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sql>show parameter db_name sql>show parameter instance_name sql>show parameter db_block_size

Commit durty buffer. Uncommited pinned buffer. Smon instance crash recoverer.

Oracle Background Processes When an Oracle instance starts, the background processes are started after the memory for the SGA is allocated. The background processes manage system activity and i/o, monitor other processes and maintain the integrity of the system.
Mandatory Background Processes

The e act Oracle architecture you have depends on your database configuration !hich determines !hich background processes run but every Oracle instance !ill have the follo!ing background processes.

S"O# $ the system monitor process !hich performs instance recovery on startup if re%uired, coalesces free space and monitors system activity to ensure the Oracle instance is in a valid state &"O# $ the process monitor !hich monitors other server processes and performs recovery !hen a process fails

'GW( $ the log !riter process !hich !rites the redo buffers to the online redo log files ()*O $ the recoverer process !hich cleans up distributed transaction failures in distributed databases +,W(n $ the database !riter process-es. !hich !rite changed data blocks from the database buffer cache to the data files */&T $ the checkpoint process updates the control file and data file headers !ith checkpoint information and signals the database !riter -+,W(n. processes to !rite changed data blocks to the data files ""O# and ""#' $ the manageability monitor processes !hich collect data for the Automatic Workload (epository -AW(.

Optional Background Processes

These include0 A(*n $ the archiver processes !hich archive inactive redo logs *123 and 1nnn $ the 4ob %ueue coordinator and slave processes !hich perform scheduled tasks for users

5,+A $ the flashback data archiver process !hich !rites the pre$change image of changed ro!s of tracked tables into 5lashback +ata Archives. S"*3 $ the space management coordinator process !hich coordinates space management related tasks

Database (Files)
The final component in the Oracle architecture is the database. This comprises the physical files that hold information about the database. The various types of files in the database are:

data files - a database must have at least one data file containing the system data (information about the database such as the data dictionary) control files - this is a small file storing information about the physical structure of the database, they are usually multiplexed to reduce the risk of losing the control file redo log groups - at least sets of redo log files must exist to store the information re!uired to redo changes to data. "ach group must comprise at least one file a parameter file - either text or binary #hich contains the parameter settings for the database a temp file - this is used to hold temporary data for example during sorting of results

an undo file - this holds the undo data i.e. the pre-change image of changed data blocks

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