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Republic of the Philippines Technological University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF SCIE CE !



Course $escription This is a four- year degree program designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in the field of information technology. After completion of the course, graduates are expected to work as application programmers, data base and network administrators, and IT consultants. Progra' E(ucational Ob)ectives After the students have gone through the program, they are expected to be capable of : . Applying theories and skills learned to real-life professional settings. !. "roviding solutions to problems in real-life situations. #. $esigning solutions to various IT concerns. %. &tili'ing state-of the-art IT tools . (. )orking collaboratively with all parties in multidisciplinary settings. *. $isplaying professional and ethical conduct and social responsibilities as IT experts. Progra's Outco'es a. +ommunicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions b. ,istens actively to the intent and spirit of others- words and respond appropriately verbally and non-verbally c. .xplores ideas critically and expresses findings clearly for a variety of purposes

d. &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice e. &nderstand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice f. 0ecogni'e the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning of continual development as a computing professional g. An ability to assist in the creation of an effective pro1ect plan to implement solution that includes selection, creation, evaluation, and administration of IT 2ystems h. An ability to administer delivered information appropriateness to the user-s environment system assuring its

i. 3unction effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings %"C#ELOR OF SCIE CE I CO!PUTER SCIE CE

a. Able to apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, various algorithmic principles, computer science theories, technical concepts and practices, best practices and standards in software development within specific application environment, mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computer science practice to the modeling, design, abstraction, and conceptuali'ation of computer software-based solution models from defined problems and re/uirements b. Identify, formulate, research literature, and analy'e user or domain needs and taking them into account to solve complex computing problems, reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, algorithmic principles, computer science theories, computing fundamentals, technical concepts and practice in software systems development, and relevant domain disciplines c. $esign and evaluate possible solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate software systems of varying levels of complexities, components, or computing processes that meet specified user and domain needs taking into tradeoffs involved in design choices with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations d. +reate, select, adapt, and apply appropriate techni/ues, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations

e. 3unctions effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings f. +ommunicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large 4in local and international scenes5 about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions g. &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice h. &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice i. &nderstand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice 1. 0ecogni'e the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning of continual development as a computing professional %"C#ELOR OF SCIE CE I I FOR!"TIO S&STE!S

a. Able to apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, technical concepts and practices, best practices and standards in the application of information systems, processes that support the delivery and management 4planning, designing, building, operating and evaluation5 of the information systems within a specific application environment, mathematics, science, and conceptuali'ation of solution models from defined problems and re/uirements b. Identify, formulate, research literature, and analy'e user needs and taking them into account to solve complex information systems problems, reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing fundamentals, technical concepts and practice in the core information systems, and relevant domain disciplines c. $esign and evaluate possible solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified user needs 4relating to the activities of organi'ations and society5 taking into account cost-benefit efficiency with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations d. +reate, select, adapt, and apply appropriate techni/ues, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations

e. 3unctions effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings f. +ommunicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large 4in local and international scenes5 complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions g. &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice h. &nderstand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice i. 0ecogni'e the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning of continual development as a computing professional

Republic of the Philippines Technological University of the Philippines COLLEGE OF SCIE CE !anila !"T#E!"TICS $EP"RT!E T *ISIO The Technological &niversity of the "hilippines shall be the premier state &niversity and model of excellence in technology education. It shall ensure the highest standards in all programs in instruction, research and production to meet the demands for world class technologists, engineers, technicians and other technical specialists in knowledge-based economy of the ! st century. !ISSIO The university shall provide higher and advanced vocational, technical, industrial, technological and professional education and training to meet the current pro1ected needs for the trained manpower in the developing sectors. It shall provide progressive leadership in applied research, developmental studies in technical, industrial, technological fields and production using indigenous materials, effect technology transfer to the countryside, and assist in the development of small and medium scale industries in identified growth centers. COURSE S&LL"%US . +ourse +ode : 6ath 7

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+ourse Title : "robability and 2tatistics "re-re/uisite : +ollege Algebra +o- re/uisite : 8one +ourse $escription : This course covers concepts on probability and probability distributions. It also includes descriptive as well as inferential statistics. 2ince this course emphasi'es the application of probability and statistics to real-life situations and the importance of statistical tools in data analysis, the class is expected to understand the principles involved in the context of their usability to research, at work, and in decision making. *. +redit 9 +lass 2chedule : # &nits 9 # :ours a )eek ;. "rogram <utcomes and 0elationship to "rogram .ducational <b1ectives Progra' Outco'es at the en( of the progra'+ the stu(ents shoul( be able to ac,uire the ability toa +ommunicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions b ,istens actively to the intent and spirit of others- words and respond appropriately verbally and non-verbally c .xplores ideas critically and expresses findings clearly for a variety of purposes d &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice e &nderstand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice f 0ecogni'e the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning of continual development as a computing professional g An ability to assist in the creation of an effective pro1ect plan to implement solution that includes selection, creation, evaluation, and administration of IT 2ystems h An ability to administer delivered information system assuring its appropriateness to the user-s environment i 3unction effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings 1 Able to apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, various algorithmic principles, computer science theories, technical concepts and practices, best practices and standards in software development within specific application environment, mathematics, science, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computer science practice to the modeling, design, abstraction, and conceptuali'ation of computer software-based solution models from defined problems and re/uirements k Identify, formulate, research literature, and analy'e user or domain needs and taking them into account to solve complex computing problems, reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental Progra' E(ucational Ob)ectives ! # % ( *

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principles of mathematics, algorithmic principles, computer science theories, computing fundamentals, technical concepts and practice in software systems development, and relevant domain disciplines $esign and evaluate possible solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate software systems of varying levels of complexities, components, or computing processes that meet specified user and domain needs taking into tradeoffs involved in design choices with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations +reate, select, adapt, and apply appropriate techni/ues, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations 3unctions effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings +ommunicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large 4in local and international scenes5 about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice &nderstand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice 0ecogni'e the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning of continual development as a computing professional Able to apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, technical concepts and practices, best practices and standards in the application of information systems, processes that support the delivery and management 4planning, designing, building, operating and evaluation5 of the information systems within a specific application environment, mathematics, science, and conceptuali'ation of solution models from defined problems and re/uirements Identify, formulate, research literature, and analy'e user needs and taking them into account to solve complex information systems problems, reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing fundamentals, technical concepts and practice in the core information systems, and relevant domain disciplines $esign and evaluate possible solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified user needs 4relating to the activities of organi'ations and society5 taking into account cost-benefit efficiency with appropriate consideration for public health and

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safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations +reate, select, adapt, and apply appropriate techni/ues, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations 3unctions effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings +ommunicate effectively with the computing community and with society at large 4in local and international scenes5 complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions &nderstand and assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues with local and global contexts, and the conse/uential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practice &nderstand and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practice 0ecogni'e the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning of continual development as a computing professional 7. +ourse <b1ectives and 0elationship to "rogram .ducational <b1ectives

Course Ob)ectives "t the en( of the course+ the stu(ents shoul( be able to .xplain the basic principles and concepts on probability and probability distributions. ! Apply the laws of probability in solving real- life problems. # "ut a set of data on order. % +haracteri'e a set of data. ( Apply various statistical tools to analy'e data. * Interpret and make conclusions based on result of data analysis =. +ourse coverage

Progra' E(ucational Ob)ectives ! # % ( *


$ay 0 Ti'e # hrs.

!ain Topics <rientation on the course syllabus, course re/uirements, discussion on how students will be assessed,

!etho(ology an( Strategy giving of handouts lecture <ne-to three-minute essay

# hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. # hrs. #

overview of the course "robability and ,aws of "robability $iscrete "robability $istributions +ontinuous "robability $istribution 3ormative Assessment 6easuring ?ariables Tabular "resentation of $ata @raphic "resentation of $ata 6easures of +entral Tendency and ?ariation 6easures of "osition 3ormative Assessment +orrelation Analysis 0egression Analysis 3ormative Test $rawing +onclusion: .stimation $rawing +onclusion: :ypothesis Testing 2ummative Test

% ( *

lecture formation of spontaneous collaboration groups lecture brainstorming case-study presentation powerpoint presentation students are divided into learning cells administration of unit test lecture students are tasked to reflect on what they think they have learned lecture demonstration using computer lecture demonstration using computer lecture demonstration using the statistical mode of a scientific calculator 9 .A+., lecture reciprocal /uestioning administration of unit test lecture demonstration on the use of on-line statistical calculator lecture demonstration on the use of statistical software administration of unit test lecture lecture case-study Administration of a +omprehensive .xamination

Activity sheets

0eflection sheets )ritten case-study "roblem set +oncept map &nit Test 46+>5 0eflective diary Activity sheets Individual computer outputs of graphs Individual computer outputs 2eatwork &nit test 4two-tiered test5 Individual computer printout "roblem set Individual computer printout "roblem set &nit Test @roup report +ase-study report

; 7

# % (

*- ; 7

+omprehensive .xamination

hrs. B. +ourse <utcomes and 0elationship to "rogram <utcomes Course Outco'es A student completing this course should at the minimum be able to: $iscuss the role of probability in statistics. $efine probability and probability distribution. $ifferentiate discrete from continuous probability distribution. $efine event, complement of an event, and mutually exclusive events. $istinguish dependent from independent eventsC simple from compound events. Illustrate union and intersection of events. $efine sample point and sample space. ,ist the sample points in a sample space. Apply the laws of probability in solving probabilities of events . @ive examples of discrete and continuous probability distributions. 2olve problems involving discrete and continuous probability distributions. $ifferentiate a constant from a variable. +lassify variables according to level of measurement. "repare tables and create graphs of a given data set. Interpret graphs. +ompute for the mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of ungrouped and grouped data. Interpret results of measures of central tendency and variability. 2olve problems involving measures of position. $etermine relationship between two variables. 7 = ! B ! Identify the appropriate correlation coefficient to be obtained for different types of data. Interpret result of coefficient of correlation. +ompute for the coefficient of determination. Course Ob)ectives ! ! # % ( * ; 7 = B # % ( * Progra's Outco'es a b c d e

! # % ( * ;

! ! ! # ! % ! ( ! * ! ; ! 7 ! = # B # # ! # # # % # ( # * # ; # 7

@enerate computer printouts of a correlation analysis. +ompute for the e/uation of the regression line for a given data set. "redict the value of the dependent variable given the value of the independent variable from a regression e/uation. "roduce computer printouts of regression analysis. Interpret result of regression analysis. $istinguish point estimate from interval estimate. $ifferentiate statistic from parameter. 3ind the confidence interval for a population parameter. .xplain confidence level. $raw conclusions using estimation. 2tate the difference between null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. .numerate the steps in hypothesis testing. "erform test of hypothesis using the classical approach. "erform test of hypothesis using the p-value approach. Interpret result of a test statistic. $raw conclusions using hypothesis testing. +hoose an appropriate statistical tool for a given hypothesis.

11. +ontribution of +ourse to 6eeting the "rofessional +omponent: Information Technology : 7BD

@eneral .ducation +omponent: !BD !. +ourse .valuation: Components Attendance , class participation "erformance in authentic tasks Percentage (D #BD

"erformance in unit tests "erformance in comprehensive examination Total #. 0eferences:

#(D !BD 1223

Eiswas, $. 4!BB=5. "robability and 2tatistics, 8ew +entral Eook Agency ,T$, Folkota. .vans, 6. G 0osenthal, H .4!BB%5 .The "robability and 2tatistics: The 2cience of &ncertainty. ).:.3reeman and +o., 8ewIork. 6endenhall, ). G Eeaver, 0. 4!BB 5. Introduction to "robability and 2tatistics. = th ed. )A$2)<0T: "ublishing +ompany, +alifornia. 6oore, $. 4!BB%5. The Easic "ractice of 2tatistics, # rd ed. G ).:.3reeman and +o., 8ew Iork. 2pat', +. 4!B 5. Easic 2tatistics: Tales of $istributions. International .diiton, B th ed. )A$2)<0T: +engage ,earning, Eelmont, +A, &.2.A.

%. +ourse 6aterials 6ade Available: :andouts Activity 2heets "ower point presentations 3ormative and 2ummative Tests 6odules

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