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Representative Assembly Meeting Meeting Minutes Winter 2014 February 5, 2014 STCN 210 at 6:00 p.m. I.

Call to Order Mallory calls the meeting to order at 5:59 PM Roll Call (initial on the line) Eric Chalmers, President _________ Mallory Barnes, Executive Vice President _________ Bharat Bhojwani, Vice President of Finance _________ Brady Carlson, Vice President of University Affairs _________ Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative _________ Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative _________ Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative_________ Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative _________ Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative _________ Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative _________ Tanary Gomez, Commuter Representative LATE _________ Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative _________ Nora Almunif, International Representative _________ Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative ABSENT _________ Kristen James, Athletic Representative _________ Meggie Green, Freshman Representative _________ Karen Gallo, Non-Traditional Representative _________ Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative _________ Nicole Robison, Advisor Approval of the Minutes Motion passes to approve the minutes unanimously with absentia from Representative Moak and Representative Gomez Public Comment None Guest Speakers Jeff Scofield, Director of Student Financial Services Introduction - Started in September in Financial Aid at Seattle University - Worked at a variety of schools over nearly thirty year career



IV. V.

New Initiative: One Stop - Working on better serving the student populous with a project called One Stop Initiative - Here the financial aid and financial services are combined: the givers and takers are combined - The Office of the Registrar and Financial Services are going to be more centralized, one location and easier to communicate with - Want to staff the center adequately so it requires a complete reorganization - Currently the staff is duel customer facing and processing depending on the persons skills trying to parse who is best fitted for each role and assign them to concentrate on that area - 100 different processes are currently under evaluation in the office, currently mapping the processes and asking what the best way to do business is arduous and slow - Working on communication with the students - Students number one problem was that they hadnt turned in something that they needed to turn in so that they could have access to their money reviewing this process - Which office should be in charge of what, the problem of not my office - Trying to accomplish better efficiency Financial Portion of the SUSS Review - 60% of students asked said that they had to take out loans (they mirror knowledge of Financial Services) - 49% of students said that taking out loans affected their choice of program of study and career options - 72%/28% said they feel they will be able to acquire a job versus not able to acquire a job or manage debt after college - However, only 3.2% of Seattle University students default on their debt versus the nearly 15% average nationally - $23,000 average debt accrued from Seattle University, average is low compared nationally - 8% responded that they are financially independent and pay for their tuition, 15% more responded as financially independent - Amount of work hours during the week 9% of respondents have to work full time while attending school, 19% work at the high end of part time, 37% work on the low end of part time and 36% dont work at all - 90% of students are concerned about the rising cost of living near campus - The number Financial Services is using a budget is $1,600 dollars a month per student (living on or off campus) - 65% of students said that Seattle University does not provide resources and education for how to deal with personal finances management, financial literacy is one of the top topics in higher education Q&A Representative Goetze: How do you get the numbers for a monthly budget? Response: The College Board puts out information; State of Washington Higher Education Association gives us numbers, and our own numbers from survey.

Representative Ortiz: Is there a specific process for work-study? Response: Under the Federal Work Study Program it is based on financial need. Our problem is not having students with need but funding. We show a need of $54 million dollars but we give $745,000. Work Study shows a need for $58.6 million but we give $975,000. We dont have the resources to give more jobs. We get some money from the state, but they have to be off campus because we are a religiously affiliated institution. Representative Gallo: Would it be able to offer more workshops on financial literacy? Response: Yes, the question for me is when and how to deliver it. During orientation, students did not think it was a good idea. They werent worried about this now. I would love to know when the right time would be. Representative Davalos: When it will most be on students mind might be senior year when you are about to go out in the world and get a job. Response: I think that would be a great idea. Representative Gallo: For me it would be the opposite; it would be as early as possible. Some of my classmates dont know the different between subsidized and unsubsidized loans. VP of University Affairs Carlson: I would also do it between the time someone lives on campus and moves off campus. Representative James: I think that it shouldnt just be a one-time event but move throughout all four years and be tailored to each year. Representative Goetze: In terms of the reorganization, what is the retraining strategy? Response: Everybody still has to know everything because it is interconnected, but some people are better at the accounts and some people are better working with people. We dont look good in the student satisfaction surveys so we are evaluating. President Chalmers: How does receiving federal money impact how your office operates compared to our public peers? Response: Were pretty comparable. We are all getting money from the same sources and the regulations are the same. With the regulations come a host of other things. VI. VII. Old Business - None New Business Representative Marshall moves to add a new item of business to the agenda: Halfway There Budget Proposal (Action) Representative Davalos seconds the motion The motion passes unanimously with absentia from Representative Goetze NEW ITEM: REPA 20140205 Halfway There: Budget Proposal (Samantha Marshall) Action - Total money is for budget is: $1,080.68 - The budget is much less than for last year (around $1,150) - Budget includes tank tops, pizza boxes, decorations (paper lanterns, LED lights) - The quad is reserved and the rain site is Campion Ballroom - Expecting between 200 and 250 people

No staff is required for the event Has not budgeted for more tank tops The event will include entertainment, dancing food, a showcase of artistic abilities from the class, have music and artwork Hopes to make Halfway There more of a RedHawk Experience tradition for the future The time on Tuesday, May 15th will be from 6:00pm-9:00pm Has not budgeted lighting or publicity but the event is far away No charge for entry but possibly a charity ask for attendees

Representative Marshall moves to approve the Halfway There budget, appropriating $1,080.68 from projects Representative Kawano seconds the motion The motion passes unanimously REPA 20140205 SUSS Update (PAB) Discussion - 1,669 total responses to the survey (around 38% of the undergraduate student population) - Representative Ortiz is formulating thank you notes for the persons on campus who helped advice on the SUSS - Major points: gender-inclusive restroom, disabilities services, pride and traditions, Redhawk experience - Use discretion on personal responses from SUSS REPA 20140205 SEIU Update (Eric Chalmers) Discussion - SEIU stands for Service Employees International Union, representing a lot of different types of union - Survey showed that most students dont know what an adjunct is. Adjunct or contingent faculty member defined by pay per class (part time, can teach at different schools), split between full time and part time, both are contingent upon short term contracts - Adjuncts as a profession only started 15 years ago, new member base for SEIU - Unions have more bargaining power with the members that they add - Early December, Dr. Crawford sent out a letter to the community detailing a negative stance on adjunct unionization - Most non-tenure track faculty are in the College of Arts and Sciences - Dr. Crawford responded that the university is not anti-union, stating that it is a right but it is also a right that the university prefers for them not to exercise - The administration is in favor of shared governance rather than a battle - Most professors come in as adjuncts - In order to receive tenure, a faculty member must apply and they go through a period of time that they take to reach the level of tenured status, until then they must meet a series of qualifications - Precedent cases: Georgetown, GWU, LMU, PLU REPA 20140205 TFCEC Update (Austin Kawano) Discussion - Lost three initial members due to lack of communication or in their best interest to no longer sit on the committee: Caleb, Joseph, Anna - Kick Butts Grant application is in and they will hear back soon

Next Friday: have a committee meeting on the 14th at 11:00am 12:00pm in LMX 271



Officer Reports: A) Eric Chalmers-President: a. SUSS Forum, follow up with some Student Financial Services feedback b. Spoke at Campus Safety Forum, Tim Marron would like to come in again to talk about Nighthawk, affordability of parking on campus c. Petition Initiative as a follow-up to the SUSS B) Mallory Barnes- Executive Vice President a. Make-up retreat and finding a time to meet to discuss content b. Expectations for professionalism during meetings C) Bharat Bhojwani- Vice President of Finance a. US Bank is tomorrow in the Douglas, wants a good turnout D) Brady Carlson- Vice President of University Affairs a. New committees including an exploratory committee E) Representatives a. Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative: Spending money, new committee member on Senior Events b. Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative: Steering, retreat reflection c. Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative: Nothing d. Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative: Tobacco Free Campus e. Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative: Met with Tim Marron and had a meeting about raising communication and transparency, campus lighting f. Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative: Chinese Student Union Event which was well attended, negotiate cooperation with OMA program and SGSU addressing experience and communication surrounding race g. Tanary Gomez, Commuter Representative: Metro Bus Cuts h. Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative: Promotions and Meetings i. Nora Almunif, International Representative: International Student Forum j. Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative ABSENT k. Kristen James, Athletic Representative: Nothing l. Karen Gallo, Non-Traditional Student Representative: Attending meetings m. Meggie Green, Freshman Representative: Steering retreat, bikes n. Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative: Homecoming F) Logan McDonald, Internal Chief of Staff: SUSS analysis, organizing minutes G) Advisors a. Nicole Robison: Thank you for your contributions on retreat. Committee Reports A. PAB: SUSS Analysis, First Friday Donuts B. Steering: Retreat make up C. Appropriations: Appropriations next week D. University Affairs: Things are popping into gear, promo video Announcements Adjournment at 8:01 PM

X. XI.

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