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6230 120th Ave. Ph.# (616) 875-8224 Email Web Site: Mission Statement: To provide a quality, Christ-centered education which will prepare Christians for lives of service.

February 13, 2014

School Theme: 10 Commandments -It is upon us again! That time of year where love is in the air. Valentines Day is a special time here at school. We are not ust focuse! on loving each other "ut remem"ering to share our love an! gratitu!e to #o! an! to strangers. $%%th Day an! Valentines Day lan! so close to each other& we thought it woul! "e a great time for us to help the 'i!s love on others with $%% things! We will "e challenging each class to collect $%% things for (ove Inc.& to help us show our love for #o!s creation. )ray !uring this time that the stu!ents will "e a"le to "less others& "ut also for the stu!ents to feel the "lessing of giving. TONIGHT Thursday, February 13 is an all school sleddin !arty at "i eon Cree# $od e% *i!s can go sle!!ing from +,-% to .,%%. / hot fire& an! retreat in the lo!ge is availa"le for parents who woul! rather stay away from the slope! 0ot chocolate an! concessions will "e availa"le in the lo!ge. 1amilies can "ring snac's or treats to share if !esire!. 2ome on out an! en oy some winter fun with your 'i!s an! other 3423 families! 5ven though it !oesnt seem li'e it& winter will "e over "efore you 'now it!! $et&s o sleddin ''' Hot $unch (eminder - We )ill NOT "e offering hot lunch on tomorro), Friday, Feb% 1*% )i66a will "e offere! ne7t 1ri!ay& 1e". 8$& see attache! or!er form. +01*,+01- Student Intent -We are in the process of !oing our +01*,+01- .nnual /ud et% In or!er to get an accurate "u!get& we nee! to 'now our tuition income. 0e )ill assume that your student1s2 )ill be en3 rolled at SOCS unless )e hear 4rom you by February +0% )lease contact 9anuel 2ampins with any comments. Than' you. In honor o4 100th day, let&s donate 100 items in lo5e to $O67 Inc% -1rom Feb% 18 to Feb% +9 we are challenging each classroom to !onate $%% items from the following list for the (4V5 Inc. 1oo! )antry, (aun!ry 3oap& 1a"ric 3oftener& :leach& Diapers si6e + ; <& /pplesauce& 2anne! )ears& :rown =ice& :o7e! )otatoes& 3loppy >oe 3auce& 2oo'ing 4il& Instant )u!!ing 9i7 an! )anca'e 3yrup. While these are the items that are especially nee!e! any non-perisha"le items are welcome. Than' you in a!vance for "eing a "lessing to others. Notice -)hyllis will "e out of the office from 1e". 8%?8+. If you nee! to get a message to the teachers please call the school& !o not email the school. 0opefully she will "ring "ac' some warmth from 1lori!a for you. /eacon -The "eacon will "e pu"lishe! ne7t We!nes!ay& 1e". $@& so if you nee! something in it please let )hyllis 'now "y Tues!ay& 1e". $.. Than' you! O"7N HO:S7 ;onday, F7/% +*, +01* 33outh 4live 2hristian 3chool will have an .ll School O!en House 4rom 9:303<:30!m. Its a night to meet the teachers ; tour our facilities. 5ach family atten!ing the 4pen 0ouse will have a chance to )in a =100 tuition 5oucher' We welcome gra!es three3school throu h >th rade to come an! chec' us out. 2urrent families are encourage! to "ring a perspective family with them. Aou are our "est a!vertisement. 3ee you at the 4pen 0ouse.

A Look Ahead February 13-Sledding Party 14-No Busing Red/White/Pink Day 17-NO SCHOOL 18-No Busing 24-OPEN HOUSE 6:30-7:30 24-Board Mtg., 7:30pm Promo Mtg., first March 17-Society Meeting 18-No AM Busing 24-Board & Promo Meeting 25-Fine Arts @ Lamont 27-NO Busing DINNER THEATER

Sports Volleyball Tournament March 15

S!orts ?ay -We will en oy sports !ay ne7t 1ri!ay& 1e". 8$. 6olleyball Time is here' -9iss Westrate is e7cite! to start the volley"all season with all mi!!le school stu!ents. The following practices are sche!ule! from -,-%-+,%%pm, 1e". $@& 8$& 8BC!one at B,-%D& ; 8< 9arch -& +& $% ; $8. The tournament is sche!ule! for 3atur!ay& 9arch $+. S!onsorshi! 4or ?ieubina -Through the year we have ha! some things that generate money towar! our sponsorship for Dieu"ina in e7, our recent hot lunch profits& snac's sol!& etcE We want to remin! each family that if each stu!ent "rings in ust F$.%% per month it woul! cover our sponsorship for Dieu"ina. Than# you 4or su!!ortin her in !rayer and money% Ho) are you doin in this ne) year )ith your !rayer cards@ )lease continue to "e praying for our school as we 'now that #o! is faithful to answer prayer. )ray for teachers an! staff& the wor' they !o& an! their relationships with each other an! the stu!ents. )ray too for the upcoming open house an! for prospective families who may "e loo'ing for a new school home. When #o!s people pray& great things happen!!! .nnual Society ;eetin -4ur 3ociety 9eeting is sche!ule! for 9on!ay& 9arch $G H Gpm. /t this meeting we will vote on new school "oar! mem"ers an! the 8%$BI8%$+ school "u!get. /ll school supporters are invite! ; encourage! to come. )lease mar' this !ate on your calen!ar an! plan to atten!. ?inner TheaterA.d5ance Notice -4ur mi!!le school stu!ents are "usy preparing for the Dinner Theater which will "e the evening of Thurs!ay& 9arch 8G. )lease ma'e note on your calen!ar that you will "e oining us for !inner an! entertainment. 9ore !etails to follow. The +013 .nnual 0ater Buality (e!ort for 3outh 4live 2hristian 3chool is complete an! availa"le for review to parents an! staff mem"ers upon reJuest. C/s' )hyllis for the !etails.D /oC To!s ; Cam!bell&s Sou! $abels 3What a great fun!raiser for the school. There is a "as'et in the office you can ust !rop them in at your convenience. 0e ha5e Dust recei5ed a chec# 4or =-*>%-0 4or the !ast siC months o4 /oC To!s collected% Than' you for participating! "a!er Gator -please continue to recycle your paper pro!ucts in our )aper #ator. Than's! Community .nnouncements: 3outh 4live :i"le 2amp 8%$B registration forms are locate! in the file "y the office. Dates are as follows, 3onKuest 3ession Cgra!es --<D is >uly $@-88. 3ummit 3ession Cgra!e G-$%D is >uly 88-8<. :oth sessions are price! aroun! F8%%. 3ave F-% when you register "y 9arch $. If you have any Juestions& please call 9i'e at <$<..G+.8.B$.

Sledding Party Tonight @ Pigeon Creek Lodge 5:30-8:00pm Lets have some !n"

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