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12th February 2014


Protests called 3 years after Bahrain's crushed uprising
Bahrain's opposition has called for protests to mark the third anniversary Friday of an Arab Spring revolt led by the Shiite majority that was brutally crushed by the Saudi-backed Sunni monarchy. The Gulf state is deeply divided, with persistent protests on the outskirts of the capital Manama that ignite clashes with police, scores of Shiites jailed on "terror" charges, deadlocked reconciliation talks and simmering sectarian distrust. The main opposition group Al-Wefaq is calling for a strike on Thursday and a rally Saturday to commemorate the February 14 uprising, which was inspired by the prodemocracy revolts that swept the Arab world in early 2011. Read More Sunni regime on February 14, 2011, amidst popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. The protests have been crushed by martial law and a U.S.-backed invasion of Saudi Arabian forces. A massive crowded marched in the capital Manama on Tuesday behind a banner reading, "Its impossible for the Bahraini people to give up on democracy." Bahrain is a key U.S. government ally in the Gulf, hosting the Navys 5th Fleet. Read More to protect peoples safety, property from anyone who threatens Bahrains security and stability or disrupts the nations interests, Public Security chief MajorGeneral Tariq Al Hassan said. People should distance themselves from anything that might prejudice security and public order, he said in a statement on Tuesday evening. Read More Girls, their faces painted in Bahrains national colors, participate in a march for

Protests called 3 years after Bahrain's Arab Spring uprising

Bahrain's opposition has reached out for protests to mark the anniversary of an Arab Spring revolt. Al-Wefaq, the main opposition group,! is calling for a strike on Thursday. There are also plans for a rally on Saturday to commemorate the February 14 uprising. The Arab Spring was inspired by the pro-democracy revolts that swept the Arab world in early 2011.

The head of Al-Wefaq has claimed that protests will on by symbolic in nature in order to protest the deterioration of the situation." A youth coalition by the name of February 14 has encouraged protesters to meet on Friday to attempt to reach Pearl Square. This is the historical spot where demonstrators camped for a month before being driven out by violence from security forces in March 2011. Read More


Thousands Mark ProDemocracy Uprising Anniversary in Bahrain

Thousands of people have rallied in Bahrain to mark this weeks third anniversary of a prodemocracy movement. Opposition activists began protesting the U.S.-backed

Bahrain unrest timeline

Key developments in Bahrain, three years after Arab Spring-inspired prodemocracy protests erupted in the Sunni-ruled kingdom. According to the International Federation for Human Rights, at least 89 people have been killed since the unrest began.

- February 14: As protests ripple across the Arab world following revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, unrest breaks out in Bahrain, where a Sunni Muslim elite rules over a Shiite majority population. Protests focus on Pearl Square in Manama, which security forces assault on February 17. Demonstrations also take place in several majority Shiite villages. Read More democracy in Manama, the nations capital. Protesters chanted anti-government slogans during one of several protests organized in the run-up to Fridays third anniversary of an uprising demanding democracy in the Gulf island kingdom. Writing on the girl's face at right reads, Bahrain, the revolution continues, and on the face of the girl at left, Bahrain, revolution until victory. Read More

Bahrain police chief warns against breaking the law

Bahrains interior ministry has warned of a zerotolerance policy for anyone who engages in criminal behaviour and threatens the countrys security and stability or stalls peoples interests. The public security forces will take all necessary steps

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