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Church Opening Today: Tim Pauli Church Opening Next week: Tim Pauli Ushers this week: Dale

Lynn Bast, John Waldie & Bill Forbes Ushers next week: Terry Barton, Bill Forbes, Gerry & Darlene Feeney Greeters this week: Ed & Grace Roth ell Greeters next week: John & Eleanor Waldie Coffee this week: !nne "arie & Tim Pauli Scripture Reader: #te art Robertson YOUTH GROU The $outh Grou% had a &antastic time 'oin' u% and do n the slo%es o& the Ri(er )alley Tube #lide* Than+s to all those ho enabled this s%ecial e(ent* The $outh Grou% meets a'ain on #unday, "arch ,-* We ill share more o& hat is ha%%enin' soon* OUR !""#$Y %&SS&ON ' Don.t &or'et to sto% at the Food Ban+ table and %urchase an item* !ll &ood items ha(e %rices mar+ed* #im%ly ma+e your choice and %lace it in a bo/ belo * Then %ay by %uttin' the money into the cash bo/* #o sim%le but each donation ma+es such a di&&erence in the li(es o& those in need* #&NT(&$ ON TH" RO() Last July, e had a &antastic 0 days ith 12intail 3n The Road4* Than+s to the 'ood or+ o& the %lannin' team, (olunteers and the 2intail #ta&&, e had an ama5in' time* We %lan to ha(e 23TR at our church a'ain this summer* We are in need o& members &or our Plannin' Team, includin' someone to co6chair ith Be( 7ider* Please s%ea+ ith "ar+ Gedc+e, Be( 7ider or "ary Dou'all to learn more* #NO* HOTO )&R"CTOR&"S We ha(e some e/tra co%ies o& our church %hoto directory* We ha(e a &e a(ailable &or sale at 89: each* The remainder ill stay ith Re(* "ar+ to be used as 'i&ts to ne members to hel% them 'et to +no our church &amily* %inister: Re(* "ar+ Gedc+e 09; 0<0 ==9< or by email at m'edc+e>+no/strat&ord*com )irector of %usic: #u5anne #trahan Office (d+inistrator: 2athy Ba+er Treasurer: #hannon !rcher Office: ,-.'/0-'1202 +no/s> i'htman*ca O33&C" HOURS .a+' -p+ Tuesday through 3riday

#NO* R"S4YT"R&(N CHURCH 3e5ruary -67 /1-8 --:11 a+ "inister6 Re(* "ar+ Gedc+e "usic Director ? #u5anne #trahan
PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP 6 Prayer, "editation and )isitin' PRELUDE: !ndante sostenuto ? Rheinber'er, arr* Landon WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS

C($$ TO !ORSH& : Leader: The ord o& God is a lam% to our &eet and a li'ht to our %ath* People: Gods word is sweet to t e t!ste" sweeter t !# o#e$% Leader: Teach us, 3 God, your holy ay, &or it is li&e to us* All: A&&ept o'r o((eri#)s o( pr!ise" O God% T e e!rt is ('ll o( $o'r ste!d(!st lo*e% Te!& 's $o'r st!t'tes+ A,e#
@Ruth A* Duc+, Flames o& the #%irit, ed* by Ruth A* Duc+, The Pil'rim PressB


C<,< Let there be li'ht

R(Y"R O3 ()OR(T&ON 9 CON3"SS&ON (N) TH" $OR):S R(Y"R: 3ur Father ho art in hea(en, hallo ed be thy name, thy +in'dom come, thy ill be done on earth as it is in hea(en* Gi(e us this day our daily bread* For'i(e us our tres%asses as e &or'i(e those ho tres%ass a'ainst us* Lead us not into tem%tation but deli(er us &rom e(il* For thine is the +in'dom, the %o er and the 'lory &ore(er and e(er* !men (SS&NG O3 TH" "(C": Leader: The Peace o& Ahrist be ith you Co#)re)!tio#: A#d !lso wit $o'. (NTH"%: Prayin' 7ands 6 Aho%lin

CH&$)R"N:S HY%N: C <<- Jesus bids us shine CH&$)R"N:S T&%": Alosin' 3lym%ic Aeremony
The &ruit o& the #%irit.s not a coconut* The &ruit o& the #%irit.s not a coconut* D& you ant to be a coconut, you mi'ht as ell hear itE $ou can.t be a &ruit o& the #%irit* Aause the #%irit is lo(e, Foy, %eace, %atience, +indness, 'oodness, &aith&ulness, 'entleness and sel&6control* Lo(e, Foy, %eace, %atience, +indness, 'oodness, &aith&ulness, 'entleness and sel&6control*

SCR& TUR" R"()&NG: Galatians 0:,,6,G "atthe 0:9-69GE <:,H6,; S"R%ON: -The Fruit Of The Spirit

HY%N: CG-0 Brother, sister let me ser(e you O33"R&NG O33"RTORY: !ndante reli'ioso ? Dubois, arr* Price O33"RTORY R(&S": C<; Praise God &rom hom all blessin's &lo R(Y"R O3 )")&C(T&ON @to'etherB "ay these 'i&ts brin' li'ht to those ho al+ in dar+ness, ho%e to those ho li(e in des%air, and Fustice to those ho are o%%ressed* Grant to each 'i(er a sense o& %artici%ation in the most im%ortant o%%ortunity o& all time: to share your lo(e ith the orld* To this end, e dedicate our o&&erin's and oursel(es* !men @La(on Bayler, Flames o& the #%irit, ed* by Ruth A* Duc+, The Pil'rim PressB HY%N: C<:< "ore lo(e to thee @(9B R(Y"RS O3 TH" "O $" C$OS&NG HY%N: CG;: Fi'ht the 'ood &i'ht 4"N")&CT&ON HY%N: CG;H This is my commandment This is my commandment, that you love one another that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another that your joy may be full. that your joy may be full, that your joy may be full. This is my commandment, that you love one another that your joy may be full. OST$U)": "arche Royale ? Lully, arr* 7o%son

GU"ST S "(#"R 3n #unday, February ,-, "i+e "asse ill be our 'uest* 7e is a leader o& the Arossin' Brid'es %ro'ram that runs at our church and su%%orts youth in our community* Re(* "ar+ ill hel% lead #unday #chool that day* ( thank you to e(eryone ho has si'ned u% to set6u% and clean6u% co&&ee and treats on #unday mornin's* D still reIuire , %eo%le &or February ,- as ell as the month o& June* The #i'n6u% sheet is in the church o&&ice or contact !nne "arieJTim Pauli at either 09;6,<96G<9= or at tim%auli>ro'ers*com ()U$T STU)Y GROU 3ur study 'rou% met a'ain on Thursday, February 9-th &or about an hour* 3ur resource is 1Embracin' an !dult Faith4 by "arcus Bor' on What it Means to be Christian* Each session, e ill atch a D)D %resentation and then share in con(ersation and %rayer* There is a or+boo+ that ill hel% us in our shared Fourney* D& you ha(e any Iuestions, %lease s%ea+ ith Re(* "ar+* We ill meet a'ain on February ,<th, "arch Gth, 9-th ,:th, and ,<th* Please Foin us at 9::: %*m* /1-8 $"NT"N CO%%UN&TY $UNCH"ONS !".## per person $ held at %mmaculate Conception &.C. Church' "arch 0 ? Fr* Da(id Butler @#t* Jose%h.sJDmmaculate Aonce%tion RAAB "arch 9, ? Re(* Elaine Alar+6#iberry @Green ood AourtB "arch 9; ? Re(* Pirie "itchell @Aentral KnitedB "arch ,G 6 Re(* "ichelle Do n @#t* John.s KnitedB !%ril , 6 Pastor Ahad "cLaren @Bethel PentecostalB !%ril ; 6 Re(* Daniel Bo yer @#t* Paul.s !n'licanB %&SS&ON %O%"NTS ; !S9) (rovidin) the best care possible Ahristo%her Ahalunda had been or+in' in the labour and deli(ery ard at the "ulanFe "ission 7os%ital &or Fust one year hen he recei(ed an ama5in' o%%ortunity* Ahristo%her had been selected to ta+e %art in a s%ecial trainin' ? conducted as %art o& PW#&D.s 'o(ernment6&unded maternal and child health %ro'ram in "ala i ? to eIui% clinicians and mid i(es ith the +no led'e and s+ills necessary to combat the country.s hi'h maternal and child mortality rates* 1We ha(e learned ne attitudes in ho to a%%roach %atients* We are assistin' in %ro(idin' the best care %ossible,4 says Ahristo%her*

ELECTION . APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES" /NO0 PRES12TERIAN CHURCH" STRATFORD *n annual con)re)ational meetin) of the church +ill be held on Sunday, March ,, ,#-.. *t said meetin), the con)re)ation shall elect and appoint /ine 0' Trustees for a one -' year term in accordance +ith the Ori)inal Trust 1eed. Candidates must be members of 2no3 (resbyterian Church, Stratford in full communion. /ominations +ill be received in the church office up to -,4## p.m. on Thursday, February ,5, ,#-.. /omination forms are available in the office. /ominee name s' must be submitted on the form provided, must be a member of 2no3 (resbyterian Church, Stratford in full communion and be supported by t+o ,' members and6or adherents of 2no3 (resbyterian Church, Stratford. Trustees that +ere elected for the ,#-7 term are 8lmer 1red)e, William Forbes, (atric9 Scott, 1avid Strahan and :ohn Waldie. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE 1OARD OF MANAGERS *t the 2no3 *nnual Meetin) on Sunday, March ,, ,#-., the con)re)ation +ill elect three members to the ;oard of Mana)ers for a three<year term. The ;oard has a minimum of nine members and meets monthly to support the )ood +or9 of 2no3 pro)rams, staff, finance, rentals and facilities. %f you are interested in servin) in this role or if you +ish to nominate someone for one of these positions, please complete the form available in the Church Office. The si)nature of the person you are nominatin) is re=uired. - >ear Term4 Sean &alei)h, ?ynn ;ast @ Tim (auli , >ear Term4 (aul West, Shirley WeitAel, (hil *n+ender and Mary 1ou)all /e+ members are re=uired to fill the 7<>ear Term. Session &epresentatives are Terry ;arton and :ohn Waldie. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING #unday, "arch ,nd is our !nnual Aon're'ational "eetin' &ollo in' our Worshi% #er(ice and %otluc+ lunch* @Please brin' &in'er &oods, %lates, cutlery ? co&&ee and tea ill be %ro(ided*B !nnual Re%orts ill be a(ailable &or %ic+6u% ne/t #unday, February ,-rd* CO%%UN&ON ? #unday, "arch ,nd


Durin' the Ahildren.s Time 66 3lym%ic Fan&are and Theme ? Leo !rnaud & John Williams

( 3un Ti+e Tu5ing with the #nox Youth Group ; Sun<7 3e5< .

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