Senate Bill No. 440: Be It Enacted by The Legislature of West Virginia

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Senate Bill No. 440 (By Senators Palumbo, Cookman, Laird, Barnes, Unger, Kessler (Mr.

President), Stollings, Wells, M. Hall and C a!in) """""""""""" #$ntrodu%ed &anuary '(, ')*+, re!erred to t e Committee on t e &udi%iary.""""""""""""

. B$LL to amend t e Code o! West /irginia, *01*, as amended, by adding t ereto a ne2 arti%le, designated 34'5*65*, 34'5*65', 34'5*651, 34'5*65+, 34'5*657 and 34'5*654, all relating to t e re8uirement o! t e ele%troni% audio and 9ideo or audio re%ording o! all la25en!or%ement 8uestioning o! !elony sus:e%ts, %reating a :resum:tion o! inadmissability to statements taken 2 i% not in %om:lian%e 2it t e arti%le, setting !ort are


t ereto, re8uiring :reser9ation o! ele%troni% re%ordings, and establis ing an e!!e%ti9e date. Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: < at t e Code o! West /irginia, *01*, as amended, be amended by adding t ereto a ne2 arti%le, designated 34'5*65*, 34'5*65', 34'5*65

1, 34'5*65+, 34'5*657 and 34'5*654, all to read as !ollo2s= ARTICLE 1G. THE O.C. SPAULDING ELECTRONIC RECORDING ACT. 62 1G 1. De!inition" >or :ur:oses o! t is arti%le= ?@le%troni% re%ordingA or ?ele%troni%ally re%ordedA means an audio and 9isual re%ording t at is an aut enti%, a%%urate unaltered re%ord o! a :oli%e inter9ie2 o! t e sus:e%t. ?$n its entiretyA means an uninterru:ted re%ording o! t e 8uestions :osed to t e !elony sus:e%t and all o! is or er ans2ers to t e

8uestions. Brie! :eriods o! re%ess, u:on re8uest by t e sus:e%t or t e la25en!or%ement o!!i%er, are not an interru:tion o! t e re%ord. < e re%ording must re!le%t t e :ur:ose o! t e re%ess, t e starting time o! t e re%ess and t e resum:tion o! t e 8uestioning. Pla%e o! 8uestioningA means a Bail, :oli%e or s eri!!Cs station, olding %ell, %orre%tional or detention !a%ility or any similar

lo%ation 2 ere :ersons are routinely 8uestioned by la2 en!or%ement in %onne%tion 2it StatementA %riminal in9estigations or % arges. an oral, 2ritten, sign language or non9erbal



Sus:e%tA means a :erson 2 o

as eit er been % arged 2it

a !elony

o!!ense or a :erson belie9ed by la2 en!or%ement to be t e :ossible :er:etrator 8uestioning. 62 1G 2. P#o$e%&#e. (a) .ny 8uestioning by t e :oli%e o! a !elony sus:e%t at a :la%e o! 8uestioning s all be ele%troni%ally :reser9ed in its entirety by 9ideo and audio re%ordation. (b) .ny 8uestioning o! a !elony sus:e%t taking :la%e outside o! a :la%e o! 8uestioning, s all be ele%troni%ally :reser9ed in its o! a !elony o!!ense t at is t e subBe%t o! t e

entirety by 9ideo and audio re%ording or by audio re%ording alone. (%) W en 8uestioning o! a !elony sus:e%t o%%urs in a :la%e o! t e

8uestioning, t e %amera s all be simultaneously !o%used u:on bot 8uestioner and t e sus:e%t. 62 1G '. Re(e%ie".

@;%e:t as :ro9ided in se%tion !our o! t is arti%le, all statements made by a !elony sus:e%t during 8uestioning by la2 en!or%ement t at are not ele%troni%ally re%orded, and all statements made a!ter t at by t e :erson during 8uestioning by la2 en!or%ement, in%luding but not limited to, statements t at are ele%troni%ally re%orded, are :resumed to be inadmissable as e9iden%e against t e :erson in any

%riminal :ro%eeding broug t against

im or


62 1G 4. E)$e*tion" to t+e *#e"&(*tion o! ina%(i""a,ilit-. < e :resum:tion o! inadmissability o! statements :ro9ided in se%tion t ree o! t is arti%le may be o9er%ome, and statements t at 2ere not ele%troni%ally re%orded may be admitted into e9iden%e in a %riminal :ro%eeding broug t against t e :erson, i! t e %ourt !inds= (*) < at t e statements are ot er2ise admissible under a::li%able rules o! e9iden%e, (') < at t e statements are :ro9en by %lear and %on9in%ing e9iden%e to a9e been made 9oluntarily, and are reliable,

(1) < at, la25en!or%ement :ersonnel made a %ontem:oraneous 2ritten re%ord o! t e reason !or not making an ele%troni% re%ording o! t e statements, and (+) < at it is :ro9en by a :re:onderan%e o! t e e9iden%e t at one or more o! t e !ollo2ing %ir%umstan%es e;isted at t e time o! t e

8uestioning by la2 en!or%ement= (.) < e 8uestions :ut !ort by la25en!or%ement :ersonnel, and t e

:ersonCs res:onsi9e statements, 2ere t ose ne%essary !or t e routine :ro%essing or ?bookingA o! t e :erson, (B) Be!ore or during a 8uestioning o! a !elony sus:e%t by la2










t e

:erson unambiguously de%lared, 2 ile being re%orded, t at

e or s e

2ould only res:ond to t e o!!i%erCs 8uestions i! t e 8uestioning 2as not ele%troni%ally re%orded, (C) < e 8uestioning ne%essarily took :la%e in anot er Burisdi%tion and 2as %ondu%ted by o!!i%ials o! t at Burisdi%tion in %om:lian%e 2it t e la2 o! t at Burisdi%tion,

(D) < e ele%troni% re%ording e8ui:ment !ailed !or reasons ot er t an o:erator error, or (@) < e statement 2as s:ontaneously 9olunteered and not in res:onse to 8uestioning by la2 en!or%ement. 62 1G .. P#o/i%in0 a $o*- to %e!en%ant1 *#e"e#/ation. (a) .ny :erson subBe%t to 8uestioning by la2 en!or%ement s all be su::lied a %o:y o! t e re%ording o! t e 8uestioning i! % arged 2it e or s e is

any o!!ense related to 8uestioning by la2 en!or%ement.

(b) Co:ies o! 9ideo and audio or audio re%ording o! 8uestioning by la2 en!or%ement re8uired by t e arti%le s all be :reser9ed by t e la25en!or%ement a!ter t e la2 agen%y %ondu%ting t e 8uestioning or until !or !inal !i9e years




resolution o! any %riminal matter related by subBe%t or %ontent to t e la2 en!or%ement 8uestioning, 2 i% e9er is later.

62 1G 6. E!!e$ti/e %ate o! a#ti$le. < e e!!e%ti9e date o! t is arti%le is ninety days !rom :assage and t e :ro9isions o! t is arti%le are a::li%able to 8uestioning o!

!elony sus:e%ts o%%urring a!ter .ugust 1*, ')*+. EF<@= < e :ur:ose o! t is bill is to re8uire o! t e ele%troni% audio and 9ideo or audio re%ording o! all la2 en!or%ement 8uestioning o! !elony sus:e%ts. $t 2ould %reate a :resum:tion o! inadmissability !or statements taken 2 i% are not in %om:lian%e 2it t e la2 and in%ludes e;%e:tions. < is arti%le is ne2, t ere!ore, strike5t roug s and unders%oring been omitted. a9e

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