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Campus mourns recently deceased

OCTOBER 24, 1986 OCTOBER 2, 2007 DECEMBER 3, 1978 OCTOBER 4, 2007

Family, friends remember Mikey for his all-out approach to life

Brian Duggan
Editor in chief

Mike Pietrzak still remembers the time when he took his 5-yearold son, Mikey, to a community swimming pool. As he lounged near the pool, he noticed a line leading to the high dive. His eyes scanned the children waiting to climb the

ladder until he noticed a gap. When he stood up, he found his son, Mikey Pietrzak, standing in line among the taller, older children. Thats the way he lived, Pietrzaks father said. Mike Pietrzak, a general studies major at the University of Nevada, Reno who served as Alpha Tau Omegas social chair, See PIETRZAK Page A2

was declared brain-dead Oct. 2 after he suffered a serious brain injury when he fell down a ight of stairs Sept. 29 in what police Michael said was an alcoPietrzak hol-related accident. On Friday, Pietrzaks organs were donated, his father, Mike Pietrzak, said.

UNR grad student dies while helping Afghanistan agriculture

Brian Duggan
Editor in chief
Steven Thomas Stefani, a University of Nevada, Reno graduate student who was in Afghanistan helping with the countrys reconstruction, was killed Thursday by a roadside bomb near Ghazni province. He was 28. Stefani had volunteered for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to go to Afghanistan to help rebuild farming efforts. He left last March and was expected to come home in January, Stefanis father, Steven Stefani III, said. He chose to go help the people, he said. He thought he could make a difference and he made a huge difference. Stefani said his son, who went

by Tom, but was known by friends in Afghanistan as Big Daddy Ag, knew about the dangers of his job. He told my wife, dont worry Steven until you see two Stefani uniformed (forest service ofcials) come to the door, Stefani said. And that happened.



A photo essay of last weeks events, including the parade and the crowning of the king, queen. Page A5

Binge drinking rising on campuses

This weekend, what are these kids going to do? said Reno Police Detective Adam Wygnanski. Yeah, theyll feel bad for a couple of days, but the next weekend theyll be throwing beers back again and its sad. I wish we could get across to these kids.
In the report, Wasting the Best and Brightest: Substance Abuse at Americas Colleges and Universities, released in March, the National Center on Addiction stated the national rates of excessive drinking had increased:

ASUN cuts Safe Ride program

Free taxi service for students goes over budget
Clint Demeritt
Features Editor


UNR matches national trend in consumption

Jessica Estepa
News Editor

The sheriff with the shortest shorts graced UNR for homecoming despite being cold as hell. Page A12

The junior local will be one of Nevadas most likely draft picks if he remains on his same path. Page B1


Nevada is without its starting quarterback as it prepares to face Boise State. Page B6

percent of students binge drink frequently


For breaking news and upto-date information including news, sports and entertainment from the university, log onto our Web site.

percent of students who drink on 10 or more occasions in the past month


WEEKLY UPDATE ........................................... A3 CLASSIFIEDS .............................................................A7 PERSPECTIVES ..................................................... A8 A&E ............................................................................................ A12 SPORTS ................................................................................... B1 INSIDE SCOOP .......................................................B2 GAMEDAY...................................................................... B6

percent of students who get drunk three or more times in the past month


ike Pietrzak prepared for the Nevada-UNLV game on Sept. 29 by doing the same thing as many University of Nevada, Reno students drinking and having fun with friends. Hours later Pietrzak fell down a ight of stairs, sustaining injuries that led to his death. While the campus and Greek community mourns his passing, Pietrzaks tragedy is one example of how the college lifestyle can be fatal. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), about 1,400 student deaths nationally are linked to alcohol each year and about 500,000 students are unintentionally injured under the inuence of alcohol. This weekend, what are these kids going to do? said Adam Wynganski, the Reno police detective who is handling Pietrzaks case. Yeah, theyll feel bad for a couple of days, but the next weekend, theyll be throwing beers back again and its sad. I wish we could get across to these kids. Steven Hayes, psychology professor at UNR, said injuries resulting from alcohol often are because students are drunk and choose to be drunk. Sally Morgan, UNRs director of student judicial affairs, said that in the 19 years shes worked at the university shes noticed a rising trend in students wanting to get drunk. The problem isnt that theyre drinking, Morgan said. Students drink in college and they always have. The problem is that they drink with the goal of getting drunk. Morgan said binge drinking, where a person has ve or more drinks in one sitting, has been on the rise for about 10 years. In a report, Wasting the Best and Brightest: Substance Abuse at Americas Colleges and Universities, released in March, the National Center on Addiction stated the national rates of excessive drinking had increased: 22. 8 percent of students binge drink frequently 22.6 percent of students who drink on 10 or more occasions in the past month 29.4 percent of students who get drunk three or more times in the past month 48.2 percent of students who drink to get drunk UNRs 2004 CORE survey revealed the following numbers: about 20 percent of students said they drink three to ve times within the last month more than 15 percent of students said they binge drank once over the last two weeks about 15 percent of students said they binge drank three to ve times over the last two weeks

The Safe Ride program has temporarily stopped giving students taxi vouchers due to a lack of funding and abuse, said Sandy Rodriguez, director of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada. She said the program gave out around 300 vouchers in September, which will cost ASUN around $5,400. She said the program, run by the Counseling Center, stopped giving vouchers on Sept. 28. Sarah Ragsdale, ASUN president, said the student government originally set aside about $5,000 for the program at the Aug. 30 senate meeting. She said at the current rate of use it would cost ASUN more than $40,000 for the year. This program is going into the red, Ragsdale said. I dont know what is going to happen. I am not saying the program wont survive it just has to be reevaluated. Rodriguez said last year ASUN spent $16,000 on the program. It ran for 32 weeks and cost about $500 a week. She said the money this year was supposed to last through October, which would give ASUN enough time to nd other sources of money, like bars and other businesses. She said there has been a lot of talk with businesses, but they are reluctant to fund the program until they know other businesses will help share the cost. Garry Rubinstein, coordinator for substance abuse treatment programs, runs the program and said it is meant to give a ride home to students too drunk to drive. He said to get the vouchers students have a go to the counseling ofce and



Clubs and Orgs fullls less than half its requests

Managing Editor

Nick Coltrain


The Clubs and Organizations Committee cut the total requested dollars by more than half this weekend to meet its budget for the second wave of fall club requests. Clubs and Orgs can give out $40,228.21 in the second wave under the years projected budget. The 96 requests it received totaled $87,782.68. When I rst saw the requests I almost had a heart attack, said Maria Urbina, director of Clubs and Orgs. Its really unfortunate. Its never fun to make such big cuts, but we need to be scally responsible. Kyle Rea, chair of the Clubs and Orgs committee, said the new system, where Clubs and Orgs budgets out its money into ve waves of requests will help clubs get money throughout the year. We dont want to happen this semester what happened last semester under the (Vice President of Clubs and Orgs Travis) Anderson administration where money ran out, Rea said. Last semester, Clubs and Orgs ran out of money for student organizations with about a month left in the semester. Under the old rules, clubs could

See CLUBS Page A6

Weekly Update
OCTOBER 9, 2007


An intoxicated male was arrested for two outstanding warrants on 11th Street and Seminary Avenue. A trafc stop resulted in the arrest of the driver for driving under the inuence, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, exceeding the posted speed limit and driving with a suspended drivers license at North Virginia Street and Ninth Street. At Mackay Stadium, an intoxicated female was taken into civil protective custody. At Mackay Stadium, another intoxicated female was taken into civil protective custody. A citizen reported nding his vehicle damaged after parking in the Peccole Lot.





Workers are nishing the exterior and brickwork on the backside of the building. Workers are preparing to test the mechanical equipment on the rst oor.



The administration has approved the rst oor, which is now completely done. The third oor is ready to be approved by the administration and workers have started to move furniture in. Workers are installing site handrails and putting in an irrigation system and sod on the west side.


An intoxicated student was arrested for minor in possession and consumption of alcohol at College Drive and Virginia Street. An intoxicated student was arrested for minor in possession/consumption of alcohol in Nye Hall.

Recognizing the SIGNS OF ABUSE

Learn when drinking becomes a problem
It starts out with a couple of drinks once a week. Then it turns into a few times a week. Soon, its every other day, but its not a problem its just something you do. Garry Rubinstein, the University of Nevada, Renos coordinator of the substance abuse program, said when it comes to getting help, a lot of students dont want to admit they have a problem.
Expressed concern about your drinking from other people Blackouts or loss of memory when drinking Gulping drinks Trouble with law enforcement because of drinking Missed work or classes because of drinking Driving after drinking Drinking to get away from problems Doing or saying embarrassing things when drinking Drinking four drinks when you meant to have two Allow the person to see your concerns about his life and drinking problem. Get all the help you can from other people, including counselors, clergy, Alcoholics Anonymous and other people trained to deal with alcohol problems. Be patient, as the alcohol problem has developed over a period of time. Learn as much as possible yourself about the facts concerning alcohol. Confront the person when he has a bad experience with alcohol or has a hangover. Have a written list of negative experiences that the person has encountered with alcohol.

The Associated Students of the University of Nevada Senate approved three new student government ofcials at last Wednesdays meeting. Dennis Mankel was unanimously appointed to the open School of Medicine seat. Mankel is a transfer student from Western Nevada Community College and a veteran. Senators said they thought Mankel, who is also disabled, would bring a new voice to the senate table. Also appointed was Lindsey Sanford to the attorney general position in the executive branch. Sanford, a 19-year-old English major, was nominated by ASUN President Sarah Ragsdale to ll the position. Sanford will be in charge of reviewing decisions made by the executive branch to see if they are constitutional. Shelley Kudelka was appointed to be the presidents assistant on campus and public relations. Kudelka, a 23year-old journalism major, will write press releases and attend university meetings as an ASUN representative.

Student senate lls open positions

On Evans Avenue, an intoxicated male was taken into civil protective custody. Ofcers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance on Clean Water Way. No charges were led. A university employee reported a stolen vehicle from the lot south of Ross Hall. A trafc stop in the Brian Whalen Parking Garage resulted in the arrest of the driver for DUI and exceeding the posted speed limit.



InterVarsity, a Christian fellowship on campus, will host an AIDS awareness day on Oct. 16. A silent protest will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of Getchell Library. InterVarsity will serve a free Broken Bread meal from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to show students what food poverty-stricken AIDS patients have to eat, said Sarah Burke, InterVarsity campus afliate. They will also accept donations, which will fund organizations that help AIDS victims in sub-Saharan Africa. There will be a station where students can write letters to senators and another where participants can sign up to make AIDS kits at the Sparks Christian Fellowship Church on Oct. 27. I think students should come out to have a chance to see whats going on in the world, and not just on our campus, Burke said. We know that things can change.

Christian group plans to spread awareness for AIDS on Oct. 16


A university employee reported receiving a harassing e-mail message in the Student Services Building. A university student reported the theft of a purse and its contents from a room inside the Church Fine Arts Building. A Channel 5 employee in the KNPB Building reported receiving numerous disturbing phone messages.

Rubinstein said enablers are people who encourage people to continue abusing alcohol.
Dont make excuses for friends when they do something embarrassing to others because they drank too much. Dont clean up after friends when they make a mess after drinking. Dont believe friends who say, I wont ever drink too much again. Dont laugh with or at friends when they are drunk.


cohol problems Take over all responsibility for the person and blame yourself for the drinking problem Drink along with the problem drinker Hide or throw away all of the liquor in the house Cover up or make excuses for the person when he is drinking Confront the person by yourself For additional help, Rubinstein said to contact the substance abuse treatment program on campus by calling (775) 784-4648 or visiting Room 202 in the Thompson Building.

Confront the person when he is intoxicated Lose your temper with the person who has the al-

Jessica Estepa, News Editor

Are you a good writer? Do you want to know what goes on around campus? Want to meet interesting people? Do you want to see your name appear in the newspaper every week? Join The Nevada Sagebrush and be a part of an award-winning staff. Whether youre interested in writing, design or photography, no experience is required. The news section meetings are on Sundays at 6 p.m. Drop by the Sagebrush ofce at 1262 N. Sierra St., Suite A, located by the Sierra Street Parking Complex. Come pitch your ideas and receive exciting story assignments. Contact the news team at news@nevadasagebrush. com.

Lori Lipman Brown, former Nevada state senator, will speak in the Jot Travis Student Union Pine Lounge today from 7 to 9 p.m. as part of the Nevada Speaker Series sponsored by Flipside Productions. After deciding to stop participating in Christian prayers while she was a Nevada legislature senator, Brown now lobbies Congress on behalf of nontheistic Americans as the director of the Secular Coalition of America. She will outline the current issues that nontheists face and discuss the rst nontheistic Congressional lobbies. The University of Nevada, Renos Disability Awareness Month will bring Dr. I. King Jordan, President Emeritus of Gallaudet University, to the Nightingale Hall Wednesday from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Dr. Jordan became the rst deaf person to lead a university in the United States in 1988. Jordan is known for his notoriety and prominence in the disability community, said Tim Taycher, Flipsides contemporary issues chair. Directly following the Speaker Series will be a reception at the Front Door Gallery adjacent to Nightingale Concert Hall.

Speaker series brings former senator and university president


Sigma Phi Epsilon will host its rst annual Obscure Sports Championship Thursday on the Jot Travis Student Union Lawn at 5 p.m. Sporting events include cup stacking, jousting, rock-paper-scissors, bungee run, campus trivia and a spelling bee. Cotton candy and popcorn will be available for spectators. Teams of ve can join the event for $95 to compete for the championship title. The catered award ceremony will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Associated Students of the University of Nevada Auditorium for $3. The proceeds will be donated to help Youth AIDS, a non-prot organization who is conducting research and raising awareness of youth AIDS, said Kyle Rea, vice president for communications at SigEp. Ten teams are expected to participate, mostly consisting of Greek organizations. Contact Kyle Rea at kyle. for an information packet and to sign up.

SigEp to host Obscure Sports Championship


OCTOBER 9, 2007 A5

Homecoming week brings tradition





Sophomore Stephanie Black, 19, an elementary and special education dual major tosses a football during a tailgate in the parking lot before the start of the Nevada- Fresno State football game Saturday.


Sigma Nu fraternity members place a Greek sigma next to the Nevada N, on the side of Peavine Mountain Saturday morning before the start of Nevadas homecoming football game against Fresno State in Reno.


After being crowned homecoming queen, Whitney Smith leaves the eld with her boyfriend, Blue Crew President Chris Driscoll, during half-time of the Nevada- Fresno State football game. Smith, a psychology major, is a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority house.


The Pride of the Sierra Marching Band leads the 2007 homecoming parade up Virginia Street Saturday morning.


Students stand in front of the large bonre that was lit late Friday night. Free t-shirts and lighters were given to those who attended.


Comedian Lee Levine performed for a modest crowd In the JTSU on Wednesday night. Levine performed as part of one of the Homecoming Week events that were held for students.


On their prohibition-themed oat, Phi Delta Theta brothers Austin Miller, left, and Garrett Barmore pretend to play poker.





A6 OCTOBER 9, 2007




Members of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house ride up Virginia Street during the 2007 homecoming parade, Saturday, Oct. 6.


Flipside sees large turnouts for homecoming

Kristen Sroczynski
Staff Writer
people for Wolves Frolic and the Charity Date Auction. With this years success, Reilly said he hopes future years will be even bigger. Reilly said he sees Saturdays parade as a staple of a traditional homecoming. With Lt. Dangle from Reno 911! as grand marshall, the marching band and more oats than before, this was the most participation Reilly has seen in a long time. The parade was greeted with many students, even in the early hours of the morning. Brita Muller, Flipsides university weeks chair, said the parade went really well and she was satised with how successful the week was. It was a long hard process, but it was a lot of fun and it brought our whole pledge class together, said Ryan Childers, an 18-yearold student. Many of the events, including the Wolves Frolic talent show, Root Beer Pong and the free food events brought out many students. You cant beat free food, but they could have had more fun things around campus, said Jose Castellanos, a 21-year-old sophomore. Free food was offered on Wednesday for the Beat the Bulldogs barbecue, Midnight Madness, Blue Flu barbecue, the Pack Pride Lunch and the bonre. Students had to wear Nevada or homecoming gear to

Homecoming 2007 was slated to be a turnaround year for University of Nevada, Reno traditions by Flipside Productions. A variety of events with large student turnouts proved that goal to be a success, said Eli Reilly, director of programming for the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno. Many traditional events were bigger than previous years, Reilly said. Homecoming hasnt been how it was this year in a long time, he said. Reilly said he was pleased with the turnout of more than 600

get free food from Qdoba. Qdoba representatives said that 95 percent of students served were in their gear. Criteria for the Wolves Frolic talent show this year was that each skit performed had to involve the alma mater or the ght song. Lambda Chi Alpha even put the alma mater to the acoustic version of the Goo Goo Dolls Slide. Tau Kappa Epsilon Vice President Chris Driscoll said this years Wolves Frolic was the best that he has ever seen. Reilly was also thrilled with all the positive response he was getting to the events this year. Reilly, a Sigma Nu member, said it was awesome to walk into his house and see all of his fraternity and members of Delta Gamma learning the ght song together. Reilly said this was a good start for school spirit. Reilly was also most excited about giving things to students they really wanted.

request money whenever they wanted and no money was budgeted for each semester. The Clubs and Orgs committee, made up of Associated Students of the University of Nevada senators, spent almost 10 hours on Friday and Saturday cutting items from budgets, Rea said. The committee refused to spend more than $6 on club T-shirts and cut any requests not properly documented, he said. After the initial cuts, the committee then made other blanket decisions to pay for only: 90 percent of all silver requests, which pay for on-campus events 55 percent of all blue requests, which pay for conventions and club training and 80 percent of all white requests, which pay for miscellaneous requests like T-shirts. Rea said Clubs and Orgs wanted to fund silver requests as much as possible because the most students benet from it. The other percentage cuts were to cut costs and make sure the budget t. Because of the cuts, some clubs will be forced to nd new sources of money, like with fundraisers, or by canceling events. Rashi Tiwari, president of the Society of Women Engineers, said the club only received $640 out of an $1,800 request for a networking dinner with industry professionals. She said the club wasnt relying on ASUN to pay for all of the 12th annual Evening with the Industry, but with increased attendance over the past few years, the club wanted some extra help. Something is always better than nothing and if they hadnt given us anything we would have been in trouble, Tiwari, a 26-year-old Ph.D. student in mechanical engineering. She said the club was prepared for the worst-case scenario. Tiwari, internal vice president of the Graduate Student Associa-

tion, said she thinks ASUN made the right decision in spreading out the money. She said she probably would have done the same thing. Tiwari said they also applied for money from the GSA and received a grant from the School of Engineering for the event and a conference the club wants to send some members to. Sam Coffman, president of the Anthropology Club, said the new tier system confused him when applying for money. The club only received $365 of its original $2,300 requests. Some of the money requested by the club would have violated ASUN policy prohibiting grants and off-campus banquets. Coffman said the only money they received was for an Atlatl, or spear-throwing, competition and some club T-shirts. They will probably cancel the banquet dinner and will look for other sources of money for more tshirts and other events.

Im sure some other clubs were disappointed as well, he said. Im sure (ASUN) did whats best. They have to look toward the future and not just right now.

Rea said the committee being able to still give money to a number of clubs and organizations despite such overwhelming requests shows they work well together. But to see if the system works, theyll need to wait and see, he said. We had to walk a ne line in these requests between being scally responsible and being a resource for clubs, Rea said. We look at this as a major accomplishment for the committee.

96 total requests $87,782.68 requested $40,228.21 given out


64.5 percent believe alcohol is a central part of students social lives Garry Rubinstein, coordinator of the UNR substance abuse treatment program, said attitudes towards drinking are scary in todays culture. People want to show off by showing how drunk they can get, Rubinstein said. I dont remember another time when it

was like this. Gerald Marczynski, UNRs vice president of student life services, said the numbers are a great concern to the university. Binge drinking is one of the riskiest behaviors that students can and do indulge in regularly, Marczynski said. Eric Dunnett, a 21-year-old international business major, said he believes some students do abuse it. I see girls that weigh 100 pounds take shot after shot until they black out, Dunnett said. Another study conducted by the

University of Missouri-Columbia was inspired by the NIAAAs report in 2002, said researcher Julia Martinez. The study reported that when students get fake IDs they start drinking more and heavier. I think theres a clear message about students and drinking in this study, Martinez said, The prevalence is evident and students should make choices considering what they know. Steven Hayes, UNR psychology professor, said part of what leads to binge drinking among college

students is the freedom students feel when they arrive on campus. In the early years, freshmen feel the limits they used to have taken off and that continues on throughout their sophomore, junior and senior years, Hayes said. Hayes said once the habit develops, students use alcohol and other substances to cope with problems in their lives. Hayes said because this generation has grown up with a culture and media that encourages quick xes and self-indulgence, students dont see how their substance

abuse habits are self-harming. Feeling good equals living good, he said. Binge drinking is the extreme form people use when they want to resolve the conundrums in their life. Dunnett said students feel the need to relax. On the weekend, after classes, kids feel like they should black out, Dunnett said. Despite the trend in binge drinking, Morgan said shes noticed a change in culture where its OK for people to not drink. Before, it used to be that if you

didnt drink, people would pressure you to, Morgan said. Many more students are accepting if people choose not to drink and live in a substance-free environment. Morgan said she believed university programs like Choice Driven and AlcoholEdu, an online alcohol education course that 85 percent of incoming freshmen took over the summer, are helping deter drinking and turn towards more positive avenues.
Brian Duggan and Clint Demeritt contributed to this report.

FACES OF NEVADA Lambda Chi crowned king

Fraternity member a positive spirit in group
Rebecca Chase
Staff Writer
The rst person to wear the homecoming king crown after it was placed on Seth Stells head was his three-year-old neighbor, who clapped from Stells shoulders as Stell danced around Mackay Stadium in an all-blue suit. The crown means nothing to me personally, Stell said All my brothers are wearing this crown with me. Stell, a 22-year-old marketing major, has been a member of the fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha since 2002. He has served as vice president and recruitment chair. Homecoming king nominations were made by the fraternity members and the king was chosen from a point system based on the events and competitions of homecoming week, Lambda Chi president Jeremiah Todd said. Stell said homecoming tradition means a lot to him. He said he loves that the school is getting more involved with tradition. Its good to see a change on student support for the school, he said. Its a good feeling to see our hard work paying off. Some say our school is getting better because we have better athletes now, but thats not it. I think its because were behind them now. During homecoming week, Lambda Chi won rst place in the skit competition, the fraternity ag football games and the oat competition. Stells fraternity that this years homecoming was bigger than those in the past. He looks forward to coming back as an alumni and seeing it get even bigger. Homecoming is nice because it gives the school a chance to see all the hard work that Greeks do,

Safe Ride

Its good to see a change on student support for the school. Its a good feeling to see our hard work paying off, Seth Stell, Nevadas 2007 homecoming king, said.
brothers said his positive spirit helped contribute to the success of his fraternity. Ever since Ive known him, hes brought active and positive energy to our house, Todd said. During the cold night of the fraternity football games, Stell was found cheering his heart out, keeping the mood of the night lively. Every time a player returned to the sidelines, Stell greeted him with a pat on the back and a Good job, man. Stell helped lead the team to victory by playing quarterback. Because he played quarterback and running back for his high school, he said it was nice for him to be back on the eld again. Stell said he was very excited Stell said. We know what were doing is good, but every now and then its good to get a little recognition. It doesnt have to be big. Just a little lollipop would be nice this is my lollipop. Stell keeps himself busy by being involved in more than just Greek life. Stell, who works four days a week, said his normal workday goes from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. He keeps up his involvement with the Eagle Scouts, works out daily, maintains a 3.3 grade point average and still nds time to set aside every day to play with his dogs. Staying involved is extremely important to Stell. We only have four or ve years here, we might as well make the most of it, he said.

Kappa Alpha Theta Holly Gerhardt congratulates 2007 Homecoming King Seth Stell during the half-time ceremony of Saturdays Nevada Fresno State football game at Mackay Stadium.


ll out paperwork, which gives him a chance to talk to them about making good decisions while drinking. He said the vouchers are only given so students can get home and not go bar hopping. He said he hopes students will arrange for a designated driver while the program is suspended. I hope people are smart enough to plan for their protection and the protection of others, said Rubinstein. Rodriguez said the program also had to be stopped because some students had started to abuse it. She said for taxi drivers to get paid for the vouchers, they need to provide the pickup point, the drop-off point, the pick-up time, drop-off time and the number of passengers. She said a pattern has emerged of taxies dropping off students at the same addresses. The program wasnt meant to be used six or seven times in the same household, Rodriguez said. She said the program was meant to get students to the counseling center once and get some quality face-to-face time with them. She said with the popularity of the program, the quality interaction isnt taking place. She said ASUN now has to gure out if it still wants to fund the program and how it will do it. She said if the program is to continue, they need to gure out a way to stop students from abusing it, and ask themselves if the program is really helping students.


OCTOBER 9, 2007 A9


The joys, the chagrin and the basic Lets keep rules of living with roommates church and
hile in college, it is often the case that you find yourself in a new living situation different from any one you have ever experienced before. These new places of residency can range from dorms, houses, apartments or maybe camping out in the quiet study room of the library and hoping that no one notices. Whatever the case is, you will often find yourself in the presence of a new and sometimes wonderful, sometimes difficult thing: roommates. Unless you happen Karah to be a very well-off college student, or you Lucas have some sort of fear of social situations, or youre just lucky enough to get a dorm to yourself like I was for two years, you will most likely have roommates at some point in your young life. You will notice very soon that this magical roommate adventure can possibly pose some interesting problems

when it comes to dating and sex. Lets take a look at dorm life. You share a tiny room with another human. It may not have looked tiny at first, but throw in all of your junk, the junk you will buy, and both of your bodies, and bam! You live in a rabbits den. Not only are you staring at this person for several hours a day, you sometimes must alter your schedule to fit their needs. Say your roommate is a light sleeper who likes to go to bed at 9:06 nightly, and say you are a serial dater or bring chicks or dudes home to your glorious dorm room to see your oh-so artistic Dali prints on the wall. Your date will become drunk with your knowledge of Spanish art and the smell of your unwashed, musky sheets. Passion will take over both of you, you will start to get lucky, and then your luck turns upside down as your roommate wakes up and glares sleepily from his or her bed. Better luck next time! Another situation that could end up even worse is your roommate coming home with three or four of his best D.C. buddies while you are right in the middle of something with your new favorite friend. Oh, the embarrassment of

jumping up, nearly nude and screaming Dont come in! A good way to avoid this is to have a prior agreement on a signal that means just that. It could even be as simple as a note on the door that says Dont come in. While having roommates in a house is a much easier thing to work around, it has its unique problems as well. Unless you live in a house made entirely of bricks, walls tend to be pretty thin. These thin walls easily allow sound to travel through them. All kinds of sounds - no matter how quiet you think youre being. And unless your roommates have a fetish for hearing bedroom noises through the walls, or maybe they all like to gather around, pop some popcorn and cheer you on, they usually would prefer not to know whats going on in your dark, steamy room. So turn on some music and turn it up loud. It will block out the noises, set the mood and give your roommates something a little less offensive to complain about to your other roommates. And be sure to give your roomies love and respect, because lovers can come and go, but the roomies signed a lease and theyre there to stay.

state separate

Katey Long Says:
October 8th, 2007 at 9:11 a.m. I have never seen people more passionate about a young mans life. Yes, there are questions that this article leaves you with, but that is part of good journalism and the writer also stated that they did not have an ofcial public autopsy report so they are unable to answer these questions for themselves. We will probably never know if alcohol was the reason or if it was just a freak accident that was made worse because of the alcohol, an even if it was who cares, what matters is that this young man who has made a great impression on hundreds of lives is gone and that makes the issues surrounding his death pale in comparison to the way he lived the rest of his life. I could bear to think how my life would be if I lost a friend like Mikey, and I sure as hell wouldnt want to hear the negative comments that some have posted. Just think of that, all of you who wrote something that his friends have thought was inconsiderate. How would you have felt if he was your friend, brother, or son? I may not be apart of the UNR community but my heart goes out to everyone who knows him and I pray that you all nd peace soon. less. I pray that the memories of Mikey that his parents, family, Brothers and friends have will eventually bring a smile to their face and lessen their pain, even if only for a moment or two. Separate and apart from above, there is under age drinking on every college campus. I just pray that these young men and women are aware of the unnecessary risks they may sometimes choose to take and the possible consequences. I particularly worry about alcohol poisoning. It may appear that you are seeing someone who has simply passed out from drinking. But always keep in mind that if they have had too much to drink, they may be laying lifeless right in front of you. Please be careful and watch over each other - all of you. Someone out there loves you more than life itself and doesnt want to receive that life changing phone call about their precious child. to be restated that when one signs up to live in the residence halls, they agree to abide by the guidelines set forth in the Residence Hall Standards of Conduct which can be found in the student planner all residents receive. The pertinent guideline in this instance is item P of section XI. Prohibited Activities: Attaching signs or objects in or around windows in a way that makes them visible from outside. ...

Debbie Says:
October 5th, 2007 at 11:10 p.m. My heart goes out to the parents of this young man. A young life full of promise cut so short; how heart breakingly sad. I cannot imagine how I could continue living if I had received this tragic news about my son. Although I didnt know Mikey, I cried for days when I learned of his injuries and then his passing. I can only imagine the pain and sense of loss his parents are experiencing and will continue to experience for the rest of their lives. My son is a junior at UNR and also a member of a fraternity. He had been in Mikeys presence just days before this accident. As parents, we constantly worry about sending our children off to college and pray that they are happy, healthy and safe at all times. Whether our child is taken from us while simply crossing a street, while participating in unnecessary risks, or they are drinking when tragedy occurs, the loss is no

Morgan Says:
October 8th, 2007 at 11:41 a.m. Yes, there is a section in the student handbook that states that signs may not be put in the windows. HOWEVER, that needs to be changed, it is a blatant violation of free speech. Its a college campus, college is all about expressing your opinions. Putting a campaign sign or a peace sticker on your window hardly creates a hostile living environment. I also love how people can put Halloween and Christmas decorations in their windows and it seems to go unnoticed, but as soon as you put a campaign poster in your window its all over.


Evan Grill Says:
October 5th, 2007 at 12:23 a.m. I ofcially have no stance on this subject, but I think it needs

ts a basic fact, at least in my mind it is, that the beauty of the United States is in its balance of church matters and the state. Although religion plays a part in most of our lives, and even to an extent in the lives of those who believe in atheism, who rebel against the conventions and beliefs established in organized religion, we still basically expect that our presidents and politicians in Congress will not throw their beliefs at us. Over the past couple of decades though, weve seen this definite line in the sand begin to blur. There is the obvious rise of the religious right in the 1980s in support of Ronald Reagan that began this trend. Organizations like the Christian Coalition and Focus on the Family began mobilizing their followers into a solid core of Republican voters based on gay marriage and abortion opposition. I have never been a huge fan of groups like these because I feel they bastardize, or have others bastardize for them, the true intentions of what a religious organization should be: the cares of the downtrodden and the sick of our country, Brian rather than furthering the fortunes of a Ault political party. But that is another rant for another day. Such sentiments evolved like the squirming amoeba into the 1990s with the growth of conservative talk radio. This isnt necessarily connected to matters of religion and state like the Christian Coalition. However, it does provide a large boom mic, along with the Sunday morning evangelical shows that I am sure most of you have accidentally surfed through on TV at one point or another while waiting for football or resting a hangover, that these groups used to spread their divisive agenda to a wider audience. This is not to say the talk show hosts themselves didnt delve in their own frame of blurring. Who else has tried to jam being holy and being patriotic in the same sentence? God knows no borders, or do we have to bring Allah and Buddha in to the discussion? As the years went on, their influence grew by leaps and bounds, although they reaped very little results in terms of policy. That era of influence may be coming to an end thanks to instances like the one involving former Republican front-runner Sen. John McCain (AZ) who in an interview to BeliefNet Monday said that he wouldnt vote for a Muslim president. He said this just before tap dancing away from the stupidity of the comment. But it does, however, prove my original point: religion and politics do not mix in any situation. It is one thing to vote for a man or woman with a strong core to them, thats fine. But to vote for a person just because a religious organization with massive (or formerly massive in some cases) financial pull gives their blessing? Come on. How did an archaic belief from the Holy Roman Empire squirm into the 21st century United States? The bottomline to take out of this column is that religion in principle can definitely be a beautiful and uplifting thing. Handled by political fools, however, it unfortunately becomes nothing more than just another lifeless bureaucracy of the soul.

Brian Ault is a weekly political columnist for The Nevada Sagebrush. He can be reached at


A whole world of food awaits you in local restaurants

s temperatures take a downward turn and professors respond with extreme essay assignments and terrifying tests, its always helpful to look ahead to summer or, if thats still too much in the distant future, think of far away places you could escape to instead. Sure, Reno doesnt have any exotic beaches or palm trees to speak of, but, if you use a little bit of wishful thinking, somePhillipa thing as simple as Lockwood going out for lunch can result in a (culinary) trip round the world.

The rst stop on our international adventure is Europe, and my personal favorite lunch- time European vacation spot is Nicks Greek Deli, tucked away at scenic 600 S. Virginia St. (across the street from Wild Orchid). To really solidify your escape to the Greek Islands, I recommend ordering a gyro (pronounced hero) which is something similar to a Greek version of a burrito-like sandwich, but tastier as it comes with a side of tzatsiki (pronounced sat-see-kee), which is a delicious cucumber-yogurt dip. Entrees start at $10.00. For a European escape over dinner, my undisputed recommendation in Reno is the fantastic French cuisine found at Beaujolais Bistro, located

at 130 West Street (practically across the street from Java Jungle). Because Beaujolais Bistro is a bit on the pricey side (entrees start at $18.50), this restaurant would be a fabulous place to impress that special someone with your vast knowledge of wine or French cuisine. I highly, highly recommend trying the lamb because, quite simply, a mere nibble will send you miles away from this cold and dismal city.

As the next stop on our world tour, Asia has vast numbers of representatives in Reno, but one of my personal favorites is the Isan Thai Restaurant on the corner of Pyramid Way and North McCarran Boulevard (next to Raleys). The dcor, although a little

cold to most Americans, is typically Thai and the food is absolutely to die for. I recommend sampling the yellow curry as it comes with spicy potatoes and your choice of tofu, chicken, pork or beef. Entrees start at $7.50. For dinner, a trip to India is in order and I suggest you y right over to the Indian Kebab and Curry Restaurant at 1091 S. Virginia St. (where Vassar Street intersects with South Virginia). Not only is the food here beyond delicious, but hilarious Bollywood music videos are played constantly on two at-screen TVs. To get a good taste of India, I suggest an appetizer of vegetable samosas, followed by an order of chicken or lamb tikka masala with a side of traditional Indian naan bread to round out the avors and sop up

the leftover sauce (in a completely classy way, of course). Entrees start at $7.00.

For some food a little closer to home, our nal trip on our culinary world travels is Latin America. Mexican food in Reno seems to be absolutely everywhere and everyone has their own personal favorite hole-in-the-wall place they like to escape to. Although the Guava Margarita at the Hacienda Restaurant (Seventh Street and McCarran Boulevard) is phenomenal, for Mexican food there is none superior to Mi Casa Too (West 4th Street), and I strongly recommend consuming mucho chips, salsa and zesty guacamole. Entrees start at $10.00.

A10 OCTOBER 9, 2007


she said. Lennon wore his trademark short shorts at the student tailgate Saturday, when the high temperature was 55 degrees. Kyle Kimber, a 21-year-old music major, said when he rst saw Lennon dressed as Dangle, he couldnt help shouting out, Daaaaangle. tious cop leading homecoming. All the students and everyone thought it was really funny, she said. Holabird said when she used to travel throughout the United States and Europe for work, people would ask her about Bonanza. Now its Reno 911. When Im out of state, people ask about it, she said. Many, many people have heard of Reno 911. Its a door opener. Holabird said that having a city known for its fake cops has never been a bad thing. They dont seem to think our ofcers wear shorts quite like Lt. Dangles, she said. Nor do people believe that there are palm trees in Reno, like there are on the show. They spell it right and pronounce Nevada right, so we like them, she said. They get the name out.


sheriffs mishaps. Bringing Lennon for homecoming was the brainchild of Brita Muller, university weeks chair for the Associated Students of the University of Nevada. She had heard a song Lennon wrote in the persona of Dangle rapping about his civic pride for Reno. Part of the chorus is Keepin it alive in the 775, which ended up being the homecoming theme. I just thought that itd be cool to have someone everyone knows of, Muller said. Its solely a Reno thing. For any other city, it wouldnt matter. Muller said that the beginning of the process to get Dangle to Reno was difcult, but as soon as Lennon was reached, it was easy. He was really cool about it,

I was just in shock because I didnt expect him to be there, Kyle Kimber said. We were just like, Oh my God, its Dangle. He came over and talked to us and said it was cold as hell.
Muller said she hasnt heard any negative feedback about a cti-


NS: What is your favorite skit that youve done?

TL: No, I feel like were not really negative about Reno in the show, its mostly that these eight people are grossly incompetent and dumb. TL: My favorite all time skit? Probably is the one called Weasel in the Wall They go in this house and theres a very old woman. Its very long and all you see us doing is looking at the wall and behind it you hear the weasel running around. We tried to treat it like the movie Aliens where they dont know where the alien is and theyre all freaking out.

TL: No, no, they were in the what not to do category.

NS: When youre not lming, NS: Were they like what- do they have police meetings in not-to-do training purposes or there? what-to-do? TL: Oh always, in fact, they NS: Why are there palm trees in Reno? Is it one of those myths that youre never going to explain?

the guy come up and hes like, I cant afford to put him down, hes dying and the guys take him behind the garbage cans and shoot the sweet, old dog. Then a lady comes out and says, You shot my dog. They used that one and the one where the lady ushes all the cocaine down the toilet and they think theyre at the wrong apartment are used for the L.A. Sheriffs Department. For training purposes.

Download our podcast and

listen to the entire interview with Thomas Lennon (Lt. Dangle). NEVADASAGEBRUSH.COM

is, thats not what most of police work is like. A lot of it comes from us shooting in a real police station in Carson, Calif.

NS: Trying to nd it?

NS: Did you ever get the weasel TL: This is going to sound like a hours from San Francisco. That out of the wall? joke, but Im 100 percent serious, was when Dangle was just sort
TL: No, never.

TL: Yeah, except its just a weasel behind a wall. And then we end up shooting Junior through the door. I like that one quite a bit.

TL: If we could afford the CGI to remove them, we certainly would.

NS: Do you get a lot of feedback NS: What does your character from real police people telling you like about Reno? its so great or its so wrong? TL: It is three-and-a-half, four
of dropping hints that he might, you know, might be into dudes.

kinda work around us when were there. The last time we were there, they brought in a guy in handcuffs who was being booked and who saw me in the shorts and yelled out, oh my god, you guys were shooting here the last time I was getting arrested.

NS: It stays there?

TL: Those [episodes] are actually used as training videos for the LA police department.

NS: Are they really?

TL: The one called Shoot my Dog. You know that one? Where

most of the cops we meet say its the most accurate cop show on TV. They do because it feels like CSI and those investigative shows, everybodys very slick and theyre always running off to a lab and things are wrapped up very neatly in the end. The fact

NS: Do you think that will ever be answered?

TL: I dont think that will ever be fully answered. I hope that we keep that as weird as it can possibly be.

OCTOBER 9, 2007



Description: Join the folks at independent bookstore, Sundance Bookstore, for a release Party for Stephen Colberts book I am America (And so can you!) Eat, drink and enjoy passages from the book written by the anchor and namesake of The Colbert Report. Location Sundance Bookstore 1155 West 4th St. Suite 106 7 p.m. Free



do you dangle?
The real story behind Reno 911!
Emily Katseanes

p Thomas Lennon, better known as Lt. Jim Dangle from Comedy Centrals Reno 911! rides up Virginia St. during the homecoming parade Saturday. Dangle was the parades Grand Marshal.


Description: Trumpet Recital with Vincent DiMartino UNRs Performing Arts Series presents Vincent DiMartino and friends playing chamber music. Location Nightingale Concert Hall 7:30 p.m. Free


q Lennon plays guitar with a band at the homecoming tailgate. Lennon signed autographs and posed for pictures after the parade on Saturday morning before the football game.


he University of Nevada, Renos Homecoming Parade welcomed Renos most incompetent sheriff as grand marshal this year. Thomas Lennon plays hot-pantswearing Lt. Jim Dangle on Comedy Centrals show Reno 911! Dangle is the leader of the ctional Reno Sheriffs Department, overseeing seven of the most bungling cops on TV. Lennon described the show as not about making fun of Reno, but the cops themselves. In his favorite skit, the cops try to get a weasel out of a wall and end up shooting one of their own members. The

A&E Editor

weasel never did get caught. Reno 911! originated when Lennon and other cast members were shooting footage on location for another skit and realized that Reno, strangely enough, looked similar to Los Angeles. Robin Holabird, deputy director of the Nevada Film Ofce, said the cast members had always planned to shoot a Cops spoof in L.A., but set the show in Reno after that similarity was noticed. The purpose was not to spoof Reno, but to spoof Cops and shows like that, Holabird said. It could have been Albuquerque 911! Since that original pilot was shot in 2000, Reno 911! has had four seasons and a movie about the

Description: A movie about Steve Rocco, who took the skateboarding industry from corporate owned to the DIY skater owned industry it is today. He also gave Spike Jonze his rst shot at directing. Location Lawlor Events Center 9:30 p.m. and Oct. 13 through 16 at 5 and 9:30 p.m. $10


See DANGLE Page A10

Junior Latasha Porter, 20, a journalism major, photographs Thomas Lennon and her friend Grace Morris, 20, an international business major, during the tailgate .


Director:James Gray Starring:Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes, Robert Duvall Genre: Crime Drama Rating: R for strong violence, drug material, language, some sexual content and brief nudity Description: This movie features Russian maa and a family with members on both sides of the law. Jaoquin Phoenix plays a night club owner who fraternizes with the mob, while Mark Wahlberg is his brother on the police force.


Dangle talks about underwear, the infamous shorts and why there are palm trees in Reno
Emily Katseanes
A&E Editor

Director:Shekhar Kapur Starring:Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Clive Owen, Rhys Ifans Genre: Historical drama Rating: PG-13 for violence, some sexuality and nudityDescription: Follows 1998s Elizabeth with Cate Blanchett once again playing the famous Queen Elizabeth I. This time around, the movie follows her relationship with Sir Walter Raleigh.



Thomas Lennon: I guess it mostly traces back to I wrote that song called Proud of Reno. Its Lt. Dangle singing about civic pride and some of the positive things about Reno.

The Nevada Sagebrush: Why are you TL: (Laughs.) I dont. There was a period coming to Reno to celebrate Homecoming where once in a while it would get so cold when we would shoot that I would wear with us?

NS: Do you have winter shorts and summer shorts?

in Chicago in January in the shorts.

cally the underwear that a weird, very gay, NS: Going back to the shorts: Do they NS: And they all suck? NS: Are you going to wear the Dangle chafe? TL: Uh, yeah. Theyre really horrible. European underwear model would wear. shorts? TL: The shorts are more horrible You know, theres an ofcial Lt. Dangle NS: Flown in from France? TL: Its kinda hard to play. Its like a rap. TL: You got to be kidding me. How on earth would Dangle? Of course! Its in the forties there, right? than you could possibly imagine. Like, I thought the shorts were a very funny idea. You have to understand, we shot the pilot for Reno 911! in the year 2000. It was basically right around the Y2K scare. Were nosing up on a decade in them. Halloween costume you can buy? Those shorts, by comparison? Are huge! But theyre made of vinyl.

NS: Are you going to play it?

pantyhose, but it gives me a look sort of like a Hooters girl. Its also weird because then I look down at my own legs and think, Boy those look kinda good. I sort of am thinking of myself at a Hooters. Its disturbing and confusing.

The shorts are more horrible than you could possibly imagine, Thomas Lennon said. Like, I thought the shorts were a very funny idea. You have to understand, we shot the pilot for Reno 911! in the year 2000. It was basically right around the Y2K scare. Were nosing up on a decade in them.
TL: I do. Ive been through probably several dozen sets.


TL: They are specially made. Its basi-

NS: Yeah, it is. It might snow during the game.

TL: Right, heres the thing. Its always horrible in the shorts. Although I was also

NS: So, boxers or briefs?

TL: it must be made in France or Ibithia or somewhere. Some little slave labor somewhere making his briefs.

Description: Detroits Electric Six is an irreverent electronic group who manage to rock songs such as Gay Bar. Theyre playing with Gore Gore Girls and We Are The Fury. Location Club Underground 555 East 4th St. 8 p.m. $8

NS: Do you get new ones every season?

TL: Its really specic. Its a certain kind of briefs that have, like, no seams in them.

NS: Are you surprised that people in Reno like the show?
See Q&A Page A10

NS: Oh I see. Specially ordered or




Graz done for the season

Kaepernick will lead Nevada for remainder of year
Colby Balkenbush
Staff Writer

Nevadas Josh Mauga leaves the eld during Saturdays 49-41 loss to Fresno State at Mackay Stadium. Mauga played football at Churchill County High School in Fallon, Nev. This season he is a captain for the Wolf Pack.


Family matters most to one of nations top linebackers

Fallon locals show support for one of their own
Josh Mauga is Nevadas tackles leader and has gained more tackles in ve games than in his entire rst season.


evada football can thank Josh Maugas family for having one of the best linebackers in the conference.

is the number of tackles he has had this season

58 11

is the most tackles he has made in one game his whole career

When Mauga donned the green and white for Churchill County High School in Fallon three years ago, he had options to play for programs like Arizona State and Fresno State. After winning state titles in wrestling and track his senior year, football wasnt the only sport he could have in college. In the end, it came down to staying close to his family and a 63-mile, 1-hour trip for his family to watch him made it that much easier to choose the Wolf Pack. Growing up in the vicinity and watching Nevada since the mid1990s also made him feel at home about the program and school. I have no regrets of my decision and Im glad I came here and did not go anywhere else, said Mauga, a junior and one of the teams captains. I cant go wrong with winning the (Fremont) Cannon back, keeping it and then going to a bowl game two years in a row. It also feels good to only be an hour away from my family and

hometown. Mauga has a small fan club sitting in Mackay Stadium every home game with his mother and father, ve sisters, two brothers and some of the other Fallon faithful making the trip on an almost weekly basis. My family support has been great, Mauga said. They are here at every home game cheering me on and waiting for me after the game. Win or lose, they are always there to congratulate me and put a smile on my face. My family means the world to me and theres no greater feeling than seeing their faces at my games. A smile is all most people, even his family, can get out the soft-spoken Mauga. Co-defensive coordinator and outside linebackers coach Barry Sacks recalled Maugas rst week of practice in 2005 and his silence, and noticed his junior linebacker is starting to say more. Hes gotten to be more vocal, Sacks said about his 6-foot-2, 245-pound defender. His rst year as a freshman, he didnt speak much. Hes more vocal and says two or more words than none. At least hes saying some. What matters most, though, is how Mauga

Nevada quarterback Nick Graziano is done for the season and the redshirt freshman Colin Kaepernick is going to have to lead the Nevada offense for the rest of the season. Graziano injured the tendons in his right foot when he was sacked by Fresno States Tyler Clutts and Jon Monga for a three-yard loss early in the second quarter. He underwent surgery Monday morning, Ault said during the quarterback luncheon, and he is not expected to return until the spring. G r a z i a n o Nick will be in a Graziano boot for about six weeks and will be out of commission for about four months, the Reno Gazette-Jour nal reported. The sopho- Colin more was seen Kaepernick on the sideline later in the game with crutches and a protective boot on his foot. Coach Chris Ault said Kaepernick will start against Boise State next week and true freshman Luke Collis will be the backup. Based on his play in Saturdays loss, Kaepernick may be up to the challenge. In a game where it was hard to nd anything positive, Kaepernick stood out, throwing for 384 yards and four touchdowns he scrambled for 60 yards while leading a fourth quarter comeback that made the nal score, 49-41, respectable.

See MAUGA Page B5

Defense, special teams at fault in Fresno State loss

Every time we tried to close the gap something else happened on defense, Ault said. Nevadas special teams unit stuck another dagger in the teams comeback hopes when Brett Jaekles 46-yard eld goal attempt at the end of the rst half was batted away by Fresno States Bear Pascoe and returned 40 yards by Jefferson for another Bulldog touchdown. We just got out-physicalled in every aspect, senior Matt Hines said. Bad technique, bad tackling, just bad football all around defensively. After the blocked eld goal, Nevadas defense seemed to just give up.

I thought Kaepernick was outstanding, Nevada head coach Chris Ault said. That was a tough situation. There was a lot of pressure on the kid, so you see the potential in him. Hes a ne athlete.

Pack offense shines with 702 yards

Colby Balkenbush
Staff Writer
football, coach Chris Ault said. Special teams were just an abomination. I havent had a team play defensively and special teams that bad in a long while. In the second quarter, Colin Kaepernick, stepping in for an injured Nick Graziano, found Marko Mitchell in the end zone to bring the Wolf Pack within one at 14-13, but again the special teams and defensive unit folded. Fresno States A.J. Jefferson returned the ensuing kickoff to the Bulldog 46-yard line and the next play freshman running back Ryan Mathews went 54 yards untouched to make the score 21-13 and start the rout.

Dropped passes keep Nevada from winning WAC opener

Colby Balkenbush
Staff Writer
Add catching the ball to Nevadas list of things to work on after Saturdays loss to Fresno State. Nevadas receivers dropped six passes, many of them coming at critical times when the recievers were wide open. The Wolf Packs leading wide receiver Marko Mitchell dropped three passes, Mike McCoy dropped two and tight end Adam Bishop dropped one.

Saturdays 49-41 conference opening loss to Fresno State exposed serious aws in Nevadas defense and special teams. Nevada out-gained the Bulldogs by 227 yards, yet still found itself trailing by 29 points early in the fourth quarter. The defensive collapse started when Fresno States Clifton Smith returned Nevadas rst punt for a touchdown halfway through the rst quarter. Smith went 67 yards and was practically untouched. It was just poor defensive

I normally dont drop passes, Mitchell said. Those are just me trying to break my team out of the slump and make plays, and basically I didnt make the plays. Mitchell dropped two passes on Nevadas second possession of the game, one of which might have led to a touchdown if it hadnt slipped through his ngers. After his second dropped pass on third-and-12, Nevada was forced to punt and Fresno State returned it for a touchdown. Another key pass was dropped by Bishop near the end of the rst quarter. Bishop was wide open on the

Kaepernick showed poise in the pocket, taking his time to nd open receivers and holding onto the ball when he was sacked. In the nal six minutes of the fourth quarter he ran for one touchdown and threw for two, scoring the last one with just three seconds to play in the game. I thought the offense in that fourth quarter played as good as they can play, Ault said. Wide receiver Marko Mitchell, who Kaepernick hit for a touchdown in the second quarter, said he doesnt think the quarterback switch will be a problem. Theyre basically the same quarterback, except Colin can get out of the pocket quicker, Mitchell said. Kaepernick said he was

See GAMER Page B5



Inside Scoop
OCTOBER 9, 2007
Boise State, Sunday 5 p.m. @ Boise, Idaho



THE SKINNY: Nevada dropped its third game of the season Saturday against Fresno State and lost starting quarterback Nick Graziano due to a foot injury. The Wolf Pack will have to improve on its bottomranked rush defense if it wants to have any chance against Boise State.


Fresno State, Thursday 7 p.m. Utah State, Saturday 7 p.m.

THE SKINNY: The Wolf Pack had its season long three game winning streak snapped by No. 12 Hawaii, but will be looking to begin a new winning streak while at home.

Hawaii, Friday 10 p.m. (HT) @Honolulu, Hawaii San Jose State, Saturday 3:30 p.m. @ San Jose, Calif.

Joey Gilbert ghts Charles Howe Sept. 21 at the Grand Sierra Resort. Gilbert was temporarily suspended Oct. 2 after testing positive for a variety of illegal substances.


THE SKINNY: After improving its record to 4-5-1, Nevada will continue its push as it heads into conference play this week. Hawaii will be a tough test due to location, but the team needs this win in order to boost condence for the rest of the season.

Gilbert out after positive drug test

Friday - Tuesday All Day ITA Regional Championships @ Seattle, Wash.

Friday - Sunday All Day St. Marys Fall Tournament @ Moraga, Calif.

UTEP, Saturday All Day UTEP, Sunday All Day

Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 15 & 16 All Day Squire Creek Intercollegiate @ Ruston, La.

Nevada mens basketball coach Mark Fox, seen in last years NCAA Tournament in New Orleans, looks toward the future every year with his solid recruiting classes.


Former Nevada boxer Joey Gilbert was temporarily suspended after testing positive for a variety of illegal substances, Nevada Athletic Commission Executive Director Keith Kizer said Oct. 2. After a voluntary urinalysis before and after his Sept. 21 match against Charles Howe, the three-time national collegiate champion tested positive for a Stanozolol Metabolite steroid, methamphetamine, amphetamine, nordiazepam, oxazepam and temazepam. In a phone call after being notied of the suspension, Gilbert said that there was an explanation of his positive drug test, but none have been provided thus far, the Reno Gazette Journal reported. The suspension is awaiting the action of the ve-member commission, but Kizer has already proposed that the ght winner be changed to a no-decision. Gilbert will have to appear at a commission hearing as early as Oct. 24 to decide his consequences, Kizer said. He faces punishments that range from suspension to revocation of his boxing license.

Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 15 & 16 All Day San Diego State University Aztec Fall Classic @ San Diego, Calif.

Nevada recruiting a step above the rest of the WAC

et a warning be served henceforth that perceived period of weakness shall be short. The supposed window of vulnerability will be narrow. Despite losing four starters off last years 29-win team, Nevada basketballs plight wont last long. Not only does the young Wolf Pack stand a fair shot at continuing its four-year run at the top this season, but Nevadas recent recruiting means any slip will be temporary. That much Garrett became clear last Hylton week when the Wolf Pack landed two more verbal commitments to make what must be considered the best recruiting class in school and possibly conference history. One verbal came from Texas point guard London Cotton Giles who was getting attention from Kansas, Oregon and USC, according to and another from Washington shooting guard Mark McLaughlin, Scouthoops.coms No. 77 prospect


Nevada to host future WAC basketball tournaments

COLIN KAEPERNICK FOOTBALL After starting quaterback Nick Graziano left the game with a season ending foot injury, Kaepernick entered the game and nished with ve touchdowns (4 passing, 1 running) in the loss. The freshman completed 23-of-36 passes for 384 yards, almost topping Fresno States total offense.

JOEY GILBERT BOXING The former Nevada boxer and three-time national collegiate champion tested positive for six illegal substances after his Sept. 21 match against Charles Howe. Gilbert is temporarily suspended and is facing a possible ne and a possible revocation of his boxing license.

with a four-star rating. Those two join ve-star Galena High product and potential McDonalds All-American Luke Babbitt, Scouthoops.coms No. 19 prospect who chose the Wolf Pack after decommitting from Ohio State this summer. Babbitt is easily the highest prole recruit Nevada has ever landed and McLaughlin might be the second. The star system is inherently awed there are mountains of prep phenom ameouts littering the road to the NBA but the rankings do say something about the place of Wolf Pack basketball. First, the Wolf Pack is recruiting on a higher level than anyone in the WAC. With the exception of New Mexico State, no other program can match the talent coach Mark Fox has coming in. There was already a talent gap that favored programs like Nevada, New Mexico State and Fresno State. Now that gap is starting to become a canyon. As good a coach as Utah States Stew Morrill is, he wont be bringing many Top 100 recruits to Logan anytime soon. The same goes for the rest of the conference.

In short, presidential candidate John McCain will start voting Muslim before the rest of the WAC catches up to the Wolf Pack with any kind of permanence. On the grander scheme, this class shows that the Wolf Packs success on the court is nally paying off in recruiting. So far, the Wolf Packs lived on identifying raw or overlooked talent like Nick Fazekas, Kevinn Pinkney, Ramon Sessions, Marcelus Kemp and Kirk Snyder. Now the Wolf Pack is competing with the rest of the big-time programs for talent. Babbitt chose the Wolf Pack over Ohio State and McLaughlin decommitted from Washington State. For the last three years, the big offseason buzz surrounded whether Fox would leave the Wolf Pack for the spotlight of a BCS conference program. If the Wolf Packs recent recruiting trend is an indicator, Fox went ahead and built his own high-major in Reno.
Garrett Hylton is the Senior Editor of the Nevada Sagebrush. He can be reached at

On Tuesday, the Western Athletic Conference announced that the University of Nevada, Reno has been selected to host the 2009 and 2010 WAC Mens and Womens Basketball Tournaments. The university, along with the Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority, will host the tournaments at Lawlor Events Center March 10-14, 2009, and March 9-13, 2010. Previously, Nevada held the WAC Tournament in 2005 and 2006 and also held it from 1996-2000 as a member of the Big West Conference. Since joining the WAC in 2001, Nevada has held 13 conference tournaments in sports such as volleyball, golf, soccer, indoor track and eld, baseball and basketball. I am extremely excited about the return of the WAC Tournament to the Reno-Sparks area, mens head basketball coach Mark Fox said. This community has shown its ability to be a great host of the event.


Shutout leads Wolf Pack to three game winning streak

Nevada improved its record to 4-5-1 and extended its win streak to three games as it beat Northern Arizona 3-0 Friday night at the Soccer Etc./Nike Classic in Boise, Idaho. Senior captain Blaine Dugan had the first goal of the night, and with three of the teams nine shots on goal, freshman Cristen Drummond finished the game with the last two goals.



A R E T H E LO SS E S AT H O M E FO R N E VA DA S I N C E C H R I S AU LT R E T U R N E D I N 2 0 0 4 .

B4 OCTOBER 9, 2007




Team Fresno State Nevada Q1 14 3 Q2 14 10 Q3 14 7 Q4 7 21 T 49 41

Volleyball cont.
Team Conference Standings Overall Hawaii 7-0 13-3 New Mexico State 7-1 16-3 Utah State 6-2 9-8 Idaho 4-2 8-9 Nevada 4-3 7-7 Fresno State 2-6 4-14 San Jose State 1-5 7-10 Boise State 1-7 4-12

Place 1 2 3 Place 1 2 3 Place 1 2 3 Name Jed Colvin Michael Ranzza Cody Smith Name Tsering Alleyre Cody Smith William Still School UNR Chico UNR School UCB UNR UNR Time 2:02:51 2:11:33 2:12:46 Time 2:20 2:22 2:23

Indoor Soccer cont.

Team B vs. Rainbow Warriors 2-1

Flag Football cont.

Tuesday Silver - 10/2
Game Little Giants vs. Reno B Free Ballin vs. Pacmans Rainmakers Da Ninjas vs. Team America Score 39-33 40-18 28-6

Fraternity 10/2
Game ATO vs. Phi Delt Sigma Nu vs. Lambda Chi TKE vs. SAE Score 5-4 2-1 2-1

Fresno State Rushing

Mathews Miller

No. 14 12

Gain 171 98

TD 3 1

Nevada Rushing
Fragger Kaepernick Lippincott Sanders


Att-Cmp-Int Brandstater 16-10-0

Yds 168 Yds 74 43 38

TD 0 TD 0 0 0

Smith Ajirotutu Davis

Att-Cmp-Int Kaepernick 36-23-0 Graziano 14-7-0


No. 17 12 6 3

Gain 80 77 53 38 Yds 384 107 Yds 135 116 69 66

TD 0 1 0 0 TD 4 0 TD 1 0 0 1

Super D

Tuesday Blue - 10/2

Game Team Magnum vs. Optimus Prime Showboatin vs. ASME Crabcakes n Football vs. Calder Score 15-12 42-26 18-13


Tuesday, Oct. 2
Game Idaho (W) vs. Eastern Washington Score 3-0 Score 3-1

Wednesday Women 10/3

Game Pi Phi vs. Theta Soccer Studs vs. The Brits Tri Delta vs. Sigma Kappa Team Pirrucello vs. The Wolves Killer Ks vs. Dehahn Score 6-5 W-Forfeit 5-0 W-Forfeit 6-0

Cross Country

No. 5 2 1


Mitchell McCoy Sammons Lippincott

No. 9 5 5 3

Wednesday, Oct. 3

Game New Mexico State (W) vs. Utah

Name School Cody Deane UNR William Still UNR Rob Dahl UCB

Wednesday B - 10/3
Game Score BCE vs. Balls of Fury 24-13 NWA vs. Cash Money Forfeit-Forfeit Mud Dogs vs. Craigs Younger Sister 27-20

Thursday Mens 10/4

Game Los Nakos vs. Fancy Footed Fenams Los Nakos vs. Team Canada Score 8-5 7-3

Short Track

Thursday, Oct. 4


Team Conference Standings Overall Hawaii 3-0 6-0 Fresno State 2-0 3-2 San Jose State 2-0 3-3 Boise State 1-0 4-1 New Mexico State 0-1 3-3 Nevada 0-1 2-3 Louisiana Tech 0-2 1-4 Idaho 0-2 1-5 Utah State 0-2 0-6


Category Rushing Receiving Tackles Total Offense Name Luke Lippincott

Game Score Boise State (W) vs. Fresno State 3-2 New Mexico State (W) vs. Utah State 3-1 Louisiana Tech (L) vs. San Jose State 3-0

Place Name School 1 Cody Deane UNR 2 Andrew Valestrino UNR 3 Stephen Jayanathan UCB

Wednesday A - 10/3
Game Score Primetime vs. The Pretty Boyz W-forfeit Corndogs vs. The Storm 38-20 808 vs. Bologna Chodes 20-12 Moltz Pack II vs. Team Hunt 39-20 Bad Newz Kennelz vs. Big Kahunas W-Forfeit

Thursday Coed 10/4

Game Superbad 2 vs. Ramrod Team Lynch vs. Water Wonders Shin Kickers vs. The Smiths Lawn Fairies vs. Hells Wind Staff pRd vs. Bonch Score 4-1 5-2 W-Forfeit W-Forfeit 5-2

Statistic 72.80 yds/game Marko Mitchell 70.80 yds/game Joshua Mauga 11.60 yds/game Nick Graziano 241.00 yds/game (17.20 rushing)

Friday, Oct. 5

Game Nevada (L) vs. Hawaii

Score 3-0

Saturday, Oct. 6

Game Nevada (W) vs. Boise State Nevada (W) vs. Utah State

Thursday Fraternity - 10/4

Game Sigma Nu vs. TKE Lambda Chi vs. SAE Sig Ep vs. Phi Delt ATO vs. Pi Kap Score 26-0 14-12 36-20 32-6

Game Score Idaho (W) vs. Boise State 3-0 New Mexico State (W) vs. San Jose State 3-0 Louisiana Tech (L) vs. Utah State 3-0


Friday Coed 10/5

Score 80-15 15-5


Saturday, Oct. 6
Game Nevada (L) vs. Fresno State Hawaii (W) vs. Utah State Louisiana Tech (L) vs. Ole Miss San Jose State (W) vs. Idaho Score 49-41 52-37 24-0 28-20


Sunday, Oct. 7

Game Score We Always Win vs. Da Bears! 3-2 Feel Goods vs. Coopers Droopers 2-1 I Love Travis! vs. TRIO Allstars W-Forfeit Team Powder vs. I Love Travis! 3-2 No-Town Suckas vs. The Felons W-Forfeit

Thursday Mens A - 10/4

Sunday, Oct. 7

Game Score Boise State (W) vs. New Mexico State 58-0

Category Name School Statistic Rushing Deonte Jackson Idaho 113 yds/game Receiving Jason Rivers Hawaii 97.40 yds/game Tackles Solomon ElimimianHawaii 12.20 yds/game Total OffenseColt Brennan Hawaii 377.80 yds/game

Game Fresno State (L) vs. Hawaii

Score 3-1


Category Kills Assists Points Serves Digs Blocks

Name Statistic Teal Ericson 238 Ashley Miller 505 Teal Ericson 259.5 Kelly Lauren 21 Allison Hernandez 233 Karly Sipherd 61

Indoor Soccer
Monday Mens 10/1
Game Team Laplace vs. Stallions The Gooch vs. Hells Wind Staff Free Agents Silver vs. Team Bullets vs. Free Agents Blue Score 3-1 2-0 2-0 5-2

Game Score TNT vs. The Heavyweightz W-Forfeit The Tallywhackers vs. Shake N Bake W-Forfeit Fern Garden vs. The Matadors W-For et

Flag Football
Monday A - 10/1
Game Bonecrusher vs. Team Casey Brew Crew vs. Team Sausage Fade to Black vs. The Mooninites Score 32-0 42-20 18-6

Thursday Coed - 10/4

Game The Show vs. End Zone Pellucida The Ducks vs. Tight Ends Team Ram-Rod vs. Team Rowe Game Theta vs. Tri Delta Sigma Kappa vs. Pi Beta Phi BSO vs. High Five

Score 43-17 23-17 29-20 Score 16-0 W-Forfeit 35-0

Friday Womens - 10/5

Team H1 Northern Arizona 0 Nevada 3 H2 0 0 T 0 3


Kills Assists Points Serves Digs Blocks

Monday Coed 10/1

238 710 710 362 21 371 78

Monday B - 10/1
Game Score Skidmarkz vs. No Name 50-6 Better Believe It! vs. Caucasian Invasion 24-19 Last Place Winners vs. Keystone Crew 27-20 Deep Fried Twinkie vs. Stingrays 44-14

Friday Coed - 10/5

Game Silly Salamanders vs. Going Deep Children of Thunder vs. CKI The C Nuts vs. Rize Patties Score 40-6 W-Forfeit W-Forfeit


School Statistic

Haley Larsen Idaho Stephanie Brandt Hawaii Kelsey James Idaho Haley Larsen Idaho Amanda Nielson Utah State Krystal Torres New Mexico State Kim Oguh New Mexico State

Game Score Gradiation vs. F.C. Upper Kings Row 5-0 The Rockstars vs. Team Grabass W-Forfeit Brew Crew vs. Potato 13-2

Tuesday Mens 10/2

Game Superbad vs. Keystone Crew Iron Lotus vs. GVE Score 2-0 3-2

Northern Arizona University

Winkelback Howe Powers Boies Lee Campasano Savage Bauder Cozzetto Miller Currier Quinn Vallen Neatherton Schmidt Clark Carr Totals Sh 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 13 SOG 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Saves 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6

Cove Gibbons Smith Miller Godwin Dugan Sacks Zmirak Mann Gilson Erickson Thompson Drummond Warren Montejo

Sh 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 5 1 0 2 1 4 0 1 18

SOG 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 9

G 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3

A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

Saves 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8

Nevada crushed by No. 12 Hawaii

Cory Thomas
Staff writer


Tuesday, Oct. 2
Game Boise State (L) vs. Gonzaga Louisiana Tech (L) vs. Grambling Score 3-0 1-0 Score 2-0 2-1


Players try to do too much in snapped win streak

Thursday, Oct. 4

Game Hawaii (L) vs. Loyola Marymount Utah State (L) vs. Brigham Young

Team Conference Standings Overall Hawaii 0-0-0 7-3-2 Boise State 0-0-0 6-5-2 Nevada 0-0-0 4-5-1 Idaho 0-0-0 4-7-0 Utah State 0-0-0 4-8-0 Fresno State 0-0-0 4-6-0 Lousiana Tech 0-0-0 2-8-0 San Jose State 0-0-0 2-8-2

Friday, Oct. 5


Category Goals Assists

Game Score San Jose State (L) vs. St. Marys (Cal) 1-0 Idaho (L) vs. Washington State 4-0 Nevada (W) vs. Northern Arizona 3-0

Saturday, Oct. 6

Game Utah State (L) vs. Utah Boise State vs. Northern Arizona

Score 2-0 0-0 Score 1-1 2-1 1-0 2-1

Name Statistic Cristen Drummond 5 Karen Zmirak 4 Cristen Drummond 2 Shots Karen Zmirak 26 Shots on Goal Cristen Drummond 14 Saves Marie Cove 35

Sunday, Oct. 7


Game Hawaii vs. Pepperdine Idaho (L) vs. Eastern Washington Fresno State (W) vs. San Francisco San Jose State (W) vs. UC Irvine

Category Name School Statistic Goals Shannon SaxtonBoise State 11 Assists Jessica Domingo Hawaii 7 Shots Dana Peart Utah State 41 Saves Anna Sandman Idaho 64

Team Hawaii Nevada G1 30 13 Set 0 0 0 2 32 2 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 44 G2 30 25 Dig 0 5 9 5 7 13 0 2 5 2 0 1 1 50 G3 30 19 BA 2 2 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 12 T 3 0 K 8 0 0 0 9 0 3 8 0 1 0 29 Set 0 0 0 14 0 12 0 0 1 0 0 27 Dig 3 15 3 0 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 35 BA 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 8


K Sanders 6 Kaufman 4 Hittle 13 Houston 16 Brandt 1 Cubi-Otineru 7 Gregory 1 Keefe 1 Kaiahue 0 Mafua 1 Simmons 0 Woolford 0 Lee 0 Totals 50

Ericson Hernandez Matthews Miller Sipherd Sei Harrington Baldwin Kelly Link Staker

Hawaii proved to the Nevada volleyball team why it is No. 12 in the country Friday. The Wolf Pack was never able to compete with Hawaii, as Nevada was blanked 3-0 with the scores 30-13, 30-25 and 30-19. Head coach Scruggs admitted it was probably the worst match of the season and placed the blame in three main areas. The biggest reason had to do with the Nevada players wanting to show they could compete with the Rainbow Warriors. Players were just trying to do too much, Scruggs said. Nevada did not have anyone in double gures in kills for the rst time this season and only had a .120 average attack percentage. Another area the Wolf Pack did not fare well in was passing. Hawaii had nearly double the set assists, as it accumulated 44 and Nevada only came up with 27. Scruggs said part of it was because it was the seniors last chance to play in Hawaii and they wanted to make the most of it. Serving was also a big issue as Nevada racked up 11 serving errors, matching its third highest serving errors of the season. The Wolf Pack knew it was going to be a tough game against the No. 12 team in the country but it did not help itself by committing errors and not passing well. Scruggs said she is fairly optimistic, however, because the team was able to come away with a winning record from their ve game road trip and feels condent for the next two matches at home against Fresno State and Utah State.


OCTOBER 9, 2007 B5





sideline on a third-and-three play, but Grazianos pass went right through his hands, again forcing Nevada to punt. Thats hard to accept, coach Chris Ault said. Especially in the rst half. People were wide open and theres no excuse for it. Thats lack of focus and concentration. When youre struggling like we were and the defense is playing as poor as it is youve got to make it count.

Wide reciever Mike McCoy misses a catch during the homecoming game on Saturday. Missed catches were a big contributor in the loss.
States 6-foot-5, 330-pound Jason Shirley. Fresno State converted the turnover into points, scoring on a 72-yard touchdown run by Lonyae Miller three plays later.



Nevada fumbled the ball four times against Fresno State and lost two of those. In the second quarter senior wide receiver Alex Rosenblum signaled for a fair catch, but dropped the punt and Fresno State recovered the ball at Nevadas 17-yard line. Rosenblums fumble, thats just inexcusable, Ault said. It was kicked right to him. Also, near the beginning of the fourth quarter with Nevada on the Fresno State 2-yard line and threatening to score, running back Brandon Fragger fumbled the ball and the Bulldogs recovered it in the end zone for a touchback. It was just a good hit, Fragger said of the tackle by Fresno

guards nearly out-numbering the students.

Colin Kaepernick wasnt the only redshirt freshman who showed potential against Fresno State. When Fresno States Clifton Smith broke free on a punt return in the fourth quarter, it looked to be a guaranteed touchdown, but Kevin Basped, a 6-foot-6, 240 pound defensive lineman sprinted down the eld and tackled Smith at around the 5-yard line, showing uncanny speed for a lineman. Fortunately for Nevada, the huge return was called back on a holding penalty. Smith had already returned a punt 67 yards for a touchdown in the rst quarter.

The announced attendance at Saturdays loss was 18,503, and Mackay Stadium looked full throughout the rst half. But when Nevada went into the locker room down 28-13, a steady stream of fans could be seen leaving the stadium, and by the fourth quarter the stands looked empty. The student section, which was lled with towel waving, facepainted students in the rst half, was bare by the third quarter, with the yellow-jacketed security

consistent player, said interim head coach Antoinette Marjanovic. On the defensive end, her player rarely ever scores and she holds people off. Since Thompsons arrival at Nevada, the Wolf Pack has gone from a losing team to making its rst WAC Tournament appearance in 2005. The Wolf Pack won its rst WAC championship in 2006 and made it to the NCAA playoffs for the rst time in school history. Winning the WAC was amazing, Thompson said. So if we can keep that going, that would be great. Aside from Dugan, Thompson said that she also got through any changes the team has endured with her best friend and fellow teammate, Miranda Montejo. She was my roommate my freshman year, Thompson said. We go running together for like hour runs and we just talk about everything. Shes probably the one who knows me the best here. Ive been really close with her. When not playing soccer, Thompson said, she enjoys activities such as running and bike riding. Thompson said that her future goals are to win another WAC title and to graduate from college and attend pharmacy school. If I get onto that, that would be unbelievable, she said.

thrilled that he played so well, but felt bad it came about because of Grazianos injury. Its kind of a bittersweet feeling, Kaepernick said. He credited the offensive line with giving him time to nd receivers. The offensive line did a great job, he said. Theres nothing more I could ask from them. Kaepernicks previous performances have been uninspiring. In limited time against Nebraska he completed one pass for a 1-yard loss and against

Nicholls State he completed one pass for 12 yards and threw an interception. Graziano and Kaepernick competed for the starting quarterback position in fall camp, with Graziano winning and starting in all ve of Nevadas games so far. Graziano ends his season with 1,119 yards, 10 touchdowns and five interceptions. In Nevadas 36-31 loss to Northwestern, he threw for 337 yards, two touchdowns and in the 27-20 win over interstate rival UNLV he threw for 330 yards and three touchdowns, including a game-winning 43-yarder to Kyle Sammons with only 27 seconds remaining.

Nevada starting quarterback Nick Graziano looks to pass during the rst quarter in the Wolf Packs 49-41 loss to Fresno State at Mackay Stadium. Graziano suffered a season-ending foot injury in the loss.



On Fresno States rst play of the second half, Ryan Mathews again ran through a huge gap in Nevadas defensive line for a 67-yard touchdown. As Mathews pulled away, Nevadas defenders slowed up, accepting that Mathews would score. Mathews nished with 171 rushing yards and three touchdowns. Ault said plays like that raise concerns about Nevadas character and perseverance. The bottom line is youve got to nd a way to rebound and thats about your character, Ault said. Thats my biggest concern right now. Im just disappointed in the way they responded when adversity hit. They were breaking 60 yards, 70

yards and it was consistent. Hines agreed the defenses performance raises some serious questions. We were a at defense, we had no emotion, Hines said. We had no ght in us. Weve got to do some soul-searching. Weve got a lot of work to do in one week. Senior linebacker Ezra Butler said the blocked eld goal in the second quarter was the momentum changer. The eld goal was forced because of a personal foul by freshman offensive lineman John Bender on a third-and-eight play from the Fresno State 14-yard line. On that play Kaepernick scrambled 14 yards for a touchdown that would have made the score 21-20. Instead the Wolf Pack was hit with a 15-yard penalty and

Jaekles eld goal was returned for a touchdown, making the score 28-13. That personal foul really changed the momentum, Butler said. The defense gave up its biggest run of the game in the fourth quarter when Fresno State running back Lonyae Miller broke a 72-yard run to make the score 49-20 Bulldogs. Nevadas defense did recover two fumbles in the fourth quarter to give the offense a chance to make the score respectable, but it never showed the ability to shut down the Fresno States offensive machine. For us not to go somewhere in that game, recapture ourselves and our focus, our kicking game and our defensive team in particular, spelled the major difference, Ault said.


carries himself out onto the eld. Brought into the Wolf Pack in 2005 as a true freshman, Mauga played more than expected at outside linebacker after J.J. Milan suffered an injury. He eventually earned honorablemention Freshman All-American honors from the Sporting News. After helping Nevada upset

then-No. 16 Fresno State and win its rst bowl game of the decade that season, Maugas career grew stronger in his second season. He was second on the team with 56 tackles after switching to inside linebacker. Sacks said Maugas progress has exceeded coaches expectations. Mauga already has 58 tackles this season, averaging 11.6 a game, which is among the top 10 in the country. Hes further, Sacks said. Hes a hard-working football player. Hes the whole package.

Maugas former high school coach, Ray Holladay, has noticed tremendous improvement from when he dominated both sides of the ball for the Greenwave. Holladay and a couple of other Fallon coaches bought season tickets for this year. From the day he walked on campus, hes done whats right and whats expected, Holladay said. He goes to class and works out in weight room. Josh is going to do nothing but get better. I dont think he can get any bigger.

OCTOBER 9, 2007

at Nebraska L 52-10


SEPT. 15

SEPT. 29
UNLV W 27-20

OCT. 6
Fresno St. L 49-41

OCT. 14

OCT. 20

OCT. 27

NOV. 2

NOV. 16

NOV. 24
at San Jose St. TIME: 1 p.m.

DEC. 1
La. Tech TIME: 1:05 p.m.

at Northwestern Nicholls St. L 36-31 W 52-17

at Boise St at Utah St. Idaho at New Mexico St. Hawaii TIME: 5 p.m. TIME: 12:05 p.m. TIME: 1:05 p.m. TIME: 5 p.m. TIME: 8:05 p.m.

1. LSU (65) 6-0 2. California 5-0 3. Ohio State 6-0 4. Boston College 6-0 5. South Florida 5-0 6. Oklahoma 5-1 7. South Carolina 5-1 8. West Virginia 5-1 9. Oregon 4-1 10. USC 4-1 11. Missouri 5-0 12. Virginia Tech 5-1 13. Florida 4-2 14. Arizona State 6-0 15. Cincinnati 6-0 16. Hawaii 6-0 17. Kentucky 5-1 18. Illinois 5-1 19. Wisconsin 5-1 20. Kansas 5-0 21. Florida State 4-1 22. Auburn 4-2 23. Texas 4-2 24. Georgia 4-2 25. Tennessee 3-2
Texas A&M 79, Colorado 48, Purdue 48, Indiana 40, Michigan 31, Texas Tech 27, Rutgers 25, Virginia 22, Connecticut 20, Kansas State 18, Boise State 17, Clemson 13, Penn State 13, Maryland 11, Wake Forest 12, Alabama 9, Nebraska 9

Turnaround a must to beat Boise State

Without Graz, Nevada needs plan versus top-ranked Broncos
Colby Balkenbush
Staff Writer
If Nevada had a choice, it probably wouldnt choose to play Boise State the week after a devastating loss to Fresno State that exposed serious aws in its defense, special teams and put starting quarterback Nick Graziano out for the season. The Broncos were picked to nish second in the Western Athletic Conference this season and are 3-1, with their only loss coming against a very good Washington team that nearly upset USC two weekends ago. But Boise State has been ranked as high as No. 22 this season and averages 32 points per game, only allowing its opponents an average of 15.2. And until further notice, the Broncos are the kings of the WAC. Add to this Ian Johnson, one of the top running backs in college football, who is averaging 100 yards per game, and has a stellar offensive line to back him up, and the Broncos are a formidable for any opponent. The chances of Nevada winning this game are close to zero, especially on the Smurf Turf, but if it wants to keep it close, heres what it will have to do.


*National ranking in parentheses

188.20 (33) 302.80 (17) 143.67 (17) 491 (10) 32.20 (35) 268 (119) 171.20 (12) 115.14 (38) 439.20 (95) 34.80 (104) 33.87 (78) 2.67 (119) 24.50 (22)

OFFENSE Rushing Passing Pass Efciency Total Scoring DEFENSE Rushing Passing Pass Efciency Total Scoring Net Punting Punt Returns Kickoff Returns

Boise State
198.50 (26) 243 (49) 125.68 (63) 441.50 (28) 32 (37) 89.50 (16) 177.25 (15) 102.97 (14) 266.75 (7) 15.25 (8) 35.69 (52) 16.16 (11) 23.46 (39) -0.50 (80)


-0.80 (95) Turnover Margin



1. LSU (58) 6-0 2. California 5-0 3. Ohio State (2) 6-0 4. Boston College 6-0 5. South Florida 5-0 6. Oklahoma 5-1 7. USC 4-1 8. Oregon 4-1 9. West Virginia 5-1 10. Virginia Tech 5-1 11. Missouri 5-0 12. South Carolina 5-1 13. Arizona State 6-0 14. Florida 4-2 15. Wisconsin 5-1 16. Hawaii 6-0 17. Cincinnati 6-0 18. Kentucky 5-1 19. Illinois 5-1 20. Kansas 5-0 21. Florida State 4-1 22. Texas 4-2 23. Purdue 5-1 24. Tennessee 3-2 25. Auburn 4-2
Virginia 67, Tennessee 60, Texas A&M 52, Rutgers 44, Texas Tech 44, Boise State 37, Connecticut 36, Indiana 30, Penn State 27, Michigan 22, Maryland 20, Wyoming 18, Clemson 16, Colorado 15, Wake Forest 12, Nebraska 10, Alabama 6, Brigham Young 6, Mississippi State 6, Kansas State 5, Stanford 4, Michigan State 3, UCLA 2

Boise State Player Category

Ian Johnson Jeremy Childs Kyle Gingg Ian Smart Rushing Receiving Tackles Tackles for loss

100.75 73.50 8.00 0.75

With Graziano out for the season, there is a lot of pressure on redshirt freshman Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick played well against Fresno State, especially in the fourth quarter, but the Bulldogs already had the game locked up, so its difcult to say how hard their defense was playing. Kaepernick will be facing a talented Boise State defense that is ranked 15th in the nation against the pass and is led by second team All-WAC safety Marty Tadman, who has had 11 interceptions in the last two seasons. Kaepernick cant afford to throw any picks and must get good protection from a Nevada offensive line that has been on and off this season.

Nevada Player


72.80 70.80 11.60 0.60

Luke Lippincott Rushing Marko Mitchell Receiving Josh Mauga Tackles Josh Mauga Tackles for loss



Nothing short of a total turnaround is needed here. Nevada allowed Fresno State to run a punt and a blocked eld goal back for touchdowns last weekend, and that cant happen again. Boise State punt returner Marty Tadman is similar to Fresno States Clifton Smith, who lit Nevada up Saturday. If he breaks free, the game could be over in the rst half. The Wolf Pack also must start getting better returns on punts, kickoffs and stop fumbling them as it did against Fresno State. Against Fresno State Nevada got an average punt return of one yard to Fresno States average of 33.5 yards. With Boise States staunch defense lined up against it, Nevada needs all the eld position help it can get.

Standings Conference
Hawaii Fresno State San Jose State Boise State Nevada Louisiana Tech Idaho Utah State 3-0 2-0 2-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-2

6-0 3-2 3-3 4-1 3-3 2-3 1-4 1-5 0-6

New Mexico State 0-1


Nevada at Boise State
Nevada is ranked last in the nation in rushing defense and, after giving up 307 yards on the ground to Fresno State, its certainly not going to shut one of college footballs top running backs down. The Wolf Pack just needs to stop Johnson from breaking long runs, which will happen if the defense plays the way it did against Fresno State. Johnson gets his running room from a veteran offensive line that returns four starters from last years undefeated team. Senior defensive tackle Matt Hines and linebackers Ezra Butler and Joshua Mauga must step up and plug the holes if they dont want Johnson to get a new career-high against Nevada.


Sunday Aug. 30 Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sept.27 Oct. 7 Oct. 20 Oct. 26 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 23

Opponent Time/Result
Nevada Weber State at Washington Wyoming Southern Miss New Mexico State at Louisiana Tech at Fresno State San Jose State at Utah State Idaho at Hawaii 5 p.m. W 56-7 L 24-10 W 24-14 W 38-16 W 58-0 4 p.m. 6 p.m. Noon Noon 11 a.m. 6 p.m.

When: Sunday, 5 p.m. Where: Bronco Stadium Radio: ESPN Radio 630 T.V.: ESPN Season records: Boise
State 4-1, Nevada 2-3

(30,000; Blue AstroPlay)

All-time series record:

Boise State leads the series 21-12 and won last years meeting in Reno, 38-7.

The coaches: Head coach

Chris Peterson is in his second season with Boise State and has a 17-1 record. Nevada coach Chris Ault is in his 23rd season as Nevadas coach and has a 187-81-1 record.


OPTIMIST SAYS: It doesnt get any easier for Nevada to stop the run. The Wolf Pack will be looking toward this game as a pivot into the right direction with its rush defense. It has one of the best pass defenses in the country and redshirt freshman Colin Kaepernick will get his rst start after lighting up Fresno States secondary. It wont be enough, though, against a stingy Bronco defense. OUTCOME: Boise State wins 38-24 PESSIMIST SAYS: Nevada has the worst rushing defense in the country and Boise State has one of the best rushing offenses. Ian Johnson will be no match for Nevada after it surrendered big yardage against Fresno State. The Broncos will continue its dominance over the Wolf Pack this decade with an easy win in front of a televised national audience on the Smurf turf. OUTCOME: Boise State wins 49-17


Theres not much else to say about the Broncos most lethal weapon whos garnering attention as a Heisman candidate. Although he isnt having the season like he did last year when he averaged about 150 yards rushing, Ian Johnson still poses a threat to the opposition. Hes averaging barely 100 yards this year, but hes added another dimension to his offensive attack. Johnson can now threaten the secondary as hes averaging 12.3 yards a reception, good for 123 yards on 10 catches, which is two more than his reception total last season.


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