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Civil Engineering, CSU Fullerton

First Year
Analytical Geometry and Calculus
Math 150A (4) F,SP,S

Second Year
Intermediate Calculus
Math 250A (4) F,SP

Third Year
Structural Analysis
EGCE 325 (3) F,SP

Fourth Year
Foundation Design
EGCE 418 (3) SP EGCE 408 (3) SP

Analytical Geometry and Calculus

Math 150B (4) F,SP,S

Linear Algebra & Differential Equations

Math 250B (4) F,SP

Reinforced Concrete Design

GE Course GE II B.2
Government (3) F,SP,S

Engineering Surveying
EGCE 214 (2) F,SP

GE Course GE I C
Critical Thinking (3) F,SP

Mechanics Of Materials
EGCE 301 (3) F,SP

CE Materials Lab EGCE 377 (1) F

Structural Analysis Lab

EGCE 325L (1) SP

Comp. Aided Design in Civil Engineering

EGCE 432 (3) F

Engineering Construction
EGCE 468 (3) SP

Arch. & CE Drafting EGCE 206 (1) F,SP

Engineering Surveying Lab

EGCE 214L (1) F,SP

EGCE 201 (3) F,SP

EGCE 302 (3) F,SP

Soil Mechanics
EGCE 324 (3) F,SP

Soil Mechanics Lab

EGCE 324L (1) F,SP

GE Course GE II A
Dev. of world civilization (3) F

Design of CE Structures
EGCE 494 (3) SP

GE Course GE I A
Oral Comm. (3) F,SP

Fundamental Physics Mech.

Phys. 225 (3) F,SP

Fundamental Physics E & M

Phys. 226 (3) F,SP

Eng. Analysis & Applications

EGCE 308 (3) F

Engineering Hydraulics
EGCE 428 (3) SP

Engineering Hydraulics Lab

EGCE 428L (1) F

Design of CE Structures (Lab)

EGCE 494L (1) SP

General Chemistry
Chem 115 (4) F,SP

Fundamental Physics Mech. (Lab)

Phys. 225L (1) F,SP

Fundamental Physics E & M (Lab)

Phys. 226L (1) F,SP

GE Course GE III B.1 Intro to Arts (3) F,SP

GE Course GE III B.3 & GE V

(3) F,SP

Structural Steel
EGCE 430 (3) SP

CE Technical Electives
(3) See List Below

GE Course GE I B
English 101 Introductory Engineering Civil Engineering Core Civil Engineering Electives Mathematics Courses Science Courses General Education (3) F,SP

GE Course GE III B.2

Intro to Hum. (3) F, SP

GE Course GE III C.2 & GE V (3) F,SP

Advisor Approved CE Technical Elective

(3) F,SP

Engineering Economy & Professionalism

EGCE 401 (3) F

CE Elective Lab
EGCE 431L/463L (1) F,SP

GE Course GE II B.1
American Hist. (3) F, SP

Life Sciences
Bio 101 (3) F,SP

Environmental Engineering
EGCE 441 (3) SP

CE Technical Electives
(6) See List Below

CE Independent Study
(1) F,SP

Course Name Course # (Units) Semester

Prerequisite Co-requisite Equivalent

See CEE Undergraduate Brochure for list of GE courses

List of Technical Electives EGCE 411 Structural Dynamics (3), EGCE 431L Advanced Structural Lab (1) or EGCE 463L Precast and Pre-stressed Concrete Lab (1), EGCE 435 Design of Hydraulic Structures (3), EGCE 436 Engineering Hydrology, EGCE 441 Environmental Engineering, EGCE 463 Precast and Pre-stressed Concrete Design (3), EGCE 465 Planning and Control of Engineering Construction Projects (3), EGCE 466 Public Transit Systems Planning and Operations (3), EGCE 481 Solid Waste Technology & Management, EGCE 482 Liquid Waste Technology & Management (3), EGCE 493-Structural Systems for Buildings (3), EGCE 497 Senior Project (1-3), EGCE 499 Independent Study (1-3) Technical electives must satisfy the ABET course depth requirement. Students can choose any four areas of study as listed in the next table and take the required electives. For other elective requirement see course list.

Areas of Study Structural, Geotechnical, Hydraulics, Environmental Structural, Geotechnical, Environmental, Construction Structural, Geotechnical, Hydraulics, Construction

Required Elective Courses CE 441 & CE 481 or CE 482, CE 435 or CE 436

CE 441 & CE 481 or CE 482

CE 435 or CE 436

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