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Stats Project Bringing it all together! I.

Report Proposal (10 points) Due date: _______ Your question of investigation, how you plan on getting your data and your population of interest. After you turn it in, I will help you fine-tune your idea until you have an AP cali er idea. II. Data Report (35 points) Due date: _______ !his section should e a thorough e"planation of how you collected your data and e a eautiful e"a#ple of how #uch you$ve learned this year a out the difficulties getting a representative sa#ple. %"a#ples of what you should include are: &ow you collected your data 'hy you are confident your sa#ple #atches your population (iases avoided and not avoided A copy of any survey that was filled out A description of who you thin) your results generali*e to Your data: either in +%"cel, for#at or in a ta le-#atri" su##ary. III. Exploring the Data (35 points) Due date: _______ !his section should e an outstanding e"a#ple of e"ploratory data analysis .the first unit in our te"t/. 0raphs should show the co#parisons etween all relevant groups you are co#paring. You should state any preli#inary conclusions that can e drawn y using your eye alls. 0raphs and statistics of your data Descriptions of the graphs and statistics. Your graphs can e done y hand. !hey should e very neat. Your description should e typed.

I1. Analy ing the Data (35 points) Due date: _______ Analy*e your data using whatever #ethod.s/ is appropriate for your data. Your conclusion should e nicely written using all appropriate statistical support. 2e#e# er that confidence intervals can e a powerful #ethod for co#paring different groups. &ypothesis !est .with conditions chec)ed/ and-or 3onfidence Intervals .with conditions chec)ed/ and-or 2egression Your 0rand 3onclusion4 1. Analy ing other gro!ps (35 points) You will analy*e each other group$s pro5ects on the very last days of class. 6a)e your own copies of anything yo! t!rn in. 7nce you turn in one part of your report, I need to )eep it, ut you will still need it to finish the other parts. Please type your reports.

0roup 8 ______ .no na#es/ 9uestion of Investigation:


&ow the data was collected:

&ere$s our data: 9uantitative Data is in calculator 8 _________ "R 3ategorical data is listed elow-attached:

Your 0roup 8 ______

0roup 8 (eing Analy*ed: _____

I. !o answer the question of investigation, what procedure.s/ need to done: You #ight 5ust need one procedure. 7r, if the pro5ect analy*es #ultiple questions-varia les, you #ight need #ore than one. Please list the na#e of each test-interval-regression, along with the groups eing co#pared-analy*ed: Num. %": <. ;. =. >. ?. Name ;-#ean t-test Description #ean of fe#ale 0PA and #ean of #ale 0PA

II. @tate the p-value or interval or regression results for each procedure:

III. 3onclusion. 'hat is the answer to the question of investigation, ased on the result.s/ a ove:

!eacher Aotes: In order to handle the paperwor) side of this pro5ect, I ta)e a crate with hanging files and put nu# ered ta s, one nu# er per hanging folder. As a group starts to turn in their pro5ect, each part goes into their folder. I photocopy the group infor#ation sheet on one color paper and the final e"a#-analy*e other groups sheet on a different color. 'hen students fill out their infor#ation paper, they are not always helpful a out how they write down their data. Bor e"a#ple, they #ight disaggregate their data y gender, even though there is nothing in their question a out gender differences. I do not correct this. I want the other groups analy*ing the data to figure out how and what they have to do with the data presented. 'hen writing the proposal, students get confused a out the question of investigation vs. the questions they will as) in their survey. I have to re#ind the# frequently that their question of investigation starts with +I wonderC:, 'hen students ta)e their final, I si#ply pull an infor#ation sheet out of a folder .which stic)s out ecause its green/ and hand it to the#. If the data is in a calculator, I have #y class calculators with ig post-its on the# indicating the group nu# er. It is est to save the data in a group as well as in the @tat %ditor. !hen if a group #esses up the data, you can rescue it y ungrouping the lists fro# the archive #e#ory. 'hen students are finished analy*ing a pro5ect, I put their analysis in the folder with the rest of the wor) for that pro5ect. !hat #a)es grading very quic) as you have the pro5ect right there with the correct analyses and you can loo) over all the sa#e answers quic)ly and give each group the points they earned.

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