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Principal author e al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248- !22" #ol.

$" Issue $" $$$$-$$$$ 2%&4" pp.$$-$$ 3*S*A3CB A30/CC* ACC*SS DP*E

Preparation of Papers for International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

First Author*, Second Author**
*(Department of Computer Science, !" #ni$ersit%, Coim&atore'() *mai+, a& ** (Department of /nformation 0echno+og%, A1C #ni$ersit%, #SA *mai+, a&

0he a&stract shou+d summari4e the content of the paper. 0r% to 2eep the a&stract &e+ow 255 words. Do not ma2e references nor disp+a% e6uations in the a&stract. 0he journa+ wi++ &e printed from the same'si4ed cop% prepared &% %ou. !our manuscript shou+d &e printed on A( paper (27.5 cm 8 29.: cm.. /t is imperati$e that the margins and st%+e descri&ed &e+ow &e adhered to carefu++%. 0his wi++ ena&+e us to 2eep uniformit% in the fina+ printed copies of the ;ourna+. P+ease 2eep in mind that the manuscript %ou prepare wi++ &e photographed and printed as it is recei$ed. 3eada&i+it% of cop% is of paramount importance. Keywords - A&out fi$e 2e% words in a+pha&etica+ order, separated &% comma misce++aneous num&ering s%stem %ou use in %our I. INTRODUCTION paper cannot &e confused with a reference >(? or an the introduction of the paper shou+d e8p+ain the e6uation (=. designation. nature of the pro&+em, pre$ious wor2, purpose, and I(. )I!URE" AND TA*+E" the contri&ution of the paper. 0he contents of each section ma% &e pro$ided to understand easi+% a&out 0o ensure a high'6ua+it% product, diagrams and the paper. +ettering @#S0 &e either computer'drafted or


drawn using /ndia in2.


0he headings and su#headings, starting with <$. Introduction<, appear in upper and +ower case +etters and shou+d &e set in #old and aligned flush left. A++ headings from the /ntroduction to Ac2now+edgements are num&ered se6uentia++% using 7, 2, =, etc. Su&headings are num&ered 7.7, 7.2, etc. /f a su&section must &e further di$ided, the num&ers 7.7.7, 7.7.2, etc. 0he font si4e for heading is $$ points #old face and su#sections %ith $& points and not #old. Do not under+ine an% of the headings, or add dashes, co+ons, etc.

Figure captions appear &e+ow the figure, are f+ush +eft, and are in +ower case +etters. Ahen referring to a figure in the &od% of the te8t, the a&&re$iation <Fig.< is used. Figures shou+d &e num&ered in the order the% appear in the te8t.

0a&+e captions appear centered a&o$e the ta&+e in upper and +ower case +etters. Ahen referring to a ta&+e in the te8t, no a&&re$iation is used and <0a&+e< is capita+i4ed.





0he first paragraph under each heading or su&heading shou+d &e f+ush +eft, and su&se6uent paragraphs shou+d ha$e a fi$e'space indentation. A co+on is inserted &efore an e6uation is presented, &ut there is no punctuation fo++owing the e6uation. A++ e6uations are num&ered and referred to in the te8t so+e+% &% a num&er enc+osed in a round &rac2et (i.e., (=. reads as <e6uation =<.. *nsure that an% Page

A conc+usion section must &e inc+uded and shou+d indicate c+ear+% the ad$antages, +imitations, and possi&+e app+ications of the paper. A+though a conc+usion ma% re$iew the main points of the paper, do not rep+icate the a&stract as the conc+usion. A conc+usion might e+a&orate on the importance of the wor2 or suggest app+ications and e8tensions.


Principal author e al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248- !22" #ol. $" Issue $" $$$$-$$$$ 2%&4" pp.$$-$$ AC,NO-+ED!E.ENT"
An ac2now+edgement section ma% &e presented after the conc+usion, if desired. >(?

D.S. Chan, 'heor/ and i(ple(entation of (ultidi(ensional discrete s/ste(s for signal processing, doctora+ diss., @assachusetts /nstitute of 0echno+og%, Cam&ridge, @A, 79:F. Note that thesis title is set in italics and the uni.ersit/ that granted the degree is listed along 1ith location infor(ation

'his heading is not assigned a nu()er. A reference +ist .U"T &e inc+uded using the fo++owing information as a guide. Dn+% cited te8t references are inc+uded. *ach reference is referred to in the te8t &% a num&er enc+osed in a s6uare &rac2et (i.e., >=?.. 3eferences /ust #e nu/#ered and ordered according to %here the0 are first /entioned in the paper1 ED0 a+pha&etica++%. E2a/ples follo%,

Proceedings Papers3
>H? A.;. 1oo2, @ode++ing design and contro+ of f+e8i&+e manipu+ator arms, A tutoria+ re$iew, Proc. 2 th IEEE 4onf. on 5ecision and 4ontrol, San Francisco, CA, 7995, H55'H5). Note that the proceedings title is set in italic

Journal Papers3
>7? @ D4a2i, !. Adachi, !. /wahori, and E. /shii, App+ication of fu44% theor% to writer recognition of Chinese characters, International Journal of *odelling and Si(ulation" &8+2," 799F, 772'77). Note that the -ournal title" .olu(e nu()er and issue nu()er are set in italics.

.ail 0our .anuscript to i5era.editor6g/

>2? 3.*. @oore, anal/sis (*ng+ewood C+iffs, E;, Prentice'Ba++, 79)).. Note that the title of the )oo0 is in lo1er case letters and italici2ed. 'here is no co((a follo1ing the title. Place of pu)lication and pu)lisher are gi.en.

Chapters in *oo4s3
>=? P.D. 1ishop, Eeuroph%sio+og% of &inocu+ar $ision, in ;.Bouseman (*d.., 3and)oo0 of ph/siolog/" ( (Eew !or2, Springer'Ger+ag, 79:5. =(2'=)). Note that the place of pu)lication" pu)lisher" and /ear of pu)lication are enclosed in )rac0ets. Editor of )oo0 is listed )efore )oo0 title. Page


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