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eBook Authoring: A Simple Guide to Authoring eBooks Copyright (c) 2012 by Todd Wilson and Eric Reiss ISBN: 978-0982-1179-3-4 Distributed via Exponential Resources Exponential is a growing movement of leaders committed to the multiplication of healthy new churches. Exponential Resources spotlights and spreads actionable principles, ideas and solutions for the accelerated multiplication of healthy, reproducing faith communities. For more information, visit All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher, except where noted in the text and in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is manufactured in the United States. Other Resources on eBooks Publishing by these authors eBook Formatting: A Simple Guide to Formatting eBooks eBook Distributing: A Simple Guide to Distributing eBooks Credits Cover and Interior Design: Karen Pheasant Editor: Lindy Lowry

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Special Thanks Introduction Overview FAQs About the Authors Appendix 1 Digital Venture Proposal Template Appendix 2 Sample Memorandum of Understanding (Authors and Exponential) Appendix 3 - Sample Memorandum of Understanding (Authors and Sponsors) 4 6 9 11 23 24 26 28

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Special Thanks
Wed like to thank the numerous authors and leaders whove encouraged us to move forward in championing the eBook authoring approach described in this eBook. Wed also like to thank Exponential for its relentless commitment to spotlighting and spreading actionable principles, ideas and solutions for the accelerated multiplication of healthy, reproducing faith communities.

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Digital publishing and the eBook revolution are clearly underway. This prospectus in the form of a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) set is intended to facilitate the creation of digital content for authors connected with Exponential (, as well as any leader considering eBook publishing. Its difficult to predict the future, but we can look around and see that many things are changing in content distribution and use. At Exponential, our core mission is distributing thought leadership. We continually look at trends and seek to proactively adjust our approach to serve the church planting community based on where the future is headed. The approach identified in this eBook is based on the following observations and trends: Pricing The price of resources is converging toward FREE. Ten years ago the average book was purchased from the local bookstore, in hard or soft cover print format, and cost $15 or more. The debut of eReaders brought that price down substantially and the average eBook is now under $9.99. We believe that within five to ten years the average book will be free. Innovative funding models such as the sponsored eBook described in this eBook will emerge to enable these low cost / free resources. Implication: We are looking for models that support and enhance Free. Length My experience is shared by many of my peers. Five years ago I read more than ten books per year and I finished most of the books I started. At any given time, I had five or more books on my nightstand. Today, I rarely finish a book and I have virtually no books on my nightstand. My Kindle Reader has taken the place of my nightstand. I now have more unread books in my reader than I ever had on my nightstand and most still go unread. Format is not the driving factor in whether we finish reading the books we start. Length is. Weve become saturated with available content. The shorter the resource, the higher the probability it will be fully read. In fact, the fewer the required touches (number of times a reader must open the book or reader) to finish the resource, the higher the probability it will be read. A 1,000-word article requires one touch to complete it while an 80,000-word book requires twenty or more touches. We are assuming a resource that requires one touch will be fully read 90% (or more) of the time. A two touch resource will be fully read 70-80% of the time. By the time we get to five or more touches, the resource will be fully read less than 50% of the time. Implication: For the average resource of the future to be fully read a high percentage of the time, it needs to be a one to three touch resource. This equates to no more than 10,000 to 15,000 words.

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Publisher Technology and the expansion of platforms are making it possible for authors to serve as their own publisher (self-publishing). Many authors are frustrated with the traditional publishing process including the long cycle times, the minimal control of the book project by the author, and the inability to control the use of the content in other ways. eBooks make it possible for very short cycle times, full control of content, and viral marketing approaches. Implication: We are pursuing models that equip and support the author as publisher so that they maintain full control of their intellectual property and how its used.

Agents Currently the primary role of the authors agent is representing the author with the publisher. The agent (or agency) of the future will serve to connect authors with sponsors to fund their resources. The agent of the future will serve as a broker of sorts to connect funding sponsors with authors to create win-win partnerships. Implication: Sponsored eBooks where sponsors fund the authors work will become the new normal in funding resources. The process described in this eBook leverages this funding approach.

Imprints Authors and their affiliated organizations now have the ability to create their own imprints to brand and package their collective and ongoing works. In church planting, networks and denominations will increasingly recruit their members to create resources within their imprint and library. Implication: Exponential is working with national networks and denominations to help them adopt the approach described in this eBook. As these libraries (imprints) expand, Exponential will selectively offer some of the resources to also carry the Exponential Resources Series imprint.

Portfolios With shorter resources, authors will increasingly develop portfolios of resources around a topic rather than a single eBook. These portfolios might include an audio version, YouTube videos, podcasts, primers, webinars, websites, articles, interviews, etc. To increase overall topic visibility, each piece will cross-reference and interconnect with the other resources in the portfolio. Implication: The approach described in this eBook encourages authors to think beyond a single eBook to a portfolio of resources.

As Exponential looks toward whats next in carrying out our mission to distribute thought leadership for the accelerated multiplication of healthy, reproducing faith communities, we see on the horizon a huge wave of free and low-cost resources brought on by advances in technology, the transformation of traditional publishing models, and the trends described above. As these resources become more readily available and leaders are increasingly saturated with content, the value of trusted aggregators, moderators and distributors of actionable thought leadership will continue to increase.

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Exponential is partnered with Zondervan in the Exponential Signature Book Series, publishing one to three books per year, focusing on titles by key thought leaders that shape the national church planting conversation. At least one of these watershed books defines Exponentials annual conference theme: On the Verge by Dave Ferguson and Alan Hirsch (2011); Sifted by Wayne Cordeiro, Francis Chan and Larry Osborne (2012); and DiscipleShift by Jim Putman, Bob Herrington and Robert Coleman (2013). Exponential also works with authors to distribute eBooks in the Exponential Resources Series. We seek to distribute an expanding number of free or low-cost digital resources by key national leaders to enhance the conversation around our annual theme and to build a growing library of resources focused on church and leader multiplication. This eBook describes the approach being taken to champion an expanding library of free and low cost resources to equip the church planting community. Todd Wilson Exponential

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The following are some key highlights of the approach Exponential recommends in eBook publishing: Content ownership The author serves as sole publisher and owner of the content. Our approach is You can do it, how can we help? We strive to come alongside thought leaders and help accelerate the distribution and impact of their content, thereby accomplishing Exponentials core mission. Resource portfolios Typically, digital resources are shorter and focus on a single topic or idea. Rather than single books, Exponential encourages authors to consider developing portfolios of resources, which might include: a 10,000-word eBook; an audio version of the eBook; a series of YouTube videos on the eBooks topic; a podcast series on the book topic; an ancillary primer or action guide, etc. The resource product page on the Exponential ecommerce site will highlight and cross-reference all of the resources in the portfolio. Publishing formats To maximize compatibility, free resources distributed via will be offered in three formats: PDF (for universal use); mobi (for Kindle); and ePub (for iPhone, iPad and other platforms). eBook Formatting: A Simple Guide to Formatting eBooks" is a subsequent resource in this eBook series that will help authors create eBooks in these three key formats. Visibility/exposure Exponential will also work with authors to increase visibility as we facilitate and moderate conversations around these resources via a new weekly group email newsletter that initially will reach 15,000 church leaders and our blog on the Exponential website. Where applicable, well consider the content in this series as we program the Exponential conference tracks and workshops. Innovative sponsored funding Authors in our Exponential Resources Series have the option to use a new funding approach. Using this model, the author secures three to five sponsorships that fund the project, allowing it to be distributed at no cost. Sponsors receive a full-page ad and acknowledgement on the dedication page. The sponsored approach eliminates the waiting time for royalties. As soon as the 10,000-word eBook is complete, sponsors fund the author. From start to finish, an eBook can be completed in one to two months, including the sponsored funding. Group resource portfolios Networks, denominations and service providers can create their own portfolios or libraries of resources that Exponential will dynamically display on demand, enabling any group to include a single link to a page of that organizations recommended resources. Exponential is working with numerous networks and denominations to customize publishing plans and is an available distribution channel for all of these groups. Exponential Resources Series imprint Resources in the Exponential Resources Series carry an Exponential imprint. In addition to the Exponential Resource Series imprint, authors may opt to place one additional imprint (for their own brand or ministry) on their resource.

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Non-imprint resources Exponential will also help equip leaders interested in publishing church planting content by making available our templates, guides, etc.

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Use this list of frequently asked questions to help you evaluate if your content is a good fit for the Exponential Resources Series. Describe the overall process of resource distribution through Exponential? Im a writer not a publisher. How will I do all this? What are the advantages of doing a free eBook with Exponential? How do you select authors for the Exponential Resources Series? What topics are priorities for the series? Who owns the content (intellectual property) of the resources? Do I have the right to distribute the resource through other channels and /or in other forms? Can I publish content Ive previously developed for other purposes (e.g., workshops, seminars, etc.)? How many words are in a typical eBook in the Exponential Resources Series? Can I do a series of eBooks rather than a single eBook? Can I do a printed book in addition to the eBook? What is the suggested pricing structure of eBooks in the Exponential Resources Series? How am I funded as the author? How does the Sponsored eBook approach work for funding resource creation? Do you have sample memorandum of understanding for use with sponsors? How much should I ask for from a sponsor? Can you suggest types of companies who might be interested in sponsorship? What is a typical timeline for creating and distributing an eBook? What are the typical distribution formats for eBooks in the series? In what format should I write and submit the manuscript? What does it mean to create a portfolio of resources? Who does the graphic design, layout and editing? How will Exponential ensure quality control on each resource in the Exponential Resources Series? Can I also include my own imprint? How will Exponential market and promote the resources in the series? What are Exponentials and the authors roles and responsibilities? If Im interested in pursuing the Exponential Resources Series, what are my next steps? Describe the overall process of distributing digital resources through Exponential? Key steps in the process include: Step 1 Decide whether or not to pursue distribution through Exponential. Read this prospectus and review examples of how eBooks in the series are distributed via (e.g. Stories of Sifted, One Of, etc.). Step 2 Using Exponentials template (appendix to this document), prepare and submit a Digital Venture Proposal. The multi-page proposal is designed to help you focus your thoughts, and aid Exponential in evaluating the project for consideration in the

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Exponential Resources Series. As part of the proposal process, authors will need to make specific decisions, including: Topic and proposed title and subtitle Description of book and summary outline of chapters / sections Will this be a single eBook; series of eBooks; or portfolio of resources Target length (word count) Financial model, including resource pricing (e.g., free, $2.99, $9.99, etc.); whether or not to use the sponsored eBook approach; and number of sponsors needed (if applicable) o Decisions regarding who will do graphic design, editing, layout and production for the resource o Timeline for completion o o o o o Step 3 Exponential approves the prospective project and signs Memorandum of Understanding (see Appendix) with author. Step 4 Author creates content. Step 5 Exponential reviews rough manuscript for approval. Step 6 Graphic design, editing, layout and conversion to appropriate formats are completed. Step 7 (optional) If you decide to use the sponsored approach, you, the author, recruits sponsors. (Note: This step can be completed at the same time as steps 2 through 6.) Step 8 Distribution (product page and resource download added to Exponentials website).

The entire process can be completed in less than one month, but plan for two to three months to avoid undue stress. Im a writer not a publisher. How will I do all this? Its not as intimidating as it may look. The basic steps include: Write the Content you are already good at this and its what you want to focus on Venture Proposal (Book Proposal) this is simply a book proposal using our template. Its shorter and more simple than preparing a traditional book proposal for a publisher. See the appendix in this eBook for a sample Digital Venture Proposal template. Graphic Design, Editing, Layout and Format Conversion A growing number of highquality, low cost service providers are available to do this for you. Most companies do

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this as a turnkey solution. Exponential can recommend service providers who will do this for you for a relatively low fee. Your role in these things (beyond selecting a company to do it for you) will not be much different than your role in a traditional print book project. Optional Sponsorships for Funding Exponential maintains a template memorandum of understanding for you to use in soliciting sponsors and will advise you in the process. See the appendix in this eBook for a sample Memorandum of Understanding.

Overall, the process is far simpler than you might think! What are the advantages of doing a free or low-cost eBook with Exponential? Timeline The development cycle for short eBooks, from start to finish, is far shorter than for full-length printed books. The first two free eBooks piloted in the Exponential Resources Series took less than one month from concept to completion. No Waiting for Royalties - Using the sponsorship approach, authors receive funding as soon as the book is completed. Expanded Distribution Free eBooks can expect far greater downloads (distribution) than printed books, expanding the authors reach and impact. Additionally, Exponential is seeking to create the largest library of free digital church planting resources in the world. Participating authors in our Exponential Resources Series will benefit from the increased traffic to the site which will serve as an Amazon like site for church planting. Content Ownership - The author is the sole publisher and owner of the content, bypassing the need for permissions from the publisher to use or leverage the content and having more stylistic and content control over the book. Flexibility Authors can publish a single eBook or an entire series of resources. Want to turn a series of eBooks into a printed book via Amazon? No problem. The author as publisher gives maximum flexibility. National Imprint / Series Your eBook will be part of a family of resources within a recognized brand / imprint / series. All the resources within the series are interconnected via marketing and promotions. This increases the visibility on all resources within the series. Respected Network - Exponentials national platform and voice provides a trusted and credible distribution channel. Additionally, Exponential is interconnected to a large network of respected leaders and ministries.

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How does Exponential select authors for the Resources Series? To discern compatibility with the Exponential Resources Series, we use a filter of five distinct lenses, in an effort to partner with authors who demonstrate all or many of the following characteristics: Right content To what extent will the content advance Exponentials mission of accelerating the impact of healthy, reproducing faith communities? How profoundly will the content shape the thinking and practices of leaders? Right leader How much experience and credibility does the author have as a practitioner of the content? How effectively do they communicate the content? How strong is the leaders capacity to create buzz about and visibility of the content (e.g., blogs, speaking engagements, leadership position, etc.)? Right timing Is the content positioned to ride a wave of momentum thats already building for it? Will this content scratch the proverbial itch for the reader? How will our target readership most likely receive the book? Effective platform / distribution channels How established and influential are the authors platform and existing distribution channels? Are they willing to commit the time and energy to market and promote the resource? Credibility and potential impact Is the content primarily rooted in unproven theory or proven principles and results? Does the author have compelling stories that help shape readers thinking and practices? Is the content practical and compelling enough to move readers to action?

What are the priority topics for the Exponential Resources Series? Exponential seeks to distribute thought leadership that helps accelerate the healthy multiplication of faith communities. This mission covers a wide range of topics from missional to multi-site, to the nuts and bolts of starting new churches. When considering book topics, we have two general priorities: First priority Resources that enhance Exponentials annual conference theme and emphasis. For example, our 2013 theme, DiscipleShift, focuses on five critical shifts the church needs to make to become more effective at disciple making. We want to release three to five eBooks in the Exponential Resources Series exploring each of these five shifts (a total of 15plus additional eBook resources). Authors may elect to write about one very narrow aspect of one of the shifts or about all five shifts.

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The five shifts are summarized as follows: o From Reaching to Making - The first big shift moves churches from defining ourselves by what we do to what we actually accomplish. We need to shift our focus from reaching people with the Gospel in an effort to convert them, to making disciples. The end goal is not that a person accepts Christ or prays a prayer or comes to church but rather that he grows spiritually, becoming more like Christ. o From Education to Modeling - The shift involves an inward look at how transparency and genuine discipleship is produced and modeled from the top down. The second shift calls for leaders to change their focus from preaching/teaching (informing) to coaching/developing (equipping). Too many church leaders today equate discipleship with imparting knowledge. This shift to coaching emphasizes the development of the ministry of equipping (based on Eph. 4:11-13). Instead of primarily viewing himself as a CEO, or even a teacher, a senior pastor views himself as a player-coach who equips (or coaches) others for ministry to ultimately grow the Kingdom. o From Program to Purpose - In this third shift, were challenging leaders to shift their mindset from discipleship as a program in their church to discipleship as the center and purpose of everything the church is and does. We envision a discipleship process that intentionally creates disciples, whereby they learn, serve, grow and make other disciples versus compartmentalized ministry programs led by Christian ministers inside the Christian community. o From Activity to Relationship - With this shift, we encourage churches to move from activity-based paradigms to relationship-based paradigms. We also refer to this shift as the alignment piece: Everything in a church must be shifted to divert the focus from activity and align it with relationships (for discipleship). A churchs primary mission is always discipleship, cultivated in a relationship-driven environment. The end goal of this shift is to create relational spaces, like Jesus did, where people help each other to trust and follow Him. o From Accumulating to Deploying - The final shift helps churches define, articulate and implement a new scorecard for success. We think its more important to release an army of ministers and priests into a lost and hurting world than to accumulate and attract people to come and hear the ministers and priests in our buildings. As healthy Christians reproduce other healthy Christians, and as healthy churches reproduce other healthy churches, we will deploy more people into the world to both demonstrate and tell others of Christs love. Second priority Building a growing library of eBooks in the following topical areas: o Ministry Alignment and Design o Personal Assessment and Calling o Bi-Vocational Planting
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Discipleship Equipment Evangelism Facilities Launching large Leadership Lessons learned Marketing and communications Missional Models and approaches Multi-Site Multi-Ethnic Planting Outreach and externally focused Personal and Family Care Planning and organization Reproducing movements Resourcing and fundraising Small city planting Staffing Teams Urban planting

Who owns the content (intellectual property) of the resources? In all stages, the author owns the content and serves as publisher. Exponential is a marketing and promotional partner for content distribution. Do I have the right to distribute the resource through other channels and/or in other forms? Yes. Exponential encourages authors to create the broadest distribution channel possible. Regardless of the distribution channel, the Exponential Resources Series imprint must remain on the cover. Can I publish content Ive previously developed rather than creating new material (e.g., workshops, seminars, etc.)? Yes, as long as you own full rights to publish and distribute the content.

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How many words are in a typical eBook in the Exponential Resources Series? eBooks typically range from 10,000 to 80,000-plus words. Exponential recommends that eBooks in the Exponential Resources Series be 10,000 to 15,000 words. Ultimately, authors determine word count to suit their needs. ! Can I do a series of eBooks rather than a single eBook? Yes. Exponential encourages authors to create a series of eBooks if it fits their needs and the content supports it. Strategically, a series of short eBooks debuting over 6 to 12 months can create better viral marketing and buzz than a single resource. Can I do a printed book in addition to the eBook? Yes. In addition to eBooks, some authors choose to publish on-demand printed books via Amazon to complement their digital works. Remember to consider fulfillment services (production, storage, order processing, shipping, etc.) in your decision to do a printed book. An advantage of Amazon is that they provide fulfillment services.!! What is the suggested pricing structure of eBooks in the Exponential Resources Series? Authors determine the pricing of their resources. While Exponential encourages FREE resources where possible, many eBooks on Amazon are priced from $2.99 to $11.99. Free resources will be distributed through the Exponential website. Fee-based books are distributed through Amazon and/or iBooks at the authors discretion.

How are authors funded? Any combination of the following: Creating a free resource with no revenue or royalty Selling the resource for a fee (e.g., $2.99 per download) Raising support from donors to cover the expense of your time Sponsors for the eBook using the Sponsored eBook approach explained in detail below

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How does the Sponsored eBook approach work for funding the creation of the resource? Similar to 1950s television in which advertisers sponsored evening time slots in the programming, the Sponsored eBook approach centers on finding three to five sponsors who will fund the eBook in exchange for visibility and exposure to their target market. Details below: Authors identify sponsors from which to either solicit bids through a Digital Venture Proposal or to simply request a specific sponsorship amount. With the venture proposal, sponsors review it and then provide bids to the author, indicating the amount theyre willing to pay to be a sponsor. We recommend no more than five sponsors per book and only one sponsor per sector (e.g., marketing, equipment, etc.). Rather than obtaining financial bids, authors can choose to grant sponsorships to their affiliated ministries. Sponsors receive the following benefits: o Full-page, four-color ad in the eBook o Sponsor dedication page at the front of the eBook highlighting and thanking the collective sponsors o Banner ad on the eBooks resource page o Authors receive the contact list of leaders who download the resource and may choose to send an email to these contacts thanking the sponsors. The author selects participating sponsors and obtains Exponentials input and agreement. Upon completion of the resource, the author is financially compensated by the sponsors. The author is responsible for all aspects of creating the eBook, including writing, editing, graphic design, creation of affiliated / supplementary resources, etc. The costs of producing the eBookincluding writing, editing, graphic design, layout, etc.are paid by the author from sponsorship funds. The author may choose to issue revisions to specific works. Sponsorships will be valid for the author-specified term in the venture proposal (e.g., 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, indefinitely, etc.). Exponential and sponsors have no ownership of the content. The author is the publisher and sole owner of the content and intellectual property.

Do you have sample memorandum of understanding for use with sponsors? Yes. We have a template that is attached as an appendix to this eBook.

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How much should I ask for from a sponsor? Authors can take one of two approaches: 1. Define a specific sponsorship amount for sponsors and then approach specific sponsors 2. Use our venture proposal template to request bids from a number of sponsors. Select sponsors based on their bids. In general, the amount sponsors are willing to spend will depend on the number of expected downloads. The number of downloads is based on the authors reputation and history, the authors current distribution platforms and name recognition, and the topic of the book. We expect the range of sponsorship fees to be from $250 per sponsor to $25,000+ per sponsor. As a general rule, most sponsors will pay $2,500 to $3,000 for a full-page ad in a magazine. Sponsors will also pay from $1,000 to $10,000 for conference sponsorship. These are good benchmarks to start from when considering sponsorship fees. Can you suggest types of companies who might be interested in sponsorship? Consider making a list of the following to generate leads: 1. Make a list of key sponsors within the sectors that the book will represent (e.g. marketing, publishing, equipment, etc.) 2. Add to the list ministries or organizations with whom you already have a solid working relationship or affiliation 3. Review national conference web sites to see who is sponsoring. Add those sponsors to your list 4. Review the last several editions of key Christian magazines (e.g. Outreach, Christianity Today, Relevant, Charisma, etc.) to see which sponsors are running ads. Add applicable sponsors to your list The four steps above should yield a long list of potential sponsors. Prioritize the list and decide which ones to pursue. What is the typical timeline for creating and distributing an eBook? The entire process can be completed in less than 1 month, but plan for 2 to 3 months to avoid undue stress.

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What are the typical distribution formats for eBooks in the Exponential Resources Series? Exponential encourages authors to produce eBooks in at least 3 different formats: PDF (universal use), mobi (for Kindle) and ePub (for iPad, iPhone and other miscellaneous readers). eBook Formatting: A Simple Guide to Formatting eBooks is a subsequent resource in this eBook series that will help authors create eBooks in these three key formats. In what format should I write and submit the manuscript? We suggest Microsoft Word using a downloadable template from Exponential. The proper Word format is then relatively easily converted into PDF, mobi and ePub formats.!! What does it mean to create a portfolio of resources? Rather than publish a single eBook, Exponential encourages authors to develop a portfolio of resources around a topic. This portfolio might include an audio version, YouTube videos, podcasts, primers, webinars, websites, articles, interviews, etc. To increase overall topic visibility, each piece cross-references and interconnects with the other resources in the Series. The resource portfolio is built over time and is not required for individual eBooks. Who does the graphic design, layout and editing? Authors are responsible for delivering a distribution-ready eBook. Graphic design, layout and editing services for a single eBook are relatively inexpensive. Exponential can recommend highquality, low cost service providers who will make the experience very simple for you. Total cost (not counting your time) to produce a high-quality eBook can be as low as several hundred dollars. How will Exponential ensure quality control on each resource in the Exponential Resources Series? Exponential will carefully select and approve each author in the series using the five-filter lens described in one of the questions above. Exponential will also approve the final transcript.

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Can I also include my own imprint, in addition to the Exponential Resources Series imprint? Yes. Beyond the Exponential Resources Series imprint, up to one additional imprint can be included on a resource. The positioning of the second imprint is determined by the mutual agreement of the author and Exponential. What marketing and promotion can I expect from Exponential? The author and Exponential commit to actively market and promote their eBook in the Exponential Resources Series. The Exponential ad in each eBook refers readers to the series. In this way, all of the books in the Exponential Resources Series are interconnected. When readers download one eBook, they will be exposed to the broader series of books. Exponential also routinely promotes the series through our website, group emails, digital newsletters, VIP mailings, blogs and social media like Twitter and Facebook. What are the responsibilities and roles of Exponential and the author? Exponential is a distributor, while the author is the publisher. Our core mission is the aggregation, moderation and distribution of resources that accelerate the multiplication of healthy faith communities. The author serves as publisher, working closely with Exponential to enhance distribution. Since Exponential does not collect any royalties or fees for our distribution services, we refer the author to other quality service providers for the various elements of publishing: editing, layout, design, format conversion, printing, etc. Exponential also maintains a library of templates, guidelines and tips authors can use to more easily turn their content into digital resources. Exponentials primary role, as outlined below, is to take the authors completed work and facilitate promotion and distribution through our website, conferences and contacts. In exchange, the author agrees to the following: Exponentials responsibilities Approve the manuscript before publication. Set up high-quality product pages (including author biography and picture) on the Exponential website using content the author provides. Offer the resource as a free download (if applicable) through our website via the resources unique product page. Link to the resource on our website via the products resource page, if its available as something other than a free download (e.g., eBook with price, printed book via Amazon, etc.). Advertise the resource through our distribution channels, including cross-connecting all the books within the Exponential Resources Series. Make the resource available for distribution at Exponential events (as appropriate and applicable).
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The Exponential Resources Series imprint (logo) will be displayed on the front cover (ideally the upper right or lower right corner). Exponential is granted the first sponsor page inside the resource to highlight the Exponential Resource Series.

Exponential retains exclusive use of any user contact information obtained via the Exponential website and agrees to share this information with the author who may elect to send out information about resource sponsors. However, Exponential does not permit contact information to be distributed beyond the authors personal use.!! Authors responsibilities As the writer and publisher, the author is responsible for: All writing, editing, production and formatting of the material into a distribution-ready resource Securing permission for use of any copyrighted material Any liability for accuracy or portrayal of individuals or groups Obtaining Exponentials final approval of manuscript Including in the resource: the Exponential Resources Series imprint (logo); information about Exponential on the copyright page; a dedication page with a statement about sponsors; and an Exponential sponsor page Delivering completed work to Exponential in applicable formats ready to download Securing sponsors (in addition to Exponential), if using the Sponsored approach. Any financial arrangements and payments are directly between the sponsors and author. Obtaining Exponentials agreement on the sponsors Providing applicable content to Exponential for display on the resources product page (e.g., description/summary, author biography, etc.) Providing the authors plans for marketing and promotion to Exponential for integration into Exponentials plans Deciding if the resource is a stand-alone resource, a series of resources, or part of a portfolio of resources These roles and responsibilities are solidified via a Memorandum of Understanding between the author and Exponential. See Appendix 2. If Im interested in pursuing distribution in the Exponential Resources Series, what are my next steps?

Prepare and submit a Digital Venture Proposal for consideration using Exponentials downloadable template.

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About the Authors

Todd Wilson Futurist for Exponential Todd is a Kingdom entrepreneur. He spends the majority of his time starting and working with organizations committed to Kingdom impact and multiplication. Todd is a founding member of Exponential, the coordinating organization of the Exponential Conference, and is part of the Exponential leadership team providing vision and strategic direction to the organization. Todd lives in Manassas, Va., with his wife, Anna, and their two boys, Ben and Chris. E (Eric Reiss) Principle for Church Marketing Solutions and Wingman at The Surge Community Church The life of a rodeo clown is a life of danger. Fortunately, E navigates the safer waters of helping churches and non-profits do design and print projects all over the United States. He also serves as the executive pastor for a recent church plant just outside of Washington D.C. ( He is a songwriter and recording artist with a quirky sense of humor, and is very much in love with his wife, Karen, and their well-above average daughter, Evangeline, in Burke, Va. Other Resources by Todd and E available for free at eBook Formatting: A Simple Guide to Formatting eBooks eBook Distributing: A Simple Guide to Distributing eBooks Stories of Sifted: Increased Surrender During Times of Trouble

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Appendix 1

Digital Venture Proposal

Leaders seeking to distribute resources via the Exponential Resource Series should fill out and submit the following proposal. Authors Information 1. Leaders Name Insert leader name(s) 2. Leaders Biography and Photo Insert one to two paragraph biography of leader(s) 3. Leaders Affiliated Organizations insert list of leaders affiliated organizations (organizations started by the leader, organizations where the leader serves in a significant leadership or advisory positions, etc.) 4. Leaders Other Publications / Resources - Insert list of leaders other published resources including sales / download units (e.g. 15,000 copies sold in 3 years, etc) Digital Venture Opportunity 5. Title of Venture Insert the title for the venture. Ideally this is the name that will be used for public branding 6. Summary of Venture Provide a 2 to 5 paragraph description of the core resource being created via this venture. Include a succinct statement of the big idea or unique focus. Provide an outline of the core resource, the target length (in pages), number of chapters (if applicable), style / structure of writing (e.g. theory, case studies, stories, etc.), and goals / objectives of the venture in terms of desired impact to the Kingdom and other influence leaders. This summary is analogous to a slightly expanded summary of a book on Amazon. 7. Author / Venture Positioning Provide answers to each of the following 5 items: a. Right Content To what extent will the content advance our mission to see the spread of a reproducing church DNA in an expanding number of Kingdom entrepreneurs? How profoundly will the content shape the thinking and practice of these leaders? b. Right Leader How much experience and credibility does the author have as a practioner of the content? How effectively do they communicate the content? How strong is the leaders capacity to create buzz about and visibility on the content (e.g. blogs, speaking engagements, job, etc) to increase its viral distribution potential? c. Right Timing Is the content blue ocean or red ocean? Is there pent up demand and momentum waiting to happen regarding the receptivity for the content? Will the content ride a wave of momentum that is already building? Will the content scratch a previously unreached itch for the reader? What is the most probable reception the book will receive from our target?
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d. Right Platform / Distribution Channels How established and influential is the platform the author is affiliated with? How extensive are the distribution channels that already exist? How much capacity does the leader / platform have for creating and leveraging viral distribution channels? e. Right Results and Credibility Is the content primarily rooted in unproven theory or proven principles and results? Are there compelling stories to tell that help shape the thinking and practice of the reader? How practical is the content in terms of being actionable? Does the content compel the reader to act? 8. Scope of Related Resources being Developed The core resource of this venture proposal is intended to be supplemented by a growing number of other digital resources including but not limited to an audio reading of the work by the Author, short YouTube videos to amplify and expand on the content, web site / mobile web site, smart phone App, study guides, audio / video interviews with other leaders on the content, workshop presentations for use by the Author at conferences, etc. Insert list of intended additional resources to be developed beyond the core resource. 9. Venture Marketing and Distribution Channels Include a summary of key marketing plans and key distribution channels for the resource. Examples include blogging, twitter, web site, partner ministries, banner ads (including Facebook and Google Ads), group emails via partners, webinars, podcasts, etc. 10. Venture Timeline Insert a short summary of the timeline for finishing the venture resource and debuting it 11. Endorsements Insert a bullet list of key national leaders and ministries you have relationships with who would likely be willing to endorse your venture 12. Funding Approaches - Identify which of the following approaches will be used. Authors may use one or more of these approaches (i.e. several of these approaches can be combined into a hybrid approach): a. Author / Ministry Marketing and Promotion - Some authors have other fee based resources (e.g. full length books, seminars, etc.) and / or national ministries that they champion. Short, free eBooks provide a great way to distribute value added content that highlights and points to their other resources and ministries. For example, an author may run a church planting ministry that serves church planters. The author may opt to have the free eBook be sponsored by their church planting ministry as a way of exposing readers to the ministry. This is similar to traditional publishers giving away chapters of full-length books as a way of driving traffic to the fee based resource. Authors may opt to create an "imprint" for their ministry and distribute an entire line of resources via the ministry's imprint. b. Philanthropist - Some authors are relationally connected to one or more Kingdomminded philanthropists. These philanthropists are looking for highly leveraged opportunities for impact. Essentially, the philanthropist (or their foundation) can serve as a sponsor of the eBook to extent the impact of their giving. An author can show that a free eBook that goes viral will
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reach considerably more readers than a fee-based resource. A philanthropist who believes in the author may be willing to fund the distribution of free eBooks. c. Fee Based - The eBook can be offered for a price (e.g. $2.99, $4.99, $9.99) instead of free. In this approach, the resource is offered through channels such as Amazon (Kindle) and iBooks (ePub). The potential downsides include less viral distribution and loss of ability to capture the readers contact information. d. Sponsored Three to five sponsors will be recruited for the venture (more if mutually agreed to by the author and Exponential). In some cases the Author has at least one sponsor via their own ministry. Additionally, Exponential receives one of the sponsorships in exchange for its role in Platforming and distributing the resource. Using this Digital Venture Proposal (or a version of it), the author sends the proposal to as many potential sponsors as possible (20+) seeking to recruit 3 to 5. Forward completed proposals to: Todd Wilson

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Appendix 2

Memorandum of Understanding (Author / Exponential)

Roles and Responsibilities: Exponential is excited to partner with you in the creation and distribution of your resource. We want to help disseminate your message to as wide an audience as possible. This Memorandum of Understanding will serve as a guide for the creation and distribution of your eBook. Exponential is a distributor, while you, the author, are the publisher. Our core mission is the aggregation, moderation and distribution of resources that accelerate the multiplication of healthy faith communities. The author serves the role of publisher working closely with Exponential to enhance distribution. Since Exponential does not collect any royalties or fees for our distribution services, we refer the author to other quality service providers for the various elements of publishing: editing, layout, design, format conversion, printing, etc. Exponential also maintains a library of templates, guidelines, and tips for authors to more easily turn their content into digital resources. Exponentials primary role, as outlined below, is to take the authors completed work and facilitate promotion and distribution through our website, conferences and contacts. In exchange the author agrees to the following things: The Exponential Resource imprint (logo) will be displayed on the front cover (ideally the upper right or lower right corner) Exponential is granted the first sponsor page inside the resource to highlight the Exponential Resource Series Exponential has exclusive use of any user contact information obtained via the Exponential web site. Where Exponential shares this information with the author, it will be for their use only and may not be further disseminated. Authors may specifically elect to send out information about the resource sponsors. However, contact information is not to be distributed beyond the authors personal use.

Exponentials Responsibilities Exponentials role as distributor includes the following: Approve the manuscript before publication Setup high-quality product page (including author biography and picture) on the Exponential web site using content from author Offer the resource as a free download (if applicable) through our web site via the resources unique product page Link to the resource on our web site via the products resource page if it is available as something other than a free download (e.g. eBook with price, printed book via Amazon, etc.) Advertise the resource through our distribution channels including cross-connecting all the books within the Exponential Resources Series

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Make the resource available for distribution at Exponential events (as appropriate and applicable)

Authors Responsibilities The authors role as writer and publisher includes the following: All writing, editing, production and formatting of the material into a ready to distribute product Securing permission for use of any copyrighted material All liability for accuracy or portrayal of individuals or groups Obtaining Exponentials final approval of manuscript Ensuring the Exponential imprint (logo), information about Exponential on the copyright page, a dedication page that includes a statement about sponsors, and an Exponential sponsor page are all included in the resource Delivering completed work to Exponential in applicable formats ready to download Securing sponsors (in addition to Exponential) if using the Sponsored approach. Any financial arrangements and payments are directly between the sponsors and author. Obtaining Exponentials agreement with the list of sponsors Provide applicable content to Exponential for display on the resources product page (e.g. description, author biography, etc.) Providing the authors plans for marketing and promotion to Exponential for integration into Exponentials plans Deciding whether the resource is a single stand alone resource, a series of resources, or part of a portfolio of resources

______________________________ Exponential

_________________________________ Author

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Appendix 3

Memorandum of Understanding (Author / Sponsor)

Roles and Responsibilities: This Memorandum of Understanding serves to clarify expectations between [insert author name] (author of [insert eBook name]) and [insert Sponsor name] (a sponsor of the eBook), for the publishing and distribution of [insert eBook name]. [Insert eBook name] is a resource in the Exponential Resources Series. It carriers the Exponential imprint and has all the benefits of marketing, promotion and visibility through Exponential. The resource will be available for free download via the Exponential web site in the following popular formats (i.e. pdf, mobi and ePub). The term of this agreement and sponsorship shall be for [insert term] and be for [insert cost of sponsorship in dollars]. If the term is for a specific period of time, the sponsor will be given right of first refusal to continue being a sponsor for an additional term beyond the initial sponsorship. Authors Responsibilities The authors role as writer and publisher includes the following: All writing, editing, production and formatting of the material into a ready to distribute product Securing permission for use of any copyrighted material All liability for accuracy or portrayal of individuals or groups All legal responsibility for the resource Securing sponsors and obtaining signed Memorandum of Agreements with sponsors Ensuring the dedication page includes a statement about sponsors (and their role) and that all sponsor full-page ads are included in the resource near the front Provide applicable content to Sponsor for use in their promotions and marketing for the resource Providing sponsor logo to Exponential and requesting that sponsor logos be placed on the resources product download page at (to provide visibility to the sponsors) Sending at least one email to customers who download the resource thanking them for download and highlighting the sponsors role in the distribution of the book Including an acknowledgement of the sponsors role in the book on applicable marketing and promotions by the author (e.g. blogs, newsletters, web site, etc.)

Sponsors Responsibilities The sponsors role includes the following: Financially supporting the author at the level agreed upon for the term specified. Payment to be made directly to the author when the eBook is completed and made available online for download Using content provided by the author (e.g. banner ads, twitter posts, summary descriptions, etc.) to help promote the resource via the sponsors distribution channels (e.g. web site, newsletters, blog, twitter, etc.)

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Providing the sponsors logo and a one paragraph description of the sponsors ministry to the author for use on the resources product download page and in other channels used by the author

______________________________ Author

_________________________________ Sponsor

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