Industrial Visit Report

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A REPORT ON INDUSTRIAL VISIT TO Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry Antharasanahalli Industrial area, Tumkur-06


Associate Professor, Tumkur University

Mr.shashidhar R Assistant Professor, Tumkur University

Submitted By:
Sanath Kumar N Mallika A N Harish Kumar S Thimmraj G k Hemavathi N 1st MBA, Tumkur University

Tumkur University MBA Dept.

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We have gained a lot of knowledge during industrial visit at Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this report. We want to thank Department of studies & resarch in business administration, Tumkur University for giving me the great opportunity to commence this industrial visit. I am grateful to Mr. chandrashekar (Working as counselor in Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry ). Under guidance , I have completed this Industrial Visit . I have no words to acknowledge the valuable time & support that I have received for them.

Tumkur University MBA Dept.

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REPORT ON INDUSTRIAL VISIT Basic purpose of visit:

The Vision of Industrial visit is to Inspire Young M.B.A.s to Lead development by taking enterprise. By doing so they can turn from job seeker to job creators. Travel As A Learning Experience Programs were designed to increase candidates awareness of the corporate world Hands-on activities. Well-planned Industrial Visit which sticks to the pre-set itinerary. Focuses on the concepts that the students need to learn along with providing adequate doses of Learning. Fun can go a long way in making the students realize and relish the learning concepts and the importance of an Industrial Visit.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry granites, a private organization is very well known in the field of granites in the international market. It was set up in the year 199394 and is located at BH road which is 3 km away from Nandhihalli Tumkur district, Karnataka it is mainly concerned with extraction of granite blocks from its queries and exports of granites blocks Granites have optimum quality and of Rajashree Granites. Because of its quality, Tumkur city called as pink city in the international market the company to its credit has received number of national awards for export of granites blocks the company has its head office at Antharasanahalli Industrial area, Tumkur . Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry granites a private organization has its total area of acres by providing employment to around 200 employees. It consists of line and staff organization, line people consists of thinkers and staff people are operators staff section chalk out plans of officers operations to be performed and issues necessary instructions to the line section which implements instructions to the best of its capacity the co has its registered office at Tumkur. INDUSTRIAL PROFILE Granites is one of the commodities, which are having its own name in the international market. Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry is the Granites factory that was started in the year 1994-95 with manpower of 25. It has total area of 4 acres by providing employment to around 200 employees, The production is 1500 Cubic Meter per annum with the turnover of Rs.14Crores There are number of Granites Companys throughout India which are situated in various states like Rajasthan, Karnataka, Gujarat etc. these are one of the sources to the government in earning the tax as well as exporters name in the international market. Today in the international market the need for Granites have gone up

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Company Factsheet

Name of the company Proprietor Address

: Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry

: Mr. Chandra Mouli

: Plot No. 134, 2nd phase, Opp. Central warehouse, Antharasanahalli Industrial area, Tumkur - 06 Ph.: 0816-2274522 Fax. : 0816-2279689 Factory. : 0816-2211144, Mob-9686194705

Type of Unit Year of Establishment Total Area Covered Number of Employees

Private Company

: 1994-95 : 4 acres : 60 120 c.m per month

Approximate production PA:

Approximate Sales PA : 1400 cubic meters Turnover PA: 14 cr

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Data is any information facts, concepts, and sensation represented in a formal manner, suitable for communicating, interpreting, or processing. Data is the base for every research work. The data collected for the purpose of analysis include both primary and secondary data.

1) Primary Data: The primary data has been collected at first hand through direct personnel interviews, using structured questionnaires. The information is collected from sampling from sampling that allows concentrating on customers and hence devoting more energy to ensure that the information collected is accurate one. Primary data has been collected directly from the respondents and the proprietor of the firm.

2) Secondary Data: I collected the information about the history of the Granite industries with the help of Internet service. And I dont have any secondary data regarding Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry.

Research Techniques:Structured Questionnaire Personal Interviews Statistical Tools. Tables / Chart

Sample unit: The study is conducted in Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry in Tumkur city on following departments. Production department Polishing department Marketing department
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INTRODUCTION About 25 % of the world granite reserves are in India according to 'Indian Bureau of Quarries,' a Government of India organisation. Recoverable reserves are 1027421 million cubic metres in the total reserves at already identified areas (as on 1-4- 1995) with Maximum concentration of deposits in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Deposits are also identified recently in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Orissa, Bihar, West Bengal. There are many more vast areas of reserves yet to be identified and tapped. Reserves are also in numerous types, colours and patterns; over 100 varieties identified so far and more varieties are being explored and search for new varieties is a continuous process. India is amongst the leading exporter countries of stones in the world, being a close competitor to China and Italy who are the leaders. In Million rupees, Indian Stone exports amounted to 34 Billion Rupees in 2003-04, with Granite alone accounting for 26 Billion Rupees. Sandstones are fast emerging as a leading export segment with an 11%share in exports

Karnataka is one of the hotspot with the granite-estimated 107242 million cubic meters. The world-renowned Tumkur red and pink, black galaxy granite etc. occur in plentiful quantities. Granite worth about Rs.3000 million (US $ 60 million) is being exported. There are significant opportunities for making novel products with polished granite, which have a good demand in the international market.

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Mine owners get lease license from the government to mine a certain area. In Tumkur, mine owners are also involved in retail selling or processing or exporting of granite. The mined granite are sized or trimmed as per the specification of buyers, who are generally traders with collection centres or warehouses in Chennai, or in Bangalore. The traders sell the crude or roughly trimmed sandstones to either domestic or international customers. There are several processing units in Tumkur engaged in processing and polishinof granite for international customers. These industrial units have agents in Tumkur quarries areas and they buy the approved quality of granite. Then they are sent to these processing units for the final works. Some granite exporters act as agents with purchasing offices in Tumkur and export directly from the quarries. Around 80% of quarrying are illegal, as there is no control from the government the quarry owners blast the stories wherever they like. It is evident once one travels around the village and can easily see the places readily quarried for the stone. According to people the quarry owners mine non-leased area first and then only the leased area which Is in violation of existing laws. The other reason for the above illegal mining is growing demand from the western countries in order to complete the orders they mine the granite illegally without permit from government.

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All visited stone polishing units share a common practice of violating the laws of
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the safety of labour (sans glows, eye class, gum boots, mask, uniforms etc..). The house keeping is very pathetic with stones and wastes littered everywhere with huge dust allover the place including the air. Poor ventilation is a very common phenomenon with the processing units irrespective of brand and status of the company. Even though labour is not found inside the factory, there are more in the camps. TRANSPORTATION OF STONES The stones are transported in many ways, the legal stones are sent to either Mangalore (Karnataka) port or Kochi (Kerala) port and illegal stones are sent to Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu). The illegal ones are taken from small roads escaping the road authorities and Tax officers and enter Tamil Nadu border which is 10 KM and go to Tuticorin port which is 450 Km with the same purchase order used for the legal stones i.e. one purchase order is used for two shipments. The polished stones are packed in wooden boxes and sent to port through the containers. The raw stones are carried openly in the big tucks. Labour in Tumkur Under the constitution of india labour is on the concurrent list this implies that both the central and state govt can enact legislatioj in the benefit of the workers The Quarries Act, 1952, regulates safety, health and welfare of workers in quarries. Employment in quarries, trade union rights and liabilities, dispute resolution, contract labour are also regulated under different Acts arid Rules. Despite all these safeguards, labourers are one of the most-exploited segernents of the mining industry in Tumkur and in other areas. WAGES IN Tumkur The wages system varies place to place but the minimum wages for people working in mining operations are from 350 rupees to 400 rupees and at processing units it varies from 250 to 300 rupees/per day. In the camps it depends upon the person's capability to finish the stone, however the labour employed in camps earns more than other people in mining operations.

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SUGGESSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Most of the customers are business man who purchases tiles for further trading; through proper promotion of tiles it can attract more customers. It should improve customer relationships a bit more. Quality is the main strength of Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry so it should maintain it and try to improve it. The firm needs to advertise its products in a proper media of advertising to attract more and more customers and to retain its present customers. The firm should opt latest technology of production to produce more tiles at lesser time and to increase its productivity. The firm needs to attract newer segments of customers so as to increase demand for its products. The firm as to concentrate on the safety of workers. Since there is electricity supply in mining area its essential needed so from that the firm can save around 40000 rupees per day.


Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry shares a good customer relationship. As there are a lot of granite industries in Tumkur Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry face immense competition. Heavy competition has made customers to get confused about the product and even about the price. Most of the respondents visiting Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry are Business man and some are employees. most of the respondents are visiting fortnightly and some of them are visiting weekly and monthly to Sri Vigneshwara Granite Industry

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Our Experience from the Industrial Visit

See & know is better motto than read & learn. After completing the industrial visit, we have upgraded our knowledge at a very great level. It was a good learning experience. In each & every department, we got some or the other new ideas and new thinking which was very necessary for development. We have visited the entire process department. They are using new technologies.Other basic requirements for prod. Is fulfilled very effectively time to time. It is desirable to review variousaspects & sum up the industrial visit. During industrial. visit, we feel very much satisfied by acquiring information of various dept. & knowing many new thingsThe industrial visit helps how to translate theory into practical. We conclude that while going through the entire industrial visit, the cooperation is found to be very well organized, developed & most ideal industry in every walk of its production, administration & management aspects.

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