B9 - 24 - Introduction To GPRS and E-GPRS QoS Monitoring 3FL11829ABAA

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EVOLIUM Base Station Subsystem Introduction to GPRS & E-GPRS QoS Monitoring / B9


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Product Line Course Title Course N umber

EVOLIUM Mobile Ra dio Solutions

Introduction to GPRS & E- GPRS Qua lity of Service Monitoring/ B9 3FL 11829 ABAA

Operator Radio Engineering team, BSS optimization and quality system engineer.

Course Content
1. Role of BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring 1.1. Distinguish between BSS/Global/EndUser GPRS QoS 1.2. Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS level 1.3. Sources of information for GPRS QoS monitoring 1.4. Dependencies between BSS GSM and GPRS QoS 1.5. Impact of GMM/SM signalling on BSS QoS interpretation 2. Recalls on main BSS GPRS telecom procedures 2.1. GPRS logical channels 2.2. TBF : data transfer procedure between MS and BSS 2.3. BSSGP protocol and frame 3. Main BSS GPRS QoS counters and indicators description 3.1. Data transfer establishment 3.2. Data transfer progress 3.3. Data transfer release 3.4. MS Sessions/Transfers 3.5. Resources usage 3.6. CS and MCS adaptation 3.7. Cell re-selection 4. Detection of main BSS GPRS QoS problems 4.1. General principles 4.2. Main BSS GPRS QoS problems 5. Analysis of main BSS GPRS QoS problems

By the end of the course the participant will be able to : Describe the scope of work of BSS GPRS QoS monitoring Interpret the BSS GPRS QoS indicators attached to each BSS GPRS procedure or algorithm having an impact on QoS Interpret the BSS GPRS PM counters used in the computation formulae of QoS indicators Detect the main BSS QoS problems Analyse the main BSS QoS problems Correlate with BSS GSM QoS problems List the probable causes of BSS GPRS QoS degradation

In depth knowledge of GSM QoS monitoring and GSM radio algorithms of the Alcatel BSS as well as GPRS BSS architecture. The training GPRS & E-GPRS Radio Algorithms Description / B9 3FL 11830ABAA is a prerequisite.

Tra ining Methods

Theory and practice on PC

La ngua ge
English French

4 days

Alcatel or Customer Premises

N umber of Pa rticipa nts

Maximum 8


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1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS Monitoring 2 Recalls on the Main BSS GPRS Telecom Procedures 3 Description of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Counters and Indicators 4 Detection of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems 5 Analysis of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring

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1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS Monitoring Session Presentation

> Objective: to be able to describe the role of the BSS in the Enduser GPRS QoS and the dependencies between Global (BSS+GSS) and BSS GPRS QoS on one hand and between BSS GSM and GPRS QoS on the other hand

> Program:
1.1 Distinction between BSS/BSS+GSS/End-user GPRS QoS 1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS profiles at BSS level 1.3 Source of information for GPRS QoS monitoring 1.4 Dependencies between BSS GSM and GPRS QoS 1.5 Impact of GMM/SM signaling on BSS QoS interpretation 1.6 Indicators Classification
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 7 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring


Distinction between BSS/BSS+GSS/End-user GPRS QoS

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1.1 Distinction between BSS/BSS+GSS/End-user GPRS QoS Different Levels of QoS SGSN GGSN BSS
A935 MFS


GPRS Backbone BSC

Packet Data TE Network







BSS QoS BSS+GSS QoS End-user QoS

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 9 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


3 types of QoS are involved in the overall analysis of the GPRS QoS : Radio QoS It must be considered from the R interface to the Gb interface. It belongs mainly to the radio environment as well as the proper functioning of the PCU implemented inside the BSS. It is defined in terms of throughput, service precedence, RLC reliability mode, transfer delay. GPRS QoS It must be considered from the R interface (MS access to the GPRS) to the Gi interface (exit from the GPRS Network). It includes the Radio QoS and the GSS QoS. It is defined in terms of service precedence, transfer delay, mean and peak throughputs and reliability. End-User QoS This is the QoS as the user feels it. It includes the GPRS QoS as well as the QoS of the external networks and their connection to the GPRS GSS. Even if it does not belong to the operator, it should still be monitored as it can generate customer complaints.


1.1 Distinction between BSS/BSS+GSS/End-user GPRS QoS Dependencies between QoS levels
End-user QoS BSS+GSS QoS BSS QoS

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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> > >

A bad BSS GPRS QoS (Radio QoS) will lead to a bad GPRS QoS and a bad End-user QoS. A bad End-user performance can be due to a bad GSS behaviour without any BSS GPRS QoS degradation. A bad End-user QoS can also be due to a bad PDN performance.



1.1 Distinction between BSS/BSS+GSS/End-user GPRS QoS Impact of UE

> Different data applications are multiplexed over the GPRS radio layers: FTP, WEB/HTTP, WAP, MMS, etc > Data applications have very different traffic characteristics (amount of data, duration between LLC PDUs) leading to different ways of triggering radio layers algorithms > Therefore Parameters setting in the GPRS network will lead to different performance according to the service

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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A bad end-user QoS can also be due to the setting of TE protocol layers parameters which can not have optimal values to get the best GPRS performance.



1.1 Distinction between BSS/BSS+GSS/End-user GPRS QoS Impact of UE : example

> Data applications use TCP/IP protocol layers which have a great impact on the end-user QoS
FTP above TCP/IP layers
FTP TCP IP PPP PPP relay SNDCP LLC RLC MAC RF RLC MAC RF relay BSSGP NS L1 SNDCP LLC BSSGP NS L1 relay GTP UDP IP-Gn L2 L1 IP GTP UDP First IP router IP-Gn L2 L1 Last IP rou relay IP IP relay IP IP relay




TCP data segment Possible repartition on the end to end path of the TCP flight size TCP acknowledgement

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9


(*) this graphical representation is used to express the fact that many data segments are currently waiting to be transmitted on the represented link and are stored in buffers of the device handling the link . It doesnt mean that simultaneous segments are being transmitted.

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A bad end-user QoS can also be due to the setting of TE protocol layers parameters which can not have optimal values to get the best GPRS performance.



1.1 Distinction between BSS/BSS+GSS/End-user GPRS QoS Understand BSS GPRS QoS topic: > GPRS QoS is not an isolated
It is necessary to use GSM indicators in order to complete the analysis of GPRS QoS It is necessary to use GSM counters in order to complete the analysis of the impact of GPRS traffic on GSM QoS

> The BSS QoS does not allow to have a complete understanding of the end to end QoS seen by the user
Indeed, upper protocol layers (TCP for example) have a great impact on the global QoS The GSS also has a great impact on the global QoS

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring

1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS profiles at BSS level

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1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level Data Services

Directories Mobile Office
Voice (!) E-mail Agenda IntraNet/InterNet Corporate Applications Database Access Yellow/White Pages International Directories Operator Services


Games (Hangman, Poker, Quiz, ) Screen Saver Ring Tone Horoscope Biorhythm

Music Transportation
Flight/train Schedule reservation Downloading of music files or video clips

News (general/specific)
International/National News Local News Sport News Weather Lottery Results Finance News Stock Quotes Exchange Rates

Vertical application
Traffic Management Automation Mobile branches Health

Location services
Traffic Conditions Itineraries Nearest Restaurant, Cinema, Chemist, Parking;, ATM ...

Non physical
on-line Banking Ticketing Auction Gambling Best Price e-Book

on-line shopping on-line food

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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Different services can be found in the 3 categories: Teleservices provide the full capabilities for communications by means of a terminal equipment, network functions and possibly functions provided by dedicated centers. Multimedia teleservices support the transfer of several types of information. M-commerce: Non-physical = electronic goods (e-banking, e-flight ticketing, etc). Physical = electronic payment of physical goods (food, supplies, hardware, etc). Retrieval services Provide the capability of accessing information stored in data base centers. The information is sent to the user on demand only. An example of one such service in the Internet's World Wide Web (WWW). Messaging services Offer user-to-user communication between individual users via storage units with store-and-forward mailbox, and/or message handling (e.g., information editing, processing and conversion) functions; Conversational services Provide bi-directional communication by means of real-time (no store-and-forward) end-to-end information transfer from user to user. An example of such a service is the Internet's Telnet application; Tele-action services Characterized by low data-volume (short) transactions, for example credit card validations, lottery transactions, utility meter readings and electronic monitoring and surveillance systems. Distribution services Characterized by the unidirectional flow of information from a given point in the network to other (multiple) locations. Examples may include news, weather and traffic reports, as well as product or service advertisements; Dispatching services Characterized by the bi-directional flow of information from a given point in the network (dispatcher) and other (multiple) users. Examples include taxi and public utility fleet services; Conferencing services Provide multi-directional communication by means of real-time (no store-and-forward) information transfer between multiple users.










1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level QoS Requirements - Exercise
> Different applications require different QoS
Exercise: find qualitatively the QoS requirements of the following data services
Service web video streaming ftp location based advertising audio streaming email wap fax e-commerce interactive games SMS Tra nsfer Dela y Throughput Relia bility

+: low sensitivity, ++: medium, +++: high

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 16 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


Data applications have very different traffic characteristics (amount of data, duration between LLC PDUs) leading to different ways of triggering radio layers algorithms. This has a direct impact on the follow-up of some QoS indicators at OMC-R level: number of DL/UL TBF establishment requests, DL/UL TBF duration, coding scheme distribution.



1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level R97/98 GPRS QoS Profile
> 5 GPRS QoS attributes in the R97/98 standard:
Precedence Class: relative importance of service under congestion; 3 values are defined Delay Class: total delay measured between the R or S point and the Gi interface; 4 values are defined Reliability Class: mainly linked to Ack / Not Ack modes at RLC and LLC levels and within the backbone network; 5 values are defined Peak Throughput Class: measured at the Gi and R reference points; 9 values, ranging from 8 Kbit/s up to 2048 Kbit/s Mean Throughput Class: measured at the Gi and R reference points; 19 values, ranging from Best Effort up to 111 Kbit/s
17 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

> >

Precedence classes: high, normal, low Delay classes: class 1 (average delay<0.5 s, 95% delay<1.5 s) class 2 (average delay<5 s, 95% delay<25 s) class 3 (average delay<50 s, 95% delay<250 s) class 4: not specified = best effort The Mean Throughput class range is smaller than the Peak Throughput class one because: The later is considered per interface (the purpose being to maximize the use of the transmission capacity over each interface according to its physical characteristics). The former is considered end to end and must take into account the weaker interface characteristics, the air interface one. Reliability: Five classes are defined according to the tolerable BER (from 1 = lowest BER required to 5 = highest tolerated BER and no acknowledgement or error checking).





1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level ETSI Principles

> ETSI R97 principles:
GPRS QoS is negotiated between the MS and the SGSN, at PDP context activation The BSS is not involved in QoS negotiation No absolute QoS can be guaranteed by the BSS The SGSN and the GGSN play the main role in QoS management

> But the BSS should be able to do its best...

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level QoS Profile at BSS Level
A935 MFS




GPRS Backbone BSC

Packet Data TE Network







Radio QoS GPRS QoS User QoS

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 19 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

> > > > >

Throughput: not managed by Alcatel BSS. Best effort is supported. Service precedence: partly managed by Alcatel BSS. RLC reliability mode: managed by the BSS. Transfer delay: not managed by Alcatel BSS. Best effort is supported. See next pages for details.



1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level Precedence

> Precedence:
Defines the priority for maintaining service in a congestion situation Specified on:
The DL path: in the DL BSSGP PDU header The UL path: radio priority in Packet resource request (2-phase access)

Not managed in the Alcatel BSS, but the operator can configure, in case of GPRS cell configured with a Master PDCH the persistence level of each radio priority and therefore control the uplink TBF establishment delay

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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Service precedence: The management of the persistence levels in the Alcatel BSS is the following. When there is a PBCCH allocated in the cell, the MFS broadcasts on the PBCCH four persistence levels P(i), defined by O&M, each of them corresponding to a given radio priority i (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), where P(i) {0, 1, 14, 16}. For each access attempt, the MS draws a random value R in the set {0, 1, 14, 15}. The MS is allowed to send a Packet Channel Request message only if the P(i), where i is the radio priority of the TBF being established, is lower or equal to R. This method allows the operator to differentiate the access probability of the MSs as a function of their radio priority. There is no preemption of an on-going TBF to establish a new one with a higher service precedence level.



1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level Throughput

> Throughput:
Defines the data throughput requested by the user Specified on:
The DL path: in the DL BSSGP PDU header The UL path: peak throughput class in Packet resource request (2-phase access)

Not taken into account by the BSS The allocation strategy consists in trying to allocate to the MS as many PDCHs as supported by its multislot class if known

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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Throughput: The PDCH available throughput (in terms of RLC/MAC blocks) is shared equally between all MSs allocated on it. The BSS tries periodically to offer the best throughput to a TBF in case it has a sub-optimal allocation. It corresponds to the direction of the bias and a better allocation is available. The operator can limit the maximum number of PDCHs allocated to a TBF through the O&M configuration. The maximum throughput that can be served to an MS is limited to n x 20 Kbit/s for a GPRS MS or n x 59.2 Kbit/s for an EGPRS MS, in case of good radio conditions (no retransmission), n being limited by the upper multislot class supported by the network (n=5).



1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level Delay

> Delay:
Defines the end-to-end transfer delay incurred in the transmission of SDUs through the GPRS network Specified on:
The DL path: through the PDU lifetime which indicates the latest time at when the PDU must be completely transmitted The UL path: peak throughput class in Packet resource request (2-phase access) The PDU lifetime is taken into account for a DL LLC PDU As many TSs as requested according to the MS Multislot Class are allocated if possible

Best effort is supported by the BSS:

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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Transfer delay: This includes the radio channel access delay (on the uplink) or radio channel scheduling delay (on the downlink), the radio channel transit delay (uplink and/or downlink paths) and the GPRS-network transit delay (multiple hops). It does not include transfer delays in external networks. Delay is measured between the R or S (for MS) and Gi (for FS) reference points when applied to "MS to Fixed Station (FS)" or "FS to MS" transmissions. The PDU lifetime is expected to be configured by the SGSN according to the GPRS transfer delay class of the associated PDP context In DL: case of unavailability of either traffic resources (TFI, TAI, throughput) or PDCH resources, DL TBF establishments requests are queued and served according to the PDU lifetime.



1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level Reliability

> Reliability:
Defines the transmission characteristics that are required by an application in terms of SDU loss probability, duplication of SDU, mis-sequencing of SDU or corruption of SDU Implemented at BSS level as RLC Acknowledged (Ack) mode or RLC Not acknowledged (Nack) mode Specified on
The DL path: in the DL BSSGP PDU header The UL path: in Packet resource request (2-phase access)

Default mode: Ack

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level Alcatel QoS Offer - R97/98 QoS Compliance
ETSI R97/98 QoS attributes
Delay class
(4) Best Effort 1, 2 or 3 1,. 2 or 3 1,. 2 or 3 1,. 2 or 3

Alcatel Offer
Resulting QoS class Best-Effort Best-Effort Best-Effort Normal Premium

Precedence class
any (3) Low priority Normal, High priority (2) Normal priority (1) High priority

Mean throughput class

any any Best Effort specified, except BE specified, except BE

Reliability class:

as required by the MS

BE = Best-Effort

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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> >

The QoS attributes are associated with a PDP context performed by an R97/98 MS. The five QoS parameters of the standard define more than 60 combinations! This is too much and must be simplified: Too complex to implement, Many of the combinations have no meaning! The standard "allows" simpler QoS implementations. - = any value.


In green, the main criterion for the definition of the resulting QoS. Alcatel implementation: 3 QoS classes are defined: Best effort: Inexpensive, comparable to the Internet (no commitment). Ideal for foraging on the internet. Normal: Comparable to an intranet. Premium: Expensive, high performance.



1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level R'99 UMTS QoS Classes
> 4 UMTS QoS classes in the R99 standard (traffic classes): Conversational class

Delay sensitiv e video conference Streaming class live video retransmission

Data Integrity sensitiv e

Interactive class
web browsing

Background class
25 email, SMS All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9


Conversational class: The most well known use of this scheme is telephony speech (e.g., GSM). But with the Internet and multimedia, a number of new applications will require this scheme, for example voice over IP and video conferencing tools. Real time conversation is always performed between peers (or groups) of live (human) end users. This is the only scheme where the required characteristics are strictly given by human perception.


Streaming class: When the user is looking at (listening to) real time video (audio) the scheme of real time streams applies. The real time data flow is always aiming at a live (human) destination. It is a one way transport.


Interactive class: When the end user, that is either a machine or a human, is on line requesting data from a remote equipment (e.g., a server), this scheme applies. Examples of human interaction with the remote equipment are: web browsing, data base retrieval, server access. Examples of machines interaction with the remote equipment are: polling for measurement records and automatic data base enquiries (tele-machines).


Background class: When the end user, that typically is a computer, sends and receives data files in the background, this scheme applies. Examples are background delivery of E-mails, SMS, download of databases and reception of measurement records.



1.2 Implementation of GPRS QoS Profiles at BSS Level Alcatel QoS Offer - R97/98 QoS Mapping into R'99 QoS
> There is a mapping between R'99 Traffic class and Alcatel QoS class
R'99 Traffic class conversational streaming interactive interactive interactive background Traffic handling priority 1 2 3 R97/98 Bearer QoS class Premium Premium Premium Normal Normal Best Effort

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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The mapping of R97/98 QoS attributes to R'99 QoS is applicable in the following cases: hand-over of PDP context from GPRS R97/R'98 SGSN to GPRS R'99 or UMTS SGSN. when an R'99 MS performs a PDP context activation in an R'99 SGSN with an R'97/98 GGSN. When GGSN respond to the PDP Context Activation, mapping of the changed R97/98 QoS attributes received from the GGSN to R99 QoS attributes is performed in the serving SGSN. when the SGSN has received an R97/98 QoS subscribed profile, but the MS is R'99.


The mapping of R'99 QoS attributes to R'97/98 QoS is applicable in the following cases: the PDP context is handed over from GPRS R'99 to R'97/R'98. when an R'99 MS performs a PDP context activation in an R'99 SGSN while the GGSN is R'97/98. In this case the SGSN shall perform mapping of the R99 QoS attributes to the R97/98 QoS attributes; when the SGSN sends user data to the BSS for an R'99 MS. when the SGSN has received R'99 QoS subscribed profile but the MS is R'97/98. in the new SGSN, during an inter-SGSN RA_update procedure, or an inter-system change, on receipt of the R'99 QoS attributes from the old SGSN.



1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring

1.3 Source of information for GPRS QoS monitoring

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1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring PM Counters






GPRS Backbone

Packet Data Network GGSN

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PM counters retrieval and post-processing is the cheapest solution.



1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring Trace User Data Transfer
> Transmission plane
application IP/X25 Air Interface traces relay L2-GCH GSM-RF L1-GCH BTS Um Abis/Ater SNDCP LLC RLC MAC GSM-RF MS relay SNDCP GTP LLC BSSGP NS L1bis SGSN Gb UDP/TCP IP L2 L1 Gb traces

GCH traces


Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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Interfaces traces are of good complementary information but expensive: used for problem investigation used when lack of PM counters



1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring Trace Signaling

> Signaling plane with CCCH use

Air Interface traces relay L2-RSL GSM-RF L1-RSL BTS Um


Gb traces

GCH traces

GSL traces






MFS Ater

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Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

> >

2 GSL at 64Kbit/s per GPU RSL: refer to the Dimensioning rules for GSM



1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring End-User QoS

> End-user performances are obtained through measurements carried out for different end-user services:
Traces must be performed at both Air interface and Application levels

> These performances must be interpreted with a maximum of information concerning the context of the measurements
Use of a database to register performance results

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FTP tests: Static cell measurements: DL transfer of an uncompressible file of 500 KB size UL transfer of an uncompressible file of 200 KB size Drive measurements: DL transfer of an uncompressible file of 1MB minimum size UL transfer of an uncompressible file of 200 KB minimum size

> >

PING Tests: Series of 100 pings HTTP tests: Static cell and drive measurements: HTTP browsing of an html page of 400 KB minimum size



1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring End-User QoS Measurements Principles
> GPRS performance tests performed
with PDN (real end-user QoS) without PDN (BSS+GSS QoS: use of a local server on the Gi interface just after the GGSN)


> Use of a too old or too new mobile can be risky

Reference mobiles are Sagem (OT290), Motorola (T280), NOKIA ( Modified B9 6230)

> Use of PCs : for Air measurements, as applications server > Use of the Agilent software E6474A Nitro (EDGE from 8.0)
to pick up the transferred frames to calculate the throughput at RLC layer

> Use of database to register performance results

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 32 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

> NOKIA 6220 and 6230 are EDGE mobiles. > Tests configuration set-up needs some specific data for like: APN of the operator to be declare in the Properties of the Modem connection on client PC (the one with Agilent NITRO installed) IP address of the Internet/WAP gateway or of the Application server connected to GGSN DNS server address if necessary user name and password for GPRS connection Name or the URL of the WEB page to be downloaded for HTTP tests



1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring End-User QoS Measurements Results
> Applications server accessibility (PING)
Server accessibility success rate Round Trip Time (RTT) in seconds per ping command
FTP session success rate Application layer throughput in kbit/s per file WAP gateway access time WAP page download success rate Application throughput WEB page download success rate Application throughput
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Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

> MMS tests: MMS emission success rate MMS notification success rate MMS reception success rate MMS time to send Time to receive the MMS notification Time to retrieve the MMS >Optional RLC/MAC statistics during end-user QoS tests: CS distribution : % of CSx RLC blocks and total time of CSx usage CS changes: number of CS changes per minute Retransmissions: % of RLC blocks retransmitted BLER: % of RLC blocks in error > Usually QoS indicators giving throughput or time values are provided with 4 detailed indicators: minimum maximum average standard deviation



1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring GSS QoS

> Counters:
in the SGSN in the GGSN in the HLR

> Traces:
BSS-SGSN interface (Gb) GGSN-PDN interface (Gi) intra-GSS interface (Gn)

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1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring BSS QoS

> Counters:
in the MFS (specific to GPRS) in the BSC (in relation to GSM) Air interface (Um) Ater interface (GCH) MFS-BSC interface (GSL) BSS-SGSN interface (Gb)
Protocol analyzer + COMPASS Trace MS + Agilent NITRO Tool chain = OMC-R+NPA+RNO

> Traces:

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1.3 Source of Information for GPRS QoS Monitoring BSS QoS Measurements Principles
OMC-R network statistics with OMC-R network counters

P acket domain BTS


Other P LMN Fire wall Core network Internet / Intranet

OSI Layer





Application layer
GP R S MS S agem OT190


Application Presentation Session Transport Network

GPRS Air Interface Statistics

IP layer

LLC layer Measurement Trace SW RLC/ MAC layer Agilent Physical layer

Data Link Physical

AMI Compass GNNettest P rotocol Analyzer K1205

Gb Statistics

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

36 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

>For the Air interface trace: Use of a too old or too new mobile can be risky Reference mobiles are Sagem (OT290), Motorola (T280), NOKIA ( 6230) Use of a PC preferably with Windows 2000 Use of the Agilent software E6474A Nitro Use of end-user QoS monitoring tool (DEUTRIP, DMS) >For the GCH, GSL, Gb interface trace: Use of a protocol analyzer with the Alcatel BSCGP stack The reference analyzer is Tektronix K1205 v2.40 Use of a post-processing tool The reference tool is COMPASS GPRS



1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring

1.4 Dependencies between BSS GSM and GPRS QoS

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1.4 Dependencies between BSS GSM and GPRS QoS Impacts



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> >


Bad radio conditions like coverage or interference problems degrading GSM QoS also provoke BSS GPRS QoS problems. Bad BSS GPRS performance is not always correlated to GSM QoS problems: Congestion can be due to a lack of resource specific to GPRS. A low throughput can be due to a bad setting of radio algorithms specific to GPRS . On the other hand GPRS traffic can induce or worsen GSM QoS performance: PS traffic can increase CS congestion. PS signaling using CCCH channels can induce a PS AGCH and/or PCH overload and eventually an SDCCH congestion.



1.4 Dependencies between BSS GSM and GPRS QoS Exercise

Among the following list of typical problems in a GSM network:
I mpa ct on BSS GPRS QoS

Typica l BSS GSM problem Coverage Interference path unbalanced at cell fringe TRX HW degradation Abis MW problem A interface congestion SDCCH congestion TCH congestion Rate of LU/ call too high Handover failure too high

Time allowed: 10 minutes

Find the ones having an impact on BSS GPRS QoS

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1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring

1.5 Impact of GMM/SM signaling on BSS QoS interpretation

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This chapter is also valid for B7 release.



1.5 Impact of GMM/SM Signaling on BSS QoS Interpretation GPRS Protocol Layers
User data in IP packets

GMM signaling messages



SM signaling messages LLC frames







Frame relay Physical layer SGSN

MAC Physical layer


Physical layer L2-GCH L1-GCH


Frame relay Physical layer


Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9




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> >

For a PS service the BSS simply relays the LLC frames between the MS and the SGSN. GPRS GMM/SM signaling messages are transferred through the BSS as User data. Therefore a BSS Data transfer procedure (called TBF) is carried out either to transfer user data or to transmit MS-SGSN signaling message. BSS GPRS QoS indicators have to be carefully interpreted especially in the case of a high load of GPRS signaling. BSSGP = BSS GPRS Protocol. Its function is: to relay LLC frames over the Gb interface, with no guarantee of integrity (relaying user data and GMM / SM messages: session, RA_update and paging procedures). There is 1 BSSGP frame for 1 LLC frame.




1.5 Impact of GMM/SM Signaling on BSS QoS Interpretation GMM/SM Signaling Load
> There are a lot of GPRS signaling message in case of:
cell update RA update (Normal, Periodic)

> There are less GPRS signaling message in case of :

GPRS attach GPRS detach PDP context activation PDP context de-activation

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42 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

> >

BSS GPRS QoS indicators must be carefully interpreted knowing that TBFs are used for both data and signaling transfer. Gb traces might be needed for a better understanding of QoS problems.



1 Role of BSS in GPRS QoS Monitoring Exercise

A customer complains about the fact that transferring a file from his laptop to his home computer using GPRS connected to internet takes too much time. What will you do if you have to investigate this customer complaint?

Time allowed: 10 minutes

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1 Role of the BSS in GPRS QoS monitoring

1.6 Indicators Classification

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This chapter is also valid for B7 release.



1.6 Indicators Classification

> Traffic Load > Quality Of Service Evaluation of the rate of success or failure per interface :
(Radio, AterMux, Gb)


or per telecom procedure:

TBF UL/DL establishment, UL/DL Data transfer, radio resource allocation or re-allocation Abis interface (abis nibbles) AterMux interface (GCH, LapD) Gb interface (PVC, Bearer Channel) GPU object (CPU and DSP usage)
45 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

> Resource Availability and Usage

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9



1.6 Indicators Classification

GPRS Indicators Traffic Load Global QoS Resource Availability
Abis Interface


TBF Establishment

TBF Establishment


Data Transfer

Data Transfer

Ater Interface

Ressource Allocation

Ressource Allocation

Gb Interface

Control and Traffic Channels


GB Interface


BSCGP Interface
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 46 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



2 Recalls on the Main BSS GPRS Telecom Procedures


All rights reserved 2004, Alcatel


This chapter is a summary of GPRS basics. It is also valid for B7 release.



2 Recalls on the Main BSS GPRS Telecom Procedures Session Presentation

> Objective: to be able to describe the main BSS GPRS procedures and algorithms having an impact on QoS > Program:
2.1 GPRS Logical Channel 2.2 TBF: Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS 2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame

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2 Recalls on the Main BSS GPRS Telecom Procedures


GPRS Logical Channels

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2.1 GPRS Logical Channels

physical channel control channel logical channel traffic channel signaling associated control channel logical channel category


Master PDCH

Slave PDCH

Primary MPDCH

Secondary MPDCH









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2 Recalls on the Main BSS GPRS Telecom Procedures


2.2 TBF: Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS

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2.2 TBF Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS Radio Resources
B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11

B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11

B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11

TBF with TFI = 5

TBF with TFI = 17

TBF with TFI = 24

> Temporary Block Flow (TBF): unidirectional flow of data between the MS and the MFS for the transfer of one or more LLC PDUs > Radio resources allocated to a TBF are:
52 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9


A Temporary Block Flow is a temporary, unidirectional physical connection across the Um interface, between one mobile and the BSS. The TBF is established when data units are to be transmitted across the Um interface. It is released as soon as the transmission is completed.



2.2TBF Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS TBF Phases
> The TBF procedure can be split as represented below




Radio resources to be used during the data transfer are reserved by the BSS and are assigned to the MS

Data transfer through RLC blocks transmission

Radio resources are freed

> During an on-going TBF (progress) in one direction, a TBF in the other direction can be established quicker than usually
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 53 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



2.2 TBF Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS UL TBF, Delayed Final PUAN without extended UL TBF
> In order to establish a DL TBF faster the release of a UL TBF can be delayed
T_DELAYED_FINAL_PUAN is the time during which a DL TBF can be established using the UL TBF radio resources before they are freed





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2.2 TBF Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS B9 UL TBF, Delayed Final PUAN with extended UL TBF
> Extended UL TBF mode



TBF establishment

TBF active

TBF extended


> UL TBF is maintained during T_MAX_EXTENDED_UL after the last block ( CV=0) has been acknowledged

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2.2 TBF Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS DL TBF, Delayed DL TBF Release
> The release of a DL TBF is delayed after all the DL RLC blocks have been transferred in order to be able to:
establish a UL TBF faster resume the DL data transfer (new LLC PDU coming from the SGSN) without having to establish a new DL TBF


TBF active

TBF delayed

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 56 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel




2.2 TBF Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS DL TBF, Fast Establishment
> A DL TBF can be re-established faster during a short time after a DL TBF release using the radio resources of the previous TBF
It is possible because the MS still monitors the radio resources during timer T3192 after the DL TBF has been released
T3192 Fast DL TBF establishment on PACCH possible


TBF active

TBF delayed


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2.2 TBF Data Transfer Procedure between the MS and the BSS DL TBF, Establishment in DRX Mode
> After T3192, a DL TBF has to be established on Control Channels:
faster during DRX_TIMER_MAX when the MS is in Non-DRX mode slower afterwards when the MS DRX_TIMER_MAX is in DRX mode T3192


TBF active

DL TBF establishment possible TBF delayed TBF release

on AGCH or any PPCH

58 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

on PCH or PPCH of MS paging group

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9



2 Recalls on the Main BSS GPRS Telecom Procedures


2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame

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2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame L1bis

> Bearer Channels Gb interface MFS BSSGP NS (NSC) NS (SNS)


BC j BC y


Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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> > > >

The Gb physical interface is made up of one or more 64-Kbit/s channels on one or more physical lines at 2048 Kbit/s. Both individual 64-Kbit/s and n*64-Kbit/s channels are supported by the MFS. A Bearer Channel (BC) is an n*64-Kbit/s channel (1 n 31). NB: among the 16 PCM links offered per PCU, only 8 are dedicated to the Gb interface, 4 for the upload and 4 for the download. The maximum point-to-point transfer capacity over the Gb interface in one direction is then 31*64 Kbit/s*4 = 8192 Kbit/s.



2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame Network Service 1/3

> The Sub-Network Service (SNS) sub-layer is dependent on the transmission network and manages Permanent Virtual Channels (PVCs) Gb interface
Frame Relay Network







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Concept of PVC: A PVC is a synchronous access line, semi-permanent connection. The PVC allows the multiplexing on a BC. It is not an end to end link between the MFS and the SGSN. At MFS side a PVC is identified by its Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) which is independent from the one defined at SGSN side. DLCI 0 is used for signaling. There is one PVC per BC. The SNS layer, layer 2.1 in the OSI model, offers the Frame Relay technology. The NSC layer, layer 2.2 in the OSI model, offers the point to point data transfer in both directions. The PVC standards are not specific to GPRS. Please refer to the Frame Relay Forum organization, the ITU-T and ANSI (T1S1.1 workshop) specifications.





2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame Network Service 2/3

> The Network Service Control (NSC) sub-layer is independent from the transmission network and manages NS Virtual Connections (NS-VCs) Gb interface




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Concept of NS-VC: A NS-VC is an end to end logical link between the MFS and the SGSN. Each NS-VC is identified by its NSVCI which has an end to end significance on the Gb interface. There is a one to one relation between one NS-VC and one PVC. Sub-network service function: ordered data transfer. The main functions of the NSC layer (2.2 layer) are: sequencing of the data transmission, flow control, lost frame management.




2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame Network Service 3/3

> Concept of NSE:
A Network Service Entity (NSE) groups several NS-VCs (at least 2 NS-VCs per NSE) = the NSE corresponds to the resources of one GPU The concept of NSE is useful for the load sharing between the different NS-VCs: the NS-VCs of the NSE are shared by the BVC associated to the NSE The NSE is identified by an NSEI which has an end-to-end significance over the Gb interface

NSE NSEi = 1

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Note: for MM purposes, the SGSN needs a 1:1 correspondence between the NSEI and the RAI.

BSS Cell Cell Cell Cell

BSSGP layer





NSC sub-layer NS-VC



SNS sub-layer





BC Physical layer 2 Mbit/s




2 Mbit/s



2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame BSSGP

> BSSGP Virtual Connection (BVC): end to end link between the MFS and the SGSN
BVCi=2 BVCi=2 BVCi=1 BVCi=n

Gb interface






Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 64 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



Two types of BVC: point-to-point BVC dedicated to the PS traffic of one cell (BVCi 0). signaling BVC (BVCi=0) which is the signaling circuit of all the point to point BVCs of one NSE (GPU). For NM reason, the duplet BVCi/NSEi must be unique within an SGSN.



To activate a new cell in an SGSN, it is only needed to add a new BVCi in an NSEi. No update of the NSEi information is necessary.



2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame Gb Interface - Manageable Entities

BSS side GPRS Core Network side








F.R Network






Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 65 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


Dimensioning rules:

Gb interfa ce Max. number of Gb interface physical links per GPU Max. number of Frame Relay bearer channels per physical link Max. number of Frame Relay bearer channels per GPU board Max. number of BVCs per GPU board Number of signalling BVCs per GPU Ater interfa ce Maximum number of 64 kbit/ s signalling channels (GSL) per GPU Number of Ater(mux) PCM links between one GPU and one BSC Atermux sharing granularity for PS traffic

n Gb 31 124 265 1 4
n Ater(mu

nGb + nAter(mux) 16 where nAter(mux)

Limit due to the number of cells per BSS (264) + one signalling BVC (1)
1 NSE is defined per GPU

nGb + nAtermux 16 g can be set to: 100 % AterMux, or 75 % AterMux, or 25 % AterMux, or 12.5 % Atermux for GPRS traffic

Max. Max. Max. Max.

number number number number

of of of of

BSSs per MFS GPUs per MFS BSS per GPU board cells per MFS

22 30 1
200 0 960

Max. number of TBFs per GPU Maximum number of GPU boards per BSS



2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame Gb Interface - Protocol Model and Entities
BSS side GPRS Core Network side



BSS GPRS Protocol BVC BSS GPRS Protocol




Network Service Control

Sub-Network Service


Network Service Control NS-VC

Sub-Network Service

(SNS) Physical layer

Packet Control Unit function (PCU)
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 66



(SNS) Physical layer

Frame Relay


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2.3 Gb: BSSGP Protocol and Frame BSSGP Frame

> One BSSGP PDU includes one and only one LLC PDU
BSSGP frame LLC frame

BSSGP header


GPRS Traffic or signaling

LLC header

LLC payload

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

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> >

In case of data traffic the LLC PDU contains an SNDCP PDU. In case of signaling, the LLC PDU contains a GMM or an SM message.



3 Description of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Counters B9 and Indicators

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3 Detection of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Counters/Indicators Session Presentation


> Objective: to be able to interpret the BSS GPRS QoS indicators attached to each BSS GPRS procedure or algorithm having an impact on QoS and to interpret the BSS GPRS PM counters used in the computation formulae of QoS indicators > Program:
3.1 Data Transfer Establishment 3.2 Data Transfer Progress 3.3 Data Transfer Release 3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers 3.5 Resource Usage 3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation 3.7 Cell Reselection

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3 Detection of the Main BSS QoS Counters/Indicators


Data Transfer Establishment

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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment TBF Establishments

Data Transfer establishment UL TBF establishment DL TBF establishment

MS in MM Ready state

MS in MM Ready state

MS in MM Standby state PS Paging





DL TBF running on CCCH on PCCCH on CCCH DRX Non-DRX 2-Phase 2-Phase

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UL TBF running on PCCCH DRX Non-DRX

T3192 running




There are 5 types of UL TBF establishment: 1. 1-phase access on CCCH : when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and no PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS does not need more than 1 PDCH and wants to transfer blocks in RLC acknowledge mode. 2. 2-phase access on CCCH : when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and no PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS needs more than 1 PDCH or wants to transfer blocks in RLC unacknowledge mode. 3. 1-phase access on PCCCH : when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and a PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS does not need more than 1 PDCH and wants to transfer blocks in RLC acknowledge mode. 4. 2-phase access on PCCCH : when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and a PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS needs more than 1 PDCH or wants to transfer blocks in RLC unacknowledge mode. 5. During a DL TBF: when the MS is in Packet Transfer Mode in DL.


There are 6 types of DL TBF establishment: 1. On CCCH DRX mode: when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and no PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS is listening to all PCH channels of its CS paging group. 2. On CCCH Non-DRX mode: when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and no PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS is listening to all AGCH channels. 3. On PCCCH DRX mode: when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and a PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS is listening to all PPCH channels of its PS paging group. 4. On PCCCH Non-DRX mode: when the MS is in Packet Idle Mode and a PCCCH is available in the cell and the MS is listening to all PPCH channels of its PCCCH channel. 5. During a UL TBF: when the MS is in Packet Transfer Mode in UL. 6. When T3192 is running: when a DL TBF has been released at the MS side and before the previously used radio resources are released (at T3192 expiry).



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment 1-Phase Access on CCCH, Success
MS BTS BSC (EGPRS Packet) Channel request RACH Channel required (TA) TA calculation Channel request (TA)
GCH allocation




Imm. assign. command Channel assignment UL (IA) Immediate assignment MS switches AGCH on assigned PDCH USF Scheduling PDTCH RLC data block PDTCH
PDCH, TFI, USF, TAI, TA, CS (MCS, EGPRS window size)


USF Scheduling


Contention resolution

RLC data block TLLI, TFI Packet UL Ack/Nack TLLI, TFI

72 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



Packet UL Ack/Nack PACCH

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9


In case a Channel Request or an EGPRS Packet Channel Request is received from the mobile station, an Immediate Assignment message is sent to the MS assigning the radio resources. In case a Channel Request is received on a RACH, the BSS does not know the multislot class of the MS. Consequently, the Alcatel BSS assigns only one PDCH to the MS. In case an EGPRS Packet Channel Request message is received from the mobile station, the EGPRS multislot class of the MS is known by the BSS. However only one PDCH is allocated due to the limitation of the Immediate Assignment message. if the PDCH is allocated on a non-EGPRS capable TRX an Immediate Assignment message in GPRS mode is sent to the MS including the PDCH id, the USF value, the TFI value, the TAI value, the TA value, and the GPRS coding scheme to be used. If the PDCH is allocated on an EGPRS capable TRX, an Immediate Assignment message in EGPRS mode is sent to the MS including the PDCH id, the USF value, the TFI value, the TAI value, the TA value and the EGPRS modulation and coding scheme to be used.


> >

Timers T_USF_scheduling_AGCH: Time between the sending of the Assignment Command message to the BTS and the scheduling of the first UL block on the PDCH. This internal MFS timer is always expiring in order to leave time to the MS to switch from a CCCH to a PDCH time slot. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH T_USF_scheduling_AGCH: Started at T_USF_scheduling_AGCH expiry, stopped when receiving the first UL block from the MS. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH = 0.8 s (default value) but computed as a function of the CCCH configuration in the cell. It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. T_USF_scheduling_AGCH = 0 ms (default value). It cannot be set at OMC-R level. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH" is the HMI name of "T_ul_assign_ccch" present in BSS telecom parameters catalogue A contention resolution procedure is used in order to avoid that two MS sending a Channel Request at the same time use the same allocated radio resource to send data. Each MS sends its TLLI in the first RLC Data Block. The TLLI of the MS chosen by the BSS is present in the Packet UL Ack/Nack from the MFS. The other MS will stop using the radio resource when receiving the Packet UL Ack/Nack with another TLLI .



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment 2-Phase Access on CCCH, Success
MS (EGPRS Packet) Channel request RACH BTS Channel required (TA) TA calculation BSC Channel request (TA)
GCH allocation


P62c P62d

Channel assignment UL (IA) P49 Imm. assign. command PDCH id, TBF starting time, Immediate assignment MS switches TA, 1 (multiple) block(s) AGCH on allocated T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH RLC block(s) Packet resource request Packet resource request PACCH TLLI, MS Radio Access Capability, QoS Contention (Additional Radio Access Capability)
GCH allocation

MS switches on assigned PDCHs

Packet UL assignment PACCH USF Scheduling PDTCH RLC data block PDTCH

Packet UL assignment TLLI, PDCHs, USFs, TFI, TAI, TA, CS USF Scheduling (MCS, EGPRS window size) RLC data block




Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 73 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


A 2-phase access is initiated in one of the following cases: When a GPRS MS wants to use the TBF to send user data in RLC unacknowledged mode. When a GPRS or EGPRS MS wants to precise QoS parameters (e.g., Peak_Throughput_Class, Radio_Priority). When a GPRS MS wants to provide the BSS with its multislot class in case of an uplink access done on CCCH. When an GPRS MS wants to establish the TBF to send user data in RLC acknowledged mode and the amount of data to send takes more than 8 RLC/MAC blocks (Note 1 and Note 2). If the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST is not supported in the cell (Note: the Alcatel BSS always supports the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST), when an EGPRS MS wishes to send user data or signaling data. If the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST is supported in the cell, when an EGPRS MS wants to use the TBF to send user data in RLC unacknowledged mode. If the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST is supported in the cell, when an EGPRS MS wants to establish the TBF to send user data in RLC acknowledged mode and the amount of data to send takes more than 8 RLC/MAC blocks (Note 3 and Note 4). Note 1: The number of blocks must be calculated assuming channel coding scheme CS-1. Note 2: The mobile station can also request a 1-phase access. Note 3: The number of blocks must be calculated assuming modulation and channel coding scheme MCS-1. Note 4: If the cell is EGPRS capable, the mobile station can also request 1-phase access.

> >


The MS Radio Access Capability IE includes the Multislot class of the MS as well as the QoS required for the transfer Timers T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH, controls the duration between (EGPRS Packet) Channel Request message and the UL radio block allocated to the MS. T_ACK_WAIT: Started when the first UL block is scheduled to the MS, stopped when receiving the first UL block. T_ACK_WAIT = 1.2 s (default value). It cannot be set at OMC-R level. T3168: MS timer started when sending the Packet Resource Request message and stopped when receiving the Packet UL Assignment. It is broadcast in the SI13 message. T3168 = 1 s (default value). It can be set at the OMC-R level but 1 s is the minimum value. .



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment 1-Phase Access on PCCCH, Success
(EGPRS) Packet Channel request




(EGPRS) (EGPRS) Packet Channel request Packet Channel request (TA) (TA)

PRACH (4 A.B.)

TA calculation

(EGPRS) Multislot class

GCH allocation



Packet UL assignment PAGCH MS switches on assigned PDCHs

Packet UL assignment PDCHs, USFs, TFI, TAI, TA, CS (MCS, EGPRS window size) USF Scheduling RLC data block TLLI, TFI Packet UL Ack/Nack TLLI, TFI
74 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


USF Scheduling PDTCH RLC data block PDTCH



Contention resolution

Packet UL Ack/Nack PACCH

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9


Possible causes for the one phase access for GPRS: - 1-phase access (MS multislot class provided) - Short access (less than 8 RLC blocks) - Paging response - Cell update - MM procedures (GPRS Attach, GPRS Detach, RA update) - Single block without TBF establishment Note: The access indicating Single Block Without TBF Establishment is supported by the Alcatel BSS: such an access is used by the MS to report a Packet Measurement Report message or a Packet Cell Change Failure message in Packet Idle Mode


Possible causes for the one phase access for EGPRS: - 1-phase access - Short access - signaling


A EGPRS mobile provides both its GPRS multislot class and its EGPRS multislotclass. If the TBF can not be established in EGPRS mode it will then be established in GPRS mode if possible. In this case the EGPRS multislot class is used by the BSS to allocate the corresponding number of PDCHs. If the GPRS multislot class is higher than the EGPRS one then the TBF is a candidate for a subsequent radio resource re-allocation to extend the number of PDCHs.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment 2-Phases Access on PCCCH, Success (EGPRS) (EGPRS) (EGPRS)
Packet Channel request

PRACH (4 A.B.)

Packet Channel request Packet Channel request (TA) (TA) (EGPRS) Multislot class


P62a P62d

TA calculation

Packet UL assignment PAGCH MS switches on allocated RLC block(s) Packet resource request PACCH

Packet UL assignment PDCH id, TBF starting time, TA, 1 (multiple) block(s)


Contention resolution

Packet resource request TLLI, MS Radio Access Capability, QoS (Additional Radio Access Capability)
PDCH & GCH allocation

MS switches on assigned PDCHs

Packet UL assignment PACCH USF Scheduling PDTCH RLC data block PDTCH

Packet UL assignment TLLI, PDCHs, USFs, TFI, TAI, TA, CS (MCS, EGPRS window size) USF Scheduling RLC data block




Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 75 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


Timer: T_UL_ASSIGN_PCCCH controls the duration between (EGPRS) Packet Request message and the UL radio block allocated to the MS. T_UL_ASSIGN_PCCCH = 0.4 s (default value). It can be set at the OMC-R level. 2-phase access is used when the MS wants specific QoS attribute values to be taken into account (e.g., RLC Nack mode).




3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment during a DL TBF, Success

MS BTS DL transfer RLC data block PDTCH Packet DL Ack/Nack PACCH



RLC data block, polling


(EGPRS) Packet DL Ack/Nack with Channel request P62b

GCH allocation

Packet UL assignment Packet UL assignment PDCHs, USFs, TFIUL,TAI, CS (MCS, EGPRS window size) PACCH USF Scheduling PDTCH RLC data block PDTCH USF Scheduling


RLC data block




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> >

This scenario corresponds to a UL TBF establishment in PTM without re-allocation of the on-going DL TBF. The Packet UL Assignment message is repeated N_SIG_REPEAT times because if the MS has not decoded the Packet UL Assignment then the MS tries again to establish the UL TBF only after T3168 expiry. N_SIG_REPEAT = 1 (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. Therefore the Packet UL Assignment is sent 2 times in a row.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment, Exercise

Exercise 1: Identify the type of UL TBF establishment procedure among the provided traces 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Exercise 2: Using the trace 2 , find how many TBFs are established and when? Exercise 3: Using the trace 2, identify the values of: TFIUL TFIDL PDCHs allocated for the UL TBF


Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment, Failures

UL TBF establishment FAILURE


BSS Resource Congestion

Radio pb Radio congestion Abis congestion Ater congestion Too many TBF DSP with CPU in load state GPU DSP congestion GPU with CPU overload
NewB9 NewB9 NewB9

BSS pb

Gb pb

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Note: GPU congestion means that the maximum capacity of at least one DSP on the GPU is reached in terms of resources GCH and/or PDCH A lack of Ater resources occurs when there is not enough Ater nibbles to serve the UL TBF request. A lack of Abis transmission resources occurs when there is not enough Abis nibbles to serve the UL TBF request.




3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment, Failures, BSS Resource Congestion
BTS BSC MFS (EGPRS Packet) Channel request RACH Channel required (TA)
Modified B9


Channel request (TA) Channel assignment UL (Imm. assign. Reject)

Wait indication

Imm. assign. command Immediate assignment reject (Imm. assign. Reject) AGCH (EGPRS) Packet Channel request

No resource available (radio+Abis+Ater+Too many TBF+DSP+ GPU+GPU-CPU)

(EGPRS) (EGPRS) Packet Channel request Packet Channel request (TA) (TA)

P27+P105j+P105h+P10 5l+P204+P105d+P105f
Modified B9

or Packet resource requestor Packet resource requestor Packet resource request or Packet DL Ack/Nack with or Packet DL Ack/Nack with No resource available or Packet DL Ack/Nack with Channel request Channel request Channel request (radio+Abis+Ater+Too Packet access reject PAGCH or PACCH Packet access reject Packet access reject
Wait indication


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The first scenario corresponds to: the impossibility to allocate the resources for a UL TBF establishment 1-phase access on CCCH. the impossibility to allocate the UL block(s) for a UL TBF establishment 2-phase access on CCCH.


The second scenario corresponds to: the impossibility to allocate the resources for a UL TBF establishment 2-phase access on CCCH. the impossibility to allocate the resources for a UL TBF establishment 1-phase access on PCCCH. the impossibility to allocate the UL block(s) or the resources for a UL TBF establishment 2-phase access on PCCCH. the impossibility to allocate the resources for a UL TBF establishment during a DL TBF.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment on CCCH, Failures, Radio

MS (EGPRS Packet) Channel request RACH BTS BSC MFS Channel request + TA Channel required (TA) Channel assignment UL (IA) Imm. assign. command PDCH, TFI, USF, TAI, TA, CS
(MCS, EGPRS window size)

Immediate assignment AGCH USF Scheduling PDTCH RLC data block PDTCH

USF Scheduling


Packet UL assignment PACCH USF Scheduling PDTCH

Packet UL assignment TLLI, PDCHs, USFs, TFI, TAI, TA, CS USF Scheduling (MCS, EGPRS window size)
T_ACK_WAI T expiry P28

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The first scenario corresponds to: a radio failure occurring during a UL TBF establishment 1-phase access on CCCH.


The second scenario corresponds to: a radio failure occurring during a UL TBF establishment 2-phase access on CCCH.

> >

If the contention resolution fails, the MS will try to establish the UL TBF up to 4 times. The radio problems counted are usually due to interference or bad coverage but Abis microwave transmission problems or some BSS problems (RSL overload) can be counted as radio problems.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment on PCCCH, Failures, Radio

MS BTS BSC MFS (EGPRS) (EGPRS) (EGPRS) Packet Channel Packet Channel request Packet Channel request PRACH (4 A.B.) (EGPRS) Multislot class request (TA) (TA) Packet UL assignment Packet UL assignment PDCHs, USFs, TFI, TAI, TA, CS (MCS, EGPRS PAGCH window size) USF Scheduling USF Scheduling PDTCH RLC data block PDTCH
T_ACK_WAI T expiry P28

Packet UL assignment PACCH USF Scheduling PDTCH

Packet UL assignment TLLI, PDCHs, USFs, TFI, TAI, TA, CS (MCS, EGPRS window size) USF Scheduling

T_ACK_WAI T expiry


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The first scenario corresponds to: a radio failure occurring during a UL TBF establishment 1-phase access on PCCCH.


The second scenario corresponds to: a radio failure occurring during a UL TBF establishment 2-phase access on PCCCH.


The radio problems counted are usually due to interference or bad coverage but Abis microwave transmission problems or some BSS problems (RSL overload) can be counted as radio problems.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment during a DL TBF, Failures, Radio
DL transfer / Active or Delayed phase

RLC data block PDTCH Packet DL Ack/Nack PACCH


RLC data block, polling

(EGPRS) Packet DL Ack/Nack with Channel request

Packet UL assignment Packet UL Assignment PDCHs, USFs, TFIUL,TAI, CS (MCS, EGPRS window size) PACCH USF Scheduling PDTCH USF Scheduling

T_ACK_WAI T expiry


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If a DL TBF re-allocation is triggered upon a UL TBF establishment and if the DL TBF re-allocation fails due to a radio problem then counter P28 is also incremented. The radio problems counted are usually due to interference or bad coverage but Abis microwave transmission problems or some BSS problems (RSL overload) can be counted as radio problems.




3.1 Data Transfer Establishment UL TBF Establishment, Failures, Gb, BSS

> Problem at Gb interface level
When the CELL is in the operational state disabled in the BSS

<< UL

O&M problem
establishment request >>
Cell identity


Cell BVC unavailable


> Problem at BSS level

which is not linked to Congestion, Radio, Gb
no specific counter

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A problem at BSS level can be linked to a Hardware or a Software failure .



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF Establishment on CCCH, MS in Ready State

GCH allocation


P91f, P91c P91g P53c, P49


Immediate assignment

Imm. assign. command

Channel assignment UL (IA) PDCH, TFI, TAI, (EGPRS)

PCH/AGCH (DRX/Non-DRX) MS switches on assigned PDCH


t_assign_agch_pacc h t_assign_pch_pacch

Packet DL assignment PACCH Packet control Ack PACCH (4 A.B.) TA / PC PACCH RLC data block PDTCH

Packet DL assignment, polling PDCHs, TFI, TAI, (EGPRS window size) expiry & restart TA calculation

Packet control Ack

P90f, P90c

Timing Advance / Power control

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If the MFS does not receive the Packet Control Ack message from the MS: it sends again the Packet Downlink Assignment message up to MAX_GPRS_ASSIGN_PCH_RETRANS if the MS is in DRX mode or up to MAX_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH_RETRANS if the MS is in Non-DRX mode. if the Maximum number of retransmission of Packet Downlink Assignment message is reached then the MFS restarts the whole DL TBF establishment procedure up to MAX_DL_RETRANS times. MAX_GPRS_ASSIGN_PCH_RETRANS = 3 (default value) MAX_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH_RETRANS = 3 (default value) MAX_DL_RETRANS = 3 (default value) The other establishment attempts of the same TBF are not counted, only the first attempt is counted. Timers T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH: controls the reception of the Packet Control Ack message from the MS in Non-DRX mode. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH = 0.8 s (default value) but computed as a function of the CCCH configuration in the cell. It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH" is the HMI name of "T_ul_assign_ccch" described in the BSS telecom parameters catalogue. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_PCH: controls the reception of the Packet Control Ack message from MS in DRX mode. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_PCH = 1.4 s (default value) but computed as a function of the BS_PA_MFRMS CCCH parameter in the cell. It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. T_GPRS_ASSIGN_PCH" is the HMI name of "T_dl_assign_ccch" described in the BSS telecom parameters catalogue. t_assign_agch_pacch: is the time the MFS waits for the Packet Control Ack message after having sent the Packet Downlink Assignment message to the MS in Non-DRX mode before repeating the Packet Downlink Assignment message. Its value is computed as T_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH / (MAX_GPRS_ASSIGN_AGCH_RETRANS + 1). t_assign_pch_pacch: is the time the MFS waits for the Packet Control Ack message after having sent the Packet Downlink Assignment message to the MS in DRX mode before repeating the Packet Downlink Assignment message. Its value is computed as T_GPRS_ASSIGN_PCH / (MAX_GPRS_ASSIGN_PCH_RETRANS + 1). T3190: if this timer expires, the MS returns into Packet Idle Mode. T3190 = 5s (default value).




3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF Establishment on PCCCH , MS in Ready State

GCH allocation


P91d, P91a P91g


Packet DL assignment PPCH (first/paging group) MS switches on assigned PDCH

Packet DL assignment, polling PDCHs, TFI, TAI, (EGPRS window size)


Packet control Ack PACCH (4 A.B.) TA / PC PACCH RLC data block PDTCH

TA calculation

Packet control Ack

P90d, P90a

Timing Advance / Power control



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If the MFS does not receive the Packet Control Ack message from the MS: the MFS restarts the whole DL TBF establishment procedure up to MAX_DL_RETRANS times. MAX_DL_RETRANS = 3 (default value) The other establishment attempts of the same TBF are not counted, only the first attempt is counted. Timers T_ACK_WAIT: controls the reception of the Packet Control Ack message from the MS in Non-DRX mode. T_ACK_WAIT = 1.2 s (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. T_ACK_WAIT_DRX_PCCCH: controls the reception of the Packet Control Ack message from the MS in DRX mode. T_ACK_WAIT_DRX_PCCCH = 2.5 s (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. T3190: if this timer expires, the MS returns into Packet Idle Mode. T3190 = 5 s (default value)




3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF Establishment during a UL TBF


UL transfer
GCH allocation

RRBP + 40 ms

signment Packet DL as PACCH



Packet contro

l Ack

lling signment, po Packet DL as RS I , TAI, (EGP PDCH(s), TF DL k window size) RLC data bloc PDTCH Packet contro l Ack TA / PC



TA / PC PACCH k RLC data bloc PDTCH

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

k RLC data bloc

86 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


This scenario corresponds to a DL TBF establishment in PTM without re-allocation of the on-going UL TBF.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF Establishment, Radio Resource Optimization

MFS n PDCHs allocated according to MS multislot class BSSGP PDU (QoS profile, LLC PDU) SGSN

QoS Profile IE from BSSGP message

4 3 2 1 IEI Length Indicator Peak bit rate provided by the network, coded as the value part in Bucket Leak Rate/R IE/ GSM 08.18 a) SPARE C/R T A Precedence 8 7 6 5

GSM 08.18

octet 1 octet 2.2a octet 3-4 octet 5

T bit coding
coding semantic The SDU contains signaling (e.g., related to GMM) The SDU contains data

Only 1 PDCH allocated n PDCHs allocated according to MS multislot class

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 87

0 1

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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF Establishment, Exercise

Exercise 1: Identify the type of DL TBF establishment procedure among the provided traces 6, 6bis and 8 Exercise 2: identify trace 6bis if the DL TBF is established for data or signaling transfer


Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF establishment, failures

DL TBF establishment FAILURE BSS Resource Congestion


Radio pb

BSS pb

Gb pb

Radio congestion Abis congestion Ater congestion GPU DSP congestion GPU CPU congestion Too many TBF CPU_LOAD
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9


NewB9 NewB9

89 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF Establishment, Failures, BSS Resource Cong, B9 Gb
> BSS resource congestion: radio (PDCH, TAI, TFI), Ater, GPU
No resource available: (radio+Abis+Ater+DSP+CPU)+ CPU_LOAD +too many TBFs
Modified B9


P14+ P105i+ P105g+P105c+P105e+P203+ P105k

> Problem at Gb interface level

When the CELL is in the operational state disabled in the BSS
O&M problem
Cell BVC unavailable


LLC Discarded

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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment DL TBF Establishment, Failures, Radio

> Radio problem
MS BTS BSC Packet DL assignment, polling PDCHs, TFI, TAI, (EGPRS window size) MFS Packet DL assignment PACCH or PPCH

Packet control Ack PACCH

t_assign_agch_pacch expiry or t_assign_pch_pacch expiry or T_ACK_WAIT expiry or T_ACK_WAIT_DRX_PCCCH expiry for the last attempt of the same DL TBF establishment

> Problem at BSS level

what is not Congestion, Radio, Gb
no specific counter
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If a UL TBF re-allocation is triggered upon a DL TBF establishment and if the UL TBF re-allocation fails due to a radio problem then counter P15 is also incremented. The radio problems counted are usually due to interference or bad coverage but Abis microwave transmission problems or some BSS problems (RSL overload) can be counted as radio problems.




3.1 Data Transfer Establishment Fast DL TBF Re-establishment, Success


DL transfer

T3192 & T3192n


signment Packet DL as PACCH



Packet contro

l Ack

Same resources LLC PDU allocation P91e g n lli o p t, n e m n sig Packet DL as RRBP I, (EGPRS A T , I + PDCH(s), TF DL 40 ms ) ze si w o wind k RLC data bloc H C PDT T_ACK_WAIT
Packet contro l Ack

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If the MFS does not receive the Packet Control Ack message from the MS: the MFS restarts the whole DL TBF establishment procedure up to MAX_DL_RETRANS times. MAX_DL_RETRANS = 3 (default value) The other establishment attempts of the same TBF are not counted, only the first attempt is counted. Timers T_ACK_WAIT: controls the reception of the Packet Control Ack message from the MS in Non-DRX mode. T_ACK_WAIT = 1.2 s (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. T3190: if this timer expires, the MS returns into Packet Idle Mode. T3190 = 5 s (default value)




3.1 Data Transfer Establishment Fast DL TBF Re-establishment, Failures

> All types of failures are counted in the same counters as for other kinds of DL TBF establishment
BSS resource congestion
radio (PDCH, TAI, TFI): P14 P105i Abis NewB9 Ater: P105g GPU P105c DSP: CPU: P105e NewB9 CPU LOAD: P203 P105k Too many TBFs
P15 P65



radio: Gb:

BSS: no specific counter

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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment PS Paging

> Identify the procedures 1 and 2 on the following diagram
P391a P391b P53b/P61b P53a/P61a

Paging Request/Packet Paging Request PCH/PPCH Channel Request/Packet Channel Request cause =?/cause =? RACH/PRACH Immediate Assignment/Packet Uplink Assignment AGCH/PAGCH USF Scheduling PDTCH Sending of an LLC PDU (RLC blocks) containing GMM Paging response message PDTCH

SGSN LLC PDU PS Paging MS in Standby



Procedure 1 ?

MS Ready

Procedure 2 ?
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 94 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



A CS Paging Request can be sent by the SGSN to the MS through the GMM PS Paging message if the GS interface exists (GPRS network configured in NMO I). In the case a CS Paging Request sent on PCH or PPCH the MS performs a CS Radio Link Establishment procedure.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment PS Paging, Exercise

Exercise: Using the trace 7, find the cell in which the MS is located


Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment QoS Indicators

> DL and UL TBF establishment:


TBF establishment start

Number of requests Number of successes Success rate Allocation rate Failure causes

Different cases: DL/UL: idle & transfer mode DL/UL: MPDCH or not DL: DRX & non-DRX DL: T3192 running DL/UL: MS EGPRS capable Congestion Radio Radio Abis Ater DSP CPU

TBF establishment end



Distribution of number of TSs requested / obtained

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> > > >

The number of TBF establishment requests gives an idea of the GPRS traffic. It is therefore a KPI. Nb of Allocation successes = Nb of Requests - Nb of Congestions A radio pb can be specific to GPRS (no radio pb for GSM): it can be due to the MS behavior (bad handling of Polling from the BSS). Some tests on Ping have shown that RTT (Round Trip Time) is varying from one MS to another. Some MSs are considered to be slow, others to be fast. Round Trip Time is the time duration of data transmission from mobile to data server then back from server to mobile. Usually RTT is assessed using a PING command of 32 bytes data transmission. If the data server is connected to the Gi interface RTT will be a measurement of twice the time duration needed to send data across the GPRS network.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment QoS Indicators, Request/Success

> DL and UL TBF establishment: requests/successes
Transfer phase Fast DL TBF re-establishment T3192 Non-DRX mode DRX mode time
DL TBF establishment requests Transfer mode While T3192 running Idle mode + non-DRX mode + MPDCH Idle mode + non-DRX mode + no MPDCH Idle mode + DRX mode + MPDCH Idle mode + DRX mode + no MPDCH Idle mode + with / without MPDCH P91b P91e P91d P91f P91a P91c P91g DL TBF establishment successes Transfer mode While T3192 running Idle mode + non-DRX mode + MPDCH Idle mode + non-DRX mode + no MPDCH Idle mode + DRX mode + MPDCH Idle mode + DRX mode + no MPDCH Idle mode + with / without MPDCH P90b P90e P90d P90f P90a P90c P90g

GPRS/EGPRS request/success

Only EGPRS GPRS/EGPRS request/success Only EGPRS

UL TBF establishment requests Idle mode + MPDCH P62a Idle mode + no MPDCH P62c Transfer mode P62b P438c Idle mode + with / without MPDCH P62d

UL TBF establishment successes Idle mode + MPDCH P30a Idle mode + no MPDCH P30c Transfer mode P30b Idle mode + with / without MPDCH P30d

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All other counters have been modified in order to take into account the TBFs established in EGPRS mode.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment QoS Indicators, Failure

> DL and UL TBF establishment: failures
% TBF establishment failures Downlink Congestion rate (radio-Abis- (P14 + P105g + P105c + P105e+P105i) / (P91a +P91b+ Congestion (radio-Abis-AterAter-GPU) P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) GPU) rate Radio congestion rate P14 / (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) Radio congestion rate % of time during which (P13 / 10) / GP % of time during which PDCH allocation for DL TBF PDCH allocation for UL TBF is not possible due to is not possible due to congestion congestion Abis congestion rate (P105i) / (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) Abis congestion rate ATer congestion rate P105g / (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) ATer congestion rate DSP congestion rate P105c / (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) DSP congestion rate CPU congestion rate P105e / (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) CPU congestion rate Radio problem rate P15 / (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) Radio problem rate Gb problem rate P65 / (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f) Gb problem rate BSS problem rate (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P91e + P91f - P14 BSS problem rate P15 - P90a - P90b - P90c- P90d - P90e - P90f - P105e P105c - P105g - P105i - P203) / (P91a + P91b + P91c + Modified P91d + P91e + P91f) Uplink (P27 + P105h + P105d + P105f+P105j) / (P62a + P62b + P62c) P27 / (P62a + P62b + P62c) (P26 / 10) / GP


(P105j) / (P62a + P62b + P62c - P438c)


P105h / (P62a + P62b + P62c) P105d / (P62a + P62b + P62c) P105f / (P62a + P62b + P62c) P28 / (P62a + P62b + P62c) P66 / (P62a + P62b + P62c) ((P62a + P62b + P62c - P438c - P27 - P28 - P30a P30b - P30c - P66 - P105h - P105f - P105d - P105j P204) / (P62a + P62b + P62c - P438c))


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> >


A CPU load state is managed per GPU. When the CPU load state reaches the maximum (crosses a high threshold) then no new TBF can be established on this GPU. Radio congestion is often low. When high, it is often linked to a GPU reset or to a problem at BSS level. Therefore Indicators based on distribution of nb of TSs allocated/requested give a better idea of the congestion situation. On DL TBF establishment failure: a RADIO STATUS message is sent to the SGSN.



3.1 Data Transfer Establishment QoS Indicators, KPI

> DL and UL TBF establishment: success rate
TBF establishment requests and successes Downlink Uplink Total number of TBF P91a+P91b+P91c+P91d+P91e Total number of P62a+P62b+P62c establishment +P91f TBF requests establishment KPI requests Total number of TBF P90a+P90b+P90c+P90d+P90e Total number of P30a+P30b+P30c establishment +P90f TBF establishment successes successes TBF establishment (P90a+P90b+P90c+P90d+P90TBF (P30a+P30b+P30c) / success rate e+P90f) / establishment (P62a+P62b+P62c) (P91a+P91b+P91c+P91d+P91 success rate KPI e+P91f) TBF establishment ( (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d TBF establishment ((P62a + P62b + P62c) allocation rate + P91e + P91f) - (P105c + allocation rate (P105f + P27 +P105h + P105e + P14 + P105g)) / P105d)) / (P62a + P62b (P91a + P91b + P91c + P91d + P62c) + P91e + P91f)


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3.1 Data Transfer Establishment QoS Indicators, DL TBF Establishment, Graph

Downlink TBF Establishment
16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 102 100 98 96 94 92 90

BSS fail Gb fail Radio fail Congestion Request % Allocated % Success

> Thresholds:
Significant traffic is reached for 2000 DL TBF requests/cell/day (less when a Delayed downlink TBF release is activated) A UL/DL TBF establishment success rate is seen as good above 95% (except if CS2 is used at the beginning of a DL TBF)
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> > > > >

Typical values of DL establishment success rate when CS2 is used at the beginning of DL TBF: 94%, 96%. TBF establishment indicators should be provided on a per DL and UL basis because the procedures are very different and QoS has to be assessed and interpreted differently. The UL TBF establishment can be degraded because of ghost Random Access messages. The amount of bytes transferred at RLC or LLC level should be considered as a significant traffic indicator (more Web browsing usage than WAP). The nb of DL TBF establishment requests can should be considered as a GPRS activity indicator.


14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03


3 Description of the Main BSS QoS Counters/Indicators


3.2 Data Transfer Progress

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Progress

Data Transfer established


RLCs blocks transfer

Data transfer resumption (DL TBF and UL) NewB9

TBF resource re-allocation

Modified B9

Data Transfer released

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> >

A TBF is considered in progress after it has been allocated successfully and before a release of this TBF is triggered. When a TBF is in progress, the following processes are or can be performed: The transfer of data is on-going: useful RLC blocks. LLC dummy commands The TBF resources are re-allocated.

The transfer of data is resumed



3.2 Data Transfer Progress Data Transfer Resumption during a DL TBF in Delayed Phase MS MFS
DL transfer / Active phase


one but last useful RLC data block last useful RLC data block, polling

(EGPRS) Packet DL Ack/Nack

DL transfer / Delayed phase

Dummy block, polling Packet DL Ack/Nack



Dummy block, polling Packet DL Ack/Nack


new useful last RLC data block useful last RLC data block
DL transfer / Active phase
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 103



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A data transfer resumption is not a real TBF establishment since the TBF established previously with the MS being in Delayed phase is re-activated. During the Delayed DL TBF phase, the BSS sends Dummy LLC UI commands to the MS leading to periodic sending of RLC blocks containing these dummy LLC data. As the application data transfer is burstly in a GPRS network (download of a web page made of a lot of components (text, pictures)), it is very important to provide the way to resume a DL transfer of LLC PDUs using the same radio resources already established rather than to re-establish again the DL TBF with the MS. Timers T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL_INITIAL is the duration between the last useful RLC block sent to the MS (eventually completed with a Dummy UI command) and the first Dummy UI command block sent during the DL TBF delayed phase. T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL_INITIAL = 60 ms (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. The Min value of 60 ms is needed to ensure that T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL_INITIAL >= T_MIN_POLL T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL is the duration between the 2 consecutive Dummy UI command blocks sent during the DL TBF delayed phase. T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_ POL = 200 ms (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level.



t_delayed_dl_tbf_rel is the maximum time during which the DL TBF stays in Delayed phase before being actually released. It corresponds to the typical response time of a network server as seen from this MFS. t_delayed_dl_tbf_rel = T_NETWORK_RESPONSE_TIME = 1600 ms (default value). It can be set at the OMC-R level.

T_MIN_POLL: Minimum time between two consecutive polling requests .



3.2 Data Transfer Progress B9 Data Transfer Resumption during a UL TBF in Extended Phase
> The UL transfer can resume at any time during the extended phase
Active UL data transfer

MFS RLC/MAC block (BSN=n, CV=0) LLC PDU (last LLC) P. UL Ack/Nack (FAI=0, SSN = n+1) start USF


Extended UL data transfer

Dummy RLC data block USF Dummy RLC data block USF RLC/MAC block (BSN=n+1)



Active UL data transfer

USF RLC/MAC block (BSN=n+2)

. . .
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 104


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3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Resources Re-allocation

> 4 different TBF reallocations are permanently activated:
T1: reallocation to maintain a TBF alive despite the CS preemption of some RTSs or of some GCHs in the cell T2: reallocation of an on-going TBF when establishing a concurrent TBF Modified B9 T3: reallocation useful to


Modified B9

Establish a new M-EGCH link for one of the TRXs of the cell Perform a radio de-fragmentation process Provide a higher throughput, if it is possible, to a TBF

T4: reallocation to move a UL GPRS TBF sharing one PDCH with a DL EGPRS TBF onto PDCHs which do not support a DL EGPRS TBF. It concerns only GPRS TBFs

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In B8, the T3 reallocation aimed at increasing the number of RTSs of any TBF with a sub-optimal allocation in the direction of the bias. In addition, the T3 reallocation was also used in order to reallocate an EGPRS TBF onto a TRX having a higher EGPRS capability. In B9, the scope of the T3 reallocation has been extended : To establish a new M-EGCH link for one of the TRXs of the cell To perform a radio defragmentation process i.e. to improve the TBFs radio resource usage in the cell. The goal is that the PDCHs supporting the TBFs in the cell are always the first (or left-most) allocated PDCHs of the cell In particular, this will limit the risks that the TBFs are impacted by a CS preemption. To provide a higher throughput, if it is possible, to any TBF in the cell. A higher throughput can be provided to a TBF by just changing its PDCH allocation (even if its number of RTSs keeps the same). Typically, the throughput will be higher if the TBF is less multiplexed (with other TBFs) on the new PDCHs. But the T3 reallocation will also enable to increase the number of RTSs of a TBF in the following cases: for the MSs whose traffic type was signalling and has passed to data in RRM-PCC, or following the reception of an RR Allocation Indication message from the BSC allocating some new RTSs in the cell




3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Re-allocation of the 2 UL and DL TBFs on-going
UL and DL Data transfer (old resources)


RLC data block



DL:P403c UL:P404c DL:P405c UL:P406c

DL:P403d UL:P404d DL:P405d UL:P406d

RLC data block


Packet timeslot reconfigure, polling


DL:P403a UL:P404a DL:P405a UL:P406a

Packet control ack


the MS switches to the new resources (max. 40 ms) MS_TIME_TO_SWITCH_TO_NEW_PDCH

+ RRBP delay
UL and DL Data transfer (new resources)

RLC data block RLC data block

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During the re-allocation procedure, the set of PDCHs allocated to the UL or/and DL TBF are modified. The following resources can be modified as well: the timing advance slot and index of the UL or/and DL TBFs, the PACCH slot of the UL or/and DL TBFs, the USFs allocated to the UL TBF, the UL or/and DL TFI. During the radio resource re-allocation procedure: the TBF mode can not be modified. the EGPRS window size cannot be decreased. However the EGPRS window size in the DL (resp. UL) must be increased in case the number of time slots allocated to the MS in the DL (resp. UL) increases. Timers MS_TIME_TO_SWITCH_TO_NEW_PDCH: the time a Mobile Station needs to switch to the assigned PDCHs after acknowledging a (re)assignment message (PACKET DOWNLINK ASSIGNMENT, PACKET UPLINK ASSIGNMENT or PACKET TIMESLOT RECONFIGURE). MS_TIME_TO_SWITCH_TO_NEW_PDCH = 40 ms (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. The 3GPP standard mandates the MS to switch to the new resources in 40 ms but some MSs can take more time. Let us consider that an MS has 2 TBFs on-going in both UL and DL directions but is candidate for re-allocation in the UL direction only (T1 or T3 or T4): then the counter of re-allocation request in the DL direction is also incremented . At the end of the UL re-allocation procedure, the counter of DL re-allocation success is incremented whether the UL reallocation has been successful or not because the counter of re-allocation request in the DL direction has been previously incremented. Same consideration can be done when an MS has 2 TBFs on-going in both UL and DL directions but is candidate for reallocation in the DL direction only (T1 or T3 or T4). The MFS starts timer T_ACK_WAIT after sending a Packet Timeslot Reconfigure message to wait for MS acknowledgement (Packet Control Ack message). If Packet Control Ack is not received, the MS resends the Packet Timeslot Reconfigure message. If after the MAX_RETRANS_DL+1 attempts the MS has not acknowledged the resource re-allocation then both DL and UL are released. New counters in B8: P403d, P404d, P405d, P406d. Modified in B8: P403a, P404a, P405a, P406a, P403c, P404c, P405c, P406c take into account TBF established in EGPRS mode.




> >

> >



3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Re-allocation of the only TBF on-going (DL or UL)
DL/UL Data transfer (old resources)


RLC data block



DL:P403c UL:P404c DL:P405c UL:P406c

DL:P403d UL:P404d DL:P405d UL:P406d

RLC data block


Packet downlink/uplink Assignment, polling


DL:P403a UL:P404a DL:P405a UL:P406a

Packet control ack


the MS switches to the new resources (max. 40 ms) MS_TIME_TO_SWITCH_TO_NEW_PDCH

+ RRBP delay
DL/UL Data transfer (new resources)

RLC data block RLC data block

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The MFS starts timer T_ACK_WAIT after sending a Packet Downlink/Uplink Assignment message to wait for MS acknowledgement (Packet Control Ack message). If Packet Control Ack is not received the MS resends the Packet Downlink/Uplink Assignment message. If after the MAX_RETRANS_DL+1 attempts the MS has not acknowledged the resource re-allocation then the on-going DL/UL is released. New counters in B8: P403d, P404d, P405d, P406d. Modified in B8: P403a, P404a, P405a, P406a, P403c, P404c, P405c, P406c take into account the TBFs established in EGPRS mode.

> >



3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Re-alloc of on-going UL TBF on DL TBF Establishment MS MFS
UL Data transfer (old resources)

RLC data block


LLC PDU Packet timeslot reconfigure, polling




Packet control ack


the MS switches to the new resources (max. 40 ms)


UL and DL Data transfer (new resources)

RLC data block


RLC data block


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The MFS starts timer T_ACK_WAIT after sending a Packet Timeslot Reconfigure message to wait for MS acknowledgement (Packet Control Ack message). If Packet Control Ack is not received the MS resends the Packet Timeslot Reconfigure message. If after the MAX_RETRANS_DL+1 attempts the MS has not acknowledged the resource re-allocation then both DL and UL are released.



3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Re-alloc of on-going DL TBF on UL TBF Establishment MS MFS
DL Data transfer (old resources)

RLC data block


Packet DL Ack/Nack with Channel request


Packet timeslot reconfigure, polling



Packet control ack



the MS switches to the new resources (max. 40 ms)


UL and DL Data transfer (new resources)

RLC data block


RLC data block


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The MFS starts timer T_ACK_WAIT after sending a Packet Timeslot Reconfigure message to wait for MS acknowledgement (Packet Control Ack message). If Packet Control Ack is not received the MS resends the Packet Timeslot Reconfigure message. If after the MAX_RETRANS_DL+1 attempts the MS has not acknowledged the resource re-allocation then both DL and UL are released.



3.2 Data Transfer Progress Exercise

Exercise: Using the trace 3, find the time when the DL transfer is resumed

Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Resource Re-allocation, Failures

TBF resource re-allocation FAILURE

no new PDCH allocation can be found

Radio pb

BSS pb

External TBF release request


Cell reselection

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Resources Re-allocation, Failures, no new PDCH
> T1 case
counter =
DL:P423a UL:P424a

if no new PDCH allocation can be found then the TBF marked for soft preemption will be released at T_PDCH_PREEMPTION expiry

> T2/T3/T4 cases

counter =
DL:P423b/P423c/P423d UL:P424b/P424c/P424d

if no new PDCH allocation can be found then the on-going TBF continue with its current PDCH allocation

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T3 re-allocation conditions



3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Resources Re-allocation, Failures, Radio

UL and/or DL Data transfer (old resources)


RLC data block


RLC data block


Packet timeslot reconfigure, polling or, Packet downlink assignment or, Packet uplink assignment Packet control ack

DL:P407a UL:P408a T_ACK_WAIT expiry

DL:P407b UL:P408a

DL:P407c UL:P408c

DL:P407d UL:P408d

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> > >

All these counters are incremented when the last MAX_DL_RETRANS+1 re-allocation attempt has failed (Packet Control Ack message not received from the MS). Re-allocation failures due to radio can be due to a problem on the DL path. In case of trigger T2, the re-allocation failure of the TBF also leads to an establishment failure due to radio of the TBF to be established in the opposite direction.



3.2 Data Transfer Progress TBF Resources Re-alloc, Failures, External Request, BSS
> External request

DL:P425b UL:P426b

UL and/or DL Data transfer (old resources)

RLC data block


DL:P425c UL:P426c

DL:P425d UL:P426d

RLC data block


DL:P425a UL:P426a

Packet timeslot reconfigure, polling or, Packet downlink assignment or, Packet uplink assignment MS suspend




> Problem at BSS level

no specific counter
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> >

Re-allocation failures due to radio can be due to a problem on the DL path. In case of trigger T2, the re-allocation failure of the TBF also leads to an establishment failure due to radio of the TBF to be established in the opposite direction.



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators

> DL and UL TBF progress
TBF establishment


TBF statistics: -duration, number, throughput, - distribution on volume NewB9 Delayed DL TBF: active/delayed phase, transfer resumption TBF resources re-allocation Triggers T1. T2. T3.T4 Number of candidate TBFs Number of successes and success rate TBF release time
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 115 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Failures: congestion, radio, BSS, external request



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Statistics 1/5

> DL and UL TBF progress: TBF statistics
TBF statistics Downlink Uplink Average GPRS TBF duration (P52a / 10) / (P90a + P90b + Average GPRS TBF duration (P129a / 10) / (P30a + P30b + in ack mode P90c + P90d + P90e + P90f) in ack mode P30c) Average GPRS TBF duration (P52b / 10) / (P90a + P90b + Average GPRS TBF duration (P129b / 10) / (P30a + P30b + in nack mode P90c + P90d + P90e + P90f) in nack mode P30c) Average EGPRS TBF (P52c / 10) / (P90a + P90b + Average EGPRS TBF (P129c / 10) / (P30a + P30b + duration in ack mode P90c + P90d + P90e + P90f) duration in ack mode P30c) Average EGPRS TBF (P52d / 10) / (P90a + P90b + Average EGPRS TBF (P129d / 10) / (P30a + P30b + duration in nack mode P90c + P90d + P90e + P90f) duration in nack mode P30c) Maximum number of TBF p35 Maximum number of TBF p39 simultaneously established simultaneously established Average number of TBF p36 / 10 Average number of TBF p40 / 10 simultaneously established simultaneously established Average useful throughput CELL (P55a*160 + P55b*240 Average useful throughput in CELL (P57a*160 + P57b*240 + in kbit/s at RLC level per + P55c*288 + P55d*400 + kbit/s at RLC level per TBF P57c*288 + P57d*400 + TBF P55e*176 + P55f*224 + P57e*176 + P57f*224 +

Modified B9

Modified B9

P55g*296 + P55i*448 + (P55k*896 + P55m*1184)/2) p52c)*1000)

P55h*352 P55j*592 P55l*1088 / ((P52a

+ + + +

P57g*296 + P57h*352 + P57i*448 + P57j*592 (P57k*896 + P57l*1088 P57m*1184)/2)) / ((P129a P129c)*1000)

( + + +

> Note : New formulas in B9 to take into account the new coding schemes in UL. The RLC blocks retransmissions are not counted in both directions
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 116 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

> >

The max nb of TBFs simultaneously established is meaningful per hour or per day. The average nb of TBFs simultaneously established is less reliable due to the difference between the gauge polling period and the average TBF duration.



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Statistics 2/5

> DL and UL TBF progress: TBF statistics




Cumulated time during which an UL TBF uses one PDCH, for all PDCHs of the TBF, and for all TBFs of the cell (in GPRS or EGPRS mode). Cumulated time during which an DL TBF uses one PDCH, for all PDCHs of the TBF, and for all TBFs of the cell (in GPRS or EGPRS mode). Cumulated overall time of UL TBF connections (in active state or extended phase). Cumulated time during which a DL TBF established for GMM signalling purposes uses a PDCH (in GPRS or EGPRS mode), for all TBFs of the cell.






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> P452: For a given DL TBF, this counter is started at the establishment of the DL TBFs established to carry GMM signalling traffic to the MS. It is stopped at the end of the active phase of the DL TBF or on receipt of a DL LLC PDU without the T-bit set. P451: Note: Active , delayed, extended phases of the TBF are taken into account (only).



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Statistics 3/5



> DL and UL TBF progress: TBF statistics distribution on volume

Tenth cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. It contains : 1) number of DL TBFs whose duration is in duration band 10 Duration band 10 is defined by : PD_DL_TBF_DURATION_THR_9<= duration < PD_DL_TBF_DURATION_THR_10 PD_DL_TBF_DURATION_THR_10 = 16384 P453b_9/P453a_9 P453b_8/P453a_8 P453b_7/P453a_7 P453b_6/P453a_6 P453b_5/P453a_5 P453b_4/P453a_4 P453b_3/P453a_3 P453b_2/P453a_2 P453b_1/P453a_1 Ninth cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. Eighth cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. Seventh cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. Sixth cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. Fifth cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. Fourth cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. Third cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. Second cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration. First cell of the duration on DL/UL TBF duration.

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> Note: DL TBF in GPRS and EGPRS mode, in RLC acknowledged and in RLC unacknowledged mode are taken into account. Only the active phase of the TBF is taken into account.



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Statistics 4/5



> DL and UL TBF progress: TBF statistics distribution on duration

Tenth cell of the distribution on volume of DL TBF. It contains : 1) number of DL TBFs whose LLC volume (in RLC ack mode only) is in LLC volume band 9. LLC volume band 9 is defined by : PD_DL_TBF_VOLUME_THR_8<= LLC volume < PD_DL_TBF_VOLUME_THR_9 P454b_9/P454a_9 P454b_8/P454a_8 P454b_7/P454a_7 P454b_6/P454a_6 P454b_5/P454a_5 P454b_4/P454a_4 P454b_3/P454a_3 P454b_2/P454a_2 P454b_1/P454a_1 Ninth cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. Eighth cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. Seventh cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. Sixth cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. Fifth cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. Fourth cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. Third cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. Second cell of the distribution on volume of DL/UL TBF. First cell of the distribution on volume of DL/ULTBF.

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Only the active phase of the TBF is taken into account



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Statistics 5/5



> DL and UL TBF progress: TBF statistics distribution on duration

Tenth cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. For DL It contains : 1) number of DL TBFs whose number of PDCH allocated units is in PDCH units band 1. PDCH units band 1 is defined by : PD_DL_PDCH_UNIT_ALLOC_THR_9<= allocated PDCH units < PD_DL_PDCH_UNIT_ALLOC_THR_10 PD_DL_PDCH_UNIT_ALLOC_THR_10 = 5. P455b_9/P455a_9 P455b_8/P455a_8 P455b_7/P455a_7 P455b_6/P455a_6 P455b_5/P455a_5 P455b_4/P455a_4 P455b_3/P455a_3 P455b_2/P455a_2 P455b_1/P455a_1 Ninth cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. Eighth cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. Seventh cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. Sixth cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. Fifth cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. Fourth cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. Third cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. Second cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs. First cell of the distribution on units of PDCH allocated to DL/UL TBFs.
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> UL : This distribution measures the number of PDCH units assigned to the MS in UL at the release of the UL TBF. An UL PDCH unit represents the percentage of the PDCHs that is used by the assigned UL TBF. This distribution is computed at the release of each UL TBF (i.e. indication of reception of acknowledgement of final PUAN). > DL: This distribution measures the number of PDCH units assigned to the MS in DL at the release of the DL TBF. A DL PDCH unit represents the percentage of the PDCHs that is used by the assigned DL TBF. This distribution is computed at the release of each DL TBF (i.e. at the expiry of timer T3192).



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, Delayed DL TBF

> DL and UL TBF progress: Delayed DL TBF
Delayed DL TBF Cumulated time of active DL GPRS TBF P52a + P52b connections Cumulated time of active DL EGPRS TBF P52c + P52d connections Percentage of time during which the DL TBF (P52a+P52b+P52c+P52d) / P16 * 100 connections are in the active state Percentage of time during which the DL GPRS (P52a + P52b) / P16 *100 TBF connections are in the active state Percentage of time during which the DL EGPRS TBF connections are in the active state Number of DL TBF transfer resumptions in delayed release state Rate of DL TBF transfer resumptions per established DL TBF Number of DL RLC blocks containing only dummy LLC UI Command PDU on PDTCH Number of DL RLC blocks sent on PDTCH Rate of RLC blocks containing only dummy LLC UI commands on DL PDTCH (P52c + P52d) / P16 * 100

P422 P422 / (P90a + P90b + P90c + P90d + P90e + P90f) P421 P350a P421 / P350a

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, Other Throughput Statistics

INDICATOR DEFINITION FORMULA DOWNLINK FORMULA UPLINK THRESHOLD COMMENT REF NAME New formula in B9 to take into account the new coding schemes in UL.The RLC blocks retransmissions are not counted in both directions. Reference Time: Cumulated time during which the PDCHs are established. TRPDDPDA, TRPDUPDA UNIT Kbits/second AVERAGE USEFUL THROUGHPUT PER PDCH Average of useful throughput on DL or UL PDTCH at RLC level per PDCH in RLC acknowledged mode. CELL (P55a*160 + P55b*240 + P55c*288 + P55d*400 + P55e*176 + P55f*224 + P55g*296 + P55h*352 + P55i*448 + P55j*592 + (P55k*896 + P55l*1088 + P55m*1184)/2) / (P38e*1000) CELL (P57a*160 + P57b*240 + P57c*288 + P57d*400 + P57e*176 + P57f*224 + P57g*296 + P57h*352 + P57i*448 + P57j*592 + (P57k*896 + P57l*1088 + P57m*1184)/2) / (P38f*1000)



AVERAGE USEFUL THROUGHPUT PER CELL Average of useful throughput on DL or UL PDTCH at RLC layer CELL (P55a*160 + P55b*240 + P55c*288 + P55d*400 + P55e*176 + P55f*224 + P55g*296 + P55h*352 + P55i*448 + P55j*592 + (P55k*896 + P55l*1088 + P55m*1184)/2) / (PERIOD*1000) CELL (P57a*160 + P57b*240 + P57c*288 + P57d*400 + P57e*176 + P57f*224 + P57g*296 + P57h*352 + P57i*448 + P57j*592 + (P57k*896 + P57l*1088 + P57m*1184)/2)) / (PERIOD*1000)

New formulas in B9 to take into account the new coding schemes in UL. DL: The DL retransmitted blocks and blocks containing LLC dummy UI commands are not counted. UL: The UL retransmissions are not counted. RLC ack mode only is considered. TRPDDA, TRPDUA UNIT Kbits/second


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3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, DL TBF states, Graph

DL TBF state
50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0
/2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3 /2 00 3

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Delay>Active Success % Efficiency % Active

09 /0 9

11 /0 9

30 /0 8

01 /0 9

03 /0 9

20 /0 8

24 /0 8

18 /0 8

22 /0 8

> On RNO graphs:

% Efficiency = Rate of DL TBF resumptions per DL TBF establishment % Active = Percentage of time during which the DL TBF connections are in the active state
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The typical values of the Efficiency rate and Active rate: Efficiency rate = 40%, 60% Active rate = 15%, 20%


14 /0 8

16 /0 8

26 /0 8

28 /0 8

05 /0 9

07 /0 9

13 /0 9


3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Resources Re-allocation

> TBF resource re-allocation for each trigger
Nb of TBF candidate resource re-allocations Preparation of the resource re-allocation Ratio of triggers

Failures cause: no PDCH can be found Preparation efficiency rate Failures causes Radio problems Drop cause External requests

Execution of the resource re-allocation

BSS problems Drop cause Execution efficiency rate Nb of TBF resource re-allocation successes time
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 124 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Success rate

> > >

External requests: FLUSH_LL received from the SGSN, Suspended from the MS. Split between Preparation and Execution phases is driven by the fact that the problems to be interpreted during re-allocation are relating to the Trigger type. A TBF Re-allocation is analogue to an Intra cell HO in GPRS.



3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Resources Re-allocation, Trigger T1
> DL and UL TBF progress: Resources re-allocation T1
TBF resources re-allocation : trigger T1 Downlink Uplink Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc P403a Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T1 P403a / (P403a + P403b + Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T1 P403c + P403d) Nb of resource realloc successes P405a Nb of resource realloc successes Resource realloc success rate P405a / P403a Resource realloc success rate Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to P407a Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to radio problems radio problems Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio P407a / P403a Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio problems problems Nb of resource realloc preparation failures P423a Nb of resource realloc preparation failures because no PDCH could be found because no PDCH could be found Resource realloc preparation fail rate due P423a / P403a Resource realloc preparation fail rate due to lack of radio resources to lack of radio resources Resource realloc prep efficiency rate (P403a - P423a) / P403a Resource realloc prep efficiency rate Nb of resource realloc failures due external P425a Nb of resource realloc failures due external request (suspension request or Flush request (suspension request or Flush message) during exec of the realloc message) during exec of the realloc procedure procedure Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS P403a - P423a - P425a Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS pb during exec of the realloc procedure P407a - P405a pb during exec of the realloc procedure Exec fail rate due to BSS pb (P403a - P423a - P425a Exec fail rate due to BSS pb P407a - P405a) / P403a Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P405a / (P403a - P423a) Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P404a P404a / (P404a + P404b + P404c + P404d) P406a P406a / P404a P408a P408a / P404a P424a P424a / P404a (P404a - P424a) / P404a P426a

P404a - P424a - P426a P408a - P406a (P404a - P424a - P426a P408a - P406a) / P404a P406a / (P404a - P424a)

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Resources Re-allocation, Trigger T2
> DL and UL TBF progress: Resources re-allocation T2
TBF resources re-allocation : trigger T2 Downlink Uplink Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc P403b Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T1 P403b/ (P403a + P403b + Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T1 P403c + P403d) Nb of resource realloc successes P405b Nb of resource realloc successes Resource realloc success rate P405b / P403b Resource realloc success rate Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to P407b Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to radio problems radio problems Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio P407b / P403b Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio problems problems Nb of resource realloc preparation failures P423b Nb of resource realloc preparation failures because no PDCH could be found because no PDCH could be found Resource realloc preparation fail rate due P423b / P403b Resource realloc preparation fail rate due to lack of radio resources to lack of radio resources Resource realloc prep efficiency rate (P403b - P423b) / P403b Resource realloc prep efficiency rate Nb of resource realloc failures due external P425b Nb of resource realloc failures due external request (suspension request or Flush request (suspension request or Flush message) during exec of the realloc message) during exec of the realloc procedure procedure Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS P403b - P423b - P425b Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS pb during exec of the realloc procedure P407b - P405b pb during exec of the realloc procedure Exec fail rate due to BSS pb (P403b - P423b - P425b Exec fail rate due to BSS pb P407b - P405b) / P403b Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P405b / (P403b - P423b) Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P404b P404b / (P404a + P404b + P404c + P404d) P406b P406b / P404b P408b P408b / P404b P424b P424b / P404b (P404b - P424b) / P404b P426b

P404b - P424b - P426b P408b - P406b (P404b - P424b - P426b P408b - P406b) / P404b P406b / (P404b - P424b)

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Resources Re-allocation, Trigger T3
> DL and UL TBF progress: Resources re-allocation T3
TBF resources re-allocation : trigger T3 Downlink Uplink Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc P403c Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T1 P403c / (P403a + P403b + Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T1 P403c + P403d) Nb of resource realloc successes P405c Nb of resource realloc successes Resource realloc success rate P405c / P403c Resource realloc success rate Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to P407c Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to radio problems radio problems Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio P407c / P403c Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio problems problems Nb of resource realloc preparation failures P423c Nb of resource realloc preparation failures because no PDCH could be found because no PDCH could be found Resource realloc preparation fail rate due P423c / P403c Resource realloc preparation fail rate due to lack of radio resources to lack of radio resources Resource realloc prep efficiency rate (P403c - P423c) / P403c Resource realloc prep efficiency rate Nb of resource realloc failures due external P425c Nb of resource realloc failures due external request (suspension request or Flush request (suspension request or Flush message) during exec of the realloc message) during exec of the realloc procedure procedure Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS P403c - P423c - P425c Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS pb during exec of the realloc procedure P407c - P405c pb during exec of the realloc procedure Exec fail rate due to BSS pb (P403c - P423c - P425c Exec fail rate due to BSS pb P407c - P405c) / P403c Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P405c / (P403c - P423c) Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P404c P404c / (P404a + P404b + P404c + P404d) P406c P406c / P404c P408c P408c / P404c P424c P424c / P404c (P404c - P424c) / P404c P426c

P404c - P424c - P426c P408c - P406c (P404c - P424c - P426c P408c - P406c) / P404c P406c / (P404c - P424c)

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Resources Re-allocation, Trigger T4
> DL and UL TBF progress: Resources re-allocation T4
TBF resources re-allocation : trigger T4 Downlink Uplink Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc P403d Nb of TBF candidate for resource realloc Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T4 P403d / (P403a + P403b + Resource realloc ratio due to trigger T4 P403c + P403d) Nb of resource realloc successes P405d Nb of resource realloc successes Resource realloc success rate P405d / P403d Resource realloc success rate Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to P407d Nb of resource realloc exec fail due to radio problems radio problems Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio P407d / P403d Resource realloc exec fail rate due to radio problems problems Nb of resource realloc preparation failures P423d Nb of resource realloc preparation failures because no PDCH could be found because no PDCH could be found Resource realloc preparation fail rate due P423d / P403d Resource realloc preparation fail rate due to lack of radio resources to lack of radio resources Resource realloc prep efficiency rate (P403d - P423d) / P403d Resource realloc prep efficiency rate Nb of resource realloc failures due external P425d Nb of resource realloc failures due external request (suspension request or Flush request (suspension request or Flush message) during exec of the realloc message) during exec of the realloc procedure procedure Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS P403d - P423d - P425d Nb of resource realloc failures due to BSS pb during exec of the realloc procedure P407d - P405d pb during exec of the realloc procedure Exec fail rate due to BSS pb (P403d - P423d - P425d Exec fail rate due to BSS pb P407d - P405d) / P403d Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P405d / (P403d - P423d) Resource realloc exec efficiency rate P404d P404d / (P404a + P404b + P404c + P404d) P406d P406d / P404d P408d P408d / P404d P424d P424d / P404d (P404d - P424d) / P404d P426d

P404d - P424d - P426d P408d - P406d (P404d - P424d - P426d P408d - P406d) / P404d P406d / (P404d - P424d)

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Resources Re-allocation, Graph 1/2
> Distribution of triggers and total success rate

DL ressource realloc
180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 01/09/2003 02/09/2003 03/09/2003 04/09/2003 05/09/2003 06/09/2003 07/09/2003 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

T3 Request T2 Request T1 Request % Success

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3.2 Data Transfer Progress QoS Indicators, TBF Resources Re-allocation, Graph 2/2
DL ressource realloc T1
25 20 15 10 5 0 01/09/2003 02/09/2003 03/09/2003 04/09/2003 05/09/2003 06/09/2003 07/09/2003 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80

External stop Fail radio Fail BSS Prep fail Success % Success

DL ressource realloc T2
70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 01/09/2003 02/09/2003 03/09/2003 04/09/2003 05/09/2003 06/09/2003 07/09/2003 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

External stop Radio fail BSS fail Prep fail Success % Success

DL ressource realloc T3
100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 01/09/2003 02/09/2003 03/09/2003 04/09/2003 05/09/2003 06/09/2003 07/09/2003 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

External stop Radio fail BSS fail Prep fail Success % Success

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3 Description of the Main BSS QoS Counters and Indicators

3.3 Data Transfer Release

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3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Release

TBF release


Normal release

Modified B9

Acceptable release

Abnormal release

Modified B9

Cell reselection




PDCH fast preemption

Reallocation execution failure others


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3.3 Data Transfer Release Normal TBF Release

Normal TBF release


UL TBF release

DL TBF release

Without Delayed Final PUAN

With Delayed Final PUAN

With extended UL TBF

new B9

With Delayed DL TBF release

Without DL TBF Extension

With DL TBF Extension

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> DL TBF is said to have been extended in case of an UL TBF establishment during the DL TBF delayed release; the DL delayed phase is extended up to the release of the UL TBF and restarted afterwards



3.3 Data Transfer Release UL TBF, Normal Release, without Delayed Final PUAN
Active UL Data transfer


one but last useful RLC data block (CV=1)


last useful RLC data block (CV=0) last LLC PDU Packet Packet uplink uplink ack/nack ack/nack (FAI=1), (FAI=1) polling PACCHDL all blocks acknowledged Packet control ack

In case no DL TBF is established, it is better to delay the UL TBF release to be able to establish quickly a subsequent DL TBF on the PACCHDL of the delayed UL TBF rather than on CCCH or PCCCH

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3.3 Data Transfer Release UL TBF, Normal Release, with Delayed Final PUAN
Active UL Data transfer


one but last useful RLC data block (CV=1)


last useful RLC data block (CV=0) last LLC PDU


Packet uplink ack/nack (FAI=0) last block not acknowledged


Packet uplink ack/nack (FAI=1), polling last block acknowledged Packet control ack


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Timer T_DELAYED_FINAL_PUAN corresponds to the duration during which the UL is maintained alive in order to be able to establish a DL TBF on PACCH: T_DELAYED_FINAL_PUAN = 0.4 s (default value). It can be set at the OMC-R level. It should be long enough to let the server send its response to the uplink PDUs received from the MS, while remaining short enough in order not to jeopardize the sending of further uplink PDUs by the MS. Setting T_DELAYED_FINAL_PUAN = 0 s leads to disable this feature.



3.3 Data Transfer Release UL TBF, Normal Release, with extended UL TBF
Active UL Data transfer


one but last useful RLC data block (CV=1)


last useful RLC data block (CV=0) last LLC PDU


Packet uplink ack/nack (FAI=0) last block not acknowledged

USF Dummy RLC data block USF Dummy RLC data block

Packet uplink ack/nack (FAI=1), polling PACCHDL last block acknowledged Packet control ack


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3.3 Data Transfer Release DL TBF,Normal Release,Delayed DL TBF no Extension

Active DL data transfer

MFS one but last useful RLC data block (FBI=0)


last useful RLC data block (FBI=0), polling

last block not mentioned


Packet downlink ack/nack (FAI=0)


not last acknowledgement

Dummy UI command (FBI=0), polling Packet downlink ack/nack (FAI=0)

Delayed DL data transfer

Dummy UI command (FBI=0), polling Packet downlink ack/nack (FAI=0) Dummy UI command (FBI=1), polling
last block mentioned


Packet downlink ack/nack (FAI=1)

last acknowledgement
DL TBF released
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As soon as all the useful blocks have been transferred, the Delayed DL TBF release procedure is triggered in order to allow: to send a coming LLC PDU frame using the same radio resources without being obliged to establish the DL TBF again (T3192 running or not). the MS to establish a UL TBF on PACCH rather than on CCCH or PCCCH. The DL TBF goes from Active state to Delayed state. As the MS will trigger a local DL TBF release if it does not receive DL RLC data blocks (T3190 is running) the MFS is scheduling Dummy UI command blocks in DL according to the following timers: T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL_INITIAL is the duration between the last useful RLC block sent to the MS (eventually completed with a Dummy UI command) and the first Dummy UI command block sent during the DL TBF delayed phase. T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL_INITIAL = 60 ms (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. 2 timers are used to define the period between 2 DL Dummy UIs sent to the MS: T_MIN_POLL (=60ms), in case of the MS is alone on the PDCH which carries the PACCH T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL (=200ms) in case of the MS is multiplexed on the PDCH which carries the PACCH



A global timer t_delayed_dl_tbf_rel monitors the whole Delayed DL TBF release procedure. At t_delayed_dl_tbf_rel expiry, the DL TBF stays in Delayed phase before being actually released. This timer corresponds to the typical response time of a network server as seen from this MFS. t_delayed_dl_tbf_rel = T_NETWORK_RESPONSE_TIME = 1600 ms (default value). It can be set at the OMC-R level.



3.3 Data Transfer Release DL TBF,Normal Release,Delayed DL TBF with Extension

Delayed DL TBF release is on-going

MFS Dummy UI command (FBI=0), polling Packet downlink ack/nack (FAI=0) with Channel request Packet UL assignment USF Scheduling Dummy UI command (FBI=0), polling UL RLC data block Packet downlink ack/nack (FAI=0)


UL TBF establishme nt


Delayed DL TBF release is extended

UL RLC data block

Dummy UI command (FBI=0), polling Packet downlink ack/nack (FAI=0) Packet uplink ack/nack (FAI=1), polling
UL TBF is released


Packet control ack

Delayed DL TBF release is resumed from beginning

T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_REL is restarted

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> If a UL TBF is established during a Delayed DL TBF release phase then: the countdown of this Delayed DL TBF release phase is stopped (timer t_delayed_dl_tbf_rel). the Dummy UI command blocks are sent in the DL in order that the MS does not release the DL TBF. The Delayed DL TBF release phase is said to be extended. > Two cases of UL TBF should be considered: question-answer traffic: corresponds to WAP services or WEB browsing where the UL command induced by the user are small and usually lead to a transfer of only one LLC PDU: The UL polling period induced by Dummy UI command scheduling is kept to T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_ POL . T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL_INITIAL = 60ms (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. Other cases: correspond to applications like UL FTP file transfer where a lot of LLC PDUs have to be transferred during the same TBF: The UL polling period induced by Dummy UI command sending is increased to T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_ UL in order to decrease the UL load due to the Delayed DL TBF release phase in favor of the UL FTP throughput . T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_POL_UL = 2 s (default value). It cannot be set at the OMC-R level. > As soon as the UL TBF is released, the Delayed DL TBF: the countdown of the Delayed DL TBF release procedure is resumed from the beginning (t_delayed_dl_tbf_rel restarted). the scheduling period of Dummy UI command blocks for the Delayed DL TBF is set back to T_DELAYED_DL_TBF_ POL. > At the end of a Delayed DL TBF procedure, the DL TBF is released and the counter P9 is incremented whether the Delayed DL TBF phase has been extended or not.



3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Normal Release, Exercise


Exercise1: Using the trace 1, find the duration between two consecutive Dummy UI command blocks during the Delayed DL TBF release procedure Exercise 2 :Using trace number 9 , find duration of the extended phase

New B9

Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Acceptable Release

Acceptable release


Cell reselection


PDCH fast preemption

MS is reselecting a neighbor cell while in PTM

Modified B9

MS is establishing a CS connection while in PTM

Modified B9

PDCH carrying PACCH of the TBF is to be released

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3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Acceptable Release, Fast preemption

DL transfer

useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling


Packet DL Ack/Nack

useful RLC data block useful RLC data block

Traffic load

Packet TBF release


P146 P147

The PDCH carrying the PACCH of the TBF is released

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A PDCH de-allocation following a PDCH preemption procedure can lead to a TBF release before the normal end of the TBF if the PACCH of the related TBF is carried by the PDCH which is de-allocated. This can be avoided thanks to the TBF Re-allocation procedure on Trigger T1. However if radio resources are lacking the TBF Re-allocation can failed and the TBF is abnormally released.




3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Acceptable Release, MS Suspend

DL transfer


useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling





Packet DL Ack/Nack

useful RLC data block useful RLC data block

The MS enters the CS dedicated mode Suspend MS Suspend Suspend PDU

P98c P98d





New in B9

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If the TBF is released due to the reception of MS SUSPEND message then the counter P98e and/or P98f is incremented, even if the TBF has been released before the reception of the suspend in the previous T_WAIT_FLUSH seconds. When TBF is released before the MFS receives the MS SUSPEND message, in this case the MFS increments the Radio Problem related counter(s) P302b and/or P302c rather than the counter(s) P98a and/or P98b. In this case the Radio related counter(s) is(are) incremented. the counter(s) P98c and/or P98d are incremented in both cases since P98c (resp P98d) counts the number of MS SUSPEND messaged received for a DL (resp UL) TBF.





3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Acceptable Release, Cell Reselection, NC0 scenario 1 MFS MFS
MS serving cell
useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling The MS decides for cell reselection

target cell


DL transfer


Packet DL Ack/Nack

N3105 ++
UL transfer establishment in the new cell UL transfer The MS sends an LLC PDU to warn the SGSN about its new cell location








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Counter P434d (resp.P434c) gives the number of DL (resp. UL) TBFs which have been released due to an NC0 reselection. It is therefore incremented in this scenario. In this scenario where the FLUSH-LL message is received before the Radio Link Supervision counter N3105 reaches the limit, N3105 is stopped when the FLUSH_LL message is received.Therefore the TBF release is not counted as an abnormal release due to radio. P302b (resp. P302c) is not incremented. Only P396a (resp. P396b) counting the number of TBF release due to the reception of a FLUSH_LL message is incremented.




3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Acceptable Release, Cell Reselection, NC0 scenario 2 MFS MFS MS SGSN
serving cell target cell
DL transfer


useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling

Packet DL Ack/Nack

The MS decides for cell reselection

N3105 ++

UL transfer establishment in the new cell


N3105 limit



UL transfer The MS sends an LLC PDU to warn the SGSN about its new cell location







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Counter P434d (resp.P434c) gives the number of DL (resp. UL) TBFs which have been released due to an NC0 reselection. It is therefore incremented in this scenario. In this scenario where the FLUSH-LL message is received after the Radio Link Supervision counter N3105 reaches the limit, the radio resources are released when N3105 reaches the limit. Therefore the TBF release is counted as an abnormal release due to radio. P302b (resp. P302c) is incremented whereas P396a (resp. P396b) is not. The timer T_WAIT_FLUSH is started when the abnormal TBF release is triggered. When the FLUSH_LL message is received while T_WAIT_FLUSH is running then T_WAIT_FLUSH is stopped and P434d (resp. P434c) is incremented. In case the FLUSH_LL message is received after T_WAIT_FLUSH has expired then P434d (resp. P434c) is not incremented but P302b (resp. P302c) is.





3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Acceptable Release, Cell Reselection, NC2
DL transfer

MFS serving cell

MFS target cell




useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling

Packet DL Ack/Nack

Better cell

expiry T3158
The MS switches to the new cell

Packet measurement report


Packet cell change order, polling

new cell (BCCH,BSIC)

MFS trigger cell reselection

Radio resources are released locally

Packet control ack

UL transfer establishment in the new cell


UL transfer MS sends an LLC PDU to warn the SGSN about its new cell location






Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 145


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> >

The chart above corresponds to the typical scenario of an NC2 reselection. The same P396a (resp. P396b) counter is incremented in case of a TBF release due to an NC0 reselection provided that the FLUSH-LL message is received before a TBF drop is detected. This should almost always happen in case of NC2 cell reselection since the Radio Link Supervision process is frozen after the BSS gets the Acknowledgment of the Packet Cell Change Order message sent to the MS. In case a TBF Abnormal Release is detected by the Radio Link Supervision process then P302b (resp. P302c) as well as P434b (resp. P434a) is incremented but P396a (resp. P396b) is not.



T3158 = NC_REPORTING_PERIOD_T = measurement report interval timer










in PIM



3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Acceptable Release, Cell Reselection, Counters
MS in PIM Cell reselection NC0+NC2 P397 MS in PTM

No TBF release

TBF release

TBF release due to flush NC0+NC2 P396b / P396a

TBF release due to radio P302c / P302b Flush before T_Wait_Flush expiry after

TBF release due to cell reselection

No counter incremented counter UL TBF / DL TBF

NC2 P434a / P434b

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NC0 P434c / P434d

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> > > >

The chart above concerns the PM counters incremented during a cell reselection procedure. P397 is incremented each time a FLUSH_LL is received by the MFS relating to a certain serving cell. P396a, P396b, P434a, P434b, P434c and P434d are incremented only for TBF release during a cell reselection procedure. P302b and P302c are global counters relating to TBF abnormal release due to radio. They are incremented when the TBF abnormal release is triggered due to a cell reselection or not.



3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF Abnormal Release

Abnormal release





Reallocation execution failure Radio link failure

Real radio link failure

Blocking situation

Some Suspend

Stagnating transmissio n window

Real radio problems

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Some Cell reselection

147 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


Real radio problems corresponds to : TBF release due to a radio resource reallocation failure TBF release due to the Suspend or Cell reselection cases which are counted as a TBF release due to radio problem



3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF, Abnormal Release, Radio

> Radio link failure:





Real Radio link failure:

Coverage Interference Too low efficiency of RLC blocks transmission

Some Suspend : Some Cell reselection :







> Re-allocation execution failure:



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> >

A radio link failure can be due to a real radio problem like coverage, interference but also to undetected problems at BSS level like bad hardware components, Abis microwave link transmission. After a radio link failure, a RADIO STATUS message is sent to the SGSN on Gb interface with one of the following causes: radio contact lost with the MS: when the radio block transfer has been interrupted. radio link quality insufficient to continue the communication: when the radio block transfer is not efficient enough. Recalls: N3105 is the counter monitoring the radio link during a DL TBF. It is incremented each time a Packet Downlink Ack/Nack message scheduled by the MFS is not received from the MS. N3101 is the counter monitoring the radio link during a UL TBF. It is incremented each time an up-link RLC block scheduled by the MFS is not received from the MS. N3103 is the counter monitoring the normal end of a UL TBF. It is incremented each time the Final Packet Control Ack message scheduled by the MFS at the end of the UL TBF is not received from the MS.




3.3 Data Transfer Release TBF, Abnormal Release, Gb, BSS, Others
> Gb:
P11 P24

> BSS: no specific counter

> Other abnormal release cases:

Blocking situation (MS error, too high UL traffic) Stagnating transmission window (MS error, radio problem)
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3.3 Data Transfer Release Exercise

Exercise 1: Using the trace 11, find which kind of TBF release is observed Exercise 2: Using the trace 13, find which kind of TBF release is observed

Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.3 Data Transfer Release QoS Indicators

> DL and UL TBF release
TBF establishment TBF end Normal release rate Cell reselection Acceptable release rate Radio Drop causes PDCH fast preemption Suspend procedure

Radio fail during resource re-alloc exec BSS


Gb Other problems: blocking situation + N_stagnating window

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3.3 Data Transfer Release QoS Indicators, KPI

> DL and UL TBF release: Drop rate
TBF relea ses a nd drops Downlink N orma l relea se ra te P9 / (P90a + P90b + P90c + N orma l relea se ra te KPI P90d + P90e + P90f) (P146 + P98c + P434b + Accepta ble relea se Accepta ble relea se P434d) / (P90a + P90b + P90c ra te ra te KPI + P90d + P90e + P90f) (P90a + P90b + P90c + P90d Drop ra te Drop ra te + P90e + P90f - P9 - P146 P98c - (P434b + P434d)) / (P90a + P90b + P90c + P90d KPI + P90e + P90f) Release rate due to PDCH P146 / (P90a + P90b + P90c Release rate due to PDCH fast pre-emption + P90d + P90e + P90f) fast pre-emption Release rate due to Release rate due to suspend procedure from P98a / (P90a + P90b + P90c + suspend procedure from MS MS P90d + P90e + P90f) Release rate due to cell (P434b + P434d) / (P90a + Release rate due to Flush reselection P90b + P90c + P90d + P90e message + P90f) Uplink P22 / (P30a + P30b + P30c) (P147 + P98d + P434a + P434c) / (P30a + P30b + P30c) (P30a + P30b + P30c - P22 - P147 - P98d - (P434a + P434c)) / (P30a + P30b + P30c)

P147 / (P30a + P30b + P30c) P98b / (P30a + P30b + P30c)

(P434a + P434c) / (P30a + P30b + P30c)

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3.3 Data Transfer Release QoS Indicators, TBF Abnormal Release

> DL and UL TBF release: TBF drops
TBF drop ca uses Downlink Radio problem : radio link P302b / (P90a + P90b + P90c Radio problem : real radio failure + P90d + P90e + P90f) pb + reselections Real radio drop rate (P302b - (P98c - P98a) Real radio drop rate (P434b + P434d - P396a) + P407a + P407b + P407c + P407d) / (P90a + P90b + P90c + P90d + P90e + P90f) Radio failure during radio (P407a + P407b + P407c + Radio failure during radio resource realloc execution P407d) / (P90a + P90b + P90c resource realloc execution + P90d + P90e + P90f) Gb problem P11 / (P90a + P90b + P90c + Gb problem P90d + P90e + P90f ) N_StagnatingWindow P385a / (P90a + P90b + P90c N_StagnatingWindow + P90d + P90e + P90f) Blocking situation P303a / (P90a + P90b + P90c Blocking situation + P90d + P90e + P90f) BSS problem (P90a + P90b + P90c + P90d BSS problem + P90e + P90f - (P146 + P98c + P434b + P434d) - P9 (P302b - (P98c - P98a) (P434b + P434d - P396a) + P407a + P407b + P407c + P407d)) - P11 - P385a - P303a) / (P90a + P90b + P90c + P90d + P90e + P90f)
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Uplink P302c / (P30a + P30b + P30c) (P302b - (P98d - P98b) - (P434a + P434c - P396b) + P408a + P408b + P408c + P408d) / (P30a + P30b + P30c) (P408a + P408b + P408c + P408d) / (P30a + P30b + P30c) P24 / ( P30a + P30b + P30c) P385b / (P30a + P30b + P30c) P303b / (P30a + P30b + P30c) (P30a + P30b + P30c - (P147 + P98d + P434a + P434c) - P22 (P302c - (P98d - P98b) - (P434a + P434c - P396b) + P408a + P408b + P408c + P408d)) - P24 - P385b P303b) / (P30a + P30b + P30c)


On a DL TBF: Radio problem: N3105 exceeds the limit (6) or too low TX efficiency (<10%). Blocking situation: no reception of the PDAN with Final indicator = 1 at the end of the Downlink TBF during T_TBF_BCK_REL = 3 seconds (MS error) OR the transmission window of the MFS is stalled during T_TBF_BCK_REL = 3 seconds (radio problem). Stagnating window: the RLC counter N_StagnatingWindowDL is incremented when the Same oldest RLC data block in the transmittion window is not acknowledged by the received bitmap of the last Packet Downlink Ack/Nack message. The DL TBF is released because the RLC counter N_Stagnating WindowDL exceeds the system parameter N_STAGNATING_ WINDOW_DL_LIMIT =8 (MS error). On a UL TBF: radio problem: N3101 or N3103 exceeds the limits (48 and 1) or too low TX efficiency (<10%). Blocking situation: Reception of N_UL_Dummy_Limit = 15 dummy UL RLC blocks (MS error or radio problem) OR no reception of the Packet Control Ack at the end of the Uplink TBF during T_TBF_BCK_REL = 3 seconds (MS error). Stagnating window: the RLC counter N_StagnatingWindowUL is incremented provided that the receive window is stalled whenever a UL RLC data block whose BSN is different from the receive window state variable V(Q) and is received a round trip delay after the previous sending of a Packet Uplink Ack/Nack message. The UL TBF is released because the RLC counter N_StagnatingWindowUL exceeds the system parameter N_STAGNATING_WINDOW_UL_LIMIT = 8 (MS error or radio problem).




3.3 Data Transfer Release QoS Indicators, TBF Drops, Graph 1/2
Downlink Data Transfer
BSS pb
500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Gb drop Blocking drop Stagnat drop Radio pb % Acc Release % Norm Release

Uplink Data Transfer

BSS pb
350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Gb drop Blocking pb Stagnat pb Radio pb % Acc Release % Norm Release

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

> >

The causes of drop during a DL data transfer are mainly radio problems. The causes of drop during a UL data transfer are radio problems + blocking problems (MS error suspected because seen on every network).


14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

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3.3 Data Transfer Release QoS Indicators, TBF Drops, Graph 2/2
> Thresholds
When the Delayed DL TBF release is not activated and CS2 is not used at the beginning of the TBF:
the UL/DL TBF normal release rate is seen as good above 98%

When the Delayed DL TBF release is activated or CS2 is used at the beginning of the TBF (default value):
The threshold of the DL TBF normal release rate should be lower

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> >



The QoS threshold values assume that the MS mobility (reselection) is negligible. The typical values for a DL TBF normal release rate: When a Delayed DL TBF release is activated: 95% When a Delayed DL TBF release is activated and CS2 is activated at the beginning of the TBF: 90% The longer the TBF duration the higher the probability to drop. There is a high probability to be in CS2 during the Delayed phase. The typical values for UL TBF normal release rate: When CS2 is activated at the beginning of the TBF: 98.3%, 98.9% A UL TBF is often short. The Coding Scheme is always CS1 during the MS contention resolution (based on TLLI) for security. RLS procedures are active during the delayed phase.



3 Description of the Main BSS QoS Counters and Indicators

3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers

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This chapter is also valid for B7 release.



3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers Definitions

> Transfer
Exchange of RLC data blocks between the MS and the BSS The bias of a transfer is the main direction of the transfer in terms of number of bytes transferred

> Session
Uninterrupted sequence of data transfers between the MS and the BSS
begin: a UL or DL TBF is established for an MS in PIM on-going: at least one TBF is established end: the last on-going UL or DL TBF is released

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During a transfer the MS and the BSS exchange some RLC blocks either in UL only or in DL only or in the two directions. A transfer can correspond to: One complete TBF Part of one TBF Part of two TBFs One complete TBF together with part of one TBF in the other direction The first transfer of a session corresponds to the start of the first TBF of the session. Then the Alcatel BSS regularly determines the bias of the on-going transfer of the MS. The number of octets transferred in both directions is counted and averaged for that purpose. If disabled, the bias remains the one chosen at the establishment of the TBF. By default, a transfer is deemed downlink biased (at first establishment), except in case the MS context is created upon receipt of a 2-phase access UL establishment request, in which case the bias is set to uplink. As soon as the bias of the transfer is about to change the ongoing transfer terminates and a new transfer begins. A session never ends when a DL TBF is released but at the expiry of timer T3192, in case there is no UL TBF on-going in the meantime.

> >

> >



3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers Example

> A session made of:
5 TBFs (1 DL, 4 UL) 3 transfers (1 DL biased, 2 UL biased)
change of bias change of bias




UL TBFs Bias UL Xfer 1 DL Xfer 2 Session

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UL Xfer 3


> >

Transfer 1 and 3 are UL biased. Transfer 2 is DL biased.



3.3 Data Transfer Release Exercise

Exercise 1: Using the trace 14, find bias direction along transfer


Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers QoS Indicators

> Sessions and transfers
Session Number of sessions Average duration Average number of DL/UL TBF per session


Cumulated time an MS is engaged in DL/UL biased transfers % of time DL/UL TBF are granted the maximum nb of PDCHs they support and the corresponding MSs are engaged in DL/U biased transfers

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3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers QoS indicators, MS Sessions

> MS Sessions
GPRS/EGPRS sessions Number of GPRS and EGPRS sessions P413 Average duration of a session ((P419 + P420) / 10) / P413 Downlink Uplink Average number of (P90a +P90b + P90c + Average number of (P30a + P30b +P30c) / DL TBF established P90d + P90e + P90f) / UL TBF established P413 per session P413 per session

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3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers QoS Indicators, MS Transfers

> MS Transfers
Bias of the ongoing transfers Downlink Uplink Cumulative time MS P419 / 10 Cumulative time MS P420 / 10 are engaged in DL are engaged in UL biased transfers biased transfers Donwlink biaised ratio P419 / (P419 + P420) Uplink biaised ratio P420 / (P419 + P420) P412/10 P411/10 Cumulative time MS Cumulative time MS are served by UL TBF are served by DL TBF and engaged in UL and engaged in DL biased transfers biased transfers Cumulative time DL P409/10 Cumulative time UL P410/10 TBF are granted the TBF are granted the maximum number of maximum number of PDCH they support and PDCH they support and the corresponding MS the corresponding MS are engaged in DL are engaged in UL biased transfers biased transfers % of time DL TBF are P409 / P411 % of time UL TBF are P410 / P412 granted the maximum granted the maximum number of PDCH they number of PDCH they support and the support and the corresponding MS are corresponding MS are engaged in DL biased engaged in UL biased transfers transfers

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Determination of the Bias: Uplink : when a first UL TBF is established using the 2-phase access on a CCCH or PCCCH Downlink : in any other case



3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers QoS Indicators, MS Transfers, Example

change of bias PDCH preemption of 2 TS active DL TBFs
3T S 4T S 4T S 2T S

change of bias

2T S 2T S

UL TBFs Bias






UL Xfer 1

DL Xfer 2 Session

UL Xfer 3


time P419 P411 P409 P420 P412 P410

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> >

Transfer 1 and 3 are UL biased. Transfer 2 is DL biased.



3.4 MS Sessions / Transfers QoS Indicators, Graph

DL session
250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0
14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

102 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86

Time Opt alloc DL Time bias Time bias %Time Opt Alloc

UL session
6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Time Opt alloc UL Time bias Time bias %Time Opt Alloc

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

The typical values of the DL TBF optimal allocation time rate (without resource re-allocation): Without congestion (GSM+GPRS): 93%, 94%, 95%, 96% With congestion: 79.5% > The UL TBF optimal allocation time rate can be biased, due to the restriction on P29. > However, on small area, it can give typical values: Without congestion (GSM+GPRS): 68.5%, 76%, 92%, 98% With congestion: 98% These typical values are highly dependent on the penetration rate of class 9 or class 10 mobiles (mobiles able to use 2 TSs on the UL path).



14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

164 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


3 Description of the Main BSS QoS Counters and Indicators

3.5 Resource Usage

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3.5 Resource Usage BSS Resources, Air Interface

> The BSS uses several resources to transfer data between the MS and the GPRS core network > Air interface resources
Physical channels: MPCDH, SPDCH logical channels:
control channels without MPDCH: BCCH, AGCH, PCH, RACH with MPDCH: PBCCH, PAGCH, PPCH, PRACH traffic channels: PDTCH associated signaling channel: PACCH

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3.5 Resource Usage BSS Resources, GPU

> The GPU resource (BSS internal resource)
The GPRS traffic of a group of cells is handled by the GPU function mapped on a hardware component: the GPU board

Ater G P





in MFS equipment


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> > >

Each GPU handles the GPRS traffic of cells belonging to the same BSS. There is a maximum number of GPUs to monitor the traffic of one BSS. Up to 240 PDCHs can be active at the same time on the same GPU.



3.5 Resource Usage BSS Resources, Abis/Ater Interface


> The Abis resources can be seen as a pool of Abis nibbles shareable between all TREs of a given sector (basic Abis nibbles) or all the TREs of a given BTS (extra and bonus Abis nibbles). > An M-EGCH organizes the transmission resources (pool of Abis nibbles and Ater nibbles) given to a TRX for its PS traffic.






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For EGPRS traffic, an EGCH physical channel is allocated per PDCH which is a set of n GCHs, n depending on the maximum CS or MCS number that can be used on the PDCH:

Scheme CS-1 CS-2 CS-3 CS-4 MCS-1 MCS-2 MCS-3 MCS-4 MCS-5 MCS-6 MCS-7 MCS-8 MCS-9


Raw data rate (in kbit/s) 8 12 14.4 20 8.8 11.2 14.8 13.6 17.6 22.4 29.6 27.2 44.8 54.4 59.2

Number of GCH 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5



3.5 Resource Usage BSS Resources, Gb Interface

> Gb interface resource
A BVC is the logical identifier to which is linked the traffic of a cell carried over the Gb interface The traffic of all the BVCs controlled by the same GPU is multiplexed and carried by the 64 Kbit/s PCM time slots on the Gb interface








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3.5 Resource Usage BSS Resources, BSC - MFS exchanges

> BSC MFS messages


RR Allocation Indication

BSC RR Usage Indication


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> >

Thanks to the Autonomous Packet Resource Allocation feature, the MFS no longer needs to request the BSC for additional SPDCHs (as in B8); as all the usable PS-capable radio timeslots are explicitly allocated to the MFS through the RR Allocation Indication message. However, the RRM-PRH entity has the responsibility for handling the RR Allocation Indication and RR Usage Indication messages, especially for the following tasks: interpretation of the SPDCHs_Allocation bitmap contained in the RR Allocation Indication message (in particular, if a SPDCH is removed in the bitmap, then a preemption process may have to be started, cf. section 4 for more details), building and sending of the SPDCHs_Confirmation bitmap, the SPDCHs_Usage bitmap, the SPDCHs_RadioUsage bitmap and the DTM_TCH bitmap, through the RR Usage Indication message.



3.5 Resource Usage BSS Resources, Scenario for GCH establishment

Selection of the Ater and Abis nibbles (1) (2) Abis-Nibbles-Allocation (All the BTS Abis nibble ids) (3) Those two messages are sent in sequence by the MFS Transmission-Allocation-Request (Ater nibble ids, BSC Abis nibble ids, MFS connection references) (6) Ater to Abis nibble switching (7) Transmission-Allocation-Confirm (Ater and BSC Abis nibble ids, MFS and BSC connection references) (8) RSL-Allocate-Abis-Nibbles (All the BTS Abis nibble ids) (4)




Abis nibble allocation to the TRE (5)

64K Ater TS crossconnection to DSP (9) Activate (TRE-Id) (10)

Activate-Ack (11)

As many as the number of new GCHs in the MEGCH link

The established GCHs can carry PS traffic

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This GCH establishment scenario is valid if there are free ABIS and Ater resources ( nibbles)



3.5 Resource Usage BSS Resources, Scenario for GCH release

Release (1) As many as the number of GCHs to remove from the MEGCH link RSL-Allocate-Abis-Nibbles (All the remaining BTS Abis nibble ids) (4)


Release-Ack (2)

Abis-Nibbles-Allocation (All the remaining BTS Abis nibble ids) (3) Those two messages are sent in sequence by the MFS Transmission-Deallocation-Command (BSC connection references) (6)

Abis nibble deallocation from the TRE (5)

Ater to Abis nibble deswitching (7) Transmission-Deallocation-Complete

(Ater nibble ids, MFS connection references) (8)

) 64K Ater TS decrossconnection from DSP (9)

Release of the Ater and Abis nibbles (10) (11)

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This GCH establishment scenario is valid if there are free ABIS and Ater resources ( nibbles)



3.5 Resource Usage Exercise

Exercise 1: using trace 1 , identify the different messages for Abis and Ater resource allocation. Exercise 2 : using same trace find different messages for the de allocation of these resources

Time allowed: 10 minutes

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, PDCH

> GPRS radio resources: PDCH
Smooth PDCH traffic adaptation Average , max, min number and reduction rate of MAX_SPDCH_LIMIT Cumulated time PDCHs : - use at least one DL/UL TBF - carry GMM traffic PDCH dynamic establishment success rate Soft preemption


New B9

PDCH usage

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, MAX_SPDCH_LIMIT Follow-up

> GPRS radio resources PDCH: MAX_SPDCH_LIMIT
INDICATOR DEFINITION FORMULA MAX_SPDCH_LIMIT AVERAGE VALUE Average value of allocated SPDCH over the observation period. CELL (P414bis) / (PERIOD)



MAX_SPDCH_LIMIT MAX VALUE Maximum value of allocated SPDCH in the whole granularity period. CELL (P415bis)


MAX_SPDCH_LIMIT MIN VALUE Minimum value of allocated SPDCH in the whole granularity period. CELL (P416bis)


MAX_SPDCH_LIMIT REDUCTION RATE Reduction rate of allocated SPDCH value integrated over the granularity period. CELL ((P415bis*GP) P414bis) / (P415bis*GP))

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, PDCH Usage

Counter number P451a Name CUMULATED_TIME_PDCH_UL_TBF_CE LL CUMULATED_TIME_PDCH_DL_TBF_CE LL CUMULATED_TIME_PDCH_DL_TBF_GM M_SIG_CELL CUMULATED_TIME_PDCH_USED_DL_C ELL CUMULATED_TIME_PDCH_USED_UL_C ELL Definition Cumulated time during which an UL TBF uses one PDCH, for all PDCHs of the TBF, and for all TBFs of the cell (in GPRS or EGPRS mode). Cumulated time during which an DL TBF uses one PDCH, for all PDCHs of the TBF, and for all TBFs of the cell (in GPRS or EGPRS mode). Cumulated time during which a DL TBF established for GMM signalling purposes uses a PDCH (in GPRS or EGPRS mode), for all TBFs of the cell.





Cumulated time during which a PDCH is used by at least one DL TBF (in GPRS or EGPRS mode), cumulated over all the PDCHs of the cell. Cumulated time during which a PDCH is used by at least one UL TBF (in GPRS or EGPRS mode), cumulated over all the PDCHs of the cell.


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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, PDCH Usage

formula P496 P495 Name MIN_NB_USED_SPDCH_CELL MAX_NB_USED_SPDCH_CELL Definition Minimum number of used slave PDCHs in the . Maximum number of used slave PDCHs in the cell.


Soft pre-emption P417 (P403a + P404a) / P417 NB_PREEMPTED_PDCH Number of PDCH released after having been marked by the soft pre-emption procedure Average number of UL+DL TBF candidates to a T1 reallocation per PDCH released after having been marked

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, MPDCH

> GPRS radio resources: MPDCH
MPDCH resource allocation is static no indicators

MPDCH usage

MPDCH signaling traffic


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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, MPDCH Signaling

> GPRS radio resources: MPDCH signaling
MPDCH signalling traffic Dedicated PPCH signalling load on all the existing MPDCH P61 Number of PACKET PAGING REQUEST for PS paging sent P61a to the MS on PPCH Number of PACKET PAGING REQUEST for CS paging sent P61b to the MS on PPCH Number of Packet DL assignment messages on PPCH P61 - 0.5*P61a - 0.5*P61b Occupancy rate of PS paging messages on PPCH load 0.5 * P61a / P61 Occupancy rate of Packet DL assignment messages on PPCH PRACH signalling load on all the existing MPDCH PRACH signalling load due to NC2 feature % PRACH load induced by NC2 feature Dedicated PAGCH signalling load on all the existing MPDCH UL PACCH signalling load on all the existing MPDCH (P61 - 0.5*P61a - 0.5*P61b) / P61 P399 P438d (P438d / P399) * 100 P400 P401

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The Factor of 0.5 comes from the fact that a PACKET PAGING REQUEST can contain 2 paging messages (like in GSM between Paging Commands and Paging Requests).



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, CCCH

> GPRS radio resources: CCCH

CCCH load

RACH PCH: PS paging, CS paging, Immediate assignment AGCH

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, CCCH Load

> GPRS radio resources: CCCH load

CCCH load P53a / MC8A Paging usage rate due to GPRS PCH use due to GPRS Immediat Assignment P53c Ratio PS/CS paging through SGSN P53a / (P53a+P53b) P62c / MC8C RACH usage rate due to GPRS (P49 + P27) / (MC8B + P49 + P27) AGCH usage rate due to GPRS

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> > > >

P53a = Number of (BSCGP) PAGING REQUEST for PS paging sent to the MS (through the BSC which manages the PCH resource). (used for instance for an MT picture transfer MMS service). P53b = Number of (BSCGP) PAGING REQUEST for CS paging sent to the MS (through the BSC which manages the PCH resource) -> Need of the Gs interface. P53c = Number of (BSCGP) IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT sent to the MS (through the BSC which manages the PCH resource) for a DL TBF establishment when the MS is in DRX mode. GSM Paging Command (one per Mobile) or GPRS (BSCGP) PAGING REQUEST are merged into PAGING REQUEST on the radio layer.



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, CCCH, Graph

GPRS/GSM AGCH breakdown
450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0
14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0



GPRS/GSM RACH breakdown

450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0
14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0


GPRS/GSM PCH breakdown

20000000 18000000 16000000 14000000 12000000 10000000 8000000 6000000 4000000 2000000 0
14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

CS PAging PS Imm. As PS PAging %io PS Pag

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, Abis nibble

> GPRS radio resources: Abis nibble


Abis nibble counters Number of free nibbles: - Minimum of free extra or bonus Abis nibble

Number of used nibble - Maximum number extra or bonus used nibbles

Cumulated Time during which there are free Abis nibbles

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, Abis nibble

> GPRS radio resources: Abis nibble usage


Abis interface - Abis nibble usage Cumulative time (in seconds), per BTS ,during which there are free extra and bonus Abis nibbles available. Cumulated time during which extra and bonus Abis nibbles are used in the cell, cumulated over all extra and bonus Abis nibbles. Minimum number of free extra and bonus Abis nibbles. Maximum number of extra and bonus Abis nibbles currently used in the cell (by a GCH channel)



P484 P465

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> >

Free Extra and bonus nibbles are given per BTS. Free extra and bonus nibbles are extra and bonus nibbles not currently used in a GCH



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, GPU

> GPRS radio resources: GPU

GPU counters

Overall traffic MS capabilities breakdown Processing limitation, GCH interface

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, GPU Usage

> GPRS radio resources: GPU usage
GPU traffic Number of LLC PDU transferred (UL+ DL) P104 Number of UL+DL TBF establishment requests P107 per GPU Number of UL+DL TBF establishment successes P106 per GPU (UL+DL) TBF success rate per GPU (P106 / P107) * 100 Number of PS PAGING request per GPU P391a Number of CS PAGING request per GPU P391b

MS capabilities Number of MS contexts created for Releases P450a 1997 or 1998 mobile stations. Number of MS contexts created for non-EGPRS P450b capable Release 1999 onwards mobile stations Number of MS contexts created for EGPRS P450c capable Release 1999 onwards mobile stations. Ratio of MS contexts created for Releases 1997 P450a / ( P450a+P450b+P450c) or 1998 mobile stations. Ratio of MS contexts created for non-EGPRS P450b / ( P450a+P450b+P450c) capable Release 1999 onwards mobile stations Ratio of MS contexts created for EGPRS capable P450c / ( P450a+P450b+P450c) Release 1999 onwards mobile stations.

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, GPU Load

> GPRS radio resources: GPU load : DSP and CPU
GPU load DSP congestion duration (in seconds). P384 / 10 Percentage of time during which the DSP is in P384 / 10 / GP congestion Cumulated time during which the GPU stays in P402 / 10 the PMU CPU overload state due to PMU CPU power limitations. Percentage of time during which the GPU stays P402 / 10 / GP in the PMU CPU overload state due to PMU CPU power limitations. Average PMU CPU power budget of the GPU P76a / 10 Maximum PMU CPU power budget of the GPU P77a / 10 This counter cumulates the time during which at P201 least a DSP is in CPU load state This counter cumulates the time during which at P202 least a DSP is in CPU overload state


New B9 New B9

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> >

PMU = Packet Management Unit, is responsible for the following tasks: RRM (Radio and Resource Management): for TBF, PDCH and MPDCH allocation/de-allocation, radio resource re-allocation of existing TBFs, PS paging, PDU queuing and Packet System Information BSCGP stack management (MFS-BSC interface) Gb stack management (MFS-SGSN interface) The PMU functions are supported by the PPC board (Power PC). The DSP board supports the Packet Transfer Unit (PTU) functions: RLC layer management MAC layer management L2EGCH layer management L1EGCH layer management



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, GCH

> GPRS radio resources: GCH usage
Modified B9


GCH counters

Cumulated time: - GCHs are in excess in a cell - GCHs are in deficit in a cell - GCH is busy in a cell - GPU is in Ater congestion - GPU is in high Ater usage state Number of GCHs : - max number of GCHs busy per GPU - max number of GCHs busy per cell - Min number of GCHs busy per GPU - max number of GCHs in deficit cell -

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, GCH Load

> GPRS radio resources: GCH load in time
Ater interface - GCH Maximum number of busy GCH (16k channel) in P100b the GPU Cumulative time (in seconds) during which a P100c GCH (16k channel) is busy in the cell. The counter is integrated over all the GCH available in the cell. Cumulative time (in seconds) during which a P101 GCH resource (16k channel) is available in the GPU Cumulative time (in seconds), per cell ,during P471 which there is a excess of GCH resources (16k channel). Cumulative time (in seconds), per cell , during P470 which there is a deficit of GCH resources (16k channel). Atermux congestion duration (in seconds) due to P383a a lack of GCH transmission resources on the Atermux interface % of time the GPU is in Ater congestion state P383a / GP Time (cumulated over a granularity period) P383b during which the GPU remains in "high" Ater usage % of time the GPU is in high Ater usage state P383b / GP
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 189 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


New B9

New B9

New B9


New counters in B9: P100e, P100c, P470,P471



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, GCH Load

> GPRS radio resources: GCH load in number per cell and per GPU
New B9


Ater interface - GCH Maximum number of GCH in deficit reached in P469 the cell. Maximum number of busy GCH (16k channel) in P100f the GPU. Minimum number of busy GCH (16k channel) in P100e the GPU. Maximum number of busy GCH (16k channel) in P100d the cell.

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> >

For a DRFU BTS, a GCH is said busy when it is connected to a given PDCH. For an Evolium BTS, a GCH is said busy when it is connected to a given TRX (as part as an M-EGCH).



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, Ater nibble

> GPRS radio resources: Ater nibble usage


Ater nibble counters Number of free nibbles: - Minimum of Ater - Minimum of free extra or bonus Ater nibbles

Number of used Nibble - Maximum number extra or bonus used nibbles Cumulated Time during which there are free Ater nibbles given per GPU
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 191 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, Ater nibble

> GPRS radio resources: Ater nibble usage
P486 P484 Ater interface Ater nibbles usage Minimum number of free Ater nibbles. Minimum number of free extra and bonus Abis nibbles. Free extra and bonus nibbles are extra and bonus nibbles not currently used in a GCH. Maximum number of extra and bonus Abis nibbles currently used in the cell (by a GCH channel). Cumulative time (in seconds), per GPU ,during which there are free Ater nibbles. A free Ater nibble is an Ater nibble not currently used by a GCH.




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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, Impact of EDGE activation, 1/2

> Ater resources capacity must be increased for EDGE
Example for one GPU board with 2 AterMux for GPRS
Total_Ater_GIC_available 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10,0% 0,0% Ater_Cong_Rate 70,0%

464 GCHs 348 GCHs 232 GCHs

60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0%

2 AterMux are not enough for EDGE traffic

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 193

4 AterMux are needed to avoid Ater congestion

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> >

Ater_Cong_Rate = P383a / GP = Percentage of time all GCHs are busy in the GPU Total_Ater_GIC_available = Number of GCHs available for traffic is not a counter but a configuration variable depending on the number of AterMux connected to the GPU and which available for traffic



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, Impact of EDGE activation, 2/2

> DSP congestion can occur in the GPU even if enough Ater resources are available
Same GPU: EDGE is activated cell by cell
Total_Ater_GIC_available 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 0,0% 1,0% 0,5% GPU_Cong_Rate 3,0%

464 GCHs 348 GCHs 232 GCHs

1,5% 2,5% 2,0%

The more cells are EDGE capable the higher the GPU DSP congestion

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> >

GPU_Cong_Rate = (P384/10) / GP = Percentage of time the GPU is in DSP congestion Total_Ater_GIC_available = Number of GCHs available for traffic is not a counter but a configuration variable depending on the number of AterMux connected to the GPU and which available for traffic



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, BVC

> GPRS radio resources: BVC
BVC Number of DL LLC bytes Received from the SGSN Discarded due to congestion Not rerouted Well received from the SGSN Discarded due to a Suspend procedu Rerouted Number of UL LLC bytes BVC availability
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 195 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Received from the MS



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, BVC, Traffic, Availability

> GPRS radio resources: BVC traffic, BVC availability
BVC (cell) traffic Downlink Number of DL LLC bytes received from SGSN Number of DL LLC bytes received by MS in GPRS ACK mode Number of DL LLC bytes received by MS in GPRS NACK mode Number of DL LLC bytes received by MS in EGPRS ACK mode Number of DL LLC bytes received by MS in EGPRS NACK mode Number of DL LLC bytes discarded due to congestion Average DL useful throughput in kbit/ s DL LLC congestion rate Number of DL LLC bytes discarded due to suspend procedure % of DL LLC bytes discarded due to suspend procedure Downlink LLC bytes well rerouted DL LLC bytes not rerouted DL LLC bytes well received DL LLC bytes well received rate P43 P43a P43b P43c P43d P10 ((P43 - P10) * 8) / (GP * 1000) P10 / P43 P99 Uplink Number of UL LLC bytes received from MS Number of UL LLC bytes received from MS in GPRS ACK mode Number of UL LLC bytes received from MS in GPRS NACK mode Number of UL LLC bytes received from MS in EGPRS ACK mode Number of UL LLC bytes received from MS in EGPRS NACK mode Number of UL LLC bytes discarded due to congestion at SNS level P44 P44a P44b P44c P44d P23

P99 / P43 P95 P96 P43 - P10 - P96 (P43 - P10 - P96) / P43 BVC (cell) unavailability Time during which the BVC associated to a cell is unavailable for traffic P67

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> >


LLC bytes discarded: relating to the PDU LifeTime expiry or to the GPU buffer congestion (can be linked to degraded DL Flow Control algorithm). P99: The introduction of the Suspend-Resume mechanism between the MFS and the SGSN can generate GPRS QoS problems. If the suspend time exceeds the tolerable threshold for the distant server the MS is connected to, it can generate disconnection from the server. Even though, the disconnection does not mean that the PDP context is deactivated. It belongs to IP GSS feature (capacity to generate dummy IP blocks to keep the Gi link alive). P96 is likely to be sensitive to a lot of reselection problems an MS has to face in the GPRS network (no GPRS resources available in the selected cell, reselection of an MS in a new cell belonging to a new MFS or a new SGSN, etc).



3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, PVC and BC unavailability

> GPRS radio resources: BVC



Time unavailaibility


Time unavailaibility

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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, PVC and BC unavailability

> GPRS radio resources: PVC , BC unavailability


Percentage of time during which the PVC (Permanent Virtual Connection) is not available on Gb Interface. Percentage of time during which the BC (Bearer Channel) is not available on Gb Interface

Gb interface PVC, BC P34/10/GP


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3.5 Resource Usage QoS Indicators, Graph

Details of downlink LLC traffic
9000000 8000000 7000000 6000000 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0
20 03 20 03 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03 20 03

100.2 100 99.8 99.6 99.4 99.2 99 98.8 98.6 98.4

Blocked bytes Discarded bytes Not rerouted Rerouted bytes Received bytes %Well receiv

14 /0 8/

18 /0 8/

20 /0 8/

16 /0 8/

Details of uplink LLC traffic

4000000 3500000 3000000 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 500000 0
14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

UL sent bytes

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3 Description of the Main BSS QoS Counters and Indicators B9


CS and MCS Adaptation

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3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation Modulations and Data Rates

> Data rate per radio TS (RLC payload)
Scheme Modulation GPRS GMSK GMSK GMSK GMSK EGPRS 8PSK 8PSK 8PSK 8PSK 8PSK GMSK GMSK GMSK GMSK Maximum rate (kbps) 21.4 15.6 13.4 9.05 59.2 54.4 44.8 29.6 / 27.2 * 22.4 17.6 14.8 / 13.6 * 11.2 8.8

CS-4 CS-3 CS-2 CS-1 MCS-9 MCS-8 MCS-7 MCS-6 MCS-5 MCS-4 MCS-3 MCS-2 MCS-1 * case of padding
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 201

8PSK modulation to provide higher data rates GMSK modulation to ensure a certain level of performance in case of poor radio conditions

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3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation DL CS Adaptation


CS_QUAL_DL_1_2_X_Y+ CS_HST_DL_LT CS_QUAL_DL_1_2_X_Y CS-1 or CS-2 (hysteresis)

CS_QUAL_DL_2_3_X_Y + CS_HST_DL_LT CS_QUAL_DL_2_3_X_Y CS-2 or CS-3 (hysteresis)


0 0


CS-3 or CS-4 (hysteresis) CS_SIR_DL_3_4_X_Y CS_SIR_DL_3_4_X_Y + CS_SIR_HST_DL CS_BLER_DL_3_4

202 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

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The change from CS3 to CS4 is not only based on AV_RXQUAL_LT for the two following reasons: The RXQUAL range only goes down to 0.2%. However, the change of coding scheme from CS3 to CS4 will probably have to be done for even lower values. Indeed, when the coding scheme is CS4, in static (AWGN), a BLER of 0.1 (typical value of the BLER threshold to change from CS3 to CS4) is obtained for a raw BER of 1-(1-0.1)1/456 = 2.10-4. This raw BER would be larger in multipath channels but is likely to remain below 0.2%. This means that CS_QUAL_DL_3_4 should be close to 0 and that a condition based on RXQUAL is not sufficient to change the coding scheme from CS3 to CS4. If the changes from CS3 to CS4 and from CS4 to CS3 are based on different metrics, a Ping-Pong effect can occur. Indeed, it can happen that the conditions to change from CS3 to CS4 and CS4 to CS3 are simultaneously true in some situations. In case a TBF is established on PDCHs of a non-hopping BCCH TRX or on PDCHs using a FHS including the BCCH frequency a new algorithm is used for adaptation between CS3 and CS4 based on BLER computation and comparison to threshold. Indeed in these 2 cases most of the MS will not report any C/I measurements on idle frames.




3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation UL CS Adaptation

> GPRS CS adaptation in the UL

CS_QUAL_UL_1_2_X_Y + CS_HST_UL_LT CS_QUAL_UL_1_2_X_Y CS1 or CS2 (hysteresis)

CS_QUAL_UL_2_3_X_Y + CS_HST_UL_LT CS_QUAL_UL_2_3_X_Y CS2 or CS3 (hysteresis)

CS_QUAL_UL_3_4_X_Y + CS_HST_UL_LT CS_QUAL_UL_3_4_X_Y CS3 or CS4 (hysteresis)

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> In the up-link, the RXQUAL is available in CS4 and the SIR measurements are not reported by the BTS to the MFS so far. Therefore, it is possible to use also RXQUAL measurements to change the coding scheme from CS3 to CS4 or from CS4 to CS3, contrary to the downlink algorithm, for which the SIR is used.



3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation DL MCS Adaptation

> In RLC acknowledged mode, the MFS applies a given MCS taking into account:
Current MCS:
MCS-1 to MCS-4 in GMSK MCS-5 to MCS-9 in 8-PSK

Average Power Decrease: APD set = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] MS OUT OF MEMORY state
= Off then LA tables with IR are used = On then LA tables without IR (Type I ARQ) are used

> In RLC unacknowledged mode, the MFS applies a given MCS taking into account:
Current MCS:
MCS-1 to MCS-4 in GMSK MCS-5 to MCS-9 In 8-PSK

Average Power Decrease: APD set = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10]

> Each combination of these criteria corresponds to a specific LA table

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 204 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


Extract of a table when APD=0dB, Type 1 ARQ, 8PSK table: if MCScurrent belongs to {5,6,7,8,9}
CV_BEP 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MEAN_BEP 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 4 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 5 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 6 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8



3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation UL MCS Adaptation

> In RLC acknowledged mode, the MFS applies a given MCS taking into account:
Current MCS:
MCS-1 to MCS-4 in GMSK MCS-5 to MCS-9 in 8-PSK


APD of the MS: APD set = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10] EN_IR_UL state

= enable then LA tables with IR are used = disable then LA tables without IR (Type I ARQ) are used

> In RLC unacknowledged mode, the MFS applies a given MCS taking into account:
Current MCS:
MCS-1 to MCS-4 in GMSK MCS-5 to MCS-9 In 8-PSK

Average Power Decrease: APD set = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10]

> Each combination of those criteria corresponds to a specific LA table

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In the up-link the same tables as in the down-link apply.



3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation exercise

Exercise 1: using trace 20 , find at what time the MCS is changed.


Time allowed: 15 minutes

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3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation QoS Indicators

> CS and MCS adaptation
PDTCH RLC blocks Number of useful blocks, retransmitted blocks, lost bytes for GPRS CS1,2,3,4 for EGPRS MCS1, , MCS9 Retransmission rate, lost rate Useful CSx and MCSx distribution GPRS Coding Scheme increase and decrease Throughput per cell, per PDCH, per TBF PACCH RLC blocks

PDTCH occupancy PACCH occupancy

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3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation QoS Indicators, RLC Statistics, GPRS Mode
> CS and MCS adaptation: RLC statistics in GPRS mode
RLC statistics Downlink Uplink CS1 : P57a Number of useful PDTCH CS1 : P55a Number of useful PDTCH RLC blocks acknowledged by CS2 : P57b RLC blocks acknowledged by CS2 : P55b CS3 : P57c the MS in GPRS ack mode CS3 : P55c the MS in GPRS ack mode CS4 : P57d CS4 : P55d CS1 : P21a Number of retransmitted CS1 : P20a Number of retransmitted CS2 : P21b PDTCH RLC blocks in CS2 : P20b PDTCH RLC blocks in CS3 : P21c GPRS ack mode CS3 : P20c GPRS ack mode CS4 : P21d CS4 : P20d Number of lost PDTCH RLC CS1+CS2+CS3+CS4 : P72c Number of lost PDTCH RLC CS1+CS2+CS3+CS4 : P72d bytes in GPRS bytes in GPRS nack mode nack mode (P21a + P21b + P21c + (P20a + P20b + P20c + PDTCH RLC block PDTCH RLC block P21d) / (P57a + P57b + retransmission rate in retransmission rate in GPRS P20d) / (P55a + P55b + P57c + P57d + P21a + P21b P55c + P55d + P20a + P20b GPRS ack mode ack mode + P21c + P21d) + P20c + P20d) P55x / (P57x) / PDTCH RLC block CSx / PDTCH RLC block CSx / (CS1+CS2+CS3+CS4) ratio (P55a+P55b+P55c+P55d) (CS1+CS2+CS3+CS4) ratio (P57a+P57b+P57c+P57d) In RLC ack mode, rate of (P20a*160+P20b*240+P2 In RLC ack mode, rate of (P21a*160+P21b*240+P2 RLC retransmitted data 0c*288+P20d*400)/(P20a RLC retransmitted data 1c*288+P21d*400)/(P21a bytes sent on PDTCH and *160+P20b*240+P20c*2 bytes sent on PDTCH and *160+P21b*240+P21c*2 encoded in CS-x 88+P20d*400+P55a*160 encoded in CS-x 88+P21d*400+P57a*160



KPI 55d*400)


+P57b*240+P57c*288+P 57d*400)

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> The average TX_EFFICIENCY is equal to:


Where: NB_SENT is the number of transmitted RLC data blocks,

i =1 NB _ SENT

i =1


1 ni

NB_RECEIVED is the number of correctly received RLC data blocks (i.e., blocks for which a positive acknowledgment is reported), i is equal to the number of information bits in the i-th correctly received RLC data block divided by the number of bits per RLC data block with GMSK modulation (456 in GPRS). This ratio only depends on the coding scheme used for the i-th correctly received RLC data block and is between 0 and 1 in GPRS. The values of the number of information bits per RLC data block for each coding scheme are defined in 05.03 TS Specification document. CS1 0.40 CS2 0.59 CS3 0.68 CS4 0.94

ni is the number of RLC data blocks in the i-th radio block. Therefore, this number is always equal to 1 for GPRS,

> It is computed every TX_EFFICIENCY_PERIOD (=200) RLC data blocks. > It is compared to TX_EFFICIENCY_ACK_THR (=10%) or TX_EFFICIENCY_NACK_THR (=15%) to trigger radio drop.



3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation QoS Indicators, RLC Statistics, EGPRS Mode
> CS and MCS adaptation: RLC statistics in EGPRS mode
RLC statistics Downlink Number of useful RLC MCS1 : P55e blocks sent in RLC MCS2 : P55f acknowledged mode on PDTCH and encoded in MCS-1/2//9. MCS9 : P55m MCSx, retransmitted data bytes MCS-x lost bytes In RLC ack mode, ratio of useful RLC blocks sent in RLC acknowledged mode on PDTCH and encoded in MCS-x In RLC ack mode, rate of RLC retransmitted data bytes sent on PDTCH and encoded in MCS-x Uplink Number of useful RLC MCS1 : P57e blocks sent in RLC MCS2 : P57f acknowledged mode on ....... PDTCH encoded in ....... MCS-1/2/3/4. MCS9 : P57m


Modified in B9



MCSx, retransmitted data bytes MCS-x lost bytes P72d P55x/(P55e+P55f+P5 In RLC ack mode, ratio 5g+P55h+P55i+P55j of useful RLC blocks +P55k+P55l+P55m) sent in RLC acknowledged mode on PDTCH and encoded in MCS-x P20e/(P20e+(P55e*1 In RLC ack mode, rate 76+P55f*224+P55g* of RLC retransmitted 296+P55h*352+P55i data bytes sent on *448+P55j*592+(P55 PDTCH and encoded in k*896+P55l*1088+P MCS-x


P21e P73d P57x/(P57e+P57f+P5 7g+(P57h)

A completer

(p21e) / ((p21e)+( ( (P57e)*176+(P57f)*2 24+(P57g)*296+(P57 h)*352) / 8))

A completer

55m*1184)/2)/ 8))

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209 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation QoS Indicators, CS Adaptation

> CS and MCS adaptation: CS adaptation
Coding scheme adaptation Downlink Uplink P352a P351a Number of CS Number of CS adaptions from a given adaptions from a given coding scheme to a less coding scheme to a less robust coding scheme. robust coding scheme. Does not apply to Does not apply to EGPRS TBFs EGPRS TBFs Number of CS P351b Number of CS P352b adaptions from a given adaptions from a given coding scheme to a coding scheme to a more robust coding more robust coding scheme. Does not apply scheme. Does not apply to EGPRS TBFs to EGPRS TBFs Average number of CS P351a / (P90a + P90b + Average number of CS P352a / (P30a + P30b + increase per TBF P90c + P90d + P90e + increase per TBF P30c) P90f) Average number of CS P351b/ (P90a + P90b + Average number of CS P352b / (P30a + P30b + adaptions decrease per P90c + P90d + P90e + adaptions decrease per P30c) TBF P90f) TBF

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3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation QoS Indicators, DL, Graph

Downlink Traffic Load
400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0
14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Blocks CS2 Blocks CS1 %io CS2

RLC Efficiency on downlink

400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

CS2 useful CS1 useful % CS2 retrans % CS1 retrans

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

07 /0 9

09 /0 9

11 /0 9

28 /0 8

30 /0 8

01 /0 9

18 /0 8

20 /0 8

22 /0 8

14 /0 8

16 /0 8

24 /0 8

26 /0 8

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The typical values of the CS2/(CS1+CS2) ratio on the DL path are: When CS2 is not used at the beginning of the TBF: 40%, 45%, 47% When CS2 is used at the beginning of the TBF: 97%, 98% to be correlated to the Average useful RLC throughput per TBF The typical values of the global retransmission rate on the DL path are: When CS2 is not used at the beginning of the TBF: 0.7%, 0.8%, 0.9% When CS2 is used at the beginning of the TBF: 1.1%, 1.2% Optimize CS adaptation to optimize user data throughput (best useful RLC throughput while avoiding TBF drop). All blocks are considered in graph 1 whereas only useful blocks are considered in graph 2.

> >


03 /0 9


05 /0 9

13 /0 9

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3

/2 00 3


3.6 CS and MCS Adaptation QoS Indicators, UL, Graph

Uplink Traffic Load
250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Blocks CS2 Blocks CS1 %io CS2

250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0

14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

RLC Efficiency on uplink

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

CS2 useful CS1 useful % CS2 retrans % CS1 retrans

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The Typical values of the CS2/(CS1+CS2) ratio on the UL path are: When CS2 is not used at the beginning of the TBF: 6%, 12%, 16% When CS2 is used at the beginning of the TBF: 48%, 77% (less high than for DL since for a UL TBF, CS1 is always used during the TLLI Contention Resolution) Typical values of global retransmission rate on the UL path are: When CS2 is not used at the beginning of the TBF: 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4%, When CS2 is at the beginning of the TBF: 0.2%, 0.6%


14 /0 8/ 20 03 16 /0 8/ 20 03 18 /0 8/ 20 03 20 /0 8/ 20 03 22 /0 8/ 20 03 24 /0 8/ 20 03 26 /0 8/ 20 03 28 /0 8/ 20 03 30 /0 8/ 20 03 01 /0 9/ 20 03 03 /0 9/ 20 03 05 /0 9/ 20 03 07 /0 9/ 20 03 09 /0 9/ 20 03 11 /0 9/ 20 03 13 /0 9/ 20 03

212 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


3 Description of the Main BSS QoS Counters and Indicators B9


Cell Reselection

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3.7 Cell Reselection NC0, Success

DL transfer

MFS serving cell

useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling useful RLC data block useful RLC data block, polling

MFS target cell



Packet DL Ack/Nack

The MS decides for cell reselection

UL transfer establishment in the new cell UL transfer The MS sends an LLC PDU to warn the SGSN about its new cell location



UL TBF release

DL TBF release

NC0 reselectio n success



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Counter P434c (resp.P434d) gives the number of UL (resp. DL) TBFs which have been released due to an NC0 reselection. These TBFs can have been previously counted as abnormally released or acceptably released due to the reselection depending on the occurrence time of the FLUSH-LL message: If the FLUSH-LL message is not received before T_WAIT_FLUSH expiry after the TBF was released due to radio link failure then the previous TBF release is considered as abnormal and counter P434c/P434d counting the number of DL/UL TBF acceptable release due to reselection is not incremented. Instead a TBF abnormal release due to Radio and counter P302b/P302c is incremented. If the FLUSH-LL message is received before T_WAIT_FLUSH expiry after the TBF was released due to radio link failure then the previous TBF release is considered as acceptable and P434c/P434d is incremented.


If the FLUSH-LL message is received before the radio link failure occurs the TBF is released and P396b/P396a counter is incremented. P436 provides the number of successful NC0 cell reselection when the mobile was in Packet Transfer Mode in the old cell.




3.7 Cell Reselection NC2, Request / Success

DL transfer

MFS serving cell MFS target cell SGSN
NC2 cell reselection request
New B9

T3158 expiry T3158

Packet measurement report



DL TBF Radio resources are released locally

Packet cell change order, polling

The MS switches to the new cell

Packet control ack

new cell (BCCH,BSIC)





UL transfer establishment in the new cell


UL transfer MS sends an LLC PDU to warn the SGSN about its new cell location


New B9

NC2 cell reselection success

UL TBF release

DL TBF release



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> > >

New counters in B9:.P221, P222, P223, P226 for request and P227, P224 for successes If a PCCO is sent for a MS supporting a DL TBF and an UL TBF, then both P223 and P226 are incremented. If a FLUSH is received for a MS supporting a DL TBF and an UL TBF, then both P224 and P227 are incremented.



3.7 Cell Reselection NC2, Request / Success per causes

DL transfer

MFS serving cell

MFS target cell


T3158 expiry T3158

Packet measurement report


NC2 cell reselection request for cause:

P433d P433c P433a P433b

too bad uplink quality too bad downlink quality too low downlink level better neighbor cell
Radio resources are released locally

Packet cell change order, polling

The MS switches to the new cell

Packet control ack

new cell (BCCH,BSIC)


UL transfer establishment in the new cell


UL transfer MS sends an LLC PDU to warn the SGSN about its new cell location


UL TBF release

DL TBF release

NC2 cell reselection success for cause:

P435d P435c P435a P435b


too bad uplink quality too bad downlink quality too low downlink level better neighbor cell




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3.7 Cell Reselection NC2, Failure

DL transfer

MFS serving cell MFS target cell SGSN

T3158 expiry T3158

Packet measurement report


NC2 cell reselection request


Packet cell change order, polling

new cell (BCCH,BSIC)

Packet control ack

The MS switches to the new cell
UL transfer establishment in the new cell is impossible

Radio resources are released locally

Packet channel request



Packet uplink assignment


USF scheduling Packet cell change failure




Target cell rejecte d

Target cell not rejected

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 217 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

New B9

New B9

> >

The above case assumes that MPDCH is configured in the cell. When receiving the PACKET CELL CHANGE FAILURE message, the MFS will increment either P437a or P437b according to the cause value reported by the MS in the message. Counter P464 aims to count rejection due to load in target cell (new criteria in B9) Counter P228/P225 is incremented in case of the MS reports to the MFS a Packet Cell Change Failure message (PCCF) Counter P437a is incremented if the cause included in the PCCF reported is one of the following "Frequency not implemented "No response on target cell "Immediate Assign Reject or Packet Access Reject on target cell

> > >


Counter P437a is incremented if the cause included in the PCCF reported is one of the following: "On going CS connection "MS in GMM Standby state Forced to the Standby state


New counters inB8: P437a, P437b.



3.7 Cell Reselection QoS degradation

> QoS degraded due to cell reselection
Throughput [kbit/s]
1. CS change TBF 1 (Cell 1) Cell Re-Selection

Data Call Duration

1. CS change TBF 2 (Cell 2)

CS 2

Average Throughput Throughput

CS 1

4 sec







Time [s]

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3.7 Cell Reselection NACC and (P)SI Status 1/4

> QoS improved with NACC and (P)SI status
Throughput [kbit/s]
1. CS change TBF 1 (Cell 1) Cell Re-Selection


Data Call Duration

1. CS change TBF 2 (Cell 2)

CS 2

Average Throughput Throughput

CS 1

1 sec







Time [s]

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3.7 Cell Reselection NACC and (P)SI Status 2/4

> In the source cell


Minimum Network Assisted cell reselection duration




Maximum Network Assisted cell reselection duration.

Packet Cell Change Notification


Average Network Assisted cell reselection duration

Packet Neighbor Cell Data (SI1)

Retrieval of SI instances

Number of times the procedure of broadcast of neighbor (P)SI messages is invoked Packet Neighbor Cell Data (SI3) Packet Neighbor Cell Data (SI13) Packet Cell Change Continue



Signaling load induced in the cell by the procedure of broadcast of neighbor (P)SI messages

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The duration of a NACC cell reselection is measured in the source cell between the start of emission of Packet Neighbour Cell Data messages (following the reception of the Packet Cell Change Notification message) and the reception of the Flush-LL message. The source cell is the cell where the cell reselections are outgoing.

The duration of a NACC cell reselection is measured in the source cell between the start of emission of Packet Neighbour Cell Data messages and the reception of the Flush-LL message



3.7 Cell Reselection NACC and (P)SI Status 3/4

MS BSS Serving cell BSS Target cell


On going UL or DL TBF Packet Measurement Report / PACCH Packet Neighbour Cell Data (S1) / PDCH Packet Neighbour Cell Data (SI3) / PDCH Packet Neighbour Cell Data (SI13) / PDCH Packet Cell Change Order / PACCH (4) Packet Control Acknowledgement / PACCH Packet Channel Request / PRACH Packet Uplink Assignment / PCCCH On going UL TBF (8) T_Ack_Wait T_Wait_Flush


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3.7 Cell Reselection NACC and (P)SI Status 4/4

> In target cell (P) SI status




Number of times the procedure of broadcast of serving cell PSI for Packet PSI Status or the procedure of sending of Packet Serving Cell Data for Packet SI Status is invoked. Signaling load induced in the cell by the procedure of broadcast of (P)SI messages



MFS Cell B

Packet SI Status (SI2, SI2bis, SI2ter msg type missing)

Packet Serving Cell Data (SI2) Packet Serving Cell Data (SI2bis) Packet Serving Cell Data (SI2ter)



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> This mechanism is applied in both NC0 and NC2 > P457: Number of RLC blocks used : 1) To broadcast a PSI message for Packet PSI Status feature 2) To send a PACKET SERVING CELL DATA message for Packet SI Status feature.



3.7 Cell Reselection Exercise

Exercise 1: What kind of cell reselection procedure ( NC0 or NC2 / with or without NACC) you can observe in Trace10,11, 12 and Trace13? Exercise 2: For each case of cell reselection, Find specific messages to NACC (P)SI status if any find old and new cell identities. Exercise 3 : looking the content of SI Status can you guess which SI where given during NACC procedure

Time allowed: 30 minutes

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3.7 Cell Reselection QoS Indicators

> NACC and (P)SI status reselection > NCO reselection > NC2 reselection
NC2 reselection start


Number of successes, Nb of DL/UL TBF releases

Number of requests Number of successes, Nb of DL/UL TBF releases Success rate Failure causes Target cell rejected Target cell not rejected Reselection time Outgoing Incoming
224 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Max Avg Min

TBF establishment end

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3.7 Cell Reselection QoS Indicators, NC0

> Cell reselection: ALL = NC0+NC2
NC0+ NC2 re-selection Number of successful cell re-selection P397 NC0 re-selection Number of successful NC0 cell re-selection P436

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3.7 Cell Reselection QoS Indicators, NC2 1/3

> Cell reselection: NC2
NC2 re-selection Number of NC2 cell re-selection request P433a cause PT1 (too low downlink level) Number of NC2 cell re-selection request P433b cause PT2 (better neighbour cell) Number of NC2 cell re-selection request P433c cause PT3 (too bad downlink quality) Number of NC2 cell re-selection request P433d cause PT4 (too bad uplink quality) Ratio of NC2 re-selection cause Emergency (P433a+ P433c+ P433d) / (P433a+ P433b+ P433c+ P433d) * 100 Ratio of NC2 re-selection cause Better Condition Number of NC2 cell re-selection success cause PT1 (too low downlink level) Number of NC2 cell re-selection success cause PT2 (better neighbour cell) Number of NC2 cell re-selection success cause PT3 (too bad downlink quality) Number of NC2 cell re-selection success cause PT4 (too bad uplink quality) N umber of N C2 cell re- selection requests Number of NC2 cell re-selection successes N C2 cell re- selection success ra te
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 226 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

(P433b) / (P433a+ P433b+ P433c+ P433d) * 100 P435a P435b P435c P435d P433a+ P433b+ P433c+ P433d P435a+ P435b+ P435c+ P435d (P435a+ P435b+ P435c+ P435d) / (P433a+ P433b+ P433c+ P433d)




3.7 Cell Reselection QoS Indicators, NC2 2/3

P437a P437b Number of NC2 cell reselection failures reported by the MS which leads to reject the target cell for a while. Number of NC2 cell reselection failures reported by the MS which does not lead to reject the target cell for a while. Number of NC2 cell reselection failures reported by the MS due to load (cause : "immediate assign reject" or "packet access reject on target cell") Rate of NC2 failures due to BSS problem Minimum duration of successful incoming intraRA intra-MFS NC2 cell reselections (measured in the target cell). Maximum duration of successful incoming intraRA intra-MFS NC2 cell reselections (measured in the target cell). Average duration of successful incoming intraRA intra-MFS NC2 cell reselections (measured in the target cell). Minimum duration of successful outgoing NC2 cell reselections (measured in the source cell) Maximum duration of successful outgoing NC2 cell reselections (measured in the source cell) Average duration of successful outgoing NC2 cell reselections (measured in the source cell)


New in B9 Modified in B9

P464 (((P433a) + (P433b) + (P433c) +(P433d)) ((P435a) + (P435b) + (P435c) + (P435d)) (P437b) - (P437a) P464) / ((P433a) + (P433b) + (P433c) +(P433d)) P432c


P432a P431c P431b P431a

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 227

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P432x counters are taking into account only the Cell Reselections for which Serving and Target cells belong to the same RA and the same MFS.



3.7 Cell Reselection New B9 QoS Indicators, NC2 3/3

Counter number P221 Name New in B9 Definition NB_PCCO_ACK_UL_NC2_CELL_RESEL Number of Packet Cell Change Order acknowledged by the MS while in UL transfert


P222 P223 P224


Number of Packet Cell Change Order acknowledged by the MS while in DL transfert. Number of Packet Cell Change Order messages sent while in DL transfer. Number of FLUSH-LL PDU received after a Packet Cell Change Order has been sent to the MS while in DL transfer. Number of Packet Cell Change Failure received from the MS after a Packet Cell Change Order has been sent to the MS while in DL transfer Number of Packet Cell Change Order messages sent while in UL transfer. Number of FLUSH-LL PDU received after a Packet Cell Change Order has been sent to the MS while in UL Number of Packet Cell Change Failure received from the MS after a Packet Cell Change Order has been sent to the MS while in UL transfer.



P226 P227 P228


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3.7 Cell Reselection New B9 QoS Indicators, NACC (P)SI Status

Counter number P456 NB_PSI_PROC Name New in B9 Definition


P457 P458 P459 P460a P460b P460c


Number of times the procedure of broadcast of serving cell PSI for Packet PSI Status or the procedure of sending of Packet Serving Cell Data for Packet SI Status is invoked. Signaling load induced in the cell by the procedure of broadcast of (P)SI messages Number of times the procedure of broadcast of neighbor (P)SI messages is invoked Signaling load induced in the cell by the procedure of broadcast of neighbor (P)SI messages Average Network Assisted cell reselection duration. Maximum Network Assisted cell reselection duration. Minimum Network Assisted cell reselection duration.

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3.7 Cell Reselection end-user QoS improvement with NC2, 1/2

> Enhanced cell reselection can be easily tested and evaluated through drive test route
DL FTP transfer of a file In a bi-band network (GSM900,GSM1800) GSM1800 cells are favored in CS idle mode: CELL_RESELECT_OFFSET = 20dB Route length is about 1.150 Km Two 900 cells and two 1800 cells are covering MS is GPRS multi-slot class 8 (4+1)
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 230 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



3.7 Cell Reselection end-user QoS improvement with NC2, 2/2

> Gain in throughput
NC0 34,7 kbits/s NC2 + GPRS redirection 40,2 kbits/s 2 reselections during transfer
600 500 400
RLC_Throughput_DL ServBCCH

9 reselections during transfer

60 50 40 30 300 20 10 0 1 28 55 82 109 136 163 190 217 244 271 298 325 200 100 0 700 600 500 400

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 33 65 97 129 161 193 225 257 289 321 353 ServBCCH RLC_Throughput_DL

300 200 100 0

9 interruptions
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 231 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

2 interruptions



4 Detection of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems

All rights reserved 2004, Alcatel


Most information of this chapter are available for B7 release.



4 Detection of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems Session Presentation

> Objective: to be able to detect the main GPRS QoS problems of the Alcatel BSS

> Program:
4.1 General Principles 4.2 Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems

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4 Detection of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems


General Principles

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4.1 General Principles KPI, Warning Indicator

> A lot of QoS indicators are computed from BSS GPRS counters > QoS indicators that will be followed-up by management are called KPI: Key Performance Indicator > Among all BSS GPRS QoS indicators some are used to detect QoS problems: they are called WARNING indicators
usually all KPIs other major indicators as from radio optimizer view

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4.1 General Principles QoS Threshold, Sampling Indicator

> A WARNING indicator is often attached a QoS threshold value to decide if the indicator value is bad or not > In case a WARNING indicator value is considered as bad then another indicator called the SAMPLING indicator and attached to the WARNING indicator must be checked > A SAMPLING indicator is attached a sample threshold value to decide if the WARNING indicator value is relevant or not

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4.1 General Principles QoS Problem Detection

List of BSS QoS indicators I1. I2. I3. I4. I5, I6, I7, I8, etc


Are some Warning indicator values bad? yes


Check the related Sampling indicator value


Is the Warning indicator value relevant?

237 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


Analyze QoS problem

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9




4.1 General Principles QoS Problem Detection, Exercise

> Exercise: Using analogy with BSS GSM QoS indicators find the Sampling indicator attached to each of the following GPRS Warning indicators:
TBF establishment success rate TBF drop rate NC2 Cell reselection success rate

Time allowed: 10 minutes

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4 Detection of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems

4.2 Main BSS GPRS QoS problems

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4.2 Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems Exercise 1: List Them

> Exercise 1: List the main BSS QoS problems seen as a QoS degradation by the end user
BSS GPRS QoS problems are relating to Data transfer problems between the MS and the GPRS Core network, which are due to the BSS

Time allowed: 15 minutes

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240 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel




4.2 Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems Exercise 2: Find Warning and Sampling Indicators
> Exercise 2: Find the Warning and Sampling indicators which will be used to detect each of these problems:
Data transfer not established Data transfer degraded Data transfer interrupted Data transfer dropped

Time allowed: 15 minutes

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4.2 Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems Exercise 3: UL Data Transfer Establishment Degradation

> Exercise 3: Find the Warning indicator degraded by difficulties to establish a UL TBF resulting in a TBF establishment after MS repetitions of channel request
Can this problem be identified through QoS indicators? If not, what must be done to find the cause of the UL data transfer establishment degradation?

Time allowed: 15 minutes

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4.2 Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems Exercise 4: DL Data Transfer Establishment Degradation

> Exercise 4: Find the Warning indicator degraded by difficulties to establish a DL TBF resulting in a TBF establishment after MFS repetitions of channel assignment
Can this problem be identified through QoS indicators? If not, what must be done to find the cause of the DL data transfer establishment degradation?

Time allowed: 5 minutes

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5 Analysis of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems

All rights reserved 2004, Alcatel


Most information of this chapter are available for B7 release.



5 Analysis of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems Session Presentation

> Objective: to be able to analyse the main GPRS QoS problems of the Alcatel BSS

> Program:
5.1 Find the Causes of a BSS GPRS QoS Problem 5.2 Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a BSS GPRS QoS Problem 5.3 What kind of QoS Problem is recorded in the Trace?
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 245 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



5 Analysis of main BSS GPRS QoS problems


Find the causes of a BSS GPRS QoS problem

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Exercise 1a: Find the probable causes of a BSS GPRS QoS problem

For each of the 4 typical BSS GPRS QoS problems, mark the probable cause(s) (1) each cause corresponding to a specific BSS PM counter
QoS problem probable cause MS suspend TBF establishment failure TBF throughput degradation TBF interruption TBF drop



Cell reselection


MS error (1) Fast PDCH pre-emption of the PDTCH carrying the PACCH of the TBF Fast PDCH pre-emption of the PDTCH carrying only a PDTCH of the TBF

BSS problem

Sub-optimal usage of radio resources


(1) MS error are not counted in a specific counter (2) any software or hardware failure, occuring in the BSS, provok ing a TBF problem not counted as another cause (3) any reason why a mobile involved in a TBF get a data throughput lower than its transfer capability



Exercise 1b: Find a more detailed reason for some of the probable causes of a BSS GPRS QoS problem probable cause Fast PDCH Fast PDCH pre-emption pre-emption Sub-optimal of the of the usage of PDTCH PDTCH radio carrying carrying the resources only a PACCH of PDTCH of the TBF the TBF




MS suspend

Cell reselection

reason Interference NC2 cell reselection not activated NC2 cell reselection not efficient Lack of PDCH resources

Lack of CCCH resources

Lack of Ater resources

Lack of GPU resources T_PDCH_PREEMPTION parameter value too low BSS SW or HW failure

GSS SW or HW failure TBF re-allocation trigger T1 is disabled Re-allocation trigger T1 is not efficient Abis MW problem System or protocol error between BSS and GSS Coverage

Abis signalling overload Bad setting of cell reselection parameters Bad setting of CS/MCS adaptation parameters High CS traffic

High PS traffic

(1) can be due to:

tow low MAX_PDCH parameter value, too high CS traffic, too high PS traffic, too long Delayed DL TBF Release phase, poor re-allocation algorithm efficiency BSS SW or HW failure



5 Analysis of main BSS GPRS QoS problems

5.2 Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a BSS GPRS QoS Problem

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Exercise 2a: Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a TBF establishment failure Congestion % TBF establishment failure due to congestion La ck of PDCH resources % TBF establishment failure due to radio congestion ba d MAX_PDCH pa ra meter setting % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Maximum nb of established SPDCH MAX_PDCH_DYN reduction rate Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value Check MAX_PDCH parameter value % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value Nb of PDCH released after having been marked by soft pre-emption Average nb of TBF candidates to T1 re-allocation per PDCH released after having been marked by soft pre-emption % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Maximum nb of established SPDCH Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value MAX_PDCH_DYN reduction rate too long Dela yed DL TBF % of time established DL TBFs are active relea se pha se Ratio of DL TBF resumptions per established DL TBF Average TBF duration Average MS session duration Average number of GPRS sessions per call Check T_NETWORK_RESPONSE_TIME parameter value Average nb of TBF established per poor re- a lloca tion MS session a lgorithm efficiency Nb of TBF re-allocation requests Re-allocation success rate use GSM indicators and BSS BSS SW or HW fa ilure equipement alarms use GSS indicators and/ or GSS GSS SW or HW fa ilure equipment alarms % TBF establishment failure due to Ater congestion % TBF establishment failure due to (DSP+ CPU) GPU congestion

high CS tra ffic

high PS tra ffic

La ck of Ater resources La ck of GPU resources



Exercise 2a: Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a TBF establishment failure (su Ra dio % TBF establishment failure due to radio use GSM indicators Covera ge use GSM indicators I nterference use GSM indicators and Abis Abis MW problem transmission alarms use GSM indicators and BSS BSS SW or HW fa ilure equipement alarms N C2 cell reselection not Number of NC2 cell reselection requests a ctiva ted La ck of CCCH resources use GSM indicators


% TBF establishment failure due to Gb pb system or protocol error trace Gb interface between BSS a nd GSS GSS SW or HW fa ilure % TBF establishment failure due to BSS pb BTS, BSC or MFS use GPRS LAPD counters, softwa re or ha rdwa re BSS indicators and alarms fa ilure trace Abis, Ater interface


MS error

system or protocol error trace Abis, Ater interface between BSS a nd MS



Exercise 2b: Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a TBF throughput degradation % time MS engaged in a TBF in the direction of the Sub- optima l usa ge bias and they are granted of ra dio resources the maximum nb of TS they support in that direction La ck of PDCH resources % of partial TS allocation success ba d MAX_PDCH pa ra meter setting % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Maximum nb of established SPDCH MAX_PDCH_DYN reduction rate Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value Check MAX_PDCH parameter value % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value Nb of PDCH released after having been marked by soft pre-emption Average nb of TBF candidates to T1 re-allocation per PDCH released after having been marked by soft pre-emption % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Maximum nb of established SPDCH Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value MAX_PDCH_DYN reduction rate too long Dela yed DL TBF % of time established DL TBFs are active relea se pha se Ratio of DL TBF resumptions per established DL TBF Average TBF duration Average MS session duration Average number of GPRS sessions per call Check T_NETWORK_RESPONSE_TIME parameter value Average nb of TBF established per poor re- a lloca tion MS session a lgorithm efficiency Nb of TBF re-allocation requests Re-allocation success rate use GSM indicators and BSS BSS SW or HW fa ilure equipement alarms use GSS indicators and/ or GSS GSS SW or HW fa ilure equipment alarms

high CS tra ffic

high PS tra ffic



Exercise 2b: Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a TBF throughput degradation (suite) % time MS engaged in a TBF in the direction of the Sub- optima l usa ge bias and they are granted of ra dio resources the maximum nb of TS they support in that direction La ck of Ater resources % TBF establishment failure due to Ater congestion % of time the GPU is in GCH congestion % TBF establishment failure due to (DSP+ CPU) GPU congestion % of time the SPDCH are degraded due to Ater congestion Ratio of RLC blocks transmitted on most robust CSx (or MCx) % of retransmission of RLC blocks for CS (or MCS) TBF_CS_INIT Check CS and MCS adaptation paramaters value Ratio of RLC blocks transmitted on most robust CSx (or MCx) % of retransmission of RLC blocks for CS (or MCS) TBF_CS_INIT Check CS and MCS adaptation paramaters value

La ck of GPU resources

Ba d setting of CS (or MCS) a da pta tion pa ra meters

Ba d setting of CS (or MCS) a da pta tion pa ra meters

Fa st PDCH preNb of PDCH released after emption of the having been marked by soft PDTCH ca rrying only pre-emption a PDTCH of the TBF % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value Average nb of TBF candidates to T1 reallocation per PDCH released after having been marked by soft pre-emption

high CS tra ffic

Ra dio Ratio of RLC blocks Covera ge / I nterference transmitted on most robust CSx (or MCx) % of retransmission of RLC blocks for CS (or MCS) TBF_CS_INIT use GSM indicators



Exercise 2c: Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a TBF interruption CAUTION: % TBF acceptable release rate can increase be due to the modification of the duration of the delayed state phase of the Delayed DL TBF release procedure after parameter tuning. Therefore check evolution of the indicator : % TBF acceptable rele

Fa st pre- emption TBF release rate due to fast of the PDCH pre-emption ca rrying the PACCH of the TBF TBF re- a lloca tion trigger T1 is disa bled (EN _RES_ALLOCATI ON = 0, 3, 4 or 6) Re- a lloca tion trigger T1 is not efficient

Number TBF re-allocation trigger T1 TBF re-allocation trigger T1 success rate Check T_PDCH_PREEMPTION parameter value La ck of PDCH resource high PS tra ffic

see previous cases MAX_PDCH_DYN reduction rate % TBF establishment failure due to radio congestion

MS Suspend

TBF release rate due to MS suspend high CS tra ffic % time cell is in high load situation (when MAX_SPDCH_DYN = MAX_PDCH_HIGH_LOAD N_TS_MPDCH) Average MAX_PDCH_DYN value Nb of PDCH released after having been marked by soft pre-emption Average nb of TBF candidates to T1 re-allocation per PDCH released after having been marked by soft pre-emption Average number of GPRS sessions per call

Cell reselection

TBF release rate due to cell reselection N C2 cell reselection not a ctiva ted N C2 cell reselection is not efficient

Number of NC2 cell reselection requests NC2 cell reselection success rate Number of NC2 cell reselection requests Check NC2 cell reselection parameters value



Exercise 2d: Characterize the QoS indicators used in the analysis of a TBF drop CAUTION: % TBF abnormal release rate can increase be due to the modification of the duration of the delayed state phase of the Delayed DL TBF release procedure after parameter tuning. Therefore check evolution of the indicator : % TBF acceptable releas

Ra dio

TBF drop rate due to radio Covera ge I nterference Abis MW problem BSS SW or HW fa ilure TBF drop rate due to stagnating TX window TBF drop rate due to blocking situation

use GSM indicators use GSM indicators use GSM indicators and Abis transmission alarms use GSM indicators and BSS equipement alarms

MS error

system or protocol error trace Abis, Ater interface between BSS a nd MS Gb TBF drop rate due to Gb system or protocol error trace Gb interface between BSS a nd GSS BSS TBF drop rate due to BSS BTS, BSC or MFS softwa re or ha rdwa re fa ilure

use GPRS LAPD counters, BSS indicators and alarms trace Abis, Ater interface

Cell reselection

TBF drop rate due to radio NC2 cell reselection not activated and NC0 cell reselection takes long time

Number of NC2 cell reselection request Number of NC0 cell reselection success per call



5 Analysis of the Main BSS GPRS QoS Problems

5.3 What kind of QoS Problem is recorded in the Trace?

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5.3 What kind of QoS Problem is recorded in the Trace? Exercise

What kind of BSS GPRS QoS problem you can observed in the trace 19 and 20?

Time allowed: 15 minutes

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9

257 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel




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6 Appendix
> Content:
6.1 (P) SI messages details 6.2Other exercices on NACC (P)SI STATUS 6.3 Main KPI 6.4 important KPI 6.5 whats new or modified in B9


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6.1 (P) SI messages details 1/2

> Codage du Message Type des SIs dans les messages PNCD/PSCD
SI 1 SI 2 SI 2 bis SI 2 ter SI 2 quater SI 3 SI 4 SI 5 SI 5 bis SI 5 ter SI 6 SI 7 SI 8 SI 9
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9


19 1A 02 03 07 1B 1C 1D 05 06 1E 1F 18 04
260 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

SI 13


SI 14 SI 15 SI 16 SI 17 SI 18 SI 19 SI 20

01 44 3D 3E 40 41 42



6.1 (P) SI messages details 2/2

> Codage du Message Type des PSIs > dans les messages PNCD
- PSI1 - PSI2 - PSI3 - PSI3 bis - PSI3 ter - PSI3 quater - PSI4 - PSI5 - PSI6 - PSI7 - PSI8 - PSI13 - PSI14 - PSI15 C4 C8 CC D0 F0 F4 D4 D8 C0 E0 E4 DC E8 F8
261 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel


Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9



Appendix 6.2 Exercices on NACC (P)SI STATUS

A/ extracting Packet Neighbor Cell Data message trace 12 could you find what are the SI Message Type number sent to the mobile ? B/ extracting PSI status message in the same trace could find what are SI message missing for the Mobile? For your help , please use the information in previous 2 pages

Time allowed: 20 minutes

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262 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel



Appendix 6.3 Main KPI

Total number of TBF establishment requests TBF establishment success rate Drop rate Acceptable release rate Normal release rate In RLC ack mode, rate of RLC retransmitted data bytes sent on PDTCH and encoded in CS-x PDTCH RLC block CSx / (CS1+CS2+CS3+CS4) ratio PDTCH RLC block retransmission rate in GPRS ack mode In RLC ack mode, ratio of useful RLC blocks sent in RLC acknowledged mode on PDTCH and encoded in MCS-x In RLC ack mode, rate of RLC retransmitted data bytes sent on PDTCH and encoded in MCS-x Number of NC2 cell re-selection requests NC2 cell reselection success rate
263 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9



Appendix 6.4 important KPI

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DL TBF Establishment Request % allocated Success % Success UL TBF Establishment Request % allocated Success % Success DL TBF Reallocation (DL TBF Estab) % DL Realloc Suc UL TBF Reallocation (UL TBF Estab) % UL Realloc Suc DL data transfert % Normal Release % Acc release % drop TBF DL UL data transfert % Normal Release % Acc release % drop TBF UL DL Coding scheme usage (and Partially DL RLC Traffic) CSx Useful Bytes MCSx Useful Bytes kbps per EGPRS TBF kbps per GPRS TBF UL Coding scheme usage (and UL RLC Traffic) CSx Useful Bytes MCSx Useful Bytes kbps per EGPRS TBF kbps per GPRS TBF GPRS_UL_useful_throughput_CSx_bytes_ack GPRS_UL_useful_throughput_MCSx_bytes_ack GPRS_UL_useful_throughput_radio_EGPRS_T BF_avg GPRS_UL_useful_throughput_radio_GPRS_TB F_avg TRPDUBYGAN TRPDUBYEAN TRPDUTBEGA TRPDUTBGPA GPRS_DL_useful_throughput_CSx_bytes_ack GPRS_DL_useful_throughput_MCSx_bytes_ack GPRS_DL_useful_throughput_radio_EGPRS_T BF_avg GPRS_DL_useful_throughput_radio_GPRS_TB F_avg TRPDDBYGAN TRPDDBYEAN TRPDDTBEGA TRPDDTBGPA GPRS_UL_TBF_normal_release_rate GPRS_UL_TBF_acceptable_release_rate GPRS_UL_TBF_drop_rate QRUDTNRR QRUDTACR QRUDTARR GPRS_DL_TBF_normal_release_rate GPRS_DL_TBF_acceptable_release_rate GPRS_DL_TBF_drop_rate QRDDTNRR QRDDTACR QRDDTARR GPRS_UL_TBF_request GPRS_UL_TBF_estab_allocated_rate GPRS_UL_TBF_success GPRS_UL_TBF_success_rate TRUTERQN QRUTEAPR TRUTESUN QRUTESUR GPRS_DL_TBF_Request GPRS_DL_TBF_estab_allocated_rate GPRS_DL_TBF_success GPRS_DL_TBF_success_rate TRDTERQN QRDTEAPR TRDTESUN QRDTESUR







DL RLC trafic % CSx Retrans CSx retrans MCSx retrans %MCSx Retrans UL RLC trafic % CSx Retrans CSx retrans MCSx retrans %MCSx Retrans PDCH Allocation (to be reviewed) DL Optimal Alloc %DL Optimal Alloc UL Optimal Alloc %UL Optimal Alloc GPRS_DL_biased_and_DL_optimal_allocation_ time GPRS_DL_biased_and_DL_optimal_alloc_perc ent GPRS_UL_biased_and_UL_optimal_allocation_ time GPRS_UL_biased_and_UL_optimal_alloc_perc ent QRDRRSUT QRDRRSUP QRURRSUT QRURRSUP GPRS_UL_RLC_CSx_PDTCH_retransmissing_ ack_rate GPRS_UL_RLC_bytes_PDTCH_CSx_retransmi ssing_ack GPRS_UL_RLC_bytes_PDTCH_MCSx_retrans missing_ack GPRS_UL_RLC_bytes_PDTCH_MCSx_retrans _ack_ratio QRUDTRRR QRUDTRRBCN QRPDURMN QRPDURMO GPRS_DL_RLC_PDTCH_CSx_retransmissing_ ack_rate GPRS_DL_RLC_bytes_PDTCH_CSx_retransmi ssing_ack GPRS_DL_RLC_bytes_PDTCH_MCSx_retrans missing_ack GPRS_DL_RLC_bytes_PDTCH_MCSx_retrans _ack_ratio QRDDTRRR QRDDTRRBCN QRPDDRMN QRPDDRMO

PDCH usage

Definition Cumulative time during which the slave PDCHs are established and carry at least one UL or DL TBF.(established in GPRS mode or EGPRS mode). Cumulative time during which the slave PDCHs are established and carry at least one UL or DL TBF.(established in EGPRS mode) Percentage of time during which the established PDCHs in traffic are supporting EGPRS traffic.

Ref Name





GPRS_PDCH_EGPRS_traffic_time _ratio




Appendix 6.5 Whats new or modified in B9

> New UL TBF release management: Delayed Final PUAN with extended UL TBF and associated counters/indicators > UL TBF Establishment, Failures : new counters > DL TBF Establishment, Failures : new counters > New Data Transfer Establishment QoS Indicators > TBF Acceptable Release modifications and Associated counters/Indicators > New UL MCS Adaptation and Associated Counters/Indicators > New BSS Resources Management and associated counters/indicators > New NC2 counters/indicators > New Cell Reselection feature : NACC/(P)SI Status and associated counters/indicators
Introduction To GPRS & E-GPRS Quality of Service Monitoring / B9 267 All rights reserved 2005, Alcatel

>UL TBF Establishment, Failures : new counters Abis congestion Too many TBF DSP with CPU in load state >DL TBF Establishment, Failures : new counters Abis congestion Too many TBF CPU load >TBF statistics: duration, number, throughput, distribution on volume >TBF Acceptable Release: MS is establishing a CS connection while in PTM >UL MCS Adaptation New coding schemes MCS5->MCS9 >New NC2 counters/indicators P227, P228, P223, P221, P225, P464 >New BSS Resources Management GCH,PDCH, TBF estblishment,



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