SincerusRenatus SigmundRichter

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Sigmund Richter

Sigmund Richter AKA Samual (or Samuel) Richter AKA Sincerus Renatus AKA sincerely reborn
German birth and death dates not established Teachers: Georg von Welling, whose Opus Mago-cabbalisticum Et Theosophicum he edited in ! "# $hristian Rosen%reu& '(')ohann *alentin 'ndreae# )a%ob +ohme# ,a%ov -eib .ran% '(' )acob .ran%# in/luenced b0 Sabbatai 1evi# Robert .ludd# )an +aptist van 2elmont#

Students: 2ans 2einrich von Ec%er und von Ec%iho//em# 3r +ernard )oseph Schleiss von -owen/eld '(' 45hoebron,6# )ohann .riedrich .al%, a German in +ritain and member o/ the (abbalistic $ollege o/ -ondon# (ing .riedrich Wilhelm# )ohann Georg Gichtel # Georg .orster '(' )ohann Georg 'dam .orster# )ohann $hristoph von W7llner# )ean-5ascal Ruggiu# (enneth R8 28 Mac%en&ie#.rederic% 2oc%le0#Sigismond +acstrom# William W0nn Westcott# Samuel -iddell MacGregor Mathers # 'leister $rowle0#5aul .oster $ase# William 'le9ander '0ton# Ephraim )oseph 2irsch/eld # Thomas von Schoen/eld '(' Moses 3obrucsh%a# .riedrich Roth-Scholt&, boo%seller and collector# 3r8 R8'8 Gilbert# )8W8 2amilton-)ones # $hristoph Schut&, editor o/ the !:; edition o/ Georg von Welling<s Opus# .riends: 2ermann .ictuld '(' +aron )ohann .riedrich von Meinstor//, co-/ounder !=>s# Enemies: Organi&ations: lodge o/ the ?@n&ertrennlichen? called ?Sincera $on/oederatio?# Order o/ the Golden and Rosy Cross Aco-/ounderB '(' Orden des Gold- und Rosen%reut&, Athe .raternit0 o/ the Golden and Ros0 $rossB# .reemasonr0# in/luenced Societas Rosicruciana in 'nglia ASRC'B and the 2ermetic Order o/ the Golden 3awn# <The Cnitiated +rothers o/ 'sia,< '(' 4+rotherhood o/ St8 )ohn the Evangelist /rom 'sia in Europe86 which became Ritter und +ruder des -ichts, '(' .ratres -ucis '(' 4+rotherhood o/ -ight86# German masonic lodge -D'urore Eaissante Aor 4the Eascent 3awn6B '(' in 2ebrew 4$hevrah 1erach +eFur 'ur,6 'uthor: ?5er/ect and True 5reparation o/ the 5hilosophical Stone, according to the Secret o/ the +rotherhoods o/ the Golden and Ros0 $ross,? ! >, Gust reprinted H> I# Golden .ountain o/ Eature and 'rt# ?Secret S0mbols o/ the Rosicrucians o/ the Si9teenth and Seventeenth $enturies? # -aws o/ the +rotherhood A=H rules /or RosicruciansB# eventuall0 collected into Sincerus Renatus< $omplete 5hilosophical and $hemical Writings, !; # $omments 'lchem0# Rosicrucian# Ceremonial Magick# .reemason# Gnostic# believed in the unit0 o/ .aith and Reason, Theo-5hilosophia# admitted $atholics as well as 5rotestants into his Rosicrucian Magical Order, and )ews and both t0pes o/ $hristians into its Masonic sister organi&ation# Resources: http:JJwww8rosae-crucis8netJgurc8pd/# http:JJgr0endemorgonrodnaden8/iles8wordpress8comJH> >J>:Jtheorigins-o/-the-Fabalistic-tradition-o/-the-golden-dawn8pd/# http:JJwww8davidic%e8comJ/orumJshowthread8phpK tL!;" ;MpageLH#http:JJwww8sric/-ca8orgJwwwest 8htm# The Rosicrucian Seer edited b0 )ohn 2amill, seehttp:JJrodolphepilaertNI8/iles8wordpress8comJH> librar08pd/ J>!J;;NH>>HH-the-rosicrucian-seer-b0-Gohn-hamil-%nowledgeborn-

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