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by John Carrillo

FADE IN: Blue eyes. Open vividly. A hint of light falls on the glossy beauties. They move around, mystified. Study the surroundings. Reveal: A room. Dark. White. Four walls. INT. WHITE ROOM On a gurney, a divine brunette -- KRISTEN STONE (20s). Blue eyes. Lush hair. Pale face. GROANS. Tries to move. The sound of metal chains. Shes trapped. Chained to a gurney. CRIES out franticly. KRISTEN HELP!! HELP!! HELP!! Her cries, raspy, constricted. She pulls on the chains. Jerks her body to break free. Not happening. KRISTEN (CONTD) GET ME OUT OF HERE!! She knows there is no escape. KRISTEN (CONTD) Please, help me!! Kristen tries to recollect the last thing that happened to her. Its all a blur. KRISTEN (CONTD) GET ME OUT!! She loses it. KRISTEN (CONTD) I WANNA GET OUT!! With all her strength, she shakes her body. The metal bars on the gurney become feeble. Her ankles bleed from the yanking. KRISTEN (CONTD) Okay... Okay... Breathe... Just breathe... Im okay. Shes not okay. Takes in deep breathes. Paces herself. KRISTEN (CONTD) Alright... 1...2...

2. Takes one last deep breathe. ...3 Pulls as hard as she can. CLANK! The chains break free. The gurney collapses. Kristen falls to the floor. Shes free... KRISTEN (CONTD) Yes. Yes. Yes. Tears of joy. Kristen heads for the door. Cant wait for freedom. Limps in agony. Tries to open the door. LOCKED. KRISTEN (CONTD) Fuck!! Fuck, fuck, fuck!! She pounds on the door, frustrated. KRISTEN (CONTD) Why are you doing this?! Weeps. KRISTEN (CONTD) I wanna go home... I wanna go home... Outside the door... FOOTSTEPS. Door unlocks. Kristen jolts up. Her heart pounds. MALE NURSE (O.S.) Miss Stone, time for your pills. Kristen hides behind the door. The person emerges-A MALE NURSE (40s) Dressed in uniform. Face concealed by a white mask. Carries a metallic tray. On the tray: pills, water, food. MALE NURSE (CONTD) Miss Stone? The Male Nurse notices the COLLAPSED gurney. But no Kristen. Shit!! Drops the tray. Grabs his radio: MALE NURSE (CONTD) KRISTEN (CONTD)

3. MALE NURSE (CONTD) We got a code black! Close off all main gates! Need back up now! REPEAT. We got a loose hen in the facility. Discreetly, Kristen exits. Chains RATTLE. The Male Nurse turns around-Hey!! Kristen runs for her life. INT. FACILITY - CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Kristen sprints away. ALARMS go off. Red lights blaze through the halls. Kristen becomes ditsy. But continues to run. Then-- Collides with TWO LARGE GUARDS... KRISTEN Nooo!! Nooo!! Get away from me!! Get away!! Crawls her way back up. Runs. The chains on her ankles weigh her down. The Guards grab her. GUARD 1 Oh, no you dont! We got you now, Princess. KRISTEN Let me go!! She resists. Hits the Guards. Its like punching a wall. KRISTEN (CONTD) I didnt do anything!! Let me go!! Sinks her teeth into Guards 2 arm-GUARD 2 Ahhhh! Crazy bitch bit me!! Guard 1 laughs. GUARD 1 You better get that checked. Dont want any rabies. They rush her back into her room. MALE NURSE (CONTD)

4. GUARD 2 (to Kristen) Youre gonna pay for that, you stupid little cunt. INT. WHITE ROOM - MOMENTS LATER The Guards hold her down. GUARD 2 What the hell happened in here? MALE NURSE Just set her on the floor. Kristen continues YELLING. GUARD 1 Sit still, you demon! MALE NURSE Dont worry, Dr. Maurice will take care of her. GUARD 2 He better. Bitch bit me. A tall silhouette approaches-- DR. MAURICE (50s) Charming. Sharp features. DR. MAURICE Well, looks like we have a little insubordinate menace stirring up the place. Kristen locks eyes with Dr. Maurice. Glares at him. MALE NURSE I dont know how she got loose? Room was already like this when I came in, Doctor. DR. MAURICE Relax. What worries me is why she got out? Shes normally a good girl. Dr. Maurice searches the room... Checks the gurney. Flips it over. Sees a torn hole in the cushion. DR. MAURICE (CONTD) Theres your problem.

5. Dr. Maurice digs his fingers inside. Pulls out a clump of medication pills. DR. MAURICE (CONTD) Someones been a bad girl. (to Male Nurse) I told you to ensure that each patient properly consumes their medication! MALE NURSE I always waited for her to swallow. And she did-DR. MAURICE Save it. Theres only one thing we can do now. KRISTEN I didnt do anything... DR. MAURICE Oh, really? - Did you forget? KRISTEN I just wanna go home... DR. MAURICE You have no home, Sweetheart. Dont you remember? KRISTEN What are you talking about? DR. MAURICE Let me retrace your memory. Dr. Maurice cues the Guards to hold her down. Grabs the syringe. Pumps it with a substance. KRISTEN What are you doing? Nooo!! Stop!! DR. MAURICE You wont feel a thing. Dr. Maurice injects the syringe into Kristen. She becomes frantic... DR. MAURICE (CONTD) Its okay. Youll feel better soon. Kristen becomes sedated. Drifts into her world. FLASHBACKS inhabit her mind...

6. MOMENTS LATER Kristens eyes open. DR. MAURICE (CONTD) Pleasant dreams? Kristen regains consciousness. DR. MAURICE (CONTD) Lets see how youve recovered... Do you know who you are? She speaks delicately but assured. KRISTEN Im... Im... Kristen Stone. DR. MAURICE Do you know where you are? KRISTEN Smith... Grove... Center... DR. MAURICE Correct, but do you know why you are here? No. DR. MAURICE Try to remember. Think deeply. She cant remember... Stays silent. DR. MAURICE (CONTD) You murder your family. All of them. Burned your house to the ground. And then, tried to kill yourself. KRISTEN Noooo.... Noooo... Youre lying. Insanity consumes her again. Becomes violent. KRISTEN (CONTD) Youre lying!! I didnt kill my family!! She kicks, screams, shouts. Its madness. KRISTEN

7. DR. MAURICE (to Male Nurse) Giver her another dose. The Male Nurse injects another dosage. KRISTEN No more, please! Dr. Maurice tames her. DR. MAURICE Its okay, Darling. Relax. Just remember... Remember... Kristen becomes tranquil. Its all clear to her. FLASHBACK: A home, burning. Inside, children, parents. All dead. Kristen laughs as she watches it all blaze. KRISTEN (to herself) I couldn't have?... I didnt... Kristen becomes completely unstable. Attacks like a crazy animal. They all tame her. DR. MAURICE (to Male Nurse) Give her the new stuff. You sure? Dr. Maurice nods, disappointed. The Male Nurse pumps a blue substance in the syringe. DR. MAURICE Neutralize her. Kristen screams in pure trauma as they inject her. DR. MAURICE (CONTD) Sleep, my child... Sleep... The beast ceases... The Men diminish in size as they blur in Kristens eyes. Kristens bleak world slowly disappears... DR. MAURICE (O.S.) (CONTD) The nightmare is over. FADE TO BLACK. MALE NURSE

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