Study 8: Performance Analysis Ii

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AE 451 Aeronautical Engineering Design


Yaroslav Novikov Ender Ozyetis Emre Unay Denizhan Yavas


Middle East Technical University Aerospace Engineering Department

This report presents all the work and calculations that were necessary to complete Study 8. Performance analysis concerning maximum load factor has been done for various configurations. Maximum turn rate and minimum turn radius calculations yielded good results for a commuter/air ambulance aircraft. V-n diagram presented at the end of this report defines the flight conditions of our airplane.


Abstract Content List Introduction Load Factor Versus Velocity Maximum Turn Radius Maximum Turn Rate Corner Velocity, Turn Radius & Turn Rate V-n Diagram Conclusion References

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10

Reader is first presented to the calculation of maximum load factor that can be achieved at sea level given the following two constraints: maximum lift coefficient and thrust available. Next, minimum turn radius and maximum turn rate are calculated. Corner velocity and corresponding turn radius and turn rate are determined as well. Finally, V-n diagram of the airplane is drawn given the constraints such as stall velocity, maximum velocity etc.


Maximum load factor can be determined for maximum lift coefficient and thrust available. For maximum lift coefficient, the load factor is given as:

Maximum lift coefficient has been calculated in a previous study and is equal to 3,016. Weight is 3550 kilograms, and wing planform area is 33,65 m2. Substituting all numerical values into the equation above, one can obtain the following relation between maximum load factor and velocity at sea level:

Maximum load factor for thrust available is given as:

K value was calculated as 0,0561106 and parasite drag term as 0,0264964. Thrust available can be defined as follows:

Here, PA is the power available, and is equal to the shaft power times the propeller efficiency. Substituting all numerical values, we obtain the following relation for maximum load factor:

Plotting (1) and (2), we obtain the following graph:

Maximum Load Factor vs Velocity

Maximum Load Factor 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 10 20 30 Velocity [m/s] 40 50 Clmax Ta

FIGURE 1 Maximum load factor versus Velocity From Figure 1, the maximum load factor that is satisfied for both the maximum lift coefficient and thrust available constraints is equal to 2,441.


Velocity for minimum turn radius is given as:

Thrust force can be expressed in terms of power as follows:

Substituting this into above equation,

Substituting all numerical values for mid-cruise flight at 15000 ft altitude and solving iteratively for ,

Corresponding load factor is:

Minimum turn radius is given as:

Stall speed at this flight condition is:

Stall speed is larger than the speed necessary to perform the turn with minimum radius. Therefore, minimum turn cannot be performed with our aircraft at given altitude of 15000 ft. If the turn was to be performed with the stall speed, then the load factor would be calculated as 1,403 and minimum turn radius of 83,3 meters would be obtained.


Velocity required to perform turning manoeuvre at maximum rate is defined as:

Substituting all numerical values,

Load factor experienced during maximum turn rate manoeuvre is given as:

Corresponding turn rate is:

Substituting all numerical values,

Velocity corresponding to maximum turning rate is higher that the stall speed, therefore this manoeuvre is possible.


Corner velocity is defined as the point for which load factor and lift coefficient are both at their highest values. Then,

Substituting all numerical values,

Note that this velocity is higher that the stall speed. Turn radius is defined as:

Substituting numerical values,

Turn rate is given as:

Substituting numerical values,

The following figure illustrates the V-n diagram of our aircraft.

V-n Diagram
4 3.61451612 3

V*= 36,98 m/s

2 Load Factor 1 0 0 -1 -2 -1.741198866 Velocity [m/s] 20

Vstall = 23,6676 m/s


Vcruise = 60 m/s Vmax = 99,4 m/s

60 80 100

1.2 Vmax

FIGURE 2 V-n diagram Region enclosed with blue lines represents the region for which no structural damage can be caused to the airplane. Region enclosed between blue and red lines represents the region for which structural damage may occur. Left blue lines represent the stall region. Right blue line represents maximum velocity of the airplane.

Maximum load factor that satisfies both maximum lift coefficient and thrust available is found to be 2,441. Minimum turn radius and maximum turn rate have been calculated. Turn with minimum radius cannot be performed as the velocity corresponding to this manoeuvre is smaller than the stall speed at that flight regime. Corner velocity has been calculated as well as corresponding turn radius and turning rate.

1. Aircraft Design A Conceptual Approach by Raymer 2. Lecture notes


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