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requirement for the award for degree MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION

SUPERVISED BY: Ms.Urvashi Nirula Lecturer P.G Deptt of Business Administration

SUBMITTED BY: Jatinder Singh MBA 3rd Sem Roll no: 1275293


Soul of hard work and determination, and to put the work into action, a lot of factor influence, originates every piece of creation. Nothing concrete can be achieved without optimum inspiration and perspiration. It gives me immense pleasure to express my deepest gratitude towards all those people who have been a vital part of this creation. But thanking them all specifically seems to be impossible, so in order to fit into the framework of words, an acknowledgement. I would like to thanks to the following people for their precious guidance and support. My sincere thanks goes to Ms.Rupinder Kaur, the HRD Manager of JANDEC,Amritsar,my training in charge for her valuable guidance and constant encouragement throughout my training program and to Mr.Abhinav Goel, CEO of JANDEC for his constructive and critical guidance for allowing me the summer training and to all JANDEC staff for being throughout the project. I express my gratitude and lot of thanks to staff of Swami Satyanand Collage of Management and Technology, Amritsar for helping me in completing my project work and making it a great success. Last but not the least, I express my deep felt gratitude to my parents and friends without whom continuous moral support and encouragement I would never have been able to bring this project to completion and too successfully and finally the almighty without whom nothing would have been possible.


I hereby declare that the project report entitled Computer networks of JANDEC CPL, submitted to the PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, JALANDHAR in partial fulfillment for the award of degree masters in business administration is my original work and has not been submitted for any other degree or diploma or any other university.

Jatinder Singh 3rd SEM





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JANDEC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. abbreviated as JANDEC CPL situated at Rani Ka Bagh, Amritsar is a world class IT Company with growing international presence. JANDEC is an offshore web development and web solution company in India with client based all over the world. They provide versatile, high quality and cost effective services which includes web hosting, internet marketing, SEO services, search Engine Marketing, Software development, E-commerce Solutions, Graphics Design, Flash website design, Website design, logo design, mobile apps for ( ios, Android , windows phone ) . Their designer is very well versed in these services. Their creative web developers, Designers, software Engineers, content writers, and search Engine Optimizers are Extremely experienced and possess an exhaustive knowledge of the contemporary Web standards and the most up-to-date techniques. The team has been serving business Succeed online for more than 3 years. Jandec is globally recognized for its innovative approach towards delivering business value and its commitment to sustainability Jandec champions optimized utilization of natural resources, capital and talent. Today They are a trusted partner of choice for global businesses looking to differentiate at the front and standardize at the core through technology interventions. In todays world, organizations will have to rapidly reengineer themselves and be more responsive to changing customer needs. Jandec is well positioned to be a partner and coinnovator to businesses in their transformation journey, identify new growth opportunities and facilitate their foray into new sectors and markets. Jandec helps customers to do business better leveraging our industry-wide experience, deep technology expertise, comprehensive portfolio of services and a vertically aligned business model.

We have the best tariffs within your means. They are reliable, user friendly and equipped with the latest technologies. We are committed to quality of work and deliver tasks on the Time because we believed that customer contentment is fundamental for a successful Business. We aspire to bring forth quality output as per your necessities.

About company
Their management team
We provide design, development and direction to clients locally, nationally and worldwide. Jandec Cpl is owned and operated by successful internet entrepreneur. We helped hundreds of internet business of all shape and size succeeds online. We keep our Promises and we deliver on time. We dont inflate our prices, pad our work-logs or make Routine fixes a hassle. We believe in making your experience as fast, fun and easy as possible. To prove this we provide a tool to allow you to track and monitor our work in real time. We dont hide anything. We hope you decide to learn more about us and hopefully well talk soon.


11-11-2011 16-11-2011

Company come into existence JANDEC Received the Certificate Of honor from the director of ALMA Limited, indore


Become the prestigious member of All India IT Association-AAITA ( work related to ministry of information technology GOVT.OF.INDIA )


Honored by Mr.Jagan jothival Education and Program Manager ( INDIA and SAARC ) of Cisco On Cisco education day


Established 2 new offices one in chandigarh and second in New Zeland


A world class IT company with growing international presence.


CURRENT STATUS Information technology (IT) industry in India has played a key role in putting India on the global map. IT industry in India has been one of the most significant growth contributors for the Indian economy. The industry has played a significant role in transforming Indias image from a slow moving bureaucratic economy to a land of innovative entrepreneurs and a global player in providing world class technology solutions and business services. The industry has helped India transform from a rural and agriculture-based economy to a knowledge based economy. Information Technology has made possible information access at gigabit speeds. It has made tremendous impact on the lives of millions of people who are poor, marginalized and living in rural and far flung topographies. Internet has made revolutionary changes with possibilities of e-government measures like e-health, e-education, e-agriculture, etc. Today, whether its filing Income Tax returns or applying for passports online or railway e-ticketing, it just need few clicks of the mouse. Indias IT potential is on a steady march towards global competitiveness, improving defense capabilities and meeting up energy and environmental challenges amongst others.

IT-ITeS sector in India, with the main focus on increasing technology adoption, and developing new delivery platforms, has aggregated revenues of USD 88.1 billion in FY2011, while generating direct employment for over 2.5 million people. Out of 88.1 billion, export revenues (including Hardware) has reached USD 59.4 billion in FY2011 while domestic revenues (including Hardware) of about USD28.8 billion.

Government Initiatives:
After the economic reforms of 1991-92, major fiscal incentives provided by the Government of India and the State Governments, like, liberalization of external trade, elimination of duties on imports of information technology products, relaxation of controls on both inward and outward investments and foreign exchange, setting up of Export Oriented Units (EOU), Software Technology Parks (STP), and Special Economic Zones (SEZ), has enabled India to flourish and acquire a dominant position in worlds IT scenario. In order to alleviate and to promote Indian IT industry, the Government of India had set up a National Task Force on IT and Software Development to examine the feasibility of strengthening the industry. Venture capital has been the main source of finance for software industry around the world. In line with the international practices, norms for the operations of venture capital funds have also been liberalized to boost the industry. The Government of India is also actively providing fiscal incentives and liberalizing norms for FDI and raising capital abroad.

Financial Assistance:
While the underlying theme of 2010 was that of steady recovery from recession, thanks to the accelerated recovery in emerging markets, worldwide spending in IT products and services increased significantly in 2011. In 2011, Indias growth has reflected new demand for IT goods and services, with a major surge in the use of private and public cloud and mobile computing on a variety of devices and through a range of new software applications.

High inflow of FDI in the IT sector is expected to continue in coming years. The inflow


huge volumes of FDI in the IT industry of India has not only boosted the industry but the entire Indian economy in recent years. Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow rose by more than 100 per cent to US$ 4.66 billion in May 2011, up from US$ 2.21 billion a year ago, according to the latest data released by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP). This is the highest monthly inflow in 39 months. Foreign technology induction is also encouraged both through FDI and through foreign technology collaboration agreements. India welcomes

investors in Information Technology sector. Greater transparency in policies and procedures has made India an investor friendly platform. A foreign company can hold equity in Indian companys up to 100%.

Research & Development:

To support Research & development in the country and promoting Start ups focused on technology and innovation, a weighted deduction of 150% of expenditure incurred on in-house R&D is introduced under the Income Tax Ac. In addition to the existing scheme for funding various R&D projects have been funded through new scheme like Support International Patent Protection in Electronics & IT (SIP-EIT), Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS). The government has initiated the setting up of an Open Technology Center through NIC aimed at giving effective direction to the country on Open Technology in the areas of Open Source Solutions, (OSS), Open Standard, Open Processes, Open Hardware specifications and Open Course-ware. This initiative will act as a National Knowledge facility providing synergy to the overall components of Open Technology globally

After the economic reforms of 1991-92, liberalization of external trade, elimination of duties on imports of information technology products, relaxation of controls on both inward and outward investments and foreign exchange and the fiscal measures taken by the Government of India and the individual State Governments specifically for IT and ITES have been major contributory factors for the sector to flourish in India and for the country to be able to acquire a dominant position in offshore services in the world. The major fiscal incentives provided by the Government of India have been for the Export Oriented Units (EOU), Software Technology Parks (STP), and Special Economic Zones (SEZ).

Cyber security and quality management are few key areas of concern in todays information age. To overcome such concerns in todays global IT scenario, an increasing number of ITBPO companies in India have gradually started to emphasize on quality to adopt global standards such as ISO 9001 (for Quality Management) and ISO 27000 (for Information Security). Today, centers based in India account for the largest number of quality certifications achieved by any single country. India aims to transform India into a truly developed and empowered society by 2020. However, to achieve this growth, the sector has to continue to re-invent itself and strive for that extra mile, through new business models, global delivery, partnerships and transformation. A collaborative effort from all stakeholders will be needed to ensure future growth of Indias IT-ITeS sector. We will need to rise up to the new challenges and put in dedicated efforts toward providing more and more of end-to-end solutions to the clients to keep the momentum going. India is now one of the biggest IT capitals in the modern world and has presence of all the major players in the world IT sector. HCL, Wipro, Infosys and TCS are few of the household names of IT companies in India

Future prospects:
Globalization has had a profound impact in shaping the Indian Information Technology Industry. Over the years, verticals like manufacturing, telecom, insurance, banking, finance and lately the retail, have been the growth drivers for this sector. But it is very fast getting clear that the future growth of IT and IT enabled services will be fuelled by the verticals of climate change, mobile applications, healthcare, energy efficiency and sustainable energy. The near future of Indian IT industry sees a significant rise in share of technology spend as more and more service providers both Indian and global target new segments and provide low cost, flexible solutions to customers. By 2015, IT sector is expected to generate revenues of USD 130 billion (NASSCOM) which will create a transformational impact on the overall economy.


An aim is where the business wants to go in the future, its goals. It is a statement of purpose, e.g. They want to grow the business into World, its survival, profit maximization try to make the most profit possible, profit satisfying try to make enough profit to keep the owners

comfortable, to increase sales growth so some other as below:

Survival a short term objective, probably for small business just starting out, or when a new firms enters the market or at a time of crisis.

Profit maximization try to make the most profit possible- most like to be the aim of the owners and shareholders.

Employees: safety at work, training, diversity Sales growth where the business tries to make as many sales as possible.

This may be because the manager believe that the survival of the business Depends on being large A business may find some of their objectives conflict with one and other

Growth versus profit: for example, achieving higher sales in the short term ( e.g by cutting prices ) will reduce short-term profit.

Short-term versus long term : for example, a business may decide to accept Lower cash flows in the short-term

A company mission statement is a constant reminder to its employee of why the company exists and founder envisioned when they put their fortune at risk to breathe life into their dreams. with slogans and motto. So Jandec slogan is: Where there is a will there is a way The company focuses : To perform for customers highest level of quality construction services at fair ands marketing competitive prices To ensure the longevity of company through repeat and referral business achieved by customer in all area including timelines, attention to details, and services- minded attitude. To maintained the highest level professionalism, integrity, honesty and fairness in relationship with their suppliers, subcontractors and associates To deliver solutions that will propel the business for the client To work for the clients profits, our profits will follow


JANDEC CPL Provides the following solutions :
Search Engine Optimization Website Design solution Web services Develop mobile apps Corporate training Database Design and Development

Search Engine Optimization

Jandec has the expertise to produce high quality results both the on page and off page. Without both being carried out effectively, your SEO campaign will suffer significantly.

Link Building: If you are seeking rankings in Google, then you have come to the right place. You are going to need strategically placed, high quality back links to your website. A back link is simply a clickable link or hyperlink pointing to your website from another relevant website on the Internet. We understand how to generate/position the most beneficial back links for your website. Jandec provides back links to your website from a variety of sources. Links from the following locations are possible: Forums, Blogs, Directories, Partner Sites, News boards, Social Bookmarking Sites, Social Networks Profiles And More. Back link Reporting Jandec will generate monthly reports for your company that will show you the locations of your new back links. If there is a place where you do not want a back link, then let us know ahead of time where that would be and we will avoid these areas. Through steady link building, Jandec should be able to generate the kind of search engine ranking you desire for your website. Links are the most important part of your search engine optimization strategy. Keyword Analysis Upon initiation of a search engine optimization campaign, your company will require extensive analysis on the targeted keywords that you are choosing to optimize. Jandec provides comprehensive keyword analysis and competitive landscape assessment that explains our required plan of attack specific for ranking any targeted keywords Some of the SEO factors that will be covered in your keyword analysis report are as follows: Keyword Density Report, Domain Name Report, Link Popularity Report, Web Page Authority Report, Webpage Speed and Functionality Report, W3C and HTML Validation Report Anchor Text Report, And More. On Page SEO On page search engine optimization is what gives the search engines an idea as to what your website is about. The key terms your company is targeting must be clear and present to the search engines when their spiders to come and crawl your web pages. A website that has the

Right features added to it will have quite an edge over a website that does not have these features optimized. Without the ideal on page SEO, off page SEO efforts can be rendered useless. Off Page SEO Off page search engine optimization, or as others call it, back-linking is a major part of what decides how high your web pages will rank in the search engines. A website that has a link pointing in from another website will count as a vote to rank your website higher. Some links will be weighted heaver than others by the search engines depending on their page rank (PR) and relevancy; however a healthy link profile that points to your domain will always Off Page SEO is quite complicated, and it takes experienced professionals to do it right- let Jandec handle all of that for you by delivering your website the factors it needs. Having a great website is only half battle; we still need qualified traffic to present our Ideas to, JANDEC CPL can deliver a traffic driving strategy for your business. They can:

Optimize your website for organic search Keyword research Search engine friendly content and copy Landing page Optimization Pay per click advertising (P.P.C) Implement Web2.0 tools such as blogs, forum and RSS feeds to enhance traffic Provides website monitoring tools to tracks result

Website Design solution

They delivered web Design and Development exactly what are done by us! With more experienced developers and designers, who completed many projects for the customers in over so many countries? We developed fully responsive websites which are compatible with every multimedia device. With JANDECCPL you get:

Highly maintained Design and Development. Scalable web Development. Fully professional website Professional Design: Using latest tools of designing They complete designs of our projects. Their designs are simple and eye catching. Every Design for the projects is fixed by professional designer. Their designs are having:

Overall consistent layout. Compatible Colors. Style with simplicity. Affected Navigators Task oriented flow. User friendly we make functions according to the customers need. Only best functionality is our developers main motive to satisfy the client. JANDECCPL is able to provide custom-functionality overall. we develop the things according to some major requirements of any project:

User friendly functionality. Security and reliability. Robustness and Scalability. Functionality on back-end: We provide back-end functions that is back-office administration to the client so that he/she can be made any changes on their site related to content, images, audio, video and some more important things this is called document management from admin side.

Web Services

Web services used for sharing data between two internal systems or building an API so user can access their data. It is XML based protocols to communicate with other systems. Web services helpful for communication between applications. We can reuse information Jandec cpl has good team that makes web services. Our process of implement web services . We make JSON/XML code from online database of website and use this JSON code to make iphone and android application

Develop mobile apps

Jandec develop Top of the Mobile apps across platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phone & Windows 8.

Jandec translates your innovative ideas into reality by using advanced engineering solutions. These solutions are supported by a well-defined market strategy. Our mobile design experts create engaging and intuitive apps that range from traditional information, retail, and productivity apps to highly innovative entertainment and lifestyle apps.Mobile applications development is the process by which application software is developed for small low-power handheld devices such as personal digital assistants, Enterprises digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications are either pre-installed on phones during manufacture, or download by customers from various mobile.

Corporate training
Jandec is one of the recognized certification in the field of PHP, ASP.Net based Web Development. In these courses, details about the basic as well as advance level of web programming will be explained along with basic knowledge of the Internet and web Servers. Why best among all:

They Provide Programming language Course with Advance Format Unlimited Practice Hours. 100% Practical Teaching in development areas. Employment Guaranteed Courses. Weekend Classes Designed Ideally for Working Professionals. Friendly, Supportive, Patient & Qualified Faculty. Highly Trained, Experienced & Certified faculty. Fully equipped labs for practical. High Quality Course Materials includes notebooks, pens.

We always try to pay proper attention to their every query and glad to help them to solve their problems with intense care. We pays individual attention to each student. This way we ensure each one gets the best of us with carefully designed one-on-one coaching structure. We at Jandec believe in nothing but the best.

Database Design and Development

JANDEC CPL can provide expert solutions for database design and development. Their team consists of developers, Architects, Quality Assurance (QA) personnel, Database Administrators and is fully equipped with the tools, error prevention methodology and Procedure that enable active participation in the prevention of errors throughout the entire Database development lifecycle. Their main strength in database development process is Continuous monitoring of database performance and detection of data pollution. Your Edge online taking data from one or more sources and changing the way it is formatted Or structured and placing it back into its required file platform. They can provide: Document conversion Data migration

: converting data between formats like .doc to .xml

: this involves taking data out of the source or platform : This involves the taking of an existing database

And properly placing it into another database Database Re-Design

And re-designing all or part of it in order to make it more useful or perform better In non-redundant manner Database integration

: this involves taking an existing database and

Integrating it into existing or new web application


JANDEC recognizes that its people are the primary source of its competitiveness. A strong belief that to succeed requires the highest standards of corporate behavior towards our employees, consumers and the society. JANDECs corporate philosophy is embedded zin its commitment to all stakeholders-consumers, employees, shareholders, financiers, the environment and the society that the organization operates in. It is committed provide equal employment opportunities for attracting the best available talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan workforce. It will pursue management practices designed to enrich the quality of life of its employees, develop their potential and maximize their productivity. We believe that it is this commitment which will deliver sustainable, profitable growth. JANDEC takes pride in its core organizational values. Ethics JANDEC are transparent, fair and consistent in dealing with all people. We insist on honesty, integrity and trustworthiness in all our activities. JANDEC will strive continuously to foster a climate of openness, mutual trust and teamwork. Thats what we call the JANDEC Family People JANDEC believe that our success is driven by the commitment and excellence of our people. We attract and retain result oriented people who are proud of their work and are satisfied with nothing less than the very best in everything that they do. We encourage individual initiative by creating opportunities for our people to learn and grow. We respect the individual rights and dignity of all people. Health and safety JANDEC promote highest levels of safety in our operation, health of our employees and a clean environment.

Environmental policy Company believes that preservation of environment is essential for the survival of our business, employees, society and surroundings. They achieve it with the involvement of our workforce, vendors, customers and neighborhood. Through:

Compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Efficient use of available resources. Adoption of eco friendly technologies. Education and sustained efforts of continual Safe, clean and healthy work practice. Commitment to prevent air and water pollution


CEO (Abhinav geol)

HR manager (Rupinder kaur)

Business Manager (Kamaljit kaur)

IT Manager (sunny kumar)

Project Manager (deepika )

PHP Developer Head ( parminder singh)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

HR Manager IT Manager Project Manager Business Manager Developer Head PHP Developer Website Designer Desktop Engineer Security Guard

No. of employees
1 1 1 1 1 15 9 1 1


SR.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTALS EMPLOYEES AGE OF EMPLOYEES 18-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55&ABOVE NO OF EMPLOYEE 20 8 2 3 1 34




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOTAL

OTHERS CCNA PHP Language HR Manager Business Manager HTML,XML Language

02 04 12 01 08 01 06 34


Employee dress and grooming policy that reflects the needs of the organization without unduly restricting employees requires knowledge of the organization's needs and those of your employees. For example, you must know how the company's physical operations work, such as the dangers posed by its machinery and Electrical equipment, so that dress and grooming policies address safety. You must know the law and you must understand the details surrounding a multitude of religions and cultures to avoid discriminatory policies that open the organization to suit. Safety Make safety a central focus of the dress and grooming policy by knowing how grooming/dress and safety interface within your organization. The employee understands the machines that the organization operates; know how they work and what dangers they represent. Machine gears that interlock pose the danger of catching anything that dangles, such as sleeves, head scarves, jewelry and hair, and using that to drag workers into the machinery. Most JANDEC prohibit sleeves, rings, necklaces and ties for this reason. Rather than prohibiting long hair.

Gender Neutrality Make policies gender neutral so that they are not discriminatory, require one thing of women and another of men. Unless such differentiation is a concession to safety, policies that favor one gender over another or present radically different requirements for men and women open an organization to discrimination lawsuits. Rather, draft the policy to be gender neutral. Business Management Daily also reminds employers to guard against gender stereotypes in dress and grooming policy, especially for businesses that employ transsexual and transgender individuals.

Tattoos and Body Piercing Tattoos and body piercing are generally considered to be personal expressions rather than religious or cultural expressions, which makes their display a personal preference rather than a religious constitutional right. Your organization has the right to determine what image it wants to cultivate and display to its customer base and the world at large. Thus it is permissible for companies to prohibit visible tattoos and piercing for supervisors of subordinate personnel or workers that meet the public or professionals from other organizations within the sales downline.


During summer training period my job experience is good .where I learn installing, maintaining and supporting computer communication networks within an organization or between organizations. The goal was to ensure the smooth operation of communication networks in order to provide maximum performance and availability for their users, such as staff, clients, customers and suppliers. My work was internally as part of an organizations IT support team or externally as part of an IT networking consultancy firm working with a number of clients. The study of my overall data relate with the different Networking techniques, methods, plans which were mainly used by the JANDEC organization. My study mainly summarized about the various networking techniques used by the JANDEC organization.

At last I briefly conclude that JANDEC has very many potential abilities to prevail in the market.

Introduction of Computer networking

Two or more computers connected together through a communication media form a computer network. The computers are connected in a network to exchange information and data. The computers connected in a network can also use resources of other Computer Network Components One of the earliest examples of a computer network was a network of communicating computers that functioned as part of the U.S. military's Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) radar system. In 1969, the University of California at Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Institute, the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Utah were connected as part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) project. It is this network that evolved to become what we now call the Internet. Networks are used for the following key reasons: To facilitate communication via email, video conferencing, instant messaging, etc. To enable multiple users to share a single hardware device like a printer or scanner To enable file sharing across the network To allow for the sharing of software or operating programs on remote systems To make information easier to access and maintain among network users There are many types of networks, including: Local Area Networks (LAN) Personal Area Networks (PAN) Home Area Networks (HAN) Wide Area Networks (WAN) Campus Networks Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) Enterprise Private Networks Internetworks Backbone Networks (BBN) Global Area Networks (GAN) The Internet There are different components of a network. Following are the basic components of computer network. 1. Server: Powerful computers that provides services to the other computers on the network. 2. Client: Computer that uses the services that a server provides. The client is less powerful than server. 3. Media: A physical connection between the devices on a network.

4. Network Adopter: Network adopter or network interface card (NIC) is a circuit board with the components necessary for sending and receiving data. It is plugged into one of the available slots on the Pc and transmission cable is attached to the connector on the NIC. 5. Resources: Any thing available to a client on the network is considered a resource .Printers, data, fax devices and other network devices and information are resources. 6. User: Any person that uses a client to access resources on the network. 7. Protocols: These are written rules used for communications. They are the languages that computers use to talk to each other on a network

Advantages of Computer Network

Networks allow data transmission among far areas also within local areas. Networks allow different users share the processing characteristics of different computers. Network allows users to share common set of data files and software stored in a main system.

Network allows users to share common hardware resources such as printers, fax machines, modem etc.

The cost of computing is reduced to each user as compared to the development and maintain of each single computer system.

Types of Networks: LAN: (Local Area Network)

A LAN (local area network) is a group of computers and network devices connected together, usually within the same building. By definition, the connections must be high speed and relatively inexpensive (e.g., token ring or Ethernet). Most Indiana University Bloomington departments are on LANs. A LAN connection is a high-speed connection to a LAN. On the IUB campus, most connections are either Ethernet (10Mbps) or Fast Ethernet (100Mbps), and a few locations have Gigabit Ethernet (1000Mbps) connections .MAN:

(Metropolitan Area Network)

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is similar to a local area network (LAN) but spans an entire city or campus. MANs are formed by connecting multiple LANs. Thus, MANs are larger than LANs but smaller than wide area networks (WAN).

MANs are extremely efficient and provide fast communication via high-speed carriers, such as fiber optic cables. A MAN is ideal for many kinds of network users because it is a medium-size network. MANs are used to build networks with high data connection speeds for cities and towns. The working mechanism of a MAN is similar to an Internet Service Provider (ISP), but a MAN is not owned by a single organization. Like a WAN, a MAN provides shared network connections to its users. A MAN mostly works on the data link layer, which is Layer 2 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) is the MAN standard specified by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as IEEE 802.6. Using this standard, a MAN extends up to 3040 km, or 20-25 miles.

WAN: (Wide Area Network)

A WAN (wide area network), in comparison to a MAN, is not restricted to a geographical location, although it might be confined within the bounds of a state or country. A WAN connects several LANs, and may be limited to an enterprise (a corporation or an organization) or accessible to the public. The technology is high speed and relatively expensive. The Internet is an example of a worldwide public WAN.

Douglas Comer defines a protocol as "a formal description of message formats and the rules two or more machines must follow to exchange those messages." Protocols usually exist in two forms. First, they exist in a textual form for humans to understand. Second, they exist as programming code for computers to understand. Both forms should ultimately specify the precise interpretation of every bit of every message exchanged across a network.

Protocol Layering
Protocol layering is a common technique to simplify networking designs by dividing them into functional layers, and assigning protocols to perform each layer's task. For example, it is common to separate the functions of data delivery and connection management into separate layers, and therefore separate protocols. Thus, one protocol is designed to perform data delivery, and another protocol, layered above the first, performs connection management. The data delivery protocol is fairly simple and knows nothing of connection management. The connection management protocol is also fairly simple, since it doesn't need to concern itself with data delivery. Protocol layering produces simple protocols, each with a few well-defined tasks. These protocols can then be assembled into a useful whole. Individual protocols can also be removed or replaced.

OSI Seven-Layer Model

In the 1980s, the European-dominated International Standards Organization (ISO), began to develop its Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking suite. OSI has two major components: an abstract model of networking (the Basic Reference Model, or seven-layer model), and a set of concrete protocols. The standard documents that describe OSI are for sale and not currently available online. Parts of OSI have influenced Internet protocol development, but none more than the abstract model itself, documented in OSI 7498 and its various addenda. In this model, a networking system is divided into layers. Within each layer, one or more entities implement its functionality. Each entity interacts directly only with the layer immediately beneath it, and provides facilities for use by the layer above it. Protocols enable an entity in one host to interact with a corresponding entity at the same layer in a remote host.

The seven layers of the OSI Basic Reference Model are (from bottom to top): The Physical Layer describes the physical properties of the various communications media, as well as the electrical properties and interpretation of the exchanged signals. Ex: this layer defines the size of Ethernet coaxial cable, the type of BNC connector used, and the termination method. The Data Link Layer describes the logical organization of data bits transmitted on a particular medium. Ex: this layer defines the framing, addressing and check summing of Ethernet packets. The Network Layer describes how a series of exchanges over various data links can deliver data between any two nodes in a network. Ex: this layer defines the addressing and routing structure of the Internet. The Transport Layer describes the quality and nature of the data delivery. Ex: this layer defines if and how retransmissions will be used to ensure data delivery. The Session Layer describes the organization of data sequences larger than the packets handled by lower layers. Ex: this layer describes how request and reply packets are paired in a remote procedure call.

The Presentation Layer describes the syntax of data being transferred. Ex: this layer describes how floating point numbers can be exchanged between hosts with different math formats.

The Application Layer describes how real work actually gets done. Ex: this layer would implement file system operations.

TCP/IP is the essential two-layer program that each Internet point-of-presence (POP) or SLIP/PPP user must use. The Transmission Control Protocol (a protocol is a formal set of rules for communicating) manages the packaging of data into the packets that get routed on different paths over the Internet and reassembled at their destination. The Internet Protocol handles the address part of each data packet so that it is routed to the right destination. TCP/IP can be used on many data-link layers (can support many network hardware implementations). These two protocols are the most important, TCP/IP is really a suite of protocols. (Some of these are viewed as alternative protocols and others as application protocols.) The ones you are most likely to use (directly or indirectly) are: HTTP, FTP, Telnet, Gopher, PPP, and SMTP. Related protocols, some of them may be included in a TCP/IP package:

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Telnet File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Gopher protocol


The position reports to the IT MANAGER. The purpose of the role was to install and maintain computer hardware and networking devices in order to meet company smooth working and suggesting and providing IT solutions to business and management problems.

1. Assisted in installing, supporting and maintaining new server hardware and software infrastructure. 2. Assisted in managing email, anti-spam and virus protection 3. Assisted in setting up user accounts, permissions and passwords. 4. Ensuring the most cost-effective and efficient use of servers. 5. ensured that all IT equipment complies with industry standards 6. Assisted in undertaking routine preventative measures and implementing, maintaining and monitoring network security, particularly if the network connects to the internet.

'technical support' usually include responsibility for other IT equipment, such as printers and scanners.


Finance: Finance department deal with the all accounting information of the organization Personnel department: personnel department deal the recruitment, training and development, welfare of employee, medical facilities to the employees of the organization. Quality control: quality control department control the quality stuff according to the requirement of customers. Website Designing: designing department make the new innovative design of the website design which can attract the customers. Computer hardware and networking : Hardware and networking department maintain and install hardware and networking devices for smooth function of company. Customer relationship : customer relationship department make good and congenial relations with customers.

TITLE: Networking trainee Reports to: IT manager Job description: 1. Assist in installing, supporting and maintaining new server hardware and software infrastructure. 2. Assist in managing email, anti-spam and virus protection 3. Assist in setting up user accounts, permissions and passwords. 4. monitoring network usage. 5. ensuring the most cost-effective and efficient use of servers. ensuring that all IT equipment complies with industry standards. 6. Assist in analysing and resolving faults, ranging from a major system crash to a forgotten password. 7. Assist in undertaking routine preventative measures and implementing, maintaining and monitoring network security, particularly if the network connects to the internet. 8. working closely with other departments/organisations and collaborating with other IT staff. 9. managing the website and keeping internal networks running. 10. monitoring the use of the web by employees.

'technical support' usually include responsibility for other IT equipment, such as printers and scanners.



Networks using a Star topology require a central point for the devices to connect. Originally this device was called a concentrator since it consolidated the cable runs from all network devices. The basic form of concentrator is the hub. the hub is a hardware device that contains multiple, independent ports that match the cable type of the network. Most common hubs interconnect Category 3 or 5 twisted-pair cable with RJ-45 ends, although Coax BNC and Fiber Optic BNC hubs also exist. The hub is considered the least common denominator in device concentrators. Hubs offer an inexpensive option for transporting data between devices, but hubs don't offer any form of intelligence. Hubs can be active or passive. An active hub strengthens and regenerates the incoming signals before sending the data on to its destination. Passive hubs do nothing with the signal.


Switches are a special type of hub that offers an additional layer of intelligence to basic, physical-layer repeater hubs. A switch must be able to read the MAC address of each frame it receives. This information allows switches to repeat incoming data frames only to the computer or computers to which a frame is addressed. This speeds up the network and reduces congestion.


A bridge is used to join two network segments together, it allows computers on either segment to access resources on the other. They can also be used to divide large networks into smaller segments. Bridges have all the features of repeaters, but can have more nodes, and since the network is divided, there is fewer computers competing for resources on each segment thus improving network performance. Bridges can also connect networks that run at different speeds, different topologies, or different protocols. But they cannot, join an Ethernet segment with a Token Ring segment, because these use different networking standards. Bridges operate at both the Physical Layer and the MAC sub layer of the Data Link layer. Bridges read the MAC header of each frame to determine on which side of the bridge the destination device is located, the bridge then repeats the transmission to the segment where the device is located


Routers Are networking devices used to extend or segment networks by forwarding packets from one logical network to another. Routers are most often used in large internetworks that use the TCP/IP protocol suite and for connecting TCP/IP hosts and local area networks (LANs) to the Internet using dedicated leased lines. Routers work at the network layer (layer 3) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model for networking to move packets between networks using their logical addresses (which, in the case of TCP/IP, are the IP addresses of destination hosts on the network). Because routers operate at a higher OSI level than bridges do, they have better packet-routing and filtering capabilities and greater processing power, which results in routers costing more than bridges.

NIC (network interface card):

Network Interface Card or NIC is a hardware card installed in a computer so it can communicate on a network. The network adapter provides one or more ports for the network cable to connect to, and it transmits and receives data onto the network cable. Every networked computer must also have a network adapter driver, which controls the network adapter. Each network adapter driver is configured to run with a certain type of network adapter.


A modem is a device that makes it possible for computers to communicate over telephone lines. The word modem comes from Modulate and Demodulate. Because standard telephone lines use analog signals, and computers digital signals, a sending modem must modulate its digital signals into analog signals. The computers modem on the receiving end must then demodulate the analog signals into digital signals.


Transceiver short for transmitter-receiver, a device that both transmits and receives analog or digital signals. The term is used most frequently to describe the component in local-area networks (LANs) that actually applies signals onto the network wire and detects signals passing through the wire. For many LANs, the transceiver is built into the network interface card (NIC). Some types of networks, however, require an external transceiver.

Infrastructure Problem. They Only show formal relationships and tell nothing of the pattern of human (Social) relationship which develop .They also often do not show horizontal Relationships. They provide little information about the managerial style adopted. Canteen facility not available. .

1. IT strategy development: Information technology helps companies transform

themselves and grow their business. JANDEC needs to help clients identify the optimal future state of IT, aligned with business needs, and then works with them to develop a blueprint for implementation. 2. IT performance improvement: Underperforming IT hurts business performance. JANDEC needs to work with companies to reduce costs, develop outsourcing and offshoring strategies that meet their needs, redesign their organization, and ensure a costeffective application portfolio that supports innovation to deliver breakthrough IT performance improvements. 3. IT project effectiveness: JANDEC needs to help clients maximize the business results from major IT initiatives, including turnaround programs. We help executives evaluate the case for investment, set up projects for success, and ensure they capture value when implementing new systems and programs.

As I made a project on JANDEC CPL, I learnt to be more patient with people and also learnt about some of the computer networking works that takes place in the IT Department of the company.

I observed how the organization in the department dealt with the employees. How the employees/departments coordinated with each other to achieve the daily targets.

The project report helped me to realize the importance of each and every subject. I came to know no matter in which department you are, you need to have knowledge of each and every field.

The functioning of any business does not solely depend on IT or finance or HRM, everything should be in a balanced framework. This has to lead me to give importance to everything in life as everything has its own importance.

While training is necessary, it is not sufficient to complete the learning experience for the next generation leaders. That comes only through exposure to various situations. It is important to ensure that company should create opportunities for people to grow by moving across various functions and roles. Based on how the training needs of the employees are identified and whether they apply the learnings from the training to their normal work, the following can be summarized concluded:

The Hardware and Networking Training programs for IT employees are mostly chosen from the list of the training programs. The Technical Training programs are recommended because the concept/skills are required on the job so that the employees could work more efficiently and effectively.

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