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May 31, 2013


H e ral d
Volume XXXXX1, No 6

2013 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Centenary United Methodist Church Central Presbyterian Church Trinity Lutheran Church June 23-27 Being Disciples of Jesus



Inside this issue:
Lants Lines
Christian Educator/ Preschool

and an ADULT BIBLE STUDY CLASS SUNDAY at Wadsworth Farm, 6500 E. Old Ft. Harrison Ave.

Registration begins at 3:30 pm; VBS 4:00 5:30pm Family carry-in picnic & activities 5:30 7:00 pm (bring equipment for swimming, fishing & lawn games)

MONDAY thru THURSDAY at Trinity Lutheran Church

2620 Ohio Blvd. Evening registration begins at 5:45 pm; VBS 6:00 8:30 pm (Supper will not be served) Childcare for workers and participants children younger than 3 years

Bike & Build/ Celebrating Life/ Interlink/Flower info/PNO Ladies Breakfast/ Graduates 7th Cents Youth News/Thank yous Calendar



For more information, call 232-5049

Many hands make light work The Facilities Commission Is having an all church WORK DAY On Saturday, June 15, 9:00 am noon Sean Mang and Steve Mead can give you more information.

Church Happenings 8

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Lants Lines
But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Todays trouble is enough for today. (Matthew 6:33-34 NRSV)

In a recent entry in his blog, Thinking Out Loud, Michael Jinkins, President of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, recalled a quotation from Henri Nouwens book Making All Things New:
Jesus does not respond to our worry-filled way of living by saying that we should not be so busy with worldly affairs. He does not try to pull us away from the many events, activities, and people that make up our lives. He does not tell us that what we do is unimportant, valueless, or useless. Nor does he suggest that we should withdraw from our involvements and live quiet, restful lives removed from the struggles of the world. Jesus response to our worry-filled lives is quite different. He asks us to shift the point of gravity, to relocate the center of our attention, to change our priorities. Jesus wants us to move from the many things to the one necessary thing. It is important for us to realize that Jesus in no way wants us to leave our many-faceted world. Rather, he wants us to live in it, but firmly rooted in the center of all things. Jesus does not speak about a change of activities, a change of contacts, or even a change of pace. He speaks about a change of heart. This change of heart makes everything different, even while everything appears to remain the same. This is the meaning of Set your hearts on his kingdom first ... and all these other things will be given you as well. What counts is where our hearts are. When we worry, we have our hearts in the wrong place. Jesus asks us to move our hearts to the center, where all other things fall into place." [Henri J. M. Nouwen, Making All Things New: An Invitation to the Spiritual Life (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1981), 41-42] All of uschildren through retirement ageget busy. Sometimes the summer, which in the past was a time when the schedule and the pace slackened a bit, is the busiest of all. I know thats the way it can feel in the life of the churchwith Vacation Bible School, Youth Mission Trips, and other summertime activities. Nouwen (and Jesus) remind us that a focus on the kingdom of God can help us develop a sense of balance. Jesus, where are you in the midst of all my busy-ness? Show me, loving God, how my activities fit (or do not fit) into the kingdom you are building. Short prayers like these may lead us to calmness in the midst of our busy lives.

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Christian Education Report Cheryl Moles

Parents Night Out/Kids Night In is Friday, June 7. Childcare will be provided from 5:30 9:00 pm with supper served. Please notify the church office if your child (ren) will be attending. Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9:30 am through the summer. There are classes for all ages with child care available from 9:15 to 11:45 am. Childrens Worship for children ages 4 years through 1st grade is held following the Childrens Moment time in worship. It is led by Donna Paul-Bonham or Cheryl Moles and meets in room 202. The family prayer group meets on Mondays at the church. Come at noon for lunch. The sharing of joys and concerns begins at 12:30 pm followed by prayer. Childcare is provided. There will not be T3EM Supper and Childcare in June. Summer Story Time will be held each Tuesday in July from 10 to 11 am at the church. Cheryl Moles and Sandy Mead will have a story, snack and activities for children ages 3 to 8 years. Parents may enjoy the hour of free time or join the Bazaar crafters. Innovation Generation, the Bible Study for the out of college yet younger than 40 young adults, is beginning a new study of Whats the Least You Can Believe and Still Be A Christian by Martin Thielen. This will be read in conjunction with the Book of Confessions and Book of Order. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 pm at the church for supper and study. The cost of the study book is $5. If you would like more information or a copy of the book, please see Amanda Mang or Cheryl Moles.

Chironna Preschool Coordinator and Teacher Needed Many changes are ahead for the Chironna Preschool. This mission outreach of our church was established in 1969. Hundreds of children from low income families have received kindergarten readiness thanks to our teachers, volunteer helpers, and most importantly, the volunteer coordinator. Abby Simmons has served in that position for over 20 years and her time and great work are appreciated. Abby is ready to move on to other responsibilities, so we have the immediate need of a Preschool Coordinator. A job description is available in the church office. Our other immediate need is for a teacher. Long time teacher Gayle Wilson retired at the end of this year. The Preschool Committee, working with the Personnel Committee, is searching for a person with an early childhood degree to teach on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10am to 1pm from September to early May. If you or someone you know would be an appropriate teacher, please have them contact the church office. If these positions are not filled by July 1, we will not be able to offer the preschool in the 2013-14 school year. Please keep this ministry in prayer.

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The Central U.S. Bike and Build Team will be making an overnight stop at Central on June 18. The riders will host a Bike Clinic for our children (and friends) that evening at 7:00 pm. Bring your bike and helmet and learn the rules of biking and take a ride with members of the team. If your family would like to come at 6:00 and eat dinner with the team, please let the church office know so that CLCA has enough food.

CELEBRATING LIFE Through Festivity, Activity, and Spirituality Date: Time: Tuesday, June 11 1:00 p.m.

Where: CPC lounge Program to be announced

Celebrating Life is a special monthly event designed for senior adults to get acquainted or reacquainted with each other, and to celebrate the life that you have been given by God. Snacks and fellowship will follow the program. You are welcome to bring a friend!

Parents Night Out/Kids Night In Adds Youth Movie Night

Childcare and Supper are provided at the church on the first Friday of each month except July and November. The next PNO will be June 7 from 5:30 to 9:00 pm. All age children are welcome. A new feature for PNO is that it will be movie night for the 6th grade and older students ( fall 13). This will give the parents an evening out while providing a supervised event for the youth. Please contact the church office if your child (ren) will be attending.

SANCTUARY FLOWER OPTIONS The Worship Commission is offering a second option for giving the flowers that decorate our Sanctuary on Sundays. Members provide these flowers at the cost of $33/week using our contract with Cowen and Cook Florist. The fresh flowers are most often given to the donor or taken by a Deacon to someone that need a day brightener. If you prefer to have your funds used for mission, you may now choose to pay the $33 as a donation to the Mission Fund and silk bouquets, owned by CPC, will be displayed. The Mission Committee will use the donation for local or global needs. Please indicate your desire on your flower request. The donor information will be listed in the bulletin in the traditional manner.

Interlink Conversation Partners are in need of volunteers for the summer sessions. Adults that will come each Monday, June 3 through July from 1:30 to 2:30 to meet with international students and give them practice in conversational English are needed. Please see Molly Wadsworth to help.

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Central women are invited. . . .

Rise and Shine! Its breakfast time!

Join us for a delightful breakfast and fellowship
*Please bring a dish to share so we can fill our plates with something great! *Childcare will be provided. *Ideas for the fall bazaar will be shared.

June 8th 9:30 A.M.

We hope to see you on Saturday morning!

Central honors our 2013 GRADUATES!

Nathan Paul-Bonham completed his high school requirements at the end of the term in February and will be an official graduate of Terre Haute North High School on June 2. He earned varsity letters for soccer and basketball and was a member of Continental Corps, national Honor Society, Key Club and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He will be attending Presbyterian College in South Carolina. Katie Guell graduated from Purdue Univerisity on May 10 with a B.S. in Biochemistry and minors in Biology and Psychology. She was a 4 year varsity swimmer. She will be attending the University of Kentucky for the Integrated Biomedical Science Ph.D. Program. Tyler Lucas graduated from Indiana University on May 4 with a B.S. in Exercise Science and a minor in Medical Sciences. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity and community volunteer. He is studying for the MCAT and applying to Medical Schools this summer. Carol Mass attended Central while a student at Indiana State University. She graduated Magna Cum Laude on May 4 with an Athletic Training Degree. She will attend Western Michigan University for graduate school. Kendra Mang graduated from Indiana State University on May 4 with a degree in Family and Consumer and Sciences. Kendra completed her schooling in 3 years and worked as a CPC nursery attendant. She is excited to begin teaching at Cardinal Ritter High School in Indianapolis. Andrea Paul-Bonham graduated from Hanover College on May 25 with a B.A, in English with an emphasis on Medieval and Renaissance studies and a minor in Creative Writing. She was the Editor-in-Chief of Hanovers Kennings Literary Magazine during her senior year. She is blessed and excited to be chosen as a PCUSA Young Adult Volunteer and will serve in Chinook, Montana. Amanda Tramel graduated from Indiana State University on May 4 with a B.S. in Social Studies Education. She is marrying Michael Prochaska in July and they will be living in Athens, Georgia. She hopes to be working in a school or church.

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Seventh Cents Youth News!

As you receive this Herald, the transition of youth leaders is taking place. Amanda Tramel is ending her position as Youth Director to prepare for her marriage and relocation to Georgia. We wish Amanda well and thank her for her work with the youth and in our church. We must say good-bye to Amanda, but we welcome our new youth director, Tiffany Grossman! Tiffany, and her husband Ryan, have been working as volunteers with the youth group for the past year. Tiffany is very excited to be called to this position. Tiffany and Ryan are members at Centenary, and will soon be familiar faces at Central. Please welcome Tiffany and offer to volunteer to help with the youth program.
May Highlights:

May was an exciting month in the life of Seventh Cents Youth Group! We managed to plan and deliver worship at Centenary UMC May 12th and at Central May 19th. I had many compliments from members of both churches on how nice the services turned out! Thank you to all of our youth who helped plan the service. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who helped too! Julie and Fred Haan, Ryan and Tiffany Grossman, Jim and Cheryl Moles, Erin Pugh, Gail Hayes, and Amanda Davis were such a big help in preparing for our services.

June Highlights:

With summer comes a lightened youth group schedule. We will be meeting Bi-Weekly at different locations. Our first meeting will be a picnic supper at Deming Park on June 14th. This will be a celebration of Amanda Tramels leadership, and all church members are invited. More details about all of our summer events will be coming in the mail soon! If you are not currently on the youth mailing list but would like to be, please send your contact information to Amanda Tramel at or Tiffany at (new email coming soon)

THANK YOUs Dear Central Presbyterian Church, We thank all of you for your love and support and for the lovely Bible for Drake that will help to teach him so much about our Savior. We love you and are so glad to be a part of your church family. Love, Darcy, Michael, Kailyn & Drake McCoy

Thank everyone at your church for making our daughters wedding possible, and for going out of your way to do so. With Gods Love, Earl & Eva Fry [Their daughters wedding location had to be changed with only 10 days notice due to a structural problem at their home church.]

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June 2013
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30

Doug Payne

Family Prayer Group 12:00

Interlink Partners 1:30

Bazaar Crafters 10:00

Deacons meet 5:30

Patrick Dufffy, Allison Harder, Nancy Johnson, Marshall VanNahmen

Womens Book Club 7:00

Parents Night Out 5:30

Ladies Breakfast 9:30 POV Assembly in Brownstown

Kathleen Smith

Barbara Lehman

Sarah Kelsheimer

Katie Haan Lucas Haan Ryan Shepherd



11 Bazaar Crafters 10:00



Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30

Family Prayer Group 12:00 Interlink Partners 1:30 Bill George


Session 7:00 Tisha Glenn Bob Bailey

Casey Powers

Celebrating Life 1:00 Innovation Generation 6:30

18 Bazaar Crafters 10:00

Church Work Day 9:00





Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30

Family Prayer Group 12:00 Interlink Partners 1:30

Worship 5:30 Finance 5:30 CLCA 6:00 Bike and Build Supper & Overnight Charis Seo

VBS Leader Training @TLC 6:30 David Kintz, Michael McCoy, Connie McLaren, William Woodruff

Communications Comm. 7:00 Andrew Conner

Claire Bailey, Amy Oehl, Mary Shepherd

23 **

24 Family Pray-

Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 VBS @ Wadsworths farm 4:00


er Group 12:00 Interlink Partners 1:30 VBS @ TLC 6:00

25 Seekers &


Searchers 10:00 Innovation Generation 6:30 VBS @ TLC 6:00 _____________

VBS @ TLC 6:00


VBS @ TLC 6:00

Scott PaulBonham



Jane Moulton, Nancy Rubey


30 ***


_____________ ** Fred Haan, Alex Spencer


Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 5th Sunday lunch 11:45

***Karl Irving Ray Modesitt

Central Presbyterian Church

Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 Phone: 812-232-5049 Fax: 812-232-5040 E-mail: Website: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Rev. Lant B. Davis, Pastor Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary


Church Happenings
Womens Book Club The Womens Book Club will be meeting on June 6 at 7:00 at the church. The book, Abide with Me by Elizabeth Strout will be discussed. Connie McLaren will lead the discussion. Bazaar work days are on Tuesdays at 10:00 am (or when you can) at the church. A variety of crafts will be made, and helping hands are needed. Bring your lunch. The Bazaar will be November 1 & 2.

Next Herald Deadline June 23 , 2013

Womens Bible Study The Womens Bible Study will meet on June 25 at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Donna Wilson. Unit 10 of Psalms (Interpretation Bible Studies) by Creach will be discussed.

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