor a"pere loading conditions. O#erheating of the "otor and1or transfor"er !ould occur possi'l% causing failure of either co"ponent. &his condition is "ore pronounced !hen one transfor"er is used to po!er one "otor and the running a"peres of the "otor is in the #icinit% of the full load a"pere rating of the transfor"er. &he follo!ing precautions should 'e follo!edA ;2!:hen one transfor"er is used to operate one "otor the running a"peres of the "otor should not eBceed 9GK of the transfor"er>s full load a"pere rating. ;/! (f se#eral "otors are 'eing operated fro" one transfor"er a#oid ha#ing all "otors start at the sa"e ti"e. (f this is i"practical then si$e the transfor"er so that the total running current does not eBceed 9GK of the transfor"er>s full load a"pere rating.

*! Which 7oint need to be consider while Neurtal Earthing of %ransfor&er? &he follo!ing points need to check 'efore going for -eutral Qrounding /esistance. 3ault current passing through ground step and touch potential. Capacit% of transfor"er to sustain ground fault current !.r.t !inding core 'urning. /ela% co-ordination and fault clearing ti"e. 4tandard practice of li"iting earth fault current. (n case no data or calculation is possi'le go for li"iting E13 current to 5..A or G..A depending on sensi#it% of rela%.

3! Why a neutral grounding contactor is needed in diesel generator? &here !ould not 'e an% current flo! in neutral if 7Q is loaded e,uall% in 5 phases if there an% fault2earth fault or o#er load) in an% one of the phase then there !ill 'e un 'alanced load in 7Q . at that ti"e hea#% current flo! through the neutral it is sensed '% C& and trips the 7Q. so neutral in grounded to gi#e lo! resistance path to fault current. An electrical s%ste" consisting of "ore than t!o lo! #oltage 7iesel Qenerator sets intended for parallel operation shall "eet the follo!ing conditionsA 2i) neutral of onl% one generator needs to 'e earthed to a#oid the flo! of $ero se,uence current. 2ii) during independent operation neutrals of 'oth generators are re,uired in lo! #oltage s!itch'oard to o'tain three phases 6 !ire s%ste" including phase to neutral #oltage. 2iii) re,uired to achie#e restricted earth fault protection 2/E3) for 'oth the generators !hilst in operation. 4olutionA Considering the re,uire"ent of earthing neutral of onl% one generator a contactor of suita'le rating shall 'e pro#ided in neutral to earth circuit of each generator. &his contactor can 'e ter"ed as ;neutral contactor<. -eutral contactors shall 'e interlocked in such a !a% that onl% one contactor shall re"ain closed during parallel operation of generators. 7uring independent operation of an% generator its neutral contactor shall 'e closed. Operation of neutral contactors shall 'e prefera'l% "ade auto"atic using 'reaker auBiliar% contacts.

"0! Neutral grounded syste& (s solidly grounded syste& (n (ndia at lo! #oltage le#el 2655C) %ou M?$% do onl% 4olid Earthing of the s%ste" neutral. &his is '% (E /ules 1@G9 /ule -o. 91 21) 2a). Because if %ou opt for i"pedance earthing during an earth fault there !ill 'e apprecia'le #oltage present 'et!een the faulted 'od% & the neutral the "agnitude of this #oltage 'eing deter"ined '% the fault current "agnitude and the i"pedance #alue. &his #oltage "ight circulate enough current in a person accidentall% co"ing in contact !ith the faulted e,uip"ent as to har" his e#en causing death. -ote that LC s%ste"s can 'e handled '% non-technical persons too. (n solid earthing %ou do not ha#e this pro'le" as at the instant of an earth fault the faulted phase goes to neutral potential and the high fault current !ould in#aria'l% cause the O#er current or short circuit protection de#ice to operate in sufficientl% ,uick ti"e 'efore an% har" could 'e done.

Electrical Q&A Part-5 2!

What is the reason of grounding or earthing of e4uip&ent? !ith a ground path in case of short circuit the short circuit current goes to the 'od% of the e,uip"ent & then to the ground through the ground !ire. 8ence if at the "o"ent of fault if a person touches the e,uip"ent 'od% he !ill not get a shock cause his 'od% resistance 2in thousands of oh"s) !ill offer a high resistance path in co"parison to the ground !ire. 8ence the fault current !ill flo! thru the ground !ire & not thru hu"an 'od%. Pro#iding a ground path helps in clearing the fault. A C& in the ground connection detects the high #alue fault current hence the rela% connected to the C& gi#es 'reaker a trip co""and. Qrounding helps in a#oiding arcing faults. (3 there !ould ha#e 'een no ground then a fault !ith the outer 'od% can cause a arcing to the ground '% 'reaking the air. &his is dangerous 'oth for the e,uip"ent & the hu"an 'eings.

/! 1 type)C MCB has ther&o &agnetic capability '+n to 20+n that &eans a short circuit current will be interrupted as the (alue will reach between '+n to 20+n but the MCB breaking capacity is ;for e@a&ple! define as 20k18 G(n to 1.(n is the pickup threshold for the "agnetic trip ele"ent. &he *CB !ill trip instantaneousl% !hen the current is 'et!een these li"its. 1.kA is the short circuit !ithstands capacit% of the *CB. +nder nor"al condition a current li"iting t%pe *CB !ill trip on short circuit 2"agnetic trip) and the current during circuit interruption !ill 'e "uch less than the prospecti#e current. 8o!e#er the *CBs ha#e to ha#e a short circuit capacit% "ore than or e,ual to the fault le#el at the location !here it is installed.

What is Ferrari Effect? 3erranti Effect is due to the rise in #oltage at the recei#ing end than that of the sending end. &his occurs !hen the load on the s%ste" reduces suddenl%. &rans"ission line usuall% consists of line inductance line to earth capacitance and resistance. /esistance can 'e neglected !ith respect to the line inductance .:hen the load on the s%ste" falls the energ% stored in the capacitance gets discharged. &he charging current causes inducti#e reactance #oltage drop. &his gets added #ector all% to the

sending end #oltage and hence causes the #oltage at the recei#ing end to raise A Long trans"ission line dra!s significant a"ount of charging current. (f such line is open circuited or #er% lightl% loaded at the recei#ing end the #oltage at the recei#ing end "a% 'eco"e greater than sending end #oltage. &his effect is kno!n 3erranti effect and is due to the #oltage drop across the line inductance 2due to charging current) 'eing in phase !ith the sending end #oltages. &herefore 'oth capacitance and inductance is responsi'le to produce this pheno"enon. &he capacitance 2charging current) is negligi'le in short lines 'ut significant in "ediu" and long trans"ission line. 8ence this pheno"enon is applica'le for "ediu" and long trans"ission line. &he "ain i"pact of this pheno"enon is on o#er #oltage protection s%ste" surge protection s%ste" insulation le#el etc.

"! Can single phase transfor&ers be used for three phase applications? Ses. &hree phase transfor"ers are so"eti"es not readil% a#aila'le !hereas single phase transfor"ers can generall% 'e found in stock. &hree single phase transfor"ers can 'e used in delta connected pri"ar% and !%e or delta connected secondar%. &he% should ne#er 'e connected !%e pri"ar% to !%e secondar% since this !ill result in unsta'le secondar% #oltage. &he e,ui#alent three phase capacit% !hen properl% connected of three single phase transfor"ers is three ti"es the na"eplate rating of each single phase transfor"er.


What is B+L and how does it apply to transfor&ers? B(L is an a''re#iation for Basic ("pulse Le#el. ("pulse tests are dielectric tests that consist of the application of a high fre,uenc% steep !a#e front #oltage 'et!een !indings and 'et!een !indings and ground. &he B(L of a transfor"er is a "ethod of eBpressing the #oltage surge that a transfor"er !ill tolerate !ithout 'reakdo!n. Where 1uto)recloser is used? 3or Qenerator protection 1 &ransfor"er Protection 1 &rans"ission Line 1 Bus 'ar protection. *an% faults on o#erhead trans"ission lines are transient in nature @.K of faults are used '% 'irds tree 'ranches. &hese condition results in arching faults and the arc in the fault can 'e eBtinguished '% deenergi$ing the lines '% opening of CB on the 'oth ends of the lines.


Open-..5 second-Close-5"inute-Close this is the se,uence of A/. i.e.-OPE- C-CLO4E7 !hene#er faults occurs CB opens then after ..5 sec it closes auto"aticall% if faults persists then it !ill open after 5 "in it closes and if still fault persists. (t re"ains in open condition. Auto reclosure is generall% used for &rans"ission lines !here the general t%pes of faults are transient in nature. (t can 'e three phase auto-reclosure or single pole auto-reclosure. &he single pole auto reclosures are generall% for 6..kC line 'elo! this three pole auto- reclosures are used. &he reason for a line the single pole reclosure pro#ides a 'etter sta'ilit% of the s%ste" since so"e part of po!er is still transferred through the health% phases. Also 6..kC 'reaker till date has a independent dri#e1 trip1 close coils for the three poles 'elo! that all 'reakers ha#e co""on dri#e1 trip 1 closing coils for the three poles.

G! What is difference between power transfor&ers & distribution transfor&ers? 7istri'ution &ransfor"ers are designed for a "aBi"u" efficienc% at G.K of load. :hereas po!er transfor"ers are designed to deli#er "aB efficienc% a% @.K and a'o#e loads. &he distri'utions transfor"ers ha#e lo! i"pedance so as to ha#e a 'etter regulation po!er transfor"ers ha#e higher so as to li"it the 4C current. Po!er transfor"ers are used to step up #oltages fro" 11 k# !hich is the generating #oltage to 15) or !hate#er !ill 'e the trans"ission #oltage le#els. Po!er transfor"ers are ha#ing 4tar-7elta connection. (t !ill 'e located at po!er generating stations. 7istri'ution transfor"ers are used to step do!n #oltages fro" transfor"er le#els to 11 k#161G #. :ill 'e ha#ing 7elta-4tar. (t :ill 'e located in su'stations near load centers. &he "ain 'asic difference lies in the 7esign stage itself as po!er transfor"er are to operate at near full load so there sensing is such that the% achie#e e,ual. of copper losses & iron losses at full loads !hereas this is achie#ed in the design itself at a'out G.K loading in dist transfor"er 'ut friends there is a dile""a as our dist. transfor"er are al"ost full% loaded & 'e%ond so the% ne#er go operate at their full eff. & also poor #oltage regulation.

&he difference 'et!een po!er and distri'ution transfor"ers refers to si$e & input #oltage. 7istri'ution transfor"ers #ar% 'et!een )G kCA and 1. *CA !ith input #oltage 'et!een 1 and 59 kC. Po!er transfor"ers are t%picall% units fro" G to G.. *CA !ith input #oltage a'o#e 59 kC. 7istri'ution transfor"er design to ha#e a "aB efficienc% at a load lo!er than full load. Po!er transfor"er design to ha#e a "aB efficienc% at full load

*! What will be happen if the neutral isolator will be open or close during the running condition of power? 7uring nor"al condition the neutral isolating s!itch should 'e kept close. (n case it is kept open under 'alanced load conditions the current through neutral !ill not flo! & nothing har"ful !ill take place 'ut in case an earth fault takes place then there !ill 'e no earth fault current flo!ing through the s%ste" & the generator !ill run as a ungrounded generator. &hus the earth fault !ill not 'e cleared. (f "ore nu"'er of generators are connected parallel. :e !ill ha#e a close loop and hence negati#e se,uence current !ill flo!. &his !ill increase the rotor te"perature. 8ence if "ore nu"'er of generators are connected then onl% one is earthed and others are open. (n case of &!o or "ore generators connected to a co""on 'us !ithout a transfor"er in 'et!een 'asicall% in h%dro stations one of the -eutral (solation 4!itch2-(4) is kept closed & rest are opened to pre#ent circulating currents to flo! 'et!een generators. 8ence the a'o#e eBplanation !ill not 'e #alid for such s%ste"s. 4o"eti"e !e "a% !ant to test generator and "a% !ant to isolate the neutral fro" ground. like for eBa"ple "eggaring etc. (n such case !e !ould like to open ground connection ca'le in case !e !ant to re"o#e the -(4W !e !ill certainl% not like to open all the 'olted connections for ?ust a s"all test like checking insulation !ith a "eggar etc. for such things !e need a -(4. -eutral isolator is re,uired if !e ha#e delta trans"ission s%ste" and at the ti"e to connection !ith the Qrid -eutral isolation is re,uired. (f !e ungrounded the neutral then the generator is connected to the ground #ia Phase to earth capacitances. 8ence during faults arcing grounds can take place. :hich are dangerous 'oth to hu"an & e,uip"ent. :hen !e pro#ide earthed neutral for a fault earth fault current !ill start flo!ing through the neutral !hich !e can sense thru a C& & rela% & hence can i""ediatel% identif% & clear the fault in a'out 1.. "s '%

opening the associated 'reaker1pri"e "o#er1eBcitation. Quicker the fault clearance less is the da"age.


Why shorting type ter&inal re4uired for C%? 7uring "aintenance or secondar% in?ection %ou !ill need to '%pass the C& & for the sa"e %ou need shorting link. 7uring sec. in?ection %ou !ill short circuit the "ain C& & '%pass it. Open circuiting the C& !ill saturate it & da"age it.

20! Why fuse is gi(en for only 7% and not C%? 3use if gi#en for C& 'lo!s off due to a fault then rather than protecting the C& it !ill "ake it open circuited hence it !ill 'e saturated & da"aged. 3or P& it gi#es o#erload & 4C protection.

22! Why is insulating base re4uired for L1? &he LA is pro#ided !ith a dedicated Prper earthing !hich "a% 'e in the for" of a 'uried treated electrode neBt to it.LA connection is securel% "ade !ith the electrode #ia a surge counter. (f !e directl% earth the LA through structure then the surge counter !ill not 'e a'le to "easure the no of surges. 3or lesser rating the counter is not pro#ided hence !e can '%pass the insulated 'ase. But then proper earthing has to 'e assured.

2/! Can >0 ,5 transfor&ers be operated at '0 ,5? &ransfor"ers 1 HCA and larger rated at 9. 8$ should not 'e used on G. 8$ ser#ice due to higher losses and resultant heat rise. 8o!e#er an% G. 8$ transfor"er !ill operate on 9. 8$ ser#ice.

2 ! Can transfor&ers be used in parallel? 4ingle phase transfor"ers can 'e used in parallel onl% !hen their #oltages are e,ual. (f une,ual #oltages are used a circulating current eBists in the closed net!ork 'et!een the t!o transfor"ers !hich !ill cause eBcess heating and result in a shorter life of the transfor"er. (n addition i"pedance #alues of each transfor"er "ust 'e !ithin =.GK of each other.

2"! Can %ransfor&ers be re(erse connected? 7r% t%pe distri'ution transfor"ers can 'e re#erse connected !ithout a loss of HCA rating 'ut there are certain li"itations. &ransfor"ers rated 1 HCA and larger single phase 5 HCA and larger three phases can 'e re#erse connected !ithout an% ad#erse effects or loss in HCA capacit%.

2'! Why short circuit do not take place when electrode is touched to ground8 Basicall% during !elding !e force a short-circuit at the electrode tip. &he fault condition produces large "agnitude currents. Qreater the Current #alue ha#e greater ()/ heat produced. &he arcing energ% ele#ates the te"perature & hence "elts the electrode "aterial o#er the ?oint. &he transfor"er is designed to !ithstand such high currents. But !elding is a #er% co"pleB & detailed pheno"enon. Besides there are "an% principles on !hich !elding operates. 4o"e "a% 'e a !elding dc !elding arc constant #oltage constant current etc 2>! WhatEs the difference between generator breaker and si&ple breaker? Breaker is one !hich disconnects the circuit in fault condition and (t is si"ilar for all e,uip"ent. Based on the e,uip"ent #oltage and "aBi"u" short circuit current the ratings !ill 'e decided. 3or 'etter understanding !e call generator or transfor"er or line etc 'reakers. 2G! What is accuracy Class of the instru&ent? Qenerall% the class indicates the accurac% !ith !hich the "eter !ill indicate or e,uip"ent !ill "easure !ith respect to its input. &he accurac% of different e,uip"ent !ill depend on nu"'er of factors. 3or eBa"ple for a P& accurac% !ill depend on its leakage reactance & !inding resistance. 3or a P& accurac% gi#es the #oltage & phase error & it #aries !ith the CA 'urden of secondar%. Also 'etter core "aterial !ill gi#e 'etter heat dissipation & reduce error. class of accurac% !ill gi#e the #oltage error for a P& different t%pe of P&s a#aila'le areA..1 ..) ..G 1 G & error #alues !ill 'eA classK #oltage error2I1X) phase displace"ent 4i"ilarl% indicating instru"ents shall ha#e accuracies & accordingl% application as depicted 'elo! for testing the follo!ing #alues are generall% usedA for routine tests A accurac% class 1 for t%pe tests A accurac% class ..G or 'etter. indicating "eters generall% !ill ha#e accurac% of 1. 2*! First pole to clear factor)Circuit breakers &he first pole to clear factor 2kpp) is depending on the earthing s%ste" of the net!ork. &he first pole to clear factor is used to calculating the transient reco#er% #oltage for three phase faults. (n general follo!ing cases appl%A-

1. kpp 0 1.5 corresponds to three phase faults in s%ste" !ith an earthed neutral. ). kpp 0 1.G corresponds to three phase faults in isolated or resonant earthed s%ste". 5. kpp 0 1.. corresponds to special cases e.g. rail!a% s%ste"s. A special case is !hen there is a three phase fault !ithout in#ol#ing earth in a s%ste" !ith earthed neutral. &his case responds to kpp 0 1.G . &his special case is ho!e#er not nor"all% considered in the standards. 23! Why we use a resistance to ground the neutral when we need always low resisti(ity for the grounding? (f !e ground the generator directl% then !hene#er a fault !ill take place at an% phase !ith ground the fault current flo!ing thro! the faulted phase-to ground-to neutral !ill 'e #er% high cause there !ill 'e no resistance to li"it the #alue of fault current. 8ence !e insert a resistance in the neutral circuit to li"it this fault current. Also !e need to reduce the fault current to such a #alue that the protection C&s are a'le to identif% the fault current !ithout saturating the C&s. Co""unicate it to the protection rela%s & hence the rela%s can then isolate the s%ste" fro" the faultL so that the s%ste" is isolated fro" the fault 'efore the har" is done '% the fault current. &hat is the reason that all the e,uip"ent !ill 'e designed for fault HA #alues for 1 sec so that the total operation2C& sensing-rela% functioning-circuit 'reaker operation ) ti"e !ill 'e less than 1 sec. hence the Breakers !ill isolate the fault 'efore 1 sec i.e. !ithin the ti"e period the e,uip"ent are designed to carr% the fault current. &hus all %our o'?ecti#es ofA pre#enting the arcing. li"iting the fault current. isolating the faulted s%ste" are achie#ed /0! Why are NA-Es rated for 20sec? -Q/ are placed in the neutral circuit & hence !ill 'e energi$ed onl% in the fault conditions thus their continuous loading is not eBpected. 8ence the% are selected for inter"ittent rating. 4i"ilarl% !hen !e place a transfor"er in the neutral grounding circuit the HCA rating o'tained after the calculation is "ultiplied '% a di#ersit% factor to o'tain s"aller rating cause the therefore (t !ill not 'e continuousl% rated. -(4 is also pro#ided to cut the circulating negati#e se,uence current in ) "ore generators connected in parallel. in so"e grid conditions the% ask to keep neutral isolated after 'eing connected to grid.

/2! ,ow to calculate knee point (oltage and significance of knee point (oltage? Hnee point #oltageA &hat point on the "agneti$ing cur#e 2B8 cur#e) !here an increase of 1.K in the fluB densit% 2#oltage) causes an increase of G.K in the "agneti$ing force 2current). (ts significance lies "ainl% in P4 class core of C&s used for diff protection //! #esign &ethod for neutral grounding resistor? -Q/ design 'asicsA Capaciti#e coupling of generator e,uip"ent and the ground -Qenerator to ground capacitance. -Qenerator ca'le to ground capacitance 2or 'us duct as the case "a% 'e) -Lo! #oltage !inding of trafo & ground capacitance. -4urge arrestor capacitance. &he total capacitance is then o'tained fro" the a'o#e #alues & then !e calculate fro" that the capaciti#e reactance. &he capaciti#e current then produced is calculated fro" the generator #oltage & the capaciti#e reactance o'tained a'o#e. Once the current is o'tained !e can then calculate the electrostatic HCA fro" the current "ultiplied !ith #oltage. / ! Criterion is there for selection of +nsulation #isc in %rans&ission and #istribution Line8 11kC is the phase to earth #oltage for )).kC 0)).1 2s,rt25)M11)01) -o>s of disc are suita'le.&he nu"'er can 'e increased to increase the creep age distance. :hile selecting the disc insulators one has to keep in "ind the follo!ing thingsA 1. E*-strength of the string. All the forces co"ing on to the string & the a'ilit% of the string to !ithstand the". ). 4ufficient Cree page distance so as not to cause a flasho#er . 5. (nterface !ith the t%pe of conductor used 2"oose tarantula $e'ra etc) 4o !e !ill get the #alue of no of discs '% di#iding the phase to earth #oltage !ith 1.=5). Once that is done then !e need to see its suita'ilit% !ith respect to E* strength. After this !e need to consider the force that the stack has to 'ear. (f !e ha#e a strain t%pe of fitting i.e. the stack has to 'ear hori$ontal conductor tension !eight load of the conductor !ind load ice load etc then the nu"'er of insulator discs re,uired "a% 'e "ore. But for a suspension t%pe s%ste" !hich has to 'ear onl% the !eight then nu"'er of discs re,uired "a% 'e less than !hat !e get '% di#iding '% 11. &hat is the reason !e ha#e seen onl% )51)6 discs in 6.. k# line

cause in that case the creep age o'tained "ust ha#e 'een enough & also the strain re,uire"ent. 55k# insulators are generall% used in a #ertical installation & are not stacked together 'ecause that !ill "ake the suspension #er% rigid /"! #o taps work the sa&e when a transfor&er is re(erse fed? &aps are nor"all% in the pri"ar% !inding to ad?ust for #ar%ing inco"ing #oltage. (f the transfor"er is re#erse fed the taps are on the output side and can 'e used to ad?ust the output #oltage. /'! Why &ay + get the wrong output (oltage when installing a step up transfor&er? &ransfor"er ter"inals are "arked according to high and lo! #oltage connections. An 8 ter"inal signifies a high #oltage connection !hile an N ter"inal signifies a lo!er #oltage connection. A co""on "isconception is that 8 ter"inals are pri"ar% and N ter"inals secondar%. &his is true for step do!n transfor"ers 'ut in a step up transfor"er the connections should 'e re#ersed. Lo! #oltage pri"ar% !ould connect to N ter"inals !hile high #oltage secondar% !ould connect on the 8 ter"inals. />! Can a single phase transfor&er be used on a three phase source? Ses. An% single phase transfor"er can 'e used on a three phase source '% connecting the pri"ar% leads to an% t!o !ires of a three phase s%ste" regardless of !hether the source is three phase 5-!ire or three phase 6-!ire. &he transfor"er output !ill 'e single phase. /G! Why in #ouble circuit wire are transposed ;- H B, B H B, B H -! &his is done to a#oid 1. ProBi"it% effect ). 4kin effect 5. /adio interference 6. /eduction in noise in co""unication 4ignals /*! $election of L1 &he #oltage rating of LA is selected asA Line #oltage B s,rt2))1 s,rt25) so for 11kC line its @kC (n that case also the #alues !ould not differ "uch if :e takes the &OC factor as 1.6. 8o!e#er !e can take the #alue of 1.G9 as &OC to 'e "ore precise. /3! Which is &ore dangerous 1C or #C Lo! fre,uenc% 2G. J 9. 8$) AC currents can 'e "ore dangerous than si"ilar le#els of 7C current since the alternating fluctuations can cause the heart to lose coordination inducing #entricular fi'rillation !hich then rapidl% leads to death.

8o!e#er an% practical distri'ution s%ste" !ill use #oltage le#els ,uite sufficient to ensure a dangerous a"ount of current !ill flo! !hether it uses alternating or direct current. 4ince the precautions against electrocution are si"ilar ulti"atel% the ad#antages of AC po!er trans"ission out!eighed this theoretical risk and it !as e#entuall% adopted as the standard. 0! What all are the applications where high speed grounding switches are used8 Qenerator neutral is earthed directl% or through distri'ution transfor"er. &his neutral earthing is through done through a s!itch. &his is general practice for onl% one generator. 3or t!o generators in parallel to a 'us the neutral earthing is different. (f 'oth the neutral earthing is closed the negati#e se,uence current !ill 'e flo!ing though 'oth the generator taking earth as path. &his leads to increase in loss and increase in te"perature 2&his "a% leads to false tripping also). 8ence once the second generator is s%nchroni$ed !ith the 'us or grid the neutral is isolated. -eutral grounding s!itch !e do not need a high speed grounding s!itch. A nor"al s!itch !ith the correct rating capacit% !ould also !ork. 2! What is $kin Effect and how does it happen?? According to farada%s la! of electro"agnetic induction a conductor placed in a changing "agnetic field induces an e"f. &he effect of 'ack e"f is "aBi"u" at the centre 'ecause of "aBi"u" lines of field there. 8ence the "aBi"u" opposition of current at inner side of conductor and "ini"u" opposition at the surface. 8ence the current tries to follo! at the surface. (t is due to this reason that !e take hollo! tu'e conductors in 'us duct. &aking into account the inductance effect its si"ple consider the 7C current. 4ince its constant & not #ar%ing hence no 'ack e"f 'ut if !e graduall% start increasing the fre,uenc% then the fluB cutting the conductor goes on increasing hence greater the fre,uenc% greater the alternating fluB cutting the conductor & hence greater the 'ack e"f & therefore greater the skin effect. /! Why we ground the sheath of single core power cables and to a(oid grounded at both the ends? A single core ca'le !ith a sheath is nothing 'ut a conductor carr%ing current surrounded '% another conductor 2sheath). 8ence the Alternati#e current in the conductor induces #oltages in the sheath or the ar"our. 8ence grounding these ca'les at 'oth ends !ill cause the potential of

the ar"our to 'e sa"e as ground potential & hence shall 'eco"e safe for the personnel. But grounding the ca'les at 'oth the end !ill cause a pro'le". (n that case the circulating currents !ill start flo!ing !ith the ar"or the ground & !ith the t!o ends of the grounding co"pleting the circuit. &his !ill also pro#ide path for the fault currents to flo!. 8ence this !hole thing !ill cause the ca'le to produce so"e ()/ losses hence heating & hence the current carr%ing capacit% !ill 'e de rated. &his s%ste" of ca'le earthing is called 'oth-end 'onding. &his s%ste" is suggested onl% !hen one !ants to a#oid the #oltage de#elop"ent 'ecause can either go !ith the de rated ca'le or if one updates the ca'le in ad#ance. :hen onl% one end of the ca'le sheath is grounded then there is no path for the circulating current to flo!. 8ence the current carr%ing capacit% of the ca'le !ill 'e good. But in this case potential !ill 'e induced 'et!een sheath & ground. &his potential is proportional to the length of the ca'le & hence this !ill li"it the length of the ca'le used. &his "ethod is called single point 'onding. &his is thus used onl% for short lengths. &here is another s%ste" called the cross 'onding s%ste" in !hich the sheath are sectionaliosed & cross connected so that the circulating currents are "ini"i$ed. Although so"e potential !ill also eBist 'et!een sheath & ground the sa"e 'eing "aBi"u" at the link 'oBes !here 'onding is done. &his "ethod pro#ides "aBi"u" possi'le current carr%ing capacit% !ith the "aBi"u" possi'le lengths. ! What is E#C & M#C type breaker? (n the Breakers for the operation spring charging is "ust. (n E7O 'reaker the spring charging is done !ith a "otor and dra! out "anuall% '% hand. so E7O "eans Electricall% spring charged 7ra! Out 'reaker (n *7O 'reaker the spring charging is also done '% hand "anuall% and dra! out a'out also '% hand onl%. so *7O "eans *anual spring charge 7ra! Out 'reaker "! Why transfor&er rating is in :61 or M61? Because po!er factor of the load is not defined in case of transfor"er that>s !h% it is not possi'le to rate transfor"er in H:. &he losses 2cu loss and iron loss) of the transfor"er depends on current and #oltage purel% not on load i.e phase angle 'et!een the current and #oltage i.e. !h% transfor"er rated in kCA &ransfor"er is not a load and ha#ing no effect on P.3 2that>s !h% no change in its po!er factor) and it onl% transfer the constant po!er fro"

one #oltage le#el to another #oltage le#el !ithout changing fre,uenc%. since 'oth the losses #i$ copper loss2depends on current) and iron loss2depends on #oltage) are independent of po!er factor that is !h% a &ransfor"ers rating is not on k: 'ut on HCA '! Why the secondary of C% ne(er open when burden is connected on the C%8? secondar% of C& is ne#er opened as 'ecause C& is al!a%s connected to the line so opening the secondar% !ill "ean there !ill 'e no counter ""f to 'alance the pri"ar% current as a result of !hich a #er% high induced e"f "a% appear in the secondar% as fluB is #er% high and no counter ""f and this !ill 'e dangerous for the personnel in the secondar% side and for pt if it is shorted then !ith full #oltage applied to the pri"ar%. (f !e short the secondar% then "uch high current !ill circulate in the secondar% due to high induced e"f "uch higher than the actual full load current as a result of !hich the transfor"er>s secondar% !inding "a% 'urn out. >! #istance relay setting $tep2D Qet the conductor 7etails 2i.e Positi#e 4e,uence ("pedance 2T) Tero 4e,uence ("pedance2T.)) !hich is in Pri"ar% #alue. Con#ert in ter"s of secondar% #alues. $tep / D Based upon the calculated #alue di#ide into #arious $ones Tone 1 23or!ard) "eans O.K of %our protected line length. Tone ) 23or!ard) "eans 1..K of protected line length I ).K Ad?acent 4hortest line Tone 5 23or!ard) "eans 1..K of protected line length I G.K Ad?acent Longest line. Tone 6 2/e#erse) "eans 1.K of protected line. G! #ifference between C% class 08/ and 08/$? 08/$ & 08'$ are special t%pe of "easure"ent C&s the% guarantee the declared accurac% e#en !ith ).K loading. And so"e definite error can 'e defined e#en !ith a load as lo! as 1K. &hus the% are suita'le for industries !here loads are co""issioned in steps or stages. Also for tariff "etering purposes. 08/$ is 4pecial class for "etering. (t is "ore accurate than ..) classes. Qenerall% if !e use ..)s class C& than CA 'urden of core is also co"e do!n.

(n ..) classes C& ratio & phase angle errors "ust 'e !ithin the specified li"its at GK ).K 1..K & 1).K of rated secondar% current. :hereas in ..)s class C& ratio & phase angle errors "ust 'e !ithin the specified li"its at 1K GK ).K 1..K & 1).K of rated secondar% current. Also in ..)s class /atio & Phase angle errors li"its are lo!er than ..) classes. *! Why we use inductors (nductors ha#e the propert% to oppose sudden changes in Current. :hen connected to the pri"ar% side of transfor"er if an% sudden short circuit 2#er% high) current flo!s due to so"e fault in the s%ste" the inductor !ill oppose the flo! of that current sa#ing the transfor"er. 4econdl% for the pro'le" of lagging current. Capacitors are connected across the inductor to i"pro#e the lagging current. 4o *ainl% (nductor is used to 2i) protected the transfor"er 2ii) sol#ed the pro'le" of lagging current. 3! Why do we need a bigger breaker when re(erse feeding a transfor&er? &%picall% the output !inding is !ound first and is therefore closest to the core. :hen used as eBciting !inding a higher inrush current results. (n "ost cases the inrush current is 1. to 1) ti"es the full load current for 111. of a second. :hen the transfor"er is re#erse fed the inrush current can 'e up to 19 ti"es greater. (n this case a 'igger 'reaker !ith a higher A(C rating "ust 'e used to keep the transfor"er online. "0! ,ow &any types of Neutral grounding syste&? &here are pri"aril% three t%pes of grounding s%ste" !hich areA ;2!$olid grounding J &he neutral point of the s%ste" is grounded !ithout an% resistance. (f the ground fault occurs high ground current passes through the fault. (ts use is #er% co""on in lo! #oltage s%ste" !here line to neutral #oltage is used for single phase loads. ;/! Low -esistance grounding ;L-A! J &his is used for li"iting the ground fault current to "ini"i$e the i"pact of the fault current to the s%ste". (n this case the s%ste" trips for the ground fault. (n this s%ste" the use of line to neutral 2single phase) is prohi'ited. &he ground fault current is li"ited to in the rage fro" )GA to 9..A. ; ! ,igh -esistance Arounding ;,-A! J (t is used !here ser#ice continuit% is #ital such as process plant "otors. :ith 8/Q the neutral is grounded through a high resistance so that #er% s"all current flo!s to the ground if ground fault occurs. (n the case of ground fault of one phase the fault% phase goes to the ground potential 'ut the s%ste" doesn>t trip. &his s%ste" "ust ha#e a ground fault "onitoring s%ste".

&he use of line to neutral 2single phase) is prohi'ited 2-EC )G..5925)) in 8/Q s%ste" ho!e#er phase to neutral is used !ith using the additional transfor"er ha#ing its neutral grounded. :hen ground fault occurs in 8/Q s%ste" the "onitoring s%ste"s gi#es alar" and the plant operators start the stand'% "otor and stop the fault% one for the "aintenance. &his !a% the process plant is not interrupted. &he ground fault current is li"ited to 1.A or less. &here are other t!o t%pes such as Corner Qrounding 2for 7elta s%ste") and +ngrounded s%ste" 'ut the% are not co""onl% used.


What do 1C &eters show, is it the -M$ or peak (oltage?

AC #olt"eters and a""eters sho! the -M$ (alue of the #oltage or current. 7C "eters also sho! the /*4 #alue !hen connected to #ar%ing 7C pro#iding the 7C is #ar%ing ,uickl% if the fre,uenc% is less than a'out 1.8$ %ou !ill see the "eter reading fluctuating instead. )) +n the trans&ission tower construction Middle ar& is longer than the upper and lower 1r&8 Conductor of +pper Ar" and Lo!er Ar" !ill sta% apart. &o pre#ent 'ig 'irds 2Ostriches etc) fro" 'u"ping their heads against the conductor a'o#e !hen the% sit on the !ire 'elo!. 7esigned to "aintain the "echanical re,uire"ent to pre#ent arching 'et!een conductors !hile "aintaining a to!er height that is "anagea'le and of course pre#enting head in?uries to 'irds &he ar"s are of different links to pre#ent a 'roken upper line fro" falling on one or "ore of the phase lines 'elo!. &he clearance fro" other phase. *utual inductance "ini"i$ation. Pre#enting droplet of !ater1ice to fall on 'otto" conductor. ! Why trans&ission line 22:( C- :6, >>:( not in 20k( /0k(? &he for" factor of an alternating current !a#efor" 2signal) is the ratio of the /*4 2/oot *ean 4,uare) #alue to the a#erage #alue 2"athe"atical "ean of a'solute #alues of all points on the !a#efor"). (n case of a sinusoidal !a#e the for" factor is approBi"atel% 1.11. &he second reason is so"ething historical and contradicts to the a'o#e state"ent. (n olden da%s !hen the electricit% 'eco"es popular the people had a "isconception that in the trans"ission line there !ould 'e a #oltage loss of around 1.K. 4o in order to get 1.. at the load point the% started sending 11. fro" suppl% side. (t has nothing to do !ith for" factor 21.11). -o!ada%s that thought has changed and !e are using 6.. C instead of 66. C or )5. C instead of )). C. Also alternators are no! a#aila'le !ith ter"inal #oltages fro" 1..G kC to 1G.G kC so generation in "ultiples of 11 does not arise. "! What is the difference between $urge 1rrester & Lightning 1rrestor %rans&ission Line Lightning 7rotection H Aeneral A &he trans"ission line to!ers !ould nor"all% 'e higher than a su'station structure unless %ou ha#e a "ulti-store% structure at %our su'station. Earth *ats are essential in all su'station areas along !ith dri#en earth electrodes 2unless in a dr% sand% desert site).

(t is like!ise nor"al to run catenaries> 2aerial earth conductors) for at least 1k* out fro" all su'station structures. &hose earth !ires to 'e properl% electricall% to each supporting trans"ission to!er and 'onded 'ack to the su'station earth s%ste". (t is i"portant to ha#e the catenaries> earth conductors a'o#e the po!er conductor lines at a sufficient distance and position that a lightning strike !ill not hit the po!er conductors. (n so"e cases it is thus an ad#antage to ha#e t!o catenar% earth conductors one each side of the trans"ission to!er as the% protect the po!er lines 'elo! in a 'etter "anner. (n lightning-prone areas it is often necessar% to ha#e catenar% earthing along the full distance of the trans"ission line. :ithout specifics 2and %ou could not presentl% gi#e to!er pictures in a Post 'ecause of a C/6 4er#er graphics upload pro'le") specifics !ould includeA $tructure Lightning 7rotection H AeneralA At the 4u'station it is nor"al to ha#e #ertical electrodes 'onded to the structure and pro?ecting up fro" the highest points of the structure !ith the location and nu"'er of those electrodes to 'e sufficient that if a lightning strike arri#ed it !ould al!a%s 'e a #ertical earthed electrode !hich !ould 'e struck rather than an% electrical e,uip"ent. (n so"e older outdoor su'station structures air-'reak isolator s!itches are often at a #er% high point in the structure and in those cases s"all structure eBtension to!ers are installed !ith electrodes at the tapered peak of those eBtension to!ers. &he eBtension to!ers are nor"all% 9.."" s,uare approBi"atel% until the eBtension to!er changes shape at the tapered peak and in so"e cases pro?ect up!ards fro" the general structure ) to 9 "etres !ith the electrode so"e ) to 5 "etres pro?ecting up!ards fro" the top of the eBtension to!er. &he su'station nor"all% has a Lightning Counter J !hich registers a strike on the structure or connected to earth conductors and the gathering of that infor"ation 2Lightning 7a%s nu"'er per 7a%1*onth1Sear A"perage of each strike) '! ,ow Corona #ischarge Effect Cccur in %rans&ission Line? (n a po!er s%ste" trans"ission lines are used to carr% the po!er. &hese trans"ission lines are separated '% certain spacing !hich is large in co"parison to their dia"eters. (n EBtra 8igh Coltage s%ste" 2E8C s%ste" ) !hen potential difference is applied across the po!er conductors in trans"ission lines

then air "ediu" present 'et!een the phases of the po!er conductors acts as insulator "ediu" ho!e#er the air surrounding the conductor su'?ects to electro static stresses. :hen the potential increases still further then the ato"s present around the conductor starts ioni$e. &hen the ions produced in this process repel !ith each other and attracts to!ards the conductor at high #elocit% !hich intern produces other ions '% collision. &he ioni$ed air surrounding the conductor acts as a #irtual conductor and increases the effecti#e dia"eter of the po!er conductor. 3urther increase in the potential difference in the trans"ission lines then a faint lu"inous glo! of #iolet colour appears together along !ith hissing noise. &his pheno"enon is called #irtual corona and follo!ed '% production of o$one gas !hich can 'e detected '% the odor. 4till further increase in the potential 'et!een the po!er conductors "akes the insulating "ediu" present 'et!een the po!er conductors to start conducting and reaches a #oltage 2Critical Breakdo!n Coltage) !here the insulating air "ediu" acts as conducting "ediu" results in 'reakdo!n of the insulating "ediu" and flash o#er is o'ser#ed. All this a'o#e said pheno"enon constitutes CO/O-A 7(4C8A/QE E33EC& in electrical &rans"ission lines. >! Methods to reduce Corona #ischarge EffectD Critical Breakdo!n #oltage can 'e increased '% follo!ing factors By increasing the spacing between the conductorsD Corona 7ischarge Effect can 'e reduced '% increasing the clearance spacing 'et!een the phases of the trans"ission lines. 8o!e#er increase in the phases results in hea#ier "etal supports. Cost and 4pace re,uire"ent increases. By increasing the dia&eter of the conductorD 7ia"eter of the conductor can 'e increased to reduce the corona discharge effect. B% using hollo! conductors corona discharge effect can 'e i"pro#ed. By using Bundled ConductorsD B% using Bundled Conductors also corona effect can 'e reduced this is 'ecause 'undled conductors !ill ha#e "uch higher effecti#e dia"eter co"pared to the nor"al conductors. By ?sing Corona -ings or Arading -ingsD &his is of ha#ing no greater significance 'ut i presented here to understand the Corona /ing in the Po!er s%ste". Corona /ings or Qrading /ings are present on the surge arresters to e,uall% distri'ute the

potential along the 4urge Arresters or Lightning Arresters !hich are present near the 4u'station and in the &rans"ission lines. G! ,ow to test insulators? Al!a%s re"e"'er to practice safet% procedures for the flash-o#er #oltage distance and use a sturd% enclosure to contain an insulator that "a% shatter due to stea" 'uild-up fro" "oisture in a ca#it% arcing produces intense heat an A* radio is a good /3(1arcing detection de#ice a 'ucket truck AC dielectric test set 215.HC) is a good test set for "ost pin and cap t%pe insulators. A recent article said the 7C #oltage re,uired to ;search out defects can 'e 1.@ ti"es the AC #oltage. (nsulators ha#e a nor"al operating #oltage and a flash-o#er #oltage. (nsulators can ha#e internal flash-o#er that are1are not present at nor"al operating #oltage. (f the /3( is present de-energi$e the insulator 2line) and if the /3( goes a!a% suspect the insulator 2line). &hen there can 'e insulators that ha#e arcing start !hen capacitor or other transients happen stop !hen the line is de-energi$ed or dropped 'elo! G.K of arc ignition #oltage. +sing a "eg-oh"-"eter can eli"inate defecti#e insulators that !ill i""ediatel% arc-o#er tripping the test set current o#erload. *! ,ow to Check Capacitor by Multi Meter8 *ost trou'les !ith Capacitors P either open or short. A "ulti "eter is good enough. A shorted C !ill clearl% sho! #er% lo! resistance. An open C !ill not sho! an% "o#e"ent on oh""eter. A good capacitor !ill sho! lo! resistance initiall% and resistance graduall% increases. &his sho!s that C is not 'ad. B% shorting the t!o ends of C 2charged '% oh""eter) "o"entaril% can gi#e a !eak spark. 3! ,ow to identify the starting and ending leads of winding in a &otor which is ha(ing > leads in the ter&inal bo@ (f it is a single speed "otor then !e ha#e to identif% 9 leads. +se (/ tester to identif% 5 !indings and their 9 leads. &hen connect an% t!o leads of t!o !inding and appl% s"all #oltage across it and "easure the current. &hen again connect alternate !indings of sa"e t!o !indings and appl% s"all a"ount of #oltage 2sa"e as 'efore) and "easure current. Check in !hich "ode %ou get the "aB current and then "ark it as a1a) & '1-'). Sou get "aB current !hen a)-'1 !ill 'e connected and #oltage applied 'et!een a1-'). 3ollo! the sa"e process to identif% a1-a) '1-') c1-c).no! !e !ill 'e a'le to connect it in delta or star.

20! Why the up to dia G0&&I li(e conductor, the earth cable &ust be sa&e si5e but abo(e dia G0&&I li(e conductor the earth conductor need to be only dia G0&&I? &he current carr%ing capacit% of a ca'le refers to it carrying a continuousload8 An earth ca'le nor"all% carries no load and under fault conditions !ill carr% a significant instantaneouscurrent but only for a short ti&e "ost /egulations define ..1 to G sec 'efore the fuse or 'reaker trips. (ts si$e therefore is defined '% different calculating para"eters. &he "agnitude of earth fault current depends onA 2a) the eBternal earth loop i"pedance of the installation 2i.e. 'e%ond the suppl% ter"inals) 2') the i"pedance of the acti#e conductor in fault 2c) the i"pedance of the earth ca'le. i.e. Fault current 0 (oltage . a J b J c -o! !hen the acti#e conductor 2') is s"all its i"pedance is "uch "ore than 2a) so the earth 2c) ca'le is si$ed to "atch. As the acti#e conductor gets 'igger its i"pedance drops significantl% 'elo! that of the eBternal earth loop i"pedance 2a)L !hen (t is ,uite large its i"pedance can 'e ignored. At this point there is no "erit in increasing the earth ca'le si$e i.e8 Fault current 9 (oltage . a J c 2c) is also #er% s"all so the fault current peaks out. &he neutral conductor is a separate issue. (t is defined as an acti#e conductor and therefore "ust 'e si$ed for continuous full load. (n a 5phase s%ste" (f 'alanced no neutral current flo!s. (t used to 'e co""on practice to install reduced neutral supplies and ca'les are a#aila'le !ith sa% halfsi$e neutrals 2re"e"'er a neutral is al!a%s necessar% to pro#ide single phase #oltages). 8o!e#er the increasing use of non-linear loads !hich produce har"onics has "ade this practice dangerous so for eBa"ple the current in so"e standard re,uire full si$e neutrals. (ndeed in 'ig +P4 installations ( install dou'le neutrals and earths for this reason. 22! ,ow to &easure %ransfor&er +&pedance? 3ollo! the steps 'elo!A 21) 4hort the secondar% side of the transfor"er !ith current "easuring de#ices 2A""eter) 2)) Appl% lo! #oltage in pri"ar% side and increase the #oltage so that the secondar% current is the rated secondar% current of the transfor"er. *easure the pri"ar% #oltage 2C1).

25) 7i#ide the C1 '% the rated pri"ar% #oltage of the transfor"er and "ultipl% '% 1... &his #alue is the percentage i"pedance of the transfor"er. :hen !e di#ide the pri"ar% #oltage C1 !ith the full load #oltage !e !ill get the short circuit i"pedance of the transfor"er !ith refereed to pri"ar% or T.1. 3or getting the percentage i"pedance !e need to use the for"ula 0 T.1M&ransfor"er *CA 124,uare of Pri"ar% line #oltage). 2/! Why Bus Couplers are nor&ally ")7ole8 Cr When Neutral +solation is re4uired? -eutral (solation is "andator% !hen %ou ha#e a *ains 4uppl% 4ource and a 4tand-'% Po!er 4uppl% 4ource. &his is necessar% 'ecause if %ou do not ha#e neutral isolation and the neutrals of 'oth the sources are linked then !hen onl% one source is feeding and the other source is O33 during an earth fault the potential of the O33 4ource>s -eutral !ith respect to earth !ill increase !hich "ight har" an% "aintenance personnel !orking on the O33 source. (t is for this reason that PCC (nco"ers & Bus Couplers are nor"all% 6-Pole. 2-ote that onl% either the inco"er or the 'us coupler needs to 'e 6-pole and not 'oth). 5pole or 6pole s!itches are used in changing o#er t!o independant sources !here the neutral of one source and the neutral of another source should not "iB the eBa"ples are electricit% 'oard po!er suppl% and standalone generator suppl% etc. the neutral return current fro" one source should not "iB !ith or return to another source. as a "andator% point the neutral of an% transfor"er etc are to 'e earthed si"ilarl% the neutral of a generator also has to 'e earthed. :hile paralling 2under uncontrolled condition) the neutral current 'et!een the ) sources !ill crises cross and create tripping of an%one source 'reakers. also as per (EC standard the neutral of a distri'ution s%ste" shall not 'e earthed "ore than once. "eans earthing the neutral further do!nstrea" is not correct 2 ! Why %hree NoEs of Current transfor&er in phase $tar point is grounded8 3or C&>s either %ou use for 5 phase or ) phase or e#en if %ou use onl% 1 C&>s for the O#er current Protection or for the Earth 3aults Protection their neutral point is al!a%s shorted to earth. &his is -O& as !hat %ou eBplain as a'o#e 'ut actuall% it is for the safet% of the C&>s !hen the current is passing thru the C&>s. (n generall% tripping of Earth faults and O#er current Protection has nothing to do !ith the earthing the neutral of the C&>s. E#en these C&>s

are not Qrounded or Earthed these O#er current and the Earth 3aults Protection /ela% still can operated. Operating of the O#er current Protection and the Earth 3aults /ela%s are '% the Hirchhoff La! Principle !here the total current flo!ing into the points is e,ual to the total of current flo!ing out fro" the point. &herefore for the earth faults protection rela%s operating it is that if the total current flo!ing in to the C&>s is -O& e,ual total current flo!ing 'ack out of the C&>s then !ith the differences of the leakage current the Earth 3aults /ela%s !ill operated. 2"! What is tertiary winding of %ransfor&er? Pro#iding a tertiar% !inding for a transfor"er "a% 'e a costl% affair. 8o!e#er there are certain constraints in a s%ste" !hich calls for a tertiar% transfor"er !inding especiall% in the case of considera'le har"onic le#els in the distri'ution s%ste". 3ollo!ing is an eBcerpt fro" the 'ook ;&he Y&P &ransfor"er Book<. &ertiar% !inding is "a% 'e used for an% of the follo!ing purposesA 2A)&o li"it the fault le#el on the LC s%ste" '% su'di#iding the infeed that is dou'le secondar% transfor"ers. 2B)&he interconnection of se#eral po!er s%ste"s operating at different suppl% #oltages. 2C) &he regulation of s%ste" #oltage and of reacti#e po!er '% "eans of a s%nchronous capacitor connected to the ter"inals of one !inding. (t is desira'le that a three-phase transfor"er should ha#e one set of three-phase !indings connected in delta thus pro#iding a lo!-i"pedance path for third-har"onic currents. &he presence of a delta connected !inding also allo!s current to circulate around the delta in the e#ent of un'alance in the loading 'et!een phases so that this un'alance is reduced and not so greatl% fed 'ack through the s%ste". 4ince the third-order har"onic co"ponents in each phase of a threephase s%ste" are in phase there can 'e no third-order har"onic #oltages 'et!een lines. &he third-order har"onic co"ponent of the "agnetising current "ust thus flo! through the neutral of a starconnected !inding !here the neutral of the suppl% and the starconnected !inding are 'oth earthed or around an% delta-connected !inding. (f there is no delta !inding on a star1star transfor"er or the neutral of the transfor"er and the suppl% are not 'oth connected to earth then line to earth capacitance currents in the suppl% s%ste" lines can suppl% the necessar% har"onic co"ponent. (f the har"onics cannot flo! in an% of these paths then the output #oltage !ill contain the har"onic distortion.

E#en if the neutral of the suppl% and the star-connected !inding are 'oth earthed then although the transfor"er output !a#efor" !ill 'e undistorted the circulating third-order har"onic currents flo!ing in the neutral can cause interference !ith teleco""unications circuits and other electronic e,uip"ent as !ell as unaccepta'le heating in an% li,uid neutral earthing resistors so this pro#ides an added reason for the use of a delta connected tertiar% !inding. (f the neutral of the star-connected !inding is unearthed then !ithout the use of a delta tertiar% this neutral point can oscillate a'o#e and 'elo! earth at a #oltage e,ual in "agnitude to the third-order har"onic co"ponent. Because the use of a delta tertiar% pre#ents this it is so"eti"es referred to as a sta'ili$ing !inding. :hen specif%ing a transfor"er !hich is to ha#e a tertiar% the intending purchaser should ideall% pro#ide sufficient infor"ation to ena'le the transfor"er designer to deter"ine the !orst possi'le eBternal fault currents that "a% flo! in ser#ice. &his infor"ation 2!hich should include the s%ste" characteristics and details of the earthing arrange"ents) together !ith a kno!ledge of the i"pedance #alues 'et!een the #arious !indings !ill per"it an accurate assess"ent to 'e "ade of the fault currents and of the "agnitude of currents that !ill flo! in the tertiar% !inding. &his is far prefera'le to the purchaser ar'itraril% specif%ing a rating of sa% 55.5K of that of the "ain !indings. 2'! Why do transfor&ers hu&? &ransfor"er noise is caused '% a pheno"enon !hich causes a piece of "agnetic sheet steel to eBtend itself !hen "agneti$ed. :hen the "agneti$ation is taken a!a% it goes 'ack to its original condition. &his pheno"enon is scientificall% referred to as &agnetostriction. A transfor"er is "agneticall% eBcited '% an alternating #oltage and current so that it 'eco"es eBtended and contracted t!ice during a full c%cle of "agneti$ation. &he "agneti$ation of an% gi#en point on the sheet #aries so the eBtension and contraction is not unifor". A transfor"er core is "ade fro" "an% sheets of special steel to reduce losses and "oderate the ensuing heating effect. &he eBtensions and contractions are taking place erraticall% all o#er a sheet and each sheet is 'eha#ing erraticall% !ith respect to its neigh'our so %ou can see !hat a "o#ing !rithing construction it is !hen eBcited. &hese eBtensions are "iniscule proportionall% and therefore not nor"all% #isi'le to the naked e%e. 8o!e#er the% are sufficient to cause a #i'ration and conse,uentl% noise. Appl%ing #oltage to a transfor"er produces a "agnetic fluB or "agnetic lines of force in

the core. &he degree of fluB deter"ines the a"ount of "agnetostriction and hence the noise le#el :h% not reduce the noise in the core '% reducing the a"ount of fluBW &ransfor"er #oltages are fiBed '% s%ste" re,uire"ents. &he ratio of these #oltages to the nu"'er of turns in the !inding deter"ines the a"ount of "agneti$ation. &his ratio of #oltage to turns is deter"ined "ainl% for econo"ical soundness. &herefore the a"ount of fluB at the nor"al #oltage is fiBed. &his also fiBes the le#el of noise and #i'ration. Also increasing 2or decreasing) "agneti$ation does not affect the "agnetostriction e,ui#alentl%. (n technical ter"s the relationship is not linear. 2>! ,ow can we reduce airborne noise? Put the transfor"er in a roo" in !hich the !alls and floor are "assi#e enough to reduce the noise to a person listening on the other side. -oise is usuall% reduced 2attenuated) as it tries to pass through a "assi#e !all. :alls can 'e of 'rick steel concrete lead or "ost other dense 'uilding "aterials. Put the o'?ect inside an enclosure !hich uses a li"p !all techni,ue. &his is a "ethod !hich uses t!o thin plates separated '% #iscous 2ru''er%) "aterial. As the noise hits the inner sheet so"e of its energ% is used up inside the #iscous "aterial. &he outer sheet should not #i'rate. Build a screen !all around the unit. &his is cheaper than a full roo". (t !ill reduce the noise to those near the !all 'ut the noise !ill get o#er the screen and fall else!here 2at a lo!er le#el). 4creens ha#e 'een "ade fro" !ood concrete 'rick and !ith dense 'ushes 2although the latter 'eco"es ps%chological) 7o not "ake an% reflecting surface coincident !ith half the !a#e length of the fre,uenc%. :hat does this "eanW :ell e#er% fre,uenc% has a !a#e length. &o find the !a#e length in air for instance %ou di#ide the speed of sound in air 2generall% understood as 115. feet per second) '% the fre,uenc%. (f a noise hits a reflecting surface at these di"ensions it !ill produce !hat is called a standing !a#e. 4tanding !a#es !ill cause re#er'erations 2echoes) and an increase in the sound le#el. (f %ou hit these di"ensions and get echoes %ou should appl% a'sor'ent "aterials to the offending !alls 2fi'reglass !ool etc.) 2G! What is polarity, when associated with a transfor&er? Polarit% is the instantaneous #oltage o'tained fro" the pri"ar% !inding in relation to the secondar% !inding. &ransfor"ers 9.. #olts and 'elo! are nor"all% connected in additi#e polarit%. &his lea#es one high #oltage and one lo! #oltage ter"inal unconnected. :hen the transfor"er is eBcited the resultant #oltage appearing across a #olt"eter

!ill 'e the su" of the high and lo! #oltage !indings. &his is useful !hen connecting single phase transfor"ers in parallel for three phase operations. Polarit% is a ter" used onl% !ith single phase transfor"ers. 2*! What is e@citing current? EBciting current is the current or a"peres re,uired for eBcitation. &he eBciting current on "ost lighting and po!er transfor"ers #aries fro" approBi"atel% 1.K on s"all si$es of a'out 1 HCA and less to approBi"atel% )K on larger si$es of =G. HCA. 23! Can a three phase transfor&er be loaded as a single phase transfor&er? Ses 'ut the load cannot eBceed the rating per phase and the load "ust 'e 'alanced. 2HCA15 per phase) For e@a&pleD A =G kCA 5 phase transfor"er can 'e loaded up to )G kCA on each secondar%. (f %ou need a 5. kCA load 1. kCA of load should 'e supplied fro" each secondar%. /0! What are taps and when are they used? &aps are pro#ided on so"e transfor"ers on the high #oltage !inding to correct for high or lo! #oltage conditions and still deli#er full rated output #oltages at the secondar% ter"inals. 4tandard tap arrange"ents are at t!o-and-one-half and fi#e percent of the rated pri"ar% #oltage for 'oth high and lo! #oltage conditions. 3or eBa"ple if the transfor"er has a 6O. #olt pri"ar% and the a#aila'le line #oltage is running at G.6 #olts the pri"ar% should 'e connected to the GK tap a'o#e nor"al in order that the secondar% #oltage 'e "aintained at the proper rating. /2! What is the difference between <+nsulating,= <+solating,=and<$hielded Winding= transfor&ers? (nsulating and isolating transfor"ers are identical. &hese ter"s are used to descri'e the isolation of the pri"ar% and secondar% !indings or insulation 'et!een the t!o. A shielded transfor"er is designed !ith a "etallic shield 'et!een the pri"ar% and secondar% !indings to attenuate transient noise. &his is especiall% i"portant in critical applications such as co"puters process controllers and "an% other "icroprocessor controlled de#ices. All t!o three and four !inding transfor"ers are of the insulating or isolating t%pes. Onl% autotransfor"ers !hose pri"ar% and secondar% are connected to each other electricall% are not of the insulating or isolating #ariet%. //! Can transfor&ers be operated at (oltages other than na&eplate (oltages?

(n so"e cases transfor"ers can 'e operated at #oltages 'elo! the na"eplate rated #oltage. (n -O case should a transfor"er 'e operated at a #oltage in eBcess of its na"eplate rating unless taps are pro#ided for this purpose. :hen operating 'elo! the rated #oltage the HCA capacit% is reduced correspondingl%. 3or eBa"ple if a 6O. #olt pri"ar% transfor"er !ith a )6. #olt secondar% is operated at )6. #olts the secondar% #oltage is reduced to 1). #olts. (f the transfor"er !as originall% rated 1. HCA the reduced rating !ould 'e G HCA or in direct proportion to the applied #oltage. / ! Can a $ingle 7hase %ransfor&er be used on a %hree 7hase source? Bes8 An% single phase transfor"er can 'e used on a three phase source '% connecting the pri"ar% leads to an% t!o !ires of a three phase s%ste" regardless of !hether the source is three phase 5-!ire or three phase 6-!ire. &he transfor"er output !ill 'e single phase. /"! Can %ransfor&ers de(elop %hree 7hase power fro& a $ingle 7hase source? No8 Phase con#erters or phase shifting de#ices such as reactors and capacitors are re,uired to con#ert single phase po!er to three phases. /'! Can $ingle 7hase %ransfor&ers be used for %hree 7hase applications? Bes8 &hree phase transfor"ers are so"eti"es not readil% a#aila'le !hereas single phase transfor"ers can generall% 'e found in stock. &hree single phase transfor"ers can 'e used in delta connected pri"ar% and !%e or delta connected secondar%. &he% should ne#er 'e connected !%e pri"ar% to !%e secondar% since this !ill result in unsta'le secondar% #oltage. &he e,ui#alent three phase capacit% !hen properl% connected of three single phase transfor"ers is three ti"es the na"eplate rating of each single phase transfor"er. 3or eBa"pleA &hree 1. HCA single phase transfor"ers !ill acco""odate a 5. HCA three phase load />! #ifference between -estricted Earth Fault & ?nrestricted Earth Fault protections? /estricted earth fault is nor"all% gi#en to on star connected end of po!er e,uip"ent like generators transfor"ers etc. "ostl% on lo! #oltage side. 3or /E3 protection 6 no>s C&s are using one each on phase and one in neutral. (t is !orking on the principle of 'alanced currents 'et!een phases and neutral. +nrestricted E13 protection

!orking on the principle of co"paring the un'alance on the phases onl%. 3or /E3 protection PN class C& are using 'ut for +/E3 GP). Cts using. 3or 7ifferential Protection C&s using on 'oth side 8& & LC side each phase and co"paring the un'alance current for this protection also PN class C&s are using. /G! Can transfor&ers be operated at (oltages other than na&eplate (oltages? (n so"e cases transfor"ers can 'e operated at #oltages 'elo! the na"eplate rated #oltage. (n -O case should a transfor"er 'e operated in eBcess of its na"eplate rating unless taps are pro#ided for this purpose. :hen operating 'elo! the rated #oltage the HCA capacit% is reduced correspondingl%. /*! ,ow &any types of cooling syste& it transfor&ers? O-A- 2oil natural air natural) O-A3 2oil natural air forced) O3A3 2oil forced air forced) O7:3 2oil direct !ater forced) O3A- 2oil forced air natural) /3! What is the function of anti)pu&ping in circuit breaker? !hen 'reaker is close at one ti"e '% close push 'utton the anti pu"ping contactor pre#ent re close the 'reaker '% close push 'utton after if it alread% close. 0! %here are a %ransfor&er and an induction &achine8 %hose two ha(e the sa&e supply8 For which de(ice the load current will be &a@i&u&? &he "otor has "aB load current co"pare to that of transfor"er 'ecause the "otor consu"es real po!er.. and the transfor"er is onl% producing the !orking fluB and it>s not consu"ing. 8ence the load current in the transfor"er is 'ecause of core loss so it is "ini"u". 2! Where the lighting arrestor should be placed in distribution lines? -ear distri'ution transfor"ers and out going feeders of 11k# and inco"ing feeder of 55k# and near po!er transfor"ers in su'-stations. /! Why #elta $tar %ransfor&ers are used for Lighting Loads? 3or lighting loads neutral conductor is "ust and hence the secondar% "ust 'e star !inding. and this lighting load is al!a%s un'alanced in all three phases. &o "ini"i$e the current un'alance in the pri"ar% !e use delta !inding in the pri"ar%. 4o delta 1 star transfor"er is used for lighting loads. ! NA- grounded syste& (s8 solidly grounded syste&

(n (ndia at lo! #oltage le#el 2655C) !e "ust do onl% 4olid Earthing of the s%ste" neutral. &his is '% (E /ules 1@G9 /ule -o. 91 21) 2a).Because if !e ha#e opt for i"pedance earthing during an earth fault there !ill 'e apprecia'le #oltage present 'et!een the faulted 'od% & the neutral the "agnitude of this #oltage 'eing deter"ined '% the fault current "agnitude and the i"pedance #alue. &his #oltage "ight circulate enough current in a person accidentall% co"ing in contact !ith the faulted e,uip"ent as to har" his e#en causing death. -ote that LC s%ste"s can 'e handled '% non-technical persons too. (n solid earthing %ou do not ha#e this pro'le" as at the instant of an earth fault the faulted phase goes to neutral potential and the high fault current !ould in#aria'l% cause the O#er current or short circuit protection de#ice to operate in sufficientl% ,uick ti"e 'efore an% har" could 'e done. "! Why #o not We Break Neutral in 1C Circuits? -eutral is connected to earth at so"e point thus it has so"e #alue as a return path in the e#ent of sa% and e,uip"ent earth 'eing fault%. (t>s a 'it like asking Z!h% don>t !e 'reak the Earth connection> (t !as stupid and dangerous as it !as possi'le for the neutral fuse to 'lo!L gi#ing the appearance of Zno po!er> !hen in fact the e,uip"ent !as still li#e. '! What is Mini&u& 6alue of +nsulation -esistance . 7olari5ation +nde@? Motor +nsulation -esistanceD &he accepta'le "eg-oh" #alue 0 "otor HC rating #alue I 1 23or LC and *C *otor). EBa"ple for a G HC "otor the "ini"u" phase to ground 2"otor 'od%) insulation is G I 1 0 9 "eg-oh". 7anel Bus +nsulation -esistanceD &he accepta'le "eg-oh" #alue 0 ) B HC rating of the panel. EBa"ple for a G HC panel the "ini"u" insulation is ) B G 0 1. "egoh" +EEE " H +N$?L1%+CN -E$+$%1NCE 1N# 7CL1-+K1%+CN +N#EL ;"in (/ at 6..C in *[) Minimum Insulation TEST SPECIMEN Resistance

For most windings made before about 1970, all field R1 min = kV+1 windings, and others not described below For most dc R1 min = 100 armature and ac windings built after about 1970 (form wound coils R1 min = ! >! For most machines with random "wound stator coils and form"wound coils rated below 1kV

What is ser(ice factor? 4er#ice factor is the load that "a% 'e applied to a "otor !ithout eBceeding allo!ed ratings. 3or eBa"ple if a 1.-hp "otor has a 1.)G ser#ice factorL it !ill successfull% deli#er 1).G hp 21. B 1.)G) !ithout eBceeding specified te"perature rise. -ote that !hen 'eing dri#en a'o#e its rated load in this "anner the "otor "ust 'e supplied !ith rated #oltage and fre,uenc%. Heep in "ind ho!e#er that a 1.-hp "otor !ith a 1.)G ser#ice factor is not a 1).G-hp "otor. (f the 1.-hp "otor is operated continuousl% at 1).G hp its insulation life could 'e decreased '% as "uch as t!o-thirds of nor"al. (f %ou need a 1).G-hp "otor 'u% oneL ser#ice factor should onl% 'e used for short-ter" o#erload conditions. G! Calculate the si5e the C% on the neutral point of the secondary side of 22.08"2' k6 %ransfor&er 3or high i"pedance rela%s 2differential or restricted earth fault rela%s) ZClass N> current transfor"ers are reco""ended to 'e used. Please note that 'oth C&s 2neutral & phase) shall ha#e the sa"e characteristics. &he follo!ing is an eBa"ple to si$e the C&A +nput dataD 111..61G kC )G.. HCA Po!er transfor"er &ransfor"er i"pedance is 9K Length of ca'le fro" neutral C& to the rela% is ).. " Cross section of C& ca'le to 'e used is 9 ""\ -copper and resistance is ....5) [1" $tep 2D Calculation of C% -ated 7ri&ary Current ( 0 kCA1 2..61G]1.=5)) 0 )G..1 2..61G]1.=5)) 0 56=O.11 A C& !ith pri"ar% current of "000 1 to 'e selected. 4elect the secondar% current of the C& 2 or ' 1. selecting 1 A secondar% current as the cross section and length of pilot !ires can ha#e a significant effect on the re,uired knee #oltage of the C& and therefore the si$e and cost of the C&. :hen the rela% is located so"e distance fro" the C& the 'urden is increased '% the resistance of the pilot !ires.

$tep /D Calculation of &a@i&u& Fault Current (ft 0 kCA1 2..61G]1.=5)B T) (ft 0 )G..1 2..61G]1.=5)]...9) 0 G=@9O.G@ A 2sa% '*000 1) $tep D Calculation of the :nee 6oltage of the C% ;6kp! Ckp 0 2)B (ftB 2/ctI/!)1C& transfor"ation ratio) :hereA /ct is the C& resistance 2to 'e gi#en '% the "anufacturer) 8ere /ct is1..) [. /!A total C& ca'le resistance0 )B ca'le length 2).. ") B !ire resistance0 )B)..B....5)0 1.)O [ C& transfor"ation ratio 0 C& Pri"ar% Current1C& 4econdar% Current C& transfor"ation ratio 0 6...1G0 O.. A for C& !ith G A secondar% currentL or C& transfor"ation ratio 0 6...110 6... A for C& !ith 1 A secondar% current. :e !ill use 1 A in this eBa"ple. Ckp 0 2)BGO...B 21..)I1.)O)16...)0 >>8G 68 &he Ckp of the C& should 'e higher than the setting of rela% sta'ilit% #oltage 2Cs) to ensure sta'ilit% of the protection during "aBi"u" &hrough fault current. &o calculate the sta'ilit% #oltage !e should follo! the related for"ula gi#en '% the rela% "anufacturer as each rela% "anufacturer has its o!n for"ula. !e "a% calculate the Ckp as a'o#e using a C& !ith secondar% current of G A and %ou !ill notice the difference in the Ckp. *! When should we use Molded Case Circuit Breakers and Mini Circuit Breakers? *CB is *iniature Circuit Breaker since it is "iniature it has li"itation for 4hort Circuit Current and A"p /atingMCBD *CB are a#aila'le as 4inge "odule and used for A -u"'er of Pole A- 1 ) 5 6 J 1I - & 5 I +suall% Current range for A.C. G.-9. 8T is fro" ..G A"p J 95 A"p. Also a#aila'le O.A 1..A and 1)G A"p. 4C are li"ited 1. HA Applications are asA J (ndustrial Co""ercial and /esidential application. &ripping Cur#eA 21) B /esisti#e and lighting load 2)) C *otor Load 25) 7 8ighl% inducti#e load. MCCBD *CCBA J *oulded Case Circuit Breaker.

*CCB are a#aila'le as 4inge "odule and used for A-u"'er of Pole A- 5 pole & 6 Pole Current range for A.CA 3or 5.) 19.511).G1)G1G.11..11)G119. A"p and 4hort Circuit Capacit% )G15G19G HA. 3or ).. )G. A"p and 4hort Circuit Capacit% )G15G19G HA 3or 6.. 95.1O.. A"p and 4hort Circuit Capacit% G. HA Protection release A 4tatic &rip A- Continuous ad?usta'le o#erload protection range G. to 1.. K of the rated current Earth fault protection can 'e add on !ith ad?usta'le earth fault pick up setting 1G to O. K of the current. *icro processor Based releaseA O#er load rated current ..6 to1.. in steps of o.1 of in trip ti"e at 9.. K (r 2sec) ..)...G 1 1.G ) 5 4hort Circuit A-) to1. in steps of 1 lr short ti"e dela% 2sec) ...)....G ..1 ..) ..5 (nstantaneous pick up A) to1. in steps of 1 in Qround fault pick up 7isa'leA ..) to ..O in steps of ..1 of in Qround fault dela% 2sec)A ..1 to ..6 in steps of ..1 *CB 2*iniature Circuit Breaker) &rip characteristics nor"all% not ad?usta'le factor% set 'ut in case of *CCB 2*oulded Case Circuit Breaker) &rip current field ad?usta'le.

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