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Actually I must say it was just a little bit hard to choose my favorite Czech town. I had to choose between two Czech towns Klterec nad Oh ! and "ablonec nad #isou. Klterec is the $lace where I live and study but on the other side I%ve s$ent much time in "ablonec too. &ut than I have decided that Klterec is my birth$lace so I want to s$ea' about it. (o Klterec is a smaller town. About )* +++ $eo$le live here. Klterec is situated in the northwestern &ohemia in the re,ion -stec'. near the /ountains 0ou$ovs'1 and Krun1 on the left ban' of the river Oh e. Klterec is devided in three $arts an old $art of our town2 $art sim$ly called Klterec and /i etice. 3he first settlement of this area was $robably already durin, $rameval a,es. Our town was established in the )4th century by 5ostolo$rty%s &enedistines. Our town is 'nown fot its china $roduction. 6e can also find a china museum in our castle. 3his castle was built in the)7 th century in $seudo,othic style.3his castle is situated in the 8n,lish 5ar'. 6e can find here a lot of rare trees. 3here is (alla 3erena o$$osite the castle with the statues made by &ro'off. Our castle and (alla 3erena aren9t the only historical $laces in our town. 6e find here also the Church of :ole 3rinity and the ,rave;yard church. I thin' our town is also interestin, for its two mineral s$rin,s. And a small s$a is bein, built here. It can lure on a lot of tourist but I thin' that Klterec can offer hardly any culture o$$ortunity. 3here are no social ,atherin,s. 6e have here only one culture house. &ut sometimes some concerts2 theatre $erformance ta'e $lace here. Also $eo$le who want to learn dancin, can visit dancin, courses. 3hey ta'e $lace every year durin, autumn. I attended them two years a,o. 5eo$le interested in literature and readin, ma'e use of services of our library. 5eo$le who want to see an e<hibitions must visit another town for e<am$le Chomutov or Karlovy =ary. &ut $eo$le who li'e s$ort have advanta,e. 6e can find here one ice;stadium2 football $itch2 tennis courts2 two fitness centres and on smaller swimmin, $ool which is a $art of the first &asic (chool. And $eo$le who li'e films can visit two cinemas the cinema (v>t and the summer cinema. &ut I thin' that the entrance fee are too e<$ensive and $eo$le rather find them in internet. 6e find here three &asic (chools2 one s$ecial school and one hi,h school. Children can also attend local music school. I study there $layin, the 'eyboard. Our town is surrounded by the ran,e of forests so it ta'es only few of minutes to ,et to the nature. Klterec is a smaller town and $eo$le have sometimes $roblems when they need to buy somethin, instead of food they must ,o to Chomutov or Kada?. Klterec is lin'ed with other cities by an internacional road 8@@4 and by railway. 3he nearest air$ort is in Karlovy =ary and in Chomutov. 3ransit is one of $roblems ty$ical for our town. Aoad 8 @@4 carries hundereds of cars and camions a day. It $ollutes air2 bothers $eo$le and sometimes it%s just a little bit hard to cross this road. Our town have dealt about buildin, u$ a by;road. (ome $eo$le are a,ainst and some a,ree with this idea. I a,ree too. It would be easier to live here.

I habe been livin, here for )B years and it is really my favorite town. I cannot say I%ll be live here forever but I 'now I%ll be return. /y $arents live here and I cannot ima,ine I wouldn%t see my birth$lace.

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