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Counselor: Some UNC student-athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level (1290L)

Article of the Week- Swanson



Questions: nswer in C!"#$%&% S%N&%NC%S unless otherwise instru'ted. $ists and 'harts are the e('e)tion and ma* +e answered in )hrases. "ea$ the ,ollowing arti'le 'are,ull* and %ake notes in the %ar&in as *ou read. -our notes should in'lude: o Comments that show that *ou un$erstan$ the arti'le. . summar* or statement o, the main idea o, im)ortant se'tions ma* serve this )ur)ose./ o 0uestions *ou have that show what *ou are won$erin& a+out as *ou read. o Notes that di,,erentiate +etween fact and o'inion. o !+servations a+out how the writer(s strate&ies .organi1ation, word 'hoi'e, )ers)e'tive, su))ort/ and 'hoi'es a,,e't the arti'le. -our %ar&in notes are )art o, *our s'ore ,or this assessment. Stu$ent )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Class Perio$))))))))))))))))))))))

Counselor: So%e U C stu$ent-athletes rea$ at *r$+ ,th &ra$e le-el

Notes on my thoughts, reactions and questions as I read:

&he Universit* o, North Carolina is not 2ust an athleti' )owerhouse with dedi'ated ,ans3 it4s also a to)5tier a'ademi' institution. 6ut one a'ademi' 'ounselor there who s)ent *ears tutoring student athletes, sa*s too man* o, them 'an4t even read. 78 mean, we ma* as well 2ust go over to 9lenwood %lementar* u) the street and 2ust let all the 4th graders in here, the third5graders in here,7 said UNC a'ademi' 'ounselor "ar* :illingham. 78, the* 'an4t read and there are no remedial 'lasses, what4s the o)tion;7 :illingham as<ed. 7&o 'heat, or to ,ind some )ro,essor, some 'ourse where there are )ro,essors or there is little or no wor< e()e'ted o, the student.7 :illingham said there are athletes at UNC who are reading at a third5 and ,ourth5grade level. She said there is no wa* ,or them to su''eed in a 'ollege 'lassroom3 the onl* )la'e the* 'an su''eed is on the ,oot+all ,ield. :illingham is one o, the ,ew )eo)le CNN 'ould ,ind who4s loo<ing at the reading levels o, athletes in revenue5generating s)orts ,oot+all and +as<et+all. 7&he*4re leaving here, our )ro,it5s)ort athletes, without an edu'ation. &he*4re signi,i'antl* +ehind the level o, reading and writing that4s re=uired,7 :illingham said. :ith the )ermission o, the universit*, she 'om+ed through eight *ears4 worth o, test s'ores, and ,ound that u) to 2> )er'ent o, athletes in revenue s)orts don4t have the s<ills to ta<e 'lasses at a 'ommunit* 'ollege, let alone a 'om)etitive universit* li<e UNC. $oo<ing at 1?3 ,oot+all and +as<et+all )la*ers +etween 2004 and 2012, :illingham ,ound that ? )er'ent were reading +elow a ,ourth5grade level and @0 )er'ent were +etween a ,ourth5 grade and eighth5grade reading level. &he NC told CNN that in 2012, 30 revenue5s)ort athletes were made eligi+le des)ite ver* low S & or C& s'ores 55 a num+er it said is a small )er'entage o, the >,700 +as<et+all and ,oot+all )la*ers admitted that *ear.

No author listed. Counselor: Some UNC athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level. CNN News. Jan. 7, 2013

Counselor: Some UNC student-athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level (1290L)

Article of the Week-Swanson

CNN 'hose a sam)ling 37 )u+li' universities a'ross the 'ountr* where o)en re'ords and questions as I read: laws a))l*, and as<ed ,or entran'e e(am s'ores ,or ,oot+all and +as<et+all )la*ers during the )ast si( *ears. CNN re'eived data +a'< ,rom 21 Aivision 8 universities, in'luding to)52> ran<ed ,oot+all s'hools li<e &e(as B", 9eorgia, !<lahoma State, !hio State and Clemson. "ost s'hools had +etween 7 and 1? )er'ent o, ,oot+all and +as<et+all )la*ers s'oring so low on the reading or writing )ortion o, their e(ams that e()erts said the* would onl* +e reading at an elementar* level. 6ut man* o, the universities had di,,erent e()lanations ,or low test s'ores. &e(as said some athletes don4t tr* ver* hard, aiming onl* to +e'ome NC eligi+le. :ashington )ointed out that low s'ores 'an indi'ate learning disa+ilities. nd $ouisville said entran'e e(ams are 2ust one ,a'tor 'onsidered when admitting a student athlete. Not ever* s'hool CNN as<ed would give in,ormation. 8n ,a't, a+out hal, re,used or said the*4d send the data a,ter ,oot+all season. Neither Clorida State nor u+urn )rovided data. CNN s)o<e to a do1en )ro,essors and advisors at multi)le universities who e'ho what :illingham ,ound. 8n man* s'hools, CNN ,ound e(am)les o, athletes struggling to <ee) u) in the 'lassroom +e'ause the* sim)l* 'an4t read at a 'ollege level. CNN +egan loo<ing at data ,rom UNC a,ter it was dis'overed that man* student athletes were enrolled in 'lasses that re=uired little or no wor<. nd even though the NC said it ,ound no athleti' s'andal, a )ro,essor was re'entl* indi'ted ,or a'ademi' ,raud. &he s'hool said it )ut in )la'e 120 re,orms and insists that its athleti' )rogram is now 'lean. UNC thleti' Aire'tor 6u++a Cunningham said he4s 'on,ident in the re,orms )ut in )la'e. 78 thin< our tra'< re'ord over time, that we admit students who 'an do the wor<. Now, we also are highl* 'om)etitive, and our students have to 'om)ete "onda* through Crida* as well as the* do on Saturda*,7 Cunningham said. :illingham said she4s s<e)ti'al the 'hanges have made a di,,eren'e. 7:e sa* that we made 120 'hanges. -ou 'an ma<e all the 'hanges *ou want, +ut i, *ou are still not meeting students where the*4re at as an edu'ator and +ringing them along, then those 'hanges are all ,or nothing.7 Some advisors said that it4s not unheard o, ,or a student with )oor reading s<ills to +e +rought u) to the level where the* 'an su''eed in 'ollege, +ut man* also )oint out that this re=uires a +ig investment. &hese students aren4t 2ust hitting the +oo<s, tr*ing to 'at'h u). &he* essentiall* have ,ull5time 2o+s on the ,ield and the* travel.

Notes on my thoughts, reactions

No author listed. Counselor: Some UNC athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level. CNN News. Jan. 7, 2013

Counselor: Some UNC student-athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level (1290L)

Article of the Week-Swanson

Co%'rehension .uestions / answers %a0 1e in 'hrases2 1. Name two universities that chose not to participate in the study or did not provide data. 2. What is UNC?

3. Define ske'tical as used in the text.

4. What two potentially ne ative options does the UNC counselor mentioned su may choose if they are una!le to read at a colle e level?

est student athletes

>. Define in$icte$ as used in the text.

2. Answer each .uestion in one or %ore co%'lete sentences2 "ccordin to the final para raph# what is a student$athlete%s &o! comprised of?

'xplain the meanin of a revenue$ eneratin sport at the colle e level.

"fter analy(in the text# what two roups of university officials seem to a ree with this study?

No author listed. Counselor: Some UNC athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level. CNN News. Jan. 7, 2013

Counselor: Some UNC student-athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level (1290L)

Article of the Week-Swanson

3. )ead over para raph *. +here seems to !e two distinct discrepancies in this para raph , one is a statement from the UNC counselor# the other from the NC"". What is the discrepancy# and what possi!le explanation would there !e for this? -./N+0 " discrepancy is when you have two opposin facts.1

,2 /n your opinion# what are some possi!le reasons schools would choose not to provide the data mentioned in this article? -2ee para raph 3.1

No author listed. Counselor: Some UNC athletes read at 3rd, 4th grade level. CNN News. Jan. 7, 2013

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