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Retention: Your Most Important

Competitive Edge

No matter what source you choose, and other financial; medical

Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Personal Services: concierge and per-
Statistics, Department of Commerce, etc., sonal assistant services
the forecast is the same: Family Services: on-site or paid day
• By 2010, there’ll be 10 million more U.S. care for children; after school programs;
jobs than workers; elder care
• By 2013, there’ll be a shortage of 6 mil- Facilities: on-site or paid gym; health
lion degreed workers; and recreational facilities; food services;
• By 2020, the shortage of workers will be personalized work stations; employer-sup-
14 million. plied home offices
And these numbers are net of the talent Benefits: cafeteria style; temporary/
we import and the jobs we export! emergency/back-up transportation;
The implications of these shortages are child/elder care; phased retirement plans;
numerous and serious. long term care insurance; five weeks vaca-
First, the competition for workers will tion from first year of employment
be intense. Losing good employees to Technology: state of the art equipment;
“better offers” will be a constant problem, employer-provided home offices
resulting in 30 percent turnover being Multi-lingual services
comparatively low. BETWEEN JOB CONTENT AND
deficit. The United States currently ranks Today, retaining employees means being NEEDS OF A DIVERSE INDIVIDUALS
seventh among the world’s 30 most indus- willing to revise and reformat positions, to The “one-style-of-management-fits-all”
trialized nations in producing college mix and match duties, to clarify, from day approach must be shed in favor of a com-
graduates from the 25- to 34-year-old age one, the path from one’s initial position to prehensive template of managerial skills
group. This exacerbates the coming short- one’s desired position. This requires on- including:
age of more than 6 million degreed work- going, substantive communications with • versatility in communicating effectively
ers, threatening organizational ability to employees and applicants, integrating their with numerous behavior styles, cul-
sustain both the pace of project execu- input into both the design of new positions tures, and skill levels;
tion, and the volume of valued services. and the re-design of existing positions. • the ability to engage, motivate, and
Third, these projections reveal a signifi- Bottom line: You’ll need to be more flexi- appreciate each employee;
cant and tough-to-manage age gap. Our ble about who does what. Giving employ- • the ability to synthesize seemingly dis-
workforce will include those younger than ees more control over a significant portion parate preferences, needs, and opportu-
30 and older than 49, but very few who are of their job content will make the differ- nities into a blended composite that
30 to 49. Real managerial talent will be ence between attracting/keeping them, and serves both macro-and micro-level
needed to manage each group effectively, losing them. objectives.
and to get the groups to work together. Make no mistake: Serious retention ini-
Fourth, as the automation of physical BETWEEN WORK ENVIRONMENT AND tiatives aren’t optional. Demeaning this
and technical jobs continues, remaining INDIVIDUAL PREFERENCES advice as over-coddling and pampering
positions will increasingly require the You’ll be ahead of the game if you offer a doesn’t make it any less true. Whether you
more communicative style of management smorgasbord of work environments to believe it or not, high salaries and inter-
traditionally attributed to women. Current align with individual preferences. The esting work won’t be enough to retain
and aspiring male executives will have to more of the following your organization employees. You can ignore this advice
achieve fluency with “high touch” manage- offers, the better positioned you’ll be to until the marketplace makes it indis-
ment to compete successfully with women. attract and retain talent: putably clear, by which time your proactive
Well-informed businesses already know Work Hours: 35-hour work weeks; flex- competitors will have snagged all the best
that retaining talent is a top strategic pri- time; telecommuting; job sharing; sabbat- people. Or you can act now, ensuring that
ority. As your organization engages in this icals your organization has set the retention
highly competitive endeavor, success will Education: full tuition reimbursement; standard in your industry.
be determined by whether your organiza- mentoring; coaching; corporate universi-
tion offers individualized alignment in ties and certification programs Francie Dalton may be reached at (410) 715-0484
three areas: Professional Services: legal; mortgage or

40 FORUM JUNE 2007

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