Chapter 2: Introduction: 2.1. Overview

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Chapter 2: Introduction

2.1. Overview
It is general belief in our society that role of women is restricted in four walls of home or you can say women are involved in mainly household activities like cooking and reading. Economy of any country can't boom without contributing women. The growing industrialization, urbanization and social legislation and with the spread of education and awareness women have shifted from kitchen to higher level of professional activities. Today's women are taking more and more professional and technical degrees to cope up with market need. The position of women and their status is any society is an index of its civilization. Women are to be considered as equal partner in the process of development. But, because of centuries of exploitation and subjugation Indian women have remained at the receiving end. Women in India have been neglected lot. They have not been actively involved in the mainstream of development even through they represent equal proportion of the population and labor force. As technology speeds up lives women are as emerging economic force which can not be neglected by policy maker. The world's modern democratic economy depends on the participation of both sexes. Today women is advance market economies own more then 25% of all businesses & women owned business in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America are growing rapidly. Women as an independent target group account for 495.74 million and represent 48.5% of the country's population as per the 2001 census. No country can achieve its potential without adequately investing in and developing the capabilities of women. In the interest of long-term development it is necessary to facilitate their empowerment. In many developing countries including India women have much less access to education, jobs, and income then men. Ever after five and half decade of planned development Indian women have not achieved expected success in the mainstream of life. Our country will be unable to have a competitive edge over others until and unless the status and role of women is improved. In Indian context, National level Standing Committee on Women Entrepreneur constituted by the Ministry of Industries The Govt. of India(1984) notes women entrepreneur as "An enterprise owned and controlled by women having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the

capital and giving at least 51% of employment generated in the enterprise to women. "However, the validity of such a definition had been challenged at every step particularly in 8th National Convention of Women Entrepreneurs held in 1990. Finally the schemes that were offered condescend to drop the second requirement but the first is applicable till today. The generally accepted definition includes women who create something new, organize production and undertake risk and handle economic uncertainties (Anuradha, 1988) to adjust their personality needs, family life, social life and economic independence (Singh and Gupta, 1985) .Further they may not necessarily be the independent organizer\manager (Singh, 1986) According to Kamala Singh," A women entrepreneur is a confident, innovative and creative woman capable of achieving economic independence individually or in collaboration generates employment opportunities for others through initiating establishing and running an enterprise by keeping pace with her personal, family and social life. According to Medha Dubhanshi Vinze, a women entrepreneur is a person who is an enterprising individual with an eye for opportunities and an uncanny vision, Commercial acumen, with tremendous perseverance and above all a person who is willing to take risk with the unknown because of the adventures spirit she possesses. Thus a women entrepreneur is one who starts business and manages it independently and tactfully takes all the risks, faces the challenges boldly with an iron will to succeed. Entrepreneurship before it was considered as a male dominated activity but time has changed the situation and brought women as today's most memorable and inspirational entrepreneur. Today you can see a women in every where whether it is super market or departmental store. Even in rural area in STD PCO shop also. We can states the example of Shanaj Hussain , Kiran majumdar who started their business at small level now they have reached a great height. It is a good sign for country that Indian women are coming out from their home and contributing in national economy because a little beginning can show great results. Women have all the traits that are required to run an enterprise but there is only need to identify them and work on that

direction. Being a woman is not a weakness for them it is strength or a god given advantage for them.

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