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January 20, 2014


Cinderellaby Lim Ching Wei weak, follow orders easily, kind, pretty Prince by San Maguel charming, perfectionist Royal Massenger/ Butler by Joshua Anggoh Lee strong, protective, funny, care for prince Stepmother by Alia Nadirah arrogant, aggressive Stepsister by Lara Amanda evil, bullies, easily jealous, loves prince Stepbrother by Ahmad Syihan evil, arrogant, rude, bullies Narrator/ King by AimiSyafiqah old, frail, terminally ill, loves his son Fairygodfatherby Ahmad Shahir tricky, kind, loves to sing, strict

Scene 1 (at Cinderellas home)

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl namedCinderella. She had two ugly stepsisters who were very cruel to her. Stepsister: Did you clean the kitchen?( checking the floor) Cinderella: Yes, I did. Stepbrother: Did you polish my shoes? Cinderella: Yes, I did. (showing polished shoes) Stepsister: Did you iron my clothes? Cinderella: Yes, I did. Stepbrother: And...did you make breakfast? Cinderella: Yes, breakfast is ready. Stepmother: Yes kids? What seems to be the problem? Stepsister: MotherCinderella shes not doing a single thing! Stepmother: Hah?! You? Work hard?! Nonsense! Get back to your work! (evil smirk come across her face) Narrator: The evil stepsisters made Cinderella do all the hard work. Royal Messenger : (Sigh) Huh.. Finally the last house and last invitation left.. (Knocking the door) Cinderella: (calling out) Stepsisters! A letter from the royal palace has arrived for you. Stepsister: (fighting) Give it to me! I want to open it. Stepbrother: (fighting) No! I want to open it. Stepsister & Stepbrother: (looking at the invitation card) Look! We are invited to the Princes ball at the royal palace. Cinderella: ( excitedly clapping hand) Ive never been to a palace before. It must be fun.. Stepmother: (evil smirk) Theres no way youre going to the ball unless you get rid of every single dust bunny in this house! Cinderella: (begging) Please mother. Please..( about to cry) (All of them ignore Cinderella and get ready for the ball)

Narrator: The night of the ball arrived.. Cinderella: (crying sadly) I wish I can go to the ball. I really want to see the palace. Fairy godfather enters from upstage left. He is wearing a black suit and equipped with magic wand.( stage light goes dim lit) Fairy godfather: (Singing) Cinderella, dont be too sad. Cinderella: ( blurred) Oh my! Who are you? Fairy godfather: Im your fairy godfather, beautiful Cinderella. I am hereto help you go to the ball tonight. Narrator: The fairy godfather waved her magic wand. Fairy godfather chants a spell for Cinderella while waving his magic wand Cinderella: Wow! Its so beautiful. (Cinderellas rags turned into a beautiful dress.) Narrator: On her feet were sparkling glass shoes. Cinderella: Oh, I love them! Narrator: The fairy godfather turned a box into a beautiful carriage. Cinderella: Wow.that is so magical! Fairy godfather: You are ready now, my dear. Lets go and have some fun tonight, but make sure you finish before midnight,I will be waiting for you outside the castle. Cinderella: Okay, fairy godfather! Thank you.

Scene 2 (at the ball)

King: (coughing and frail) Son, tonight is the night. You must find someone to be the queen. Im no longer able to lead our country. Im old and sick. I believe that you will make the best choice. This is my only wish. Prince: (worry) Father, I cant. How can I marry someone whom I met for the first time? King: (coughing) Believe in me son. You will find that one person. Prince: (half crying) If this is what you want, Ill do it. Stepsister: (enters from the upstage left and feel amazed) This palace is so huge and beautiful. Mom I want to live in this palace. Stepbrother: (Laughing) Ha..Ha..Ha.. You must be dreaming. Stepmother: Of course you can dear, but you must win the princes heart. (smile proudly) Stepsister: I will mother ( nodding and smiling) Prince: Josh! How do I look? Is my hair ok? (worry) Butler: Everything is good sir. Im sure you will win a womans heart tonight. (happy) Prince: (Sigh) Im not sure whether Ill find that one person. Narrator: At the ball, everyone wondered who the beautiful princess was. Stepsister: Who is that beautiful princess? Stepbrother: Ive never seen such a beautiful woman in my life! Stepmother: Oh no! The Prince is going to dance with her. (prince walks towards Cinderella) Stepsister: This is not fair! She was meant to dance with me. Prince: Would you like to dance with me? Cinderella: Oh, yes, your highness. Narrator: The Prince danced every dance with her. (music playing as the background) Suddenly, the clock began to strike twelve.(clock sounds ticking) Cinderella: I must go! Thank you for the dance. (run out from the ballroom but left one of her glass shoes) Prince: Please stay! (shouting) What is your name?

Narrator: Cinderella did not answer and ran back to the coach, but she lost one of her glass shoes on the way. Then, the coach and horses disappeared. Cinderellas beautiful dress turned back to rags. Cinderella: Oh no! Everythings gone. My beautiful dress and my sparkling shoes, where are they? Was it a dream?

Scene 3 (at Cinderellas home)

Narrator: The next day, the Prince and his loyal butler set out to find Cinderella again. Prince: I want every girl in the kingdom to try on this lost glass shoes. I must find my princess. Narrator: But the glass shoes didnt fit anyone. The Prince then arrived at Cinderellas house. Stepbrother: Good morning young Prince. I am so happy that you finally found the shoes. Stepsister: It belongs to me. I am the princess you are looking for, my prince. Butler : Then shall we? ( handing the glass shoes to stepsister) Narrator: The ugly stepsister tried to fit into the shoes. Stepsister: Let me try first! Stepbrother: No. Your feet are much too big. Give it to me! Stepsister: What? You too?(awkward) Narrator: Stepsister feet was to big while the stepbrother feet was to small to fit the shoes. Then the butler saw Cinderella. Butler: How about you, little girl? Perhaps this shoes belongs to you. (asking Cinderella) Stepmother: Me? Oh, you mean Cinderella(sad) Stepsister/ stepbrother: But, she didnt go to the ball. The shoes wont fit her! She might broke the glass shoes! (rejecting) Prince : Its alright, it would not broke that easily if it meets the right owner. Narrator: Cinderella sat down and tried on the shoes. Prince: It fits! Cinderella: It surely fits. (happy) Stepsister&Stepbrother: (surprised) Oh fits? Butler: (Happy) Perhaps you have found the right person, young prince? Prince: (smiling) That must be it. You are the one Ive been looking for! What is your name? Cinderella: (smiling) Cinderella. Narrator: The prince made Cinderella as her wife and they live in the castle happily ever after..

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