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Faith, Love, Time and Dr. Lazaro: an Analysis using Moral-Philosophical Approach In the story it shows that Dr.

Lazaro is emotionally and objective detached, as required by his profession. As a doctor he inherit the power to either save or heal the patient and allow the effects of disease to snuff life are perhaps the reason why he had emotionally detached. In this case its also one thing why Dr. Lazaro loses his faith to God, especially because of certain critical events in his life. Not only this could be the factor why he loses his faith, as a doctor, exposed to seeing patients undergo traumatic pain and deep suffering, that make his feeling numb. It shows how weak he is as a doctor that he could not do anything in order to save the lives of his patients, and even more when his son committed suicide and he even done anything in order to save the life of his son. As human we always tend to blame God on the things that happen in our lives especially the negative one and it usually leads to lose our faith to God. The things that we could not handle in our life are the reasons why we do not trust God, we think that God is punishing us because of our sins, but theres a reason why these things are happening to our lives. In our life there are things that might not happen the way we want to be. Every circumstance, situations in our lives has a reason. We should take it positively and Godly. God knows what is best for us even though it hurt us. In the story it seems that time those not exist for Dr Lazaro, for time to exist there must be a change (cf. Br. Ryan Oliver Bautista SDB, Good Night Talk). At the end of the story time already exist in the life of Dr Lazaro as his son Ben open his faith to God again. In our life God will use an instrument that will represent him to be our guide and help in every struggle in our life. God will never leave us and we will never walk alone because God is always there for us. What is a summary of Faith Time Love and Dr. Lazaro by Gregorio Brillantes? A story about a father who wants his son to be a doctor like him. But Ben (his son) wants to serve God. He wants to be a priest someday. In his profession Dr. lazaro lose his faith to God. And by the time he sees his son baptizing the weak year old baby, the faith of Ben open his faith to God again. Conflict of faith love time and dr lazaro? The conflict is, Dr. Lazaro lost his faith and love in God.. Because once the faith was lost, your life become miserable and also, your work become complicated because your hope also lose too.. So that Dr. Lazaro's faith to God, not be good in his Work, because he did not focused well..

The story of Dr. Lazaro Today I accidentally read a story entitled Faith, Love, Time and Dr Lazaro by Gregorio Brillantes because my friend force me o do it. T first, I thought its all about relationships or just the things that is happening between two people who are in love because of its title. But as I read it, I realize that this is all about a Doctor which is Lazaro who is very much dedicated with his profession but have lost his faith in God and time for his family. He lost his faith in God at the time his younger son died, who actually committed suicide and also because he witness people who is suffering from deep pain and yet they still die. He began to question God why there is so much suffering in the world. Dr. Lazaro devoted his time to his profession that made him lost time for his family, that he doesnt even have a chance to be closer with his older son. But the scene that really captures my attention is when Dr. Lazaro and his son attended a sick child but unfortunately Dr. Lazaro failed to rescue the child, then the son baptized the child before it died. While on their way home Dr. Lazaro had a chance to talk to his son and ask about the baptism that his son made. Because of that, it made him to reflect on his life and hes belief and wonder again about the teachings of the church which I think bring backed Dr. Lazaros faith to God. As I continually reading this, it reminded me the story of Lazarus in the Bible. Lazarus whos resurrected because of Marthas faith. Well, this story made me realize that we should not lose faith to God. Everything happens for a reason and God always is in control. . I want to reflect on the story, "Faith,Love,Time and Dr. Lazaro because it is the best story i ever read. This story is a reflection of oneself. We can learn from this about how important faith, love and time to a man's life. In our life, we need faith to survive the challenges we are facing. Faith is like an energy that keeps us going. It helps us not to lose hope especially when we are in a situation that we feel like giving up... We need love in order to love another. We need to show love in order to be loved. When we don't love, we are like walking dead. We are alive because we are breathing but we are dead because we don't see anymore the beauty of life. We need time in order to enjoy the moment. Time is very important because we learn how to treasure every moment we shared with our love ones. We need to enjoy every bit of the time we have so that we will not regret in the future if we don't have time anymore. Life is too short. We need to enjoy it to the fullest. Life is not about money, achievements and luxury. It's about how you enjoy every moment you have when you have faith in God, when you loved and when you treasure the time given to you by God.

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