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Use your imagination and become one of our citys

young authors Imaginethe Possibilities

You must be 0 to 19 years old
If you cant write yet, ask someone else to do it for you
Winners work will appear in the 2014 anthology.
Copies will be presented to all winners, schools, early years, post 16
settings and libraries at a launch event in October 2014.
Closing date for entries is 20 May 2014
the Possibilities
Entries for the competition should be sent to the address on the form below (the form
may be photocopied) or can be handed in at any public library in Plymouth.
Entries should be securely attached to the form indicating the details of the author and
their piece of writing.
Authors can include individuals or a group of young people working together. For those
authors who are not able, or are too young, to write for themselves but have composed
a piece orally, a scribed piece will be accepted. Authors should be between the ages of 0
and 19.
The anthology has the theme Imagine...the Possibilities and will include the
opportunity for authors to submit poetry, prose, and stories on any theme, including
a section about our city of Plymouth, our famous heritage, including the Armada; the
Mayfower sailing; many other events and famous Plymothians.
Authors may provide a specifc visual image linked to their writing and send this image,
frmly attached to their writing and labelled on the back. Images may be reproduced in
the anthology and it is the responsibility of the school submitting the image to ensure
all permissions have been given for this to take place prior to inclusion in the anthology.
Pupils may wish to link anthology entries to the Young Motion Plymouth Freeze Frame
competition (
Name _____________________________________________ Age ___________
Address of school or setting ____________________________________________
Title of entry _______________________________________________________
All work must be original and produced by the child or children named above.
Please return all entries to
Christine Gill, Education, Learning and Family Support, Plymouth City Council,
Plymouth PL1 2AA
Closing date - Monday 20 May 2014
Plymouth Anthology of Young Peoples Writing 2014
Imagine... the Possibilities

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