Proper Utilization of Resources

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Proper Utilization of Resources: Human resources are considered as one of the very important

and active type of resources required for attaining economic development of a country. Qualitative and quantitative developments of human resources are very much required for the proper utilization of natural resources of the country.


Development of Skills: lo! gro!th in underdeveloped countries is mostly resulted

from lac" of investment in human capital. #hese countries are suffering from lac" of critical s"ills required for its industrial sector and also face the pro$lem of surplus la$our force in its farm sector. #hus human capital formation is very much required for the economic development of the underdeveloped countries. #hus in order to attain an all round development of the country% the human capital formation through adequate volume of investment on human development is very much important under the present conte&t of development.

Population 'ro!th as ( Retarding )actor *f +conomic ,evelopment -n -ndia: ( tremendous rise in population !ill create many serious pro$lems to the development of the country. o population can also !or" as a retarding factor to!ards the economic development of a country. (ll the country should solve the pro$lem of population e&plosion in the short period for their economic development. .o! !e can discuss some of the important pro$lems due to the high population gro!th in -ndian economy.

Population an pe!-"apita in"ome: Population has got its impact on the gro!th op per-capita

income in a country. -n -ndia% rapidly rising population is !or"ing as a retarding factor in raising its per capita income during the period from

1/01-01 to 1222-2/ although the net national product at factor cost 3at 1/21-2 1 prices4 increased $y 125 Percent $ut due to increase in the size of population $y 21 percent% the per capita ..P increased $y only 65 percent.

Population an foo suppl#: (s compare to the gro!th of population food production has

increased at a lo!er rate during the pre-independence period in -ndia. o rapidly gro!ing population in a country can creates serious food crisis leading to a huge import of food grains from foreign countries and consequently loss of foreign e&change.

Population an unemplo#ment: Rapidly rising population is aggravating the unemployment

pro$lems in the country i.e. large scale of unemployment in the ur$an areas as !ell as a huge e&tent of disguised unemployment in the rural areas. #he /th plan 31//7-81184 has estimated the total $ac"log of unemployment is 90.2 million. #hus% a huge proportion of employment resources has $een constantly used for the generation of employment opportunities. o this is clear that pro$lem of unemployment arising from rapidly rising population.

Population an stan a! of livin$: High rate of gro!th of population in -ndia is associated !ith the

pro$lems li"e lo! level of per capita income and lo! standard of living. (ll these reduce the efficiency of la$our !hich in turn lo!er their productivity and hamper the pace of economic development as !ell.

%asta$e of &uman !esou!"es: High $irth rate is the result of frequent maternity !hich disa$le

frequently a large num$er of !omen for a long period from participating in productive activity. #his is a "ind of !astage of human resources !hich acts as drag in the path of economic development of

a country.

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