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Tadena, Jesse Israel F. Lacson ave. Celesitial Marie Blgd, Sampaloc City Cellular: 09278 !8"72 or #mail: jessetadena@yahoo.

com _________________________________________________________________________ __ OBJECTIVE A fresh yet knowledgeable nurse seek ng a de!and ng and a""ountable role of nurse where !y sk lls, nfor!at on and know#how "an be used effe"t $ely for the health of %at ents. Very $ gorous w th w sdo! of res%ons b l t es and a"t n res%onse $ery ra% d and "onf dently on e!ergen" es. &E' (&I))( * (T+E,-T.( / Very sk lled n o%erat ng and !on tor ng !ed "al e0u %!ent or a%%aratus / Outstand ng knowledge of Ass st ng n surgery and other !ed "al %ro"edures / Able to !anage !ed "at ons and treat!ents as %res"r bed by a %hys " an or n kee% ng w th well#known %ol " es and %roto"ols / -reat "a%ab l ty to assess %at ents to re"ogn 1e "orre"t nurs ng nter$ent ons / &nowledge of !on tor ng, assess ng, address ng do"u!ent and re%ort sy!%to!s and "hanges n %at ents2 "ond t ons / E3"ellent Co!%uter and 4( 5ord (k lls 5O+& E67E+IE,CE Volunteer ,urse 8 (e% 9::; #4ay 9:<: Tagud n -eneral .os% tal and Ca% llar as s Center (E4I,A+(=T+AI,I,-( ATTE,>E> /7ed atr " Assess!ent I4CI A%%roa"h #Feb 9::? EC- Inter%retat on,Arter al Blood -ases Inter%retat on /Bas " ) fe (u%%ort @Card o%ul!onary +esus" tat onA #August 9::; /+egular I.V. Tra n ng 7rogra! #O"t 9::; /4assage Thera%y ,C II #Jul <9, 9:<:#>e" <, 9:<: Fran" s"o ). A0u ntey Foundat on In". E>BCATIO, EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATIONS B( n ,urs ng Far Eastern Bn $ers ty, 4an la # 9:<C Current 7h l %% ne +, l "ense )ICE,(B+E / +eg stered ,urse @+,A, 7+C ) "ense D :E?<:9F / 4 dw fery, 7+C ) "ense D :<C<?G?

SAMPLE COVER LETTER 10 Madison Drive Newark, DE 19711

Jan ar! "0, #00$ Ms% S san &a's(, RN, )SN N rse Re*r i+er T(e Medi*a' Co''e,e oPenns!'vania .os/i+a' ""0 .enr! Aven e P(i'ade'/(ia, PA 191#9 Dear Ms% &a's(0 1n Ma! #00$, 1 wi'' ,rad a+e -ro2 +(e 3niversi+! o- De'aware wi+( a )a*(e'or o- S*ien*e De,ree in N rsin,% As a +ea*(in, -a*i'i+! wi+( a wide varie+! o- *'ini*a' se++in,s, !o r (os/i+a' o--ers +(e o//or+ ni+! -or 2e +o - r+(er deve'o/ 2! know'ed,e and ski''s and ,row as a /ro-essiona' n rse% 1 wo 'd 'ike +o a//'! -or a /osi+ion as a ,rad a+e n rse a+ T(e .os/i+a' o- +(e Medi*a' Co''e,e o- Penns!'vania% As 2! en*'osed res 2e indi*a+es, 1 / rs ed e4*e''en*e in n rsin, s+ dies as de2ons+ra+ed 5! 2! a*ade2i* (onors% M! *'ini*a' e4/erien*e and vo' n+eer work (ave e--e*+ive'! /re/ared 2e +o 5e,in e2/'o!2en+ as a ,rad a+e n rse% Seein, *'ien+s in +(eir (o2es +(ro ,( 2! Visi+in, N rse Asso*ia+ion e4/erien*e (as ,iven 2e insi,(+ in+o +(e (o'is+i* needs o- (os/i+a'i6ed *'ien+s so +(a+ +(e! 2a! s **ess- ''! ada/+ and *on+in e re*over! a+ (o2e% T(ank !o -or ,ivin, 2! res 2e *are- ' *onsidera+ion% 1 a2 'ookin, -orward +o 2ee+in, wi+( !o soon +o dis* ss /ossi5'e e2/'o!2en+ wi+( +(e .os/i+a' o- +(e Medi*a' Co''e,e o- Penns!'vania% Sin*ere'!, Erika N rse En*'os re

Sara K. Peter 2$ #%ample Street, &ouston '( 98888 )Contact *+, )#mail ,ddress+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OBJECTIVE #nt.usiastic and /res. registered nurse 0123 4it. particular e%perience in mental .ealt. unit. 5eveloped 4ell-6uilt psyc.iatric-assessment and treatment -planning s7ills t.roug. current interns.ip at &ouston 5epartment o/ Corrections. 8nderstanding o/ psyc.otropic medicine management, supervision and training. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS 'rust4ort.y, decent personnel 4it. aptitude to stay peace/ul in urgent situations. 9ntervene during emergency, /acilitates groups and learning seminars, and colla6orates on multidisciplinary teams. 5emonstrated a6ility to 6uild constructive relations.ips 4it. patients, /amily mem6ers, p.ysicians and .ealt. pro/essionals. EDUCATION &ouston College o/ 2ursing, &ouston '( : ;une 2009 Bac.elor o/ Science in 2ursing 0BS23, <=,: ".! 05ean>s List3 ACHIEVEMENTS ? C.osen as one o/ only seven student nurses to 6e admitted into interns.ip program a/ter t.oroug. selection process. ? 'reated a usual o/ @ patients every day. <ained 7no4ledge in procedures /or instance cryot.erapy and trigger-point inAections. ? Success/ully completed training in team 6uilding, administration o/ assaultive 6e.aviors and psyc.otropic-medication management. EXTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ;an 20 0 B ;une 20 &ouston 5epartment o/ Corrections, &ouston '( 2ursing #%terns.ip ? ,ctively too7 part in development and e%ecution o/ individual action plans /or patients 4it. 4ide variety o/ mental .ealt. issues ? Ma7e sure doctors> orders 4ere e//iciently carried out, 4it. testing, medical procedures, consultations and stat orders /or /ive-point control ? Served as 9nternee 12 at .ospital located inside ma%imum-security correctional /acility .ousing around ", 00 inmates ? ,ssigned to t.e mental .ealt. disaster unit and played a main role on interdisciplinary team o/ psyc.iatrists, 12s, social 4or7ers and adAustment o//icers May 2008 B ;an 20 0 &ouston 5o4nto4n &ospital, &ouston '( Student 2urse C Clinical 1otations ? &andled medicine management, dressing c.anges, 9Ds and all aspects o/ nursing care ? Eacilitated admissions, disc.arges and transportF organiGed notes and documentation ? Hor7ed under t.e direction o/ an 12 providing 6edside concern, action and clinical documents /or patients on cardiac, oncology and medical-surgical /loors SKILLS ? =atient and 1elatives #ducation ? =atient Support

? Case IrganiGation ? Critical-Care 2ursing ? =atient #valuation ? =syc.iatric 2ursing ? Juality K =ermanence o/ Care ? ;C,&I StandardsC Compliance ? Medicine ,dministration AFFILIATIONS ? 'e%as State 2urses ,ssociation, Mem6er : ;an 2009 - =resent ? Buc7s =syc.iatric &ospital, Dolunteer : ;une 2007 - =resent

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