ST OSPI Kinda Cozy

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Paul McCormick
From: Date: To: Cc: Subject: "Nathan Olson" <> Monday, December 09, 2013 3:54 PM "'Linda Shaw'" <> <> RE:

Hereyago! Goto rightbelowOSPI. Intheresultingpage,clickonthe Assessmentdropdownonthelefthandnavigationbar.ThethreeSGPdatasetsareatthebottomofthedropdown.Imnotsure whythefilesarentinalphabeticalorder;Iapologizeforthatinadvance. Enjoy,Nate (Wewillhaveareleasebutitwontbeoutuntiltomorrow.)

From: Linda Shaw [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 3:23 PM To: Nathan Olson Subject: RE:

From: Nathan Olson [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 3:22 PM To: Linda Shaw Subject: RE:

Iwishwedid.Iveheardnothingaboutwhattheymightsayorwhentheymightsayit.WerethinkingpreChristmasbutthats basedontheCourtshistory,notonanysolidevidence.
From: Linda Shaw [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 3:20 PM To: Nathan Olson Subject: RE:

Doyouhavesomehintsthatitmight? Linda
From: Nathan Olson [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 3:20 PM To: Linda Shaw Subject: RE:

NotthatIknowof.ButiftheSupremeCourtweighsinonhowtheStateisprogressingonMcCleary,wewillhavesomereaction. IstillhaventseentheSGPsonourWebsiteyet
From: Linda Shaw []


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Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 3:18 PM To: Nathan Olson Subject: RE:

Isthereanythingelsecomingoutinthenextfewdaysthatweshouldknowabout? Linda
From: Nathan Olson [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 10:43 AM To: Linda Shaw Subject: RE:

Itshouldbeavailablethisafternoon.Ivebeentoldearlyafternoon butnothingmorespecific.Illletyouknowwhenitsout.
From: Linda Shaw [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 10:36 AM To: Nathan Olson Subject: RE:

From: Nathan Olson [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 10:35 AM To: Linda Shaw Subject: RE:

No.Nottoday.Imswampedwithotherstuff.Theembargoonlycoveredthepublicreleaseofthedata,though,notapress releasefromOSPI.
From: Linda Shaw [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 10:33 AM To: Nathan Olson Subject: RE:

From: Nathan Olson [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 10:33 AM To: Linda Shaw Subject: RE:

Greatquestion.Werestillwrestlingwithit.Ofcourse,youcanwriteastorywheneveryouwant. Nate
From: Linda Shaw [] Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 10:31 AM To: Nathan Olson Subject:

ThanksforyourmessagelateFriday.Unfortunately,IamtootiedupwiththestoryIdidovertheweekend stillsomestuffto dotoday todoastorymyself.Butwewilldosomething,andwillprobablyfollowupaswell.


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Whenwillthepressreleasebeout? Linda

Linda Shaw, reporter Seattle Times 206-464-2359 (office) 206-300-2788 (cell)


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Paul McCormick
From: Date: To: Subject: "James Neff" <> Friday, December 20, 2013 1:51 PM "Nathan Olson" <> Fwd: Statement

Suggested tweak, if it's not too late. Future tense requested per Linda's good point below. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Linda Shaw" <> Date: December 20, 2013 at 1:28:21 PM PST To: "James Neff" <> Subject: RE: Statement
This probably should say: No identifiable information WILL BE provided to unscore that we have not received anything yet.

From: James Neff Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 12:30 PM To: Justin Mayo; Linda Shaw; Claudia Rowe Subject: FW: Statement

From: James Neff Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 12:29 PM To: Jim Simon; Kathy Best Subject: FW: Statement

This, or a tweaked version of this, is going out to legislators, WEA, the news media, etc.

From: Nathan Olson [] Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 12:27 PM To: James Neff Subject: Statement

The recent KUOW story about student data being provided to The Seattle Times is inaccurate. No identifiable information is being provided to The Times. All student records have been deidentified, meaning that we have removed student names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers. Furthermore, the data sharing agreement prevents Times staff from trying to identify individual students, as well as from reporting anything that would allow others to identify individual students.


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Nathan Olson
Communications Manager Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (360) 725-6015 (360) 584-8967 (c)


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Paul McCormick
From: Date: To: Subject: "Nathan Olson" <> Friday, December 20, 2013 7:20 PM "Linda Shaw" <> Re: FYI, our blog post

Works for me. Thanks. I'm going to spend a nice weekend with my family not thinking about data sharing agreements or NPR. I hope you do the same. Nate --Sent from Boxer | On December 20, 2013 at 6:49:14 PM PST, Linda Shaw wrote:

Linda Shaw, reporter Seattle Times 206-464-2359 (office) 206-300-2788 (cell)


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Paul McCormick
From: Date: To: Cc: Subject: "Deb Came" <> Tuesday, November 12, 2013 5:13 PM "James Neff" <> "Lisa Ireland" <>; "Justin Mayo" <> RE: Student data agreement

Hi, Jim. Today I had a conversation with OSPIs legal counsel about our datasharing process and plans. As I mentioned to you on the phone, we will be taking some time to revise our process, and itll be implemented sometime in 2014. In the meantime, we can continue with the agreement I sent last week. I do need to keep to a oneyear timeframe (end date of December 2014). Before the end of that agreement, youll be able to request data again, but the request would go through the new process. Tomorrow I will sign the document and we can send it to you. Once weve received the approved document we can proceed and will get your request in our work queue. Let me know if you have questions. Thanks. Deb
Deb Came, Ph.D. Director of Student Information Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 360.725.6356 (office) 360.402.1976 (personal cell)

From: Deb Came Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 10:47 AM To: 'Justin Mayo' Cc: James Neff; Lisa Ireland Subject: RE: Student data agreement

Justin Thanks for taking the time last week to clarify comments on the datasharing agreement. Following our discussion, I made changes and a revised PDF is attached. The changes I made are: removed staff names from confidential information terms, added Henderson to Janets name, added sentence Upon written request, OSPI may qualify additional persons to have access to this data, clarified that the data must be destroyed or returned at end of datasharing agreement or when project has been completed (bottom of page 2), and a revised end date of agreement to December 2014. In consultation with OSPIs legal counsel, we are in the process of revising our entire datasharing agreement process. Therefore I shortened the duration of this agreement to just over one year as we will have new procedures for sharing deidentified student data in place next year. At that time, you may request data under the new procedures. I think that Jim Simon was the other person on our phone call last week, but I dont seem to have his email address. Can you please forward this to him?


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Please email or call if you have questions. Thanks. Deb
Deb Came, Ph.D. Director of Student Information Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 360.725.6356 (office) 360.402.1976 (personal cell)

From: Justin Mayo [] Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 11:50 AM To: Deb Came; Lisa Ireland; Sheri Dunster Cc: James Neff Subject: Student data agreement Hi Deb, I've attached a slightly edited version of the data sharing agreement between OSPI and The Seattle Times. We caught a couple of errors in the original -- one name change and a typo on the agreement duration. Additionally, our investigations editor and public records advisor, Jim Neff, made a few small tweaks to the language. I'm also including a new scope and intent document because I want to make sure we continue to get data for future school years up through the end of the agreement (Dec 2016). I will send the rest of the Attachment A documents when I've gathered all the signatures.

Thanks for your help. Justin Mayo The Seattle Times 206-464-3669


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