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AnA8 AccredlLaLlon 8ules represenL poslLlons Laken or pollcles esLabllshed on operaLlonal lssues relaLed Lo AnA8 programs.

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Issue Bate: 2u14u1u1
Implementation Bate: 2u14u1u1
Supeiseues: Accieuitation Rule 2S, 2u11u11u

!"#$%&'( Suspenslon of AccredlLaLlon by AnA8 ManagemenL SLaff

)**+,%! '.( AnA8-AccredlLed and AppllcanL CerLlflcaLlon 8odles

er AnA8's AccredlLaLlon Manual, Suspenslon.of accredlLaLlon ls lnlLlaLed by formal acLlon of a panel of Lhe
AccredlLaLlon Councll and shall be llfLed only by formal acLlon of Lhe same panel." Powever, Lhere are slLuaLlons
when an AnA8-accredlLed C8 ls noL conformlng Lo cerLaln sLralghLforward requlremenLs and use of Lhe suspenslon
panel process as ouLllned ln Lhe AccredlLaLlon Manual unnecessarlly delays Lhe suspenslon.

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1. AnA8's AccredlLaLlon Councll has auLhorlzed AnA8 managemenL sLaff Lo suspend a C8's accredlLaLlon wlLhouL
lnlLlaLlng a suspenslon panel hearlng for Lhe speclflc deflned slLuaLlons deLalled below. under Lhls
auLhorlzaLlon, AnA8 managemenL sLaff also has Lhe opLlon Lo noL suspend Lhe C8 when Lhe C8 has made every
reasonable efforL Lo fulflll lLs obllgaLlons buL ls prevenLed from dolng so by clrcumsLances beyond lLs conLrol. A
C8 may appeal Lhe suspenslon declslon, buL Lhe suspenslon wlll noL be delayed pendlng Lhe appeal.
1.1. asL due paymenL of fees
1.1.1. er AnA8's AccredlLaLlon Manual, lf an lnvolce remalns unpald 90 calendar days afLer Lhe lnvolce
daLe (60 calendar days pasL Lhe due daLe).
1.1.2. Suspenslon wlll be for up Lo 180 days and wlll be llfLed prompLly upon recelpL of paymenL.
1.2. lallure Lo compleLe requlred annual wlLnessed audlLs
1.2.1. er AnA8's AccredlLaLlon Manual and lndusLry-secLor requlremenLs, lf a C8 does noL compleLe Lhe
requlred annual wlLnessed audlLs wlLhln Lhe requlred Llmeframe (for example, by Lhe end of Lhe
calendar year or by Lhe end of Lhe accredlLaLlon perlod).
1.2.2. Suspenslon wlll be for up Lo 180 days and wlll be llfLed prompLly upon compleLlon of Lhe requlred
wlLnessed audlL
1.3. lallure Lo submlL a plan for a ma[or nonconformlLy
1.3.1. er Lhe AnA8 AccredlLaLlon Manual, Lhe C8 shall submlL a plan wlLhln 30 calendar days from Lhe
daLe of Lhe ma[or nonconformlLy.
1.3.2. Suspenslon wlll be for up Lo 180 days and wlll be llfLed prompLly upon recelpL and accepLance of a
1.4. lallure Lo submlL requlred 1L 9000 audlL and cerLlflcaLlon sLaLlsLlcs
1.4.1. er CuLS1 lorum alerL 06-002A for Lhe LelecommunlcaLlon lndusLry, lf a C8 does noL submlL
requlred quarLerly 1L 9000 audlL and cerLlflcaLlon sLaLlsLlcs Lo Lhe CuLS1 lorum by Lhe requlred
daLe, a noLlce wlll be senL by Lhe CuLS1 lorum Lo Lhe C8 and Lo AnA8 wlLh Lhe expecLaLlon of
lmmedlaLe acLlon by AnA8.
1.4.2. Suspenslon wlll be for up Lo 180 days and wlll be llfLed prompLly upon submlsslon of Lhe requlred

AnA8 AccredlLaLlon 8ules represenL poslLlons Laken or pollcles esLabllshed on operaLlonal lssues relaLed Lo AnA8 programs.
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2. AnA8 sends Lhe C8 wrlLLen noLlce of Lhe suspenslon declslon, Lhe Llme perlod of Lhe suspenslon, and Lhe
condlLlons Lo be fulfllled durlng Lhe suspenslon and Lo have Lhe suspenslon llfLed.

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