City of Glass - Chapter 6 Deleted Part

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City of Glass: Chapter 6 "Bad Blood" Deleted Scene Jace looked at Alec steadily. Then he said, hat!

!s "et#een yo$ and %a&n$s Bane'(Alec!s head )erked to the side, as if Jace had slapped hi* or p$shed hi*. + don!t , there!s nothin& ,(+ kno# "etter,( Jace said, forestallin& hi*. +!* not st$pid. Tell *e the tr$th.(There isn!t anythin& "et#een $s,( Alec said , and then, catchin& the look on Jace!s face, added #ith &reatrel$ctance, any *ore. There!s nothin& "et#een $s any *ore. -kay'(And #hy is that' %a&n$s really liked yo$.(Drop it, Jace,( Alec said in a #arnin& tone. Jace #as none of "ein& #arned. %a&n$s says it!s "eca$se yo$!re h$n& $p on *e. +s that tr$e'( There #as a *o*ent of $tter silence. Then Alec &a.e a despairin& ho#l of horror and p$t his hands $p to his face. + a* &oin& to kill %a&n$s. /ill hi* dead.(Don!t. 0e cares a"o$t yo$. 0e really does . + "eli e.e that,( Jace said,*ana&in& to so$nd only a little "it a#k#ard. 1ook. + don!t #ant to p$sh yo $ into anythin&, "$t do yo$*ay"e #ant to ,(Call %a&n$s' 1ook, that!s a dead end, + kno# yo$!re tryin& to "e helpf$l, "$t ,(,kiss *e'( Jace finished. Alec looked as if he #ere a"o$t to fall off h is chair. 0AT' hat' hat'(-nce #hat #o$ld do.( Jace did his "est to look as if this #ere the sort of s$&&estion one *ade all the t i*e. + think it *i&ht help.( Alec looked at hi* #ith so*ethin& like h orror. 2o$ don!t *ean that.( hy #o$ldn!t + *ean it'(Beca$se yo$!re the strai&htest person + kno#. 3ossi"ly the strai&htest person in the $ni.erse.(45actly,( Jace said, and leaned for#ard, and kissed Alec on the *o$th.The kiss lasted appro5i*ately fo$r seconds "efore Alec p$lled forcef$llya#ay, thro#in& his hands $p as if to #ard Jace off fro* co*in& at hi* a&ain. 0e looked as if he #ere a"o$t to thro# $p. By the An&el,( he said. Don!t do that a&ain.(-h yeah'( Jace &rinned, and al*ost *eant it. That "ad'(1ike kissin& *y "rother,( said Alec, #ith a look of horror in his eyes. + tho$&ht yo$ *i&ht feel that #ay.( Jace cro ssed his ar*s his chest. Also, +!* hopin& #e can )$st &loss all the irony in #hat yo$ )$st sa

id.( e can &loss yo$ #ant to,( Alec said fer.ently. J$st don!t kiss *e a&ain.(+!* not &oin& to. + ha.e other "$siness to take care of.( Jace stood $p, kickin& his chair "ack. +f anyone asks #here + a*, tell the* + #ent for a #alk.( here are yo$ act$ally &oin&'( Alec asked, # atchin& hi* #alk to the door. To see Clary'(6o.( Jace shook his head. +!* &oin& to the Gard. +!* &oin& to "reak Si*on o$t of )ail.(

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