"We Owe Our Children, The Most Vulnerable Citizens

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Ana Luca Chaves Barquero LM-1475 May 6, 2011 In Defense of the Defenseless

"We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear." Nelson Mandela

The children and of Costa Rica need your help. We are tired of making the news when we get hit, burned, and raped. We cannot defend ourselves from you the adults. Despite how often we appear in your televisions and newspapers, nothing is done to protect us. We are sad and tired. Things were not supposed to be this way, at our age we should just be playing and learning, instead of being your personal punching bags. We cannot run away from our violent homes because we are kids and are completely dependent on you, the adults, tall people who are here to take care of us, to teach us and love us. Our bones have been broken, our faces bruised, our skin burned. We have had enough abuse. We demand that all of you, the adults, take responsibility for your actions. You were the ones who decided to have children, and along with that decision you had to take care of us, teach us, and love us. Do not blame us for your decisions. We want all the adults to get together and defend us from the abuse, whether you are a mommy and daddy or not. We want our homes to be safe, we are tired of being afraid. We want you to stop buying gunpowder products that can burn

us, it hurts. We have far too many scars for our size. Sometimes we even wonder why you decided to have children when you did not want to. We want to sleep peacefully at night, and not be awakened by mommy yelling at daddy or daddy yelling at mommy. When we see other children whose parents protect and take care of them all the time we feel sad; we never misbehave, we are obedient and yet we are not as lucky as they are. We believe that every one of us should be treated with love and patience. We do not know as much as you, and we may not be as tall but we have the same the same feelings that you do. We want the other adults out there to stop acting like they dont k now we are defenseless and big people are hurting us. Stop ignoring us! There are hundreds of us and every year there is more and more going to the Hospital Nacional de Nios. The doctors there are really good to us but we would be happier if none of us had to visit there at all. We know we are little, and sometimes hard to see; however, if you open your eyes and heart you will see tears rolling down our cheeks. We are little but we exist, and we need your help, your patience, and your love. Please, get informed about our situation and do as much as you can. We need all the tall people who care to join our cause to stop abuse. When you see one of us hurting, try to help him or her, make a difference. You may be saving more lives than you will ever know by setting an example in society. Tall people, please help us defend our defenseless little bodies from all the abuse. Remember what Dr. Seuss says: A persons a person, no matter how small.

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