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Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.

2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
Etiology based study of hypertension in an Ayurvedic approach

*Shraddha N.Dhundi, Pramod R Yadav, PK Prajapati
Department oI Rasashastra & Bhaishjyakalpana, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar.
Ayurveda symbolises holistic approach towards treating ABS1RAC1
diseases and better prevention than cure as one oI its main
Ayurveda symbolises holistic approach towards treating
motto . In the present paper, an etiological based special
diseases and better prevention than cure as its one of the
survey was carried out to assess the dietary and habitual
main motto . In present paper, etiological based survey of 30
liIestyles oI people suIIering Irom hypertension.
patients was carried out to assess dietary and habitual
lifestyles of people suffering from hypertension, for this a
detailed proforma based on classical etiological factors
related to hypertension was used. After the detailed
Asurvey was carried out on patients attending OPDand IPD
assessment it was found that, more percentage of etiological
oI Dept. oI Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana including
factors of Raktavaha Srotas (micro channels for the
drug research, Institute Ior Post Graduate Teaching &
transportation of blood) (78.46), Rasavaha Srotas (micro
Research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurved University,
channels for the transport of chyme) (53.33) were found
Jamnagar. The patients suIIering Irom essential
influenced than that of Manovaha Srotas (micro channels for
Hypertension were enrolled Ior the present work. Atotal oI
the conveyance of psyche) (27.67) and Medovaha Srotas
30 patients were examined thoroughly based on a special
(micro channels transporting of fats) (37.76). Hence, it
proIorma prepared on the basis oI Aharafa, Jiharafa and
can be concluded that avoidance of these etiologies
Manashika Nidanas (Etiologies related to dietary habits,
(Nidanaparivarfana) is a first step in the direction of control
various exercises including walking, jogging etc. and
and management of hypertension.
psychological behaviour). Caraka Samhita, Susruta
Samhita, Ashtanga Samgraha and Madhava Nidana (Basic
classics oI Ayurveda) were reIerred Ior enlisting the
etiological Iactors.(Appendix-I) Etiological Iactors Ior the
With nearly 100-million aIIected people, India is on the
vitiation oI Rakta Dhatu as mentioned in Jidhishonatiya
verge oI becoming the "heart disease capital oI the world",
Adhyaya of Caraka has been taken as basis Ior
experts warn today. Cardiovascular disease is the world's
examination. Other Hetus (etiological Iactors) pertaining to
leading killer, accounting Ior 16.7 million or 29.2 percent oI
Hridroga (Cardiac disorders) have also been incorporated
total global deaths in 2003. With modernization, a large
Irom the above mentioned texts. Ashtavidha and
proportion oI Asians are trading healthy traditional diets Ior
Dashavidha Parikshana (eight and ten speciIic examination
Iatty Ioods, physical jobs Ior deskbound sloth, the relative
methods adopted by Vaidyas) were also carried out.
calm oI the countryside Ior the stressIul city. Heart-attack
victims are just the Iirst wave oI a swelling population oI
Asians with heart problems. While deaths Irom heart attacks
have declined more than 50 percent since the 1960s in many
All countries oI the world are currently in diIIerent stages oI
industrialized countries, 80 per cent oI global cardiovascular
demographic and developmental transition. The pace oI this
diseases related deaths nowoccur in lowand middle-income
transition has been particularly marked in countries oI the
nation, which covers most countries in Asia.
so-called Third World, especially in recent times. Modern
advances in science and in inIormation and communication
In India in the past Iive decades, rates oI coronary disease
technologies on the one hand, and the policies oI
among urban populations have risen Irom 4 percent to 11
globalisation and 'economic liberalisation', which many
percent. In urban China, the death rate Irom coronary disease
developing countries have now opted Ior, on the other, have
rose by 53.4 percent Irom 1988 to 1996. According to recent
served to accelerate the pace oI these changes. In India, Iar-
estimates, cases oI CVD (Cardio vascular diseases) may
reaching changes aIIecting the lives oI millions oI people are
increase Irom about 2.9 crore in 2000 to as many as 6.4 crore
now being brought about as part oI this developmental
in 2015. Deaths Irom CVD will also be more than double.
transition. The major attributes oI developmental transition
Most oI this increase will occur on account oI coronary heart
are: urbanisation, changes in occupational pattern, changes
disease AMI (Acute myocardial InIarction), Angina, CHF
in Iamily structure, change in liIe-style and value systems,
(Chronic heart Iailure) and inIlammatory heart disease .
changes in dietary practices, environmental degradation,
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 60
and progressive ageing oI populations. All these attributes
oI the world's cardiac patients will be Indian by 2010 . In
have had important eIIects on the overall pattern oI
2000, Ior example, India lost more than Iive times as many
morbidity in the population. The population oI India which
years oI economically productive liIe to cardiovascular
stood at 360 million in 1950 is now approaching a billion;
disease than did the U.S., where most oI those killed by heart
alongside with this increase, there has also been a slow and
disease are above retirement age.
progressive ageing oI the population resulting in a marked
Material and methods:
* Corresponding author

Increase in the proportion and absolute numbers oI the Rakta Dushti (Ashrayashrayi Bhava)(Mutually Supporting
population liable to chronic diseases oI adulthood and old factors). On the other hand, iI the dominancy oI Doshas in
hypertension is not according to the age, then the
age . The concurrent control oI inIectious diseases has also
management oI hypertension can become easy .
contributed to this striking change in the morbidity proIile .
Chronic degenerative diseases are now emerging as the
Table 1. shows the gradation oI hypertension prevalent in the
major causes oI morbidity and mortality . This ascendancy
present study. It is evident that maximum patients were in
oI chronic degenerative diseases implies a vastly greater loss
Stage I and stage II.
oI productivity and vastly greater expense with regard to
health care oI the nation as a whole .
The Nidana Sevana (Table No.2) was assessed on the basis
oI quantity and Irequency oI consumption. The present study
According to Ayurveda Mana (mind) and Purusha (body)
revealed that maximum i.e. 50 patients were having
both are evolved and nourished Irom Iood. II Iood is un-
Atividahi Ahara(Foods that cause excessive burning
homologous then it will cause imbalance in both Manas and
sensation), 36.67 patient had Lavana Rasa(Salty)
Sarira Doshas resulting in many diseases . Hypertension is
predominantly in their diet, Iollowed by 33.33 patient
one oI the diseases which are the outcomes oI such a Iaulty
having Kshara and 16.67 Amla Rasa dominancy in their
Iood regimen and liIe style accepted across generations and
Iood. Nowadays the spicy Iood has become a common Iood
entered in genetic predisposition group unknowingly which
habit in the society. These Rasas may work as an etiological
now-a-days is being called as X-syndrome (Beefa Dosa or
Iactor Ior the disease hypertension by increasing Jata and
Santana Dosa) . In the present study 33.33 patients have
Pitta Dosa and vitiating the Rakta Dhatu . Out oI the shown positive Iamily history.
Aharafa Nidanas like Chinese, Punjabi, Pizza and South
Indian snacks are present in the routine diet oI a civil person, Age is an important Iactor in the maniIestation oI the disease
because hypertension is Iound mostly in the middle and these diets is dominated with Snigdha(Unctous), Jidahi,
Guru(heavy), Sthira Gunas(Stable Qualities) in the body senile age group . Age Iactor modiIies the course oI
|14| |21|
essential hypertension . The younger the patient when and simultaneously vitiates respective Dosas . The
hypertension is Iirst noted, the greater is the reduction in liIe vitiation oI these Iractions ultimately leads to Margavarodha
of Jata, aggravates and vitiates Iurther the Vata Dosa and expectancy iI the hypertension is leIt untreated . In
Ayurvedic classics, the Jayas (Age) has been implied as an Dhatus respectively. Here the type oI Margavarodha
(Obstruction) can be concluded as margavrodha of Sama important Iactor in the maniIestation oI the diseases and in
the prognosis oI the disease . As the hypertension generally Jayu by aggravated and vitiated Dosa and Dushya. All these
Iactors come under Asatmyendriyartha Samyoga(improper occurs in middle and senile age, it can be said that the disease
correlation of the Sense Organs) and Pragyaparadha is mainly related to Jata and Pitta dominancy
(As.H.Su.1/8), because the susceptibility oI body towards (Erroneous Way of Life) and aIIlict both body and mind
Chala Guna(Continously Moving) Dosha because the oI Vata is dominancy, changes according to the age. In the
present study, 40 patients belonged to the age group oI 40 totally responsible Ior maintenance oI circulation. Tama
50 years. This age group has Pitta dominancy and hence Pradhana Ahara(Foods predominant with Tamas) may
excess indulgence oI Pitta vitiating Iactors may provoke
aIIect the same . All Rakta Dushtikara Nidanas
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
Graph 1: General observations as made in 30 patients of hypertension
Etiology based study of hypertension in an Ayurvedic approach 35
I.e. Jishamashana, excessive intake oI salt (Tathati Lavana having Guru and Snigdha Gunakar Ahara. Long and regular
use oI above mentioned Ahara may lead to high cholesterol Ksharaihi) , excessive Iatty diet (Ati-Snigdha Ahara),
level in the blood and may cause atherosclerotic changes in Gathiya-pieces oI Papaya (Malina Ahara) are common in
coronary arteries. the diet oI Gujarati people. Punjabi, Chinese, and South
Indian Iood, are not used in proper quantity and violation oI
In the Jiharafa Nidanas, 70 patients were indulging in
regional dietary customs, are also becoming common in the
Diwaswapna(Day Sleeping), 30 patients did one or the
vegetarian group. Caraka has specially quoted that people
other type oI Jegavidharana, 26.67 patients were having
(Janapada) oI Saurashtra and Bahlika (Regions towards
Tamagunadhikya(predominantly tamas) Iollowed by 26.67
northwest Irontiers oI India) consume more salt in their
having Achesta. Avyayama was Iound in 36.67 patients.
diet . This type oI diet aggravates Doshas and does the
Exercise increases blood circulation, reduces platelet
Iurther progress in the pathophysiology oI hypertension.
stickiness, increases Iibrinolysis, lowers blood lipids and
16.67 patients having Jiruddha Ahara which is the main
reduces obesity . A sedentary liIe style with poor
cause oI Raktapradosaja Vyadhis (Diseaes due to Vitiation
cardiopulmonary Iitness is thus more prone to coronary
oI blood) as well as Santana Dosa (DiIIiculty in begetting
artery disease. Jegavidharana(Suppression of urges) may
children), indicates the involvement oI Rakta and genetic
cause vitiation oI Apana Jayu and add to the
predominance in hypertension. Mada and Murcha
etiopathogenesis oI hypertension. Atapa and Anala Sevana
(Fainting) quoted in Jidhishonitiya Adhyaya oI Caraka
(Excessive exposure to sun and wind) (20) was also |27|
Samhita are the post leads oI Jiruddha Ahara as well as
observed. This may be due to invariable and comprehensive
hypertension. Thus, Jiruddha Ahara can be one oI the
exposure oI local public to dry and hot weather oI conIined
etiological Iactors in the maniIestation oI hypertension.
area, Jamnagar (Jangala Desha). ThereIore, the Pitta can
These are all the classical Hetus, the Gathiya, Phafada (Iood
vitiate Rakta and cause hypertension.
stuIIs speciIically made oI Iloor oI Bengal gram deep Iried in
oil) though having Desasatmya(Compatible place) could be
In Manasika Nidanas, Chinta 46.67 Iollowed by
categarised as Paistika and Snigdha diet and excess
Krodha 26.67 and Shoka 23.33 were Iound. Apart Irom
|29| consumption was traced in present study. This could be non
these Trasa, Bhaya and Achinta were Iound to be 13.33,
classical Hetu.
6.67 and 6.67 respectively. Periods oI stress are
associated with increased catecholamine secretion, and
It has been observed that 36.67 oI patients were taking |30|
sustained stress can lead to rise in Blood pressure . Thus,
Guru Ahara and 26.67 patients were taking Snigdha and
mental tension may be a conditioning or an aggravating
Atiabhishyandhi Ahara each, whereas 46.67 patients were
Iactor, which, in the presence or absence oI other traits
taking Jidahi Ahara. Maximum numbers oI patients were
predisposes to Hypertension. In the present study, it was also
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
Number of

Number of
85 89 High-Normal 3 130 139 High Normal 4
Stage 1
11 140 -159
Stage 1
Stage 2
12 160 179
Stage 2
Stage 3
4 180
Stage 3

Table 1: Showing the number of patients in various grades of hypertension
Graph 2: Aharaja Aidanas as found in 30 patients of hypertension
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
Table 2: Showing the broad classification of Aidanas of Hypertension in Ayurvedic parlance
Iound that Chinta as well as Achinta both are enumerated as Jyasanatah(Frustrations) tea in 60, tobacco in 36.67

etiological Iactors oI heart diseases was Iound in the survey and alcohol in 10 was Iound as a Hetu. The caIIeineacutely
study. Acharaya Caraka advocates practising Chinta in the elevates Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and Diastolic Blood
Pressure (DBP) at rest and during mental and exercise stress. cases oI Sthaulya (Obesity). ThereIore patients having

It has been proved that this presser eIIect is due to the Santarpanotha(Diseas due to over nourishment)

elevation by caIIeine oI peripheral vascular resistancerather etiopathogenesis oI hypertension can rely on this Iactor to a
certain extent. than enhancement oI cardiac output . The abilityoI caIIeine
Santarpana Ahara and Jihara Apatarpana Ahara and Jihara Miscellaneous
Ati Amla Bhofana (Lemon, stale
Ruksha Bhofana (Pharsana) BeefaDosa (Heredity)
Ati Lavana (Salt)
Shushka Bhofana (Consumption oI
dry Iood)
Afeerna Bhofana (Consuming Iood in
Madya Pana (Beverages) Alpa Bhofana (Scanty dietary habit)
Jiruddha Bhofana (Milk with Iruits,
Chapati with Tea, Khichadi with
Ati guru Bhofana (spicy and funk
Ati Kashaya Rasa Sevana (Tea,
Asatmya Bhofana (Incompatible
Ati Snigdha Bhofana( oily food) Ati Tikta Rasa Sevana (Chili)
Gadaatichara (Complication oI
major illness)
Adhyasana (excessive
Ioodconsumption in terms oI
Ati Kshara (Salt)
Jega Jidharana
a Shwasa/Cchardi)
Ati Jidahi (Fermented and spicy
Ati Katu (Excessive spicy Iood)
Ati Abhishyandhi (Dadhi, Salt)) Langhana/Upavasa (Fasting)
Ati Nidra (Somnalence)
Karshanakaraka Ahara (Emaciating
Iood items)

Achintana (Thoughtlessness)

Plavana (Swimming)
Acheshta (No exercise)

Atapa Sevana (Exposure to strong

Shrama Aadhikya (Exertion)
Abhighaata (Mechanical Trauma)

Yanadi Deha Jikshobhana (Exertion
due to rusty riding)

Karshanakara Jihara (Emaciating

Chinta (Tension)
Bhaya (Fear)
Trasa (Mental irritation)
Shoka (Displeasure)
Krodha (Anger)

toincrease vascular resistance raises the questionoI its eIIect can be caused due to the changes in blood circulation (Rasa

in hypertension development. Arecent ambulatory study oI and Rakta Samvahana); however, Ayurveda views the

older men and women reported no diIIerence between causative Iactors behind the disorder quite diIIerently due to

normotensive abstainers and coIIee drinkers in 24-hour BP.
its perception oI the body. Apart Irom an inherent weakness,
However, in hypertensives, ambulatory BP increased in
today's liIestyle and diet are the main causes oI

coIIee drinkers and decreased in abstainers regardless oI
Hypertension, in agreement with modern medical research.
medication status . Hence it has atherosclerotic eIIect on
Along with all other Iactors ageing is also the common Iactor
blood vessels and acts as an aetiological Iactor in EHT
in the provocation oI the hypertension, this is because oI
(Essential hypertension) . In this new era tea becomes a
senile alterations in the structure and physiology concerned
most common Iood item that should not be considered as
to hemodynamics. Other stress related Iactors are also being
addiction. However, in susceptible persons nicotine and
incorporated under the triggering Iactors oI hypertension.
caIIeine in higher concentration may work as aetiological
Excessive salt intake, excessive alcohol intake and smoking
Iactors. Tobacco a poisonous Iactor having Jyavayi, Jikasi,
are also very much responsible in the etiopathogenesis oI
Usna and Tiksna properties , can vitiate Rakta Dhatu.
hypertension. Observation oI the etiological study is liable
Alcohol is also a known Rakta-Pitta vitiating Iactor .
to give the speciIic role oI Nidana in the vitiation oI
Hence, tobacco and alcohol are the Iactors which should be
particular Srotas. More percentage oI etiological Iactors oI
listedunder the Nidanas oI hypertension.
Raktavaha Srotas (78.46), Rasavaha Srotas (53.33) was
Iound than that oI Manovaha Srotas (27.67) and
Hypertension arising as a complication oI other diseases can
Medovaha Srotas (37.76). Rationality oI Satkaryavada
be taken under the heading oI Gadaatichara, one oI the
accepted by Carakacharya got here in to the practice when
Hetus mentioned in Hridroga . The diseases like
most oI the symptoms Irom Rasa and Raktavaha Srotas were
Pakshaghata, Hridroga and Mutrarogas have existed at
reported in the study. The study is limited in various aspects.
least since the existence oI science oI Ayurvedic medicine.
One oI the aspects is short sample size. They don't give a
These diseases exactly belong to Trimarmas. This is a Iact
vivid picture oI the epidemiology at broader scale.
Irom modern science that these three Marmas get more
Moreover, the data was collected Irom the city oI Jamnagar,
aIIlicted by the high blood pressure. Thus, all these can be
a region oI Saurashtra. The general dietetic pattern Iollowed
taken as indirect reIerences concerned with hypertension. In
here cannot be applied to the whole country in total. Even
the present study, 4 patients were Diabetic, and a singe
then, the avoidance oI these Nidanas is the Iirst step in the
patient oI Ischemic heart disease and Mitral stenosis. Thus,
direction oI control and management oI hypertension.
hypertension may have occurred secondary to these
Considering the etiological Iactors, they can be broadly
1. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
classiIied into Santarpana (Atherosclerotic) and Cakrapanidatta, Edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
Apatarpana Nidanas (Arteriosclerotic) and Beefa Dosha Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
Sutrasthana 30/26.
2. NCMH Background PapersBurden oI Disease in India
(NewDelhi, India), September 2005.
Jyana, Udana and Prana Jayu has a direct role in the
3. World Health Organization. World health report: reducing
physiology oI circulation. Any type oI derangement oI these
risks, promoting healthy liIe. Geneva: WHO, 2002.
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4. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
these Jayu are primarily concerned to hypertension. Samana
Cakrapanidatta, Edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
and Apana types are secondarily important in the
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
maniIestation oI the hypertension because hypertension is
Sutrasthana 30/26.
the disease mainly concerned to Madhyama Rogamarga
5. BKMahajan, Methods in Biostatistics,Jaypee Publications
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Cakrapanidatta, Edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
Intestinal Tract). However, the Karma oI Samana and Apana
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
is Iound to be the separation and excretion oI Kleda (toxins
Sutrasthana 24/5-10.
present in plasma) part Irom the normal Iluid which can be
7. C. Gopalan, Rising Incidence oI Obesity, Coronary Heart
correlated with the 'Na' excretion and 'K' retention and thus
Disease and Diabetes in the Indian Urban Middle Class,
these two types can be taken Ior prime importance in the
Possible Role oI Genetic and Environmental Factors,
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8. C. Gopalan, Rising Incidence oI Obesity, Coronary Heart

Disease and Diabetes in the Indian Urban Middle Class,
Possible Role oI Genetic and Environmental Factors,
Nutrition Foundation oI India, NewDelhi, India.
Without sustained eIIorts on individual and national levels,
9. C. Gopalan, Rising Incidence oI Obesity, Coronary Heart
the upcoming hypertension epidemic will exact a
Disease and Diabetes in the Indian Urban Middle Class,
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Possible Role oI Genetic and Environmental Factors,
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Nutrition Foundation oI India, NewDelhi, India.
associated with hereditary Iactors, ageing and liIestyle. It
Etiology based study of hypertension in an Ayurvedic approach 37
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
10. C. Gopalan, Rising Incidence oI Obesity, Coronary Heart
25. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
Disease and Diabetes in the Indian Urban Middle Class,
Cakrapanidatta, edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
Possible Role oI Genetic and Environmental Factors,
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Sutrasthana 24/8.
11. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
26. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
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20. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
Cakrapanidatta, edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
Sutrasthana 27/178-195.
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
36. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
Sutrasthana 24/5.
Cakrapanidatta, edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
21. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
Cakrapanidatta, edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
Sutrasthana 24/27.
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
37. Madhava Nidana, Hridroga Nidana and Astanga
Sutrasthana 24/5.
Samgraha & Kale A., Baghel M.S.,MD thesis, 'A
22. Acharya Kashyapa, Kashapa Samhita, edited by Hemaraja
clinical study on the Ayurvedic Samprapti oI essential
Sharma, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi,
hypertension and its management with Sarpagandhadi
2008, Khilasthan22/8.
Vati, IPGT& RA, GAU, Jamnagar, 2005.
23. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
38. KaleA., Baghel M.S., MDthesis, 'Aclinical study on the
Cakrapanidatta, edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
Ayurvedic Samprapti oI essential hypertension and its
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
management with Sarpagandhadi Vati, IPGT & RA,
Sutrasthana 24/5.
GAU, Jamnagar, 2005.
24. Caraka Samhita, Ayurveda Dipika Commentary by
Cakrapanidatta, edited by Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya,
Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana, Varanasi, 2008,
Vimanasthana 1/18.
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
Etiology based study of hypertension in an Ayurvedic approach
Patient name :
Religion :
Age /sex :
Education :
Occupation :
Marital status : M / U M / W/ D : P / LM / M / UM / R
O.P.D. /I.P.D. NO. :
Address :
Date :
2. History of Present Illness :
3. History past Illness :
4. Family History : Madhumeha / Medoroga / HTN / Other Pitrij kula .... Matrij kula...
5. Personal History : Kshudha --- :Alpa / Madhyam / Ati
Abhyavaran Shakti:--- A/ M / P
Kostha:--- Mridu / Madhyam / Krura
Agni:--- Sama / Visham / Tikshna / Manda
Bowel: --- Regular / Irregular / Constipation / Loose
Micturation: ...Day...Night
Emotional Makeup: Normal / Jolly / Tensive / Anxiety / Depression
A) Ahara : Samshana / Visamashan / Virudhashana / Adhyashana / Alpashana
Samisha / Niramisha
Regular / Irregular, ...time/day
Dominent Guna in Diet:--- Guru / Laghu / Sita / Usna / Snigdha / Ruksha
Dominent Rasa in Diet:--- Madhura /Amla / Lavana /Katu /Tikta /Kasaya

B) Vihara :Type & duration oI work
Addiction :--- Smoking / Tobacco / Tea / CoIIee / Alcohal / Pan / Other
Nidra:---Samyaka / Asamyak
Alpa / Adhika / Khandita,
C) Menstrual History :---Regular / Irregular / Early / Late / Excessive / Less / Normal
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
D) Obstetric History :No. oI Deliveries....
Abortion / Miscarriage /Surgical Intervention
E) Sexual History :Interval oI Intercourse
6.Aturbala Pariksha :

Prakriti :V/P/K/VP/VK/PK/ VPK
Saara : P / M / A
Samhanana : P / M / A
Pramana : Ht...Wt...
Satmya : P / M / A
Satva : P /M / A
Ahara sakti : P / M / A
Vyayama sakti : P / M / A
Vaya : Balya /Yuva /Vridhavastha
7.Aturadesha Pariksha :
Samanya Parksha

Nadi : ....
Mutra : .......
Mala : ....
Jihva : ....
Shabda : .............
Sparsha : .............
Drika : .............
Akriti : .......
Genral examination :
Pulse :........
B.P :........
Resp. Rate :..
Body Temp :..
Appetite :..
Bowel :........
Urine :........
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
Etiology based study of hypertension in an Ayurvedic approach
Ancient Science of Life, Jol. 3, Ao.2 (21) Pages 33 - 41
Nidanas as per classics: Nidana Status
1. Ruksha Bhojana
2. Shushka Bhojana
3. Alpa Bhojana
4. Ati Ushna Bhojana
5. Ati Amla Bhojana
6. Ati Lavana
7. Ati Kashaya Rasa Sevana
8. Ati Tikta Rasa Sevana
9. Ati Kshara
Ati Katu
11. Ajeerna Bhojana
Madya Pana
13. Ati guru Bhojana
14. Ati Snigdha Bhojana
15. Asatmya Bhojana
16. Viruddha Bhojana
17. Adhyashana
18. Ati Vidahi
19. Ati Abhishyandhi
20. Langhana/Upavasa
21. Karshanakaraka Ahara
1. Avyaayama/Ativyayaama
2. Plavana
3. Acheshta
4. Ati Nidra
5. Atapa Sevana (in Iactories heat Brass)
6. Shrama Aadhikya
7. Abhighaata
8. Vega Vidharana (Shukra/Hikka/Trishna/Ashru/Shrama Shwasa/Cchardi)
9. Yanadi Deha Vikshobhana
10. Karshanakara Vihara
1. Chinta
2. Bhaya
3. Trasa
4. Shoka
5. Krodha
6. Achintana

Tikshna Virechana
Basti Karma

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