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Physical Education Additional Comments:

You are such a lovely student Joe Bloggs. You are just
Active Participation AL L BL Level
Development of Appropriate Skills AL L BL like your dad!! So obedient and good looking!
Cooperation in Team Situations AL L BL

Personal & Social Development Hamilton SDA

Respect for Authority AL L BL Attendance: 376/384Primary
half-days School
Level Signed_______________________
Self-Control AL L BL 4
Cooperation with other children AL L BL
Works well within a group AL L BL
Displays confidence (appropriate to age) AL L BL
Is reliable AL L BL

Work Habits
End-Year Profile: 2008
Settles to work quickly & willingly AL L BL Joe Bloggs
Works steadily with consistent focus AL L BL School
Demonstrates initiative AL L BL
Capable & Independent Problem Solver AL L BL Participation AL L BL Level
Interest Shown in Bible Study AL L BL
Is careful neat & tidy AL L BL
Recall of basic ideas AL L BL
Keeps “work materials” well organised AL L BL
Completes homework carefully & regularly AL L BL
English Levels
Reading comprehension AL L BL Age- Spelling 4 Handwriting 4 Speaking 4
Band Listening 4
Oral Reading AL L BL (Years) Writing 4 Reading 4 Viewing 4
Word attack skills AL L BL 10-11 Presenting 4

Library & Information skills AL L BL Numeracy

Basic Number facts & tables AL L BL
Comments: Level
Level of understanding AL L BL
Accuracy AL L BL
Speed AL L BL
Ability to be neat and methodical AL L BL
Writing fluency & flow AL L BL
Problem Solving Ability AL L BL
Creativity AL L BL
Comments (Numeracy):
Correct grammar & punctuation AL L BL
Editing & proofreading AL L BL
Handwriting neatness AL L BL
Handwriting speed AL L BL Unit Studies (Social Studies, Science, Health, Technology)
Formation of letters/joins AL L BL Development of Social Studies Skills AL L BL
Comments: Development of Science Skills AL L BL
Development of Health Skills AL L BL
Development of Technology Skills AL L BL
Uses research skills effectively AL L BL
Works independently to solve problems AL L BL
Speaks clearly AL L BL
Organises thoughts logically AL L BL Works well in a group AL L BL
Contributes to discussions AL L BL Recall of key ideas AL L BL
Listens with courtesy & interest AL L BL

The Arts
Development of skills in music AL L BL
Development of skills in visual arts AL L BL

Development of skills in drama AL L BL

Development of skills in creative expression AL L BL
Enthusiastic participation in the Arts AL L BL
Works well in group situations AL L BL
Confident to share with an audience AL L BL

Music 4 Drama 4

Visual arts 4 Creative Expression 1a


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