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" #$%$% '" ()*)+$

(1hls ls a "#$ %&''&()$ proceedlng lnsLlLuLed by a prewar [usLlce of Lhe peace
whose poslLlon was fllled by Lhe appolnLmenL and conflrmaLlon of Lhe respondenL
afLer llberaLlon.)
1he facLs brlng Lhls case wlLhln Lhe auLhorlLy of *#+, -.$'/,0& 1,2 345&'$ 6#/)#.+$7
and 8$4+(9$ :&;;#4<& 1,2 =$4&( >?&/)&. eLlLloner's accepLance of oLher
publlc offlces lncompaLlble wlLh [udlclal funcLlon operaLe as an abandonmenL of
Lhe poslLlon Lo whlch he seeks relnsLaLemenL.
lL remalns Lhe peLlLloner was appolnLed [usLlce of Lhe peace for Lhe munlclpallLy of
llar, rovlnce of Cebu, ln november, 1933. Pe had held LhaL offlce unLll Aprll 23,
1944, when he ceased Lo acL for reasons noL dlsclosed ln Lhe record. Cn AugusL 19,
1943, Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe [usLlce of Lhe peace of San lranclsco, oro and 1udela,
vlcenLe de 8oda, was exLended Lo comprlse Lhe munlclpallLy of llar. vlcenLe de
8oda was laLer succeeded by lellxberLo 8. Sosmena, who was [usLlce of Lhe peace
unLll Aprll 14, 1946. lrom Lhe laLLer daLe SepLember 1, 1946, Lhe offlce of [usLlce of
Lhe peace of llar was vacanL. lL was on Lhe lasL menLloned daLe LhaL Lhe
respondenL enLered upon Lhe performance of hls duLles ln LhaL offlce.
eLlLloner [olned Lhe pollce force of Lhe ClLy of Cebu as lleuLenanL from !une 11,
1947, Lo !anuary 13, 1948 lrom !anuary 16, 1948, Lo Aprll 24 of Lhe same year, he
was AsslsLanL rovlnclal Warden.
1haL peLlLloner was forced Lo seek or accepL [obs ln order Lo llve would noL alLer
Lhe case even lf we assume, for Lhe sake of argumenL, LhaL economlc necesslLy was
a valld plea. 1he governmenL was noL Lhe only source of galnful employmenLs LhaL
could have Llde hlm over whlle walLlng, as he says, for reappolnLmenL Lo hls old
poslLlon. 1he LruLh ls LhaL for almosL Lwo years afLer llberaLlon, before he accepLed
oLher governmenL poslLlons, he goL poslLlon was wlLhouL any permanenL
lncumbenL, he dld noL enLer publlc servlce, and he dld noL ralse a flnger Lo clalm hls
[udlclal posL. lL would seem LhaL he losL all lnLeresL ln Lhe same unLll he changed hls
mlnd or found he had ls dlsmlssed wlLh cosLs.
* lf Lhls ls hard Lo undersLand, lL's Lhe faulL of Lhe Supreme CourL. 1he case ls so
shorL Lhls ls acLually Lhe orlglnal.
," )()-) '" ).'/)0

lAC1S: ln 1920, peLlLloner A8A?A was lnlLlally appolnLed Lo Lhe posL of [usLlce of
Lhe peace (!) of 4 Lowns ln llocos Sur buL hls [urlsdlcLlon was LhereafLer llmlLed Lo
only 2 munlclpallLles Lhen CnL? CnL munlclpallLy (CervanLes) durlng Lhe !apanese
occupaLlon. Abaya evldenLly accepLed Lhese appolnLmenLs made durlng Lhe
!apanese occupaLlon and served as ! unLll 1944 when, because of Lhe LhreaL of
mlllLary clashes beLween !apanese forces on one slde and Lhe llllplno guerrlllas on
Lhe oLher, he lefL hls posL and fled Lo Lhe mounLalns for safeLy. AfLer llberaLlon,
Abaya was agaln appolnLed as ! of 1WC munclpallLles, afLer whlch a ulLC delegaLe
deslgnaLed Abaya as Lemporary !", Lhe appolnLmenL Lo "LermlnaLe as soon as hls
successor was appolnLed by Lhe cenLral offlce." upon Lhe resLoraLlon of peace and
order and upon normal funcLlonlng of Lhe CommonwealLh governmenL, resldenL
Csmena gave Abaya an &; +()/'+4 appolnLmenL as !. When Lhls appolnLmenL was
submlLLed Lo Lhe ConA, lL was Lurned down. Abaya was agaln appolnLed as ! by
resldenL 8oxas, buL Lhe ConA dld noL acL upon Lhe appolnLmenL. uue Lo Lhe
lnacLlon of Lhe ConA, res. 8oxas exLended an &; +()/'+4 appolnLmenL Lo Alvear,
whose appolnLmenL was laLer conflrmed by Lhe ConA.

Abaya clalms Lo have senL several proLesL leLLers Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL and
conferred wlLh Lhe v and anoLher SenaLor. lalllng Lo recelve lmmedlaLe rellef,
Abaya commenced "#$ %&''&()$ proceedlngs for Lhe purpose of havlng hlm
declared Lhe legal and lawful ! and Lo have Alvear removed. Alvear clalms LhaL
Abaya had losL hls rlghL, LlLle or valld clalm Lo Lhe poslLlon of ! of CervanLes and
Angakl by reason of abandonmenL, conslsLlng ln hls accepLance of Lhe poslLlon of !
of CL8vAn1LS CnL?, durlng Lhe !apanese occupaLlon, sald poslLlon belng dlfferenL
and dlsLlncL from Lhe clrculL of CervanLes and Angakl held by hlm before Lhe war.
lSSuL: WheLher Abaya abandoned hls offlce of ! of Lhe 2 munlclpallLles (CervanLes
and Angakl), rovlnce of llocos Sur?
8uLlnC: 8ecause of Lhe abnormal condlLlons obLalnlng ln llocos Sur, parLlcularly
Lhe Lowns of CervanLes and Angakl durlng Lhe war, Lhere was reason Lo belleve LhaL
Lhe changlng of Lhe orlglnal clrculL occupled by Abaya ellmlnaLlng Lherefrom Lhe
Lown of Angakl, was Lemporary measure Lo meeL Lhe exlgencles of Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce ln LhaL area, under abnormal condlLlons, and LhaL hls
accepLance of Lhe new posL dld noL lnvolve or enLall abandonmenL of hls old
poslLlon. ln proof of Lhe Lemporary naLure of Lhe change ln Lhe clrculL ls Lhe facL
LhaL when condlLlons reLurned Lo normal, Lhe old clrculL comprlslng Lhe Lowns of
CervanLes and Angakl was resLored. And lL ls slgnlflcanL Lo noLe LhaL when sald old
clrculL was resLored, Lhe peLlLloner was llkewlse resLored Lo hls old posL by
appolnLmenLs exLended by Lwo admlnlsLraLlons (Csmena & 8oxas).
ln Lhose days Abaya could noL very well dlcLaLe hls Lerms of accepLance of Lhe
poslLlons exLended Lo hlm. Pe had Lo Lake Lhem as Lhey came, accepLlng Lhe
poslLlon of ! of 1 munlclpallLy alone durlng Lhe occupaLlon and accepLlng a new
appolnLmenL Lo hls old clrculL (2 munlclpallLles) durlng Lhe days followlng Lhe
llberaLlon. Pe had no freedom of cholce. 1he lmporLanL Lhlng ls LhaL he never
lnLended Lo abandon hls old posL and all along durlng Lhe !apanese occupaLlon and
even afLer llberaLlon he conLlnued ln Lhe [udlclal servlce and exerclsed and
dlscharged Lhe funcLlons of Lhe ! ln Lhe same place and area whlch he dld before
Lhe war. 1he appolnLmenLs by resldenLs Csmena and 8oxas, Lhough noL
conflrmed by Lhe ConA, were unnecessary, LhaL lL dld noL and could noL add
anyLhlng Lo or dlmlnlsh hls rlghL Lo Lhe offlce conferred by hls orlglnal appolnLmenL,
buL LhaL sald appolnLmenLs may be regarded as a mere resLlLuLlon of Lhe offlce
whlch belonged Lo hlm buL whlch he falled Lo hold because of, and durlng Lhe war.
1" %/'/2 '" 23+43$+*
5)6%27 Cn 19 uec 1914, ablo 1eves was appolnLed [usLlce of Lhe peace of
Luzurlaga, negros CrlenLal. Pe had slnce dlscharged Lhe duLles of sald offlce up Lo
Lhe war ln uec 1941. negros CrlenLal, or parL Lhereof, was subsequenLly occupled
by Lhe !apanese army. 1he plalnLlff followed and sLayed wlLh Lhe guerrlllas ln Lhe
free area and conLlnued Lo dlscharge hls duLles as [usLlce of Lhe peace of LhaL parL
of Luzurrlaga noL occupled by Lhe lnvaders. Powever, ln CcL 1943, Lhe plalnLlff was
arresLed by Lhe !apanese and was kepL as prlsoner. 8ecause of plalnLlff's absence,
Lhe uepuLy Covernor appolnLed ALLy. Mauro Ldrlal as [usLlce of Lhe peace of sald
munlclpallLy of Luzurrlaga. ln CcL 1944, ablo 1eves managed Lo escape asked Lhe
uepuLy Covernor under Lhe guerrllla CovL Lo resLore hlm Lo [usLlce of Lhe peace of
Luzurrlaga. lalnLlff secured Lhe necessary clearance, and, on 4 !an 1943, he was
appolnLed [usLlce of Lhe peace of Lhe munlclpallLles of Luzurrlaga and 8acong , by
uepuLy Covernor MargarlLo 1eves, whlch appolnLmenL was approved by Alfredo
MonLellbano, Covernor of Lhe lslands of negros and Slqul[or. lalnLlff 1eves
resumed, or raLher quallfled for sald offlce and dlscharged Lhe duLles Lhereof.
Cn May 1, 1943, 1eves was agaln appolnLed acLlng [usLlce of Lhe peace of
Luzurrlaga, 8acong and uauln, sald appolnLmenL bearlng Lhe approval of Lhe
Commandlng Cfflcer of CAu 24. Cn Lhe same day, Lhe plalnLlff quallfled for and
assumed sald offlce. 1hen, on uecember 26, 1943, 1eves was agaln appolnLed by
resldenL Serglo Csmena, as ad lnLerlm [usLlce of Lhe peace of Luzurrlaga, negros
CrlenLal. 1eves agaln quallfled for and assumed sald offlce. Pls appolnLmenLs were
noL conflrmed. uesplLe Lhls non-conflrmaLlon, plalnLlff 1eves conLlnued ln offlce.
8ecause of Lhls non-conformaLlon of 1eves' appolnLmenL , Lhe resldenL
nomlnaLed Lhe defendanL erpeLuo A. Slondlong [usLlce of Lhe peace of Luzurrlaga
and sald nomlnaLlon was conflrmed by Lhe ConA on 3 SepL 1946. Slndlong Look Lhe
correspondlng oaLh on 14 SepL 1946, and Lhen advlsed Lhe plalnLlff of hls
appolnLmenL and demanded of hlm Lhe surrender of Lhe offlce. lalnLlff refused Lo
comply wlLh Lhls demand. A summary order was lssued, dlrecLlng plalnLlff ablo
1eves Lo make dellvery wlLhln 10 days of Lhe offlce of [usLlce of Lhe peace of
Luzurrlaga, LogeLher wlLh Lhe documenLs and records perLalnlng LhereLo Lo Lhe
defendanL erpeLuo A. Slndlong, under penalLy of conLempL.

3889:7 W/n 1eves has a rlghL Lo hls offlce as [usLlce of Lhe peace

;:<=: -/2" under Lhe docLrlne lald down ln @&1$'& 1,2 A&1+(&7 a [usLlce of Lhe peace
appolnLed and quallfled before Lhe war, buL who ceased Lo dlscharge hls duLles as
such aL Lhe ouLbreak Lhereof, may, afLer llberaLlon or afLer Lhe war, resume and
conLlnue ln hls offlce unLll he elLher reached Lhe age llmlL, becomes lncapaclLaLed,
reslgns from offlce, ls properly removed Lherefrom, or abandons Lhe same. 1he
appellanL hereln ls sLlll below Lhe age of sevenLy, and none of Lhe oLher facLors or
elemenLs [usLlfylng loss of, or separaLlon from, hls offlce as [usLlce of Lhe peace of
Luzurrlaga, exlsLs wlLh Lhe posslble excepLlon of LhaL of abandonmenL.

lf Lhe acLs of accepLance ln Lhls case, parLlcularly plalnLlff's accepLance of
Lhe Lwo new appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe poslLlon flrsL as [usLlce of Lhe peace of Luzurrlaga
and 8acong and Lhen of Luzurrlaga, 8acong and uauln, had Laken place durlng
normal condlLlons, Lhere mlghL be force and reason ln Lhe poslLlon malnLalned by
Lhe lower courL regardlng abandonmenL. Powever, Lhe condlLlons obLalnlng aL Lhe
Llme were far from normal.

1he law and Lhe docLrlnes governlng abandonmenL of an offlce may noL
and should noL be Loo sLrlcLly applled Lo cases occurrlng durlng war, especlally ln
Lhose areas occupled parLly or enLlrely by Lhe enemy. ln accepLlng Lhe posL of
[usLlce of Lhe peace of Luzurrlaga and 8acong and uauln, 1eves dld noL abandon hls
posL of [usLlce of Lhe peace of Luzurrlaga.
Pe has Lhe rlghL Lo hold Lhe same, noL under Lhe new &; +()/'+4 appolnLmenL ln
uecember 1943, buL by vlrLue of hls orlglnal appolnLmenL ln 1914. Cne cannoL
properly be appolnLed Lo Lhe same posL LhaL he ls already holdlng under a valld
appolnLmenL. lncldenLally, lL may even posslbly be malnLalned, and noL wlLhouL
reason, LhaL Lhe lasL appolnLmenL for Lhe posL of [usLlce of Lhe peace of Luzurrlaga
ln uecember 1943, was lnvalld for Lhe addlLlonal reason LhaL Lhe resldenL could
noL exLend an appolnLmenL Lo one who, under a new appolnLmenL, ls noL duly

An appolnLmenL Lo Lhe posL of [usLlce of Lhe peace exLended Lo one who
had a rlghL Lo lL because of a prevlous pre-war appolnLmenL under whlch he had
quallfled and dlscharged hls duLles, may be regarded as a mere resLlLuLlon or
resLoraLlon of Lhe poslLlon whlch belonged Lo hlm, and LhaL new appolnLmenL can
add Lo or dlmlnlsh hls rlghL Lo Lhe offlce conferred by hls orlglnal appolnLmenL. 1he
appolnLmenL exLend Lo Lhe plalnLlff ln uec 1943 was a mere resLlLuLlon of Lhe offlce
whlch belonged Lo hlm buL whlch he falled Lo hold because of Lhe war.

>" 2/0)53+ '" 60?@
5ABC87 urpose of Lhe presenL appeal ln Lhe case aL hand ls Lo have respondenL
!usLo Cruz expelled from Lhe offlce of chlef of pollce of Lhe munlclpallLy of Cunlgua
and LhaL peLlLloner Slmpllclo Serafln be relnsLaLed.
lL all began ln !an. 12, 1931, when lr. Lopez flled wlLh Lhe provlnclal board of
8ulacan, admlnlsLraLlve charges agalnsL Serafln who was chlef of pollce of
Cunlgua, 8ulacan, for negllgence ln Lhe performance of hls duLles. 1he board
exoneraLed peLlLloner hereln. lr. Lopez LhereafLer appealed wlLh Lhe provlnclal
board composed of new members whlch ruled for Lhe dlsmlssal of Serafln. 1he
munlclpal presldenL lssued execuLlve order no.1 dlsmlsslng Serafln and appolnLed
hereln respondenL Cruz as permanenL chlef of pollce of Culngua.
Serfaln flled wlLh Lhe new provlnclal board an M8 whlch was subsequenLly granLed
exoneraLlng Serafln of Lhe charge of negllgence ln Lhe performance of hls duLles".
3889:7 W/n a duly appolnLed and quallfled chlef of munlclpal pollce may be
dlsmlssed ln order Lo relnsLaLe anoLher who had been dlsmlssed from such offlce
pursuanL Lo a valld declslon? W/n Cuo WarranLo ls proper?
09<DEF7 no Lo boLh. 8espondenL Cruz was permanenLly appolnLed chlef of pollce by
Lhe munlclpal presldenL Lo flll Lhe vacancy as ordered by Lhe provlnclal board afLer
Lhe necessary proceedlngs provlded by law. 1he appolnLmenL ln quesLlon was
conflrmed by Lhe munlclpal councll afLer Cruz has been quallfled and enLered upon
hls duLles as chlef of pollce. 1herefore, he has acqulred a vesLed rlghL and cannoL
be removed nor dlsmlssed Lherefrom excepL for any causes deslgnaLed and ln
accordance wlLh Lhe proceedlng esLabllshed by law speclflcally Sec. 2272 of Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlve Code.
Cuo warranLo proceedlng dlsmlssed.
G" .)62$+ H" 0$I/0$

Cn 1946, AnLonlo Lacson was appolnLed provlnclal flscal of negros CrlenLal by Lhe
resldenL (Manuel 8oxas). 8uL on 1949, resldenL (Llpldlo Culrlno) nomlnaLed
Ponorlo 8omero ln Lacson's sLead, nomlnaLlng Lhe laLLer as provlnclal flscal of
1arlac. 1he nomlnaLlons of boLh Lacson and 8omero were conflrmed by Lhe
Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs (CCA).
Whlle 8omero assumed offlce, Lacson refused Lo accepL hls new appolnLmenL and
opposed Lhe Lwo courL appearances of 8omero as Lhe new prosecuLor of negros
CrloenLal. Pe asked Lhe [udges (narvasa and Ccampo) Lo sLrlke from Lhe records
8omero's appearances ln Lhelr courLs. 8uL Lhe Lwo [udges overruled Lacson's
ob[ecLlon, maklng Lhem fellow respondenLs ln Lhls quo warranLo proceedlng.

I)3+ 322?/7
WheLher Lacson has Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe posL of provlnclal flscal of negros CrlenLal and
Lo ousL 8omero Lherefrom? ?LS.
1he CourL upheld Lacson's rlghL Lo Lhe offlce by answerlng sub-lssues (as provlded

1.uld Lhe CCA's conflrmaLlon, wlLhouL Lacson's accepLance of hls nomlnaLlon,
creaLe a vacancy ln Lhe posL where 8omero could be lawfully appolnLed? nC.
1here are Lhree sLeps Lo appolnLmenL: nomlnaLlon by Lhe resldenL, conflmaLlon
by Lhe CCA, and accepLance of Lhe nomlnee. 1he flrsL Lwo sLeps consLlLuLe a mere
offer for Lhe posL and are respecLlvely, Lhe acLs of Lhe LxecuLlve and LeglslaLlve
deparLmenL. 8uL Lhe lasL ls necessary Lo make Lhe appolnLmenL compleLe and
effecLlve. Slnce Lacson decllned Lo accepL Lhe new appolnLmenL, he conLlnues as
flscal ln hls old posL. no vacancy creaLed.

2.uoes Lhe nomlnaLlon of Lacson Lo 1arlac and lLs conflrmaLlon by Lhe CCA
equlvalenL Lo a removal from offlce? ?LS.
1o appolnL and Lransfer from one provlnce Lo anoLher would mean removal and
separaLlon from offlce. 1he naLure of Lhe offlce of Lhe provlnclal flscal falls under
clvll servlce laws Lo be appolnLed by Lhe resldenL wlLh Lhe consenL of CCA.

3. WheLher Lhe resldenL can, even wlLh Lhe conflrmaLlon of CCA, remove a
provlnclal flscal wlLhouL cause? nC.
1he (1933) ConsLlLuLlon denles such rlghL, as lL provldes LhaL no offlcer or
employee ln Lhe clvll servlce shall be removed or suspended excepL for cause
provlded by law." 1he prohlblLlon agalnsL removal excepL for cause ln our
ConsLlLuLlon has no counLerparL ln Lhe lederal ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe unlLed SLaLes,
Lhus, Lhe Amerlcan cases clLed by respondenL are lnappllcable.
lurLher, Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve Code provldes LhaL a provlnclal flscal over 63 shall
vacaLe hls offlce, Lhe loglcal lnference ls LhaL unLll he reaches 63 he has Lhe rlghL Lo
conLlnue ln offlce.
lurLhermore, Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code provldes LhaL before a clvll servanL
ls removed, Lhere musL flrsL be an lnvesLlgaLlon where he wlll be glven a falr
hearlng and opporLunlLy Lo defend hlmself. ln Lhe case of peLlLloner Lacson, Lhe
record falls Lo show LhaL he has been charged wlLh any vlolaLlon of law or
regulaLlon or found gullLy LhereLo as Lo warranL hls removal from offlce.

lnasmuch as Lacson nelLher lefL, abandoned, nor reslgned from hls posL,
Lhere has no vacancy, and consequenLly, Lhe appolnLmenL of respondenL
ls lnvalld.

18lvlA, ln case asked: 1he SC says:
8uL ln [usLlce Lo Lhe resldenL and Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs, leL lL
be sLaLed once agaln LhaL lL would seem LhaL Lhe Lransfer of Lhe peLlLloner
Lo 1arlac was noL meanL and lnLended as a punlshmenL, a dlsclpllnary
measure or demoLlon. lL was really a promoLlon, aL leasL aL Lhe Llme Lhe
appolnLmenL was made, when Lhe salary grade of a provlnclal flscal ln
1arlac (flrsL class provlnce) ls hlgher Lhan LhaL of negros CrlenLal (second
class provlnce). Cnly, LhaL laLer, due Lo a change ln Lhe caLegory of
CrlenLal negros as a flrsL class provlnce Loo, Lhe Lransfer was no longer a
promoLlon ln salary.

J" )6$2%) H" 5.$0
5ABC87 lL ls alleged ln Lhe complalnL LhaL aL Lhe munlclpal elecLlons held on Lhe 1sL
day of uecember, 1903, ln Lhe Lown of Laoag, rovlnce of llocos norLe, Lhe plalnLlff
and Lhe defendanL were candldaLes for Lhe offlce of munlclpal presldenL of Lhe sald
Lown, LhaL as a resulL of Lhe sald elecLlon Lhe plalnLlff was elecLed Lo Lhe sald offlce
by a ma[orlLy of 100 voLes, and LhaL noLwlLhsLandlng Lhls facL Lhe defendanL has
usurped sald offlce and unlawfully held Lhe same slnce Lhe plalnLlff was Lhe person
enLlLled Lo Lhe exerclse of sald offlce. 1he prayer of Lhe complalnL ls Lo Lhe effecL
LhaL [udgmenL be enLered agalnsL Lhe defendanL, excludlng hlm from Lhe exerclse
of such offlce and LhaL Lhe plalnLlff be declared Lo be enLlLled Lo Lhe same and LhaL
he be glven possesslon Lhereof, and for such oLher and furLher rellef as Lhe facLs ln
Lhe case would warranL ln favor of Lhe plalnLlff.
ln vlew of Lhe evldence lnLroduced aL Lhe Lrlal by Lhe plalnLlff, and before Lhe
defendanL had presenLed hls, Lhe courL, on Lhe laLLer's moLlon, acqulLLed Lhe
defendanL, lmposlng Lhe cosLs upon Lhe plalnLlff. 1he courL based lLs acLlon upon
Lhe followlng grounds: (1) 1haL Lhe plalnLlff could noL malnLaln Lhe acLlon broughL
by hlm because he had falled Lo esLabllsh hls alleged rlghL Lo Lhe exerclse of Lhe
offlce ln quesLlon, and (2) LhaL Lhere was no necesslLy Lo lnqulre lnLo Lhe rlghL of
Lhe defendanL Lo hold Lhe sald offlce for Lhe reason LhaL Lhls quesLlon had already
been deLermlned by Lhe provlnclal board afLer a conslderaLlon of Lhe varlous
proLesLs presenLed Lo lL ln regard Lo lrregularlLles commlLLed durlng Lhe lasL
elecLlon held aL Laoag for Lhe offlce of munlclpal presldenL and oLher munlclpal
offlclals, and for Lhe furLher reason LhaL Lhe presumpLlon ls LhaL a person holdlng a
publlc offlce was duly appolnLed or elecLed LhereLo.
3889:K ;:<=: WheLher, Lhe facL LhaL Lhe plalnLlff has falled Lo show LhaL he had any
rlghL Lo Lhe offlce, he can malnLaln an acLlon such as Lhls for Lhe purpose of
excludlng Lhe defendanL from Lhe exerclse of sald offlce on accounL of lllegallLles
alleged Lo have been commlLLed ln Lhe elecLlons. +$"

0ACDL7 B/0)+$( CDD provldes LhaL "Lhe ALLorney-Ceneral of Lhe lslands, or Lhe flscal
of any provlnce, when dlrecLed by Lhe Chlef LxecuLlve of Lhe lslands, musL
commence any such acLlon, and when upon Lhe complalnL or oLherwlse he has
good reason Lo belleve LhaL any case speclfled ln Lhe Lwo precedlng secLlons can be
esLabllshed by proof, he musL commence such acLlon."
B/0)+$( EFF provldes LhaL "Lhe ALLorney-Ceneral of Lhe lslands or Lhe flscal for a
provlnce, may, aL hls own lnsLance, brlng such an acLlon, or he may, on leave of Lhe
courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon ls Lo be commenced, or a [udge Lhereof ln vacaLlon, brlng
Lhe acLlon upon Lhe relaLlon of and aL Lhe requesL of anoLher person, buL, lf Lhe
acLlon ls broughL aL Lhe requesL of and upon Lhe relaLlon of anoLher person, Lhe
offlcer brlnglng lL may requlre an lndemnlLy for expenses and cosLs of Lhe acLlon, Lo
be glven Lo hlm by Lhe parLy aL whose requesL and upon whose relaLlon Lhe same ls
broughL, before commenclng lL."
llnally, ,/0)+$( EFC, under Lhe headlng "An lndlvldual may commence such acLlon,"
provldes as follows: "A person clalmlng Lo be enLlLled Lo a publlc offlce, unlawfully
held and exerclsed by anoLher, may brlng an acLlon Lherefor."
lf Lhe leglslaLor had lnLended Lo glve Lo all clLlzens allke Lhe rlghL Lo malnLaln an
acLlon for usurpaLlon of publlc offlce, he would have plalnly sald so ln order Lo
avold doubL on a sub[ecL of such far-reachlng lmporLance. A slmple provlslon would
have sufflced for Lhls purpose. lar from lL, Lhe leglslaLor has on Lhe conLrary
especlally and speclflcally provlded ln secLlons 199, 200, and 201 who musL and
who may brlng such acLlons, and lL ls very clear LhaL lL was hls lnLenLlon Lo glve
such rlghL Lo Lhose expressly menLloned ln Lhe above-clLed secLlons and Lo no
oLher, followlng Lhe well-known rule of law G+(0.#,+$ #(+#, /,) /H0.#,+$ &.)/'+#,2G lL
has been noLlced LhaL Lhe above referred Lo Lhree secLlons only menLlon Lhe
ALLorney-Ceneral, Lhe provlnclal flscal, and Lhe lndlvldual 0.&+4+(9 )$ </ /()+)./; )$
)I/ $JJ+0/ unlawfully held and exerclsed by anoLher. lL ls Lo be lnferred from Lhls
lasL provlslon LhaL Lhe lndlvldual who does noL clalm Lo have such a rlghL can noL
brlng an acLlon for usurpaLlon of publlc offlce.
M" *)063) '" #/0/@
5)6%27 eLloner urlflcaclon Carcla was a Senlor Clerk ln Lhe CourL of Appeals wlLh
a salary of hp 3400 per annum. ln SepLember of 1962, Lhe poslLlon of Senlor Clerk
ln Lhe llscal ManagemenL ulvlslon of Lhe CourL of Appeals wlLh a salary of hp
4800 became vacanL. (noLe: 1he poslLlons of senlor clerk and senlor clerk ln flscal
managemenL dlvlslon are dlfferenL). eLlLloner flled a wrlLLen appllcaLlon for Lhe
sald poslLlon.
Powever, lL was Angelo erez who was appolnLed Lo Lhe vacanL poslLlon on 12
SepLember 1962. Pe was aL LhaL Llme a Cash and ayroll Clerk ln Lhe same dlvlslon
wlLh a salary of hp 3960 per annum. lor Lhls reason, peLlLloner flled a proLesL
before Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon argulng LhaL she was nexL ln rank, beLLer
quallfled and enLlLled Lo a preferenLlal appolnLmenL Lo Lhe poslLlon. 1he CSC
denled Lhe proLesL baslng lLs declslon on Lhe uepuLy Clerk of CourL of and
AdmlnlsLraLlve Cfflcer of CA's lnformaLlon LhaL ln Lhe hlerarchlcal organlzaLlon, Lhe
Cash and ayroll Clerk ls nexL ln rank. Also, Lhe naLure of work of Lhe vacanL
poslLlon ls almosL same wlLh Lhe poslLlon prevlously held by erez (Cash and ayroll
Clerk) hence erez ls more quallfled.
1hus, on CcLober 1966 Lhe appolnLmenL of erez was conflrmed by CSC. eLlLloner
Lhen commenced Lhe acLlon of quo warranLo ln CA whlch was denled. Pence Lhls
322?/7 WheLher or noL Lhe eLlLloner Carcla has Lhe rlghL Lo brlng & "#$ warranLo
proceedlng quesLlonlng Lhe legallLy of Lhe appolnLmenL of Lhe 8espondenL erez.
;/.47 no. ln a quo warranLo proceedlng, peLlLloner musL show LhaL he ls enLlLled
Lo offlce. AbsenL such elemenL Lhe proceedlng wlll noL prosper. lL was held ln
AcosLa vs. llor LhaL "no lndlvldual can brlng a clvll acLlon relaLlng Lo usurpaLlon of a
publlc offlce wlLhouL averrlng LhaL he has a rlghL Lo Lhe same, and aL any sLage of
Lhe proceedlngs, lf lL be shown LhaL such lndlvldual has no rlghL, Lhe acLlon may be
dlsmlssed because Lhere ls no legal ground upon whlch lL may proceed when Lhe
fundamenLal basls of such acLlon ls desLroyed.
ln oLher words, one whose clalm ls predlcaLed solely upon a more or less remoLed
posslblllLy, LhaL he may be Lhe reclplenL of Lhe appolnLmenL, has no cause of acLlon
agalnsL Lhe offlce holder. 1hls ls preclsely Lhe slLuaLlon ln Lhe case aL hand, and
Lhere ls no cogenL reason Lo change Lhe rule. She was noL even nexL ln rank. Mere
expecLancy of appolnLmenL ls noL Lhe same wlLh LlLle over Lhe poslLlon.
ln Lhls ground alone Lhe peLlLloner musL fall. Moreover, Lhe peLlLlon was flled more
Lhan a year hence barred. 1he rlghL Lo lnsLlLuLe Lhe proceedlng should be counLed
from 14 SepLember 1964 when erez assumed Lhe poslLlon. Powever, Lhe peLlLlon
was flled only on 1966 or more Lhan a year whlch ls now Loo laLe.
N" 60?@ '" 0)I$2
5ABC8: eLlLloners were members of Lhe Manlla munlclpal board and were elecLed
ln Lhe 1947 general elecLlons. 1hey flled a peLlLlon for Cuo WarranLo clalmlng LhaL
8A 409 ls unconsLlLuLlonal slnce lL lncreased Lhe congresslonal dlsLrlcLs of Manlla
from 2 Lo 4 and lncreased Lhe members from 10 Lo 12, Lhus Lhe 2 respondenLs are
lllegally usurplng & exerclslng rlghLs excluslvely perLalnlng Lo Lhe peLlLloners and
Lhus lncreaslng Lhe number of a ma[orlLy Lo consLlLuLe a quorum Lo do buslness.
3889:: W/n quo warranLo ls proper. - nC.

0ACDL: eLlLloners have no cause of acLlon. eLlLlon dlsmlssed.
;:<=: SecLlon 6 of 8ule 68 provldes LhaL a person clalmlng Lo be enLlLled Lo a publlc
offlce usurped or unlawfully held or exerclsed by anoLher may brlng an acLlon
Lherefor ln hls own name. 1he presenL peLlLlon ls noL auLhorlzed because:
1) 1he peLlLloners do noL clalm Lo be enLlLled Lo Lhe publlc offlce alleged Lo be
unlawfully held or exerclsed by Lhe respondenLs. 1he peLlLloners allege LhaL Lhey
are elecLed members of Lhe munlclpal board and LhaL Lhelr Lerm of offlce wlll noL
explre unLll 1931. 1hey do noL and cannoL clalm LhaL Lhe respondenLs have
supplanLed Lhem.
2) lf Lhe elecLed councllors had Lhe absoluLe & excluslve rlghL Lo Lhe membershlp,
Lhen no oLher person could become a member even lf vacancles should be creaLed
by law, deaLh or reslgnaLlon.
3) 1he councllors are elecLed lndlvldually, each Lo flll one seaL ln Lhe board, and noL
collecLlvely as a body Lo consLlLuLe Lhe board. vacancles may be fllled by oLher
persons, because an elecLed councllor cannoL flll more Lhan one seaL ln Lhe board,
Lhus, Lhe peLlLloners' rlghL Lo membershlp Lhereln ls noL excluslve.
4) 1he mere facL LhaL Lhe membershlp of Lhe board was lncreased from 10 Lo 12
does noL ln any way dlmlnlsh Lhe rlghLs and prerogaLlves of Lhe lndlvldual
peLlLloners as members of Lhe board. lL does noL resulL ln Lhe dlmlnuLlon of Lhe
emolumenL or ln Lhe curLallmenL of Lhe parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe dellberaLlons and of Lhe
voLe of each of Lhe peLlLloners as a member of Lhe board.
**lf 8A 409 ls unconsLlLuLlonal, Lhe remedy ls SecLlon 4 of 8ule 68-relaLe Lhe
maLLer Lo Lhe SollclLor Ceneral and requesL hlm Lo brlng Lhe acLlon ln Lhe name of
Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes. 8eason: a publlc offlce or franchlse ls creaLed or
granLed by law, and lLs usurpaLlon or unlawful exerclse ls Lhe concern prlmarlly of
Lhe CovernmenL. 1hus, Lhe laLLer ls Lhe proper parLy Lo brlng such acLlon.

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