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Jackson, S & Vernes, K 2010, Kangaroo: portrait of an extraordinary marsupial, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, N.S.W. Which type of material is being described in this citation? A. Chapter in a book C. Book B. Web site D. Insufficient information 2. Pech, RJ & Slade, BW 2004, `Manoeuvre theory: business mission analysis for high intensity conflict', Management Decision, vol. 42, no. 7/8, pp. 987-1000. Which type of material is being described in this citation? A. Chapter in a book C. Conference paper B. Journal article D. Insufficient information 3. Zappone, C 2010, `A plague on egg prices', The Age, 14 September, p. 5. Which type of material is being described in this citation? A. Book chapter C. Newspaper article B. Conference paper D. Insufficient information 4. If you have included a direct quotation in your assignment from this book, Veal, A 2010, Leisure, sport and tourism: politics, policy and planning, 3rd edn, CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire. How would you write the in-text citation? A. (Veal p. 126) C. (Veal 2010) B. (Veal 2010, p. 126) D. (Veal 2010, Chapter 6, p. 126) 5. Buckley, R 2009, `White-water tourism', in B Prideaux & M Cooper (eds), River tourism, CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp. 181-196. What is the name of the Book Chapter? A. White-water tourism C. River tourism B. CABI, Wallingford D. Insufficient information 6. If you are paraphrasing from a 2008 publication by Nick Economou and Stephen Tanner, how should you cite the reference in the text of your assignment? A. (Nick Economou & Stephen Tanner, 2008) B. (N Economou & S Tanner 2008) C. (Economou, N & Tanner, S 2008) D. (Economou & Tanner 2008) 7. Barajas, M. and Owen, M. 2000. Implementing virtual learning environments: looking for a holistic approach. Education Technology and Society A. Edited book C. Journal article B. Chapter in a book D. Insufficient information The following questions test your understanding of how to reference different types of material in Harvard Style. Look carefully at each possible answer and decide which is the correct format for each reference. 8. Book A. Physics and chemistry of the solar system. San Diego: Academic Press. Lewis, J. S. 1997. B. Lewis, J. S. 1997. Physics and chemistry of the solar system. San Diego: Academic Press. C. Physics and chemistry of the solar system. Lewis, J. S. 1997. D. Lewis, J. S. Physics and chemistry of the solar system. San Diego: 1997. 9. Chapter in an edited book A. Smith, J. 1980. The instruments of Hungarian folk dance music. In: Jones, R. and Green, D. eds. Folk music of Eastern Europe. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 46-59. B. Jones, R. and Green, D. eds. Folk music of Eastern Europe. The instruments of Hungarian folk dance music. Smith J. 1980, pp. 46-59. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 46-59. C. Smith, J. 1980. The instruments of Hungarian folk dance music, pp. 46-59. In: Jones, R. and Green, D. eds. Folk music of Eastern Europe. London: Edward Arnold. 1

D. Jones, R. and Green, D. eds. Folk music of Eastern Europe. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 46-59. 10. Journal article A. Journal of Environmental Management, 2004, pp. 245-260: Feasibility versus sustainability in urban water management. Starkl, M. and Brunner, N. B. Starkl, M. and Brunner, N. Feasibility versus sustainability in urban water management. Journal of Environmental Management 71(3). C. Feasibility versus sustainability in urban water management. Starkl, M. and Brunner, N. Journal of Environmental Management 71(3), 2004. D. Starkl, M. and Brunner, N. 2004. Feasibility versus sustainability in urban water management. Journal of Environmental Management 71(3), pp. 245-260. 11. Electronic journal article A. John, V. et al. Gender and age differences amongst current smokers in a general population survey. BMC Public Health [Online] 5(57). 2005. Available at: B. John, V. 2005. Gender and age differences amongst current smokers in a general population survey. [Online article]. Available at: [Accessed: 25th August 2005]. C. John, V. 2005. Gender and age differences amongst current smokers in a general population survey. BMC Public Health [Online] 5(57). Available at: [Accessed: 25th August 2005]. D. BMC Public Health [Online], 5(57): Gender and age differences amongst current smokers in a general population survey. John, V. Available at: [Accessed: 25th August 2005]. 12. Web document A. Overton, M. 2002. Agricultural revolution [Online]. London: BBC. Available at: [Accessed: 25th August 2005]. B. BBC. Agricultural revolution [Online]. Overton, M. 2002. [Accessed: 25th August 2005]. C. Overton, M. Agricultural revolution [Online]. London: BBC. Available at: D. Overton, M. 2002. Agricultural revolution [Online]. London: BBC. [Accessed: 25th August 2005]. 13. Where if anywhere should citations be located in the following extract from an essay on referencing? Mark with an X you think a citation should be located in the text. Immanuel Kant said Science is organized knowledge. This short quote brilliantly captures the point that the primary mission of science and other disciplines is not to promote individual achievements, but to establish a connected, collective, and recognised body of knowledge. This is the most fundamental reason for referencing from a theoretical point of view. Hence some authors identify this as the principal reason for referencing: The primary reason for citation [...] is that it encourages and supports the collective construction of academic knowledge X

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