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Purchase Contract for Illumination in Office

To, Philips 'lectronics In(ia )imite( (th 1loor, D-1 (%+, D-1 *yber *ity, Sector &3, D-1 Phase % 2, /urgaon % )&&''&, ,ndia 8our Person 5esponsible# Mr. 9. Santosh Telephone# ')&0%0:'0:'' .mail id# vsan; Dear Sir/Madam, Please arrange to supply the material/services listed below as per the terms and conditions enumerated thereafter. This order is subject to the terms and conditions listed. e re!uire an order ac"nowledgement for the following re!uirements# *ontract <umber# 03'&2=: *ontract Date# &=.'(.&')' *onsignee# SMS ,ndia Pvt. -td. 2=4, 7dyog 9ihar%,, /urgaon%)&&'):, ,ndia $ur *ontact Person# Ms. >ajal Singh Telephone# ')&0%042):'' .mail id# "ajalsingh;sms?

$ffer dated % &&.'(.&')'

*onsignee/Purchaser/+uyer# Supplier# SMS ,ndia Pvt. -td. Philips .lectronics ,ndia -td.

Procurement, Delivery, ,nstallation, fitting, Testing and ,nspection of complete material at consignee office. The material shall be inline with the finally agreed and accepted technical specifications/datasheets. Item )' &' 2' Description /0' /lobe type Mercury -ight *150' 5eflector *1- 6older Qty. 2'' 2'' 2'' !otal alue Unit Price (INR) 343.'' )43.'' )''.'' Net alue (INR) )4&,3''.'' 3&,3''.'' 2','''.'' "##$%%%.%%

Material shall be dispatched within )%& wee"s from the date of P.$. Material shall be dispatched only against written dispatch clearance from the +78.5.

Price *asis:
% % % The Price is inclusive pac"ing, forwarding, loading and freight charger upto the purchaser office. The unit rates mentioned in the P.$. shall be applicable for any addition and deletion in !ty. <o price variation shall be accepted on this value.

Payment !erms:
&'@ of order value shall be given as advance within 4days from the date of P.$. 5est ='@ of the order value shall be released within 2'days on submission of following documents in original# % % % % % $riginal ,nvoice of the material. Material Pac"ing -ist. Proof of receipt of material. ,nstallation 5eport duly signed and accepted by purchaserAs representative. Testing 5eport duly signed by purchaserAs representative.

Supplier shall provide warranty of )& months for all the items from the date of installation B completion. Cny defects found during this warranty period shall be suitably rectified or replaced free of cost based on the re!uirement.

,n case the delivery of material is delayed beyond the stipulated delivery period as mentioned in the DDeliveryE clause or the performance parameters are not fulfilled, supplier shall liable to pay -i!uidated Damages penalty of &@ of the total order value per wee", maFimum upto )'@ of the total order value. Cny deviation from commitment made by supplier will add further 3@ penalty.

,o- Completion:
The order shall be considered as completed only after complete delivery of material, installation, testing and inspection is done. The order shall be completed within )3days. ,f any deficiency or non%compliance is noted at the time of inspection, purchaser shall notify the supplier of such defects/deficiencies and supplier shall rectify/replace defective items within the )3days period of order.

Cny dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Delhi only.

.orce /a0eure:
,f either party is prevented from the performance of the contractual obligations in whole or in part of force majeure as acts of /od, act of government, public enemy acts, wars, riots, civil commotion, storm, flood, earth!ua"e, fire, stri"e and loc"%out, affected party shall provide notice of happening to the other party within 4days from the date of occurrence of force majeure. The notice shall be accompanied by evidence from government authority about the occurrence of force majeure. hen the occurrence is over, affected party shall immediately inform the other party in writing. The period of force majeure shall be eFcluded accordingly. <either supplier nor purchaser shall claim compensation for the loss thus occurred.

1or SMS ,ndia Pvt. -td.

Ccceptance by Supplier

>ajal Singh Csst Manager

CuthoriGed Signatory Hwith $ffice sealI

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