The Gann

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The Gann Wheel, what most people probably think of as the Square of Nine, is sometimes called a "Square Root Calculator" or a de ice that "Squares the Circle!" This simple illustration may e"plain how and why these terms came about! #ou probably reco$ni%e that the illustration is &ust the first few rin$s of a Gann Wheel with the numeral "'" at the center!
31 30 29 28 27 26 49 32 13 12 11 10 25 48 33 14 13 2 9 24 47 34 15 4 1 8 23 46 35 16 5 6 7 22 45 36 17 18 19 20 21 44 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

(n Square of Nine parlance we say thin$s like 19 is 90 degrees from 15. That makes sense only if you can isuali%e that this rectan$ular table of numbers is enclosed in a circle )or series of circles* of +,- de$rees! (n this case, the number '. is '/0 the way around the circle from the number '1, or .- de$rees in circumference from '1! The number +0 is directly abo e the number '1 and positioned one circumference or one rin$ outside the circle that contains the number '1! (n the same sense that we can say that '. is .- de$rees from '1, we can say that +0 is +,de$rees from '1, or one complete rotation of the circle from '1! That e"plains where squarin$ the circle comes from! 2 more accurate e"pression would be that we3re circlin$ the square but that ne er did catch on!


4ere3s where it $ets fun! The square root of '1 is +!56! 2dd two to the square root of '1 and we $et 1!56! Square 1!56 and we $et +0!0. which rounds to +0! Now we know that addin$ two to the square root of a number and squarin$ that sum is the same thin$ as a +,- de$ree rotation up on the Gann Wheel! (f "7" represents a +,- de$ree rotation then "'" represents a '5- de$ree rotation, "-!1" a .- de$ree rotation, and so on! W!8! Gann tells us that .- de$rees in ery important in the stock market! What Gann is really sayin$ is that addin$ and subtractin$ !1 )and e"act multiples or proportions of !1* to the square root of a stock price and then squarin$ the result is ery important9 We acknowled$e that there is is another school of Gann thou$ht that will say that Gann3s reference to .- de$rees relates to the mo ement of celestial bodies! We3 e looked into that and they may be ri$ht, but for our purposes we3 e also learned that these schools of thou$ht can peacefully e"ist alon$side each other without contradiction! 2 ery few people ha e been usin$ some ariation of the Gann Wheel for about '-- years now! (n his now famous inter iew $i en to Richard 8! Wyckoff in '.-., W!8! Gann attributed market mo ements to some undefined "law of ibration!" :eople can disa$ree about what W!8! Gann meant by that but we, at least, are fairly certain he was talkin$ about the principles underlyin$ the Square of Nine!


The Square of Nine is unique because unlike e ery other method of technical analysis, the Square of Nine is totally indifferent to whether the input ariable is a price, a ran$e of prices, or

a number of tradin$ days or calendar days! They are all the same and completely interchan$eable! Say what; That can be a little hard to $et your brain around after spendin$ years studyin$ chart patterns, e"otic mo in$ a era$es, and oscillators! That3s the beauty of it! :rice and time become interchan$eable by con ertin$ them to de$rees of a circle! Squares and square roots are part of that process! <nce price and time are conceptuali%ed in de$rees of concentric circles we could care less about their ma$nitude! 2t that point we care only about their orbital relationship! 2re they in opposition, con&unction or square; (s this what W!8! Gann meant in that Wyckoff inter iew when he said "just as the pendulum returns again in its swing, just as the moon returns in its orbit, just as the advancing year over brings the rose of spring, so do the properties of the elements periodically recur as the weight of the atoms rises." <ne other ery special aspect of the Square of Nine is that the more you study the more you learn how much you don3t know9 HOW TO TRADE THE SQUARE OF NINE WITH A CALCULATOR AND A PENCIL
Any mention of WD Gann is s a!!y "#e$e%e% o# fo!!o&e% &it' (!e)en%a#y t#a%e#*( I s ""ose t'at(s a""#o"#iate +e$a se no ot'e# sto$, o# $ommo%ities t#a%e#- R*N* E!!iott e.$e"te%- 'as a$'ie/e% nea# $ !t stat s* T'e +i))est %iffe#en$e +et&een Gann an% E!!iott is t'at t'e !atte# " +!is'e% 'is &o#, an% f#ee!y %i/ !)e% 'is 0se$#ets*0 12-333 $o #ses not&it'stan%in)- Gann ne/e# %i%* In a 4566 inte#/ie& &'en WD Gann &as as,e% to #e/ea! t'e $a se +e'in% 'is in$#e%i+!y a$$ #ate time fa$to#- 'e #es"on%e%- 0T'at is my se$#et an% too /a! a+!e to +e s"#ea% +#oa%$ast* Besi%es- t'e " +!i$ is not yet #ea%y fo# it*0 WD Gann &as many t'in)s* A+o/e a!! 'e &as a "#o!ifi$ #esea#$'e# an% &#ite#* Unfo#t nate!y m $' of &'at Gann &#ote- as &e!! as m $' of &'at 'as +een &#itten a+o t 'im- is so mystifyin)- $om"!i$ate%- an% $on/o! te% t'at most Gann st %ents )i/e " %isa""ointe% in s"i#it an% !i)'te# in t'e &a!!et* I 'a/e "ai% mo#e fo# one Gann +oo, t'an I %i% fo# my fi#st $a#- an% t'e $a# &as a !ot mo#e sef !7 8ost of &'at(s a/ai!a+!e on t'e Gann W'ee! an% t'e S9 a#e of Nine is no e.$e"tion* WD Gann is #e"o#te% to 'a/e $a##ie% t&o "ie$es of "a"e# onto t'e sto$, an% $ommo%ities t#a%in) f!oo#* A 5.5 ta+!e of t'e n me#a!s 4:;4- an% a ta+!e of n me#a!s t'at 'as $ome to +e ,no&n as t'e Gann W'ee!* He s"e$ia!!y $onfi) #e% fo# t'e %ay(s a$ti/ities* WD Gann so!% a /a#iety of t#a%in) $o #ses fo# mo#e t'an 23 yea#s an% so fa# as &e ,no& not one of t'em e/e# e."!aine% in %etai! &'at 'e %i% &it' t'at 5.5 ta+!e o# &it' t'at ot'e# ta+!e of n me#a!s- o# anyt'in) e!se #e!ate% to t'e S9 a#e of Nine* 8ay+e 'e t'o )'t no+o%y &o !% +e!ie/e 'im* We t#a/e!e% t'e s a! 'y"e# e."ensi/e Gann +oo, #o te an% %e"a#te% %isa""ointe% in s"i#it an% !i)'te# in t'e &a!!et + t $a"ti/ate% &it' Gann(s $omments !i,e " Whe !"#$e % & '#(e )*+%"e $h% ,e #) # e-#'%./e " : $a"ti/ate% eno )' to )at'e# a!! t'e f#a)ments of info#mation &e $o !% fin% in WD Gann(s &o#, an% in ot'e#s t'at 'a% 'a% &#itten a+o t t'e S9 a#e of Nine an% t'e Gann W'ee! an% 'o& it $o !% +e a""!ie% to sto$,- o"tions an% fo#e. t#a%in)* I %o not #e$a!! a E #e,a 8oment + t at some "oint it a!! $ame to)et'e# afte# &e &e#e int#o% $e% to an n$om"!i$ate% fo#m !a t'at $on/e#te% "#i$e an% time to %e)#ees of a $i#$!e* O t &ent t'e Gann W'ee!- t'e o/e#!ays- an% ta+!e si<e $'a#ts fo# a $'ea" $a!$ !ato# an% a "en$i!* We fo n% some S9 a#e of Nine ma)i$ an% ne/e# !oo,e% +a$,7 It is a )oo% fee!in) &'en "eo"!e te!! s t'ey )ot mo#e o t of o # !itt!e e+oo, t'an t'e st ff t'ey s"ent !ite#a!!y t'o san%s of %o!!a#s on*

It(s a %iffi$ !t $on$e"t to )et yo # min% a#o n% + t !"#$e % & '#(e %"e 0' 0 /1 "e/%'e&2 'he1 %"e # 'e"$h% ,e%./e3 Wit' o # e+oo, yo $an ta,e a "#i$e- a #an)e- t'e n m+e# of t#a%in) %ays- o# t'e n m+e# of $a!en%a# %ays an% fi) #e o t e.a$t!y &'en ea$' o# a!! of t'em &i!! s9 a#e at any time in t'e f t #e* T'e fo#m !ae fo# $on/e#tin) "#i$e an% time to %e)#ees of a $i#$!e- an% fo# fin%in) a!! t'e f t #e "#i$es an% times &'en a "i/ot 'i)' o# "i/ot !o& &i!! s9 a#e on t'e S9 a#e of Nine- an% t'e met'o% fo# $onst# $tin) S9 a#e of Nine Roa%ma" $'a#ts f#om a "!ain "#i$e $'a#t a#e a so!i% fo n%ation fo# ma,in) t'e S9 a#e of Nine yo # o&n &it'o t e/e# to $'in) a "a"e# Gann W'ee!* Lea#nin) t'#o )' t'e"!es in t'e e+oo, 'he 4#-e 5%1) 'h%' 'he (%"6e') )*+%"e !"#$e % & '#(e $an "#o/i%e yo &it' ,no&!e%)e t'at may not +e o+taina+!e +y any ot'e# means* T'e " #"ose of t'is &o#, is to e."!ain $on$ise!y an% in %etai! sim"!e mat'emati$a! an% )#a"'i$a! te$'ni9 es fo# a""!yin) WD Gann(s S9 a#e of Nine to #ea! &o#!% sto$,- sto$, o"tion- an% fo#e. t#a%in) sit ations* The S*+%"e 04 N# e #) 0' 10+" +)+%/ (e'h0& 04 'e$h #$%/ % %/1)#)3 It(s !i,e not'in) yo (/e e/e# seen* A $om"!ete!y n#e!ate% te$'ni9 e t'at eit'e# $onfi#ms o# $ont#a%i$ts yo # s a! met'o%s $an +e in/a! a+!e &'en ma,in) %e$isions* T'e S9 a#e of Nine is not t'e ma)i$ + !!et- a!t'o )' it $an seem !i,e it at times* It is a+o t as o+=e$ti/e as it )ets* Eit'e# "#i$e an% time s9 a#e o# t'ey %on(t* T'e a+i!ity to %#a& Roa%ma" $'a#ts in se$on%s afte# a $'an)e in t#en% an% to se a mat'emati$a! fo#m !a to $'e$, fo# s9 a#in) may e/en ma,e t'is mo%e#n im"!ementation of t'e S9 a#e of Nine +ette# t'an &'at Gann 'imse!f 'a%* T'e #e$ent s9 a#in) of "#i$e an% time in t'e Bon%s is "o&e#f ! "#oof of t'e effe$ti/eness of t'is ma)i$a! too!* If &e fo!!o&e% Bon%s $!ose!y 5e 50+/& h%-e 6 05 0 7%"$h 23 'h%' !"#$e % & '#(e 50+/& )*+%"e 0 8+ e 32 a!t'o )' &e &o !% not 'a/e 'a/e ,no& at t'at time t'at > ne ? &o !% +e t'e s&in) 'i)'*

The"e #) 0'h# , e/)e '0 .+1* @o %o not nee% an e."ensi/e Gann W'ee!- o# o/e#!ays- o# $om"asses o# anyt'in) e!se t'at )ets so!% in t'e s a! Gann $o #se* We s'o& yo ste":+y:ste" e.a$t!y 'o& to %ete#mine &it' a sim"!e mat'emati$a! fo#m !a &'en "#i$e an% time s9 a#e fo# any ti$,e# in any time f#ame* Un!ess yo (#e #ea!!y )oo% &it' s9 a#e #oots yo &i!! nee% a $'ea" $a!$ !ato#* To

a$$e!e#ate yo # !ea#nin) s"ee% &e a#e ma,in) a +eta /e#sion of t'e t#ainin) soft&a#e to %#a& t'e Roa%ma" C'a#ts a/ai!a+!e at no $ost to $ ##ent an% "ast " #$'ase#s of t'is e+oo,* Usin) t'e Loo,:A'ea% feat #e of t'is mat'emati$a! a""!i$ation of t'e S9 a#e of Nine- yo $o !% 'a/e %ete#mine% to &at$' fo# a $'an)e in C# %e(s + !!is' t#en% !ess t'an 4 "oint f#om a ma=o# 'i)'*

So fa# as &e ,no& t'e tota!ity of info#mation in t'is e+oo, is not a/ai!a+!e f#om any ot'e# sin)!e so #$e at any "#i$e* In$! %e% as a""en%i$es a#e e.$e#"ts f#om WD Gann(s o#i)ina! &o#,sA 0W'y Geomet#i$a! An)!es Wo#, on Sto$,s-0 0T'e 8aste# 8at'emati$a! P#i$e- Time an% T#en% Ca!$ !ato#0 an% ot'e#s*

TRADINGFIBES > ne 6- 633? T'e "#i$e of t'is e+oo, is 1?C*33* T'is e+oo, is in A%o+e A$#o+at DPDFE fo#mat* A%o+e Rea%e# is #e9 i#e% an% may +e %o&n!oa%e% fo# f#ee at &&&*a%o+e*$om* T'is e+oo, is 2; "a)es- sin)!e s"a$e- 44 "oint A#ia! ty"e &it' $'a#ts an% i!! st#ations* If yo a#e not 433F satisfie%- = st !et me ,no& &it'in 53 %ays fo# a f !! #ef n%* An% ,ee" t'e e:+oo, f#ee- &it' my $om"!iments : t'at &ay- yo #is, not'in)* If yo 'a/e any ot'e# 9 estions o# $on$e#ns a+o t t'e mate#ia! yo $an $a!! Pete# at D2G4E G2C:C465*


W!8! Gann used $eometric an$les drawn from pi ot hi$hs and lows to isuali%e how the market was balancin$ price and time! The most important an$le, Gann said, was the '"' an$le which was alle$edly set at 01 de$rees! =any so>called Gann analysts belie e '"' means one point in price per one day of tradin$! ?ast markets mo ed at 7"' which alle$edly meant two points of price per one day of tradin$! #ou can still buy "special" Gann chartin$ paper )that must be wo en with $old* if you belie e that! What happens when you want to see a '"' an$le on the 8ow which is tradin$ at '-,---; <ne point a day for '-,--- days doesn3t cut it! ( suppose you could try all kinds of different price con ersions or slope calculations for different $rid si%es but $ood luck when you want to accomodate different computer screens! #ou can try that too, but you3re lookin$ for thin$s only where the li$ht is shinin$ the bri$htest! W!8! Gann used $eometric an$les alri$ht, but they had nothin$ to do with $rid or paper si%e! Gann an$les are based on the $eometry of the circle! +,- de$rees! When we started e"perimentin$ with our mathematical application of the Square of Nine we were not lookin$ for a way to draw Gann 2n$les, '"' or any other kind, but that may ha e been the result! @ en if we weren3t tryin$!


The Roadmap $rid is drawn immediately after a suspected pi ot point occurs in the time frame in which you are tradin$! When you draw a Roadmap $rid you are not channelin$ a price pattern! The prices haven t happened yet! The dimensions of the $rid are fi"ed )by you* and remain constant for the duration of the new trend! (f, indeed, the suspected pi ot point is a chan$e in trend, prices will often remain entirely within the dia$onal $rid channels for the life of the new trend! :ossibly for months or years )see Weekly S:A Roadmap below*!


4ow do you determine the dimensions of the $rid; @ ery ticker has its own natural ibration, usually based on a .- de$ree or ,- de$ree set of Square of Nine an$les! We use .- de$ree proportions for our S:A $rid! W!8! Gann said more than si"ty years a$o that .- de$rees was the natural ibration of the BS stock market, and despite the profound economic and social chan$es that ha e occurred since then he3s still ri$ht! Some traders prefer a ,- de$ree set for BS Conds and some commodities! We ha e made it easy to e"periment by includin$, upon request, a beta ersion of the Square of Nine utility pro$ram )screenshot* we use to draw these charts to all current and past buyers of our Square of Nine book! 2lthou$h we belie e that the Roadmap Charts are a aluable tradin$ tool in their own ri$ht they only tell a small part of the story! The $rid is based entirely on Square of Nine principles and the hori%ontal $rid lines do show proper aspects of the startin$ price, but the Roadmap Charts do not tell you where and when price and time ha e squared or will square in the future! That requires some uncomplicated but necessary calculations! We show you how to do that in our book!


Refe#en$es to t'e S9 a#e Root T'eo#y as a "#e%i$to# of sto$, "#i$es "o"s " e/e#y no& an% t'en in finan$ia! &#itin)s* No#man Fos+a$, se% t'e t'eo#y in a 45JG " +!i$ation $a!!e% Sto$, 8a#,et Lo)i$ to ma,e t'e $ase t'at t'e no#ma! t#a%in) #an)e of !o& "#i$e sto$,s "#o/i%es )#eate# "#ofit o""o#t nities t'an t'e no#ma! t#a%in) #an)e of 'i)' "#i$e sto$,s* In 45;?- a +oo, entit!e% T'e Tem"!eton To $'- +y Wi!!iam P#o$to#- %is$!ose% t'at one of Tem"!eton(s 66 "#in$i"!es fo# sto$, ma#,et in/estin) &as t'at sto$, "#i$e f! $t ations a#e "#o"o#tiona! to t'e s9 a#e #oot of t'e "#i$e* In t'e 4523s Wi!!iam D nni)an %e/e!o"e% t&o sto$, t#a%in) systems $a!!e% t'e T'# st 8et'o% an% t'e One Way Fo#m !a* Bot' met'o%s 'a% se/e#a! a%/anta)eo s ent#y te$'ni9 es + t ea$' !a$,e% an effe$ti/e te$'ni9 e* D nni)an &as a+o/e a!! a "o#tfo!io mana)e# an% not 'a""y &it' t'e #is,:#e&a#% as"e$ts of 'is o&n t#a%in) met'o%s- D nni)an s ""o#te% an% " +!i$i<e% t'e S9 a#e Root T'eo#y* He &ent so fa# as to $a!! t'is t'eo#y t'e 0)o!%en ,ey0 an% $!aime% #e$o)nition f#om some e$onomi$s an% statisti$a! t#a%e =o #na!s of t'e e#a*


T'e t'eo#y 'o!%s t'at sto$, an% ot'e# " +!i$!y t#a%e% inst# ment "#i$es mo/e o/e# t'e !on) an% s'o#t te#m in a s9 a#e #oot #e!ations'i" to "#io# 'i)'s an% !o&s* Fo#"!e- IB8 ma%e a mont'!y $!osin) !o& of C*26 in > ne- 45G6 an% mont'!y $!osin) 'i)' of 462*G5 in > !y- 4555* T'is is &it'in a fe& "e#$enta)e "oints of t'e s9 a#e of t'e s m of t'e s9 a#e #oot of t'e !o& "#i$e K 5 o# D6*46K5EL6* G8 ma%e a !o& of 42 in No/em+e#- 45JC an% a 'i)' of 52 in 8ay- 4555* A)ain- a fe& "e#$enta)e "oints f#om t'e s9 a#e of t'e s m of t'e s9 a#e #oot of t'e !o& K G o# D?*;JKGEL6* T'e#e a#e ' n%#e%s of t'ese"!es a$#oss t'e sto$,- finan$ia! an% $ommo%ity ma#,ets* E/en a fe& min tes &it' a "i!e of sto$, $'a#ts an% a $a!$ !ato#

&i!! + i!% $onfi%en$e t'at ma=o# 'i)'s an% !o&s a#e #e!ate% to ea$' ot'e# +y a%%itions an% s +t#a$tions to t'ei# s9 a#e #oots*


LetMs )o t'#o )' a #e$ent %ai!y $'a#t of t'e SP233 an% see 'o& it &o#,s* T'e SP233 ma%e a "i/ot !o& at 43G3*J6 on A ):4?:633C* Is t'e#e a s9 a#e #oot #e!ations'i" to t'at !o& t'at may +e "#e%i$ti/e of a f t #e "i/ot 'i)'? A#e ot'e# 'i)' an% !o& "i/ots #e!ate% +y s9 a#e #oots?

Let(s %o t'e mat'* @o $an #efe# to t'e t to#ia! on $onst# $tin) a Roa%ma" C'a#t in E.$e! fo# mo#e %etai!* A ):4?:633C !o& N 43G3*J6 N S9 a#e Root ?6*2G; ?6*2G; K 6*2 N ?2*3G; ?2*3G; L6 N 4665*;4 N 8a#:J:6332 'i)'7 8a#:J:6332 'i)' N 4665*44 N S9 a#e Root ?2*32; ?2*32; : 4*62 N ??*;3; ??*;3; L6 N 44C?*3? N A"#:63:6332 !o&7 A"#:63:6332 !o& N 44?G*42 N S9 a#e Root ??*J3G ??*J3G K 4*62 N ?2*63J ?2*63J L6 N 46?5*26 N > !:65:6332 'i)'7 > !:65:6332 'i)' N 46C2*3C N S9 a#e Root ?2*6;2 ?2*6;2 : 4 N ?C*6;2 ?C*6;2 L6 N 44J2*CG N O$t:4?:6332 !o&7

Ho& %i% &e ,no& to se 4 o# 4*62 o# 6*2 to a%% o# s +t#a$t f#om t'e "i/ot "oints? Gann sai% t'at 53 %e)#ees is /e#y im"o#tant fo# t'e ma#,ets* Gann a!so sai% t'at t'e n m+e# 6 #e"#esents a f !! $i#$!e o# ?G3 %e)#ees* 4 t'e#efo#e e9 a!s 4;3 %e)#ees an% *233 an% 623 53 %e)#ees an% C2 %e)#ees #es"e$ti/e!y* We on!y 'a% to a%% o# s +t#a$t a fe& in$#ements of *233 o# *623 to ea$' "i/ot "oint to o+tain t'ese #es !ts* Lon)e# s&in)s o# 'i)' "#i$e% may #e9 i#e ?- C- 2 o# e/en 'i)'e# +ase a%%en%s o# s +t#an%s*

Befo#e D nni)an an% Tem"!eton- "#o+a+!y sta#tin) in t'e ea#!y 4533s- W*D* Gann &as sin) s9 a#e #oots as an inte)#a! "a#t of 'is met'o% to fo#e$ast sto$, an% $ommo%ities "#i$es and times* His met'o% &as mo#e $om"!e. t'an &'at yo see 'e#e* It a""ea#s to 'a/e +een +ase% on some i%eas Gann "i$,e% " % #in) 'is t#i"s to In%ia o# E)y"t* Gann se% an enne)#am- a %ia)#am of n m+e#s $onst# $te% in s $' a &ay to s'o& s9 a#e an% s9 a#e #oot #e!ations'i"s* T'is enne)#am is &'atMs $ome to +e ,no&n as t'e S9 a#e of Nine f#om t'e G#ee, #oot OenneasP &'i$' is t'e &o#% fo# Onine*P A!t'o )' Gann ne/e# #e/ea!e% e.a$t!y 'o& 'e se% t'e enne)#am &e $an )at'e# f#om 'is &o#%s t'at it &as "#o+a+!y /e#y im"o#tant to 'imA "We use the square of odd and even numbers to get not only the proof of market movements, but the cause." W* D* Gann- 0T'e Basis of 8y Fo#e$astin) 8et'o%0 Dt'e Geomet#i$a! An)!es $o #seE- "* 4

The 70" # , Te/e,"%!h

S n%ay- De$em+e# 4J- 4566 W%// S'"ee' S$#e '#)' F0"e$%)'e& T0! 04 ;+// 7%"6e' 1<:e%" # A&-% $e3 HIS INDICATIONS UNCANN: +yA DFinan$ia! E%ito#- T'e No#t' Si%e Ne&sE ARTHUR ANG@

W*D* Gann 'as s$o#e% anot'e# asto n%in) 'it in 'is 4566 sto$, fo#e$ast iss e% in De$em+e# 4564* T'e fo#e$ast $a!!e% fo# fi#st to" of t'e + !! &a/e in A"#i!- se$on% to" in A ) st- an% t'e fina! to" an% $ !mination of t'e + !! ma#,et O$to+e# ; to 42- an% st#an)e as it may seem- t'e a/e#a)e "#i$es of t&enty in% st#ia! sto$,s #ea$'e% t'e 'i)'est "oint on O$to+e# 4C an% %e$!ine% 43 "oints in t'i#ty:%ays afte# t'at %ate* 8#* Gann "#e%i$te% a +i) %e$!ine fo# t'e mont' of No/em+e#* He sai% in t'e 4566 fo#e$ast : 0No/em+e# 43:4C "ani$,y +#ea,*0 D #in) t'is "e#io% sto$,s s ffe#e% a se/e# %e$!ine- many fa!!in) 43 "oints o# mo#e in fo # %ays an% on No/em+e# 4C !o&est a/e#a)e "#i$es &e#e ma%e &it' 4-233-33 s'a#es t#a%e% in on t'e Ne& @o#, Sto$, E.$'an)e* I fo n% 'is 4564 fo#e$ast so #ema#,a+!e t'at I se$ #e% a $o"y of 'is 4566 sto$, fo#e$ast in o#%e# to "#o/e 'is $!aims fo# myse!f* An% no&- at t'e $!osin) of t'e $ ##ent yea# in 4566- it is + t = sti$e to say I am mo#e t'an ama<e% +y t'e #es !t of 8#* Gann(s #ema#,a+!e "#e%i$tions +ase% on " #e s$ien$e an% mat'emati$a! $a!$ !ations* T'e No#t' Si%e Ne&s stan%s fo# a $!ean Wa!! St#eet an% 'as #en%e#e% a )#eat " +!i$ se#/i$e in 'e!"in) to #i% Wa!! St#eet of t'e + $,et s'o" e/i! +y " +!is'in) a se#ies of a#ti$!es in $on= n$tion &it' t'e 8a)a<ine of Wa!! St#eet* We +e!ie/e in +an%in) a fa,e- an% &e +e!ie/e in )i/in) $#e%it &'e#e % e* GANN IS NO TIPSTER W* D* Gann is no 0Wa!! St#eet ti"ste#0 sen%in) o t ma#,et !ette#s an% so:$a!!e%:insi%e info#mation : 8#* Gann(s #es !ts a#e o+taine% +y "#ofo n% st %y of s ""!y an% %eman%- a mat'emati$a! $'a#t of money+ siness an% $ommo%ities* He %ete#mines &'en $e#tain $y$!es a#e % e- an% t'e o#%e# an% t'e time &'en ma#,et mo/ements &i!! fo!!o&* D #in) t'e "ast t'i#ty yea#s many men 'a/e "#o$!aime% %is$o/e#ies an% t'eo#ies to 0+eat t'e Wa!! St#eet )ame-0 most of &'i$' #es !te% in !oss to t'ei# fo!!o&e#s* T'ey $o !% a!&ays te!! +y t'e $'a#t = st &'y t'e ma#,et %i% it afte# it 'a""ene%* 8#* Gann(s t'eo#y %iffe#s f#om t'e ot'e#s in t'at 'e te!!s mont's in a%/an$e &'at sto$,s a#e )oin) to %o* His fo#e$ast state% t'at some sto$,s &o !% ma,e 'i)' t'is yea# in A"#i!- some in A ) st an% ot'e#s in O$to+e# : t'e mont' &'en 'e "#e%i$te% t'e + !! mo/ement &o !% $ !minate* Of a !ist of a ' n%#e% sto$,sQ t'i#ty ma%e 'i)'est "#i$e in A"#i! an% many %e$!ine%- &'i!e ot'e#s $ontin e% 'i)'e#- t&enty ma%e 'i)' % #in) A ) st- an% fifty ma%e 'i)' of t'e yea# in O$to+e#* f#om &'i$' t'e !a#)est %e$!ine of t'e yea# 'as ta,en "!a$e*

His 4566 fo#e$ast in%i$ate% fina! to"s on #ai!#oa% sto$,s fo# A ) st 4C* T'e Do& >ones(s a/e#a)es on #ai!s ma%e 'i)' A ) st 64 an% #ea$'e% t'e same a/e#a)e !e/e!s on Se"tem+e# 44 an% O$to+e# 4G- + t %i% not e.$ee% t'e 'i)' ma%e in A ) st- &'i$' &as ma%e se/en %ays !ate# t'an t'e e.a$t %ate $a!!e% fo# in t'e fo#e$ast* HIS CHART IS A FACT Sto$, 8a#,et a$$ #ate !on):#an)e fo#e$astin)- as W* D* Gann is %oin)- so n%s a!most n+e!ie/a+!e- an% 'o& 'e %oes it I %o not ,no&- + t t'e &#ite# %oes ,no& t'at 'e %oes it* 8y attention &as fi#st $a!!e% to 'is 4564 8a#,et Fo#e$ast- in &'i$' 'e "#e%i$te% sto$,s &o !% +e +ottom in A ) st- 4564- an% a%/an$e to De$em+e#- 4564* T'ey %i% so* His $'a#t o# )#a"' of t'e ma#,et one yea# in a%/an$e is a fa$t- an% t'at t'e $o #se of t'e sto$, ma#,et fo!!o&s it asto n%in)!y $!ose is e9 a!!y a fa$t* 8#* W* D* Gann says t'e t#o +!e &it' most $'a#t ma,e#s is t'at t'ey &o#, &it' on!y one fa$to# : s"a$e mo/ements o# $'a#ts &'i$' #e$o#% one to t&o "oints " o# %o&n : &'e#eas t'e#e a#e t'#ee o# mo#e fa$to#s to +e $onsi%e#e%- s"a$e- /o! me an% time* T'e most /ita! is time- an% +a$, of t'at is t'e $a se of #e$ ##en$e of 'i)' o# !o& "#i$es at $e#tain inte#/a!s* I as,e% 8#* GannA 0W'at is t'e $a se +e'in% t'e time fa$to#?0 He smi!e% an% sai%A 0It 'as ta,en me t&enty yea#s of e.'a sti/e st %y to !ea#n t'e $a se t'at "#o% $es effe$ts a$$o#%in) to time* T'at is my se$#et an% too /a! a+!e to +e s"#ea% +#oa%$ast* Besi%es- t'e " +!i$ is not yet #ea%y fo# it*0 0Wate# see,s its !e/e!-0 $ontin e% 8#* Gann* 0@o $an fo#$e it 'i)'e# &it' a " m"- + t &'en yo sto" " m"in) it #e9 i#es no fo#$e to $a se it to #et #n to its fo#me# !e/e!* Sto$,s an% Commo%ities a#e t'e same* T'ey $an +e fo#$e% a+o/e t'ei# nat #a! !e/e! of /a! es to &'e#e !am+s !ose a!! fea#- +e$ome $'a#)e% &it' 'o"e an% + y at t'e to"* T'en sto$,s a#e "e#mitte% to sin, to a !e/e! &'e#e 'o"e )i/es &ay to %es"ai# an% t'e most #am"ant + !! +e$omes a +ea# an% se!!s o t at a !oss* 8y %is$o/e# of t'e time: fa$to# ena+!es me to te!! in a%/an$e &'en t'ese e.t#emes m st- +y t'e !a& of s ""!y an% %eman%- o$$ # in sto$,s an% $ommo%ities*0
DT'e 8o#nin) Te!e)#a"'- S n%ay- De$em+e# 4J- 4566E


T'is t to#ia! &i!! s'o& yo 'o& to $onst# $t a S9 a#e of Nine Roa%ma" C'a#t f#om a #e) !a# "#i$e $'a#t $#eate% in E.$e! @o $o !% a!so se a $'a#t "#inte% o t f#om @a'oo o# Bi) C'a#ts o# any ot'e# on!ine se#/i$e o# $'a#tin) "#o)#am* T'is"!e ses Ho #!y Data DG2 min tes a$t a!!yE of t'e SRP 233* Ho #!y $'a#ts a#e )oo% to "#a$ti$e &it' +e$a se $on%itions $'an)e 9 i$,!y an% yo )et many o""o#t nities to e."e#iment* We &i!! ass me t'at yo a!#ea%y ,no& 'o& to $#eate a sto$, $'a#t in E.$e!* T'is is &'at t'e "!ain:=ane sto$, $'a#t !oo,s !i,e* We se% 'i)':!o&:$!ose +a#s + t if t'e $'a#t %oesn(t )et too $#o&%e% $an%!es a!so &o#, ni$e!y*

W'en yo s$#o!! a#o n% on yo # E.$e! $'a#t &'i!e &o#,in) in t'e "#o)#am itse!f- t'e /a! e of t'e %ata "oint n%e# t'e mo se $ #so# &i!! a""ea# in a !itt!e &in%o&* In t'is $ase &e &ant to sta#t t'e Roa%ma" f#om t'e !o& at 44GG*?4- &'i$' o$$ ##e% on >an a#y 6;- 6332 at t'e 44AC3 +a#* F#om t'e S9 a#e Root T'eo#y yo !ea#ne% t'at &e $an mo/e ?G3 %e)#ees a#o n% t'e S9 a#e of Nine +y a%%in) 6 to t'e s9 a#e #oot of a n m+e# an% s9 a#in) t'e #es !tin) s m* In t'e"!e on t'e Roa%ma" T'eo#y "a)e &e mo/e% f#om 42 to ?C- &'i$' is %i#e$t!y a+o/e 42 on t'e S9 a#e of Nine- +y ta,in) t'e s9 a#e #oot of 42 D?*;JE- a%%in) 6 D2*;JE an% s9 a#in) t'at s m D?C*C5E* A "a"e# /e#sion of t'e S9 a#e of Nine ses #o n%e% n m+e#s an% ?C*C5 &as #o n%e% %o&n to ?C* > st so &e 'a/e some $ommon !an) a)e to &o#, &it' &e $a!! t'e 060 &e a%%e% to t'e s9 a#e #oot of 42 a Fa$to# of 6* We n%e#stan% t'at Fa$to# is a mat'emati$a! te#m of a#t- an% in t'at sense it(s +ein) mis se%- + t most "eo"!e #ea%in) t'is a#e not mat'emati$ians an% &i!! not +e )#eat!y offen%e%* If a Fa$to# of 6 #e"#esents ?G3 %e)#ees o# a f !! $i#$!e mo/e- t'en C2 %e)#ees o# 4S; $i#$!e &i!! +e #e"#esente% +y a Fa$to# of *62 D?G3S; N C2E an% D6S; N *62E* 8any- if not most- ma=o# sto$, ma#,et mo/es en% on a m !ti"!e of 53 %e)#ees* We(#e &o#,in) &it' Ho #!y %ata an% +e$a se 53 %e)#ees may +e too )#an !a# &e se C2 %e)#ees &'i$' is an e.a$t %i/ision of 53 %e)#ees fo# o # Ho #!y Roa%ma" C'a#ts* If yo &ant to &o#, &it' Dai!y o# Wee,!y %ata t'en &e s ))est sin) 53 o# 4;3 %e)#ee Fa$to#s- &'i$' a#e * 2 an% 4 #es"e$ti/e!y- D?G3SC N 53 an% 6SC N *2E an% D?G3S6 N 4;3 an% 6S6 N 4E* In "#a$ti$e- yo $an se any Fa$to# yo &ant an% o%%s a#e t'at at !east one &i!! fit yo # t#en%in) %ata "oints e.a$t!y- e/en t'o )' it &o !% 'a/e a!!o&e% yo to %#a& t'e Roa%ma" C'a#t +efo#e t'e fa$t* Gann sai% t'at 53 %e)#ees is /e#y im"o#tant fo# t'e sto$, ma#,et- an% o # o&n e."e#ien$e &it' t'e ma=o# sto$, ma#,et $onfi#ms t'at- + t t'e#e /e#y &e!! $o !% +e ot'e# /e#y im"o#tant fa$to#s fo# %iffe#ent sto$, ma#,et$ ##en$ies- $ommo%ities o# in%i/i% a! sto$,s* T'e#e is "#o+a+!y m $' mo#e t'at #emains n,no&n an% n%is$o/e#e% a+o t t'e a""!i$ation of t'e S9 a#e of Nine t'an &e $an ima)ine- so e."e#imentation is en$o #a)e% fo# t'ose &i!!in) to %o t'e &o#,* No& t'at &e(/e %e$i%e% to se a Fa$to# of *623 D#e"#esentin) C2 %e)#eesE &e $an +e)in to a$t a!!y $onst# $t t'e $'a#t* We(!! se o # sta#tin) "oint- t'e !o& at 44GG*?4- to $a!$ !ate "#i$e !e/e!s fo# t'e 'o#i<onta! !ines* He#e(s t'e mat'A DSQRTD44GG*?4E K *623E L6 N 44;?*C2

DSQRTD44GG*?4E K *233E L6 N 4633*J4 DSQRTD44GG*?4E K *J23E L6 N 464;*43 Eye+a!! t'ese "#i$e !e/e!s on yo # E.$e! $'a#t an% %#a& in a 'o#i<onta! !ine at ea$' "#i$e !e/e!* T'e $'a#t &i!! !oo, !i,e t'is*

Let(s a%% t'e /e#ti$a! time !ines* Use t'e same !o& "#i$e of 44GG*?4* Fin% t'e s9 a#e #oot D?C*42E an% #o n% it to t'e ne.t &'o!e n m+e# D?CE* To $om"!ete t'e /e#ti$a! time !ines a!! t'at m st +e %one is %#a& t'e !ines in ?C +a# in$#ements f#om t'e sta#tin) "oint of t'e +a# at 44GG*?4* D#a& as many /e#ti$a! time !ines as &i!! fit on t'e $'a#t* T'e $'a#t &i!! !oo, !i,e t'is*

@o (#e a!most t'e#e* A%% one mo#e /e#ti$a! !ine at t'e sta#tin) "oint "#i$e +a# at t'e !o& of 44GG*?4 an% %#a& %ia)ona! !ines t'#o )' t'e inte#se$tions of t'e 'o#i<onta! an% /e#ti$a! !ines* T'e $'a#t:in:"#o)#ess &i!! s'o& yo )#a"'i$a!!y &'at an% &'e#e to $onne$t t'in)s +ette# t'en any /e#+a! %es$#i"tion*

T'at(s a!! t'e#e is to it7 @o (/e $#eate% a Roa%ma" C'a#t* On$e yo )et a fee! fo# t'e #'yt'm of t'e ti$,e#s yo t#a%e t'e most- an% t'e Fa$to# t'at +est #e"#esents t'at #'yt'm- yo $an $#eate a ne& Roa%ma" C'a#t &it'in min tes of a s s"e$te% "i/ot "oint* T'e Roa%ma" C'a#t is se!f:%efinin)* If t'e t#en% 'as $'an)e% t'en t'e ne& Roa%ma" C'a#t &i!! $ontain t'e f t #e "#i$e +a#s fo# t'e !ife of t'e t#en%* If t'e s s"e$te% "i/ot "oint +om+s:o t yo &i!! ,no& imme%iate!y &'en "#i$e +a#s + st t'e $'anne!s* One o+/io s t'in) &e %i% not mention is t'at if yo (#e %#a&in) a ne& Roa%ma" f#om a 'i)' t'en yo &o !% s +t#a$t- not a%%- t'e Fa$to# f#om t'e s9 a#e #oot of t'e sta#tin) "#i$e* T'e /e#ti$a! !ine- time $a!$ !ation- &o !% +e t'e same* De"en%in) on t'e 9 ote "#i$e of yo # ti$,e# yo may )et &ei#% #es !ts in yo # ea#!y attem"ts to $#eate a ne& $'a#t* @o &i!! 'a/e to e."e#iment- + t )ene#a!!y- yo &ant to $on/e#t "#i$es into t'#ee si)nifi$ant %i)its Di*e t'#ee n m+e#s to t'e !eft of t'e %e$ima! "ointE to )et "#o"o#tiona! #es !ts* Use a m !ti"!e of 43 Dm !ti"!y o# %i/i%e +y 4S43- 43- 433- 4333- et$*E to $on/e#t yo # "#i$es to t'#ee si)nifi$ant %i)its +efo#e $a!$ !atin) t'e "#i$e !e/e!s of t'e 'o#i<onta! !ines* @o %o not 'a/e to $'an)e t'e "#i$e s$a!e of t'e $'a#t- on!y t'e "#i$e to se &'en $a!$ !atin) t'e 'o#i<onta! "#i$e !ines* We se nat #a! SRP "#i$es- &'i$' $ ##ent!y a#e fo # si)nifi$ant %i)its- fo# o # $'a#ts an% e/e#yt'in) &o#,s = st fine so !i,e most e/e#yt'in) e!se a+o t t'e S9 a#e of Nine t'e#e a#e no a+so! tes- an% t'e /a! e yo #e$ei/e is %i#e$tiona!!y "#o"o#tiona! to t'e effo#t yo ma,e** We t'in, t'e Roa%ma" C'a#t is a )#eat t#a%in) too! &it'o t !ea#nin) anot'e# t'in) a+o t t'e S9 a#e of Nine* Ho& many too!s a!!o& yo to %efine a t#en% a'ea% of time? I%ea!!y- "#i$e &i!! mo/e a$#oss t'e &i%t' of t'e $'anne!s +efo#e en%in) t'e t#en%* Rea$tions t'at %o not en% t'e t#en% often o$$ # nea# t'e mi%"oint of t'e time !ines o# t'e mi%"oint of t'e ma=o# 'o#i<onta! "#i$e !ines* T'e#e(s no s +stit te fo# e."e#ien$e in !ea#nin) t'e nat #a! #'yt'm of yo # ti$,e#s an% 'o& to se t'e Roa%ma" C'a#ts to yo # a%/anta)e* A!t'o )' t'e Roa%ma" C'a#t is +ase% on S9 a#e of Nine "#in$i"!es- an% as e!e)ant as &e +e!ie/e t'e Roa%ma" C'a#t to +e- it %oes not s9 a#e "#i$e an% time* To %o t'at yo m st fi#st $on/e#t +ot' "#i$e an% time to %e)#ees of a $i#$!e an% meas #e t'em f#om %efine% sta#tin) "oints* T'e Roa%ma" C'a#t %oes not %o t'at*

The >% S'+&#e) by Justin Kuepper, :redictin$ the future is impossible, ri$ht; (f he were around today, W!8! Gann would be$ to differ! 4is first prophecy is belie ed to ha e happened durin$ World War ( when he predicted the No ., '.'5, abdication of the Daiser and the end of the war! Then in '.76, he wrote a book entitled "Tunnel throu$h the 2ir", which many belie e predicted the Eapanese attack on :earl 4arbor, and the air war between the two countries! 4is financial predictions were perhaps e en more profound! (n early '.7., he predicted that the markets would probably continue to rally on speculation and hit new hi$hsF until early 2pril! (n his publication, The "upply and #emand $etter, he deli ered daily financial forecasts focusin$ on both the stock and commodity markets! 2s this daily financial publication $ained notoriety, Gann published se eral books > most notably "Truth", which was hailed by the %all "treet &ournal as his best work! ?inally, he be$an releasin$ the techniques that he used to make these forecastsG the Gann studies! What Are the Gann Studies? (n '.-5, Gann disco ered what he called the "market time factor", which made him one of the pioneers of technical analysis! To test his new strate$y, he opened one account with H+-- and one with H'1-! (t turned out to be wildly successfulG Gann was able to make H71,--- profit with his H+-- account in only three monthsI meanwhile, he made H'7,--- profit with his H'1account in only +- days9 2fter his results were erified, he became famous on Wall Street as one of the best forecasters of all time! 4ere3s how his techniques work! Gann based predictions of price mo ements on three premisesG

'rice, time and range are the only three factors to consider! The markets are cyclical in nature! The markets are geometric in desi$n and in function!

Cased on these three premises, Gann3s strate$ies re ol ed around three $eneral areas of predictionG

'rice studyJ This uses support and resistance lines, pi ot points and an$les! Time study J This looks at historically reoccurrin$ dates, deri ed by natural and social means! 'attern study J This looks at market swin$s usin$ trendlines and re ersal patterns!

?i$ures such as these are the buildin$ blocks of the Gann studies!

Constructing Gann Angles Cefore we be$in, it is important to reali%e that this form of analysis > like most forms of technical analysis > is not set in stone but constructed out of empirical methods! Without further ado, here is the process used to construct a Gann an$leG

#etermine the time units > This is one of the empirical processes! <ne common way to determine a time unit is to study the stock3s chart and take note of distances in which price mo ements occur! Then, simply put the an$les to the test and determine their accuracy! =ost people use intermediate>term )such as one to three>month* charts for this as opposed to lon$>term )multi>year* or short>term )one to se en>day* charts! This is because, in most cases, the intermediate>term charts produce the optimal amount of patterns! #etermine the high or low from which to draw the (ann lines > This is the second empirical process, and the most common way to accomplish it is to use other forms of technical analysis>>such as ?ibonacci le els or pi ot points! Gann himself, howe er, used what he called " ibrations" or "price swin$s!" 4e determined these by analy%in$ charts usin$ mathematical theories like ?ibonacci! #etermine which pattern to use > The two most common patterns are the '"' )left fi$ure abo e*, the '"7 )ri$ht fi$ure abo e*, and the 7"'! These are simply ariations in the slope of the line! ?or e"ample, the '"7 is half the slope of the '"'! The numbers simply refer to the number of units! #raw the patterns ) The direction would be either downward and to the ri$ht from a hi$h point, or upward and to the ri$ht from a low point! $oo* for repeat patterns further down the chart J Remember this technique is based on the premise that markets are cyclical!

2$ain, this requires some fine>tunin$ with e"perience in order to perfect! Cecause of this, the results will ary from person to person! Some people, like Gann, will e"perience e"traordinary success, while others > who don3t use such refined techniques > will e"perience sub>par returns! 4owe er, if the system is followed and sufficient research is put into findin$ the optimal requirements, abo e>a era$e returns should be attainable! Cut remember, technical analysis is an odds $ame >add more technical indicators to increase your chances of a successful trade! Using Gann Angles Gann an$les are most commonly used as support and resistance lines! Cut many studies ha e support and resistance lines! What makes this one so important; Well, Gann an$les let you add a new dimension to these important le els > they can be dia$onal!

4ere you can see how Gann an$les can be used to form support and resistance le els! 8ia$onal trendlines are commonly used to determine times to add to e"istin$ lon$ positions, to determine new lows and hi$hs )by findin$ si$nificant breaks of the trend line*, and to help discern the o erall trend! Conclusion (s it possible to predict the future; W!8! Gann probably thou$ht so, and seemin$ly pro ed it with his wildly successful returns! The system is relati ely simple to use, but difficult to master! 2fter all, it was Gann3s uncanny ability to fine>tune his techniques that led him to enormous profits > the a era$e in estor is not likely to obtain these kinds of returns! Kike many technical tools, Gann an$les are best used in con&unction with other tools to predict price mo ements and profit!

P#-0' P0# ' What Does Pivot Point Mean? 2 technical indicator deri ed by calculatin$ the numerical a era$e of a particular stock3s hi$h, low and closin$ prices! Investopedia e plains Pivot Point!!! The pi ot point is used as a predicti e indicator! (f the followin$ day3s market price falls below the pi ot point, it may be used as a new resistance le el! Con ersely, if the market price rises abo e the pi ot point, it may act as the new support le el! >% A ,/e)

What Does Gann Angles Mean? Created by W!8! Gann, a method of predictin$ price mo ements throu$h the relation of $eometric an$les in charts depictin$ time and price! Investopedia e plains Gann Angles!!! The ideal balance between time and price e"ists when prices mo e identically to time, which occurs when the Gann an$le is at 01 de$rees! (n total, there are nine different Gann an$les that are important for identifyin$ trend lines and market actions! When one of these trend lines is broken, the followin$ an$le will pro ide support or resistance!

S+!!0"' ?S+!!0"' Le-e/@ What Does Support (Support Level) Mean? The price le el which, historically, a stock has had difficulty fallin$ below! (t is thou$ht of as the le el at which a lot of buyers tend to enter the stock! <ften referred to as the "support le el"!

Investopedia e plains Support (Support Level)!!! (f the price of a stock falls towards a support le el it is a test for the stockG the support will either be reconfirmed or wiped out! (t will be reconfirmed if a lot of buyers mo e into the stock, causin$ it to rise and mo e away from the support le el! (t will be wiped out if buyers will not enter the stock and the stock falls below the support!

T"e &/# e What Does Trendline Mean? 2 line that is drawn o er pi ot hi$hs or under pi ot lows to show the pre ailin$ direction of price! Trendlines are a isual representation of support and resistance in any time frame! Investopedia e plains Trendline!!! Trendlines are used to show direction and speed of price! Trendlines also describe patterns durin$ periods of price contraction!

W! D! Gann the legendary "inancial #rophet in the $arly %&enties To most of the technical analysts and financial traders, the name, William 8elbert Gann, is well> known! Gann was one of the $reatest traders in the early twenty centuries, who has e"tremely arcane tradin$ analysis techniques and methods that based on ancient mathematics, $eometry and astrolo$y! #et, as it was ne er un eiled e"plicitly, the theory of Gann is admired by most, but $rasped by few! To understand Gann3s theories, it is essential to know his life and li in$! W! 8! Gann was born in an (rish family in Kufkin, Te"as in the Bnited States on , Eune '565! 4is parents are de oted Christians with a stron$ =ethodist back$round! W! 8! Gann was himself a de oted Christian! 4e claimed that his market cycle theories were disco ered from the 4oly Cible!

The home country of Gann was a cotton land, the influence to the childhood of the $reat trader was understandable! With Gann was 70 in '.-7, he made his first trade in cotton futures contract and en&oyed the profit from tradin$! The 1+ years of tradin$ hereafter, it was said that he had $ained BSH1- million from the market! The wealth of that scale compared with the purchasin$ power at his time was, in deed, ery substantial! (n '.-,, Gann mo ed to <hakama with ambition to start up his career as broker and trader! 4is life and tradin$ are with up and down! 4is ad ice after decades of tradin$ were that if an in estor enters the in estment market without a $rasp of knowled$e, his chance to failure would be .-L! The reasons behind their failures are human emotionsG hope, $reed and fear are the enemies of success! Dnowled$e is the way to win in the market! Startin$ from his early a$e, Gann had already reali%ed that the natural law is the underlyin$ dri in$ force that mo es the market! 4e claimed that he had spent '- years in studyin$ the relationship between natural law and the market! 8urin$ these '- years, he had tra eled to @n$land, @$ypt and (ndia for knowled$e! When he was in @n$land, he spent days and ni$hts in the Critish =useum to study the financial markets for o er a hundred years! 8urin$ that time, he focused himself on ancient mathematics, $eometry and astrolo$y for inspiration and re ealed their relationships with the financial markets! <ne of his important techniques, the Gann Cardinal Square, was said to be inspired from the structure of @$yptian and (ndian temples! 2fter the lon$ &ourney for knowled$e, he concluded his findin$s that the financial markets are dri en by the "Kaw of Mibration"! The law once $rasped, one can tell the future market time and price with hi$h accuracy! Gann also claimed that the "Rate of Mibration" of indi idual stocks and futures contracts determine the up and down of their prices! Bnfortunately, the details of his theory are often kept in eil! Kate comers are ery difficult to $rasp the essence of his techniques! (n $eneral, his theories are based on the followin$sG ancient mathematics, $eometry, numerolo$y and astrolo$y! (n '.-5, Gann mo ed to New #ork at the a$e of +-, where he started his brokera$e and research business and serious tested his theories and tradin$ techniques! (n the same year, he de eloped his ma&or technique "=aster Time ?actor" with success that made him famous on the Wall Street! (n <ctober '.-., he was inter iewed by Richard 8! Wyckoff of the Ticker and (n estment 8i$est, a then popular financial ma$a%ine in early twenties! The inter iew e"tended for a usual period of one month in order for the reporter to monitor his tradin$ acti ities! To the surprise of the reporter, Gann stroked a return of '---L on his tradin$ capital! 4e had made a total of 75, trades in 71 market days, 7,0 times won and 77 times lost! The profit rate was up to .7!+L! 8urin$ that month, the a era$e inter al between trades was only 7- minutes! <n one tradin$ day, he made totally ', trades, 5 out of them are the re ersal points of the intra> day market fluctuation! 2ccordin$ to Gann3s friend William Gilley, "<ne of the most astonishin$ calculations made by =r! Gann was durin$ last summer N'.-.O when he predicted that September Wheat would sell at H'!7-! This meant that it must touch that fi$ure before the end of the month of September! 2t twel e o3clock, Chica$o time, on September +-th )the last day* the option was sellin$ below H'!-5, and it looked as thou$h his prediction would not be fulfilled! =r! Gann said, 3(f it does not touch H'!7- by the close of the market it will pro e that there is somethin$ wron$ with my whole

method of calculation! ( do not care what the price is now, it must $o there!3 (t is common history that September Wheat surprised the whole country by sellin$ at H'!7- and no hi$her in the ery last hour of tradin$, closin$ at that fi$ure!" 2t the peak of his career, Gann founded two market research companies, W! 8! Gann Scientific Ser ice, (nc! and W! 8! Gann Research (nc!, and employed +1 people to produce technical charts and conduct market research! 4e published in estment newsletters and made annual stock and commodity forecasts that attracted much attention from the in estment community! Gann also hosted se eral in estment and tradin$ seminars! Gann tried to make his teachin$ secret and confined to a few people, e ery student is not allowed to $i e the materials out to others! The fees for these seminars were BSH71-- and sometimes BSH1---, which enormous at his time! (t may be equi alent to BSH71,--- to BSH1-,--- nowadays9 'is Methods 2ccordin$ to his followers, the accuracy of W! 8! Gann3s prediction was up to 51L! 4is predictions actually were not restricted to financial marketI Gann also $a e predictions on the election of BS :resident and the be$innin$ and endin$ of World Wars! Gann claimed that his e ery forecast was solely based on mathematical principles! With sufficient information, he could forecast the forthcomin$ e ents with his cycle theory based on ancient mathematics and $eometry! (n his mind, the nature of thin$s had not chan$edI all of the e ents were based on mathematical principles! What are the mathematical principles; W! 8! Gann said that the +,- de$rees of a circle and the numbers from ' to . were the ori$in of mathematics! (n a circle, there may place a square and a trian$le! <utside the circle, we may also construct a square and a trian$le! These constructions are in fact the dimensions of the market! Stran$e enou$h; (n fact, W! 8! Gann belie ed that the market re ersal points )tops and bottoms* were related by the mathematical principles! There is no sin$le market top or bottom cannot be e"plained by an$les and support / resistance le els! (n other words, if he was $i en the time and prices of the historical tops and bottoms of any market, he could utili%e the mathematical and $eometrical principles to predict futures market turnin$ points! Why were these principles able to be applied to the market trends; W! 8! Gann said that he had e ery proof from astrolo$y and mathematics9 'is Mar(et #redictions (nterestin$ enou$h, W! 8! Gann li ed in the early Twenty Centuries while the economic life of the world was in total chaos! Gann e"perienced the first World War, the historic stock market crash in '.7., the $reat depression in the Thirties and the out>break of the World War ((! (n these years of frustration, conductin$ in estment business was risky, not to mention market predictions! Since the Twenties, W! 8! Gann be$an to publish annual market forecast reports! These reports pro ided market forecasts for the whole year to come! (t was nothin$ new by pro idin$ these types of ser ice! The new thin$s were that W! 8! Gann actually depicted the market mo ement of the whole year by pro idin$ detailed time and prices of the market re ersal points9 4is annual forecasts were in fact the road maps to wealth! 4e did not only forecast the market, he also

pro ided forecasts of ma&or social e ents! 2lthou$h, his predictions mi$ht not be totally correct, his approach turned a new leaf in market forecastin$! Surprisin$ly, he accurately predicted the stock market crash of the century in '.7. to the date! (n his annual forecast published on No ember +, '.75, he e"plicitly predicted that September of '.7. would be the dan$erous month! Stock prices would slump on "Clack ?riday"! (n fact, the 8ow Eones (ndustrial 2 era$e toped out on September +, '.7. at +5,!'-! Two months later, the 8ow fell to below 7--9 The bear market brou$ht to the western world the $reat depression and the 8ow e entually bottomed out at only 0-!1, in Euly '.+7! W! D! Gann)s Writings W! 8! Gann passed away at 66 on Eune '0, '.11! 4e had numerous writin$s includin$G "W! 8! Gann Stock =arket Course" "W! 8! Gann Commodity =arket Course" "The Truth of the Stock Tape" "Wall Street Stock Selector" "Stock Trend 8etector" "01 #ears in Wall Street" "4ow to =ake :rofits Tradin$ in Commodities" "4ow to =ake :rofits Tradin$ in :uts and Calls" "Tunnel Thru3 the 2ir" "The =a$ic Words" =ost of his writin$s are related to in estment and tradin$! "Tunnel Thru3 the 2ir" is howe er a lo e story! Gann claimed that the first time you read, it would be a book of lo e story! The second time you read, it would be a book of parables! The third time you read, it would be a book of market truths9 The "=a$ic Words" is a book of reli$ious writin$s! )Copyri$ht Reser ed '...* Methods and Applications o* Gann S+uare

Gann #rice S+uare Cardinal Square is W!8! Gann3s method to calculate market support and resistance le els! With base number ' at the centre of the square, Cardinal Square starts from the left or ri$ht hand side and e"pands in clockwise or anti>clockwise fashion, each step increases the number by ' and e entually comes with a Cardinal Square! The chart below is W! 8! Gann3s Square of Nine!

The support and resistance le els of the market in question are on the followin$ an$les in :rice Cardinal Square! They are primarilyG '! The hori%ontal line that drawn throu$h the centre of Cardinal SquareI 7! The ertical line that drawn throu$h the centre of Cardinal SquareI and +! The two dia$onal an$les that drawn throu$h the centre of Cardinal Square! When we use the Cardinal Square to predict specific market support and resistance le els, two inputs ha e to be decidedG ?irstly, the startin$ point of the market trend to be put into the centre of the Gann SquareI and Secondly, the unit of increase or decrease in each step! The Gann Square function in the Gann ?orecaster software pro ides easy calculation of the Gann Square! Chart , Cardinal #rice S+uare

Wor(ing $ a-ple.

Suppose we are $oin$ to calculate the support and resistance of 4an$ Sen$ (nde"! The intermediate low of 4an$ Sen$ (nde" was ,,5.- on 7+ Eanuary, '..1! Bsin$ this data, we input the followin$G '! =arket G 4an$ Sen$ (nde" 7! Start G ,5.+! StepsG P'--

2fter the input, all fi$ures in the Cardinal Square shall be chan$ed to rele ant price le els! The support and resistance le els of the market should be shown in R@8 colour, which are numbers on 01, .-, '+1, '5-, 771, 76-, +'1 and +,- de$rees on the Square! The followin$ dia$ram shows the results of the calculationG

Chart / Cardinal #rice S+uare &ith 'ang Seng Inde

The circled numbers are ma&or resistance le els in 4an$ Sen$ (nde"! The correspondin$ daily chart of 4an$ Sen$ (nde" is shown belowG

Chart 0 1esistance 2evels on 'ang Seng Inde Daily Chart 340 5 467

(n re$ard to supports, ma&or supports of 4an$ Sen$ (nde" are circled as belowG

Chart 8 Cardinal #rice S+uare &ith 'ang Seng Inde

The correspondin$ daily chart of 4an$ Sen$ (nde" is as followsG

Chart 9 Support 2evels on 'ang Seng Inde Daily Chart 340 5 467

(t is noted that in the same trend support and resistance le els tend to relate with each other by -, .-, '5- or 76- de$rees!

Methods and Applications o* Gann Wheel

4istory always repeats itself, yet the relationship between the past and the future has ne er been re ealed before W! 8! Gann! Gann stipulated that in financial market market tops and bottoms are related by numbers and an$les! Gann wheel is an esoteric market analysis technique, which W! 8! Gann sometimes called it the Wheel within Wheel!! Gann Wheel is a circular numerical chart, which starts with ' from the centre and completes one cycle by fillin$ up 70 di isions of the circle with 70 incremental numbers in an anticlockwise fashion! With e"pandin$ the process up to '1 circles, the number $oes up to +,-! This chart is used to predict market support and resistance le els as well as market re ersal days! The Gann Wheel is constructed as followsG

$ a-ple o* Application o* Gann Wheel 2s all we know, the ma&or market crash occurred in <ctober '.56, the market fell from the all time hi$h ++6!5. on 2u$ust 71, 56 to 7',!06 on <ctober 7-, 56! 2nother ma&or market crash occurred in Euly 7-, '..5, the market fell from the all>time hi$h ','..!0- to below ',---! See the SQ: 1-- futures monthly chart belowG

#et, most of the contemporary financial analysts do not reali%ed that the two ma&or market crashes of their decades are actually related by the mathematical relationship carried in Gann Wheel! The market top of '.56 at ++6 )after con ersion* located at - de$ree of Gann Wheel! 2ccordin$ to Gann3s theory, this - de$ree became the market resistance le el in future! <n Euly 7-, '..5, SQ: 1-- futures reached the all>time hi$h ''..!0-, after con ersion, the number on the Gann Wheel should be '7-! 2ctually, the number '7- located at +,- de$ree of the Gann Wheel! That is, the two market tops coincide almost at the same an$le on the Gann Wheel! :re ious market top pro&ected future market top at the same an$ular relationship!

See the Gann Wheel belowG

Strai$ht enou$h, the "an$le" of the re ersal date Euly 7-, '..5 was '7- de$ree )what W! 8! Gann called "trine"* to the "an$le" of the re ersal price ''..!0- )'7- after con ersion*! Kookin$ at the market crash of '.56, the crash week in <ctober '.56 was e"actly '5- de$rees out of phase to the all>time hi$h ++6!5. of '.56! ?rom the abo e market e ents, we know that market re ersals are related to each other both in terms of price and time! The key is how we interpret the master piece of W! 8! Gann! R@ndS


Lam+e#t:Gann P +!is'in) Com"any &&&*&%)ann*$om


Gann %is$o/e#e% &'en an e9 a!ity #e!ations'i" o$$ ##e% +et&een time an% "#i$e- a t#en% #e/e#sa! in a ma#,et $o !% ta,e "!a$e* To n%e#stan% t'is #e!ations'i" it is ne$essa#y to ,no& 'o& a Gann W'ee! $an +e se% to $a!$ !ate time o# "#i$e o+=e$ti/es*

T'e Gann W'ee! $ente# +e)ins at t'e n m+e# 040 an% in$#eases one nit $!o$,&ise* T'e #e% !ine s'o&s a f !! #otation- o# ?G3 %e)#ees " f#om a "#i$e of ?C t'at &o !% ta#)et G4* WD Gann(s ana!ysis $an +e ma%e to !oo, e.t#eme!y $om"!e.* B t !i,e Fi+ona$$i #et#a$ements not a!! $a!$ !ations a#e of inte#est* Let(s ta,e a $!ose# !oo, at t'e "#i$e "#o=e$tion te$'ni9 e sin) a Gann W'ee!* T'en &e &i!! %efine t'e most $#iti$a! Gann an)!es fo# s"e$ifi$ finan$ia! ma#,ets* D#a& a $i#$!e t'at to $'es a!! fo # si%es of t'e !a#)est s9 a#e* T'e $i#$!e 'as ?G3 %e)#ees to $om"!ete a f !! #otation* T'e to" of t'e $i#$!e $an +e /ie&e% as o # sta#tin) "oint o# 0)#o n% <e#o0* No& %i/i%e t'e $i#$!e into e9 a! 9 a#te#s* As &e mo/e $!o$,&ise to t'e #i)'t $o#ne# &e &o !% $#oss t'e C2 %e)#ee an)!e of t'e $i#$!e* T'e fi#st 9 a#te# at t'e #i)'t an)!e is 53 %e)#ees an% %i#e$t!y a$#oss f#om t'e to" is 4;3 %e)#ees* Contin e mo/in) $!o$,&ise nti! &e #et #n to t'e sta#t an% $om"!ete t'e =o #ney a#o n% t'e $i#$!e at ?G3 %e)#ees*

HOW IT ;ECO7ES A CALCULATOR333 Fin% t'e n m+e# 42 on t'e Gann W'ee!* If a sto$, &as t#a%in) at a "#i$e of 142- &'at a#e t'e "#i$e o+=e$ti/es sin) a Gann W'ee!? T'e n m+e# 42 is "e#fe$t!y a!i)ne% n%e# t'e <e#o an% ?G3 %e)#ee an)!e ma#,e% on t'e to" of t'e W'ee!* Be$a se t'e n m+e# 42 is a!i)ne% &it' <e#o &e nee% ma,e no f #t'e# a%= stments- = st #ea% t'e Gann ta#)ets st#ai)'t off t'e &'ee!* T'e C2 %e)#ee "#i$e o+=e$ti/e f#om 42 is 4J* It is t'e ne.t n m+e# t'at a!i)ns &it' t'e C2 %e)#ee !ine t'at t#a/e!s to&a#%s t'e to" #i)'t $o#ne#* T'e n m+e# 45 $#osses &e#e t'e 53 %e)#ee !ine &as %#a&n* We &o !% se t'e "'#ase- 0145 is 53 %e)#ees " f#om 142*0 No& s,i" o/e# to 4;3 %e)#ees an% fin% 16? is %i#e$t!y o""osite 142* We &o !% sti!! say- 06? is 4;3 %e)#ees " f#om 420* At 6J3

%e)#ees 16; is t'e "#i$e o+=e$ti/e* A f !! ?G3 %e)#ees " f#om 42 is 1?C* T'at is 'o& a Gann W'ee! is se%* W'y %i% &e s,i" t'e +ottom #i)'t $o#ne# an)!e &'i$' &o !% +e 4?2 %e)#ees? Be$a se !i,e Fi+ona$$i- some $a!$ !ations a#e mo#e im"o#tant t'an ot'e#s* T'e Fi+ona$$i #atios 3*?;6- 3*233* 3*G4;- 4*333- an% 4*G4; a#e #e!ations'i"s &e ,no& a#e t'e $#iti$a! #atios to i%entify* T'is is a!so 'o& t'e /a#io s Gann an)!es a#e inte#"#ete%* We 'a/e a $i#$!e t'at is %i/i%e% into 9 a#te#s an% si.t's- + t &e a!so nee% to %i/i%e ?G3 %e)#ees into t'i#%s +e$a se 463 %e)#ees an% 6C3 a#e e.t#eme!y im"o#tant* T'e an)!es of )#eatest inte#est in finan$ia! ma#,ets a#e C2- 53- 463- 4;3- 6C3- 6J3- ?42- an% ?G3*

Ae#o%ynami$ In/estments In$ So t' Ca#o!ina an% Ne& @o#, City

%he Gann Wheel :ctagon Chart; #ythagorean Cube; S+uare o* 4

91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 121 92 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 81 120 93 58 31 30 29 28 27 26 49 80 119 94 59 32 13 12 11 10 25 48 79 118 95 60 33 14 3 2 9 24 47 78 117 96 61 34 15 4 1 8 23 46 77 116 97 62 35 16 5 6 7 22 45 76 115 98 63 36 17 18 19 20 21 44 75 114 99 64 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 74 113 100 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 112 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

The Square of . is probably W!8! GannTs most famous =aster Chart! =any traders use this chart re$ularly as a primary tradin$ tool! 4owe er, it is my personal belief that most traders are only usin$ a few simple techniques and are not fully utili%in$ the true potential of this multidimensional =aster Calculator!

What is the S+uare o* 4 The Square of . is basically a spiral of numbers startin$ with the number one in the center )or ape" of the Great :yramid* with the number 7 immediately to the left! The rest of the numbers spiral around the center in a clockwise fashion to the number ., which completes the first cycle of numbers around the center! '- throu$h 71

completes the 7nd cycle, 7, throu$h 0. completes the + rd , etcF This particular arran$ement of numbers creates a ery unique square root relationship with other numbers on the chart! =ichael S! Eenkins illustrates some interestin$ square root tradin$ techniques utili%in$ the Square of . in his Gann Course and his book Chart Readin$ for :rofessional Traders! Casically, if you want to mo e around the coordinates on the Gann Wheel you take the number you are interested in ) such as the all time 4i$h or Kow price* take the square root of the number, then add or subtract 7 from the root and resquare the result! @"ampleG Kets say that we are interested in the price ,,0 )which is in the ertical column strai$ht up from the center*! The square root is 71!6,5 P 7 U 76!6,5V7 U 66' which is the number directly abo e ,,0 or one full +,- de$ree cycle out from center! (f we subtracted 7 from the root and re> squared the number )71!6,5>7U 7+!6,5V7 U 1,1 * we would $et 1,1 which is directly below ,,0 or one full +,de$ree cycle in towards center! (ncorporatin$ the Gann @mblem with this technique, allows us to calculate

coordinates that are con&unct )+,- U P/> 7 from the root*, opposition )'5- U P/> ' from root W*, trine )'7-U P/> !,,,* )70-U P/> '!+++*, square ).- U P/> !1* )76-U P/> '!1* and se"tile ),- U P/> !+++* )+-- U P/> '!,,,*! This technique is e"tremely useful for findin$ coordinate squares on the Gann Wheel that are makin$ hard aspects to a pre ious position on the wheel! 2lso, Gann belie ed that the numbers that connected the square base of the pyramid )the 0 corners of the square, i!e! corner WTs!* to the X$ra ity centerY and also the numbers that ran strai$ht ertical and hori%ontal from the X$ra ity centerY in the form of a cross )cardinal numbers* were ery important in balancin$ X:rice Q TimeY on the wheel! 4e was basically lookin$ for astronomical lon$itudes to balance with price on these key an$les! :ytha$oras said X Bnits in a circle or in a square are related to each other in terms of :rice Q Time at specific points!Y Gann often quoted the Cible, @merson, :ytha$oras and ?araday to name a few! Casically, he was pointin$ the reader of his works to clues that would allow his student to unlock the code of his writin$ style! %i-e 2round the outer perimeter of the Square of . is a circle with months and days! The circular calendar starts on the left>hand side of the wheel on the same hori%ontal line as the center block! The date is =arch 7' st and refers to the start of the XnaturalY year in the season of Sprin$ with the Sun in 2ries ^! XKamb of God you take away the sins of the worldY ) Sprin$ takes away the sins of Winter*! The dates mo e around the circle clockwise completin$ the calendar! This relationship allows the user to quickly identify dates that are Con&uct, <pposite, Square, Trine or se"tile to a past calendar date relati e to the Sun / @arth relationship!

(n GannTs =aster Course for Stocks he said X Within the circle forms the square, there is an inner circle and an inner square, as well as an outer square and an outer circle which pro e the ?ourth 8imension in workin$ out price mo ements!Y So far, we ha e co ered the inner circle ) The @arthTs <rbit around the Sun* and the inner

square ) 4istoric hi$h Q low coordinates on the square itself*! The outer circle includes all of the planets and is the Zodiac startin$ at the left side of the square also on =arch 7' st! =o in$ from this point clockwise in +- de$ree sections of the circle will place all '7 %odiac symbols around the wheel 3^_`abcdefghi7! This

completes the outer circle and allows the analyst to e"amine planetary lon$itude relationships to price coordinates on the Square of ., which is now an outer square! (n this way, we can con ert planetary positions to prices relatin$ to de$rees of a circle )Zodiac lon$itude* and also to coordinates on the Square of .! We can also e"amine hard aspects to both %odiac lon$itude and Square of . coordinates! ?urthermore, we can also use a first trade chart ) Natal Chart *, i!e! horoscope )another inner circle* to locate sensiti e lon$itude positions that are bein$ aspected by planets from the outer circle makin$ them XKi e 2n$lesY9 (s there any end to this multidimensional tool; Gann hinted about this natal horoscope technique in his =aster Course for Stocks by sayin$ X The dates when companies are incorporated and the dates when stocks are first traded in on the New #ork Stock @"chan$e or the other e"chan$es causes them to make tops and bottoms at sli$htly different dates then these dates for seasonal chan$esY! Gann also illustrated this technique in his Soybean letter, which is well worth readin$! ( belie e that this is what Gann meant when he discussed XNatural KawY!

Gann said X Throu$h the law of ibration e ery stock and commodity in the market place mo es in its own distincti e sphere of acti ities,Y )natal horoscope;* X 2s to intensity, olume and direction! 2ll the essential qualities of its e olution are characteri%ed in its own rate of ibration! Stocks and commodities, like atoms, are really centers of ener$ies, therefore they are controlled mathematically! They create their own field of action and power, power to attract and repel, which e"plains why certain stocks and commodities at times lead the market and turn dead at other times! Thus, to speculate scientifically it is absolutely necessary to follow Natural Kaw! Mibration is fundamentalI nothin$ is e"empt from its law! (t is uni ersal, therefore applicable to e ery class of phenomena on the $lobe! Thus, ( affirm e ery class of phenomena, whether in nature or in the market, must be sub&ect to the uni ersal laws of causation, harmony and ibration!Y

Nobody knows for certain how Gann used this =aster Calculator, but (f you will study this material and apply the techniques presented in this article, ( think you will a$ree that this is how Gann probably used this tool which pro es the X0th dimension in workin$ out Time Q :rice mo ementsY! >% Whee/ 130 De)$"#!'#0 A

W3D >% B) (%")'e" $h%"' Th#) #) % (+)' h%-e #'e( 40" )'0$6 (%"6e' % & 4+'+"e) (%"6e' '"%&e")3 Whe'he" '"%&# , )'0$6) 0" $0((0&#'#e)2 &%1 '"%&# ,2 )5# , '"%&# , 0" !0)#'#0 '"%&# ,2 +)# , 'e$h #$%/ % %/1)#) 0" 4+ &%(e '%/ % %/1)#)2 THE >ANN WHEEL 5#// '"% )40"( 10+" '"%&# , 4"0( )!e$+/%'#0 '0 !"04e))#0 %/ % & !"04#'%./e # -e)'# ,3 THE ;EST 9EPT SECRET ON WALL

STREET3 >% Whee/ #) 'he #(!/e(e '%'#0 04 W3D >% B) (%")'e" $h%"'3 I' # $/+&e) S*+%"e 04 N# e2 C#"$/e 04 24 % & HeC%,0 Ch%'3 I'B) % !05e"4+/ '00/ &e)#, e& '0 he/! '"%&e") '0 4# & !"#$e )+!!0"') % & "e)#)'% $e)3

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