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Mikhael Johanes


personal information
name correspondence address

Mikhael Johanes
Griya Indah 3C Masjid Al Faruq 001/01 Beji, Depok Indonesia 16421 Perum Puri Intan 49 Kelapa Gading Jakarta Indonesia 14240 +62 56 9722 6455

home address

computer skills adobe photoshop adobe illustrator adobe indesign autocad rhinocheros sketchup vray microsoft office web programming
(wordpress, html, css, javascript)

phone email date of birth gender

January 6th 1990 male

08-12 Bachelor of Architecture Universitas Indonesia GPA : 3.78 11-13 Master Program in Architecture Design Universitas Indonesia GPA : 3.78

other skills teamwork communication management

work experience
teaching assistant - Univesitas Indonesia
Architectural Design Studio III Architectural Design Studio IV - International Program Basic Computer Skill Class

Indonesian Architecture Public Exhebition 2012 Curated by IAI-EU & Archicentrum Den Haag Malieveld - student category

research assistant - Univesitas Indonesia

Rumah Pintar Cikini - Research based community engagement program in colaboration with Chiba University and Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)


academic work - design studio II - 2010 How is a house when it started with the idea of fold? The project reveals the problem of irregularity and its effect to the familiar experience of house. In other words this house challenges the possibility of space trough irregularity and puts the necessity of regularity and familiarity into question.

PASAR MINGGU community center

academic work - design studio III - 2011

This project elaborates the limit between interior and exterior, when there is not a clear boundary between inside and outside. The public remain public when the private become tactical rather than predefined

Pejaten retail & food corner

academic work - design studio III 2011

modul, vector, and transparancy become the main aspects as response to the strategies and tactics in food and retail performance.


academic work - design studio IV - 2011 This architecture based on lightweight structure yet collapsible to achieve the portability.
team of 2: design development, 3d modeling, visualization, drawing and representation

Modularity again demonstrates its power in achieving flexibility.

The smaller the architecture the more intimation we can get in developing design.


academic work - design studio IV - 2011 The necessity of iconic and wild gesture of building results the idea of tetrahedron structure in carbon molecule as possibility of architecture

FLEX-O office-retail-life
academic work - design studio V - 2011

The complexity of forces within context requires design strategy which can cope with those forces. Based on that the building was shaped by negotiation of forces inside and outside the bulding


academic work - graduate design studio II - 2012

The projection of sub-urban development around Jakarta area reveals the importance of Tangerang as transit city. This project propose the development of Tangerang Station into integrated transit hub.Interconnection between different mode of transportation become important in achieving such integrity, thus the design method addresses those interconnectivities trough the representation of loops,then put the representation of zoning into question of connectivity.

MultiplyCity - waduk melati [re]value

academic work - graduate joint studio - 2013
team leader of 6: theoretical basis, analaysis, design development, and visual representation

The value of something commonly measured by its function. Base on this simple logic, functionalist planning tend to maximize the value of the land or space by adding single function to it. But, at the same time this strategy make the connectivity between different functions of the land decreased. As the matter of fact, this connectivity also become the factor how the space valued and used. The lack of connectivity consequently make the value of particular space decrease. In this case the Waduk Melati become the victim of this strategy. This conceptual multiple layer strategy is proposed to invert the issue of singularity of the space. The overlaping function in some area perhaps will be an opening for some opportunity in the contingecy of the city. Strategy always representative, in the reality the people who occupied the space will act tactically beneath this strategy.

The Thamrin Bridge - on dialectic

academic work - graduate design studio - 2013

Spatial Cloud - Investigating the Mechanism of Spatial Representation in Architecture

academic work - graduate design theses 2013

This thesis invetigates the role of representation in architecture. By understanding the mechanism within representation, architecture is understood as a translation between ideas and materiality. This translation is indirectly affected by the representation which is seen as a kind of possibility of transformation. Thereby, this transformation inevitably becomes a kind of possibility of architecture. The investigation is conducted theoritically using the representation of photograph which is already a popular medium in our everyday life. By identifying the fragmentation in the process of representing, the investigation results in spatial cloud as alternative in seeing the space in architecture in a more subjective and contingent way. Finally, this investigation of representation becomes an alternative way to understand architecture which can be used to open spatial possibilities in architectural design.

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