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Competency Mapping

by-Ms. Aparna Kaushik

Defining Competencies & behavioral indicators. Conceptual framework of Competency mapping. Competency Assessment using psychometric test


'Competencies are the characteristics of a manager that lead to the demonstration of skills and abilities, which result in effective performance within an occupational area.-Hogg (1993) 'Cluster of related knowledge, skills and attitude that affects major part of one's job (role), that correlates with performance on the job, that can be measured against well accepted standards and that can be improved via training and development'. !arry, "##$ Capacity to transfer skills and abilities from one area to another area. Competence is skills that leads to performance at job whereas behaviour that leads to this performance is competency.

Competency v/s Competence

%competence& means a skill and the standard of performance reached, while %competency& refers to the behaviour by which it is achieved. Competence 'kill (ased Competency (ehaviour based Manner of behaviour
How the standard is achieved

'tandard attained
What is measured

The Interface between Competence and Competency

Competence refers to the range of skills which are satisfactorily performed, while competencies refers to the behaviour adopted in competent performance.

Competencies ...
Competencies.... lead to effective performance. also embodies the capacity to transfer skills and abilities from one area to another.

(ehavioural and )unctional Competencies (ehavioural Competencies* include broad success factor, +soft, attributes like adaptability, stress tolerance, intellectual capacity, sensitivity.. )unctional Competencies* include +hard, or functional-technical attributes, within the given work function, like numerical interpretation.

What are competencies

Observable Behaviour

$nowledge %ob &elated

!kill Communicates well

#rait #eam player" confident" demonstrate initiatives" handle stress

Motive !elf development" focuses on client success" personal integrity

Competency Mapping

A process of identifying key competencies for an organisation'job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes such as job evaluation" training" recruitment etc.. Can also be described as process an individual uses to identify and describe competencies that are most critical to success in a work. (t consists of breaking a given role or job into its constituent tasks or activities and identifying the competencies. Competency mapping model describes the combination of knowledge" skills and characteristics needed to effectively perform a role in an organisation.

)eed for Competency Mapping

Address employee needs *hat am ( on skills+ *hat are the gaps+ ,ow to improve on skills *hat is e-pected of my role+ *hat are possible future roles+ .eople have to know about competencies which help them deliver better to customers

Address organi/ational ' business needs

,igh performance 0-pectation management on career and promotions ,igher productivity with improved skills

)eed for Competency Mapping

C&(#0&(A #O M0A!1&0 COM.0#0)C2 & .0&3O&MA)C0


Superior Performance

Effective Performance


Threshold Competencies

Differentiating Competencies

Approaches to Competency Mapping

.op /own 0pproach (ottom 1p 0pproach 2ybrid 0pproach

Top Down Approach

Competencies needed for effective performance

or superior performance are identified by e3pert groups consisting of job incumbents, superiors or subordinates often analy4ing organi4ational objectives

Bottom Up Approach
.he knowledge, skills, motives, attitudes, traits, self concept

and other attributes of consistently high performing employees are studied using techni5ues like*
". Case analysis 6. Critical 7ncidents 8. (ehavioral 9vents 7nterview :. !articipant ;bservation <. !erformance =ecord $. >erification ?. =epository @rid etc

0nd benchmarked them for developing in other employees in the organi4ation

Hybrid Approach
7nvolves developing a competency model based

on theoretical knowledge and intuition by e3perts- 2= professionals

Competency Model

A competency model describes the combination of knowledge" skills and characteristics needed to effectively perform a role in an organi/ation and is used as a human resource tool for selection" training and development" appraisal and succession planning. A competency model includes both innate and ac4uired aspects. (t is essentially a pyramid built on the foundation of inherent talents" incorporating the types of skills and knowledge that can be ac4uired through learning effort and e-perience. At the top of the pyramid is a specific set of behaviours that are the manifestation of all innate and ac4uired abilities. !picall! " competenc! model includes #ompetenc! titles $efinitions of those titles %e! &ehaviour indicators

Competency (Pyramid !odel


#ompetenc! titles, $efinitions of those titles %e! &ehaviour indicators


ool for

(ecruitment)*election raining + $evelopment "ppraisal + *uccession ,lanning

#ki""s Know"ed$e

Important &actors to consider' (o"e and Conte)t

!ersona" Characteristics

" competenc! model describes the combination of knowledge, skills and characteristics needed to effectivel! perform a role in an organi-ation.

The Lancaster (Burgoyne) Model of Managerial Competencies




Competency !odel for Sales "ssociates

Personality Assertiveness !elf !ufficiency ,igh 0motional !tamina "bility 6uantitative &easoning Divergent #hinking #no$ledge Computer 7iteracy .roduct $nowledge 3inancial Analysis S%ills 8asic !elling !kills .roblem !olving !kills .resentation !kills 0stablishing rapport" determining customer needs" relating benefits to product features. Anticipating problem:inviting ideas" distinguishes symptoms from causes" modifying proposals and implementin solutions. Ability to communicate to large & small groups" establish rapport" articluate delivery of ideas" use visal aids effectively. 8asic computer skills 0-pertise related to company5s product & services" as well as other crucial aspects of the business. 1nderstanding the financial im9pact of decisions on the customer" customer satisfaction and company Ability to reason with" analyse and draw conclusion from members Ability to see and think beyond the obvious formulate original solutions Ability to take command during the face to face situations while displaying appropiate tact and diplomacy Ability to work independently and maintain one5s motivation Ability to maintain focus & effectiveness under stressful & frustrating situations

Planning to Develop a Competency !odel

; !teps *. +etermine the ob,ectives and scope' why are we doing it+ *hat jobs"
functions" business unit will target+

Methods use to develop model

!tart from scratch !uitable for developing model for a job" function or role in the organisation !trating with a <alidated Competency Model. 8est suited for leadership'managerial roles that cut across functions & position.

-. C"arify imp"ementation $oa"s and standards (mplementation standards

should be 4uality" 4uantity and timings.

&' Action p"an !hould comprise of action steps broken into work that needs to be

done" deliverables into tasks and activities for carrying out each step" schedule with start and end date" resources re4uired" with people and money etc.

.. Identification of individua" performance a$ainst estab"ished performance criteria' (dentify people with various performance level" identify what
is successful performance and differentitate the behaviour of successful performer with others less effective =set performance criteria> through different methods. ,elp in identifying competencies.

Design of Competency !apping

Map Competencies Map skills" personal attributes and training for a given job specify the re4uired performance level. &ank order" finali/e" validate and benchmark attributes. #his will act as a checklist for subse4uent performance planning of employees Conduct competency test =psychometric tools> at the time of recruitment of new employees and skill matri- audit for e-isting employees Measure the current performance level against standard or desired performance level and note down the gap @ (f the current performance is more than re4uired level then subse4uent decision regarding recruitment'selection or compensation @ (f the current performance is less than the re4uired performance level then subse4uent decision regarding recruitment'selection or training or development programme is to be undertaken 7ay down a proposed performance level an benchmark

(dentify Competencies

Analyse Competency ?ap


Competency Mapping
A. !tudy the %ob Description'!pecification or B. 1se 6uestionnaires'(nterviews C. (dentify competency critical for outstanding performance vis a vis role ;. Define competencies in terms of behavioural indicators D. Develop measurement criteria for each competency



(dentifying the Competencies

,reparation for competenc! identification.


3or *homElevel or positions. *hat purpose.

7ocate successful people who can define what behaviours lead to success in the organisation. Also who are the average people who follow the role definition but meet only moderate success. (nterview

!mallest details of the behaviour which brings success to job. !ituation based interview. Distinguish between preferred and effective behaviour.&outine and repetitive behaviour is not included in the final competency description. )ote every behaviour described by the respondents. After all interviews noting sheets to be analysed. Classify behaviour by competency separately for superior and average performers. Draft competency definitions. Analyse for fre4uency of occurance and strength of behaviour. 8ehavioural (ndicators Describes actions or behaviours that one can observe of an individual taking or using that signify appropriate application of competency in a specific performance setting.

(efer. *ample &ehaviour /oting *heet


Competency Conflict Management

Definition Anticipates or seek to resolve confrontrations" disagreements or complaints in a constructive manner. 8ehavioural (ndicators

&ecognise root cause of conflicts or disagreements. &esolves confrontations in constructive manner. Address formal and informal complaints from employees or from person other than employees i.e. customer or suppliers.

%ob Descriptions 8ehavioral 0vent (nterviews !urveys 7iterature &eview Critical (ncidents 3ocus ?roups" Observations

ools for $ata #ollection

<alidate and Measure Competencies


6uestionnaire method Convert the competency definition and associated behaviours in a 4uestionnaire and administer the same. (( method .resent competency definition and associated behaviour to management and representative sample of population. #he competency dictionary then is opened for discussion. 8rainstorimg method to be followed which eventually help in noting all suggestions made and incorporated accordingly. Data from both methods to be analysed in order to determine the degree of acceptance of competency definition. 3re4uency Consistent" 3airly or )ever 6uality of 8ehaviour .erson may display a few but not all the behaviours associated with a competency.


7inking Competencies to AF.3 #raits

A. Determine key elements of the job.

Determine functional and behavioural competences important for effective job performance.

Done by %ob description" (nterviews" 0-perience shared by high performing employees.


Determine %ob Model for effective %ob .erformance

Critical attributes evolved for each position is mapped against personality traits.

(deal &ange Dimensional (mportance 7ow" Moderate" ,igh 3itment to the &ole ?ood 3it" Moderate 3it" .oor 3it Overall %ob Model !imilarity

2inking #ompetencies to ,s!chometric est 3 14,5

Factors *armth Rea oning Emotiona+ ,ta-i+it. /ominan!e Li%e+ine R0+e 1on !io0 ne ,o!ia+ 2o+dne ,en iti%it. 3igi+an!e (- tra!tedne 4ri%atene (55rehen ion 65enne to 1hange ,e+f Re+ian!e 4erfe!tioni m 7en ion

Score Left Meaning and Right Meaning. 1-3 = Low; 8-10 = High. 1 & 10 = Extreme !ore . "# $ = Exa!t a%erage. & = 'Low (%erage' ) = High a%erage.

&ipolar *cale A B C ; D F G H I AJ

*1!& T/#T #C0(I23 #H//T

(o$ score description +actor A 8 C 0 3 ? , ( 7 M ) O &eserved Concrete #hinking Affected by 3eelings ,umble !ober 0-pedient !hy #ough Minded #rusting .ractical 3orthright !elf Assured K K K K K K K K K K )ange (o$ "vg *igh ,-.-&-/ 0-1 2-3-4-,5 K K K K K Outgoing Abstract #hinking 0motionally Mature Assertive ,appy ?o 7ucky Conscientious <enturesome #ender Minded ,ard to 3ool (maginative !ocially Aware Apprehensive 0-perimenting !elf !ufficient Controlled *igh score description

6A Conservative 6B ?roup Dependent 6C 3ollows own urges

#AM!4/ !(0&I4/ MA!!I23 Sample Position !apping #raits *armth &easoning 0motional !tability Dominance 7iveliness &ule Consciousness !ocial 8oldness !ensitivity <igilance Abstractedness .rivateness Apprehension Openness to Change !elf &eliance .erfectionism #ension Dimensional (mp M , , M M M , 7 M M M 7 , , M 7 (deal &ange Obtained !core D:G F:I D:G F:H D:G D:G F:H B:D D:G D:G ;:F B:; F:I D:G D:G ;:F F H G C ; F G C I G F A G D G ; 3it ? ? ? . M ? ? ? . ? ? M ? ? ? ?

.osition 3ulfilment

Competencies should be well defined with no ambiguities and clear ratings. #o have list of interview 4uestions with competency rating sheet to elicit information about the behaviour.

Competency Based 6ntervie$s

#eam working co:operates enthusiastically with others in own team and in other formal and informal teams 7eveA *orks effectively as a member of a team. #akes responsibility for getting things done as part of a team. 7evel B Contributes to team development" seeking and testing improvements to the teamLs outputs'service 7evel C 7eads aspects of team work"seeking and implementing improvements to the teamLs outputs'service and developing colleagues within the team. Challenges colleagues. 7evel ; &ecognises and develops opportunities for team working at cross: 1niversity level" driving improvements to the teamsL outputs'service and developing colleagues within the teams.

6uestion 0-ample $escribe a time when !ou e1ceeded a customer6s e1pectations ,ow did you know you had e-ceeded+ *hat did your actions achieve+ $escribe a situation where !ou had to deal with a dissatisfied customer ,ow did the customer respond to the actions you took+ *hat did you do to ensure that the situation did not occur again with other customers+ *hat was the outcome+

3rom the given job descriptions @ (dentify the re4uired set of competencies. @ (dentify the behavioural indicators. @ Classify them as threshold and differentiating compentencies. @ (dentify the suitable rating scale. @Draw the complete competency model with respect to the specified job descriptions.

&ating scale

01ample. #ompetencies with $efinitions and (atings

=A>1nsatisfactory Consistently fails to meet the e-pectations =B> !atisfactory Does not meet e-pectations consistently. =C> ?ood Consistently meet e-pectations =;> <ery ?ood Consistently meets or e-ceeds e-pectations =D> 0-ceptional Consistently e-ceeds e-pectations Competencies #eam working co:operates enthusiastically with others in own team and in other formal and informal teams. 17389

!election (nterview 6uestions 0-ample $escribe a time when !ou e1ceeded a customer6s e1pectations ,ow did you know you had e-ceeded+ *hat did your actions achieve+ $escribe a situation where !ou had to deal with a dissatisfied customer ,ow did the customer respond to the actions you took+ *hat did you do to ensure that the situation did not occur again with other customers+ *hat was the outcome+

Definition Behavioral Indicators Position-specific Tasks and Duties Defining Elements Proficiency evel Performance evel E%ceeds E%pectations &eets E%pectations Does !ot &eet E%pectations

Core Behavioural Technical Theshold Differentiating Essential


"dvanced Intermediate Basic

!ecessary "t Entry

Performance Differentiating

earned on #o$

#ompetenc! (oad :ap

"lignment of *) systems
d n a

ce an nt rm m e rfo ge .e ana M

t en n tm ti o i ru lec c e )e s

Competency Model
7 nt g n me i n p ai elo r T ev D

Co m p e ns a tio n

Competency based .erformance Appraisal

Competencies enable

establishment of clear high performance standards Collection and proper analysis of factual data against the set standards. Conduct of objective feedback meetings Direction with regard to specific areas of improvement

.erformance Management

Measurement people driven process" essential to have measurement of workplace competencies. Development development activities are relative and are received while on the job. Designed to support the continuous improvement of workplace competencies. 3or performance management necessary to have a list of behaviour description for skill improvement along with checklist of specific behaviour e-ample.

*hat is an Assessment Center+

(7&7 de%e+o5ed the we++ 8nown a55roa!h to (1 e%a+0ation in

19"$# !a++ed Management Progress Study to in%e tigate the !hange in 5er ona+ !hara!teri ti! a manager mo%ed thro0gh their !areer . 5er on' !om5eten!..

7e!hni:0e whi!h i 0 ed to mea 0re !ertain dimen ion of 1on i t of a mix of e5arate te!hni:0e for mea 0ring

5 .!ho+ogi!a+ dimen ion !om5eten!ie .

0!h a trait # :0a+itie or

( e ment 1enter i a tandardi;ed

e+e!tion<a e ment<e%a+0ation method that 0 e a %ariet. of different te!hni:0e in!+0ding=

7e t # >nter%iew # ,im0+ation # 4er ona+it. in tr0ment # Ro+e 5+a. # 1a e t0die .

*hat Assessment Centres are )otM

Multiple:interview processes. .sychometric #est 8atteries =paper and pencil tests> (ndividual assessments of all sorts. *ork sample tests. A building labelled NAssessment CentreO.

Characteristics of Assessment Centre

(t must measure multiple factors =4ualities or competencies>. (t must use multiple tech4niues. (t must have multiple assessors or observers. 1sed for

!election of employees .lacement .otential appriasal .romotion Career and !uccession .lanning 0stimation of training needs

Development Centers

/evelopment centres are intended to identify the strengths and development areas of employees proactively, to identify the star performers in a system and to provide developmental inputs to these high performers so that they are prepared to take up higher responsibilities in the future.

.hey are increasingly being seen as an objective and impartial way for assessment, bringing more credibility to the assessment system.

Differences between Assessment & Development Center

0''9''M9A. C9A.9= 1sed for selection of people )ocus on what the candidate is now .he target group could be employee looking for promotion or an outsider seeking a job 7nvolves pass-fail criteria 0imed at meeting the organi4ation&s need /9>9B;!M9A. C9A.9= 1sed for development of people )ocus on how the employees can be developed for the future Aormally employees seeking to develop their career /oes not involve pass-fail criteria Meets organi4ation&s performance need as well as individual&s development need )eedback is given =esults are shared with the candidates 'elfCappraisals are important (ehavioral scientists, 2= Managers and line managers are a right combination /etailed Candidates are comfortable since the results are used only for developmental purposes

)eedback may not be given =esults may not be disclosed 'elf appraisal have no value Bine managers are best assessors

=easonably brief Candidate may be prone to an3iety due to pass-fail criteria

!ome 0-amples of Companies using these

=anba3y Dipro .isco Mahindra E Mahindra @la3o 'mith Fline 2BB @9 7C7C7 0(( 'imens @ujrat 2eavy Chemicals .ata 0dministrative 'ervices Cadburys Motorola Gohnson E Gohnson 0. E . (harti .elecom 9scorts Aorton 'hell (7B. >ysya (ank 2'(C G.F Corporation Colgate 'eagram 7ndustries =!@ @roup 9icher @oodyear .yres Castrol .ata 'teel Dackhart Citibank Cannon

:atri1 to 'dentif! how the ,erson *pecification will be "ssessed $uring the (ecruitment ,rocess
Sources of 6nformation #no$ledge Thorough knowledge of cataloguing standards E:perience of Classification of stock using internationally recogni/ed classification scheme ;ualification .rofessional 7ibrary'(nformation !cience 4ualification at first degree level or above Competencies Communicating & (nfluencing @ 7evel B Communicates information effectively to a wide range of diverse stakeholders" influencing events. Organisation and delivery @ 7evel A .lans time effectively to achieve results in day to day work. (s organised and prioritises work appropriately. #eam working @ 7evel A *orks effectively as a member of a team. #akes responsibility for getting things done as part of a team. "pplication Test 6n8Tray Panel 6ntervie$

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Assessment Centre 0-ercises

Analytical ability Decision Making .lanning and Organisati on !trategic #hinking Commun #eam ication work

(ce breaker (n:basket 0-ercise 8usiness ?ame &ole .lay Analysis 0-ercise .ersonal (nterview





#hank 2ou

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