Aunty Milah Cooked 2.7 KG of Rice in The Morning. She Cooked 1.25 KG of Rice in The Evening. How Much Rice Did She Cook Altogether?

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1. Aunty Milah cooked 2.7 kg of rice in the morning. She cooked 1.25 kg of rice in the evening.

How much rice did she cook altogether?

Makcik Milah telah memasak 2.7 kg beras pada waktu pagi. Pada waktu petang pula, dia telah memasak 1.25kg beras. Berapakah jumlah beras yang telah dia masak?

A. 3.85 kg B. 1.45 kg
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 3.95 kg D. 1.65 kg
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) Total weight of rice she cooked Addition

Process skill

Given Solve

2.7 kg and 1.25 kg of rice 2.7 + 1.25 = 2.7 1.25 3.95

2.7 + 1.25 = 3.95 Encoding What is the answer? The total weight of rice is 3.95 kg

2. Rubee needs 0.8 m of pink ribbon, 2.6 m of blue ribbon and 3.85 m of yellow ribbon. Calculate the total length of ribbon she needs.
Rubee memerlukan riben merah jambu sepanjang 0.8 m, riben biru sepanjang 2.6m dan riben kuning sepanjang 3.85 m. Kira jumlah panjang riben yang dia perlukan.

A. 7.25 B. 8.25
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 3.4 D. 4.65
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) Total length of ribbon Addition

Process skill

Given Solve

0.8 m, 2.6 m and 3.85 m of ribbon 0.8 + 2.6 + 3.85 = 0.8 2.6 3.85 7.25

0.8 + 2.6 + 3.85 = 7.25 Encoding What is the answer? The total length of ribbon is 7.25 m.

3. Jamie has 6.9 kg of flour. She uses 2.15 kg of the flour to bake some bread and 3.43 kg to bake a cake. How much flour, in kg, does she have left?
Jamie ada 6.9 kg tepung. Dia menggunakan 2.15 kg daripada tepung itu untuk membuat sedikit roti dan 3.43 kg untuk membuat sebiji kek. Berapa banyakkah tepung, dalam kg, yang dia tinggal?

A. 132 B. 13.2

C. 1.82 D. 1.32

Level Reading Comprehension Transformation

Process skill

Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

Prediction (The student reads the whole question) The mass of flour left Subtraction

Given Solve

6.9 kg of flour 2.15 kg and 3.43 kg of flour are used 6.9 - 2.15 3.43 = 6.9 2.15 4.75 4.75 3.43 1.32

6.9 - 2.15 3.43 = 1.32 Encoding What is the answer? The mass of flour is 1.32 kg

4. The total of three numbers is 9.88. If the first number is 4.39 and the second number is 3.7, find the third number.
Jumlah ketiga-tiga nombor adalah 9.88. Jika nombor pertama adalah 4.39 dan nombor kedua adalah 3.7, cari nombor yang ketiga.

A. 5.49 B. 1.79
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 8.09 D. 18.17
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) To find the third number Subtraction

Process skill


Total of three number = 9.88 First number = 4.39 Second number = 3.7 9.88 4.39 3.7 = 9.88 4.39 5.49 5.49 3.7 1.79


9.88 4.39 3.7 = 1.79 Encoding What is the answer? The third number is 1.79

5. Each packet of groundnuts weighs 0.45 kg. What is the total weight of 6 packets of groundnuts?
Berat setiap paket kacang tanah adalah 0.45 kg. Berapakah jumlah berat untuk 6 paket kacang tanah?

A. 6.45 B. 2.85
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 2.65 D. 2.70
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) Sum of milk are drinked in a week Multiplication

Process skill

Given Solve

0.75 of flour 1 week = 7 days 0.75 x 7 = 0.75 7 5.25

0.75 x 7 5.25 Encoding What is the answer? The is 5.25 kg

6. Linda drinks 0.75 litre of milk everyday. How many litres of milk will she drink in a week?
Linda minum susu sebanyak 0.75 liter setiap hari. Berapa literkah susu yang diminumnya selama seminggu?

A. 5.25 B. 1.50
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 7.75 D. 3.75
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) Sum of milk drink in a week Multiplication

Process skill

Given Solve

0.75 of flour 1 week = 7 days 0.75 x 7 = 0.75 7 5.25

0.75 x 7 = 5.25 Encoding What is the answer? The sum of milk drink in a week is 5.25

7. Nora uses 0.66 m of ribbon to tie a gift box. How much ribbon does she need to tie 7 gift boxes?
Nora menggunakan sebanyak 66 cm riben untuk mengikat sebuah kotak hadiah. Berapakah panjang riben yang diperlukan untuk mengikat 6 buah kotak hadiah?

A. 6.34 m B. 7.66 m
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 4.62 m D. 1.73 m
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) The sum of milk drink in a week Multiplication

Process skill

Given Solve

0.75 of flour 1 week = 7 days 0.75 x 7 = 0.75 7 5.25

0.75 x 7 = 5.25 Encoding What is the answer? The sum of milk drink in a week is 5.25

8. Madam Lee bought 28.48 m of cloth to make 8 pieces of curtains. What is the length of each piece of curtain?
Puan Lee telah membeli 28.48 m kain untuk membuat 8 helai langsir. Berapakah panjang setiap langsir tersebut?

A. 3.56 m B. 3.45 m
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 3.00 m D. 4.02 m
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) Length of each piece of curtain Division
Given Solve

Process skill

28.48 m of cloth Tobe cut into 8 pieces 2.48 8= 3.56 8 28.48 24 4.4 4.0 48 48 0 3.56 8 = 3.56


What is the answer?

The length of each pieces of curtain is 3.56 m

9. During Hari Raya Qurban, Encik Ali slaughters 4 cows. Each of the cow weight 45.5 kg. Then, he distributes the meat to 8 families. How much meat, in kg, does a family get?
Ketika Hari Raya Korban,Encik Ali telah menyembelih 3 ekor lembu. Berat setiap lembu itu adalah 45.5 kg. Kemudian, dia mengagihkan daging lembu tersebut kepada 8 buah keluarga. berapa banyakkah, dalam kg, setiap keluarga dapat?

A. 27.25 B. 25.45

C. 24.25 D. 22.75

Level Reading Comprehension Transformation

Process skill

Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

Prediction (The student reads the whole question) Sum of milk drink in a week Multiplication

Given Solve

0.75 of flour 1 week = 7 days 0.75 x 7 = 0.75 7 5.25

0.75 x 7 = 5.25 Encoding What is the answer? The sum of milk drink in a week is 5.25

10. Johan bought 16.5 litre of kerosene. He divided it equally into 15 containers. How much kerosene, in litre, was there a container?
Johan membeli 16.5 liter kerosin. Dia membahagikan kerosin itu secara sama banyak ke dalam 15 buah bekas. Berapan banyakkah kerosin, dalam liter, yang ada di dalam sebuah bekas?

A. 1.5 B. 1.1
Level Reading Comprehension Transformation Inquiry Can you read the question? What does the question ask you to do? Then, what operation do you work out to find the answer? Can you show me your calculation or write it on this paper?

C. 1.7 D. 1.3
Prediction (The student reads the whole question) Sum of milk drink in a week Multiplication

Process skill

Given Solve

0.75 of flour 1 week = 7 days 0.75 x 7 = 0.75 7 5.25

0.75 x 7 = 5.25 Encoding What is the answer? The sum of milk drink in a week is 5.25

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