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IRAN TOP SECRET is more than a spy novel, it is the PROPERHECY!

Reviewer - Miladin Jovicic - Goldy Head of National Security for Islamic terrorism in the Serbian police (retired) As an agent I know well the milieu of Muslim terrorists, I know how they think and work. I was processing most of them in a direct or an indirect way, and with some of them I have manipulated. Based on these years of experience I can say, they are divided about many things, even thrown, but they are all unique in their believe that the world must become Ban Islam! Who is behind the Islamic world revolutionary movement, who stands in the source of the fierce energy that destroys everything on its way? The incredible writer Dejan Lucic, easily reveals this to us! His analysis and synthesis of seemingly chaotic and illogical data - his art of writing turns ruling the world into a science! I wonder, is the writer actually gray eminence of the secret service, as once Leo Tolstoy was; but, he cannot be - I would have known! So, I cant reject the thought that Dejan Lucic is authorized by those who know the future history - to give us some revelations. Is he himself one of the Templars, Illuminati; or, is he, perhaps, a Freemason, or some kind of Serbian intellectual James Bond? The history will tell. IRAN TOP SECRET is a political thriller that reveals the power of green dragon Islam which, on a European campaign through Kosovo and Bosnia, wants, wants, and can realize high RITUAL FATAL magic, and kill Christianity that way! Who has encouraged the Islamization of Europe, who has spread the cult of Kosovo in Bavaria, and why? Answers to these questions are revealed in this capital work, with integrated knowledge of Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Ecco, Carlos Castaneda, and the lucidity of Henry Kissinger. IRAN TOP SECRET, together with the Shadow Rulers and Secrets of the Albanian Mafia, could be a textbook for future intelligence and politicians. Dejan Lucic is a man who lives his legend and whose task is to reveal us the secrets, even those that remain hidden to the spies! Dejan Lucic became an institution for himself and a cult writer for all those who seek for the essence behind the visible policy!

The curse of Nostradamus The Balkans, 1537. Early fall... Having arrived at a forest clearing, a rider caught sight of a faraway town and started gazing at its rooftops as if it were a painting he was familiar with since his childhood. He closed his eyes and tried to match the view before him with his own vision. That moment he knew that the town he was able to see in full view was SARAJEVO. The rider opened his eyes and started his mule down the road, heading for a downtown inn. Riding downhill, he paid little attention to the road ahead of him, and was rather looking at the town, towards which he was relentlessly drawn by his own sense of foreboding and disquiet. He dismounted in front of the inn around which fine Arabian horses were tethered. Judging by the luxury of their equipment, the traveler inferred that the guests must be affluent people, as well as that the inn must provide good food and relatively clean lodgings. Stepping into the inn, the mysterious traveler became stooped on purpose, so as to draw the least attention from the Muslim guests, who were boisterously eating and drinking. A stout inn-keeper with turban on his head and big loose mustache was delighted to see a new guest coming in and he kindly showed him to the modest table in the corner. - Are you traveling from afar, sir? - The inn-keeper asked him in Turkish. - From Istanbul! - replied the guest in poor Turkish. - From the capital, then! - Yes! The traveler said shortly. - Would you like something to eat? - What do you offer? - All kinds of grilled meat... and all kinds of stews - a veal stew, stuffed cabbage and Bosnian pot. - Do you have... - the traveler almost blurted out pork, but he checked himself at the last moment. The inn-keeper raised his brow in expectation and the guest finally uttered: - kid meat? - Yes, we do. - Give me, then, piggy meat and red wine, the best one, of course! His gaze followed the inn-keeper, who was working his way between the tables and people. The traveler felt a reek of lard, sweaty male bodies and cattle dung, which was coming in through an open window. His ears were filled with the mixed sounds of conversation, laughter and the buzz of inordinately big flies, to which nobody reacted, nor paid any attention to. The traveler turned his head towards the window, through which he could see the heart of the town he was yet to learn was called Bash-charshia.

The drunken Turks at the table next to his were rolling in laughter. The traveler could hardly make out that they were talking about the Sultan preparing to attack Vienna again, and, this time, raze it to the ground. His intent eavesdropping was interrupted by the inn-keeper, who offhandedly put the food on his table. - May I ask you something, Effendi - the traveler asked the inn-keeper, who had already left for another table. - Go ahead, sir replied the man, whose knowing eye had already seen through the guests modest clothing and recognized a traveler of ample means. - Do you have a room adjacent to yours, for me? I'd like to stay in Sarajevo for a couple of days.... - If you are asking for a room next to mine because youre afraid of being robbed, then you should fear not! This inn is under the Sultan's protection and each guest is taken special care of. - Not at all... it's not because I'm afraid of people. Nobody could profit from me in any way, because I'm a herbalist, a doctor... hekim he finally remembered a Turkish word for his skill. - So, whats bothering you, then? - The holy illness is my scourge. When it befalls me, it would be good if someone could put a cross into my hand... - In the name of Allah... not the cross! whispered the horrified inn-keeper. - It could be a large iron key, then. - The key is all right... but, tell me, what is the holy illness? - Folks are calling it the falling sickness. - Even the falling sickness is from Allah, just as long as it's not contagious... - No, it's not... If it happens, just put the key into my hand, and the hand with the rest of me down on the floor, so that I do not fall and hurt myself... In the name of Allah, please do me this favor, will you? Allah will reward you, and this is from me said the traveler and put a golden coin in the palm of the inn-keeper's already outstretched hand. - I've got a room next to mine that is available. Last door down the hallway. I'm giving it to you as if you were my closest relative... You say youre a hekim? They are always needed here. You are paying in gold and there wasn't even a whisper about you coming. Whats your name, are you a Kafir? The herbalist turned his head towards the curious inn-keeper. They could feel each other's breath. Staring hypnotically into his eyes, the man spoke his name: - I'm Michael Nostradamus! For a few moments there was dead silence, as if the time had stood still, and then everything returned to the way it was before the inn-keeper asked the guest for his name. In a clean and tidy room without a single fly, Michael Nostradamus was sitting at a desk, writing and calculating numbers and words known only to him. Close to midnight, the Turks in the tavern downstairs had a serious fight. One of them took a knife out and stabbed the other. The clamor rose to a high pitch, only to die down again shortly afterwards. The inn-keeper ran into the Nostradamus' room and whispered to him: - You said you were a hekim. Come down and show us your skills, or that wounded fellow downstairs will meet Allah soon! Nostradamus calmly took his bag full of balms and herbs, and ordered the inn-keeper to prepare hot water and clean sheets. 4

That same night, the rumour about the strange physician who brought the wounded Turk back from the dead spread through the town. Nostradamus went back to his room visibly disturbed. Sensing that an epileptic seizure is imminent, he summoned the inn-keeper, and quickly prepared for the unavoidable. As instructed, the inn-keeper pushed a key into his hand. Nostradamus's face was wincing, twisted by spasms, his eyes were wide open one moment, and shut tight the other. He was raving, thrashing his body on the floor, wringing and trembling. The inn-keeper thought that his soul was wrestling with Shaitan itself. All of a sudden, his body relaxed and calmed down. The man was lying on the floor covered in sweat. He opened his eyes. - Are you alive, Kafir? asked the Turk. - Yes, I am, it's over now... I saw a lot of things. - What could you have seen when your eyes were closed? The man was still breathing heavily. Again he looked the inn-keeper straight into his eyes, with the same hypnotic gaze he had when he told him his name. - I saw the future! Being drawn himself into the strange life of his guest, the inn-keeper drew his ear closer to the healer's mouth and asked in fright: - What is it like? Nostradamus closed his eyes again and spoke as if he was reading aloud: - Europe will become Islamic, but you are not going to live to see that... I'm not going to tell you anything more... - Allah is praised! The inn-keeper exclaimed and went merrily into the tavern to declare the prophecy. Left alone, Michael Nostradamus slowly got up and sat at his desk to write down what he had just told the inn-keeper, but in cryptic form, that is, in metaphors, so that it could be understood by initiates only: - The Easterner will leave his seat, to pass the Apennine Mountains to see Gaul... And everyone will be struck with his rod. (Century II/29) - France, let what I say be remembered! (Century III/24) - Because of French discord and negligence, an opening shall be given to the Mohammedans! (Century I/18)

- The Ishmaelites will find open places! (Century X/31) - In the Danube and of the Rhine will come to drink, the great Camel. (Century V/68) Nostradamus stood up and stopped writing for a moment. He was sweating profusely. He knew that he saw the future again. He wrote everything down... The inn-keeper barged into his room again. - A messenger was just dispatched to Istanbul, to inform the Sultan that Europe will be Islamic! - He blurted out in one breath. - He went too early, my fellow! - I'll be damned if I lie to the Sultan! The Turk replied sadly. - Damnation is upon me, for the Sultan will get to know the truth too early, and my people too late!!! - What does that mean? - Thats my curse!

An Encounter at the Tehran market Tehran... I missed this city, the man thought, standing there as if he were lost. He allowed himself a moment of distraction, closed his eyes and tried to imbibe the uniqueness of this unusual place. The distinct heavy smell of lamb kebab filled his nostrils. He could hear mellow Oriental music in the distance, and he loosened up so that he could feel a flow of air left in the wake of hurried passers-by. This is a feeling of the times past - the man resumed his train of thought and grinned. That exalted expression on his face with his eyes closed made him look quite odd. In the olden days, people would stare at him, tease him or laugh straight in his face on account of his harmless game. The man stood stock-still, deep in thought and reminiscence which, amidst the wealth of smells and sounds, imposed itself on him as the reality proper. He was six when his father, a military consul at the German embassy, first took him to this city. With great interest and excitement, he was looking down through the round airplane window at the strange sights. He remembered his father was laughing when he said that the objects on the ground looked like rows of 6

garages for his toy cars and that people walking down the streets looked very much like ants. That's a market in the south part of Tehran, his father explained. Trade is a sort of skill passed down from one generation to another; its a game in which both parties take delight, the buyer and the seller, alike. In the following years, the boy was growing up, studied Persian and had the best of times at Tehran Bazaar, which he now remembered as a place filled with laughter, music, joy and as the only place in the world where he could find absolutely everything he wanted to buy. That's a market in the south part of Tehran - he repeated automatically his father's words, uttered a long time ago, and opened his eyes: But this is no longer the same Bazaar - was his next thought, which sobered him up and made him frown. His garages, untouched for half a century, were dilapidated, gray, with ragged forefronts... In them, dusty goods, piled up without order or care, resembled more a decrepit warehouse than the store that was supposed to attract someone's attention. They themselves decrepit, pallid and tattered, the merchants bore resemblance to their ramshackle stores. Their gaze was vague, their eyes were vacant and their movements sluggish and heavy. Complete absence of basic mercantile spirit or interest... Khomeini! - The man spoke to himself, the name which represented the response to that bleak picture of Tehran market. The Tehran market is, in fact, a metaphor for an entire society, an ideology and a system in which basic human liberties are prohibited: music, laughter, freedom of movement and speech are all banned, and any thought beyond the Koran and beyond Khomeini is prohibited and punishable. A picture of a system that had people reduced to sycophants, shallow minds, automatons, making them feel that everyone is an enemy, and that, therefore, everyone is to spy on and evaluate everyone else. Deeply hidden thoughts remain hidden for life, because, once they are spoken, they become an indictment leading to death. The only thing you can see in their eyes is dullness! You cannot discern anything from their empty gaze. They have developed this vacuity as a defense mechanism - the man concluded his reflection on his defeating experience of a new city, so different from the one he remembered from his childhood. So much learning, public and secret files and dossiers, so much knowledge, and nobody could tell me that these people walk around with their hollow eyes and speak words that mean nothing After years of studying and training for a Secret Service agent, here he was again in Tehran, in the market, on his new assignment. Stirred from his reminiscing, disappointed by the circumstances for which he wasn't prepared, the European took a deep breath, returned to the world of reality and began to execute his simple task immaculately. He went to a grocery shop, and was indifferently putting things in the basket. 7

- How much is this? - He asked a potato seller, who gave him the price in tomans*. At least that didn't change - thought the buyer and laughed at this odd need of Iranian merchants to declare the price of their goods in the smallest denominations of the Iranian currency. Looking up from the stand full of vegetables, the European got lost in a crowd of people and physiognomies in a seemingly endless flow though the main passage of the Tehran market. As he walked through that crowd, he sensed someone's intense gaze at the back of his head. He turned promptly and witnessed a somewhat surreal appearance of a woman wearing a black burka, as she stood, watching him with her wide blue eyes. However, the flowing stream of pedestrians does not forgive those who stand still. Forced to move, the man began to walk backwards, but the woman turned around and disappeared in the crowd. The man couldnt fail to notice her intense look, so different from those fathomless blank stares wherever he turned. Although he didn't feel that pressure on the back of his head any longer, the man often turned and tried to find the mysterious woman. He walked along the main passage for some time, and then, finally deciding that both the look and the girl were a matter of coincidence or phantasy, he turned into a side street. The European then went into a quite clean butcher shop. Just when he was about to place an order, an Iranian appeared at the door and stood behind him. The butcher, quite old and uncommonly thin for a man of his trade, turned around, and pretending that he had not seen the German guy, smiled kindly to the man of his nation and creed and served him first. When that customer walked out, greeted with the merchant's smiles and thanks, the European, not at all angry at the butcher for being neglected, simply ordered six chickens in perfect Farsi. While the butcher bent to reach for the goods under the counter, the customer looked out through the shopwindow. He was quite taken aback when, in a woman across the street, he recognized those blue eyes watching him fixedly. He knew that he was not to make any sudden move, run towards her or try to meet her. His task was to safely procure all of the six chickens. Nevertheless, the young man carefully reached under his oversized vest and felt with his fingers a small, well hidden gun. - As you have ordered by phone, sir! - was a butcher's utterance that gave the young man a start. He looked away from the girl and back at the merchant. He wasn't surprised at what the merchant said, although he had made no telephone order at all. It was all part of a spy game, which was designed to misguide the Iranian secret police. Namely, one of the six chickens contained a microfilm of a report that came from the very VEVAK, the most secret of all Asian Intelligence services, which was founded on a global ambition: the export of the Islamic Revolution!
* The o

fficial currency in Iran is rial. The toman is an old term, however it is still used on a daily basis in Iran and it refers to the amount of ten rials.

Aware of the importance of his order, the young man took his precious purchase six chickens for grill. He paid and went towards the exit. The girl with mysterious eyes was nowhere to be found... He decided not to put the groceries, and especially the bag full of chickens, in a huge trunk of a VW van, but to keep it next to himself, on the passenger's seat, in order to hold it in front of his eyes all the time. After all, he still had to work his way through the crowd of Tehran market day, which could take a long time. The vans tinted windows and black exterior served him as a mirror: looking around like a tracking dog, he checked whether the air was clear. Then, he entered the van without letting go of the bag. Only after he locked the doors, he put the bag down on the seat next to him, and started the engine... Having sharpened senses and being on the alert, the driver suddenly froze as he felt the presence of another man in the vehicle. He looked in a mirror hidden between the seats, where the inside of a large trunk could have been seen. The mirror revealed an empty and dark space of the trunk. Still, the sight did not calm him down. There was surely somebody hiding behind his seat, which couldnt be reflected in the mirror. With the agility of a seasoned warrior, he pulled the gun and while making a swift turn, cocked and pointed it into the darkness behind. The barrel of the gun landed flat between someone's eyebrows, above which gleamed a high forehead and red hair. The rest of the face and body was hidden behind the seat. As if emerging from the water, the big blue eyes appeared from behind the seat, wide open and scared, followed by the nose and lips that finally whispered in fluent English: - It wouldn't be wise to shoot me. True, nothing can be seen, but the shot would certainly be heard. The suggestiveness of her words, and especially her eyes, forced the man to lock the gun and put his hands down. - For goodness sake, drive me to the embassy, I am not safe yet the young woman all but ordered him. Thinking on his feet as only well versed spies do, the man considered all the possibilities that could have brought this woman in connection with him. He feared the most that it was a provocation by VEVAK, the Iranian secret police, but he knew that he couldnt put this mission in jeopardy by acting on his own initiative. "Damn it, how can one routine job get so complicated thought the driver as he joined the traffic, which was a picture of chaos in Tehran on Mondays, where all rules applied, except for the rules of driving. Appeased by the drive itself, but almost guessing what was going on in the man's head, the woman said:

- Please do not stop before you reach your embassy. I am a Christian who is being pursued by the Muslims! - Come on, please, we are not in a pre-Christian Rome! No one will throw you to the lions! - Sir, here its far worse than that... They kill whenever they get a chance! - I don't believe that! Every day I pass by the Coptic Christian church, and its full of worshippers who are not being harassed. - Yes, nobody harasses them in the church, but its different when they are on their own... Anyhow, its not true that you pass by the Coptic Church every day... I see you for the first time the girl added quietly. - You did not pay attention. True, I swap with my colleagues, but... - No 'but'! - The girl interrupted him quietly. You have your ways: the same man comes every Monday to the same butcher for the embassy's supplies. I've been following him for months and its always the same procedure: first, he goes for a short walk around the Bazaar, buys some vegetables, and finally he goes to the butchers. I can see all that looking out of the window. And just today, when I decided to run away from everything, you replaced this familiar man for the first time! If you hadnt been so blond, freckled and well-dressed, I would have had a hard time putting the pieces together. This way, you stood out from the crowd to such an extent that it was more than obvious that you were a German, so there was absolutely no room for error... - You developed your argument very well, miss... - Sarah. - Sarah? So, you are not Iranian? - I am, but I come from the north. My ancestors are European, but I do not know my origin. My grandfather told me we had Greek and German blood in our veins... In what way, I do not know. Drive! Why did you stop? - I have to stop at a traffic light. The spy in him reared his head, so he surprised the girl with a question: - So, what's the problem? What business is it of yours to carry out a surprise attack on an embassy officer? - To save my life! Of course, if you are a true Christian! - answered the girl with a terrified look on her face. - You are brave, indeed!


- My head is on the block, even so. This venture gives me hope that I will survive in the end. Almost naively, with a touch of a boyish curiosity in his voice, he asked her: - I was thinking but I cant seem to figure out how you entered the van... I mean, it was locked... - A woman's hairpin works wonders she replied, showing him the hairpin skillfully bent into the shape of the lock. - Who taught you that? - Hardship did, Mein Herr! - And what about the car alarm? - Youre really curious, arent you! Ive told you that I was preparing for this incursion into the embassy's van. Every Monday over the last month, I waited for you to park your car and leave, and then I would stick the hairpin into the lock until the alarm went off. At that moment, I would flee into the crowd... So, each time, the hairpin looked more and more like a key, and today it worked! The drivers brow furrowed as if the sun hit his face. The story about the alarm going off regularly for the last four weeks was true. After all, that was the very reason why he had replaced the long-standing agent-supplier. "We are doomed, our spy game couldnt fool even a woman, let alone those sly Iranian secret agents" thought the driver. He turned around and saw very beautiful, redhead girl whose eyes and smile were more beseeching than thankful. - My stowaway has beautiful eyes - the driver smiled, making the girl look down in embarrassment. He decided to ask her nothing more, because he realized that she was very intelligent. "Its much more likely that shell see through me than the other way around" the driver thought to himself. After about three quarters of an hour, he drove the car into the courtyard of the German embassy. A large iron gate closed behind them ever so lightly, blocking the view of the vehicle from the outside. Wondering what to do with the stowaway, the driver decided to carry on with his role of a supplier and, feigning naivety, to take the girl to the modest waiting room, where she would be treated as any citizen of Iran who seeks the services of his embassy. - Please, follow me! - He said to the young woman, who was curled up in the 11

back of the van, frightened. - For goodness sake, now youre on German piece of land in the midst of Tehran! Youre in the embassy; don't be afraid the driver said soothingly while offering her his hand. Stepping out of the car nervously, the girl first inspected her surroundings. Like an actor who takes off his mask after the performance, she took off her scarf and shook her long, red hair. The driver found himself looking at her uncovered head for the first time, and he was a bit startled by such beauty. - Follow me, Sarah! - He said, carrying a bag full of chickens, and then he casually addressed a young man standing nearby: - Take care of the groceries! With his eyes he invited the girl to follow him. She looked left and right and then fixed her eyes on the tightly closed black Iron Gate, which shut her off from the life she had left behind. Behind the high front gate of the embassy, supported by Corinthian columns, Sarah felt like standing in front of a temple. She raised her eyes to the sky and her gaze slowly descended over the clouds, ornate facade and the doors of the embassy, all the way to the threshold. Staring at the threshold, Sarah bent her head even more, crossed herself, closed her eyes and, with her right foot, stepped lightly into the embassy, trying not to touch the threshold. The young man watched closely her almost ritual entrance into the building. He was a bit analytical and mistrustful, as any good spy would be, but also quite fascinated and amazed by her, as a man. The girl walked into the modest waiting room and took a seat. The driver smiled kindly and said: - Please, be patient. Someone will be with you shortly and then disappeared behind a gray door. The bag with chickens was not put into the refrigerator, but brought into the cabinet of Herr Sepp, who was a First Secretary of the embassy. The bag in hand, the driver waited until Sepp appeared, and he said to him: - Your favorite chickens have arrived! However, we have an extra chick that is not in this bag... I mean, its too big to fit in. Sepp got truly scared. - Meyer, what are you talking about? Realizing that his joke failed, Meyer sobered up and continued without mincing his words: - A beautiful girl jumped into my van, she says shes of Christian faith and that 12

she is being pursued by the people from VEVAK! Sepp heaved a sigh of relief. - Okay! Inform the Ambassador Horst Behmann about this... - I think this girl would be far more interesting to you, Herr Sepp... I mean, shes gorgeous! Sepp finally looked back at Meyer, grinned and, after a moments thought, replied: - Then you go ahead and attend to her until I come back... and check her up! Understood? - Of course! The chauffeur stepped out of the vehicle. Herr Sepp and he belonged to the same organization. Meyer was neither the driver, nor the supplier, but the BND* secret agent, and likewise, Herr Sepp wasn't just a First Secretary, but a resident of one small but tightly organized Intelligence network. In a way known only to him, Sepp immediately recognized the chicken containing the micro-film with a message by an agent who went by a code name Rooster. He got his nickname because he was the first one from VEVAK whom they've gotten to sing. The First Secretary was proud of this agent and paid him generously... He put the micro-film in his pocket and went to meet the girl. - Send someone to my cabinet! Ask them to clear up the mess on my desk. Already at the door, Sepp once again reached for the intercom: clear? - Another thing, dont let anybody into the waiting room or my cabinet! Is that

Before he appeared before his guest, Sepp went into the room where the monitors were installed in order to take a good look at her. At that moment, the girl took a burned match out of an ashtray, and used it as eyeliner, checking her reflection in a glass frame of a picture on the wall. Sepp smiled and waited for her to finish her make-up. Still wearing a smile on his face, he came through the door. The girl froze up. His white teeth and a stunning tall figure seemed unreal to her, as if shed seen a knight on a white horse. - Guten Tag! - His voice brought her back to present. - Good morning! - The girl said and stood up out of respect, or to put it better,

Federal Intelligence Service, BND is the foreign intelligence agency of the German government, under the control of the Chancellor's Office.


in awe. - Who are you and what does it all mean your mysterious intrusion into our van? - Sepp asked in an official tone that was at odds with his 'unofficial' smile. This contrast bewildered Sarah. However, her reply was not as confused as her thoughts were. - I was trying to save my life! The girl replied in English. - From whom, young lady? - The German went on in English. - From the Muslims! - Why? For the excited young woman, confused by the situation in which she found herself, and even more by this striking man who was swallowing her up with his eyes, that speedy questioning was unbearable. Therefore, she asked abruptly: - May I take a seat? - Of course! Haven't you been offered something? - I'm expecting a coffee to be brought, the chauffeur was here, and he offered me a drink... At that moment, the chauffeur appeared, carrying two plastic cups of coffee. - Meyer, thanks for the coffee! - Sepp smiled benignly. The girl sighed deeply. She smiled as well, but there was sadness in her eyes. - How can I help you? - I am a proselyte! - Youre - what?! - exclaimed Sepp in confusion. - Ive changed my faith... I was a Muslim and then I converted to Christianity, the faith of my ancestors... - Well, thats your personal right! - Unfortunately, its not so here! After the Islamic Revolution back in 1979, a law based on Sharia was adopted, according to which a death penalty was imposed on those who abandon Islam! The authorities have executed five of my brothers by hanging... They were guilty of one thing only of conversion to Christianity. But we are not the only ones who are oppressed. The Armenian bishop Haik Hovsepian, who raised his voice against the persecution of Christian minorities, had been found dead in a street. Soon after, the same fate had befallen Tatheos Michaelian, also a member of Armenian people. 14

- Youre not Armenian yourself, are you? - No, Im Iranian, but of European origin... Thats the reason why I have returned to the faith of my forefathers ... All non-Muslims are in jeopardy here ... My uncle, Mehdi Dibaj, had been an atheist for some time, and several years afterwards he embraced Christianity. Due to that fact, as well as because of critical remarks aimed at the Prophet Muhammad and Imam Khomeini, he ended up in prison. He was released owing to the pressure exerted by the International community. However, two weeks later he disappeared and was later found dead. - We didnt deal with that. Iran formally honors the rights of Christian minorities. Two of its adherents have even entered the national parliament. - Its only pretence! - Sarah said and, for the first time, gave Sepp a piercing look. The man averted his eyes towards a cup full of coffee, took a sip and responded: - So, you want to escape from Iran because your human rights are violated, such as practicing your faith... The girl nodded affirmatively. Embarrassing silence ensued. Finally, gazing at her hands folded in her lap, Sarah muttered quietly, - I know you will not help me if I don't deserve it in some way... Sepp was honestly surprised and baffled by her words. - No! Why do you think so? We could forward your application to the Commission for Human rights and... The mention of official institutions and regular procedures signified defeat for Sarah. The defeat meant death. As she had nothing to lose, she resorted to the allor- nothing strategy: - Herr Whats-your-name, Im a smart girl, I know theres no such thing as a free lunch in the West, much less something like this... Id like to offer you something. Puzzled by this transformation from a helpless girl to a business woman, Sepp responded accordingly, assuming an extremely official demeanor. - What do you have in mind? - I have a distant cousin, who is in the Hezbollah. VEVAK and Ali Fallahian* do not even know he is related to me. If you help him move to Europe, hes ready to reveal the plans of this terrorist organization. Sepp slammed his fist on the table.

Minister of Intelligence of Islamic Republic of Iran (or VEVAK).


- Youre an agent provocateur! Sarah looked at the fresh coffee stains and replied calmly: - I knew youd think so. This is why I brought a proof, as well. Here's the letter... If you submit it to VEVAK, my destiny, along with my cousin's, will be sealed. Mister... - Sepp! - Mr. Sepp, my destiny lies in your hands. Its your call... They were looking at each other searchingly for some time. The paper was suspended in the air awaiting the man's hand... Silence... Sepp gingerly took hold of the proffered letter, without taking his eyes away from Sarah. He gradually lowered his glance towards the paper in his hands. It contained her cousins name, surname, phone and address, written in English on a typewriter. - Who is he? - A veteran who doesn't see the meaning of fighting any more! He is still a devout Muslim, but he abhors terrorism, innocent victims... You know, he was one of those who planted bombs in Sarajevo, for which Serbs would later carry the blame... Sepp crumpled the paper in his hand and started wiping the coffee stains from the table with it. - Hmm... Ive heard that story before! What do you suggest we do first? asked Sepp putting the paper in an ashtray. - I could go back into the city in your van, and, in the meantime, you are to consult with your superiors and reach a decision. It would be better if you didnt contact my relative by phone, but directly through me. Sepp took a match out of his pocket and lit the paper, but he kept the burned match in his hand and started playing with it. - How? He inquired. - Im a painter; I often hold exhibitions in the street of Ayatollah Beheshti. Buy the painting Ill be offering you. Its a panoramic view of Tehran. I'm there on Saturdays. In the painting you will see our meeting place, and in the corner of the painting there will be a date when the painting was made, which is also the date when you are supposed to be at the meeting place, only this year... - The painting dates from the previous year?


- Yes! - I'll think about it, my fair lady. But woe to you if you try any foul play! Sepp looked at her one more time and handed the burned match to her: - Here, fix your makeup! - He said leaving the room. The girl opened her mouth, utterly baffled. - Mr. Sepp, my name is... - Sarah, isn't it? The door closed behind him. 4. Deep Throat from the Iranian Secret Service: Mortez Yahawi When he came back to his office, the resident of BND switched on a device that turned the microchip from his pocket, which had come to him inserted under the chicken skin, into a report of the agent called Rooster. Sepp knew that the person behind the code name Rooster was Mortez Yahawi, colonel of VEVAK The Iranian intelligence service, who worked in the planning department. A few years ago, Sepps predecessor recruited this agent for money! Mortez Yahawi had a weak spot, and the German was well aware of it he was afraid of changes in Iranian policy, which could eventually lead to his marginalization and return to poverty. To his mind, monthly payment of 10.000 German Marks by BND was a fair remuneration for the risk he had taken. Sepp started to read the report on a secret laboratory which was producing deathly viruses transmitted by swine; VEVAK was planning to spread that virus all over Europe! The secret laboratory for the production of viruses was situated in a cave in the mountain Elbrus, whose slopes could be seen from Tehran. Rooster provided Sepp with exact data about the position of the cave and the leader of the notorious scientific team, Dr. Seyfullah Haghighiyan. Leaving the embassy building, which was heavily guarded, in order to start observing the laboratory bringing death to Christians all over the world, entails taking a lot of risk. Sepp got into the van and told his driver, who was his associate, to drive towards the ever crowded Bazaar. His plan was to sneak out of the van and merge with the crowd, wearing an ordinary suit, tieless, with a bogus beard and moustache matching his black wig, and finally to go into some stores. And that is exactly what he did. Sepp remained alone in the crowded Bazaar. The clamor and scents of the Orient had always aroused him. He decided to enter a musical instrument store, to buy a middle-sized boom box. The salesman and owner of the store talked to him in Persian, not noticing that Sepp was a stranger. However, his blue eyes could have given him away. When the salesman looked him in the eyes, Sepp realized that he had forgotten to put the colored contact lenses, which would have perfected the disguise. But, the salesman 17

did not seem to mind it at all. With a sigh of relief, Sepp bought the boom box, batteries, and some tapes with Muslim music that was not banned. Thus disguised, boom-box in hands, Sepp worked his way further through the crowd, taking good care that his false documents, which he kept in his wallet, didnt get stolen. He was going downhill in the direction of the southern part of the city; wearing dusty shoes with white rubber soles and with a boom-box in his hand, made Sepp look ridiculous. Suddenly, he crossed the street and got into an old extended American Chevy that worked on a taxi line, and rode uphill, headed for the northern part of the city. Sepp murmured something as a way of greeting gave the money to the taxi-driver and turned off the boom-box. Another five passengers in the car were talking about some political issue, mentioning The Great Satan. Sepp looked out of the window to check if he was being followed. After ten minutes ride, he went out of the car near the Tehran Tower Hotel. He went straight into a yard, where an old Hillman Hunter (locally produced car known as Paykan - the Archer) had been parked. It was a beige-colored car, slightly damaged on the left side, but in good working order. Sepp took off the car cover, turned on the engine and let it run for a while. Then, he went to a small apartment on the ground floor and unlocked the door. Everything was clean. He put his boom-box on a cupboard and lifted the carpet. The invisible lid on the floor creaked slightly when Sepp lifted it using his pocket-knife. It revealed a narrow corridor that lead to the secret quarters of BND, which were fully equipped. He took a small worn-out Samsonite suitcase, entered a code in the locker and checked the content. Everything was just as he had left it. Sepp threw the suitcase on the back seat and started the car. No one was paying attention to him and the car disappeared in the crowd. At the edge of the town, Sepp saw a police control. They waved to him, signaling that he was allowed to pass. The road to Elbrus was good, and Paykan was a little bit too noisy, but it was going well. Sepp parked his car on a clearing, and he went out into the sun, seemingly to stretch himself, but actually to get his bearings. He estimated that the secret way to the laboratory was about three or four miles further down the road. So, he decided to continue on foot. He pierced a hole in one tire with a knife, and hid the spare wheel behind a bush in the forest. That way it would seem convincing that the car had been left alone by the road. Finally, he took the suitcase with two elastic belts from the car and put it on his back like a backpack. It was two oclock in the afternoon. Even though it was springtime, the sun was quite warm. With the help of a compass and a map, Sepp accurately located the laboratory and went silently through the forest; he was grateful for the commando training he had gone through long ago in the British SAS. After about two miles, Sepp stopped. He assumed that there were sniper guards at the perimeter of the laboratory, about two miles in diameter. So, he crept into a thick thorny bush and lay there hiding until the sun went down. Hours went slowly by. Finally, it got dark.... Sepp silently crept out of his hiding place and went towards his target. After about a hundred yards, he caught a glimpse of a lit cigarette somewhere ahead of him. It took him about one hour to go round and avoid that hurdle. When he was close to the target, he decided to put special night vision goggles on. He knew that the closer you get to the target, the more frequent the guarding posts become. 18

Finally, he could discern the contours of the lab in the dark. Sepp took out the map to check if the coordinates he had received from Rooster were correct. Everything matched. The laboratory was a spherical building of about 300 square feet, made of reinforced concrete and partly built into the ground. A strange smell that was coming from it made Sepp feel sick. With his special goggles he could see through the walls the contours of the warmth of human bodies in motion. The idea to blow up this bunker-laboratory crossed his mind, but he dismissed it because the risk was too high. Sepp decided to wait and observe. Once again he remembered the report on this laboratory, which aroused suspicion, as well as anxiety. What if Rooster was a double agent whose task was to lead Sepp into the trap of VEVAK?! The night became cold. Sepp got close to the outskirts of the forest that surrounded the lab. There was gravel all around it. Due to his IR goggles, Sepp saw the guards at each end. They were wearing bandanas with inscription Allah is great, but they didnt have IR goggles. Sepp thanked Allah for that! He waited for the next two hours. Suddenly, the entrance door of the lab opened. Sepp recognized the leading scientist. It was a short man wearing a dark suit. When he lit the cigarette, Sepp was absolutely certain it was Dr. Seyfullah Haghighiyan himself. He had learned about the secret science of poisoning in the hidden laboratories of KGB behind the Ural mountain, where he had spent four years of specialization. The scientist went out accompanied by a man dressed in a beige silky Sergio Tacchini sweat suit. They were talking in Russian. Luckily, Sepp knew very well the language of the people who had held a part of his country under occupation since the World War Two. The conversation between the two men was a kind of a resume: - Then, its a deal, major Vladimir Volkovich! You gave us the control group, and our job is to spread it all over Europe... - Yes, but in absolute discretion. If something leaks out, we have nothing to do with it Shift the blame on the Iraqis; they have also received a similar virus from us, only from the previous generation, in order to provide you with a cover. There is a lab similar to yours in Kurdish Mountains near Turkey. At our prompt the Turks would find it and blame Saddam. However, Saddam knows that the lab is equipped by the Americans, so he would accuse CIA for a provocation. - So, you thought about everything - As usual, comrade Seyfullah. - What is your estimation of the number of NATO soldiers that could be eliminated by this virus? - About 100.000 over the next ten years. I guess the Americans will conserve a large part of pork meat, and cans last for a long period! It takes time. - Yes, but how shall we infect the meat? - Your workers will inject the virus in the English boars all over British farms. - Very well, Major! Lets go inside, its getting cold said the Iranian scientist and flung the cigarette butt into the woods. Sepp stoically kept lying on the ground until they entered the lab. Only then did he remove the still lit cigarette that fell right onto him. - What an idiot, he could have caused a fire! - thought Sepp, as he was retreating slowly into the thick of the forest. When he reached his car, he checked through his IR goggles that there were no 19

people hidden in ambush, changed the wheel and turned his car towards Tehran. While he was driving he made a complete plan for destroying the laboratory and Dr. Seyfullah. It was morning. Sepp decided to stay in his small apartment near the Tehran Tower Hotel; he didnt want to draw attention to himself, and it was too early in the morning to go home or to the embassy without being noticed. He resolved to finally meet the spy from the ranks of the Iranian secret police, colonel Mortez Yahawi, code name the Rooster. He had cooperated with him since about one year, but he had not met him yet. At seven in the morning, Sepp went out and joined the typical Tehran morning crowd. He was dressed like an Iranian, with false beard and moustache and, yes this time he didnt forget to put his brown contact lenses. Drops of spring rain started to fall. His rubber-soled shoes served him well and his feet remained dry. He went to a half-empty shopping mall, tried on a suit in a dressing room on the first floor, and ran out unnoticed. He went uphill, suddenly crossed the street, and took a taxi for the opposite direction, for the southern part of Tehran. At the Bazaar he changed the taxi. He took the West line, but after a few miles he went out, took a street that led him to an avenue, where he took yet another taxi, this time to Behesht Zahra, the largest cemetery in Tehran. The cemetery was full of tombs with boards and photographs of bearded young men who died in what the Iranians called the Imposed War, the war with Iraq. Sepp was looking for one particular tomb. When he found it, he humbly kneeled down, feigning grief. At the same time, he was checking if somebody was watching him. Nobody was paying any attention to him whatsoever. Sepp shoved a small piece of paper in the frame of the picture of the deceased. It was a coded message, written in numbers. Colonel Mortez had a key to the code. The message was simple: Meeting in seven days at the Sheraton Hotel, in the hall, at 7 PM, Istanbul. After he had left the message, Sepp went downtown. He went to a phone-booth and dialed a number. When he heard a female voice, he said: Your cousin Muhammad had a small accident and he wont visit you before tomorrow. The voice belonged to Colonel Mortezs mother, who forwarded this message to her son. The officer understood the hidden meaning his task was to go to the cemetery and collect the message from the frame of his cousins picture. Captions: Karate training for young women in Iran A report of the American Intelligence Service from Tehran, marked as TOP SECRET Meeting in Istanbul Istanbul, early evening. The day Sepp had a meeting with the Iranian spy. The German with red moustache, dressed like an Englishman, was sipping Chivas Regal with seltzer in a large hotel lobby. The Iranian arrived five minutes before seven in the evening. He looked around the lobby, trying to guess who of the people present was the man for whose secret service he had been working for a few years, but had never met before. He finally sat in a deep armchair and waved to the waiter. 20

- A coffee, Turkish delight, and mineral water, please. Sepp watched him from a distance of ten feet. The Iranian colonel of VEVAK seemed to be cold-blooded. He had a black beard, as his ideology rather than his religious customs required, a buttoned up white shirt, without a tie, and a grey suit jacket. He took his tobacco satchel and started to roll a cigarette. His fingers were long and tender like that of a piano player. From his inside pocket he took the Hurriyet newspaper and began to read. He knew the Turkish language. When his coffee was on the table, Mortez took a match and lit the cigarette. Sepp came in a flash, asking to light his cigarette, too. While he was at it, Sepp whispered to him the number of the hotel room where they would be able to talk at ease. Mortez gave him an affirmative look and continued to read the newspapers and enjoy his coffee. Sepp immediately left the lobby. He entered a shop, bought a bottle of Chivas Regal and went inconspicuously up to the room in which he was awaiting the Iranians arrival. About ten minutes later, the door of the room opened; the German intelligence officer and Iranian spy looked each other straight in the eyes. - Guten Abend said the Iranian. - Good evening replied the German in English. - We meet at last, after Aunty Hertas death said the Iranian. - Yes, and after Uncle John Wander roughs demise. Sepp and Mortez laughed together, as these sentences were their identification code. - In two years, I havent had any personal contact with your Service; only the exchange of information for money, which, by the way, wasnt going bad at all... Youve been following the procedure, so I felt at ease. - Yes, thats typical of Germans in general. But, please, have a seat; Ive got the whiskey you like the most - Chivas? - Yes. - Damn, how do you know that? - And some pistachio added Sepp. - Ha, ha, youre brilliant! - So, lets make a toast said Sepp, pouring the whiskey in two crystal glasses and putting two ice cubes in each. - Cheers! For the benefit of Iran and Germany said Sepp, making sure not to make Mortez feel like a traitor, but rather like a patriot who doesnt support the policy of his government. - For peace among all men expressed Mortez his humbler wish. - Shall we go straight to the point? - Sure, the time has come. What would you like to know? - Lets go from general to more specific questions. For example, how many professionals and volunteers ready to help Jihad against the West are there in the world today? - The Iranian Service counts with at least twenty thousand active agents, spies and laborers, who are striving to help the terrorists before, during and after their actions. Among the Afghan veterans, Egyptian extremists, mujahedeen who move from one battlefield to another and all the other young people who follow the holy aim of defending Islam, there are about three thousand terrorists who are 21

ready to perform any action, even at the cost of their lives. As a matter of fact, they are prepared for anything; unfortunately, they are well organized and have ample financial resources. Their sponsors provide them with about one billion dollars per year! - Where is the terrorist training and indoctrination being conducted? - One of the ideological centers of Islamic terrorism is Tehran. The main pillar is the Iranian Intelligence Service together with the Security Service of Ayatollah Ali Fallahian, member of the Council of National Security, Inspector General of Armed forces and member of the Supreme Clerical Court, who follows the directives of the religious leader Khomeini, with approval of the President Rafsanjani. In the last decade alone, he has allegedly organized murders of more than 60 Iranian emigrants in 17 countries. Thus, the terrorists trained in Iran serve not only for jobs abroad, but also for international standoffs. - Yes, we know that noticed Sepp in a low voice. - The training of terrorists to be sent to Europe maybe even before the fall of Jerusalem is being performed in eleven camps right now, there are about 5,000 people in the training program, as well as 500 more of those who are being prepared to become suicide bombers. Camps were established at the command of the Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani, and they are run by the members of Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Intelligence Service. Of course, these camps are not open to the public, but I have visited them and I know that their trainees are from Libya, Algeria, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Bosnia, Albania, Yugoslavia, Macedonia and Bulgaria. - Where are the main bases in Europe? - The main bases of Muslim terrorists are in Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and the biggest one is in Sarajevo. The Iranian Embassy in Sarajevo employs more than 300 people. It is the headquarters of Islamic terrorism not only for the Balkans, but for a much wider region. However, their embassy in Zagreb is not far behind, either. Its boss, Mohammad Javad Asayesh, has now aimed his activities towards Austria, Switzerland, and Bavaria. Only, its odd that hes very close to the American ambassador Peter Galbraith. - Thats because they both supply Bosnian Muslims with weapons said Sepp. - No, that is too close a contact; I think that's part of the game only to be revealed in the future concluded the Iranian. - You think the conflict between Iran and America is a sham? asked Sepp in astonishment. - I think that, in the foreseeable future, Germany will be a greater opponent to the American world domination than Iran. - What are the Iranian plans? - To export Islam, with the aim of it becoming the only religion in the whole world. - Its a grand design, unrealistic, one might say - Youre wrong. We strive towards this great goal by taking small steps. Time is of no importance, and it is not to be measured on a human scale. We may reach that goal even in a thousand years. - What is the first step? - There are a few of them, but our route of entry is Europe. Bosnia is our headquarters. The Americans underestimate us, so theyre helping us without realizing it... 22

- Well, maybe they do realize it, as you suggested a few moments ago. - Maybe, but I have no proof of that. However, what I know is that were going to extend our base to Sandzak, Kosovo, Macedonia - What about Albania? - Well, Americans will overthrow the pro-German regime of Sali Berisha and theyll establish the pro-American one. Thats good for Iran, because that regime will be just pretence, as well; were aiming at the basis, the people. Americans wont solve the problem of Albanian poverty, which is the wick of revolution. - And after that? - In Western Europe, Islamic terrorism will soon spread all over the large immigrant communities; Bosnian revenge will become a wide national rebellion against Western governments. Then, finally, the inevitable expansion of the Islamic terrorism and violence throughout Western Europe will compel Britain and France to withdraw their forces to the Orient in order to preserve Western Europe from the escalation of militant Islam. - Does it mean that the new crusade is in sight? - Yes, but this time there is the American factor in the background. Interesting thing is that both Europeans and Muslims will consider America a friendly country concluded the Iranian. - How much does Iran contribute to different terrorist groups annually? - Hezbollah in Lebanon receives 50 million dollars, and the same amount is given to the fundamentalists in Sudan; the exponents in Algeria and Bosnia receive 20 million dollars each. - What can you tell me about one of the financiers, Osama bin Laden? - Im very skeptical about him. - Why? asked Sepp. - Because Ive got a feeling that he is a CIA agent, a provocateur. Caption: Saudi millionaire, Osama bin Laden - Thats an intriguing thought. But, what do you know about him? - Youve got his file? - Sure, but theres always room for improvement! - Well, Osama bin Laden is a Saudi millionaire; during the last few years, hes been hiding mostly in Sudan. By the way, his father is a magnate in the constructing business. Hes waiting yes, hes 45 years old. - Where is he now? - I really dont know, hes not one of my priorities. Probably somewhere between Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan. If I remember well, Saudi Government abolished his citizenship in 1994, when it had become quite clear that he had been supporting Islamic terrorists with his fathers money. About ten years ago, in 1985 I believe, Osama received 400 million dollars from his family, together with the advice to travel around the world, because at that time his inclination towards militant Islam had already begun to show. Osama first visited his friends and sympathizers all over the Gulf, very rich people, and they established the Islamic Salvation Foundation together. His Foundation made a network of recruiting centers and guest houses across Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan; up to the period of a few years ago; Osama was a frequent guest in Cairo, where he had an office in the city, in Dokki borough. Later on, bin Laden established training centers for terrorists in Sudan. He was traveling everywhere, from the Philippines to Kashmir and Bosnia, providing his brothers in faith with adept volunteers, weapons and ammunition. His aid often included large sums of money, 23

too. Osama bin Laden managed to persuade rich Arabs who live in Europe and USA to join his cause, and they also regularly give important financial contribution to his Foundation. - He attacks the Americans, as well. Or you think hes their man? - It might be a cover that enables him to attract the real attackers. Bin Laden proclaimed Jihad, the Holy War, against the American troops in the Gulf. The London daily newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi (English: Arab Jerusalem) printed Bin Ladens twelve pages long fax, in which he calls up his fellow worshippers to the Jihad against Americans. The fax had been sent from Afghanistan, and it had been signed by Osama bin Laden himself. It was not like that before. In 1979, at the time of war in Afghanistan, Osama struck a close friendship with American instructors, because they had one common goal to expel the Russians. That friendship had lasted until the Gulf war, when Fahd, a Saudi king, invited American soldiers into the Kingdom. His invitation made Osama very upset and angry, because he thought that Saudi people could, and should, defend themselves alone. - You think Osama has sided with CIA since his Afghanistan period? - Yes. Many of my colleagues do share my opinion, though. -And America paints such a satanic picture of Iran in order to turn it into its source of supplies, as it had done to the USSR before? - The satanic image of Iran was constructed using the same method that had been used for shaping the public opinion on USSR, Iraq and even Yugoslavia. Countries that are not obedient allies have to be coerced into it by blackmails and extortion. Here is an example. If Iran is such an evil patron of international terrorism so that civilized countries find any relationship with it immoral, then why the US allow them to get in such a business and with such an ease? Isnt it truth that the US displaced Germany last year, becoming the main trade partner with Iran? American export to Iran is 328 billion dollars now and the assortment of goods is quite extensive car parts, hair conditioners, food, medicines Companies such as Exxon, Moby Oil, and Texaco are especially interested in Iran. Last year, they earned 3.5 billion dollars on crude oil bought from Iran. How can Washington dare to reprove anyone for trading with the devil, after all this? said the agent of VEVAK to Sepp. - However, economical and military relations with Russia are improving, aren't they? Does it mean that Iran is a Russian ally against the US in the field of espionage? - For the West, its a critical dialogue replied Mortez laughing - as they would like to control, through Russia, the Islamic world movement, which is again, under our influence. - Can you define the relation of Iran to America? - Sure! America is a very useful opponent, useful for the elimination of many other opponents. Of course, Americans think that they are using us. You have to judge for yourself which ones are the more resourceful the Christians or Muslims. Well, on a second thought, they are not Christians, they are Pharisees. - Are you making preparations for a conflict with Americans notwithstanding? - Of course, we are cautious! - How has Iran come into the possession of Exocet missiles? asked Sepp in a low voice. - Through Charles Pasqua, the former French minister of internal affairs. He organized the export, over Algeria and Cyprus, to please the leaders in Tehran, who 24

were angry at Paris authorities because of the trial to the assassins of the last Prime Minister of Iran in the time of Shah, Shapour Bakhtiar. The only defendant in this trial who had official connections with the Government in Tehran was found not to be guilty. Weapons had been sent before the trial. The whole business was carried out by Pasquas close associate, JeanCharles Marchiani, who had dealt with such delicate matters for the current minister before. - Why did the French act in this way, if the master of the planet, Mr. Washington, was against it? - Pasqua persuaded the military leaders in Algeria to serve as intermediaries in buying and selling weapons. Missiles were transported to Cyprus by Algerian military airplanes, and from there, through secret channels, to Iran. These were MM40 missiles, which are predominantly used in navy battles, but they can be launched from the mainland, as well. - So, where is the catch? asked Sepp. - Well, the fundamentalists in Algeria are not supported by Iran, but by the CIA; maybe even BND. Iran approves of the islamization of Algeria, and even of Europe, but not under foreign jurisdiction. We do not want a fabricated Islam! That is why we have become indirect allies to the French, and vice versa. - Who is responsible for the escalation of terrorism? - First of all, regular and often excessive interference of the West in the business of the Islamic world is to be blamed for the expansion of Islamic fundamentalism. Most eligible targets are Iran, Libya, Iraq, Pakistan, and Syria. That kind of meddling provokes hate and encourages extremism. The fact that Israel had got unconditional support also fostered fundamentalist extremism. It had made them ever more spiteful and angry, until one day things went so far that some groups of extremists decided to move Jihad to the USA proper. They attacked the sky-scrapers and some other targets and now, even though they seem to be inactive, they are bound to launch another attack. My advice to the Western world is that they should distance themselves from the Islamic world. Every nation has to live within its own borders, within borders of their own state. Maybe one of Americas interests is to own all the oil in the world, but it has no right to do so. Someones stakes and someones rights are not the same thing. Economic interests and prerogatives are two utterly incompatible concepts. - Yes, yes said Sepp, so as not to indispose the Iranian, who had already downed two whiskies. - Now, Herr, may I ask you something if you dont mind my doing so? - No, not at all. - Why does the West keep on tripping itself in conflict with Muslim expansionist goals? - What do you mean? - You see started the Iranian, rolling his cigarette slowly you classify terrorism into allied and adverse types. - That is not true! We are against any kind of terrorism! - Come on, were not holding a press conference now! The US, Germany and Israel point their fingers on Iran, Iraq, Libya, but not on Algeria or Syria, where many Hamas activists hide, or Saudi Arabia, which is their financier. The accusation of Syria would jeopardize the peace talks between Tel Aviv and Damascus; and the Saudis are, to put it simply, American allies. - Please, continue 25

- The CIA protects, or perhaps even funds the fundamentalists in Algeria. - Why would they do such a thing? - Because the USA have for the most part financed the building of the naturalgas pipeline in that country, and it connects North Algeria with Spain, over Morocco and Gibraltar. That business weighs more than one billion and seven hundred million of German Marks. It would not benefit the USA to aggravate relations with the Islamists in a region where they invested their money. The result of such policy is obvious even during the worst anti-foreigners campaign in Algeria, not a single one of 400 Americans was attacked. - Their policy with Iran is different? asked Sepp ironically. - Yes. The US president, Bill Clinton, announced to the world that he was going to turn Iran into Cuba of the Middle East. Clinton signed a law that fastens American embargo against Libya and Iran due to their alleged support of terrorism. What made this event especially dramatic is its relevance to Europe namely, Washington had decided to sanction all foreign companies who continued trading with Iran and Libya, if their business in the field of oil and oil products was worth over 40 million dollars per year. Europe did not hesitate long before replying. The answer was no the business could not be made to suffer. In 1995, a French oil group Total took over the position of American Conoco in Iran, the company that had to freeze its activities because of the Washington veto. Total signed a contract worth 600 million dollars. However, there are hard times for France, too. For example, they joined the war against Iraq, which was one of their best clients and partners in the region. After the victory, France remained with empty pockets. The most important contracts, especially those concerning weapons trade, were signed by Americans. - Yes, thats true. What is the response of Iran to that global, or rather, American conspiracy? - Reinforcement of the country and strategic connection with Russia, and with China as well, but in a more covert way. Iran is reinforcing its navy and fire power at the Gulf; thereby enabling itself to launch a sudden military action and close the main artery through which the world receives one fifth of the current demand for oil supply. A civil airport has been built on the Iranian island Abu Musa, next to the mouth of the Gulf. It can be used for military purposes, as well. As for the navy, the Iranians have opted for fast assault ships, submarines and FAC-M missiles. We are building launching ramps for anti-aircraft missiles, the Hawk and SA6 type, and also were working on upgrading the operative performance of earth-toearth missiles, such as Silkworm, which are able to hit any target in the Gulf. Sepp was recording the whole conversation with a small tape-recorder while he was sipping his whiskey. The Iranian had opened up to him. In order to provoke him, Sepp butted in: - Maybe America has a hidden interest in the Iranian armament, since it makes the Arab nations from the Gulf more and more dependent on the US. -Yes, you have a point there. Even in this frame of events, America stands to gain. However, let me finish my thesis on the double game of the West towards terrorism. The US publicly criticize the Muslim fundamentalist movement Al-Gamas Al-Islamiyya, whereas the Egyptians know that the US is secretly keeping in touch with that group, counting with the possibility that it might gain a leadership role in Egypt. - There is some espionage logic to it. The US doesnt want to repeat their 26

mistake from 1979, when, owing to their unreserved support to Reza Pahlavi, they made a mortal enemy out of Ayatollah Khomeini and other Iranian Islamists who were to dethrone the Emperor of Emperors said Sepp. - My sources say otherwise replied colonel Mortez Yahawi. - What are you talking about? - At that time, Khomeini had support from certain people operating from the shadow, who were satisfied with the dethronement of Shah, as he failed to reduce the social tension in Iran. - So? - Shah wanted to raise the price of oil and, in that way, collect more money for his White Revolution. That would have brought on the collapse of the Western world. Thus, the tables have turned. Shah was dethroned, and Iran was pushed into the Revolution. We had been preoccupied with that for almost 10 years, instead of tackling economic issues... - Well, you did want an Islamic revolution - Yes, just like Russians wanted Lenin Leave these stories aside, colleague; you know very well how easy it is to manipulate the masses. - Lets go back to Iranian military power... - Sure replied Mortez readily. - Tell me more about it. - We invest about one billion dollars per year, which is only a half of the budget we had in the year 1992. Our top priority is the navy. We consider ourselves to be the leading naval force, and America - an intruder! With our Squad missiles we can hit the headquarters of the Fifth fleet in Bahrain. Besides, we have at our disposal a small amount of deep-water torpedoes, which can quickly reach targets on the surface; the use of this weapon can disrupt safe traffic in the Gulf. The Iranian military navy has also got three Russian nuclear submarines, but they are inadequately maintained and a further problem is that its batteries are designed for the Arctic waters. - Very well, Mortez. Now, tell me something about the laboratory and its projects. - Oh, the lab on the Elbrus? Its a Russian idea, and Iranian implementation - What do you suggest? - I can arrange a fatal car accident for the Russian team; you can take care of the leader of Iranian team, Seyfullah Haghighiyan - We dont know where he lives. - In North Tehran. His villa is protected by guards, but that problem can easily be handled. The doctor has a mistress and he visits her alone, every Friday at seven in the evening. Shes a widow of a colonel. Youll be provided with the address. He can be eliminated in that apartment, so as to pin the blame on the colonels family, who only wanted to protect their honor... But, what about the laboratory? Whats your suggestion? - A fire, from the inside. Caused by faulty electric installations - said Sepp. - Ill see to it confirmed the Iranian with a nod. - What is the cover for this excursion to Istanbul? - Ive brought my family for shopping; and my people in VEVAK think Ive got a meeting with one of my agents. - Well done, colleague! Well keep in touch. - Herr, I almost forgot to tell you. This June in Tehran there will be a meeting of all shahids who are kept under our control. 27

- You mean the terrorists? - You can put it that way, too. - Get in touch with me using the usual procedure. Exact date and place and, God permitting, a report too By the way, have you received our last payment? - Danke, Herr! The Holy Grail as a Challenge

In the spring, Tehran reaches the height of its beauty. The north part of the city, which abounded with gardens, was overwhelmed by the scent of linden tree flowers. In the heart of these beautiful gardens sat magnificent villas. If you asked someone from the poor southern part of town - who lived there - you would always get the same reply that had not changed in the last thousand years: in the north of Tehran lived the elite, which was very close to the top of the government, and that it was well known that power and gratification, or corruption, go hand in hand. But, then again, this does not apply only to Tehran, does it? This part of town is a place where a man extremely relevant to the background of our story lives nowadays. It is Ali Fallahian, the minister of propaganda and, in truth, the chief of the national secret police known as VEVAK. We found him in his study. He was poring over a heap of papers. Those were the reports from his powerful cartel of world agents. A small dog was playing under the desk and the man would give him a gentle rub with his foot now and then. The dog wiggled and wagged his tail happily about. The dog was happy because he was let into the warmth of the chiefs house. At the table, close at hand, lied a charged pistol CZ-99*, a gift from some Mujahidin from a battlefield in Bosnia. The night was almost over. Fallahian stood up and opened the green curtains on the windows. They were the same color as the desk lamp that shone on his papers. The top Iranian intelligence officer asked himself why he liked the green color so much. Was it only because it was the color of Islam? There was a quiet knock at the door. Fallahian approved his adjutant's entry. He was the son of his cousin, in whom he had great, but not unreserved, confidence. His experience had taught him that people were susceptible to corruption. - Speak, Mustafa! - The courier of the President of Iran has arrived. He has asked if you could prepare yourself immediately and depart with him to the meeting. - Let him enter. The courier entered the room of approximately 40 square feet, furnished in Biedermeier style, complete with pictures of old masters and the indispensable portrait of Khomeini.

CZ 99 is a pistol made by Zastava Arms Co. from Kragujevac, Serbia.


It was the first time he was in this villa, as Ali Fallahian used to change his residence frequently. He always carried only two things with him: a big portrait of Khomeini and a small framed picture of Rafsanjani, the current President of the Republic of Iran. - Salam alaikum, Doctor! The esteemed President is sending his regards and asks of you to come with me! Fallahian felt goose bumps all over. He was wondering whether he did something wrong, whether Shaitan was coming to get him this time around, as he himself was a Shaitan to many other people, who were deemed by him not to have been loyal enough to God's country. - What is it about? - I truly do not know. I will be given further instructions concerning our destination only when we arrive at Mirza Shirazi street. An escort and a sealed envelope will be waiting for us there. The President insisted on the utmost discretion of the meeting. - Wait for me outside until I get dressed said Ali Fallahian. He went to the bedroom, where out of an armoire he took a bulletproof vest, which he wore under his traditional Muslim robes. He took a gun made in Yugoslavia, with 15 rounds, 9 mm caliber, bolted it quietly and placed under his belt, and he also got a small folding Beretta, which he put in the case attached to his calf. He checked himself in the mirror and untangled his beard with a comb. Slowly, almost ritually, he placed a turban on his head, which gave him a dignified appearance lent him an air of dignity. He did not leave through the main door, but took the side one, which lead straight into the room of his bodyguards, who were asleep at the time. - Be ready to move in five minutes, as soon as I finish my tea! Slender and hardened, armed with Russian TT pistols and Hecklers recently acquired from Germany, the bodyguards got ready in no time. The messenger of the President of the Republic asked Ali Fallahian to go in the President's armored car, which he accepted, but he entered the vehicle with three of his bodyguards. The big black metal gate slowly closed behind them. Mercedes "Elephant", recently received as a gift from a German business partner, was gliding towards the town centre, until they turned into Mirza Shirazi street. There, they turned abruptly into a large taxi-garage, followed by the file of cars carrying bodyguards. - Here we swap the cars, quick! said the messenger. Ali Fallahian saw a Mercedes mini-bus in front of him and entered with his guards, while the courier was taking the envelope from a tall black Khoja. At that moment, the file of cars now full of passengers, left the garage and drove off towards 29

the cemetery Behesht Zahra. The Mercedes mini-bus remained in the garage for another five minutes and then started towards southern Tehran without any escort, quite inconspicuous. Although it was dawn, the south Tehran Bazaar was already awake. Farmers were bringing food in and arranging it on stands. The shops had not been open yet. The head of Iranian secret police sat in the middle of the mini-bus, diagonally from the driver. Looking out of the window, he was thinking about what the reason for such a mysterious way of meeting with the President could be. The worm of doubt gnawed on him. Could this be a conspiracy, a trap? Maybe these are the people of Ali Akbar Nateq Nouri, the speaker of the Parliament. He was an important "Islamic hard-liner and a pretender to the seat of Iranian president, since the Constitution prohibited Rafsanjani's third candidacy. Is this some kind of a coup? The ride was bumpy. They were already leaving the city, heading south, driving through a semidesert countryside. Jolting and silence continued for several hours. Ali Fallahian knew that something very important and secretive was at hand. The mini-bus was approaching the suburb of the holy city of Qom. Suddenly, the car turned left and then right, only to stop in front of Khomeini's old family home. The entrance was heavily guarded. Among young men, Fallahian recognized Rafsanjani's personal bodyguard, which confirmed that this will be indeed a meeting with the President of the Republic and not a trap set up for him by his opponents. Ali Fallahian and his company were allowed to enter after the standard security procedure, which included confiscation of his Beretta and CZ-99, artfully ornamented with fragments from the Koran. Before entering the house he took his shoes off, then went to the first floor and turned right into the library, where Khomeini's elder brother, Pasandideh, used to sit with his disciples. The head of the Secret police, in his gray yarn-socks, finally found him alone. He looked around, glancing over rows of books, then crossed his legs and sat down, recalling how he was persuading Khomeini's brother to support the Islamic revolution. The old man refused to do it with indignation, saying that it was the wrong thing to do, because destruction of capitalism created by Reza the Shah would push Persia back a hundred years. Persia would then have become a classic colony for rulers from the shade, as Russia had become, acting as the great Satan and an enemy of the West. American manipulation of their "friend", the Shah, was transparent for the old and wise Pasandideh. He understood the cause of the Shah's fall. Being an American puppet, Shah had become redundant the moment he grew out of his short pants and became a regional potentate. The drop that spilled the cup was the Shah's selling weapons to neighboring countries, which had previously bought them directly from Americans. The Shah had become a competition, which had to be eliminated as soon as he paid off those factories he had bought from those same Americans. Fallahian realized only later what the method of Intelligence manipulation was on a global level. The Shah made the last and crucial mistake when he refused to go to war with Iraq, which was under the influence of the Soviet Union, and thus failed to create a new situation in the oil market, as well as opening up new opportunity for the weapons industry in the U.S. The ideological and religious facade of Khomeini's revolution was only a fairy-tale in which he and others found themselves believing. An old servant suddenly entered the library, offering Fallahian coffee and tea.


- Beloved Rafsanjani will be here any moment soon said the servant and left, and the chief of Secret police stood up and reached for one of the books with speeches of the great Ayatollah Khomeini from the shelves. He flipped through the pages and familiar images of rallies and slogans emerged before his eyes. While he was glancing at the familiar lines, memories from the beginning of his career came back to him. Fallahian was always surprised by the modesty of the Khomeini family. Although the family had been well-educated and rich for many generations, they did not attach any importance to the external status symbols, so much so that they didn't even have an ordinary domestic Iranian carpet in the house. The tea, brought by the old man, steamed from a small glass cup, placed in a deep saucer. - Would you like some seker? - asked the old man and, on Fallahian's nodding, he tossed two cubes of sugar on a cheap carpet, next to his feet. Raising his eyebrows in contempt of this boorishness, Fallahian remained silent, put the sugar cube between his teeth, poured off some tea into the saucer, blew into it and sipped. Pleasant warmth coursed through his body, as sitting on the floor in the spring was not the most comfortable. Time went on. At one moment, the door swung open and the President of Iran himself, Hashemi Rafsanjani walked in, dressed in his traditional gray Islamic robe. His face was beaming and short mustache covered his grinning lips. The head of the Secret police rose swiftly, made a deep bow and attempted to kiss the Khomeini's great successor. But feisty and lucid Rafsanjani withdrew his hand and did not allow a kiss. I apologize for the inconvenience of this mysterious excursion. The subject of our meeting is so secret that I could not give the Americans the pleasure of eavesdropping from their satellites. I would like to have a discussion with you on some geo-strategic issues. This conversation matters much to me. Now, Ill invite my daughter Faezeh to join us. Please, do not be surprised, you know that she is my future. On a hand clap, the door opened and the old servant protruded his head. - Introduce Faezeh! The old man nodded, disappearing behind the door as a ghost, and a moment later there appeared a beautiful woman, with her hair covered and eyes radiating strength and determination. She respectfully bowed to the head of the Secret police. You know that my daughter is a representative in Majlis (Parliament) and a representative of my ideas, but this time she will tell you about one of her very lucid and bold ideas, for which even I do not dare to give a comment. It is a bold plan, but challenging! The young woman humbly kneeled beside her father, seeking prior approval 31

with her eyes. When she received it from him, she sat down and began to lay out her plan: - Greatly respected Ali Fallahian, sir, as you know, we have been in the permanent war with the West for more than two thousand years since the conflict with Greece. These conflicts have reached its culmination in the twelfth century, with Crusades against Islam. We did not cause these wars, just as we did not cause this hatred of the West against us. We fight only for what is written in the book of God's Prophet Muhammad, the holy Koran. - That is true, esteemed Faezeh! - agreed Fallahian. - The operation Desert Storm against this impostor Saddam, with who we were at war too, was not agreeable to us, since the great Satan, the America, used it to kill Muslims. Americans planted the seed of discord among us according to the old maxim divide and conquer. This war is being prepared for us Iranians as well. When they remove Saddam by way of war and assassination, since they won't be able to do it with sanctions, they will continue their move on us, using our weaknesses. - Are there any? - Why, of course! Agents from our Secret service literally terrorize the population. Closing up entire streets and pulling uncovered women out of the cars, in raids on restaurants persecuting women wearing make-up, as well as men who wear ties, filling prisons with people. At least 400 people were executed in the last two years, and more than half of those for political offenses. However, they did not intervene yet in the cases of sale of imported beer in illegal clubs, neither for 500.000 satellite dishes installed to receive TV programs from the West, although those are considered "cultural shame". The situation in the country is extremely unstable, and the proof of that is attempted assassination of the president Rafsanjani during the celebration of the Revolution Day, when it was narrowly escaped. There were other incidents that, together with drug addiction and alcoholism, prove that American agents have influence everywhere, with the intention to discredit the Islamic revolution. In other words, I am not satisfied with your work. Everything is in a state of collapse; every third Iranian is unemployed, while the inflation rate is over 40 per cent. Some commentators even refer to it as "the bankruptcy of the God's state" Faezeh concluded her statement. - What should we do then? - Strike the America suddenly, from the inside! - The Americans are now the masters of the world, but Satan, who is their ally, will lose his battle against almighty Allah. 32

- This will happen for sure, but God says through the mouth of Muhammad, that we have to help ourselves as well. We need to determine where the center of the divine power of the West is, where it receives its power from. - It is the money, technology! - Fallahian concluded. - No, these are only the consequences of their power! It's all magic; we have to strike our opponent through the heart! The young woman paused and in a very quiet voice, almost whispering, spoke on the ear of the first policeman of Iran: - We must find the Holy Grail, and take it from the Christians! It should be then brought to Qom! We should build a mosque that will keep it safe! Holy Grail - that is the secret of Christian supremacy. We should take it from them! - But first we have to find the Holy Grail, my child! - Do it then, I beg of you! Rafsanjani stirred a bit on his knees, sipped more tea and looked at the chief of Intelligence service of Iran inquisitively. - Ali Fallahian, what do you say? movie! - It is an almost impossible mission. It reminds me of the "Indiana Jones"

- So, you watched it yourself, and you've been arresting people for watching Western movies! - said Rafsanjani with friendly smile. - I had to, esteemed sir, so that I would know why they were no good! - Lets not beat around the bush; evaluate whether this is possible and what political consequences would this have in the world! - Certainly, Mr. President! - By the way, how is our program of Islamic nuclear bomb" progressing? It is time that we have it already; it is our only guarantee that Americans will not organize another "Desert Storm", but this time against us. - We are close to finish there, Mr. President. We have developed both the big A-bomb, and the small one, for terrorist attacks. Let us hope that Allah will bring to reason those Americans and that we will never have to use them! - Allah knows it alone! - said Rafsanjani, and he gave an eye signal to his daughter that she should go. Young woman nodded, called upon Allah in a good-bye, and left. 33

Rafsanjani and Ali Fallahian remained alone. - Would you like more tea? - Rafsanjani asked his Minister of propaganda in a patronizing tone. Ali Fallahian shook his head declining. Rafsanjani scratched his thinning beard and continued in quiet voice, whispering conspiringly: - The search for Christian symbols may seem crazy to you, but this all is part of a plan that leads to the Islamization of Europe. The first step is an attack on Christians in Germany. - Why there? - Because everyone expects our attack in Bosnia or France. The Germans are completely sedated with our hot-cold politics! Then, there are our debts for which they must play up to us... - May Allah help us, but is this your plan? - Between us, it is not mine. Plans for the world are made by those that you'll never meet... - Are they Muslims? - Some of them are! Those are the enlightened people who are following God's way! - The Secret Islamic Council of Wise Men? ... I thought that it no longer existed. - You need not break your head over that, man! Your task is to weave an Islamic network in Europe, especially in Germany. Bring to the fore Algerians and Turks, so that Americans would not hit on us immediately! - I understand, Mr. President! - Excellent, then do it! - However, I wouldn't be the first spy of Iran if I weren't able to figure out the main secret... The Secret Islamic Council of Wise Men has something to do with some kind of Islamic Freemasonry! then! - You are on the right track, but if I told you the truth, I would have to kill you

- Thank you, I will serve you faithfully Mr. President, even after you are no longer in that capacity, by the force of the Constitution. - I know that, but I will be a member of the Council instead and that is actually the higher instance a global one! 34

- Mr. President, I will need your help now! - Speak, my good man... - I do not know what the Holy Grail actually is! - Well, that's one of the belongings of the prophet Jesus Christ, some kind of a chalice, a cup, something like that. There is a spear as well with which he was pierced ... Obtain all that and bring to Iran! - You might not be a president at that time... - That doesn't change your duty! You are working for the Islam, not for me personally! Start with preparations! Farewell!

Zagreb, the building of Iranian embassy... Large color photograph of Khomeini was looking solemnly from the wall at two men. One of them is dressed in traditional Mullah's robes, and the other one looks like a businessman from Europe. Both are Iranians, but one is dark-haired and the other reddish-blond. Mullah is Ali Fallahian, the secret head of the Iranian Intelligence service, and the man opposite him is an agent from Vienna, with European name and identity, Buxer Eugene, a merchant by occupation. The room is almost empty. Khomeini's picture, two white plastic chairs and small round table make for the interior. - We are safe here, no one can eavesdrop on our conversation, Eugene or should I say, Yusuf Azemia. - Yes, boss... What is the reason that I'm called here to Zagreb? - How do we stand with fake contacts with Russian Mafia? - asked Fallahian as if not hearing the question addressed to him. - Excellent replied Eugene. I constantly have meetings, I dine in public places, and I send telex messages which Austrian service then records. Their content is ambiguous enough to draw their attention, and at the same time it means nothing. - Great, in Vienna we have a lot of those like you. You are the cover for those who perform more dangerous part of the job, like the elimination of oppositionists who have sold to the West and other things you should not know about. - Yes, boss! 35

- I have a new mission for you now which is of top priority, and the order for it comes from the highest level. - I won't ask from whom, only what do I have to do? - You need to study which Christian relics represent the source of magical power and then organize a team that will steal those cult objects and transport them to Iran, where they will be hidden in a mosque. Curiosity won over Eugene and he asked one more question. - Sorry, boss, but what will those relics mean to us? - You should not know this, but here's the truth, if you can bear it! These cult objects, such as the Spear of Destiny and the Shroud of Christ, have magical power. Anyone who possesses them, receives supernatural powers from the higher dimensions, and can command them! This is the way for Islam to rule the entire planet. Understand? - I understand, boss! Do you have any suggestion? - Yes! You should assume Russian, or even better, Serbian identity. You know yourself how much the West helped us in defamation of Serbs. If there is a solar eclipse today, they could easily accuse Serbs for it. However, that's of no importance now. How much time do you need to prepare for this task? - At least a month, boss! - May Allah be with you! Our next meeting will be scheduled via direct contact.

Ali Fallahian flew from Zagreb to Tehran by plane, via Rome. However, before his departure he met with another agent at the embassy. It was a Russian, going under the secret name of Sophia Loren. The subject of their meeting was accelerated armament of the Iranian Army as a counterweight to American arming of Turkey. The agent "Sofia" got his name after the famous actress who was once a "sex-bomb," and this Russian agent worked exactly in that field but creating an A-bomb, which was supposed to be produced in secret. Their meeting was one on one. - Why don't you simply sell us your nuclear warhead missiles? - asked Fallahian. - Our boss would not allow that, because then it would be known that we are the guilty party. News would have leaked one way or another. CIA is drilling you like 36

a cheese! - It only appears to be that way! We are leading them towards false targets. We have even created a bogus Intelligence service, which I'm heading myself. I give them tasks of global nature for which I don't care if they are discovered or thwarted by Americans. We call them Shahids. - Who are those? - Those are the soldiers who get sacrificed in a war in the name of Allah! - So, they are what we call them in Russian Intelligence service the fog. - You can put it that way! However, let's talk business. How did you envision that transfer of atomic technology? - Roundabout. You will get some of it from us, some from Chinese and some from Pakistanis. - From them? I don't believe that! - Fallahian feigned shrewdly. - Pakistanis are smarter than you and the Americans think. - All right, who else is in the game? - North Korea is in, but the Germany as well. - O.K. I'm listening! - Everybody thinks that you already have the bomb. That info was handed to Christopher Warren by the CIA some time ago. Douglas Hurd claims that Iran is already a member of the nuclear club and therefore represents a great threat to stability in the region and even beyond. Israeli official circles are not far behind, and the news came from Tel Aviv saying that Iran has been manufacturing nuclear weapons for five years already, so that Israelis will have to face that threat militarily. Israeli generals probably already have a plan of bombing operations on Iranian nuclear facilities, something similar to the recent Israeli air campaign "Babylon" in which they attacked the Iraqi nuclear center Osirak. However, this tale has actually put them all to sleep. We, the Russians, have appeared in the story as well. I'm talking about that plant in Bucher that we are building together with Germans, a job worth 800 million dollars. - Yes, the Germans are easy to deal with. They follow only the logic of profit. The CIA and the Mossad are the problem. - What annoys us, Russians, is the American hypocrisy. They threaten the world with you, and they themselves are trying to get a share of the Iranian market. - But we cannot do business with them for political reasons.


- I know! - the Russian laughed and then added: - Not openly, but you can do business with us and the Chinese. No one can oppose America alone, even more strange alliances than this will begin to emerge. stop it. - That is for sure! The Shaitan has completely taken over America. We have to

- Yes, but first we have to weaken Europe. It is the main American ally! - the Russian said and after giving it some thought, he continued: - It is important that we stick to our agreement! You should infiltrate as many Muslims into Germany under any guise and then multiply them. You should use every social advantage to that end! You can finance them on your own too! In ten years, they will be the fifth column in Germany! We will keep under control neo-Nazis on every level with our German connections from the period of Stasi. When we see the moment is right, we will prod them into a conflict. That will provoke the revolution, and that is one of the steps towards the Islamic Republic of Germany! - Where do you think the Germans will flee when the civil war breaks out? - They will go to America and, by then, the visas won't be required. - But Americans will protest! - They won't, they will need white Christians to fight with local Muslims and Latinos! - So, you Russians think that the Germany will be emptied of Germans! - Yes! Globalization will cause them to leave, even before the civil war, moving where the money is, but as the scientific intelligentsia. We will invite one portion of those to Russia, just as Peter the Great did once before! - May Allah help us! - It will be that way, comrade Fallahian... By the way, how are your folks in Armenia? - Nyet on that subject!

Ali Fallahian arrived in Tehran. While he was away, his service reports have mounted and he had to read them. On the top was an envelope with one word only "Topaz". Fallahian knew that it was from his agent in Pakistan, who was infiltrated at the very top of their government. He opened the envelope and started to read: 38

Topaz for Turban, Level of Confidentiality I, and Level of Reliability B. - He is cautious, he didn't want to write 100%, he is learning! - the chief of the Iranian service was smiling while sipping apple tea, and then he put on his glasses and delved into the report: Based on reports from the top of the state, China is providing assistance to Pakistan in building a factory for ballistic missiles. It shows that Beijing wants the balance between Pakistan and India, but also China's determination not to let America have the sole influence in the region. If American Intelligence agencies prove that China is involved in the production of medium-range missiles near the capital city of Pakistan, it will mean that Beijing is increasing its transfer of modern military technology to Pakistan, despite public promises about limiting the spread of weapons of mass destruction. According to American law, economic sanctions against China are in order, if the President determines that China is violating control protocol of missile technology. This is an agreement that the Chinese never signed, even though they agreed to do so in 1991. That protocol prohibits the transfer of technology that could enable a third country to build surface-to-earth missiles, which can carry warheads of 1200 lbs, with operating range of close to 200 miles. The missiles in question are the Chinese M-11s, with warheads that can fly over more than 200 miles. The discovery of a new Pakistan missile factory and the alleged Chinese involvement in its activities were brought to the fore at the time of great uncertainty in Asia, in relation to Beijing's intentions, as a new force, and the role of America on that continent. It is also believed that China has helped Pakistan by providing them with the project of their warhead, based on the fourth Chinese nuclear probe in 1967. Indian officials also claim that China conducted at least one test of the Pakistan's warhead at the base Lop Nur in western China. Prime Minister, H.D. Deve Gowda, stated in New Delhi that India will continue its program of improvement of medium-range ballistic missiles "Prithvi" and intercontinental missile "Agni that can carry nuclear warheads. Although China could try to justify its help to Pakistan by saying that China is interested in preserving the balance between India and Pakistan, it thereby inevitably intensifies the arms race. Indian security experts claim that they have been concerned all along that China will threaten them with its nuclear arsenal. China's willingness to risk a new confrontation with the United States, by assisting Pakistan, is based, it seems, on the firm resolve of the Chinese military leaders to establish a strategic balance on the western side of the country, in order to keep India at bay, despite the fact that there had been intense cooperation between Beijing and New Delhi, expressed by increased trade and commercial exchange. Supporters of the Chinese army are strengthening their position, in this new 39

era ruled by the young generation of civilian technocrats. Some experts claim that the Chinese army had been in charge of China's relations with Pakistan for quite some time. Many do not realize that China and Pakistan are strategic allies, and while China tries to improve its relations with India, it always bears in mind that they had been at war once." Ali Fallahian stretched, rubbing his dog, which lay under the chair, with his foot, and then read the last paragraph. Political estimate, here from Pakistan, is that China's President, Jiang Zemin, may not be willing to control the aggressive Chinese army, especially considering the fact that civilian leaders are unable to agree on foreign policy and national security issues. The absence of one dominant leader, who would have the authority of Deng Shao Ping, indicates that the impact of the army on key elements of Chinese foreign policy is likely to increase. - Excellent, that means that the Chinese understood American tactics of financial incentives! - Fallahian said out loud to himself and got up to take a look on Tehran street, which was quiet at this time. In the distance, on a building wall there was a huge mural of Khomeini, washed out by the rain and faded by the sun. Ali Fallahian sank in his thoughts for a moment. The creation of an Islamic network in Europe, with a foundation in Germany, was grand but not an unattainable goal for this genius of Intelligence manipulation. Europe, burdened by unification and the economic crisis, had no strength to confront the new Islamic invasion, which was not coming through the Balkans, but strategically from within, from the suburbs of Paris, Cologne, Munich, Vienna ... London ... Rome ... Alliance with fundamentalists in Sudan, Egypt, Algeria and Turkey was the basis for the invasion that was being prepared. Protocol of this pact has been already initiated. The only thing that remained to be done was the invasion of Europe in a quiet and discrete manner, so quiet that she does not even stir from her dream of "democracy"! Captions: 1. From Libya and Iran, medium-range missiles could hit the European countries. 2. Bushehr nuclear plant in Iran should be completed with the help of Russia. 3. Ballistic missile that instills fear in the West Agent Nobody A quest for Sarah in Tehran Bazaar was an easy one, just as he had easily met with her and bought a picture with the Scheherazade tea-shop painted in it. Sepp was slowly sipping his apple tea and reading newspapers. Soon, a small beggar approached him and told him in fluent English to go out to the right and follow him from a distance. Sepp did what he was told. He started to follow the beggar from a distance of about twenty yards. The boy entered a bag shop. Sepp first got into a similar shop across the street, checking that he wasnt followed. He bought a wallet and asked for leather jackets. They did not have them, so he had a good reason to go into the shop in which the boy disappeared. 40

The boy was standing behind counter, laughing. He said quietly: Grss Gott! Grss Gott! replied Sepp with a smile. Somebody moved a fly curtain made of leather macram and waved to Sepp. When he approached, Sepp saw a man with a beard, about 35 years old, who was pointing to a hatch in the floor. Sepp did not want to be the first one to descend; he left that pleasure to the Iranian man. The man with a beard went down and turned the light on. German followed him. The place was a storage room. Im sorry, I dont speak German. Can we talk in English? Of course. But first, tell me who you are and what you want. For now, my name can remain a secret. You can call me Nobody. OK, Mr. Nobody. Spit it out, whats bothering you? I need money to withdraw from my current job. Everybody needs money, but it has to be earned I know. That is exactly why I am addressing you, Germans. Why? Because I know that you are the next target. But, you can counteract that. And who cannot? France. Islamists from Algeria and Sudan will make a chaos over there. What are you, a prophet? No, I work for a department of VEVAK, which is lead and coordinated by the Hezbollah. Why should I believe you? Maybe you are a provocateur. Try me! - said Nobody. What do you know about the big meeting organized by VEVAK? It will be in Tehran, in June. Some kind of world Islamic organization is about to be established; it will be under the directorate of VEVAK. It should be the headquarters for the conquest of Europe and destabilization of the Great Satan You mean the US? Yes. Id like to talk with you about the money and money transfer. No, I think its too early for that. For now, Ill continue to treat you like a provocateur, until you pass the exam; you have to pass the probation. What kind of probation? Ill let you know through the girl who sells her paintings It's a deal said Nobody and directed Sepp towards the small ladders leading to the light. The way we communicate will remain the same; I leave a message at Sarahs place whenever Ive got something to inform you, and you visit her every Saturday We have to make that faster. Have you got a computer? No. What about a phone, which is not bugged? Hardly. Everything is monitored. Have you got an address where you can receive a post-card from Iran? Yes, I do. Good. Whenever I want to see you on Monday, after the afternoon prayer at this place, youll receive some post-card during a week prior to that. Nobody told Sepp the address of his aunt in Tehran. The meeting was over. Nobody might become an interesting spy; if he is not a provocateur, of course. Sepp 41

decided to check him using a simple method. Hell offer him a task; if he fulfills it, he is either clean, or he has got a strong support deeply in the structure of VEVAK, which is a good basis for the further intelligence game. In any case, this task will be his qualification exam. He will ask him to perform the assassination of Dr. Seyfullah Haghighiyan. Next meeting with herr Nobody went according to agreement. They met, finally, and the conversation was short: Only you are responsible for your rating, herr Nobody. It means, Ill give you the target, and you have to shoot it with the weapon I suggest. And that is? asked curiously the VEVAK officer. Target is our contemporary Dr. Mengele Seyfullah Haghighiyan. I know him. Excellent! What is he charged for? No explanation. If you want money, there wont be any persuasion and explanation. Is that clear? Yes. Method: insulin, 100 units. Ill give you the address and time. I presume you know how to give an injection? Of course. Where is the insulin? You purchase it yourself. Take this note, theres the address and the time when hes there. Nobody took the note and read it. When he wanted to put it in his pocket, Sepp took it back. Nobody did not struggle for it; his reaction convinced the German that this agent will not make any problems. That May in Teheran; night fell at around 7 oclock. Dr. Seyfullah was leaving his hiding-place in North Tehran walking slowly. The guards looked at him wondering should they join him, although they knew they had a free evening. Dr. Seyfullah slightly nodded to them, stepping into a big black Nissan jeep with large and wide tires. Everybody thought he was leaving for some secret consultation with the heads of the Islamic Republic. But, that was not the case. Dr. Seyfullah had a date His jeep was too noisy because the exhaust pipe was burnt through. Doctor was driving himself to unknown. He made few circles to check if somebody was following him, and then he went to his love nest. It was a small two bedroom apartment; he had received it from VEVAK, to use for his meetings with the Russians. Doctor used it once weekly with his secret love. Benazir was a 35 year old woman, a mother of two sons one was 14 and the other 15; she was a widow. Her husband did not die in some combat against Iraq but on a military exercise. She received a humble retiring allowance, she was respected, but she was also a young woman who needed a man. Her relationship with Seyfullah started accidently, through their friendship. Doctor had been a family friend who after her husbands death simply became more friendly and, maybe, persistent. Benazir was not thinking about herself. The atmosphere in Iran was too tense. Frustrated husbands and invalids were hitting on the widows. Healthy, free men were looking for the girls, not for the mature women. With noble origins and a small allowance, Benazir lived more in her memories than in the present time. Her meetings with Dr. Seyfullah were some kind of biological discharge to her, but also a portion of the warm human conversation. Seyfulah was an intellectual who could charm every woman with his eloquence, despite his plain looks. The door creaked when Benazir entered the dark room. Seyfullah was sitting in a 42

large armchair smoking. She could see the cigarette-ember and she could smell the tobacco. Salam, Seyfullah! Alaykum salam, Benazir! You are sad? Yes, I am I work on a government project, but my soul is against it Can you talk about it? asked Benazir quietly. No. And thats exactly what bothers me this split between the science and the ethics, and the government needs Forget about it, you good man! You cannot change neither the politics, nor the history. What Allah has designed, it will happen! Im not so sure about it. Im going to take a shower said Benazir, taking off slowly her long black chador, under which she had a white corset. She switched the light on when she entered the bathroom. Her white body with large, firm breasts was the last thing Dr. Seyfullah saw. Somebody from the other room came through the dark, and closed Dr. Seyfulahs mouth with his hand, while another man took off doctors trousers and skillfully injected one hundred units of insulin, directly under his glans. Doctor sobbed, wiggled a bit and then turned quiet. The two men took off his clothes and put him on the bed. Benazir ordered from the bathroom: Put Ravels CD on! Unknown men switched on the CD player. The music was too silent for the neighbors to hear it, but loud enough to mask the sound of the door shutting. Benazir was singing in a low voice. After few minutes, she came out, wrapped in a towel. Dr. Seyfullah was lying naked on the bed. The beautiful woman approached him, swaying her body temptingly. His face was expressionless. Benazir thought he had fallen asleep. She wanted to wake him up with her tenderness. She put his penis in her mouth. At first, she felt a strange taste, but it disappeared. After few moments of tenderness, she lifted her eyes towards Doctor. He moved his head slightly, but his penis remained motionless. Seyfullah, darling - Benazir touched his thigh. Doctor murmured, hmh, hmh His incredibly slow movements which were occurring every few minutes made Benazir switch on the light. She slapped him on his face to bring him back, but it was not possible. Doctor Seyfulah was in an insulin shock, transformed into a living corps. There was not a shred of awareness in him. Benazir put on her clothes on and ran away. - Very well done, Mr. Nobody! - That is just a start. What is the next task that you want to test me with? Is it assassination of the President? - No, God forbid! - Then, what is it? - You will write a report from a secret congress of Iranian International Terrorist Organization! - That will take place in June or July this year. - I know! In a few weeks, Sepp had a report in front of him, which he read carefully: JIHAD 3000 43

The secret meeting of selected Muslim religious and political representatives, held in Tehran, in the proceedings of which European representatives also took part, it was decided to merge the activities and create a plan for global expansion of Muhammad's teachings, whose ultimate goal is the creation of Caliphate, i.e. unified Muslim state at the level of planet Earth. Encouraged by the success of this initiative, there will be a meeting held, again in Teheran, with official representatives of religious and political communities of the Islamic world: Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria and Afghanistan, together with the representatives from Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Albania, Bosnia, Austria, Switzerland, Bavaria, Central Asia, North and South Americas. As this Initiative meeting was attended mostly by religious teachers, that is, Ulemas, after a series of polemic debates, and aware that they are under the watchful eye of God, who through his earthly prophets delivered the message about the unification of all Muhammad's followers, they finally decided to adopt, as a philosophical principle, the teaching of Madrasah which will implement the return of the Qur'an and authentic Hadiths, the way they interpret them. They will perform a merger of Islam that needs to find a basis for a new political system immanent to Muhammad's teachings, and of course, contrary to Western models. At this meeting, two documents were adopted: Project JIHAD 3000 Plan for strategic-operational action in the realization of this project.

Draft of a Project JIHAD 3000

Starting from the message that the prophets received, that it is necessary to make integration of all of the Muslim forces, and from the need for the creation of the original Muslim Caliphate which will be lead again by the Prophet Muhammad as the Great Caliph, when the time comes, it was approached to the construction of the project which will create the prerequisites for an enactment of such a joyful and magnificent event. For creation of such a unified Muslim Caliphate, according to original interpretation of the Koran, the time and nations are of no matter, as this process depends only on Muslims who are sincerely committed to the faith, that they are willing to undergo any sacrifice that is required of them. God Himself will decide when it will happen, and it is given to his followers to implement this plan. Accordingly, the plan has no time frame; the only important thing is to achieve the goal, which has been divided into phases for easier application that worldly interpreters of the Prophet's teaching believe to be realistic. 1. Phase I finished by the year 2000. 1. I 1) To strengthen and stabilize the countries that have reached the stage of radical Islamization in its full sense. These countries will be project carriers in this stage, as they provide full security and have the infrastructure capacity for its implementation (Iran, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Lebanon as a prominent command branch against Israel). 1. I 2) Demolition of the regimes in the Arab world who were secularized and their transformation into a radical Islamic (before all Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and several smaller ones). 1. I 3) According to the Hijra, when an Islamic country falls under government of non-Muslims and when no longer Muslim laws can be exercised there, members of Islam must move out to the nearest Muslim country and there arrange for a return to "their homeland." So, all countries that have ever been under Muslim rule must be repossessed. As this process has just started in Bosnia and Central Asia countries, at this phase they need to be provided with all the necessary attention and support. 1. I 4) An action for the creation of appropriate military force that will unify army and their own military production in order to achieve an independence from the West, primarily from the United States. 1. I 5) a) Secret development and expansion of connections, primarily with the United States and Germany, in order to use their existing military and civil structures. Starting point is that these countries are essentially imperial and thus greedy, and they want their spoils ASAP. They do not think in time periods, but in the four-year terms, and we should position ourselves so that we imply the possibility of prey, and then give it to them, but poisoned. The division of spoils will inevitably alienate the U.S. and Germany and that moment should be used for the penetration of Islam. b) Create a temporary secret pact with Russia and China, which is of mutual benefit at this


moment. Russia has a high-profile military technology that is ready to sell to anyone who pays well, because it is in uncomfortable economic and political situation, while China represents Asia's dam against America, and they will have long-term disputes. Russians think that by winning over the Muslim world they will strengthen their front against the United States and Germany, and do not think about time when those two countries are Islamized, they themselves will represent an easy prey for such strengthened Islam. 1. I 6) Achieve integration of all Security Information Services from the Islamic countries and form Pan-Islamic Secret Service with its headquarters in Tehran. 1. I 7) Achieve Islamic radicalization of Sunni religious elements, creating a Sunni Jihad, which will along with the Shia overcome existing differences. For this purpose, a meeting of leading religious leaders will be held, who will by interpreting the Koran, find those doctrine elements that allow for above mentioned, and thus create a unified religious doctrine. Center of the Sunni Jihad will be in Sudan.

Draft of a Plan for strategic-operational action in the realization of Project JIHAD 3000.

Design of a plan for strategic-operational action in the realization of Project Jihad-3000, stems from combining contemporary developments in the conduct of secret operations, applying the socalled special war tactics in conjunction with Muslim traditions. The combination of population penetration to infidel countries and their planned management, should achieve a quality geopolitical prevalence of a Muslim factor, by precise planning of the so called "ink stains". This strategic approach will be applied in all stages of plan implementation. Operational-tactical use of methods and procedures of special war will actively lead combat operations against infidel countries. These procedures will be elaborated in detail for each direction and each action, while coordination of operations will be performed by Pan-Islamic Secret Service. In order to complete the Phase I by the year 2000, the following objectives are being set: 2. I 1) Islamization of Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Algeria and destabilization of other Arab Muslim countries (most notably Saudi Arabia); 2. I 2) Development of a plan and the beginning of advance on Europe, Asia, Africa and America; 2. I 3) Support the affirmation of Muslims in the Balkans (mainly Bosnia) and Central Asia countries as they are a primary goal. In order to achieve such objectives, it is necessary to develop plans for each of them, which should include: a) Development of a unique religious doctrine and modernization of psychological and propaganda operations towards recruiting believers by using: - psychotronic weapons, - esoteric achievements, - spiritual achievements of the Islamic faith (Dervishes). b) Creating a doctrine for leading the secret operation of penetration into military infrastructure and economic systems of Western countries, that will be lead by the central Pan-Islamic Secret service. c) Creating a unified Headquarters which will directly manage the operations of Muslims in the Balkans and other European countries. d) Development of a plan of advance on Europe through the Balkans, the Apennines, the Iberian peninsula and France. This advance should be performed by including and coordinating all activities at a given time, using centralized directives to guide the existing Muslim population in these regions to form appropriate "ink stains". e) Creating a plan of advance on Asia using the following routes: Central Asia countries, Kazakhstan, West China, Indonesia, Malaysia towards Burma, Laos, Vietnam, with penetration into Hong-Kong and subsequent placement of sub-Asian wedge, starting from Burma towards Bangladesh in interplay with Nepal (using their esoteric achievements) and from the other side, across Pakistan into north India. f) Creating a plan of advance on America: to be determined. g) Creating a plan of advance on Africa: preparations are in progress.

Sepp, not without surprise, put this report down for a moment, gave it a thought and resolved to immediately send it encrypted via satellite to Germany. 45

Russian military instructors were happily singing Kalinka in their green van, when the "Mack" truck loaded with coal suddenly hit them. The crash, breaking of the metal and glass took short time. Military instructors were, in fact, not whom they declared themselves to be. They were from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, worked in the secret laboratory that belonged to the department of biological warfare. This "accident" stopped that operation for a while. - Well done, Colonel Morteza! - Sepp praised his agent for the recent assassination of a group of instructors for biological warfare. - You yourself did not fall short on your part of a job! The doctor was found naked in some flat. He underwent a "sugar shock", but survived. Now he is only vegetating, as a plant. His mistress had not reacted. - We are done with that, but what is happening with you? Morteza glanced at his watch. - It is 2 am already, that means there has been a fire in the laboratory. Some of the barrels are just exploding as we speak. - Are you psychic? - Sepp asked him smiling. - No, but I am a good organizer! - Great, Germany will know to honor that! Otherwise, what's new? - I have extremely important information! I hope that your supervisors will take it seriously! - What is it about? - We have received orders to go to Europe, step by step, but continuously... That means tens of thousands of terrorists from Hezbollah, Hamas, Algerian GIA, from Sudan... Palestine... Turkey... - What for? - First off, we expect that Iran will be attacked by America, Britain, France and Germany in a new kind of Desert Storm. We believe that Iraq will be pushed against us again! Saddam was saved for that purpose. - Why move to Europe? - We're preparing to hit the back lines of U.S. Allies at the given mark. First on the list are you, the Germans, then the French and British. Switzerland and Austria should be our peaceful harbors. - When are you leaving? - In seven days. First I go to Bosnia. - Why Bosnia? - Because you Germans, together with Americans, have made us there a great Islamic state that will welcome us the best. We go to Bosnia to attack the Serbs; you will help us in this, of course. The aim of this is for you to deal with yourselves again. - Are you going to attack NATO in Bosnia? - I still don't know! - I think I will go with you to Europe. Take the number of my cell phone so we can stay in touch. - Say! Sepp gave him the number. Iranian extended his hand, and then smiled and said: - I have something that will make my account fatter. One piece of intelligence delight, here, helps you! Sepp took the papers in his hand and red: Draft of a Plan for advance on Europe in the realization of Project JIHAD 3000. Sepp laughed. Two agents, "Nobody" and "Rooster", each gave him a secret plan for 46

invasion. He began to read and saw where the two documents matched, but also the different levels of access to information of the two agents! Based on the Project JIHAD - 3000 there was a meeting of Pan-Islamic Secret Service held in Tehran, on which the plan of entering the Europe and its implementation had been discussed. This meeting was covered in public by "leaking" of information that there was a meeting of the leading Islamic terrorists who are preparing for kidnapping, murder, arson and other actions in line of International terrorism. This was aimed to misinform the foreign Intelligence services about the real reasons for the meeting. The result of that meeting was a formation of the Assembly of Experts, "Al Quds", which was responsible for drafting the plan of advance on Europe. Ali Khamenei was appointed as its Chief coordinator, while Ali Fallahian was responsible for the project itself. The plan contents imply the cohesion of action and its co-ordination for each of the three directions of incursion via: the Balkans, Apennines, the Iberian peninsula and France. The aim is to prepare the start of implementation of the second phase of the Project JIHAD-3000 before the year 2010, which for the above described route, indicates penetration in Germany and its Islamization. Since Germany is the biggest European power, viewed from historical perspective, the advance on it has to be carefully and thoroughly planned. Therefore the scope of action from these three directions. During the meeting, the Chiefs of the project were established for each of the routes, and those are: Route of Islamic penetration via the Balkans to Austria and Bavaria, is given the code name "The Ottoman avenger", with its headquarters in Zagreb. Its Chief is M. Yavashi, his code name - "Merchant". Route of Islamic penetration via Apennines to Switzerland, is given the code name The spear of Islam, with its headquarters in Milan, as an exceptional acupuncture point of the planet. Its Chief is Omar Bakri, code name Spear, who prior to that belonged to Islamic Liberation Party and is now responsible for the Apennine peninsula. Route of Islamic penetration via Iberian peninsula and France, is given the code name Revenge of Hannibal, with its headquarters in Marseilles. Its Chief is Mohammad Mohaddessin, officially the director for International relations of the National Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, his code name Hannibal. He is responsible for the Iberian peninsula and France. Sepp smiled and nodded. - I'm buying it, go ahead! That morning, Sarah got a job in a German company that sold technology to Iran. She became a manager in charge of the market research. Eventually, she was commissioned to go to Egypt. When she went from there to Europe, her troubles disappeared. She always remembered her crazy courage when she sneaked into that van. After a few days... Sepp slowly rose from the table in his cabinet of the German Embassy and lit the paper, that he had just deciphered, on a candle flame which he used to destroy confidential messages. Flame was slowly engulfing the piece of paper. Sepp's pale face became even more colorless. Message from BND headquarters was clear: You've been discovered! Disappear! Sepp put burned paper in an ashtray filled with water, stirred a bit with his index 47

finger and carried its contents to the toilet. Water from flush tank carried away the remains of the warning. Sepp did not have time to contemplate where and when he went wrong. He had to think fast and decided not to go home. Driving and entering into his villa during the evening would provide the Iranian Secret service agents a possibility to eliminate him in a way that would look like an accident. Daytime offered a chance for him to disappear in an elegant way and besides, his diplomatic immunity was worth more than. Sepp stretched out on a comfortable char and took a nap. He knew that his boss had booked him a plane ticket for the morning flight to Germany.


The Escape from Tehran German intelligence officer arrived at the Tehran airport in an embassy vehicle. While driving through the city, he was lying in the back seat. He had on him only a small sports bag, passport and a plane ticket. When they reached the highway, Sepp got up and went over to the front passenger seat. - What's up old man, you're not chickening out, are you? The Iranians smelled that you are not just an ordinary diplomat? - Shut up, and drive! - Since you are a diplomat with immunity, they wouldn't have you arrested nor would you go to the famous prison of Evin. - Youd better pay attention whether someone is following us! - Sepp snapped. - You know that I'm just like an AVAX, good old German school... - Take care, now... - You did screw up, after all, didn't you? - Who knows! - Sepp said pensively and then added through his teeth: - Or maybe somebody ratted on me! - You think we have a mole at BND!? - Anything is possible! - Here, we are almost at the airport... - Stay close until I go through passport control, and if they arrest me, call the embassy! - They won't arrest you, they know you are under immunity. Youd better watch out for some kind of accident... To assassinate someone at the airport, it has to look like an accident... - Watch my back! The morning was cold. In the airport lobby there was about fifty passengers. They were all talking quietly. Women had scarves on their heads. The men all wore beards, except for foreigners. In Iran there was a regulation on who wears what, even a tie, as a symbol of the West, was prohibited. The Lufthansa's Airbus airplane was getting ready to take off from the Tehran airport. The announcer called the passengers for the last time to enter the aircraft, in Farsi, English and German. The tall, blue-eyed blond man of about 37, took his German diplomatic passport out of 1

the pocket on his leather jacket and showed it to the control. Then he turned and winked at his "chauffeur" in a sign of farewell. A mild smile stood on his face for a moment and soon after he disappeared in the crowd. As he entered the plane, Sepp noticed that he was being followed by a low-profile couple, who appeared to be retirees. By habit, Sepp sat in the rear of the aircraft, in the seat next to the alley, so he could see all of the passengers. This helped him once in South America, when some terrorists wanted to hijack the plane. Overview of the situation and the possibility of action through the corridor, allowed him to capture the leader of the hijackers, with the help of a relatively small knife, cutting the hijacker's neck only a little bit. Colleagues often criticized him for not using his entitlement on travel in a luxury part of the plane, but he always refused on account of moderation in spending, but this way he also avoided being seen. The plane took off. The couple that he was suspicious about from the beginning took the seats as he had predicted, just sideways across his. Only a seat alley divided them. Sepp began to consider who was able to hire these people. His first thought was that they were agents of the Iranian Intelligence service who should follow him all the way to Germany. The second option was that they were associates of the Russian secret police, who should follow or eliminate him. If so, the easiest way to do it on the plane was to poison a man. He made a mental note of that possibility. A stewardess was still explaining how to handle an oxygen mask, while Sepp cautiously studied the suspicious couple. The woman was about 70, or she was disguised to appear so, and sat closer to him. The man seemed a bit older and wore thick glasses. All in all, they looked like ordinary retirees from Tehran. Yes, that actually betrayed them, they were too ordinary a people to be travelling to Frankfurt on the Main with Lufthansa. They had no business there. Out of his pocket Sepp took "Frankfurter Allgemeine" which he had bought at the airport and began to read. He relaxed in a reclined seat before it was allowed. Engine buzz got lower and Sepp concluded that the plane had reached a sufficient altitude. He was right. Cabin display announced that passengers no longer needed their seat-belts. A pretty stewardess with green eyes and slightly darker complexion noticed Sepp from a distance, because he looked very much like Kevin Costner, an actor that women were crazy about. She offered him a menu and appetizers. Sepp said with a smile that he was dazzled with her beauty and that he had to think. It was a critical moment. He overheard when the "retired" couple ordered an orange juice. Feigning a coincidence, Sepp opted for the same drink. He sipped slowly so that the drink in his glass would be the same level as in the glass of the woman "retiree" across. When both had drank half of their glasses, Sepp stood up and went to the toilet. Behind his back he felt their commotion. A few moments later, while returning to his seat, he staggered, pushing the retiree woman, then apologized and sat in his seat. The flight was routine. The meal on board Lufthansa was superb, as usual. After two hours of flight, lady "retiree" sitting across Sepp felt unwell. One of the passengers, a doctor, intervened by putting a nitroglycerin pill under the woman's tongue, but nothing helped. The "retiree" died of a heart attack. 2

Nobody noticed when Sepp switched glasses with orange juice, just as no one had noticed a commotion behind Sepp's back when he went to the toilet. His glass was laced with digitoxin, one of the drugs which is normally given to heart patients, but in healthy individuals causes a heart attack. It was one of the unnoticeable ways to kill, known as the "KGB-stroke! The "retiree" man with thick glasses, who was an accomplice in this failed attempt of assassination, silently watched his dead partner, whom flight attendants had moved to the first class, so as not to disturb the passengers, and those from the first and business class were moved and mixed with the rest. This time, Sepp asked for two cognacs from the flight attendant. - For whom is the other one? - asked the green-eyed stewardess whose complexion turned pale due to previous stress. - It's for the gentleman! - said Sepp, reffering to the retiree man, and then lifted up his glass and said: - May your partner rest in peace! Some things were not for your age... or so you Iranians say. - Yes, Herr... Most probably her blood pressure went up! - said the Iranian. - Certainly! Your wife must have drank the juice too quickly. - Obviously she did not enjoy it. - said the Iranian with a sour smile. At Frankfurt airport Sepp quickly blended in the crowd. Knowing their method of work, besides the "retired" couple he expected another team from the department of "Death to spies", who would try to eliminate him with less subtle methods. He entered into the first toilet and there he changed his appearance. From the cabin came out an "old man" with a scar on his cheek and a hunchback gait with slight limp, which made him appear even older. Sepp changed his clothes in a toilet stall and turned his bag inside-out, so it wasn't light brown any more, but dark green and less luxurious. Disguised in this manner, he came out into the hallway and went into a telephone booth, from which he observed the crowd. He scoured his surroundings for the second team. He knew that his sixth sense will come to his aid. Yes, soon he spotted them! They also stood aside so as to be able to recognize him in the crowd. Sepp concluded that they were not on the plane, but had waited for him at the airport. The BND agent dialed a number from his telephone booth that connected him with his colleague from the Office for State Security at the airport. - Yes! - a deep voice answered. - It's a colleague, code: Solomon's twin. - O.K. a colleague from BND, what do you need? - Can you see the passengers from Tehran on your monitors? - Yes, in plain view. 3

- Take in those three men with briefcases and hats that look like business people. They are standing in front of a toy-store. Do you see them? - O.K. I'm sending a team, I'll take them off of your neck. Who are they? - The Iranian team for elimination. Be careful! - The Office is always vigilant! Thank you! At the same time, from different points of the airport, ten agents began to approach the Iranians, who were still unaware that they were discovered. One of them recognized Sepp in the telephone booth despite his disguise. Sepp noticed that the moment earlier this Iranian had looked at some sort of "display" and concluded that there must be a locatorbug attached somewhere on his belongings, which revealed his location. The Iranians started towards him in fast pace. Sepp immediately left the booth, leaving his things behind and run into AVIS office, then he threw himself on the floor and began to crawl like a rattlesnake towards the adjacent office. Moments later, he could hear the agents from the Office for State Security making a gun threat directed at Iranians. Sepp remained hidden on the ground because he had no desire to be seen by his colleagues, and they didn't have a warrant to identify him. The BND's secret agent went back to the phone booth and searched his bag for a bug. It was installed in a can of shaving cream. That indicated that Iranian agents made the switch during the security check at the Tehran airport. The question was why didnt they execute him there? Maybe they wanted it to happen in a foreign territory, because a diplomat's death can have a detrimental effect on investments in the country of failed economy, which is still struggling to discover the route to success. When everything became still, Sepp went onto the bus to Munich. He sat in the back so that no one could sit behind him. Caution was the first lesson that he had learned at the beginning of his career, from his older colleagues in Pullach.

Caption: Khomeini with his son Mustafa

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