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Car Hop All rights reserved, Lila K. Davis


The cream of the crop rumbled through The Tick-Tock just about sundown. Larry Preston parked his shinny new Chevy Bel-Air with optimum skill then flashed his headlights to signal the waitress he needed car service. His five passengers were snapping their fingers and bee-bopping to count Basies Jumping at the Woodside as headbeams cast bumpy streams of light into the dark, drizzly nights atmosphere _ engine purring like a Cheshire cat. Wiperblades clicked rhythmically, clickity-clack, clickity-clack, keeping time to the beat of the orchestra while the others bobbed their heads in sync with the rhythm of the blades unknowingly. Broadly speaking the consensus was, in essence, that Rose was the coolest car hop ever and due to her incredible popularity it became more and more difficult to locate parking in her section. When business was slow she allowed the youths to hangout, not insisting they order something as car hops often did. She was very wise and believed in the old adage: Do not bite the hand that feeds you. She bestowed them service with a smile, rewarding each her undivided attention, regarding all as importantly as anyone else was, not simply tolerating them as was her job to do so. Rose considered her patrons true friends and vice a versa. The group never failed to show their gratuity upon ordering something. When arriving in fully loaded cars, as was usually the custom, her tips could add up to a pretty-penny. They always calculated her bonus first before ever ordering anything, and setting it aside. Then pooled the remains of their vast fortune to select what they wanted. There wasnt a standard for tipping in those days. Servers were generally tipped according to what the individual deemed proper. Ten to fifteen cents per person was a nifty tip back then. If one were feeling flush they might shell out as much as .25 cents each, which was considered a gob of dough for a kid back then _ plenty for an adult even! Rose began to approach their vehicle and all eyes shifted in her direction _ skating graciously, as ever confident in her abilities. She managed to maneuver her perimeter without ever dropping that intermittent tray now and again or to take that catastrophic nosedive. Occasionally shattered platters could be heard off in the distance. Quickly glancing up one might catch a fleeting glimpse of some car hop toppling end over end, arms and legs flailing wildly in midair then, body all askew, clothing disheveled, lying there kitty-wampus on the concrete _ dishes everywhere!

Skating wasnt Brees forte whether in a roller-rink or an ice-rink _ thanks to her weak and flimsy ankles. As often happened theyd cave on her without any warning, usually propelling her headfirst down to good old mother earth! Returning home once from a shopping spree with her mother she scurried up the driveway anticipating trying on her newly acquired suit of clothing when without any warning whatsoever both ankles buckled out from beneath her and flatly falling lacerated both her knees! Prior to this freaky accident shed managed to skin only one knee per unhappy occasion _ this was double the pleasure! What did Mary do, adding insult to injury she laughed hysterically upon viewing her daughters twisted limp body sprawled across the pavement! As Bree sobbed in agony, and between spasms of pain she finally cried-out It hurts, Mother! How could you! Naturally, Mary apologized. But honestly, Bree, she insisted. If you could have only seen the expression on your face as you went sailing down the driveway youd have laughed too! Yeah, right, she thought! Never before had she suffered such excruciating pain _ both knees grotesquely scarred! Great gooey scabs eventually forming over the wounds once the healing process began, turning to greenish brown in color, itching like the devil! Brees own description of the shade was shit brindle brown, but neither she nor any of her girlfriends swore in those days, which was considered unlady-like by the fellas. She and friends in the group developed code words for profanity and the encryption for that particular swear word became shite, which appeared to suffice the guys though they were probably able to grasp what they really meant! If either knee was bumped in the slightest_ blood would spurt out everywhere! Then restoration would begin anew. Complete recovery often took weeks, sometimes months, depending upon how badly they were clobbered. There wasnt any way to conceal the ugly scabs when school was in session. In those days proper attire for schoolgirls didnt include Capri pants, let alone blue jeans, forget about shorts, and maxies were not yet in fashion. She was teased endlessly by her peers, barraged with comments such as: Arent you a little old for crawling around on your hands and knees (Tee Hee.) Or worse even: Man, where did you get those ugly rug burns (Ha Ha .) Following her latest disaster she innocently asked her mother whether shed put her in high-top shoes as a toddler? Lord, she almost came unglued! Of course you wore high-tops! You and your sisters wore Buster Brown shoes exclusively until you graduated kindergarten, saying indignantly! Then What kind of a mother do you take me for, anyway? There were times, Bree thought, when Mary took things much too seriously!


What will you have, Bree, Rose asked, plunking down the small metal tray, A cherry -coke? Yes, please, thank you, Rose. Bree was secretly thrilled that Rose remembered her name let alone her choice of beverage, though she managed to fake nonchalance, hidden well beyond the shroud of ego hers had risen to the pinnacle of The TickTock! Rose often provided Bree with the self-assurance she at times appeared to lack, innately sensing it crucial to her nature, therefore deliberately feeding it. The roof of the Tick-Tock held a realistic looking ice cream cone, chockfull of what was supposedly vanilla ice cream, cement no doubt, overflowing with chocolate fudge syrup running all down the sides of it _ probably dark brown paint. The make believe waffle cone was made of wood, and the tartan striping looked authentic. The cone was as tall, possibly taller, than a two-story building, and was the town landmark. A colossal clock was built into the cones center. Driving-past one could easily decipher the time of day, which really came in handy considering few teenagers owned wrist watches back in the day _ forget about car clocks, they were almost non-existant _ lucky to have radio and heater! The reality that teens were ever punctual was amazing given their circumstance. Somehow, though, the group managed to be on time with regularity. The Tick-Tock and Company owned bragging rights to the cities first outdoor clock, and was located near City Center. Mostly everyone ordered cherry cokes in those days. Occasionally one might request a vanilla coke, but cherry cokes were the order of the day. Oftentimes the girls would share an order of fries at other times a coke, and the nerve to ask for double straws! Guys never shared _ no doubt considered unmanly! Rose skated off to fill their orders. The attractive up to the minute teens stared after-her. She was considered stacked and gorgeous. One even tackier term the fellas often used to describe her charms was built like a brick shit house. The terminology seemed peculiar when one realized the circle of friends consisted mainly of city slickers _ never seen one, much less used one and completely clueless as to the inappropriateness of the term, likely handed down by one of their fathers since several of them had grown-up on farms.

She had an hourglass figure and long dark wavy hair. Blondes then were not the in thing unlike today. Fellas preferred more-healthier looking females in the fifties. Bleaching the hair was unpopular (unless one was a bad girl) and natural blondes were considered a sickly lot! Rose was approximat ely twenty-one, twenty-two years of age _ ancient in their eyes! Be that as it may many of the fellas tried hitting on her, but shed have none of it. She was the girl-next-door personified, which meant in fifties lingo she didnt put out. She was a respectable gal who would wait for her Prince Charming to come galloping in on his white charger. The girls had been traipsing down Main Street that evening heading for the Tick-Tock when they got lucky. Tom and Larry happened by, spotting them, and pulled over. They were among the best liked guys in the entire school with the possible exception of Michael, who was everyones favorite! Larry stuck his head out the window , yelling, Where you gals headed? Were going to the Tick-Tock to get a cherry coke, piped up Lilly. Well, hop in then, he said. Thats where were headed. They piled in the car happy to have a ride. Each girl knowing it was the absolute coolest thing to do _ riding with the guys to the Tick-Tock. The appeal was so staggering it helped bolster their self-esteem not to mention morale. It was plenty cool enough to go to the Tick-Tock with a date also, just not as cool. The supreme coolest in their estimation was riding with a mixture of boys and girls, as they were that night. The Tick-Tock was the happening place; it was where the in-crowd hung out. Other groups hung there as well _ bikers for one, low riders and nerds for another, though everyone got along. Nerds were called eggheads in those days, or bookworms. Sometimes white -shoes as they preferred those to the hipper cordovan penny-loafers popular at the time, those guys were usually on the golf team and were used to wearing white shoes. Placing pennies in the slots was pass by 51. Anyone caught doing that most assuredly wasnt in the know, not cool at all! Ditto rolling-up T-shirt sleeves with a pack of Chesterfields tucked inside and was nicely demonstrated in the film flick American Graffiti which, supposedly was based on the sixties, but in reality was a tale of the late forties and fifties. Low riders drove hunkered down in their seats, viewing the world from the space between the horn and upper portion of the steering wheel. They drove so very, very, slowly, consisting mostly of Hispanic-Americans and were without a doubt the safest drivers in America. Chicks never feared for their welfare when riding with anyone in that group. They were a proud, exceptional group of citizens who never got into trouble _ ever!

Larry had only recently received his brand new Bel-Aire, which boasted the latest hardtop and was two-toned in colors. The top was pea green, and the bottom olive green. The dual tones were that of chartreuse. Chartreuse was very big then. The two colors contrasted nicely, creating a very classy looking chassis _ a richness that defied gaudiness. The car was built low to the ground sporting twin tail pipes which, was the latest trend at the time. Tom and Larrys parents were well heeled, which wasnt the case with Brees own parents who were middle class blue-collar workers. Her closest confidants were also somewhere in the middle _ connected by circumstance they were very much at ease with one another. Both guys were terrific in every way and best friends since grammar school. Unlike some of the others whose families had amassed great wealth, neither was stuck on themselves. Marta was the extreme opposite, and poster child for acting snobbish. The clique nicknamed her Mata Hari because she thought she was better than anyone else was, and never made any bones about it either! She never seemed to get the message that the group of girls so strived to deliver which was: They didnt appreciate the flaunting of her affluence at every single curve. She could have everything her heart desired while others could only dream of having the things she took for granted everyday of her life. Marta based her feelings of grandeur on the verity that her father earned oodles and oodles of dough _ rackedup in waste management for the city. It didnt bother her one whit that her old man was a garbage man! He became superintendent of Granite Sewer and Waste Management. His company contracted with the City of Granite for as many years as anyone could remember, and because the Mayor signed his John Henry to these contracts her family made-out like bandits and possibly were! To Martas way of thinking his success handed her the extreme makeover shed always wished for: In a sense recreating, ever changing, up -lifting her to the high state of beatification. Many horror stories have been written regarding the nouveau riche, and Marta filled the bill to a tee. These contracts, however, werent written in stone, and periodically were up for review. The familys fortune and future was up to the discretion of the Mayor although you would have never known it to hear her talk! Funny, the old Mayor didnt mind his daughter running around in Brees group. At least they were good enough for the Mayors daughter, whom everyone liked and admired. Sheila never put on airs of superiority. Everyone remembered how dashing shed looked that day, how daring shed been when abruptly lopping off her locks in the latest Prince Valiant hairstyle. Though it looked devastating on her, there wasnt this mad, sudden dash, of chicks parading to the salon to duplicate her do. It was a trendy mode that most girls couldnt have worn and gotten away with as they say, but Sheila managed superbly. Her hair statement was the talk of the town for weeks on end. She had been nurtured in the throes of wealth and leisure, accustomed to it in every sense of the word, and in the purest sense thought absolutely nothing of it _ just common, ordinary folk, in her own mind. She never discussed

the fact that her old man was the Mayor _ ever, though she certainly was aware they all knew. Circle members found that soooh alluring! Sheila was a good-looking chick, very statuesque. Perhaps the oddest thing in her regard was that she had the stubbiest feet since Bambi first appeared on the silver screen _ of course hers were hooves! Bree once asked her what size shoe she wore; her reply was a four. That really blew her mind! Especially since shed been cramming her own puppies into size sixes for years, and Sheila was a much stealthier framed person than was Bree. Once Bree asked whether she believed her feet were sufficient enough to provide the proper balance for her structure. Her reply was that she feared not, explaining that her perception was usually that of standing on a mountains ledge and gravity was pulling her down, down, down. Upon hearing that small tidbit and having spent much of her youth yearning for smaller feet she quickly changed her mind!


They spotted Rose heading in their direction carrying two trays for the front windows. Many car hops refused to use extra trays if customers ordered only beverages, as was the case on that particular night, which was a pain since automakers hadnt yet designed a car interior that included beverage cup holders. If you had a window seat, as had Bree that evening one could sit their drink down, otherwise either be forced to hold it for the duration or chance sitting it on the floor and spilling it. Setting the tray down Rose asked, Anything else I can get you, Bree? No, thanks, Rose, only have you seen Bobby tonight? No, not tonight, Bree, she said. Okay, thanks, Rose. She left. Bree, hes nothing but a little creep, Lilly said, interrupting her thoughts. Who is, she asked, startled, lost in thought. You know very well to whom I am speaking _ Bobby thats who! Bree and Bobby had been dating for several months_ going steady she presumed _ as did everyone. Lilly had barely spoken the words when Bree spotted Bobbys maroon colored Plymouth pull into the drive. He cruised on

past their vehicle _ several peroxide blondes in tow. One practically sitting in his lap _ you couldnt have wedged a knife between them! The other was virtually hanging out the passenger window like some love-starved starlet needing exposure and you guessed it _ they were hanging out too! The blond bombs were trying their damnedest to attract attention _ they did! Half the dinners were watching them; the other half were looking at Bree looking at them. She felt so ashamed _ so embarrassed, all she wanted to do was die! Tom put his hand on her shoulder giving it a little pat saying she shouldnt concern herself with Bobby. He wasnt even good enough to touch the ground she walked on! How sweet, she thought. Bree, Tom said. Bobby doesnt deserve you _ he never has, and he certainly doesnt give a hoot about you or he wouldnt be flaunting those blonde floozies in your face! I realize that, Tom, she said. Oh, if only knowing that could erase all the pain and shame _ that would be great! This guy had already wreaked so much havoc in her life. Now for all her troubles he practically dumped these scantily clad lamebos in her lap, and to think shed once imagined herself madly in love with this little creep! Tom squeezed her hand. She liked him a lot! It suddenly occurred to her that she hadnt visibly seen Bobby in the car at all _ only the dizzy duo and possibly an unidentified person driving. Perhaps hed loaned the car to his brother _ or to a friend? Again she spotted his car cruising through the drive-in, more slowly this time, meandering, possibly wanting to make certain he received her full attention this time? The driver appeared to be looking her way as the car approached _ then reaching it, hovered there for several seconds. Bobby raised-up slightly in his seat, pushing aside the airhead to make certain Bree saw him the second time around, then staring at her dead-on. She stared right back at him, it was eyeball to eyeball for what seemed eons to her, but was merely a matter of seconds. Then she locked in hard her steely glare, twisting it like a dagger, until his own guilt made him look away. Hooray! She had won the duel of the stares! Larry drove her home afterward. She couldnt have been good company after that, but no one expected her to be. Her spirit was drained away. She felt as if shed undergone a milking, and in some ways she had. The four-flusher never called her again _ never explained why hed treated her so second-rate. He did tell mutual friends hed known shed be at the Tick-Tock that evening, and actually wanted to be caught cheating. Driving through the Tick-Tock with several bomshells aboard was one sure way to accomplish that _ saving him all the trouble of doing it like a man. If she hadnt been there she certainly would have heard about it come Monday morning! The guy was a piece of work, even for the fifties! She never spoke to him again.

Bobby graduated that summer. Having celebrated whole-heartedly most of the day he became intoxicated by graduation time and was sent packing empty handed _ not permitted to participate in the ceremony though he had sobered up some by afternoon. He didnt receive his diploma until several weeks later. Officials hoped to set an example for future candidates seeking high school diplomas while inebriated. He turned nineteen soon after and was drafted in the Army. Later she learned through a mutual friend that he impregnated a girl, then deserting her several months after bootcamp, was shipped off to Korea. Her one saving grace was that she hadn't gone all the way with Bobby. She probably would have been among the teenaged suicides that year, all one of them if she had of. Teen suicides were a non-issue in those days. Youths seemed to understand that, yes; there was life after high school back then. . The weekend following this fiasco, Tom asked Bree for a date and she accepted. They decided to take-in a movie, well, wouldnt you know, he bumped into Bobby in the lobby. Tom told her, He must have spotted us walking in because he took the liberty of confessing that he hadnt made it with you. Whoa, was that nerv y or what? His comment only served to infuriate her further, especially knowing how hed schemed to change all that! You know, Tom said, He really is a little creep! Whenever she declined his proposition to hand it over on a silver platter hed become enraged, driving her home without a solitary word, which drove her up the wall! Dating Bobby usually involved a lengthy drive somewhere. Once driving out to the Orange County tulles, in the midst of all those orange trees he stopped the car and basically told her to put-out or walk-it. Jumping from the car like an angry Mad Madhatter she slammed the door so ferociously she almost knocked it off the hinges then huffed off without bothering to shut it! Oddly, he was determined to force her back inside again after telling her to walk it, friendly persuasion or brute force _ made no difference to him. Since he didnt just drive away and leave her flat proved to her that he must have had some redeeming quality somewhere she thought, though the real reason for changing his mind was that he didnt want the truth getting out _ the creepy little cad! Which his latest crudeness would certainly be broadcast all over town, guaranteed by the following day _ she would have seen to it! On other occasions he drove to the beaches of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Surfside, Huntington Beach and Seal Beach. At the time Huntington State Beach was known as Tin Can Beach. There were no litter-laws at state beaches in those days _ you could build the biggest bonfire and sleep over night upon the sands. State beaches never closed in those days, which undoubtedly was what Bobby had in mind. After the party revelers shoved-off they simply left their rubble for the four winds to carry away. There were no fines for littering, or laws prohibiting it. City beaches were different, owned and operated by city government and


paid for by taxpayers, were usually well manicured. There were fines for littering and loitering at these beaches. You could only barbecue in designated areas. Trash barrels were provided. No such facsimile was found at Tin Can park. It became an eyesore and that is putting it mildly, especially when picnicking at a beautifully coifed city beach such as Seal Beach, spread out on a blanket, soaking-in the rays, enjoying the beautiful white sands in full view of a massive county dump! Bobby also drove to such faraway beaches as Hermosa or Santa Monica. Once he took her up to Mulholland Drive, a well-known lovers lane at the time _ probably still is. It was located in the foothills that surround ed Los Angeles and the Pacific Ocean, which was geographically undesirable for any young lady residing in the city of Granite back then. Herrman would have killed him had he known hed driven her so far from home. She never knew where they were heading. She just hopped in the car and off they went _ destination unknown. She never thought to ask where they were going, with one exception. He responded by saying, I never know until I get there. On the long ride home Bobby drove the entire distance in total silence _ she wound-up feeling guilty, as though it were all her fault _ she must have done something wrong. At times thrust into depression over his cold and silent treatment _ man, it bummed her out! When he refused to see her to her door it drove her to despair. That was very big in those days. If a date didnt walk you to your door it meant he didnt respect you. Once enraged he didnt bother seeing her safely indoors before taking off like a bat out of h e double toothpicks, her word, the second she shut the door shut. Occasionally she slammed the door hoping that hed appreciate she could get angry too, not only because of his silent treatment and the boring trip home, but the added knowledge of knowing he wouldnt be walking her to her door. Then when he took off down the street burning rubber all the way _ mufflers blasting like Sky Kings rocketship she got in so much trouble with her father because neighbors complained. She was better off without him. Shed never been treated so shabbily in all her life. Who did he think he was _ Gods gift to women? Eventually she arrived at the conclusion that the root of Bobbys problems lied with him , not her. She decided the whole scene was an elaborate scheme to wear the girl down emotionally so she would succumb to his desires physically. She mistakingly believed that with tenderness and patience everything would fall into place. Though she hadnt spelled it out for him he could have used some common sense. Trying to fulfill a persons desires usually fail fruition when it is payment on demand. She should have explained in the beginning that she wasnt that kind of girl and if sex was what he hankered for in their relationship then hed better look for greener pastures. That could have spared her so much anguish, too late she realized it wasnt HER anguish he was concerned with.



Tom returned from the snackbar and handed Bree a large coke and giant sized popcorn. They settled down to watch the movie, munching noisily on their crunchy snacks. She hoped he couldnt hear her stomach growling as she was starving as usual. After they polished-off the popcorn she became aware of his arm slipping around her shoulders, their eyes locked momentarily, then smiling briefly they redirected their gaze towards the film in progress. When he kissed her later she noticed a rather pleasing, manly scent, not immeadiately recognizable to her, but which appeared to emerge from every pore. His kiss was sensational! Absent was the sense of urgency or desperation to which he needed her fulfilling. Excellent, she thought! Oh, how she disliked Bobby french kissing her _ forcing his tongue halfway down her throat, or so it seemed to her anyway. She found the small bumps on his tongue offensive and rough as sandpaper, created by his excessive smoking she imagined. Invaribly he smelled like an old stogie rendering the entire vicinity of his presence stagnant and dead. His addiction was so powerful she noticed that he lighted each new cigarette with the dying embers of the last. Tom and Arleen had gone steady around the same time as she and Bobby and were sexually active _ though he hadn't confessed as much to her, shed heard it through the grapevine therefore not mistaking him for an angel in disguise, yet knew he would treat her with respect _ her instincts were rarely wrong, and spot on that night!



The small circle of friends founded an all-girls off-campus club in the summer of 52, which they christened Club Rio. Bree was elected club secretary and retained her position until the youngest members graduated high school _ her among them. The young graduates in the summer of 55 were the final lineage of the foundation members. There wasnt a handful remaining and unable to foresee the possibilities of the clubs survival once they departed, so, that thought in mind and with heavy heart the association disbanded for time and eternity. Her primary responsibilities were taking roll call, minutes, collection of dues, and creating socials. They convened every other Tuesday throughout the school year. During summer vacation they assembled once a month usually on a Friday evening. She took her position very seriously and considered her duties an honor. The knowledge she gleaned helped her later in life managing her own affairs. The primary reason for establishing the club was because their wealthier counterparts had formed a club to which they were persona non grata. Since Mata Hari created the idea she was elected club president and only those whose parents had piles of dough were welcome to their little tte--tte, girls like Marta and Sherri, Becky, Lavonne, Mary and Monica, considered the towns upper crust were eligible. They named their club The Debutantes. Bree named their club after dropping an encyclopedia on the floor, then saving the page it opened to she selected the first word that popped-out at her, which was Rio Di Janeiro. Once having formed the club the girls couldnt understand how they ever managed without it _ becoming avid clubbers. Joining a c lub, becoming club oriented, setting goals, watching them grow to fruition was an amazing experience for any young girl. It taught them responsibility and consideration of others; instead of thinking in a box as teenagers often do. Before long they forgot their reasons for having established the club in the first place. In time Club Rio became so popular that membership was a-much sought after affair, to the point several Debutante members asked to come aboard, and the crew happily obliged them. Arlene reminded Bree of a little cupee doll. Her coloring was that of the identical pigmentation, and she possessed the right amount of cuteness. Her stature was that of short and stocky. Tom had towered above her. He and Bree complimented each other since both were tall and slender. They could have passed for brother and sister


and were often told how much they looked alike. Both were dark-haired and blue eyed. People would drool _ what a darling pair. Arleen treated her no differently than before the two began dating. Bree was grateful there were no hard feelings though realized that because people go their own separate way doesnt necessarily mean old feelings arent still in play. When she casually mentioned her concerns Tom seemed puzzled she would even ask. She said it distressed her wondering whether she still cared for him. He laughed out loud, a little cynically she thought. She broke it off _ I didnt, was his answer. I hadnt heard it put that way, she said. Well, thats what happened, he said. No wonder she found him so irresistible. To his credit he refused to comment on the split other than say it wasnt anyone elses beeswax! Not long after the break up Arleen began dating Granites star qu arterback, Perry Anderson. Tom vowed that one day Perry would go pro _ he wasnt wrong, and eventually received several scholarships to USC. He and Arleen were married a year later. A shotgun wedding some said as Arleen was expecting a child. Four years later having had an incredible college career, Perry graduated USC and was inducted into the California Forty-Niners. In college he made All-Star, and awarded the Heisman trophy. When he retired from football he was elected into the NFL Hall of Fame. During this period they were blessed with two more children. Perry not only played the game with marked intelligence and grace, but also invested his earnings wisely. Trading his extensive wages _ especially for those days, though nothing compared to what athletes earn today, for what was considered inexpensive property then _ unlike todays burgeoning real estate prices. The land he purchased was located within the area they reside today. The acreage in those days was part of LAs unincorporated section of the city, but once incorporated became what is known as Brentwood and Beverly Hills. They are still living the American dream. The club threw Arlene a baby-shower after Perry Junior arrived. They had a lot of fun and it had seemed just like the good-old days to them. The big difference of course was that Arlene was now a married woman, and had a family of her own. Before long her husband would not only be famous, but rich as well! They played old parlor games and passed out prizes to the winners, booby prizes to the losers. The old friends talked until they were blue in the face, and laughter brought tears reminiscing the days of yore. Finally cake and ice cream was served _delicious, and naturally Bree was starving! Arlene's mother had attended the shower. If there were any hard feelings towards her daughter she certainly didnt display any of them and appeared quite the proud grandmother _ grinning from ear to ear at the puffy pink cheeks, and droopy eyes of her first grand child. Arlene


took a secretarial position to help support her family while papa attended college after little Perry was born. Grandma attended to little Perry while she worked. Between her salary and his fellowships they managed to get along quite nicely.


April found Tom planning a party for Brees upcoming birthday. She was happy to learn hed stumbled upon the date without her having to clue him in. Asked how he uncovered the info he said he made a point of learning important dates. Awww how sweet, she thought, practically drooling! Though any of her friends would have gladly provided him with the low-down, the fellas wouldnt have dreamt of asking anyone anything. They werent unique in that, refusing to break decades-old traditions of not asking anyone anything, at anytime, never, ever, no how! The ridiculous modus operandi of the male ego reached as far back as the fabulous fifties _ probably beyond that! He had also obtained permission from both sets of parents as well. Not many guys would have tackled that responsibility without being pushed, with the possible exception of Larry Preston. The two appeared cut from the same mold at times and seemed to understand that most fathers appreciated a fella with courage enough to face them and probably realized the more respect they exhibited towards the girls parents the better they themselves would be respected in return. The party would be held in Toms recreation room. His parents deserved a medal, three cheers, and hooray for rearing and nurturing such a classy teen. Tom was every girls fantasy dream come true and Bree was thrilled to be his pick of the litter! Knowing that did wonders for her ego. At times feeling like she no longer walked upon the floors, instead gliding slightly above the tiles, and, oh, so happy to be! She knew she owed her incredible new life entirely to him. Bree had gained a lot of respect for Larrys parents as well. Hed morphed into an outstanding young gentleman. He was characteristically a pleasing young fellow with the reputation for being a sincere listener to whatever it was one had to say and an ability to make one feel good about themselves. It seemed that almost


overnight hed become this suave, debonair, charming individual, and good -looking to a fault! He was good-friends of Tom and Brees and to all who knew him, but here lately seemed to be having problems snagging a little filly. Word circled that some gals dated him strictly for his wheels, while others found him a bit too nice! Bree didnt understand how anyone could be too nice, and decided that he just hadnt met the right girl. Any chick dating a fella simply for transportation purposes certainly wasnt the right person for Larry or anyone else for that matter. Besides, he was in every way a lady-killer and with personality to spare _ a rare find anytime. That alone should have brought the nightingales flocking by the dozens! Make certain you include Larry Preston on your guest list. she reminded him. Doesnt that go without saying? Yes, of course, she said. I was afraid you might have thought I had added him to my list and wed wind-up leaving him off both lists. The first of May was rapidly approaching and Bree was suddenly overcome with the excitement of her impending party. It would mark the first birthday party ever given her by a boy, actually the only party given her by anyone other than Mary. She was delighted her parents appeared to like Tom almost as much as she did. A few of her fathers favorite sayings was, Show me a fella I can respect, and Ill show you a man. She wouldnt say her father disliked Bobby _ just didnt trust him, and as time would prove he had every reason not to.


Rita was Brees dearest friend in the whole world and they always remained true to one another. Her origin was that of Italian and she was super proud of her heritage _ carried it rather like a banner of honor, and was drop-dead gorgeous _ more so than Sofia Loren in her day. They had in common those huge brown eyes, and long, thick curly lashes. Some referred to them as bedroom eyes. It wasnt the eyes per say, but rather the look buried deep within them which, some described as being both mysterious and hungry looking.


Bree envied her her creamy colored skin with the lush satin tones. Her smooth silky veneer jogged ones memory to recall the first time they touched velvet, which of course wouldnt be easy for most, but Bree could still remember that amazing sensation. Rita was never, ever subjected to as much as a single, solitary zit in her entire life. She always gave the credit to her good genes. The two were in the process of putting together the costumes theyd be wearing on Saturday night. After selecting what they would be wearing it wouldnt take long to choose accessories that would accentuate the overall outfit. Bree liked attractive and tasteful garments that were built for comfort. Given her druthers she would have preferred something brand new altogether _ what teenager wouldnt? She realized her folks couldnt afford to spring for a complete ensemble. They were middle-classed wage earners and she didnt expect a great deal of them. Her father worked many overtime hours just to hold on to what they had. Bree, youd look stunning in my navy blue dress, Rita said. You know I dislike borrowing from anyone. Try it on anyway _ I dont happen to be just anybody. I know that, she cried. Youre my best friend in the whole world. They hugged each other on that bit. Even though Rita was shorter than Bree the dress fit her perfectly. She was pleasantly surprised expecting that it wouldnt. It was a sheath, though gathered at the waist in front with capped sleeves, which pleasantly flattered her. She sighed in relief; grateful she could wear stark shades of color, musing whether her old navy-blue pumps would still fit her? She had bought them for eighth-grade graduation and was yet a growing girl. Rita, she said. I love your dress, but really, I wouldnt feel right borrowing it _ what if something hap pened to it? Oh, Bree, I was hoping youd lend me your new Angora sweater? It would go nicely with my new Capri pants, but in that case then. Hey, she said, changing her mind. That would be peachy! I wont have to feel guilty bummin g from you then. The dilemma settled. They agreed if either received a compliment on their new rags theyd just smile graciously _ not letting on that they were borrowed goods. It would remain their little secret! Funny, Bree thought afterward. She didnt mind loaning her togs to a friend _ provided they took proper care of them. She knew Rita would handle her duds with kid gloves, and vice a versa. For some reason borrowing had always stuck in her craw _ probably the way she was raised.



The day of the party finally arrived. Bree was a nervous Nelly all day. Everything had to be perfect. Shed spent the entire day fussing over her hair, nails, and cosmetics. She pressed and ironed her clothes that morning then polished her shoes. She managed to slip them on all right, though they were terribly tight she shrugged it off knowing that when the dancing started shed be kicking them off anyway, therefore figured she wouldnt be in pain long enough to worry about it. The other girls would follow her direction, they couldnt dance in pumps either, besides the guys wouldnt be happy looking shorter than their dates! Tom arrived looking handsome as could be Bree thought _ decked-out in Ivy League. Both his shirt and jacket had buttoned-down collars _ the latest rage in men's clothing at the time. The digs were also referred to as Eton; dubbed after Etons students made the style world famous and the popular style is still around today. His sport jacket was jet navy. The two would make a perfect match. He stood there holding a sensational looking corsage. Assuming it was meant for her marked another first in her young life, though she wasnt prepared to tell him that! After pinning it on they were off on the yellow brick road! Tom drove his mothers yellow T -Bird that night, which matched the golden stripping on the road. She giggled when Tom suggested it was awfully rich of the road workers to match the cars paint. Bree loved the cars little porthole windows. She had ridden in only one other convertible to date, which belonged to Terry _ Megans ex boyfriend. The drive was divine in her words! Toms mother greeted them upon their arriveval saying that everything was ready, and that several guests already awaited them in the rumpus room. They high-tailed it out-back and discovered Larry and his latest date, plus a couple whod double dated them were presented as Robin and Matilda _ nicknamed Tilly. Larry introduced his date as Lynda Mayfield. Upon meeting her Bree had a sense of dj vu, but was reasonably certain shed never seen Lynda before. But in shaking her hand she felt a surge of electricity spiraling through her. Then clobbered further by an uncanny, eerie impression that this wasnt their first meeting, yet reality told her not in this lifetime! The spooky happening caused hair on her nape to stand straight out! After repeating all this to Rita later, she explained it all away by simply saying that it was called chemistry. .


She was very attractive, appearing to be a hot little rumba number, and Bree sincerely hoped she and Larry would make fireworks together! Even though she knew she didnt know Lynda from Adam _ the sensation lingered throughout the evening. Though her sense of familiarity was obviously one-sided since the young lady refrained from demonstrating any signs of having experienced what she herself was sensing. Could it have been something she remembered from a previous lifetime and Lynda simply had faulty memory wiring? Or was it she who had it? The variety of food and its placement impressed Bree immensely. Everything was kept chilled on ice. A beautifully decorated cake displayed front of center of the table. The centerpiece flowers were beautiful fresh lilies. The cake adornment consisted of sixteen beautiful florets in pink and white, with sixteen pink and white striped candles in the center of each one, with a Happy Birthday, Bree in pink and white icing. The background was frosted in white and contained pink and white florets along its corners and edges. She was suddenly overcome with guilt for having put Toms mother through the backbreaking work and expense especially since they were not ye t that familiar with one another. Your mother certainly went to a lot of trouble and expense to prepare the food, the cake, and, oh, just everything, she gushed. Not at all, Tom said. I catered the whole shebang and paid for every nickel of it. At first she was flabbergasted, then more impressed than ever knowing that Tom had arranged everything and paid for it out of his own pocket. She only knew of one other person that would consider such an undertaking and that of course was Larry. In those days the fellas all worked while attending high school, either on weekends, after school, or both. They had their own money and usually paid for their own vehicle, insurance, and upkeep. She thanked him most graciously and gave him an extra juicy kiss! Bree still couldnt believe her luck in landing such a sweet and generous guy. Rita and Tony were the next to arrive. They made a gorgeous couple and were madly in love. She was only a year or so older than Bree was. Tony was one-year Ritas senior and both were legally old enough to marry but planned on waiting until she graduated in the spring. They were both Catholic and planned an official church wedding. Happy birthday, happy birthday, Bree, their voices trilled out merrily sounding like a couple of songbirds. Rita and Bree hugged. Hey, good looking rags you got there, Bree, beamed. You too, Rita smiled, looking deeply into each others eyes, knowingly, as girls who shared a common secret. Thank you, thank you, one and all for coming, she said, slightly bowing.


Couples began arriving at once, showing-up at the same moment, depriving Bree the opportunity to greet each one individually. Tom plopped records on the hi-fi and some began to dance. Lilly and Lorna showed up stag _ as usual. Bree couldnt understand why. Both were drop dead gorgeous, tall and shapely with great personalities. They could easily have been models owing to their height and beauty. The problem was tall wasnt the in thing. Short was in _ so were love handles and bulging thighs. A popular song at the time was titled Five -Foot-Two Eyes of Blue oh, what those five feet could do, has anybody seen my gal, more or less proved the point. Lillys bust could have bested Marilyn Morroes inch per inch, and caused a few good men to run his car into a ditch ogling them! One fella quipped that when Lilly walked into a room _ she arrived five minutes after they did! She did absolutely nothing to accentuate the positive, she just was, and, loath to anyone leering at them. She strove for concealment as best she could though it was the equivalence of pouring a cup of water on a raging fire. Lilly wanted men to look at her when she spoke, which was fair enough. She complained when conversing with someone she looked he or she squarely in the eye _ shouldnt she be afforded the same courtesy? At times she felt like a big old bug on a petri dish under a microscope squirming around with unscrupulous scrutiny. Oh, that she had her problems, Bree thought! Nevertheless, she would not have tolerated the obnoxious behavior. Both were modest young women, actually most girls from that era were. Though it should be pointed out that hers were the real McCoy, and considered exceptional in any age. How would they like someone eyeballing their crotch during a conversation, she asked? The deadpan seriousness following her comment cracked Bree up _ she just roared! Coming from Lilly made it even more hilarious though she was actually being earnest and hadnt said it for a laugh. Theyd probably love it, Bree said, After she stopped laughing. Thats what Im afraid of she said. Or I would have! The reason short was popular in the fifties was probably because our progenitors failed to produce whopper sized kids _ themselves a bit on the stumpy side. There were exceptions to the rule of course, for instance Brees own father stood six-foot two. Because the fellas insisted on making it such a priority the taller girls walked around with their shoulders slumped hoping to give the impression of being shorter than they actually were _ the complete opposite of today. Of course they realized how tall each girl stood, and at times joked about it when they had nothing better to do. Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, and Gina Lollobrigida had the figures men craved. They were beautiful love Goddesses in their eyes. In todays society there figures would be viewed as matronly _ if not chunky. Bree was deemed tall for those days as well, but couldnt hold a candle to Lilly or Lorna _ nor would she want to. They were considered almost colossus in stature back then, in any group of today they would still be viewed as towering titans.


Bree is medium height today, but a big mama in the fifties! Put her in a pair of pumps she stood 511 since most heels measured four inches. Upon donning a pair instantly became a very rangy young lady standing next to a fella whose height was probably on average 58, 59 or less, and ended -up-looking down upon her mate who in reality was taller than she was. Which was a big, no, no, back then. Guys felt threatened by any chick they couldnt tower over, and if dates refused to wear flats they usually werent invited out again. Nowadays some men prefer their women several inches taller than themselves, chests at times swelling to the point of bursting their buttons _ theyre so proud, and plenty of women go gaga over short guys. For the most part teens didnt have weight problems in those days. Most people th ought Bree was too thin, especially the guys, but her dressmakers insisted she had a perfect figure. Standards have changed dramatically since those days. Only now is she considered evenly proportioned, by fifties measures she was a skinny-mini, and unfortunately for her no rewards for being ahead of the times.

Both girls reached out to hug Bree, and wished her a happy birthday. Thanking them graciously, she whispered in Lillys ear that Wally was in a huddle in the corner with Larry, Tom, and Tony. She sm iled brightly thanking her then trotted-off in that direction _ obvious to everyone but Wally, Lilly adored him! Wally was a bit of an oddball, who almost always played the devils advocate. Often, appearing anti-social, but accepted by the crowd with all his idiosyncrasies. At times he played the clown, other instances the rabble-rouser, and often as not relished the role of playing the sensitive, misunderstood, youth pouting, rebellious young teenager, as portrayed by James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause who became his hero. His given name was Wallace Berry last name Carpenter. Hard to understand but likeable once you figured him out. He was named for Wallace Berry, an old character actor from way back when. Wallys parents had been huge fans of his. Bree and Lorna stood talking a while. Lorna asked how it felt to be sixteen? Really surreal, she replied. Like when your hero dies at the end of a movie, and youre feeling terribly downcast when you reach home and you realize it never happened at all _ it was only make-believe. You get the picture dont you, Lorna? When your idol dies at the features end and youre feeling awfully blue until you realize it was only pretend and your hero still lives? Well, when I reach home tonight Ill still be sixteen and nothing on Gods earth can ever change that. If I died this minute tomorrow the newspaper headlines would be screaming _ She was Only Sixteen, Only Sixteen. I know, she said. It frightens me as well, turning sixteen. But your only fifteen, Bree cried.


She reminded Bree that her birthday was the following month. Then well both be sixteen _ scary isnt it? Bree agreed, grimly. The modern world had become so youth oriented, albeit not nearly as severe as today. Youth worshipping today appears to pertain to everything that ever walked, creeped, crawled, or breathed. For instance Brees parental age never prevented them from obtaining gainful employment where they had experience in the field _ a much different story today. Of course anyone would give their eyeteeth to be sixteen again, as would both Bree and Lorna! They discussed Lornas inability to catch a chic looking guy, finally concluding she hadnt yet met the one worthy of her charms. Looking around the room Bree noticed her guests seemed rather mellow. Some chatting off in a corner, others ingesting food, still others imbibing as they played a game of pool, some dancing to the latest LPs belting-out their favorite dance tunes. In the punch bowl ice cubes chinked against the other as several smokers preoccupied in the art of blowing smoke-rings watching as they rose in the air _ lingering a spell before braking up, then drifting like clouds until they no longer resembled a thing. Many youths smoked by the time they were Brees age and most parents didnt mind _ they smoked as well. People werent that savvy to the risks in those days. The two old friends joined the group in the corner and were astounded to find Lilly and Wally having a bonafide conversation. He actually appeared almost interested in what she had to say _ normally he just ignored her. Taking Toms hand Bree smiled remarking on how well the party was progressing. May I mix you a drink, he asked? Then said, Really, I must insist after all its your party. Put in that light she excepted. He returned with two cocktails. After handing one to her he said he wished to make a toast, raising his beverage and clinking it against her own he announced, Heres to the birthday girl. After tossing back the toast Tom set both glasses on the table _ they danced. Several dances later they were still on the floor when Larry tapped him on the shoulder. Happy birthday, Bree, he said, as they were dancing. Are you enjoying the party? Yes, thank you, Larry. Im having a marvelous time. How are things going with, Lynda? Really well, he beamed. This could be the one, winking. Oh, Larry, Id be delighted for you if she pans-out. In fact Ill pray every night that shes the right gal for you. Gee, Bree, thats very sweet of you, he said. That would be terrific _ thank you. But as luck would have it she wasnt destined to be that special person. That night proved to be his only date with her _ sigh la-vie! Tom broke in and soon after the music ended _ she hated it when that happened!


Seizing the moment he got the crowds attention, and announced it was high time to light the candles on the birthday cake, and sing the birthday song. Once the candles were lighted she made her wishes then proceeded to blow them out. The crowd burst into applause then sang yea Olde birthday ballad. Did you make a wish, Tom asked? Yep, and I blew-out every candle! Her dreams would co me true! What did you wish for, he wanted to know? I cant tell you or it wont come true, she said. He squeezed her hand then whispered he hoped he was part of that wish? Of course, silly, she said. That makes me truly happy, he said, smiling. Then unexpectedly grabbed her, encircled her in his arms and kissed her there on the spot _ in front of everyone! Naturally the gang teased and whistled good-naturedly. They didnt care _ nothing could disrupt their happiness. Off in the little corner cudgel away from the bustling crowd Lilly and Wally were deeply engrossed in a dialog, which clearly was obvious they only had eyes for each other. No one wished to dissipate the magic by addressing either of them so they acted as if they werent even there.


Suddenly stomping then rapping was heard at the door. Tom answered. Bree stood at his side, expectantly. She couldnt believe her eyes! Actually so flabbergasted a feather could have bowled her over! Standing there before her was her former neighbor, Devon Wilson _ the Fonzy Fonzarellie of the fifties. Though his personality wasnt quite as lovable or as innocent as was the Fonze of television fame. He didnt simply walk into a room; he swaggered into the room, the fellas rubbernecking, fascinated, then heartily began shaking his hand. Casting an eye in Brees direction, recognition clearly registering in his expression, though saying nothing at first. The age difference between Devon and the other guys was probably about the same as that of the Fonz and Richie Cunningham and his gang.


He still combed his hair in the DA in back, pompadour in front, continuously combing it like back in school though with the amount of pomade used its doubtful a blizzard could have affected it! He wouldnt have been caught dead without his black leather jacket with the fringe, or his chains and black leather boots which, they also contained small side chains. He rode his Harley-Davidson wherever life took him, preferring the company of teenagers opposed to adults his own age. Hed probably never grow-up _ same MO as the Fonze. As one might expect everyone thought him soooh cool just as the Fonze worshippers from Happy Days did. As the party progressed the group became relaxed and in the groove. A few had slightly too much punch becoming intoxicated, an unusual happening at parties. Couples located comfortable lounges, couches, or floor cushions to loll upon. Someone started spinning the bottle. The idea was to spin it as many times as it took until it landed squarely in front of your intended victim. The bottle finally stopped in front of Wally, pointed directly at him. He was obviously the designated target and expected to kiss someone. The group members were thinking that person had better be Lilly, especially with her sitting next to him. She helped in the awkward situation by leaning forward and puckering-up those big red juicy lips of hers and he complied by planting a big long one smack-dab on her mouth. There was no denying the kiss was intensely passionate. Abruptly zany, crazy Devon blurted-out Wallys got a hard-on! The crowd almost died laughing _ including Lilly and Wally. Though in the spirit of good fun it certainly broke-up the kiss. Wally laughed it off with a shrug of his shoulders, but one couldnt help n oticing the redness that crept into his face. Her chest was all over his, not purposely of course, but there was no way to avoid them! At that moment every guy in the joint envied Wally and itching to pay the ultimate price to be in his shoes _ whatever it took! Devons comment certainly wasnt something the Fonz would have uttered. Most likely because the show aired on prime time, and relegated for family viewing. The series supposedly took place in the early sixties, but realistically based on the lives and times of the fifties _ though Merriam did frequently raise her middle finger and tell Howard to sit on it! Even today hand gestures such as that doesnt appear all that prime timish! You dont remember me, do you? Bree finally drudged-up enough courage to speak to Devon. She assumed his answer would be a resounding no, even if he did. To her astonishment he admitted he did and much, much more. Of course I do, he said. Your family lived across the street from us for years. She was stunned by his instant recall since shed been so very young at the time _ no more than eight or ten at most.


Do you remember working on your car once with a bunch of your buddies? I was a very young and curious, freckle faced, pigtailed kid, hanging around watching you guys working on your car engine. He seemed to sense where she was going with the conversation and before she could finish he said that indeed he did remember the time. Do you recollect what you said to me? Unfortunately, yes _ I wish I didnt he muttered to himself. Man, she couldnt believe her ears. They were talking eight to ten years earlier at the very least! Your exact words were, and I quote (all the while knowing your entourage had your undivided attention) said: If you were a little older Id fuck you! He had used the forbidden four -letter word which decent guys didnt use around chicks back then _ most especially baby chicks! I still remember your buddies keeling over with laughter at my expense. Do you realize how humiliating it wa s for me then? Even though I wasnt really old enough to understand the meaning of the word I did know one thing, Devon _ you were no gentleman! Please believe me when I say Im not the least bit proud of my past behavior. If I had any excuse at all it w ould have to be that I was so young myself, and, yes, I will admit it, I was hoping to impress my friends. Hard to believe I know but Ive been riddled with guilt since it happened _ knowing it was so wrong, and that I wasnt raised that way! Please forgive me? Im terribly sorry, and to tell the truth since you were so young Id always hoped youd forgotten all about it. Wow! She couldnt believe her ears after lo those many years. He not only remembered his crass behavior, but apologized for it as well! She was positive he was speaking directly from his heart. It both surprises and delights me to hear these words from you, Devon. These ancient slights have been hanging off my shoulders for more than a decade now, and quite honestly, weary of lugging the m around! The episode had obviously bothered his conscience since his memory appeared so vivid and apparently sensed all along what it was she wanted to say, and yet they hadnt been within shouting distance of one another in all those years! Strange! I forgive you, Devon, and you know something _ youre not a bad egg after all, she said, smiling, adding, Welcome to my birthday party. Though he might have been reluctant attending the social had he known it was being held in her honor. They shook hands and made-up, even hugged, becoming lasting friends. In retrospect she could appreciate the similarities between Devon and the Fonz, and wondered if the television role was fashioned after his own true story? It suddenly occurred to Bree _ wouldnt it be wonderful if in every generation another Fonzy Fonzararellie lived on? She could only hope so! Musing, she thought _ funny, having spent her lifetime hating the man, then out of the clear


blue yonder wishing him life ever lasting! People really do change, and she would have been remiss had she failed to except his apology. If Devon was in Heaven she could only pray he found an angle high school on the other side of the pearly gates and that he could continue on with his one true passion _ teenagers! On the other hand if he still walked upon the earth she prayed he found a life to call his own, happy and content spending time with his teenagers, or possibly teenaged grandchildren. Either way shes betting they all think hes soooh cool! The cake, ice cream, and snacks were polished off to the last caraway cracker and carrot-stick, and washed down with the remains of the punch. The entire group pitched in to help clear away the dishes, haul-out the trash, making certain the rooms were spick-and-span. This was a must if they wanted to hold more parties there. Tom lavished yet another gift on her when he drove her home. A beautiful gold compact with ribbon and cherub etchings, beveled mirror including a baby blue powder-puff, which came with a soft blue felt pouch to protect against scratches. She loved it! It was probably the first nonsensical gift shed ever received. For her it was always that frugal pair of shoes or that basic blouse that went with everything else she owned. However, she chastised him for spending yet more money on her, thinking hed already done more than enough, and didnt mind telling him so. Secretly, she adored it, and couldnt wait for school to begin Monday so she could show -it-off to all her friends! Doing something for someone whom you really care about can never be too much where Im concerned, he said, on a more serious note. What a perfectly precious thing to say she gushed quietly. After walking her to her door he kissed her goodnight. Oh, Tom, she said. Thank you so much for the lovely birthday party, the beautiful corsage, the compact, and oh, just everything. I shall cherish this night for as long as I live. Ditto, he said, smiling. Ill remember this evening as the highlight of my life and I relished every moment of it _ especially you! Ditto, she said, right back at him! Laughing he gave her hand a little squeeze and took his leave. What a guy, she said, to no one in particular. She was deliriously happy, transported to another sphere, a place between seventh heaven and cloud number nine waltzing through the door that night. Of course there was no other place shed rather be _ any girl for that matter, but her thoughts were the experience belonged to her, and no one could take it away from her. Absolutely no one had ever spoken to her the way Tom had that evening. Speaking the words she read something in his expression that rang so true, so sincere _ she knew she was dealing with a square shooter.


She found falling asleep virtually impossible that night. Too many thoughts spinning round in her brain, and they were all about Tom. She wondered why he hadnt tried anything, especially having given her so much. Was she disappointed he hadnt? Shed reached an age where answers were important to her _ though shed never in a million years dreamt of asking him. Girls werent that forward back then. Bree knew plenty of fellas who would think something extra were deserved for their generosity. Though it was obvious Tom wasnt like that. His attitude was amazing _ even for the fifties. She decided all boys werent like Bobby. Bree noticed of late that Tom seemed extremely happy go-lucky, simply knowing that helped create one of the giddiest gals in town _ love really was a many splendored thing. She prayed that a small portion of his happiness could be attributed to her. As for herself she became quite the high-spirited, positive young lady. At last falling asleep Bree experienced one of the weirdest dreams since Alices strange odyssey with The Toads and Mad-Hatter! Waking that morning, half-stunned, she realized shed been dreaming about horses and chariot races. She remembered a brilliant substance flashing before her peepers shining like the purest of silvers _ just beautiful! The ensuing scene suddenly became dark and dingy and was frightfully scary _ abruptly, loud, obnoxious laughter poured from the mouths of witches who rashly rushed the picture in her mind, blasting away at her sensitive young eardrums. Then once again besieged by bright dazzling light appearing as streams squeezing between dense trees in a Forrest. At once a sparkling persona with stars twinkling in his eyes, handsome as could be, appeared before her on bended knee _ the luminous object became that of silver slippers, which the nobleman gently placed on her feet. Once fully awake she realized the man in her dreams had been none other than Prince Charming and she his Cinderella!


The next club meeting was scheduled on a Friday instead of the usual Tuesday so the girls might hold a slumber party afterward. This practice was used periodically not only for slumber parties, but bridal showers, wedding showers, baby showers, birthdays, and various other celebrations throughout the year. The meeting and sleepover was being held at Arlenes. Oftentimes the guys crashed their affairs. The girls not only expected them to but


encouraged them as well. Meetings were often chaperoned, though not always, and, as it turned out that evening was not. Bree thought _ Aha, so thats how they did it. Thinking back to previous meetings held at Arlenes or other festivities it dawned on Bree that her parents werent home on those evenings either! The couple had made love before her parents returned. Bree thought liaisons in the family home blatantly crossed the line. She tried pushing such pictures from her mind, down deep she suspected she was jealous. Why should she care, she thought? Arlene and Tom were friends. She and Arleen were friends. Tom and were what _ friends? They werent lovers that much was obvious, she was beginning to resent her situation deeply. Not many fellas showed up that night, those who did split rather swiftly. The girls were capable of entertaining themselves and didnt feel the necessity of having the guys over to do it for them; by the same token they enjoyed their company when possible. By the time the meeting adjourned all stragglers had deserted the scene Insanely the circle decided to kick off the evening compelling they to faint. Bree wondered whose brainstorm that could have been _ she only knew it wasnt hers! Matter of fact she was dead last in giving it a twirl, the others werent letting her off the hook either _ though she did try to worm her way out. She persuaded herself in believing that nothing adverse could possibly happen, finally going along with it _ something went haywire. Kneeling in the circle the girls formed by standing all around her and took the required deep breaths she was instructed to _ it was ten. Standing she shoved both thumbs in her mouth, and blew as hard as the girls before her had. The world she knew quickly became a whirling black abyss _ then oblivion _ falling unconscious to the floor. Awakened she found herself lying on a floor in the center of a circle of women, but where or whom ... she couldnt remember. Whoever they were howled their heads off, incapable of grasping what laughter, howling, or heads were. At last deep down inside her thought waves were beginning to form she was an inmate in an insane asylum! Her expression became that of horror. She hadnt a clue as to what had taken place. She remained there for the longest time trying to remember something, anything! For starters _ who were these odd looking creatures, possibly from another planet _ planet of the apes? Though she wouldnt have known the difference between planet and ape from S hineola! Fear gripped her suddenly as she realized she could be the stranger in paradise, not the other way around! Perhaps these creatures captured her and there was no escaping. She hadnt a clue as to what or whom these beings were _ knowing not they re sembled herself _ a mirror would have been beneficial about then. She hadn't the vaguest notion why these primitives were laughing at her through an abnormality in their faces, unaware of the meaning of that as well! They must be doing something _ but what?


Adding to her confusion was why was she lying on the floor peering upward at them as they stared down upon her, laughing, studying her, as though she were a monkey in the zoo instead of the other way around _ whatever that was! She could have been a fly on the wall observing the scenery in a detached sort of way except that she wasnt on the wall but on the floor, and naturally didnt know what a fly was! Bree later compared her situation to that of an actor in a feature film whod suddenly become a live and breathing thing having stepped out of the celluloid onto the stage. In doing so she brought no memory as to how she arrived at this place or where it might be, let alone who she was. Shed left behind the only life she ever knew, a film role dreamed -up in some Hollywood screenwriters mind and had no reality script to guide her along her way. She had forfeited life, as she knew it on the silver screen, realizing too late there was no turning back! Frantically pawing and scratching at the cold stark, black and white celluloid, fighting against all possible odds of regaining entry to her life. Alas she could not! The poor womans apparition quickly began to dematerialize _ poof, then vaporized to granules of sand oblivion nothingness. Her memory began to return briefly, though it seemed an eternity to her. The consequence of her foolish decision drove her to fear for her very life. She wondered what would have happened had her memory not returned _ an unpleasant thought _ she pushed it from her mind. Recollection phased in little by little, not promptly as she would have preferred. After everything was said and done she pressed the others to discover whether they had suffered similar circumstances. If true no one was admitting to it. Bree never again practiced such silliness and neither did any of the other girls! Anne, her dearest and oldest friend since fourth grade would be a senior that fall _ Bree a junior _ one-year her senior. Bree had paid the john a visit during these shenanigans and thou ght perhaps shed missed her golden opportunity to catch Anne acting the fool, and idiotic enough to ask whether shed experienced any out of the ordinary reactions once waking up _ boy, she wished she hadnt! Frankly Bree, I refused to play that silly and dangerous game, and shocked you hadnt any compunction whatever to turn it down. Honestly, Bree, I thought you were a lot smarter than that, she railed. Bree thought _ why doesnt she tell me how she really feels! Heck, Bree said. I never seriously considered doing it, but didnt wish to be the sole chicken shit either! If youd informed me of your planned non-compliance I would definitely have listened to my intuition, which has never led me astray yet. The entire concept clearly signaled danger to her, though she totally rejected the warning. Well, as Ive already mentioned I thought you had more brains than that _ or I certainly would have. Wonderful, Bree said. Thank you for the vote of confidence!


This was the worst Anne had ever gotten on her case. Together theyd been the most levelheaded of their group. Anne was dating a boy from Stoneridge, bordering Granites southwest corner, which was where the girls lived and attended high school. The opportunity of visiting her old friend was extremely rare since she began dating Dean. The only chance they had was during school hours, which amounted to only two breaks and one lunch period _ oftentimes snatching minutes in the morning before the first bell. Anne and Dean were serious concerning each other. They planned to marry after she finished college. He would graduate high school in less than a month _ making his college debut in the fall. Lights out were called which didnt necessarily mean sleep was imminent. They began swapping gristly ghos t stories _ spine tingling and loads of fun, usually proceeded by true love stories _ often winding-up with a few off color jokes. Bree didnt bother telling the one about the human head in the neighbors oven, which was entirely true as she had seen it with her own eyes! Snoring was heard. Usually when that happened the gals settled down for the night. She had feigned sleep repeatedly throughout the entire gabfest _ didnt engage in any conversation whatsoever, and was dismayed that no one noticed! Incapable of restraining her thoughts regarding her frightening experience and paranoia of falling asleep fearing she wouldnt see the light of day the next morning! She began thinking about her poor mother, even visualizing her own funeral, poor Mama, surrounde d by a rainbow of flowers _ Brees own, and sobbing, why, God, oh, why, did you take my daughter from away from us? It was really pretty grim, and in her goolish imagination she couldnt help guessing how close she may have come to a funeral of hers if ind eed that had been the case _ man, she didnt want to die! It struck her how abysmally her whole family would have been affected by her early demise. The next thing she knew she was silently weeping, tears streaming down her face though she didnt let on to nary a sole. The very least she needed in the world was taunting and teasing by her best friends, calling her a crybaby or possibly worse _ though she knew they would have been right on! She thought of Tom. She didnt want him learning of her escapade. She didnt want him thinking her inane; knowing if he learned the truth it was automatic. Hed probably have second thoughts about choosing such a Lulu for a girlfriend, and she couldnt argue that point. In the morning she would ask the girls to keep the sordid details under their hats.



Summer arrived. Graduation ceremonies were scheduled for the following day. The fellas decided it was high time they carried out the age-old tradition of carting off Ol Mr. Harveys rather mature automobile, which they managed to accomplish several times a year. The little red Triumph was such a lightweight that the girls could have toted it off themselves! The boys practice was placing it within close proximity of th e school to ascertain Mr. Harvey would eventually always find it. As he departed school late that afternoon, logically returning to where he had parked earlier in the day _ seemingly vanished in thin air, supposedly, though the old man figured differently! Students walking past claimed old Mr. Harveys belly shook like a bowl of Jell -O standing there laughing his head off holding onto his rotund little belly in fear of splitting a gut _ knowing for certain the boys had pulled off the caper once again! The thought of someone stealing it in reality never crossed his mind! As far as he was concerned there wasnt a snowballs chance in hell that that would ever happen. He knew the fellas had pilfered his antiquated French auto _ no one would ever love it the way he did especially not enough to steal it! People didnt pinch cars namby-pamby in those days _ that was grand theft auto. It remains so today, but no longer considered the horrible heist it once was. Car theft was a major crime of mammoth proportions in the fifties, unlike auto thieves today who merely receive a slap on the wrist for punishment. In those days it was equivalent to stealing a mans livelihood much like Marys teenaged years when horse thieves were thought the lowest scum of life and were often hung for their misdeeds. Searching for the red vehicle, knowing for certain it was nearby, then locating it _ the laughter and shaking began anew! He always kissed it _ so thankful to see it! The custom became the highlight of the year, and apparently Brees favorite teacher enjoyed the antics as much as anyone else did.

The master of arithmetic was also an amazing sport, and well known to his adoring fan base. It literally pleased him knowing the fellas were willing to go that extra yard for him _ making his day as well as that of their own each year. No student ever landed in hot water over such mischief and was obviously never reported to the upper echelon.


Mr. Harvey was Granites esteemed math teacher. Bree took Beginning Math, Math One and Two , as well as Business Math, in his class _ a total of four straight semesters UN-interrupted. He had an unusual way of teaching that actually made learning interesting and fun. She skipped algebra since math wasnt her forte and it was not a prerequisite in a Home Economics course, which was her major. Almost every girl in the fifties majored in Home EC and doing so would have been foolish since they all would soon be wives and mothers! People believed educating females was a waste of time and money back then! She chose to attend his classes, whether the subject was required, earn extra-credit, or simply take advantage of enjoying once more his delightful class. Consensus was that Mr. Harvey was pretty cool _ especially for a teacher! Several peers called her teachers pet because Mr. Harvey sometimes asked her to pass out exam papers and collect them when completed, and rarely grading them if he was really strapped for time. She thought of it as an honor and if the truth was known _ made her feel important! It was during this period that she envisioned herself becoming a teacher, since she loved school so very much. But placed it on the back burner where most of her thoughts were stored for another day when she could give it more attention. The problem was that most things stocked there however temporary in her mind were little by little forgotten. A fella named Edouardo attended her math class. Each morning found him with his pants hanging below his hips. They hung so low that when he bent over _ well, lets just say it wasnt pretty! Of course the style is very much in vogue today, has been for a very long time. But in those days it wasn't cool in any way, shape, or form. People favoring that style of dress was considered hayseeds from the sticks _ hadn t many boys named Bubba worn their pants that a way? Well, Mr. Harvey didnt approve of this one iota, insisting Edouardo remove his belt, tuck his shirt in and heist his dungarees up to his waist _ somewhat higher than the guys in the group wore theirs. Then replace the belt. The event was carried out in full view of the classroom on a daily basic. Edouardo appeared to flourish in the attention given him by Mr. Harvey, and that of his fellow classmates. A snicker could occasionally be heard in the classroom now and again _ the gig more amusing at times than others. It became a game of sorts since the first words out of Mr. Harveys mouth after role call was always Edouardo, stand-up, please. Edouardo would rise reaffirming his trousers were indeed too low time after time, and again Mr. Harvey would order him to stand at the head of the class. The comical routine began their day. Edouardo did not dislike Mr. Harvey in fact he adored him! If not for Mr. Harvey _ the pomp and circumstance initiated on a daily basic, hed probably have gone the entire day, every day _ unnoticed by anyone at all. As it were


he enjoyed star status and was given laurels under all the scrutiny he received from the classroom, and carried it like a badge of honor. Once the show and tell segment ended Edouardo remained cheerful and relaxed throughout the rest of the period, always managing a big grin and a slight bow _ as would any thespian at the climax of his or her performance! When the ritual ended the students all settled down to the task at hand. There were days when Bree yearned to scream _ Edouardo, for Gods sake, just pull -up your britches before coming to class thats all! She realized, however, that that would have spoiled all their fun. She never mentioned these thoughts to him, nor did anyone else. Mr. Harvey certainly didnt. She was convinced he enjoyed the small ploy and positive he liked Edouardo very much _ everybody did! How could one not? He was a terrific sport, and had a sunny disposition even though the joke was always on him!


Her name was Miss Steinberg. An old-maid schoolmarm whom according to legend had been imprisoned for five long years in a Nazi concentration camp during the second world war. Her eyes were hideously crossed and rumors were that it was caused by the constant head butting of a Nazi carbine _ poor creature! They also were responsible for her paranoia and mental problems. Students sympathized and believed her own shenanigans were directly related to the hideous head-blows she suffered at the hands of inhuman monsters. Brees older sister, Megan had her in science class years earlier and claimed she was a Loony Tune right from the get-go _ even swearing she had eyes in the back of her head! Creating the picture in her mind Bree laughed out loud, giving no real credence to the aspect since clearly it made no sense to her. Youll find out, Megan said.


Indeed she did, as did everyone! Fortunately Bree was forewarned, unfortunately her fellow classmates were not. No one had any inkling of what was to come, suffice it to say they learned the hard way. Bree of course was skeptical from the beginning and didnt cut-up in the classroom, though that wasnt her nature it didnt effect her in any way. The biggest no-no in Steinbergs class was passing notes. A far greater crime than being caught cheating to her. Always suspicious believing people were writing obscene messages about her. Students usually waited until any teacher was at the blackboard before passing notes _ if they had any brains that is! Her eyes traveled to the corners closest to the ears_ not the nose as most were accustomed to, undoubtedly increasing her peripheral vision exceedingly which students didnt understand then. She appeared grotesquely hideous whenever that happened _ the poor thing and, probably wasnt considered any dish prior to her terrible misfortune! Her eyes always seemed to cross whenever Bree stood facing her, causing her much anxiety plus she was never certain where she should train her gaze: At the white areas of her eyeballs, which always made her want to puke: At her earlobes: The ceiling, or behind her back hoping she could see her there! Bree found it extremely difficult focusing each eye individually on her lobes, and usually received a painful headache for her trouble when trying, learning early on that it was not only painful but impossible as well, making the decision, rightfully so, that only a crossed-eyed person could accomplish that fete. Bree sincerely hoped that Steinberg didnt suffer soreness every time this happened, otherwise she would only be pain-free when sleeping _ if then even, and pondered whether it was possibly for a person to sleep in such agony. The amazing thing was no matter which seat you fancied she could spot a note being passed facing the blackboard even if one were sitting in the very last row of the middle section _ uncanny! It wasnt any wonder Megan made that claim. Robert passed a note to his pal James when Stei nberg was writing at the blackboard. Pandoras box was opened and all pandemonium flew out! She caught them red-handed and lit into them in such a tirade of raw emotion as ever witnessed in Granite history by a student and literally scaring the daylights out of them! Teachers were very laid-back and easy-going in those days and didnt believe in putting the fear of God into a student. In her defense none had ever experienced life in a German prison camp either. Most pupils were truly sorry for her suffering _ certainly Bree was. Though not always easy to relate to her wiley ways, especially when you became the target of her wrath. However, Bree managed to maintain a safe distance _ others werent so lucky! Unwittingly she brought about her own expulsion. By now there was little doubt that this educator was nuttier than a pecan-log!


Vociferously she accused the boys of passing answers which, they could have been _ who knew? She demanded they relinquish the evidence immediately _ they challenged her authority by swallowing the jotted missives. Well, there wasnt much she could do other than have a major spazola which, she could throw her voice like an opera singer, scaring the wits out of everyone within range. Too bad she wasnt singing shed have earned the G rammy! Then suddenly began half-dragging, half-shoving the boys downstairs to the deans office _ prodding them regularly with her handy-dandy yardstick. Of course the students went berserk left to their own supervision though warned to behave in her absence, but what kid ever heeded that advice? It was established the boys had been cheating therefore received three days suspension. Miss Steinberg always had the severest reaction to anything and everything that ever happened. It got to the point where no one dared raise a hand to question or request anything _ even the bathroom key _ that really sent her to the moon! Students generally assumed she wore a bag under those gathered dresses of hers since she apparently never had to go! During this particular period the johns were kept locked _ though not without provocation. Bree wasnt certain what the guys did in the latrines, but gals typically smoked and at times scribbled graffiti on the mirrors in theirs. Lorna was guilty of doing that on at least one occasion Bree knew of. Bumping into Lorna in the lavatory, she mentioned that she planned to scrawl lipstick on the mirrors _ furious the school called her mother at work to ask if she was aware her daughter had the highest tardies in the entire school _ thought she should know! She was grounded for three weeks! Lorna vehemently disagreed with the schools decision to call her place of employment and upset her with the news. Why didnt they write a note? What if she had had an accident driving home after receiving the upsetting tidings? Bree hadnt really taken her seriously when she voiced her intentions. Immediately following Brees departure Lorna gathered her lipstick and decorated the mirrors real pretty like she learned later. Bree failed to notice some little hall police spotted her leaving moments prior to her inspection. The vandalism had already occurred and discovered within a matter of moments. Bree was busted and hauled down to the deans office. The little dick chick all but accused her of doing the crime. Bree stuck to her story she was innocent! The one person who believed in her was the girls dean. She had always gotten along with her, and knew that she liked her. She figured the reason was because Herrman and Mary had taught her to respect her elders. Bree thought Cedargrin was probably as old as they come yet breathing! At any rate she had always liked her and treated her with proper regard. The boys enjoyed poking fun of her name saying, Her cedar wasnt anything to grin about, and meant it quite literally!


If she liked you _ you had a friend in deed, if she didnt give a hooey about you _ you had an enemy in deed. It was just that simple. Bree considered herself fortunate, though she knew she had earned her friendship. Some of her companions soon discovered just how profoundly Cedargrins affection for her really was. One day the circle members were observed having lunch at the Granite Bowl, and because pinball machines and alcoholic beverages were present the restaurant wasnt sanctioned b y the school. When they had the dough ra mi they liked to spend lunch period there because the establishment didnt cater to the school and served them Shirley Temples, which of course the girls made-believe were the real McCoys. In class they secretly showed-off the tiny umbrellas theyd smuggled from the bowl, pretending they were either from frozen daiquiris or zombies! If Miss Carlson hadnt been drinking lunch with her boyfriend no one would have been the wiser. They never considered blackmailing her as teens might nowadays. All were herded to the girls dean. There were five or six of them. Cedargrin happened to be in the process of leaving her office, deciding to tackle the situation there in the foyer; a small cramped space as one might imagine. Bree was stuck in the back shoved up against the closed office door. She hadnt appreciated the squeezed in position that she was placed in _ therefore decided to cutout. Lilly and Lorna were standing in front of her, much taller than she was, and Mrs. Cedargrin _ a mere wisp of a woman (except for the ax handle) missed seeing her altogether. Shed passed out her famous pink slips. After filling them out and signing their John Henrys they returned the slips of paper at which point the dean saw fit to gi ve one of her lengthy lectures. Over heated, cramped, and claustrophobic, Bree must flee before she passed-out, and waited for the right moment to make her getaway. At last the dean averted her eyes glancing in the opposite direction long enough for Bree to make like Houdini! The girls later told her that Cedargrin was baffled to find a pink slip with her signature, yet no where to be found! Lorna told Bree the dean had browsed through the stack of pink slips in their presence. Bree hadnt thought of that possibility. Reading the Pepto-Bismol colored forms she looked to each girl _ assuring they had properly signed their names. When she came to the one bearing Brees name _ her eyes quickly scanned the small cudgel, and discovered she was MIA. She totally lost it and demanded to know Which of you girls signed Bree Browns name to this slip? Lorna said old Cedargrin refused to believe that Bree had signed the note. She said, See how showing respect sometimes pays-off in spades? Though she fully expected to be reprimanded for her deed. The dean could have easily compared her file signature to the slip of paper; she would have discovered them one-andthe same. Funny _ she never did.


Bree held her breath for weeks thinking that at any moment shed be summoned to the deans office. After a month elapsed, and hadnt heard a single word she figured she never would. Well _ pin a rose on her nose! She did wonder why the dean hadn't checked her file signature. Was she afraid of what shed find, perhaps setting he rself up for disappointment? The dean did ask her if she knew who smeared lipstick on the restroom mirrors. She hated lying to her and felt dreadful afterward, but what could she have said differently? Very politely she said, no maam (she found educators loved that)! The dean believed her and said she could always count on her to tell the truth, which made her feel like a sack of you know what! Bree was certain Lorna was the culprit, but wasnt ratting on her best friend. The only recourse teens had for venting frustrations in regards to the menacing maneuvers of Miss Steinberg was to tell a trusted faculty member. Bree chose to confide in Mr. Harvey. He listened intently, nodding his head from time to time _ as if agreeing that the teacher was one card short of a full deck. She pleaded for him to do whatever possible to stop her friends from committing Hari-Kari. Without doubt he was the sweetest and most well liked teacher in Granite High. He genuinely cared about his students and their happiness was important to him. His comment was he would take whatever measures necessary to assure the welfare of his students, but reminded her that he didnt carry much clout with the powers that be, which she believed a great injustice and thought he should be running the school! He had mentioned this previously to her, sort of falling from grace because he wasnt a boot licker. Bree wondered whether any of them realized the example and wisdom he set for his students? Or how much they respected him as an educator and a man? She wished shed been more forthright in letting her feelings be known to him, but hoped his instincts would tell him so. He promised to speak with faculty members to get their feedback, saying he needed their impute if he wanted to resolve the dilemma. He also wished to discover whether other students had registered complaints with different teachers concerning the problem.


It was well known that Lexie was Steinbergs favorite student. She was the youngest of four siblings _ all brothers, each attending her class at one time or another. According to Lexie her eldest brother scored straight As in


her class and saved every test hed ever taken, then passing them down the line until it finally reached the end of the line, which of course was Lexie. Somehow her brother learned that Miss Steinbergs tests had never varied one iota throughout her entire career, and deciding selflessly to preserve the test papers for his younger siblings. His work ethics were laudable, and he worked tenuously to earn good marks. Shouldnt he have thought more highly of his underlings, permitting them the same opportunity for success? If he had been so disposed in giving them equal opportunity perhaps they could have pulled all As on their own accord? So it was that Lexie became Miss Steinbergs pet due to her overwhelming intellectual superiority over the rest of her multifarious students _ thats what she thought anyway! Obviously Steinberg hadnt made the connection that her straight A students all shared the same last name, let alone the bright shinny fact that all were red heads! She obviously wasnt blessed with street smarts, if so shed have figu red it out long before the last of the Mohicans, that or had the lousiest memory known to man. Of course there was every possibility that her forgetfulness occurred from blunt force trauma to the brain _ thanks to Gestapo tactics the poor thing was forced to endure however best she could. Ironic that Lexie and her fledglings could escape detection after all those years! Especially knowing how she despised cheaters! She always seemed to think everyone was cheating when they werent, when they actually were _ she couldnt see it for dust! Lexie was bright enough to not mention the fact that her three elder brothers had taken her class, (or that theyd received straight As for that matter)! She was afraid it might trigger old thought waves to spin round and ro und in her little old pea brain _ that could spell danger for her. So naturally she never mentioned it _ she might have been forced to make it on her own merits. She might have put two and two together and concluded that something was rotten in Denmark! Once Lexie offered Bree the answers, she turned-down the time-honored defraudment convinced if she attempted a stunt like that _ shed be shot before sunrise the next morning. She couldnt have gotten away with anything remotely like that or so she thought. The point was she didnt believe it was fair to anyone _ including Lexie. Thanks, Lexie, but Id rather learn, she said. Who knows, one day the knowledge might come in handy. On a more serious note she said, Lexie, youre not learning a thing in class, youre just doing the time _ Id be bored to tears! Lexie quite frankly admitted that her brothers prankish hoax had gone too to turn back. The class had advanced to a point where she couldnt catch-up in a million years, and wouldnt have a clue _ no one would under the circumstances.


How she passed the hour every day was beyond Bree. She would have gone stir-crazy. She knew Lexie felt guilty, which was why she offered to furnish the answers. She offered score results to other classmates as well _ they also refused! Many could have squealed on her _ none did. In spite of it all she was well liked and had a very nice personality. She didnt appear to grasp the serious repercussions her offer might have brought, which was obvious to the rest of them. If they excepted probably the hoax of the ages then the jig would be up immediately, and all the class cheaters would have been up the creek without a paddle! She didnt appear to understand that everyone couldnt suddenly out of the blue all begin receiving straight As when they hadnt befo re. That would have caused the creaky old wheels to spin. She wasnt that daffy to believe one could become genius over night! Even she knew one must strive for excellence on a daily basis until hopefully achieving your goal, unless of course one already has the answers up their sleeve! Even the great Steinberg brain wouldnt have missed that dead giveaway, yet Lexie did! Would she eventually have deduced a pattern here? Thats the sixty-four-hundred-dollar question that no one has the answer to. Bree suggested Lexie conclude the family fraud by ending it with her. Lexie, she said. I agree that anyone in your shoes would have probably done the same as you given the same set of circumstances. Youve taken every test score and used them to your advantage . Now its time to do the honorable thing _ incinerate those suckers once and for all.


School was finally out for the summer. Bree would miss it terribly, most especially Mr. Harvey, though shed just as soon her friends didnt learn of this. The be autiful blue Pacific offered much in which they could occupy their


time, guaranteed to prevent boredom. Of course her friends all considered the beach more exciting than school _ a close tie as far as Bree was concerned! Summer vacation afforded an abundance of leisurely time for planning social events, as well as attending them, which could cover most of the twelve-week holiday. Bree tried to schedule activities back to back whenever possible. The guys worked much of the time, but the gals enjoyed each others company without benefit of the fellas. The group planned to meet at the quad following graduation exercises that day. After meeting-up they made plans for Belmont Shores on Monday. Lilly and Wally were clearly an item by then. He and Tom were both working that Monday. So Bree and Lilly planned to hangout with the others. They would ride with Anne in her little black Mercury. Other riders included Renee and Jessie, whose fellas were also working that day. Going stag in Annes little car would be a blast , if somewhat over-crowded _ so much more the fun! The rest of the gang would meet up at the beach. Some of the fellas were joining them after work that evening, which worked out since the group planned to stay past dark to have a wiener roast. Campfires werent nearly as beautiful in daylight as they were at night! The seaside was pretty cool when they arrived. The guys smartly advised the chicks to bring along some blankets; it was good they listened. The sun found the courage to poke its head through the clouds at around two that afternoon, which gave them ample time to improve their tans. A net was hoisted and the fellas began practicing their skill in beach volleyball. Soon after choosing teams and everyone participated in the game. It had been lots of laughs. Sheilas beau, James, imitated her serving the ball over the net _ missing most of the time! After which shed stand there stomping her feet in the sand, which didnt leave much of an impression _ literally, they were so tiny! He mimicked her tendencies, and overly exaggerated them _ hilariously so! It was actually just her femininity that he joked about. James was so big and clumsy he could accentuate her positives and do it humorously. Bree laughed so hard, she feigned falling to the ground then grabbed her belly, rolling over and over in the sand, which drew lots of hee-haws. Finally Sheila had had enough then proceeded to emulate James being the large ox and not especially light on his tootsies in the sand or otherwise! Occasionally one could see him catching himself from falling. He was one clumsy guy! Of course she over dramatized her impression of him as well by doubling-up on his klutziness, of course everyone cheered her on so she really got into it! It was all in good fun and the crowd guffawed and guffawed where those two were concerned! Later Rita cornered her and asked if she and Tom could attend a small party she planned on Friday evening? Saying that her parents were out of town but had agreed to her having a small party before their return from Frisco Bay. The event wasnt to be a regular get-together, which would have included the entire gang and Rita had


requested that she keep it under wraps. Bree promised to be there if Tom could take her. He and Tony had become quite chummy of late _ thanks to the girls friendship. Casual attire, she said. Actually that went without saying. The dress code was standard rules for house parties unless otherwise indicated though sometimes they wore sheaths or that ever-popular little black dress. Ringing Tom that evening Bree extended Ritas invitation to him, his response was that he wanted to take her where ever her little heart desired, and agreed to pick her up at seven that evening, with bells on, he added. Perrrfect, she said. When Tom rapped at the door she answered immediately. Once he greeted her parents they made their exodus. Bree at once struck by the heady scent of the night blooming, jasmine and the sweet aroma of the lilac trees. It was a beautifully warm summer night. A neighbor strolling past, walking her dogs, both on leaches _ remarkable for the times, smiled at one another. The cobalt crystal clear sky and starry heavens twinkled like zillions of glitzy showgirls though it wasnt quite dark out. You look lovely tonight, Bree, Tom said, arching his brow approvingly. He opened the car door and helped her inside; she thanked him for the compliment. Somehow he always managed to increase her self-worth several notches or two. She waved at another neighbor as Tom backed down the driveway. Youre looking pretty spiffy yourself tonight, Thomas, she said, arching a brow right back at him, and smiled coquettishly. Ha! He couldnt resist her charms she was thinking! As he rounded the next corner he pulled over to the curb and kissed her, ardently! His employer extended his hours during the summer and she would miss seeing him on a daily basis. The drive to Ritas took only a matter of minutes. After parking the car he drew her close to his chest, kissing her again, passionately. The sensational kiss reinforced any doubts she might have conjured up to the contrary _ he cared for her! She intended to ask him whether he missed her or not, but the display of affection left her little doubt. They walked hand in hand up the steps to Ritas house. Tom banged the knocker. Rita immediately opened the door. Once inside it was obvious that the small informal party had already gotten started, and a happening thing for some time now. Everyone appeared animated and vivacious. Someone spiked the punch, she yelled out, everyone laughed. I didnt say that to be funny, she quipped. Tom grinned _ then headed for the john. Rita invited Bree to her room for a private conversation. Ok, she agreed, But wait until Tom returns. While waiting Bree studied Ritas face, arching her brow as she did so, sort of giving her the once over. She noticed she had been crying _ her large eyes still red. She tried to question her then but Rita begged her not to say


anything until they were alone. Bree caught her drift, which was she was afraid she couldnt hold her emotions in check _ unleashing the floodgates! Bree through her arms around her and hugged her. The poor kid she thought, wondering what the problem could possibly be? The first thing that entered her mind was she and Tony had a lovers spat, but that couldnt be the reason since she glimpsed him entering the apartment. Bree noticed a peculiar odor; something shed never detected before, especially not in Ritas house. Mrs. Cassini was the cleanest housekeeper in America. She knew it wasnt anything remotely like that and hadnt the vaguest notion of what it could be. Then she spotted Tom emerging from the head, grinning from ear to ear _ at her! She told him what was happening. All right, he said. But dont dilly-dally too long _ wouldnt want people thinking Im a wallflower. Right, she smiled. Oh, he was so sweet, she thought! They ambled off to Ritas room _ Brees arm around her waist. A hoop of laughter was hea rd. Rita said someone must have told a corker! Then they were in the confines of her room, the bed piled high with jackets and sweaters, a few purses heaped on top. Not many homes were built with hall closets in the day and were usually the size of a water cooler when they did! Bree asked why she was crying, she didnt hold any punches back, and said she was pregnant! Bree reacted as though shed been kicked in the gut by a mule _ the air knocked clean out of her. The floor suddenly lurched dangerously close to her face, bolting for the bed she clutched the side-rail for dear life. Oh, my God, she gasped. How did it happen? You know, she said, half embarrassed. One of those hot Latin moments _ they totally lost it, when it was over I was pregnant! Bree, I haven't even told my dad yet. Im afraid hell kill me so please, please keep this under your hat for now. Bree grabbed her and held her tight, then had a good cry. When the rears were dried away Bree pleaded with Rita to inform her parents the moment they returned from their vacation. She promised Bree faithfully that she would. Then Bree asked how Tony was handling the situation? Like a man, she answered, almost proudly. Great! she sighed. A ray of sunshine! They didnt have the large Catholic wedding theyd always dreamed of. Instead they were married by a Justice of the Peace. Rita didnt graduate that year. Tony gained full -time employment with Pacific-Bell. They lived with his mother long enough to save a down payment on a house. They bought a darling wood-shingled cottage with the proverbial white picket fence. God, how Bree missed seeing Rita at school every day! Tom and Bree were invited to their home often, and Rita attended club meetings until after the baby arrived. She gave birth to a precious daughter whom they named Maria, after Ritas mother. When Maria was a little older,


Rita brought her to an occasional club meeting and boy did the girls ever spoil her! She was a darling child, resembling her mama soooh much, though took after her dad as well. Rita was the best mother in the world, and Tony was a proud father and a hard worker. He was eventually promoted to line manager, supervisor, superintendent, and finally district manager. Several years later he was named Vice President, West Coast Operations. Almost anything could be accomplished in those days without a college degree though some believed his last promotion was his undoing. He met many people, and traveled extensively. Rita remained close to her family ties while keeping the home fires burning during this period. They had another daughter right away, but waited several years before Tony Junior was born. When Junior was approximately five years old and in kindergarten Tony senior had his first affair. Rita discovered it in a very disparaging way _ though ultimately forgiving him. Things were never the same though _ beginning of the end some said. Of course neither could except the fact that their marriage was over and they continued to delay the inevitable so that the ending was stretched out over a long period of time. It seemed that once hed tasted the waters so to speak, his thirst could no longer be quenched. He revisited the fountains many times after that, but enough was finally enough _ she had finally reached the saturation point where no amount of wheedling could work for him. They were divorced _ that was that. By the time they joined the party the group was settled-in listening to a Dinah Washington album. Tom asked if shed like a drink? His timing couldnt have been more perfect. Please, she said. Tom left to retrieve a beverage for her. She couldnt take her mind off her dear friend, feeling helpless, and such sorrow for her. She didnt deserve this. She was the sweetest, kindest, most generous and giving person in all-the world! Tom returned with her drink. Hey, penny for your thoughts, he said. Oh, Tom, Ive just been dealt a terrible blow. Did Rita tell you about the baby, he inquired? Yes, she said. Rita mentioned it asking me to keep it cool since her parents arent even aware of it yet. Yeah, Tony clued me in in the can, he said, dejected, handing her the drink. Thanks, she smiled. Hopefully this will calm the jitters. Tom encircled her in his arms holding her tightly. Later when they were dancing she asked him whether hed noticed a strange odor in the house. Looking up at the ceiling as though he couldnt look her straight in the eye casually said, Nothing out of the ordinary. He appeared high, yet not that either, though different in some way. She couldn't quite nail-it-down, as he seemed the perfect gentleman as always. Possibly a very congenial one at the present, which wasnt really out of the


ordinary either. He kissed her while they danced, gentle, sweet. She thrilled to his kiss even to his touch, and knew she always would! Peering at his wristwatch, he mentioned it was past eleven. Her parents were still insisting she be home by eleven-thirty even though it was summer vacation and school was no longer was in session. One would think a later curfew might be in order, but that wasnt the case in her case. Bree often wondered whether she put a damper on mutual party revelers, albeit she never heard any complaints. Common, Bree, lets blow this joint _ youre turning orange as we speak, he teased. She laughed.


Summer was zooming by for Bree, and was spending more and more of her days at the Youth Center. The group whiled away the hours playing caroms, Chinese checkers, Old Maid and billiards. The girls became a challenge for the fellas on the pool table. Some of the gals, including Bree, learned to play billiards as competitively as did the guys. Alas, girls werent expected to outshine the boys at anything in the fifties. Pity the female who bested a guy at pool or any other game. Most fellas figured that any guy who allowed a chick to beat him at anything regardless was a chump. If you werent the weaker sex then get out of the way _ guys weren't interested!


Tom didnt hold those views, but the sentiment was widely held in the nineteen fifties. Females were exp ected to help build the male ego _ not beat it with a stick! Men thought women shouldnt be competitive in nature or succumb to their own egos _ heaven forbid! The ideology was widely viewed by young married men _ women were expected to wait hand and foot on their men period. Brees close circle of friends didnt really mind until after the children came along, which at that point took exception to the rule _ resenting it something fierce. Some of the gals began smoking that summer. Bree, Anne, and Rita never really got into it. But Lilly and Lorna were among those who did. Bree believed they did it purposely to stunt their growth! Of course biker chicks smoked like chimneys and always have thinking it helped the faade of appearing tougher and also older than they really were. They would wet the lower lip allowing the cigarette paper to stick to it then allow it to limply dangle mid air to help create the illusion of being really tough! Supposedly nice girls didnt smoke in the fifties _ though most did! A bit dopey in the modern world to equate female smokers with bad girls but the fellas managed to pull it off! Rita and Bree would occasionally take pulls off others cigs, never buying their own for fear of becoming addicted. They were told they would develop the horrible habit of uncontrollable chain-smoking if they didnt change their ways, which thankfully never happened. Cigs or coffin nails as they were referred to, were merely .25 cents a pack in vending machines, less if you were old enough to buy them at the green-grocers or had someone who was to make the purchase for you. With such low costs no one cared whether you bummed or not! Bree found it amusing when she learned the British slang for cigarettes was fags. She discovered it watching an English war movie on television. Growing up in her small corner of the world she never knew a gay person. The term was unknown in the fifties. However, she knew they existed. They were homosexuals and thats what they were called. Bobby once made a comment t hat if a queer so much as touched him hed beat the holy crap out of him. The word, queer, considered crass in her day. He was very rude referring to someone as queer, and she told him as much, but he already knew that, which was probably why he said it. This after all was the nineteen fifties! Everyone was taught the Golden Rule in those days and was pretty much adhered to by all. Bree learned the lesson well in grade school. She had been punished by her fourth grade teacher for braking the tip of a fountain pen belonging to a friend of hers. She hadnt done so deliberately though could have been negligent, at any rate her punishment was writing The Golden Rule 150 times! She was happy it had happened back then, she learned an invaluable lesson at a timely age.



Odd the way the fellas through a natural revolution selected their leaders. Seemingly a person whom they wished to emulate, had an affinity for, possibly aspiring to become that person whom they so deeply admired. Men yearned to be handsome. Many dreamed of becoming the next Charles Atlas pumping and pumping more and more iron. Each sought persons with pleasing personalities. When one has all those qualities, and was a scholar and a sportsman as well one wanted to wrap their selves around this individual. They imitated him and prayed with any luck at all some of the essence might rub-off on some of them. Wouldnt that leader be more captivating with charisma enough to charm the socks off a gal? Females adored him!


Sounds too good to be true, that any person other than God Almighty himself could have all those qualities rolled into one, however Michael was the genuine article. Chicks were literally driven wild by his sensuality. The peculiar part though was that he appeared totally unaware of these valuable virtues of his, which the women found soooh appealing! The guys chose their idol long before, they chose Michael Shea who wasnt a stupid person in any sense of the word and well aware of his charges, but never let on that he actually knew _ too cool for that! Its doubtful whether hed ever been anointed the honor had he reacted any differently. At times the gals questioned whether the fellas even understood that they had chosen Michael as their leader and guessed that it had unfolded little by little. Michael inspired all those who knew him. He graduated that June and soon after married his high school sweetheart. Alas the marriage was doomed to fail. Three kids later the family moved to Hollywood to break into show business. Michael was in like Flynn, wasnt he always the star? He was such a winner in high school it wasnt surprising to anyone t hat he would succeed in Hollywood _ especially in the fifties. Fewer people broke into films back then since there were fewer people in the United States helped Michael in his quest for stardom. Competition is off the charts nowadays. Today it would be nothing short of a miracle to slip past the cast iron gates of a Hollywood studio. Unfortunately, Maryanne didnt fair well in her misadventure there. She was a darling girl in actuality, though the camera couldnt behold the beautiful image people could _ not photogenic as they say. That wasnt the case where Michael was concerned _ the camera made love to him! During the family stay in tinsel town, the producers, directors, scriptwriters, cameramen and stagehands all gobbled up Michael so completely hed nothing left Maryanne. Finally she hadnt any other recourse than to leave him. Michael is still making feature films today. Albeit, not the dashing leading roles of yesteryear, but with maturity hes thankful for the small character rolls assigned to hi m, happy to be gainfully employed in an industry where youth is everything! Soon after his arrival studio moguls decided his name was too Irish. They changed it to Steven Day for a wider range of adoring female fans. Maryanne quickly faded from the scene _ not riding gloriously on her white stallion charger into the sunset, but somewhere between the backdrops and the backlots. The coyotes chewed her-up piece by piece spitting her out in degrees, until never to be seen again by anyone. She deserved far better than she received. Michael dropped old friends like they were going out of style, making the usual excuses, Well do lunch, or Im busy at the moment, or Call me, but those lunches and meetings and telephone conversations never


materialized. His friends eventually wrote him off and Michael allowed for that to happen consequently losing his oldest and dearest friends. Michael forgot all about Maryanne beginning with his very first feature film falling in love with his leading lady, as soon as he possibly could obtained a divorce in Reno. As a matter of record _ Michael fell in love with many of his leading ladies marrying most of them. There were few exceptions in those early days. Hollywood later dubbed him The Husband because he wed and shed his mates so frequently. Perhaps the title should have been The Little Tramp, which would have better suited him. Of course that moniker already belonged to Charles Chaplain. Though Charlie wasnt called The Little Tramp because he was one; he earned hi s title silently by playing the role of one. Mike on the other hand _ you get the picture! He wedded five other women. By the time the finale divorce decree played out hed become so decrepit and ancient that women no longer were attracted to him _ ending-up a tragic, lonely figure. He did amass great wealth and could have had it all but for one small detail _ his britches had stayed down to earth! Many children were born from these unions _ most grew-up to hate him!


The Youth Center was a great place for youths to hangout because it was open during summer hours when most parents were working and teens hadnt anything more constructive to do with their time, providing a safe haven for friends to congregate safely _ free of charge, and if one were terribly lucky a chance to meet new ones as well. A fight broke out once, which naturally hadnt been anticipated. A gang hailing from the San Pedro area decided a little diversion was just what the doctor ordered. They came to Granite looking for trouble _ man, did they


ever find it! Michael was busy at the billiard table _ it seemed he always owned it. Out of the blue this goon walked in sashaying up to where Maryanne sat watching Michael play, instantly making a pass at her! At first Michael didn't notice, his back against him shooting the ball as the guy sauntered past him. Of course Maryanne rejected him instantly. Then out of the clear blue yonder this total stranger called Maryanne the c--- word _ just like that! She began screaming at once for Michael _ in shocked disbelief! Guys didnt use profani ty in the presence of young ladies in those days. They were taught to respect women. Occasionally a fella might slip-up, but under normally conditions would have jumped through hoops for the opportunity to apologize for his small peccadillo and would have been totally ashamed of his faux pa _ not this royal horses ass hadnt the intelligence or scruples to do so. Having an absolute stranger stride in off the streets using guttersnipe language, and doing it on ones own turf was inexcusable, especially in those days. Michael came running _ pool cue in hand. The coward raced towards the parking lot exit, but several sentries standing on either side of the door reached-out grabbing him by the collar as he attempted to leave _ holding him for Michael. Michael ordered everyone outside. Then discovered the goons hatchet men gaining entrance to their cars by smashing the window wings. They caught them red-handed ripping-off radios and heaters, braking off antennas and some carving up the upholstery. The saboteurs were obviously busy vandalizing the vehicles long before the ignoramus walked through the door. Bree started to run out-back to witness what was happening, but was quickly shoved aside and told to stay indoors. Thinking the guys probably needed help, she shouted for the youth advisor to call police after which she explained what happened. Police arrived within minutes. Meanwhile a melee had broken out and was in progress as the officers arrived on the scene. She peeked outside _ scared to move. When she did she saw fists flying every where but loose. The supervisor wound up rehashing the story to the fuzz exactly as Bree had relayed it to him. Yet they had apprehended the innocent along with the riffraff, and were preparing to spirit them all down to the pokey _ the lot of them spread eagle on the asphalt. Once the johns finally understood what happened they ferried the guilty parties away in the paddy wagon, at which point they all breathed a sigh of relief. No one was familiar with the hoodlums other than the fowl mouthed one. They learned later that he and Michael were archenemies dating back to when Michael attended San Pedro High. He had transferred to Granite in his freshmen year, and would soon be graduating.


As it happened theyd been in hot pursuit of the same dame who eventually chose Michael over Hugo, the one with the wretched tongue. He had never forgotten nor forgiven what Michael had supposedly done to him, deciding to steal Mikes chick for paybacks! Before departing the officers informed the fellas that they might possibly be called into court as eyewitnesses in the case. Fortunately for everyone concerned the case never went to court. The police released the obnoxious teens to their parents charge. They were ordered to make restitution for t he damage their sons had caused or personally guarantee the courts their sons would, of course choosing the latter. The guys provided authorities with written declarations of their losses for compensation. Eventually everyone was reimbursed and that was the end of that tune!


The latest gossip was that Hugo had stolen the heart of Juanita at long last, the very girl who once rebuffed his charms for Michaels. The relationship was calamitous right from the start and resulted in a horrible tragedy. He had


gotten her in a family way, later admitting he wasnt the marrying kind, and didnt want the responsibility of fatherhood. She being a mere child herself naturally wasnt ready for motherhood either. Later they learned that Hugo was involved in illegal abortions for profit and talked Juanita into undergoing the procedure. He knew how desperately she wanted to finish her education, and that making something of herself was important to her, unfortunately hooking-up with him was her downfall. Presuming _ probably accurately for the times that her dreams of pursuing a political career would never reach fruition if she dropped-out of school to give birth _ much less raise the child. She allowed him to perform the criminal operation, and bled to death in her effort. Hugo was sentenced to eight years in prison for his crime. This wasnt his first offense but had managed to get off without doing time. He served only five years and was released on good behavior, while that poor defenseless girl got the death penalty! Many females died like that in the fifties; all abortions were illegal. If women found it necessary to terminate a pregnancy _ even to save her own life, she was forced to flee to a foreign land to abort her fetus. Michael was horrified at the injustice of it all _ they all wer e, even though most of them didnt know her personally, they could relate to her, sympathize her passing, and the loss to her loved ones. The whole point was a young girl in need, died indeed, who shouldnt have and wouldnt have in this day and age _ not as long as Roe v. Wade remains on the books.


A mid-summer meeting was planned for the following Friday, signifying that summers end was quickly approaching, which didnt bother Bree of course _ always anxious for school to begin was she. The gathering would be held at Renees who had a trademark all her own. Her hair either in Bobbie pins or rollers she often wore a cap


around her head with a scarf draped atop it and tied behind her neck. In cool windy weather she wore her babushka tightly drawn beneath her chin giving a triangular appearance, the widest angle being across the crown, the smallest at her chin. The headdress was fashioned from a dishtowel or a diaper, always white and the neckerchief was always black matching the ever-popular black and white saddle-oxfords of the day. She might have designed it to match her shoes, but on the other hand black and white clothing was very popular then and could have been to match her apparel as well. Though Renee created the style, many schoolgirls adopted it _ including Bree. The girls began wearing it with hair piled high in rollers or flat headed with Bobbie pins, which was Renees sole objectivity in desig ning the head garb, but also dating if hair was unkempt or in curlers and pins. Scarves were not permitted at school so in that instance chicks just had to weather the storm and took it in stride _ never dreaming of rebelling! The entire student-body eventually wore the style in time (girls that is) and thought the effect was very chic, especially when coupled with fashionable hoop earrings, which was believed added just the proper touch. Though the style sounds hokey now, remember that most things must-be seen to be appreciated especially when you are going back to the future. There were no electric hairdryers, hair-blowers, or electric curling irons back then and didnt surface until the late fifties. There was a certain exception, however, which, Bree remembered well from her childhood. Mary once brought home a very strange looking apparatus of sorts, appearing to belong to some ancient dungeons torturechamber. It was a rustic looking old-fashioned curling iron, which one placed over a stove burner to heat. The odd looking contraption curled approximately two curls at a time, if that, especially given that Brees hair was very long then, at which point the relic must be reheated again. The entirety of the curling iron was made of iron including the handles making it difficult to heat the bottom portion without also heating the handles! Bree and her sisters burnt their fingers on a regular basic, and were petrified of dropping it for fear it would land on their bare feet (never wearing shoes in summer mon ths.) The thing quite easily slipped from their fingers since it weighed a ton, and red could be seen in the ore when left on the burner too long! Using a potholder while curling ones hair was pointless. At last Mary forbade them to use it. They obeyed her orders especially since they couldnt seem to locate it _ no matter how deep they dug. Bree thought Mary might have hidden it in the garbage container, thinking theyd never dare look in there! Garbage back in the day was exactly that _ garbage _ not trash. Garbage disposals were a noneentity in early fifties even for wealthier folk. Instead using small rectangular plastic garbage baskets that fit perfectly


into the corners of the sink. Kitchen basins were always square in those days and no such thing as double sinks. When full it was emptied in the garbage pail out back or in the evening after dinner dishes were washed. The container occupants were these squirmy little white scary, slimy, crawly things, appearing to be mass reproducing themselves, doubling, tripling, quadrupling in size whenever Brees curiosity got the best of her and chanced to take a peek _ man, it creeped her out! The very last time shed forgotten and peered inside while dumping out the garbage basket she noticed the maggots had grown larger than that of the actual garbage itself, and instinctively realized that they had ingested the curling iron in its entirety! Theyd seized control of the pail; their numbers mushroomed beyond all comprehension! Soon after the family moved to Granite. For obvious reasons when people moved they left their garbage cans behind. Bree worried about the family who had bought their home _ actually concerned for their welfare, in fear of the maggots left behind! Could they have devoured the new owners _ she shuddered as a chill passed through her remembering the sight of the unholy lice, and knowing they devoured the curling iron! Oh, My, God, she thought _ those poor people! The girls were reduced to curling their-own hair again, while leaving it up to Mother Nature to dry it in Her own good time! In winter months it could take most of the day to dry a mop like Brees. Hairspray wasnt around yet, rendering it challenging to say the least in maintaining that perfect coif, not be caught in curlers or bobby pins on occasion. Albeit with the advent of Renees trendy turban they were no longer caught indisposed after school hours. Since Renees mother was a divorcee _ chances were the meeting would be unsupervised. They planned a slumber party following the adjournment. As it turned out there were no chaperones that evening. Mona had a date with a dreamboat (so thought the girls) whom she called a kid at thirty and was his senior by six or so years. To the girls he was ancient and found it amusing that anyone would think otherwise. The teens all loved Mona who trusted them explicitly and treated them like any other adult. Apparently the party was the only game in town judging by the steady stream of characters passing through _ taking everyone by surprise. Renee acquired many friends during her juncture at Saint Annes Catholic School. She had attended parochial school through her freshmen year, spending her sophomore, junior, and senior years at Granite. The meeting was quickly terminated due to excessive cars left idling out front; proving once again how popular their midsummer party had become. Debutantes became jealous of the clubs ability to draw in the crowds, especially Marta. She couldnt have drawn a bee if she were a honeycomb! Tom showed up early as well _ surprising Bree. She hadnt expected him since he was scheduled to work early the next morning. Because a slumber party followed no one wanted to miss it. Sleepovers were the perfect gig for


Bree since getting home on time wouldnt be a problem. They could party, hardy, till Mona returned, and her being single usually meant the wee hours of the morning _ the fellas knew that! There was probably one guy for every gal plus change, which wasnt the rule. The opposite was usually true _ more gals than guys. Lorna was tickled pink in that regard. It helped alleviate some of the edginess she felt in not having a steady beau, and provided her an opportunity to pick and choose with less dilly-dallying and hunching her shoulders attempting to appear shorter than she really was. None of this was meant to be nor would the evening prove a pleasant one. The tragic news was received shortly after the meeting concluded. Renee had bought time awaiting her mothers departure. Earlier that same afternoon she had r eceived the worst possible news _ her boyfriend was discovered dead from an apparent drug overdose. Bree couldnt believe the horrible news! Everyone tried to console Renee at once. Her young beau had been a stranger to most the circle. He had attended Saint Annes with her. Learning of his untimely death, the crowd rallied around her _ comforting her as best they could. Renee appeared to except the awful news as well as could be expected, but at sixteen she was entirely too young to understand the unimaginable loss of a loved one, to even comprehend that his death marked the final chapter to their love-story. The coroner planned an autopsy for Ricardo, but authorities seemed reasonably certain his death was caused from an overdose of heroin, the drug of choice in those days, now presently making a new comeback. It was unfortunate _ the assumption was correct. As guests continued to drift in they were informed of the tragic news one by one. They understood that Renee wasnt in the best of party spirits, and were distressed for their friend. Little by little the fellas began taking their leave _ offering final condolences as they filed past her. The very definition of the word depressing could have been coined to describe that disastrous day. Once the guys split they began bedding down for the evening. No one much wanted to spend the evening there, but realized it was too late to change courses. Besides, hopefully, their presence could provide Renee some semblance of solace. Plus, what excuse would they offer their parents _ that they left the slumber party early because the hosts boyfriend ODED on heroin? Having settled in early Renee began to elaborate on Ricardos plight. When she explained how hard she had fought him to kick the habit by going cold turkey_ an extremely harsh treatment for anyone wanting the freedom of drug dependency really impressed the girls. When she finally gained the courage to actually broach the subject he flatly refused to even discuss the matter. The home remedy required incredible strength of willpower. To be


successful the addict must truly want to overcome the monkey on his back in order to prevail. Obviously Ricardo wasnt ready at the time and didnt realize that for him the clock was already ticking. Actually, they were surprised to learn that Renee had knowledge of his addiction, an unusual happening for those days. Taking drugs without benefit of prescription was a felony in those days, and users didnt flaunt the fact they were on H. Renee brought out some photographs she had hidden in her bureau of Ricardo. The girls all drooled over his picture and couldnt believe how darling he was! He looked as though he hadnt a care in the world in his pic. He couldve had any chick in the world his heart desired _ he wa s that cute! He was apparently of Spanish descent with a name like Ricardo, and appeared very fair in color with blond hair and blue eyes. Renee called him Ricky. He was seventeen years old. Bree had heard tale of youths sharing reefers now and again, but never knew of anyone getting hooked on heroin. The concept seemed like a nightmare that never ended to her _ one in which could only end badly. She had recently viewed a documentary on TV regarding that very topic, and the outcome was surreal to her. The hero of the film short perished as well, but lived such a horrible existence leading up to the climax that it almost seemed like a blessing. A memorial or funeral service for him was never announced and there wasnt anyone Bree knew whod been invited to attend one. Mona refused her daughter to attend any facsimile of one and Ricardos name was never spoken in their home again. Hanging with Rita some time following his death, Bree asked what all the latest was? She said she heard that any conversation pertaining to Ricardo was strictly taboo _ orders from headquarters! Bree said Mona shouldn't expect Renee to deny Rickys very existence, or what theyd shared. Rita was positive Renee had someone to confide in or she wouldve gone stark raving mad! Bree agreed. They could appreciate Renees mother wanted only what was best for her daughter. But agreed that that was not the appropriate response to the situation. In those days parents typically believed if you refrained from discussing your problems or concerns _ issues would magically be resolved!




Tom and Tony had Palladium tickets for a Stan Kenton performance the following weekend. Tom appeared mystified when Bree hesitated in accepting his invitation, asking her, Whats the matter, Bree? Her reply was that she disliked asking people to leave an important event early simply because her parents bullheadedness insisted she be home at an impossible as well as unreasonable hour. Why don't we try discussing it with them, Tom asked? Ok, she agreed. But I doubt it will make a difference. Mary wa s definitely the more understanding of the two, yet her standard reply had become _ Go ask your dad. The show was being held on Saturday night. So Friday evening Tom paid her parents a visit to discuss their dilemma. He explained that the show wouldnt get started until 9:00, but seating was between 8:00 and 8:30 and several opening acts would be performing prior to Mr. Kenton's and his concert probably wouldnt get started until 11:00. His show was approximately one and a half to two hours long dependin g, which meant the function wouldnt even end before 12.30 at the earliest, 1:00 at the latest. It was no easy feat driving to LA in those days. Back then it was always sit then go getting to the parking lot itself, then forge ahead a little, then sit, then go some more, hoping against hope that someone would give you a break and let you in line _ no parking attendants either! It took forever. Actual driving time would require at least an hour or so. There were no freeways around to get anyone home in a jiffy thats for sure. The trip would prove even lengthier due to poor lighting along the boulevard and the main thoroughfare was closed to through traffic, which meant detours were aplenty. To Brees surprise her father piped -up saying _ All right then, 1:30 tops. Mary countered _ 2:00, tops. They all stared in amazement _ including Herrman! Nevertheless, he said _ All right then, 2:00 tops it is. In leaving Tom mentioned that hed pick her up at seven on the following night. Great, Bree said, smiling happily. Gently squeezing her hand he wished everyone a good evening. Bree was elated! That was two and a-half-hours longer than her normal curfew. She suddenly felt all grownup! For the first time in history she wouldnt have to pressure friends into leaving before an affair was actually over. She had a sense of freedom for the first time in her life. What she didnt get then was that freedom once attained remained exactly that for an entire lifetime _ free to succeed, free to fail, and all depend ed on ones own good judgement _ an awesome responsibility!

Her kid sister would be so jealous. She thought she should be able to do whatever Bree did. Wasn't it enough that she dragged her along to the matinees on weekends? Bree thought why should she c are, didnt she force the little twerp to sit four or five rows behind her, and somewhat left of center? That way she could easily turn in her


seat, to discover her sitting there _ hopefully minding her own beeswax. More importantly was to ascertain she wasnt being molested by some old perv! Jo was basically a good kid and Bree loved her deeply. She was less than three years her junior, but taking younger siblings anywhere in those days was definitely frowned upon if one could possibly avoid it. When that wasnt plausible she wound-up thinking she was being punished for something she had done, or hadnt done, not knowing drove her up a tree! Brees conscience often suffered when insisting that Jo sit at least four rows behind her. She would shower her with extra tidbits to help ease her guilty conscious. She knew Jo wouldnt dare tattle on her or she would cut -off the goody supply. She supposed it could be considered bribery, which was against the law she knew, but it got the job done! Usually Bree sat in the very front rows; close to center stage _ her date could easily find her that way. At times they kissed, though mostly holding hands. Of course this was when she was quite young. As she matured the rules changed and if the boys expected to sit next to her, let alone hold her hand or kiss her, they must pick her up at home, since they were all very young they werent expected to pay and their date was strictly Dutch treat. She never failed to instruct her sister to be mindful of dirty old men hanging about, or dirty young ones either _ especially ones lurking in the shadows. Brees eyes were constantly peeled for child molesters, no one was going to injure or maim her little sister when she was in charge! Mary must have really been paranoid for those days because to one ever worried about stranger danger back then _ only parental danger! Mary insisted upon these safety requirements and was one instance in which Bree obeyed her without exception. Mary also deserved all the credit in the world that her children failed to contract polio, which was an epidemic of major proportions at that time and no Doctor Salk in sight! She taught them not to except gum or candy from strangers. When at the movies they werent allowed to let their dresses creep -up from under them, in other words no direct contact between the seats and their underpants allowed. Another thing she taught them was never allow their mouths to touch directly on any water spigots, drinking fountains, rubber-hoses, (also a spider might come out) and never, ever, sit on anyones toilet unless you knew them really well! Most specifically she insisted that one never, ever, sit on a public privy anytime, anyplace, anywhere, no matter what _ they held it a lot! A twelve-year old boy living in the home her parents would eventually purchase had contracted polio. Mary was frightened silly that her own children could come down with the dreaded disease, especially since polio was terribly contagious _ surprisingly no one ever did. One reason might possibly be that Mary scrubbed the entire house with bleach prior to moving in. After that the rooms were wallpapered or painted including the service porch and


garage. Bree still remembers how terrified her parents were of becoming infected with the horrible, crippling, infection. Fortunately, the virulent ailment never was contracted by anyone they knew. One Saturday afternoon when Bree and Jo were at the matinee, Bree seated in the usual four rows in front as per arrangement. David slipped into the seat next to her, slowly edging his arm around her, and placing her hand in his. After awhile she decided she best check on Jo to ascertain all was well, craning her neck slightly to look her way. The scene practically floored her! To her consternation Jo was sitting there _ big as you please, with some pimply-faced kid, octopus arms, all over her! Well, she thought shed die right there and then! Jo stared right back at her _ defiantly, not so much as batting an eyelash at her sister's appalled alarm _ her brazenness stunning! Of all the gall! The satisfied expression ingrained in her little angelic face, and puffy pink cheeks could not be denied! She was having a grand ol time and didnt mind letting it show. Bree refused to take her eyes off that little pipsqueak after that! When the movie ended she got it! Furthermore, Bree threatened that the instant they got home she was telling their mother. Go ahead, Jo baited her, and Ill tell her what youve been up to all this time. How dare that little smart-Alec! Man, she thought, she had really under-estimated those sweet chops of hers! Shed heard her whole life long that paybacks were a b---h _ now for the first she was finding out! Little Jo was growing up _ no two ways about it! They were raised to tattle on potential hazards only not to be stool pigeons so of course neither squealed on the other. Around that time Bree had finally convinced Mary that Jo was plenty old enough to attend matinees without a chaperone, furthermore, she said she should be permitted to meet with her friends without dragging along a younger sibling. Deep down she was feeling guilty as all get out! It didnt seem proper for Jo to be meeting boys at the cinema. Yet she realized she had been meeting boys herself since her age. Somehow, though, it seemed wrong for Jo to be doing it. She perceived suddenly that she hadnt set a proper example for her baby sister _ it hit her like a ton of bricks! Hard lessons were learned that day. One was that Jo wasnt nearly as dumb as she thought she w as! The episode also taught her exactly what it is a parent endures every day and every night of their lives until their child is safely home again. It occurred to her then _ possibly for the first time, just how deeply she treasured her family.



Tom rang the doorbell at exactly 7: 00 PM. Bree had finished dressing and was awaiting his arrival. Mary had taught her _ never permit a date to believe youre at his beck and call. So she feigned a little and muttered that she


would be ready promptly. They arrived at the Palladium just after 8:00. By the time they parked and met-up with the others they hustled to locate their assigned seats just as the lights dimmed. They were barely seated when the first show started. The show featured Big Joe McNeely and he was fabulous! Man, could he blow that big tenor sax! He knew how to make that big brass monster whine, wail, moan and groan, then turn it around and make it cackle like the crazy witch of Eastwick. He was probably the greatest saxophonist of their day other than Stan Getz who was the greatest of all times! When his repertoire concluded, the brass members began a sax war by banding together forming a semi -circle and played their instruments at the same moment. They blowed and blowed their sizable saxes, aiming first at the heavens then bringing them down real low until almost touching the floor, bleating them like bighorn sheep at the slaughter, then again raising them skyward bound, then back and fourth, up and down, for what seemed like hours on end. What made the scene appear so utterly cool was that half the musicians were raising their brass upwards while the rest continued blowing those big reeds faced downward, laboriously, even feverishly, never missing a beat. The players were going up and down faster and faster, blowing harder and harder. One could see the audience never wanted it to end, but several musicians clearly seemed on the verge of collapse. They ended it _ abruptly, rushing off the stage in an explosion of accolades as theatergoers rewarded them a standing ovation, and refused to sit down until they returned and took their bows. The most exciting event imaginable for those days _ any days for that matter! Drum wars were around back then as well and were equally exciting. Some of the circle of friends, including Tom and Bree had the incredible fortune of sitting-in on a jam session with world famous Gene Kruppa at a local lounge. He arrived totally unexpected and unannounced. He had ventured down from the Hollywood Hills to jam with a friend who headlined there and patiently sat waiting for him to complete his gig. During this waiting period other drummers strolled in _ also famous for all they knew? The drums began to roll as the group instantly realized their luck as interlopers into the beats and sounds of some of the worlds greatest drummers. One could only dream of attending such an exquisite event _ let alone pro bono. They had to pinch themselves to prove they werent dreaming. The entertainment was completely free other than a minimum cover charge of two-drinks. Obviously under aged, they were charged extra heavy for those cherry cokes. It didnt matter; they would have paid any price to hear this performance. Meanwhile back at the Palladium! Billy Daniels was next on the docket; he sang renditions of all his past hits including that Old Black Magic. His voice reverberated an enchanting, somewhat mystical tone, and his throaty resounding sound resonated like


yards, and yards piled high of crushed pure velvet _ his voice so deep. Then followed up with a medley of old favorites. Lionel Hampton followed. He was incredible on his vibes as he called them. The instrument was originally called Vibraphone, but later renamed Xylophone. There wasnt anyone in the country to compare with Hampton at the time. For many years he quite possibly was one of the sole xylophonist of our land. Eventually others picked it up, but were no challenge to his rhythm and sweet sounding strains of which he was famous for. Whenever a vibes virtuoso was required in music, song, dance, or cinema, you could b et your bottom dollar Lionel Hamptons name was at the forefront. At last the much anticipated Mr. Stan Kenton stepped onto the stage. Teenagers loved him so and considered him the coolest jazzman on the planet _ rightfully so. After closing his show every musician, entertainer, and singer in the house began marching up and down the aisles, instruments blaring, feet stomping, with voices belting to the rafters, singing When The Saints Come Marching In. While at the same time tossing ice at the spectato rs was wild and crazy! They must have stuffed every pocket full of ice cubes there was so much of it! The mostly teen audience never had so much fun and excitement in their lives! Funny the way a small thing could top off an evening and turn it into a real extravaganza. Imagine catching something as elusive as a frozen cube of ice, a souvenir from your hero? Sensing his hand touching it only moments before was enough for most of them, but in essence dissolving and leaving nothing more than a tablespoon or two of water in their palm. Foolishly, some youths assured the gesture everlasting (at least in their minds) by swallowing the melted cubes of water. Since they hadn't planned on the grand finale _ the show didnt end until 12:45. By the time they reached their cars it was 1:00 oclock. They knew it would be close _ getting Bree home on time. Mary came closest to the time it would take to get her home on time. Bree realized not all parents were Einstein's when it came to mathematics, or even that extra time was sometimes needed for the unexpected. She was less than half an hour late getting home, albeit late was late at her house. Tom walked her silently to her door then bending down quickly kissed her goodnight. She slipped inside quietly, hoping not to create a ruckus. Thank God they hadnt waited-up for her as they often did. She pasted her chewing gum on the bedpost and climbed into bed. This practice was exercised whenever gum was deemed too fresh to throw out. She lied there waiting, listening for a time, but finally realized not even a mouse was stirring. Thankfully her parents were sleeping and hadnt heard her come in.



Jessie was planning a party for the following Friday night in honor of Michaels eighteenth birthday. Bree suspected she had a crush on Michael since she wanted this party in the worst possible way. Of course Michael would bring Maryanne _ his own true love, and Jessie wouldn't have dreamt of doing anything foolish where she


was concerned. It just so happened that on that particular Friday Jessies parents were out of town, and were not expected to return until Sunday afternoon. Jessie wanted to hold the pa rty on Friday because that was Michaels actual birthday. Some of the girls were leery over her resolve to play hostess to a party, which hadnt her parents blessing let alone their permission _ Bree included. Jessie believed that because she was spending evenings at her sisters house everything would be hunky-dory. It was obvious they didnt trust her since they insisted she report to her sister, Beatrice each evening. Jessie figured as long as she arrived at a decent hour _ none would be the wiser. Her parents apparently hadnt the confidence it required to permit their daughter to spend her nights home alone, as most teens would when parents were away. So Jessie had little reason to expect that either would trust her spending the nights at her sisters nor was she aware her parents phoned Bea every evening to check up on her. She wouldnt have dreamt of conjuring up a party with her parents away of her own accord. Faye _ her closest friend, neighbor, and club member, managed to convince her she should ho st Michaels birthday party. In fairness she couldnt possibly have foreseen Jessie being caught red handed or her parents reacting in such a draconian way. After all it was the fifties! Once Jessie had made the decision to hold the celebration _ there wasnt any stopping her. She could be headstrong and stubborn when she wanted to be. She probably felt some peer pressure as well, and wanted to please and be popular like any red-blooded American teenager. She believed having the blowout for Michael would endear her to everyones heart, which already was the case though obviously lost on her. She started a collection for ice crme, cake, and punch, asked volunteers to come early on Friday to help with the preparations, naturally the gals offered to help her in any way they could. Finally, everything was arranged. The whole gang was looking forward to Michaels soiree; he was well liked by everyone. The party would begin at 7:00. Bree called Tom Wednesday after school and invited him to escort her to Mich aels party, adding _ if he liked? He declared that he would love taking her anywhere her little heart desired, and thanked her for inviting him. What excellent manners, she gushed to no one in particular. He would pick-her-up at 6:00 sharp he said. Purrfect, she purred. Then suddenly becoming serious he confessed hed been counting the moments until they were together again, admitting hed missed seeing her and would be happy when school started back again so he could see more of her, then casually, all work and no play makes a dull-boy. Laughing, she said he was anything but boring. Bree was still looking for a summer placement position to augment her baby-sitting money, which amounted to only several times a week as it were. She worked for a neighbor lady across the street. The job bored her to tears. Her two charges were very young; and were almost always asleep when she arrived. Her employer was a good mother and the children well trained, which left her little to do, and no television set! She did have a radio. The only


program worth listening to as far as she was concerned was the Art Laboe radio show, but listening without companions to enjoy it with you wasnt all that interesting either, instead she did her homework then read the latest issue of Modern Romance. Obviously she couldnt have friends over, since her parents lived across the street _ theyd have skinned her alive! They were old fashioned in that regard _ actually, they were old -fashioned period. Virginia had contracted polio before Bree knew her, which unfortunately left her crippled though she got around quite famously in the oversized wheelchair of the day, calling it her Cadillac since it was built like one! Bree felt such sorrow for this woman she would have baby sat for free if need be though she appeared to feel none for herself. She was an amazing woman! Her husband, apparently incapable of dealing with her tragic paralysis had callously flown the coupe years earlier _ a swell cad he turned out to be! She was an attractive woman and enjoyed the attention she received from gentleman callers. She almost always tipped Bree. So she assumed her to be financially stable since her cold-hearted scoundrel of an ex-husband obviously did make monthly alimony and child support payments in a timely manor. Friday at last dawned on the horizon. Bree was totally prepared as the doorbell rang and hurried to answer it _ knowing well her mother disapproved and shot her daughter that I thought I taught you better, look. But Bree didnt care fore she was in love! Nothing could stand in the path of her own true love! That thought in mind she swung open the door and peered directly into Toms smiling eyes. After he greeted the rest of the family they ducked-out. Tom grabbed her hand gently squeezing it. After opening her door he jogged jauntily to the other side. Jumping inside he gave her one of the speediest smooches in US history _ in case her parents peeked out the window he didnt want them to see _ showing his respect. He figured what father would want anyone touching his little girl besides him self? What they couldn't have known was Tom hung a quick right at the first corner and pulled over. Ramming his gears in neutral he threw his arms around her, kissing her so delicately. She had never experienced another like it _ the mother-load of all smooches _ leaving her breathless and all shook-up _ in a good way. She prayed he would never stop, actually resisting when he tried to pull away. With a wink and a smile _ always the gentleman, he gently freed himself from her clutches and boogied on down the road. Arriving at Jessies plenty early they discovered most of the crowd was already there. Tom and Bree offered their services and she quickly put them to work. When everything was tidied up the house was neat as a pin. The doorbell rang. It was 7:00 PM sharp! Jessie answered and in perfect timing stood Michael and Maryanne. The yelling started, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Old man. The fellas shook hands and the hoopla began. Michael was both so pleased and excited to attend a party held in his honor, he seemed to glow all over. He couldn't thank everyone enough _ especially Jessie, for her trouble. They did all the usual things _ talked, joked, horsed


around, played records, danced. Others sat listening to the radio _ drink in one hand cigarette in the other. At one point spin the bottle began, some couples were already making out, but mostly enjoying each others company _ chatting the evening away. The joint was really jumping, everyone showed-up for Michaels party including Devon who managed to attend most of their functions, and was always welcome. Since he no longer attended school people wondered how he gained knowledge of up and coming attractions, and concluded he had a source or two. One thing that didnt escape notice was that he almost always came stag. Actually, no one could recall a time when he hadnt. They never understood why? He was good looking, hip and cool! Now what more could a chick want? He must have suffered something awful after the loss of his wife, or following the divorce, losing a child or children were always being bandied about the campus. The answers would forever remain a mystery because no one understood what the question even was. What they did know is that these family tragedies or tragedy rendered him heartbroken and withdrawn to the point of impossible to discuss it with anyone. But this failure on his part caused stories to fly rampantly throughout the hallowed halls and campus greens of Granite High School. Though Bree was quite young when his family lived across the street from her, she remembered the time when a beautiful, blond, blue eyed young woman came to his house and never left. She saw her from time to time talking with Devon and his cronies while they worked on his engine. Bree didnt think he knew her very well because he seemed to speak less to her than to the fellas. Then one day her tummy got fat. Bree knew she was having a baby because she heard neighbors whispering about it, and was taken aback at the time because she wasnt aware a pregnancy could occur without knowing a person well. The couple appeared to disappear from sight and she never saw them again until one-day, sitting out on the stoop, she noticed them pull in his mothers driveway. The comely woman re-appeared toting a lumpy looking, towheaded baby boy. Not long after that his family moved away. Bree never laid eyes on him again until he showed-up at her birthday party. People began arriving whom no one seemed to know, mostly males _ unusual to begin with. Eventually Michael recognized an old acquaintance from his early days at San Pedro High. Some gusts entertained the thought that Michael might have invited him and he in turn asked at least one other person, the scene simply snowballed from there, though the theory was later disproved. Several fellas entered the premises swigging bottles of beer _ way to make an impressive entrance, little by little they drifted off to the kitchen. When they didnt return it became obvio us to all that they were holding their own little soiree in there. A guy asking for directions to the head meandered off in that direction followed by several of


him chums who seemed to come out of no where. After a decent interval and no one returned the group became suspicious, presuming yet another group decided to hold their own private party in the crapper! About then the telephone rang _ Jessie's neighbor on the other end. He complained about the racket coming from the house and about too many boys smoking on the curb. Said he wasnt sure what type of cigarettes they were, but added either way it didnt look good in the neighborhood. Then railed on about too many vehicles parked on the street, which didnt look cricket either. Furthermore, he was worried the neighbors would call the police, at which point he offered to come over and toss them out on their ears. According to Jessie he was a big, tall, fellow, who worked for the local slaughterhouse. He wasnt afraid of no man. Standing 63 and 230 pounds no stable minded person would ever boss in nova with that bruiser. Jessie of course pretended everything was peachy keen and declined his offer. Said she was just having friends over and would ask them to pipe-down, and promised to lower the volume on the radio/record player. Most everyone thought she understood exactly what was happening though didnt actually comprehend that it was already out of her control. Best decision would have been to accept her neighbors most generous offer and cast those party crashers out on their keisters. Tom and Larry finally opened the bedroom door _ bathroom being off the bedroom, where the simpletons were discovered jumping on the feather mattress engaging in schoolgirl pillow fighting _ feathers everywhere, still chuga-lugging their brewskies directly from the bottles. Back in the day beer bottles were quart-sized, not todays standard twelve-ounce. As a rule normal folks poured the ale into a glass before drinking. The bedroom smelled like a poolhall and was terribly ransacked. They kicked them out of the bedroom _ the last came stumbling-out wearing Jessie's fathers slippers imitating an old man walking with a cane unable to see where he was going without his spectacles! Party guests remained deathly silent, had they expected accolades for their antics they were deadly mistaken. Hey, pal, Jessie said. Do you mind taking off my pas slippers? Hey, he said. No problem. Then left the room in search of his own shoes _ idiot! The bedroom derelicts joined the kitchenette bunch but not for lunch, Bree on their heels only to discover that chaos awaited. This scrawny little runt sitting in the babys highchair was pretending to be a baby, of all things! He had opened a baby-food jar and was tossing spoonfuls of strained meats against the wall. With each spoonful he blathered goo-goo, goo-goo! Bree was right behind that little monkey! What a disgusting little creep she thought! No one would have noticed this little runt in a million years otherwise, which was probably why he did it! She got angry!


All right, youve got your kicks, now get out of that baby chair immediately, a nd clean-up this mess youve made. Who invited you, anyway, she asked? Well, you see, he said. We were hanging at the Tick-Tock when this guy drove through and hollered out the window Theres a party and everyones invited, so said the runt. When I asked for the address he said _ follow me thats where I'm headed. Well, she asked. What kind of a car was he driving? Well big surprise _ he forgot! So no one knew who it could possibly have been and never found out either. If Bree could have gotten her hands on the guilty party he would have paid dearly for what he did to Jessie. It didnt occur to her at the time, though later realized the little pip-squeak more than likely over heard friends talking at the Tick Tock and tailed after them when they left _ fabricating the entire story. Party crashing had been around for many years, fortunately those in the circle hadnt experienced it before. Tom walked outdoors joining the fellas fraternizing at the curb just as some guy zipped his pants up, which didnt cause one pause to wonder what he was up to! He spoke with several fellas who couldnt be bothered to hide the fact that they were smoking joints. Possession of marijuana was a criminal offense in the California fifties not a misdemeanor. Tom said _ All right, pals, the partys over. To his surprise they left without so much as a whimper! Back inside Tom relayed the story to Bree. When she spread the word to Jessie she thought she would come unglued. Between the pot smoking and the cluttered messy kitchen she told Michael theyd all have to leave, asking that he first rid her residence of the uninvited guests. Yeah, he said. I might persuade them to leave if they know whats good for them. Jessie told the girls later that his menacing expression even scared her. Hey, Mike, Devon called out. If their not out in five how bout I break both their arms for you? Common chums, Michael said. We don't want any trouble with you guys _ partys over. One word from Dead Eye Dick and they all but trampled themselves clearing out! Devon was plainly a man of few words and seemed to always choose them wisely. The small pitiful punks were too much the fraidy cats for picking a quarrel with him since his demeanor kindled the worst fears in their imagination! The crowd was hard pressed to believe their baloney story after the way they had behaved. Some people just hadnt any couth and often cowards too boot, which described those loons in a nutshell! Fortunately they staggered out on their own volition causing no further grief. Once the riff-raff skedaddled the entire party breathed a sigh of relief. Jessie no longer feared the cops would show saying, Hey guys, no one leaves until Michael has his birthday cake. They all cheered in agreement. Make a wish, Jessie said.


His eyes began scanning the crowd for Maryanne, sighting her, smiling, and blowed out all the candles. The group cheered and cheered! The cake was returned to the kitchen where Jessie removed the candles, sliced the cake and placed it on party trays. Lilly helped Lorna scooped the ice cream onto the plates placing it next to the cake. They carried the sumptuous looking desserts out to the living room where the partygoers polished it off. Of course Jessie insisted that Michael open his gifts. Naturally guys weren't expected to bring presents _ world famous for not shopping and they didnt disappoint! Maryanne presented Michael with a gorgeous leather jacket. Bree dreamed of buying Tom one one day, hoping that by Christmas shed hav e the dough re mi, hatching a mental note to discuss the matter with Mary the following day. Tom observed the time noting it was getting late. Cummon people lets get this place shipshape, time is of the essence, he said. Several grumbled that they needed to get going _ shades of Bree, though it pleased her no end knowing that others had curfew at times and that she wasnt always the only one! Jessie said her folks weren't due back until Sunday, and asked for cleanup volunteers in the morning. To Fayes credit she insisted on cleaning the house that evening. Bree agreed, saying it would take only a matter of minutes to clean the entire house with everyone helping out. No, Bree, she said. Were all tuckered -out _ its too late. Well finish the cleaning tomorrow. Sure thing, Jessie _ what time, she asked? About 10:30? The gals all agreed. After checking to make certain everything was locked -up tight they left. Once Tom and Bree were in the car they got into some heavy necking, the next thing they knew the windows were totally misted over. At that point Tom withdrew her arms from around his neck and wiped the windows clean, revved the engine and took-off. No wonder her parents set such impossible goal times, there was never enough time for anything else _ was that the objective?



Preparing for the sandman, Bree set her alarm for 8:00 the next morning. Falling quickly asleep she missed the opportunity to reminisce the evening spent with Tom, sense his gentle touch, taste the sweet kisses that still lingered there upon her mouth, going through the motions mentally as young girls often do. After the alarm went off that morning she continued lying there, stretching drowsily when she suddenly remembered that there was no school that day then pondered why the alarm was zinging away at 8:00AM on Saturday? Normally rising at 6:00AM during the week she quickly realized that school was not the answer. Finally dawning on her _ shed set the clock to assist Jessie in her housekeeping. Jumping to her feet she quickly dressed in the latest craz e _ lopped off Levis rolled to the knee. The fellas nicknamed them pedal pushers, a term unheard of before and the name stuck. Gals wore their fathers largest,


longest, white dress shirts with the greatest tails which of course, wore them on the outside of their britches. Feet bedecked in bobby socks and the stylish black and white saddle-oxfords popular in the day, and then hurried to the kitchen for her morning java. Sounds like she was quite the grown-up young lady, right _ wrong! The problem with this picture was that Mary insisted the coffee be diluted half with cream which, Bree hated drinking anything that reminded her of putrid camel! If she refused _ Mary denied her partaking! To make matters worse she persisted in hovering over her, scrutinizing her every move like a buzzard guarding its prey _ talons at the ready should she take one teaspoon extra cappuccino. Bree felt like an imbecile when her mother insisted upon that method though never once complained. No one bucked parents in those days. Why are you up so bright and early on a Saturday morning, dear, she asked? I promised Jessie Id help her clean the house today. I couldnt have met my curfew had I stayed to help last night, she said. Bree never missed the opportunity to dig her mot her regarding house rules of being home by 11:30 at the latest _ no matter what! Bree figured should the Second Coming of Christ occur during her teenaged years while out for an evening shed still better be home by 11:30 or else! Mom, now that Im sixteen don't you think I should be permitted some leeway on my curfew for weekends and summer vacation _ at least until midnight anyway she asked? To her amazement Mary said she would speak to father concerning it! Thanks, Mom _ youre a peach, she said, hugging her. Then asked if she might grant her one small favor? I will if I can, Dear, she murmured. Could you drive me to Jessie's house? It isnt far from here, she pointed out. Not a problem, she said, anxious to help. Thank you, Mama. She could have breakfast without rushing around like a chicken with its head cut-off. People used that term a lot back then, but the very thought of that old saying brought about ugly visions in her mind. As a child she witnessed the horror of an animal being beheaded. Nothing as small as a chicken mind you, but that of a giant Tom turkey! Her best friend Betty Jo lived next door. Her father Jed had raised a turkey for slaughter on Thanksgiving Day. Meanwhile, Betty became attached to the monstrous bird and named him Big Red apparently since he was a large and red. Located in the center of their backyard was a huge old oak tree stump which, her father used for a chopping block. Big Red had been Bettys pet for an entire year by then _ a very long time in a young gir ls life.


On Thanksgiving morning Mary, Bree, Betty Jo, and her pa were all assembled in their backyard. Mary was snapping-photos of the girls in new garb with her new Brownie camera. (Most young girls were given new outfits on holidays back then _ even if they just stayed home _ it was the custom.) All were dressed to the nines for the holiday, except Jed, who wore his trademark coveralls as usual. Then suddenly, unexpectedly, he scooped up Big Red, holding him captive with one hand while snatching an axe with the other, then placing Big Reds wobbly neck slipshod across the stump. Big Red now squawking and struggling for his freedom, his very life he well knew, then wham bam _ his noggin went sailing off in one fell swoop! A grotesque image forever imbedde d in their brains. To this very day Bree could call to memory the horrific scene of Big Red racing headless around the tree trunk, his wings flapping wildly, blood spurting from the gaping hole where his head once was. He must have run five or more laps before keeling over dead at their feet! Unbelievably, Betty Jos daddy had laughed like he double tooth picks _ the death graphics hysterical in his mind! Bree wondered if Jed would have found it so doggoned funny had it been his neck, she already knew the answer. How could he live without his head, Bree asked innocently? Too young to understand that Big Red was dead the second his head was severed, and his body had raced around the yard on sheer nerve impulses. It was a gruesome sight for any child to witness, and Bree had lasting nightmares for years. Jed actually borrowed Marys camera and began taking pictures of the hideous spectacle he created, laughing all the while! One word describes his behavior to a tee _ sadistic! Betty Jo and Bree were frantic at this point. Mary, having been raised on a farm was an old hand in these matters. She tried soothing over the bad situation by explaining, As it happens, my dear girls, this was perfectly normal (Mom how could you)! If we didnt do this there would be no roast turkey for dinner today _ or any other day for that matter. Dont you see that without meat wed all perish? In those days people didnt really understand that protein was accessible through many different sources other than meat. Well, Bree said. I wouldnt care to eat my own pet! Mary was a farmers daughter. Her family mainly subsisted on meat, potatoes, and vegetables. In spring and summer they consumed rainbow trout among other fish, and homegrown fruits and vegetables. They raised pork and beef every year for the slaughter in order to survive the harsh winters of Iowa. They also raised pullets and retained a dairy cow. Marys mother, Belle, baked her own breads, canned bushels and pecks of tomatoes, beans and corn, peaches, apples, cherries and pears. The last remains of garden vegetables, if any, were battered and fried for supper. She also churned her own butter, and made her own soap. She sewed most of the childrens clothing, quilts, and blankets.


Her father, James, built their home and mostly all the furniture. One Christmas he built a dollhouse for Marys Christmas present. He worked the year round on it, and somehow managed to keep it a secret. With the throng of children _ eight, it couldnt have been an easy task. Mary was co mpletely surprised on Christmas morning and truly believed that the gift came from Santa Claus. To listen to her description of the dollhouse _ it had to have been the most beautiful in all-the world. He had painted it inside and out, furnished it completely with his homemade miniature furniture constructed from pinewood, even adorned the walls with several small mirrors. He also built a tiny china cabinet and filled it with toy porcelain dishes he had purchased himself. She was ten years old that Christmas day, and never learned that her beautiful Christmas gift had actually been from her father until her fifteenth birthday. That was the day Hamm, a sissy boy who loved to torment her, decided to inform her that there was no Santa Claus. Mary consequently cried herself to sleep that night and every night thereafter for a solid month! James was a sheepherder by trade as was his eldest son, Ray. Together when Ray was old enough they spent the most frigid days of winter guarding their employers flock. The compa ny policy required that at least two workers be in the field at all times in case of an emergency. If something happened to one the other could go for help. Bree asked her mother what happened if something overcame both of them at the same time? Her answer was that in such a case _ prayer was your only salvation. The rule as it turned-out was a genuine lifesaver. Ray was stricken with appendicitis while out on the range, of course they hadnt any knowledge of this at the time. James realized his son was ext remely ill, but thought it might be something theyd eaten, though James wasnt any the worse for wear and had eaten the same identical food. Ray was in agony, and vomiting something terrible. When James administered to him, he discovered that his stomach was swollen and when touching the area however gently Ray winced in terrible agony _ his face whiter than the snow beneath him. James knew then what it was. By the time he brought the doctor Ray was so bad off no one knew if hed even make it through the night, especially the doctor. But as it turned out he was a very healthy specimen and lived to see another day. Bree assumed her grandparents protected their children from such exposure as animal slaughter. It was perfectly obvious to her, a mere child, that her grandparents had lived a cruel and most difficult life. Her mother was the eldest child. Much of the hardship and responsibility her grandparents carved-out for themselves fell upon the shoulders of their eldest daughter. Much of the childcare was passed along to Mary. Her younger siblings never realized how much she sacrificed for them. Suffering a nervous breakdown by age thirteen Mary was shuffled off to live with her aunt where she remained for nearly four months during her convalescence.


The day she turned eighteen she left home, moving in with a girlfriend in town where she found employment as a secretary, eventually meeting and marrying Brees father. She was two months shy of graduation when she left home. Once Bree asked in earnest why she couldnt have waited just two more months until she finished school? Mary responded by saying that she couldnt have lasted two more days let alone two more months! Bree rang the buzzer and waited for Jessie to answer when suddenly the door was yanked wide open as if someone prepared to ambush anyone who came to visit, blindsiding Bree to find Jessies mother standing there looking peculiar at her, and since she wasnt expected home until the following day Bree was feeling incredibly ill at ease, wondering why in heck SHE was home anyway? Then executing her very best performance feigning nonchalance, but feared shed never win an Oscar! Is Jessie home, she asked? She is, her mother answered, but continued to stand there staring her down. Might I speak with her, please, she asked, quite timidly? After some thought she finally opened the door and motioned her in. Ill go get her, she replied, leaving her standing there. Jessie came to her in tears throwing her arms around her, after hugging her she asked what was the matter? My parents returned totally unexpected last night. Need I say more, she asked? Complete and utter pandemonium rattled the roof last night! If that werent unsettling enough my father now believes Im a whore, she said, between sobs. Whatever for, Bree asked, sincerely. Because they found empty beer bottles in the bed, under the bed, and all around the bed, jumping to conclusion that we had a big sex party with those idiots we hate so much! Guy, Bree, the mere thought of it totally creeps me out, she said, forlornly. Oh, Jessie, Im so sorry. Your father is so evil minded, she said, accusatorily. Did you explain what happened? Jessie said she did, but naturally his chose was to disbelieve her. What an ignoramus, Bree t hought, but held her tongue. Where is he, she asked. Ill explain what happened and well see if he wants to call me a liar to my face or not! Please dont bother discussing anything with him now, Bree, she pleaded. Hes in such an ugly dark place _ it would only make matters worse. She said that her father absolutely forbade her to hangout with her friends anymore, and that he'd decided to enroll her in private school. Shed been grounded for the entire summer! She wasnt even allowed to wear make up!


Hes such a b-----d! I hate his guts! Hes not even my real father, either, she lashed out. I've already sent the others away, adding that her parents had cleaned the house after they arrived. They picked her up at her sisters in the middle of the night _ couldnt even wait until sunrise so bent on destroying her life they were. Bree told Jessie how truly sorry she was, but the episode was blown entirely out of proportion. If they had only cleaned the house before leaving none of this would have happened, which made everything appear that much more preposterous to both of them _ the whole affair could been staved off! Oh, if only Jessie had listened she thought, then recalled two old sayings: No time like the present, and, Dont put -off until tomorrow what you can do today, which certainly applied in this instance! I'll leave now, Jessie, she said. Ill call you in a couple of days, okay? Ill call before your father gets home from work that way you wont get in even more hot water than you already are. Meanwhile, hopefully, hell have a chance to calm down a little? Hugging her again, she left. Understandably blue, down in the dumps as it were, she was trying to imagine what her good friend must be going through, what must she be feeling, what must she be thinking? She took her own sweet time walking home. Hoping if she killed enough time she might escape explaining the tragic events that brought her home so early. Strolling along side the beautifully matted green parkway, winding her way back home again, her mind totally fixed on Jessie and all that transpired, nearly missing an old familiar face. But no mistaking the profile definitely belonged to that of Boston Blacky _ a friend of Brees from the old neighborhood. He was Evangelines olde st brother and a really great guy. He appeared markedly unchanged since grammar school. Bree realized that she herself had probably changed some _ what if he didnt remember her? He did recognize her after all. Perhaps she hadnt changed that much after al l. Bree always loved the way he dressed _ all in black. A great silver chain dangled from a hook on his belt to the watch in his black pegger pocket, forming a distinct loop. The black clothing complimented the chain gleaming in the sunlight. Blacky claimed to be a pachuco and dressed the part. Occurring to Bree at that moment that she had known him and his family for the better part of her entire life, and were some of the finest people she had ever known. Pachucos' werent bad _ the word defining a dress style only. Mexican-Americans were primary users of the pizzazz. The vast majority of those wearing this fashion werent gang members. Gangs werent even a factor in the California fifties suburbs back then. Gangs did exist in East Los Angeles, still do, but E.LA wasnt the suburbs. Brees circle actually knew members there and hung with them as well. Yesteryears gang members were a different breed from those of today. They might possibly have had some shady dealings and such; though killing wasnt one of them.


They did have rumbles now and again and fist fought one another, but weapons of choice involved only fisticuffs and brawn. Then again theres always one rotten apple in every barrel. It was rumored that some carried switchblades, whether true or not the small circle of friends rendezvous with the factions didnt experience the misfortune of finding out nor were any members ever arrested for knifing or murdering anyone. One had the reputation for playing dirty _ they simply steered clear of chaps like that. Most were bright enough not to go around wasting people _ life had value then. Many adopted the trendy dress style, which was Blackys only difference. Perhaps some observing him might have crossed to the other side of the street as Bree did when stray packs of dogs roamed the streets like gangs of thugs back then, some feral, though many were unattended by owners and lawfully held zero responsibility. Bree was more frightened by these animals than any gang member she ever met. One had almost bitten her sister Jos eyelid off when she reached out to pet him, and hung by a sliver of tissue no wider than a splinter narrowly missing her eyeball! Mary held it in place until an ambulance arrived. Many stitches were required in sewing the lid back on. He definitely attracted people wherever he went. Not only in his choice of dress, but also because he was Mexican-American. His was the first family of Mexican heritage to move into Brees neighborhood. She later learned that their wonderful little town was restricted at one time. If there had actually been a ban on color, race or creed it would have been repealed years earlier or Blackys family wouldnt have moved there. Bree could still remember comments such as There goes the neighborhood when she was still a kid in pigtails. Well, it wasnt true _ the neighborhood never went anywhere! The only changes were for the better. The little town prospered over the years, real estate prices increased, and soon became a paradise for those seeking to escape the clatter of big city life _ hence freeways sprouting up all over eventually became the norm. Boston Blacky was one of the sweetest guys one could possibly meet. Bree considered it an honor bumping into him that day. This was many years after the death of his precious sister, Evangeline, and Brees best friend. She provided him her new address but didnt yet know her phone number simply saying they didnt have one yet. Oh, how she hated lying, but she found the entire episode incredibly embarrassing. They promised faithfully that they would always keep in touch. Unfortunately, neither of them ever did. She would never again know the pleasure of his company.



Bree and Evangeline were best friends through fourth grade. One day with nothing better to do they sneeked into the old boarded up infamous haunted house, gaining entry unnoticed by anyone as far as they could tell. Most everyone accepted the notion that the house was haunted. Whether anyone actually believed the venerable tale was a different story, or simply captivated by the intrigue of the idea. The youths thought it would be most thrilling pretending to be frightened and believe in ghosts! Childishly hoping to discover Casper the Friendly Ghost on this latest adventure romp. Hed been Brees ultimate bogeyman since knee-high to a grasshopper. The girls were already giddy and having a wonderful fright when in his stead they stumbled into a bone chilling freak phantom wielding a blood soaked hatchet, insanely laughing like the devil may care and could have won a Lon Chaney look-alike hands down, but because he was a popular Hollywood actor they knew it wasnt him. Spooked _ they ran for dear life! Regardless, they returned many times over to the abandoned age-old Spanish stucco determined to catch a glimpse of Casper next time. According to legend a young and beautiful woman was murdered there, rendering the property non-sellable and non-leaseable. Rumormongers claimed to have seen her bloodstains everywhere. They heard that officials were unable to remove completely the tell-tell stains of blood. The city was small, and news traveled swiftly. The owner


was forced to board the doors and windows indefinitely, though nailing them shut failed to seal them tight enough to prevent inquisitive young souls from breaking an entering. The two girls had detected bloodstains many times or at least thought so anyway. Yet Bree couldnt remember a time when closets and cupboards, toilets and sinks, floors, carpeting and drapes of any kind were ever seen. The landlord undoubtedly gutted the property in order to salvage whatever he could to help offset his losses. Once the building had been a majestic tiled roof Spanish hacienda _ much sought after back in the day before becoming the ramshackled dump it now was. According to lore the women was murdered and her apparition refused to rest until her killer was captured and brought to justice. Apparently murdered by an unknown assailant her killer was never apprehended, possibly walking amongst us today. After her untimely demise neighbors claimed to have heard her blood curdling screams in the night! When Bree and Evangeline were there last, they heard what sounded like muffled screaming followed by scuffling with diabolical laughter preceding her every shriek. They assumed it was that fellow with the hatchet again! They cleared that shack in two seconds flat never to return again! Haunted after all? They looked but didnt find any rotten little boys hiding in the brush, which could have accounted for the realistic sounding scuffling and screaming they heard. Though neither knew of anyone sufficiently talented to have pulled the whole thing off! Sadly, Brees beautiful young friend would herself be dead by Christmas day. Some still used old-fashioned candles to light their Christmas trees in those days. On Christmas morning Evangeline was still wearing her ever-popular long flannel nightgown to keep her cozy and warm. Standing too close to a lighted candle her nightclothes caught on fire. When she discovered her gown was aflame she began beating the fire with her bare hands, her entire family present _ stood idly by _ frozen in terror! They didnt understand that beating the flames only fortified the fire, and it simply continued to burn. If only someone had thought to throw a blanket over her it might have smothered the flames or rolling on the floor could have brought about a different outcome to this horrible ending. Bree was in denial for years and years. She avoided glancing towards Evangelines house on her way to and from school, and always walked on the opposite side of the street. She sensed her ghost no matter what side of the street she passed on, imagined her in the yard wearing the same white flannel gown she died in. She had nightmares for months and months afterward. More than anything she missed her companionship, failing to understand her own guilt over her passing _ she had succumbed while Bree lived to see another day. Why? Life just wasnt fair. Following that fateful day politicians began to initiate legisl ation that would require childrens sleepwear be made of flame-retardant materials, later requiring Halloween costumes be flame resistant as well. A Bill was passed


almost immediately to ban lighted Christmas tree tapers on trees. Though still legal to place them on tree branches, but illegal to light them, which would have looked pretty silly and given no light at all for the tree therefore the old practice was eliminated once and for all. Stringed electric lighting had been around for as long as Bree remembered celebrating Christmas _ the type her family always used. Bree once asked her mother about the supposed haunted house. Essentially shed heard the exact same story as she and Evangeline had. Then Mary asked her why she asked? Oh, just wondering, sh e replied. Dont let me catch you hanging around there, Bree, she said. Mother, please, she answered. Im not a child and besides Id be scared to death to go in there! Mary was definitely a no nonsense person when it came to breaking and entering or any other law breaking offenses for that matter. If she had told the truth she would have sent her out to pick her own willow and if that one wasnt big enough to her way of thinking she would send her out again and again until she came back with the one that was just right. So with Mary it was easiest to retrieve the largest one possible in the first place! The lashings Mary leached with branches upon her bustling legs caused her to hop up and down in rapid succession _ similar to an Indian war dance in the old movies, only faster, much faster _ the willows stinging so painfully! During the flogging of her very reactive legs and therefore feet, Mary changed into an altered state of Pain High Priestess! Her features clearly marked with demonic pleasure, smiling wickedly throughout the licking _ the devil dancing in her eyes _ oh, she enjoyed it all right _ Bree knew! Then in a low, throaty, almost inaudible voice, whispered, Dance, Bree, dance. Mary was definitely a no nonsense person when it came t o breaking and entering or any other law breaking offenses for that matter. She answered her question by saying shed essentially heard the same gossip as had Bree.



Brees first glimpse of racism had probably been the neighborhood thing. She hadnt even heard the term prior to that, but surely the ugly injustice lurked there in the hearts and minds of many a man and woman she just didnt know it, and was especially true of many California transplants. Natives were notorious for their laid-backness. The siblings parents were raised in the stench of bigotry prior to pounding the trails to California, and clinged to old family injustice. Though eventually they adopted the lifestyle of most West Coasters, which was live and let live! In time many mistook the family for natives not having an accent of any kind. Their town was pearly white for many years, but as different races moved into the neighborhoods most were excepted with opened arms. No one appeared much interested in the color of ones skin or whether or not proper English was spoken. Bree would always remember the hideous remark Bettys father made concerning a persons skin color _ Too bad you cant haul them down to a drugstore and bleach them out, did he believe turning a person inside -out could possibly change the content of their character? She was taught that beauty came from within _ not a bottle of chlorine! Since the small township had little crime most people left their doors and windows open day and night in good weather. Skeleton keys and locksets were the order of the day. It wouldnt have mattered much whether one locked them or not since one key fit almost every lock in town and a simple hairpin could trigger any lock in town.



It happened on one fine balmy, banner, California eve when the crickets were chirping happily, the leapfrogs dancing the leap with relish, and all the towns windows were opened with abandon, doors were left ajar. A more glorious summer eve one could not have possibly imagined _ plus, the aromatic scent of the honeysuckle, gardenia bushes along with the night blooming jasmine infiltrating the senses, and the fresh aroma of the lilac trees and gentle breezes commingled the delightful bouquet of climbing red roses, and fresh scent of the sweet pea _ a more enchanting, intoxicating, scenario for a young girl coming of age would likewise be impossible to envision. Many such memories remain implanted of her wonder years and contented youth with extreme pleasure excluding that of Super Snooper of course, yet, sadly, that too became as indelibly etched in her memory _ just not so blessedly! These were the marvel days of yesteryear before the advent of smog and ozone layer depletion, and who ever heard of greenhouse gasses leashing deadly toxins into the very air one breathed, food they ate, or sacred drinking waters? The world was only beginning to hear the word smog tossed about, and no one knew the definition of it. In ignorance people reasoned it must have something to do with fog or soot or both mixing together to create it, possibly because the word fog and smog ended in OG? Bree checked Websters dictionary look ing for a definition _ guess what, the word was so new on the horizon that Webster hadnt yet caught up with it! Since gross impurities hadnt yet impregnated the atmosphere in total at the moment the universe emblazoned its grandiose beauty of Gods ascetically designed world so much more clearly one could see forever! Wintertime it rained, and seaside conditions


became moist and mucky. Springtime brought the April showers, misting over the entire seascape, the outcome was wild spring flowers that peppered the coastal highway from San Diego to Vancouver _ just beautiful! Almost every child owned a yellow jacket with matching hood and boots. The only self-respected walkway for a child was the rain gutters, and walking them wherever possible putting those brightly colored rainboots they loved so much to good use. When the rain ceased the sun came out bigger and brighter and stronger than ever before, usually followed by one bombastic rainbow with the clearest separation of colors one could imagine. Children having little doubt whatever that a pop of gold existed at each end of every rainbow because their parents told them so! In summer everyone enjoyed the mildest weather _ rarely ever hot, a good thing since air conditioning was simply unheard of back then. On extremely rare occasions a whopper heat wave created by the fearful Santana winds blowing off the dessert could cause some discomfort. In that case children took to their sprinklers and water hoses, civic plunges or the beaches. Sometimes the wind blew like the devil hence the name Santana or old devil winds. Fall climate was similar that of summer, somewhat milder with surprise showers now and again. This ambient weather was about as close to Utopia as one might get. Since the air was yet pure especially by the seaside and living out west as far as one might travel without falling off into the sea one could enjoy the most beautiful sunsets of all. The sun monstrously dazzling during its descent into from all appearances the blue Pacific, was amazing stuff in its own right. The vapors off the water slipped up the internal interstices of the sunrays, intermingling the bouffant white clouds and silver moonbeams reflecting the sun on its downhill descent tinting the firmament with pinks and purples and silvers and grays gave one to pause wonder _ had they gazed at the sunset through a kaleidoscope lens? Bree and Anne were best friends growing-up, attending the same schools throughout grammar, junior, and senior high. On that blessed evening Anne was sleeping over. They had been playing out of doors enjoying the wondrous evening when Mary called them inside. Brees parents were preparing to retire for the evening, and decided to bring them in for the night. It wasnt always like that. Parents often retreated of an evening leaving their children to romp and play till the cows come home. They thought, correctly, perfectly safe for children to play out of doors as late as they wanted during summer months _ often staying out until midnight. After all _ what harm could there possibly be? That particular evening proved very different, and Marys decision was solid. Her motherly instincts worked overtime that night though the girls couldnt appreciate it at the time.


They were having themselves a ball catching pollywogs and putting them in jelly jars they had previously oxygenated by poking holes in the lid with an icepick. Though doubtful the pollywogs were having much fun, even if the girls did provide plenty of air, water and food (dead snails)! The best friends busied themselves preparing for bed, both donning baby-doll pajamas, which the phrase hadnt yet been coined, but that is what they were. They were sleeping on the davenport in the living room because Brees own bed was only twin sized. They opened the divan and made the bed. After fetching her entire collection of songbooks and movie magazines they settled down to read. Comics were left by the wayside; they were now young ladies with no time for such foolishness. They climbed in bed facing the large open window _ actually two windows side by side. When both windows were fully opened the appearance was that of only one because the center frame they shared was very narrow. The family lived in a bungalow home. Most bungalows had huge front porches about the width of the entire house. Generally speaking everyone had swings on one end and hammocks on the other. The roofs of the house extended over the porches, assuring ample strength in which to hang a heavy swing and strong enough to support several people in a hammock at the same time. The long bench like swing usually held three people, the hammock three or four children or two adults. Those were the days when a hammock was a hammock made of rope strong enough to haul a battleship! A blanket on top was a must in order to avoid itchy skin. Brees own home included such a porch minus the swing and the hammock; Mary raised fronds there instead. In sunny California back in the day ferns grew to be monsters and some were actually used as hedges. Mary raised every species known to man and cultivated them primarily on the porch sanctuary believing they received just the proper amount of sunlight and shade. Ocean sprays definitely increased the likelihood of their survival since the foliage was notorious for preferring gentle sprays and mists over watering buckets and hoses. The ferns fronds were a brilliant assortment of greens _ growing awesome in stature in time. When Bree and Jo were very young they pretended Jack in the Beanstalk lived upstairs in their mother s largest fern. They often begged him to come down from his emerald green tower and take them up the forbidden hidden ladder leading to his magical kingdom in the sky. Friends warned them severely against such an attempt on their own fore should they be discovered, as they probably would be _ meant curtains for them! They spent the summer long sitting on the lawn starring at the humongous fern, waiting patiently for Jack to come down and take them to his palatial palace. Mary had placed a lattice behind the great frond where she raised green beans in season; wild red roses grew year round traveling up and over the rooftops. The girls mentally connected the monster fern to some intrinsic intertwined organ that somehow managed to integrate Jacks beanstalk.


Jack in the beanstalk was their imaginary friend; all kids have one, and Jack was theirs. Many young children of the day believed in his myth. The girls obviously did since they lingered with such persistence expecting that any moment Jack would emerge to entice them to his sanctuary in the sky. To their chagrin he never offered an encouraging word as they waited in anticipation day after day.

Engrossed in their magazine reading when Bree suddenly caught sight of something, or glimpsed a movement of some type within her peripheral vision. She looked again using that strained sideways look _ the same oddity occurred! After several attempts with the exact same outcome she realized she was onto something _ but what? When raising her eye level quickly to spot the spooky window phenom, there was never anything there. Yet she knew shed seen something! The same situation continued whatever it was. Finally, calmly, she lowered her head again pretending to be reading _ all the while seeing continuous movement from the corners of her eyes. All at once she knew for certain something was out there _ she just didnt know what! Lowering her eye level as much as possible she glanced toward the windows again this time wrenching her eyes to use only the upper top portion, not permitting her head to budge one smidgen. This wasnt by any means effortless, and afterward Bree developed an extreme headache. Viola, she witnessed a man standing in front of the window peering inside _ he wasnt even aware she could see him! Absorbing everything she could to identify him later created a mental picture in her mind as if frames in a movie reel _ then lifting her head in a violent jerk! Doing so she discovered a pair of the brightest blue eyes shed ever seen! The look of pure terror was etched in them! Then utter horror! Though it was unclear who was the most frightened _ he or she? Since she was doing all the hollering she figured it must be she! At that point he took off running and probably kept on running. Meanwhile Bree was weeping uncontrollably as her father barged into the room, half-naked, yelling, What in blazes is going on? Bree explained as briefly as she could under the circumstances, after which Herrman grabbed an iron left sitting on the ironing board and took-off after him running down the street. Megan had only just completed her ironing moments before and the iron was still hot! At that point both Mary and Megan entered the living-room, after once again explaining what happened they all stood by the screen door yell ing, Pop, come back, he could kill you, Pop, come back! Daddy, please, they bellowed! But he was too far afield to hear them. By now the entire family was up. After awhile Herrman returned empty handed _ except for the iron, which by then was cold. Thankfully, he was unharmed. Mary read him the riot act!


Thats what we have police for, she cried. Herrman called the cops; they came out and wrote a report. Bree gave them a description of the man. They asked her if she thought she could recognize the suspect if she saw him again? Oh, yeah, she said. His picture is permanently stamped in my brain. The officers informed them of several cases of peeping Toms in the area, and mentioned that theirs was more than likely one and the same as he fit his description. The family could hardly believe their ears, much less imagine that the scene Bree witnessed wasnt simply a random act, but actually happened several times prior in their crime free neighborhood. That was the most unconceivable of all! Finally they all went back to bed _ albeit sleep didnt come for some, namely Bree! She inherited her mothers nervous nellyism, and wasnt able to calm down long enough to fall asleep. She continued all through the night to relive her frightening experience and worried whether he might return again to haunt her when least she expected it. They locked the doors and windows that night for the first time in Brees memory. The family heard nothing further from the preternatural peeper _ he had gotten away with it Scot-free. Well, no one knew for certain. Perhaps his depraved craving for walking on the wild side became cramped by his perilous escape and changed his ways opting for the straight and narrow. The snooper was in his early twenties, blond hair; blue eyes, and cut a handsome rug. Why would such a pleasant looking pleaser be forced to peep for his pleasure? That would remain forever a mystery, but was probably a pedophile.



On the following Christmas Eve Bettys father was robbed. Theyd never locked their doors at night, but then neither had anyone else in town. Christmas morning the family awoke to discover their lovely hardwood-floors tracked in muddy, soggy footprints. The money in Jeds wallet gone! The crime was perpetrated during a particularly rainy period, and snoozed throughout the entire cat burglary! The rain made such a racket it woke Bree at one point during the night. She realized that the scary loud sounds of the crashing thunder would have muffled any sound an interloper might have made. Fortunately, the gifts under the tree were undisturbed. Knowing a complete stranger slithered about his rooms, possibly standing guard over him as he lay sleeping gave Jed the jitters. The silent sneaky thief or thieves had lifted the money in his wallet on the bureau next to his bed, leaving the billfold barren and him to wonder why the house robbers hadnt just pinched the entire wallet. The police were called _ they came out and wrote a report. When Herrman asked the Sergeant if the two criminals could possibly be one and the same, the officer said the voyeur wanted to secretly observe a private moment not intended for his eyes and the other a robber and were positively not the same person, neither criminal was ever apprehended. Apparently two separate law-breakers just prowling the streets of their crime free society just happened to pick houses next door to one another, but could have relocated since the climate might be getting too hot to handle for them. The Halls who hailed from Arkansas originally began locking their doors and windows that night. The following summer they returned to their native state, no longer feeling safe in there adopted haven. Betty Jo Hall had


been Brees consummate playmate forever and ever it seemed to her, and had frolicked together in the sun for so many years she couldnt remember a time when they hadnt. Then as suddenly as rain showers appear and disappear _ she was gone from her life forever. Oh, they wrote each other madly for several years, promising to remain best friends throughout eternity. They counted the days until theyd be together again, and planned accordingly, unfortunately all goal making failed to materialize. Letters slowed to a snails pace until eventually becoming a thing of the past though neither was cognizant of it at the time. Bree would never forget her friends squeaky violin playing _ imitating Jack Benny without even trying! Betty Jo had taken violin lessons for as long as Bree knew her. When school was out shed come home and practice an hour every day. But her ability never appeared to improve and she continued to squawk her violin at every practice. She claimed she hated the violin with a purple passion, and secretly believed that was why she played so lousy. She pleaded with her parents again and again, please, please, please discontinue these lessons, but of course they wouldnt consider such a thing. Brees parents listened to Bennys weekly radio broadcast until he acquired his television show. The man could make his violin sound so screechy it reminded one of chalk on a blackboard, yet one co uldnt help laughing at the same time! It was Mary who explained to Bree that that was Bennys trademark _ a joke, and was actually an accomplished violinist, which just about floored her! Years later she caught him in concert on television with the Boston Pops. Mary had been right after all! Benny was indeed a skilled musician. His manner of style and simplistic crystal-clear strains on the strings struck a raucous blending of resounding sounds much like pleading, begging, whining, imploring, and the gall to nix it all! Brooding for the loss of her dearest friend in all-the world lasted all summer long. Bree felt completely lost without her abiding friendship. Bree knew Betty Jo wasnt to blame for her forlornness, yet was for a time incapable of forgiving her for what she deemed her total geographical dumping of her _ her closest playmate!



May 1, 1950 marked her thirteenth birthday. She couldnt believe shed finally made it to teenager! Having completed grammar school in the spring she would enter junior high in the fall. That summer also marked the beginning of the criminal stalking of her, this was more horrifying than she could have ever imagined. Actions by this offender would continue throughout the summer and most of her first semester at Junior High. Spring had sprung, Bree felt suddenly alive and Grande and all grown up. Shed accomplished many things by summer _ graduating grammar school for one, teenager for another, and if that werent enough thrills Megan had pierced her ears and instantly became quite the grownup young lady in earrings, before long she would be wearing a brazier. Also, reaching the conclusion she was far to mature to be riding a bike all over town decided to bestow her greatest treasure in all of life _ her pride and joy _ her bicycle to her younger sister Jo. Plus, for the first ever she suddenly became interested in clothing, wanting more grown-up dress styles. Meg and her closest friend Jane had just donated hand-me-downs for her cause. Excited, she began trying them on. Jane at once noticed a protuberance pushing through her shirts and blouses that couldnt be detected beneath the little girl gingham dresses she no longer wore. She exclaimed _ Meg, your sister needs a bra! Meg glanced over and said, She looks, OK. Her nose stuck in a romance magazine at the time she hadnt really paid close attention. No, she doesnt _ watch this, Jane said. Then illustrating her point by shoving Brees shirt down her pants. Bree looked studiously at her reflection in the mirror. Finally she hollered, Come see for your self, Megan.


Her mirror image mimicked her back _ she realized anyone could see what was under her blouse. Even a camisole _ had she owned one, wouldnt have helped. The appearance of the girl in the mirror was in her mind the height of tacky! Meg, you gotta come see _ it looks gross, she said. Finally Megan approached the mirror to see what all the commotion was about. Upon viewing her reflection she said, Bree, youve got to tell mother you need a training bra! See, I told you so, Meg Jane said, triumphantly. Bree liked Jane a lot. She had no brothers or sisters of her own, and was about as close to her as a little sister could be. Her and Meg were the same age though Janes parents were much older than was Megans. But what am I supposed to do meanwhile, Bree asked? Ill loan you one of mine, temporarily, Meg replied. During this period Mary worked full-time and was getting lots of overtime. It took another month before she could take Bree shopping. Meantime she walked about hunching her shoulders _ hoping no one would notice anything. Megs brazier hadnt worked out well _ if the straps werent falling down to her waist they were slipping off her shoulders falling through the sleeves, and catching at her elbow! One boy noticed and teased her no end. She hooked the bra by folding the material under several times, then pinning it with a safety pin. A boy asked what that hump was on her back! Another boy took the bait and began calling her the Humpback of Notre Dame! At that point decided to go without until her mother could take her shopping. Then the same boy asked if shed had surgery to remove the hump on her back! Mary finally got a Saturday off and escorted her to the local Monkey Wards. All stores were closed on Sundays back then in honor of the Sabbath. Lingerie fitting rooms had clerks who actually helped you with a proper fit _ literally speaking. You know, sort of lifted you-up spreading you around? Mary informed the clerk that they needed a training bra. When she asked what size Mary responded that she didnt know. Why dont I bring several and she can try them on for size, asked the clerk? That would be fine, Mary said, crisply. She left. Mom, please, Bree pleaded. I dont want her fitting me in my bra. Id be embarrassed to death! Sure, Honey, I understand she said. I can help you if you need it. Bree offered up a quick smile of gratitude. The salesclerk returned with the bras. Thank you, Mary said. That will be all. In leaving the clerk seemed a little on the haughty side announcing she would return to check on them. Bree turned her back on her mother as she tried the brazier on, bashful even of her. None fit properly _ all too big! When


the salesclerk returned Mary asked for a smaller size. The clerk informed her, nose half tilted that Triple AAA was the smallest size manufactures made! Mary said that would be fine; she could grow into them. Well take two, please, she said, sweetly. They followed her to the checkout counter where she informed Mary that the bill came to $5.21 with taxes. Mary handed her a twenty-dollar bill, the clerk said shed have to wait for her change. Fine, Mary said. The clerk put the receipt along with the $20.00 in a small chocolate brown ceramic jar, hooked it to a wire and sent the little jar zinging up to the mezzanine where the cashiers booth was located. While waiting for their change they noticed dozens of them zinging up and zinging down _ some zinging sideways even. Both mother and daughter agreed they wouldnt want the cashiers position, and wondered how she managed to keep everything straight. They continued watching the little dancing jars busily zinging hither and dell _ they seemed so happy Bree thought. She could almost imagine them singing a joyful song similar to Zing, zing, zing, went the strings of my heart. Then Bree herself became giddy and gay knowing the happy jars had had a great ride! Plus, she had finally gotten her bras. Life was good! Later Bree discovered that both J C Penny and Sears&Roebuck shared the same change making method. Before long these techniques went by the wayside, but shouldnt have outlived there usefulness since security breaches and employee theft were greatly reduced by this strategy, overhead decreased since only one register and one cashier was required for the entire store. The following summer Brees grown-up-ness was completed when she started her periods. Mary had sat her down explaining that she was now a young woman, and as such should proceed with caution since womanhood meant there was always the off chance she could become pregnant. Brees mind drew a complete blank and hadnt the vaguest of notions what her mother was talking about. When she asked her to explain what she meant, Mary replied, Ill tell you later.



Bree stepped outdoors flopping on the stoop. She concluded that they were still tons of fun no matter how old a person was and began reading the latest adventure. Leafing through the pages she was aware of a car driving past which wasnt all that common then, but busy browsing the pages of her book didnt pay much attention to it. Perusing the material she laughed out loud just as another car drove slowly past. This time giving it her complete attention. It dawned on her that the vehicle looked exactly as the previous one had and began analyzing the situation when she noticed the driver had slowed to a snails pace _ barely creeping along. Then she realized the male operator was looking at her directly, which did give her pause. Suddenly she remembered she was wearing a dress and without understanding why she quickly squeezed her knees together _ worried he might have caught sight of her underpants, proving she was growing up nicely since the idea wouldnt have occurred to her earlier. The man continued to hover until finally she panicked and ran inside. Quickly she explained to Megan and Terry (Terry was Megans steady beau) who happened to be visiting at the time. Jumping up he rushed out into the street looking in either direction. The automobile was no whe re in sight. Terry said it probably wasnt anything to worry about, and she pretty much forgot about it until the next time. A week later she and Jo were sitting on the porch admiring the beautiful bubbles they created with their magicwands and liquid soap. They ooohed and awwwed the awesome rainbow of colors as well as the enormity of size. Upset when they burst both pretended if they could blow ever so very, very, tenderly and gently the bubbles might survive their blustery entry into air, travel the globe and return to them. They also discussed their latest venture of placing a note in the suds, which was proving very dicey so far.


Suddenly a car crawled up to but not past the house. Not so casually this time Bree glanced up to see if it were the same car as before, and shocked to learn it was! The same man was also behind the wheel and had almost slowed to a stop seeing her sitting there. Bree ran into the house, fortunately Terry was there and again ran out in the street. As luck would have it he was unable to catch even a flash of the car. The driver had to have turned at the first corner otherwise he would have caught enough of a glimpse to at least know which way he was headed. Would you mind sitting on the stoop at precisely the same hour e ach day until I can catch this no good son of a gun, Terry said, angrily. Bree agreed and smartly ran inside the house to check on the time _ it was a quarter till four. Ill be waiting in the house tomorrow _ if that joker dares show his disgusting face again _ Ill come after him so fast his head will spin! He asked Bree what direction he traveled _ East she replied. Nodding, he asked her to bring a notepad and pencil along with her comic every day. If he comes around again, get the license plate num ber and try to get his description. Terry asked that she didnt glance in his direction or indicate that she had seen him. Rather, pretend to be completely engrossed in her comic, keeping her eye level low and her head bent. He said the chances of jotting the information down would be better that way. Once shed finished writing the information he told her to scream like crazy and hed come running. Can you do that for me, Bree, he asked, sweetly? I think so; Ill do my very best. Atta girl _ I couldnt ask for more than that!



The two sisters spent most summers at the movie houses. They loved watching the latest Technicolor musicals. In fact it was their passion. The double picture matinee often ran two together. Musicals were hugely popular back then. Early on theyd round up the neighborhood kids to help build sound stages in the backyard _ providing a platform to reenact the musicals theyd only recently observed. Following each showing theyd get busy writing the stage play for it. Bree being the eldest earned the privilege of casting herself in the leading female role. Jo could choose from the remaining parts _ often opting for the male lead. Together they co-wrote the scripts then began casting the remaining roles to neighborhood children. Bree was always first in line at the local five and dime each month after the latest songbooks were released and delivered. She knew when they could be purchased after allotting time for unloading and stocking the shelves. Sometimes in her anxiousness shed arrive much too early and forced to wait the entire process out. At times becoming rambunctious, and fidgeting something fierce, once causing the salesclerk to inquire if she were feeling well _ of course aware of whom she was by then, and what she wanted. Patience wasnt her virtue nor of most children. The troupe rehearsed their lines and numbers until they knew them by heart. Once memorized they dressed out, styled their hair or arranged wigs, usually fashioned from mop heads, and applied makeup. They borrowed their parents old shoes and clothing for costumes. Occasionally Bree would sneak one of Marys newer numb ers or costume jewelry at her own peril, but was always careful not to smudge or damage anything and luckily wasnt caught in the act. Lucky for her _ Mary would have skinned her alive!


The children loved entertaining even though no theater lovers watched from the wings. No doubt an abundance of raw talent existed in every play just yearning to be discovered. Brees parents were not present at any of their productions; they were always working at the time. Weekends found the girls back at the matinees catching up on the latest releases. Unfortunately, most their neighborhood friends were far too poor to afford show tickets. Betty wasnt permitted at the movies _ against their religion. It seemed to Bree that most things enjoyable were. Since cinema was against her beliefs _ she wasnt allowed to participate in any of their stage plays either. Bree longed to have Betty in their musicals but her parents were steadfast in their beliefs. The players all sympathized with Betty knowing how strict her parents were, and she blamed them for making her miss-out on anything they sensed exciting. Occasionally some stay at home moms did catch their act, but hardly anyone could afford cameras and to Brees knowledge not one single photograph existed of those kids belting their hearts out wearing their mothers cosmetics, old hats and high-heels, dads old coat and tails, cravat, and fedora. Often male roles required top hats. Bree enjoyed creating them from black art paper and homemade paste. Once Mary arrived home early enough to catch the show. She had loved it and honestly believed the children were every bit as talented as Ginger Rogers and Fred Astair! Afterward she held a little stage party in their honor, serving up lemonade and cookies, then pretending to be a newspaper critic after the party ended. She used an old wooden spoon in place of a microphone for the interview. She asked all the usual questions inquired of famous stage and screen actors. Mary could be such a kick _ the players had tons of fun that day! Unfortunately it never occurred to her to bring out the Brownie and take pictures of the little troop in action.



The following week Bree practically glued her behind to the front stoop. Terry stopped by the house frequently during this period, as he worked nearby at the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. He worked the bewitching shift between midnight and eight in the morning. He had finished school several years earlier, and was three years Megs senior. His willingness to aid a damsel in distress was appreciated by the entire Brown family. Bree would have been frightened half to death had she been home alone while their parents worked. The following week Terry didnt come around at all, period. Bree discovered he and Megan had had a lovers quarrel, she refused to discuss what prompted the misunderstanding. Meanwhile Bree continued her vigilance on the front stoop as she promised Terry she would. By Friday she contemplated throwing in the towel since the usual drive-by time had come and gone and he hadnt showed. She was deep in thought, chewing the situation over so to speak, when suddenly she saw a flash of tan! He was back! She pretended not to notice. Her tablet tucked neatly beneath her comic book; she tried to create an appearance of normalcy. Turning the pages while lifting her notebook at the same time, she quickly scribbled down the information Terry requested. The olive skinned man had dark hair, brown eyes and appeared of Mexican descent _ completely unknown to her. He wasnt a local since she prided herself in knowing everyone in town _ or at least knowing of them, plus she would have noticed that tan car shuttling about, and it wasnt yet that common to see a Mexican-American in their part of town either.


She could only see him from the shoulders up of course, but the type of shirt he wore was called a work shirt. It contained a logo of some type, though illegible from that distance. The shirt was tan in color _ same as his auto. She gave a small snicker and wondered if he bought the car to match his uniform! In place of a backseat the vehicle boasted the popular rumble seat instead of a trunk. She noticed he had whitewall tires, which, back then no self-respecting fella would be caught dead without them. The basic sentiment was that if you could afford a car _ you could afford whitewalls. Thats how incredibly popular they were. The fenders sported the added accessories known as skirts, which were also must have in those days _ that and twin tail pipes. It didnt make much sense to Bree to cover up half the stunning rubber white walls with a skirt, but what did a scamp like her know? His automobile looked cool though she hated admitting it. The coupe also featured the proverbial running boards. Bree remembered riding the boards once when the vehicle in which she traveled was filled to capacity. She tightly held on to the opened window frame between the front and back seat (probably for dear life)! The caper was unlawful, but loads of fun! None ever heard of a child falling off and getting killed or injured _ somehow occurring to the driver to take it slow and easy and the rider to do exactly as Bree had. The driver must have sensed something was amiss because quite suddenly he sped away, but not before she jotted down his license-plate number! When Herrman returned from work that evening Bree explained what happened that afternoon. When he learned she was able to collect the license plate number he immediately rang the police. They came to the house shortly thereafter to file their report. As they questioned Bree one inquiry stood out from all the rest. Did he say anything to you, the officer asked? No, Sir _ at least I dont think so. She was taken aback by the question and unsure of the proper response. The officer appeared disappointed slamming his ledger shut. The man has committed no crime, he said. If hed spoken to you in any way, said anything at al l I could charge him. But there is no law against driving down the street as often as one chooses _ irregardless of whether one stops to gawk or not! Maybe he spoke and I just couldnt hear him from that distance? Young lady, he said. If you didnt hear anything _ youve no knowledge as to whether he spoke or not _ right? She agreed; they left; Herrman was red-faced and furious! Bree, he said. We cannot abandon this thing simply because you werent spoken to. Next time you catch this pervert lurking about encourage him to speak to you, but I beseech you, please, sidestep any attempt to join him in


conversation. If you stimulate any dialog whatever youll give him the excuse hes looking for. He would simply say you addressed him first. Hed be let off the hook, do you understand, Sweetheart? Yes, Daddy, she replied. Ill do whatever you want. Thats my girl, he said. This ordeal will soon be over _ youll see. But it wasnt meant to be at least not until shed almost completed her first s emester at Azalea Junior High. In those days everyone but the most severely handicapped walked to school _ buses were not furnished. She was petrified of walking to school by her self and equally afraid of walking home alone during this drawn out period. If she wasnt on the corner of Fifty Seventh Street and Azalea Avenue by seven thirty every morning _ she wouldnt reach school by eight oclock when school commenced. This eerie stalker somehow managed to collect her school itinerary. He began appearing at the corner every morning at exactly seven thirty. Actually, when she emerged at the crossroad he was already waiting and anticipating her arrival. She had no other recourse but to deal with this sick-O on a daily basis. Like the Post Office he was always there rain or shine! Unfortunately she hadnt a voice in the matter legally whatever. According to police he committed no crime, and continued with the strange silent treatment. She wondered whether he understood the law _ was that the reason he never spoke to her? She wondered could the man possibly have a speech impediment, or even worse a deaf mute that could forever render him incapable of speech. Was she eternally destined to suffer this dusky phantom stalking? What if he kidnapped her? Why, oh why, wouldnt the police help her? Bree worried whether theyd ever have a case against him. Chances were good that he was now more confident than ever, spying from a distance of her home. To her chagrin she felt more at risk than ever, and was beginning to think that no one understood her fears _ especially not the police! Wasnt she supposed to concentrate on her studies and do well at school, yet knowing when she reached THE intersection he would be waiting? How could she possibly _ knowing her very life was in danger? Always parked at the curb, passenger window down, sitting sideways in the seat, right arm stretched across the back of the seat. Presumably the better to see her _ but why? She was a mere slip of a girl _ not a woman by any stretch of the imagination! To a child this made no sense. She was afraid as she neared the intersection he might reach-out and gobble her-up! She made the decision to cut kiddy-corner across the neighbors lawn to avoid that possibility. She planned to ravish the daylights out of the man with her dazzling smile, mustering up that come hither look, which she figured he would identify as flirtatious. She would toy with his senses while attempting to avoid him like the plague.


Then one day she noticed something very different _ his car door was flung wide open. She stopped dead in her tracks _ flabbergasted, knowing not what to do let alone think. She paused too frightened to continue her way _ what if he reached out and snagged her this time? For some inexplicable reason she didn t understand began edging closer and closer to his vehicle _ not looking at him directly _ yet intuition said he planned to expose his genitals. She couldnt imagine another reason why his door was wide open. This hideous exposure had already happened to her sisters friend, Jane otherwise she wouldnt have had the remotest of clues. She began cutting kitty-corner across the lawn, starting a little further back this time _ like the other side of the center of the grass. If he had the slightest notion of snatching her _ he would have to hotfoot it more than half way cross the sod to do it! She began twisting her body sideways _ like a hooker _ smiling broadly at him. Amazed she could almost see his antennae intercept her message then permeate his little peabrain to decipher she was hot to trot! Anyone in their right mind would have known differently, but no _ not El Dumb-O! Well, hed fallen directly in her trap hook-line-and-sinker! Abruptly, he began speaking to her _ stunned, she could hardly believe her ears _ in Espanol! Oddly making no attempt at moving closer to her, but continued talking, sitting sideways, with arm across the back of the seat like always. She allowed herself a quick look He was fully clothed. Phew! She couldnt determine everything hed said. However, having studied conversational Spanish in sixth grade enabled her to define some of his lingo. She recognized the word, Senorita, he undoubtedly meant her. Another word she remembered was amore, meaning love _ but not with her, Amigo! The very last words he spoke, which she understood was Bonito, blanco, meaning, beautiful, white her? In enunciating these last words his countenance became that of sweetness and shining love. She immediately experienced pangs of sorrow for anyone that was that stupid! Once shed heard enough _ she split like a banana! When her folks arrived home from work that evening she gleefully explained what happened on her way to school that morning. Afterward, they all cheered and cheered! Bree realized then how concerned her parents had been for her welfare, and at last she was beginning to smell the sweet scents of freedom! In the meantime, Marys eldest brother, Ray had been discharged from the military and was temporarily staying with them as he searched for gainful employment. Mary was even more afraid for her daughter to walk alone to school since her tormentor had finally found his voice and was yet on the loose. He had volunteered to walk her to school mornings, which helped provide her with a sense of security. Her stalker apparently witnessed them walking together from a distance and took off. Ray said hed better not show his disgusting peepers around him or hed personally rip out his lungs! He talked tough and scary like that, but was very gentle at heart. Bree was grateful he was on her side!


Her parents phoned the police later that evening and they came out to the house. Once again she recited her story, then adding that he had finally spoken to her in his native language, but that she understood most of what hed said. The officer said he couldnt care less what the man said. He needed only one word from lover -boy and he was screwed blue and tattooed! Could she finger him in a police lineup? No problem, officer. she said. Not as many times as Ive seen that puss of his and hope never to see again! Well go pick him up, then, authoritatively. Good, she said, beaming from ear to ear! Easier said than done. They sent out an All Points Bulletin for his arrest, but still couldnt find him anywhere. Bree told the officer she didnt think the man hailed from their area. The police didnt think so either ot herwise theyd have already nabbed him. Unfortunately, their jurisdiction only covered the City of Granite. Granite police department checked his license plate number against all registered car owners to no avail. They were forced to search city by city with local law enforcement to find whether the licensee was registered in their city. The procedure was time consuming without computers. Meanwhile her shadow continued to stalk her. They finally got lucky! The El Rancho police found the licensee was registered in their city. Granite PD issued a formal request to have him brought in for questioning. El Rancho went to the addressees home. Unfortunately, no one lived there by that name. He had flown the coop leaving no forwarding address. The department informed the family it could take weeks possibly months to seize the little weasel. They said catching him would depend on whether he kept his nose clean and stayed out of trouble. In other words: If they couldnt snatch him in a separate offense they probably wouldnt snare him at all! They explained that Granite PD hadnt the hands or time to check every license plate in town _ it would be impossible. Herrman inquired, In that case what good is it having an APB? The officer said if lover -boy got pulled-over for any reason whatever the police would check his license against any outstanding bulletins or warrants posted in their city, and that of sister cities. We can only pray he fowls-up some way _ well nab him so fast his teeth will rattle, that is if he has any. By the following week Terry and Meg had settled their differences and he was in like Flynn again. Ray obtained a position, and was unable to walk Bree to school mornings. She dreaded the thought of walking to school alone again. What she really wanted was to bawl her eyes out, but she didnt dare. Her parents were already distraught enough. As luck would have it (she didnt think so at the time,) Bree contracted a virus over the weekend and missed the following week of school _ escaping the frightening aspect of walking to school alone again. She hated being sick


worse than anything, but thought if she had to be ill the timing couldnt have been more perfect! Terry had remarked off the wall that Valentino would be lonesome without her. Something just clicked in her head. Do you really think so, Terry she asked? Well, hes gone to a lot of trouble so far to see you. Do you think he could be dejected enough to chance driving by the house this weekend hoping for a glimpse at the disinterested young maiden? If youre interested I can drop by Saturday and give it a shot. Oh, I am Terry! Okay, he said. But this time Id like you sitting in my car catching some rays and reading your comics. Dont worry, Ill be standing here looking out the window the entire time. If he comes by stand up and calmly wave your funny book pretending to be fanning yourself. With the extreme warmth weve experienced lately Id be surprised if it raised any suspicion. Ill handle the rest. Sure, Terry, Ill do exactly as you say. That makes better sense than screaming my lungs out, which frightens him away. Ill wager he wont get away with it this time. Youre right, he exclaimed. I dont think so either! Bree idol worshipped Terry because of his gutsy, take charge attitude. He was like the big brother shed always yearned for but never had. Deep down she was probably a pinch envious of the close relationship Anne shared with her brother. He protected his sister as Terry now defended her. In retrospect Bree understands more clearly what a tremendous undertaking Terry took on in aiding her family in their time of need. Playing the Good Samaritan had been entirely selfless on his part. He couldnt have acquired much sleep at all with his shift ending at 8.00 in t he morning, and by 3:30 was at Brees house trying to catch a creep, then playing Dick Tracy on his time off on Saturdays _ what a guy he was! Mary always insisted on feeding him a decent meal when he was there _ her words. She was an excellent cook, and Terry enjoyed the home cooked meals as much as the family did. Bree never thought about it at the time, but realized down the road that he never discussed his own family nor ever mentioned having one. Looking back she realized how unusual that was. He could have been orphaned at an early age, been an only child, or even worse. What if his entire family had been wiped-out in a tragic accident leaving him sole the survivor? Through the years Bree often prayed that he married an exceptional young woman, worthy of his kindness and virtues, and that together they raised a large loving family. In her mind if anyone deserved such a blessing it was he. She worried if she had thanked him properly as he deserved. She remembered thanking him; she just wasnt certain whether it was adequate enough.


During that dark and painful time Herrman worked all day Saturday, Mary usually worked half a day on Saturday, but on that particular Saturday she worked a full shift. They both agreed if lover-boy stopped by it would probably be earlier than before _ assuming he didnt work weekends. As it happened they were right on the money. Terry wanted her in the car by 11:00 AM at the latest. Bree was ready ahead of schedule and decided to head-on out. Now dont forget, Terry reminded her. Ill be looking out this window the entire time. If I should leave for one second your sister will be standing-guard, so please dont be frightened if you see him. If you do _ pretend you didnt, casually stand and begin fanning yourself with your comic book _ just as wed planned, okay? Dont turn to gaze at the house, dont look around at his car, look straight ahead, act natural, and for heavens sake dont scream! You can count on me, Terry. I wont be afraid as long as youre here. I know I can, Little Sis he said. Tousling her pigtails and winked at her. She thought her heart would burst with pride as she walked out to the car. She climbed in the backseat of the convertible, comic book intact. Naturally the top was down. The sun had warmed the luxurious tuck and roll upholstery so deliciously that it took every ounce of restraint not to lounge upon the leather and bask in the warmth of the sunshine. Good thing she didnt she would have missed him all together. It couldnt have been mo re than ten; fifteen minutes at most when he drove by. She heard the engine, and looked sideways to see if it was he. It was! Standing immediately she began fanning herself. He diverted his eyes towards the stoop, slowly moving, almost passing the house when he spotted her, at which point stopped dead in his tracks. Instantaneously Terry was up and out the door! He cut across the lawn and didnt even bother to open the car door _ just jumped right over it landing smack-dab in the drivers seat. Her hero! Fore only at the cinema had she ever witnessed such a magnificent stunt!




Her would-be paramour quickly perceived what was happening before Terry reached the convertible and speedily scuttled away. This time, though, Terry was prepared for his shenanigans, and within minutes in hot pursuit of this would be loony lover. The man led them on a merry-chase across town, first heading east as was his normal routine. Then pulling an about-face crisscrossed and headed west obviously making a break-for-it. One could assume his residence was then due west of them, not east as theyd always presumed. If it hadnt been for Terrys determination that the time for apprehending this creeper crawler often was now or never, he might possibly have escaped the net now closing in on him. He began picking up speed, dangerously driving through residential streets. Actually, the entire chase took place in Granite neighborhoods. Daring to rise from her comfort zone (face down on the backseat of the car,) eyes squeezed tightly as she said her Hail Marys (though not Catholic) finally deciding to risk a peek. She saw the world quickly spinning past her as they blindly barreled into what would become their destiny. Seconds before tossing her head back down on the seat, she noticed another car edging ever closer and closer from their rear at last recognizing the driver as that of the new neighbor who recently moved into the Hall house (Bettys former home.) MR Stevens apparently had joined them in the chase, unless of course he pursued them, but that wouldnt have made any sense. Hed more than likely caught wind of the bogeymans deeds and wished to help. Bree just didnt get it! Why she _ a mere slip of a child had common sense to know when she wasnt welcome, why couldnt a grown man figure this out for himself? Stevens undoubtedly observed Terrys zooming off like a bat out of you know where in hot pursuit of the would be if he could be beau bozo, and wanted to assist in his capture as any good neighbor might have therefore joining the posse and gave chase. Terry realized that backup had arrived and proceeded to speed even more dangerously, at times practically atop Romeos bumper! Finally an opening in the road positioned him to overtake the unusual tan vehicle. Whizzing past he then spun his wheels out sideways coming to a sudden halt, and completely blocked the roadway. Surprisingly, the man expertly brought his speeding vehicle to a dead stop without crashing into them. Terry wouldnt have cared one iota _ wanting nothing as badly as putting this would be child molester behind bars! How he managed to not sideswipe the vehicle parked along the roadside struggling to maintain control over his roadster after spinning out went beyond belief, but handled the maneuver with exquisite mastery. He definitely was in the wrong business _ probably better suited to demolition-derby driver!


The man in the tan uniform with matching car immediately began to back up when he realized reinforcement had arrived. Stevens braked his car the moment Don Juan spun out sideways as well, blocking the roadway in either direction without so much as an itsy scratch to any car _ yet another stunt racer! Trapped and understanding his situation clearly wasnt rosy jumped from his vehicle with intention of giving them a run for their money. Anticipating just that very thing again Terry leaped over the side of his car, again declining the extra time it would take to open the cardoor. Then foot raced the Mexican onto the neighbors lawn, finally outflanking him. Stevens joined the chase and together they brought Casanova down by diving for his lower legs forcing him to the ground. They struggled to pin the man down while waiting for help to arrive _ surprised them both with his super Samson like strength even though his hair was cropped short. Obviously he didnt wish to go where he surely knew he was headed and fought them tooth and nail to gain his freedom. No one knew whose property the donnybrook took place on. Poor Bree was still trembling in the backseat like a scared little jackrabbit when she heard Terry holler for her to call the police. People inside the home didnt come outside to watch, preferring to peek out their windows _ too frightened to come out! She hurried to the door, hands shaking like a leaf as she pressed the doorbell. A kindly looking gentleman answered the door, probably the man of the house, and could see that she was but a mere child. Bree blurted-out that theyd just captured the man whod been stalking her for months, and explained that an APB had already been issued for his arrest. The stranger looked sympathetic and opened the door offering her his telephone _ she didnt even have to ask. After calling the police she joined the men awaiting her outside. The lady-killer appeared to have caved completely. Apparently excepting the futility in trying to escape the men holding him and knowing he was outnumbered two to one, realized the jig was up, and that yes he was indeed bound to where hed resisted going from the start. He looked half dazed, befuddled, and refused e ven a glance in Brees direction. She hoped it was due to his shame, but somehow doubted it. The police department was near by _ they didnt wait long. Funny how all the Looky Lous all rushed outside once the police arrested and shackled the man. No one dared stick their noses out until the cops arrived _ probably too frightened to. It was perplexing to Bree since she had witnessed only the strength and bravery of the men in the forties and fifties. It was gut wrenchingly evident that the wonderful world in which shed grown to love was changing _ not for the better in her mind! Men settling differences with their dukes-was commonplace in the fifties. Disputes oftentimes were settled with fisticuffs because there wasnt any other way. It was as accepted a s dueling from that era was. Whomever the victor meant the loser paid whatever the expenses or offenses amounted to _ an unwritten gentlemans agreement.


Guns, switchblades, brass knuckles, and other forms of weaponry were illegal then, so brawn and bare knuckles were the only recourse for settling misunderstandings. A saying widely used then was, How bout a knuckle sandwich, meaning a fist! Courts werent considered an option in those days _ attorneys were far too expensive for their pockets. The bystanders were interested in knowing why the police had busted him _ wanting to hear the gory details. Luckily for Bree _ there werent any. Good triumphed over evil. Much to their chagrin the police refused to answer any questions. One officer, after shackling and handcuffing the prisoner then securing him to the bars that served as a divider between the front and back seat of the squad car, said, You can all read about it in the funny papers. Bree found herself in seventh heaven knowing that her ordeal was finally over. Happiness simply oozed from her. Then without any warning she became an emotional wreck _ no one could stop the floodgates! They werent simply tears of joy, but also the release of incredible stress from her shoulders. In some strange sense she supposed she felt sorrow for him. It was because of her a man was shackled and chained _ heading for a jail cell somewhere. Suddenly she felt wretched, mean, quilty, all those things. They had no counseling for crimes against a minor back then, but later were explained by the court that the feelings she experienced was completely normal. As an optimistic sort of kid she didnt dwell in the dredges for long. However, she soon learned her ordeal was only just beginning. terra incognita!



Later that day Herrman received a call from a detective who asked whether he could accompany his daughter to police headquarters the following day, stating that they needed her to file a complaint and identify the perpetrator. Herrman politely said, Yes, sir, absolutely, and advised the officer he would escort her there the moment he returned from work. No good, Sir, Im afraid. You see, Sir, its illegal to hold someone more than thirty -six hours without charging them. I see, Herrman said, scratching his rather balding head, then, I expect you need me there first thing in the morning, right? Yes, the inspector said. Im afraid thats true. Very well, then he said. We shall be there at eight in the morning. Very good, Sir, thank you, and good evening to you. Good evening, officer. Herrman called his employer that morning to explain the situation which, Bree found downright embarrassing though realized it couldnt be helped. As they neared closer and closer to the city precinct she became more and more antsy. Herrman sensing as much remarked, Please dont concern your self dear, soon this will be nothing more than a distant memory, however unpleasant. Just truthfully answer any questions as you always have and everything should be fine, he said, giving her knee a little pat. The desk Sergeant sat at attention upon their arrival and Herrman stated his business. They were led to a tiny jail cell where they identified the cooky culprit. The room contained two bunk beds; two Hispanic males huddled on each, both giving her the evil eye as she entered. One was completely foreign to her, the other she knew like the back of her hand. Bree thought, where does a total stranger get off giving her mean looks. The lockup reeked. She couldnt avoid gazing at the filthy old toilet located between the two cots, and rusty as a nail! She almost gagged! Man, the place really grossed her out! Once she identified the perpetrator she was hustled from the room _ ecstatically so! After releasing a sigh she thought, its finished, over, kaput! Yeah! Could this small cell have launched the claustrophobia she endured into her adult years? She figured she would finger her shadow from a police lineup not a jail cell! After giving her sworn testament and signing various documents they were permitted to leave. It seemed an eternity passed during her time in the little pokey. The conditions there were deplorable enough then with both men glaring in sullen insolence _ hatred simmering in their eyes almost gave her a sense that she was the guilty one and


couldnt help wonder where all that amore vanished to? The captain thanked them for stopping by and said hed be in touch. Several days passed when someone called the house and identified himself as Lieutenant OConnor. He informed the family that their case was being bound over for trial. The accused had pled innocent of all charges before a magistrate. They learned that the suspects name was Jesus Salazar and was married with five children! Jesus couldnt afford a defense attorney, which was his tough luck. There were no laws on the books that provided a free trial lawyer for those who couldnt afford one. If one found them selves mired in a heap of trouble during the forties and fifties one became stuck in s--ts creek without a paddle, another of Marys fond sayings! The accused was forced to have a trial by Here comes the judge.




The court date was set for nine oclock in the morning on December first. Though the time seemed very far away it arrived much too quickly for Brees liking. While anxious to put the abysmal affair behind her, she was petrified of the witness stand and of getting the third degree. Getting caught up in a situation not of her choosing really ticked her off, all because some cretin stranger whom she didnt know from Uranus and whom also happened to be a moron would likely be charged with pedophilia today though was pretty much unheard of in the nineteen fifties. In the last days of November the court supplied Bree and her family pretrial instructions, requesting friends, neighbors, and family members all attend the trial. They explained that Jesus would likely take advantage of his large family to convey a message to the court that he was an upstanding family man _ above reproach. They should look directly at the judge when speaking, always refer to him as your honor, and answer all questions honestly. Crucial to the case was not making eye contact with the accused or any members of his family _ relax! That was the extent of her knowledge of a courtroom procedure upon entering the courthouse that morning. She adhered strictly to the advice of counsel as if her own life depended on it, and was very grateful for the guidance they provided. She prayed shed remember everything once in the witness box. She couldnt help bein g reminded of movies shed seen, even cartoons where the floor opened up and the victim still strapped in the chair was either dropped into a lions den or shark infested waters. Many neighbors, including one Oscar Stevens planned to attend court on her behalf. Anne and her mother would be there. Jo, Megan and Terry, also Ray, Jane and her mother were coming. Herrman had brothers and sisters living in LA of which several planned to attend with their families. Also several employees where her parents worked whom Bree had never met planned to come. If everyone followed through the court should be bombarded! As it turned out the little courtroom was packed like sardines. Everyone there for Jesus sat right of court _ filling the seats completely. The Brown side occupied every available seating arrangement as well with some standing in the back. The judge ordered extra chairs be brought in to accommodate them. There was no center section in the cramped little courtroom _ definitely small town. Ancient black fans hung from the ceiling. They reminded Bree of the ones in her favorite movie, Citizen Cane. The courthouse wasnt air-conditioned and the iron fans creaked by ever so slowly as if each turn could be the last, air trickled past periodically, giving the impression that life was passing in slow motion.


The immediate families were seated in the front rows. Bree kept her eyes trained straight ahead as she was told; even so Jesus wifes cold-hearted glares caused her to cringe. Her intense and concentrated stares appeared to bore holes through her young tender body, which of course was intentional. Megan sitting next to Bree shuddered under her breath that the wife really creeped her out. Since Jesus and his wife had five children, it could be assumed theyd been married at least six years or more. His benefactors were mostly Hispanic women. Were they all his sisters Bree wondered, or sister-in-laws, or possibly a combination of both? Whoever they were _ they also bored holes in her body! One elderly white haired woman was present and presumed his mother. How could he Bree thought! He ought to be ashamed of himself! Court was called to order, the bailiff formally requested, Yea all rise. Everyone stood at attention. Then announced the Honorable Judge Andrews would preside over the court. The jurist breezed in and took his seat. Yea may be seated, the bailiff said, smiling at spectators. They all sat. The judge pounding his gavel said, "Court is now in session." Then read off the charges against Jesus, afterward asking, and How do you plea, Mr. Salazar? Not guilty your honor. The judge called the first witness. Guess whom? Placing her hand on the bible and stating her name she swore to _ tell the truth _ the whole truth _ and nothing but the truth _ so help her God. After repeating the old axioms the judge asked her to be seated _ in the hot seat naturally! So at the ripe old age of thirteen she was sitting in a witness box thanks to a complete nincompoop of a man whom she didnt even know! Shed really never known fear before that day, faking it all the way! When it was over she was near collapse. Judge Andrews was a kindly old gent seemingly sympathetic to her cause. He attempted to make her comfortable, which helped her greatly get through all that was required of her. If hed had any diffe rent personality she doubted shed have survived the trial. The judge asked her to repeat the ordeal shed endured for the last six months. As she was speaking she became aware of a stinging sensation that seemed to permeate her entire body _ the lady at it again with her ice pick stares. At last the judge asked if the accused had ever spoken to her. When she answered, yes, your honor, a gasp was heard throughout the courtroom, presumably that of the suspects wife. His honor asked whether she recognized the accused in the courtroom? Looking towards, Jesus _ him staring straight ahead, she pointed her finger directly at him. Another loud gasp was heard burst fourth in the courthouse _ definitely his wife! Bree began trembling, outwardly losing her composure as the wife again let fly her steely daggers _ exploding in her eyes, more painful than the boring holes in her body, but she managed to regain her composure.


The judge thanked her, and said she could step-down. The bailiff aided her, thankfully. She needed all the help she could get in taking her seat. The judge called Terry as his next witness who basically repeated everything Bree had already said. Next was Ray who simply verified her story. Then Herrman was called to the stand _ same, same. Jesus Salazar _ the alleged criminal child stalker, was quite alone on the witness stand without his family to bolster him with their boring of holes or icepick dagger stares. Why would anyone believe she fabricated the entire story, fingering an innocent man _ who just happened, coincidentally, to become lost on his drive home from work each and every day for six months _ same area each time _ imagine that! After the accused was sworn in and stated his name _ he got a taste of the hot seat himself! The judge asked him whether he had driven to the neighborhood of Fifty-First and Azalea Avenues, and whether he had ever seen Bree Brown before. Jesus answered no. That ticked off the judge! The red face and the neck veins popping out was a dead give away. Then he asked Jesus where he resided? His reply was 3751 W. Palace Court, Commondowns, California your honor. The town was west of the city of Granite. The judges next query regarded his place of business. Myers Tool Company, Rebecca Beach, California your honor. The judge hit him with everything he had. You reside in Commondowns, you work in Rebecca Beach, both cities are due west of the township of Granite. You had no business whatever in the city of Granite _ did you? No, your honor, he said. Murmurs were heard throughout the court to which the jurist ignored. You know you could make things easier on yourself, Jesus, if youd simply tell the truth. You were arrested in Granite _ how can you say you were never there? We have eye witnesses who saw your car in Granite, including members of the Granite Police Department! On top of that your accuser was able to obtain your license plate number, which was checked and found valid, furthermore the car was registered in your name at your prior residence, and the car in question does match your license plate number. We have now placed you in the city of Granite. We know youve been following this young lady for at least six months dating back to when her parents first called police. Thats how long youve stalked thi s young girl. Now then _ its still a free country _ we couldnt arrest you on those grounds alone, however, when you spoke to this child you committed a crime against a minor punishable by imprisonment. Have you anything to say to the court before I pass judgment, Mr. Salazar? Yes, your honor. I would like to change my plea from not guilty to guilty as charged, and throw myself on the mercy of the court. First, I must know your reason for following this poor child, chided the judge.


Yes, your honor, he said. Well, you see, sir I thought the young lady was eighteen or nineteen years old _ I hadnt any idea she was a minor. The judge was getting ticked off again! Suddenly he turned and looked directly at Bree and asked her if shed mind standing up f or the court. Looking at her parents they nodded. She stood _ wobbly legs and all. The judge scrutinized her well. Then asked her if shed mind walking a little bit for the court. By then her knees knocked like twin engines badly in need of some STP though did as the judge asked. Then he thanked her, and motioned her to sit down. Mr. Salazar the judge said. I think almost every man and women in this court would beg to differ with you. I have eyed the young lady thoroughly, and I believe any person of reason would judge her age to be that of no more than thirteen, fourteen at most (Bree was secretly proud that the judge thought she could possibly be a year older than she really was)! Jesus hung down his head _ he was beat and he knew it. The judge asked, Any questions? No one breathed a word. You could have heard a pin drop for the quiet of the room other than the grinding of the fans. The sentencing phase of this trial will be held over until Monday, one week from today the judge replied. Slamming down his gavel declared, Case adjourned. Jesus was already back on the streets, posting bail the very day Bree identified him. Obviously the authorities werent concerned he might jump bail, take flight, or possibly repeat his offense against some other innocent adolescent. Who knows, perhaps fulfilling his objectivity next time around. In the meantime her parents were terribly worried he might vanish in the still of the night _ conceivably gathering up his family and heading South of the border. The family thanked relatives, friends and neighbors for coming out for them, then made a quick retreat _ fed-up with the glares and mean stares they were forced to endure that day.



They gathered at the courthouse again in the Brown versus Salazar sentencing phase. It wasnt nece ssary for his judgeship to bring-out extra chairs on this occasion. The courtroom wasn't as jammed-packed as before, though the ever faithful did return to help them past the finish line. After the usual formalities the judge read the charges and asked the accused to rise. Judge Andrews advised Jesus that since hed changed his plea from innocent to guilty as charged, he would now pronounce sentencing. Yes, your honor, Jesus said. The judge declared that since hed searched and found no prior criminal act ivity against his record, the court was disposed to bestow leniency upon first offenders. More boring, more jabs! He proclaimed his own preference would have been to throw the book at him! However, he maintained that too many lives could be impaired whom he concluded were blameless. That said he handed down his ruling: Six months suspended jail sentence and one year probation, plus a fine of 150.00. Ow, just in time _ two more jabs to the eyes! Then asserted if he failed to report to his probation officer, broke any laws civil or otherwise, he would be reprimanded back to court and go directly to jail. Next he declared that because he lived and worked in the area of Commondowns, he had no business whatever in the city of Granite. Thereby invoking an order of permanent restriction from entering the city of Granite commenting that if he were found within thirty miles of Brees home or any school she attended _ hed throw him in jail for the duration, duly noting the aside order in his ledger. Jesus stared steely-eyed straight ahead and somber as a stone. The judge then cracked the gavel against his desk and declared the case closed. The judge trained one last eagle eye on Jesus arising from his perch and offered-up another aside _ At least I hope so, Sir, for your own sake. Yes, your honor, thank you, your honor, Jesus quickly said. Little CS Bree thought! The retched ordeal was finally over. A sigh of release was heard throughout the courtroom. When they finally reached their sanctuary the family celebrated their victory. With Coke-a-Colas outstretched in their arms they lauded Terry for his heroism and gung ho attitude in aiding their family in distress. After many toasts heaped upon Terry, the entire family serenaded him with For Hes a Jolly Good Fellow. They knew they were the victors! Theyd successfully prosecuted Jesus to the full extent of the law, and found guilty. He would be punished for his crimes, though he did escape a jail sentence. Plus, he was permanently barred from Brees life forever more, which was really all anyone had cared about. Talking it over with Herrman later _ Bree said she feared perhaps one day he would break the court order and come looking for her when she least expected it. He nodded his head in disagreement. Hes too smart for that, Bree. He knows the judge meant business.


I believe that too, Daddy. She neednt have worried, as it turned out, although she did spend the next several months looking over her shoulder _ probably out of habit. It wasnt long before she reached the conclusion that Jesus intended to abide by the judges decree, had he planned on doing something stupid he probably would have done it by then. Blissfully, she never again laid eyes on the most decidedly uncommon man from the City of Commondowns again and realized her good fortunate in that her story ended happily _ not all of them do, she knew, and that was a tragedy. Down the road apiece she revisited that spirited, fun-loving girl everyone had once known.



Some ruffians from Azalea had staked their claim on the parcel of land known as the corner. The very same Jesus abandoned recently. Since he no longer hovered about the premises they assumed possession of the plot and seized it for their own evil purposes! James Harten appeared easy prey for them. He was small framed and short in stature, but compensated with a winning smile, sunny disposition, and handsome face. He and Bree were sidekicks in drama class. His desk was located directly behind her own. He loved running his slender fingers through her long wavy tresses, almost on a daily basic, which was okay with her since she enjoyed immensely the excellent tingling sensation created in her scalp region and down the spine. She never let on to him or anyone else for that matter too afraid any interruption could forfeit the business at hand! Mr Mercer was the drama coach _ a fairly liberal fellow who wouldnt have dreamt of saying anything to James if he had caught him red handed! The man resembled a Grecian God or movie star according to most girls one talked to _ he was that beautiful! Almost every girl Bree knew had a crush on him, and she certainly wasnt any exception. He was actually admired by the entire student-body _ even the boys! He resembled the famous screen actor, Howard Duff considerably. Students viewed him as an incredible lookalike both in physique, height, weight, and color. Six-foot or better he towered over anyone he came in contact with. Of course the girls had an even bigger crush on Howard Duff. The actor had married actress, Ida Lupino, a tiny thing _ both huge box-office stars then. Bree perceived Lupino an improper wife, and naturally considered herself to be better suited to him. Jack _ the school bully, found that he could tease and abuse James to his hearts content. James did nothing to deserve such treatment nor did anything to dissuade it other than make a break-for-it when he could. Once Jack discovered he could get away with almost anything short of murder that his little heart desired _ James was fair game. So he gathered-up his bullish, bratish, bunch of worshipers who aided and abetted him in this carnage. Since there was never any reason for it, Bree believed they got their jollies. Activity on the corner became daily theater with the gang of hooligans with James being the sport, oftentimes working him over twice a day for good measure. Witnessing this atrocity every morning on her way to school pretty much destroyed Brees day for her. Sometimes forced to view this pack of criminals in their skullduggery on the journey home, then ruined her evening as well! The beatings were also held on school property. Authorities still treated school bullies willy-nilly then _ nary a soul to come to his rescue. The old saying: Boys will be boys certainly applied in this instance. They were very smart in their craft _ never leaving tale-tale bruises or marks where it would show. Students were petrified of exposing them _ for fear


theyd be next in line to suffer his fate. Bree herself was frightened half to death _ and she was a girl! Even so she felt terribly guilty in not turning in the bums. One day _ she saw red! The little mobsters had him on the ground when she rounded the corner that morning. There must have been five or more pummeling him in unison, unwilling to wait their turn to get in on the action. It was devastating to see such evil _ she couldnt handle it any longer and bellowed, Stop it _ stop it this instant! They looked up quickly to match the voice to the person theyd just heard, in glimpsing little Ol' Bree standing there they simply continued their gruesome task _ she could have been a rock for the attention she received! James wouldnt cry for a million bucks _ even if you paid him! Which might have angered them even more, though they hadnt a reason in the first place, thereby striking him more vicio usly than before. One thing Bree knew for certain _ they laid in wait for him, literally ambushing him every day of his life! Even though James had ridden his bike to school for years, and his speed was definitely up to snuff _ he could never get-away fast enough in avoiding these terrible beatings. Finally Bree pleaded with James to tell someone, anyone. He agreed to confide in his father, but then forbade him from turning in the gruesome little gangsters. He figured it would be a waste of time, and proba bly didnt want ratfink added to the list of names he was called. She tried to convince him that everyone would be on his side if he told. He flatly refused to squeal _ he could handle anything they dished out! James was a great kid! He would never have considered turning a gun on those delinquents had he had one, which he didnt _ no one did then! Handguns were banned in Southern California in those days, probably still are. Some things never really change _ school bullies have always been around, and probably always will be _ provided someone doesnt drill them right between the eyes! School bullies should seriously consider changing their ways in this day and age. Later on when Jacks family moved back to Texas it signaled the end of the brutality of Jame s. The remaining scoundrels lost their appetite for scuffling without their leader, and managed to steer clear of James after that. Hooray! Hoodlums usually have ringleaders and without the chiefs in charge troublemakers oftentimes become docile as little lambie pies. James reveled in his newfound freedom from repression and pain. If one cared to look closely one could almost see him flourish and bloom.




Bree telephoned everyone she could think of regarding Jessies dire situation and learned that almost everyone had heard of her fathers sever retaliation. Her penalty was among the strictest anyone had heard of. The crime definitely didnt fit the punishment if one wanted to call it that. Some even gave their parents the lowdown, and surprised to learn that even they found the discipline too austere! Tom believed Jessies father was pushing her into running away from home and Bree completely agreed. With her out of the picture (a poor teenager trying to cope in a cruel world) she would no longer be a burden to him. Though later he would have to deal with his own children and their mistakes. Jessies mother was all ready expecting his child when he presented his two-year-old toddler from a previous shack-job and announced that the boy would be residing with them. Dolly, his eldest daughter, had cared for the child since infancy, and as far as anyone knew was the natural mother. What happened to the biological mother remained a mystery. Jessies mother alone knew the truth and wasnt divulging it to anyone. Jessies father wasnt her real dad, nor was he legally her stepfather. As it happened neither parent had obtained divorces from their former spouses. Prior to the live-in lady the father was still married to wife number one _ Dollys mother _ making it entirely impossible for either to marry. As if that werent unseemly enough for the times _ the rough around the edges family man was a gambler and a boozer, owing much of his paycheck to the bookies. It seemed the black-kettle was calling the pot black when he insinuated his daughter was a tramp. Returning home late from work most nights one can only assume what he s doing to pass the time away? When one proves oneself to be imperfect how can one then expect perfection from others? Hed be considered an unfit parent nowadays, but in those days people minded their own business and didnt believe in making waves. Police were notorious in their attitudes of not wanting to get involved in family affairs, as they called it. They wouldnt dream of touching a wife beater or a child abuser with a ten -foot pole. The reason behind it was supposedly that they feared the wife or child might retaliate against them if they interfered with a struggle in progress! The next week Bree called Jessie knowing her father wouldnt be home _ when was he ever? To her surprise Jessie answered the phone. She had figured even that privilege might have been restricted or taken away. My mother had a doctors appointment, she said. So the coast was clear, they could talk freely. How are things going, Jessie, hoping everything was okay. Well, he changed his mind about Catholic school when he learned how expensive it is. That was great news! The bad news was she would be living with her sister who resided in another town, though her mother planned to sign papers that would allow her to continue her education at Granite while living in a different district. Which


meant she would have an early bus ride on a daily basis. A drag, Bree thought. She would have personally hated that. But Jessie thought it was worth it to escape living at home. Poor kid _ she really felt sorry for her! Her sister was looking for an affordable apartment in the Tripoli Pines area, which was closer to Granite but soon discovered she was expecting, which meant moving was out of the question temporarily. Theyd stay put in Forest Oaks until after the baby arrived. Jessies mother was expecting while waiting for her first grandchild to be born. Some of their friends were becoming parents as well. You would think her mother would have finished with that long before. Jessie took some comfort in knowing that she wouldnt be a built in baby-sitter for her parents, hopefully for her sister either? Jessie moved into her new lodgings exactly two weeks after Michaels birthday party. Word spread that her sister was pretty cool! She permitted Jessie to hold the next club meeting/slumber party at their house, but insisted she not tell their parents. Jessie probably didnt need THAT reminder! They lived over a garage located in a semi-commercial district where Jessies brother-in-law worked as an autobody mechanic. She had said the apartment was cozy. It could have been a postage stamp as far as the group was concerned. It would be kicks visiting a new town, sharing a new experience, something different from the norm. So Forest Oaks sounded like a game plan _ most had never been there before. Tom would drive Bree there, but she would need a lift home the next morning. His employer needed him at work early that day. When Bree mentioned it to Lorna, she said it wasnt a problem. Her mother was picking her up and wouldnt mind dropping Bree off at her place. The girls decided to wear pedal pushers, white shirts, and saddle oxfords that night. The close of the season was quickly approaching and they thought it would be cool. With school starting back the next Monday it would be awhile before another opportunity availed itself and those threads were so confortable! The only day during the entire school year where they were privileged to wear casual clothing was on Sadie Hawkins Day. That was the one-day of the year when it was proper to ask a fella out, but only to the Sadie Hawkins Day dance that evening. During the school year only dresses, skirts, sweaters and blouses were acceptable forms of dressing. No Capri pants, pedal pushers, blue jeans _ definitely not shorts, were permitted with the exception of Sadie Hawkins Day.



The meeting/slumber party arrived. Things seemed endless then most especially time. After Tom picked up Bree they piled in his sleek little roadster, exchanging kisses however briefly though neither had it planned and was spontaneous. An eternity had passed since they last saw one another or so it seemed to them.


Both were excited at the prospect of visiting a more rural and different city. Rarely did an opportunity to escape life in the big city avail its self in those days. Lilly remarked that shed neve r seen a real cow in her life other than the movies. When they arrived they were surprised to see so many battered old autos parked in the middle of the front yard! They rang the doorbell and Jessie answered almost immediately. Her sister and brother-in-law had left for the evening. She gaily announced that they had the entire place to themselves. Yeah, everyone applauded. Since the gals boyfriends brought them to the meeting they quite naturally found club business boring, and didnt mind saying so. The club meeting was adjourned early due to lack of interest by all parties The fellas naturally cheered their decision. Records were placed on the record changer, and everyone began to dance as couples continued to drift in. Finally, pushing the furniture up against the wall to remove the carpets. The apartment was indeed small, but the bunch had loads of fun bumping into each other dancing that night. Of course teens being teens exaggerated every collision, purposely bumping butts hard enough to knock one off kilter. Then having accomplished their mission _ laughing like a bunch of hyenas. Though Jessies new pad was tiny it was very cute with lots of character. A dear friend Bree hadnt laid eyes on since last years graduation stopped by to say hello. She was so happy to see him again, and down the road was brought to tears wishing shed have known it was for the very last time. He was a good friend of Tony and Ritas also and handsome as could be. He could have easily been a movie actor. Hey, Franky, how are you, she asked? Im great, Bree, he said. How you doing? Im good, too. Far out, he said. How about a dance. Franky was an excellent dancer. Bree loved dancing the swing with him. His style was first-class and his lead was first-rate. To Bree he was the epitome of savvy hipness. People enjoyed watching his every step. His dress was sharp, hep and cool, part and parcel of his overall persona. He had everything a person could ever dream of except for one minor detail: A slight lisp. No one really ever noticed cept him. Rita later recalled that he was never able to blow off being self conscious about it. Perhaps if he had lived long enough. Bar-none _ he was the best looking guy at Granite High. More important he was probably the nicest and most well liked guy in Granite High. Of Italian descent with the rich good looks one might expect from someone of that origin hopelessly shy because of it. So when he spoke people listened.


One evening Franky drove down to Huntington Beach and took no witnesses. Parking his car he was mindful to lock all the doors and windows. Following that, police theorize, he carefully injected into his vein a lethal dose of heroine _ taking his own life. His remains were not discovered until the following morning. The doctor termed it an accidental overdose. When the circle of friends asked: If he injected himself with a lethal dose of heroine how could it be deemed accidental? Of course they hadnt an answer for that. In those days police treated most overdoses as accidents. Times were very different then and if there were no witnesses involved one could not be positive about what happened _ so why not give the deceased the benefit of the doubt? Also, they thought why create additional suffering for the family when i t couldnt be proven one way or the other? Frankys closest friends believed he committed harie-kari. This happened less than one year after their last dance. Why, she thought? Was he unhappy to the point of ending it all because of a small lisp? Was he capable of hiding his true feelings to the point no one was the wiser? Maybe it meant nothing to him but to the group it was everything. Bree believed he took his own life because he locked all the doors and windows, but what if he simply wanted to get high and strictly did it for precautionary measures, you know like no beach bums allowed? Why would a sweetheart like Franky destroy himself? His friends all knew he had a problem snagging, and holding a steady date. Yet he always seemed to have one when necessity demanded. He brought a date to the party that last night Bree danced with him. Everyone who knew Franky sorely missed him. As always, Bree was concerned for his parents and loved ones welfare. What could he have been thinking that was worth dying for? He was all of nineteen! Today he might have membership to Lispers International, met the girl of his dreams, and lived happily ever after. There was nothing similar to that for people in trouble in those days, no rehab or place to simply talk with someone who understood your suffering. The only council open to you then was your friends and parents unfortunately he chose neither. Tom and Bree danced awhile longer then he had to split. The party began breaking up shortly thereafter. That always happened _ its as though everyone was sitting there plotting their exit strategy. Waiting for that first person to duck-out so they could leave without suffering any guilt trip! What? No one wanted to be the first to leave a party, yet following the first debarkation they couldnt stop themselves from leaving? There was little room for sleeping over. Bree and Lorna decided to check out the old cars to determine if any were unlocked and inhabitable. The first vehicle they stumbled across was unlocked and appeared clean inside, so they adapted it for their nights sleep. Jessies brother -in-law apparently concluded that no one was interested in ripping-off vehicles in their present state of disrepair. Jessie gave them blankets _ they locked the doors and fell fast asleep.


The next morning Bree was awakened to what sounded like hysterical hollering, pounding and banging against the doors and windows. When finally she aroused sufficiently to see what the commotion was about, she realized that Lornas mother created the entire racket! When she noticed Brees eyes were opened she motioned for her to roll down the window. Lorna gradually came to. When she finally opened her eyes she discovered her mother standing there. Whats the matter, Ma, she asked? At that very instant Lornas mother burst into tears. As they were about to learn the poor woman surmised they were in a tragic accident and both girls were dead! Sounds silly, but parents are notorious for jumping to conclusions, and the car was bashed in badly on her side, furthermore, inside that heap lie the body of her precious daughter _ lifeless in a caved in car! As it happened Lornas mother had some sort of an emergency. Jessie had no telephone in the garage apartment, only in the garage and it was locked, which they would have never heard it ringing out there anyway. Since she couldnt get in touch she was forced to pick them up earlier than planned. They had no intentions of tipping her off that they had slept in an old wrecked car. Both girls felt pretty horrible putting her through all that hell, and tried consoling her as best they could. They found they werent the only ones sleeping in wrecked cars that night and agreed that mum was the word where parents were concerned. What parents didnt know wouldnt hurt th em was the general conclusion. Besides, they reasoned, they wanted the right to return again one day. Their folks wouldnt have allowed that privilege had they known they were sleeping in battered old Buicks.



After the long summer hiatus school finally started. Bree was always ecstatic once that happened. It meant Tom would be working fewer hours, giving them more time to spend with one another. The new semester however, would be bittersweet for Bree knowing it signified the final chapter of Toms high school education. Then the realization struck that she was next in line to graduate blew her away! It would mark a very sentimental journey for her because she loved her teachers and school so very much; the yet undisclosed knowledge of what the future held for her didnt help matters much either. The choices she must make would be bothersome, indeed worrisome, but something she must face head on fore without a doubt she realized those decisions to be among the most important of her life. The circle assembled at their private spot in the quad that Monday morning. The other students recognized they had marked their territory years before so no one infringed on their special space. They stood about drinking the exceptionally hot chocolate theyd only just purchased in the automatt, awaiting the first bell. That day remains vivid in Brees memory _ painfully so, thank you very much! Over the long summer shed forgotten just how hot that chocolate really was, not thinking she gulped a big dose _ man did she ever scorch her tongue! Rapidly it became that of thickness and bumpiness, feeling just huge and furry like a spider came home to roost! It actually interfered with her speech and she slurred her words for the remainder of the day. For some reason the girls spent their lunch breaks together, the boys theirs. No one understood why and Bree never thought to question _ it just was. The girls went to either Texas Jacks or The Fry House for lunch. Each located across the street from school but on separate streets, both sanctioned by the school. The Fry House was little more than a hotdog stand, but adjacent to it was a small-corrugated metal shack, which sheltered the dining tables and benches from the wind and rain. In rainy season the roof often sounded like a heard of buffaloes. When the winds blew-in Bree could see the shack corners lifting up on the one end then settling back down again. When the winds shifted the other side would rise up then settle down again; up and down they went much like children on a seesaw. The metal quarters were cheesy to the point they wouldnt have passed inspection in this day and age, probably shouldnt have then _ but did! A cigarette vending machine was located within the aluminum eatery, hidden from city sidewalks and roadways. A bold sign posted above the dispenser plainly stated that it was illegal for anyone under age eighteen to operate and would be fully prosecuted by the law if anyone were caught doing so. Nobody paid any attention to that, and naturally there was never anyone around to check whether minors adhered to the policy or not. Bree never used it personally since she didnt smoke. However, Lilly and Lorna, and others did and was generally their main source of coffin nails.


One day some teacher police stopped by for lunch, by chance observing a student use the machine then quickly stuff the stash in her pocket. Of course she was obligated to report the infraction to the girls councilor whom they called, dean. Next thing you knew lunching off campus was strictly forbidden. The new measure applied to all students, male and female alike, including non-smokers as well.



Wally Carpenter was POED! During lunch period the following day he informed the group that he planned to set the trashbins on fire. The group all pleaded with him not to do it _ to no avail. They were petrified hed burn the entire school down _ them in it! Bree called his attention to the close proximity of the school to the trashcans. Said she shouldnt concern herself in the matter, he planned on moving them away from the building. Lilly begged him not to do it! On the QT Tom whispered that she shouldnt worry that Wally was all talk and no action and hadnt the balls for anything remotely like that _ she wasnt so sure! The bell rang. They walked the hallway single file as was the rules. Bree told Tom under her breath that he better keep an eye-out for Wally. She personally considered him crazy enough to follow through on his threats. I cant hes in auto-shop, he said, talking out of the side of his mouth, his hand over it hoping to muffle the words. She realized with a jolt! Thats how he intended to pull it off! Auto-shop was directly behind the main building in a prefab detached bungalow, called Quonset hut. A breeze for him to nonchalantly disappear when no one was watching, light the trash afire with his dandy, Zippo lighter then stroll casually back to his workshop with none being the wiser. Unless caught in the actual arson there would be no evidence linking him to the crime _ he would be home free without any penalties whatsoever. Bree had barely reached her class and sat down when the alarm began to wail. People scattered from the rooms pouring into the hallways _ not so single file this time. One could see something blazing near the hall entrance and smell the smoke, which now billowed into the classrooms and hallways. Once everyone was safely out of the building it was determined the trash bins were simply smoldering, unable to get a good flame going because of the gales. Several nimble minded teachers quickly flipped them upside down _ disallowing the sparks to burst fourth in flame. The very real threat of the biggest bonfire any of them had ever seen was snuffed out completely. Wallys little escapade had frightened the entire school _ funny, he was no where to be found! Had the Santana winds come blasting through the canyons and corridors that day, which were generally left wide open in the warmer weather as they were on that occasion (helping circulate air in the classrooms as none were air-conditioned in those days) this story might have had a very different outcome. The crisscross breezes could have toppled the barrels sending them helter-skelter down the hallways. The crosscurrents might have sucked the burning debris from its bins sending flames flying every which way throughout the classrooms. The principal declared the classrooms unhealthy for breathing and sent the students packing for the day. He asked the school janitor to cleanup and air-out the building before students returned to class on the following morning. Of course no one argued that point. Though the events unraveling the next morning did make a great deal of difference to everyone excluding Woody.


The school board demanded that the culprits behind the fire step forward and confess. Many students knew who the perpetrator was, but wouldnt dream of ratting on a friend. Plus no one actually witnessed him committing the caper, and hadnt any real proof of him starting the fire. The only thing anyone knew for certain was that he had threatened to. Several in the group asked him whether he was guilty or not? His eyes danced as he whispered, Thats for me to know and you to find out confident no one would sing. School authorities believed they had narrowed the list of suspects to a precious few. Known friend s of Wallys were called in independently to the boys dean, each were given the third degree in respect to whether they knew whom the guilty parties were. Every person known to associate with Wally was called into question; oddly, Wally himself was never called. Of course everyone wondered why not? Did they have reason to suspect him but believed he would never admit to his crime? For some peculiar reason (known only to staff members) faculty failed to interrogate female students. Was it because they didnt believe any young lady would remotely be involved in anything of the kind? Girls often got away with murder back then. Male as well as female educators imagined them to be flawless the girl next door perfect in every way HA! Finally school authorities informed the entire student body that they would be punished if the quilty party or parties did not step forward and admit his or her guilt. No one confessed and no one told. Officials decided the entire school would suffer the consequence of their inaction. A detention of one hour per day per student for a period of one calendar month was mandatory beginning the first Monday of the following week. Bree complained to her parents that night concerning the new decree set by the school. Herrman totally surprised her by hitting the roof! He was shocked they would actually consider doing something like that. Then he asked her if she had any knowledge as to which the guilty party might be? Of course not, Daddy, she demurred. In that case, Herrman said. Im prepared to call the school first thing in the morning and raise holly hell! Anyone entertaining arsonist thoughts surely wouldnt be stupid enough to go blabbing it all over town. How dare they assume the entire student body knew whom the quilty part y was, either that or believe its fine and dandy to punish the innocent along with the guilty, he stormed. What balls, he fumed! When he called school that morning Herrman found he was one of many whod rung the office to vent frustration at the principals decision. The school secretary promised faithfully to return his call later in the day. The entire school was a twitter that day regarding parents calling to complain about the latest ordinance handed down by the officials. Bree thought the funniest story was that of Wally Carpenters father being among the most


highly critical of all the complainants. He raised the roof and when finished threatened to sue the school if something wasnt modified quickly! Wally the cherub, everyone cracked up on hearin g that one, most especially Wally! During sixth period an announcement blared over the PA system calling for a student meeting in the auditorium in ten minutes. Once everyone assembled they sat waiting to hear the worst possible of news, but instead were given good news. The school not only rescinded their very unpopular decree, but apologized for it as well. It seemed they hadnt thought things through clearly, simply reacted to a very serious incident without giving proper regard to the consequences of their measure. Yeah, right, everyone cheered! The principal commented that he sincerely hoped everyone had learned a valuable lesson _ especially the culpable party, then asked the students to relay the decision to their parents, and asked that students inform them that there just wasnt time to return each and every phone call. Instead they would send a personal letter of apology to those parents taking the time to call and express their views. Then dismissed them for the remains of the day. Yeah, how sweet the victory! That night during dinner Bree explained what happened at school that day. Herrman sat there with a lopsided grin on his face. Your damned straight, he said. Wally dragged his tail between his legs for a time. He learned some sundry le ssons: One, you dont mess with Mother Nature. Two, you dont mess with your friends. Three, you dont tick -off your best gal and Lilly was angry! She told him in no uncertain terms that if he didnt straighten-out and fly-right shed toss him out on his tucus. Lilly told Bree that they were discussing marriage after school was out, but advised him she had no intention of marrying a nut job. He swore on all thats holy he didnt have bats in his belfry. She told him he must prove it not only to her, but also to the rest of the gang. Wally was in his senior year _ he hadnt much time remaining to ascertain anything to Lilly or anyone else for that matter. Things were quiet for a time. Wally was still on his best behavior. Bree was seeing Tom more than ever and liking it a lot. ... The absenteeism of the tyrant, Miss Steinberg wasnt missed by the students that semester, and Bree was anxious to discuss the vanishing act with Mr. Harvey _ eager to see him regardless of whether ol sourpuss flew the coop or not. Even so she couldnt help feeling guilty knowing she had probably played a major role in either her removal or reassignment, whichever the case was.



Several things troubled Bree regarding her relationship with Tom: One was that he and his parents discussed his future, which never seemed to include her. This she found both puzzling and frightening and feared she would lose


him after graduation. Two was that Tom didnt confide in her concerning his college goals, and never proposed his intentions regarding their future together. Also, she was still perplexed that Tom hadnt tried anything yet. She reached the conclusion long before that he was completely normal in every way. So she no longer worried about that, though at times wondered whether he was carrying this respect thing too far. Perhaps she should do the initiating. The question then became, would he still honor her if she did? Her worst fears were he would not. It was unclear to her why she believed this, she only knew she did. The vast majority of her friends relationships had reached intimacy long before, that or pushing the envelope so far it was already in the mail! So what exactly was his problem or did the trouble lie with her? Pouring over the situation she wondered whether Tom would take advantage if the situation presented itself, would she become frightened and back-down at the last moment and chance him taking her for a tease? Girls who did were PTS and something no red -blooded girl wished to be called. She had only just arrived at the quad when she over-heard the tragic news. She couldnt comprehend what her ears were absorbing _ Berkley, California _ Kim _ an accident. Killed. Kim _ a good friend attending Berkley when the unthinkable happened. Oh, my God! No! She screamed and burst into tears Kim had just graduated high school the previous year _ a darling girl whom Bree thought the world of. In spite of her membership in the Debutantes, she was always friendly and sweet to her. She hadnt one stuck -up bone in her entire body. Someone said she put-out, which really raised her dander! Who cares how many guys she slept with, what difference does it make, anyway, she said. She could have been a hooker for all Bree cared! Bree could only think that this brilliantly bright, beautiful, shinning light would be no more. She had enriched all their lives in simply knowing her. Bree knew she would always miss her _ that her passing would leave a scar upon her heart forever. She sobbed as if her poor heart would break in two _ all the girls did. They hugged trying to console one another. Kim Rhodes so talented so intelligent! Given the opportunity she would have set the world on fire. So bright she earned a full scholarship to Berkley. Bree failed to imagine anything she couldnt have accomplished had she survived that horrible accident. She would have worked endlessly to realize her dreams. Perhaps it wasnt meant to be but, oh, how painful the knowledge. She resembled Marilynn Monroe most dramatically. In fact her very essence was Marilynn-esque. She was beautiful _ long, natural blond hair, blue eyed, and stacked! Dressing mostly in black and white, and usually wore black and white saddle oxfords, anklet bracelets with bobby socks rolled beneath her ankles. She did modeling while yet in high school. Her beautiful mind glimmered so brilliantly and her heart touched everyone. Oh, yeah, the world


WAS definitely her oyster! On that horribly grotesque day the world became ominously, eerily still, just claming-up afraid of giving up more of its precious ore. Her mother never recovered from the tragic loss of her only daughter _ her only child! She suffered a complete mental breakdown, and institutionalized. She died in that same hospital two years later yet a youthful woman. People said she died of a broken heart. Some of the lucky ones drove to Berkley for the funeral and interment, though most of the crowd was unable to attend _ Bree was among that group. Probably just as well, since she didnt believe she could have endured the anguish and heartbreak stained in the face of her beloved mother. Instead staying home and pouring over old annuals was amazed to discover the many photographs of Kim within and impressed by the many student offices shed held and organizations shed belonged to. Typical Kim _ never one to boast or talk about herself. She managed all this while maintaining a 4.0 grade average, and, doing modeling to-boot! That gal had more ambition in one little pinky than most have in a lifetime. Voted most likely to succeed, which was right-on! Kim penned in her annual, Bree, Stay as sweet as you are now, Love Kim, 53. Like Renee, she also attended Catholic school through ninth grade and completed sophomore through senior at Granite High. Before entering Granite High students attending Saint Annes seemed brainier than the average student. Some of the circles insiders were jealous, saying they only had more money not brains. One neednt look beyond Kim Rhodes to know that just simply wasn't true! They definitely had an edge in the beginning but the end result was pretty much evened up. The brainier ones might possibly have tried a little harder if only to prove they we re just as smart as the Catholic kids were! They might in turn have sat on there past laurels a wee bit. Most students were caught-up by graduation if not earlier. Your marks were usually the best judge, though as Bree was soon to learn that wasnt always the case. Bree was very inquisitive about motorcycles though never given the opportunity to ride one and curious to know if they were as much fun as people made them out to be or misguided into thinking that fear it self was titillating? When the body is pumping adrenaline the reason could also be danger _ so who knows? One Friday found Bree walking down Main Street on her way to Lornas house. Devon happened by on his cycle (what else.) Spotting her he quickly pulled over to the curb. After she caught up with him he asked her where she was headed. She said she was on her way to Lornas place. He asked if she wanted a lift? Sure I do, she said, excitedly _ thrilled at the opportunity and chomping at the bite for the chance. She confided that it would mark her very first cycle ride ever, and asked that he take it easy on her. Of course I will, he said, seriously, then laughed like the devil he was.


Thanks, Devon, youre a peach, and gave him a hug. As she straddled the bike _ he asked her why she wasn t in school? She said, Today is Friday. Puzzled, he remarked that when he was in school classes were still being held on Fridays. They still are, silly, she laughed. Then she explained that Friday was their infamous ditch day at Lornas house, so th e girls could prepare their hair for Friday night dates. Nodding his head, he didnt say anything, but the expression on his face bounced back like a rubber ball with a question mark stamped in the middle. It was obvious he hadnt a clue as to what chicks went through to have a cool looking do. He took off. It wasnt long before excitement and exhilaration consumed her. The wind blowing her hair hither and dale slapped at her face _ pelting it pretty good, actually. She loved the stinging sensation! She felt suddenly alive _ invincible! A free spirit blowing in the wind, an eagle soaring higher and higher _ her royal majesty _ superior in flight _ all those things and more. What a rush it had been for her! She was having the time of her life when Devon suddenly navigated a sharp left-hand turn onto Lornas street _ she let out a blood-curtailing yelp. Why? She thought the bike was toppling over on its side! Devon immediately pulled to the curb and stopped his bike. He asked what was wrong? She replied that as he turned the corner her nose was only inches off the pavement _ close enough to see her reflection in the shimmery asphalt! Devon roared with laughter, explaining that it was always like that on a cycle. The experience frightened her so profoundly that she willingly forfeited the newly discovered wealth of freedom and no restraints barred on immortality to have both feet firmly planted on good old mother earth! She thanked Devon for the divine ride, but said shed hoof-it the rest of the way. Coward! Her intrigue with motorcycles ended abruptly that day _ as well as the remainder of her days! Thank you very much for the excellent ride, Devon _ it was awesome, she added, knowing full well he felt horrible about what happened made her really sad for him. She knew it wasnt his fault and that he was an expert driver. Im just chicken, she said, trying to make light of the situation _ failing miserably. That asphalt was soooh shiny and soooh close to her face when she saw her image she just flipped out. She could have combed her hair and applied makeup in that slick glassy surface given proper time She was such a fraidy cat _ always had been, likely always would be. She even refused to ride the roller coaster at the Pike. She knew of only one other person who rejected that frightening ride, her dearest friend in all-the world _ Anne. Gee whiz, Bree couldnt imagine why? Especially considering that soooh many people were killed on that dang dangerous devise _ to the point the state finally shut it down and it was never re-opened! Perhaps they were a


little brighter than your everyday, run-of-the mill teen _ who knew? Or possibly possessed an over-abundance of extra sensory perception zinging their antennae whenever dear life was threatened?


When she reached Lornas she found a party in full swing. Somehow the group of girls managed to have a good time and pin their tresses up at the same time, which of course was the purpose of ditching. Though occasionally the fellas crashed the festivities, but not often. When they did manage to make the scene they never failed to create


added excitement. If time permitted they practiced the latest dance steps, but always played their 45s whether they danced or not. Lornas younger brother was home that day so the girls took turns dancing the jitterbug with him. Teddy was a good dancer for a kid his age _ actually, any age for that matter. However, he didnt know the slow dance well, so Bree volunteered to teach him the foxtrot. He seemed to have two left feet in the beginning, but next thing she knew he was cutting a mean looking rug. Living by the seashore without benefit of hairspray caused their dos to flop a do. Being they were deprived of lifes essentials to assure a curly coif there were times when the fellas were forced to see them in rollers, Bobbie pins, and scarves. Aerosol hairsprays werent available to the general public, though invented wasnt yet offered commercially, and there were no pump sprays either. Those didnt come out until later when the government determined aerosol sprays were harmful to the environment. If one could afford a hairdresser they sometimes ordered an extra can of lacquer for a good customer. There were no beauty supply houses in which to make these purchases in those days. Lornas younger sister was at home that day as well, and Lorna hadnt appreciated it one iota. Betsy threatened to ratfink on Lorna if she wasnt permitted to stay shades of Jo! Lornas mother was a divorcee, holding down a full-time job. The poor lady hadnt the slightest clue as to what was happening round the ol hacienda as she drudged away the day earning a pittance for her pay. A pleasant woman, and terrific mother! The father didnt contribute financially to their support; therefore the family suffered extreme poverty. Lornas dad showed-up for her ninth grade graduation ceremony _ totally out of the blue. His gift to her was an expensive gold bracelet. Her mothers gift was a sensible new sweater. She had fiercely resented his one -up ness over her gift and rightfully so. Lorna was in complete agreement with her saying she wouldnt accept his gold gift of bribes and rejected his lame attempt at buying her love. She would tell him to put it where the sun-dont-shine! Everyone agreed her father was a total disgrace. He had never been there for Lorna or her siblings, ever, never shared his life with them nor aided in their support, while the poor mother trudged her life away eking out a living for her and the family. The fact he showed up to steal her glory really reeked! It wasnt fair to either of them. Hed squandered money for gold because of his own guilt. Bree advised Lorna to keep her gift since it would probably be the only thing shed ever get from him. Or she could sell the bracelet and give the money to her mother. Bree must have had a crystal ball fore thats exactly what happened. She never heard from her father again until after she was married and he was on his deathbed.


Bunny brought her younger brother, Junior with her. Bree was feeling pangs that she didnt bring Jo along. But if she did wouldnt she be contributing to the delinquency of a minor to ditch school? Maybe her brother was ailing and she didnt want to leave him home alone, although he seemed fine to her, but wouldnt he then have reason to blackmail her? He could be a pain where a pill couldnt reach at times. He was in that stage where he thought it cute to mock everything one said. Hed listen attentively to every wor d spoken so he could mimic the person later on. The girls had to watch every word they said around him. Sometimes Bunny told stories out of school. Shed blurt things out suddenly without prior forethought, totally inappropriate things and unexpected at the time. One day when Junior wasnt around she informed the attendees that her boyfriend Fritz and her had made it together. Oh Bunny, you didnt go all the way did you, Bree asked? Oh, no, nothing like that, she said. But, I help him out. What do you mean, Bunny? We do it dry, she answered. Whatever does that mean, Bunny? Now Bree was all ears! We do it with our clothes on. Say what, she asked. Well, its sort of hard to explain, she said. But basically he gets on top moving his body u p and down pressing against me_ you know _ till he comes? Trying to conceal her astonishment she asked, Isnt that a little messy? Her response was that he was careful not to soil her clothing. This latest scuttlebutt was a new wrinkle on her! It sounde d kinda kinky to her, perhaps a little painful as well! As the saying goes _ different strokes for different folks! Bunny could be shocking in her out-bursts. The club planned a breakfast one Saturday morning at the TickTock. Forced to eat indoors since nobody had wheels, though that was considered permissible during daytime hours. Bunny ordered scrambled eggs and toast and almost floored the waitress when she asked her how she wanted her eggs prepared? I want the snot cooked out of them, was her repl y. No one felt much like eating after that. Bree noticed Bunny was the only one to order eggs. Everyone liked Bunny a lot, however she wasnt the type of person one could really get close to _ something one couldnt quite put a finger on. She was certainly nice enough to everyone in the group. Oddly, Bunny and her siblings didnt display the same kindness toward their own mother.


Bunnys mother had given her daughter a surprise birthday party, a sweet sixteen. However, Bunny had been anything but sweet _ to put it mildly! As a matter of fact she threw quite the catniption fit! She began to scream these words at her mother: You know I hate surprises, so why did you throw me a stinking surprise party _ when you knew that? Bree wasnt positive what everyone else was thinking, but her own was why didnt she haul -off and hit her into next week, as her own mother was fond of sayin g. But in this instance she wouldnt have simply threatened _ she would have given a demonstration as well! The girls were all flabbergasted at Bunnys attitude and her insolence towards her mother. Everyone to the tee felt sorry for her mother. They flung their arms around her neck and hugged her, complimenting her on what an outstanding job shed done _ she had too! The entire house was decorated in pink crape -paper streamers, and pink and white balloons _ just beautiful! She prepared a delicious chocolate cake, with pink frosting and sixteen pink and white candles, and Royal Crown cola. The cake was delicious and moist as could be. After all her good thoughts and wishes, the hard work necessary to insure a perfect party only to get kicked in the teeth by a spoiled brat for her troubles made Bree want to cry for her. Her mother was speechless! As far as Bree was concerned she ruined her own party _ so let her cry if she wants to. Following that shocker Bunny hollered that her mother was just an old bitch! They all picked themselves up off the floor after that one, mortified by her mean spirited display of hatefulness towards her own mother. Now, as if all that wasnt bad enough _ in traipsed the father home from work. When entering the living room he ask ed Bunny, Hows the old bitch, loud enough for all to hear _ including his wife! Then he proceeded to laugh his head -off as if hed just made the joke of the century! It was easy to see where the children learned to speak in such a disparaging way to their mother. They did not approve of the parental abuse they witnessed that day, nor had they heard of anyone attacking a parent so blatantly in public or otherwise. That type of treatment was a rarity for any age, but especially in the fifties. Everyone Bree knew would have been scared-stiff to speak so impudently to a parent like that. And apparently the children idolized their father. Didnt he ever once consider that the mother could play that game as well _ teaching their children to disrespect him? Had she done so they would have grown-up respecting no man or women. They would never realize the enormous favor she gave them by not stooping to his low standard of life. Knowing the father was behind it all didnt help them any to understand why he did it? Or even why the mother put-up with it lo those many years? Or why did he stick around if he felt like that? Also, wouldnt you imagine by Bunnys age she would have learned through life and experience that it was improper to speak to a parent that way _ morally dead wrong! The girls themselves were guilty in their failure to defend her _ they should have, but didnt, thereby becoming enablers.


Shame on you for disrespecting your mother that way, would have been better than -nothing. Some time after Bree took the bus downtown and discovered Bunnys mom was aboard. They acknowledged each other and made small talk. Later engrossed in the wonderful window displays, window-shopping as they say, she heard a car horn honk. She glanced around _ it was seldom drivers honked back then _ if ever, and spotted Bunnys older brother, Wes, and Don, sitting in the car. They motioned her over. Stepping -up to the car she asked, What on earth are you two up to, just sitting there _ no good Ill wager, she said, teasingly . Were people watching, answered Wes. Whatever turns you on, she replied, smartly. Its a scream, honest it is, he said. He began pointing-out people strolling by, referencing their peculiarities, then comparing them to different dog breeds _ not quite her cup-of-tea. She mentioned casually that shed ridden the bus up with his mother _ wished she hadnt! Oh, really? he said. How is the old bitch? Later, fellas, she split! Obviously hed said it for the shock value. Well, she wasnt abo ut to legitimize his bad behavior with any response, besides the comment wasnt worthy of a comeback. Plus, she couldnt have been more shocked than she already was having attended Bunnys birthday bash. Bunnys mother left home once the kids were raised. Since her family hadnt appreciated her in years _ if ever. Bree wished she had left them sooner for her own sake. She moved to Colorado to live with a sister. Bunnys best friend told her that eventually she lost track of her mother. Good gravy! Not knowing where your own mama lived? That poor women also bared the shame of being married to the town drunk _ or did Jessies so called father hold that distinction?

Lorna suddenly grabbed Brees hand and hauled her off to her bedroom, saying she wanted to show her something. When she opened the door of the closet Brees eyes beheld a darling handbag dangling from a nail on the wall. It was called pillbox; a purse made of pink crepe material with a handle in the center similar to a lunchbox. Bree had admired the very one for months on end, but hadnt the moola to make the purchase. Oh, Lorna, Im crazy about your purse, she purred. Never fear, Dear, the purse is yours. Lorna gushed. Lorna, really, you shouldnt have, groaning. Its okay, Bree, she said. I knew you wanted one so I kyped it for you! You keep it then, Lorna, insisting.


She refused Bree took the pillbox home.


The ill begotten purse gave her vibes _ bad ones! She wasnt any Miss Goody Two Shoes, but one day when she and Anne attended Azalea theyd gone shopping with Elizabeth, another school chum. They went to the five -


and-dime. The trio had recently pierced their ears, which was all the rage. They went shopping for earrings though none had money to pay for them. Costume jewelry was a dime a dozen then, especially pierced earrings, priced below .30 cents. They never dreamed the store could possibly miss such a piddley amount of money so copping off earrings was very much in vogue in the day _ you might say a craze even, and no one was ever got caught in the act. The sixty four hundred dollar question was why the teens absolutely refused to pay for them _ especially since they were so inexpensive, and none of the trio had stolen anything before. The three had been much too chicken even though everyone else they knew was doing it, but theyd since pierced their ears and desperately needed earrings for filling. On that day, regrettably, they took a pair of earrings and MORE! The fact that no one was stirring gave them the confidence they lacked. What greenhorns they were! Afterward they were pumped to the max _ none had chickened out! More importantly they didnt get caught! The last thing they needed was to draw attention to them selves so they lingered awhile pretending they might buy something or other. Suddenly Bree realized with a start that Elizabeth had wondered off. Then spotted her standing near the cosmetic counter and instantly became fearful fore at that very moment she observed someone skulking from the back room, entirely hidden from her viewpoint behind a large support post. They both froze in their tracks and what they feared would happen _ happened! Liz picked up a lipstick and slipped it in her pocket. The clerk caught her with her hand in the cookie-jar and hauled her off to the security office. The two rushed after them demanding to know what they were doing with their friend? The floor dick insisted they leave the premises immediately, and threatened to call their parents if they didnt. A different guy joined the party who informed them they were no longer welcome in their store. He proceeded to telephone Lizs mother, and requested that she come pick up her wayward daughter. They were positive that Anne and Bree had taken something too and said so. However, since they hadnt caught them in action, and it was unlawful to search them, they must release them. Liz was crying so hard; she was so scared. Both girls were distressed for her, but were utterly helpless to assist her in any way, shape, or form. Also, were overcome by a strong sense of self-preservation telling them to get the h e double toothpicks out of there! Shamefully _ they split. Bree called Elizabeth several times after that, invariably her mother would intercept them and refused permission to speak with her _ blaming she and Anne for everything, which was understandable under the circumstances. She denied Liz her plans to attend the high school the three had always planned to go to together.


Impulsively her mother called Brees mother, reporting her own version of what actually happened. After Mary cradled the receiver, she asked Bree if she had taken anything. Her reply was probably among the toughest of her life. Generally, she did not lie to her mother. She responded no, she hadnt _ what else could one say? There wasnt any excuse for what they did. Truth be known it was simply for a lark! They hadnt anticipated any consequences whatsoever. They never thought things through _ acted on a whim. Bree and Anne had been incredibly lucky and they both knew it! The true reason Bree lied: Mary had raised she and her siblings with the knowledge that if they ever wanted anything badly enough to steal it _ tell her, and she would as promptly as possible buy it for them. So she realized she hadnt a leg to stand on _ she had to lie! They learned a valuable lesson that day _ do not steal _ no matter what, and also that nothing was worth losing a friendship over. Liz went on to a different high school than she planned. Brees family moved away _ they never saw each other again. Oh, how she missed her friend! And oh, how she prayed Liz didnt hate her! And why, oh why if she didnt, why didnt she call her? She knew Lizs mom wouldnt allow her to call. These thoughts were constantly on her mind for months on end. And wishing, always wishing. Bree took the little purse home, and stowed it in a closet out of sight. She refused to carry it to school _ with good reason. Those handbags were displayed on a storefront table at the local shoe store she routinely passed on a daily basic on her way to school. She was afraid the salesmen would recognize his product and realize it was store property, possibly mention something knowing she hadnt bought it from him. She wanted to avoid that at all costs. Eventually she took it out of storage _ phew, it smelled of mothballs! Mary did question her concerning the bag, as Bree knew she would. Her reply was Lorna had given it to her long before; theoretically that was true. Mary asked how Lorna could afford such an expensive item only to give it away? I think someone gave her the pocketbook for her birthday thinking she would like it, but didnt and thought I might, offered it to me, and I love it, which was no lie. What was she supposed to do? Rat on her best friend? She disliked lying to her mother _ actually, hated it, and despised herself every time she did. Mary had complete faith in her _ there wasn't any question about it. When she lied she was conscious of letting her down, each and every time, which actually made her sick to her stomach. She simply couldnt spill the beans on, Lorna _ she would have been in big trouble, and lost her friendship to boot! She was stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. She only carried her bag to parties and such, and usually received tons of compliments on it. Then out of the blue Lorna asked if she could borrow it? But of course, she said. The purse was never returned, and oddly enough never mentioned by either girl. So, that ended her part in the caper! She really couldnt have been happier than to set aside the entire episode wanting nothing more than to


commit her life of crime to the past. She had always heard that crime didnt pay but couldnt help thinking, boy, what an over simplification that old axiom was! It would be several years before she returned to Woolworths again _ frightened silly theyd haul her -off to the dungeon the minute she stepped foot on the property. She assumed posters in her likeness would be plastered all over the premises, headlined: This person is barred for life. She only went inside because her sister Meg wanted to shop there. There wasnt any way to explain why she couldnt go in, therefore forced into breaking her restriction. To her surprise she noticed no familiar looking faces posted anywhere (no unfamiliar ones either,) and no one grabbed her entering. Life was good!


One Friday night the group headed south to the Rendezvou Ballroom on Balboa Island. Art Laboe's radio program was broadcast live there every weekend. The night was magic. Generated by Laboes airing of his new jitterbug contest to be held on Friday nights. They hadnt planned to attend; it was an insta nt of spontaneity that just fell into place.


The circle listened faithfully to his radio show at every opportunity, but they hadnt had a chance to catch him live. They were hanging at the Tick-Tock listening to the Friday night broadcast when someone got the bright idea of driving down there and catching it in person. Everyone was enthusiastic _ something new and different for a change. They headed towards the blue pacific in an air of excitement and a puff of smoke. Unfortunately they arrived too late. By the time theyd parked and ventured inside everything was beginning to wind down. They were incredibly disappointed to say the least. But being the troupers that they were _ they agreed to return again on the following Friday. The ballroom was just gigantic. So they figured there wouldnt be any problem getting on the dance floor once they arrived. The wait for Friday seemed never ending. Monday after school Bree headed for Ritas place so they could practice their dance steps. In those days girls danced together, and no one thought anything of it. Boys naturally didnt dance with one another _ that wouldnt have been manly! In fact many guys didnt dance period back then giving the impression they thought dancing was strictly for sissies. Bree would generally lead since she was the tallest (excluding Lilly and Lorna of course,) that generally helped the dancing go smoother. It was apparent that those two always lead _ poor dears! It sometimes created a problem because often shed forget when she danced wi th a fella and wound-up leading them! Her faux pas usually wasnt taken lightly by the fellas either _ not with those egos! She wasnt cognizant of leading them at the time at all, and strangely it didnt bother them one iota in reminding her of that fact. In other words _ thats my job, lady and I do it alone! Once a guy told her: Youre amazing on the dance floor even though I must follow you. She nearly died of embarrassment! On Thursday after school Tom took her shopping. She bought black tights to wear underneath her skirt. Tom asked her if she planned to enter the dance contest? Should the opportunity arise _ Id love to, she said. Im really not big on dancing, Bree, he admitted. She said that he could learn. Allow me to teach you, she offered. He smiled and nodded, approvingly. When they returned home from shopping she invited him in, and gave him some basic dance lessons. Surprisingly, he caught on rather quickly. Pleased, Bree told him as much. Just relax a bit more, she suggested. Then when you get home, ask your mother to teach you a little jitterbug. Ill wager shed be delighted and youll both enjoy yourselves. Youll make an excellent dance partner, Tom, she cooed. He smiled, and left.


Tom was tall and broad shouldered. Some might assume him clumsy on the dance floor, not Tom. He was as graceful as a swan, and had great rhythm in those big bones of his. He never once stepped on her toes. That probably sounds hysterical, but some fellows couldnt tell the difference between a bramble brush and a metatarsal. Back at the Rendezvous they found the dancers wedged together like sardines in a can. They found it wasnt as easy as theyd thought finding an opening on the dance floor, but finally managed to locate an interstice and slipped through it. They danced only two or three numbers when the music stopped. Laboe announced that the contest was about to begin. He requested that everyone choose his or her partners. In a voice smooth as velvet he rattled off the contest rules, explaining that he officiated by using process of elimination. He said when the music stopped he would cut the first round in half, and when a couple was tagged they must leave the floor immediately. Then the remaining half would be shortened by fifty percent, after which that quotient would condense to half again, and so on and so forth until just ten couples remained on the floor. That lot would then be split into five contestants. Tom and Bree were among the lucky five! As they gained confidence in their moves they found themselves doing things they didnt even know they knew. You could say they were a non-contrived dance act. Each step they took seemed to flow naturally, which made their movements appear smooth and regular, and besides they were having the time of their lives and it must have shown! Another reason might have been that they didnt glance toward their feet, as other couples seemed to be doing, which could have conveyed an air of confidence _ always attractive. They were probably checking their steps to make certain they were getting them right. One by one couples were tapped on the shoulder. Finally, the contestants narrowed to only two _ they were still in the game! At first Bree worried they wouldnt win, but then again fearing they might. That likely wouldnt make much sense to anyone other than her, but thats the way she felt. It could be chalked up to stage fright, which she suffered all her life. To determine the winners they brought out an applause meter, allowing the audience to make the final decision. It was very close they were told, but the other couple won. It was all fair and square. Having lost Bree felt both relieved, and disappointed, as you might imagine. She and Tom concurred the winning couple were the better dancers. They shook hands congratulating one another, and wished each other well. The runners-up were awarded some small gifts from their sponsors; the winners were awarded dinner tickets to The Swanee River Inn. The Inn was a restaurant converted from an authentic steamship, anchored at the dock of the bay on Balboa Island. It was famous for its seafood and unique atmosphere. Neither cared about prizes _ they werent even aware of a cache until after the contest ended. Actually, they thought the prize was in the winning. That honor would have sufficed them sufficiently. Both were ecstatic to come so close especially when you consider they really hadnt planned to enter the contest.


They each received a five-dollar gift certificate at Robinsons, the only place to shop as far as she was concerned. Five bucks was a lot of do ra mi in those days. She was in seventh heaven just thinking about what all that money could buy and couldnt wait to cash in. The rest of the pack was excited for them. Not many lasted long on the dance floor. They all left; it was growing late, too late for stopping off at the Tick-Tock at least as far as Bree was concerned. Ecstatic, they walked to the car _ exhilarated more like it, realizing how close theyd come to winning, plus all the fun and excitement theyd had! The gift certificates were just the icing on the cake. Tom took her hand in the car placing his gift certificate in it, and said hed rather she had it. She tried refusing, but he wouldnt hear of it. He said he wanted her to go shopping and bu y something really spiffy so he could take her out and show her off! What a sweet thing to say she thought! Bree gave him a huge hug that ended in a blissful kiss, afterward thanking him for everything. The kiss became the lingering kind, so sweet and special you never wanted it to end. Bree believed that only happened when two people were in love. More and more she realized how much she cared for Tom, in her heart she knew he felt the same way. She revealed that much to him that night _ right or wrong. He looked into her eyes smiling brilliantly, eyes moist and whispered, I love you, too! She had never witnessed such a radiant smile on any mans face before and flashed him her brightest smile ever; at least she hoped it had been! Never had she seen Tom looking more lighthearted and gay than he did that night! He fired-up his engine and took her home. When they reached her doorstep he waited while she unlocked the door. Then swinging around she seriously thanked him for yet another wonderful evening. At which point he literally grabbed her to his chest and held her tightly. Then placed his mouth squarely upon her own, kissing her hard, and ardently. Wow, she thought, just like John Wayne! Then gently pushing her aside, he took his leave. It was lucky her parents had retired early because waltzing through the door that night she was shaking like a leaf. When he kissed her she realized how deeply she wanted him. Shed never felt that way about any other guy in her entire life before. Tossing, turning, and figh ting her pillow, as well as sleep that night, she found herself in the throes of ecstasy just thinking about him! Sort of hazy, lazy, drifting on cloud nine she climbed into bed wanting nothing more than to lie awake hours upon hours sensing the sensuality of his kiss still lingering upon her mouth, relish again his chest crushing against her own, and the overall pleasure the contact generated. Alas, she could not hold on, sleep engulfed her within seconds of her head touching the pillow. The rigors of jitterbugging the night away evidently frazzled her dazzle and the exciting events of the evening hadnt hurt either.


Bree recounted the entire evening for her family the next day explaining how close theyd come to winning the contest, and proudly displayed the gift certificates theyd earned. Mary was very pleased and proud of her victorious daughter. Bree asked her mother if shed like to help her choose something really special to wear on her next date with Tom. She answered shed be delighted! Spring was about to spring forth again. She and Tom had been going steady for over a year. Brees birthday was less than a month away. She would be seventeen years old and a junior in high school come September. Wow, she could hardly believe her former education would be coming to an abrupt halt in little over a year from now. She found it unsettling just thinking about it, though realized she must begin thinking about her future, and again putting it on the back burner! Her employer had remarried and moved to Oregon to begin a new life. Bree couldnt have been happier for her, but she was in dire need of work. Virginia had finally found a good guy and no one deserved happiness more than she did. She was a remarkable woman, and a beautiful one to-boot! She would never forget her beautiful chain link belt, which was made of silver. They were all the rage then. Usually handmade in Mexico, though some were crafted by Navajo Indians, especially the ones containing genuine turquoise. They were fashioned in round silver medallions the size of a quarter or so. Silver links hooked them together to form a belt. The more expensive belts had genuine turquoise stones set in the medallions. The idea was to buy them a wee larger than the actual waist, and allow the extra links to dangle. The chain had to be hooked left of center _ that was the craze! Though these belts have been in and out of style for generations. Bree usually wound-up with the item her little heart desired by the time it was just about pass. She wanted that belt so badly _ she could taste and smell it! As soon as it was feasibly she used the gift certificates to purchase the belt. Though in her mind hers wasnt nearly as beautiful as was her former employer, but it sufficed and for once it wasnt out of style yet! She chose a very plain one she could wear with all colors _ so stones were out. She also bought a cashmere sweater to match a skirt she presently had, plus earrings to match the new belt and did it all with the two five dollar gift certificates and change. For the first time in her young life she felt rich, because the items purchased wasnt old hat by then. Now that was something she could become accustomed to! The problem now was finding another position. Hopefully better paying than babysitting was. She saved everything possible between her allowance and babysitting money. She had planned to buy Tom a leather jacket since his birthday of the previous year, but couldnt manage to bankroll enough money and was determined to save the balance come summer vacation. His birthday wasnt until August so that would give her plenty of time. She began searching the classified section of the local newspaper for summer placement jobs.



When her family relocated in Granite Bree discovered an old friend living just down the street from her. Some one had introduced them while she attended Azalea Junior High School though she herself, Darleen, did not personally attend the school. So they werent that familiar with one another when she first moved into the neighborhood, which was actually when they did become friends. Brees folks moved into that neck of the woods so she was within walking distance of school. Darleen was a bright girl; at least that had been Brees original impression of her. When she wound -up getting pregnant at age fifteen she began to question that. The odd thing was she didnt have to get married, it wasnt a shot


gun wedding as they were called back then. Her boyfriend and her had secretly eloped when she was just fourteen, the groom barely eighteen when she became PG. Her ideas seemed way more grown up than the rest of the packs, always wanting to appear older than she was. Her choice of costumes gave everyone the impression of a much older, sexier, femme fatale. That was how she conned a judge into marrying her at such a tender young age. She boasted of being served liquor in a tavern when others hadnt begun to entertain such thoughts _ if ever. She once told Bree that she JUST had to be first at anything no matter what, and couldnt stand it when someone beat her to the punch regardless of the situation. That defined her, but what drove her no one knew. What she never got was _ who cared who was married first, had a child, or a beer? Initially when her parents first learned of her elopement they planned to have the wedding annulled, but that was before she revealed she was pregnant. They insisted that the couple remarry in the Roman Catholic Church. Brides getting hitched in white satin with babies in the oven was practically unheard of back then _ sacrilegious even! So they married for a second time, but by then she couldnt stomach the guy (her words.) Now, whether she was first at matrimony pregnant and wearing a white satin gown is debatable. Only pregnant girls get married at that age, Bree said. Whats your excuse? If you havent already guessed her response its that she had to be first at doing something, saying she couldnt stand it when anyone beat her at anything. Apparently her sole purpose for living couldnt be more simplistic _ being first at everything and anything and be damned the consequences! Darleen was an over achiever _ too bad she couldnt have applied that same gusto to academia _ no tel ling how far she might have come. Had she utilized her efforts in the classroom perhaps she might have been well suited to journalism or drama? Its well known that any correspondent worth their salt would do anything in their power to break the scoop of the century right up her alley! She spoke of her many escapades pulled strictly for the euphoria of having done so first, and was of the utmost importance to her! Bree was usually easily impressed by most her peers, but wasnt in the least bit titillated by her shallowness. Things she apparently found thrilling and gay seemed boorish and childish to Bree. What became constantly clear was that her antics were all intended to spite her parents. She was raised an only child though her mother gave birth to another daughter when Darleen was three years old. The infant died of sudden unknown causes. Darleen had been extremely jealous of her baby sister. Her parents doted on her every whim and as a consequence she became spoiled and selfish, always getting her way to avoid any and all temper tantrums. That, they wished to avoid like the plague enfant terrible! She of course realized this therefore never failing to get her way.


She threw a big hissy fit when her boyfriend jilted her for her best friend! Bree coul dnt find the means to calm her down and was forced to call her parents. They were the only ones who could settle her down, usually by promising her something shed been wanting for years. Darleen was twenty -three at the time. Christmas cards were posted by Thanksgiving in order to beat-out any and all postmarks. Christmas trees and decorations were up the day after Thanksgiving and the pines must reach the ceiling in order to be the tallest. She was extremely ridged in these details. Exasperated Bree wanted to scream _ do you want to be the first to die? Or would you rather be the first to murder someone with an axe, or possibly the first to be executed? How about the first to jump in a lake and swallow a snake, or better even _ take a flying leap off the Empire State Building? She was the first to date a movie star, and yes, she holds that record. Brees question was who was she in competition with? The answer of course was nobody. She was the first to date an African man, bear in mind this was the nineteen fifties! She once brought him to a party dressed in turban and tribal gown! She thought people envied her which, is obviously what she wished for. In reality they took her for a joke and laughed at her behind her back. Now, if she did these things out of her own pure passions and desires that would be one thing, but she didnt she did it all for others _ to shock them! She was married with children by age fifteen. She delivered twins, both boys. Guess what? She was the first to have plural birth! There wasnt any way to manipulate that in those days. Her husband, Benny was almost as strange _ maybe stranger. Was that the reason she married him _ first to marry weird-do, ha, ha! The thing Bree disliked most about poor Benny was his horrible halitosis, which deeply offended her sinuses. Not too surprisingly the fellas referred to him as the caustic canine behind his back. Darleen did her utmost to get him the dental assistance he so needed to no avail. Refusing, claiming that on his last dental cleaning the dentist scraped all the enamel off, if that were true it had to have happened in the forties because he hadnt been to a dentist since! Of course no one believed that story and doubted hed ever been to a dentist. Darlene was pretty, her breath fresh. Bree wondered how she could get within kissing distance of him _ knowing her she probably didnt! But who could fault her for that? The twins were only two years old when the marriage failed. The boys were the spitting image of their father. Fortunately, their baby breath was a whisp of fresh air; lucky they hadnt inherited their fathers! Bree decided to give Darlene a call _ a glutton for punishment. When she picked up the phone asked whats up? Oh, nothing much, she said. Other than the twins are driving me nuts _ why? Would you like some company, she asked? Darleen asked if she was coming over?


I was thinking about it _ its been a while, she said. Sure, come on over, then, do you have last years annual? Sure, why do you ask? Well, I procrastinated too long and failed to order on time, and Im so sorry I didnt, she said. I have all of them, except that one. She mentioned that she hadnt seen last years edition yet, and would love to brief through the pages with her _ itd be fun, she added. Fine, Ill bring it with me. When Bree arrived Darleen was going crazy with her very active boys _ though her mother was primary caregiver, and maintained the position until her grandsons reached school age. They lived with her for five years straight. Darleen wasnt financially capable of caring for them before then. Benny left when the twins were only two years old, so he was long gone by then. No one laid eyes on him again _ not even his own mother. He was an only child and she died while searching for him. He never came back to claim his own inheritance and his whereabouts is unknown until this very day. The girls gravitated to the backyard to discuss old times while working on their tans. Bree was happy to see her again. She missed not seeing her at school. She had shared several classes with her so she was accustomed to seeing her on a daily basic during the school week. Darleen wasnt well liked by the crowd _ hardly a surprise, especially by those she attended grammar school with her then moved on to Granite together. Bree admitted she was weird, though liked her in spite of it. Several friends in common alerted her to the shenanigans she had pulled on them, basically advising her to walk softly and carry a big stick where she was concerned _ bluntly suggesting she would s--t on her best friend if given the opportunity. Bree realized she was different, but could be a blast when she wanted to be. She assumed the world revolved around her and that in a pinch everyone should be there for her, but when the chips were down and you were having a crisis _ too bad, she was no where to be found. Of the friends Bree made outside the circle whom ultimately became club members, Darleen stood-out as the soul person she nominated for membership whom club membe rs refused to confirm. Every other person shed sponsored was certified. Lorna had been the most vocal in her regard, but wouldnt specify exactly what she disliked most about her. They had oodles of fun scanning the annual. Noting mutual friends who seemed to be doing something really goofy in their photographs. There were pictures of everyone dressed-up for Sadie Hockins day, guys in woodshop, gals in P.E., jocks in their football uniforms, our GAA coaches, and her favorite, Mr. Harvey.


They looked through class pictures and photos of all the young graduates. It had been fun. Afterward Darlene began to read aloud comments written by Brees friends. She enjoyed reviewing these inscriptions over and over again. For the most part her friends wrote really sweet things. She thought they liked her _ at least, she hoped so anyway.


Bree thought Ira Peterson had the best physique in the entire school. He excelled in gymnastics and was Granites star gymnast. An outstanding athlete and handsome as could be. He had a natural wit and could be very charming when he wanted to be. But he could be ornery as well. She attended his meets whenever possible and simply adored watching him workout and looked like poetry in motion. One could easily identify each and every


muscle being flexed, and clearly defined their contour from the rest. His greased and bronzed body was a thing of beauty to see _ an artists dream come true, also helped outline them as well. Ira sometimes got his kicks by talking dirty _ for shock value purposes. When he pressed your buttons and discovered you could be shocked or stunned at something he might have said, he took pleasure in the knowledge. A big tease is what he was! If you failed to react he didnt bother. He knew he could get a ri se out of Bree every time _ thereby getting his jollies! Ira was probably the only guy in school who could get away with it _ the nature of the beast, however he was a great guy, and everybody loved him. When the annuals came out, she asked him to sign hers. Alluding to the fact he oftentimes spoke off color she begged him not to write anything offensive, explaining that her father sometimes read the comments, and she would more than likely be in trouble if he did. Oh, I wouldnt dream of it, he said, sl yly. When finishing he handed her back the annual, appearing somewhat anxious to depart the scene. Suspicious, she immediately scanned the words hed written. Here is what he wrote: I wont say anything dirty _ so quit your God damn bitching _ Love, Ira! Then bolted laughing like h e double toothpicks pretending to be scared to death of her! Actually, she would have throttled him if she could have caught him! In those days taking the Lords name in vain, damn, or bitch in any form was definitely considered swear words. Ira knew that! Taking her annual home that afternoon she stowed it away where Herrman couldnt get his mitts on it. Bree believed it an invasion of her privacy, but parents was often taught whom their children hungout with by reading what was written in the annuals. Ira was a really cool guy; everyone dug him. Bree was horrified to learn that only eight short years later at the tender age of twenty-six Ira passed away. The doctors informed his shocked and grieving parents that his heart muscles were weakened by those strenuous workouts in high school lo those many years ago. He suffered a fatal heart attack without any prior knowledge he even had a heart condition. Back then athletes were squeaky clean _ no smoke, drink, or drugs. Steroids werent in the equation. So hard to comprehend that anything like that could happen to such a young, viral, seemingly healthy young man _ sadly those things happened from time to time, though not often, and continues in this day and age. Bree felt incredibly sorry for Iras parents, whom she had met at the meets several times. Ira was their only child. They were somewhat older than Brees parents were since they married late in life, and Iras mother hadnt conceived early on. They had pretty much resigned themselves to being childless. Relaxing more and with resignation according to their physician she became pregnant, and considered themselves truly blessed when Ira finally came along.




Im desperate for employment, Bree said. Toms birthday is in August; I need to find something quick. She explained how shed scrimped and saved every possible penny since his last birthday so that she could surprise Tom with a new leather jacket. Sunkist is hiring, Darleen offered. Bree asked if she knew what the age requirement was and was told sixteen. Perfect, she said, and asked if shed like to accompan y her there? Sure, I would, when do you want to go? How about Friday? Fine with me; what time? Well, Id have to leave early that morning; pretending Im heading for school. Darleen knew that Friday was ditch day, and that Brees parents would as sume she was going to school. She had tagged along on several occasions before she was married. This was before she discovered that Lorna disliked her with a purple passion. Bree headed home. Later, man, she said. Then it suddenly donned on her that they were without transportation for their subsequent gig. She said, Hey, wait a minute. I havent any wheels to get us there so well have to take the bus. Lets go ask my mother if I can borrow her car, she said. Maybe shell baby -sit for me? Far-out, Bree cried. Inside again Darlene asked for her mothers consent to borrow the car. She said it would be fine and mentioned that her daughter could use some recreation. Cool, Bree said, happily. See you Friday, then, she called out as she was leaving. D arleen ran to the door and asked Bree if she would mind leaving her annual with her until Friday? I guess not, she answered. Sure, why not? Smiling, Darleen took her annual, thanking her. For reasons unclear to Bree she had some misgivings about leaving it with her, hesitating slightly, uncertain as to why. But the vibes she received only served to confuse her further. But she handed it over after all, and made a mental note to retrieve it first thing Friday morning then continued on her merry way. Pretending to be headed for classes that morning and away from Marys prying eyes she made a beeline for Darleens house. Too early to apply for a position, they sat around the kitchen table drinking coffee and chatting. Bree didnt pour the usual half-cup of milk to her late _ might as well go whole hog she thought. The cup of joe


tasted fantastic with the normal amount of cream and sugar added, and wished Mary didnt insist upon her mixing it half with milk. She and Darlene were the same age and she wasnt forced to drink her coffee that way _ so why should she? Bree failed to realize that Darleen was now a married woman with children of her own _ though she still lived at home and relied on them for support. Bree understood that Darleens parents wished to l avish upon her every advantage possible, treating her as an equal most of the time. Bree was determined when she turned seventeen that her parents would have to loosen up their apron strings. Exactly what she planned to say or do wasnt clear to her yet. She would need to give it much more consideration before the time arrived. You gals better shake a leg, Darleens mother said. You know its the early bird that catches the worm! Tossing her keys to her daughter told her to drive safely, and be on the lookout for those who didnt. The girls gathered their sweaters and purses and took off in a cloud of dust! The plant was nestled in the thick of the Orange County orange groves, only ten miles or so in distance. Bree figured she could easily take the bus to work if it boiled down to that. Many of her friends and acquaintances toiled there over the years, and consequently were in a position to offer various recommends. After Darleen pulled into the lot they searched for personnel. She said she was going to apply as well, but didnt plan on telling her mother unless she was actually offered something. No sense getting her feathers riffled until she knew for certain that she would be hired _ made perfect sense to Bree, and asked that she keep it under her hat for now. They located personnel and were both given work applications. Bree noticed option preferences at the bottom of the page if you were hired. She noted they paid piecework on every crate packed over forty per day. She checked that box thinking the extra money would come in handy. Darleen opted for office-work so she checked that one. After completing the forms they turned them into customer service as instructed. The receptionist thanked them and said they would be given notice if hired within the week. Far out, they cried happily, leaving. They raced each other to the parking lot, giggling like schoolgirls, which of course they were even though Darleen didnt attend classes anymore. Bree learned that they paid seventy-five cents an hour plus piecemeal, which she figured shed earn 6.00 a day. That alone amounted to 30.00 bucks a week, plus another .25 cents per crate packed over forty. Ten extra crates a day would add another 2.50 _ 12.50 a week extra. The possibility of her grossing up to 42.50 a week was very real. That aspect simply jazzed her _ big bucks back then _ especially for a teenager.


Darleen, she said. Do you realize thats over forty bucks a we ek? Pretty darn good money for a teen and a whole lot more than babysitting. It wouldnt take long to save enough money for Toms jacket. One weeks pay to be exact! On the way home she asked Darleen to drop her off at Lornas _ her school annual all but f orgotten. I need to get my do today, she explained. Ive got a hot date with my honey tonight, and it wouldnt go over very big if I were to go home now. Mom would know I was ditching for sure, and want to know why I was home from school so early. Thats a great idea, she said. Ill come with you _ Id love to see the gals again anyway. Great, Bree said.

During the drive, Darleen asked Bree how she got away with ditching on Fridays without getting caught? She replied that it surprised her too, reminding her that the others also got away with it, and was certain the staff all knew they were friends. It wouldnt take any Einstein to figure it out. Darleen asked her why the school didnt send excuse slips home for parents to sign and return to school? They do, she said. I sign my mothers name. Our writing is very similar so they cant tell the difference. Dont they mail them to the house, she asked? No, here is how it works: They call me into the office every Monday morning requesting a p ermission slip for having missed class the previous Friday. I confess I havent one _ they hand me a pink slip and ask that I have my parents sign and return it as soon as possible. Darleen had a look like, Oh, brother! What choice do I have, Darleen, she asked? Theres no way my mother would agree to sign it, and if she caught wind of it Id never be permitted to go to Lornas again _ do I have any other option? Nevertheless _ one of these days youll all be caught. Mark my word _ then therell be hell to pay. Bree thought she deduced a tone of jealousy _ why, because she hadnt did it and did it first? None were apprehended. The story sounded more like myth than factual but was absolutely true. Bree was beginning to think she led a charmed life. T hough when she was younger she couldnt get away with anything to save her soul _ Mary even agreed with that. The main reason she wasnt caught was that girls typically didnt do anything against the rules in the fifties. Most principals, deans, teachers, and staff were so completely innocent themselves then that devious thinking never entered there minds and certainly wouldnt have expected it from a female student. Plus, schools were so infernally strict back then so it couldnt happen. Teachers and parents alike believed girls much too the fraidy cats to pull a tour de force such as that. Only boys were naughty in their estimation, because boys, as they say, will be boys _ that went with the territory. They


expected fellas to misbehave. Because of these old-fashioned ideas _ punishment was often less severe than it ought to have been. Girls were different _ placed on a pedestal where they would remain until marriage and beyond. After marriage the spouse placed them high above the fray, and when their sons came along held them up well beyond the scope of reach. Remember most men _ Want a gal, just like the gal, well, you know the rest. The times were clearly satisfying to be growing up in, especially if you were fortunate enough to have entered the world female. Later Bree felt akin to womens groups and agreed with most their causes though she wouldnt have changed the era she grew-up in for all the tea in China. Returning home from school the following Thursday Mary informed her that Sunkist had calle d _ shed taken a message for her _ she was hired! Instructions were to report to personnel at 7:00 AM on the first Monday morning following the last day of school. Elated, she returned the call to verify that she would indeed report for work that morning. Being employment thrilled her no end, _ she walked in a daze until long after suppertime. In the fifties classes always wound-up on a Friday, and began on Monday _ no matter what, and unless a holiday fell on that particular day it never varied one iota. School was held all day, every day, back then. There was no changing of federal holidays to coincide with weekends to give teachers and the rest of humanity a three-day holiday. There were no days off for parent-teacher conference either, that was held during regular class hours. In those days educators often stayed as late as 4:00, or 5:00 PM, sometimes 6:00 on their own volition in order that all working parents were afforded the opportunity of attending. Im ecstatic, my first real job _ Ill be rich, she told Mary, happily. Ill purchase that leather jacket for Tom, and still have oodles and oodles left over. Thats nice Dear, Mary said. Bree had checked leather jacket prices at Harriss. The jacket she was determined Tom should have was top cabin all the way _ none other would suffice, and nicely priced at only 29.95 _ a small fortune in those days. The leather jacket style of the forties and fifties was all the rage then, and remains so to this day and called either Bomber, or Bombardiers. They were made of exceptional leather, heavily lined back then, which made an extremely warm parka and weighed a ton! Quality jackets such as these would cost a kings ransom nowadays. Your father could drop you off mornings since his work begins at 7:00 as well, Mary said. I doubt you could count on him to drive you home, though. As you know your father works a lot of overtime. Oh Mom, she said. That would be fantastic! I could take the bus home. For the first time she couldnt wait for summer vaca tion to begin. She was a working gal now, or soon would be. She thought the job would be a cinch _ emphasis on the word thought! She called Darleen wondering if shed


heard anything from Sunkist or not. She did but her mother refused to baby-sit while she worked, and said that Darleen had brought the twins into the world, and high time she faced her responsibilities. Her mother claimed she didnt mind babysitting now and again, but forty hours a week plus was simply too much for her to ask. Also she didnt like the idea of Darleen working all summer. That would cancel out her vacation plans. One certainly couldnt fault her for that. Anyway, her mother wasnt getting any younger. She was forty something when Darleen was born _ Bree didnt give her any symp athy either! She remarked only that that was the breaks _ shed have to take her lumps. She started crying and saying stupid things like she hated her mom and dad _ hated her husband _ even hated the twins! Bree was sorry she called! She had hoped to retrieve her annual that day, but after speaking with her quickly changed her mind _ deciding to steer clear of her during her conniption fit. Bree was beginning to catch on to what others said about her, wishing she hadnt forgotten to collect her annual that Friday. Oh, well, she and Tom were going to a football game later anyway. She wouldnt have had much time for visiting and doubted Darleen would have been a barrel of fun under the circumstances. Better to go over when she was in a better frame of mind.


Tom picked her up around 5:00. A rare treat indeed for her to escape the house on a school night, but Tom talked her parents into it by promising to have her home by 11:00, earlier than her usual curfew. Larry would accompany them to the ballgame. She was pleasantly surprised that Tom had borrowed his mothers car. She thought it would be soooh cool showing-up in a convertible, though disappointed the top was up. Tom mentioned that Larry was bringing a date. She was tickled pink when she spotted Lorna in the back seat!


Lorna, Hi, she said, happily, reaching in the backseat to give her a hug. Oh, Larry and I are just friends, she said. I think I knew that, she said, jokingly. Everyone roared! She hadnt realized the comment was so amusing upon uttering it! Tom took-off but pulled over to the curb a few blocks from her house _ hopping out lowered the top. Excellent idea on such a beautiful evening _ why waste it, Bree said. He had planned it all along, but didnt want to worry her folks. Then he suddenly called out abracadabra whisking silken materials from his glove compartment much like magically pulling scarves from a hat instead of a rabbit _ elegantly handing one out as he did so. Talk about organized _ not to mention thoughtful, and doing it with such glamour! Tom cornered the market on just about anything one might attribute to a person where Bree was concerned _ almost too good to be true, but was the genuine article. Tom pulled into the Fry House parking lot _ running into Lucky Dans. He bought four giant pickles! They were sold from a huge glass jar resembling a barrel atop the deli counter. Most delicatessens handled them back then, the price just .05 cents each! No one knew how many pickles that big ol jug held, possibly several hundred or better and markets made beau-coup money off them _ even at those prices. In those days markets used gimmicks like offering prizes to anyone guessing how many pickles in a jar, or jelly beans in a great jar _ things like that. Bree entered all contests, never picked the correct answer though others managed to! The pickles were soooh juicy! The crowd took at least one to every game _ it was traditional! In reaching the bleachers it was apparent several couples were having a private soire beneath the grandstands. Several blankets and lawn chairs were observed. Obvious they had designs other than watching football. Oh, and how exciting the game turned out to be! It seemed eons since Bree had last attended one. She was thrilled at the prospect of catching Perry Anderson in action _ Granites star quarterback. She caught a glimpse of Arleen in the crowd and waved at her _ she waved back. Perry was a talented guy, definitely the teams brightest star. They played Stoneridge that night and thanks to Perrys stratagem _ they stoned the Stones! After the game they stopped off at the Tick-Tock. Their entourage having grown to ten, they joined forces with three other couples at the game, taking just two cars since everyone wanted a ride in the yellow convertible. They packed six in it; the others followed in a little red Studabaker _ quite cool looking really, candy apple paint job with golden sheen _ rich _ and loaded! Back then fellas spent every leisurely moment working on their autos with best pals. Some spent literally hours polishing and shinning chrome bumpers, tailpipes and spotlights.


Parking the guys climbed out of their vehicles and walked about the parking lot shaking hands, congratulating the other for prevailing over the Stones, as if they themselves were personally responsible for the win. Common, man, give me some skin theyd say _ meaning shake hands. Some celebrated with opened hands, palms up, allowing the next fellow to slap them several times. Then turn about and slap the other fellas outstretched and opened paws a couple of times. Back and fourth theyd go in triumph over the big win. The excitement of having stoned the Stones was eclectically blowing on the winds that night with the possible exception of Dean _ the only one to attend Stoneridge. Tom and Larry both brought along their silver flasks. They filled them with vodka and stashed them in the lining of their jackets. On the QT passed them amongst the crowd, everyone took a slug including the chicks, combining the liquor with cherry cokes so no one became walleyed! Though they were gay it was a natural high _ added inducement probably didnt hurt either. While dropping off the others the fuzz pulled-up! Speaking briefly with the teens they decided to haul them in. They hadnt a clue as to why? For starters no one knew these cops. Remember Granite was a small town, the world was incredibly small and everybody knew everyone else in those days _ especially the cops! Thats the reason they were run in _ they didnt know them either. Most the fellas were familiar with the Granite police, never gotten in Dutch with them since they knew everyone involved, and basically because the cops knew they were all good kids. Unfortunately these johns didnt know them from Adam! Evidently while they were busy growing -up the City had replaced most of the seniored officers they had known. Certainly many retired or transferred elsewhere, but one by one the entire staff was replaced. It was during this period when Bree became painfully aware that the world she had known changed, her instinct told her it would never again be the same. The first thing the officers did at the precinct was chec k I.Ds. The problem was that only those who drove carried an I.D. Tom and Larry, Dean and Don all plunked down a drivers license. The johns released them. They were all either eighteen or close to it and could prove it. Eventually they learned that they were picked-up for breaking curfew _ they couldnt believe their ears! If there ever were a curfew it certainly had never been enforced. The cops werent really that bad: asked where they had been, how old were they, and appeared satisfied with their answers. Then insisted everyone call their parents to come pick them up. This clearly created a problem for Bree, you see, she didnt know her telephone number, and saying it out loud _ rang false and tinny even to her own ears. Though it would seem a lame excuse to most folks it was the truth! Bree explained her situation to one of the officers who immediately sized her up one side and down the other _ as if to say _ yeah, right! Then informed her she would have to speak to Sergeant Riley, which scared her sti ff _


petrified her more like it! The detective showed her into the sergeants office. She realized then that the officer hadnt believed her story. She wished she could have said, well, its a fact, Jack! But that would have been too cheeky even by todays standards. She was raised differently than to appear peevish with any policeman _ they all were. When her family moved to Granite her father had requested an unlisted phone number. At the time being bombarded by anonymous phone calls, at times even heavy breathing on the other end. Or a caller offering no greeting _ hanging up in time. Her father insisted upon keeping the new number private, and refused to release it to his children. Herrman said if they were given the new number theyd call their friend s and give it out, possibly unknowingly to the guilty culprit caller. He never questioned whether his decision was correct or not claiming they could converse with friends as often as they wished without risking the chance of their number falling into the wrong hands. Bree argued that she should at least know her own telephone number in case of emergencies. To her chagrin with a wave of his hand brushed aside her comment without further fanfare! Sounds like something out of the Twilight Zone, but in those d ays most people didnt have telephones. Early on you had party lines, and were difficult to obtain an open line. If you got lucky and received a dial tone you had to contend with constant interruptions. If you stayed on line too long your party line might report you to the operator, which happened frequently The operator could then break-in on your conversation and request that you hang-up immediately! If you failed to abide her orders you answered to the big Kahuna, whom Bree believed were her parents. They hung up quickly! Only the well healed could afford a private line, and people generally used telephones for emergencies only. Children were not permitted to monopolize the phone system even after party lines were discontinued. One summer Bree discovered, with great amusement, that she could dial the local grocer to inquire if they had Sir Walter Raleigh in the can and that they would actually go and check for her. The clerk left the phone dangling while he checked the shelves, usually returning with a po sitive answer in which case shed holler _ Well, let him out and quickly hung-up! When a young neighbor girl later informed her that they had ways of tracing a telephone number _ interrupted forever her delightful practice knowing shed get a licking if she were caught! Her only friend with a telephone at that time was Anne. Bree always did the calling. If she wasnt home at the time she couldnt return her call. There was no such thing as Caller I D back then, which would have given Anne the number automatically. In return she could have given it to Bree. As it were she was often forced to call back many times before finally reaching her. Of course if Irene, Annes mother were at home, she would give her the message.


Bree was so embarrassed by it she lied to everyone saying she didnt have a telephone. The school had her parents work numbers in case anything happened to her while they were working. She found the entire situation humiliating as one might imagine. Anne was the only person whom she trusted with her secret. She attempted to explain her bizarre situation in earnest to the sergeant and fearing that she had failed miserably. Smiling broadly he said he believed her, muttering under his breath that no one could dream-up a story like that! Go on home, he said. And call me when you get there. You can give me your number over the telephone, handing her a business card with his private number. Okay, Sergeant, she promised. I just hope my father is willing to listen. Outside the station, Tom waited for her. What a sweetheart! She really didnt relish the thought of walking home alone, but figured she had no choice since the guys with IDs were told to beat it. Tom was livid. The johns had shown little interest in her welfare releasing her to walk home alone that time of evening. Yet breaking curfew had been important enough to haul them off to the hoosegow. She attempted to make excuses for Sergeant Riley. Well, supposedly we have little crime, she said. Thats probably the reason he couldnt find any harm in my walking home alone. Then she quickly explained everything to Tom, including having lied to him about not having a telephone and why she did. Poor baby, he said, soothingly. Im sorry you were put through that ordeal. Then hurriedly she informed him of her orders from headquarters and he completely understood. They hopped in the car and he drove her home immediately _ no hanky panky! When he pulled into the driveway her heart sank _ the family car was not there! Great, she said! Maybe your mothers home? Shed better be or Im a dead duck! Touching his cheek gently, she smiled and thanked him for waiting, then quickly ran into the house. Tom waited until she was safely inside before taking-off. She watched him out the window as he backed down the driveway. Mary was no where to be found! Jo was sleeping soundly as rolling off a log. Once again she was forthright and honest, praying this time the truth would set her free, literally! Bree dialed the sergeants number, when he answered the phone she explained the latest hitch in her saga to the best of her ability: Sir, she said. My parents arent at home, and have left no message as to their whereabouts. They might have gone over to the Lodge, I dont know. Aside from that I havent the vaguest notion as to where they might be. Again chortling, finally saying, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay, kid.


That was it! No instructions that her father call back when he returned, or to call on the following morning, nor a request that she call in her number when they returned. She was off the hook! Bree didnt even see the necessity of explaining what happened that evening to her parents upon there return _ so she didnt. What you dont know wont hurt you, was one of Marys favorite lines. Bree decided that Whats good for the goose is good for the gander, would be hers! She never again heard from Sergeant Riley. So it obviously wasnt his mission to get her _ or he would have. She formed a good opinion of the sergeant that night. She now considered him a sweetheart and a pushover who otherwise wouldnt have been concerned whether she got home safely that night or not. The police more than likely realized theyd barked -up the wrong-tree. They were basically good kids, out for only some light entertainment, nothing more than that. Cops werent so callous then, but then the group didnt give them reason to be either. Teens in those days feared authority even more than they did their own parents, which was a very great deal then! Honesty is still the best policy of all, whether anyone believes you or not. Sometimes the strangest stories ever told are the most believable because people generally speaking are incapable of concocting a gigantic whopper off the top of their hats at a moments notice opposed to Brees own true one. Surprisingly she slept like a baby that night. Well her conscience was clear and knew shed lucked -out. It wasnt necessary to explain to her father what happened that night and in the end consi dered her self-fortunate her parents werent home. Had they been shed have blurted out everything within five seconds of them walking through the door. She wouldnt have dreamt of quietly dialing up the sergeant and saying, You know, Sir _ youre not going to believe this, but Nah, because then shed be lying, and he would have seen clear through it. At school the next morning hanging at the quad all conversation hinged on the happenings of the night before. When Bree explained her experience after the yd all split the scene, a few appeared miffed since theyd all landed in hot-water with their parents, and shed gotten off Scott free! Bree realized she would have been in trouble big -time had her circumstances been different, but also knew she hadnt an y control over the matter, plus she was fine with the outcome. One thing was for certain _ she wasnt in the least bit curious to ask her parents about their whereabouts that night _ some things are better left unsaid. Well, Tom smiled broadly. You guys knew your own telephone numbers, winking at Bree.



After the police released the others they returned to retrieve their vehicles, and discovered party residuals strewn about the bleacher areas, unmentionables accidentally left behind which, if nothing more proved they hadnt been very discreet. Bree knew of one of the girls, but didnt actually know her. She recognized her beneath the bleachers earlier, obviously having a relationship with her own ex beau of many years. Bree had known him since they were toddlers pre-kindergarten, throughout grammar school, junior high school, and high school. At a point she imagined herself


to be madly in love with him. Of course then realized it for what it was _ puppy love. But lo those many years she swore it was the real McCoy. Mary was fond of saying that Bree was still wet behind the ears, much too young to know of true love. Jimmy had been her Tarzan, she his Jane, and so it went up to and including adolescence. When they played war games she was his nurse, treating his injuries, nursing him back to health. She was his heroine, he her hero. He saved her life so many times on the battlefields, always at grave danger to his own _ he bit the bullet meant for her. It all seemed so real to her at times it was hard keeping it straight that it was really only make-believe. As they matured they played such games as hide and seek, kick the can, blind mans bluff, and later, spin the bottle. Stolen kisses were exchanged during these games which included neighborhood children as well. Spin the bottle became her favorite. It was the only game in which one received a bonus! Once upon a time, when they were both very young _ pre-kindergarten, Bree and Jim were playing out of doors. It was during broad daylight that for some unknown reason they thought getting necked down to their shoes sounded like a good idea! Neither remembered what brought it about. Victorious in their nakedness they stood side by side holding hands, awaiting something they knew not what! Finally he grabbed her and was trying to kiss her when one of the neighbor ladies caught them off guard. She grabbed Bree first, immediately taking her to her mother whom had barely returned from work. Upon seeing her darling daughters, necked little hinny Mary began screaming torrents of blasphemies. Once the shock of seeing her dimpled daughters buttocks necked for the world to see wore off she began slapping her bare bottom just as hard as she could slap, while dragging her kicking and screaming at the same time into the house. Bree claims to feel the imprint of those harsh hands, and the stinging from the slapping to this very day. You might say Mary left quite an impression on her! The neighbor snatched little Jimmys hand, and he began to wail. She then proceeded to march him home to his mother living at the opposite end of the street. The rest of the mothers on the block busy peering out their windows, laughing so hard they cried, as old lady Pate marched little Jimmy all the way home. His bare little fanny and teenyweeny tallywacker completely exposed and flopping to and fro. She glanced downward, saw what was happening and released a great gasp. Instinctively she dropped her handkerchief on it, hoping to hide it from sight. Alas, failing to linger there upon it rapidly fell to the ground. She didnt bother to stop and pick it up, trudging straight ahead, nose stuck-up and tightly drawn as if she didnt quite like the smell of it! When they were slightly older they did indulge in kissing _ but that was all! Once he touched her where her breast would have been given the proper time for development. Even though she was flat chested _ she pushed his


hand away; she wasnt taking any chances this time! She would never have dreamt of stripping her clothes off again, the earlier episode cured her completely _ though she co uldnt speak for Jim! The curiosity they displayed in barring their bodies at such a tender age was undoubtedly caused by a beautiful neighbor who strolled about her property completely in the buff, except for her black high-heels and dangling earrings. The two had stumbled onto the scene wholly by accident playing in the bushes that surrounded and sealed off her Spanish floor to ceiling oval window located off the dining area. It was about dusk and her kitchen lights were already on. They were playing in front of the window when she sauntered into the kitchen wearing only her birthday suite. Mind you, they ducked beneath the window ledge as best they could, but it was too low to the ground to hide from view completely. The children froze, figuring they were in for it now! Instead she walked from the kitchen past the dining room window juggling a tray of cocktails, disappearing into the living room and beyond _ perhaps the bedroom, they couldnt tell. Just about the same time the next evening the duo returned to play in the bushes _ blondie didnt disappoint. They watched as she prepared egg salad sandwiches on toast, piling them high on the tray, then carried them into the living room. She smiled in passing _ turning her head in neither direction, poised and walking straight ahead. The third night wasnt any different from the previous ones _ the lady completely naked except for high heels and earrings. That night Bree checked the bathroom in the off chance she might find a growth of hair in her pubic region, to her disappointment none was discovered! At that time her family rented a rather large flat, situated over the top of four garages, one belonging to her parents, the other three for the one-story apartments below. There were few two-story homes in those days; as a consequence the family enjoyed a panoramic view of the city. They all adored the evening view of the bright city lights. The sisters particularly enjoyed playing on the stairwell, which was of great novelty and joy to them. Strange as it may sound theyd never before seen one, let alone played in one! The stairwell ran adjacent to a small chain linked lot that belonged to the utility company and kept locked tighter than a mackerel though the children could easily have climbed down the stair side, but never did (until that faithful day)! One day playing in the well they observed a man tossing what appeared to be a fairly full sack into the little tract. That did nothing if not stimulate their curiosity _ what was in that brown paper bag! Why did he throw it away? They just had to know! To their excruciating delight they found a stash of balloons inside! Well, they marched up and down the street blowing up balloons to beat the band when a neighbor lady ran outside and snatched them all away, after which had a little heart to heart conversation with Mary. Then she came outside, just furious, ordering them all inside and spanked each one after learning where they had found them and how they retrieved them! Naturally, the kids assumed they were being punished for climbing over the fence which, of course was part


of it, but they never knew about the other part (until grown) though they talked amongst themselves and wondered why all the balloons were white and had such funny shapes! Mary would have rested a lot easier had she known they werent used. When the girls were very young land was aplenty, and buildings were stretched out not up. The industrial section of the city was one story as well, excluding the Coca-Cola factory, which were two stories. While the family was living in the garage apartment the parents spotted a house for-sale on the same street and purchased it. Moving several houses away was such a simple matter. The entire family joined in the move toting practically everything by hand to their new home. Herrman only needed a hand in carting-off the furniture. Of course their nude loving neighbor continued to carry trays of tidbits from her kitchen to the living room in complete nakedness until the day she moved away, always smiling, always wearing the same pair of heels and earrings. One thing is crystal clear _ she knew the children were watching! The only way to conceal themselves totally from her view would have been to lie flat on the ground, in which case they wouldnt have had an eye view of her _ defeating the entire purpose. The dinning room was devoid of any furnishings whatsoever, and no window coverings of any type _ a shade _ curtain _ absolutely nothing to block their view _ nor hers! Bree began to lose Jimmy shortly after they began junior high. He was outgrowing her, and she sensed as much. During her last year with Jimmy he upped and disappeared, she hadnt really marked the occasion when it occurred to her after a time that he was missing. But by then she realized the thrill was gone _ if ever there was one. During her sophomore year she began seeing him around the campus; a bell went off in her brain that hed been missing in action for a very long time. It struck her then that she hadnt seen him in nearly two years. Surprising to her, whatever the attraction had been no longer seemed to apply. Somehow theyd drifted apart, and werent really even friends at that point. The most recognition afforded her in recent times was either a nod or a grunt _ usually the latter. That was around the time she began seeing him with Sofie, and then again that night beneath the grandstands. Apparently he discovered what the expectation of a girl who dons all her clothing for him was. Had he used the condoms Sofie wouldnt have gotten p regnant and forced to leave school to save face! Many unmarried females went that route in the fifties to avoid shunning of their peers. Jimmy didnt have to quit school or walk around campus with his tail between his legs. There was definitely a double standard then. The circle was definitely more modern than that and felt sympathy for Sofie, especially after Jimmy refused to marry her. It was obvious that she was wild about the guy; there wasnt anything she wouldnt do for him, having his child proved that _ forfeiting her own chance of an education. Generally fellas didnt treat their girlfriends that way in the fifties, they married them instead, and surprisingly the majority of them lasted.


Most the guys thought Jimmy was a big jerk and didnt resp ect him at all. It was evident that he was the only boy Sofie ever dated. One never saw one without the other during school hours, and obviously keeping busy after school hours as well! Where had Jimmy been all that time _ in juvy? If true, what did he do to wind-up in Juvenile Hall? Jimmys parents had everything to do with his decision not to marry Sofie. They wanted him to attend college and make something of himself. They didnt credit him with enough sense to pound sand in a rat hole as Mary would ha ve said. In other words they didnt think he had the stamina to both attend college, and support a family at the same time. Apparently his parents failed to recognize that the baby was their heir apparent, their flesh, and their blood. Sofie was the lucky one. What kind of father and husband would he have made? Hed already demonstrated his lack of responsibility as well as character, and concern for his own childs welfare. He never looked into the dreamy, crystal blue eyes of his daughter, though child support payments were met until age twenty-one. Unfortunately Jimmy didnt do so willingly. His parents were taken to court by Sofies parents, and her parents won. The judge ordered Jims parents pay monthly child support until Jimmy reached the legal a ge of twenty-one, at which point the full responsibility reverted back to the son. It seemed no one had heard of a case like it before and most people assumed the halls of justice had set a new precedent. The public never heard-tell of a fella getting his gal in trouble and ditching her. The boyfriend would normally have feared retaliation from the girls father _ worried what he might do if he didnt marry his daughter. If her pop let him off the hook he risked a beating in the woodshed from his own dad!



The club was planning a meeting at Arleens on Friday night to be followed by a slumber party. The fellas would join them after its conclusion. Tom planned to come, but Larry was working that evening. The rest of the circle was expected to attend, including Tonys cousin, Vinny from New York City who was visiting that summer, and Tony insisted he join the festivities. Shortly after being introduced Lorna and Vinny became engulfed in conversation _ appearing to really hit it off. When everyone coupled off later as people often do _ Lorna and Vinny followed suite. Each seemed clearly enamored with the other. Of course the group was elated for Lornas sake that Vinny had tagged along. Having spent hours chatting and dancing the evening away, Vinny decided he wanted to see the drive-in. Lorna had been telling him about the Tick-Tock, which he claimed they didnt have in New York. He wanted to see what


one looked like _ to brag about having bee n to one to his friends back east. Vinny asked Tony if he could borrow his car, he agreed. They left the party hand in hand. Bree and Rita were sitting side by side on the divan, the guys opposite them. Bree had the sudden desire to confess how much she missed her at school, admitting that things just wasnt the same without her. Her absence had created a vacuum the size of Chicago in her heart, and valued her friendship soooh much! Her heart ached like it would break when she couldnt be there for her when she needed help because of school, especially during her pregnancy with Maria and even afterward. It was tough holding back the tears. Rita threw her arms around her, hugging her, saying she understood because she felt exactly the same way. The crowd partied down and had the usual ball. The punch was spiked, which didnt hurt either! It was tremendous having Tom to herself away from school and work, Rita was the icing on the cake! During a dance Tom asked her what she wanted for her birthday? May was all ready snapping at their heels. Her answer was nothing. She said she didnt want him spending his hard-earned money on her again _ besides he had done enough already. Tom said she was worth every penny of it and them some. Glancing up, she smiled at him and thanked him. At that very moment he planted a big juicy kiss right on her mouth. Naturally the crowd caught the action and started teasing them, but they were oblivious _ and in love! Tony sauntered by a little later and asked Tom if he would give them a lift home, saying evidently Lorna and Vinny were having a good time. Apparently, Tom agreed. Common, Bree, Tom said, laughing. This old-married couple forgot their Geritol today. Tony said he could party with the best of them when he didnt have to work the next day. Sure, sure, Tom teased, breaking into the old refrain everyone knew so well: Every party has a pooper thats why we invited you, party pooper, super duper. Of course the whole crowd joined in the chorus. After leavin g Tom and Bree serenaded them with Party Pooper all the way home, howling and whooping up a storm, enjoying them selves immensely, neither Rita nor Tony could help laughing at their foolishness. Back at the party the couple fully expected to see Lorna a nd Vinny there. Surprised that they hadnt returned werent certain whether to be ecstatic or alarmed. By then the gala was winding down. The couples remaining were just shooting the breeze; no one was dancing, they joined the conversation. The evening incredibly warm, the front door was wide open. The screen door was closed and latched. Suddenly a car screeched to a halt. The sound of a cardoor slamming then a car careening away was heard. Seconds later Lorna stood peering through the screen-door _ very much alone.


Bree ran to the door releasing the hasp for her. Lorna tried to put on a happy face failing miserably. It became apparent something had gone terribly awry, shed obviously been crying _ her face blotchy red, and was bleary eyed. Something resembling scratch marks was visible about her throat and arms. Lorna, what happened to you? Bree asked, frightened half to death. Then, He raped you didnt he? No, no, no, he didnt rape me, she yelped, then broke down bawling. After wiping her eyes and blowing her nose she agreed to tell the truth. She admitted hed tried his damnedest to take advantage of her but was unsuccessful, that she had fought him like a tigress _ prideful, and that he had finally given up. If you think I look bad _ you should see him! She said, with satisfaction. Vinny believed Lorna had toyed with his affections, complaining shed gotten him all hot and bothered then basically telling him to jerk -off. He accused her of being a PT. Hes lying she said, I never said anything remotely like that. We know you didnt, Honey, Bree cooed, stroking her hair, wiping away the tears. The remains of the partygoers were totally repulsed by the vexing Vinny and his boorish behavior. Maybe East Coast boys found it difficult excepting no for an answer _ then again perhaps it was Vinnys problem, and Lornas bad luck to get stuck with him. Lorna injured Vinny while struggling to free herself from his clutches, that had angered him _ practically throwing her from the car. She had walked some distance when she became aware of a car sidling along the curb. She kept her head straight ahead; she wasnt certain who the driver was, and afraid of finding out. Finally, he slung open the door and yelled for her to get in! She recognized his voice, ignoring him completely she continued on her way. Finally he pleaded with her to get back in the car and promised he wouldnt touch her again. She was frightened silly to trust him, knowing not what kind of animal he was, but finally he persuaded her. Fortunately, he kept his word. Neither spoke a word on the drive back. When Lorna caught sight of Arleens house she jumped from the vehicle without waiting for a complete stop, and without a word high-tailed it for the house. I think he was afraid to dilly-dally long, she said. For fear the fellas would nail him to the cross. Guys in the circle did things like that to protect a girls honor. Though not opposed to trying it themselves they never forced the issue. Lucky for Vinny Larry wasnt there; hed have been the first charging out the door _ pulverizing the pervert punk if hed caught him! Lorna pleaded with them not to tell Tony and Rita. Why not, Bree asked. If you scratched him as you say. Tonys bound to know something happened. You cant allow him to get away with it, Lorna, hell succeed at raping his next victim if you do.


Yes, Lorna said. I realize that, but I dont want to be the one to come between Tony and his cousin. Theyre family, you know, and it could cause a rift that would last a century. She didnt want her mother learning of it either. Shed be on house restriction permanently if she did. Well play it by ear for now and see what Rita and Tony have to say about it, if anything. In the meantime youre spending the night here. By the time your mother sees you again _ none would be the wiser. Bree aske d Arleen if she had any Campho-phenique? She said she used it heal her zits. Ill get it, she offered. Bree thought Lorna looked better already having applied it to her scratches and advised her to repeat the use again at bedtime and in the morning. Youll be fine, Honey, she said, sweetly. Thanks, Bree, she said. Youve been so helpful _ I feel better already. Then rewarded the remains of the partygoers, who were studying her intently, with her brightest smile ever and a quick gracious little curtsy, saying that Vinny wasnt worth losing any beauty sleep over. The crowd stood applauding _ unknowingly crowning her evening star. Amen to that, Bree said. Its fellas like Vinny who fowl New Yorks name. For sure, Lorna agreed.



The couple strolled out arm in arm. Tom invited her in _ naturally she accepted. Making-out however briefly things began to percolate. The windows steamed so badly it looked like someone was taking a shower. Had they succumbed to their desires no one would have been the wiser for the dew! At last Tom gently pushed her aside. Would you like to attend a Stan Kenton, Ella Fitzgerald, concert on your birthday, Tom asked, then mentioned that they would be in town over that weekend. Really, she said. I havent even checked my calendar as of late. Ill need an answer soon. Im inviting Tony and Rita, Anne, Dean and Larry, he said. What about Lilly and Wally, she asked? Ill mention it to him come Monday morning. Okay, lets do it! Itll be terrific, she cried. Ill tell mother Im spending the night with Anne. Mary had known Anne and her mother since grammar school. Occasionally talked on the phone, and trusted them after lo those many years. Annes curfew was much later than Brees _ to the point of being non -existent. Mary didnt know that and Bree wasnt about to let on! Thats a terrific idea, Tom exclaimed, happily Later she asked Anne if she could spend the night at her place. Anne said, absolutely like she knew she would! So it was settled; theyd have a blast! The next meeting was held at Brees. She couldnt hold slumber parties since Mary didnt allow boys over. She was an old fashioned gal who kept Bree on the straight and narrow. Bree had grown to appreciate her more over the years, and lost the better part of the resentment shed come to hold over her tight restrictions, concluding that her mothers position was primarily out of her love for her. After the meeting was adjourned Tom picked her-up and they went to the Tick-Tock. After parking the car Tom signaled the waitress they were there. Soon spotting Larry pulling in the driveway _ wondering whom the chick sitting next to him was? Tom beeped his horn and waved to ascertain Larry had seen them. having parked the vehicle the couple ran to greet them _ Larrys arm around Lornas waist! He had and Hopping in the

backseat Lorna smiled radiantly. Bree turned looking deeply into her emerald eyes, which seemed to be glowing in the dark! Her healing powers were amazing! Only the slenderest of nuances remained despite the vicious attack shed endured. Bree reached back to hug her, whistling at her overall appearance. Thanks, Bree, I feel really well. Do you, really, she asked, peering into her shinning eyes. Yes, really, I do. She said, and meant it _ Bree could tell. Great, she said, satisfied.


Larry informed Tom right off the bat that he wanted to settle his share of the concert tickets. Tom said fine and told him what he owed. Then, Can you believe Brees birthday is just two weeks away? Larry nodded, handing him the money. Later Tom told Bree that Larry paid for two tickets _ they assumed one must be for Lorna _ better be! They were delighted that Larry was taking Lorna to the concert, both wondering whether she had mentioned anything to Larry concerning the rape attempt. Bree personally doubted it. Larry asked Tom if the others could make the scene? Ive collected from everyone but, Wally, he said, somewhat cynically, though he hadnt actually invited him yet. I need to pay for the tickets by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest. Hed already reserved them, but would need to order one more now that Larry was taking Lorna. The ticket agency wouldnt hold them past Wednesday _ unless of course they were prepaid. Id prefer picking them up on Monday if possible, Tom said. Hey, if its a financial problem I could spot Wally a loan, Larry offered. Tom almost scoffed, Hey, if it were the money he'd never own -up to it. You know Wally _ still playing the poor, long suffering, misunderstood one. I dont know how Lilly puts -up with him. Well, tell him I offered anyway, Larry said. Tom nodded. So, theres another birthday lurking in the deepest darkest recesses, hey, Bree Larry quipped. Sure is, Lare _ unfortunately, she said. Im getting soooh old. Wh en he asked her how old she was she answered seventeen. Ah, to be that young again, he joked, barely eighteen himself. He and Tom were the same age. They would both graduate in another month and a half. Tom would turn eighteenpost graduation by two months. Bree was thinking how much shed miss them both, but realized she had only a year to go herself. The waitress came _ it was Rose. She sat down the first tray for Bree. Rose, long time no see, she exclaimed! Bree, its been forever, chiming back. Bree asked her where shed been? Here of course, where else, she said? Bree admitted she hadnt been around that much lately. Yes, I know. Ive missed you terribly, Rose said, then where have you been hiding? Oh, here and there, she said, slyly. What will you have my dear, the usual? Yes, Rose, and a large onion ring, please. They were to die for. Rose looked over at Tom. Holding his nose, he said, In that case youd better make it two, Rose.


Everybody laughed loudly, including Rose. Tom winked at Bree saying he hadnt any choice if he expected a kiss later on. A tease at heart, but she loved it! Rose finished with the orders and skedaddled. The foursome stared after her until she disappeared from sight. She looked as good as always and just as pretty. Bree caught the admiration in Toms eyes, but the gals appreciated Rose as much as the fellas. Many chicks her caliber would be chasing after their man _ if for no other reason than to prove she could catch them. Not Rose _ that lady was no tramp! Bree informed Mary later that evening that Tom was treating her to a concert for her birthday present, explaining that three or four other couples would be joining them in the celebration. Anne and Dean were among the group, and she was having a sleepover in her honor. A slight-fib since Bree would be Annes only guest. She figured that put in that light Mary couldnt-hardly refuse her and she didnt. She inquired only after the health of Annes dear mother. Bree said, Good, Mom. What would you like for your birthday, my Dear? I was wondering, do you think I could have a gift certificate from Robinsons? Mary said she would consider it, then said, yes, she had considered it, and her answer was yes. She grabbed her mother at the waist and twirled her about the kitchen; she was so happy. Da da da dont do that, Mary stammered! Youll break your back and destroy any chances of becoming a mother for the rest of your days, young lady. She always said that. Mom, she asked. Do you think I could possibly have my birthd ay present before my actual birthday, since it falls on a Saturday this year? Id love wearing my birthday outfit to the concert. Id have to make my purchase by Friday afternoon at the latest, but Id prefer doing it on Thursday after school. That would g ive me time for trying things on, pressing them, choosing the proper accessories, set my hair, do my nails, and apply the greasepaint. Well, youre a girl _ Mom: You understand the pressure to prepare yourself for a date. Well, she said. Thank you for noticing! Bree couldnt stop laughing after that; Mary had tickled her funny bone. She just roared! I havent a problem with that, dear, Mary said. Ill plan to pick -up the gift certificate on the Monday prior to your birthday Saturday, you ma y do your shopping anytime after that. Mom, youre the greatest; did you know that, she asked, in between the barrage of laughter. And I love you very much. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mama. Mary loved when she called her that. She mentioned it years before, and Bree never forgot it. Mary smiled so sweetly at her; she just had to hug her and did so! It was settled then: She would have a brand new outfit to celebrate


her birthday in. Well, all right then, she thought _ she could dig it! Mary reminded her that she planned a family dinner party for her on Sunday night. You may invite Tom if you like, she offered. Alright, but please dont serve supper too early, okay? Would five be too early, Dear, she asked? It occurred to her suddenly just how wonderful her mother really was, and how darned sweet she was. She realized too how lucky she was that her mother planned a special dinner party especially for her. Her mother was doing her the favor _ not she, her! Bree smiled and said five would be excellent! Good, Mary beamed. The next day she told Anne that everything was finalized, she would be spending the night with her. How lovely, she said. Well have a ball! Later when Bree spoke with Lilly, she asked her what was happening? Regarding? Common, Lilly, you know what I mean. Are you referring to the your birthday concert bash? Of course. Bree, you must promise me not to breathe a word of this to anyone, she said. Bree promised and Lilly said that Wallys workplace had slowed almost to a snails pace, to the point he hadnt worked many hours in the last month or so. Bree said shed heard all that, but that shed also heard that Larry was willing to spot him the dough. Yes, Lilly said. Thats true, but the way things stand now he hasnt a clue as to when he could repay the loan. That makes sense, Lil, however, you know Larry isnt concerned about the money. But Lilly begged her to just let dead dogs lie. Okay, Bree said. But we shall miss you something awful. Sadly, Lilly said, Dont think for a single minute I wont be blue missing your birthday party, because I will be! That ended that. Lilly wouldnt be aboard to help celebrate her birthday. Bree would miss her terribly. The celebrants would consist of Anne, Lorna, Rita, and herself. Of course the number doubled with their dates and eight was enough.




Marys birthday present was a twenty-dollar gift certificate _ Bree was on cloud nine! Her mother picked her up at school on Thursday then drove downtown to Robinsons. After they arrived Mary said she had some errands to run, and asked Bree if two hours would give her ample time for completing her shopping? Bree replied _ perfect! She kissed her mother on the cheek and scurried inside. She was still in a sort of dreamy stupor-state of mind at that point, hadnt really drifted back down to earth since recei ving her gift certificate. The truth be known _ shed never in her life held a twenty dollar bill, let alone given the red light to spend it anyway she chose to, well _ that was just the living end! Her gaze instantly met the dress of her dreams, displayed on a mannequin in the petite section of ladies apparel. The material was of white waffle-pique, the skirt flared and pleated. The inset pleats were a Kelly green _ every girls favorite back then _ that and royal blue. The bodice was tight fitting with v-neck and extra large collar, and the three rather large Kelly green buttons was a standout. The sleeves were capped and cuffed and were of Kelly green. The cinched waist included a Kelly green self-belt. She was reasonably certain shed never laid eyes on s uch a delightfully detailed dress before in her life. It came with the fantastic price of $7. 99 plus taxes! There was plenty of money left to include a pair of shoes and matching handbag. Spring was in the air and the weather was beautiful, normal for the month of May. She settled upon a pair of white crocheted wedgies with spaghetti-strap laces, and a white painted rattan box-purse. With everything including taxes, the price came to slightly over twenty dollars. Bree carried enough change to cover the difference. It occurred to her that she owned a pair of green hoop earrings that would match the dress perfectly. The gift certificate had been twice the amount she normally received from her parents, and actually _ she did know money didnt grow on trees! Her friends would go gaga as they gandered her new garments. This was her thinking as she skipped merrily from the store, bags in tow. Mary awaited her in the old De Soto parked directly in front of the store. Her timing couldnt have been more perfect she mused happily as she hopped inside. Let me see, let me see, Mary cried, anxiously _ like a kid! After Bree showed her everything _ she flipped -out! Almost stunned at how well her daughter had managed the small fortune shed given her, and remarked on h er exquisite taste and the beaut of the bargain shed bought. Do you really think so, Mom? I know so, she said Well, youre an excellent mother! Do you really think so, Dear?


I know so, Bree said, and they both burst into laughter, though Bree me ant every word and gave her hand a little squeeze. Mary latched onto her own and they sat there holding hands for the longest time. During that special bonding moment they shared an undeniable closeness, which they firmly agreed that few mother-daughter relationships could top. Mary had given her the best birthday present ever, and she told her mother as much on the drive home. Approaching a red light Bree became aware of someone gunning his or her engine. She looked around to find this red headed, freckle faced hayseed of a kid sidled-up along next to them, whom would later remind her of Opie with bad hair. The cowlicks of his flame colored hair seemed to stand at attention from the rear, waving at the front! At first glance one might assume his haircut was that of a butch, but you could plainly see where he tried to part his hair on the left, the surrounding hair stuck-out like cat whiskers _ his hair so unruly! As Mary would tell you _ he definitely wasnt dry behind the ears! When he caught Marys attention he motioned to her like, Cummon, lady, lets go. She caught his drift and away they went _ drag racing down the main boulevard! Well, it was evident this kid thought it was the best thing going since sliced bread! She gained on him and was ahead by a nose, though there wasnt any way she could have whipped him because the moment her speedometer reached fifty she decreased her speed. The kid went flying past _ honking and waving to beat the band _ believing himself the victor. Mary caught the action as it happened and yelled as he zoomed past I wish you had a feather up your uh huh _ then wed both be tickled! Her remark cracked Bree up _ again! She hadnt heard the expression before, nor of anyone else ever using it Mary claimed it was too dangerous to overtake anyone in excess of fifty miles per hour. The posted speed limit was only twenty-five! Bree knew her mother was right, but couldnt conceal her disappointment in allowing that little pip-squeak to think hed won the race! They both knew the De Soto hauled a--! In another instance while awaiting a light change, they glanced at the car in the right-hand lane. The industrious driver was using his waiting time to pick his nose. Bree was mortified, averting her eyes instantly. Not Mary _ who purposely stared him down. Usually whenever that happens the target often senses it. He must have. Suddenly the stranger looked their way as he worked at the job he was committed to doing. Mary was ready for him, aping him back in a highly exaggerated sort of way pretending to shove her middle finger straight up her nose, and moving it around in little circles as though digging for gold! When the man realized what she was up to, and knowing full well hed been caught red-handed _ exploded into laughter at her antics. The entire scene cracked-Bree-up as well and she joined in the uproarious laughter, which was totally insane. The gentleman had a terrific sense of humor. The


light changed, they waved goodbye good-naturedly. Mary was full of surprises like that _ a regular comedienne, plus she wanted her daughter to think her young and cool, which Bree did _ for a parent, anyway. Pulling in the driveway Mary insisted Bree model her new outfit for her. After changing she headed for the bathroom. Peering into the long mirror attached to the back of the door she examined her overall appearance. Studying her reflection thoroughly she became convinced she would look her very best when the time arrived. Her folks were in the living room watching Uncle Milty and his Texaco Star Theater. When Bree waltzed in the room they were so involved in the program she practically had to yank their eyes from the TV set, then at last looking at her, Herrman let out a lo w whistle, Mary remarked, Very, very, nice! Thank you, thank you both, she said, smiling at them. Then bending down quickly pecked them on the cheek. The next day was ditch day. Bree had finally reached a point where she knew if she wanted to graduate with her class shed better make her grades. If lectures or exams were scheduled for that traditional day she attended classes. She needed to keep her head above water, and the idea of being saddled down with extra classes to make up for pulling Fs in regular class wasnt that attractive to her. Lorna and Lilly both had make up classes in order to graduate, she knew what a struggle it was for them. Bree figured she had all day Saturday to fuss over her hair if need be. Anne attended classes that Friday as well. During lunch break Bree described her outfit to Anne, which wasnt that easy but Anne seemed to grasp the picture in her minds eye, and said she would look darling for her birthday bash. Silently, Bree prayed she was right. The girls will be green with envy, she punned. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Bree said. But youll look so gorgeous no one will even notice Im alive. Anne rolled her eyes as if to say, oh brother _ is she ever pouring it on! The big day arrived! Bree began getting ready much too early, as a consequence ended-up with too much time on her hands awaiting Toms arrival, becoming antsy, pacing the floors, fidgeting to the point of driving poor Mary to the loony bin. She found it impossible to add improvements to her hair or cosmetics, realizing the good Lord provided only so much to work with. Still, she thought, far better than the opposite, which would be rushing around at the last minute trying not to have a cow as she was getting ready! Usually when that happened she was all thumbs, dropping everything she touched, braking everything she dropped _ and everything that could go wrong did go wrong _ Murphys Law! At last she heard the doorbell and jumped too quickly for Marys concern to answer the call. She saw the look cross Marys face as she glanced up from the newspaper. Bree ignored it completely. She wasnt in any mood for


dragging things out. Whose birthday was it anyway? Suddenly it occurred to her that the night promised to be the most exciting one of her life! Opening the door she couldnt help notice the look of appreciation on Toms face. He stood staring at her for what seemed the longest time, giving her the once -over so to speak. She felt her cheeks flame and momentarily glanced away. In doing so she discovered the man of her dreams stood holding one dozen long stemmed American Red Beauties in a golden container with see-through window. Looking up again she could hardly believe her eyes _ in them Tom loomed the most dashing young man shed ever seen! You look positively stunning, Bree, he murmured. The green of your dress reflects in your eyes, and they appear to be the exact same shade. Well, thank you, Tom, she said. Are these for me? Absolutely, he said, handing them to her. Oh, thank you, Tom, theyre soooh beautiful, she said, purring. Come inside while I put them in water. Sauntering inside Tom greeted her mother, and shook hands with her father as Bree ran into the kitchen to arrange the flowers. She used Marys finest crystal vase then displayed them on the dining room table. There were twelve perfect roses _ just beautiful! Arent they lovely, Mother, she asked? Exquisite, darling, she said. Hugging both of them they scurried to the car. They were picking up Lorna; Larry was waiting in the car. Since he and Tom were neighbors, Tom collected him first. Tony and Rita were picking up Anne and Dean. The circle of friends was planning to meet-up at the Tick-Tock. Tony would follow Tom to LA. Hi, Larry, Bree said. Hi, Bree, happy birthday! Thanks, Lare. Sorry, Bree, Tom said. I havent had a chance to wish you happy birthday yet, so happy birthday, baby. His eyes were shinning as he bent forward to lightly peck her on the cheek; she turned at that moment and he clipped her nose instead. They cracked up. Then she said, Thank you, Tom, for everything and snuggled close to him. Cars didnt have bucket seats in those days and the chicks were expected to sit closely to their d ates. It was a guy thing that clued other fellows _ this gal belongs to me, at least for the evening anyway. Larry said he assumed that everyone knew he and Lorna were an item. Bree expressed happiness for them both, and said she had prayed vigilantly that things would workout for them, and it looked as though her prayers were answered.


And how, Larry said! Cool! Tom said. When they arrived at Lornas Larry ran to retrieve her while they waited in the car. It gave them the chance to steal a kiss or two. Tom told Bree he loved her, and thought she was beautiful! So taken by surprise she didnt know what to say in return except thank you. Shed always heard when in doubt say nothing _ so thats what she did. Do you realize youre seventeen years old today young lady, he purred. Yes, but it seems so surreal. she said. To be honest I never expected to live this long. Tom laughed _ he laughed so hard! When able to speak again, he said, Youre only a baby, silly, albeit a beautiful baby, then _ youre my baby, with emphasis on the word my. She was obviously elated hearing these words coming from his-own mouth. He had never spoken to her like that before. Just when things were getting good she looked up briefly and saw Larry and Lorna peering in the window. Bree smiled at them as Larry opened the door. Hey, Lorna, Larry, she said. Hey, birthday girl, happy birthday, Bree they cried out, then Lorna reached across the seat to hug her. How are you? Great, Lorna, things couldnt be better, thanks, she said glancing sideways at Tom. He wrinkled his nose at her and pulled away from the curb heading for the Tick-Tock. They spotted Tony and Rita as they pulled in the drive, Anne and Dean in the back. Tom parked and began walking towards them, by then Tony had jumped from his car and on his way to greet him, meeting up somewhere in the middle. Bree debated saying howdy to the girls. When she finally made her decision to do so Tom turned and was heading back. She hopped back in the car, Tom fired-up his engine and away they went! Whats happening, man, Larry asked? Nothing except were finally on our way. Glancing over at Bree he said, Tony said to tell you that everyone wishes you a happy birthday, so happy birthday from the rest of the pack. It took forever reaching LA. Having parked the vehicles they were surprised to learn the event was being held in the theater dining room. They had never been to a concert where you dined and were entertained at the same time. The performance was held at the posh Biltmore Hotel; the evening would prove very expensive for the fellas. Once seated the server came to fill their cocktail orders _ one quick look round the table told him they were all minors. Tom didnt persist on forcing the issue as some would have, and ordered a round of cherry cokes. After beverages were served the waiter came back to take food orders, informing them they must finish dining before the


show began as they wouldnt be excepting any orders during a guests performance. Saying that that was company policy as well as common courtesy shown their entertainers. Supper was served and quickly chowed-down. The show would begin in less than an hour. Normally a slow eater, Bree purposely ordered food she could quickly chew pasta! Thinking if she couldnt shovel it down fast enough she could always swallow it! They finished dinner in the nick of time; dishes were quickly cleared away and bill presented. The guys put their heads together totaling up their individual damages including tip and taxes, piling the loot high on the tray. The waiter took it away asking change, heads nodding the server quickly split. Opening act was little known comic at the time _ Mort Sahl, whose jokes were-highly-political, and was among the first American comics to poke fun at the presidency. He was a scream! Now of course recognized the world over for the comedian he is. Prior to his performance at the Biltmore his only engagement had been at The Hungry I restaurant in San Francisco. He appeared there almost nightly for more than two years. The group had never heard of him before that night. Not long after he began appearing on Steve Allen, Jack Paar, and the Ed Sullivan shows all enjoying top ratings at that time. Tom bought his first party album that night. It was interesting listening to Mr. Stahls record at parties and get togethers, especially having seen him in person. One could visualize his expressions, and demeanor as the record spines, which helped heighten their excitement having first seen him in action. Mort walked-off the stage to a wild and rowdy applause. Then the lights dimmed, the drums rolled, and strolling onto the vintage stage was their boss back then, Mr. Stan Kenton _ live! Considered one of the greatest jazz musicians in American history in his hey-day following the death of beloved bandleader, Glenn Miller. Kentons jazz was revolutionary, different than ragtime, Dixieland, or any of the big-band sounds of the forties. Stylizing his own beat he developed a sound like no other. Bree so appreciated her good fortune in being there _ with nothing further expected of her other than to kick back, relax, relish in the smoothest sounds in jazz history, and allow herself the luxury of absolute entertainment. Did she ever! A hush fell over the crowd during his performance _ people were spellbound. They played his most famous hits such as Malaguena; Stomping at the Savoy, Opus in Pastel, City of Glass and Artistry in Rhythm _ the latter becoming his theme song in the early sixties. Soon Ella came bopping out on stage to sing several of her own hit tunes accompanied by the Kenton band. Lyrics by George and Ira Gershwin such as S Wonderful, Oh, Lady Be Good, and Brees favorite _ A - Tisket ATasket. She was divine _ never mind a cat and hep! It boggled the mind knowing that this fabulous entertainment


was strictly for their listening pleasure. The group was soooh delighted to be spending the unforgettable evening with one another. Years later Bree would ponder, how joyous, Heaven, when that rocking big blowout in the sky takes place. What a godsend watching Ella jumping to and fro, limbs and feet stomping on the star just above the rainbow, with clear vision, swinging that brown and yellow basket, singing her signature tune A -Tisket A-Tasket. The circle of friends was mesmerized and grooving to the music when the crescendo suddenly climaxed and crashed all around them. In baffling disbelief Mr. Kenton abruptly wished them all a good evening. They continued to sit there _ stunned, waiting! Thinking at any moment their illustrious leader would come sweeping back onto the stage insisting that he was only kidding! Of course that didnt happen.


They remained seated like bumps on a log. Tom braking the silence by asking, Hey, birthday girl, tell me what your little heart desireth next? Dumfounded, she said, Next? Naturally, he said. The night is young and youre so beautiful. Besides which, we can take our ol sweet time getting home tonight. Ah, music to my ears, she said.


Tom mentioned his parents were in Palm Springs for the weekend, and he was batching -it-up while they were away. No one was required home early that night _ not even Bree. She found that soooh alluring, and reveled in the luxury of her newly found freedom. She felt loose as a goose and hadnt the slightest twinge of anxiety she would normally have worrying whether shed make -it home on time or not. When she was fifteen Herrman spanked her for arriving late at home one evening and still paled at the memory of it. Though bruising her derriere _ it was her sensibilities that were in shambles. Anne had been sleeping over that night, and was a witness to the whole whacking. Though Bree was embarrassed half to death; her concern was for Anne. She put herself in Annes place and tried to imagine how shed feel were the situation reversed, and decided, yes, she would have been terribly embarrassed for her. Bree never had to ask _ her secrets were always safe with her. How could he have ignored Annes presence that way? How could her own father do such a thing _ period? It was something he never repeated, and possibly tried to make up for in his own way. It was thought unmanly at the time to apologize to a spouse or child _ right or wrong. That night her spirits soared and she was anxious to celebrate the evening. It had been a very special birthday _ a once in a lifetime. Her teenaged years were slipping away so swiftly it seemed that each new age had barely gotten started when it was time to embrace the next. Well, she thought, only two more to go! Hopefully, shed make the most of both. Annes parents didnt insist upon an early curfew, and by the same token she didnt take advantage of a good thing either. If circumstances beyond her control should detain her she always managed to call home so as not to worry her parents. Bree thought her a wonderful friend as well as daughter and wondered why she wasnt afforded the same privilege? Of course not knowing your own telephone number _ calling home could be a bit tricky! They settled the dilemma of what to do with the rest of the evening and decided to drop by the Tick-Tock to see if Lilly and Wally was there? If so they planned to invite them to Toms place for a small party in Brees honor. If they dared to refuse them they would drag them there by the hair of their chinny chin chins! Unfortunately, nary a soul hobbled about the premises when they arrived on the scene. Obviously some were there _ just none of their friends. They split and headed for Toms house, which was right around the corner. On the drive, Bree asked if his parents minded them going there alone? Were not alone, he said. I was speaking to your parents not being there, she said. Theyre normally always there when Im over. Tom said his parents had consented to having a few friends over if he wanted. They knew it was your birthday, he said.


Ah, theyre sweet. Tom took pictures of everyone after they arrived. Bree bedecked in her new Kelly green outfit was happy to oblige. When he finished snapping photos he asked Tony to take some pictures of he and Bree. Then Tony began snapping frames of them. Tom promised to give her a copy of each and he didnt forget _ of course she wouldnt have permitted him to! Cool, she said. Thanks, Thomas! Once the group was comfortably cloistered around the warmth of the fireplace _ Tom disappeared into the kitchen. When returning he carried a small white cake, decorated with the seventeen pink candles he had lighted before presenting the cake. The gang proceeded to sing the birthday song. Tom insisted she make a wish before blowing out the tapers, which she did. She blew out all seventeen. Her dreams would all come true! Each couple then presented her with a birthday gift. Taken aback, she hardly knew how to respond. Finally, she said she was deeply affected by everything theyd done for her. The girls had ch osen the gifts she knew because they were all items shed hinted at. She knew Tom did his own shopping, as was his habit, and found it soooh delightful! A guy shopping for a chicks gift was practically unheard of in those days. Tom didnt stop at the concert and cake, but presented her with a beautifully decorated gold plated nouveau hand mirror with matching brush and comb as well. The beveled mirror had three angels on it. Flowing ribbons and bows seemingly connected one angel to the next. The comb and brush had smaller angels, smaller ribbons and bows. The mirror glimmered so beautifully in the firelight _ she thought it lovely. The set matched the gold compact he had given her the previous year on her birthday. Without any warning whatsoever she started crying _ beside herself with shear emotion and pure happiness _ hers for the taking that night. She would forever hold in her heart the memory of this most magical and wonderous occasion _ her seventeenth birthday! The group began patting her on the back _ cooing their, there theres, until she could regain control, telling the crowd how much she loved them, and how she appreciated each and every thing they did for her. It wouldnt have been the same without all of you, she said. Youve all su rpassed any expectation I could only have dreamed of. I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. At that point she began tearing up again, though managed to keep it in check Tom brought out records and the teens began to dance. He served vodka gimlets in celebration of her birthday. Bree had never tasted one before; she liked them instantly! The beverage was particularly popular at the time, and indulging in them was considered very chic.


When the parents were away they didnt bother spiking the punch; actually they didnt serve punch at all, preferring either gin or vodka tonics, and now the latest craze, vodka gimlets. If punch was being served it was usually spiked with vodka, supposedly having no discernible odor on the breath _ the drink of choice for that reason. Though it could get you plastered if you imbibed too much. Too many drinks for most chicks were more than one. The guys were huskier with more massive bone structure, allowing for greater alcohol absorption than do females. When the guys got together some drinking was usually involved. However, when the gals got together at club meetings, slumber parties, or what have you alcohol was never served.


Several of Brees friends whose husbands joined the military or were drafted in the Korean Conflict marriages did not succeed the end of the war. They didnt recognize thei r emotionally drained and distraught husbands upon their return home and vice versa, as they had forged new lives and moved on thought their husbands hadnt grown _ hard to do dodging bullets all the while just to stay alive. Bree was only three years old when World War II broke-out and understood absolutely nothing about it. When she reached school age in 1942 she obviously learned a lot more. One, that the United States entered the horrific war


only after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Two, was the blarin g headline carried on all the presses, The Japs Bombed Pearl Harbor. The government requested that women volunteer for positions formerly held by men while they did their tours of duty overseas. Mary and several of her friends volunteered right off the bat. Many, many more would jump on the bandwagon in time. Mary and her associates got on at Hughes Aircraft building B-25 bombers for the armed forces. The planes contained just two seats, one for the pilot and his gunner. The craft could only carry one huge bomb per mission. Each man was equipped with a machine gun. At the time fighter planes were built very small and simple. Even so each plane required over 240,000 rivets, and the women did one heck of a job. Revered by the government because of their ingenuity and willingness to work long grilling hours they were christened with the by now famous moniker Rosie the Riveter. Bree and her siblings were very proud of their mother once they learned what a valuable asset shed become in the war against Germany and Japan, and were gratified by the huge impact shed made in the outcome of the war. Not only did Mary contribute a fair portion of her time and energy to the war effort, but actually helped make history happen! Many interesting stories have been reco rded over the years regarding Rosie The Riveter as well they should be. Bree later found that Rosy the Riveter was a genuine person, who was given the title after the government characterized, designed and mass-produced her image across the continent before it was discovered that Rose resembled the charicature theyd unknowingly created, and her name was Rose too -boot! Rose Monroe. She suited the governments propaganda profile as the classic Rosie The Riveter. They placed a bright red bandanna on her head, and had her posing flexing her powerful upper-arm muscle on posters and in film _ put her on a postage stamp, the famous slogan said We Can Do It, and we did it! Herrman and Mary bought American war bonds for the war effort, also volunteered at the USO Club in Long Beach. Mary believed if she could dance with just one lonely soldier far from home, listen patiently to his tragic war tale, or exhibit empathy for a love lost _ she would contribute a valuable service for her country and that marine, soldier, or sailor. Mary did far more than dance with lonely soldiers at the USO. She and Herrman often pitched in to help prepare meals when the kitchen was short staffed, and moonlighted as food servers, bused tables, washed dishes, whatever was required they did so willingly.


Brees earliest memory was probably that of Mary coming home from work exhausted to the max, yet relaying plans for a Victory Garden. A little older by then she did realize that many commodities were rationed and in short supply. The country was at war, and quickly running out of natural resources. Whats a Victory Garden, she asked? A Victory Garden will be our contribution to the war effort _ by growing our own vegetables, which are high in demand but short on inventory. If every citizen could do that much it would furnish the military with greater food storage because we, the people grow our own. Now lets pray our small effort will help do the trick. The idea seemed to spread like wild fire. The next thing one knew was practically everyone with a patch of ground to call their own were sowing Victory Gardens, not only in the US and Canada, but also throughout Europe _ even China! When the war finally ended the government appealed to American women to relinquish their jobs so returning servicemen in dire need of work could have them. Again, Mary saw it as her civic duty, and was among the first to abandon the position shed come to love and cherish. She thought it not only fair but the very least one could o ffer those who fought and died on the battlefields of tyranny for them. While many believed it wasnt governments place to request that citizens resign their posts, most did however grudgingly in time. Bree was eight years old before the war ended. She would never forget her sister Megans well -organized neighborhood parade celebration. She gathered-up all the children requesting that each one collect the largest pots and pans they could find. She also asked that they bring along the largest utensils they could get their hands on. Then lined them in a row marching them up one side of the street and down the other as they pounded their frying pans, pots and kettles, using soup ladles, egg beaters, and rolling pins as drumsticks. Several elderly and disabled war veterans joined in the march. They wanted to celebrate the death of the Madman from Munich, and at long last freedom of European Jews who had somehow miraculously survived the horror of the Nazi death camps. She could remember singing God Bless America, a la Kate Smith style _ belting it from the gut while marching and pounding the makeshift drums just as hard as small hands could pound. This Bree remembered firsthand as though it were yesterday. She was proud to be an American, to have the freedom to march with her fellow man in celebration, and considered themselves true patriots _ doing their duty for God and their country. It was tremendous knowing the world cheered with them, at the same moment in time and history. The monstrous and particularly atrocious war was finally over, people stretching the globe rejoicing _ filled with such happiness! Fireworks streaked across the heavens _ this time in glory, not mayhem and murder!



After the war ended a group called The Heritage Foundation presented a long slinky, silver colored traveling trailer to the American people designating it The Freedom Train. The interior walls of the vehicle were encased in windows of glass, and under lock and key displayed historical documents. The parchments contained original copies of the Declaration of Independence, The Gettysburg Address, The US Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and many,


many more though none as famous as these. The government planned to tour the country with its newly inherited mobile exhibition making stops in most major cities. With news that The Freedom Train was stopping in Los Angeles the Principal and faculty where Bree attended elementary school devised a plan whereby a boy and girl would be named to represent their school. In order to choose whom the lucky twosome might be they decided to hold a written contest. Winners would receive free trips to review and evaluate The Freedom Train in LA. The principal was very patriotic. One example of that was when the war ended the country was facing major bankruptcy since the government put every nickel into the war effort. They were forced to liquidate all types of machinery deemed unnecessary to the welfare of The United Sates of America. Items such as Jeeps and trucks, tanks, including amphibians, airplanes _ you name it, anything that could be sold off the auction block would be peddled to the highest bidder to get the country on its feet again. Mr. Hancock, the school principal bought four Jeeps for the cause. When the Army delivered the Jeeps to the school _ a celebration was held. Bree remembered a silver haired actor cowboy named Hopalong Cassidy was guest of honor, Hoppy for short, appearing with his horse, Topper, Toppy for short. Together they performed many exciting riding, roping, and horse tricks. Hoppy taught the children how to make a lasso. Then preceded to rope everything in sight, including the four Jeeps parked in a row on the school grounds. Can you imagine how long his lariat must have been to accomplish that fete? Toppy was a pure white palomino, with flowing white beautiful mane and tail. Hoppy was a dude, dressed in a black cowboy suit with white stitching on the collar and shoulders, as well as the pockets and cuffs of his shirt. He wore a large silver belt, which matched Toppys silver saddle perfectly, and wore a white hat and boots. Hoppy proudly explained to the audience that the saddle was of pure silver and never needed shinning. When not in use he stored it in his San Fernando mission home safe, which might give one the notion as to the size of his residence _ the safe had to have been huge! Some years later he acquired his own television show. That was when Bree learned his real name wasnt Hopalong Cassidy at all, but was William Boyd. That little tid-bit had stunned her to say the least, so Mary explained that actors often used stage names. Another actor cowboy had visited their school years earlier. His name was Monty Montana. He and his horse had performed many of the same horse and rope tricks as did Hoppy and Toppy. Monty was a handsome movie star, and was The Master of Ceremony at The Rose Parade for many years, which was telecast live and the children were able to watch him on television as well. He was also the Master of Ceremonies at Granites annual Christmas Day Parade. His horse was extremely Trigger-esque in appearance, and oh so very beautiful! Monty dressed completely


in fawn colored buckskin. Bree was impressed mostly by his clothing, which thoroughly matched his thoroughbred in color, ditto his ten-gallon hat and boots. Mr. Hancock hired a photographer and pictures were taken that day, everyone was given the opportunity to order copies. Meg ordered some and they remain in her family photo album today. Pictures included several of the Jeeps parked in the ballpark, Hopalong Cassidy _ Topper grazing on the grassy knoll where the Maypole was installed every Mayday and children celebrated the first day of May. Each year Mary sewed fairy style costumes made of crepe paper in different shades of pastel for them, then dance around the pole in their paper gowns pretending to be little princesses _ no tiara, which was also decorated with crepe paper streamers in celebration of Springs lovely May flowers. Also taken were pictures of the principal and teachers, which the foreground denoted children playing where Megan was caught on camera. One wondered what Mr. Hancock planned to do with all those Jeeps? The answer was never revealed, nor did anyone witness him driving one to and from school. Mrs. Stewart, Brees teacher informed her students that contest entries must include a written letter of one hundred words or less explaining why they as students wished to visit the Freedom Train. At that moment most of the class chimed in unison _ awe, gee whiz, I dont know what to write! The educator was patient and understanding. She attempted to discuss general pointers to the class without actually telling them what to write, explaining that everything must be written in their own hand and words, which helped Bree immensely. Somehow Dan Smiths and Bree Browns letters were picked. Dan had been Annes boyfriend once upon a time. The staff failed to point-out that in the prize was a catch! The winner would choose his or her favorite document from the Freedom Train, memorize it, and give a speech from memory on it. They would be required to recite their speech in the presence of every kid in the entire school, in the auditorium, on stage, with parents in attendance Yikes! Finally the time came to visit the Freedom Train. The principal and educator accompanied them on the trip. They traveled by train to Los Angeles; her very first train-ride ever; that was exciting in its self! The train was on display at Union Station in LA, which enabled them to take the train direct _ no angst of the possible flat tire, parking problems, getting lost, or anything of the sort. They were pleasantly surprised to find no long line awaiting them before they could clamor aboard. Wasting no time in getting to the subject at hand Bree found the documents directly _ they were amazing! The simple fact that they were ancient and so well preserved totally impressed her. She found the words inscribed within the documents so prolific for their day. The famed gentlemen who signed those scrolls _ their signatures appeared stained, was it from their own blood, sweat and tears? Nevertheless, their handwriting was beautiful! As she studied them in a rather peripheral way, she tried to visualize how they must have looked during the signing of those famous old documents. As she stood watching she became aware of a mushy dank scent and a-


misty dew like substance eerily vent from the yellowed hallow pages. As the odor lingered the vapors began to dissipate and substituted by a ghostly, quite grainy image of a man from a very different time period, quill pen in hand with billowing feather top, half anticipating a sneeze as she stood there fixated as others joined around him waiting to append their signature to what would become a lasting heritage. It suddenly occurred to her that they werent mere visuals, but clearly human men as they waited in turn to sign those great sheaves of paper, men who realized the importance of their signature to mankind. She sensed the steam of their breath upon her, she could have reached out tenderly touching them, but feared by doing so her hands would glide clear through them as searchlights in the night. Abruptly a voice was heard, rather brashly she thought. At once the luminous images began imploding before her very eyes into crystal like sand, but not before she witnessed their white powdery wigs, lacy frock shirts and fancy fob coat and pants, all the way down to their high buttoned shoes, after which the eerily ethereal vision dissolved into wispy whisps of air. Squinting, blinking her eyes tightly, then rubbing them with all her might in effort to bring back the ghostly spirits she had observed in awe. Then remembering to use her peripheral vision again in hopes she might trick them into returning, to no avail. Apparently her pilgrim fathers abandoned her once again. Then she wondered had she actually viewed this spectacle, or could it have been Tom trickery, simple imagery? She had seen spirits many times before, but this was totally different. For one thing it was in the middle of the afternoon; she was neither frazzled, day dreaming, sleeping, or recently awakened, and because it wasnt even dark yet she knew she wasnt dreaming. She doubted anyone could convince her into believing that she had dreamt the entire scenario especially since the visions were so vibrantly clear. Once the spirits descended upward and beyond the gauzy vail of nothingness she detected a sweet smelling powdery aroma. Was it the fragrance of corn powder they applied to their wigs? Gazing at the carpet she was amazed to find lasting traces of a dusky white substance where the apparitions had hovered just above the floor! Could the remnants have been dropped there previously? Was it a matter of coincidence? She supposed she would never know positively whether her progenitors were real or imagined. At that moment it occurred suddenly to her that the voice shed heard was that of Mr. Hancock who was then vying for her attention to adv ise the children of the surprise he planned for them. Were going to Cliftons Cafeteria for lunch, he said, proudly. Oh, this was the living end! Bree had heard of the famous restaurant her whole life long. Some of her friends had eaten there, but she for one had never been! The restaurants reputation didnt disappoint _ it was simply divine! There were several realistic looking caverns and caves, and waterfalls that contained real running water! The caf


also boasted creeks and fountains, trees and birds, and patches of grass with flowers sprouting-up before your very eyes. Birds trilled and whistled as their bills magically clapped open and shut to the tunes they were singing. Flowers danced the hula to the beat of jungle drums playing in the background. Bree was wide-eyed, and mouth agape as she observed in awe the cafs bewitching enchantment. Disneyland wasnt completed until 1955 so the attraction was pretty spectacular for the times. The food was to die for especially the pumpkin pie with real whipped crme! What a Grande day for a babe such as her! The experience rendered her so grateful she had taken the time to compose the best letter possible instead of settling for mediocrity, which would have been the easiest. Chances were she would never again be granted such an extraordinary opportunity to experience the wonderment and bliss as this day turned out to be. Mary had informed Bree on many occasions that she was a nervous child, tightly strung as people whispered back then, rather than hyperactive as the malady would later become known (Bree often worried whether she could burst a spring, if so would her mind then be blown)? Learning this had taken her by surprise; she had always considered herself your everyday run of the mill impressiona ble young child, with equal amounts of rambunctiousness tossed in, and was probably wrong in thinking her two siblings were either Zombied out or were possibly Robots? The thought of speaking before three hundred people or more filled her with anxiety and dread. It wasnt that she lacked confidence; she was fairly certain of that. No, she could do the work _ that was the least of her worries. Her problem was plain old-fashioned stage fright. Fortunately she had a wonderful family who helped her with her special needs, and were quite the receptive audience. The principal gave her a copy of the document, and her family aided her in memorizing the words. In coaching her theyd let her know if she missed a word or got one wrong, in which case shed begin all o ver again with the correct word. They helped her remember a word by trying to get her to say the right word rather than handing it over on a silver platter, aiding her greatly in memorizing the total document. Because she practiced her speech as part of her daily routine she got it down pat within a matter of weeks. She opted for the Gettysberg Address for her speech mainly because she thought it might be easier to remember, but also because she loved history and believed so much in human rights and fairness to all. Dan opted for the US Constitution, which she figured would be more difficult to memorize, too wordy, at least in her estimation, though Dan had the reputation of being one of the brainiest kids in school. So naturally he chose something that was challenging for him. She ended up memorizing her speech too early, causing her to worry whether shed forget it before even given the chance to recite it. In discussing these fears with her father he advised her to repeat the speech aloud several


times a day when no one else was around. Claiming if she did that her speech would become customary to her, and have no further need for concern. Herrman had been right on! On the day of the program Mr. Hancock requested that Bree and Dan arrive several hours early so that they could run through their speeches to make certain they knew them well. Upon their arrival Mr. Hancock stood waiting for them in the auditorium. He offered them some pearls of wisdom, which Bree excepted as gospel and used them to her benefit. The principal claimed it was much more difficult making speeches before a large audience opposed to recitals for family members and friends. He assured them he would be backstage for the duration, should either stumble he would be behind the curtain coaching them along. So there was no reason to panic over a forgotten word. Then he handed them the gem, which Bree believed was a lifesaver. Do not make eye-contact with anyone in the audience regardless of whom they might be, that includes friends and family members alike. They ran through their lines several times making no mistakes _ so far so good. As Mr. Hancock worked on the sound equipment, several volunteers busied themselves setting up the stage, giving Bree plenty of time to become nervous in the service as they say. Dan as usual was cool as a cucumber. At last people began filing into the auditorium, and before long it filled to capacity with standing room only. Look here, Bree, Dan said. Why sweat it? You know that you know your speech _ youre just being foolish. To her surprise his statement helped a great deal though he hadnt intended it to. His point was she knew her speech _ everyone realized it but her. The comment appeared to give her the confidence she was lacking. At last the time had arrived for her to make her delivery. The principal introduced she and Daniel. On cue she walked to the platform and began her speech. She found that peering well above the audience heads, in a place beneath the ceiling, was a space she claimed for her very own. It was as though she alone dwelled in the hollow safe emptiness. All sound was muted; all motion stood still, the glare from the floodlights subdued. She began reciting her speech to her and her alone just as she had for the p ast several weeks. No nerves fright or terror could ascend her hidden porthole. She was untouchable invincible she was in the zone, man! Not so surprisingly Dan made no mistakes either and both received standing ovations. Men whistled by placing two fingers between their teeth, blowing hard, Brees dad being one of them! The long ordeal was finally over. Theyd both given perfect speeches. It was time to go. Oddly enough had the principal requested her to stay and repeat the words all over again, she would have done so gladly! Afterward Brees family celebrated by eating dinner out and allowed her to choose the restaurant. She chose Chinese food. In her opinion supper was sublime her first sampling of Asian cuisine, though happily not her la st!


What was the ancient old secret of managing chopsticks she wanted to know? Herrman finally requested forks for the entire family. The belief that nothing good ever came from war is wrong. World War 11 proved to be the exception to the rule. People were prolifically patriotic then. Everyone came together for a common cause, and this was true of almost every country from sea to shinning sea. If citizens hadnt had the moxie, Germany would have won. Not only people here at home, but also underground networks across the globe consisting of men, women _ even children. Many people throughout Europe who was either too old or too sick for the military helped in different ways. The vast web was scattered across almost every country in the world. This crisscrossing link also included Germany. Not all Germans agreed with Hitler. It took the joint effort of citizens everywhere to win a war waged by lunatics! Since the US entered the war only after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, one wonders what would have happened had the Japanese not bombed Pearl? Would Hitler have won his crazy crusade? Imagine the horrendous consequences that would have presented to the world. Would we all be speaking a different language today?


Tom whispered something to Bree causing the hair of her nape to stand straight out, aroused her repose, and continued to urge her return to the present time and place, as the cool shivers raced-up and down her spine. The sensation was delicious and hadnt minded being coaxed from her voyage to the forties back to the fifties! Yes, she said. Im having an excellent time. Fully awakened she realized Tom had asked her if she were having a good time? Thanks again, Tom, she said. For yet another unbelievable birthday party. Then asked him what he wanted for his own birthday, barely three months away. He pooh-poohed the question, but she wasnt letting him off the hook that easy. No, Thomas, she reiterated. Its time to reciprocate. Im working now and money isnt an object. Im springing for your birthday, so get used to the idea!


Okay, you win, he smiled, adoringly! Good, she retorted, smiling back. Then he said hed think it over, and let her know later what hed decided upon. Okay, you have exactly two months to think about it. Deal, he said. Then planted a wet one -smack dab on her lips. Slightly clinging to him he gently shoved her aside. As they looked around the room they discovered that everyone else was doing precisely the same thing. Nary a soul paid the slightest attention to them. Tom suddenly reached-out and grabbed her, kissing her all over again. Bree was vaguely cognizant of sinking into the plush sofa cushions when she realized Tom was atop her, forcing her more deeply into the billowing pillows. Strangely, it was she who resisted and physically had to pry him off her. It was dreadfully difficult for her at the time _ either that or drag him off to his room! He asked if she must leave with Anne and Dean? Afraid so, she said, and wished it wasnt necessary. She didnt want Annes mother thinking she was using her, and she would have been if she hadnt answered yes. She might even have called Mary and told her so. Anne no doubt would have sided with her mom. Instinct told her to tread lightly and not to do anything that could jeopardize their long-standing friendship. After explaining the situation in that light Tom totally concurred. The crowd grew weary having danced away most of the evening and because of the late hour, which Bree would have already been in bed if she werent spending the night with Anne. The small group were reminiscing the good ol days when Dean stood announcing he had to get going, then looked Toms way and offer ed to drop off Bree. Before Tom could open his mouth she piped-up, Thats a great idea, feigning surprise. That would save Tom the trip. Tom attempted to object for show purposes only since theyd already agreed on the matter. When he walked her to the car he kissed her again, oh, so delectably she thought. She melted like ribbon candy in his arms. He whispered huskily that he wished she could stay. She murmured back that she wished she could too. He looked deeply in her eyes _ reaching her very soul in his mind as he held her tenderly in his arms. It was almost too much to bear! Well get together soon, he said, voice barely audible. Ill think of something. She hugged him quickly then hopped in the backseat. When they arrived at Annes she and Dean remained in their seats so they could make-out awhile. Bree opened the door saying, Later guys, and hurried inside. Be there in a minute, Bree, she called out. Naturally her mother wanted to know where she was. They are in the car, shell be right in, and headed for Annes bedroom All right, Dear, she said. Thank you, sleep tight.


Night, she muttered. When she heard Annes voice ring-out gaily she was already in bed. The two chatted in hushed tones as though she was already asleep and didnt wish to disturb her. So she couldnt determine exactly what they were saying. They were very, very close and spent many evenings discussing what Anne would wear to school the next day. Her mom sewed most her clothing and was an expert seamstress. She knew every single item of clothing her daughter possessed to the last pair of socks and ribbon. Bree was provoked at herself for not permitting Tom to drive her home after all, thinking, she could have relished him that much longer plus gotten a whole lot of loving to boot! Actually, though, she really hadnt wanted him to drive her since he would have had to turn around and drive back alone in total isolation because of the lateness of the evening there would be absolutely no traffic on the road. Also, she felt certain hed drunk too much. She wouldnt have wanted the fuzz to pull him over, especially not after his last comment to her. Was it possible the liquor had loosed his tongue, giving him the courage he lacked to assert his true feelings? His remark dispelled any questions she may have had concerning his love for her. The knowledge was pure heaven for her who by now was totally in love with the guy _ completely under his spell. She had longed to know whether his feelings for her were mutual. Sleep escaped her that night for thoughts of him. She didnt care _ she enjoyed it, though actually preferring shorter increments of sleeplessness _ not the duration! Man, her tail was dragging the next day!



Anne and Dean planned to spend the next day at the beach and invited Bree to tag along. Bree understood that she was being polite, and that three was a crowd. Plus her folks would have thought it extreme _ celebrating her birthday the night before then traipsing off to spend the day at the beach on the following day, getting home just in time to celebrate her dinner party. Mary would certainly have applied an old adage in that regar d Give her an inch and shell take a mile. She was raised with the old adage, and in fear of crossing the line it had stifled her to the point she was afraid to ask for anything. Since she hadnt gotten much sleep the night before she was perfec tly content to spend the afternoon at home, hopefully grabbing some shut-eye before dinner. Thankfully Anne and Dean had given her a lift home, to which she was eternally grateful. When she arrived she realized shed almost forgotten that Tom was coming fo r dinner. Neither had thought to mention it the evening before. She hoped he hadnt forgotten though she wasnt really all that concerned since she did have her siesta. It worried Mary that she needed an afternoon nap _ something she rarely


ever did. Bree explained that shed been so excited the night before she couldnt sleep, which pacified her as she dropped the subject. Should she have called Tom to ask if he remembered her dinner party that evening, which of course was frowned upon in the nineteen fifties. Supposedly nice girls didnt telephone the boys. The so -called etiquette seemed idiotic to Bree. Once she asked her mother what was so terribly improper about a girl calling her boyfriend? Shocking as it may sound her reply was _ if they were interested in speaking with you theyd call you! People actually thought girls who called boys were little chippies in those days (their word)! She had called Tom on several occasions and doubted he paid the slightest credence to the so-called rules of etiquette routine and wondered whether any of the fellas believed in that stuff? Girls were complacent in the fifties and believed that rules were rules and should be observed _ not to question why. Bree wondered if prissy little, Emily Post, or Dorothy Manners had indeed passed these rules on down through the years, if so she wondered who died and left them the incredible authority of scribbling down the rules by which she must live? Perhaps stipulations were written as situations were warranted? Naturally skeptical she questioned whether the original Post or Manners suffices was actually Mister rather than Miss? If true they plotted and pulled off the greatest hoax of the century! She neednt have worried. Tom arrived at 5:00 PM sharp, and dinner wa s promptly served. He was an expert on how to schmooze it up with the patriarchs. He brought Mary a bouquet of flowers and Herrman a tin of Prince Albert tobacco. Dinner was terrific; Mary baked Brees favorite cake _ double Dutch chocolate, and mighty mo ist as always. Following dinner Herrman suggested he and Tom retire to the living room. He was anxious to try out his new pipe tobacco. Mary had placed her flowers in a vase, and used them as a centerpiece. She nodded in Brees direction after the men left the room, which signaled she wanted her in the kitchen washing dirty dishes! For the men after dinner represented relaxation time _ reclining in easy chairs digesting their meal, sampling tobacco while watching the Ed Sullivan Show. Herrman kept a spare pipe on hand for just such an occasion. That really bugged Bree and besides whose birthday was it anyway? Some things just never changed back in the day and that was certainly one of them! Bree thought it strange that a wife could spend hours in the kitchen, preparing food, tossing salads, making deserts (mixing, paring, slicing, dicing, chopping, mashing, preparing pie dough, preparing cookie dough, baking, boiling, parboiling, poaching, roasting, broiling, charring, searing, grilling, sauting, simmering, steaming, stewing, frapping, frying, and whipping). Yet never occurred to the men for a solitary second that she herself might be in dire need of digesting a meal never mind relaxing _ forget that shed been on her feet most of the day!


Everyone enjoyed the meal. Often times the cook had difficulty eating having breathed the vapors simmering atop the stove or wafting up from the ovens roasting pan, appearing to sate ones appetite, however temporary, yet within hours finding ones self starved to death! It was the woman who spent hours preparing an excellent meal for everyones enjoyment only to remain kitchen bound to cleanup the clutter, rearrange the fridge and make room for new leftovers, wash and dry dishes, pots and pans. Once everything was back in its proper place came the ultimate drudgery of scouring the table and counters, the stove, the sink, and hauling off the garbage! Is something wrong with this picture? No, you say? Well, you must be a man! She believed men created microwave ovens and frozen dinners specifically for them, not for women, so theyd have something simple and easy to prepare in the off chance they ever had to cook _ God forbid! In a fair world it seemed to Bree the opposite should take place _ ladies resting with propped up feet as men showed appreciation for a meal well done, cleaning up the kitchen and washing the dishes only _ they could air dry _ nothing heavy. Women wouldnt dislike cooking so much if that were the case. Theyd derive more pleasure in preparing a meal if their partners helped-out as well. Today many men do the cooking and the women clean up their messes _ seems only fair. Only the wealthy could afford automatic dishwashers back then. Toms mother had one; otherwise Bree probably wouldnt have known they existed. Certainly none of her friends or relatives owned them. Bree and Jo usually did the dishes for Mary though not by choice they could assure you! Often begging her to buy a dishwasher with no conception of how expensive they were. Her standard answer was _ Why should I buy one when I already have three? You could always count on her to crack up at her own jokes, which generally put everyone in stitches. That was the funniest part of all when she laughed at her own humor; one couldnt help falling apart. They often chided her to collect new material to no avail. Sometimes they thought she thought she was the funniest thing come down the pike since Jack Benny! Very funny, Molly McGee, theyd tell her. The girls worked out a regular schedule, each would do dishes for one week then rotate to the next girl for a week, the last girl for the week after, and so on and so fourth on a permanent basic. They dearly loved their schedule of washing dishes once every third week. Meg ruined everything by getting married! After that they were forced to wash dishes every other week instead of every third oh, woe were they! Could man have invented automatic dishwashers out of guilt Bree wondered? If that were true _ why didnt they make them more affordable? When finally they joined the men in the living room, Bree was surprised to hear her father and Tom discussing college, trying to determine the college best for him since he aspired to be an electrical engineer.


Tom took his leave soon after and thanked her parents for their hospitality _ complimenting Mary on her pot roast. That went double for the double Dutch chocolate cake he said, which she baked from scratch (not a cake mix)! Everyone concurred with Tom. Bree thanked them both for the wonderful birthday party and gifts. The whole scene had been di lovely _ Bree alone had the greatest parents on earth! Well now, young lady, youre seventeen years old, what do you intend doing after graduation, Herrman asked? Im not sure, Daddy, but I have a year left to consider, hopefully Ill know by then. Then Tom invited Bree to the Tick-Tock, or a movie, perhaps? Might I, Father? Which one, he asked, laughing? How about both, she said, shocking him she knew. Certain shed gone overboard _ taking that extra yard! Mulling it over, Herrman finally said, Its your birthday, youre a young women now _ go and have fun. His eyes clearly misting as he was speaking. Thank you, Daddy, she cried. Thank you! A bit tearful herself she hugged him and then her mother. Bree thanked her again for the wonderful dinner party, and terrific gifts, even kissing sister Jo! Passing through the doorway she called out, Ill be home early! They were disappointed to discover that the movie was only a single feature. That night marked the beginning of the end of the double picture show. The couple didnt care for that at all. It felt to them like high robbery! Most unfair they agreed was charging the same price for a single movie _ a gyp! They firmly believed the ticket price ought to have been cut in half, at least reduced, but of course that never happened. The Tick-Tock was dead that night. Sunday nights usually were _ everyone home preparing for the school week. Rose wasnt there either _ her night -off. They enjoyed the customary cherry coke then split for home. Since the movie ended so early they parked a few blocks from the house, eager to steal a kiss or two. She arrived home within her parents time frame _ possibly for the last time. Hadnt Herrman implied as much that evening? Quickly, she hit the hay, sleeping as if drug induced, which of course wasnt the case. She had hoped to dream of Tom that night, as luck would have it she could not. Dreams of him were generally pretty weird. She obviously was aware that the dream was about him, yet she never actually saw his face, only the outlines, the rest was nebulous and at times without any face at all, yet throughout the entire dream she knew it was he. Could it have been wishful thinking on her part _ no, she was positive it was he.



Bree decided to give Darleen a call on Sunday and prayed she wouldnt be in another b --chy mood. She planned to pick up her annual that day, but decided to call first. To Brees delight she appeared in topnotch spirits, and asked if the time was right to drop-by? She said the timing was perfect! Cool, Bree said, and promised to come after breakfast. Perfect, she said. By then the twins will be down for their afternoon nap. `Whatever, they dont bother me at all. Well, they bother me, and theyve been especially cranky today. Ok, Bree said. See you soon. When she arrived it was like, Alls quiet on the western front. The gang had recently seen a western movie by that title, adopting it and using it as their own catch phrase instead of alls well. Darleen was alone except for her sleeping babies. Wheres the ball and chain, Bree asked, gaily. He went to the races, thank God! The twins are cutting zee's so we have the whole place to ourselves. Wheres the folks?


Oh, playing cards at my Aunt Ericas. Great, Bree said. Lets collect my annual and a blanket and go to work on our tans. It was a beautiful spring day, the temperature in the low-seventies, spring flowers were popping-up everywhere, Robbins were busy building nests in anticipating their new offspring, summer was but a hop, skip, and a j ump away. For the first time in Brees memory _ she could hardly wait! Where is it, Darleen asked, innocently enough? Your annual, I mean? Dont be silly, Darleen, you have it _ remember? I dont have it, she said. Quit kidding around, Darleen, and go get it! Shed always had a twisted sense of humor. As a matter of fact she was famous for it. Im not kidding, she insisted. Now Bree was beginning to get worried. OK, whod you lend it to? Nobody, was her reply! Someone must have taken it, then? No one took it, she said. You didnt leave it here. Starting to get exasperated, she said, Youre just forgetting, Darleen. Dont you recall my leaving it here (at your behest) the week prior to going to Sunkist to apply for work? Remember, I told you Id pick it up the following Friday on our return from Sunkist, quizzing her, hoping to jog her memory. You requested I leave it in your hands until then, dont you recollect that, Darleen? However, once we left Sunkist we didnt return to your place, remember? You drove me to Lornas house instead, you certainly must recall that much _ dont you, she asked? As luck would have it _ it wasnt possible to return until today, and thats my sole purpose for coming here. I want my annual back, Darleen. Youve enjoyed it long enough now its my turn. So please start looking for it. Youve probably misplaced it and forgotten all about it, thats all, she said, hopefully. After hashing over the entire incident her facial expression remained blank, and the longer Bree spoke the blanker it became. Bree continued the same approach hoping against hope she would eventually see the light. She absolutely refused to trouble herself by looking for it. Why should I look for something I know isnt here, she asked? That ticked Bree off! Look, Darleen, you have it; I know you have it, and you know I know you have it! I dont understand why youre lying about it unless you plan to steal it from me, and I cant possibly imagine youd do a thing like that to me _ of all people.


Nothing! Please, just hand it over now, now Bree said. Your little ruse is beginning to tire me. After all this her mind was still not prepared to except the fact that her so-called friend intended to rob her. How dumb could she have been? Still nothing! Hey, if you want to remain my friend, return my annual now, and go buy your own, or if you think its worth losing a friend over _ then fine, were no longer friends. Its your call, Darleen, Bree snapped. The situation was crystal clear to her now. Bree read it in her cat-like-eyes. She already knew it was too late now _ she had crossed the line this time with her childish lies and she wasnt about to back down now . Knowing her, as Bree did, she probably figured shed already lost a friend, so why lose the annual as well? Far too late Bree realized just how cunning Darleen really was. Darleen finally spoke. I would love to return your annual, Bree. But as Ive al ready explained _ I never had it in the first place, so how could I possibly return it? Her troubling remark shocked her _ who was it she thought she was dealing with? Bree never came so close to slapping anyone in the face as she did that day! Shed ca ught Darleen in other small miss statements before, but didnt take her for a thief! Her mistake, now she must pay. The annual was never returned and Bree never spoke to her again. Of course the school couldnt replace her annual _ none were available. The publishers couldnt print just one copy, for one person, so of course she was left out in the cold. And even if theyd agreed to publish just one copy _ it wouldnt have replaced the written words, the sentiment, and signatures within, which she cherished much more than the book. Bree prayed almost every night that when Darleen read the inscriptions in her own name _ not hers, shed have panic attacks and fits of guilt all though she doubted it. She couldnt possibly have a conscience or she wouldnt have stabbed her in the back. To think that she was the only person ever to ask to borrow it just made her stomach churn, knowing she was dumb enough to trust her made her even sicker! She was left thinking that shed planned it from the beginning after telling her she had every annual but that one! What bothered her the worst was-knowing shed gone overboard for her when no one else gave a rats batudy, defending her when no one else would! She tried in vain to include her in their circle of friends, who were not interested and didnt like her. Bree never understand why. She would never have believed that she could have stolen from her or anyone else for that matter _ so blatantly at that! The entire episode didnt make any sense to her, but then oftentimes Darleen didnt. She went straight home and told Mary everything. Of course she was very sypathetic and understanding. Bree begged her to speak to Darleens mother regarding the affair. Why, she asked?


Maybe we will get it back? No, Bree, she said. Its your word against hers, and there isnt anyone wholl take your part over hers _ you know that. True, she agreed. Then Mary repeated the old axiom shed been reared with _ If you get kicked in the ass by a jackass just consider the source. I know mom; thanks for reminding me of that old saw. The old adage had gotten her through some tough times before. She always pictured a donkey actually kicking her, whom she realized was after all, a dumb animal that didnt know any better. On Monday morning she told the crowd what happened _ so upset she began weeping, even more frustrated she allowed that to happen. She really only cared about her annual and wanted it returned to her, and knowing it would never be hurt her even more. Futilit y played a part knowing she hadnt heeded the advice of her true friends. Lorna tried to warn her, but she wouldnt listen. Kate and Lilly tried to warn her, she didnt listen to them either! Lorna couldnt help rubbing a little salt in the wound! I told you so, she said. Why didnt you listen to me? Why didnt you listen to the other girls _ they all warned you as well. Truthfully, Bree said. I didnt understand what everyone had against her. Now I know! It wasnt just a particular thing, Bree, it was an accumulation of things that eventually rolled into one. I think the main reason I disliked her was her stinginess. Darleen looked out for one person and one person only and that was Darleen _ to heck with the rest of us! Another reason is she had to succeed at everything regardless of the cost, if that included cheating, lying, or stealing to win _ so be it! Her comment reminded Bree of the time Darleen said that she just couldnt stand it if she wasn't the first to accomplish something regardless of what the consequences might be, just as long as she was first! Well, she was certainly first as screwing her over! Lilly remembered how unabashed she was at borrowing things, conveniently forgetting to return them at times though she made a practice of not lending anything of her own unless she wanted something in return, in that case she might consider it _ other wise forget about it! I only wished Id known that earlier, Lilly, Bree said. I certainly wouldnt have leant it to her in that case. Lilly, Lorna, you asked why I didnt take your advice, it surely wasnt that I didnt believe you, it was that I felt sorry for her. Hasnt anyone yet figured -out what a sob sister I am, and always the first to support the underdog? Katy, do you recall the time you were miffed at Jessie? Ive forgotten the reason now _ you might remember, anyway you got everyone to agree not to speak to her at the club meeting. I couldnt bare it _ she picked -up on it


almost immediately, and I was the first to brake the cold shoulder agreement. Then everyone was mad at me _ remember, you guys? Yes, Bree, Lorna said. But what a hard lesson you learned because of it. Why in hecks name didnt she just buy an annual in the first place if she wanted one so badly? Wouldnt you imagine that that would have been easier than screwing over a friend? And the way I see it _ she hasnt that many to spare. Lorna said Darleen was lucky she was no longer in school. She doubted anyone would bother speaking to her again after this latest episode. The morning bell peeled out _ their cue to head for first period, homeroom. Conversation regarding Darleen was over. Good, Bree thought. She was never so sick of hearing someones name as she was hers, and hoped to never speak her name again. Her faith in humanity would never again be quite as trusting.


Tom and Bree planned to go to the movies Friday night. They were excited at the prospect of seeing their very first 3-D flick. They had heard nothing but praise for the new fangled feature. Colorama and Smellorama were making their film debut at selected theaters across the nation that weekend; including their local cinema the Eden. The latest movie release was entitled, Phantom of the Rue Morgue. It starred little known actors at the time _ Karl Malden and Merv Griffin. Larry and Lorna planned to accompany them. Neither had seen 3-D before either, which only added to all the enthusiasm. The fellas decided to take Larrys Chevy Bel -Air, which everyone agreed was out of sight! After the fellas purchased the tickets they were handed two pairs of 3-D glasses each. They were large kooky looking apparatuses, but who cared? The theater was jam-packed, though they were able to locate four seats in the middle section of the sixth or seventh row. Seating arrangement could have been better, as they were closer to the screen than they would have normally preferred, but considered themselves' fortunate to obtain four seats in a row. They would have favored lounges in the balcony, but unfortunately were everyones first choice and at no additional charge either. They didnt bother looking there _ they knew better. When Bree was younger theaters charged extra


for those cushy seats, people didnt mind paying an added fee since seating in them was like sitting in your home recliner. Apparently once the newness wore off people wou ldnt pay the extra fee and the comfy seats remained empty for the longest time until the charges were dropped. Once seated the guys left to load-up on goodies! It was intermission so Bree and Lorna spent most of the time discussing different theories on how the odorous scents were released throughout the theater. They pondered whether they might be vented through the air-freshener ducts. In those days theaters walls were equipped with little gadgets that squirted aromatic mists periodically, or perhaps the projectionist dropped pellets into a vat that released the aroma through the venting system? No scratch and sniff cards were around at that time. They never learned the method, but whatever the case the smell gimmick went bust. None detected the faintest aroma flotation during the showing so Smellorama didnt survive its own odor. Was it all just a gimmick to get one out and about? If so theyd missed the boat, and was the last anyone heard of the Smellorama scheme. Though everyone agreed Colorama wa s outstanding _ they could dig it! It became an over -night success, existing until this very day, and featured in major cities throughout the world. Although difficult to locate at times since owners pack as many theaters into as many nook and crannies under one roof as is possible nowadays, enabling them to run at maximum concurrently, rendering screens considerably narrow for exhibiting the wide-angle lens of Colorama, and was understandably disheartening to see these magnificent motion pictures go by the wayside, especially when one appreciates the larger than life films as Brees crowd did. The guys returned and distributed the goodies just as the movie began. The flick had been extremely bloodcurdling throughout. Actors appeared to jump right out-of the celluloid at you, or sling myriad stage props at you including every torture device known to man, as well as bloody morgue slabs, meat coolers, chopped-up body parts of the dead, abysmal stabbing victims bleeding grossly and tossed seemingly directly straight at you, with horrifying screams throughout the duration. You name it buster they had it! Theatergoers could have used an extra pair of eye sockets to spot everything taking place all in one shot _ the screen so wide. It seemed new scenery constantly lambasted spectators in the face, such breakneck speeds rendered the brain incapable of absorbing all the action packed into one scene. With such an active screen and most the chicks seeming to be screaming their heads off created the illusion that the movie was even more violently active than it actually was _ though abundantly scary on its own merit! The foursome decided to duck-out before the movie ended, in part because of the gore, but also to beat the crowd. First removing their glasses to see where they were going _ the theater so dark. The cinema was actually darker than it would have normally been _ the better to frighten you my dear! The step lights were on every other one and then just one instead of one on either end of each step.


The ladies room at the Eden was extra large and included a number of stalls for those days, also included was a separate sitting room or smoking lounge _ though people were theater goers back then. The walls were decorated with several giant gilded mirrors. Chaise lounges were furnished in red velvet with golden fringe as well as several overstuffed chairs. Cosmetic tables were provided beneath each mirror and were made of marble as were the wash basins, each table included a small stuffed stool covered with red velvet and gold fringe. The walls were papered with a deep rich red silk fabric with golden dragon design. The dragons were a deeply gilded tint, flamboyant and regal. Movie entrances were hidden with heavily draped velvet fabrics; the lush pile of the Italian carpets carried the same golden dragon theme as the wallpaper. A winding stairwell leading to the balcony was gilded, and wall hangings were genuine oil paintings set in gilded frames, no doubt painted by the masters _ as realistic as any museum painting ever could be. Some smoked illegally in theaters back then. You knew because the smoke drifted into the light shaft of the projection booth, which was how managers ferreted out lawbreakers. Rarely occurring nowadays, but back then so common if someone had yelled fire no one would have budged. It was a guy thing; gals were rarely known to do it if ever. Surprisingly no fires were ever started from smoking in the cinema, though smoking was perfectly legal in the balconies back then _ go figure! When leaving the theater they observed a comedy extraordinair in their minds anyway. Facing the audience wearing those strange oversized glasses one could barely make-out the faces for the spectacles _ all heads were turned to the silver screen, but for reasons known only to the exiting teens the scene had tickled their funny bones and they burst into gales of laughter. At that point all heads turned in their direction at exactly the same moment as if mechanically driven reminding them of owls at a very dark convention! The gawking continued as they paraded out the door, then quickly glanced back in time to catch the theater goers redirect their gaze to the celluloid picture show at precisely the same time as before, which sent them into convulsions! You couldnt pay for timing like that! The horse opera comedy appeared scripted to function squarely as it had. The film fanatics also bore a striking resemblance to wooden dummies, via Charley MacCarthy with the exception of the bat glasses rather than a monocle whom Disney had wired to move their noggins precisely on cue with mechanisms triggered to go off at the very first sound of laughter! Reaching the lobby still howling with laughter they encountered scores of lollygaggers heaped upon the lounges and staircases, or nestled deeply in the piles of the carpets waiting out the movies end to collect whomever it was they came with _ the film too ghoulish for their taste! The group had a ball despite the blood and gore galore. Almost breathless from laughing they escaped the Eden heading for the Tick-Tock. Larry circled the parking lot in search of a spot in anticipation of a cheery-cherry-coke in hopes of settling his jangled nerves.



The last week of school finally arrived. Bree was genuinely looking forward to summer vacation for a change _ things would be different this time. She would be a working gal and have a wonderful paycheck coming in. It would be a challenge for her _ nevertheless a dream come true! She never once stopped to consider whether the job might prove cumbersome for her. Her concerns were strictly of Tom and Tom alone, and having at long last a position that could enable her to purchase the leather jacket shed dreamed of. However, one last accomplishment remained before schools end. The fellas must carry out the age-old tradition of carting off old Mr. Harveys Renault _ most everyones favorite instructor. They wouldnt want him thinking they didnt love him anymore _ right? So as was the custom the boys carried it off and parked it elsewhere for the umpteenth time _ thereby making his day. What a sport the kindly sweet gent was. His keen sense- of-humor knew no bounds. Students appreciated his endeavors to make school fun for everyone, and his good humor rubbed off on most of them. Graduation was held on Friday at 1:00 PM. The young graduates included Tom and Larry, Anne, Michael and John St. John, (also known as Jack) Robert, James and Wally. Jack and Jessie became a hot new item. Lorna, Lilly, Sheila and Jessie, Renee, Katy and Bree would be sitting together at the ceremonies. Devon would attend the exercise as always _ the group would save a seat for him. The program barely got started when Devon arrived. Plunking himself down in the reserved seat he knew was his asked where the celebration was being held. Sheila piped-up saying the party would be held at her house, to which she extended him an invitation. Do you know where I live, she asked?


Doesnt everyone in town know where the Mayor lives? By the standards of the day Sheilas house was a mansion, after all its where the Mayor hung his hat and citizens expected him to live in grand style. Sheila had never given a party of such size to date and was probably the only one with room large enough to accommodate the class of 54. Bree still remembered the first time Sheila invited her to a birthday party. The house was a scene straight out of Tarra in Gone With the Wind to her youthful thinking anyway. It was two stories and possessed fo ur Grecian columns on the front promenade. A massive entry hall boasted a heavy leaded crystal chandelier, which hung from the ceiling above (second floor ceiling) and lit-up like the White House Christmas tree. The living room windows bore heavily draped velvet coverings with heavily fringed sashes, the proverbial baby grand piano led off to the winding staircase, which Bree had only seen at the movies. Her mother served a fancy luncheon using her silver service and porcelain dishes on stiffly starched white linens. The napkins were tightly drawn through sterling rings; she even had name cards placed where guests were to be seated. Bree loved every second of it. Why, they even had cooks and maids! No butler _ how disappointing! When she returned home that afternoon Mary was anxiously awaiting her _ dying to learn all the latest about the mayors house. Explaining everything shed observed, Mary appeared awestruck. Why, oh why, cant we be wealthy like the Wrights are, she blurted out suddenly? Why isnt daddy the mayor of Granite she asked tearfully, shamelessly. But her youth excused her outburst for the time being. It would be several years yet before she even began to mature. Though sounding like an enfant terrible, she actuall y wasnt _ though she did have her moments! Mary consoled her and was very understanding, stroking her hair, she repeated over and over again, I know, Dear, I know. If the truth were known Mary could remember having said similar things to her own mother! Before Bree knew it her heartthrob was awarded his high school diploma and at once became both happy and sad simultaneously. But gosh, was she ever proud of him! Somehow hed managed to graduate with honors! One truly reaps what they sow, and Bree had never known Tom to ditch school or have a single sick day in his life! He looked so handsome in his cap and gown she gushed to no one unparticular. An explosion of applause burst out when his name was called all though they did that for all graduates. Afterward Lilly took pictures of the crowd while they mugged for the photographer. Pictures were taken of Lilly and Wally, Anne and Dean, Lorna and Larry, Katy and Jack, and Tom and Bree. Then some group pictures and pictures of the guys were taken separately, then the guys took pictures of a gal grouping, which would later make nice keepsakes for everyone. Once the photo session ended they stood around shooting the breeze, shaking hands, congratulating all the young graduates.


Tom announced that his family was taking him to dinner to celebrate and that he had to split. Quietly he told Bree that he would probably be a little later than usual in picking her up for the party _ 8:00 at the latest and 7:30 at the earliest. She shook her head. He said it was only fair. Ill be ready by 7:30 just in case. Youre a dream, baby. Ill see you later, pecking her on the cheek before darting off. The group broke -up then in anticipating whatever it was they needed to accomplish to ready themselves for the grad-party. Bree didnt let on in the least bit, but she was miffed his parents hadnt invited her to the dinner party and confided as much to Mary when she returned home. If I were in their shoes, she said. Im not certain Id want to share those moments with Tom either. Isnt the dinner celebration for family members only? Obviously, she said, feeling somewhat better. You always have all the right answers, Mama. Though she had genuine concerns as to whether Toms mother cons idered her worthy of him. He was her baby; she totally understood that. His older siblings were all married, and had left the roost some time earlier. Bree wasnt at all certain Amy was prepared to loosen her apron strings anytime soon.



Sheila had invited the entire gang, including those who previously graduated _ even old married couples were invited. There were several exceptions; however, Darleen and her husband were not invited. Other guests included those who either graduated or graduated in subsequent years, and friends attending schools other than Granite, mainly Stoneridge. Her parents had hired a live band. The group was called The Capetts, excellent musicians with a groo vy beat, and remarkably easy to dance to. They were a quartet _ all related, the youngest, a girl, was the songbird. Her singing style and sound was so like that of Leslie Gore it was amazing, albeit several years before her time. None had heard of the Capetts before that night or since _ a splendid group who hopefully changed their name to some bug or other and became famous. Since everyone appreciated the showcase Sheila called home, they all dressed in their gladdest of glad rags. Their attire was probably more well suited to a New Years Eve gala than a graduation party. Almost to the one they came decked to the nines, easily the event of the year! Tom was exhilarated that evening, filled with merriment and wonderment at having reached his greatest achievement thus far. That evening he was not only ready to snag the world by its tail, but prepared to claim it for his very own _ dancing every dance bar none, with or without Bree. When she became too tired to cut-the-mustard he found another filly to flamenco _ with her consent of course. Always the gentleman he wouldnt have dreamt of not asking for permission, but what other answer could she have given beside yes? Once consenting she wound-upfeeling much like the wallflower even though she hadnt come stag to the party!


She continued having that left out feeling from time to time, apparently it showed. Shed been blessed with expressive facial expressions engrained in indelible ink _ impossible to conceal or erase, vulnerable to those wishing to read it _ an open-book people often said. Whatever emotion she sensed would be etched there in her face, giving her away every time. She simply hated it! Mary said, she wore her heart on her sleeve. All at once this attractive golden Adonis invited her to dance. Without the slightest hesitation whatever she rose to her feet, placing her hand in his. That was when the bolt of lighting charged through her body running a strange and sensitive course throughout her nervous system, which she couldnt say wasnt highly enjoyable as well as exciting yet rendered her all shook-up! The sudden sensation of their eyes locking felt similar to a magnet gouging and wrenching and twisting in attempting to pull them out of their very sockets. His eyes had become a battering ram of steel coiled springs springing forward, ripping at her eyeballs. The piercing sting shed grown to know so well during the trial was as incredibly painful as ever! She wasnt certain which caused the eye -splitting ache or whether they both had. She was positive however the feeling was mutual. Her only thought at the time was she mustnt allow this perfect stranger to grasp that she was all a twitter. Oh, no, that would never do as Mary could attest to. If he did know s he certainly couldnt allow him thinking he was the reason why! Suddenly she was conscious of someone standing to the left of her dancing partners shoulder, tapping on it. Oh, no, no, not now her heart sang, whereupon she flashed Tom her most dazzling smile. The gentlemen abruptly turned on his heel, and briskly strode away _ just like that she thought? The band broke into a slow foxtrot as Tom led her away. He never left her side from that moment on other than to refresh drinks or visit the men s room. She noted the punch was spiked and wondered whether Sheilas parents gave consent? When Tom did leave her side she found her eyes seeking out the flaxen haired man without her brain willing her to do so. The man with the golden tan was nowhere to be found. At last she spotted him conversing with the Mayor in the larger than adequate kitchen. Apparently sensing her eyes upon him he glanced in her direction, their eyes locked once again. Be still my heart! Again she experienced the same constriction and burning sensation of her eyes that almost felt like an eyeball tug of war! Was the attraction love at first sight? If that were so why on earth was the contact so wretchedly smarting? Though people often said they never wanted to fall in love again _ much too painful! Bree reasoned the distress she was feeling must have been what they were talking about!


The party didnt break-up until approximately 1:00 AM in the morning, which meant the Tick-Tock was definitely out of the question; everyone took off for home after thanking the Wright family properly for their gracious hospitality and gave kudos for a job well done. They were really exceptionally nice, especially for a mayor and his wife _ not stuffy at all! Having met the parents the gang understood why Sheila was so well liked. As the band was packing up their gear the fellas walked past and tipped them a sawbuck. Bree presented Tom the argyles she had knitted for him when they reached her place, she thought he appeared slightly taken aback, making her dizzy with happiness. He actually praised them, telling her how much he loved them, and how they meant more to him than anything anyone could possibly give him, adding he would cherish them always. Tom, she said. I do believe youve missed something on the very bottom, underneath the socks. Checking to see he discovered the miniature argyles shed knitted for his rearview mirror, which was very popular in the day to hang mini argyles over the mirror. Each small stocking was connected by a long string of yarn for draping across the mirror, and hung midway between the mirror and the dashboard. I love them, Bree, he exclaimed, then reached -up placing them across the mirror. Suddenly, they were in each others arms, and silly though it might sound they both began weeping. Were they tears of guilt on Brees part? Or Toms remorse for leaving her alone too much, thus her dancing with the handsome stranger? Neither really knew why. After the tears came the loving, and the promise to love each other till the end of time. The windows began fogging over. Tom was caressing her. She began yielding to his touch when suddenly the porch light blinked on. She could barely pinpoint Herrman standing on the stoa, taking a breather she assumed. Straightening in her seat she observed Toms quizzical stare. She realized he hadnt noticed the light snap on. She looked straight ahead; he followed her gaze and discerned her father standing there bolting upright in his seat. She rolled the window down, calling out, Hi Daddy, what are you doing up so late? I couldnt sleep, he replied. I was contemplating a midnight stroll _ the weather is so fine. Its late Daddy. The party didnt end until after 1:00 _ we came stra ight home. Maybe you were concerned about us? I think you should try again, Daddy. Ill be right in. Okay, Sweatheart, he responded, adding, Congratulations on your great achievement today young man. Thank you, Sir, Tom called out. Herrman waved as he moved towards the door. Tom, she said, after her father had gone inside. Have you decided what youd like for your birthday yet? Ill be starting my new job Monday, and well both be working full -time all summer long _ so, its not like we have loads of time for discussing it.


Herrman had relented some time ago and finally given out her phone number. Tom said hed planned to call her on Monday after work to see how the new job was going and in the meantime he would speak with his parents concerning his birthday bash. He wanted to float some ideas past them, and promised to let her know as soon as he made his decision.


Monday arrived much too early. Bree turned in early on the previous night hoping to be bright-eyed and bushytailed for her first day on the job and couldnt sleep a wink al l night for the excitement of having a real position for the first time in her short life. Rolling out of bed that morning was rough on her; she knew what she must do. Staggering into the kitchen she pored herself a stiff cup of coffee adding only a spoonful of sugar to the mix. Mary was sitting at the table enjoying her breakfast of black coffee, cigarettes, and the morning paper. She was an early riser. Bree couldnt remember a time when she wasnt sitting there at the table when she arose each morning. It didnt matter what time Mary went to bed the night before she still rose at the crack of dawn. Regardless of the situation, Bree knew shed always be sitting there at the table when she arose _ and she always was. Mary said it was because shed worked so many years, and her employer required she be on the job early each morning. There werent any freeways back then, so it took longer for people to reach their early morning destinations. Not many people could afford automobiles in those days; as a consequence carpooling was the ordinary. Carpooling took extra time; there were no park and rides back then. That wouldnt have helped those who didnt own vehicles anyway, which meant they needed to be picked -up near their homes and created longer driving times. After retirement she found it impossible to break years old sleep patterns and continued to rise before the rooster crowed! She watched Bree as she filled her cup, adding only the sugar, but never breathed a word. When she finished drinking her first mug she gave Mary a hug after which she poured another, taking it with her to the bathroom. After showering she added a little make-up and combed her hair; she was ready before Herrman.


Taking her empty cup back to the kitchen she noticed her mother packing two lunches instead of one. Herrman never left home without his lunch-pail and thermos bottle. The memory of that humped green lunch-pail remained vivid to her long after his retirement. Mary was a sweetheart _ always! After packing the lunches she insisted Bree have some orange juice shed prepared, and down the toast shed already buttered for her to tide her over until lunchtime. Shed finished up just in the nick of time. Father and daughter jumped in the old Dodge and hit the road Jack. Arriving on the job she went directly to personnel where she was given a time card and name badge. A milestone was reached when she punched a time clock for the very first time. She was introduced to her supervisor whose responsibility it was to train her for the first several days, after which shed be on her own. The job was strictly assembly line work. The faster you worked the more money you earned. By the end of her first week she had lost five pounds, and was told her output was up to expectati on, but she hadnt earned piecemeal. The second week her supervisor took her aside and said she thought she understood why she wasnt earning bonus. The orange crates contained layered sections of cardboard between each layer of fruit. Each formed circular shapes that dropped to a lower level in order to protect the oranges from bruising. Doreen, her supervisor, thought she was fussing too much trying to pack each orange perfectly, and wasting precious time. She said that the oranges would settle in automatically once the twelfth orange was placed. Doreen walked her along the belt-line pointing to more seniored employees at work. They were simply tossing the oranges in, one by one, not placing them in any particular order. Every orange was approximately the same in diameter, each crate held four layers of twelve, so the last orange of twelve in a layer straightened the fruit already placed. Women werent expected to hoist the crates, they were far too heavy. Cases were packed on the actual belt; cartons were then carried down the beltway to workmen who nailed the tops on them and loaded them onto trucks waiting to haul them to market. The amazing thing was that the orange crates were actually made of wood back then, so sturdy that produce managers had to use crowbars to open them. People actually used them for building furniture _ thats how resilient they were. When customers moved out of area they often requested crates for packing and shipping. Produce market managers handed them out generously, no deposit, no return. Nowadays when a customer asks for a carton they still liberally hand them out free of charge except that of course they are made of cardboard. After the crates were loaded on the trucks, they were hauled directly to markets. There was no middleman involved in those days; everything was direct. That system not only helped curb the price of oranges, but also guaranteed a fresher, healthier, tastier product. In todays market produce is bought in huge quantities by supe rstore


grocery chains, and delivered to cold storage warehouses where they could sit around unripened for weeks on end, maybe longer. By the time the third week rolled around her output yields were as high as those of older hands, and Bree was simply rolling in the dough ri me! She bought the long awaited leather jacket for Tom with her very first paycheck. Since it was already summer she found that they were blowing them out at twenty-five percent off sticker price. That was a great deal! The reduced price was only 22.50 plus tax. She decided to buy Tom a bright yellow polo shirt to better highlight it, and yellow socks to match the shirt. Thats the way things were done in the fifties. The socks had to match the shirt _ not the shoes or slacks! The same with the chicks _ they wore socks to match blouses and sweaters. When Tom called that evening Bree was bushed and didnt mind telling him so. He was very sympathetic, saying constantly, poor baby, or my poor baby, as she described her workload. Ill be just fine, she said. My body simply isnt accustomed to such vigorous work though hopefully Ill adjust in time. She obviously wasnt used to hard labor of any kind or she certainly wouldnt have lost five pounds the first week. As a rule she didnt lose weight or gain, and really couldnt afford any loss at all. I hope you wont make yourself sick, baby. Tom remarked, concerned. Ill be fine. Really, Im a healthy broad. What would you say about going to the mountains or the desert for my birthday? You know my parents have a place in Palm Springs, right? Did you know that Larrys folks have a cabin in Big Bear? He and I hashed over which place would be best on Sunday, but would like your impute _ what do you think? Also, would you mind if Larry and Lorna came with us, he asked? Heck no, that would be a blast! Well, we have plenty of time. Ill get back to you later, ok? Tom, if youre planning on either of those two places it shouldnt take very long for me to prepare everything _ two weeks max. Good, he sighed. Ill go now and let you get your beauty -rest _ not that you need it! Ill discuss this with Larry and well make a decision soon. First of all we need our parents permission. After we've done that well decide which approach is best for your folks, ok, baby? Sounds good. Whats happening on the weekend, he asked? Hear of anything? No, Ill check and advise you if I do hear anything.


When Tom next called he had a resolution. Bree, he said. Ive decided on Larrys cabin for the party. It will be cooler there, more lovely and green, and the fresh air wont hurt either. You know you cant beat the mountains this time of year, definitely more beautiful. Excellent choice, Tom, she said. Lorna and I will get together soon to plan the food menu. Fabulous, he said. Could you and Larry bring along any alcohol you might like for the party? Well furnish the rest. That would be my pleasure, young lady. Great, then its all settled. All except for you, Babe. We can discuss that this weekend. By the way, Tom, most of the gang is planning a trip to Baja on Saturday, the rest will take in a movie. Mexico sounds more exciting, dont you think? Absolutely, besides I havent been there in ages, she said. Everyone plans to leave around 9:00 in the morning and meet-up at the border. Great, Tom said. Then Ill plan to pick you up Saturday at 9:00. Cool, she agreed, happily. After hanging-up she retired for the evening. Standing on cement floors eight hours a day all week long wasnt her idea of a good time.



Tom was right on schedule, as always. Bree was ready and waiting his arrival. She had prepared a thermal jug of lemonade, and mixed it with plenty of ice to keep it good and cold for the trip. Mary had picked-up paper cups at the grocers for her. Tijuana, Mexico could get very hot in the summer months, and Bree decided lemonade would be the perfect thirst quencher, besides she liked it a lot and knew how to make a good batch. As youngsters the three sisters always kept a lemonade stand in the hot summer months. Since few people in the neighborhood owned automobiles when the children were young they walked every where they went, took buses, or the J-car, and surprisingly adults were better customers than children were. It wasnt unusual for people who owned c ars to stop and buy a glassful and at only .05 cents a glass _ ice cold lemonade was a terrific deal and no one was ever poisoned or taken ill! Tom caught her lugging the heavy jug and snatched it away, mumbling it was much too heavy for a girl to be lifting. But what a great idea, thanks for thinking of it, Tom said, referring to the cold jug. Youre welcome, Thomas; I figured it might come in handy. She was amazed to discover both Lorna and Larry sitting in the back seat. Tom hadn t mentioned that Larry was bringing Lorna along, and was elated to see the two of them together again _ happy that they could tag along. Her philosophy was the more the merrier. Hi guys, long time no see, she said. You know, Ive really missed you two! Hey, Bree, how are you, they chimed in.


It seemed like such a long period of time had passed since shed last seen them. It had been several weeks since she started her new job, and she hadnt seen hide nor hair of either of them since be fore that. It was already the first week of July, which meant Toms birthday was little more than a month away. Time for her to make plans for his birthday shindig. They reached the border in little over an hour and a half. There werent oodles and oodles of crowds touring Old Mexico way as is today. At that time Baja wasnt much more than a one -horse town. There werent that many Californians then either therefore not-much traffic to contend with. In those days you could travel the coastal route almost a hundred miles without catching a red light. There were only a few stop signs along the way, usually within the town proper. Auto insurance policies South of the border were unavailable to them then. Carriers refused to cover Americans while touring anywhere within the confines of Mexico. If you were involved in an accident traveling there _ tough titty said the kitty _ the milks still warm! Insurance companies within Mexico now offer this coverage, though many Americans maintain it wouldnt help them if they were actually involved in an accident whether culpable or not. They parked on the US side of the border, and walked across the barricade into Mexico. TJ was a pleasant place to journey in those days. Number one, you didnt have the huge crowds you have nowadays, and two, you didnt face long lines at the border waiting to cross back over into the US. Three, you werent forced to deal with the deafening sounds of engines racing, spewing there nauseous, lethal fumes into the air you breathed, or listen to deafening boom boxes. Gasoline was not unleaded in the fifties so the fumes were loaded with dangerous levels of toxic lead. It was actually more poisonous to breathe the air then than it is today, though no one really knew it at the time. Mexican citizens, men, women, and children walked amongst these spewing engines as they hocked everything from a chiclet to a couch and chair. Those were the days in which you could barter with shopkeepers and strike-up nifty bargains, but those times are long gone. With so many people touring down South of the border nowadays, merchants can simply bide their time while waiting for the right buyer to come along. The foursome occupied their selves playing silly games on the drive down while enjoying the home made lemonade. Reading billboards out loud and adding the words, Between the Sheets was one silly way of passing the time. Every slogan was thought to be hilariously funny and they laughed outrageously. Everything was a scream then _ they laughed at anything and everything. When they tired of that game they began singing the old refrain, Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall, Ninety-Nine bottles of Beer, If one of those bottles happened to fall _ Ninety-Eight Bottles of Beer on the Wall, and on and on until there were none. They worked that song halfway to San Diego _ a barrel of laughter enjoyed by all.


They arrived at the border around 10:30 or so, parking the cars in a safe area. Which actually wasnt that easy to do back then. Border towns in those days tended to be a bit on the seedy side of life. Unlike toadys beautifully landscaped cities by the sea, running the gamut from one end of town to the next _ cities seemingly never-ending but forever going on. By the time the group met-up it was only around 11:00 oclock and they had the entire day at their disposal. What heaven, they thought! The freedom they felt had no bounds _ in their lingo out of sight. In those early days alcohol was served to minors without any proof of age. The legal age for drinking was then eighteen, as was New York. Today you must provide ID if asked. The guys immediately downed a cervaza apiece. The mercury was already beginning to climb. The gals wore shorts. The fellas _ too conservative for shorts, donned cotton peggers and seersucker shirts which, if one must dress traditionally in warm and humid weather those were some of the coolest fabrics to choose from. Having pictures taken on the zebra pony _ a must if you were a cat back then, so they did that first off. None had the foggiest idea why that was? It just was. Perhaps proof that youd actually been there? The chicks all bought pierced earrings of authentic Mexican silver. They were an exceptional value, and quite affordable in those days. Today theyre made of so called Mexican nickel silver and at least a hundred times pricier than they were back then, yet considered little more than a cheap souvenir. A must buy down Mexico way were authentic Mexican huaraches, which could be bought for a so ng, and were handmade of genuine leather to-boot! Everyone picked up a pair or two while there. They were very popular in Southern California at the time _ particularly in the clique. You couldnt purchase them in the correct size since the leather stretched so badly. So one purchased them one to two sizes larger than their normal shoe size. The blisters this created caused horrific pain. Bree feared she would die from the pain or infection before she could brake them in. But once surviving the distress and blisters she found them soooh comfortable! By 12:00 they headed for their favorite Mexican restaurant, several blocks away _ off the beaten path known as the tourist trap. They ran into several beggar women along their way; both carried babie s tied in a blanket slung from their neck and shoulders. Of course they supplied money for their coffers, and the women appeared grateful as they bowed their heads in thanking them. Several streets up they came across the same beggar women theyd previo usly given money to. Lorna said to her no more money opening her empty palm hoping the woman would understand. As it happened she understood only too well and became agitated guessing that Lorna likely had more money in her purse, and the gall to point to it.


The woman placed her hand on Lornas shoulder, slightly shoving her, which of course frightened all of them. Not excepting a no for an answer, once again demanding money. Larry reached out offering a dollar bill _ she snatched it like lightening! He held up his arm in an outstretched fashion and then dropping it heavily at his side, said, You go! His expression wasnt lost on the poor beggar lady. She bolted _ eyes wide! Needless to say the teens were all shook -up. None had experienced such a precarious situation in Baja before. When they finally reached The Casa Blanca they breathed a sigh of relief, and said there yippee's, yahoos, and Hail Marys too! Upon entering the beautiful Spanish hacienda cafe they waited to be seated. They were a party of twelve and the proprietor needed time to rearrange the tables so they could dine together. Only after being seated and having ordered their lunch did they allow themselves the luxury of relaxing. They ordered toddies for the body to help calm them down. The gals ordered Margaritas, the guys Coronas and the waiter brought lots of limes, which Bree loved the tartness of the lime colored fruit. She ordered her favorite, The Combination. By the time the food was served theyd already downed their drinks so Larry ordered a round for everyone. It probably wasnt the brightest idea to order a refill for the gals. But Larry figured with all the food theyd be partaking theyd be fine, fortunately it all ended up that way, plus of course he knew they wouldnt be driving anywhere. The Casa Blanca served vast amounts of food with every order, which included flour and corn tortillas in covered bowels to keep them steaming, and salsa and chips served free of charge with every meal and when emptied filled to the brim without them even asking. The group was understandably more cheerful upon leaving than when arriving. They now had full bellies and a mellow buzz life was good! Cummon lets get out of here as quickly as possible _ no dilly dallying in this neck of the woods, Larry said. Which the area was spotless and quaint but was just off the beaten path _ possibly where shop owners resided. Amen to that, they all agreed. They took off six wide across the pavement _ not looking either to their left or their right _ eyes straight ahead. They were determined to make it back to the Tourist Trap without further delay. Fortunately they passed no one along the way. If anyone was lurking in the bushes and caught sight of the resolution expressed on their faces they probably knew better than to further mess with the youths. There were plenty of beggars in the tourist section of town as well as armed guards, and no one fooled around in that part of town! Next stop was the Bazaar where you could purchase anything and everything. Bree bought Mexican jumping beans, a popular item to bring back to the states. Even at her age she was mesmerized by the jumping beans. She and


Jo played endlessly with them as youngsters and would have killed Bree had she failed to bring them home. Bree finds them ghastly today as she learned what caused the silly things to jump! Those were truly good times _ when everyone could afford to purchase souvenirs for their loved ones, obviously due to more affordable prices. Nowadays everyone wants an arm and a leg for every single little item. People can hardly afford to buy souvenirs these days. Growing up Bree adored all the zany souvenirs found in mostly every household in America where a man sat on a toilet _ caption read, Here I Sit all Broken Hearted, Tried to S--t but Only Farted. Or a man wearing a barrel _ caption read, Lost my Ass in Las Vegas. Bree picked up a rather large plaster of Paris piggy bank for Jo who possesses it to this day, albeit more frazzled than dazzled. Marys gift was a mothers cup and saucer of the large variety created for displaying purposes only. It was beautifully hand painted with crimson roses and remains in her china cabinet today. Herrman had recently remarked that he needed a new wallet. So she bought him a-handsome handmade leather one, which bore burnt images of a Mexican man in a huge sombrero sitting beneath a cactus tree enjoying his siesta. She bought her sister Meg some silver earrings and matching bracelets. The total purchase price came to around 6.25. The group got tuckered, and decided to stop at a quaint curbside caf for a cold drink, and possibly something light to nosh on before heading back. Bree ordered a coke and taco, plenty for her. She and Jo would often split a taco if still hungry after eating _ unable to eat two whole ones. By the time the crowd headed back to the border they were extremely pooped _ driving home in almost utter silence. The last thing Bree remembered was Frank Sinatra singing, Fly Me To The Moon to a Count Basie orchestra (which apparently he did so)! Her head against the warm comfy cushion, listening to sweet strains, a melodic voice, the next thing she knew _ she knew from nothing _ dead to the world! They reached home at 6:30 that evening. Tom carried her stuff in then gently nuzzled her neck and wished her goodnight. She waved at Lorna and Larry as he backed down the driveway. Then she presented her family with the gifts. Upon opening they all claimed the gifts were exactly what theyd been wanting. Of course everyone was eager to learn about the trip. She described everything in detail _ withholding all information concerning the beggar woman, the Margaritas, and the cervazas. Promptly thereafter she prepared for bed, and was probably asleep before the clock struck 8:00. The Margaritas might have played a role in that!



Bree made haste in the days leading to Toms birthday party. Achieving her goals in the late evening after returning home from work. Although there were some things she couldnt complete until the very last moment. She planned to bring along ingredients necessary for baking Tom a birthday cake. They would have to purchase ice crme somewhere along the way. Mary bought candles, paper products, as well as cereal, beacon and eggs, bread and tuna, hot dogs and buns, several gallons of milk and two cases of cokes. In those days grocers packed your grocery items in boxes without asking them to. Brown bags were a scarce commodity and too expensive to pack groceries in though they did exist, but used sparingly. Staples were shipped in cardboard boxes and delivered to markets as they are today. Since the grocers hadnt any balers in those days they were perfectly content to dispose of them thro ugh customer usage. Once superstores started springing up everywhere, brown bags became the norm _ plastic bags hadnt yet arrived in the marketplace. So Bree had plenty of boxes to pack things in. Bree decided to serve her famous fried chicken and potato salad for Toms dinner party on Saturday night. Lorna offered to hold dinner on Friday night. Bree delicately wrapped Toms presents and boxed them -up. She packed her own personal items a little bit each day figuring that way she wouldnt have to wonder at the last minuet what she wanted to wear, and knowing for certain shed forget something if she didnt.


Tom said Mrs. Preston had furnished the cabin with cake tins and cooking utensils, dishes and silverware, as well as towels, linens and blankets. She assured him that the cabin was perfectly equipped and that everything a person could possibly need or want was provided. Apparently they were pretty much set! Brees parents hadnt been any problem at all once she informed them that Larrys parents had consented to their use of the cabin over the weekend. In fact they thought it was a great opportunity to learn something of nature. Plus they knew how long shed been planning Toms birthday party, and didnt wish to put a damper on the festivities. Though Bree did permit them to believe there would be a house full of teenagers instead of just the two couples. The main concern for her parents was driving up the mountain after dark. But Bree said there was absolutely nothing to worry about since Tom was driving and was an excellent driver. Reminding her parents of that helped them rest easier since she had been telling them all along what a terrific driver he was and evidently they had remembered. Friday finally rolled around. The youths worried whether their things would fit into one car, but were happy to discover that everything fit like hand and glove with plenty of room to spare. Car interiors were roomy in those days, and trunks were built to match. After the car was fully loaded Bree ran back into the house to kiss her parents goodbye _ telling them she loved them, pleading with them not to worry. She noticed Jo pouting slightly. At one point she had asked to tag along, of course Bree explained that that was impossible _ not enough room. So she was forced to refuse her, but promised next time she could come. That got a smile out of her! Is that a promise, she asked? You bet it is, little Sis, she said, beaming at her. Jo ran to her big sister and hugged her with all her might. Bree squeezed back just as hard. Tom returned to the house to say goodbye as well. At last they were on their way. They would be quite alone in the mountains. Telephone lines were not extensive like they are today. One must drive to town if one needed to make a phone call, calls were reserved for emergencies only, and stores were closed tighter than a drum on Sundays. No telephones, let alone cell phones, computers, email, fax machines, copiers, scanners, CDs, videos, DVDs, and now blackberrie s! For that matter no television either! Those were truly the good old days when your only choice of communicating was in person, telephone, or mail via the US Postal Service. Tom, she said. Well have to stop somewhere on Saturday for ice crme. Remind me later, will you, baby? I sure as heck dont want my cake without my ice crme, he joked.



There werent many freeways back then as you might imagine; as a consequence driving up the mountain slope took forever. The highway had many dangerous crossings then _ cars, trucks, trains, even critters, your typical twolaned highway. If you wished to pass a slow moving vehicle you were forced to crossover the double line and face on-coming traffic. That was a frightful experience and terrified Bree every time Tom was disposed to do so. The road became very dark after reaching the outer limits of the city. Seldom was anything to be seen between stretches of farms, ranches, grapevines, orchards, and the occasional heifer or horse. The most frightening section of the drive was the mountains. Curves were not rounded out as you have today. It was totally necessary to obey all rules and speed limits. If you missed a sign there wasn t much protection between you, the side of the road, and the gorge. A panoramic view could be seen at Look Out Canyon, but better off not to look down! The bottom of the cliff was a graveyard of rusty old cars piled one upon the other over the years where drivers undoubtedly failed to complete the curve at Rim of the World. They hadnt the equipment for rescuing victims who couldnt have survived the plunge into black nothingness.


Thanks to Toms expert driving they arrived safely around 9:00 PM that night. As the guys hauled everything inside, Bree and Lorna started dinner. Lorna had made coleslaw and cooked pork ribs. She stuck the ribs in the oven to heat after which they refrigerated the perishables and set the table. While things heated-up in the kitchen they unpacked. A comfy cabin Bree determined with large kitchen, living room, dining room, and two good-sized bedrooms with a single bath between each. The cottage was adorned in Hemmingway-esque style, undoubtedly decorated by Larrys father who had evidently bagged a large bull elk at some point and hung its antlered head above the fireplace mantle. Not something one would care to live with on a daily basis, but for a mountain retreat it was pretty cool. Bree would have preferred not seeing a gigantic head of a dead elk so handsomely preserved and mounted, or his unseeing cold dead eyes staring straight ahead _ once a beautiful, majestic, living, breathing beast, but for a bullet or two. Lorna prepared a delicious meal, and Larry opened a bottle of red wine his parents donated for their supper after he promised them faithfully that he wouldnt uncork the vino until after arriving safely at the cabin. He wouldnt have anyway _ none were that anxious for a drink. But parents never really knew, even in those days, did they, whether or not they could trust their offspring to do the right thing once they were out of sight? Most parents think they cannot protect that which they can no longer see, or touch. Lorna prepared wonderful home-baked rolls for dinner. After supper they remained seated around the table and polished off the rest of the rolls and marmalade, imbibing the last of the red wine while they were at it! Everyone complimented the chef _ dinner had been delicious. As one might imagine they were beginning to get a slight buzz on. When the dishes were washed the girls joined the fellas in the living room, same old, same old, Bree was thinking. Larry had built a marvelous fire then suggested a game of charades, which everyone was game for. Tom brought out a bottle of crme de menthe. He knew that Bree adored the sweet libation, especially after dinner. He filled her glass a quarter full, after setting down the bottle he sat beside-her, putting his arm around her. He whispered that he didnt want to get her pie-eyed. She smiled, appreciatively. Larry began acting out _ their rule. Whoever suggested a game must go first. He was hysterically funny trying to act out a pencil of all things, not one of Brees favorites because she wasnt very accomplished at it in her mind. The others were all excellent players. Suddenly she had a problem keeping her eyes opened and it must have showed. Would you like a couple of toothpicks, Bree? Larry joked around. I could sure use some, Lare she agreed. Then the three began singing the old party pooper refrain.


Hey, she cried. I worked my fingers to the bone all day today _ Im entitled! They ended up playing without her as she was soon on her way to dreamland. The next thing she realized, actually barely aware of _ Tom carried her lifeless body like a rag-doll in his arms, not yet fully of this world. As she slightly came-to he had her on the bed undressing her she started. Dont be afraid, baby, he said. Its what weve both been yearning for. His reply dawned true even in her fuzzy memory, and she threw her arms around him. They kissed for a long time. Though desperately shy, she began helping him with his zipper and buttons. At last alone, they thrashed wildly about naked in the glory of each others arms. Its a crime she couldnt say the experience was heavenly _ that would have been wishful thinking on her part and his. Penetration caught her completely unawares and the ensuing pain shocked her to her core. Nevertheless, Tom had been incredibly gentle, and loved him all the more for it.


She was first out of bed the next morning not knowing where the others had slept. There were two bedrooms and two sofas; she couldnt see anyone on either. The other bedroom door was closed. Good _ no one to witness her creeping to the shower. She took an extremely hot-steamy bath, it helped soothe and comfort her. She dressed in the bathroom so she wouldnt disturb the others, then headed for the kitchen. Filling the electric percolator with water then putting coffee in the basket she plugged it in the outlet. Rooting around in the cupboards she finally located the cake tins. While the coffee perked she mixed the ingredients for the cake, having decided to bake the cake while the others slept. Greasing first, then flouring the pans she began to pour in the batter. It was then that Tom entered the kitchen heading straight for her. Quickly setting down the bowl, she melted in his arms. After a long luscious kiss he looked her deeply in the eyes, and asked if she were okay? Staring back at him just as deeply she said, Great, fabulous! Whether he believed her or not was another story, though he answered, Thats good news, Bree. He gave her a big hug after which he announced he was hitting the shower. Coffee at the ready she asked. Would you like a cup to go? No thanks, Ill wait till after, he said.


She served herself a cup, adding little cream. Then poured the remaining cake-mix into the tins, and stuck them in the already preheated oven. Noting the time she set the clock on the stove, baking time was thirty minutes. She fried the bacon _ extra crispy, like she preferred it, hoping everyones taste -were like her own since there wasnt anyone to ask. After Tom reappeared voices were heard coming from the back bedroom, which meant everyone was up. After pouring himself a cup of java Tom asked if he could help with anything? She told him to sit and visit with her. By the way, she said. Happy Birthday, old man, whooping with gusto! Tom jumped -up and chased her around the table, finally slowing enough for him to catch her. He caught her in his arms kissing her tenderly. The fruits of her labor paid off in spades! Hey, she finally said. Best I keep an eye on the beacon if we dont want it to burnt. You dont want burnt bacon for your breakfast, do you? Smiling, he said, No way. She asked how he liked it cooked? Well done, he said. Crispy, she asked? Yes, crispy, please he agreed. Good morning everyone, Larry beamed as he walked into the kitchen. Happy Birthday, old man! Et Tu, Brutes, Tom asked? Larry looked her way, smiling, and looking absolutely dazzling in the morning sun. He asked Bree if shed already beaten him to the punch? Yep, she said, proudly. Theres fresh coffees. How do you prefer your eggs and beacon cooked, Lare? Anyway at all, he said. Im not fussy. Your easy, then? she joked. Yeah, he admitted, but Im not cheap. Thanks for the clarification, she said, good-naturedly. Id better clue Lorna in _ just in case! How do you rate, man? She didnt ask me how I liked my eggs Tom quipped. You just aint got it, pal, he teased. The oven alarm went off; cakes were ready. Testing them first with a toothpick, to make sure they were cooked in the center. They were. She placed them on the cooling racks and set them aside as Lorna strolled in remarking that everything smelled wonderful. You guys must be starving, Bree exclaimed! Lorna agreed she was famished. She was aware how Lorna preferred her beacon, not certain how she liked her eggs. Lornas answer was almost identical to that of Larrys. Sounds like its up to the birthday boy, Bree said, How are we supposed to eat these God damned eggs, anyway? They all cracked-up, unaccustomed to her swearing.


Lets have them scrambled then, wouldnt that be easiest, he asked? They all agreed to scrambled eggs. By now she d cooked the entire two-pound package of bacon strips, storing them in the warm oven. She toasted the bread slapping them generously with butter and stowed them in the oven as well. Lorna set the table. Bree scrambled a full dozen of eggs, poured orange juice, and then Lorna helped her put the food on the table. Breakfast was served! They must have been famished chowing down like the edibles were the last morsels on the planet. Bree refilled the mugs and prepared more toast. They enjoyed the toast with marmalade and polished off the remains of the bacon and eggs. Hunger quenched _ they all made little piggies of themselves. Then they discussed how they would spend the rest of the day. None having a real sense of what the town had to offer, they decided to check out the total package since they needed ice crme anyway. After spiffing-up the kitchen and washing the dishes they took-off for parts unknown, foolishly pretending to be explorers of the vast outdoors, of mysteries of the bottomless lake yet untold, secrets of the dense forest, as well as the mystifying caverns mountains formed millions of years before their time.



Big Bear wasnt much on bright nights and city lights in those days; and hasnt changed much in that regard. Though its still considered the place to ski or escape to anytime of the year. There was something there for everyone: Mountain climbing, skiing, water-skiing and boating, ice skating in winter, bird watching, hunting and of course camping _ you name it they had it! The lake was substantial back then, in winter it froze over and skating was free of charge of course. Peanut sized today by comparison due to the erosion of time and elements. In those days mountain homes and cabins backed up against the lake _ beautiful views, no other real estate existed in the tiny metropolis and lots could be purchased for three hundred an acre. Who ever purchased them then and if they were intelligent enough to hold onto them may name their own ticket today. On the drive down the hillside were several small towns, Blue Jay and Running Springs. Running Springs consisted of a grocery store, a gas station and garage, and a tiny hardware store where one could purchase equipment of all kinds _ including fishing tackle and bait, a small diner and that was about it. Both towns have grown significantly since those days.


They stopped in Running Springs and strolled about the minuscule town, which must have taken all of ten minutes. Then stopped to watch a workman climbing up an extremely tall telephone pole; apparently installing new lines. The teens surmised that soon the mountain homes would be complete with telephones and television sets. As they milled about they observed several people eating cotton candy, appearing to relish it immensely, got their juices flowing, and decided they must have some too! Tom asked the gas station attendant where they might purchase the pink fluffy stuff, and learned it was spun and sold in the small diner. They headed there immediately, after making their purchases they walked about munching on the pink sugar candy and watching the lineman. The candy was all it was cracked-up to be! When finished Tom suggested they pick up the ice cream and take it back to the cabin. After which, he suggested, they could go for a spin around the lake, possibly enjoy a picnic as well? They all said they could dig it. First things first, Bree returned to the grocer to purchase the ice cream. The drive back was simply stunning. The denseness of the seemingly endless pines was starkly outlined against the blue azure sky. In the distance the evergreens appeared almost black _ so darkly painted. The sky so crystal clear you could see the stars in the heavens and the moon above in broad daylight, the moon awestruck by the breathless beauty of Gods design flickered its lustrous beauty from the clouds long enough to take a peek, well satisfied, retreated. They drove through the tiny resort town of Blue Jay, which wasnt actually a town at the time; it didnt take long to discover how the small chalet obtained its name. There were blue jays galore! They stopped the car and briefly reveled in some bird watching. The air so crispy and clear they couldnt get enough of it. The jaybirds were a happy lot, chirping and singing aloud. The sweet warbled notes so pleasingly pure you wanted nothing more than to listen to their score. Mama jays scurried about feeding their young. The youths observed them flying in for a landing carrying vast amounts of worms; some seen dangling from their beaks. That really grossed-out the girls, but they realized it was animal nature _ survival of the fittest. With nests built and babies fed ol papa jay didnt have much else to do but whistle a merry tune, and strut about his property _ cock sure of his attractiveness. Finally, Bree yelled out, My ice creams melting! Tom said, Thats all folks. Leaving they all agreed to return once more before taking off for home then hurried back to their little chalet encampment. Bree crammed the ice cream into the tiny freezer the fridge offered then she and Lorna quickly prepared gangs of tunafish sandwiches, grabbed up the chips, cokes, and pickles, and were out the door. Larry grabbed a couple of blankets as he headed out.


The lake was breathtaking. Rays of sunlight glistened on the water, reflecting beautifully the plentiful pines so aptly drawn, making it difficult to distinguish that which was reality, and that which was imagery. If not for a couple of speedboats pulling water-skiers they would have had the lake entirely to themselves _ hard to believe the world was ever that small! Imagine going anywhere today and being at one with the world and nature. They placed the blankets within range of the mirrored over hang of the tall pine trees. As the sun moved further west the pines prickly reflection on the waters turned from forest green to jet black. How serene the vision was, though the waters appeared eerily silent the slightest circle pattern could be seen in its glassy surface, making it known the lake was living not dead. Nothing could have been lovelier or more satisfying than lying on the back and peering straight up through the treetop openings into the cobalt beauty of the sky. The panorama gratified the soul! One could hardly ask for more than a glance of pure paradise. Gazing at natures natural spectacle made one wish to never resign guardianship over it, yet knowing with certainty one must created a sense of hollowness within _ almost like losing ones best friend. The men were hungry again. Bree browbeat herself to give-up her watch over the most beautiful vista one could only dream of. They laid out the foodstuff and told the men to dig-in. The sandwiches were sensational! Why did food always taste better when out of doors at a picnic or the beach? Bree decided it must have something to do with the fresh air. After eating they packed up everything, and put the bundles in the car. Then they went exploring; eventually they stumbled on a trail that led them to some caverns. They peeked inside _ it was dark as pitch. Entering they prayed that they wouldnt be greeted by bears. They found it so dark inside they couldnt even see the whites of their eyes, rendering them powerless to see the beautiful rock formations. Despite the fact it was broad daylight the denseness of the pines shielded the light against penetrating the caves. The fellas had forgotten to bring along flashlights or kerosene lamps the cottage provided. They hadnt given the matter any thought since the cabin had electricity. Bree had brought along some candles at Marys insistence in case of power outages, but of course she didnt think to bring them along. They had nothing to build a fire with either _ no matches! They left the cave knowing not what lurked in the bowels of darkness _ the great exploration gone bust! Werent any of you in the Boy Scouts, Bree asked? Nope, replied them both! Great, Lorna said!


They continued on their adventure, the trail carrying them deeper into the woods. Tom grabbed Brees hand as they trudged onward. While they walked she explained that she needed to head back early to frost the cake. He gave her hand a little squeeze and said they would be leaving shortly. Along the beaten path they came upon a clearing. A couple on a blanket completely necked; they had interrupted their lovemaking! The female let out a yelp and dove beneath the blankets. The group averted their eyes and continued along their way _ pretending not to have seen a thing! The only cool course one could possibly choose. Heading back they were surprised by a young buck trotting parallel to their right about the same time he spotted them, bolting upright directly in their pathway. He must have leapt a good six feet in the air trying to reach the trail they presently used. The beast had frightened them half silly and visa versa. When he jumped he hooked his antler on a tree branch. The bough was insufficient for his weight and splintered off the tree trunk spilling him hapless to the ground. After freeing himself from the broken off branch he hobbled to his feet unsteadily, reeling for a second or so, at first staggering. One could see the animal was stunned as he shook his head several times. The buck instinctively knew his life was being threatened. He must have injured himself though at last galloping away at breakneck speeds before any head wounds were detected. Brees thoughts reverted back to the big antler head hanging above the mantle thinking that it might well be that of the poor stags father. She gave a little shiver and wondered whether he would live to see his own children and grand children? When they reached the car they discovered that everything was as it should be. Back at the cabin Bree and Lorna put the foodstuff away. Lorna set the table while Bree prepared baby blue icing for the cake. After frosting it she placed eighteen blue and white-stripped candles atop it, then set it aside. Tom and Larry mixed pre-dinner cocktails. They were all bushed and in need of some R&R. They made martinis extra dry with green olives; Bree had never tasted a martini before. Bitter she thought, however refreshing. Sitting it on a table and coaster she headed for the bathroom announcing she was drawing her bath. Giving notice in case anyone needed to use it. The others planned a shower as well before dinner, which would take awhile being there was only one. Gathering up her things took them to the bathroom, and took another hot steamy bath to heal her aching body, which had much improved by then. She showered quickly so that others might use the facility. Then grabbed her belongings heading for the bedroom wrapped in a towel. She called out, alls clear, dressing hastily in the bedroom. Then applied her make-up, and combed her hair. Stepping from the room she spotted Lorna waltzing into the bathroom.


You look lovely, Bree, Tom said. Smiling, she sat down next to him. Would you like another drink, he asked? Do we have wine for dinner? He shook his head. Id better pass. I only just made myself a drink; care to share it with me, he asked? Ok. There she is, Lare said. Turning, Bree saw Lorna standing there, more dazzling than ever. Sitting down, Larry offered her a drink. She pontificated. He smiled saying that it would give her something to do while he showered. She nodded. While Larry showered Bree sat sipping Toms drink, she noted that the more she imbibed the easier it went down. The trio conversed about the days events and how much fun it had been. Bree said she hoped the party would be as successful as the day had been. Tom took her hand, kissing it, and said. It will be, dont you worry about that! She answered with what she hoped to be her brightest smile, and he returned in kind looking her deeply in the eyes. Larry broke the dreamy moment when he reappeared. Mixing another drink he retook his position next to Lorna on the sofa. Then Tom departed for his shower.



By the time Tom finished his shower dinner was ready. Bree had fried the chicken and prepared the potato salad on Thursday after work so she only needed to reheat the chicken. She set out the potato salad, vegetable, rolls and butter, chips, dips, pickles and olives on the table, as Lorna tossed a sumptuous Caesar salad then placed it on the table along with her specialty dressing. Tom, Bree asked. Would you pour the wine, please? I think dinner is ready. It would be my pleasure, Sweetheart. The meal was splendid. Lornas salad and dressing was superb. The three raved on Brees fried chicken and potato salad. People generally did since Mary taught her her own special recipe and how to prepare it; hers always drew kudos as well. Plus Bree believed practice made perfect, and shed prepared it many times before. It delighted her that Tom found her cooking up to snuff. The way to a mans heart was through his stomach as the old saying went!


Of course in the fifties females were generally expected to learn the art of cookery. Though many mothers worked outside the home they still managed time from their busy schedules to tutor their daughters in the art of culinary cuisine. Home Economics were studied as a matter of course in those days. When dinner was finished and dishes cleared away, Bree served up the birthday cake while Lorna scooped the ice cream on to the plates. Meantime the men reclined in the living room. After first lighting the candles Bree carried the cake out, and they all sang the birthday boy the birthday song. When it was time to blowout the candles, she reminded Tom to first make a wish. Smiling, he blew-out all eighteen candles. The trio applauded him goodnaturedly. Larry put those choice fingers between his teeth and whistled as only males could. The group testified his dreams were assured since hed blown -out every candle on the cake. For a split second Tom looked low and hard at Bree as if to say _ Ive already gotten my birthday wish! His expression wasnt lost on her, blushing she could feel her cheeks flushing fuchsia battling the steamed-heat rising up inside her _ if anyone noticed they didnt let on. She offered Tom her gifts. Larry handed him his and Lornas as well. Opening Brees first _ the biggest one, as instructed, jumped for joy at the sight of his new leather jacket. Immediately putting it on he found it fit him to perfectly as she was fairly certain it would. He both embraced and thanked her. Then he opened the next largest box dutifully, and appeared pleased at the canary yellow polo shirt he found within, stating that it was his favorite color. The shade warm against the chestnut colored jacket, which clearly was her reason for choosing it, learning that he was partial to yellow made the day. Opening the last smallest gift he said, grinning, Now I have the complete ensemble. Bree, he asked. How can I ever thank you sufficiently, but thanks a lot, baby! Youre welcome, Thomas she said. My only regret is that I took so long in getting it for you. Hey, dont knock yourself he said. Youve done a hellofa job and I appreciate the effort. Theres no reason for apologies here. Next he opened Lornas gift, which was a beautiful emerald green polo shirt. He held it up to his shoulders to make certain it fit _ it did. The color seemed to draw out the green of his eyes. Bree thought they never looked more beautiful! Lornas gift included a pair of matching socks. At last he opened Larrys gift, a pair of Levi's and blue work -shirt with matching socks of course. Tom shook Larrys hand graciously, and thanked him. Hey, man, he said, jokingly. Did you grow weary of my grubby old dungarees? Well, thanks, man, I could really use them, and I dig the shirt and socks!


I dont recall having a birthday as cool as this one, ever, and I owe it all to you guys _ the best friends a guy could have! They were feeling adequately hunky-dory by evening, discussing how divine it was being on their own, giving it their best shot at acting the adult, and handling their newly found freedom responsibly. Prevailing at doing exactly as they pleased, and doing it with such style they believed helped them immensely in the self-esteem department. So far theyd managed to keep out of trouble without hurting a nyone. It mattered not that Bree had lost her virginity. That could have happened anywhere she reasoned mentally. Besides she believed when two people loved one another they were only doing what came naturally. Tom genuinely appreciated the effort taken to guarantee his party a huge success. The girls cleared away the clutter of dishes, party wrappings and cake crumbs. Tom and Larry disappeared into the back rooms some where while they washed the dishes. Laughter could be heard. By the time they finished in the kitchen the men had taken their places on the sofas. The sweet sounds of jazz filtered through their little mountain retreat away from home. Entering the living room Bree noticed the fellas had mixed fresh drinks for themselves. They appeared totally delighted with the music, the cocktails, and camaraderie. Seating themselves next to their mates the guys had a sudden spurt of the giggles. Whats so funny, Bree asked? Cant tell you, Tom said. Not for your ears to hear. Well, if it was that raunchy we dont care to hear it, do we Bree, Lorna asked? Absolutely not, she agreed. What may I fix you young ladies to drink, Larry asked? How about an after dinner drink, Lare, Bree said. Creme de menthe? Yes, please. Lorna said shed have the same. As Larry busied himself mixing drinks, Tom asked Bree to dance. The music switched to a slower beat _ a slow dance. She jumped at the chance to be closer to her man. As they danced he whispered sweet nothings in her ear _ it turned her on! When he accidentally brushed against her thigh she realized he was turned on too! Larry served up the drinks just as the music ended. As they sipped the cool green elixir, jazzy swing music erupted suddenly over the wires. All at once the guys wanted to jitterbug, so they moved the furniture up against the wall and removed the carpets.


In those days wall to wall carpeting was unheard of. Instead people enjoyed the beautiful look of hardwood, which most homes offered back then. The portable carpets were easily removed and could be hung over a clothesline to beat the dust from them, dry clean, aerate, or in their case for dancing purposes. A one-foot margin was usually the rule to leave between the carpet and the wall. That way it gave you the best of both worlds _ warm beautiful hardwoods against four walls of any room, plus plush pile carpets to-boot! Electric vacuum cleaners werent in every home then like they are today, and obviously terribly expensive. They danced the jitterbug. Larry was an excellent swing-master. Bree loved dancing with him. After the first number ended another began. They changed partners again and again, and she and Larry really clicked. He commented on her dancing skills, explaining why he considered her an excellent dancer, then demonstrated by showing her if he pushed this spot she swung out, if he tugged slightly at that spot shed twirl under his outstretched arm. She repaid the compliment by saying he was a good leader. If a guy wanted a gal to follow him he must first show her where he wants to go, and he was very good at it. They had fun dancing. When the music ended they felt letdown. Tom refreshed the drinks. The drinking and dancing suddenly left Bree both giddy and gabby. The foursome loosened-up and let their hair down. They werent any of them going any place, and were too young to worry about having a hangover the next day _ so they relaxed and relished the moments. Larry brought out the Chinese checkers. They played the game between dances, conversed, and imbibed. Larry refreshed everyones drinks again, but this time Bree didnt touch hers. Instead stealing a siesta or two, a repeat of the night before. They left her to her reverie as they continued to play the game. When Tom carried her off to bed shed awakened fresh as a daisy! Lying against the deep downy pillows she forced herself to relax as Tom removed her clothing, gently kissing and caressing her youthful body, rediscovering the various nooks and crannies, the hills and dales of her body. She began unbuttoning his shirt. Then unzipped his fly, and helped him remove his blue jeans _ not easy while kissing at the same time. He helped as she removed his underwear. He all but ripped her panties off. Their bodies melded as one. Tom kissed her, and kissed her, and kissed her! The morning sun came peeping through the windows bright and early _ they awoke and passionately made love again, after which they crashed like the dead. Neither would have cared whether they lived or died after having their desired dreams come true at long last! They slept in very late that morning. Awakening she heard voices some where within the little hide-a-way. Finally, she awoke Tom since she didnt want the others to wake them. Aroused, he desired her once again, and the feeling was apparently mutual. She threw all caution to the wind, making it even more exciting for both of them. As


luck would have it they were not interupted. Afterward, she asked him to check the bathroom to make sure the coast was clear. Jumping out of bed, pulling on his pants, he headed for the bathroom. Quickly returning, she was told the coast was clear. Did anyone put coffees on, do you know, she asked? Ill check and see, he said. If not Ill make it myself. Oh, thank you, darling, she said. Blowing him a kiss after wrapping a towel around her and scurried to the shower.


Joining the others in the kitchen she became aware of being studied _ looked over for those little telltale signs! She tried to not act paranoid, and imagine such things. Then there was no doubt whatever _ they knew! Lorna and Larry knew! Though she quickly realized that she was also privy to their shenanigans. It occurred to her suddenly that unless someone actually was peeking in the bedroom that night _ no one could be one hundred percent certain what they did in the privacy of their own room. They could have played tiddlywinks for all anyone knew and determined that carnal knowledge simply couldnt be established without further proof other than the fact they shared a room. Hey guys, she said. They all answered, Hi. Are you hungry, Lorna asked? Im fixing breakfast this morning if thats all right with you? Youve got it, she said. Im ravenous this morning, how about all of you? Come here, Tom asked? When she reached him he grabbed her by the waist _ pulling her onto his lap.


Good morning, he said, followed by a delicious kiss. Good morning, she replied. Is their coffees? Lorna brought her a steaming cup. Hum, she said. This should to do the trick. The coffee was perked to perfection. It ought to clear out the cobwebs she thought. Savoring the delectable mug of joe she continued to sit on Toms lap. Lorna prepared the breakfast. Cup emptied. She enjoyed another, but mostly the lap. Can I get toast, Lorna, she asked, noting that the table was already set. Taken care of, Hon. Great, I suppose Ill have to sing for my supper! Oh, thats perfectly all right, its on the house, she said, squealing with laughter! Well, I never, Bree said. A body would think you didnt care for my singing? I think you have a beautiful voice, Sweetheart, Tom said, innocently. The teasing was all in good fun, of course. Lorna served oatmeal, hot rolls and toast, gravy, and omelets! A feast, man! It wouldnt have surprised Bree if she had regained the five pounds shed lost and then some. Her appetite appeared much improved in the mountain region, perhaps a combination of fresh air as well as altitude? During breakfast each expressed his or her desire to return to the lake one last time, none ready to return to the real world. Since breakfast was semi late they determined a picnic was in order, and since they didnt want the encumbrance of hauling birthday cake down the hillside they decided to polish it off at the picnic. Bree and Lorna washed the dishes, hearts sinking _ knowing theyd be leaving soon. Afterward Bree asked Larry if they should strip the bedding, and were there fresh linens? He said it was automatic if they expected to spend another weekend there. So they stripped the bed-sheets replacing them with fresh ones. Larry put the soiled linens in the car. His mom would launder them when they returned. Larry vacuumed the carpets and floors and Tom mopped behind him. Then they moved the furniture to the original setting. Bree scoured the bathroom while Lorna cleaned the kitchen. At once the little cabin was spotlessly clean! Its called teamwork! Lets go, Bree, Lorna called out. The guys loaded the vehicle. The gals packed the cake as best they could and grabbed the remaining Cokes, paper plates, and napkins. They hadnt thought to bring along plastic forks, which meant theyd have to eat with their fingers. Larry put several blankets in the car and they returned to their lakeside paradise. After placing the blankets on the ground Bree sprawled-out gazing through the treetop openings once again. It was so lovely there; she never wanted to leave. Tom lied down next to her and confessed the setting was irresistible.


Brees family often took picnics at local parks, state parks and beaches as well, and made many treks to Griffith Park Zoo where on occasion they enjoyed extended family reunions in summer months. Herrman and Mary taught their children the importance of the outdoors, and to enjoy the pristine beauty provided by the Lord. They loved the animals at the zoo, especially the wild peacocks that roamed freely through the park. Bree and Jo believed them the most beautiful of Gods creatures. Funny, they both believed that the round starkly colored discs in the feathers plumage were giant eyes, but that was when they were very young. As couples often do, they necked awhile, after which they decided on a stroll. Nothing out of the ordinary happened along the trailway and they returned safe and sound _ no wild stags or other critters crossed their path. They never saw bear either, which one could assume good news. What did they do in the woods, anyway? The gals set-up the picnic such as it were, and opened the cokes. In those days one couldnt unscrew a bottle cap. It was necessary to pry it open with a can opener. The guys referred to them as church keys. You might say they had their cake and ate it too. The group agreed the cake was even more delectable the second time around. Lets stop for cotton candy on the way home, Tom said. That stuff is really good, besides Im still hungry, what about the rest of you? Totally, Larry chimed in. We have hot dogs and buns left over, Bree said. We could stop -by the cabin and make them without messing-up the house if youd like? Sounding like a plan everyone agreed. The little cabin felt deliciously cool after being out in the noonday sun. After Bree prepared the hotdogs they sat eating them at the kitchen table, careful not to drop anything or leave any telltale signs that they were ever there. They polished off the rest of the Cokes, chips, and pickles too. I hope everyones had enough to eat because thats the last of it, Bree quipped. Tom said the cotton candy still sounded good to him, the rest agreeing. They each were thinking that that stuff was too good to pass-up. Cleaning-up what little theyd dirtied, they collected all the garbage. They could not leave any leftovers for Goldilocks and the Three Bears, so they carried the rubbish home with them, leaving nothing to chance. On the road again they all enjoyed the lush scenery. Reaching Blue Jay they found that the Jay family had flown the coop. Or perhaps snuggly nestled in their lofts enjoying an afternoons nap, possibly at their local aviary cathedral? One never knows, but still the youths were incredibly disappointed! They left Blue Jay heading for Running Springs. A small crowd gathered there. Each supposing it probably became ritual to stop by the diner before beginning the trek down the mountain. Tom and Larry insisted the gals remain in the car while they procured the cotton fluff, and water to wash it down with.


Lorna took advantage of the opportunity to convey a secret she wished to share with Bree. She was pregnant! The news completely knocked Bree off her kilter, and taken aback to put it mildly. Actually, soooh stunned she was at a loss for words. Finally asking, Lorna are you positive? Well, she said _ the rabbit died! What a horrible way to find out Bree thought _ the poor rabbit was innocent, though that was the only way to know for certain back then. She was already two months into her pregnancy and had paid a visit to a secret doctor. Bree asked whether they planned to abort the baby? She answered no _ that they wanted the baby, and were planning a wedding soon. They intended to inform both sets of parents when they returned from the mountains. The poor kid, Bree thought, though she knew her mother would be very understanding _ if disappointed. You couldnt blame her for that, Bree thought. Im not disappointing my mother if I can help it, Lorna said. She planned to graduate even if it killed her. Bree asked about Larrys parents, whether they would object? She said she had no idea, admitting that she was more concerned with their reaction than her mothers, but knew it wouldnt be pleasant either way. Larrys parents were making big plans for his education, same as Toms. They observed the fellas approaching the car so they canned it. Lorna begged Bree not to mention it to anyone. Of course I wont she said, then throwing her arms around her she hugged her tight. They were all greatly disappointed, but the diner was closed! The cotton candy was to die for! Similar to that of the Pikes when they were growing up. One never ventured there without first buying the pink candy _ that was a must! In those days it was served in large waxed paper cones; you really got your moneys worth, five cents a cone for many years _ then ten. By the time Bree started high school they were asking fifteen cents. Of course they all thought that was outrageous! They headed out. About half way through the mountain pass a strange happenstance occurred. A fella riding a big Harley decided to pass them _ he wasnt in the passing lane _ there werent many on that one laned highway back then. He squinte d to look inside their vehicle, realizing they were young like him, though he was noticeably the elder. Probably twenty, twenty-two _ no more than that. He flirted openly with the girls though they pretended not to notice. Then quite suddenly _ shockingly, more like it _ he did a complete spin around on his seat! The breakneck speed in which he completed the amazing stunt left all wondering whether theyd actually seen it or not? Perhaps their eyes played tricks on them? But all four lower lips were still agape, and quite suddenly he threw his head back and roared with laughter! Surprisingly he didnt lose control of his cycle, pretty amazing stuff in its own right. Well _ they hadnt seen nothing yet! Eyes focused straight ahead he tried to gauge the remaining time he had left before oncoming traffic claimed his life. The devil must have signaled him the alls clear sign because lick -a-de split he pulled-off the zaniest trick yet!


With both hands on the handlebar he lifted one foot off the pedal, then lifting the corresponding hand off the bar momentarily to swing his leg up and over the handlebar then quickly replacing his hand. He managed nicely to complete the same fete with the other hand and foot. Then using all the strength he could muster up swung his behind up and over the handlebars using it for a seat! For his encore folded both arms across his chest for-one-split second! Of course the youths held their breath all the while _ it seemed like an eternity to them! His performance was breathtaking, if stupid _ the group gave him that much! It was definitely a thrill for them, and one that didnt require a ticket purchase in order to watch! His speed never dropped because the descent was about an eighty-degree downhill angle, in which he never came close to losing control of his big bike in spite of his tomfoolery! Hed sat on the handlebars in exactly the same way Bree had given friends a ride on hers. But the difference here was vast, for one _ no one sat in the drivers seat! For good measure he took one last glimpse of Bree and Lorna, then winked at them! That was fairly brazen for the times _ the girls mouths wide open for the second time! He again laughed, outrageously this time, like one of hells devils _ he was no angel! Once again gripping the bar he swung his feet down, one at a time, to the pedals below. Then he sort-of dipped his head in a half salute, directed squarely at them, pulled over in the right lane, and took off in a dead heat vanishing into their past. Bree wondered if the fella could have been the future daredevil Evel Knievel? Naaaaah, this guy was really handsome!



Making good time they reached Brees house around 5:00 PM. Her family, naturally, were ecstatic to have her back safe and sound, and much to Brees surprise she was happy to be there. As you might have guessed they were all too pooped to pop! No one spoke much during the trip home. The only exception really was running across the madcap biker. Bree often wondered if the total stranger, who, she was certain, did his level best to entertain them on the long drive, arrived home alive and well or was squished and splattered along some lonely interstate? Had he repeated his daredevil tactics one last fatal time _ perhaps toying with yet another young lady along his route, and with luck running out lost control of his cycle? Bree and Lorna discussed the topic later that week, both prayed it wasnt so _ secretly both thought him handsome as could be, and probably the most courageous man theyd ever met though theyd never have admitted that to the fellas, doubting that their tender young egos could have handled the truth! Her family helped unload the car. Backing down the driveway Tom waved, yelling through the open window that hed call her Monday night. She smiled waving at them. They rushed inside; hurriedly stowing the remains of the party in their proper places so they could discuss her newest adventure. They were enthralled as she recited her experiences _ practically comparing them to the Lewis and Clark expedition! People didnt travel much in those days. Roads werent what they are today, and many a car engine


overheated traveling mountainous roads and hot arid deserts. Her parents hadnt yet traveled the mountains or deserts though things were about to change rapidly with the advent of the strange new freeways being built linking our forty eight states together, as well as air-conditioned cars and new gas stations popping up everywhere along the new freeway routes. Afterwards Mary served dinner. She didnt mention dishes that night; in fact encouraged her to take an early shower and hit the hay early in preparation for work the next day. She could see Bree was bushed, and understood that work would come much too early for her. Naturally, she excepted the offer! She was plain tuckered-out and probably couldnt have figured-out whose turn it was to wash the dishes anyway. Morning did show up much too soon; she could have slept till noon. Arriving at her workplace though tired she was light of heart. On her return she took a nap. Awakening she felt amazingly relaxed and rested _ ready to conquer the world! Her perception didnt last long, unfortunately. Supper was soon served, and she was unusually ravished by extreme hunger pains. She assumed the fresh air still lingered within her to a certain degree. After dinner she washed the dishes. All she really wanted was a hot steamy shower, instead she waited for Tom to call, watching television with her folks. After the clock struck nine she gathered Tom wouldnt be calling that night and went to bed. Somewhat edgy at work the next day, wondering why Tom hadnt called her as he promise d? That night she decided to throw all caution to the wind and give him a call instead. She also made the decision to begin socking money away. School was little more than a month away, and planned to dress in style her senior year. Tom called shortly after she reached home that evening. When he informed her that his mother had searched his room while they were away in Big Bear she was totally shocked, much more so when he casually mentioned that she had found a dozen reefers stuffed in a bag hidden in the back of his radio. The telephone was in the kitchen. People rarely had more than one in those days, and Mary could over hear every word spoken as she prepared dinner so Bree couldnt really say much. He said theyd had a big blowout the night before and that was the reason he hadnt called. Amy wouldnt even permit him to use the telephone, grounding him indefinitely. Can you believe that, he asked? Treating me like Im an infant! He was calling on the QT he said, and that it might be necessary for him to hang-up abruptly. The blood in her veins turned icy cold. She was shaken and half-scared to death yet couldnt discuss the matter with him bummer! Tom warned that his mother might be calling her and to be on the lookout in case. Frantically, she whispered into the phone _ but what shall I say to her?


Just tell the truth, Babe, dont lie, and please dont allow her to drag you into the mud. Weve already had dialog concerning you, and Ive communicated that you ar e totally innocent in every respect, and explained that you had absolutely nothing whatever to do with it. What a guy, she thought as he was talking! In trouble up to his eyeballs, yet trying to protect her! Baby, the s--t really hit the fan! I dont have the foggiest notion when I might call again; even murkier is when Ill see you again. But hang-tough, Baby, and Ill contact you at the first possible moment. I miss you, crave you all the time, love you! Me too, she whispered. For Marys sake she had to remain calm. Creeping into bed that night she cried herself to sleep. She couldnt even begin to think what the situation might bring let alone what their future might hold since she found that thinking straight was entirely impossible that evening. The next night shed been home from work less than an hour when the phone rang. Her intuition told her it was she, Toms mother. Hurrying she picked -up the receiver before her mother could and hoped she didnt discover what was happening. She couldnt think of anything more than protecting her mother as much as she possibly could. Hello? The voice on the other end said, Hello, is this Bree? Speaking. Bree, this is Amy, Toms mother? Hi, how are you, she said. Fine, fine, Bree, the women said. The reason Im calling is because while Tom was away for the weekend I was cleaning his room and came across this strange looking package. Peeking inside I was shocked to find a packet of marijuana cigarettes. Actually, in the beginning I didnt know what they were and sort of guessed. When Tom got home I confronted him, and he admitted the whole thing. She didnt admit that she took the back of his radio off _ so desperate to find something. Well, she certainly found what she was looking for! She obviously suspected him of something exactly like that in the first place or she wouldnt have gone to that extreme. How many mothers CLEAN the inside of a radio? Oh, no, Bree exclaimed, feigning complete surprise. Amy asked whether shed had prior knowledge of it? Absolutely not, she blurted out! Like you, I wouldnt recognize one if I saw it, and wondered whether Amy was really so innocent, how would she even known to guess what they were? She was positive her own mother would not have.


Then Amy asked if shed ever smoked a marijuana cigarette? Never, she gasped! It was obvious that Amy was looking for a scapegoat, namely her, instead of putting the blame squarely where it ought to be _ on her precio us sons shoulder! Tom had asked that she be truthful and thats what she intended to be. Whats the matter, Bree, Mary asked? Waving her off, then as an aside _ Ill explain later, Mom. Next Amy asked whether she knew if Tom were using drug s or not? Bree answered, He could have fooled me if he were! Have you ever noticed any rapid changes in his personality or sudden outbursts of gaiety? Only after someone spiked the punch, which I understand you had full knowledge of? Everyone loosens-up a bit after that, she said. Which she knew wasnt entirely true, but wasnt about to volunteer information she didnt specifically request and put Tom in more jeopardy than he already was. Thank you, Bree. I believe youve answered all I needed to know. Thank you, Amy, goodbye, she said. Goodbye, Bree, she hung-up the receiver. Too bad she couldnt give her the third degree, but mere teenagers hadnt the right to question an adult. She wanted to ask, would she still welcome her into her home? Would she be permitted to see her son again? Would we still marry? Though afraid she already knew the answers to those questions. She hurried to her room before the tears fell. Mary pressing at her heels, demanding to know why Amy called her. Finally she told her mother everything. Mary was sitting on the bed digesting what shed only just heard. Suddenly Brees tears turned into wailing sobs _ as though the whole world ended for her in that moment. But that was exactly how she felt. Intuition flooded her consciousness with dyer predictions of failed love, that she and Tom were no more _ kaput! Then when realization settled in _ telling her it was all too true, the sobbing began anew, more deeply than before _ from her very core. Her abdomen began lurching warning her that the supper shed barely eaten was about to head south. After the retching she was ready to talk. Mary stroked her like a mother stroking her little cub _ as if doing so would soothe away all her cares and woes. Dealing with a teenager in love was simply not that simple. Bree came clean telling her everything _ almost! See, Mother, she said. I was right all along _ Amy never liked me.


Thats isnt true, Dear; I believe shes jealous of you. After all Toms her baby and she wants him tied to her apron strings as long as she possibly can. Thats why she blames you for what he himself did. She figures if she can rid him of you she can hang-on a little bit longer. Perhaps youre right, Mother. But knowing that only makes it harder. If thats what she truly is about then our relationship is doomed! And again began to cry, more softly than before. It was as though shed already excepted their break up as gospel. Mom, I just love him so much, she cried. Darling, I understand. I know, Honey. Oh, if only I had a magic -wand. I would shout abracadabra from the rafters, and make all your dreams come true. I feel so horribly inadequate at times, especially knowing the heartache and anguish youre presently going through. As much as I so diligently strive I can not make the pain go away. I can not protect my little girl from heartbreak. Occasionally, my Sweetness, I do fail and this unfortunately is one of those times. Im so sorry, Dear. But really, Bree, you ought to adopt a wait and see policy. See whether he calls you in a couple of days or even in a couple of weeks would be fine. However, if he doesnt call you within that time frame you should play the field. I dont want any daughter of mine staying home night after night crying her eyes-out waiting for some guy to call her. There isnt a man alive thats worth all that, she said. Thanks, Mom, she said. Thats probably my only resort, anyway. You lie down and rest awhile, Sweetheart. Ill bring you a cool compress for your forehead. Thanks, Mama, she said. When she returned with the cool, moist, washcloth Bree beseeched her not to tell her father? Mums the word, she said, holding a finger against her lips. Then placed the soothing cloth upon her forehead. Mercifully, she slept.



Weeks passed without nary a word. What made it even harder was she couldnt call him _ or could she? She wanted to. But wouldnt that cause even more problems for him? In the end deciding it would be too embarrassing if Amy answered the phone. What could she possibly say to her? Im sorry you blame me for something Id nothing to do with, or personally never indulged? She doubted that could help a situation already gone terribly awry. At times she feared she was having a nervous breakdown. She became terribly morose when Tom didnt call. Then when the phone did ring her heart would give a leap, creating quite a start. When it wasnt he she felt dejected and woebegone, sinking more deeply into her depression. Her sporadic crying jags frightened her, driving her more deeply into despair. It seemed she couldnt restrain herself from torturing herself and didnt have the wherewithal to get off of the bandwagon. She was convinced she would be happier when school started and she began her classes, spending more quality time with good friends. Toms former schooling was complete so it wasnt as though shed be bumping into him in the hallways as a constant reminder of what could have been.


Her employment had finally ended. Perhaps things would be more pleasant for her in the future. Her job had been extremely fatiguing for her, and the extra time could provide a period for reflection in a more tranquil setting. The work had been very pressing and stressful, as well as earsplitting at times _ not to mention the exhaustion it caused her, it didnt help her spiritually either when she clearly unde rstood it was nothing but a dead end position. The job had convinced her that she was destined to labor at hard work for an eternity and deserved the sentence received for payback of past sins, persuading her to believe that because shed demonstrated h er love for Tom she had sinned most dreadfully. If she were a good person why hadnt she felt remorse over the loss of her virginity or have any qualms whatsoever in making love with the man of her dreams? School would begin on Monday. She received her final pay on Friday, and planned a shopping spree for her school wardrobe that would probably take the entire weekend. Knowing this stimulated her to some degree though she knew the rush would only be temporary. However, it gave her something to look forward to other than the tears _ not that she looked forward to them, but they had become a significant slice of her life.



She called Anne early Saturday morning and kept her fingers crossed that she hadnt already made plans for the day, if not would she like to go shopping with her? She had lucked out for once! Anne had responded with delight, saying shed love to! She asked Bree if ten oclock would be too late? Perfect, Bree declared! She was so blessed having friends such as Anne to really count on when the going got rough, and having wheels _ so much the better! Anne tooted her horn pulling in the driveway. Bree kissed Mary goodbye as she skipped out the door _ happy to be spending the day with her best friend! Mary breathed a big sigh of relief at the sight of her daughter skipping and smiling once again. Hey, Anne, Bree yelled, gaily. Hey, Bree, how are you, she asked, bravely. Have you heard the latest, Bree said? Yeah, her voice very flat. Words escaped Bree momentarily, but as it happened they werent really necessary. Anne of course was entirely on her side, agreeing that it was Toms responsibility to ma ke the first move _ not hers. She firmly believed that he


allowed his mother to use Bree as a scapegoat, and that she ought to get off his back! If he couldnt do it himself then he needed to have a heart-to-heart with his dad on the subject. Why should you take the rap for what happened, Anne said? I agree, of course, she said. Though I do understand his predicament. Bree, Im only going to say this once, and that is if Tom were a man instead of a mouse hed be standing -up for you without question. He is the lawbreaker not you, and hed be rotting his b -- off in prison if the police had made the discovery instead of his mom, she said. You are totally innocent, you have broken no laws! Only Gods law, she said, sheepishly. Anne brushed off her comment with a flick of the wrist. Bree, she said. There isnt any of us who havent gone all -the-way by now. As a matter of fact youre probably the last of the holdouts. Raise your head-high girl, forget all this no nsense _ were going to have a ball today _ not waste it on any ol guy. Right-on, girl, she said, happily. As they waited for a red light this dude pulled up along side them, wielding an evil eye and reving up his engine. Looking around rather lackadaisically they found they didnt know him from Adam. He appeared harmless enough, so they brazenly engaged in innocent flirtation thinking theyd never see him again. But his bold low stare left nothing to the imagination insofar as what he had on his mind! They couldnt have cared less about the guy, but enjoyed egging him on! As they continued to play with him _ Anne blew the guy a kiss _ he winked back at her and reved his engine. Bree was thinking _ all right, this is cool and stuck out her tongue in a seductive way! Then mulled over in her mind how much she wanted a car of her own. The signal changed. Ann floored the gas pedal leaving the dandy in the distance. Checking his expression as they whizzed-on by, one could tell he was definitely taken by surprise. Racing could be exhilarating yet frightening at the same time. She whipped him hands-down to the next signal. Again the beefcake rolled in beside them hoping for another crack-at-it, revving his engine all the while. This time Anne shook her head. She was a very levelheaded gal. Knowing Anne as Bree did she was probably thinking _ dont push your luck girl! But Casanova wasnt taking no for an answer. So she jumped the next light hoping to shake-him loose, but none too surprisingly he misinterpreted it to mean shed changed her mind and wanted to race. Anne was beginning to grow weary of the over anxious cocky kid and wanted to ditch him permanently. They agreed he was taking matters much too seriously, and not displaying good sense. By the time they reached town theyd lost him _ or so they thought, anyway. When his car sidled -up next to them again after some time had passed it became obvious the cat wasnt taking no for an answer, and seeming ly no way of escape. No matter which way


they went ol eager beaver never lost any of his exuberance. They concluded the chap couldnt take no for an answer, either that or plainly was a pinhead! Anne attempted everything within her power short of shooting the guy to shake him off, and getting absolutely no where. Apparently whatever she tried only served to whet his appetite further since he seemed more determined than ever in pursuing them. At last Anne out-foxed him. She pulled into an alleyway and hid behind a delivery truck. They sat tight until Anne spotted him driving past. They high-fived each other, and whooped and howled and carried on until their bellies ached, which was the most fun of all! Luckily no one was stirring or witnessed or heard them; theyd have taken them for a couple of fruitcakes! One could appreciate how really small the town was when one realized the difficulty of ditching dopey dumases was. The circumference of the city never changed, but gone forever were the vacant lots theyd played in as children, ultimately becoming high-rise buildings and parking garages _ then the population exploded. They window-shopped at almost every boutique in town before hitting Robinsons. As it turned out Bree acquired her entire wardrobe there _ no big surprise! She couldnt begin to describe the sensation surging through her veins when it occurred to her that her dreams were no longer merely dreams, but were a reality. She then realized that she had actually purchased her own dreams! Since she had bought everything she could possibly need and then some on Saturday it wasnt necessary to go shopping on Sunday. By now most retail stores in her neck of the woods were opened on Sundays. She could allocate the extra time for putting together her attire and accessories for the school week. Garments needed pressing, shoes needed polishing, etc. She became giddy knowing that if she desired something the only obstacle to obtaining it was plunking down the cold hard cash. At long last she was in the chips! She promised herself shed never want for anything from here on out. As it was she had beau-coup bucks left over from her final two paychecks, plus all shed managed to stash! Next stop _ Dels Drive-Inn. Bree was springing for lunch since Anne was kind enough to take her shopping on the spur of the moment at that; it was the least she could do to repay a favor. Del had a gimmick for enticing patrons to frequent his establishment. He offered live radio broadcasts on the weekends, which was wired over the blaring loud speakers in the parking lot. The teens attending that day were extremely friendly and didnt mind fraternizing with anyone showing the slightest interest _ mostly teens unfamiliar with one another anxious to build new friendships. It was summertime and parents usually waited until then to transplant their offspring out West to California. Little effort was required to become fast friends for life in the innocent fifties. Kids were hopping from vehicle to vehicle and dancing in the parking lot. Shortly following their arrival Anne and Bree joined them _ dancing first with each other, which


encouraged the fellas to believe they might be receptive to them if they asked for a dance. Eventually doing exactly that and they Rocked Around the Clock with the best of them. It was the first time either indulged in dancing at Dels. Prior to that they either came with their boyfriends or on a date, usually on a Friday evening, but never in the middle of the afternoon let alone dancing. There were times when Bree had wanted to, but the fellas seemed more content to be watchers than participants. It dawned on her that she was beginning to appreciate her newly found freedom. If a guy asked her to dance, she danced with him, and much to her surprise enjoyed it too! She felt no guilt whatsoever, why should she, she thought? Anne neither _ they were merely young chicks out looking for a good time. When one dance partner asked her for her telephone number she gave it to him, and the courage to ask for his! He complied without any fanfare. She was convinced he thought her weird, but certain that he dug it! Of course theyd introduced themselves earlier in the first dance. His name was Blaine Baldwin. She liked him ins tantly. He was witty and cute _ she couldnt help laughing at him. She decided she would see him again! What an all round glorious day it had been, and decided she was through with the tears! Leaving Dels both she and Anne promised their newly found friends that theyd be back, assuring them that they had not seen the last of them. On the drive home they promised one another that theyd definitely be back, agreed to forever return there only with each other, and hold close to their hearts this chummy get away far from the maddening crowds. Meg and her friends had hung-out at Dels when she attended Granite. She found it hard to believe that her sister had finished school little more than four years before and had told Bree about Dels place when she was still in pigtails. Shed met her former boyfriend, Terry there, whod been like a big brother to her. The whole story seemed inconceivable that he had so valiantly, so unselfishly, had rescued her very life in what would become the final stages of his own existence _ that is, as far as Meg was concerned! Terry had barely nailed and jailed Jesus when Meg decided to dump him, possibly only waiting for the trial to end. The breakup had broken Terrys heart as well as her own. She refused even to speak to Meg for weeks afterward. What a terrible show of gratitude shed displayed in casting him away like an old shoe. By the time Anne dropped off Bree they were two pooped-out chicky poohs! The day had been long. They had a fabulous time, which theyd cherish always with the fondest of memories, and agreed the day had been much more exciting than the so called painting the town red with the fellas ever could be! Bree hugged Anne, thanking her for everything and meaning it. She helped her however temporary, to escape her loneliness. Anne hugged her back and mentioned that she and Dean would like to hangout with her and Blaine. Meaning that they as a couple, in her mind at least, was a foregone conclusion. Bree couldnt see it then , but


smiled brightly anyway and said she hoped so. Anne bet her that the chance meeting soon would develop into a real relationship and thought they had a good thing going. Bree promised that they would hang together _ if indeed it did get going. Anne beamed, jumped back in the little Mercury and buzzed off. She and Dean had a date for later that evening. Suddenly the realization hit her just how terribly she was gonna miss that girl around school.


On Sunday Bree prepared for school on the following day. Sh ed bought new saddle-oxfords and polished them several times. All white soles were still preferable though the times offered the popular shoe in only black soles. So she still had to polish the sides of the soles white, giving them at least the facade of an all white sole, and those who didnt were considered squares. All white pumps were in as well, and naturally the sole came only in black _ so they were painted white as well! The shoe polish of choice was Shineola. In a crowd you never wanted anyone to point at your feet and say, Your Shoes are showing so went the famous commercial. The scene pictured young people laughing and pointing to someones dirty shoes. Of course no one wanted that to happen to them, so they polished their shoes religiou sly every night whether they needed it or not! The expression doesnt know s --t from Shineola is where the slogan originated. How depressing it was for America girls when the company went out of business. I mean _ what were they to do? No other polish could compare, and none other came with the long elegant twisted metal stick with the fluffy white applicator tip. An old chum of Brees living several blocks from them during her years at Azalea High named Patty Bois who went on to attend Stoneridge following graduation instead of Granite. They were given the choice back then. She never saw her again though they had been great pals in Junior High.


What she remembered most about her was that she polished the bottom of the sole as well. Walking every where they went was common back then and the polish was bound to wear-off _ a complete waste in Brees mind and didnt mind telling her so. Patty confessed that she enjoyed the sparkling -clean look of the all white soles. She wondered if she stopped to realize that no one looked at the bottom of her feet? Since soles were made mostly of ugly black rubber Bree wondered why manufacturers didnt produce them in white rubber or leather in the first place? Too simplistic for the fifties she imagine d. Change didnt come about easily back then though it was the beginning of the modern world. The year she graduated Granite they came-out with an all white saddle oxford sole _ she was so mad! Patty had an older brother, Max which, naturally Bree envied very much. One summer he taught them how to make perfect handstands. They became masters at it by summers end _ reaching the point where they could stand on their hands indefinitely. Well, one day her brother took-off in his old jalopy as they were doing handstands. He asked them to hold their positions until he returned. The slick little trick was that he didnt plan to come back! It took the balance of the day for them to realize that her brother had duped them! Of course he found the entire episode hilariously funny _ knowing they had stayed-out of trouble for the remains of the day with no skin off his nose! Bree later learned that he was supposed to be babysitting her while their mother worked. Patty squealed on him and Max got in trouble _ for some reason he never liked her after that _ as if it was all her fault! The phone rang forcing her from her reverie. She was home alone that day, which meant she must answer the telephone. Her hands trembled as she picked up the receiver hoping it was Tom yet at the same time praying it was not he. Blaines voice literally boomed over the wires. She was taken aback at first then flattered that he had called. She had hoped he would keep in touch, yet surprised hed called. She supposed she hadnt really anticipated it happening. Had she already lost her self-esteem or possibly wasnt ready to resume dating again so soon? He invited her to the cinema that night. She quickly explained that it was not only a school night, but that her parents werent at home and she probably shouldnt leave without permission. Instead she asked him for a rain check. He seemed genuinely disappointed at her rejection. She found herself wishing she hadnt turned him down so easily. How about a cherry coke, then, he asked? Okay, its a deal, she said. Secretly she admired a man who wouldnt take no for an answer _ she thought that took backbone. Plus down deep she knew she wanted to see him again and for reasons unknown to her it


bothered her terribly knowing she hurt his feelings, but it would have affected her equally if she had hurt anyones feelings. Pick you up at 6.00, he asked? Perfect, she said, and gave him her address. Blaine was the new kid on the block with only o ne semester remaining until graduation. His father had abruptly decided to seek a naval retirement while stationed in San Diego. He loved the climate as well as the coastline, and decided to make California his home. The family was already settled-in Southern California, and didnt really relish the thought of returning to New York just to be mustered-out. He was discharged in San Diego and shortly thereafter the family moved into their new home in Granite City. Granite was somewhat north of San Diego and enjoyed a sunnier climate. Bree considered herself lucky that Blaine had enrolled at Granite. She just might possibly have something to look forward to besides the blues. They went to the Tick-Tock _ though Bree loved Dels just as much. She explained it wasnt cool to hangout there unless one attended Stoneridge. On the other hand, she said if youre a student there then it was perfectly proper to hang there since it was the official meeting place. There really wasnt any rivalry between the two schools. The clique pretty much knew everyone worth knowing in their estimation, and those acquaintances were always welcome at any of their parties _ or at the Tick-Tock as well, and that worked both ways. In football _ that was a horse of a different color _ then they became fierce competitors. Blaine and Bree seemed to hit it off quite well that evening. She presented him to everyone she knew there that night including Lorna and Larry. Surprisingly, Blaine and Larry appeared to get-off to a good start, and he invited them to a party he was throwing on the following Saturday night. They were elated! Bree hadnt known whether she would be welcomed to a party given by someone in the crowd who would also be inviting Tom. She now had her answer. Rose happened to be working that night, probably filling in for a friend. Skating over she peeped through the window, then smiled, and said, Well, something new has been added to the attraction, and winked at Bree. Smiling back, Bree introduced the two of them. Rose looked gorgeous as ever, you could see the appreciation in Blaines eyes. He ordered two cheeseburgers, two large frys, and cherry cokes. Bree hadnt eaten dinner so she was grateful he had ordered food. His take charge persona wasnt lost on her. She admired that in a man. Someo ne honked looking-up she spotted Anne and Dean pull-in the lot and waved to them. Parking the car they ran to greet them,


hopping in the back seat. Bree really hadnt expected to see anyone she knew there on a Sunday night, though she had called Anne to say that Blaine had called and that they were going to the Tick-Tock that night. Hi Blaine, Anne said, and quickly presented Dean to him. They shook hands heartily. Lifetime friendships were often sealed on a single handshake back then. Handshakes meant something in the nineteen fifties. You could sink a loan or a lifetime partnership on little more than a handshake. Rose returned to take the late latecomer orders. Few car hops would have pickedup on the Johnny Come Lately's until after your order was brought. Rose was sharp, nothing escaped her _ always on the lookout for instances like that, it paid off not in spades but in tips _ one more reason why she was the worlds greatest car hop. They watched her skate away having taken Anne and Deans orders. Dean caught Blaines expression saying, Shes been tantalizing us poor boys for years, refusing to give us so much as a tumble. Right, Bree said. As if youd risk losing Anne for any woman on earth _ you know its true, so don t deny it! Ah, youre on to me, Bree; youre no fun, Dean teased. Sorry about that, Dino, she joked back.



They met in the quad that day, which was the usual routine though it seemed all most deserted now. The circle had dwindled down to a precious few. Bree introduced Blaine to the last stragglers of their generation. Of course they accepted him without question in deference to her. But Blaine played it straight adding much in gaining their approval. He didnt find it necessary proving himself to anyone as others might have _ squarely fitting in. It pleased Bree even though she didnt know where it would lead _ she only knew that he was in. Blaine explained why he was beginning Granite in his senior year. The fellas crowded around him with interests piqued _ the gals circled around Bree. In lowered voices they asked how she snagged him? What a find, Lilly said! What a steal, Sheila insisted! Katy remarked, Where did you pluck him from, anyway? I found him at Dels Drive in on Saturday, she whispered, drawing giggles on that bit. They all agreed he was a catch! And he didnt fall off any turnip truck, neither Bree laughed out loud.


Lorna then displayed her new diamond sparkler shed received over the weekend. The girls attention then swarmed around her _ admiring her rock, which was awesome for the times. Most engagement rings then were diamond studded albeit having lovely settings. When are you tying the knot, Bree asked. As soon as arrangements can be finalized, she said. There wont be a formal wedding _ were getting hitched in Vegas. The reception will be held shortly after and everyones invited. After which, well party hardy, she whooped, gaily! Sounds terrific, Lorna, Bree said. By the way _ how you feeling? Great, doing great, so far, she smiled. Good deal, Bree said, smiling back, then making eye contact with Lilly. Lilly, hows tricks with you and Wally, she asked? Going well, she said. He was finally offered an apprenticeship position with the company. In a year from now hell make journeyman, then earn good union wages and benefits as a certified plumber. Hell be able to support me in the style of which Id like to become accustomed, and cracked up, laughing! Oh, Lilly, Im soooh happy for you, then grabbed her, and hugged her tight. Tell Wally for me hed better treat you right or hell answer to me. Oh, Bree, she said, The man treats me like gold, honest he does! But Ill tell him you said so anyway _ just in case, she promised. Good, Bree said, smiling at her. Wheres, Fanny, she asked? Hadnt you heard, Bree, Lilly asked? Heard what, Lilly, tell me? Well, dont say anything, but Fritz and her went to Vegas over the weekend and got married. They had to _ if you follow my drift? There must be something in the air, she said, and apparently its contagious. Does she plan to graduate, do you know? From what I gathered she planned to, but since then Ive heard her morning sickness is so horrible she can hardly lift her head off the pillow. That poor kid, she said. Lilly, lets pay her a visit soon. Sounds good, I feel sorry for her as well _ best we plan our visit in the late afternoon.


Right, she nodded, knowingly. Things dont seem the same around here anymore, you know? Now that Annes off to college _ Tom too! Ritas married, of course Lo rna soon will be, and now Fanny. So tell me what your first impression of Blaine is, Lilly? I like him, Bree, and hes so cute! I love his big dimples and cleft, dont you? Absolutely, she said. Do you think hes the cats meow? Affirmative, Bree. Good! she said. By the way are you guys going to Larrys party Saturday night? I think so, why, she asked? I was wondering if Blaine and I could tag along with you guys? Absolutely, you know that, Bree. Thanks Lilly, I really appreciate it. Should we meet at my place, then? I could arrange for Blaine to be there, which would save Wally an extra trip? Sounds perfect, she said. So it was arranged. The plan should help out in the courage department; also, theres strength in numbe rs as they say. Though someone initially may have to shove her through the doorway should her fears become paralyzing. Facing Tom again for the first time after making love to him on top of the world, while hand in hand with another man wouldnt be any picnic for her!


The grand old group gathered under one roof once again _ proving they could still cut the mustard. Some people Bree had known most of her life-were there, others she hadnt laid eyes on in ages. Yes, he was there as well! Though they hadnt bumped into each other yet, friends had warned her in advance to spare her any shocking surprises. Larrys parents obviously thought things couldnt get any worse, what with Larry and Lorna expecting a child, so they turned over the house to them and headed for the hills, literally. People were scattered everywhere. The


parties were normally held in the rumpus room, but on this special occasion the place was jam-packed and there wasnt enough room to accommodate that many out there. Rita, Lilly and Lorna, and Bree sat conversing on the couch when they observed several fellas heading for the john. After exiting they walked past them, giggling outrageously. Bree at last understood why guys joined each other in the head, and it wasnt to hold hands either _ only chicks did that (according to the fellas anyway _ were they peeking)? If the truth were known it was usually to discuss them! The outbursts assured her that they had just shared a joint. The giggles came within fifteen minutes and usually lasted another five or so (she had finally put two and two together.) Giggles proved the guys were under the influence. Guys werent supposed to giggle _ chicks were. As they breezed on past she noticed their pupils were just huge, caught on the wind was that strong offensive odor shed detected at Rita's house that night, and now this _ were one and the same to which she now understood was weed. It dawned on her then, something long ago forgotten _ that drugs increased the size of ones pupils, direct light or sunlight wouldnt shrink them one iota. In a drug -free person ones pupils would shrink under direct light. She hadnt been busted on that long ago eve when the officer flashed the light in her eyes, so her pupils must have shrunk. She had perceived the policemans action as rudeness at the time, now realized that wasnt the case. Since no one was arrested that night she could only assume hashish hadn't been smoked by anyone. Everyone seemed aware of Larry and Lornas impending marriage and wanted to sha re in the celebration. Larrys pals were hoping to enjoy him one last time before the ball and chain dropped. It was believed a person changed the moment they repeated their vows. They didnt really _ they just took them more seriously in those days. Bob Francis had refused to drive his old hot rod after marriage. The group called him BF or Biff. The car hadnt a window to call its own, which could present a chilly winters drive. You couldnt take the family cruising in it that was for sure. Eventually the rod was sold to the highest bidder _ fifty bucks! Hes still kicking his derriere over that blunder! The vehicle was a 1934 Model T Ford. Bree kept busy introducing Blaine to the old crowd for a time. Rita and Tony had taken to him right-off the-bat _ everyone did. Someone handed her a drink from behind the sofa where she was sitting. As she turned to thank them _ Tom stood there. She almost spilled the drink in her lap! An awkward moment though she managed to recover sufficiently to introduce the two men. They shook hands, lasting longer than it should have. She explained the circumstances of Blaines enrollment in Granite his senior year _ she didnt understand why _ perhaps fill a void? Tom and Blaine conversed awhile longer then Bla ine decided to move on and grabbed Brees hand. But as they squeezed their way through the crowded walk space they had to go


single file and he dropped her hand. As they passed through the kitchen she sensed Toms eyes on her backside. It was deja vous all over again, only this time it was cupid doing the spearing! Suddenly she had two left feet and couldnt walk straight, almost falling down. She wondered if Blaine sensed it since he reached-out grabbing her hand again. The small token of affection signaled Tom that she was with Blaine for the evening, which he certainly had put two and two together by then. Bree felt an urgent need to sit down; her legs had turned to jelly. Blaine looked at her strangely _ it was then she found herself gasping for oxy gen. Please, she wheezed. I need air. He quickly grabbed her arm and whisked her through the kitchen and out the back door. He found a patio chair and plunked her down in it. She smiled-up at him, greatfully. He clutched another chair and rammed it down beside her. He sat down. Are you okay, Bree, he asked, taking her hand again. His beautiful eyes clouded by his concern. Yes, Im feeling much better thank you, she said. I only needed some fresh air, the air inside is a trifle stagnant, dont you think? Between the heat, the closeness of the room, people smoking and talking inside apparently caused me to lose my breath. He asked her what was going on? It dawned on her suddenly that he had exceptional intuition for a fella. She decided to tell him the truth and explained the whole situation as she knew it, though she did withhold certain things. Initially she told him only what she thought he needed to know. But since he seemed so understanding the next thing she realized she was blabbing the entire tale and began to weep. After she finished telling her sordid story she noticed his face became ashen, his eyes were fierce. He threw his arms around her, then lifting her chin with his big mans hand he kissed her tenderly. Then brushed her tea rs away and kissed her again more passionately this time. She didnt resist, even managed to muster -up some semblance of enthusiasm _ no doubt dredged up from the deepest recesses of her soul. Couples began coming out-of-doors searching for a cooler spot; it was an unusually warm September night. Normally after sunset it cooled down some of a summer eve. The cool ocean breezes usually lowered the temperature of an evening, but there were no crispy ocean gales that night, which was why the temperature remained abnormally high inside, and was only slightly cooler outside. Larry carried his speakers outside placing them in the patio, then brought out his hi-fi and connected the wires to the speakers then plugged the system in. A few couples got-up and danced. Blaine said hed like to dance provided she was feeling better. Excepting his offer _ she was pleasantly surprised to find him an excellent dancer. They danced until heat exhaustion forced them to slump back into their chairs. Once hed gotten his sec ond wind he left in search of fresh beverages.


What she dreaded would happen, while at the same time prayed that it would, happened. Tom from out of the middle of no where was suddenly standing there asking her to dance. Alarmed at the onset, she realiz ed she didnt know how she should respond to his offer. Cummon, Bree, he finally said. One dance for old times sake? Then grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet. Still at a loss for words _ going through the motions, not really knowing how she should handle the situation. Dancing, Tom whispered that hed missed her terribly. But shed long ago reached the conclusion that he was solely responsible for his actions leading to their breakup _ not his mother! Have you already forgotten my phone number, she asked, dryly? He looked at her as if to say _ what, are you nuts? But declined a comment. Instead he said, Why dont we get married? There isnt much she can do once its done. Bree was floored _ to put it mildly! Dont do me any favors, Tom, she said. Then he confessed that, yes, he still believed neither was old enough to make that commitment. Though insisting if it meant losing her, then yes, hed marry her tomorrow, adding _ she knew that. Well, she said. Ive no intention of marrying you or anyone else at the moment. Oh, baby, you know I love you, dont you, he cooed? Im not sure of anything, anymore, Tom. As it happens Im here with a date, or hadnt you noticed? That much I do know, and hes rapidly approaching us so please go away. OK, Ill leave now, Ill call you tomorrow, he said, slowly walking away. She couldnt help feeling sorry for him. He looked so forlorn. Yet, she felt a teeny twinge of smugness knowing that he was finally going through what shed experienced all along. She wanted to lash-out at him, punish him for what shed suffered. Hey, she heard Lillys voice. Whats a good-looking chick like you sitting all alone in the moonlight? Oh, Lilly, I was just speaking to Tom. I know, I saw you two. So whats happening, anything exciting? Ill tell you later, Lilly, Blaines coming. Okay, dont forget, and scurried away. Sorry it took so long, Blaine apologized. Larry cornered me, and I had a devil of the time escaping his clutches. Smiling, he handed her a drink. Not a problem, she said. Larrys a super friendly guy. Would you like to see the recreation room, she asked?


That would be terrific, he smiled, reaching for her hand and giving it a little squeeze. She failed to return even the tinniest term of endearment _ not understanding why. Was she becoming so aloof that a guys tender touch couldnt phase her anymore, or was she taking her frustrations out on him? Once inside the rumpus room they bumped into Rita and Tony, and will surprises never cease _ Devon Wilson was bending over the billiard table shooting the eight ball. Everyone clamed up. He sunk the shot then everyone resumed normal conversation. Bree presented Blaine to Devon. As always he offered a hearty handshake for his fellowman. The men put up their quarters. Blaine then gave his version of the new kid on the block to anyone whod listen and was now doing it solo. He no longer required Bree to do his bidding _ he knew hed wrangled his way in. Bree and Rita hugged and started-up a conversation. After a bit she gave her that smoldering deep-rooted look that only she could give and the men all loved. Her lashes so long and thick they disguised the mysteries of her veiled eyes. Bree, are you okay, she asked? Im hanging in there. No, I mean really? Can we discuss it tomorrow, Hon, she asked? Ill call and explain everything _ I promise. Youve got it pal, she said. Hugging again they talked girl -talk awhile eventually joining in the mens huddle. What always seemed to happen whenever gals joined in mens conversation _ happened, which is that it came to an abrupt halt. It happened every single time! They never bothered to explain what the dialogue had been about, even when asked, they just shinned-them-on. The gals eventually decided that it was just guy talk. Though some discussions had been overheard and were hinged on sinister. For starters _ how theyd banged this gal or that gal. Even old married men like Tony boasted how hed balled this one and that one, carving notches on his belt. Most of those stories werent true they knew. They were like old fishermen tales _ a lot more bluster than fact _ though even they admit that some got away! When gals talked girl talk they never would have dreamt of telling the fellas what their conversation was either, because generally it was all about them, and no one wished to further increase their already giant-sized egos by permitting them to know that! Lets meander outside _ its stuffy in here, Rita said. Bree complied. This happened a lot also: after they vacated the rec room the fellas disbanded in favor of following the gals out-doors. So maybe they couldnt live with them, but they sure as heck couldnt live without them either _ go figure?


The rumpus room featured natural lighting and heating _ sun filtered through clear brick glass, called bottle glass in the fifties. The glass absorbed the suns rays similar to that of a cars windowpane _ soaking up the suns heat like a sponge, especially when cars were parked over-night with windows rolled up tight. Of course it was wired for electricity, gas, and running water. In wintertime when it was cool outside the recreation room stayed reasonably warn, but in summertime it could get very hot and muggy with no air-conditioning other than what mother nature provided through open doorways and windows, which were widely opened but also allowed steam and heat in. People began dancing more in the somewhat cooler night air. Larrys hi -fi system was playing all their favorite tunes. Bree and Blaine joined the other dancers. They danced until wearing themselves-out; jitterbugging straight through without any slow dance breaks in between. The dance became known as the swing in the late fifties, the steps pretty much remained the same except fellas no longer tossed partners in the air or slid them between their legs. The dance became subdued and not nearly the fun it once was. Larry began their favorite parlor game _ spin the bottle! With so many participants the game was particularly lengthy. Larry spun the bottle himself landing it directly in front of Blaine _ purposely? To her pleasure she found Blaine not in the least bit bashful. Wrapping his big arms tightly around her yet managing not to squeeze the daylights out of her, he kissed her with such tender passion she became caught-up-in-it. Then when he released her she was breathless again! Trying to catch her wind she couldnt help notice Toms eyes on her. He looked pathetic _ she fought back the threatening tears once again. The game finally ended, the party began breaking up shortly thereafter. The circle all agreed to stop by the Tick Tock on their way home. Pulling in it was obvious the joint was jumping! Everyone but Wally had to park out in the west forties. When spotting Wallys big sedan parked in the thick of the action they all ran to it and hopped inside. Shortly thereafter the men went car hopping leaving the ladies to fend for themselves. Seeing them on the cat walk old friends leapt from their jalopies and old rods to offer a handshake _ though the scene was becoming as rare as pigs flying what with finishing high school, getting married, off to college, off to war, many moved on. The old gang was trickling down to a precious few. Look at you, Bree was thinking, youre in your final year of school, and still dont know what to do with yourself. Youre a mighty senior now kiddo she thought _ youd better get on the stick! It all seemed an illusion, a-magicians cruel trick _surreal to her! It wasnt possible _ was it? The time had gone like pouf! The gals would have given anything to float a bit themselves _ mix-it-up with old friends especially those they might never see again. Girls were expected to remain inside the vehicles, no one told them this, it was a well-known


fact and they simply went along with it _ no one questioned why? Yet another double standard! Gals not abiding by established rules were considered flaky, flighty, flashy, trashy, often inebriated _ or all the above. A couple of fellas stopped on down the line for conversation with two chicks. Apparently good enough for the guys to speak to _ not so much the girls! The facade was probably so the chicks couldnt hear the dialogue exchange. Rita swore they were trying to score with the blond bimbos who were obviously intoxicated. No one in the car doubted that someone took advantage of the dizzy dames that night or died trying! After the fellas returned they had a rollicking good time. Can you vision a vehicle large enough to hold four people in front, and four in back? Wallys did. Of course it was tight. He was a 53 Ford Crown Victoria, which was only cool! Long and sleek with fin-like fenders similar to that of a Caddie only smaller. It was two-toned in color, red on the bottom, and white on top. Cars were built like tanks in those days, which most folks thought protected them. However, they were not safe at all since none were equipped with seat belts and air bags. Though seat belts were around laws didnt require manufacturers to install them back then. After Wally dropped them off Blaine walked her to her door then lowered his head and kissed her goodnight. She told him she had a wonderful time and wasnt lying. He echoed her sentiment. He was very tall; she had to stand on tippy-toes to kiss him goodnight, taller even than Tom, with a much larger frame. He left then but not before asking her on a date Friday night! Her parents decided to wait-up for her first date with Blaine. Concern for her welfare was etched in their faces. Bree beamed, Let me go grab a coke and Ill tell you all about it! Rushing to the kitchen she sensed their sighs.



Sleeping in late that morning and still feeling groggy as she staggered into the large country kitchen, noting the coffee smelled delicious! Mary and Jo were seated at the table. After she hugged the two of them she took her place next to them. Through the rear window facing out from the dinning room overlooking the botanical gardens she saw Herrman whacking away the weeds with his hoe. Im starving, she said. Well, Mary said, We waited for you like one pig waits for another, then guffawed. Another of her favorite sayings, which she used as often as the shoe fit. Am I too late for breakfast, she cried?


Youre right on time, Dear; these waffles are hotter than a pancake, she punned, awaiting your dining pleasure. Oh, Mom, she got excited. My favorite breakfast on the planet! Well, eat them while theyre hot then, she said. Yes maam, Bree saluted her mother, smartly. Marys waffles and pancakes were the best in the west and created from scratch. Also, she made her-own maple syrup, which was so fresh tasting compared to store bought and the taste no-way similar. She served the syrup hot off the stove. One never had to worry about pancakes or waffles turning cold before eating them, the syrup kept them good and hot. Bree ate like a little piggy but then she was always a good eater! After washing the dishes (her turn) she straightened-up her room, laundered her sweaters, after which she completed her homework. Then deciding shed better make her phone calls before she forgot her promise. She called Rita first, and tried to explain the weird conversation she had with Tom. Rita could hardly believe her ears. What do you suggest I should do, she asked her? Tell him to drop-dead! No seriously, I mean? I am dead serious, she said. Especially after the way hes treated you lately. The man doesnt deserve one more chance at braking your heart into little pieces. I know, she said, dejected. Well, I promised Lilly Id phone her too, so I best get going. After hanging-up she called Lilly, repeating the same story shed only just told Rita. To say that she was surprised would be putting it mildly. When she mentioned Ritas advice, Lilly basically agreed with her, though added that it must be her decision _ no one could make it for her. I might advise you, but in the end its your decision to make. You must make it soon, Bree, or you could risk losing both of them. Bree knew she was right and thanked her for her advice. Hanging-up she decided to ask her mothers opinion before she reached any conclusion. Jo had just skipped outdoors to aid Herrman in his gardening, which meant shed have Marys undivided attention. She had retired to the living room where she sat reading the newspaper. Bree picked up the comic section, briefing through the pages. It was useless. She couldnt retain anything. At last she requested her mothers attention. Straight away she explained how Tom had practically forced her to dance with him. Next she gave her an accounting of the dialogue exchanged between them, then sat waiting for her response. Marys comment was


completely off the wall and totally unexpected, as was often the case where she was concerned, but yet was usually right-on! Do you honestly think hell get in touch after all this time? I dont know anything anymore, Mother, can you dig it? If you mean _ do I understand, the answer is yes, of course I do. So what should I do, Mom? Pretend I despise him when I dont? Of course not, Sweetheart. Lets assume he does call _ have you given any thought to what you might say if it proves necessary? What, then, she pressed on? My advice is do what your heart dictates. But, Mom, she said. Wouldnt that mean marrying him, while knowing -full-well that isnt what his wishes are, also knowing full-well that our marriage would not have his mothers blessing? That isnt a proper basis for a marriage is it? People have married for less noble causes than that, Bree, she said. I suppose thats true, its just so confusing _ I hate it. Why dont you lie down awhile, Dear? In the interim you may discover the answer to all your problems. If you cant come up with a viable solution then just play-it-by-ear till you do, she said. You certainly deserve a proper time period before making an important life decision such as marriage. Mom, what a fabulous idea, at least for the time being anyway. Thank you very much for your imput. I knew youd come-up with something good _ you always do! Then quickly hugged her and vanished to her room. Aware of a sudden abrupt shaking _ at first startled, then the memory of crying herself to sleep that night came flooding back to her consciousness. She realized her mother was trying to awaken her. Stirring, she asked what was going on? Toms on the phone, Dear, she said. Tell him Ill be right there, please? Mary said, Okay, and soundlessly left the room. She hadnt a telephone in her bedroom at the time _ no one did in those days. Stumbling into the kitchen she willed herself to awaken, albeit none too successfully. Hello, she said, to the receiver. Hi, Baby, it was he! Hey, Tom, trying to sound casual. Ill pick you-up in half an hour. We can discuss matters in privacy that way, okay, he asked?


Well, I guess so, alright she stammered, uncertainly. Hanging-up she relayed what little conversation there had been to her mother. Ever the optimist, said, That sounds splendid, Dear. Will you be home in time for supper? Im not certain, Mom, she said, and briskly returned to her bedroom to dress. Shed have to fly to get ready in thirty minutes. Somehow she managed _ just in the nick of time. Tom entered the foyer and paid his respects to her family, his eyes fixated on something on the floor no one else could see _ was he ashamed? They jumped in the car and Tom fired-up his engine. She didnt snuggle -up as she would normally have and didnt say anything either. It was Tom who spoke first. He said he wanted to wait until after they arrived at the Tick-Tock before discussing anything. Said he couldnt think clearly while driving. Thats good, she said. Especially since mother expects me home in time for dinner. In hindsight she wished she would-have nixed the Tick Tock. A shame she didnt have a crystal ball because as luck would have it she spotted Blaines car almost immediately. He was alone and appeared to be eating a cheeseburger. Damn, she thought! No one ever went to the Tick-Tock on a Sunday! It really shook her up. She didnt know what to say or do _ if anything, regarding the embarrassing predicament. She didnt know if Tom was aware, or whether he just pretended not to notice? Rose was off weekends, thankfully a stranger took their order. She opted for a cherry coke, and he muttered hed have the same. After she skated away, Tom turned in his seat to face her, though she was staring straight ahead she could make him out in her peripheral vision. He reached over taking her chin in his hand, turning her face toward him. Bree, he said. Please dont be angry at me? . Im trying to be civil, Tom, she said. But youre not making it easy. Ignoring her comment, he asked, Have you thought about it, Baby? Yes, Tom, I have. To be honest I havent thought about anything else. Have you reached a decision, he persisted? Im having a real problem seeing where I have a choice in the matter. You can marry me, he said. But what is my other option, Tom? Mother will get used to the idea, he said, ignoring her question. But thats the one and only choice youre giving me, dont you see? If he did he said nothing. It seems to me its either marry you, or give you up? Your mothers denied us seeing one another or even speaking on the telephone for crying out loud _ what, are you twelve years old, and all because shes threatened by


me? She condemns me for what you did! I guess what I really require, Tom, is your support. By that I mean standing-up for me, taking my part, as you should have long ago _ tell her like it is! Bree, cant you see Im caught between a rock and a hard place which ever way I turn. Well, that makes two of us. Yes, I understand that, he said. Ill think of something. Will you, Tom, she asked? Anyway I always thought marriage was out of the question for us? She realized later that he hadnt answered the question. The waitress brought their tray. As she was leaving Bree observed Blaine heading-out the driveway. Hed left without so much as a word let alone a glance in her direction _ never mind a wave. At that moment something tugged hard at her heartstrings, and put her on a bummer! Please take me home, Tom. Whats wrong, Baby? My entire life looms bleak, ugly, and empty, and you want to know whats wrong? My whole world seems eaten alive with bitterness and recrimination. And you ask me whats wrong? I thought you might understand th at much, Thomas? He moved closer, putting his arms around her, stroking her tenderly, murmuring all the sweet nothings shed missed and longed to hear. She couldnt help herself and responded to his touch and then his kiss, nothing had changed. Before either realized they were making out, wildly, passionately. Unnoticed he had lifted her blouse up over her bra, pulled her bra up over her breasts until she sensed the moisture on her skin. She didnt even care at that point it was that delicious! His touch, gentleness, and kisses turned-her-on now more than ever! She became aware of his hand traveling up her thigh. When he attempted to remove her panties she thought _ wait a minute, this cant be happening! Finally coming to her senses she pulled her br a back down and then her blouse. When she straightened in her seat nudging him he sat-up too. Both were visibly shaken. They had nearly blown it. Looking around it became evident that no one had noticed _ at least she hoped not anyway! His body had basically shielded her own from view to her left and to her right a cinderblock enclosure concealed a storage area where trash was stowed. One thing different about Tom was his seemingly desperate need of her. She decided that maybe things might workout after all. Ill take you home, Baby, he said, then kissing her like none other. Thank you, Thomas. But felt her self-sinking into the old black hole of despair once again. When they arrived at her place Tom helped her from the car, then walked her to the door. Ill call you, Baby. If I have to walk to Larrys to do it _ so be it. Is that a promise, she asked?


Baby, its not a promise _ its a guarantee! When, she tried pinning him down? Everyday _ if thats what you require. That would be preferable, if possible, she said. Okay, then he said. Well resolve are problems soon _ youll see. Then he plastered a brave -smile on his face, and winked. He left her with the impression that he didnt even believe it himself. He k issed her again and hopped in his jalopy riding off into the sunset.


Back in school she determined to receive good marks, making a concerted effort to avoid ditching classes. Now that Lorna was tying the knot all bets were off as far as Friday ditch sessions anyway. Her future in-laws had bought them a house as a wedding gift. The two of them stuck together through thick and thin, building a beautiful life for themselves. Somehow Lorna managed to get through graduation that spring even though shed given birth in April. They were blessed with two children, a boy and a girl. Larry had been an only child, a lonely child hed claimed, and didnt wish that existence for his own child. Naturally, she bumped into Blaine that day, there really wasnt anyway to avoid it. Thankfully, he was the first to speak. Good, she thought, at least they were still on speaking terms.


Hey, Bree, he said, a little uncertainly. Hi Blaine, she answered. I was wondering, could we possibly speak later on in private? She decided she simply must tell him that Tom and her were back together again _ it was only fair. All right, when, he asked? How about after school, she said. Should I pick you up here or at your place? Here, please? Where? How about down by the bleachers? They were located on the South end of school where hopefully they wouldnt be bumping into anyone. Okay, he said. Ill wait for you there. Thanks, Blaine, see you then, she smiled. Turning to leave she caught a glimpse of what one could only describe as woebegone, a dejected expression _ again, the same-tugging sensation of her heartstrings. Without thinking twice she called-out his name. Yes, he stopped, dead in his tracks _ a quizzical expression engrained on his face. Walking closer she said, You know, Ive changed my mind. I think Id rather meet you at the main entrance if thats okay with you? At first he looked surprised then smiling broadly he said. Well, all right then _ see you at 3.00! As she exited the main lobby that afternoon she spotted Blaine's little red Studebaker double-parked across the street from school. Parking wasnt permitted on the school side of the street, which definitely limited pa rking possibilities. She waved to signal that she had seen him, then high-tailed it across the street, giggling as she hopped in the car. One couldnt legally double-park back then anymore than one could today; she would have hated to be the one to get him a citation. Would you like to go to the Tick-Tock, he asked? Id love to; she said. My throat feels like the Gobi desert at the moment. Hang on Kitten, were practically there. The Tick-Tock was five minutes from school. Well that was definitely a first! No one had ever called her Kitten before. She liked it very much! It was certainly original. She didnt really care for the pet term, Baby, as Tom called her _ though shed never expressed as much to him. It rang common to her ears, perhaps cheap even. Could it possibly be because practically every guy in school called their girlfriends that _ lumping all chicks into the same basket so to speak. But not Bree _ she got to be called Kitten! Mulling it over in her brain she decided she really liked it a lot! He pulled into the Tick-Tock and


parked. No sooner had he done so than Rose spotted them _ generally slow that time of day. She skated towards them. Hi Bree, Hi Blaine, hows everything going, she asked? Good, Rose, they both said. How are you? Great, she said. Want to see my ring? Yes, they said excitedly. She proudly displayed her engagement ring for them. The sun sparkled so brilliantly on the stone, it was almost blinding. It was a huge gem and was absolutely gorgeous! So when did all this happen, Bree asked? Last weekend, she cried! Oh Rose, Im so happy for you, we both are, Bree said. Is it anyone we know? She said no. It was one of her regular customers whod been coming to dinner almost every night for several years. Hed asked her out repeatedly, practically on a daily basis, but shed always turned him down. Then one day she _ out of the blue, excepted his proposal and as they say _ the rest is history! Will you stick around awhile, Bree asked? You bet, she said. Were not rushing into anything. Good, Bree said. Because I believe I speak for the whole gang in saying that wed love to throw a shower for you before you leave. That sounds swell, she said. But Id better take your order now, this place is beginning to jam. Looking over at Blaine, she wanted to see whether hed do the ordering again _ he did! Well have two cherry cokes and two onion rings, Rose, he said. Thanks, Ill be right back with your order; she said. As usual they watched her skate away. Bree was happy for her, but saddened by the thought of her leaving. Life seemed to be constantly changing any more, not always for the better it seemed. It scared her half to death just thinking about it. She could only plan events one day at a time, more than that frightened her no end. After Rose brought their orders they sat quietly munching the onion-rings, and drinking the cherry cokes. She finally built-up the courage to ask Blaine if hed seen her there on Sunday. He said yes. Well, why didnt you acknowledge me then? I thought that was obvious? Digesting his remark, mulling it over, she realized she didnt know the answer. Did he mean because she and Tom were together, and it bothered him? Was he jealous, or was it that three was a crowd? She could only guess at


the answer. She wouldnt have reservations about speaking to him if the situation were reversed, a simply wave would have sufficed. Finally she said, Not really, Blaine. Reaching across the seat he pulled her closer to him _ even nuzzled her nose a little. Kitten, he said. Dont you realize how I feel about you? Do you not have the vaguest inkling of how deeply it hurts when I see you with another guy, especially one that doesnt deserve you or have any clue as to how he should treat you? His comment brought home exactly how much she cared about his feelings. So what do I do now? What do I say? Finally deciding honesty was the better part of valor she said, Blaine, I really like you a lot. It wasnt your intent to make me feel insignificant in failing to acknowledge my presence. Good, he said. Now thats settled may we resume dating? Absolutely, she exclaimed! Then how about a movie Friday night? All right, youre on, she said, happily! Then Blaine kissed her right there before God and Country in broad daylight yet! The depth of feeling aroused by his kiss was outstanding to say the least _ delightful as it was delicious! It occurred to her then that it was Tom she needed to make the finale break with, and she must do it soon. In her heart she knew she would always love him, but beginning to believe she could care just as much for Blaine!


The gang met at the quad as usual, but the week proved anything but ordinary. For one thing Blaine and Bree behaved as couples do, walking the campus hand in hand and were now considered an item. She hadnt heard one word from Tom since he promised to call every day if it meant walking to Larrys house. The guys were suddenly in a huddle. The gals didnt know why, but gave them free rein. They formed their own little circle so they could chit chat. Bree clued them in about the meeting with Tom the previous Sunday, and of his failed promises, withholding


the sexual encounter part. She didnt want anyone to know about that _ especially not Blaine! She didnt want to hurt him again. Lorna spoke-up saying she heard Tom had started college on Monday, and Larry said he was up to his eyeballs in exams. Bree wondered what she could remark concerning that? Deciding no comment was probably best and remained silent though wondered if Lorna thought she should let him off the hook or something due to starting college? Lilly quipped that Bree ought to drop him like a hot potato. She said that Blaine was a good guy and she only needed one fella _ not two! Of course she was right Bree knew, but getting past all the pain Tom caused by permitting their relationship to implode like an anthill run over by a freight truck was still an uphill battle! Then proposing marriage probably only to spite his mother, who would have despised her literally had she agreed. She finally excepted the fact that Tom was a one hundred and fifty-five pound pantywaist and a mamas boy to boot! And didnt have enough gumption to stand up to his mother when she was wrong. Bree and Sheila spoke awhile. Bree still curious as a cat over the bronzed-one attending her grad party that night and inquired after him. Sheila said her father and he were business partners in a construction company based in Hawaii. No wonder he sports such a great looking tan, she said. Ill wager the sun keeps his hair bleached all year round as well, She agreed saying it was a shame he wasnt younger. How old is he, she asked? He looks young. He isnt though _ hes twenty-seven. Well, ten years difference isnt a lot, it wouldnt bother me at all, Bree said. And besides hes handsome as can be! You ought to go after him. She agreed but said she liked young guys better. Neither girl understood then just how very young it really was. Friday rolled around with nary a word from Tom. She wondered if Lorna told Larry she was seeing Blaine? Perhaps Larry mentioned it to Tom? In which case youd think Tom would have called for sure _ if only to find -out if it were true? Lorna and Larry were getting married over the weekend. They planned to have their reception/party on the following weekend; most likely Bree would be bumping into Tom again. Now that Blaine was in her life she was regaining her strength. She believed she could put on a pretty good show for the crowd. But since Blaine was now a part of her life everything seemed real _ nothing to act-out. She needed only to act naturally. In order to do that she must learn to conquer her fears. What was she in fear of for pity sake? She worried about hurting Toms feelings, and didnt want to appear uncaring or callous in his regard. Wasnt it really the other way around? Hadnt Tom


ignored her feelings when he discarded her _ chucking over-board everything hed ever promised her for the old college gravy train? Why couldnt he earn it on his own like everyone else they knew had? Blaine was now picking Bree up every morning and driving her to school _ she couldnt believe her luck! It not only saved her a long walk to school each day, and no longer tempted her to ditch school on Fridays. He also dropped her-off after school, occasionally stopping off at Yea Olde Soda Shoppe on the way home _ close in proximity to both of them. Banana Splits were .35 cents, Malts and Sundaes were .25 cents, and Root Beer floats were .20 cents. She ordered the split; Blaine opted for the Sundae. He was concerned about her weight and was trying to fatten her-up a bit, though nothing seemed to work. However, she did regain the five pounds she lost while working. They enjoyed themselves a lot at the Soda Shoppe. It was a typical fifties soda fountain. Soda jerks wore starched white jackets, and stiffly starched chef caps. In those days food handlers were required to wear some form of headgear for sanitation purposes. There were probably six to eight leatherette booths. The tables were decorated in black and white calico oilcloths, up against the wall on both sides of the room. Each table was equipped with those little chrome Wurlitzer selection boxes. Flipping through the pages you could choose from over forty-eight different songs by punching in the proper number with the correct corresponding letter. You could play five different records for a quarter without ever leaving your seat. Over in the corner stood a huge Wurlitzer Jukebox that stored and played the selected records. Some cats crowded around the jukebox grooving to the music while waiting their turn to choose a number. Some couples danced while waiting in line. Blaine and Bree jumped on the floor a time or two, dancing when no one was looking. It was strictly illegal of course, but soda jerks were often cool about it. If you were caught red handed they either asked you to cease and desist, or pretended they didnt see you, depending. Generally youths did as they were told, and didnt create conflicts prohibiting clerks from carrying out their duties, t hough occasionally stretching the rules as tautly as possible, usually relenting before any brouhahas broke -out. They were having a soda at the Soda Shoppe when Blaine asked Bree what movie she wanted to see. She said she didnt know which films were playing that week. Since she had hesitated _ Blaine asked if shed prefer a drive to the wharf for a shrimp dinner? The idea sounded perfectly wonderful to her _ she hadnt had prawns in ages. Of course she answered yes. So he took her home to prepare for the ir date. She didnt insist upon inviting others to join them, as she would have normally. It would give her and Blaine the opportunity to get better acquainted with each other.



Mary was waiting for her when she got home. She had been concerned about her daughters welfare since she arrived home later than usual, plus she knew she had a date with Blaine later. She and Herrman would be meeting him for the very first time that evening. Bree insisted upon introducing her dates to her parents. She believed she owed them that much. Bree explained that they had stopped off at the Soda Shoppe. Her folks occasionally patronized the Shoppe themselves, so there wasnt much of anything she could add on that score. Mary said dinner would be served at 5.00, and she hoped she could build-up an appetite by then. Bree said they had changed their minds about a movie and instead were going for a shrimp dinner at the marina.


Oh, she said. That sounds marvelous! I havent had prawns in ages. Those were my exact words when Blaine suggested it, Bree said. Why not come along with us, then? Oh Honey, I cant do that. Your father will be tired for one thing, and for another Ive already prepared supper. Well, perhaps next time then _ it would be loads of fun, honest it would! Besides, it would give the three of you a chance to get to know one another. Youve got a deal, she said, smiling. Great, Bree said, hugging her. The grunion are running between 11:30 and 12:30 this evening, Bree informed her. Blaine wanted to catch some for his father since he hasnt eaten them before. The gang will be meeting us there; it should be loads of fun . Ill try to catch some for dinner tomorrow night. But remember Ill be late getting home _ awfully late, since the grunion doesnt begin their run until so late. It was true that some of the gang would be helping them chase down the grunion that night, but not until later in the evening. Mary always worried unless she knew Bree was with a group of kids, thinking there was safety in numbers. Often times Bree exaggerated the amount of kids attending a certain function just to limit her mothers worries. Mary said fine, Dear _ she would fill the cooler with ice while she got ready. Then casually asked how things were going with her and Blaine? Bree answered, very well, and said she planned to introduce him to the family that evening. Mary said she was very happy for her, and that she was looking forward to meeting him. Then said: If you like him _ then hes okay in my book. Thanks, Mom, I really appreciate that, and meant it! She loved her mother dearly, and her thoughts and wishes were important to her. She headed for the bathroom to get ready. Taking a fairly leisurely bath as time allotted, she soaked her creamy white dermis in rich oils and bubbles. Her skin absorbed the luxuriant elixir like a thirsty sponge, which was good since her skin tended to be on the dry side. Finished she left the room in hopes Blaine liked the scent of Lilac. She was ready when Blaine arrived and welcomed him with a cheery smile, then ushered him inside and introduced him to her family _ pride bursting out all over. He shook hands with her parents, and Jo endeared him to her by receiving him French style _ placing her cheek against either side of his several times. They were about to leave when Mary ran back to the kitchen to retrieve a wool blanket and the Coleman. Bree was already wearing her jacket so she wasnt sent bustling back to her bedroom to gather one up, as would normally have been the case _ teens never wore jackets in sunny California unless forced to. After a quick goodbye hug they were on their way.


Blaine opened the car door for her, and she jumped inside. She couldnt help notice her mother peering through the living room window though she didnt let on that she had caught her red handed. Blaine got in closing the door harder than hed planned and created quite a loud bang _ oops he whispered. Bree paid him no never mind. She was busy watching Mary and saw her smile, which made her happy _ nothing like a mothers love! HE kissed her then started the engine. Bree hoped Mary was still smiling after that one but could no longer see her. She never mentioned this to Blaine _ afraid maybe hed be a little anxious that she had seen him. You know the old respect thing _ you dont throw it in your parents faces? Your family is lovely, Bree he said. Thanks, Blaine, she said, delighted. She was extremely proud of her family, and pleased that others appreciated them as well. Youll meet my family next week, he said. Id like that, she said, chest swelling. Blaine encircled her in his arms at the very first stop sign, pulling her a little closer to him. That meant he wanted people to know she belonged to him at least for the evening, anyway. She perceived a much longer lasting, more serious friendship could be in store for them. She admired his confidence tremendously, and little by little became instilled within her own self. Funny, how relaxed she felt with him. Looking back on her relationship with Tom she realized she was always lacking in confidence, and never certain of his feelings for her though he appeared to do and say all the right things. Yet, never questioned her own feelings _ they were indisputable. She seemed always left wanting. For instance _ she hadnt a clue as to what the future held in store for them _ or whether there was one. She thought shed finally found her answer, albeit not one she would have chosen for herself if she had her druthers. Tom was obliged to make a lifetime decision _ he made it. She believed he was hoping to let her down gently, not wanting to appear the bounder he really was so he tossed her a few bones now and again. He knew her well enough to know that shed never run-off and marry him against his mothers wishes therefore thwarting all chances of a paid education. With her in the picture Toms mothe r would never have agreed to finance his college. She occasionally had thoughts of calling him on his marriage proposal, and wondered whether he would have carried through with it if she had agreed to it? Her point in the entire episode was why couldn t he stand up for her? Amy would have admonished him by saying, Youve made your bed now you must lie in it (or get a job)! In the end accusations, condemnations, and recriminations would have landed squarely on Brees shoulders, and he would have forever blamed her for his lack of education until the day he died _ maybe afterward for all she knew!


What was that, Blaine, she asked? Entrenched in her reflections she had missed something hed said. She thought to herself _ enough already, no more reliving the past, and flushed him from her memory. If thoughts crept back again shed shut them out like one two three. Are you hungry, he smiled at her? Smiling back she said, Im starving! Good, well be there soon. She snuggled closer to him _ it had turned quite chilly. His eyes softened and then liquefied. At the very next light he reached over pulling her even closer. Some dude drove along side them gunning his engine _ meaning lets race? Blaine pointed a finger at Bree and shook his head. The y were on Pacific Coast Highway, notorious for racing in those days. The fella shrugged his shoulders then sped away in search of greener pastures no doubt. Many guys refused to race when gals were present. Soon after she enrolled at Granite High she heard one of the saddest stories ever told: A guy drag racing with another fellow, his high school sweetheart sitting next to him, when all at once her door flew open. He attempted to grab the door, apparently turning his wheels inward at the same time, and because they were speeding the car flipped over. She was killed instantly him, not a scratch. He never forgave himself. They were in love, and getting married as soon as school was out. Eyewitnesses to the accident believed that had he not reached for the door she might have survived the horrible mishap, which only made it that much harder for the poor guy. He feared that shed be thrown from the vehicle, which was the reason he grabbed for the door, and having no seat belts could have easily happened. The span was much too broad for his reach, not realizing that he must have leaned on the steering wheel turning the wheels in as he tried in vain to catch the by now wide open car door. The guy was given only one split second to react and he did that. Sometimes you get it right, often times you dont, and then suffer the consequences the rest of your life blaming yourself. They pulled into the piers parking lot putting their jackets back on. There was a chilly cold wind whirling at the dock, the closer they got to The Shrimp Boat the colder it got. Once inside the tiny restaurant they found it quite cozy and warm. They removed their coats before taking a seat over in the corner. The food smelled scrumptious. They both ordered shrimp baskets, which came with a load of shrimp, tons of French fries and a side of coleslaw, ordering the proverbial cherry cokes to whet their whistles. The food was excellent, the shrimp sublime. Netted right there in the blue Pacifics choppy frigid waters, cooked and eaten all in the same day. Talk about fresh _ those were the days! Rough waves had ultimately eroded the wooden wharf, eventually destroying it. The city moved to rebuild the dock. When the refurbishment was completed, the Shrimp Boat was gone, giving way to a much fancier restaurant named Captain Hooks, which should have been considered criminal maleficent in the eyes of the citizens, but was


never battled out in court. Brads Bait and Tackle also went by the wayside to make room for various shops and salons. The Shrimp Boat had been a landmark for years and years, not to mention an affordable place to dine out. People came from miles around to enjoy the delicious shrimp feast the Shrimp Boat offered. Checking the telescope at the end of the wharf, they found the skies to be crystal clear. In those days the viewfinder cost only a penny. When Bree was an adolescent it had been free. That night you could see the lights of Catalina Island. One could almost always see the island on a clear day, even in daylight unless a storm was brewing. The crisp ocean sprays whipped salty water on their faces, deemed an excellent experience by the youth of the day. The sensation was that of a million prickly thistles slapping at their faces, but in time lapses. Sometimes stinging their faces in other instances causing the hair on the nape to stand out soooh deliciously. They laughed out loud at the misty showers wrought by the gales. They didnt run _afraid of getting w et rather standing there like _ is this the best you got! The seas water was sparkling clear in Brees youth; you could actually see the bottom of the ocean before the tide. How then did it become so polluted? Eventually sewage pipes were laid some 300 miles out to sea, which meant that every time a toilet was flushed raw sewage found its way into the ocean, in time pipes suffered leaks. Before the task was actually undertaken residents complained, expressing their fears of contamination, and were informed by the greatest minds ever that the sewage couldnt possibly return to shore from that distance. When citizens raised questions concerning pipe leaks it was conveyed by the most intelligent minds available that if anything like that should take place the salt content would purify the water. A snow job _ possibly. Most people took everything the government said back then as gospel. Years later when swimmers ended up with toilet tissue wrapped around their necks they were forced to close the beaches _ for short periods of time _ just long enough to remove the poop and the toilet paper! Told the water was then decontaminated didnt cause swimmers to enjoy swimming in it one iota! It was the very idea of it that they werent getting! One cant hel p but wonder what else is dumped there that the public doesnt know about? During her years at Granite, Brees family had a cesspool in the backyard. Some argue that that method should never have been abolished. But with so much migration to their corner of the world the system couldnt have withstood much longer. The waste from cesspools needed to be carted-off and dumped some where, so it was simply a matter of time before they ran out of places to lay waste. Though the lime used in cesspools did erode much of it. Once at a beach party the fellas all aligned themselves facing the ocean blue, backs to the crowd, with hands hidden from view, and peed in the pristine Pacific. Girls didnt squat in the sea to urinate, and managed someway to find restrooms to relieve themselves out of public view. A man using the ocean, as a urinal throughout the years didnt serve to help matters either.


Of course the gals were perfectly aware of what the guys were doing; they hardly bothered to conceal it, brusquely brushing-them-off if they chanced to complain about having to swim in the waters, claiming the salt purified the pee sounding just like the government! Pretty much everyone thought that back then. Wasnt the argument beside the point? Who cared to swim in someone elses piddle, especially since one didnt swim in your own! They headed for the car. The time was 8:00PM. There was still several hours yet before the tides began rejecting the grunion _ tossing them aside on dry land when the moon was full-blown. She started to shiver _ Blaine put his arm around her, asking, Are you cold, Kitten? Not now, she smiled up at him. At that moment he stole a kiss. Their mouths clung to the others. Raising his head back up she again realized how tall he truly was. How would you prefer we spend the next couple of hours, he asked? Would you like a beverage, she asked? Perhaps a moonlit walk along the shore? Great idea, he said, smiling. Lets do it! They hopped in the car and drove in search of a liquor store. Blaine stopped at Boots Liquor. What would you like to drink, he asked? Sangria if they have it, if not Manischewitz will be fine. Be right back, he said, beaming. She smiled after him. She watched as he sauntered through the opened doors. He came out several minutes later, empty handed and stood off to the side of the entrance. Blaine said something to a gentleman hurrying past; the man nodded and entered the building. Exiting the stranger carried two packages, handing one to Blaine. The man walked off a dollar richer! Quickly, Blaine walked to the car, jumping in he gunned his engine and took off. On the road again she asked what happened? He said the clerk refused him service without a valid drivers license, obviously he hadnt offered one since he wasnt eighteen. He told the chap hed give him a sawbuck if he purchased the liquor for him, he agreed, and Blaine paid the dollar. Next stop _ the green grocer, not the super-market, as they didnt quite exist yet. He found a small neighborhood market called Sam's and ran inside to purchase paper cups. Plastic cups were around but a rare find in liquor stores at that time. After Blaine got back inside he reached over and put his arms around her, drawing her more closely than before _ tenderly kissing her. She found it impossible resisting his charms, and melted like butter in his arms. As things began heating-up he gently pulled away, heading west again.


Returning to the beach the oceans gales appeared even chillier than before, it was only a little past 8:30. They still had oodles of time before the grunion began their madcap race to shore to insure their posterity by digging into the sand to spawn. They retrieved her cooler and blanket and the rest of the gear. She noticed Blaine carried an extra blanket of his own, good she thought. It had turned so chilly they needed extra protection from the wind other than their jackets. The sandy seaside looked pretty well deserted. After setting up camp they strolled along the wet sandy beach leaving their belongings behind. They didnt worry someone would disturb them in those days. They passed several lovers along the way, double- checking to make certain they werent any of their companions. They werent, so they assumed the group was waiting for the grunion to begin their run before coming out _ possibly because it was so cold


By the time they returned from their walk Bree was shivering so hard her teeth rattled, and quickly took refuge beneath the blankets. Blaine tucked the covers around her then bolted inside, himself freezing half to death _ though it didnt take long for them to warm up. Instantly in each others arms. He kissed her, and kissed her, and kissed her! She returned his kisses, amazed at her own emotions. The kiss became more and more passionate, eventually escalating beyond the point of no return. Whether either of them could have prevented it from happening _ it was clear neither was willing. As he embraced her he began caressing her. His gentle touch sent delicious shivers running the gamut of her length and breadth, her speech became impaired _ she saw comets streak across the glittery galaxy. Quite abruptly Blaine hesitated grasping her by her shoulders, nudging her to face him directly as he scanned her features. Then very seriously asked _ are you certain this is what you want? His somber expression appeared so


darn earnest she started to giggle, finding it neigh-on impossible to restrain herself any longer _ she cracked-up, roaring her head-off until her tummy hurt. Blaine stared in disbelief _ poor fella, as though he hadnt a clue in the world. His blank expression only served to make her laugh that much harder! At last he finally discovered some semblance of slapstick humor in all of it, or perhaps in her, whatever the reason he too doubled over joining the hyena laughter. They howled at the moon until both stomachs ached. As rapidly as the outburst erupted _ silence fell, following a long passionate kiss they settled down to the business at hand. He disrobed her lovingly beneath the blankets, caressed her like she were built of precious porcelain _ leaving no flesh unattended. This created exquisite pleasure and excitement as every section of her anatomy was suspended in time and titillation desperately awaiting their chance to experience ecstasy. Kissing, touching, timidly undressing him, together they explored the avenues their bodies offered. It occurred to Bree quite suddenly that in her wildest dreams she had never imagined the power of sexuality. Crazy-gone for the big lug by now, the strong desire for him probably surprised Blaine as much as it did her. I love you, Kitten, he murmured. I love you, too, Sweetheart, low purring. Then, Im terribly thirsty, arent you? There was still time _ it was only 10:30 PM. Ill mix some drinks, Kitten? Theyd completely forgotten about the liquor. So they couldnt blame their romantic lapses on alcohol. They lied back relaxing in the silvery glow of the moonlight, drinking and toasting one another. The sea breezes appeared warmer now than they had all evening. In his stellar firmament the man in the moon gleamed like royal majesty. The paper moon was the largest Bree had ever seen, and appeared the very closest to earth. In his glitzy moon mansion the man in the moon appeared to smile upon them with a magical twinkle in his eye, which they determined was explicitly meant for their eyes only. Raising their paper glasses to the paper moon, they made a special toast to Mr Moon King. So terribly happy together that night _ they toasted everything in sight. Blaine mixed another drink, which they found most intoxicating. They lied back holding hands awhile. Then he kissed her, so sweetly, so lovingly. She returned his kisses of wine with such openness only youth could bring. With renewed passion Blaine began kissing her eyes, her ears, nape, then bosom. She became more and more excited with each tender kiss, which of course served to heighten his own. The delicious Goosebumps returned all over again transfixing her to another sphere drinks spilling in the sand.


After dressing they strolled arm and arm in the sheen of the silvery moon barefoot on the wet sandy shore. Then suddenly the tide began to rise; they scurried back to the campsite to try their luck at catching the grunion. Soon Bree witnessed these shivery creatures leaping from the water onto the sand _ they ran to retrieve their ice chests. The fish were silver in color, but appeared almost iridescent in the glow of the moonlight, which might have aided them to see more clearly. When Bree grabbed the first one she screamed bloody murder, its touch so clammy and cold it unnerved her! Blaine threw his head back, laughing like a nut, then putting his arms around her and hugged her tight. They netted a bunch that night. It appeared their friends werent interested in catching grunion that night, since none showed -up. Perhaps too cold for the rest of the clique, well; she had her love to keep her warm Bree thought. The fish were very small. It took a barrage of them to cook a single meal. Finally their baskets were full; they headed back to the car. They tried to rinse the sand from their foot one at a time, before drying and putting on their shoes, however, that rarely works as the sand always comes back to stick on you! Blaine disappeared momentarily when she spotted him down by the seashore. She knew what he was up too! When he returned he asked if she could wait until they located a Standard Station? She smiled, nodding. In those days Standard stations were always hospital fresh and smelled like Pine-sol, and you never needed to ask for a key whether you purchased gasoline or not. Generally speaking, vandalism wasnt anywhere on the radar-screen as a means to achieve adrenal rushes. Gas-station attendants presented service with a smile when you did make a purchase, and at no extra premium as it is nowadays. Many stations offered S & H Green stamps or specials with a minimum five gallon purchase, sometimes more depending, such as crystal and china, stemware and glasses, pots and pans, even silverware. Air and water was free to anyone whether you made a purchase or not. Also, gas station attendants handed out free maps and dependable directions to wherever you happened to be going; that was part of their job description back then. Blaine found one, pulled in and parked. Hopping out Bree made a beeline for the restroom. She combed her hair, rinsed her hands and face, added a touch of make-up and she was set to go. She hurried back to the car. Blaine stood there watching and waiting. He smiled upon seeing her; she flashed her brightest Ipanna smile at him. He opened her door and she jumped inside. Nothing much happened in those days, but fellas generally stood guard over the ladies room just in case; especially if they cared about the one they were with _ considered the gentlemanly thing to do. Few restroom doors had locks in those days, if they did have them they usually didnt work. Who else other than your date would know you were in there? If anyone pursued entry they were told straight away that the ladies room was occupied. Gals really appreciated these small courtesies back then.



Monday morning found Bree wearing Blaines letterman jacket, a string around her neck held his ring, and holding hands _ apparent to anyone who noticed they were going steady. Still no word from Tom as promised. She no longer pretended that her and Blaine were only friends. It was terrific having Lorna back at school again. Everyone circled around wanting to learn the latest in regards to her Las Vegas style wedding over the weekend. She said everything flowed smoothly like water off a ducks back, then proceeded to explain her experience from beginning to end. Her story sounded so romantic, so grown-up! The entire circle was elated for her including all the fellas.


Bree said to herself _ it should have been me! Though she realized that wasnt ent irely true _ basically only wishful thinking on her part. Tom wasnt capable of loving anyone enough to fight for them as Larry fought for Lorna. Of course her pregnancy worked to their full advantage. The guys were more interested in learning the details of the upcoming reception/party on Saturday. Lorna said to plan on arriving early for the buffet and slicing of the cake _ if they wished to partake. Otherwise, she said come any old time, but officially it started at 7:00. Dress was casual. Later arrivals would more than likely find themselves out of luck, she reiterated, adding that everything was furnished including the booze. The fellas cheered hearing that bit. Then she passed out wedding reception invitations including gift ideas, things they yet needed for the new house. Lorna promised that once the foodstuff, gift openings, and general disorder was cleared away theyd have a grand ol party. Yeah, everyone cried, excitedly. Bree asked Lorna how she was feeling just before the first bell. Im doing really well, Bree, she said. Hardly any morning sickness, thank goodness! Oh, Lorna, thats great news. Especially for you, right, she laughed. I hear Bunny is sick, something awful, she said. Yeah, thats what I heard too. The bell rang. See you later, Lorna _ take care, Bree called out. You too, she yelled back as she scurried off to first period. Blaine pecked her on the cheek, squeezed her hand, then both rushed off in opposite directions. When he picked her up after school she practically jumped in his lap _ so happy to see him. They clung together momentarily, at last forcing themselves apart _ afraid someone might see them, and possibly get into trouble. They hadnt any idea what could happen, if anything, but neither was interested in finding out. Woolworths was their first stop. She asked Blaine earlier to help her choose a wedding gift. Once inside she found the perfect gift plus a beautiful greeting card. After climbing back in the heap he invited her to the Soda Shoppe, naturally she accepted. As was usual she found that she was starving, and besides that it afforded them more time together. After they were seated and waiting for their order, Blaine reminded her that he was introducing her to his parents that weekend. Oh, thats right! Goodness it nearly slipped my mind. Thanks for reminding me, she said. What time would be best for you, Kitten? Im not sure. How about Sunday? Sunday sounds good. Saturday might be too hectic. What time do you get off work, she asked.


Not till 3:00. See, so Sunday is better then dont you think, you wont have to rush around so much. Deal. He said, smiling at her then squeezing both her hands. He must be the sweetest person in all-the world she thought, squeezing back, smiling back at him. How could she have been so lucky she pondered? More perfect even was the fact she was genuinely nutty about the big ape. When he took her home she explained her lateness to Mary, reminding her that the reception was being held on Saturday night. Then casually mentioned that she was meeting Blaines parents on Sunday. She helped Mary with dinner, and set the table. She tried to spend as much time as possible with her, especially when she knew how much her mother missed seeing her _ well, the feeling was mutual she thought. Mary had been extremely grateful Bree had met Blaine _ that things were now going well for her little girl!


Saturday arrived in no time. Blaine planned to pick-her-up at 6:30. Bree could hardly contain the excitement she felt at seeing him again though she saw him everyday at school. She figured the only low-point of the evening would be bumping into Tom, which she surely would. Thinking about it brought the blues rushing back again. Clearly she cared for Blaine, and didnt want to ever hurt him again. But thoughts of Toms reaction at seeing the two of them


together, knowing he would be hurt was disheartening. Though she reminded herself that he no longer had power over her and that it was no longer any of his business whom she chose to be with. Blaine arrived looking as handsome as always. Once he greeted the folks they quickly ducked out. They didnt wish to miss-out on the feast _ Bree was starving as usual! Her gift was a glass orange juice set, which consisted of a pitcher with six matching juice glasses. The set was adorned with lovely little orange slices throughout, lest anyone forget the purpose for which it was intended. To her surprise _ after dropping her off that afternoon Blaine returned to the dime store and purchased a tea set of three towels, each towel was decorated with an orange slice appliqu. It matched her gift to a T! Hed forgotten a wedding card so she had him sign her own, and they presented their gifts together as a real couple would. The food was excellent and served with side dishes of sauces, fondues, salads, chips, dips, and rolls, the main course was beef sirloin and broasted chicken served with steamed rice or baked potato. No skimping of any measure was detected in the elaborate meal; each morsel delectable. A toast was proposed by the grooms father to the happy couple, followed with a second toast given by the brides mother. They toasted for health and happiness to the new bride and groom. The champagne flowed that night, which Bree had never tasted but found she definitely liked the bubbly quaff. The photographer took pictures prior to supper then afterward as well when the blissful couple sliced the wedding-cake. They mugged for the camera while feeding mouthfuls of cake to each other. It was sublime the cake. After the gifts were opened and set-aside, the bride and groom slipped away temporarily to change clothes. Upon there return they announced it was party time! Larry placed records on the hi-fi, and most everyone danced. The free flowing champagne had caused Bree some lightheadedness, causing every little instance to appear much funnier than it actually was. The effervescence of the bubbles appeared to affect the others equally the same and a good time was had by all. Brees eyes zeroed in on Tom the minute the party started though she pretended she hadnt noticed him. She wasnt certain whether Blaine spotted him or not. Several fellas headed in search of the john. Apparently Tom joined them because he disappeared from view. She and Rita chatted away while Blaine and Tony left to refresh their drinks. Bree excused herself and headed for the restroom. She found that the bathroom window was wide open _ curtains were flapping in the breeze. She tried to shut the window to no avail. It was badly stuck. Finally she attempted to drape the curtains crisscross over the window, hoping for some semblance of privacy. While working on the project she became aware of male voices shouting from outdoors, then heard something that sounded like scuffling coming from the direction of the


recreation area out back. She continued to listen. At last she was able to distinguish the voices of Tom and Blaine. She heard Tom say, Thats my girl youre taking out, accusingly. She flew-out of the john forgetting what she was there for. Racing outside she headed towards the rec room, straining to hear anything further, realizing there had either been a pause or theyd left all together when at once she heard Blaine yell, Kitten is my girl now, angrily. Like hell she is, Tom said, and threw a punch! She rounded the corner of the rumpus room at that very moment catching the action as it unfolded. Tom, she cried-out, Dont! Too late _ his fist glanced off Blains cheekbone. Some fellas were actually egging them on, taking-up sides she believed, hoping for more action, but when their eyes met hers they lowered their gaze. The very moment the scream escaped her lips a flying fist flew past, and at the other end was Blaine! Tom sunk to the ground, the guys crowding around him. He half crawled to a nearby tree and sat leaning against it, blood spurting from his nose. When Blaine saw that he quickly grabbed his handkerchief offering it to Tom. Its okay, man, he said. Nothings broken. Sorry man, its all my fault. Then looking in Brees direction he smiled sheepishly. Somehow she managed to return his smile though fighting back the tears all the while. Blaine walked over to her putting his arm around her. Sorry, Kitten _ Im so sorry, he said. Gaining her composure she ran to Tom, asking him, Can you get up, Tom? She got an arm under his shoulder; Blaine quickly grabbed the other. Then he began walking on his own. She asked one final time, Tom , are you sure youre all right? He said he was perfectly fine. She said in that case he better clean up before Larry got wind of it. You wouldnt want to spoil his wedding celebration, would you? Youre quite right, he said. Ill attend to this right away, moving towards the rec room. Kitten, lets blow this joint, Blaine said after Tom left. Lets drive down to the beach, okay? A certain expression came over his face, a slight arching of the brow _ the look wasnt lost on her. The cheering them on section had left them all alone in the shadows. Okay, Sweetheart, she said. But first we must say goodbye to our friends. After saying so long to everyone, giving kudos for a job well done to their hosts, given their best to the new Preston family, they hopped in Blaines car, heading west. Nothing much of anything was said on the drive down. She snuggled closer to Blaine, contented to listen to the humming of the engine and the radio, but most of all _ him. Glancing sidelong at his profile, almost stunned at his attractiveness _ as if for the first time _ she noticed. Turning, he caught her in mid stare. She smiled brightly at him;


caring not that hed caught her red handed. Blaine returned the smile, though she couldnt help catching a trace of sadness in his expressive eyes. Whats the matter, Sweetheart? Im sorry about tonight, Kitten, he answered. Oh, me too! But it wasnt your fault, Darling, Tom started it, she soothed. As quickly as safety would allow, Blaine pulled off the roadside grabbing her in his arms. Then shoving the gears in neutral he basically picked her-up and sat-her on his lap. Hed flipped her around like a rag doll. He told her hed worried she was angry with him for getting involved in a fisticuffs, especially with Tom _ of all people! Then placing his mouth sweetly on her own he kissed her. The delicious kiss was every womans fantasy. Finally she asked, What was that all about? Placing her properly back in her seat, maneuvering the car safely onto the road again his answer was that hed explain later, then pulled her closer putting one arm around her. Some where near their destination he stopped at the liquor store. Things were different t his time. Perhaps his unhappy experience of the evenings fisticuffs had aged him somewhat since he hadnt a problem purchasing the liquor this time. He rushed back to the car jumping in, and took off. Perhaps fearing the clerk selling him the liqueur might have changed his mind and come running outside any moment. I opted for vodka tonics this time _ that okay, Kitten, he asked? Perfect, she said. Ive heard it mixes well with champagne. Good, he said, pulling her closer, encircling her in his big man arms. He pulled into the parking lot next to the pier. After parking the jalopy he asked her if she preferred a stroll before setting-up campsite. She suggested they roam the wharf a bit first _ he was game. Sauntering down the old boardwalk hand in hand, her wearing his letterman jacket, he in a pullover. The dock was decidedly brisk that time of evening. After the sun set the weather could turn quite chilly quite rapidly. That was true in summer months as well. Bree thought she should probably supply Blaine with a new jacket or return his letterman jacket_ knowing she wouldnt dream of it in a million years! She made a mental note to buy him a leather jacket, and prayed it wouldnt have the same side effects as had the one she bought Tom. They rambled along the old wooden pillars hand in hand _ stealing kisses when they could. When she told him she thought they needed to get better acquainted with one another he doubled-over laughing. Oh, how she loved his deep booming laughter! When she asked him what was so darn funny _ he replied that he probably knew her as well as hed ever know any women. She hit him then for that one; he went ballistic on her! She tickled his funny bone _ hed gone into hysterics and couldnt stop laughing for trying.


Suddenly he ran from her, prompting her to chase him in a lame attempt at catching him, to no avail fore he was much faster than she, and she was no slouch when it came to running providing her weak a nd flimsy ankles didnt go out on her! Finally he slowed-down long enough for her to collar him. The chase was amusing; they both laughed until they cried _ both sets of funny bones were tickled silly! Returning from their junket she aided Blaine with the bundles and helped him carry the gear for the campsite, which was almost the exact same spot as last time. They spread the blankets, then Blaine mixed cocktails. Perching on the blanket she removed her shoes and socks, then sat waiting. He handed her a drink and settled-down next to her. The wind could dry a person out quite quickly, despite the cold and damp weather. He nuzzled her, then drew her close to him. What is it youd like to know, Kitten? How about your middle name _ for starters? Barry, he said. Blaine Barry Baldwin, she mouthed the words aloud. I was named after both my grandfathers. My mother disliked the name Barry, who is my fraternal grandfather, so that is how my name became backwards. I believe Barry Blaine Baldwin flows much nicer dont you? Nodding, she said, Ya know I cant believe how much we have in common. Im named for both my grandmothers. We have nothing but Bs to our name. What are the odds of that happening? We could call each other BB for short or BBB for long. They both laughed at that one! Kitten, what is your middle name, he asked? Belle, she said, embarrassed, and dont you dare laugh either! Of course he laughed uproarishly, then said, Well, what do you know _ Ive got the Belle of the Ball! Better believe it, she said, smartly. Shed refrained from saying that every man shed ever known had made that comment upon learning her middle name. The response was always the same, which was why she didnt divulge the information unless asked. Often times shed answer Bea instead. Even at that theyd ask, Just B, plain old B? After she finally quit laughing shed tell them that Bea was spelled, BEA, Bea _ usually feeling very foolish afterward, but not always. Whats your birth date, Bree asked, perfectly willing to change the subject. Her poor grandmother she thought! Since it was her first name made it even worse for her! January 11, 1937. What are your parents names? Jane and Eddy.


Where do you work? Hardens Hardware, downtown. What size jacket do you wear, also shirt and pants size, please? Well, lets see, he said. Jacket, size 42, shirt, size 40, and pants, 34 waist, 34 length. Id better write everything down, she said, searching in her bag looking for both paper and pen then finding it. She was usually prepared for any event _ always carried thread and needle, and a safety pin. She wrote everything down in the order given then decided she had enough information for one evening and asked Blaine what he had on his mind? Come sit on my lap and Ill tell you. Straddling his lap trying to wrap her legs around him, she found he was either too big or her legs were too short. He quickly kissed her then stopped, which told her he definitely had something on his mind. She waited. Bree, he said. Will you marry me, after graduation, of course? What? Perhaps shed heard incorrectly. Kitten, Im asking you to marry me! Well, eh, dont you think thats a little hasty, she said? I mean, were so young! Bree, I told you two weeks ago that I loved you. I was dead serious then and even more serious now. I think Ive loved you since the minute I met you and I dont take this lightly. Ive already spoken to my father concerning the matter, and he thinks its the right thing to do. My idea is to join the Army Air Force; Im already eighteen, which makes me eligible. Id like to become a mechanical engineer. If Im accepted the government will pay for my education. By the time Im mustered out Ill have a career waiting for me, and hopefully all my babies delivered and paid for by the U S Government. Wow, she said, Im impressed! Youve really given this consideration, havent you? Obviously, I love you too, Sweetheart, or I wouldnt have said so two weeks ago, either. But golly, do I have to give my answer this minute? He laughed in his big hardy mans laugh that she found so endearing. Kidding around, he quipped. Well, I suppose I could provide some leeway since you find it necessary. One more question, please, she asked? Exactly how many babies are you intent on having? Oh, two or three, I suppose. Perfect, she sighed. At last he kissed her; they kissed again, and again, and again. It was over _ they lost it! Vaguely conscious of burrowing under the blankets, she assisted him in removing her clothes, then his, while kissing, and kissing, and


kissing! A jolt, then the sweetest, most piercing yet serene sensation shed ever experienced. She left her earthly orb behind and began to glide, higher and higher; all thought vanished, only sensuality remained. Continuing on her journey _ coasting onward and upward toward another sphere _ an atom splitting entered the kingdom of heaven. Blaine mixed drinks. Sipping the cool beverages both were happy and contented for a time. She began thinking about his marriage proposal, deciding that she couldnt possibly tell him no _ that would hurt his feelings, and besides she didnt want to tell him no _ she loved him! Also, she thought if she didnt marry him following graduation shed be ineligible to follow him wherever the service took him. She realized she would be terribly lonely without him, and would miss him something awful. Mulling these possible choices over and over in her brain she at last grasped the fact that all things considered the only conceivably answer was to marry the guy! She would do it with bells on! What are you thinking, Kitten? About marrying you. And? Yes! He was beside himself with happiness. He grabbed her up in his big man arms and twirled her about like a cadets baton. Finally, she made him stop _ her stomach was lurching. They stood kissing in the moonlight a long time. They were a blissful couple, and they were getting married! Neither could believe it was a happening thing! A celebration was in order. A toast was given by each. Then for her the world became a tumbling and spinning place. They were alone. The seaside was completely devoid of all inhabitants. Good thing too when abruptly Bree realized they were standing there in their birthday suits! There were no onlookers to concern themselves with. Still, it seemed extraordinarily creepy. Crawling underneath the blankets, Bree felt suddenly overcome by exhaustion. I feel incredibly tired, Sweetheart _ mind if I snooze a spell? Okay, Kitten, but lets get you dressed first. If you help me, she sighed, somewhat breathless. After helping her into her clothing she ra pidly tripped the light fantastic into Never Never Land.



Bree began to stir, gradually becoming aware of something tickling her mouth, tried to swat the vermin without coming to. She pondered, was the thing kissing her lip or biting it? She couldnt tell. Then a voice in the distance seemed to be saying over and over again like some broken LP record, wake-up sleepy head, wake-up sleepy head. What was this thing sleepy head anyway _ she didnt get it. She decided to play dead knowing what or who ever the voice belonged to would just simply go away if it believed she were dead, but the harassment continued until she finally opened her eyes. She recognized Blaine smiling down upon her.


Kitten, you were really cutting zees _ out cold, he said. Wow, what time is it? Time to take you home, past time actually. Sitting up she began putting her shoes and socks on. They shook the blankets folding them then gathered the gear and headed for the car _ the night remained a little frightening to her. She had never seen the beach so shadowy and foreboding before. It didnt help matters that the moon and the stars in their infinite wisdom were clandestinely hidden beyond the pitch-black skies. Only upon reaching the car and opening the door did she exhale. Blaine caught the action and realized she was uneasy. Are you scared, Kitten? Not waiting for a reply, said, Id better lighten my load before we set out. Can you hang in there until we reach the gas station? Sure _ mind if I tag along? Okay, lets go, he said. They began treking towards the shore. The ocean didnt resemble a sea that night _ appearing black and ominous. Only the continuous sound of waves revealed to her that the ocean was actually there, and even that seemed eerily muted. No light reflection of any kind could be detected that night. It was phenomenal the way the atmosphere changed so rapidly. When they reached the waters edge Blaine turned his back and relieved himself. She was like whistling and looking around pretending it wasnt anything out of the ordinary. They headed back arm in arm. It actually seemed soothing to her, which was a first to be leaving the dark somber scene that had only hours earlier been a beautiful seascape. Climbing in the car she checked the rear seat to make certain there wasnt a cold-blooded maniac murderer wielding a butcher knife with thoughts of hacking her to death. She shook her head to clear the horrible image _ locked all the doors and made certain the windows were rolled up tight. Apparently shed been watching too man y television thrillers of late. Bree felt truly blessed growing up in an era where citizens didnt get their kicks out of hurting one another. There were exceptions to every rule of course, but certainly nothing in the vicinity from which Bree hailed from. Though newspapers often carried horror stories of things happening in other places _ mostly large old cities. Growing up in New Jersey and New York City as Blaine had, he couldnt remember a time when they hadnt locked their doors and windows at night though at that time there wasnt that much crime in big cities either. West Coasters never had cause to lock their doors and windows then. As a matter of fact back in the day people often left car keys in the ignition so they wouldnt lo se them!


Not many people owned garages in those days, probably due to milder climates. Cars were generally parked on the roadside, which really didnt create mass parking lots as it would today because most people didnt own cars back then, which was probably the real reason garages werent being built in the day. In spring, summer and fall car windows were usually left down of an evening, and the ever popular convertible was usually left with the top down, keys dangling from the ignition switch _ definitely inviting to any would be thieves! They stopped-off at the Standard Station and Blaine stood guard over her. She shook the sand from her hair and clothing, straightened her wrinkled garments, washed her hands and face, combed her hair, a trace of lipstick, and decided she looked perfectly respectable in the event her parents waited up for her, and was preparing to exit. Blaine popped inside at that moment. He cleaned himself up a little bit and combed his hair _ looking as handsome as ever! He kissed her nuzzling her nape, then grabbing her hand they scurried out the door. Luckily no one caught him entering or leaving. He opened the cardoor for her and she hopped in then he scrambled to the drivers side and they were on their way. Bree asked if he was able to catch any shut-eye? He hadnt tried to in order to stand guard over her safety he said. How sweet, she thought. Then she asked how long shed slept? A little over half an hour he guessed. Well, it certainly made a new woman out of her. He reached across the seat pulling her closer and they were home before they knew it. Blaine walked her to her door, reminding her she was meeting his parents the next day. What time you picking me up, she asked? Around 3:00, dinners at 4:00 _ that okay? Perfect; I can sleep in and be as fresh as a daisy to meet your parents. Im planning on sleeping in myself, Im bushed, he said, smiling. Then cocked an eyebrow saying Pleasantly bushed, though. Beaming at him she squeezed his hand. He lowered his head to kiss her goodnight. They clung together, not wanting to leave the others side yet knowing they must. She stepped into the darkness; her parents had retired for the evening.



She awoke around 10:00 feeling completely rested, and with no likelihood of a hangover. Bounding out of bed she headed straight for the bathroom. Her bedroom had been an after thought and was added-on before her parents bought the place. Thats the reason it was located at the rear of the house beyond the kitchen and dinning room, which were also add on's. She made her way through the kitchen on her way to the bathroom and discovered her mother sitting at the table, all alone, smoking her Pall Mall, reading the Sunday paper, and drinking her coffee from a mug. Bree hugged her in


passing saying that she would be right back. Stepping in the shower she washed her hair and then enjoyed a leisurely bath. Looking something like Carmen Miranda, minus bananas and various fruits flowing from her headgear, towel swirling around her hair in a cone shape as she passed Mary. She needed to quickly curl her hair so it would dry on time. After dressing she set her wet locks with Bobby pins. Back in the kitchen she poured a cup of Joe and joined her mother at the table. Mary inquired about the reception. Bree answered fabulous! Recalling for her the delicious food, the cake, the great gifts, and even the delicious champagne, omitting the altercation between Tom and Blaine all together, and most especially the part about driving down to the beach afterward. An old adage she was reminded of seemed appropriate, What you dont know, wont hurt you. She couldnt count the times her mother repeated that old saw to her. She clearly understood the meaning by this point in time. Pouring another cup of java Bree invited her to come outside for an overdue mother-daughter chat while her hair dried in the sun, hoping to kill two birds with one stone so to speak _ though she hated that terminology. Mary excepted her offer and they caught up on the latest gossip, news _ even politics. Then reminisced the good old days as they often did at so called hen parties. Mary questioned Bree in regards to Blaine; she answered that things couldnt be better. She decided to wait until evening to announce her engagement at which time both parents would be present, and understandably she wanted Blaine there as well. Where is everybody today, Mom? Youre sisters at Glorias, a chum from the old neighborhood. Wheres daddy? Hes helping Tommy work on his car. Tommy was her fathers younger brother and had always treate d her wonderfully. He actually taught her how to drive, although when it looked as though she would turn out to be a fairly decent driver everyone wanted to take the credit. Her uncle permitted her to practice driving his old 42 Plymouth, entrusting her to drive with only a learners permit since she wasnt yet of legal tender. She always understood that his faith in her was strictly on the QT, and she never let him down. Legal age for driving without a licensed adult in attendance at the time was eighteen. Uncle Tommy didnt simply trust her driving to blind faith. She had to first prove to him that she was a capable and conscientious driver. Once she demonstrated she was trustworthy and deserving he hadnt any reservations whatever in granting his permission to drive the vehicle _ though she rarely asked him.


One day she picked-up several of her friends and they went out joy riding. The girls were only too happy to go cruising with her since they knew she wasnt chaperoned and basically unlicensed without one. The knowledge made it more exciting and thrilling than carousing with any old regularly licensed driver ever could! The aspect of getting caught got their adrenaline pumping fairly well. However, she simply drove as shed been trained to do. No drag racing, speeding, fancy frills, or thrills for her! They did honk and flirt with some of the cuter fellas on the road, but that was about the extent of it. This was just before mooning became popular and Katy pressed her more than adequate breasts up against the window. The guys riding along side of them went berserk, egging her on my by yelling, more, more, more, but she quickly blew them a kiss and waved bye-bye, signaling the end of her joviality as well as their jollies. One fella held a scrawled piece of paper up against the window resembling a phone number, were it legible enough to read she still wouldnt have called him. They decided to go to the Moonlight Drive-in to catch a flick. But after pooling their dough they barely scraped together enough to buy three tickets, and there were four in the car, which meant one would have to hide in the trunk _ since Bree was the driver she was off the hook. The three other girls drew straws and Katy lost. After buying three tickets Bree parked way out in the boonies, as far away from the snack bar as possible. They waited almost fifteen minutes before they opened the trunk. No one came! Spurned-on with elation and an adrenaline rush _ they figured theyd gotten away with it and began to celebrate. Man, were they ever hyped! Screaming and yelling, hooting and hollering, high fiving one another to beat the band, when suddenly the drive-in police arrived and shattered their caper to pieces! They tried in vain to talk or flirt their way out of their newly found situation to no avail. The Gestapo forced everyone from the vehicle to search the car. Whatever they were searching for they didnt find _ nothing to find! Could they possibly be looking for a fifth person? They didnt let on, but disappointment wa s clearly etched in their faces when no other prankster was discovered, or booze or drug troves, maybe even weapons _ who knew? The situation created a hullabaloo as some movie goers, mainly guys, tried to rescue them by offering to pay for the extra ticket, which literally fell on deaf ears. Humiliated and embarrassed half to death Bree just wanted to find a zipper covered over some black hole she could just zip into and never see the light of day again! Finally the theater dicks decided to release them _ they never learned why. They forfeited the money they had paid. Bree got back inside the car, the others continued to dilly-dally. She almost dropped dead when she overheard Katy insisting on a refund! They refused her request in-lieu of jail time they said! Bree quickly thanked them _ she didnt know why, though later realized it was for not hauling them off to the hoosegow. She was leaving lick -a-de-split whether the others followed suite was entirely up to them! They jumped inside at once! Lucky for them! She wasnt sticking around to see whether the Keystone Kops changed their minds or not!


Since they were busted they didnt have the money to share even a single cherry coke, so she took the girls home. Anyway shed had enough excitement for one day! When reaching Uncle Tommys place she lingered in the car a spell _ taking a breather before going inside _ hoping to calm her jittery nerves. Finally gathering-up enough courage she went inside. When her uncle offered her a coke, she accepted gratefully _ maybe too much too soon? Tommy searched her eyes intently, squirming under his intentness. He finally asked her, Bree, are you okay? She smiled, nodding her head, Never better, she lied.

We have the entire place to ourselves today, her mother said. How nice, Bree thought, forcing her back to the present. Im going to fix breakfast, would you care for something, Mother, she said, sweetly. We can eat out here on the patio and continue our conversation. No thanks, Dear, I had breakfast hours ago. Ill meet with you in the courtyard though, and read the paper while you prepare something. Deal, she said, and decided to cook some Cream of Wheat. She made orange juice, toasted some bread and reached in the fridge for the Welchs Grape jelly, setting everything on a tray she carried it outside. Wolfing her breakfast down in a matter of minutes, she hadnt realized how hungry she was. She returned to the kitchen for extra helpings of toast, and more coffee to wash it down with. Her mother had a large electric percolator and brewed coffee earlier. Unplugging the electric cord she rejoined Mary. Bree was a very lucky young lady who could eat anything and everything her heart desired and never gain so much as a pound. I hope they like me. I hope Blaines mother isnt like Amy, she retorted! Itll be fine, Dear, dont worry _ just act natural, she advised. And dont forget your manners. You can bank on that one, Mother Dearest, she said. Youve taught me well. They managed to kill several hours more. Bree decided to get dressed and apply her makeup and anything else that needed doing while she waited for her hair to finish drying. Mary remarked that the sun had made her sleepy and decided to lie down for a nap. Good for you, Bree said. You deserve it, and meant it. She was such a hard worker and early riser. Ill do the dishes, she said. Thank you, dear, hugging her on the way to the bedroom. Sleep tight, Bree said. Quickly washing the dishes she hurried to her bedroom to change into what she planned to wear to Blaines house. She was happy that her and her mother had talked. Somehow made her feel less guilty. Though she would probably


always feel quilty having sex without her knowledge. Their entire relationship was based on trust and openness. It hurt terribly knowing shed broken that trust. Yet who could relish telling a parent and breaking their heart to pieces? The only possible answer was that she couldnt tell her! Not ever! She wondered whether Blaine felt as guilty as she did? Then thought to herself _ hes a man, isnt he? Of course not! After applying makeup she put on her saddle oxfords. Then went outdoors to sit in the sun some more _ she had one hour before Blaines arrival. Removing the Bobby pins from her hair she shook it loose, it was almost dry. Taking the pins out should hasten the process. She waited another ten minutes or so and her hair was dry. She went back inside and brushed her hair fifty strokes instead of the usual one hundred and fifty recommended then for healthy, shinny, beautiful hair, and styled it in the era of the day. She decided to dress as if she were going to school, and applied her cosmetics in a similar mode. She was hoping to appear innocent looking. She wanted to impress Blaines parents and prayed that they would like her. She believed shed lost her innocence, and afraid somehow it might show. Deep inside she knew she looked no differently than two weeks before or several months before that even! The problem was she felt different _ spoiled goods, in a sense. The girls in the clique wore little makeup. Mascara was frowned upon, though eyebrow pencil was permissible _ go figure! And lipstick a must! Sometimes they cheated and glossed their eyelashes with Vaseline. It supposedly promoted thickness and growth and also enhanced the lashes to appear darker and longer.



Blaine pulled in the driveway just as Bree glanced out the living room window _ he caught her, she waved, then slipped out the door as quietly as possibly _ not wishing to disrupt Marys siesta. She locked the door securely, soundlessly; not allowing the screen-door to slam shut just as Blaine strolled-up the walkway. She was so happy to see the big lug. He looked so handsome, and she smiled brightly for him. Hi, she said. Hi, Kitten, smiling back, taking her hand.


She hopped in the car as Blaine held the door for her, then dashing jauntily to the drivers side got in. Driving to the end of the block he hung a right and pulled-off the road to steal a kiss. She cuddled closer to him and he put his big man arms around her, snuggling her neck. It actually excited her, which hadnt been his intention, but was obviously a sensitive spot. Then suddenly he withdrew his arms and took-off down the road. The journey to the Baldwin house took approximately ten minutes; their homes very close in proximity. During the drive Bree posed some questions that concerned his parents. For instance _ what were they like _ were they old fashioned, hep, what? Were they liberal, conservative? How old were they? What interests them? Does your mother know about our impending marriage? What did they value in a daughter-in-law? Blaine tried to address her concerns. He was an only child. Naturally his mother doted on him, though his father struck the proper balance as a career military man and was very much the disciplinarian in the family. His father joined the Coast guard when he was twenty-seven, and stationed in the New York harbor area. While on leave on a Sunday afternoon he ventured out to Coney Island, where he met and fell in love with his mother. According to his father it was love at first sight, at least on his part anyway. They married three months later. They both wanted time together before starting a family. By the time the third anniversary approached Jane had decided she wanted a child. Unfortunately it wasnt meant to be. Jane could conceive a child no question, but carrying it full -term was the problem. She lost her first baby, a little boy. After time passed they tried again, unsuccessfully, to have another child, same results, this time a baby girl. Both consumed with grief it took additional time to mend their broken hearts, and accept yet another tragedy the second time around. They began to believe that children werent in the cards for them. Therefore, basically giving up altogether. When Jane found herself pregnant for the third time, her doctor ordered complete bed rest. The poor woman was constrained to her bed for the duration. Finally on January eleventh of 1937 she delivered a full term bouncing-baby boy, which of course was Blaine and lucky to be so. By this time Jane was already in her thirties, and considered herself much too old for child bearing. Blaine had always believed his parents were too tormented to try again _ once succeeding with Blaine it was like _ dont press your luck kiddo? When he was four his father was on a destroyer headed for Pearl Harbor. The U S Coast Guard is a maritime branch of the Navy, though he received his training, orders, and salary from the Coast guard. In an outbreak of aggression or war his orders and pay came directly from The Secretary of the Navy. Blaines father made arrangements for the family to move into his parents home in New Jersey and stayed with them before shipping -out.


He didnt return home again until the war ended in the fall of 45. At which time he was reinstated back into the Coast Guard, regaining his old position of protecting the New York harbors. He was called-up again during the Korean conflict and was shipped somewhere off the coast of Sasebo, Japan, on the carrier USS Leyte. The family again moved to New Jersey. His father remained with the Navy until retiring after twenty-five years of distinguished service. He had planned to stay for the long haul _ thirty years, but eventually coming to the conclusion that he was just getting too old for military life and opted-out. Youll like my mother, Blaine said. She was blessed with a keen sense of humor. My dad is rather quiet, probably because mom doesnt give him a chance edgewise to put his two cents worth in. Hes a great guy though and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. She relaxed a little at that point. They sounded perfectly marvelous to her. When they pulled into the driveway his parents came out to greet them. They both hugged her. Once Blaine officially introduced them they shook hands then strolled inside. She wasnt positive how she should address them and decided to play it by ear. Later that evening they requested she call them mom and dad. Perhaps they sensed her dilemma when she first hesitated in addressing them. She thought _ what the heck, the more the merrier! She now had two sets of parents! His mother then excused herself to check on dinner. Bree offered to assist Jane in anyway she could, but said she preferred that she remain with the others to help keep the conversation flowing. Taking her seat again she mainly listened to the subject at hand. But soon thereafter the discussion was diverted towards her. Eddy wanted to familiarize himself with her, sort of get to know her better, which she understood perfectly. So she began to explain that she was a native Californian (almost anyway)! She told him about the schools she attended growing-up and of the life long friendships shed made. And bragged about her wonderful family, and how they had sacrificed for her. Extolling on the fantastic friends shed acquired during her short life said that several had lasted since Kindergarten. Ive heard a rumor that you and my son are planning to get married after graduation, Eddy said, winking at her. She couldnt believe what happened next _ she blushed! She knew because she could feel the flame welling -up in her cheeks and sensed them burning. She prayed no one else noticed. Blaine put his arm around her then, and did her bidding for her. If shell have me, that is, he said quickly, then smiled at her. They sat expectantly awaiting her answer. With mom and dads consent, she promised. Stunned at having used the parental term for the very first time herself. It didnt come easy at first, but in time would become second nature.


Im in love with your son, she said. I shall strive to make him a good wife, shyly glancing at Blaine. He leaned over gently brushing his lips against hers, smiling brightly as if pleased. You not only have my permission, but my blessing as well, young lady, he said, eyes misting over. They rose at once _ hugging each other on that bit! Youll make my son a perfect wife, and he better treat you properly or hell answer to me, he said, looking over at Blaine as he was speaking. Blaine took notice, nodding his head that hed heard every word. Oh, he will, she said. Your son is wonderful and treats me like gold. He literally stole my heart away! You and mom deserve a lot of credit for doing such a fantastic job in rearing your son, he will make you proud, she vowed. She wished his mother could have heard the conversation. Although she thought it might come up again at dinner. Shed barely thought the thought when Jane called -out that dinner was served, she was starving too! They rose and sprinted to the dinning-room table and stood waiting to take their places. Jane spoke-up and said, please, dont be bashful, take any chair you like and be seated. No formality here, Bree liked that. No saying grace either, she felt right at home! Jane had roasted the most fragrant smelling and best-dressed turkey shed ever seen _ it was a beaut! The turkey didnt disappoint _ it was delicious. Shed prepared all the trimmings to -boot! A regular feast, and it wasnt even a holiday! With the passage of time she learned that Janes favorite meat was turkey and ham. She served a pudding for dessert. It was delicious too! Bree detected raisins and cinnamon among other things. She had also prepared an exotic tasting after dinner tea, which the flavor hinted of a trace of licorice. Very good! Her family werent really tea drinkers per se, but Janes tea was delicious and caused one to wish to become one! The earlier conversation drifted back during mealtime. Eddy relayed the discussion Jane missed earlier, fortunately for Bree she wasnt required to repeat the dialog, which she d isliked doing because it took patience _ not her strong suite. It wasnt long before Bree discovered exactly what a brilliant sense of humor Jane truly did have. She even cracked her up a couple of times at dinner listening to her amusing jokes. She was blessed with a wonderful sense of timing, but most especially her deadpan expression was a scream _ reminding one of Oliver Harding and Stan Laurel. Bree believed she and her mother would make a perfect pair! This time she didnt bother asking, rising from the table she began clearing away the dishes. Jane wouldnt hear of it she said. Though Bree paid not the slightest attention, she continued to bus away the dining room clutter. Having rinsed the dishes she asked Jane where she stored her detergent? Smiling, Jane said that she was washing the dishes; she said Bree could dry if she liked. They finished their work and returned to the living room. Eddy endeared himself to Bree by lighting a pipe after dinner as her father also enjoyed a good pipe tobacco now and again. It helped make her feel more at home, plus, she adored the aroma of pipe tabacco _ especially after a meal.


Inasmuch as she gloried in the knowledge that Blaine himself abstained from the foul habit she felt like a hypocrite, though she believed cigarette smoke was far worse than pipe tabacco ever could be. Her own personal experience with Bobby had taught her disdain for smooching anyone who smoked tobacco _ the taste itself was horrible, and breathing the exhaled stale sec ond hand smoke wasnt any picnic either. She recalled the unpleasant odor of Bobbys hair and clothing as well, and had seriously affected her adenoidal senses. Finally Blaine announced it was time to break the engagement to her parents, also wedding plans following graduation. Everyone rose. Blaines parents walked them out to the car, and wished them good luck. Bree thanked them for their hospitality and Jane for her delicious meal. She told each one individually how pleased she was to meet them _ of course they insisted the pleasure was all theirs. They were so sweet; she loved them already! They hugged each other then hopped in the car, waving and smiling as they pulled away from the curb.


Blaine pulled off the side of the road, parking his vehicle several blocks from Brees house _ instantly in each others arms! Making-out leisurely their kisses less intense, calmer, more loving and sweet. Then Blaine backed-off. It appeared he desired her full attention. She listened. Earlier he whispered that he had something to show her. What is it, she asked? He removed a package from the glove compartment. Look inside, he said, expectantly and handed her a small heart shaped box. Looking inside she appeared visibly stunned.


Oh, my God, Sweetheart, its exquisite _ lovely. He withdrew the ring from its casing, placing the diamond on her finger. She had been dumfounded! She hadnt begun to think about a ring yet. The heart shaped diamond was so elegant. She broke into tears, throwing herself against him. He held her tightly, saying it was supposed to be a happy occasion. I am happy _ why else would I be crying? He laughed his big hearty man laugh then said, See, I told you Id never understand women! Yes, you will, Sweetheart, and when you do youll realize that women are perfectly logical in every way, she demurred. Thank you, Blaine, for choosing the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. Youre welcome, Kitten; doesnt it look lovely on your hand, he said, sweetly. The matching wedding band was at his house. He claimed it would bring bad luck if she saw it before their wedding. Zales was running a special he said, and hed received a free set of blue-plate porcelain dishes imported from England. Well, thats nifty, she said, happily. We can scratch that item off our shopping list! Changing the subject she asked, What will we tell my parents? Kitten, he said. Im the man thats my responsibility, please allow me to handle it. You neednt say anything if you choose not to. Remember youll soon be turning eighteen and there isnt a thing anyone can do about it legally. No wonder she loved this take charge person so much. He was absolutely her prince in shinning armor. Looking at him, beaming from ear to ear, a sudden serenity and sense of well being flickered within her, and she knew that Blaine would always be there for her faithful and ready at the helm. Okay, she agreed. I think thats probably best anyway, but please ask daddy for his permission first. Im positive youll receive it. In spite of all her happiness she suddenly became sorry for her parents, especially Herrman. Mary would probably be tickled pink for her when she understood how happy they were. Blaine kissed her then, melting her heart like butter _ soothing away her fears. They entered the house holding hands. The whole family was present except for Megan and her husband; of course her grandparents remained in Iowa until their deaths. Jo, as customary, perched in a dark corner reading a book. She loved reading more than anything in the world, and was forever daydreaming about some faraway land in a world foreign to her own. Mary cautioned her continually against reading in dimly lit areas, explaining that shed damage her eyesight and forever wear ugly thick glasses when she was grown. Unfortunately, thats exactly what happened. She is still an insatiable reader to this day though she wears thick horn-rimmed glasses, and considered legally blind without them. She now seeks bright lighting in order to read the written word having no other alternative.


Her brain apparently photographed everything she ever read, storing the information in her frontal lobe library files. At a whim she can recall any stored data any time any place repeating each word verbatim. Sounds kooky, but is perfectly true even to this day. Bree could only do that with one book she ever read and could recall with gusto every act and word spoken. The book was Edna Ferber's Gone With the Wind. She believed it was because she read it five different times as a youth and in doing so she memorized every word _ just as she still remembers the Gettyesburg Address. She lost count of how many times shed seen the movie. People found it uncanny that she could repeat the next line before the actor did! What are you two up-to tonight, Herrman asked? Bree remained mute. Blaine pul led-up an occasional chair and sat it next to her father. Bree sat on the sofa next to her mother who looked from one to the other _ knowing something was up. Whatever it was _ she decided to give it her full attention. Good evening, Sir. I hope what I have to say wont come as a complete surprise, but your daughter and I our in love, and we would very much appreciate your permission to marry _ following graduation? Well now, young man Herrman said. Your request is astonishing I believe to both Mary and myself. Well, Sir, Blaine replied. We have known each other since last summer, and weve dated almost that long, especially since school began in the fall. Well, what have you to say, Missy? Herrman directed his question at Bree forcing her to break her silence. Ive already excepted his proposal, Daddy _ with your consent that is. See the ring Blaine amazed me with earlier, then waltzed over proudly displaying her engagement ring. Its beautiful, Honey, he said. Then glancing at Blaine _ Good choice, lad. Thank you, sir. May I see it, please, Bree Mary asked? She sashayed back to where her mother was sitting and extended her ring finger. Oh, My Dear, its exquisite, she said. Then _ Come give your mama a hug. Bree squeezed her tightly, kissing her beautiful face. At last Herrman asked Mary if she had any concerns or questions regarding the proposal? She shook her head no. The children know what they are doing, though I probably shouldnt call them children, she said. Theyre both young adults now. Bree will soon be eighteen _ thats old enough to marry without parental consent. Yes, thats true, Blaine spoke-up, but wed rather appreciate your blessing all the same. Okay, then, thats good enough for me, Herrman said. You have our permission as well as our approval. Jumping-up, Bree cried. Oh, thank you daddy, thank you mother. I love you guys.


Then proceeded to hug and kiss everyone in the house including sister Jo who of course was oblivious to everything around her as she lived vicariously the life of others through the authors word. Mary then explained what she had missed as she sat reading in the corner. Then Jo began to cry! Why are you upset about now, Bree asked? Jo said that shed probably never see her again. Bree said to the contrary that she would see her on weekends and holidays, as well as summer vacation. In fact, she said, she could hangout with them any time you chose. That put a smile on her face! Since Jo was the youngest the family tended to baby her a bit _ including Bree. The prospect suddenly didnt seem as bleak to her and she smiled happily. Jo hadnt really been many places during her summer vacations. Shed never joined the Brownies or Girl Scouts as had Bree, or been on a camping trip, jamboree, wiener roast, cookout, and campaigns so numerous one could shake a stick at it. Bree was a bonafide over-achiever at any endeavor she elected to undertake, i.e. collecting the most newspaper tonnage for the school paper-drives _ breaking all records. She accomplished this fete with little more than a red wagon she borrowed from a neighbor. She remembered working after dark in winter months, which wasnt a scary thing back then, but clearly demonstrated she was willing to go that extra mile. Also, she managed to out sell more Girl Scout cookies than anyone in her pack. She had loved scouting, and everything it entailed. In those campaigns customers invited her into their homes, which was plenty safe enough in those days _ no one considered it otherwise. Her clients expected her to entertain them _ sing, dance, act, or anything else she could dream up in order to obtain their orders. That was the extent to which she was willing to that extra distance to generate sales. However, she was a born trooper and enjoyed doing so as much as they did _ maybe more! Stealing their hearts was important to guarantee their orders the following year as well. The cookie sale was held twice annually. Her customers apparently adored a precocious child, and it was her intention to give them their monies worth _ playing it to the hilt! Another thing _ she loved the attention and was a born ham! Her parents had given her tapdancing and baton lessons when she was quite young, and she sang in the school chorus and church choir, which helped in her entertainment endeavors! Both girls dreamed of being Hollywood actresses when they were grown though neither had friends striving for that particular goal and as a possible consequence allowed their desires to go by the wayside. Brees clients were mostly senior citizens, and she learned early on that they en joyed the companionship as well as the entertainment and cookies she provided them with. On arrival many expected her to be seated and narrate for them her experiences, trials and tribulations encountered since their last meeting. For such a young girl, she apparently understood that they were lonely souls, and were interested to learn whether she had traveled anywhere interesting


over the summer, met any cute boys, etc.? Sometimes she felt like a regular Nancy Drew with all her experiences and escapades, which she read religiously! When calling on her cookie customers she never failed to get their promise to save all their old newspapers and magazines for her paper drive _ strangely enough they always did, and they didnt forget either! One of her favorite customers told her that another girl had asked that she save her papers for her, but informed her that she had already promised them to Bree, and a promise was a promise in those days! She wasnt a mercenary _ she truly loved all the old people! She was genuinely grateful for these experiences since she had always had a partiality for older people and it stuck with her throughout her entire life. She enjoyed listening to their-own tales and learned so many historical facts mostly concerning the war or the town that she wouldnt have otherwise known. She believed that every time an elderly person died at least one book of history pages was lost forever to the world, especially true since they built the country and knew all about everything! On Halloween people didnt simply hand -over the candy because some child uttered the magic words _ trick or treat. You were expected to work for your payola. At least in her case anyway, and they anticipated her coming inside as well. Once there the question most often asked her was what or whom was she dressed as _ pretending they hadnt a clue in the world! And generally expected her to perform the role of whatever she came dressed as, and in her mind gave some great impersonations! Bree never skipped a single house and made certain her pillowcase was filled to the brim before calling it a night. Sometimes she borrowed the neighbors little red wagon when her bag became too heavy to lift. Often times shed run home, dump her cargo some place where her sisters wouldnt think of looking then scurried back where shed left off at. There was no television in those days, and radio required a vivid imagination as well as a sizable attention span. Most of her clients didnt get out much, much less own a vehicle, which she believed played a role in their friendliness as well as their loneliness. Brees parents had paid through the nose so that she could attend scouting events and of course furnished all manner of dress for her: Uniforms, belts and buckles, shoes and socks, camping gear and various forms of scouting needs, which didnt come cheap back then anymore than it does today. She appreciated the fact that her parents worked many OT hours to help finance these expenses which, the money also helped provide baton and dancing lessons for her. She was pleased when her mother at last retired _ well deserved in Brees mind. Mary was an industrious individual, especially in becoming the first of the Rosy the Riveters during World War 11. Who among us could not cherish and appreciate the vision of a woman building an aeroplane? Once Blaine thanked her parents properly for consenting to Brees hand in marriage, he took his leave. She walked out to the car with him and kissed him goodnight, deciding the re wasnt any reason to sneak around now that


they were officially engaged. He hopped in the car-waving goodbye as he pulled away from the curb she blew him a kiss then ran inside. She simply had to call Anne and Rita and tell them the good news. In hearing the latest they both appeared even more shocked than she herself was though both were extremely happy for her. Pretty soon well all be old married ladies, Rita said. Anne and Dean were in their first and second year of college, respectively. They attended Cal State Long Beach, and planned to marry after graduation. Bree was happy they remained close. She missed her something terrible at school even though a year had passed since she had graduated.


At school the following morning Bree and Blaine learned that pretty much everyone had heard the news. Wow! News certainly traveled fast when youre havi ng fun! Actually, Bree found that news traveled equally rapidly when youre having a lousy go of it as well! Good, now everyone knows youre spoken for, Blaine, she said, smiling up at him. He squeezed her hand and smiled back at her. Everyone wanted to see her ring _ including the guys! They all oohed and awwed alike mulling-over her-engagement-ring. Sheila suddenly announced, excitedly, that she was tossing them a big splash of a bash! Oh, cool, Bree said, elated!


Speaking of parties, she said. Has everyone heard that Rose is getting married? Yeah, she proudly displayed her ring for Blaine and I last week. I told her I was certain the group would want to throw her a shower/party. But since my house is too small do I hear any volunteers? We can hold it at our place, Lorna offered. We need to break it in, anyway, she giggled. That would be terrific, Lorna, Bree said. We could hold the club meeting there first, sometime around the end of February, and then have the shower afterward? You wouldnt really want to schedule a party any closer to your delivery date than that would you? She expected her little bundle of joy sometime in April. No, she said. That would be perfect, Bree. Great, well make plans for it then, she affirmed. Start saving your pennies for a wedding gift everyone, well make the celebration a BYOB. Lilly, Jessie, Renee, could you guys start a collection for the foodstuff, of course Ill do the same. Everyone agreed to extend a helping hand. Bree would check her calendar and advise them of a specific date on the following day. The bell rang _ everyone splintered off in different directions. She and Blaine were both extremely exhausted from their harried weekend so he took her straight home that day. First on her menu was to scrutinize the calendar to learn which last days of February landed on a Saturday? The final Saturday of the month fell on the 26th splendid she thought! That night she helped Mary prepare dinner. They didnt talk much _ words were never necessary where they were concerned _ action spoke volumes in what mattered most to them. Mary broke the silence by asking her if she and Blaine were terribly happy? Yes, absolutely, Mother. Why do you ask? Good, she exclaimed! As they continued working Mary mentioned that she was afraid she might be on the rebound. Heavens, no, Mother, I dont even think about Tom anymore. Which actually was finally the truth. Mary threw her arms around her daughter, hugging her tight. She was elated for Bree, which indicated just how worried shed been for her welfare. Something told Bree that she would say those exact words! Then she thanked her Heavenly Father that her unhappiness hadnt lasted any longer than it did _ not for her sake, but for mothers.



The circle assembled earlier than usual that morning though it wasnt planned. When Bree informed the crowd that the party date would be Saturday, the twenty-sixth of February the guys all hooted and hollered with glee. The gals all agreed that that day would be perfect for them as well. Blaine and Bree were stopping by the Tick Tock after school that day to advise Rose of the shower/party date they planned for her. They pulled into the drive-in about three fifteen. No sooner had they parked than Rose spotted them, and began skating towards them. Hi, she smiled. What can I get you two? Hey Rose, they chimed in, cheerfully. Can you come around to my side for a minute, please, Rose, Bree asked?


Of course, Bree, then skated around to the passenger side. At which point Bree displayed her ring finger, proudly showing-off her new sparkler. Well, congratulations, you two, she cried. Im so happy for both of you. Quickly ducking her head inside the window to catch Blains eye _ making certain to include him as well. Let me see yours again, Rose, please, Bree asked politely. Rose proudly revealed her ring finger to give them another gander. Good, she said. I just wanted to make certain you were still wearing it before I gave you the plans for the wedding shower. What, she asked? The gang is throwing you and your fella a wedding shower/party on the twenty sixth of February, which happens to fall on a Saturday _ your day off, Bree said, smiling at her. Oh, you dear girl I just love you. They hugged each other on that bit. The function will be held at Lorna and Larrys pad beginning at 7:00PM sharp. Then provided her with the proper address and telephone number _ passing-out directions wasnt necessary in those days since all streets ran straight through to the next city and so on. Back then the streets were numbered from Firststreet through One-thousand and on and on with East, West, North, and South were attached to each direction. Plus remember the world was a much smaller place back then and cross-streets with names attached to them instead of numbers were memorized from birth _ besides towns were so small then. Thats wonderful news, she said, excitedly. Now, did you guys want to order something or did you just stop by to fill me in? Both, Bree cried. Im starving! This is where I come in, Blaine said, teasing her. They all laug hed good-naturedly. He ordered two rounds of cherry cokes, and two orders of onion rings. Anything else, he asked her? She nodded. Rose left to fill their order. They nuzzled, stealing a kiss as they waited. Next thing they knew Rose was there with their order in hand _ she hadnt made a peep. That car hop had class with a capital Cee. Funny Roses prospective grooms name was Tom too _ Thomas L. Mitchell to be exact, and it soon became evident exactly what it was Rose saw in her betrothed in terms of looks, wit, personality, and charm _ the whole ball of wax. Apparently they were meant for one another. Tomas was clearly crazy about Rose and vice-versa. The two relished dancing cheek to cheek as well as the faster paced boogie-woogie, taking full advantage at every opportunity.


Her devotees turned-out by the droves to help celebrate their engagement, coming from miles around to join the happy couple. Some completely surprised the group in that they werent aware she even knew them! Judging by the expression on the majority of male faces Bree couldnt help but think them envious of Tom. Since Thomas had scored with Rose where they all failed, and knowing their opportunity was probably lost forever to them didnt help matters much. She was definitely a catch! Rose had car hopped at the Tick-Tock since her eighteenth birthday. So none should have been surprised to learn of the multitudes shed encountered throughout the years. They all became her friends just as those did in the circle. She endeared herself to all shed served during her half decade at the Tick -Tock. Each believed her to be their most intimate friend as well. She was one gal in a million, and it didnt take long to discover that once you got to know her. The couple received many, many, lovely gifts, more than average since she had more friends than you could shake a stick at. Tom wasnt any slouch where friends were concerned either; he must have had a slew of them as well. As Rose opened the last gift it was plain to see she was touched. As they thanked each person individually Bree noticed that her beautiful dark eyes were misty. Lorna proudly asked Bree and Blaine if theyd like to see the nursery? Of course they chimed back. The room was white and yellow, creating the impression of lightness and air _ just beautiful! They complimented her on her decorating abilities, as others had from behind them. An overheard comment was that any infant should welcome such an environment. Bree thought anything must be better than living for nine months in a mothers uterus not to see the light of day for nine months! People didnt know the sex of their offspring until after it was born in those days. Because of that they were inclined to choose pale shades of greens, yellows and white for their nursery colors, and anything else that an infant required. Showers often were held after the birth of a baby, most especially after the second or third one. As luck would have it Larry had insisted that Tom check out the nursery not having prior knowledge that Blaine and Bree were there. She smiled and said hello. He did so mutually, then shook hands with Blaine. No one mentioned their last meeting, thankfully! They returned to the living room; Tom lingered awhile longer as he checked out the room. Bree was happy as well as surprised to find that she and Tom were still on speaking terms _ good, she didnt need another enemy. Later, a five-way conversation developed between Lorna, Larry, Tom, Bree and Blaine. Things went well, and seemed like old times again. Though Bree believed Blaine suffered a sense of left -out of the loop feeling, not really in tune with their good ol days, and certain that he was uneasy about it _ most people were. Tom didnt congratulate them on their engagement, which didnt help either, though Bree was positive he knew. Lorna undoubtedly mentioned it to her husband, and he and Tom were best friends of course he knew!


Rose and Thomas were married shortly thereafter; she gave two weeks notice at the Tick Tock after returning from her honeymoon. She was sorely missed by all her friends and fans after she left the Tick Tock. Plans were made to keep in touch with the Mitchells forever more. They bought a house in the newly developed Chelsea Bay section. The storybook property practically sat in the Pacific Ocean where the charming young couple determined was a great place for raising a family. Their view was right on and nothing much has changed since those days. The food and cake served at the reception had been excellent.


The Prom was being held on the following Friday. Graduation was only a month away, which meant her marriage wasnt far off either. She still found it a bit unnerving whenever she allowed herself to think about it. She hoped she would be up for the challenge when the day arrived. She was better off worrying about one thing at a time. So therefore her thoughts were consumed by the imminent prom. She and Mary planned a shopping spree the next day. Her greatest desire at the time was snagging a pale pink dress with matching fabric for her shoes and purse. She'd given Blaine prior notice that her colors were pink so he should consider wearing a pink cummerbund and boutonniere with his tux. In general guys were weird about wearing pink in the fifties, but he never once


complained. He was evidently comfortable in his own skin therefore not minding. Bree was beginning to panic. What if she didnt find that awesome pink dress with matching assessories _ then what? Saturday morning found she and Mary searching for that dream dress. They checked and double-checked Robinsons, but nothing even came close. Bree couldnt imagine that they of all stores couldnt provide her with the evening dress of her dreams. Mary suggested they try their luck at Le Petite Vogue, located several blocks away. Blocks were then called country blocks, and were three to four times the length of an ordinary city block today. They hopped in the old De Soto, and Mary sped off _ dodging in and out of traffic as usual _ they didnt call her lead foot Mary for nothing! It took her all of five minutes to drive there, park the car, deposit coins in the parking meter, and enter the building! Parking downtown was that of diagonal parking rather than parallel, so one could park in a jiffy. Dashing into the dress shop Brees eyes focused instantaneously on The Dress, which was draped over a hanger on a hook that faced outward next to a full-length mirror. The manner of merchandising called impulse designed specifically for people who purchased things on the spur of the moment. Though it was no such thing on her part, and exactly what her heart had hankered for. The crepe skirt was tastefully plain except for the five inch split up the back, but the high waisted bodice was dazzling. The wrist length sleeves of shear pale pink lace had a floral accent. At the actual wrists were half-inch bands of floral pink crepe with the over netting. The dress was high necked with the same half-inched crepe band at the throat, covered with the pink net. The entire front of the crepe bodice had lace overlay and was tight fitting due to myriad groupings of fine elastic. The netted webbing lace contained tiny white pearl droplets and pinkish white colored sequins which, Bree and Mary ewwed and awwed at the sparkles they created. The back of the blouse had a long running zipper ending approximately six inches past the skirts waist in perfect l ine with the six inch split. It was the very one she had dreamed of! A small shelf above the dress displayed a pair of perfectly matching crepe pumps and purse covered in the same frail pink. Now, she prayed _ if the shoes were stocked in her size shed be the happiest girl in the world! Well, after trying-on the complete ensemble, all in her size, she found that everything fit like a glove. She couldnt believe her luck! Once again it dawned on her that she really didnt have the rottenest luck in all -the world as shed always believed. What were the odds of finding both a gown and matching dress shoes in stock in her size? Especially when one considered that she wore the average American shoe size (even if she did wear them a skosh too small)! Arriving home she began running up the driveway anxious to try on her new wardrobe, stopping dead in her tracts she remembered the long ago spill that sent her spiraling down the driveway. Then casually began strolling up


the driveway until she reached the doorstep _ all the while thinking, dont press your luck girl or you might wind up with scabbed knees for your honeymoon! After reaching the door she stopped and looked to catch her mother smiling _ the gleam ever glistening! Had Mary read her mind? The club was planning a beach party/barbecue that evening. Each girl would bring a dish to be shared by all _ pot luck, and a-bring your own meat affair. Shed prepared her famous potato salad, which always seemed to taste better on the second day. She brought chicken for her and Blaine. She worried whether there would be sufficient time to cook-it thoroughly and decided to bake it half way at home first, afterward wrapping it in aluminum foil, which could then be placed directly atop the grill to finish cooking. The guys were furnishing coolers, ice, drinks and paper cups. Darkness fell swiftly that time of year. They planned to arrive around 5:00 or 6:00 at the latest. The first arrivals would stake out their claim and set-up camp. Larry planned to bring his new transistor radio. The first of the crowd to own one, which was usually the case and they were super expensive _ with a capital E! Blaine picked-her-up at 5:00 due to his job. After arriving they gathered-up the food, utensils and dishes, jackets and blankets, briquettes and anything else they might need and packed them in the car. Running back inside they said goodbye to Mom and Dad as Blaine now referred to them as. Bree had used the terms of endearment since the first meeting with his parents. Hopping in the old jalopy they took-off in a cloud of dust! Blaine stopped at the first boulevard stop then hung a right pulling over to the curb. They hadnt been alone one minute for the last several months. Bree still refused to make love in the car. Blaine put his arms around her pulling her close. He kissed her long and passionately. Things began heating up pretty rapidly as he kissed her neck, then her breasts _ afraid that someone might see them she pulled away, which was actually the last thing she really wanted. Girls were expected to be the stronger of the sexes. Left up to Blaine they would have done it there and then as children played hopscotch on the sidewalk, and it wasnt even dark yet! As it were she was frightened that some adult might come pounding on the window threatening to call the police if they didn't hightail it out of there! She also knew that they risked being caught in a rather compromising way, in which she shuddered at the very thought! They would be happier when they had their own place she thought. Sorry, Kitten, he said. Its okay, Sweetheart she replied, smiling at him. Cranking his engine, he smiled back.



Parking, they realized that everyone was already there. Thankfully they hadnt gone all the way _ theyd probably still be there she thought! They spread their blanket between Anne and Dean on one side, Tony and Rita on the other. She handed Blaine the chicken and set up the rest of the food and stuff. Grabbing the bag of briquettes he headed for the barbecue. The other fellas already hard at work. The girls promptly began discussing Lornas baby shower. Rita commented that if they didnt hold it soon Little Larry would be starting college! The other chicks joined in and they formed a perfect circle. The guys cooked while the gals talked _ talk about a switcheroo!


They all agreed that the following Tuesday wouldnt be enough notice, therefore wouldnt allow them the proper time to prepare things. They scheduled the club meeting and Lornas shower to be held a week from the following Tuesday. Bree volunteered to furnish the cake. Rita said she would furnish the punch. Shed received a crystal punch bowl as a wedding gift and was eager to show-it-off. Jessie and Renee would furnish the ice crme, onegallon chocolate, one-gallon vanilla. Katy, Lilly, and Sheila would furnish all paper products. They finally finalized their plans to go ahead with the baby shower. Bree suggested that they assemble the meeting earlier than usual to allow ample time for the baby shower. The group concurred and the meeting was scheduled for 5:00 PM. Bree reminded them not to forget that they needed to include a gift for baby Larry. She immediately decided to do her shopping during the coming week. She could have it gift-wrapped for free and would no longer need to worry about it _ a service all stores offered in those days. It was especially convenient since they didnt have those handy decorator carry bags you could just stick tissue in and call it wrapped! The guys hollered that supper was served. Their timing was perfect! They filled their plates and collected the drinks, then consumed the food like there was no tomorrow. Why did they always do that she wondered? It was doubtful anyone was actually starving to death. Perhaps the outdoors enhanced the flavor of the food, and being outof-doors increased ones appetite. Again receiving raves on her potato salad _ by then shed grown to expect it. Certainly her ego would have been crushed if no one complimented her. She praised Blaine on his barbecue chicken as well (though he had cooked only half of it, preparing none of it) it was expected _ at least hoped for anyway, she didnt mind, she loved the guy and only wanted his happiness _ as did he hers. Larry had tuned-in the new transistor radio and turned up the volume. After the meal everyone proceeded to dance to the radio music. The sound was sharp and clear and sounded wonderful. They had fun dancing to Art Laboe, laughing at his antics. He played the music they all loved _ no hillbilly. But the crowd quickly tired _ dancing on the sand wasnt the easiest thing to accomplish. It pulled on the cal f muscles, straining them, causing discomfort, especially on the following day _ no matter how many Beach Blanket parties one attended. Michael decided he wanted to go for a moonlit swim, inviting everyone to join him. Of course the chicks would nt have dreamt of swimming in the frigid waters in the fifties anymore than they would today. Bree shivered simply thinking about it! Michael and several others planned to go skinny-dipping. When they did the gals stood in curiosity anticipating what Michael looked like in the buff _ most girls thought a God, and took no notice of Marianne sitting next to them! To their misfortune there werent many stars out that night and nothing much could be seen. The heavens appeared dark and gloomy yet some still held out rays of hope of catching Michael in the nude _ praying a moon-beam would somehow bounce off his butt! They werent gone long at all when they came shivering back to


camp _ teeth chattering like squirrels at an acorn convention. The girls were all bummed out except Marianne! They beheld precious little of Michaels birthday suite before he stepped back into his skivvies. Then everyone sat around the bonfire trying to get warm. Larry smuggled some liquor in his Thermos bottle and began to pass it around. Each taking a swig and then passing it to the next person. Teens in the fifties did irresponsible things like that, eating after each other, smoking after each other, drinking after each other, shared straws, joints, probably needles too _ aids was almost thirty years away. They were incredibly lucky _ no HIV, or HEP A B or C to worry about, which the majority of her friends would probably all be dead had there been. The only time a fella used a condom was during a visit to the whorehouse _ as they were called in those days. Settling back they listened to the guys tales, which was mostly all they were. They managed to keep warm between the covers, relaxing, enjoying the delightful breath of crispy cool air _ even the salty sprays of the tide! Blaine kissed her on the QT. Then in his deep throated mans voice asked her whether they could stay awhile after the others left. She smiled, hunching her shoulders. Well play it by ear, he said, and joined the rest of the fellas who by now were sittin g around the campfire. Though Bree noted several couples had taken to their blankets the other fellas remained there shooting the breeze, laughing _ the weather turned quite chilly quite fast. In Brees mind they were all playing the waiting game. .



They were both pooped on the drive back. The beach with all its sand, wind, and sunshine could certainly wipe a person out in no time. Talking was at a minimum on the drive home. They no longer found it necessary to fill-in lapses between conversation with idle chitchat, knowing where they stood with one another, with nothing to prove. They were in love, wanting each other more than life itself _ nothing could ever change that, and soon they would be man and wife. He began fidgeting with her bra on the drive until finally he managed to unhook it, one eye on her the other on the road. She caught him watching her in her peripheral vision, though pretended she hadnt. He was testing her to see how far he could run with it. Then he began fiddling with the buttons of her sweater and was able to unbutton it. He


accomplished this single handedly while keeping one hand on the steering wheel. He removed her blouse and bra in one fell sweep, though she aided him some by wriggling her arms free of the sleeves. Reaching over the backseat, and feeling around, still not taking his eyes off the road he located the blanket he searched for and pulled it forth _ covering her. She smiled as he placed it around her shoulders though nary a car was in sight. He arranged the comforter to provide him a better view, in a way that others driving passing could not see that which belonged to him. He caressed her bosom. Then at the very first light he rammed his gears in neutral _ his mouth all over them. Both suddenly swept up in the paroxysm of pleasure he pulled off the roadside looking for a place to park _ wound up in the oil fields _ instantly in each others arms. After a period they crawled over the backseat and made wild, passionate, love. When it was over they quickly dressed and hit the road. Police were known to patrol the area. The kids took a huge gamble _ the area not noted for romance. Criminals and vagrants were known to inhabit the area as well. Bree realized going there wasnt safe, but Blaine was the new kid on the block and wasnt aware, nevertheless the vicinity certainly creeped him out. On the other hand she marveled at her own pluckiness going there in the first place, especially since she was always the fraidy cat. On the drive home her mind wondered back to the couple whod done it in the car on a regular basis. She remembered the way he kissed and told _ and they were engaged! If Blaine ever did a thing like that shed fix him good _ for life, if you caught her drift? Sally on the other hand was very sweet _ never kissed and told! In her wildest nightmare she couldnt imagine Blaine being such a cad! His name was Martin and he was one of the worst law offenders she ever knew. He would stop his car in the middle of any road just to say Hi or to shake hands. Then stand there making idle conversation as traffic snarled. Cars either went around him, risking an accident, or just sat there waiting bidding their time. The laid back denizens of the day likely didnt mind the delay. Undoubtedly thinking, boys will be boys, and possibly remembered a time when they themselves did something foolishly similar to that. That could get a person killed nowadays! One night Larry and Lorna, Bree and Tom piled in the car and went cruising. They ran into Martin on the main drag. Tom spotted him first, and pulled over to the curb thinking that Martin would follow suite, but no, not Martin, instead he double-parked along side them blocking the right hand lane. Stepping from his vehicle he stood B-S-ING with Tom in the middle of Main Street, which wasnt really unusual for him. Lorna was sitting in the backseat on the drivers side. Later she told Bree that without any warning whatever he jerked his pecker from his pants and stoo d there rubbing the head as if he had an itch! Poor Lorna, she couldnt help but see it! Though her cheeks were flaming red-hot, unseen by the others since it was already dark _ displayed superb class by turning her other cheek so to speak _ denying him the shock value he was hoping for. The big slight must


have dejected him totally since he obviously didnt do it to impress Tom and because he was standing in front of the door Tom probably didnt even notice. Lorna told Bree later that his pee -pee wasnt anything to write home about! She never breathed a word of it to anyone other than Bree, and neither told the fellas. Guys would have been in constant battles back then if they had squealed every time a guy got out of line, and probably banked on it too since they always got away with murder half the time. Gasoline was only two bits a gallon then. When riding with a group you were expected to ante-up to help defray the costs. People actually picked up the pennies lying on the streets, and placed them in their shoes _ none were discarded nor disregarded _ albeit there werent many to be found lying about in those days. Pennies were an object of value in the fifties, especially knowing that just twenty-five of them would buy a gallons worth of gas. Some fellas wouldnt think twice about siphoning gasoline to get them where they were going back then. However this certainly wasnt the norm, more paid than those who didnt. Bree hated it when that happened and she became caught in the middle. It had only occurred several times when she tagged along with a group out for a joy ride, learning the hard-way that no one had the bucks for gas including her. When that happened she crouched down on the floorboards, scared silly theyd be caught and the victim would somehow recognize her though she herself didnt know them from Adam. One night they came dangerously close to getting caught. John had noticed a car parked along a deserted looking road and decided to go for it. He and Richard jumped-out of the car and quickly began to siphon the gas, suddenly big black dogs came at them from out of no where. There were three of them. They began to bark and growl in a very menacing manner. The house was situated on a corner lot; you could clearly see th e dogs owners inside the house. It was a warm summer eve and they had left the kitchen door wide-open _ four of them seated at the dinette playing cards, or perhaps eating a late supper, one couldnt tell from that distance only that they were all seated at the table. Meanwhile the dogs continued snarling and snapping at them. On the floor for what seemed eons Bree was amazed that the dogs hadnt yet attacked anyone. The guys in the backseat were yelling at John to get moving. Then having collected what he deemed necessary they dove in the car speeding off like a-bat out of you-know what as the dogs chased them down the street! The fact they werent mauled and ripped to shreds was beyond Bree. Though oil was inexpensive _ money was hard to come by and she felt sorry for the owners of the car. John must have read her thoughts because suddenly he said he never left a tank on empty, always left behind enough to get them to a gas station! She wondered how he would know that but didnt bother to ask. Apparently the citizens were as yet unaware of the burgeoning crime in their fair city, and Bree felt guilty as all get out knowing she herself had helped fling more fuel on the fire. This joyride became her last. But unless the people


inside were stone deaf as well as blind as a bat _ why didnt someone check to see what all -the ruckus was about? Wasnt the purpose of having junkyard dogs to be your eyes and ears? Blaine pulled into the Standard Station. After her usual routine she stood guard over the restroom while he attended to his. Hed never been caught using the ladies room, and only did so for convenience sake as the men's room was at the opposite end of the building and he didnt want to leave her alone. He opened the door pulling her back inside, then kissed her. God, he was fun she thought! Strolling outside arm in arm they observed a woman sitting alone in her car, presumably waiting to use the restroom though she remained seated as she watched them make their exit _ at first taken aback, shocked by their escapade _ the surprised expression rapidly changed to that of lascivious. Her stare glassed over and at once became the scariest, weirdest looking expression they had ever witnessed. Her peepers reminded them of the cartoon character Roadrunner, whose eyes, having taken an unexpected dive off the side of a cliff, survived though dazed, crackled like lightening sparks, after which the pupil veins began to hemorrhage _ crackles bleeding bloody red. The upper portion body language was cat like, wild though cunning _ in heat and desperately hungry! She and Blaine both looked at each other _ stupefied. Did she imagine the pair to be her evening prize, perhaps desert? After jumping in the car and locking all the doors they laughed their h eads off. The poor thing! One couldnt help but feel sorry for anyone seemingly so horny without a partner. Or could she have possibly been an unsatisfied housewife, in which case they really, really, felt sorry for her! Well, sorry, lady, Blaine mumbled under his breath, but were not interested in a threesome _ we only have eyes for each other! Blaine drove her home. The next day was Sunday and neither had anything planned. He walked her to her door and laid a whopper on her. When the kiss ended he asked in his deepest husky male voice if shed like to catch a movie at the drive in that next night? She melted like butter in his arms. She couldnt deny him anything _ she loved him so much, then rushed to her room holding her mouth tightly with both hands _ afraid shed burst out laughing and wake up her parents. They had never been to a drive-in theater before, ever, and didnt for one minute believe a movie was what he had in mind!



Everyone was on time for the regular meeting, held earlier due to the baby shower. She reached Lorna and Larrys place ladened with party paraphernalia. Once all perishables were refrigerated they convened their meeting. First on the agenda was roll call, collection of dues, minutes were read and accounted for in the previous meeting, which was Brees responsibility as club secretary. Her final obligation was to read the synopsis she prepared highlighting the prior months meeting. Afterward, Katy, Club President, underscored the events of past weeks, stating that the Beach Party had been a huge success, and that Lornas baby shower appeared to be coming along without a hitch, then said if there were no further business up for discussion she would motion to adjourn. Of course everyone was anxious to begin the shower especially since it was a school night and raised their hands to second the motion. Rita had been right on track as usual! Lorna delivered her baby boy three days after the beach party.


Larry entered the room toting tiny Lare in his arms. All the girls cried out, I want to hold him. He dumped the babe in the closest possible lap then split the scene. There wasnt a guy alive back then whod be caught dead at a chicks function, any chicks _ even if it were his newborn baby chicks party and the gala was being held in his own residence! Lorna smiled after him hunching her shoulders as if to say, What can I say? The group understood perfectly _ anyway, he wasnt invited! They insisted the small baby bunting be passed around so that everyone might have an opportunity to hold him. He was absolutely precious, and cute as a bugs ear. Bree thought he had the prettiest blue eyes shed ever seen _ the gals drooled over his long curly lashes. Lorna said her daughter would probably be born with short, stubby lashes and st brindle brown eyes. That drew some guffaws from the crowd who believed long lashes were wasted on men _ who didnt want them in the first place, and embarrassed to tears if they had them _ most especially when the girls gushed over them (sometimes on purpose just to watch them squirm)! Several party games were played and prizes were awarded to the winners, booby prizes to the big losers. It was suggested that Lorna open her gifts while the baby was being passed around, but said it wasnt proper _ insisting food be served first. Katy settled the argument by asking for a showing of hands. The yeas won-out though Lorna still had misgivings about it. Someone yelled, Katy, we know your mother raised you right dont worry, please! Look at it this way, Lorna, Bree said. The babys fresh as a daisy right now. Do you think he will be once weve eaten and cleared away the muss? She didnt believe an infant of his age could hold out that long. Her comment appeased and won her over and agreed that that portion of the party took the longest. They all lied back to enjoy the unveiling of the gifts, revere the babe, the friendship, and the evening. Bree relished watching others open gifts as much as she delighted in unraveling those of her own. Perhaps it was because she so enjoyed dressing her paper dollies. She recalled cutting-out the most fashionable looking womens suits and dresses, slacks and sweaters, hats, shoes and purses, even sunglasses and sometimes jewelry, which she found in various magazine ads strewn about their house. After cutting them out she crafted them to fit her own paper dollies. Store bought doll clothing came with little tabs back then. The idea was to fold them to the back of the doll, which was supposed to prevent them from falling off. So likewise, she cut little tabs around the articles of clothing she cut from magazines as well as assessories though more generously so fashions stayed on the dolls better. She was fascinated in creating her own personal doll wardrobe. In those days paper dolls didnt have backsides. So she often used Crayolas to color their backsides to create a faade of continuance of clothing and shoes, though it never looked correct and she hated the fact that her paper dolls was really only half a doll! She remembered doing a really silly thing once when she tried walking backwards on the street trying to imagine what life would be like having no backside and seeing only where she was going, never where shed


been! She knocked herself out cold banging her head on a lamppost _ that completely cured her nonsense! She could still remember how envious she was when, lo and behold; several years later some of her friends younger sisters had received two-sided paper dollies for birthday and Christmas presents! Of course by then she was too old to play with them anyway though she did request some from Santa on the following Christmas and to her shock and amazement received them _ they were the living end! She just loved them! She also produced doll-sized wigs by hoarding hair cuttings she and her sisters received from their mother. Alas, she wasnt gifted where doll wigs were concerned, though she had nothing to work with other than pieces of-Scotch tape, and paste shed concocted from flour and water. She decided to become a designer, but if that somehow failed her second choice would be education. But she vowed to become either a clothes designer or an interior decorator, and enjoyed both. Once her mother permitted her to choose the fabric and shade for the davenport and overstuffed chair she was refurbishing, even allowing her to choose the carpets and assessories. Shed chosen a beautiful floral tapestry in a light pink background and never heard the end-of-it for years and years! If only she hadnt picked pink she would later lament _ the furniture would have stayed clean soooh much longer! How should she have known _ she was but a mere child. Mary was the adult after all and should have said so if she knew pink would show the dirt so much! She also heard about it day and night from her sisters driving her right up the wall! Well, they were just jealous that Mary allowed her to choose _ not them! Several years later she began to appreciate poetry and fell in love with Emily Dickinson, Jane Austin, and of course, Nancy Drew by Carolyn Keene (supposedly) and the written word _ maybe shed become a poet or a writer instead _ who knew! Lorna finished opening her baby gifts. Little Lare seemingly suddenly became urgently starving _ at least he thought so anyway. Bree hadnt realized that such a tiny infant could be capable of making all-that racket! Quickly Lorna warmed the formula and fed him his bottle. The girls used this period to prepare the foodstuff. By the time junior was diapered and finished his bottle he was one worn-out hombre _ ready for his siesta, and the girls were ready to eat. Mary had baked the cake for her daughter since she was in school all day. She prepared her famous double fudge chocolate cake, which as always was delightfully delicious and moist as the dew. Rita prepared the punch placing small pieces of fruit that floated on top colliding against the chinking ice cubes. The picture perfect fruity new look was soooh chic and tasted sublime. The ice crme blending together with everything else was divine. Lornas mother was visiting with her new grandson and treated the group to small paper cups filled with nuts, mini mints, and raisins for their tasting pleasure.



Prom day had finally tweaked its drowsy head over the horizon. Whether the circle realized it then or not _ the most exciting, most magical moments of their lives were about to take place. Seniors were sent home early to prepare for the dance. Blaine had driven her home from school that afternoon, thank goodness _ that saved her loads of time. They rushed straight home, no dillydallying. He planned to pick-her-up at 6:00. The dance would begin at 7:00 PM sharp, and they didnt want to miss a single moment of it. Blaine came to a sudden halt at the driveway. They stole a kiss then hopping from the car Bree ran inside. Mary was home alone. Bree greeted her _ hugged her, then jumped in the shower. Toweling-off she combed her hair and applied cosmetics before donning the beautiful pink dress, hosiery, and pumps. Mary scuttled into her room to catch a sneak preview and seemed on the verge of weeping. She realized for the very first time that her baby was all grown up and soon would be leaving her nest.


The group had reservations at Andersons Steakhouse after the dance. Bree was already lusting after their famous filet mignon. She was ready early and hoped Blaine would be too. There was bound to be all sorts of traffic congestion to contend with, and a challenge to locate a parking space. Mary planned to serve her own dinner at 6:00. The kitchen aromas fiercely filtered her senses testing all will power not to sample the mouth-watering morsels. Mary planned a photo session before she and Blaine departed, which would take extra time as well. Not to worry she told herself; everything would be hunky-dory. Blaine stood ringing the doorbell at 6:00 PM sharp. Jumping up from the table Mary grabbed her little Brownie at the ready on the counter. Bree opened the door for Blaine and discerned a small bouquet of miniature pink roses in his hand. They were beautiful! Throwing her arms around him, she kissed him _ so pleased was she! They were exquisite! Bree thought him the most thoughtful guy in the whole world, and still couldnt believe her luck in landing him. After pinning on the corsage Mary took some snapshots of them together and several apart _ just in case, perhaps? At last they were on their way. God, he looked awesome in his tuxedo, pink boutonniere and cummerbund she told him so! Why did men look so appealing in tuxedos she wondered? Even when men were aged ninety-nine they appeared so suave and debonair in tuxedos. Blaines compliment to her was that she reminded him of cotton candy, so pink and fluffy _ he wanted to eat her! They laughed at that bit! Then on a more serious note added that for him, she would always be the most beautiful Belle of the ball. Oh, what a sweet thing to say she gushed inwardly, and thanking him outwardly. It wasnt any accident either that he repeated the exact same words hed said to her when he first learned her middle name was Belle. But that had been a joke _ this was for real. She kissed him for that one! It couldnt have taken more than fifteen minutes to reach school _ even with traffic. They soon realized the necessity for parking in the west-forties, as they hadnt any luck at all finding anything closer. Blaine suggested he drop-her-off near the quad so she wouldnt have to walk so far in her high -heels. She gladly agreed and they planned to meet up at the quad. Once inside they found that nearly everyone was already there. The first couple arriving on the scene had reserved several tables _ as previously agreed. The fellas rose as they took their seats. Bree thought they made a striking bunch! The girls looked lovely in their beautiful new gowns. Every one of them could have passed for a Hollywood model and the fellas were as handsome as Tyrone Powers (without makeup,) whom the media had selected Most Handsome Man of the year Their party made an impressive looking group of future young graduates. Several in the clique had already graduated or were forced to drop out over the last years. The attendees included she and Blaine, Lilly and Wally, who had saved seats next to them. Seated to their right, Lorna and Larry, Jessie and Jack. The other table consisted of Sheila and James, Katy and Robert, Renee and her new love, Christopher, who had met at a church fireside recently.


He had graduated two years earlier from St Rose Catholic, and was currently attending USC; he planned to become a veterinarian. They were pleased for Renee that the relationship had blossomed. One thing they shared in common was that both were avid equestrians _ they literally adored horses to death and could be found most weekends out on the dusty trail. Renee said that he and her mother got on famously _ which was only cool! The tables were beautifully draped and decorated _ anyone would have thought it the work of real professionals had they not known better. Each table displayed beautifully lit candles with glorious fresh garden arrangements; the white tablecloths and napkins were of genuine Irish linen. There were literally hundreds of pink, white, and blue balloons, with crape-paper streamers everywhere. The volunteers did one heck of a job for the Class of 55. They danced to the music of their high school orchestra, The Granite Grinders, who played the popular music of the times. They never sounded lovelier in Brees mind, and were extremely good -natured in providing the prelude for their prom that night, donating their weekend evening off for them though they probably werent given much of a choice in the matter unless of course they were also graduating _ none were. Hors d oeuvres, cookies and Hawaiian punch was served, saving Bree from starvations door! She and Blaine were dancing when Larry approached him tapping on his shoulder. Taking a tongue in cheek low bow _ Blaine sauntered off the dance floor. Larry, who looked as handsome as could be in his tuxedo smiled at her _ she smiled back. His demeanor signaled he still considered her a friend, obviously he wouldnt have asked her to dance if he didnt. Bree was happy to be dancing with Lare again. Together they proved they could still cut a mean rug. She didnt question him about Tom, and the total conversation remained within those boundaries. The status quo satisfied both of them. Rejoining the others she noticed everyone was already shooting the breeze, apparently the time had come to reminisce the good old days. The funniest stories were rehashed again and again, though some were adlibbed, and a few brand new. The old stories always seemed funnier the second or third time around, perhaps fourth; who kept score, and all squeezing their bellies before they burst a gut! Finally, Bree told the one on Blaine in which he learned her middle name for the first time _ repeating his words verbatim. Well, what do you know, she said. I snagged the Belle of the Ball. He actually thought his comment original, Bree guffawed, though most actually did. The gang literally fell apart on that one! Her sole reason in bringing it up was to give him a sense of belonging _ on the inside looking out instead of the other way around. Of course that opened the door for a general teasing of her since many did not know her middle name either. It wasnt any longer a problem for her _ if she couldnt handle the heat by then she never would!


Others joined in with amusing stories. Another told on Blaine was in Auto Shop he prepared to begin work on his engine, all was set, underneath the crankcase, ready to show his stuff, then let-go the wrench _ clanging loudly on the cement floor, all eyes and ears were on him (the vehicle just a shell.) He whispered the word s--t too close to the microphone and was overheard by all. The guys began blowing, whistling with their fingers stuck between their teeth, making catcalls, ballyhooing, and clapping seemingly in sync with one another! Bree believed that was the funniest story yet especially since no one had ever heard him swear before, including herself. Good old Mr. Thompson, the auto shop instructor, was oblivious to the mishap unless of course he only pretended not to have head. If indeed he hadnt, he certainly must have wondered what all the hoopla was about; nevertheless he never breathed a word of it. There probably wasnt a guy alive in 55 who hadnt taken up auto mechanics at one time or another. Most fellas repaired their own engines in those days. In early automotive history motors were built with that thought in mind since repair shops were built after the fact! Booklets on how to repair every model came with each purchase long before Blaines time of course. The nagging notion in everyones mind that night was that the old gang was breaking up, but the subject hadnt been broached yet by anyone. The excitement of the evening would be indelibly stamped in their hearts and minds forever more, and would be remembered as truly the happiest times of their lives. The charming cast of characters rose to dance the last numbers as the evening clearly was drawing to a close. The guys began to switch partners over and over again until each fella danced at least a single dance with every gal and vice versa. So it was with sweet sorrow that the group members acknowledged that each dance could possibly be the last with that particular person. Some reaffirmed special relationships formed years b efore, some experienced an almost or could have been with someone other than their date. These special unions stood apart from the rest _ something neither ever forgot. For example, a couple spending hours at a party conversing in a corner _ discussing the sweet mysteries of life, possibly stealing a kiss or two when no one was watching, lasting longer than either expected. Perhaps playing a game of spinthe-bottle, a kiss lingering longer than the couple anticipated, fully expecting not to appreciate it _ but did, when all either really wanted was to be alone and have more of the same. But for one reason or another, it wasnt in the tealeaves. Almost everyone to the tee shared something special that only they knew about. Bree was aware, for instance, that several boys liked her during different stages of her life, and she liked them in return. Though they flirted and even kissed nothing ever came of it. Yet they shared this clandestine experience long hidden in his or her past drawing them even closer standing the test of time. That bond had created a closeness that could never be diminished even if they tried!


As the dancing progressed the orchestra created quite a stir when it suddenly broke into the Bunny Hop much to the delight of everyone! This was a number anyone could dance to even if it did go-out with the Charleston! The packed auditorium poured onto the dance floor and began forming a super-circle. Everyone danced the hop hop hop at the hop and had a marvelous time! This dance could last forever, which most attendees wished it would. A deep voice suddenly rang-out saying that How low can you go bit, and some semblance of a rope was whipped together. The idea was to hop into the rope while continuing the hop hop hop, but going lower and lower until one was forced to hop-out and give someone else a chance _ or wind-up sitting on the floor, one! The band gave all dancers an opportunity to hop hop hop into the rope and hop out again _ everyone tried their luck. The gals werent shabby either when one considered that most were wearing four inched heels! Just when one thought things couldnt get any better _ they just did! Not just a great time, but a fabulous time was shared by all! The dance remains considerable to this day, proving that-popular dances never really fade-away providing there are people living who still remember them and fortunate enough to be taught by one who did. People still dance the Charleston as well, which dates back to the roaring twenties. Lord only knows how far back the waltz began, but which is making a comeback and people are dancing to it in ballrooms everywhere. These dances have become a part of our heritage and should be preserved like anything else. Arriving at Andersons the crowd noted that they werent the only ones dinning there that night, a long waiting line ensued, the likes of which theyd never experienced before irregardless of the fact that they had reservations. Larry passed his flask around as the line flowed out of doors. Bree didnt partake. She couldnt have been any higher that night if shed tried, she was on a natural high _ they all were! Andersons was the only place to dine as far as they were concerned, top -cabin all the way. The restaurant offered heavenly food and great atmosphere _ if somewhat pricey, and with great service to match! The group believed you got what you paid for. Especially factual in those days because eateries had to offer really exceptional food and service in order to entice citizens from their comfort zone at home. Remember it was still the fifties and families mostly ate at home. Brees anticipated and extremely palatable steak was out of this world; if the truth be known it was probably one of the few shed eaten in her entire life! The house served the salad chilled with icy cold forks like any selfrespecting establishment, but seldom do these days. She adored the heavy silverware compared to the tinny stainless she was used to. The dinnerware was of porcelain _ the scene soooh alluring! Blaine insisted she share a dessert with him _ though she was literally stuffed to the gills! Together they enjoyed a slice of three-layered devils food cake with real whipped crme piled high on top. It was to die for, and heaven


forbid she should ever gain a pound Blaine wouldve enjoyed every ounce of it! Everyone adored the house cherry cokes, served in thin chimney glasses with real cherries. A small oriental umbrella floated on top stuck in a slice of pineapple. The prom party had finally come to a close. They all headed for the back parking lot with nary a word between them. The air seemed suddenly dense _ a sudden sense of dread, dejection overcame the clique which appeared to knock the sails right out from under them. When they reached their vehicles it was evident that no one really wanted to leave. So they stood about shooting the breeze hoping to hold off the inevitable or escape the reality altogether. Again Larry passed the little demijohn around liberally. Bree took a swig, as did Blaine. Larry and Lorna joined them. The little flagon almost empty by now they figured what the hell, and polished it off! Gradually the crowd began drifting away until eventually there were just the two couples remaining. Bree and Lorna finally gave a heavy sigh and wished each other a good evening _ giving each those little European pretend kisses so as not to muss their lipstick. Blaine and Larry shared a hearty handshake. This was the end of the line, almost, anyway, and the knowledge was so painful that none could bring themselves to speak of it. Bree looked-up at Blaine, hesitantly, he smiled, briefly she detected a sudden grimace furrow his face _ then it was gone as though it never happened. Whats the matter, Sweetheart, she asked? Its nothing, he said. I dont think the chocolate cake mixed too well with the alcohol. He took her home.



The school was a-buzz on Monday with conversation centered on graduation rehearsal scheduled later in the day, and graduates were all a-twitter as they tried on caps and gowns for the very first time. Earlier that morning a rumor began circulating that seniors should expect something out-of-the ordinary later in the day, which became the topic of the day. A meeting was called during break to discuss the rumors of the day, and learned the supposed incident was scheduled to take place during dress rehearsal. Lunch period found Lilly and Lorna, Jessie, Katy, Renee and Bree having burgers and French fries at the Shack _ long since re-sanctioned by school authorities when the proprietor agreed to move the cigarette vending machine out of the lunchroom into plain sight. Spreading the ketchup over the paper napkins they scooped their fries into the sauce before eating them as they tossed about a host of possibilities the threats might entail. Lilly didnt think trashcans would be set afire since Wally had graduated high school. Her reply resonated sharply with the rest of them, but they cracked-up laughing anyway. Bree couldnt conceive of anything like that happening again, but it was hard to gage


what might happen as summer graduations were always held out of doors, with far less administration worries over property defacement. The practice drill was being held outdoors as well since the graduating class was the largest ever held at Granite _ a record setting 500 students that year! The PE coaches in girls gym helped the girls try on their caps and gowns. They tried in vain to teach them the proper spot to place their caps. It seemed no one really knew for sure. Bree learned that not every head was shaped alike _ it depended on that she decided. Since her head was oval _ like an egg, she found if she didnt place the cap squarely on top her head it slid off! Next the grad hopefuls were herded out to the football field where they all met-up at the bleachers. The school had rented two five decker-bleachers. There would be five extremely long rows, with a hall sized opening between the two sets of bleachers where a stair ramp was placed. When nature called you only had to scramble over fifty people instead of a hundred! Lilly, Lorna, Sheila and Bree, were placed in the forth row. Lilly and Lorna breathed a sigh of relief. They had lost sleep the evening previous stewing over whether theyd wind -up the only females in the back row with the fellas. A punishment thought to be worse than death. Since Lorna was now married she probably couldnt give a hoot one way or the other. If Larry didnt know her height by now _ he never would! Several fellas rightfully should have been placed in the front tiers since they were so short. But to save face as much as possible some of the tallest of the shortest fellas were placed on ends in the fifth row, creating a pyramid effect with the tallest in the center. Of course that would be Blaine. The students were handed cards with numbered seats and rows double stamped on each side of the perforated line. After printing their names on both sides they were instructed to separate the two cards. An aide collected the school copy when they were finished. Those cards would be used for listing their names on the scrolls in proper order for the class of 55, and miracles of miracles the principle read -off every name correctly, getting them straight each time. The cards were then used for the practice drill. The principal called out the names of students held back, waiting to file past the podium as they received their diplomas in a mock trial. As third row call was ending the forth took its cue and stood as one. Then Bree noticed a note being passed down the line. She stood at attention not wishing to miss something important and end-up with egg all over her face! By the time it reached her she was properly prepared and waiting. Quickly unfolding the slip of paper, a prophylactic fell into the palm of her hand! She let-out a yelp in surprise and almost threw the thing on the ground _ so shocked was she! It seemed all eyes were riveted on her hoping to catch her reaction to the goofy gimmick! Well, she certainly gave them their monies worth, then passed it along _ embarrassed half to death! Just wait until she discovered the identity of this practical joker_ shed fix him good! If Ira Peterson were still in school hed be on her priority list!


Back at the quad the group discussed what took place earlier. No one appeared to have even the slightest inkling as to whom the culprit might be _ unless the guilty person was also the worlds greatest actor! If that was true how could they possibly hope to learn the persons true identity? Bree was obliged to stand there listening as e veryone described in detail what a complete horses ass shed made of herself, and that old familiar refrain _ if only she could have seen the expression on her face shades of Mary! She had no idea the affect, if any, the Trojan had on the person seated to her left once she dropped it in her hands, or whether the girl realized how startled she herself had been. The only thing she remembered thinking clearly was to quickly stash the evidence! Some guy on her right passed it to her and once the dust settled she thought _ boy, was he ever slick! She was reasonably certain it hadnt been used, nevertheless she didnt want it in HER hands! It was a miracle they werent caught the way she yelled. Though she was positive the end result would have remain ed the same, boys will be boys dont YA know! Of course her belief was that they really did get away with murder then, but since it was meant good-naturedly and all in fun, the initial shock over, she laughed her butt off with the rest of them! The circle on a-roll that day, having had loads of fun no one wanted it to end. The entire bunch decided to go to the Soda Shoppe just to stretch things out a spell. Once arriving they crammed themselves into three booths. There were fourteen of them in a room with only eight booths and a soda fountain. They had soooh much fun that afternoon _ jitterbugging to their hearts content. The girls figured it was high time they asked the fellas to dance _ sort of, last chance at No-tell Motel. So they did! Bree suddenly felt power surging through her veins and invited some outside the clique to dance as well. She found the others to be a friendly bunch of characters accepting her offer full steam ahead, of course every member of the crowd knew at least one of them _ the world yet a small place. Some female requested Blaine to dance so Bree asked her date for a dance; the next thing they knew a free-forall ensued! It seemed everyone was asking everyone to dance including singles seated at the fountain. One of the dancers wore a hoopskirt and the guys couldnt keep their eyes off her _ lest they miss something spectacular. But the gal wore tights and more couldve been seen in a Catalina swimsuit. She was respectful and proper holding -it-down as best she could while dancing. The soda jerks realized school was almost over, and many would not be returning, possibly they themselves. The crowd was treated with kid gloves and practically given the green light, though not quite, and at one point asked to hold it down. The teens carried-on as if there would be no tomorrows only the here and the now! Perhaps lurking in the deepest recesses of their minds was the knowledge that their lives would soon be altered forever. And that never again would they look at the world in the same way.



Well it finally happened. Graduation day arrived! Deep down the young graduates didnt think it was a happening thing attending school for twelve years non stop _ one surely thinks it will never end. Bree believed when graduation actually rolled around it would hit them like a ton of bricks! Graduation ceremonies would be held on Wednesday, school was out on Friday. Traditionally seniors normally didnt attend th e last couple days of school and staff overlooked their truancy. Like, what could they do _ take back their diploma? Herrman was taking the day off work. He wouldnt have missed Brees graduation for anything in the world. The exercise was at 1:00 PM that afternoon. Her parents were meeting Blaines parents for the first time that day. Afterward a late luncheon was scheduled at Andersons Steakhouse. Then Friday, she and Blaine were catching the glass-bottomed boat for Catalina. The whole group was celebrating graduation with a weekend trip to the island. Anne and Dean planned to join in the festivities, and elated that they could make the trip. Bree had missed her and Rita something fierce, though she and Tony were unable to attend as she had just given birth to their second daughter, Gina.


Blaine spotted Bree and her folks arrive and ran to greet them. After hugging Mary he shook hands with Herrman and directed them to where his parents were seated. Having introduced the two sets of parents Brees folks sat in the seats Jane and Eddy held for them. The youths then left to prepare for the biggest event of their lives. They had exactly one hour to countdown, and were thrilled to be graduating and going to Catalina was the icing on the cake _ neither had been before. After slipping around the corner to the gym they kissed, clinging to each other momentarily. The month had been extremely active, what with making all the arrangements theyd hardly had a moment alone together. Daytime on the Island wouldnt be much different, but evenings would be theirs. ... Theyd also been trying to make wedding plans all the while and getting no where fast. At last they agreed that making plans for that event while at the same time planning for graduation and the island trip was just too much to deal with, therefore deciding to postpone the details until after they returned home from Catalina. Once they reached that agreement they found it easier to relax and enjoy life, hopefully the island trip as well. Her folks thought she was sharing a room with Anne and ditto Annes parents. Blaines folks thought he was sharing a room with Dean, whom had become best friends. Bree and Blaine were hoping to afford a trip to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Her folks had sprung for her trip to Catalina as a graduation gift. She had her savings, plus Blaine had socked away a-sizeable sum during his working years. Bree hadnt a clue as to how much hed saved, and wasnt about to ask him either! If he wanted her to know he would tell her. Blains parents paid his fare to Catalina as well. Of course her parents were footing the wedding bill, but probably not the honeymoon expenses, unless, hope, hope, they provided it as a wedding gift _ possibly sharing costs with Jane and Eddy? She would keep her fingers crossed just in case! Most the gals in the group were already present chatting a mile a minute in the showers, then helped each other get dressed. Bree collected her cap and gown and joined in. By now Lilly had finished dressing and helped her with her own. Bree suddenly became exceptionally warm _ like passing-out warm. She realized it was the middle of June and no air conditioning then quickly removed her robe _ a Santana condition had developed. Wearing a black robe and sitting in the hot sun would attract the sun even more _ rendering more heat. She decided upon wearing just a half-slip underneath her robe and used her cache of handy-dandy safety pins to secure it against the wind and sun. Those pins were staples for chicks back then _ they wouldnt dare be caught without them since one couldnt tell when one might need one, plus Scouts are always prepared for anything. The girls walked to the lockers in the main building to store their things away. The school didnt permit th em to leave personal items unattended in the gym. Several juniors and a sophomore the group happened to know were in the hallway at the time and caught a glimpse of them in their cap and gowns. One saluted them, several shot them the vee sign, and the senior fella leaned over bowing and scrapping, rolling hands over arms as he continuously backed-up


until they had passed him by. The girls laughed merrily at him, but deep inside Bree felt very proud. It was after all one considerable achievement! They had to hurry to take their places at the rostrum. The ceremony went quickly and without a hitch, except when stepping down when her row began to line up to await their names being called Bree felt her left ankle go out from under her, but managed to catch herself in a timely fashion. Anyone watching her might have assumed she stumbled, though she hadnt and managed to receive her diploma most delightedly and all in one piece _ if somewhat shaken. Having experienced such a close call with thousands of eyes watching you can be traumatic. At that point she was just hoping to make-it-out-alive! When she did _ she stood off to the side waiting for Blaine, still trying to pullherself-together. They walked together hand in hand, and with what theyd struggled f or most of their lives in the other. When they rejoined the family both sets of mothers hugged and kissed them and checked -out their diplomas. Bree sensed a sigh of relief! It was over for everyone. After all round handshakes, and congratulations all ro und completed, a photo session began. Following that they were ready for lunch, it was growing late and she was starving! They were leaving for Andersons when she suddenly remembered she needed her clothes and to change back into them before she could leave. Blaine was in his own car of course _ he liked to do the driving. Not a problem, the parents would meet them there and reserve a family sized booth, possibly work on some libation while they waited. Great, they said. Blaine walked with her to her locker then they hurried back to the gymnasium. She changed into her street clothes, then together they turned in their caps and gowns, and were happily on their way. When they walked into Andersons and located their party the parents rose applauding them. They both thought it was cool and it made them feel special _ if somewhat embarrassed, because naturally every head turned in their direction to see what all the commotion was about! Following a slight curtsy and bow they scooted into the huge leather lounge, then the parents took their seats. Bree ordered the club sandwich and what a plateful it was _ divine in her mind! Herrman told Bree she could choose any dessert her little heart desired, so she ordered a double fudge sundae. Umm, yummy! The whipped cream alone must have stood five inches! Graduation had been fantastic all around. Everyone insisted they hadnt noticed her stumble, after she explained what happened, though she hadnt stumbled she corrected them! Blaine and Bree did attend classes Thursday and Friday and were kept busy saying their good-byes. It was heart wrenching for Bree telling her beloved teachers, deans, and principle _ even staff, goodbye, especially knowing she would probably never see them again. Tears rose in her eyes just thinking about it. She thought she might have seen the shadow of sadness pass over dear old MR Harveys face. She squeezed his wrinkled old hand and ran away, sobbing. She thought _ who is left to cart away his battered old vehicle once a year? They cleared-out their lockers then had everyone they could think of sign their annuals. It was bittersweet as she expected it would be. Seniors


were let out early on Friday, as was usually the case. Blaine took her straight home to pack and get ready for the trip. Excitement oozed from their pores at the prospect of getting out of town for the weekend, to an island yet just imagine.


The group reached the Island around eight oclock that night. The cruise had taken little better than an hour and in their mind a fantastic voyage. In route there they were shown Lovers Cove, where marine life mated and laid their eggs. They viewed school after school of myriad species traipsing past lookout point at the bottom of the glassbottomed boat, with no lochs monster anywhere to be found. Brees absolute favorite was the sea horses and pink stingrays reminding her of undersea spaceships. They went back on deck for the remainder of the trip. Good thing too, other wise theyd have missed the seals sunbathing atop small islands that surrounded the big one, some of them appearing no larger than a rock sticking up through the water. Several dolphins swam playfully along side the ship, exhibiting a sensational show all free of charge. Such intelligent beings, one could almost discern that they wanted to please the tourists, and somehow knowing that they had accomplished that just! Unless up close and personal their size could deceive anyone, they were gigantic mammals. The skipper warned against them standing too close to the railing, that they could get soaked to the gills when the porpoise jumped mid-air the total length of their body then came crashing back into the sea. He informed them


that because the dolphin tail muscles were so powerful they could dive 150 feet or more to the depth of the sea. Some did get wet _ Bree for one! To her the privilege of watching the amazing animals made it all worth while. Blaine found it hysterical as he himself remained dry as a bone. She fixed him good _ by toweling-off on him! Which only served to make him laugh harder. What a great sense of humor the guy had! The islands weather was balmy as the tropics and just as breathtaking, maybe more so, especially back then when the land wasnt so commercialized and developed. The geography was very hilly, with rocky, rugged cliffs. At that time the elevation reached as high as 2,200 square feet, which surprised everyone for such a tiny island _ only seven miles wide and thirty-six miles long. Palm trees were densely prevalent and gave the landscape the exotic look. Some compared the island to that of Acapulco, Mexico, which of course the teens had only seen film clips of in the movies. Bree was amazed to learn that the island was only twenty-seven miles from the mainland. The captain of the vessel shared many of these tid-bits with them. After docking they collected their gear and checked into the hotel. It was growing late and they still hadnt eaten. Bree as always was starving They decided to meet-up at The Cantina and dine there as well. They found the cuisine and service was excellent there. In those days fiddlers came around to your candle-lit tables to serenade you. It was all very romantic and the fellas tipped them substantially basically to keep them there longer. Photographers also came around to take pictures, for a fee of course. Common sense told the crowd that the price would be exorbitant, even so Blaine obliged them and paid the price. They all wanted a souvenir picture taken of the group even though Bree had brought along Marys little Brownie with plans to take lots of pictures. Flashy looking women in tight low-cut blouses and push-up bras, short skin tight skirts, high heels and fishnet stockings, long dangling earrings, mostly bleached blondes, with Jersey accents popping chewing gum, arrived at your table selling cigarettes and gum and everything from A to Z, reminding one of broads in B-rated black and white movies from the forties. The Island was actually a component of Long Beach, California, so they were declined alcoholic beverages. Back at the hotel they made-up the difference, celebrating graduation in Lorna and Larrys suite. The guys had smuggled bottles over in their luggage _ no one checked in those days. Larry called room service, and they did deliver ice and mix for everyone. They played music, and danced _ just like home. Or sat about chewing the fat over this and that as they sipped cocktails. Suddenly someone banged on the wall, and they were forced to cool it! After they settled down the guys began telling some pretty raw jokes, so gross and raunchy they probably seemed funnier than they really were, but the clique busted a gut laughing at them anyway. Then worried that they might again attract more-rude pounding on the wall though fortunately more never came. They made plans for Saturday. The steward had mentioned


an island tour where wild boar roamed the land, and was plentiful at the time. They would meet-up at the Cantina around ten that morning to choose a coffeehouse. Breakfast had been delightfully unexpected. The eatery was called, Louisa s, and located in the same location for over a quarter century. It is still there though Louisa is gone. Bree ordered the house special called the Old Fashioned, which consisted of a stack of pancakes (her favorite,) eggs, and four beefy strips of beacon. A pancake stack in those days was piled six high _ not three high as is today. But she practically waddled out of there so stuffed was she! Afterward they sauntered along the beautiful white strand _ the day had been glorious with just the gentlest of breezes, skies cobalt blue _ just beautiful, with no possibility of gray. As they strolled the shinny shore side gazing at the bathing beauties and children on the strand building beautiful sandcastles they happened upon a ticket booth. Putting their heads together they decided upon an early cruise that would give them ample time to laze about the pool and work on their tans _ possibly stretch out on the beach awhile. So they purchased tickets for the next available tour, which began at one oclock. They had barely missed the noon cruise. While biding their time under the warm sun they all became thirsty. The gals grabbed several tables with the quaint little thatched roofs and sat watching the surfers as the fellas lumbered-off to fetch some cherry cokes. Their attention became diverted from the ocean scene when they caught sight of a darling little boy who apparently was trying to carry-on a conversation with a blackbird. Each time the bird squawked caw, caw, the little boy practically got in his face to yell caw, caw, right back at him. They couldnt help laughing at the boys expression as he dutifully awaited the birds retort. Eventually, the blackbird cawed back again and again delighting the lad no end. What they found most amazing was that the bird didnt simply fly away. From all appearances the bird in some strange way connected a kindred spirit of sorts towards the child, or at least to all appearances seemed to think so anyway. This continued until the boys mother at last rushed -up and grabbed her son. By then hed managed to draw a crowd of endearing fans. He couldnt have been more than four or five years old. The mother managed to flash the onlookers a brilliant smile before trotting-off with her pride and joy. It was time by then to get in line for the guided tour. As it turned-out the tour bus was not a bus at all but was a tram. The group was pleasantly surprised to learn their touring vehicle offered the best possible of views. The cruise took them along a rocky, hilly ridge, through a wild undeveloped section where the wild boars tromped supreme. And that wasnt all, buffalo also tramped the trodden ground of the island. It was a jungle out there, really, with amazing sounds intensifying the more deeply within the denseness one traveled. Their guide called attention to one particularly loud, wild sounding call, explaining it was that of the wild boar. He said they had a reputation of being ornery and surly, untamed as you might imagine, and that they might possibly buck the tram if


annoyed. Bree was thinking now you tell me! Since the gondola didnt appear the freshest in the world the tourists figured it had been charged once or twice before maybe more! The guide cautioned them against teasing the beasts if their paths should cross. They learned Catalina had an amazingly colorful past. The clique learned that the island originally belonged to California native Indians who first arrived there around 700 BC. Juan Cabrillo discovered Catalina Island in 1542. He named it San Salvadore after his ship. The Spanish government eventually renamed it the New Spain. Smuggling had become quite prominent during this era due to the high tariffs charged by the Spanish government on ships bound for China. When the Mexican government finally won their freedom from Spain in 1820 they reclaimed the island. The island was then renamed Santa Catalina. The Mexican government couldnt control the island well because of its long distance from Mexico, plus travel was extremely difficult in those days. It was for that reason a land grant was sold to Thomas Robbins, a Mexican national living in the US for more than twenty years. The land was then sold several times after that, finally falling in the hands of T. Wrigley JR and M. Banning in equal partnership. Both built palatial palaces, with pools, tennis courts, horse trails, golf courses, you name it they had it! And both drew-up lots and sold them off to other wealthy individuals. Before his death in the nineteen twenties Banning sold his remaining property to H. Wrigley 111. Wrigley turned the island into a conservation and museum, donating the island in 1929 to the US government whom eventually granted the land to the City of Long Beach, California. Wrigley heirs continued to dwell in his estate into the nineteen fifties, as an accommodating arrangement had been struck between Wrigley and the US government. Zane Grey purchased the old Banning estate at one point, both homes were on the guided tour _ just beautiful! A home named The Holly Hills estate was also on the guided tour, located in a section called Holly Hills _ hence the name. The chateau would have been right at home in a Swiss countryside setting. The place reminded Bree of ribbon candy _ just fabulous! According to the commodore some very famous entertainers and celebrities once owned homes there, quoting some of the original prices the homebuyers paid, which almost floored Bree and Blaine. One could only imagine what the properties go for nowadays! The island tour proved to be outstanding in its history, and learning of the different mammals and marine species was an education in it self. They revisited Louisas on their return _ eager to try her burgers and fries. They learned she ground their beef from round steak _ most family restaurants did back then. The burgers were scrumptious, ditto the home fries. After eating they headed back to the hotel to change into their swimsuits and meet back at the pool. Once in their room Bree and Blaine found it difficult to keep their promise to their friends. They were tuckered-out to the point that all they really wanted to do was kickback and relax a spell.


They brought along a couple of cokes theyd stored in the tiny refrigerator the hotel offered _ m ost hotels and motels did proceeding the era of fast food restaurants. People brought food with them, eating in their rooms in those days. Of course that wasnt possible on a slow boat to Catalina! When arriving at the poolside she and Blaine took turns rubbing each others back with baby oil _ guarantied to burn the hide off! Though that was pretty much all they had to offer back then. Some teens believed the burning and peeling of huge sheets of skin was well worth it in achieving their desire to have a good-looking tan. If they couldnt appear like the tawny Tab Hunter or the bisque Doris Day theyd worry the summer long, and, if you were oiling up at the beach _ man, did that sand ever dig into that oiled skin! Putting their shades on they flaked-out on a couple of crisp chaises. Larry and Lorna were already there, apparently taking five. They said nothing in fear of waking them and ended up falling asleep themselves. They had a rude awakening when they all woke up sputtering after being doused with ice cold water! Initially stunned they looked-up to find Lilly and Wally standing there _ Lillys mouth agape, Wally smirking. Lilly, holding -up her hands _ palms stretched widely, shoulders hunched as if to say _ what can I say _ I told him not to do it! Blaine got even. He jumped up before Wally had a chance to worm his way out of it and dragged him off kicking and screaming into the pool! By then the entire gang had gathered there and they all shared a good laugh watching Wally sputter! To Lillys complete surprise Bree suddenly rushed her into the waters before she knew what was happening or had a chance to escape her clutches. As she blubbered and yelled bloody murder a free-for-all ensued. They all had a blast dunking each other, the dunkees doing their best rendition of Figuero or Adolph Hitler giving a speech _ originally creating hissing and hatred everywhere, now followed by hysterical applause. Since everyone was drenched anyway they took a tranquil swim, though some horseplay remained as Blaine hel d Deans head under water for as long as he dared without drowning him. Of course then it became Annes turn to dunk Brees head under the water holding until she made out like a whales blowhole. Naturally the rest joined in the free for all! After everyt hing was said and done they all appeared bright-eyed (if somewhat bloodshot) and bushy-tailed! After drying-off, lounging on the lounges, they discussed ideas for supper, finally reaching a consensus to give Sams Sugar-Shack a try which, they had discovered walking on the beach that day. They did serve seafood although the name certainly didnt imply it. The place was actually constructed from a thatched hut built around a huge banana tree, so it was loaded with atmosphere. They were greeted by a legitimate hula-dancer decked out in full costume; fragrant fresh floral lei hung from her shoulders. She had thick straight black hair that reached her waist, a purple orchid in her hair. She was beautiful and smelled delightfully fragrant. After being seated it became apparent why the eatery was called Sams Sugar Shack.


Several blenders behind the bar whirred away as bartenders mixed and stirred heavily concocted sweet, syrupy beverages, supposedly genuine Hawaiian style. Blaine and Bree decided to try one for dessert instead. The idea took-off and next they knew everyone planned on the same. They ended-up sharing something called a Highfalutin Fudge Fondant, which was quite delicious but the couple were much too full even for that and were unable to finish it. They just wanted to experience everything within their grasp while the opportunity existed _ who knew whether theyd return this way again? They took off strolling along the seashore hoping to digest his or her supper, and enjoyed the islands charm and ageless beauty. The balmy evening, the fragrance of gardenia blossoms mixing with the night blooming jasmine and salty humid night air was pretty heady stuff. The peace and serenity brought fourth by the ever-changing waves splashing on the shore, cutting-out again, splashing in, cutting-out, over and over again, was most alluring to say the very least. Removing their shoes they waded along the ocean on their walk to the hotel. The current drawing-back of the sand beneath their feet_ tugging at their arches, a force against gravity, then returning it all on the next wave was also reassuring. At last they reached the little round tables with the thatched roofs. They sat sipping vodka from Larrys silver flask which the moon actually glinted on _ like a beacon, drawing ones attention to it. The group studied the moon awhile in all its glory, which, that night resembled a translucent paper moon _ full and bright, hunkering low over the Pacific almost touching it. The man in the moon, extraordinarily evident that night, smiled upon them _ eyes twinkling brightly. Music flowed softly from the cabarets along the strip. The crowd was unusually silent; knowing this would be their last evening on the island. Not ones to miss-out on a romantic moonlit sky, Blaine and Bree shared a kiss, which became an embrace _ they werent the only ones! Back in their room they prepared for bed. When Blaine held her in his arms she knew he was the one for her, all she really ever wanted _ ever dreamt of. She fell fast asleep in the safety of his big mans arms. What she didnt know was that during the night Blaine awakened from his sleep suffering with extreme cramps, and ending up-chucking the Sugar Shacks so called Hifalutin Fudge Fondant. She had slept through the entire episode. The next night after they returned home from Catalina Mary informed Bree that a terrible earthquake had centered in the Tehachapi area, destroying the womens prison there. Tremors were felt hundreds of miles away, she said, even on Catalina Island. Didnt you feel it, she asked her daughter? Bree asked Mary what time and day it had occurred on and learned it had happened shortly after theyd gone to bed Friday evening. She had felt the tremors all right but they were tremors of a different kind. No, she said, We didnt feel anything.



The next morning she told Mary all about the trip, how beautiful the island was, about the underwater sea urchins _ as well as marine life above, the island tour, and just about every thing they did while there, though not exactly everything! Mary was pleased for her and the experiences shed enjoyed. Bree was instantly saddened knowing Mary and Herrman had provided her with an adventure they could never attain for themselves, though ecstatic shed been given the opportunity _ she prayed that one -day her situation in life could present them both an all expense vacation there. The conversation quickly changed to one of wedding plans. She informed Mary that she would rather have a small wedding and honeymoon in Hawaii than a large wedding and possibly go to the beach for her honeymoon which, they did that all the time anyway _ nothing new there. That would be the best wedding present in the whole world she told Mary, and lo and behold Mary agreed! She said she would discuss it with her father and get back to her soon.


Blaine called later that evening, and she told him what Mary said. Blaine had discussed the possibilities with his father on Sunday night after returning home. Eddy agreed to share the expenses with her father as a wedding gift to them. If the plans materialized they would get hitched in Vegas and pay their own way. Oh, this was the living-end she sighed! Blaine brought her down to earth a peg or two saying that, I shouldnt count my chickens before theyre hatched! That night she helped Mary more than usual in preparing supper. Bree had missed her company over the long weekend. It was beans and cornbread that night _ one of her favorites! No one could duplicate Marys cornbread _ not even Marie Callander! Also, she could whip-up a Cinch cake like no other _ slap some vanilla icing on top and have it come out tasting like some fluffy pastry from a French chefs cookbook. No one could replicate that either. Bree on several occasions had tried to master it herself, but couldnt quite achie ve it. Once she asked Mary what her secret was, and she swore she simply followed the directions on the box _ and Mary never lied! Bree tossed a green salad and they ate _ delicious! As it happened Cinch cake with vanilla ice cream was on the menu that nig ht! She still hadnt fully recovered from her trip to Catalina. When she finished dishes she took a steamy hot bath and retired for the evening. The next morning after pouring a cup of coffee she joined her mother for breakfast. If Mary noticed whether Bree added a half-cup milk to her coffee she never let-on. Drawing a deep drag of her cigarette Mary leaned back and blew a fairly decent sized smoke-ring. Together they watched the almost perfect circle rise higher and higher until it began to crumple and brake apart dissolving into thin air, and became a part of it. Good one, she told her mother! Then Bree asked whether shed had a chance to speak with her father the night before. Mary reported that she had and hed agreed to share expenses with Blaines parents for their honeymoon present. Bree jumped from her chair thanking her. Attempting to clutch her and give her a hug she spilled her coffee. Mary quickly vaulted avoiding the run-off. Grabbing a dishcloth Bree swiftly cleaned-up the mess. Mary always kept oilcloths on the table in those days _ everyone did, so the table was not marred. Since Bree hadnt managed to avoid the coffee she was forced to change her clothes. In returning to the kitchen she begged Mary to pardon the mess she created in her endeavor to hug her. No harm done Mary answered. At that point Bree threw her arms around her mother squeezing her tightly _ but did not attempt to pick-her-up and twirl her about the room _ too close to her wedding date for that! Bree told Mary that Eddy had consented to the joint venture and approved of their plans to marry in Las Vegas and pay their own way. He would later consider holding a small inexpensive reception/party at their house, depending on their finances at the time. Bree called Blaine at work to give him the good news. He was overjoyed with happiness _ they both were. They planned to stay at the Sahara. Though Blaine insisted upon making all arrangements himself. They would be married one week from Saturday. Wow! Neither could believe it was actually happening! After


hanging up she relayed the additional info to Mary. Bree thought she would breakdown and weep with happiness, but managed to pull her self together for Marys sake _ smiling broadly at her. Blaines boss mentioned that he could use an extra hand at the hardware store if Blaine were available after graduation. Of course Blaine said that he would be. They needed him to work regular hours on the Thursday of the following week. They would leave Friday for Las Vegas. The extra money would come in handy. He would have Friday afternoon to prepare for the weekend, as they werent leaving until Herrman returned from work. Mary would have his suitcase ready. They were riding with Blaines parents. The couple had a date for bur gers at the Tick-Tock on Friday night, and apart from that they wouldnt be seeing each other again until the big event. Louis Prima and Keely Smith were appearing at Saharas Casbar Lounge, which was the reason they chose that hotel. Blaine surprised her when he picked her up that Friday evening. Hed made reservations at the Casbar for everyone. In those days lounge shows were drastically different from that which you see today. Entertainers were topnotch headliners, lounges were separated from casino and bars, had maitre ds, linen tablecloths _ the whole ball of wax _ similar to the big shows of today if somewhat smaller. The cover charge was a minimum two-drink per person or three dollars each! Primas power hits, Jump and Jive and Wail, Just a Gigolo, and I Aint Got Nobody, were all over the charts at the time _ flooding radio stations for months on end. The group was crazy about them, especially Louis, Sam Butara and The Witnesses. After they finished eating Blaine suggested they catch a movie at the drive-in _ cocking an eyebrow as was usual for him, since nothing else was planned she agreed. She wasnt giving him up so readily since she wouldnt be seeing him again for one whole week. She understood what excepting his offer entailed though she didnt mind _ being together was all that really mattered. At the theater Blaine managed to locate a desolate spot in which, hopefully, uninvited quests would fear to tread. After putting the gears in neutral and setting his hand brake he took her in his arms and kissed her like shed never been kissed before _ever! He tasted so sweet _ like sugar frosted wine. It occurred to her suddenly just how much shed missed him, not only emotionally, but physically as well. One thing led to another and things began heating up fairly rapidly. Glancing at the windows she noticed they were already fogged-over and realized that no one could possibly see inside the car, allowing her to relax more freely. She permitted him to remove her blouse and bra. He kissed her so tenderly _ it was like heaven to her. Finally they couldnt hang on _ caught up in the moment beyond the point of return. They crawled over the backseat and made wild passionate love. Friday finally arrived along with Blaine and his parents. They packed the cars and left about six oclock. The drive would take approximately seven to eight hours since there were no freeways back then. Eddy cautiously followed behind. They checked into their hotel around 1:00AM that morning. Blaine reserved only three rooms so


their parents permitted them to stay the night together. The drive had been long and exhausting. They were incredibly tired, going straight to their rooms. The rooms were air-conditioned and running in anticipation of their arrival. They found them to be quite comfortable. The folks planned to meet for breakfast the following morning. The couple would catch a bite to eat as catch can, once they obtained the marriage license and made arrangements with a wedding chapel. Blaine searched the telephone directory for the County Recorders Office and copied the address down on pen and paper provided by the hotel. Stopping by the hotel registrar they asked directions, not only were they super courteous but also handed them a map of the city free of charge. Pulling out of the parking lot they noticed a darling wedding chapel right on the hotel property, which obviously was converted from an old log cabin. A small sign leading to the chapel read, Little Chapel of the West. Curious, they stopped at once and went inside. It was perfect. One wall was heavily plastered with celebrity photographs married there over the years. Outdoors again they discussed getting hitched there and both found it agreeable. Why bother searching further when a perfectly beautiful chapel sat in their-own back yard. They chose a package deal suitable to their purposes, timing as well, then left. The wedding would be held at 3:00 oclock that afternoon _ so far so good. The minister asked that they arrive twenty minutes early for a brief rehearsal. Blaine notified his father and asked him to spread the word. Blaine hadnt any problem finding the address and no hitches whatever in obtaining a marriage lic ense. Birth certificates were required of each to which they were prepared, then signed on the dotted line _ that was it! There were only three couples ahead of them. They had braced themselves for a long wait, but with two clerks on duty the lines moved rather quickly. They grabbed a burger at some greasyspoon downtown and were back at the hotel by noon. Things couldnt have gone smoother. After meeting the parents for a beverage, they chatted over cherry cokes with real cherries, cocktails for the parents of course, after which they returned to their rooms to prepare for the big moment. Since the temperature was a searing one hundred and five in the shade they drove to the chapel, which, thankfully was air-conditioned. After a brief rehearsal they were married for real! The ceremony had been lovely; the mothers in corsages, the groom and both fathers wore boutonnires. Bree had a beautiful bouquet, albeit no one to toss it to! It was a double ring ceremony and a photographer took pictures. At last she had the complete ring set she thought. Back at the hotel they changed clothes into something suitable for dinner and a show. The folks were salivating to gamble and because the newlyweds were not twenty-one they werent permitted inside the casino _ bummer! They spent the hours between dinner and the show walking around, checking-out the shops and restaurants, peeking inside the casino at every opportunity. They discovered an oyster bar where one could purchase shrimp cocktails in sundae sized glasses for only fifty cents! They were beauts too! Not the small salad variety one sees today.


Casinos continue to offer this delicacy at prices starting at 1.99 and up, but the small plastic cups they are served in nowadays are half way stuffed with shredded lettuce. They enjoyed one order, and shared a cherry coke so as not to spoil their dinner. They dinned on prime rib at The Sands for 5.99 per person. Dinner was served with all the trimmings, including a luscious salad served on ice-cold plates with forks to match. The Roquefort without question was the clumpiest, lumpiest, dressing Bree ever had the good fortune of eating. They also served the worlds best horseradish. The style that sets your nostrils afire and causes one to cry _ literally, and at the same time beg for more! Supper had been topcabin all the way, linen napkins and tablecloths, plus candle lighting and the server with a towel over his left arm. Meals were offered at give-away prices back then to entice would-be customers to make the long journey to the desert. Shows were also offered at peanut prices in hopes of luring you in. Nowadays people come by the droves the world over to spend top dollar on food and entertainment only to gamble away their hard-earned money playing roulette, craps, cards, or trying their luck at the one-armed-bandits. Of course the advent of credit cards has ruined many a good man or women vacationing there. The show was the greatest! Bree would always remember it. It was probably the rockinest, raucous, wildest, and zaniest show shed ever had the privilege to jump and jive to. Prima was born to entertain. He put everything his nature possessed into his act, and it was evident exactly how much he loved every single minute of his showmanship. Keely was extremely quiet and reserved during his antics, but could belt out a tune _ there was no denying that. Later Sonny and Cher would emulate their routine on weekly television. Sonny was too reserved to act Prima, but Cher zinged KeeIy perfectly!



They landed at four that afternoon. The weather was pleasant if somewhat humid. They received directions to their hotel at the car rental. Theyd decided upon renting a jeep, not popular at the time, but the price was right and they figured they would have a better view versus riding in a car. Car windows then were very compact compared to todays expansive ones. They planned to tour the countryside, neither interested in the proverbial tourist traps. The world travelers thought theyd had enough of that! They stayed at the newly opened Hilton Hawaiian Village Inn, a lengthy drive from the airport, but a brand new experience for them as most things were at that age and they thought it would be kicks. Bree remembered to bring along a scarf or two _ to protect her do from the wind, which otherwise would have been blown to smithereens in a jeep. Traffic was light in those days by comparison, and streets werent so jammed with tourists as they are today. Blaine eased the jeep into valet parking. A bellhop rushed-out almost immediately to help them with their luggage. It was as though hed been peeking through a window _ just waiting for a customer to drive up. He waited as they checked-in. Afterward he ushered them up the elevator to their third floor room, which was also the top floor at that


time. They hadnt any inkling as to what a proper tip might be _ over tipping as it were. They quickly unpacked eager to explore what could be seen before darkness set in. They managed to cover some amazing territory before it grew dark and forced them to turn back. They werent afraid of getting lost since Blaines father had taught him how to read a compass and hed thought to bring one along. Being an old salt Eddy firmly believed compasses should come sto ck in every vehicle _ regardless, and Blaine agreed. They planned to explore the island thoroughly on the following day _ if at all possible, if not then finish up on the next day. They were fortunate to be staying through Friday night _ not leaving until Saturday morning. The entire experience would be utterly glorious for the pair, they knew, yet still in shock at the knowledge of being an old married pair, pinching themselves from time to time to ascertain they werent simply having a pipe dream. At the hotel that evening they dined on porterhouse steaks, Caesar salad, baked potato, veggies _ all the best. The meal was top-notch all the way. The waiter was friendly and seemed quite knowledgeable of the islands history and became an instant tour guide as it were. Also somewhat of a comic, he managed to keep the newlyweds in stitches for most of the time. He looked like most the lifeguards one sees on the California beaches. His skin tanned, wearing white shorts, hair bleached blond from the sun. Bree carr ied on a bit with him, but not really _ she simply wasnt used to the attention she received. When Blaine took her in his arms that night, the waiters face became an instant blur. Everything was so perfect _ so right with them. They fit together like hand and glove. Later when he whispered _ ooh, Mrs. Baldwin, she melted like butter in his arms echoing back, ooh, Mr. Baldwin. After breakfast that morning they took-off for parts unknown. At that time Hawaii was still a territory and did not become a state until 59. Hard to fathom at first until leaving the city proper where paved streets ended and gravel roads became the norm. The jungle was extremely dense, at times the only light cast was from the heavens above. Occasionally Blaine found it necessary to use his headlights in order to forge slowly ahead. They wedged their way through the over-grown banana trees, finding it necessary to duck at times. The terrain was so ruggedly beautiful it almost took ones breath away. The landscape included cascading waterfalls, bubbling brooks, and hundreds of beautiful old tikis and totempoles. After exploring natures wonderland awhile they pulled over to the roadside parking next to a rustling brook and sat listening to its babble. They agreed the sound was most soothing to the ears and to the soul _ their mood instantly mellowing. Though they were now man and wife they made out awhile until Blaines breathing became raspy _ one hand sliding up her leg, she gently pushed him away. He sat back smiling _ understanding. Her thinking was _ just as exciting now that it was legal and giggled out loud. They determined the area was a great spot for lunch. The peacefulness there seemed not of their world and they wanted nothing more than to enjoy it as long as they possibly could. While munching their meal a doe suddenly


crossed the brook with her brood of two, at first allowing them to frolic and play in the waterway _ then nudging her head up against them, butting them along their way. It was then that they heard the cry of the Wild pig in the distance, recognizing its sound from their experience at Catalina, but they didnt really wish to revisit that again. The thought of Wild pigs ramming their jeep wasnt appealing to either of them. Quite suddenly rustling was heard in the trees overhead and looking up _ delirium mounting _ they sighted several Kuala bears overhead. A mother sat nursing her offspring, lovingly stroking its underbelly while at the same time licking its hairy head. They sat watching the Kuala, mesmerized, until they scampered away. Had they frightened them off they wondered? Neither had seen Kuala before though both understood that they werent actually bears, only resembled them, wondering, then why were they called that? Bree suddenly recalled her childhood teddy and realized it looked exactly like the baby Kuala had, darling, harmless little animals, unlike real bears _ often man killers. The young couple thought they might have heard the chattering of chimpanzees, though not certain whether they could decipher the difference between exotic birds chirping and monkeys jabbering off in the distance. The pair ventured along their way until coming upon a small clearing in the jungle, smack dab in the middle of nowhere. A rough dwelling was located in the center of the circle. The shanty composed of nothing more than thatch. The husband worked the fields as his spouse gathered eggs. Two little boys were playing with their pet, a pig. They pulled its tail then laughed richly when the pig squealed. They seemed to think he was a talking toy there strictly for their pleasure _ unable to feel his pain. The animal managed to break free of their clutches and ran inside the house _ the entrance-door wide open hanging at a slant. The children darted in after the pig followed by a couple of red hens as the parents went about their business _ neither finding it unusual that a pig and two chickens had just entered their living room! As they approached a bend in the road they almost broadside a stampede of Wild goat. Neither had heard of Wild goat before they landed on the island, but seeing was-believing and there was no mistaking them once you did. The poor devils seemed as depraved as they were deprived from living their lives in the wilds _ not knowing where or when the next feed might come _ if ever, though the couple wasnt planning on becoming it! Prior to that they had considered them to be a barnyard staple with horns and cute little goatees _ males anyhow. After settling their jangled nerves they set about their journey. Shortly thereafter coming to a narrow-strait or river, they realized then that the goats were there to water. Spotting several cars they soon discovered that a riverboat was boarding passengers. Curious, Blaine got out and asked the captain where they were headed? He replied that a festival was in progress to honor the God Lono for their blessed harvest. They would travel down stream to the temple scropean, a tiki bowl where natives placed food offerings wrapped in ti leaves meant to ward-off evil spirits. Smatterings of temples were scattered all along the river,


constructed by ancient tribesmen, usually from lava-rock. The early white settlers referred to them as totem poles or tikis and the names stuck. Though natives and other islanders called them temples in their native tongues. The waterboat was decorated from aft to stern in flora and fauna. Brightly-lit, festive looking lanterns were hanging from the roofs eaves, which provided a warm and inviting atmosphere. The women w ore brightly colored peasant dresses with fresh leis draped about their necks. Several tourists were already aboard, decked-out in khaki shirts and shorts, Panama hats, cameras and binoculars dangling from their necks as if going on safari. The captain informed Blaine that the craft sold boxed lunches if they were hungry. The newlyweds werent hungry _ having eaten only recently, but invested in the boxed lunch anyway after deciding to tag along. The skipper was a natural born storyteller and entertained the passengers with his long tales _ often heroic. Blaine found some far fetched, for example the one about the mutiny on the high river! Though anything was possible he believed. Soon they discovered a very relaxed, youthful looking chap wearing a freshflower-lei and cotton-twill Hawaiian shirt _ singing softly as he strummed a ukulele. The natives placed petals along the river-run. The gesture, the captain explained, was to give notice to the gods of their impending visit _ their form of calling cards. The return trip was a different ballgame altogether. The minstrel played songs of the day that almost all the passengers seemed to know. He encouraged everyone to sing along, and most did. The islanders seemed to be having the time of their lives including the honeymooners. The entertainer would-become world renown after the release of his big hit song, Tiny-Bubbles. Back at their hotel they noticed a restaurant near by, almost hidden from view by dense palm trees. The eatery was called Captain Bluebeards whose entrance door was a faade of a swash -buckling pirate. Upon entering the establishment a fake sword was lowered from above dangerously close to the patrons neck supposedly. The building was erected to resemble an old pirate ship. The pair thought the place looked interesting, and decided to try it after some much needed R&R and a hot shower. In their room they lied down to rest quickly falling asleep. When she awoke it was almost dark. In the shower Bree realized that they were both suffering from total burnout. Stepping from the tub she saw that Blaine was up. After kissing him, he declared that he was too pooped to pop. So they decided to give room service a try instead _ neither interested in going out for the evening. He showered, she dressed and combed her hair _ that was the most she could muster up, after which she put quarters in the television set. Though TV was everywhere in 55 hotels and motels still insisted upon charging for it at the time. Blaine mentioned that he was feeling better. Checking the menu they made their decision and called for room service. He ordered four cherry cokes with extra cherries. She could dig it since by then her throat was totally parched. As he dressed she went down the hall, filling the ice bucket to the max. Back then you could still drink from the public


water system. Hotels at that time furnished wonderful glassware, not plastic cups as they do today. She fixed herself and Blaine a tall glass of ice water and chug-a-lugged it down. The waiter knocked and Blaine opened the door. The food smelled fabulous to them. She ordered a club sandwich, which came with coleslaw, fries, and fruit. A full course meal and then some for her. Blaine ordered a cheeseburger and fries _ his standard meal out. Bree thought the fries looked a tad greasy as if fried in a greasy skillet rather than deep fryer. Bree didnt eat hers. Blaine downed all of his and acclaimed them delicious _ then polished off hers. She enjoyed her supper; the cherry cokes were divine! They put more quarters in the TV and went to bed _ no one watched. Waking up in the middle of the night she discovered Blaine wasnt in bed. Turning on the lamp she saw the light underneath the bathroom door. Getting up she rapped on the door, asked, Are you alright, Sweetheart? He mumbled hed be out in a minute. Jumping back in bed she figured the poor guy needed some privacy. She couldnt get back to sleep for anything; Blaine finally crept back to bed. Snuggling close she asked if he was okay. He answered that hed just puked his guts out! Sweetheart, whats wrong? I dunno. I think I might have ulcers. Then he admitted that the greasy French -fries probably didnt help the situation any. She said, If thats the case then youd better give them up. Well find-out when I have my G I series. You know, Kitten, something like that could keep me out of the military. Oh, no. Well, Im not certain, but its possible. Dont worry, Sweetheart, everything will be fine, youll see. Youre healthy and strong as a bull _ nothing is going to keep you out of the service. Convincing him wasnt easy. Persuading herself was even tougher. Her heart leapt to her knees, or so it seemed though she forced herself to snap out of it for Blaines sake. It was his honeymoon after all _ no time to worry! Wed better get some rest, Darling, she said cheerfully, and kissed him good night. Weve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow. They planned to visit a natural rain forest in Hilo called Olla the following day, which had once been owned by the crown before being over thrown. The rain forest was gorgeous, if wild, wet, and muddy. When first arriving at the park they observed people milling about holding umbrellas, some even wearing galoshes. A pity that they didnt think to pack some, but who would have thought? Next time theyd know better. Bree did remember to bring along a scarf for all the good that did! The weather was fair so they really didnt mind so much.


The area was zoo-like having several hundred animals living there, including they understood some very rare and endangered species. The eternally undisturbed, unmolested, natural rain forest of some 10,000 acres also contained hundreds of varieties of plants, trees, ferns and flowers. They learned that one quarter of all water incurred at the Pahoa Aquifer came directly from the rain forest, which helped one to understand exactly how much rainwater the forest received annually. An exceptionally dense collection of overhead ferns in a centralized section all squished together to form a perfect shelter for those hoping to escape the heaviest of downpours. The circular cobblestone floor beneath the canopy of ferns had several benches made of stone _ a perfect place for royalty to ponder in their day. Hawaii Volcano Park could be seen off in the distance. They would go there another day hoping for a cleaner, dryer-atmosphere. They discussed staying there forever, building a lovely tree house, and raising their family. A thought many youths entertained before them at one time or another. The endless beauty of the thick lush green foliage _ from ferns and ivy, to plants, shrubs, fragrant flowers, and trees _ you name it, was staggering. The ultra bright red and yellow of the hibiscus, orange bird of paradise, white gardenias, and the black and purple velvet of the dahlias were smattered throughout the utopian gardens. The vision stretching as far as the eye could see took your breath away, leaving one much in awe of the raw beauty of Gods creations, which amazingly remained unchanged throughout all the ages. The next day they drove the fifteen miles from Waikkiki Beach to Sea Life Park in Oahu Port where one could ride on the belly of a dolphin. They shied away from that idea, but afterward, those who declined were rewarded with a dolphin kiss. The mammals seemed particularly human. They werent that interested in viewing the sharks, though there were plenty of them. Their teeth reminded Bree of double chainsaws; a shiver ran through her veins just thinking about it, leaving nothing to admire as far as she was concerned. Catching the penguin act was the highlight of the day. They were performers au`natural, looking quite adorable in natures own tuxedo, waddling about their quarters, putting on a performance, then barking and applauding themselves after each one. The biggest part of their act was swimming and playing with the dolphins as humongous whales made dominant leaps and splashes, dousing everyone in sight with seawater _ a real extravaganza! A special treat was watching the feeding of the stingrays, which Bree loved _ such darling, meek animals, who lingered long enough to allow one to pet their heads. They behaved with such manners, appearing to nibble their food politely, looking like rubber underwater UFOS. Next they watched the dolphins dance and listened -to the sea lions sing (more like a roar,) but they believed they were singing and judging by the applause so did the audience. The commons had all-the atmosphere one could possibly wish for _ clear blue skies, white sands, and crystal blue shores. The landscape was of tropical palms, lots of banana trees, colorful orchids and rhododendrons, plus clumps of bamboo positioned in just the right places which helped furnish that overall tropical paradise tourists had


come to expect. Thatched bars along the sandy strip leading to the hotels added much to the flavor. Surfers could be seen riding the high waves expertly, all that was missing was a camera crew and director. They obviously had plenty of practice and were no beginners. As they departed the park they craned their necks to observe that final gander to ascertain positively that nary a surfer had fallen from grace. The couple dined at Bluebeards that night. The house specialty was Polynesian cuisine and theyd heard the food was excellent there. Neither had eaten sweet meats, veggies and fruit before, but found the food delicious. Sugared leechy nuts and cherries were served for dessert, a toothpick protruding from each, which, they loved the cherries, naturally, not so much the leechy nuts. The band played Hawaiian music and after dinner they danced to a few slow ones, then off to the hotel they went. The day was extremely long and they were plum tuckered-out, though the trip had been an incredible perfect. The young lovers planned to visit Hawaiian Volcano National Park the following day. They intended to spend all day Friday swimming at the beach and working on their tans. They wouldnt have dared return home looking like two white sheets with eyeholes having spent a dream honeymoon in Hawaii. As luck would have it Blaines tummy hadnt tolerated the delicately rich foods consumed that evening. He seemed fine when at last they kissed goodnight. But after sleeping several hours he awakened as before with painful stomach cramps. Bree was so given-out that she was only vaguely aware of him getting out of bed. By morning shed temporarily forgotten about it until after breakfast, and because he didnt mention it she assumed he wasnt willing to discuss it _ she respected his wishes. Volcano Park proved to be as beautiful as expected. They drove-up as far as possible, where the road was closed to traffic. Beyond that point was nothing more than a small ticket booth, picnic area, several outhouses, and a drinking fountain. You could either hike the trails privately the rest of the way or take the guided tours the park offered. Luckily theyd thought to bring along some Cokes and boxed lunches. There were actually three summits, Heleakala, on Maui, the Mauna Looa and Kilauea were both on the big island. Woodrow Wilson in 1916 designated the three summits as the thirteenth National Park even though Hawaii was yet a territory. Since the Mauna Looa was about 14,000 feet and Kilauea almost as tall there were no guides then that could take you to the top. However, there were splendid young craters to be explored, plus oodles of caverns to poke around in. Oh, the beauty was fantastic! It seemed impossible that eruptions over time and eternity could blend with natures elements to create an array of splashy colors or unusual, almost spooky even, cathedrals, shapes and forms, and figures youd swear were the Virgin Mary, The Pope, Mona Lisa, Mary Magdalene, and Jesus Christ himself.


The volcanoes were zillions of years old _ formed through time and evolution, and were said to have spewed from the ocean and tossed upon the sands. The Mauna Looa was the worlds most massive volcano while the Kilauea was the worlds most active. A lake was actually discovered in the belly of Kilauea in the eighteen hundreds _ belching, spewing, and bubbling like a wicked witchs brew. A guide took them across a bridge made of rope material to Crater Ridge where they saw the Lava Tube. It actually did resemble a colossus inner tube that the air had leaked out and was left rumpled looking. Eventually the park evolved into a natural ecosystem that sheltered and nourished native plants and animal habitats sparing them from extinction. When they returned they enjoyed a picnic in one of natures picturesque Grande schemes, leaving them breathless as if they couldnt get enough of the pure precious oxygen and surrounding beauty. Lazing about on the warm sunny sands their last day was heavenly. They oiled their bodies and worked on their tans, drinking cherry cokes in tall chimney glasses with by now familiar umbrellas in a piece of pineapple floating on top. The ocean was as blue as the sky, bluer even, the weather pleasingly balmy, the air pungently sweet. Sailboats were seen in the distance, their great sails gently flapping in the breezes, riding each wave like giant rubber duckies. Water skiers crisscrossed the waves, but it was the perennial surfer who held ones attention causing them to wonder how much longer they could continue holding that delicate balancing act before someone tumbled down like Humpty Dumty? The island was as close to paradise as one could only imagine. Ah, the life of Riley they sighed _ in their dreams maybe, but sadly, living large was, at least for them, about to come to a sudden jolt! They fell asleep, wishing not to dwell on the matter. That last morning they grabbed coffee and toast on the run, heading straight for the airport. After relinquishing the jeep they checked their luggage with an hour to spare. They browsed the souvenir shops purchasing gifts for their families. Blaine spotted a perfect pearl ring in the jewelry shop and insisted she try it on. Amazingly it fit her finger perfectly, a real rarity since she only wore a size six and was usually difficult to find one that size. He bought it for her and she proudly wore it home. Such a thoughtful, wonderful guy she reflected, and she loved him truly. Little did she know that the man of her dreams would leave her a young widow and his parents childless once again.



That very week Blaine drove to the Los Angeles induction center to join the Air Force. He easily passed the oral and written exams. After which he filled-out mountains of red tape, submitted to having his head shaved, and after having taken his physical examination and GI series was asked to wait in the hall with the other recruits. Blaines worst fears were realized when the physician whisked him into his outer office _ he had failed his GI series and was classified 4-F. That was that! The end! Period! The doctor explained that he had five separate ruptures of the lower intestinal track, and sternly warned him that if they should perforate the results could bring about a serious health issue. His advice was to seek professional help as soon as possible. Upon first seeing the expression of total disbelief on his face, then followed by disillusion, to finally that of absolute resignation and utter disappointment was soooh telling just how badly the lad had wanted this _ the doctors heart softened. He had seen this same look before, though not frequently enough to have-hardened his heart. To be kind he told Blaine, Ya know, Son, war is hell _as they say, and for all we know you might have just been spared a death sentence. Though the Korean War had final ly ended, Viet Nam was creeping round the corner. Unfortunately the pep talk hadnt helped him in the slightest _ Blaine was intelligent enough to see though the Docs good -intentions. All his hopes and dreams had just gone-up in smoke that day. There wasnt any health insurance coverage to speak off back then, and it was _ sign on the dotted line if you dont mind! As he walked out that door he looked as if all the stuffing had been knocked out of him.


He was advised to seek treatment at Los Angeles General Hospital where they charged according to ones income. When Blaine explained to the new doctor his purpose for being there the doctor gave him a brief, ordinary physical and said he would send for his medical records and sent Blaine packing bound in a t russ. He wasnt even requested to sign consent forms. Today that would be considered an invasion of privacy, especially in dealing with the federal government. He was told to come back in a month and they scheduled an appointment. Blaine got on full-time at Hardens Hardware and Bree found a part-time position checking applicants credit history at Seaboard Finance Company. She planned to enroll at Cal State Long Beach part time at Blaines insistence. They began saving all they possibly could in hopes of getting out on there own and buying a home of their own, plus the surgery and hospital expenses theyd eventually encounter didnt come cheap. Ol happy go -lucky Blaine suddenly became cautious of everything he placed in his mouth. Not just to avoid stomach upsets _ his doctor had placed him on a very soft, bland diet, afraid his colon would perforate. He was dead-set against starting a family, at least until finances improved and Blaine was certain his wife wouldnt be raising their children alone. Plus time was on their side and they were both very young and not in any hurry to start a family yet. Bree agreed completely, and remained optimistic. Nothing would happen to her big lug as long as she was around _ she plain wouldnt allow it! Unfortunately Blaine continued to have stomach problems _ a life less gratifying due to the gamut of vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and pain. Though he rarely complained _ men who bellyached in those days were thought of as sissies, though most would have cried like babies in childbirth _ the pain so severe! Bree couldnt accompany him on his next appointment due to her new position at the finance company. The doctor gave Blaine a medication to help combat his discomfort, and informed him that he couldnt just willy-nilly operate on someone, that the surgery was considered elective, which the county would not cover. He said also that he could possibly live a full, normal life, but he was bound to warn the seemingly healthy hunk that the surgery required was a particularly nasty one, also a bit risky with a less than desirable mortality rate. Well, that was just ducky _ the news wasnt half-bad it was all bad! Though penicillin had been around since 48 it wasnt nearly as perfected _ nor were doctors the skilled surg eons they are today _ mostly family practitioners _ not specialists. The doctor then sternly warned Blaine that should he ever develop a sudden high fever followed by excruciating pain _ get to the hospital immediately! He relayed the whole sordid story to Bree upon her return from work. Still, she remained upbeat. The same could hardly be said of Blaine. He appeared dejected most of the time _ at first refusing to discuss the gory details with her. She said if it was because he thought the surgery wasn t happening _ not to worry. They would save the money and go into a private hospital. He agreed that would be best, but was unable to shake his glumness for a time.


That night she persuaded him to discuss his problem with her thinking she could straighten things out for him. She was dealt a knockout punch! He said that during his hospital visit he was thunderstruck with a premonition of his eminent death! Bree laughed out loud, and continued laughing all the way to the bitter end. She never once took him seriously though he would repeat these same words over and over again to her. From that point forward whenever she discussed their future he would remind her that he wouldnt be there! Each time he spoke these hurtful words it cut her to the core, though she desperately tried to convince him otherwise, he never budged from this belief. He certainly couldnt have expected her to accept his words as gospel, after all her entire world revolved around him _ and with him her own and beautiful new life _ all her dreams drawn to fruition _ how could she think otherwise? In reflecting over these words through the years she eventually came to the conclusion that somehow, someway, people sometimes knew these things instinctively. Though down the line Bree came to believe that the Lord in his mysterious way had told him as much. Five years later they moved into a nicely furnished flat. The two-roomed apartment boasted beautiful hardwood floors, to which people were fairly accustomed back then. The living room furniture was Queen Anne and was covered in red velveteen. The bedroom furniture was antique, also English with high bedposts. The dinning room set was typically fifties _ chrome legs, chrome edging around the table, with the gray marbled tabletop was probably Formica, the chairs were covered in the matching gray vinyl marble look. They purchased a thirteen-inch television set and were quite comfortable there. They remained happy unless she broached the baby subject, whereupon Blaine never failed to remind her that if they should have children she would raise them alone. His comments hurt her so deeply she eventually stopped mentioning them. They continued to see old friends. Katy actually lived across the street from them, and Brees parents lived only a few short blocks away where they were usually invited for Sunday dinner. Two years later Anne and Dean were married. Bree was ecstatic for them. They were such great friends that the newly wedded couple invited them down to their little honeymoon cottage by the sea. Dean was by then working in his chosen profession _ engineer for Walt Disney. That evening they dined in a cozy little Italian restaurant within walking distance. Afterward they tramped across the sandy wet shore, bending over occasionally to pick-up some unusual seashell, which were aplenty then taking advantage of the moonlit night to spoon every chance they got. Returning to the cabin Dino cracked open a bottle of Champaign and together they celebrated the couples nuptials until late in the evening. All were a wee bit fuzzy headed the next morning, but by afternoon they were frolicking on the beach and playing volleyball _ guys against the gals. The young women were convinced they could beat the guys _ they got


clobbered! Afterward they roasted wieners and marshmallows for dessert. Finally exhausted they lied down on their beach blankets, worked on their tans, and reminisced the good old days. Anne had left her dream job as secretary to the president of IBM to become a parent in seven months. Bree was extremely happy for Anne _ if she were envious she never let on. Though Anne would have understood completely and was extremely concerned for Blaine and Bree. The two old friends were alone in the kitchen when Anne suddenly whispered to Bree that she should poke holes in the condoms. Bree laughed, not saying anything, but thought to herself _ dont think I havent thought about it! Privately both Anne and Dean agreed with Bree. Blaine would be just fine _healthy as an ox! They drove back home after dinner that night. Theyd all had a fabulous time and things felt like the good old days again. But Bree couldnt hold back the thoughts that began spinning around in her brain _ Blaine was ill. He believed he was going to die! And concerned whether hed get sick from eating the hotdogs and marshmallows, which neither was on his menu. Oddly enough, as if Bree had her own premonition, upon their return home he began having spasms of pain. After going to the bathroom he began screaming-out for her. She ran to him and found him collapsed on the bathroom floor, his face contorted in anguish _deathly pale! She immediately called an ambulance _ 911 were non-existent then.



The surgery was deemed successful, and Blaine was doing as well as could be expected, but, as the doctor explained _ he was one sick little cookie. Then said the rest was in Gods hands and that we should all pray for him. Bree did exactly that at the small chapel in the hospital. What no one knew then, especially not the doctor was a single stitch had slipped from the soft tissue of the intestine. He lived in excruciating pain for four horrible days. The morphine then wasnt strong enough to alleviate his pain, and much wasnt known about modern science, pain medications, and blood infections. The doctor feared giving him a lethal dose of morphine, which surely would have been better. Well, the lad wasnt mistaken _ no such luck! The doctor asked for permission to perform an autopsy. Totally dead set against it in the beginning, when the kind doctor explained that it might save someone else she quickly changed her mind. It was during the post-mortem when the slipped stitch was discovered. Dr. Peterson had been soooh apologetic, but nothing could ever bring her beloved Blaine back! The doctor performed to the best of his ability with what he had to work with. Funny, neither Bree nor anyone in the family ever blamed the doctor. Though Brees conscience would always bother her that they didnt get him into a private hospital sooner and also because she never took him seriously _ ever! Why, oh why, oh why, did he eat that damned stuff when they both knew better! But then reconsidered. No! It would have happened anyway because her husband knew it would!


The funeral was one long unending nightmare for her and Blaines parents. As one might imagine the loss of someone so young, with everything in the world to live for, then suddenly _ poof, gone forever! It was such a terrible tragedy that everyone was in a state of shock. Parents should never outlive their children, and Bree promised them that she would always remain close to them, of course knowing all the while that that wouldnt cut it for them, yet knowing not what else to say or do. She ended-up-wishing shed had his child in spite of all his objections. He could have lived on through their child, and his parents would have had a grandson or granddaughter to spoil and cherish. She moved back into her old room and enrolled in college full time that fall. There was enough insurance money to get her through. She had their savings and Blaines car. Fortunately he had helped her to pass her drivers test, and was now a licensed driver.


Life was hard for Bree. She spent endless hours alone in her room, withdrew from her classes, shying away from friends _ feeling like a fifth wheel most of the time, usually winding up in tears. Her parents were understandingly concerned for her welfare. When she finally started back to school again in the fall she appeared to come out of her shell and in time began to flower and thrive in her new surroundings _ academia. Rita and Tony were divorced that summer _ three kids later. She and the children remained in the family home, which was almost paid for by then. She obtained a receptionist position and worked nine to five, about the same hours Bree attended college though they continued to keep in touch by telephone. She was the first to inform her that Tom had gotten married. She suffered only the slightest pang of the heart upon learning that tid bit then nothing just dead. Thankfully hed married someone he met in college whom nobody knew, which made it easier all around. One night in the middle of the week Rita called, Bree picked up the phone. Hey girl, she said. How about you and I driving down to The Airporter Inn on Friday night? I dunno, she stammered. Aah, cummon, itll be fun, she insisted. Itll do us both good. Well, okay, she agreed. I just hope I wont be crappy company for you. She said theyd have a ball!


They arrived around ten oclock that night, by then the joint was really jumping. They quickly found a table and sat down. The place was a popular watering hole for the locals as well as businessmen flying in and out of Orange County. They were barely seated when Rita was asked to dance. As often happened she was kept-out on the dance floor throughout several dances or more _ again fitting into the fifth wheel role when a fella suddenly asked her for a dance, but she chose not to, thanking him graciously anyway. Then she ended-up thinking, great, now no one would ask her to dance for sure, in fear of rejection. She was feeling like a wilted sunflower or wallflower when out of the blue a gentleman approached her table saying, Pardon me, but do you speak to strangers? She looked at him smiling broadly. I always speak to strangers. It was the man with the golden tan.



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