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Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) To get the complete version of the Credit Card Terms and

Conditions, please visit (a) Schedule of Fees and Charges: 1. Joining Fees, nnual Fees and Supplementar! Card Fees: ICICI "an# Card $ariant Joining Fee nnual Fee nnual Fee Supplementar! (1st !ear) ` (1st !ear) ` (%nd !ear Card Fee on&ards) ` ( nnuall!) ` ICICI Bank Sapphiro Credit 6,000 Nil ,!00" Nil Card ICICI Bank Signat#re Credit $!,000 Nil $,000 Nil Card ICICI Bank Singapore %irlines Nil 6,000 6,000 Nil &IS% 'latin#m Credit Card ICICI Bank British %irwa(s Nil ),000 ),000 Nil 'remi#m Credit Card %cco#nt ICICI Bank British %irwa(s Nil ,!00 ,!00 Nil Classic Credit Card %cco#nt ICICI Bank *#b(+ Credit Card ,000 Nil $,000"" Nil ,et %irwa(s ICICI Bank !,000 Nil !,000 $!0 Sapphiro %merican -+press Credit Card ,et %irwa(s ICICI Bank !,000 Nil !,000 $!0 Sapphiro &isa Credit Card ,et %irwa(s ICICI Bank $,!00 Nil $,!00 $!0 *#b(+ %merican -+press Credit Card ,et %irwa(s ICICI Bank $,!00 Nil $,!00 $!0 *#b(+ &isa Credit Card ,et %irwa(s ICICI Bank Coral .,$!0 Nil .,$!0 $!0 %merican -+press Credit Card ,et %irwa(s ICICI Bank Coral .,$!0 Nil .,$!0 $!0 &isa Credit Card ICICI Bank %scent %merican 1,000 Nil .,000 Nil -+press /*0 Credit Card ICICI Bank 2ingfisher Nil !,000 $,!00 Nil %irlines 3asterCard 4orld Credit Card ICICI Bank 2ingfisher %irlines Nil $,000 .,000 Nil 3asterCard 'latin#m Credit Card ICICI Bank 2ingfisher %irlines Nil !00 !00 Nil 3asterCard Titani#m Credit Card ICICI Bank 'latin#m Identit( $,000 Nil )!0 Nil Credit Card

ICICI Bank Coral Credit Card .,000 Nil !00""" Nil ICICI Bank Carbon .,000 Nil Nil Nil ICICI Bank 5'C6 'latin#m Nil .88 .88"""" Nil Credit Card 7 ICICI Bank 5'C6 Titani#m Credit Card ICICI Bank 'latin#m Chip Nil .88 88"""" Nil Credit Card 9or all other cards, :oining fees, ann#al fees and s#pplementar( card fees are c#rrentl( NI6 for the 'rimar( Card 3ember as well as for the S#pplementar( Card 3ember. " If total spends on the Credit Card is ` !,00,000 or more d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee for the s#bse;#ent (ear shall be reversed. If the total spends on the Credit Card is less than ` !,00,000 d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee shall not get reversed for the s#bse;#ent (ear. "" If total spends on the Credit Card is ` $,!0,000 or more d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee for the s#bse;#ent (ear shall be reversed. If the total spends on the Credit Card is less than ` $,!0,000 d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee shall not get reversed for the s#bse;#ent (ear. """ If total spends on the Credit Card is ` .,$!,000 or more d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee for the s#bse;#ent (ear shall be reversed. If the total spends on the Credit Card is less than ` .,$!,000 d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee shall not get reversed for the s#bse;#ent (ear. """" If total spends on the Credit Card is ` !0,000 or more d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee for the s#bse;#ent (ear shall be reversed. If the total spends on the Credit Card is less than ` !0,000 d#ring an anniversar( (ear, the %nn#al 9ee shall not get reversed for the s#bse;#ent (ear. %. Finance Charges: ICICI "an# Card $ariant %ll Cards e+cept for the cards mentioned below ICICI Bank Instant 'latin#m Credit Card 7 ICICI Bank Instant >old Credit Card 7 9i+ed ?eposit Instant Credit Card ,et %irwa(s ICICI Bank Credit Cards

'(erdue Interest on Interest on Cash d(ances )*tended Credit Monthl! +ate nnual +ate Monthl! +ate nnual +ate .10< 10.=0< .10< 10.=0< $.18< $8.==< $.18< $8.==<





,. 'ther Fees and Charges: Cash advance @ transaction fee An all Cards B $.!0< on advanced amo#nt, s#b:ect to a minim#m of ` 00 e+cept for the following cardsC An -as( ?eposit Card @ Nil for cash withdrawals at ICICI Bank %T3s An Cash Card B ` .!. per transaction ?ialBaBdraft @ transaction fee < of the draft val#e amo#nt s#b:ect to a minim#m of ` 00 6ate pa(ment charges The 6ate 'a(ment charges on (o#r card will be a f#nction of the Total %mo#nt ?#e and will be as followsC Total mount -ue .ate /a!ment Charges 6ess than ` .00 None Between ` .00 B ` !00 ` .00 Between ` !00 B ` .0,000 ` !00 Between ` .0,000 B ` $0,000 ` 600 3ore than ` $0,000 ` )00 $.!0< on the overBlimit amo#nt /s#b:ect to a minim#m of ` !000 $< of Total %mo#nt ?#e /3in. `$!00 $< of Total %mo#nt ?#e /3in. `$!00 ` .00 per pa(ment transaction .< of the che;#e val#e, s#b:ect to a minim#m of ` .00 ` .00 ` .00 ` .00 per pickB#p ` .00 per chargeslip 3arkB#p of .!0< ..=0< of transaction val#e for Internet transactions and $.!0< for other bookings. Cost of railwa( tickets will be recovered along with charges and ta+es levied if an( b( the ac;#iring bank at act#al. $.!0< of transaction val#e or ` .0 whichever is higher. S#rcharge waiver of $.!< of transaction val#e on 5'C6 petrol p#mps on select cards /this offer is valid on a ma+im#m transaction of ` 1,000, when the pa(ment is made b( swiping the card on ICICI 3erchant Services swipe machines0. S#rcharge waiver of $.!< of transaction val#e on all petrol p#mps on select cards. Cost of f#el will be recovered along with charges and ta+es levied if an( b( the ac;#iring bank at act#al. %s ma( be applicable from timeBtoBtime, presentl( D .$. 6< /applicable on all fees, interest, s#rcharge and other charges0

AverBlimit charges" *et#rn of che;#e %#toB?ebit ret#rn fee 9ee on cash pa(ment at branches A#tstation che;#e processing fee ?#plicate statement re;#est /be(ond months0 Card replacement fee Che;#e 7 Cash pickB#p fee Chargeslip re;#est 9oreign c#rrenc( transactions"" *ailwa( booking @ s#rcharge

9#el s#rcharge

Service Ta+

"AverB6imit 9eeC Bank ma( approve certain transactions attempted b( the Card 3ember which can breach the credit limit, as a service gest#re. 'lease note that if the o#tstandB ing amo#nt e+ceeds the credit limit, an overBlimit fee of $.!< of the overBlimit amo#nt /s#b:ect to a minim#m of ` !000 will be levied. AverBlimit stat#s ma( also happen beB ca#se of fees or interest charges. ""Charges in foreign c#rrenc(C If a transaction is made in a c#rrenc( other than Indian *#pees, that transaction will be converted into Indian *#pees. The conversion will take place on the date the transaction is settled with ICICI Bank, which ma( not be the same date on which the transaction was made. If the transaction is not in ES ?ollars, the conB version will be made thro#gh ES ?ollars, b( converting the charged amo#nt into ES ?olB lars and then b( converting the ES ?ollar amo#nt into Indian *#pees. Enless a specific rate is re;#ired b( applicable law, the conversion rate from ES ?ollar to Indian *#pees will be at the rates provided b( &IS%, 3asterCard or %3-F, as the case ma( be, on the settlement date, increased b( a C#rrenc( Conversion 9actor assessment /c#rrentl( .!0<0 on s#ch transactions. 0. Interest Charges: .0 Interest will be charged if the Total %mo#nt ?#e is not paid b( the pa(ment d#e date. Interest will be charged on the Total %mo#nt ?#e and on all new transactions /from the transaction date0 till s#ch time as the previo#s o#tstanding amo#nts are paid in f#ll. %lso, interest will be levied on all cash advances from the date of the transaction #ntil the date of pa(ment. $0 The rate of interest ma( be changed at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank. It can be as low as ..$!< per month /.!< per ann#m0 depending on factors s#ch as, b#t not limited to, credit histor(, p#rchase patterns, pa(ment behavio#r, lo(alt( and monthBonBbook. 0 In case of defa#lt, interest charges ma( increase #p to a ma+im#m of .!0< per month /1$< per ann#m0. The following ill#stration will indicate the method of calc#lating interest chargesC In the table given below, it has been ass#med that the Total %mo#nt ?#e of the previo#s month statement has been paid b( the pa(ment d#e date and there is no o#tstanding amo#nt. The statement date is .!th of ever( month. >iven these ass#mptions, interest will be calc#lated as belowC ` Transaction '#rchase on %pril .0, $008 $,000 Total %mo#nt ?#e on statement dated %pril .!, $008 $,000 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e on statement dated %pril .!, $008 .00 'a(ment d#e date B 3a( , $008 '#rchase on 3a( ), $008 =00 'a(ment on 3a( .0, $008 .,!00 An statement dated 3a( .!, $008, following interest charges will be leviedC Interest calc#lations D 10.=0< per ann#m for >old Card a0Interest on ` $000 for 0 da(s /from %pril .0 to 3a( 80 6).0) b0Interest on ` !00 for 6 da(s /from 3a( .0 to 3a( .!0 . ! c0Interest on ` =00 for 8 da(s /from 3a( ) to 3a( .!0 =.0! Total interest charged in the statement dated 11th Ma! 23.02 Service ta+ will be applicable on interest charges.

1. .ate /a!ment Charges (./C): 6ate pa(ment charges will be applicable if the 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e is not paid b( the pa(ment d#e date. Illustrati(e )*ample for Calculation of .ate /a!ment Charges: 'a(ment of at least 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e i.e. ` .00 in the above e+ample, is re;#ired to be paid b( the pa(ment d#e date / rd 3a(0, to ens#re that no late pa(ment charges are levied. If minim#m amo#nt d#e is not paid, late pa(ment charges wo#ld be levied as per the below tableC Total mount -ue .ate /a!ment Charges 6ess than ` .00 None Between ` .00 B ` !00 ` .00 Between ` !00 B ` .0,000 ` !00 Between ` .0,000 B ` $0,000 ` 600 3ore than ` $0,000 ` )00 Th#s, in the above e+ample, since the minim#m amo#nt d#e of ` .00 is not paid b( the pa(ment d#e date of 3a( , $008 and since Total %mo#nt ?#e was ` $000, late pa(ment charges of ` !00 will be levied on 1th 3a(, $008. This charge will also be applicable if (o# make a pa(ment of less than the minim#m amo#nt d#e b( the pa(ment d#e date. Service ta+ will be applicable on late pa(ment charges. 4. Interest5 Free (6race) /eriod: The grace period co#ld range from .= to 1= da(s. Illustrati(e )*ample for the calculation of grace period: 9or a statement for the period from %pril .!,$008 to 3a( .!,$008 the pa(ment d#e date wo#ld be ,#ne $, $008. %ss#ming that (o# have paid (o#r Total %mo#nt ?#e of the previo#s month statement b( the pa(ment d#e date, the grace period wo#ld beC .. 9or a p#rchase dated %pril $1,$008, the interestBfree grace period is from %pril $1, $008 to ,#ne $, $008, i.e. 10 da(s. $. 9or a p#rchase dated 3a( .1, $008, the interestBfree grace period is from 3a( .1, $008 to ,#ne $, $008, i.e. $0 da(s. Th#s, the grace period can var( depending #pon the date of p#rchase. 5owever, if the Total %mo#nt ?#e is not paid b( the pa(ment d#e date, then there will be no interestBfree period. 9or cash advances, interest is charged from the date of the transaction #ntil the date of pa(ment. (7) 8ithdra&al .imits: The Credit 6imit and Cash 4ithdrawal 6imit are comm#nicated at the time of deliver( of the Card and are also indicated in the monthl( statements. %vailable credit limit is calc#lated b( ded#cting the #tilised limit from the Total Credit 6imit. In case the Card 3ember has availed of an( loan within the credit limit on the card, the o#tstanding loan amo#nt will also be ded#cted from the Total Credit 6imit to arrive at the %vailable Credit limit. Cash limit will be a s#bBset of credit limit and will be NI6 for the first one h#ndred and eight( /.=00 da(s from the date of iss#ance of the Card, on select Cards as ma( be specified b( ICICI Bank. %fter the e+pir( of the first .=0 da(s period from the date of iss#ance of the Card, the cash limit will be made available to the Card 3ember b( ICICI Bank at its sole discretion and on s#ch terms as ma( be comm#nicated b( ICICI Bank from timeBtoBtime.

The Card 3ember shall be entitled to appl( for a review 7 enhancement 7 red#ction of the credit limit and7or cash limit if provided b( ICICI Bank, #pon completion of .$ months of his membership. %lterations #pon s#ch review, if an(, of the credit limit and7or cash limit will be at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank shall at its sole discretion be enB titled to review /incl#ding enhancement or red#ction0 the credit limit and7or the cash limit assigned on the Card at an( time and onl( enhancements, if an(, to the credit limit and7or the cash limit, shall be effected b( ICICI Bank with the consent of the Card 3emB ber. (c) "illing: 1) "illing Statements 9 periodicit! and mode of sending: %ll Card 3ember will be billed on a monthl( basis for all charges inc#rred b( the #se of the Card and for all charges applicable to the card acco#nt. 5owever, there ma( be no statement generated for the period in which there has been no o#tstanding d#e and no transaction on the acco#nt in the past month. The billing statement will be dispatched on a monthl( basis to c#stomers at the mailing address as per o#r records b( post and7or b( eBmail. %) Minimum mount /a!a7le: 4itho#t pre:#dice to the liabilit( of the Card 3ember to immediatel( pa( all charges inc#rred, the Card 3ember ma( e+ercise the option to pa( onl( the 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e /3%?0 indicated in the statement b( the d#e date. The 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e shall be !< of the o#tstanding amo#nt or s#ch other amo#nt as ma( be determined b( ICICI Bank at its sole discretion. In case of an( repa(ment thro#gh installments, the installment amo#nt d#e d#ring the statement period will be added to the 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e. If the total o#tstanding is more than the credit or cash limit, then the amo#nt b( which the credit or cash limit has been e+ceeded will also be incl#ded in the 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e. 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e shall also incl#de #npaid 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e of the previo#s statements, if an(. Interest &ill 7e charged if the Total mount -ue is not paid 7! the pa!ment due date e(en if the Minimum mount -ue has 7een paid. If (o# spend ` !,000 and pa( back e+actl( the 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e /s#b:ect to a minim#m pa(ment of ` .000 ever( month, it will take (o# #p to 6 (ears and 6 months to pa( back the total amo#nt. 4e therefore s#ggest that whenever (o#r cash flows allow, pa( back an amo#nt s#bstantiall( more than (o#r 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e. ,) Method of pa!ment: 'a(ments towards the Card %cco#nt ma( be made in an( of the following wa(sC Cash: The Card 3ember ma( deposit cash at an( of the branches of ICICI Bank towards the Card pa(ment. S#ch pa(ments at branches wo#ld attract a fee of ` .00 per pa(ment transaction. Che:ue;-raft: 3ake a che;#e or draft favo#ring ICICI Bank Credit Card No. FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF and drop it into the collection bo+ at an( ICICI Bank branch 7 Sk(pak drop bo+es 7 %T3 locations where drop bo+es are available Internet: If the Card 3ember holds a Savings %cco#nt with ICICI Bank he or she ma( pa( online thro#gh the ICICI BankGs website. ,#st log on to uto5-e7it: If the Card 3ember holds a Savings %cco#nt with ICICI Bank, he7she ma( pa( directl( thro#gh the Savings %cco#nt b( giving an instr#ction in writing to debit the pa(ment from s#ch acco#nt ever( month on the pa(ment d#e date. In case the pa(ment d#e date falls on a S#nda(, the amo#nt wo#ld be debited from s#ch acco#nt on the ne+t da(.

Clic# to /a!;<)FT: 'a( (o#r ICICI Bank Credit Card d#es from an( of (o#r other bank Savings %cco#nts #sing Click To 'a(7N-9T. 0) "illing -isputes +esolution: In the event the Card 3ember disagrees with the charges indicated in the statement, it sho#ld be comm#nicated in writing to the correspondence address of ICICI Bank within 60 /si+t(0 da(s of receipt of the statement, failing which it wo#ld be constr#ed that all charges indicated in the statement are in order. 1) Contact /articulars of ICICI "an# %0Bhour Customer Care Centres: The Card 3ember ma( contact ICICI Bank at an( of the following $1Bho#r C#stomer Care n#mbers and7or at s#ch other C#stomer Care n#mbers as ma( be notified b( ICICI Bank from timeBtoBtime. States ; Cities Contact num7ers States ; Cities Contact num7ers %hmedabad 66)))) 2arnataka =0==66)))) %ndhra 'radesh ) 0666)))) 2erala 80$066)))) Bengal#r# 66)))) 2olkata 66)))) Bhopal 66))) 6#cknow 66))) Bh#baneshwar 66))) 3adh(a 'radesh 808=66)))) Bihar =.0$66)))) 3aharashtra 80$.66)))) Chandigarh 66))) 3#mbai 66)))) Chattisgarh 808=66)))) Arissa 868$66)))) Chennai 66)))) 'ana:i 66))) ?ehrad#n 66))) 'atna 66))) ?elhi 66)))) '#n:ab ) 0)66)))) -rnak#lam 66))) *aip#r 66))) >oa 80$.66)))) *a:asthan )=))66)))) >#:arat =00066)))) *anchi 66))) >#rgaon 66))) Shimla 66))) 5ar(ana 80.)66)))) TamilNad# ) 0!66)))) 5imachal 'radesh 8=.)66)))) Ettar 'radesh =0=.66)))) 5(derabad 66)))) Ettarakhand =0=.66)))) ,aip#r 66))) 4est Bengal =.0.66)))) ,harkand =.0$66)))) 4) 6rie(ances +edressal;Complaints;)scalations: In the event that (o# are not satisfied with o#r services, (o# ma( register (o#r grievance b( /i0 visiting HComplaint 9ormI at or /ii0 calling at o#r C#stomer Care n#mber or /iii0 writing to 3r. Shiva 2#mar Tadikonda, Nodal Afficer, ICICI Bank 6imited, ICICI 'hone Banking Center, ICICI Bank Tower, )th floor, S#rve( noC ..!7$), 'lot no. .$, Nanakramg#da, Serilingampall(, 5(derabad @ !000 $, India. In all (o#r comm#nications with #s, please indicate (o#r complete Credit Card n#mber. 2) Complete /ostal ddress of the "an#: ICICI Bank 6imited, ICICI 'hone Banking Center, ICICI Bank Tower, )th floor, S#rve( noC ..!7$), 'lot no. .$, Nanakramg#da, Serilingampall(, 5(derabad @ !000 $, India.

3) Toll5free <um7er for 6rie(ance +edressal: In the event (o# are not satisfied with o#r services, (o# ma( register (o#r grievance b( dialing o#r tollBfree n#mber .=00 .0$ 1$1$ between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. from 3onda( to 9rida(, press . and then enter the Service *e;#est N#mber /n#meric digits onl(0 which sho#ld not be more than $ months old. d) -efault and Circumstances: i0 If the Card 3ember fails to pa( the 3inim#m %mo#nt ?#e b( the date indicated in the billing statement, it shall be treated as defa#lt. In case of defa#lt, the Bank can forward the defa#lt report to the Credit Information B#rea#s or to s#ch other agencies as approved b( law. The time period between the pa(ment d#e date and the billing date indicated on the billing statement is considered as the notice period for reporting a Card 3ember as a defa#lter. ii0 'roced#re for withdrawal of defa#lt report and the period within which the defa#lt reB port wo#ld be withdrawn after settlement of d#esC "The Bank s#bmits the Card 3emberJs data to CIBI6 B Credit Information B#rea# /India0 6imited ever( month in the format prescribed b( CIBI6. This data incl#des the repa(ment stat#s of all Cardholders, both defa#lters and c#rrent, for the previo#s month. CIBI6 #ploads the s#bmitted data onto their server in another thirt( da(s. iii0 *ecover( of d#es in case of death7permanent incapacitance of the Card 3emberC It shall be in accordance with the applicable laws after giving s#fficient notice for pa(ment of d#es and all information regarding the o#tstanding d#es, to the s#ccessors7nominees 7legal heirs of the Card 3ember. iv0 ICICI Bank offers free ins#rance cover on certain cards thro#gh a tie #p with ICICI 6ombard >eneral Ins#rance Compan( 6imited or an( other Ins#rance Compan( as ma( be decided b( ICICI Bank from time to time. 9or ins#rance details, cardholders are advised to go thro#gh the broch#re in the welcome kit or refer to (e) Termination;+e(ocation;Surrender of Card mem7ership: The Card 3ember ma( at an( time choose to terminate the Card %cco#nt with or witho#t giving an( prior notice. 9or avoiding mis#se, it is advised to c#t the Credit Card into fo#r pieces ens#ring that the hologram and magnetic strip are destro(ed permanentl(. The Card 3ember ma( terminate the Card membership at an( time b( writing to HICICI Bank 6imited, ICICI 'hone Banking Center, ICICI Bank Tower, )th floor, S#rve( noC ..!7$), 'lot no. .$, Nanakramg#da, Serilingampall(, 5(derabad @ !000 $, IndiaI b( indicating the complete Card n#mber. The termination shall onl( be effective once ICICI Bank receives the pa(ment of all amo#nts d#e and o#tstanding in respect of the said Card %cco#nt. In the event of a credit card program clos#re or at the time of renewal of credit card, ICICI Bank 6imited at its sole discretion reserves the right to provide a card t(pe that is different from the e+isting card t(pe held b( the card member. The credit limits and cash limits on an( credit card at an( point in time are as per sole discretion of ICICI Bank 6imB ited. The card application shall contin#e to be valid for an( replacement card provided at the time of clos#re7renewal.

(f) .oss;Theft;Misuse of Card: In case of loss7theft7mis#se of the Card, it m#st be reported immediatel( to the ICICI Bank C#stomer Care. The Bank shall there#pon s#spend the Card. The Card 3ember is advised to file an 9I* with the local police station so that the Card 3ember can prod#ce its cop( whenever re;#ested b( the Bank. The Card 3ember shall be primaril( responsible for the sec#rit( of the Card incl#ding theft and for the transactions #sing the Card. The Card 3ember shall not be liable for an( transaction7s made on the Card post reporting its loss7theft7damage. 5owever, in case of an( disp#te relating to the time of reporting s#ch loss7theft7damage and7or transactions made on the Card post reporting of the loss7theft7damage7mis#se, the Bank reserves the right to ascertain s#ch time and or the a#thenticit( of the disp#ted transactions. (g) -isclosure: The Bank shall part with all available information abo#t the Card 3ember, repa(ment histor( etc. to Credit Information B#rea#s or to s#ch other agencies approved b( law. ICICI Bank7>ro#p Companies reserve the right to retain the application forms and doc#ments provided therewith, incl#ding photographs, and will not ret#rn the same. -isclaimer: "ICICI Bank ma( at its sole discretion, #tilise the services of e+ternal service provider7s or agent7s and on s#ch terms as re;#ired or necessar(, in relation to its prod#cts.

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