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Lapbook material to use with Ad Duha Mini Tafseer Series Books


Good Deeds

Patience Belief

1. By time, 2. Indeed, mankind is in loss,

3. Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience.




Good Deeds



Surah Al Asr is a little Surah with a big message.

TIME is very important. Once it is gone, we can never get it back.

When Allah swears by something it means that thing is very important. Moosaylimah was a man at the time of RasulAllah who thought being a prophet was a good idea, so he lied and said he was a prophet just like RasulAllah . When Surah Al Asr was revealed one of the Quraysh named Amr bin Al-As (who was not a Muslim at the time) visited Moosaylimah.

Surah Al Asr is the shortest Surah in the Quraan.

Some people believed him but most did not.

Moosaylimah asked Amr what had been revealed to RasulAllah . Amr said a small Surah, and recited Surah Al Asr. His Surah was small like Surah Al Asr, it had 3 verses like Surah Al Asr, and it even rhymed like Surah Al Asr, but when you listed to what his surah said, you will see that it is not like Surah Al Asr AT ALL! Moosaylimah asked Amr what he thought and Amr said By Allah! Verily you know that I know you are lying.

Moosaylimah did not want to be out done, so he said he had gotten a small surah as well.

O Wabr, O Wabr! (this is a small furry animal) You are only too ears and a chest, and the rest of you is digging and burrowing. Moosaylimah was a liar and Surah Al Asr proved it beyond any doubt.

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