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Journalist Mels murder : Here is the true picture not what was painted using painters brush

(Lankae-News- 11.Feb.2014, 11.00PM) It has come to light ollowing a !"o o#n$ in%estigation

con$#cte$ b& the Lanka e news insi$e in o"mation $i%ision $#"ing the last se%e"al $a&s into the b"#tal killing o a senio" 'o#"nalist (al#bowilage Melsia )#naseke"a alias Mel )#naseke"a at *atta"am#lla on the 2n$ o Feb"#a"&, an$ the a""est o a s#s!ect +amson ,ose!h -nthon&, a !ainte" in connection with that m#"$e" , is anothe" s!#"io#s $"ama simila" to that enacte$ in "elation to the M#se#m "obbe"& whe"e .(anagetta/ "om nowhe"e was ma$e the s#s!ect. 0he t"#e !ict#"e is, this m#"$e" has been committe$ at the behest o the 1a'a!akse "egime b& its hi"e$ assassin most c"#ell& an$ c"a til&, altho#gh a !ainte" was inc"iminate$ an$ o"wa"$e$ as the assassin. Police me$ia s!okesman ++P -'ith 1ohana ,who is also a law&e" , on the $a& (02) ollowing the m#"$e" hel$ a me$ia b"ie ing an$ !"o$#ce$ the m#"$e" scene .!"o$#ctions/ at his me$ia b"ie ing ( nowhe"e in the wo"l$ s#ch an action ha$ e%e" been taken ollowing a m#"$e" b& the law en o"cing o ice"s) the"eb& $eg"a$ing the legal !"o ession too beca#se o that eg"egio#sl& w"ong #l an$ illegal action taken b& a law&e" c#m ++P. 3e gi%e below what he "e%eale$ at the me$ia b"ie ing base$ on what was "e!o"te$ in the Lakbima news!a!e" on the 4 th 4 5+amson ,ose!h -nthon& , a !ainte" o -l#th !a"e, 6om!e ha$ been taken into c#sto$& in connection with the m#"$e" o Ms.Mel. I am he"eb& !"o$#cing be o"e &o# ($is!la&ing the !"o$#ctions to the me$ia) the 2 kni%es #se$ in the m#"$e" an$ the bloo$ staine$ clothes .0ho#gh alse "e!o"ts ha%e been !#blishe$ in the inte"national me$ia im!licating the go%e"nment , the& ha%e all been belie$ ollowing the a""est o the m#"$e"e" . 0he a""est o the m#"$e"e" within 12 ho#"s o the commission o the c"ime is a g"eat t"i#m!h o" the !olice ( it/s a g"eat t"i#m!h in$ee$ with a !olice that cannot a""est s#s!ects e%en a te" man& &ea"s7) 8ea$e$ b& 6I) +#mith 9$i"isinghe an$ :I; s!ecial c"ime o!e"ation #nit IP Nimal (a"#na"atne, the in%estigation was con$#cte$. 0he m#"$e" ha$ taken !lace at abo#t <.20 a.m. base$ on in%estigations. -s the"e a"e no e&e witnesses a scienti ic in%estigation is in !"og"ess. ;"ime scene ins!ection o ice"s, the !olice o icial canine $i%ision , the inge" !"int $i%ision ha%e been enliste$. :ne s#s!icio#s inge" !"int ha$ been o#n$. 0he !olice $ogs went an$ stoo$ at a !a"tic#la" s!ot. -t that ho#se a ;;0= came"a was the"e. 3e e>amine$ an$ anal&?e$ the $ata !"o%i$e$ b& the came"a. 3e notice$ in the came"a "eco"$ing, an in$i%i$#al ha%ing some betel in his han$ wea"ing a &ellow tee shi"t an$ a bl#e t"o#se" ente"ing Mel/s ho#se. 0his in$i%i$#al came o#t o the ho#se a little while late" in a $i e"ent shi"t an$ t"o#se".

0he betel that was in the han$ o the s#s!ect has $"o!!e$ an$ the !olice ha$ o#n$ it. 3hen we began to in@#i"e into who this in$i%i$#al was , we lea"nt that he comes to Mel/s ho#se to !aint same $#"ing the ;h"istmas season. Late" ollowing the lea$s on his mobile !hone calls it was $isco%e"e$ that he ha$ been in that a"ea on that $a& base$ on the comm#nication towe" $ata. -cco"$ingl& , we a""este$ him at 6om!e at abo#t A.20 !.m. 8e ha$ wo"ke$ as a !ainte" onl& o" 2 $a&s in that ho#se . 6#"ing that !e"io$ he ha$ st#$ie$ the mo%ements o the inmates an$ thei" o#tings on +#n$a&s. :n +#n$a&s the inmates o the ho#se go to ch#"ch a te" closing it. 8a%ing known that between B.20 a.m. an$ A.20 a.m nobo$& is in the ho#se , he ha$ %ent#"e$ into it. 8owe%e" he ha$ not been awa"e that on the ate #l $a& , Mel was sta&ing at home , an$ ha$ not gone to the ch#"ch. -s he ente"e$ the ho#se , Mel ha$ sta"te$ blaming him in 9nglish. 8e ha$ then hel$ he" in his emb"ace an$ c#t he" neck with the 2 kni%es that we"e on the table. 0he"e we"e abo#t si> c#t wo#n$s on he" bo$&. - te" killing he" he ha$ "obbe$ he" blackbe""& !hone . 0he !olice was able to "et"ie%e the !hone "om his c#sto$&. 8e ha$ cast asi$e the bloo$ staine$ clothes , an$ ha$ gone o#t wea"ing Mel/s b"othe"/s $"ess. 0he !olice ha$ been able to take into c#sto$& all those clothes.C 0his abo%e sto"& o the !olice s!okesman as "e!o"te$ in Lakbima "aises a c"#cial @#estion D how co#l$ -'ith 1ohana, who is not onl& a senio" !olice o ice" b#t also a law&e" $is!la& be o"e the me$ia all the %ital !"o$#ctions "elating to the m#"$e" $es!ite the act that the"e a"e no e&e witnesses in this m#"$e" , an$ when these a"e the onl& e%i$ence a%ailable as con esse$ b& none othe" than himsel . Is he so igno"ant o" st#!i$ E 6oesn/t he know that his action is not onl& absol#tel& i""es!onsible b#t also totall& an$ ob%io#sl& #nlaw #l E Fn$e" section 2< -1 o the e%i$ence o"$inance , an o"al statement ma$e b& an in$i%i$#al to the !olice cannot be #se$ against him $#"ing the co#"t "ocee$ing , e>ce!t the co#"t !"o$#ctions $isco%e"e$ on the s#s!ect/s statement . In a m#"$e" , i wea!ons ha$ been $isco%e"e$ on the s#s!ect/s statement , the& can be o"wa"$e$ to co#"t as case !"o$#ctions. 8owe%e" those cannot be collecte$ e>ce!t in the !"esence o witnesses ,an$ se%e"al g"o#n$s sho#l$ also be cite$ in s#!!o"t. ,#st beca#se the s#s!ect sa&s he #se$ a !a"tic#la" wea!on to commit the m#"$e", that will not s# ice . 0he"e m#st be co""obo"ati%e e%i$ence to testi & that that wea!on was #se$. In othe" wo"$s , the"e m#st be the inge"!"int o the s#s!ect o" the bloo$ stains o the

%ictim as co""obo"ati%e e%i$ence on the wea!on con i"ming that was the wea!on #se$. It is the"e o"e e>t"emel& im!o"tant that the wea!on an$ othe" .!"o$#ctions/ linke$ to the m#"$e" a"e most ca"e #ll& !"ese"%e$ witho#t an& e%i$ence o" signs the"eon being $est"o&e$ . 0hat is wh& the& a"e seale$ imme$iatel& . 0he& m#st be ente"e$ in the !olice case !"o$#ctions "ecei!t an$ han$e$ o%e" to the s#!!o"ting !olice se"%ice. 3hen han$ing o%e" ,the seals o the in%estigating o ice" an$ the s#!!o"ting se"%ice m#st be !lace$ se!a"atel& . 0he"ea te" the& m#st be !"o$#ce$ to co#"t as soon as !ossible. In the co#"t the in%estigating o ice" when gi%ing e%i$ence has to ca"e #ll& o!en the seale$ !"o$#ction an$ show be o"e the '#$ge, an$ a "eco"$ m#st be ma$e o it . - te" most ca"e #ll& closing it the seal has to be !lace$ again. It is onl& a te" that it is sent to the go%e"nment anal&st $e!a"tment o" e>amination. -t that stage the o ice" who is sen$ing it as well as the go%e"nment anal&st $e!a"tment o ice" who is "ecei%ing it ha%e to make thei" "eco"$s $#l& an$ o iciall&. -ll these long !"oce$#"es ha%e been "e%eale$ b& #s in o"$e" to b"ing home to the "ea$e"s the mon#mental im!o"tance o the co#"t !"o$#ctions connecte$ with a c"ime . 3hile this is how !"o$#ctions o a c"ime m#st be !"otecte$ an$ !"ese"%e$ , wh& $i$ !olice s!okesman -'ith 1ohana , a law&e" c#m senio" +P in Mel/s m#"$e" who o#ght to know the !"oce$#"e bette" than all othe"s hol$ a me$ia b"ie ing hastil& an$ $is!la& these most %ital !"o$#ctions like a ishmonge" t"&ing to sell his ish in !#blic #sing all the t"icks an$ gimmicks o $is!la& E *& all this was he not t"&ing to $est"o& all the "ele%ant e%i$ence that can hel! a""est the "eal c#l!"itE It is ce"tain that-'ith 1ohana was #ll& awa"e that +amson the s#s!ect was onl& an acto" an$ not the t"#e c#l!"it in his s!#"io#s $"ama enacte$ b& the behin$ the scene m#"$e"e"s. 0he enti"e $"ama was o"chest"ate$ to "esc#e 1a'a!akses. Fn o"t#natel& -'ith 1ohana/s eage"ness ha$ o#t"#n his s#"eness when !lanning an$ !lotting , whe"eb& he ha$ bet"a&e$ the act#al sit#ation sim!l& an$ am!l& while t"&ing to camo# lage it. 0he othe" !a"t o the sto"& o -'ith 1ohana which "e%eals his calc#late$ aim to co%e" #! the t"#th an$ e>!oses his imbecilit& $es!ite being a law&e" an$ senio" co! is D -cco"$ing to him the !olice $og went some $istance an$ sto!!e$ at a ce"tain !lace, whe"e the"e was a ;;0= came"a , an$ the came"a $ata we"e anal&?e$. *ase$ on his

ai"& tale the !olice $og ha$ sto!!e$ nea" a came"a which containe$ the s#s!ect/s !hotog"a!h . 3hat a "i$ic#lo#s "e%elation is thisE Nothing can be mo"e l#$ic"o#s than taking an in$i%i$#al whose !hoto is in a ;;0= came"a into c#sto$& '#st beca#se the !olice $og went an$ stoo$ nea" the came"a close to the scene o the c"ime. - !olice $og is t"aine$ to ollow the scent o a c#l!"it not $igital !hotog"a!hs. Pe"ha!s -'ith 1ohana/s !olice $ogs a"e $igital c"eat#"es the"e o"e. :n to! o all these cock an$ b#ll sto"ies, what was most s#s!icio#s an$ m&ste"io#s abo#t -'ith 1ohana/s ai"& tale was D 8e sa&s the s#s!ect ha$ wo"ke$ in Mel/s ho#se, an$ he came a te"wa"$s to "ob knowing that the"e was no one in the ho#se as he was awa"e o the time an$ $a& when the inmates a"e not the"e , b#t since Mel was at home when he came he kille$ he". -'ith 1ohana/s sto"& that the %ictim scol$e$ the kille" in 9nglish be o"e the m#"$e" was committe$ m#st ha%e been hea"$ b& his 9nglish s!eaking $igital $og which he sai$ went an$ stoo$ nea" the $igital came"a. 0he most st"ange !a"t o the ai"& tale is, this wo#l$ be assassin who a""i%e$ ha$ not e%en !ee!e$ into the ho#se "om o#t to see who is insi$e. 8e ha$ st"aight awa& walke$ into the ho#se like a .(ing/ hel$ Mel in his emb"ace an$ slit he" neck . *eing a !ainte" who was known to Mel , a te" becoming awa"e Mel is insi$e s#"el& sho#l$ ha%e gi%en an e>c#se an$ gone awa& with the ho!e o accom!lishing his mission on anothe" $a&. *esi$es , he ha$ taken awa& onl& 1s. 1200 in cash. 3hat a won$e" #l !aint baas is he who so $a"ingl& kills a "e!#te$ 'o#"nalist , "obs onl& a $a&/s wage o a !ainte" tho#gh the"e we"e !lent& o othe" %al#able items in the ho#se to "ob. In$ee$ this is a g"eat ai"& tale . - !ainte" who t"a%els "om 6om!e to *atta"am#lla "obs '#st 1s. 1200 onl&. 3hile the abo%e taleGtales we"e concocte$ most c"#ell& b& the b"#tal kille"s behin$ the scene, Lanka e news which "ankl& , ea"lessl& an$ o"th"ightl& "e%eals the t"#th "ega"$less o conse@#ences , has this "e!o"t D H -t abo#t 1.4I a.m. in the night o 2n$ Feb"#a"& 6I) +#mith 9$i"isinghe who a""i%e$ at the 0alangama !olice station ha$ ab#se$ the o ice"s in "aw ilth o" !#blishing that the %ictim Mel is a 'o#"nalist. 3hen the o ice" (+6:) on night $#t& ha$ b"o#ght the "egiste" which "eco"$s the mo%ements o the s#!e"io" o ice"s an$ an$e$ o%e" to the 6I) to "eco"$ his a""i%al , the latte" ha$ sc"eame$ in ilth ,.&o# !a"4..h , a"e &o# t"&ing

to i> me b& asking me to make a "eco"$ in this "egiste"E/ an$ th"own the book back at the o ice". H 0hen he ha$ aske$ to go an$ look o" a ho#se whe"e a ;;0= came"a is installe$. 0he ho#se so o#n$ was the one state$ he"einbe o"e. 0hat ho#se is abo#t 1I0 mete"s awa& "om Mel/s ho#se ,an$ Mel/s ho#se is not e%en within e&eshot $istance o this ;;0= came"a ho#se. 0he came"a ha$ hence onl& "eco"$e$ the to an$ "o mo%ement o +amson along the "oa$ . H - te" lea"ning that +amson is a gan'a (cannabis) an$ he"oin a$$ict , it was $eci$e$ that a sto"& be concocte$ an$ elicite$ "om him . H 0he !olice who $isclose$ that when the& went to a""est him he was #ll& $"#nk also state in the same b"eath that the& "eco"$e$ a statement o his o" th"ee ho#"s. In the 0alangama c"ime note book the statement ha$ been "eco"$e$ in the !ages "om 1J to 41. In the heino#s c"ime "egiste" the s#s!ect/s statement is "eco"$e$ on J !ages. 0his is anothe" o the g"eatest won$e"s in the wo"l$. - #ll& ineb"iate$ in$i%i$#al who is not in his senses making a J !age statement . It is @#estionable whethe" the o ice" who "eco"$e$ a statement o s#ch an in$i%i$#al was i"st o all in the "ight sensesE H It is onl& a te" a""esting the s#s!ect, a 0ee shi"t that was obtaine$ "om him was gi%en to the !olice $og an$ ma$e to go on the t"ail in o"$e" to concoct a tale acco"$ingl&. Nothing that was collecte$ at the scene o c"ime ha$ been gi%en to the !olice $og o" t"ailing. H - te" a""esting the innocent in$i%i$#al , +#mith 9$i"isinghe an$ -n#"a +enana&ake ha%e met Mel/s !a"ents an$ th"eatene$ them, 5we ha%e a""este$ the s#s!ect, the"e o"e see to it that no statements a"e gi%en to an& me$ia . I &o# $o we shall not hol$ o#"sel%es "es!onsible i an& ha"m be alls &o#" othe" chil$ too.C H -cco"$ingl& , the !a"ents ha%e not !ose$ o" !hotog"a!hs o" the me$ia an$ me$ia o"gani?ations tho#gh me$ia ma$e "e@#ests , an$ ha%e also not ma$e an& statement incl#$ing in o"mation the& ha%e abo#t an& s#s!ect to the me$ia. -s a "es#lt the me$ia we"e in a $ee! @#an$a"&. 9%en a te" knowing the act#al sit#ation the& ha$ to "emain silent beca#se o the "e@#est o the intimi$ate$ an$ th"eatene$ !a"ents o Mel. H 3ho act#all& assassinate$ the senio" 'o#"nalist Ms. MelEKKK*ase$ on "e!o"ts "eaching Lanka e news insi$e in o"mation $i%ision, Mel ha$ been !ossesse$ o a wealth o in o"mation o the illicit an$ sec"eti%e cash t"ansactions o the 1a'a!akses . +he ha$ also ac@#i"e$ in o"mation o what the 1a'a!akses we"e $oing

with the colossal amo#nts o mone& the& we"e amassing. Fn o"t#natel& o" he" 1a'a!akses ha%e come to know o this. Fo" the moment let #s sto! at this , o" innocent li%es cannot be !#t in 'eo!a"$&. 8#man li%es a"e mo"e im!o"tant tho#gh the 1a'a!akses $o not sha"e the same h#mane sentiment. LeN-*& +!ecial ;o""es!on$ent Poste$ b& 0ha%am

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