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Warning signs of a suicidal person: The person is: * Depressed * Increasingly isolated * Giving away prized possessions * Doing

poorly in school or at work * Making statements about wanting to die * Acting in an aggressive manner * Taking unnecessary risks * Threatening to commit suicide * uddenly happy !or no reason a!ter long depression * Abusing drugs and"or alcohol More than one sign could mean that help is necessary# $ote how long the signs have been present % how deeply the person !eels about the things going wrong in his or her li!e& and how many signs are present at one time# What you can do to help a depressed or suicidal person: * 'isten to the person with concern * Ask the person i! he or she has ever !elt unhappy !or a long time and assure him or her that things can and will change# * (e especially concerned i! the person uses drug and"or alcohol because his or her )udgment may be impaired# * Ask i! the person has suicidal thoughts# * tay with the person# Do something together# * I! the person is suicidal and re!uses to get help& tell a responsible adult or someone you trust as soon as possible# * Make speci!ic plans to see the person the ne*t day so he or she has a reason to hang on !or one more day#


The detailed in!ormation on the !ollowing pages will help you gain a better understanding o! youth suicide# What does it mean when a child or teen is suicidal? A child or teenager who is !eeling suicidal is considering taking& or planning to take& his own li!e# In many cases& young people who consider or attempt suicide do not really want to die: Instead& they want to escape their problems& but can+t see a way out or imagine things getting better# ,!ten& a suicide attempt is a -cry !or help. !rom a child who doesn+t know where to turn# How common is youth suicide? uicide is:

the third/leading cause o! death in 01/ to 23/year/olds nationwide the !ourth/leading cause o! death in 04/ to 03/year/olds contemplated by up to 21 percent o! children and adolescents at some point in their lives attempted 044 times !or every completion

5hile any child or adolescent can develop suicidal thoughts or behavior& suicide is an especially signi!icant risk !or young people who are !acing:

depression substance abuse problems with disruptive or aggressive behaviors

How can a child who is thinking of suicide be helped? 6hildren and teens who are contemplating& or have attempted& suicide should be treated with immediate& 7uali!ied and comprehensive care !rom a licensed mental health pro!essional# 8ssential components o! treatment !or suicidal thoughts or behaviors include:

psychotherapy 9-talk therapy.: in some cases& antidepressant medication i! necessary& hospitalization !amily support school support

If you believe your child may be suicidal, you should always call 911 right away.


What causes kids to consider and attempt suicide? Adolescence is& almost universally& a very trying time# The late childhood and teen years are !raught with many challenges& !rom hormonal changes and peer pressure to tempestuous personal relationships& increased academic demands and possible tensions with !amily members at home# 5hile all young people e*perience ups and downs that can cause periods o! an*iety& sadness and stress& some kids are hit especially hard# The normal changes that come with growing up& when combined with certain situations or events;a divorce< a move to a new school or town< a bully at school< a broken romance or !riendship;can be overwhelming# 5orse& they may begin to believe that -the way things are is the way things always will be. and that their problems are too many& too severe or too humiliating to overcome# =or these children& suicide may seem like the only way out# 6hildren o! both genders and all ages& backgrounds and cultures are at risk !or developing suicidal thinking and behavior& and there is no !oolproo! way to determine which child will or won+t become suicidal# >owever& common risk !actors !or suicide are:

a prior suicide attempt having a mood disorder& such as depression or bipolar disorder abusing drugs or alcohol a history o! criminal behavior& including past arrests and"or incarceration displaying impulsive& disruptive or aggressive behaviors a !amily history o! suicide a !amily history o! mental health or substance abuse problems violence at home 9physical& se*ual or verbal"emotional abuse: having a !irearm in the home social isolation 9especially relating to gender"se*ual identity issues: e*posure to the suicidal behavior o! others 9including suicide attempts or completions by !riends& classmates or !amily members: a tendency to -romanticize. or become !i*ated on suicides mentioned in news stories& books or movies

Signs and symptoms

What are the warning signs that my child may be feeling suicidal? There are many possible indicators o! suicidal !eelings& and the symptoms can vary !rom child to child and many are associated with other di!!iculties as well;so it+s vital to both know your child well& and to keep a close eye on her daily moods& activities and routines# ?otential signs o! suicidal !eelings and thoughts may include:

sleeping too much or too little changes in appetite and"or weight loss o! interest in activities previously en)oyed withdrawal !rom !amily and !riends running away !rom home -acting out. verbally or physically& at home or at school using alcohol or drugs neglecting personal appearance and hygiene unnecessary risk/taking 9!or e*ample& driving too !ast or without a seatbelt: preoccupation with death and dying giving away prized personal items posting worrisome messages on the internet loss o! interest or participation in school li!e 9both academic work and social activities: sudden reports o! trouble at school& either in the classroom 9declining grades: or with peers di!!iculty concentrating de!lecting& challenging or not responding to compliments and praise 9-$o& I+m not smart& I+m an idiot. or -@ou+re wrong;I+m really a bad person.:

It+s important to note that;not surprisingly;many o! these signs are also symptoms o! depression# 5hether you believe your child is depressed but not yet suicidal& or is actively considering suicide& you should seek immediate treatment# What are the warning signs that a child may actually be planning to kill himself? @ou should take any o! the symptoms listed above;and any other unusual or distressing behavior or statements !rom your child;very seriously# 8ven a child who seems only mildly down in the dumps may be considering suicide. Any o! the !ollowing behaviors should be construed as an urgent warning sign that your child may be actively planning a suicide attempt:

saying things like& -I want to kill mysel!&. -I want to die. or -I )ust want to disappear"sleep !orever. making threats or statements like& -Don+t worry& I won+t be a problem much longer. or -I! anything happens to me& I )ust want you to knowA. giving away or discarding !avorite possessions writing a will

writing a suicide note writing or e*pressing apologies to loved ones !or -all the things I+ve done. or -all the trouble I+ve caused. obtaining& or attempting to obtain& a !irearm& kni!e or rope obtaining& or attempting to obtain& large 7uantities o! medication becoming suddenly cheer!ul or tran7uil a!ter an e*tended period o! depression 9this may indicate that the child has made a !inal plan to commit suicide& and so !eels -at peace.:

Always treat any sign, suggestion or threat of suicide as a genuine cry for help# It+s essential to seek immediate pro!essional help !or your child;do not wait& even i! your child tries to claim she is -better. or -didn+t mean it#. I! you believe your child may be contemplating suicide& you should call B00 right away#

": #s youth suicide common? !: Cn!ortunately& yes# ,ver the last several decades& the suicide rate among young people has dramatically increased# A recent survey o! C# # students in grades nine through 02 !ound that& during the year be!ore taking the survey:

01 percent o! students had seriously considered suicide 00 percent had !ormulated a plan !or attempting suicide D percent had actually attempted suicide 0 out o! every 04&444 complete suicide

uicide is now the third/leading cause o! death in 01/ to 23/year/olds in the Cnited tates& and the !ourth/leading cause o! death in 04/ to 03/year/olds# ": Which kids are at greatest risk of attempting suicide? !: 6hildren and teens o! both genders and o! all ages& races and backgrounds can;and sadly do;attempt and complete suicide# $ative American"Alaskan $ative and >ispanic youth have the highest rates o! suicide/related !atalities in the Cnited tates# And children and adolescents who are struggling with mental health issues;like depression or bipolar disorder;!ace an elevated risk# ": Which kids are more likely to talk about vs$ actually attempt suicide? !: Adolescent and teen girls are more likely to attempt suicide;and to tell someone else that they are !eeling suicidal# Males under the age o! 21 are most likely to complete suicide#

": What are the most common methods of suicide in young people? !: According to the C# # 6enters !or Disease 6ontrol and ?revention& the most common methods used by in youth suicide are:

!irearms 93E percent: su!!ocation& including hanging 9FB percent: poisoning& including overdoses o! prescribed and illegal drugs 9G percent:

": #s youth suicide preventable? !: uicide can be prevented by recognizing that a child or teen is struggling with a mental& behavioral or substance abuse problem early on;and intervening with pro!essional help right away# uicide prevention measures most likely to succeed are those !ocused on:

identi!ying and treating underlying mental health issues teaching kids to cope with stress and li!e changes helping them control and reverse damaging and destructive behaviors

": What should # do if # think my child may be considering suicide? I! you think your child may !eel suicidal& or is actively considering suicide& you shouldfirst and foremostseek immediate professional help by calling 911 right away# It+s also important to regularly:

ask your child how he+s !eeling tell him you are there to support him promise to listen without )udging remind him that you love him unconditionally& -no matter what. avoid criticizing him unnecessarily or trivializing his !eelings or concerns re!rain !rom giving advice that may be well/intentioned& but can actually make your child !eel worse;e#g#& telling him to -)ust get over it&. -stop worrying about it. or -try harder to get better. remove all !irearms !rom the home lock up and care!ully account !or household items like knives& prescription drugs and poisonous substances research suicide prevention resources and support groups online and in your community

": How should # talk to my child if a friend% classmate or family member has committed suicide? !: 8ven i! your child is not depressed or suicidal hersel!& the loss o! someone close due to suicide can be devastating& con!using and hard !or her to talk about# 'ikewise& a suicide attempt by a peer or classmate is likely to be very upsetting and !rightening !or your child& even i! she was not close to the other student#

,ne positive that can emerge !rom these tragedies is the opportunity to have a !rank and loving discussion with your child# Guidelines can include:

asking her how she is !eeling and coping inviting her to talk about the person who died 9or who attempted suicide: and the circumstances o! the death or attempt encouraging her to ask 7uestions asking her i! she knows someone else who may be at risk o! suicide& and o!!ering suggestions !or how to get that person help asking her i! she has thought o! or considered suicide in the past reminding her that you love her unconditionally and are always there !or her assuring her that no problem& no matter how big& is so bad that death is the answer reviewing support services;such as guidance counselors& school psychologists and suicide prevention hotlines;available to her and her peers& both at school and in the community -leaving the door open. !or her to approach you at any time& with any problem& without !ear o! )udgment or harsh criticism

": How should # advise my child to help a friend who may be contemplating suicide? !: 6hildren and teens will o!ten con!ide in their peers more readily and honestly than in parents or other adults# ,!!er your child these tips !or helping a !riend who is thinking about& or has attempted& suicide:

Always take any suicidal threats& comments or behaviors very seriously# 8ncourage your !riend to seek pro!essional help !rom a teacher& school counselor& doctor or hospital& and o!!er to accompany her in going !or help# 8ven i! you+ve promised not to tell anyone: always con!ide in an adult you trust i! your !riend is thinking about suicide# $ever !eel you have to deal with a !riend+s crisis alone# @our !riend may be upset with you in the short term& but it+s a small price to pay !or potentially saving her li!e#

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