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Avant-garde Art History, Society and Culture

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Genres Abstract Academic Art Art Deco Art Nouveau Assemblage Avante-garde Baroque Art Bauhaus Classical Realism Conceptual Art Constructivism Cubism Dada Expressionism Fauvism Fluxus Folk Art Futurism Impressionism Minimalism Modernism Neoclassicism Neoplasticism Orphism Pop Art Post-Impressionism Realism Romanticism Socialist Realism Street Art Surrealism Symbolism Of Interest Giclee Prints Mysticism Religious Conflict

Avant-garde is a term that is loosely used to describe the movement of progressive and experimental art, usually in reference to abstract styles regarding literature, film, culture, politics, and art. It is the expression of pushing boundaries, rebellion, and innovation. Avant-garde is also a part of postmodernism.

Salvador Dali

Avant-garde originated in the 19th to 20th century in France and Italy. Its exact origins remain unknown, but art historians place it in this time range. Avant-garde was a fast pace movement, spreading from France to Russia and throughout Europe at lightening fast spee It is a definitive part of the formation that has created our current American culture.

Throughout the history of art, avant-garde has influenced many different art movements, including abstract expression, conceptual art, cubism, dada, and countless other varieties o artistic movements. Despite a great deal of criticism regarding various avant-garde styles, is easily the most popular form of art and continues to inspire many new pieces of art.

Avant-garde is comparable to a chameleon, with many different facets and designs as it ta on different names and styles. Many historians doubt that there are any pieces that resemb true "avant-garde" styles, but others disagree. Each piece can be interpreted a million different ways, which is part of what makes this style so special and compelling to others. ventures into both a scientific and philosophical views and creates a unique basis for deba and discussion.

A famous artist in the movement and history of Avant-garde is Salvador Dali. He labeled defined surrealism and brought avant-garde to a new light and overall perspective. Since surrealism is technically part of the avant-garde history, Dali opened the style up for more

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Avant-garde Art History, Society and Culture

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Surprisingly, Avant-garde made a large impact on more than just the art scene. Avant-gard styles are directly responsible for playing the role of a religion almost, a higher power tha guided lost individuals towards hope. The style opened the eyes of many, and allowed political, social and cultural changes to take place on a larger scale.

Without this particular style of art, our world would currently be very different from what is today. There was a great amount of shock and criticism throughout the history of Avant garde, making it controversial, yet somehow undeniably irresistible.

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Avant-garde Art History, Society and Culture


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