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Your Last Kiss

Mandalay Rivers

Geraldine Mercer found that she could still blush and stammer like a schoolgirl when confronted with a copulating couple at the ripe old age of 33. When she had unwittingly opened the bathroom stall door, she had expected the usual cramped bathroom found on all airplanes. Instead she had gotten an eyeful of a half-naked blonde woman pinned to the counter by the man who sat next to her in first class. Stunned into silence, she had just stared at them until the blonde woman sneered at her. Gerry had stammered something then quickly scurried back to her seat, her pressing need for the bathroom all but forgotten. Sitting in her seat, she opened the small blue packet of the wet towel and used it to wipe her flushed face. She blamed her uncultured reaction on the fact that she was still a virgin at this day and age. But was going to change by the end of this month. Meirna Quade, a four time Academy Award winning actress, had tired to get her to come vacation with her in Los Angeles. Gerry planned to use the time to get rid of her virginity. She hadnt exactly had a normal childhood but after she went to college, she had managed to attain a semblance of normalcy in her life. At twenty, it was something she and her girlfriends had talked and laughed about. At twentyfive, she had lied about it to her dates, when there had been a date. Approaching thirty, she had tried to bury her virginity under her work, selling so many houses that she had no time for men. Now it was just downright embarrassing. Her adolescent dreams of having her first time with a boy she loved had long ago disappeared. Shed settle for a one night stand but then she didnt go out to clubs; she was too old. She knew few men and if she was going to have a one night stand, and then she was not going to be seeing that man at her work place. That was why her plan was to get into a one night stand while she was in Los Angeles to visit her best friend. Los Angeles was filled with all sorts of people; a virgin was not among them. She was entering Los Angeles as a virgin; she would leave it a woman, damnit! The man from the bathroom returned to his seat a few minutes later and took his seat with an apologetic grin aimed at her. Sorry bout that. Just couldnt help myself. Gerry nodded her head, wondering why he felt the need to elaborate. If you liked what you saw, maybe I could get you to join the mile high club with me? He arched a brow playfully at her. On any other day, Gerrys response to that cheeky question would have been a drink to the face a scathing comment on his manhood. She even opened her mouth but as she looked at the man in face, she hesitated. He was of medium build, with dark hair and hazel eyes, and his rumpled clothing only gave a devilish air. She could do worst. The best thing would be that she would never see him again after the two more hours on the plane. But thirty odd years of those adolescent dreams of candlelight and rose petals stopped her. So instead, she smiled and shook her head. I would love to have sex with you right after youve screwed another woman, but I think before I do, Im morally obligated to tell you I have AIDS. Gerry send a silent apology to those people who did indeed suffer from AIDS.

The mans eyes widened comically and he hasilyty excused himself from his seat. She noticed that he was careful not to touch any part of her and she didnt see him for the rest of the flight. She laughed to herself and knew that she would have to tell Meirna about this. Gerry usually wasnt so bold but she had decided to become a new person, at least for the summer. At the end of summer, when she had to go back to Pennsylvania, she could go back to being the staid old maid. At the luggage claim, her suitcase was next to one that belonged to her seat mate. Impulsively, she blew a kiss at him. This time, she laughed out loud when the man pulled his luggage so hard, he bumped into a large, muscled sercuirty guard. Still chuckling, with her one piece of luggage in tow, she headed towards the visitors gate and saw Meirna yelling and waving at her. Two men in identical dark suits and Raybans flanked her back and held off the starstruck people around her. Gerry, Gerry, over here! The circumstances under which they met as children had been unspeakable, but their shared experiences had tethered them to each other. Gerry had purposely avoided Merina for the past five years because of their past, but Meirna was persistant. As soon as she was close enough, Meirna launched herself at Gerry and almost toppled her over by her fierce hug. At 36, Meirna was a gorgeous mother of four, three boys and one girl. Her curling black hair as of yet untouched by any gray and deep blue eyes betrayd her black irish heritage. Shorter than Gerry by almost a foot, she made up for it by her six inch high heels and the force of her personality that made her seem a tigress. Oh, god, Gerry, never do this to me ever again! We havent seen each oher in five years and that is too damn long! Meirna cried out dramatically. We skyped every week, Meirna, Gerry said with a laugh, grabbing Meirnas slender shoulders and pulling her away from her. With shrewd eyes, Meirna looked her over, noting the business-like cream blazer, white silk shirt, and matching cream slacks. It was typical Geraldine attire. Its not the same as touching you, Meirna shot back. She gestured fo one of the male bodyguards to grab Gerrys suitcase. Im touched, Gerry said drolly, looking pointedly at the small manicured hand tugging her towards a large SUV and both women burst out laughing. They were met with a few paparazzi snapping shots and firing questions at Meirna. Her bodyguards kept the more aggressive of the lot away from them as tey made to the suv. Gerry watched, with justa tinge of envy as Meirne smiled wide and defected questions of her personal life with little jokes. She even managed to sign a picure of herself amid the chaos when a male fan thrust it at her.

The sounds of the papparazzie were instantly muted onced the suvs door closed and they startd off towards Merinas Malibu home. Meirne heaved a huge sigh of relief and slumped back intot he leather seats. Gosh, I never get used to that. Theyre always a bit more frisky right after I do a movie. Did you hear the ridulucouls questions they were asking me? As if I would ever cheat on Kenny with Ryan Faelin! Meirna had recently starred in a romantic comedy with a new face in Hollywood, Ryan Faelin. But the man who was now pasted on all the covers of teenage magazines and appearing on late night intervies on Leno and Jimmy Kimmel couldnt begin to compae to Meirnas husband of almost twenty years, Kenneth --------. He was a computer mogul, the founder of -------- who ran computer security and was one of the richest men in the state. But that wasnt why Merina would never consider leaving him. He had been Meirnas savior at the time when she had been so fragile and vunreble. He had helped her to become what she was now, more, he had loved her enough that Merina had once again started loving herself. Gerry was awestruck eveytime she saw how much they loved each other. So how are the kids? Gerry asked. She smiled when she saw how Meirnas eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. I love that you asked me that. When Gerry lifted a brow in question, Meirna laughed. This way when you beg me I need to shut up bragging about my kids, Ill plead you started me on them in the first place. Rolling her eyes, Gerry motioned with hand for Merina to continue. Okay, so, the terrible twos have deffnistly followed by twins into the unfortunate fives- Unfortuneate fives? Dont interrupt, you were warned! Jon and Logan are a menace on me, but Kenny has been working form home after I started the movie. I swear those three are in cahoots with each other. And then Val is human incarnation of Hurrican Katrina over the smallest teenage things. Last week I took her shopping and she threw a fit over a Givenchy dress. Can you belive it, a Givenchy. She said it was ugly! Gerry let Meirna rant, careful not to laugh and nod her head understandingly. Okay, dont insult me. I know youre just dying to laugh at my woes. Go ahead, laugh at me. Groaning, Gerry playfully patted at Meirnas hand. Meirna, now that youve gven me permission, you took out all the fun. Valentine seems like the typical teenager and you sound like eth mom blowing out way out of proportion. And the twins cannot be all that bad. Ugh, bad is a compliment. Last week Jon and Logan went hunting in our room and they found my stach, Meirna whispered the last part in outrage. Stash? Candy stash?

I wished it was candy stash. It was out toys. Toys? Why would you keep toys in you bedroom. Of course theyre gonna look for their toys, Meirna. Oh god, Gerry, you know you need to get laid when you think toys in an adult bedroom mean kids toys. Gerry looked at Merinas face in confusion until the meaning finally go tto her. she blushed as Merina burst out laughing, making Gerry laugh too. Actually, thanks for bringing that up. Gerry whipped a tear from her eye. I do need to get laid and thats one of the reasons I came here. You cant get laid in Pennsylvania? What kind of back country place do you live in, sweetie? Um, well, I need a one night stand, and not with a guy that Ill be seeing around town. I dont want even the remotest chance of bumping inot him. And Im too old to be trolling around at a club so I plan on hireing someone to take my virginity. Geryr didnt look at her freid when she dropped that little bomb. Even though they had lived hundreds of miles from each other formt eh past five years, they shared everything. The only secret Gerry had kept from Meirna was this one. Youre a virgin? At 35? Meirnas eyes couldnt have gotten any bigger if Gerry had told her that she joining a nunnery. Dont look so surpirzed. I saw on the news there wasa 65 year old woman still waiting for her one and only. Gerry said defensivly. If youre waiting for your one and only, then why would you ever hire someone? Because im thirty-goddamn-five! Gerry burt out. I wasnt ever waiting to save my virginity, I just never found a guy that I felt comfortable getting naked with. I just want to get it over with you know. Theres nothgn wrong with waiting for you one and only. Kenny was my first and only after, Meirna whispered as she let eth last part trail off. Gerry met her pain filled eyes and took her hand. No words were needed for either woman to understand what the other was saying. Gerry and Meirna had meet under the worst possible situations. Samuel McArthur, Gerrys adoptive father had had taken Merinas childhood from her and Gerry had tried to do everything possible to atone for the sins of her father. Look, please think about what youre doing. Youre bullheaded and

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